Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 28 free porn video

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The Wanderer was a man of instincts. His training had taught him how to search for that inner guide that could offer him the quickest path to enlightenment. When done properly, he could summon up the same answer that his analytical mind would have spent twice as long in determining. Those instincts now told him he should be ready for a major change.

He could see the growing exhaustion on the Overlord's face as the two of them spoke shortly after the evening meal. As the conversation progressed, it became clear to him that it was far more than mere stress from hosting the Conclave. This alone was enough to alert him. There was a subtle sense of urgency to the Overlord's words, as if quietly emphasizing how important this was to him.

Naturally, Jollis already knew, for it was even more important to his own master. The same goal, yet for different ends.

"Ah, yes. I believe I can come through on that as well, your Lordship," Jollis said. "You may tell him that I... or, that is to say, you... can deliver on that promise."

"I realize I took a risk in promising goods before I could speak with you first," Roquan admitted. "Yet he was stubborn. He pressed for a commitment."

"This is understood, Overlord, and I am in no way inconvenienced by it." Jollis smiled. "If anything, I consider it a compliment of the highest order, that you would assume I could come through on it."

Roquan paused a moment, his face appearing as if he were wrestling with the next words to say. "I took a moment to do a tally of the goods you have thus far promised me," the Overlord said, reaching down for a parchment on his desk. He picked it up and let his eyes drift down the freshly-inked figures. "I am... at a loss to know how and when I will pay you."

"May I see that, your Lordship?"

Roquan nodded and passed the parchment to him.

Jollis appeared to mull it over for a few moments. "I am willing to make you another offer, Overlord. Or perhaps I should say, the same offer again. I again wish to stay on as a permanent tradesman."

"And how does that factor into this?" Roquan asked tiredly.

"I would accept that position as payment in full for all the goods I am to deliver."

Roquan stared silently at the merchant for a few moments. "Did I hear you correctly, Jollis?"

Jollis' smile broadened. "Ah, but I surprise you, do I not?"

"The word you are searching for, merchant, is shocked." He reached over and snatched the parchment from him, brandishing it before him. "You cannot expect me to believe you think any trade relationship with me will bring in enough profits to cover this in anything less than ten years!"

Roquan tossed the parchment towards his desk. Jollis watched it as it wafted down before speaking again. "I do indeed think this will be profitable for the both of us. I would not make the offer if I did not think so." He turned his head and fixed his steady gaze on the Overlord. "I am no fool, you see."

Roquan met the gaze, one almost as unyielding as his own. "The thought never entered my mind."

"But you do doubt, and this is understandable. So be it. Perhaps we postpone this discussion then?"

"It is just as well. I have other business to conduct this evening."

"Oh? Is there another you wish to sway?"

Roquan started to shake his head and caught himself. "Actually, it is one already swayed, so to speak. It is simply a matter of closing the deal."

Jollis paused and nodded slowly. He caught the change in the Overlord's manner. It was just like his own, when he had been forced to commit the most distasteful act upon the Healer. His instincts were making him tense. Not visibly, but mentally and emotionally. "I shall leave you then, your Lordship..."

"Before you do, Jollis, I wish to ask you something."

The merchant turned back around and nodded once in a respectful manner.

"You speak of a lucrative enterprise by choosing to remain here. Would this have to do with your Far West contacts?"

And now the question came upon Jollis again: How much to reveal? Does he tell the Overlord the truth, or the truth inasmuch as he is allowed to speak it? The events that appear to be about to transpire told him no. It was too dangerous a time to reveal himself.

It was the Emperor's hand. He could feel the shadow of it beginning to pass over them. It was deciding where to strike. He would be a fool to give it a target.

"They are but one set of the many contacts I enjoy, your Lordship," Jollis said smoothly. His contemplation had lasted barely a moment's time. Again, it was all about instinct. "The Far West ones are indeed lucrative, or can be, but they are not my only ones."

Roquan eyed the merchant, and it was clear to Jollis from that gesture that the Overlord suspected there was more. Allow him to suspect. It will keep his curiosity piqued and increase his interest. It will make him amenable to hearing more later.

"Very well. We will discuss this further at another time."

"Yes, your Lordship. I wish you a pleasant evening."

The customary response died on the Overlord's lips as he looked past the merchant. Jollis now turned as well, in time to see Amanda enter the chamber from the outside, with Sirinna behind her.

The merchant could not help but smile. "Ah, but it is good to see you again, little one."

At once, even before the first words were out of his mouth, Jollis knew something was wrong.

Amanda lifted her slightly downcast eyes. They were tinged red about the edges, and there was a sad, despondent look to them. They shimmered slightly. Her lips curled into a very tiny smile, but it was forced.

His eyes shifted to the girl's Trainer. She was a little better composed, but not by very much. She, too, had been crying, and when she drew in her breath, it sounded almost as if she had to choke back a sob.

Smoothly, Jollis turned his head back to Roquan and gave him a polite nod. He then headed towards the door without another look at the two slaves.

Jollis felt the night air on his skin, having been cooled by a quick-moving thunderstorm just before the evening meal. He let it stimulate him, goosebumps rising, helping clear his mind as he walked briskly down the path that led away from Roquan's quarters.

Something was quite seriously wrong, and he needed to find out what it was.

He glanced up at the skies and over to the west. There was still a dull, deep indigo glow that was the remnants of the day, just under some lingering, brooding clouds. There was still enough light to be seen even just off to the side of the path.

The merchant walked down the main path running along the north side of the Manor until he was halfway towards the bluff. At this point, he left the path and strode into the grasses that lined the gardens, carefully picking his steps to do the least amount of damage and leave the least amount of evidence of his passing. Once far enough in, he crouched beside some bushes and waited.

Jollis was not entirely concealed, but by remaining absolutely still, he melted into the growing darkness of encroaching night. He did not have very long to wait. He soon spotted movement on the path, evidenced by the flicker of the magical torches that lined the path, igniting in sequence to provide illumination, darkening behind the person as she passed.

And it was most definitely a female. Jollis knew immediately that it was Overlord Freya D'yros.

Jollis watched as the female Overlord turned down the path towards Roquan's quarters. Even from this distance, the merchant could tell that she was quite pleased with herself. This, in turn, made Jollis all the more wary.

Freya disappeared into Roquan's quarters, and all was still again.

Jollis continued to wait. Again, it did not take long. This time it was Amanda he saw first, still in her restraints, and leading Freya. The merchant remained very still as they approached, his eyes fixed on them. They grew close enough that he could hear Amanda's slightly ragged breathing. Then a pair of torches lit at just the right moment for Jollis to see Amanda's face very clearly.

For the first time, the merchant felt his heart wrench.

All the happiness and laughter were gone from her eyes. They held nothing but despair and defeat. They glistened in the light, and behind the shortness of her breath he could hear the tiny sobs that she was purposely holding back. Her shoulders slumped, much of the energy and enthusiasm he had so admired in her now gone.

As they passed, Freya snapped the chain hard, making Amanda gasp and falter in her step. Jollis' body tensed, all peace and calm gone from his face.

"There may not be others about, Amanda, but I will not have you slouching so horribly," Freya commented.

"Yes, mistress," Amanda said in a hollow voice.

Jollis waited until the two of them had disappeared from sight before he stirred. And even after he had, he took another moment to find his inner peace again.

Forgive me master, he thought silently to himself.

That was the closest he had come to doing something that was the total antithesis of his training and upbringing. Yet never had something filled him with such vile disgust as what he had just witnessed. It represented the worst of Narlassi culture. It was the worst of the Overlord system of slavery.

If he had had any doubts about his ultimate task now, this had dispelled them. He understood now. First the Urisi had devolved, and now the influence was spreading here. His master had been wise to pick Roquan D'ronstaq. He represented the best of the Overlord system, even as flawed as it was.

But now those plans were threatened. It had never been expected that Roquan would do such a trade. Jollis had no doubt that Roquan's hand was forced somehow. It mattered not how it happened, however. The fact remained that it did, and it was not good.

It was not good at all.

The next moment, Jollis realized how far he had nearly come to failing. What he had witnessed had disturbed him so much that it was only now, as he was turning away from the bluff, that he realized someone was almost upon him.

The hand had reached out and grabbed him by his shirt, yanking him hard. Jollis stumbled but for a breath, regained his balance, and struck. But his assailant had not intended to either subdue or kill him, and had already leapt back before Jollis' blow could strike, ending barely inches from the other man's face.

"Taking another walk, foreigner?"

Jollis lowered his hand and straightened his shirt, smiling. "It is a good night for one, is it not, Merchant Herdon?"

Herdon cast two dark and cold eyes at Jollis. "Just as it is one for skulking in the gardens?"

"Ah, but looks can be deceiving when it is so dark. You see there is a path a short distance away. Perhaps you saw me emerging from there?"

Herdon's eyes flicked over to it briefly and then back to Jollis. "Why are you so close to the Overlord's quarters?"

"Am I now?"

"Stop playing games, foreigner!"

"Games? Ah, yes, you misinterpret. Perhaps the inflection in my voice was wrong. I meant 'am I now' in a sarcastic manner, to mean 'yes, this is quite obvious, why do you insist on mentioning it'?"

Herdon seethed. The smile had not altered a fraction on Jollis' face even as the rebuke was delivered. "I thought by now you would be sharing a bed with the slave you wanted so badly."

"There may be a change in plans on this score." He altered his stance just enough so that his face fell into complete shadow, and then let his eyes flick over to the Overlord's quarters, where movement had caught his eye.

He spotted Sirinna now, standing just along the path from Roquan's quarters. She appeared to pause, briefly dropping her face into her hands and shuddering.

Herdon raised an eyebrow at this, but Jollis offered no further explanation. Having no idea that Jollis was looking behind him, Herdon did not turn his head.

Behind Herdon, Sirinna had composed herself and resumed walking away from Roquan's quarters, her gait and manner no better than Amanda's had been. Jollis followed her with his eyes without turning his head until she had disappeared from his field of view.

Jollis had no desire to spar any further with Herdon. He knew that the merchant was up to something. He had seen him and Overlord Gronnus conferring several times. From what he knew of the Overlord, this did not bode well at all. The transaction involving Amanda had come at the worst possible moment, as he was sure that her part had yet to be played.

Herdon sneered. "Don't tell me you have grown bored with her already."

"Perhaps this is true. Sometimes, merchant Herdon, you manage to speak great wisdom."

Herdon blinked in surprise at this praise and was too nonplussed to respond.

Yes, indeed, Jollis thought with satisfaction. Keep your enemy off-balance, even if means praising him.

Jollis smiled all the more and nodded once to Herdon. "Good night to you, merchant."

He turned and quickly strode away.

Freya snapped the chain, bringing Amanda to a halt just inside the Overlord's quarters. She paused and snapped it again. Amanda dutifully turned and looked up at her new mistress with eyes that shimmered with both great sadness and fear.

Freya leaned forward and peered into them. "Well... I don't quite see that defiance in you very much anymore," she said with a smirk. "Perhaps this was the best thing for you."

Amanda said nothing. She simply looked up at the Overlord, her body trembling slightly.

"Are you frightened of me, Amanda?" Freya asked in a softer voice. She caressed Amanda's cheek gently and watched the girl shiver. "Tell me the truth."

Amanda swallowed. "Y-yes, mistress."

"Are you afraid I'm going to hurt you?" Freya dropped her hand and lightly stroked one nipple.

"Yes, mistress..." Amanda breathed, her muscles tensing as if bracing herself.

"Are you afraid I'm going to mistreat you?" Freya ran her fingers lightly along one hip, then teased Amanda's sex lightly.

Amanda bit her lip, and in a barely audible voice she said, "Yes, mistress."

Freya paused and lifted her hand. She touched Amanda's chin and nudged her into raising her gaze to her mistress again.

"Really, Amanda, you need not worry about any of these things."

Amanda just stared back at her, panting now in fear.

Freya grinned at her. "In fact, it's all up to you. You get to decide what happens to you. I cannot think of anything more fair than that. Can you?"

Amanda paused a moment before replying, as if some of her defiance threatened to well up in her again. If it had, it quickly died, for she looked at Freya in resignation and said in a tired voice, "No, mistress."

Freya briefly touched Amanda's hair. It was so much like the way Sirinna touched it that it revolted her. She visibly shuddered before she could control herself.

The Overlord tugged on the chain and twirled a finger in the air. Amanda turned away from her. She undid the restraints but left the chain on. When she was done, she snapped it again and made Amanda turn around again.

"Notice how I left the chain on you, Amanda? I did this for a reason. Get used to this. From now on, you will always have a chain. You will always have a collar. There will be no concept of graduating. Do you understand me so far?"

Amanda swallowed again and nodded, her throat closing up. All that she could have gained if she had kept to her training, the privilege of having at least an illusion of some freedom at a later date, now gone in a single night.

Freya snapped the chain. "Nods are not good enough. Say it."

"Yes, mistress," Amanda said in a badly strained voice. She had to resist the urge to cry again.

"The next thing you need to know is there will be no going abroad. You are my slave and mine alone. I am your only mistress. With me so far?"

Amanda was forced to take a quick, deep breath to compose herself again. Now she longed for the chance to be given to a stranger, to have time away from this woman. But even this was now a forlorn hope. "Yes, mistress."

Freya snapped the chain and pointed to the bed. Amanda went over to it, Freya still holding the other end of the chain and walking with her. Amanda climbed onto the bed, looking back at Freya for guidance.

"On your back. Legs spread."

Amanda did as she was told, her heart thumping almost painfully in her chest. Freya could see her trembling and smiled in satisfaction.

Freya turned and secured the chain to one of the bedposts before heading over to where her satchel lay on a chair. She reached in and withdrew the wooden box. "There is something else you should know," she said as she turned. "No need to play any silly games with me. I know you are Draughtless. I know you have been spying for Roquan. Let's get that one out in the open and be done with it."

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Their car is already at the motorway services when I arrive and I deliberately cruise slowly by to make sure that both husband and wife are sat waiting. I see two pale faces, his and hers, in the glare of my headlights and I know that my plan is going to come to fruition. I move past where they are backed into the furthest corner and park myself a good 200 yards closer to the bright lights of the service station and position my car to be facing directly towards them.I call Antony to check that...

1 year ago
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In Bed With Two

So there I was, laying there, thinking nothing more of the night. We went to bed, and did the normal routine. I turned on the TV, she would go to sleep. Tonight though was going to be very different. Like normal, she would go to sleep, I would watch the TV, and then when I was feeling tired; I would roll over and give here a hug. Sleeping naked I would often grab her pussy, and give it a bit of a rub. Knowing that I normally get a little roll from her hips, that was my sign that I could play,...

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Bobbie Sue comes home

Note : This story is completely fictional! When mother and I returned from our trip to Dallas, we found Bobbie Sue at home, three days early and full of stories from her adventure! We all visited for the rest of that day, monday, then went out to dinner. I would have thought Bobbie was tired of eating out, and was willing to cook up some ribs...but she was ok with dinner out, where the chat still centered on her trip. That evening, while laying in bed, ready to fall sleeep for the first time...

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Hot Days

Hi All, After long time I am writing my experience.. This is one of my earlier experiences… since it has been a long time that I had fucked someone and also received a couple of requests to share my experience I am submitting this experience wit my Ex gf Nimitha.. This happened when we were in college.. We bunked classes and went to a movie k3g.. In the theatre itself v were playing with each other with soft caresses and kisses. I was pressing her boobs and kept my hands over her pussy teasing...

3 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Rescue

Chapter 8 ‘Say that again,’ said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor. ‘The n-news just came in an hour ago my L-Lord,’ replied Bellatrix shakily, ‘they s-say Potter broke into Gringott’s.’ Voldemort’s nostrils flared in anger as he began to stroke his newly acquired Elder Wand. ‘Whose vault had he broken into?’ asked Voldemort quickly. ‘R-Ron’s my Lord,’ said Bellatrix quietly. ‘Was anything taken?’ asked Voldemort even quicker. ‘Just one item my L-Lord,’...

3 years ago
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The sexual awakenings of teenage private schoolgirls part 1

Kelly Smith went to an all girls private school. Her marks were always high. Kelly had always studied hard, right from her early days at school. Kelly knew to get into a really good University she would need good school grades. Sally and Sarah Barker were cousins, although they lived together and had a bond like sisters. Sally’s mother had died when she was a toddler. Her father worked on offshore oil rigs, so she lived with her aunt and uncle to keep her home life and schooling stable. Sally...

1 year ago
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First time group sex

Hi am Chris, African form Kenya. Am 5.7” tall, well build with an athletic body and normal size African cock. This is my first time to share a story at XHAMSTER. I’ve being reading most story that have inspired me to share some of my sexual experience and hope you enjoy.It all started when I joined high school in 2008. Back then I was just a simple teen age boy who loved to watch porn a lot and fucked two girl. I had a girlfriend but she never allowed me to hit it, but my side girl give it to...

3 years ago
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Hot Shower Stories Pt 2

"im sorry its just your mom almost saw us!!" i reply, we continue our way towards the next left and if sneaking in to your house isn't crazy enough, we even move in to the bath room together. Now trying to be quiet but failing a little miserably, you laugh a hushed cute high pitched laugh and shut the door trying not to cause any creaks. Soon as its shut you gracefully twirl around and find my arms around your hips and we are locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues twisting over each others...

1 year ago
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Caught 2

------ I wake up with you on top, glowering at me. I must’ve forgotten to put the blade away because now you have it at my throat. At least I didn’t forget to do that with the key. I smile and put my hands behind my head, completely relaxed. “And what are you planning on doing with that, my pet?” I laugh. Your face screws up into pure rage. “I’m going to kill you and get out of here!” you yell while pushing the blade harder against my throat. I can feel the blood in my vein push against the...

1 year ago
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Tiger Tails Bimboutique

Bimboutique By: Terinas Tiger (Author's Note: This is one half of two stories meant to mirror each other artistically. In this one, the focus is male-to-female transformation. In its "reflection", the focus is female-to-male. Since that's less the focus of this site, it's not going to be uploaded here. However, if you're curious about reading it, you can find a link to it here: Also, as a trigger warning, there are some implied themes of...

2 years ago
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Im Her Brother From Another Mother

Lynn had a major crush on me, and every time I was over at his house, his sister was hanging around me. Finally, after a few months of her sticking closer to me than my sweaty nutsack, she got her wish as I made out with her during a movie that she tagged along with us to see. It was amazing to have this young girl allowing my hands and fingers to roam over her as her brother sat on the other side of her. I was hooked! Eric didn’t mind that his best friend was groping his sister’s budding...

4 years ago
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Maa Ki Chudai

Hi friends, I am a regular user of this site, mujhe sex stories padhna bahut acha lagta hai. actually i am from Moradabad from U.P. mere ghar main, main apni maa papa aur meri ek choti behen rehte hain papa Chandigarh main mnc company main manager kid post p job karte hain. meri choti behen jo 21 sal ki h fig (34-26-34) M.A. m padh rahi hai aur meri maa ek housewife hai. yeh baat pichle 7 din pehle ki hai. yeh ek sachi ghatna hai.. plz isko padhiye aur ladke apne lund ko ragde aur ladki apni...

2 years ago
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The CurseChapter 16

Mick signed over the villa to Michelle and Anna through their solicitors. The pair had a good slice of the publishing royalties and he saw no need for him to be excessively generous. Between the two of them, they now held it freehold and Mick was half a million richer. He could've offered it to them for the full list price, but he thought of his baby daughter. He figured he was helping provide for Emily and his concience was clear. Mick bought a more modest place on a cliff face...

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Wife drugged me into Bisex

We get away every couple months for weekend, generally stay somewhere about 200 miles from home on Friday, and somewhere else on Saturday night. This trip she said she wanted to stay both nights in same place, and that being Gatlinburg I never thought much about it. We have a favorite place there, where the rooms are sort of unique today, front door facing the pool like a million other places, but it also has a back door leading into a parking lot behind the motel. As usual she packed our...

4 years ago
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Realising Im Lesbian Part 2 Nikkies Kiss

Introduction: Thanks For Reading Part One. This is Part Two, Please Comment and i hope you enjoy As we sat there watching the movie I realised that Nikkie, was very hot, not in the sense of looks, because as far as that goes, shes Beautiful, but, her temperature was very hot. Do you have a cold, or the flu or something? I asked, I was actually worried, why did I feel so much for this girl that Ive known barely for 24 hours? What was it? Love, ha! I laugh at that word. Ive never been loved, and...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Study

Why is it that all my friends can relax on a Friday while I’m stuck inside my tutor’s house studying? I know that I didn’t get a good grade for a few of my classes. So now I’m paying the price of my precious time with this forty-nine year old guy. Mitchell had just moved into our street, from the city he moved to our small community looking for accounting work. After leaving his job as a university lecturer, he was looking for a change in his career. As he introduced himself to my family, I...

3 years ago
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Roopa my sex goddess

Hi ISS readers, this is Hari, 26 year old guy from Chennai. I got introduced to this site by one of my college mate when I was doing my engineering. From then on I was most fascinated towards these stories. For the first moment I thought all these stories were never true and all was just imaginary stuff and things like these can never happen. Then when I came back home after college I realized that these stories could have happened. Now coming back to my experience, I got a job in Chennai in a...

2 years ago
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Between Friends

“Shonda, I have a huge favor to ask you.” My ears perked up with interest. Simone was my girl. You know, the one you planned mischief with since you were seven. The one who you giggled with as a teen and had so much dirt on you she could bury you in a heartbeat but you knew she would go to the grave with your deepest secrets. I couldn’t understand why she was being so formal. “Puh-lease girl, you know you just have to say what you want. None of this ‘favor’ bullshit. You need a kidney or...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Hunt them follow them home

Its something most people dont realized , they are everywhere , wearing panty little white boy can be found and hunted down if you know what to look forscrolling grindr and driving on saturday night at midnigt, from park to park looking for one to teachthe new kit he bought in la senza bag on the backseat , he love to do this, find one shy boy and hunt him down like a pet nothing beats helping a small cock shy white teen in panty and make him fall into itthe eyes they make looking up , bbc cock...

1 year ago
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Disturbing Discovery

It had been a long week, so I closed my office early and drove home for the weekend. We had a lot of issues with several cases and a project were nothing went as planned. We were about to receive fines and had a possible lawsuit hanging over us if thing things didn’t start to work out soon. The only thing I wanted to do was to relax and spend a quiet weekend with my lovely wife and daughter. When I came home there was an unknown car parked in the driveway. As I entered the house I heard some...

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More Adventures with Amy

I woke up a bit dazed, then almost immediately remembered the night before and buried my head under the pillow. Reverberating in my head was the realization I had sucked a cock. I felt Amy's hand run down my naked back. "Good morning, lover," she said. She moved closer and slid one leg over my thigh and I felt the warmth of her bald pussy against my butt. "That was so wild, last night," she cooed. I moaned and wrapped the pillow tighter around my head. "What's the matter, Andy? Having...

3 years ago
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The Courier Ch 14

Chapter 14 — A summons from the Grand Duchess On Friday morning at the end of the second week in September, Maria Elena began her normal routine at home before reporting to the university for language tutoring and yet more hedge-trimming. However, no sooner had she reported to work and picked up the hedge trimmer, than her boss told her that she had a call from her Spokeswoman. The news was that she and her translator needed to report immediately to the Central Police Station. Although the...

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Karyns First MFM

My wife, Karyn, and I have been married now for thirty-six years. Karyn is 5'1" tall, weighs 110 pounds, has dark brown hair, and brown eyes. I firsttold Karyn of my fantasy of watching her make love with another man in theheat of love making in 1975. Karyn has been hot and cold on the ideasince that time and always selective about who the lucky candidate mightbe. There has only been a handful of guys that she has considered, but anopportunity never presented itself.Some time ago, I...

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 10

'Lucy stay where you are!' I told her, incensed to see her outside and unprotected and wandering with a toddler's absence of caution. 'What on earth—?' she began, glancing up from the pink, purple and mauve blooms she was studying as she crouched. I was already striding towards her, careless of the flowers crushed beneath my feet, clearly untouched by the beauty of the scene. I scooped her up bodily in my arms, exclaiming in Urdu. 'And what the hell are you wearing on your feet?' I...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Nataly Gold Ebony Stud Shows Up To Make Natalys Day

Nataly Gold is sad because her husband is always at work, and can never satisfy her with his tiny dick even when he’s around. The only big thing he has is his wallet. So today, like most days, Nataly sits at home alone and starts playing with her small but firm breasts that sit up and say hello, and her tight young snatch. Eventually she breaks out her huge black dildo and her buttplug, so she can lie back and fantasize about one of the black guys she sees on TV filling her box and ass to...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 Classes Begin Part 1

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...

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The Devil and Jill Flaherty

My wife’s family has a long and storied history as low-life trailer trash. Her father, who has never worked a day in his life, has the IQ of a lemur. Still, he DOES drink; which occasionally leads him to touch up Jill’s mom. Jill’s mom dropped out two kids; neither of whom were fathered by her alleged husband. Still, she DID hold down a steady job. She worked at a strip club. She said she liked the ambiance. She must have been a good-looking woman; before the booze and drugs caught up with her....

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My slutty mum and my two friends

So I received a good response to the time I caught my mum and her friends licking, fucking and playing with each other and generally, people said they wanted to hear more stories that I have.To recap, mum had me when she was a teenager so she's still young. She's very attractive (as all my friends I grew up with always reminded me), blonde hair that goes down to roughly her shoulders. She is a size 10 and has the most perfect 34DD's, combined with a full bush and a very pretty pussy- she was,...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 8211 Part II

Hello dear friends. I am back. My name is Ali as you might have remembered me from my previous story forbidden fruit. And I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. This is the second part of my story, the continuation, so if you haven’t read first part of my story please read it first and then you should continue reading. Plus I want to thank all ISS reader for their emails and...

2 years ago
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Remember These

It was our anniversary, and my parents had offered to take our kids to get some quality couple time. As much as we love our offspring, the chance for the two of us to take a long earned time out to enjoy some us time was not hard to accept. We bid our children farewell, and headed to the bright lights of the city. My wife still made my pulse race after ten years of wedded bliss as she turned and smiled at me in that way that told me I had better prepare for long hours of pleasure. Her hand...

3 years ago
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Putting on a show

From my earlier stories, you know I have been having sex with the boy from next door and have made my husband a cuckhold. My husband only has himself to blame (or credit) for the situation we are in now. After more than 20 years of faithful marriage I am now having a new cock fill me and thrill me. My husband introduced me to porn as I know it now. We both enjoy videos and sexy images... together and separately. He encouraged me to act more slutty with him... dressing sexier, teasing men and...

3 years ago
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White BBW Meat

Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out , and I no longer needed a two bedroom house. I found a cute little one bedroom,groumd floor flat in the same neighbourhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men standing...

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