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The muted light of an autumn morning filtered through the window as Danica pulled out one of her heavier red robes from a trunk at the foot of her bed. The floorboards were chill beneath her bare feet, and her nipples pressed against her blouse, still protesting the shock of leaving a warm bed.

She stayed well out of sight of the window, knowing that the farmhands would already be hard at work, despite the lean harvest. An unusually dry growing season meant that this would be an unpleasant and hungry winter for many. The Harvest Festival, always a high point of the season, already appeared as though it wouldn't happen this year. People were simply too depressed about what was to come, and unwilling to splurge in celebration what might be needed for survival.

Danica wrapped her robe around her and breathed a sigh of relief as it warmed. She hooked the buttons, tied the belt, and then selected a pair of stockings that would ward off the chill of the long walk to the school, but wouldn't be too warm within the close quarters of the small building. Once she pulled them and her shoes on, she finally felt comfortable for the first time since rising.

Either her hood or the wind would end up reversing most of the effort, but she sat down at the dressing table to brush out her auburn hair anyway. She reached for her brush, which always sat in the same place, and wrinkled her brow in confusion when it wasn't there.

Once, the reason why it wasn't where it was supposed to be would have been easy enough to figure out. Her sister had frequently grabbed whatever was closest at hand, and dropped it wherever she was when she was done with it. Devan had left for Destindale years before, though.

Danica glanced around her dressing table, moved a few things that might have hidden the brush, and let out a frustrated growl when it was nowhere to be found. She pushed back the chair in preparation to dig up one of Devan's old ones from the trunk of her things in the room, but then she spied the elusive brush.

Upon picking it up, she stared curiously at it, wondering how it had ended up on the windowsill. She couldn't recall even touching it since her bath the night before, let alone carrying it anywhere. She shrugged, and returned to the dressing table to finish the task at hand.

The house was quiet when she descended the stairs, which could only mean that Daniel was out with their father in the barn. The sound of humming from the kitchen made her smile, because it meant that her mother was feeling well this morning - something all too rare of late. The smell of coffee and sizzling pork drew her into the kitchen, her stomach rumbling.

"Morning, dear," Danica's mother greeted her, even as she sat down a cup of coffee on the table.

"Good morning," Danica responded, gratefully picking up the cup and letting the steaming brew warm her from within.

"Don't you dare think about running off to school without eating this morning."

"Trust me, Mom, I won't. It smells wonderful."

"Ready, too. I'll fix you up a plate before the menfolk herd in here."

"Thank you, Mom. I'm starving."

A minute later, a plate heaped high with eggs and bacon settled on the table in front of her. "No arguments. You're not eating enough lately. You're too blessed up top to be all skin and bones."

"Yes, Mom," Danica said and rolled her eyes. Her growling stomach was making it impossible to resist, anyway. She decided that she'd just have a light lunch to make up for it.

With her plate clean and her cup empty a short while later, Danica reluctantly pushed her chair back and stood up. After such a filling meal, all she really wanted to do was sit at the table for another hour or two.

Her mother's tone was conversational when she asked, "Have you decided whether you're going to stay on and teach at the school, Danica?"

It was really the last thing she wanted to do. Her sister had set the example, going away to study at a magic school in Destindale. Ever since then, Danica had dreamed of doing the same, though she wanted to go to Freeland. Rumor had it that some of the greatest teachers in the world resided there. The problem was that such grand aspirations required coin she simply didn't have.

Not wanting to ruin her mother's good mood, Danica answered, "For now, at least."

"I'd wager that your handsome young man would like you to stay around."

Danica couldn't help but blush. At some point during the last year, her mother had decided that she was officially a woman. With that decision had come frank and frequent discussions of marriage, sex, and all manner of other topics that Danica hardly felt comfortable talking about with her mother. It did mean that she didn't have to sneak around quite as much as her sister had to at her age, but it still made her skin crawl at times.

She suspected that the discovery she was barren might have influenced her mother's decision to give her more freedom. So far, that was a secret from everyone except the immediate family.

"I don't have a lot of choice right now, anyway," she said, and shrugged.

Her mother came over and reached down to take her hands. "Dear, you don't give yourself enough credit - in anything. You are beautiful. You have your magic. You'll find your place. Just give it time."

"I know, Mom," Danica responded, even though she didn't really believe it. She hugged her mother, and then said, "I need to get going."

"If the menfolk aren't already headed this way, yell at them when you go past the barn."

"I will," Danica said as she left the room and headed for the front door.

Her father, brother, and the farmhands were already on the way toward the house when she left, so Danica simply offered them a wave and continued on her way. A blast of autumn air made one decision easy for her. She shivered and pulled up her hood, her steps quickening toward the tree-lined path to the school, where the wind wouldn't be quite so fierce.

The gale was indeed stifled amongst the trees, but a sense of uneasiness washed over her soon after setting foot on the path. Disturbed by the feeling and still cold, she picked up the pace, her robes swishing and thrumming in the wind. The familiar sight of the school filled her with a sense of relief shortly thereafter. She hurried inside, leaving the cold and the odd sensation behind.

Danica winced at a horribly mispronounced word, as most of the apprentices headed toward the door. "That's enough for today. Keep practicing, and we'll try again tomorrow."

"Okay," the young student said as he closed his spellbook, and then went to join his friends filing out the front door.

Danica shook her head and rolled her eyes as the students left. If you would pay attention to what you're trying to learn instead of staring at my boobs, you would have learned this spell by now.

Even the thick robe she wore couldn't really hide her doubly-blessed bosom, as her mother often called her breasts. Though she'd more or less grown used to not making eye contact with any male beyond puberty, it was still irritating.

"Well, Danica, did you have any luck today?"

She turned toward the grey-bearded master of the school and shrugged. "Adina will probably be ready to cast the fireball tomorrow. After that, I won't be of much use in teaching her."

"Danica, Danica," he admonished, and then clucked his tongue. "You have a great deal of knowledge in both magic and life that you can pass on to another young woman. Be confident. It matters not if you're the most powerful in magic. Where you excel, you continue to amaze m e. In those areas where you struggle, you persevere. The best teachers are forever learning, themselves."

The argument was one that she could never win, much the same as disagreeing with her mother, so Danica simply nodded. "Of course, Master." She reached for her enchanted bag of holding, which she'd left hanging on a chair nearby, and found it gone.

A quick glance around the room revealed the bag hanging from a cloak hook, which she knew that she hadn't gone anywhere near all day.

The old master puzzled out what was wrong when she let out a sigh and walked toward her bag. He chuckled and said, "Ah, yes. The mischievous ones are certainly active this year. I am forever finding my things misplaced these last few days. I surely welcome the Harvest Festival, which will see them locked away for another year."

Danica turned toward him with a look of confusion. "You haven't heard? There probably won't be a festival this year, because of the drought."

Somehow, the pale old man turned even whiter, his eyes going wide. "No festival? No, no, this simply will not do."

Slipping her bag over her shoulder, Danica said, "I doubt there's any changing it. Everyone is just too worried about surviving a lean winter to make merry."

"There is far more to it than that, Danica," he said. "Come, I have an important lesson for you that is too long in coming."

Curious and perplexed, Danica followed her master into his private quarters at the rear of the school. As always, she marveled at his library. Though humble by the standards of a wealthy wizard, it was the greatest collection of magical works for miles around.

"Please, sit down," he suggested, and let out a groan as he pulled out a chair for her.

Danica took her seat, and her master walked to the shelves to select a book. He flipped through the pages of the aged tome as he returned, and then stopped when he found what he was looking for.

"The Harvest Festival is no simple celebration, though that is how those who know the truth present it." He laid the book in front of Danica, and then took a seat as well.

Danica studied the yellowed page, which bore the heading, The Ritual of Harvest. To her amazement, she discovered that the traditions always known to her as decoration and fun activities for a party were in truth parts of a ritual spell. Her cheeks warmed when she saw that even the 'secret' tradition of young couples sneaking away to enjoy some private time during the festival was part of the magical ritual.

The master explained as she read through the page. "Long ago, when my grandfather's grandfather was but a babe, the ritual was created, as a barrier against the night.

You know that the night which begins the Harvest Festival is one of great magic - especially dark magic - but the truth is far more disturbing than that. The veil that stands between the worlds of the demons and the dead grows thin that night. In times long ago, it was a night of horror, and of death."

Danica looked away from the book, finding her master's telling far more engaging than the words on the page.

"Those who served the gods of light and those who shunned darker magics found that they could not stem the tide of evil, which grew stronger each year. In a spirit of cooperation never seen before - or since - they put aside their differences for the common good.

Even then, their efforts were not enough. It was only when a witch approached them, having had a vision of their effort, that hope found purchase in the world."

That stunned Danica. While those who worked magic were sometimes mistrusted, those who practiced witchcraft were almost universally persecuted, no matter the nature of their deeds. To have three such disparate and often opposing groups come together was astounding.

"The rituals brought by the white witches and warlocks form the heart of the magic that is the true purpose of the Harvest Festival. It allows those of good heart, though unskilled in magic, to aid the guardians of the veil."

"So, what happens if the festival is cancelled this year?"

"Perhaps little, though I fear that the hordes of the night wait in anticipation, after so long kept from sating their hunger. It is a risk we cannot afford to take. As long and hard as the winter might be, it will be longer and harder still, if the Ritual of the Harvest is not observed."

Having studied with the master since she was young, Danica knew to trust his knowledge without reservation in any matter related to magic. His dire warning was enough to make her stomach go sour. "What can we do?"

The old man scratched his chin and stroked his beard. "Let me speak with some old friends. We could do little alone, but perhaps the spirit of cooperation that once saved us from the encroaching night might yet be reawakened."

He waved a hand in a dismissive gesture, trying to look a little less concerned - and not doing a very good job of it. "For now, just..." His eyes lit up with genuine pleasure as he trailed off. "Oh! I nearly let it slip my mind yet again. Wait right here my dear."

The elderly wizard stood up with a cracking of joints and a quiet groan. "I meant to give this to you some time ago, but I only just completed it. I'm not as young as I used to be." He crossed the well-worn wooden floor for a few steps to his work table, and picked up a small ivory box.

"I gave one of these to your sister just before she left. It is a special gift that I give to those in whom I see great promise. Whether you believe it or not, you are deserving. I would ask that you not speak of it with other students, past or present."

Danica accepted the box, more than a little surprised that the master had given Devan something that her sister didn't brag about. When he gestured for her to open the box, she removed the lid and gasped.

Within rested a ring, set with a translucent blue gem. Though simple in construction, it was nevertheless beautiful. Danica now recalled a similar ring that Devan wore, set with a gem the color of flame.

The master explained, "It is not a great magic, but useful. Once - and only once - this ring will turn away a spell intent upon doing you harm. The ring can also act as a spell vessel."

Danica's mind boggled at the power of the ring. The ability to turn away harmful magic was enough, but the spell vessel enchantment would allow her to cast a spell on the ring, and then release it with a thought a short time later, even if she wasn't wearing the ring at the time.

She knew better than to say that she was undeserving of such a gift, and so slipped it on her finger. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Even more beautiful now, I think," he said and then winked, making her blush.

Danica closed the ivory box and slipped it in her bag of holding, though she doubted that she would remove the ring very often. On a whim, feeling giddy from the gift, she leaned in to kiss his cheek.

The old man smiled, color rising into his face. "Tomorrow. We will speak more of the festival then."

That sobered her a little. "Tomorrow. Goodbye, Master."

"Fear not. I have confidence that all will be well. Goodbye."

She couldn't help but admire the ring on her finger as she walked home. As with everything else in her life, she wondered what Jared would think of it. He should be returning from a week-long hunt this evening, and she was eager to see him.

Thoughts about her handsome beau of two years put a little extra spring in her step, and pushed away the dark musings of what the aged wizard had revealed. She hurried home to pick out something pretty to wear for her man.

The wind had mercifully died down during the day, which gave Danica a little hope that her hair wouldn't be a disaster by the time she reached town.

Normally, she would have seen wagons laden with sacks of grain, pumpkins, and squash all along the way as she walked the road to town. That absence and the unusually high winds having stripped the trees of leaves early this year made the walk lonely and gloomy. What she'd learned about the importance of the Harvest Festival didn't help, either. On top of everything else, she felt as if someone was watching her as she walked. It was similar to the feeling she'd experienced the day before, but stronger - more focused.

If not for the promise of seeing Jared after a long week apart, she would have turned around and gone straight back home.

Few people were in the square when she reached town. A few die-hard couples and hopeful teens had left the warmth of their homes, but most had apparently chosen comfort over flirting and courting. Danica saw only a single pumpkin lantern on a porch, with virtually no other signs of the Harvest Festival evident. She couldn't imagine what anyone could do to save the festival at this point, with the traditional beginning only a few days away.

The sight of Jared's house finally cut through the melancholy descending on her to lift her spirits. She stepped over the first step up to the porch out of habit, even though Jared had finally fixed it a month ago. A smile crossed her face as she looked at the bench on the front porch. Before he'd left on his last trip, she'd given him a going away present with her mouth. Though the hour had been late, she'd found the possibility of someone catching them surprisingly exciting. She could still hear his stifled groans as he exploded in her mouth with his father sleeping only a few feet away.

A glance in the window revealed two important things. Jared's bow was hanging from its rack, which meant that he was home. His father's bow was also missing from its place, which meant that he wasn't.

Danica shivered as her nipples stiffened. She had expected Jared's father to be home, and the weather discouraged sneaking away into the woods, something the couple did frequently in warmer weather. The possibility of a much more intimate reunion than she'd expected quickened both her breathing and her steps.

As soon as she opened the door, Danica could hear splashing from the mud porch at the rear of the house. She let out a little moan, knowing what the sound meant, and crept on her tiptoes through the house. She unbuttoned her woolen jacket along the way, and draped it over the back of a chair in the front room. After a quick adjustment of her breasts, well displayed by the low neckline of her blouse, she stepped into the short hallway leading to the mud porch.

A shudder ran through her as she peeked through the doorway. Jared was standing next to the wooden washtub, his head covered by a towel as he dried his hair.

His head was the only thing that was covered up.

The muscles in his chest, made hard by drawing his longbow and hauling deer up into trees to field dress them, rippled as he worked the towel. His cock swung back and forth in the most hypnotic way, making her tingle all over. He turned away just before he whipped the towel off his head, giving her a perfect view of his gorgeous butt. Despite being damp and fresh from the towel, his blonde hair stood up in spikes, looking artfully mussed as it always did.

She was still admiring him with a sultry grin when he turned around and saw her.

"Shit!" he exclaimed as he started from her unexpected appearance.

Danica chuckled as she walked toward him and said, "Sorry. I can't believe you let me sneak up on you like that."

He let out a nervous chuckle as well. "I guess it's a good thing you weren't a bear or a big cat."

With his eyes falling directly into her well-displayed cleavage as he mentioned cats, Danica thought, I know my pussy is hungry for you.

"Danica, I..."

Whatever he planned to say vanished into her needy kiss. Far from the virgin he'd deflowered two years ago, Danica had matured and gained confidence in her sexuality - at least when she was with him. She knew exactly what turned his knees to water, and he knew her body as well as she did.

Jared's hand found her bottom as their tongues danced, and Danica's hands roamed all over his bare, muscular back. She soon needed more, and stepped back to stroke her fingertips over her tightly bound breasts.

"Do you like it?" She asked, her passion-filled eyes locking with his.

"You look incredible," he replied, his voice husky with desire.

"I wanted to give you a nice welcome home," she said while backing out of the room, her hips swaying to make her skirt dance.

He followed, stalking her as he would any prey, his cock now hard and throbbing. Danica turned into his room and reached his bed with two quick steps, but he caught her before she could sit down on it.

Danica moaned as he kissed her neck and wrapped his powerful arms around her to squeeze her breasts. She could feel his cock throbbing against her skirt-clad bottom - so hard and eager. Even though she still felt twinges of regret from learning that she would never have children, she couldn't deny the exhilaration of completely spontaneous encounters with her lover whenever the moment was right. Her magic explained why it was safe to do so, because she hadn't yet found the courage to tell him the truth.

She sucked in a sharp gasp when he jerked down the front of her blouse to make her breasts pop free. Her back arched as he cupped the heavy globes in his hands and squeezed again, his fingertips finding her nipples as well.

His right hand left her breast and grabbed her left arm so quickly that Danica let out a yelp of surprise as he spun her around to face him. Before she could catch a breath, his lips locked around one of her nipples.

Danica panted as he sucked the stiff bud hard, his tongue tickling it all the while. A chill shot through her as wetness flooded her sex, brought on by the direct connection between it and her sensitive nipples. She found just enough presence of mind to kick off her shoes.

For long seconds, Danica simply reveled in him suckling her breasts, so forceful and controlling, yet springing from his knowledge of her desires. He switched back and forth without warning, sometimes lingering, sometimes barely swiping the turgid points with the tip of his tongue, driving her into a fever-pitch of need. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked it in a tight grip, making him groan around her nipple.

Danica stepped back, her nipple leaving his lips with a loud, wet slurp. She was wet, aching, and felt stifled by her thick skirt. She was also anxious to see his reaction to what she was wearing beneath the pleated cloth. Jared pulled the tail of her blouse free almost as soon as her nipple escaped him, and she let him pull it over her head.

Her breasts jutted provocatively toward him as she popped open the two buttons on the back of her skirt, and then slipped it past her hips. The surprised delight in his eyes as he saw her surprise made her shiver.

The panties were a gift from a seamstress in town, in thanks for Danica's use of magic to help carry water to the woman's garden. Cut high on the sides, they displayed her legs well, and put emphasis on the lacy white material between. Danica stroked her hands over her hips, and then around to her panties. "Do you like them?"

He answered with a rumbling growl of desire, and then squatted down to lift her effortlessly with one arm beneath her bottom, and the other behind her back. He lay her down with the same ease, and then crawled over her body to kiss her.

Danica moaned as his lips left hers and latched onto a nipple again. She parted her legs, and he moved his knees between one at a time, never releasing her from his sucking lips. His hips shifted forward, pressing his cock firmly against the damp cloth of her panties.

Normally, foreplay between the couple lasted for quite some time, as Jared loved to worship her breasts - which was just fine with her. Tonight, she was too caught up in the rush of arousal, fueled by not seeing him for a week.

"I want you deep inside me," she pleaded with sultry need.

Danica lifted her bottom when he sat up over his knees and curled his fingers beneath her panties. A quick pull and a toss sent the lacy cloth to the floor next to his bed, revealing her newly shaven pussy and the manicured red curls on her mound.

Jared leaned over her, pushing her legs back with his chest. Once he settled onto his hands, the tip of his cock pressed against her nether lips and he sank inside her.

Danica let out a deep groan that he echoed as his cock filled her saturated pussy, slipping easily into her depths. He hesitated for only a fraction of a second once his balls settled against her bottom.

"Ah! Yes!" Danica cried out as his cock slammed home. The power and urgency of his need surprised her, though it matched her own. The feeling of fullness and hot friction caused the fingers of one hand to curl into claws, gripping the quilt, while the other moved between her legs.

After a few strokes, he pushed off the bed and grasped her thighs. His cock pounded even harder into her clinging sheath, causing her breasts to quake and the bed to creak in protest.

Danica wasn't protesting in the slightest. Though she adored when he made love to her, she couldn't deny the thrill of him taking her, expending all of his lust in animalistic need. With only the most minimal change in his grip on her thighs, or a little movement of his knees, his cock stroked new pleasure centers, making her sex tingle with electric jolts of bliss.

His body collided with hers at a relentless pace, his balls slapping against her ass, and the headboard of the bed banging against the wall. Danica's fingers pressed against her clit, though she only stroked it slowly, allowing his slick shaft rubbing against it to do most of the work. Chilly pinpoints accompanied the swelling pressure behind her mound, though the rest of her body felt hot, and growing more so by the moment.

She knew that she was going to come soon, and come hard.

"Oh! Oh! Oh yes! Oh yes!" she cried out as her pleasure mounted, knowing how hearing her voice her pleasure affected him. "S-so good. So close. Oh yes!"

"Ah yeah," he groaned, his eyes fixed on the ecstasy tightening her features.

"Oh baby. Oh yes. Ah! Yeah! I'm gonna ... I'm gonna..." A long, high-pitched moan stole her words as she teetered on the edge of sweet oblivion. She had just enough time to suck in a fast breath before it rushed back out as a scream.

Danica's toes curled and the hand clawing the quilt lurched as she exploded into climax. Her womb and walls both clenched tight, but the resistance of her tight canal wasn't enough to slow his thrusts. After the initial burst of orgasmic energy released her and her body went limp, staccato shocks of bliss ripped through her, in time with his hard cock plunging into her depths.

Jared's breathing turned rapid and loud, mixed with grunts of exertion. During the brief moments when she could keep her eyes open, Danica could see his chiseled features tightening. The jolts of exquisite agony causing her head to lash on the bed grew ever closer together, until she felt almost numb, barely able to catch her breath. Her mouth hung open in a silent scream, her heart pounding in her ears.

And then she came again.

It was no mere facet of her first orgasm that tore through her, but a second climax taking her before the first could even fade away. She knew she was screaming, but she couldn't hear it. His hips slammed forward one final time, and she could feel him pulsing, filling her full of cum, but her orgasm ruled her, stealing every other sense of the world around her. She just kept coming, and didn't even have the presence of mind to wonder if it was ever going to end.

By the time the world snapped back into focus again, Jared had rolled off of her to gasp for breath, his pussy-slick cock softening. She felt fevered, and sweat dampened every inch of her body. She let her clenched thighs drift apart, and lifted her hand away from her still-quivering pussy. A sticky mixture of her juices and his cream covered it, with more dribbling down her bottom onto the bed below.

It still took long minutes for Danica's mind to truly work again, even as her senses returned. "Oh my, you came a lot," she said in a soft, languid voice, realizing just how much of his creamy offering was seeping from her.

"Thought I was ... That I wasn't going to stop," he groaned.

Danica moaned. "Me either. Gods, I came so hard." She snuggled over closer to him, and he slipped an arm beneath her to hold her. Even though she knew that the wet spot on the bed would grow chill and clammy before long, she was determined to simply enjoy the afterglow of her orgasm and his arm wrapped around her for as long as possible.

In the end, it was a desire not to explain her lateness to her mother that finally pulled her from his bed. He was snoring like a bear, forcing her to stifle a chuckle behind her hand. After covering up the surprisingly large wet spot on the quilt with a blanket from beneath the bed, she kissed him on the forehead and started looking for her clothes.

That didn't prove so easy.

Her skirt, which should have been at the foot of the bed, had moved into the hallway. Her blouse eventually turned up in his father's bedroom, much to her embarrassment. She gave up on her panties and washed before heading home, only to finally discover the lacy undergarments stuffed into one of her shoes. The mischievous ones, as her master called the poltergeists, were hard at work.

The Harvest Festival couldn't come soon enough.

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The Harvestors

Most have seen the movie "Alien" and the scary face huggers. Like in most of nature there are more than one species of an animal. The huggers in this story are cousins to the ones shown in the movie and work a little different. They are even more terrifying as their reproductive cycle doesn't kill the host, which allows the terror to go on and on. It is said, "movies reflect reality" there is a chance that the following story may reflect a alternate reality, we can only hope not,...

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RebelChapter 33 Harvested

The three people entered the tavern from the stage with a look of disgust and disdain. Two bewigged men, one a good bit older than the other, and a blonde woman in a very fancy dress. All three, in fact, were very well dressed and surely out of place. They sat at a table after the younger man brushed off the furniture with his large kerchief. The woman looked unhappy, the men disgusted. She was a pretty girl with very pale skin and golden curls. She wore a blue silk sacque dress with an...

2 years ago
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Housewife Cheated Because Of Careless Husband

Prateek aur priya ki 5 saal ki relationship tha.Uske badh unhone shadi kiye.Prateek ko accha khasa job mil gaya tha,dono kolkata shift ho gaye the.Ek saal ke ander lake town mei 3bhk flat kharid liya tha.Bohut mahenti tha prateek,careeristic & ambitious tha bohut.Priya bhi bohut well educated the,use dusri saher mei job mili the isliye wo kar nehi paye.Shadi ke badh sabkuch thikthak chal raha tha.Pad jitna din guzra prateek ka focus shift hone laga,wo kam mei bohut jyada dhiyan dene laga rather...

3 years ago
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Spending Time With Friend

Hey people this is my first story for u all out here ( its a true story) … firstly let me introduce my self … I am Raul from Pune 6 ft 1 inch tall and have a good personality.. I will not b taking your much time in giving my introduction n start with the story directly it was a sunny day I was going home back from my office on my way back I saw my friend Anu on the roadside waiting for a rickshaw I saw hr n stopped my car asked her whether she was going home she said yes i told hr ill drop u as...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 24 Surprise Visitors

Dave thought about not answering his cellphone. He didn’t recognize the number on his caller ID but recognized the exchange as California. “Hello.” He was holding the phone away from his body since he’d just stepped out of a quick dip in the pool to rinse off his gamey body. He’d made one swipe with the towel. “Hi Dave. This is Julia Ann. I just got into Florida this morning from the west coast and I wanted to call and see if we could get together. You made a big impression on me when you...

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Working Wife To Prostitute 8211 3

After 10 mins both these men enter into Shalini room. The truck driver looks into age of above 50 years and his cleaner in early 20’s. As soon as these men enter into Shalini room they mouth was filled with water. There they see it Shalini standing naked near the bed. Both there cock started to grow and makes a tent in their pant. They come near Shalini and made Shalini sit on the bed and these two sit on either side. Truck driver turns the face of Shalini on its side and kisses her on lips....

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Doomed Dynasty Pt 06

CHAPTER 12 Anticipating another dry summer in 1979, hinted by abnormal wind direction patterns, and with his commercial investments and ambitions decreasing his interest in farming, Matt has his entire extended Faraway farming property re-surveyed and put up for sale apart from 2000 acres of the original Strathmore Farm on the valley floor and upper terraces extending up to just beyond his manager’s house. The real estate agency engaged by Matt to sell the 37,700 acres predicted considerable...

2 years ago
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English Girl At Home

Hayley’s flat seemed quieter than usual. She locked the door behind her and leaned against it for a long moment, her eyes flickering around the small, square living room. Nothing had changed since she’d left but it seemed different somehow. A little colder, perhaps. A little lonelier. She turned on the television to see an old black and white Hitchcock playing. With a sigh, she turned the volume up. She switched the radio on too.In her bedroom, she tipped her bag out onto the neatly made bed...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour

I moved into a house in a quiet town after a long soul sucking marriage and a bitter divorce, and now I was looking to start fresh.Late in the afternoon I saw my new neighbour for the first time, she was fairly tall, slim, pale as snow with bright red hair hanging down her shoulders and a bosom that was trying to fight it's way out of a very tight t-shirt."Hi!" I said smiling as she pulled her car up a few meters away."Hi to you too!" she replied back with a smile."I'm Joe" I said staring at...

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Orc Guardians Prologue

armor. Elderly humans, usually used as a last resort, if at all. "We're passing through. Move out of our way or we'll use force," I replied directly, trying my best to hold back a snarl. My two brothers were standing behind me on both sides. Orcs, same as me. "Filthy lies!" The panicking man yelled out once more, taking a step towards us. I feel the eyes of these human men watching me and my reactions intensely. It makes sense, being the largest and closest to their position....

4 years ago
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Its a story which happend between me and my aunt. the story was writtend from her end.My story happened about a year before. My name is Vani . I am 36 now & even now, I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say most men find my pretty face attractive, but my large breasts (38d), bit fatty stomach, and especially my firm bottom and muscular thighs get the most attention, althoughI have to admit I've never really dressed to show them off. I'm...

3 years ago
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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

Gay Male
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Wisened Woman

Under my breath, “Please lord make me stay here until I can try to approach her about posing for me!” Her cup is presented to her along with a tray with a cinnamon bun on it, Forget myself crying out “Yes thank you lord!” All head turn, gazing at me, lucky I have my headpiece in my ear, trailing down to a smartphone. “The local council has rescinded the nightly parking fee in Municipal lots!” hoping everyone will believe I’m not crazy! Looking around , seeing her in a booth, taking her coat...

2 years ago
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Arrested a women and got offered sex

Worked investigation and arrested store asst manager. She had taken items and furnish her apartment and money for other things. I had spoke with her a few times and she always seemed friendly. Being an officer I got this all the time. Not sure if she wanted me or just playing emotions to get out of a ticket. I never went into deep conversation for fear of giving mixed signals. I was married at the time and like now, I did not cheat on my wife. The wife at the time enjoyed three some especially...

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After T

After the Party; Part 1.After the incident between my new-found friend and myself in the quiet room, we quickly made plans to leave the party, but one at a time. We knew that we were probably obvious but you get into these things and imagine that it might be better not to grab each other and run out of the place. He told me his address and it was close and so he left and I talked with someone else for a few minutes (in agony!) and then left to walk the few blocks to his house. When I got to the...

3 years ago
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Transformation Of My Indian Slut Wife Part 3

Thanks friend and guru ji apne meri story part 2 publish kari. Aur dosto phir wife batane lagi ki me un 2 logo ke sath unke place par chali gayi. Wo log delhi ke ek muslim area me le gaye. Unka ghar ek purana, ganda aur 3 room ka tha. Vaha par unki u 4-5 female aur thi. Wo bole ab tum ek do din yahi rehogi , hum apko sex industry achhi aur buri dono hakikat se batayenge. Wo bole tumhari age ke hisab se tum modern showpiece wali whore banayenge isliye tumhara itna body and facial modification...

2 years ago
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My First And Only Sex Partner

When I was about 16 I was really shy. I had been operated on a leg and had to stay in bed for almost a whole year, losing contact with the outside world. During that time I just had started discovering my own body, when my brother’s girlfriend had brought me a book on sexual education with a lot of pictures in full color, that led to masturbation. Every time my aunt, who was taking care of me went to take a nap, I would just open the book and spanked my monkey. Right after I got better, my...

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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 6

Jim walked into the big communal sex bedroom to find Beverly nursing Julie, each with their fingers in the other’s pussies, and each making happy noises. Jim stepped close to his mother and latched on to her free nipple, causing his mother to gasp with the stimulation and begin a climax. He kept up the suction, and, first moistening his middle finger in his mother’s very wet pussy, then moved it around and inserted it in her ass. Her exclamation of surprise changed into deeper moans as he...

2 years ago
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Woman in red saree

Hi ..I came to know about this site a few days back and i read a lot of stories in these few days.some were real and most were fantazise.I found it to be more entertaining and i would like to thank the site creator for his wonderful work.I would like to share one of my experience.Readers pls reply me with your comments.My id is a real life experience and its a true one.My name is chandru age 26,fair and average built.I’m working as installation manager in a reputed battery company in...

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How I Became A Proper Bottom

Hello, friends, I’m back with a new experience, my last story is in indian sex stories under the username annajoseph529. Those who don’t know me, I have an average body with an average dick but a big ass. Wheatish skin tone and mild hairy with short hairs and subtle beard! I was introduced to pr and I found some friends from that, from one of them I find a top guy. Tall, dark, athlete body, soft ass, and a huge dick with the length of about 7.5 inches, and somewhat curvy! I call him at my...

Gay Male
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Josh couldn’t believe his luck. He had been looking through his telescope as he did every night. Not looking at the stars, but watching the local neighbourhood, trying to spot people who had failed to close their curtains, and then got undressed, thinking they were doing so unseen.But what he saw that night warmed his blood, and almost immediately, a plan came to his mind. Okay, she was his cousin, but he didn’t care. What he had seen had given him enough to be able to get what he wanted, his...

1 year ago
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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Meri Ammi Sabse Pyaari

Hi…Mera naam hai altaf meri age abhi 23 saal hi hai aur mein mumbai ka rehna wala hu….aaj mein aap ko ek saachi kahani batane jaa raha hu jo mere saath hoyi ….Mera body description hai … meri height 5’5 aur mera Lund karib 6’8 Inch kaa hai. Meri Ammi ki Age abhi 42 hai…aur mere Dad ki Age 51 hai aur woh Dock mein kaam karte hai … is liye woh zyaadtar din ghar ke bahar ki rehte hain .. Meri Ammi ka Figure hai 39-30-42 … gora badan …. aur woh hamesh Saari hi pehnti hai ….Mein bachpan se hi bahut...

4 years ago
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Fun in the library

Quick Information beforehand: I am not a native English speaker and generally not that good with words. Also, this is my first story. So please leave some feedback.Fun in the libraryIt started as a pretty normal summer day, I was up early and went to the public library to research for an upcoming exam. I grabbed my books, took my Laptop and searched for a nice quiet place to work. A table in a corner besides two walls with two comfy chairs looked inviting. So I started working and soon I had...

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Dragon ClanChapter 3

They spent a total of a week in the cave, dressing only to venture out for firewood and water. They learned much about one another, each recalling their past and their immediate plans for the near future. One thing had become certain. They would continue to travel together. In addition to their skills as a team, their newfound affection for each other was a deciding factor. The weather had cleared to become sunny but still cool. Ameni could sense the changes that were coming, and told Aldren...

5 years ago
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Trevir and the Nymph

Trevir had just received his permit to hunt the woods south of Morrovale. He also inherited Harlen's range, as his successor. Harlen had been a excellent tutor for the youth and he knew the ways of the woods as well as the best and better, by far, than most. He surveyed his main hunting area, peering with his keen eyes over the woods from the small hillock that marked its eastern bound. He was proud of himself, being only twenty and having full rights as a huntsman. Harlen had not died, or...

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The Boss Trophy Wife part 2

This writer’s imagination has been working overtime, so now I’ll bring you a mixture of true events and fantasy. ************ About eight months after I began working for Joy, I began seeing a few signs of worry in her face. I didn’t worry too much about it when I was slamming her pussy or asshole, or getting my nuts off into her mouth. One day, after a session of hot sex in one of the motel rooms, Joy asked me if I’d just lay beside her and hold her a while. I had no problem with...

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Madmast Bhabhi Ki Masti Bhari Chudai

Bat aj se 6 months pehele ki h jab humare shop pe 1 bhabhi ji rakhi gyi as a sales women humara multi departmental store h humare yaha boys nd married lady kam krti h sirf to 6 months pehele unhe rakha gya tha shuru shuru me to vo bahut h sidhi sadi dikhti thi but unka asli rup mere samne tab aaya jab mujhe shop pe 1 month baithna pada bcs papa bahar ja rhe the un bhabhi ji ka name komal h nd badi h khubsurat h height around 5-7 nd stats are fab 36-34-40 nd m always attracted towards chubby...

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Awesome Threesome With Two Bestfriends

Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first​ story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...

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My slutty Prosituide 1

I went one night to a local strip club. My girlfriend and I broke up a few hours ago when I found out that she cheated me for someone else, so I needed somthing to take my mind of it. While I was watch the near-naked chicks dance around poles, a waitress came over and asked if I would like anything to drink. I looked at her for a second and as soon as I did, my cock strained agaist my zip. She look Asian and was only about 5"4. Her breasts were half the size of a football and she had a sweet...

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Mistress Conversation Fantasy

"Well, my dear, I think it's probably time that we had a little talk. I definitely think that you look very pretty and comfortable and natural in your feminine outfit that you've got on. I know that you wish that you could become a real woman and wear outfits like that all the time. Well, a while back you said that you wished that you could find someone who could take control over you, help you to overcome your hesitations and doubts, and help you to make all of your dreams of becoming a woman...

2 years ago
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Two Horny BabysittersChapter 3

They drove towards Terri's house slowly. Ralph seemed torn between guilt and lust. He kept pulling her tighter against him, his hand on her tit while he drove. As they neared her part of town, the part of town where they both lived, Terri slid back across the seat. She felt damp between the legs and her skin still tingled with Ralph's hot kisses. She wished they could do it again real quick before she had to run up to her bedroom. When she grabbed the crotch of his pants, she knew Ralph...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The Acquisition of Apparel Accoutrements and Information

May 1826. London. It was decided, between Mimi and Amy, that the Greenaway family should spend at least a week in London before heading north to Grantham. I of course acquiesced to whatever the ladies proposed. Even after less than two years of married life I knew better than to go against the wishes of my wife – and those of my former mistress. Amy spent the week showing Mimi and the children the sights of London, including some of the more fashionable dressmakers, while I dealt with the...

4 years ago
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Naughty Schoolgirl 2

“Michelle, would you please come to my office, I need to discuss something with you.” It was probably about that test I skipped. Now let me stop here and note that our vice-principal is a stunningly hot 29 years brunette, about as tall as I am, but with bigger boobs and killer curves. I gotta say I have fooled around with few of my girlfriends and I often caught myself checking out her body. That being said, I followed and we entered her office. Her desk was just opposite the door and was one...

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RockmanChapter 17

"Hello Ged." "Hello Cassie." She had the wildest dream that when she opened the door he would hold his arms out to her and she would fall into them and from then everything would be all right, but of course it did not happen. He stood there with a neutral expression on his face and waited to be invited in. In fact he had seen the message in her face, but couldn't respond. She stood back and he entered, waiting for her to lead him to the living room, though he had been to the house...

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Jens Story

Jen was home getting dinner ready for her and her husband Jen?s Story Chapter I It seemed like a normal Friday afternoon in South Florida as Jen hustles around the kitchen preparing dinner. The phone rings and it is Jen?s husband, Danny. Since Danny is due home at any time, Jen is a little curious as she recognizes Danny?s number on the caller ID. ?Jen answers the phone and Danny says ?Jen, sorry but I am going to be a little late this evening, I have been caught up in a big meeting...

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good girl diary

My husband and I have a static caravan on the coast in Wales and because I have More days of holiday than him he often leaves me on my own there for up to a week, nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened before but this week was something else! and this is the diary of these extraordinary few days.Sunday.My husband drove off in the early evening leaving me own for a few days,its been a lovely day and a lovely evening, been watching some surfers catching waves then went to bed, only to find...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 527

The Prison Planet Jasmine, wanting to limit the number of times she would have to drop her pants in the cold that day, made another trip to the outhouse just before they left. After going over their mental lists of things they were taking with them, they checked their rifles yet again, added another box of ammunition to their packs, just in case, and started out. “Are you going to be okay walking that far in snowshoes?” Morales asked, worried about her already. “As you well know, my feet...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 18

Part 18As I walked out of her office, I found my way to the elevator and went down again. I left the building and thought about her gorgeous nylon feet that I’d just massaged. I smelled my fingers and crossed the road to my parked light pink ‘Royce’ outside the cafe. I was so freaking horny thinking about her pretty nylon toes. I saw a girl with her friend taking pictures of my car. I unlocked the car and was about to get in, but then I thought ‘I’ve got black tinted windows all over’, only the...

2 years ago
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Ekta wrong number

Raat 11.30 baje. Sobai barite ghumiye poreche. Kintu chitra’r kichute’e jeno aaj ghum aschilo na. Ektu age Amit k ekbar try korechilo, but or cell ta off pelo. Kichu’e bhalo lagchilo na chitra’r. Amit chitra’r boy friend. Kintu chitra feel korchilo Amit keno jani na but last few days dhore ok patta dichhilo na. Dekha kora to dure thak, thik moto phone’e o katha bolchilo na. Ei sob bhabte bhabte ektu ektu chitra’r ektu ektu chok ta lege elo. Hotat kore cell ta beje uthlo, o bhablo hoito amit...

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Cumming into her panties

When in my early teens I began to wonder a lot about the opposite sex, much like many other boys, I guess.I started looking into my mother's drawers, touching her panties and bras. Again and again.One day I decided to try her panties on, and also a bra. My mother was a rather big woman and the stuff did not fit too well.Still, I checked in the mirror and I liked what I saw. Even a bulge on the front of the panties. I was a little excited.But it wasn't until I figured out I'd check for my mum's...

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My ability 2

When I wake up, I thought to myself, “Tonight, it’s my turn to fuck somebody”. As I was thinking this, a person popped into my mind. This person, a girl, is one of my closest friends and one of the few people I told about what I can do and she has always has been intrigued about messing around. I called her up, told her what I wanted to do, she said, “yea sure”. My question for her was, how did she want to do this. She said, “Surprise me”. As she said that, I got really horny. When she...

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MrPOV Alexia Anders Daddy Dickdown

It starts with a “magic wand”…and a handful of orgasms. Once she’s cummed a few times, Alexia Anders is going to turn her attention to you. She’ll crawl over and look directly into your eyes as she starts by wrapping her tiny, Asian hands around your throbbing member. But that’s just to start. Doesn’t take long for Alexia to pop it into her eager mouth. Alexia’s quite a cock sucker, isn’t she? Don’t you love how she smacks your dick...

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Playtime Chap III The New Toy

Kelly woke up horny on Sunday morning, wearing her night attire -- skimpy white panties and a sheer teddy tied in the front. Her fingers idled below her waist as she contemplated a fantasy. The work-party she’d hosted last month had gone well. She laughed at the joke she’d sprung on her friend Mary, talking the guys into setting up that quiet prig James. They’d pushed the two into a closet and held the door for a minute, fully expecting James to take advantage of the situation in the...

2 years ago
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Sex With Sudha Aunty

Hi, friends. My name is Rohan. I am 26 years old. This is my first story which is going to make you wet. Six years ago. During the second year of my college, I got in touch with a boy named Sachin who belonged to the same school where I studied from. He just completed his 12th and asked me to suggest him some good colleges to join. After thorough research, he joined a good college. We remained in touch. Then one day, he sent me some pictures of his vacation. He told me that he went to Kullu...

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Somewhat Silent Library Escapades

I glanced nervously over my shoulder. The silence of the library was eerie under these circumstances. I was failing my history course this semester and rumors were often whispered about my lecturer, Paul Jones. I paced the history corner where I had been told to meet him and anxiously flattened my inappropriately short skirt. I was willing to sleep with him for the seven I wanted but I was under the impression that it would be private, in his office or apartment. I put my hands against the...

Group Sex
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My Hot English Teacher

Hey guys this is my first story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Manish, 21 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 8 inch and a bi sexual. This story is about fucking my English teacher during my coll days. Her name is kavitha, fair complexion, 5 foot 5 inch, around 30 yrs of age, divorcee and perfect aunty with big ass and big tits.She taught us English during my first yr of my engineering. She used to be jovial in class and free to talk with any boys. Our class had only 3...

1 year ago
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Virgin for cock and her graduation into cum slut

She and I agreed to go to the movie theater. When I met her, I liked her right away and we had a lot in common. Based on her reactions and the way she looked at me, she seemed to liked me too. After the movie, I just asked her to go to a scenic spot along the river. She was unaware that it was a popular make-out spot, where all the kissing, fingering, sucking, and fucking was going on. There were just rows of cars with steamed up windows and teens getting busy inside them. While driving, I...

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