Klassenzimmer indian porn

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Lehrk rper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

4 years ago
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The Drugs DO Work

Endlich war der Tag gekommen, an dem Tom und seine beiden Freunde Michael und Peter ihren lange vorbereiteten Plan in die Tat umsetzen wollten. Seit Wochen schon hatten sich die drei Zehntklässler auf den Moment vorbereitet, in dem sie sich den Wunsch, den sie seit Beginn des Schuljahres gehegt hatten endlich erfüllen wollten: Die neue Referendarin flachzulegen. Heute hatte Michael den Schlüssel zum Erfolg ihres Planes mit in die Schule gebracht: Einen kleinen Flakon einer bekannten Eau de...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 8

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Stefanie betrat zum ersten Mal ihr neues Klassenzimmer zum ersten Mal dürfte sie Probeunterricht halten. Sie unterrichtete die 12 Klasse des Kohl Gymnasiums und war schon tierisch aufgeregt. Einige der Schüler starrten sie bereits an aber das war sie gewohnt mit ihren D Körbchen war es schwer nicht angestarrt zu werden. Dabei hatte sie sich extra etwas dezentes herausgesucht. Sie trug eine schwarze Strumpfhose die eng an ihren schlanken beinen lag, dazu einen schwarzen Rock der entgegen ihrer...

2 years ago
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Ein Malfoy auf der Jagd nach M dchen Harry Potter fanfiction

Alle Charakter dieser Geschichte sind über 18 auch dann wenn es die Buchverlage anders vorschreibt! Draco Malfoy saß in seinem gemeinschaftsraum in den Kerkern auf dem Sofa und war verzweifelt. Seine Noten in allen Fächern waren in einem guten Bereich ohne dass er wirklich viel dafür Lernen musste. Es schien ihm einfach alles von der Hand zu gehen. Allerdings führte das zu einer enormen Langeweile. Und er konnte seinem liebsten Zeitvertreib (Harry zur Weißglut zu bringen) nicht mehr so oft nach...

4 years ago
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Das japanische Schulm dchen

Kumi Akimoto, ein typisches japanisches Schulmädchen, ist ein wahrer Quell der Freude für ihren Biologielehrer Mr. Fujimura, und das nicht nur wegen ihrer außergewöhnlich guten schulischen Leistungen. Kurz vor ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag ist Kumi plötzlich aufgeblüht und hat sich von einem zierlichen Kind zu einem propperen Teenager entwickelt, mit Reizen, die man wahrlich nicht alle Tage sieht. Ihr langes schwarzes Haar hängt wie Seide auf ihren schmalen Schultern, und in ihren großen,...

4 years ago
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Sex in der Schule

Es war im Sommer vor einigen Jahren. Ich war damals 17 Jahre alt und saß gerade in der Schule. An diesem Tag hatten wir in der letzten Unterrichtstunde, Deutsch, eine Vertretung, da unser eigentlicher Lehrer krank geworden war. Ich saß wie immer gelangweilt in der zweiten Reihe, als unsere Aushilfe ins Klassenzimmer eintrat. Als ich sie sah, dachte ich, ich sehe nicht richtig, was man uns da für ein steiles Teil geschickt hatte! Es war Frau Müller, eine 43jährige Geschichts- und...

4 years ago
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Die Lehrerin

Ninas Wunsch war es schon immer gewesen, Lehrerin zu werden. Da sie auch etwas „bewegen" wollte, hatte sie sich entschieden, in Richtung Hauptschule/Realschule zu gehen. Ihr Studium hatte sie recht schnell beendet, und auch im Referendariat war sie gut zurande gekommen. So trat Nina nun schon mit 25 Jahren ihre erste Stelle an. Die Werner-Hauptmann-Hauptschule hatte keinen guten Ruf, aber Ninas Ziel war es, aus den Schülern was zu machen. Mit der entsprechenden Strenge und ein bißchen Zureden...

3 years ago
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school of sex

School of Sex Das Hirschfeld-Gymnasium wirkt auf den ersten Blick wie eine ganz gewöhnliche Schule: Schüler strömen durch triste Flure in große Klassenräume mit mehr oder weniger ordentlich aufgereiten Tischen, wo Lehrer sich bemühen, den Jugendlichen Mathe, Englisch und andere Fächer nahezubringen. Auf den zweiten Blick offenbaren sich jedoch interessante Details. Spermaflecken unter so manchem Tisch, Vibratoren zwischen den Fundsachen und lustvolles Stöhnen hinter so mancher Tür lassen...

2 years ago
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Zelten 01Ich war mit Julia und Johanna zum Zelten gefahren. Dass Beide zugesagt hatten, hatte mich sehr gefreut, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass wir noch einmal die Gelegenheit bekämen. Eigentlich verwunderte es mich sogar sehr, denn wir hatten nie viel miteinander zu tun gehabt. Wir besuchten dieselbe Schule ja, ich machte dieses Jahr Abitur, die beiden Mädchen waren eine Stufe unter mir. Ich hatte es eher als Scherz gemeint, als ich die Beiden nach ihren Plänen für Pfingsten fragte, und dann...

2 years ago
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Belege das Wahlpflichtfach Sexualkunde

Gerade stelle ich mir ein Klassenzimmer vor. Eines mit alter Tafel, harten Schulbänken, einer Pausenklingel und einem Lehrerpult. Ich habe meine Haare streng nach hinten gebunden, eine Brille auf und bin geschminkt. Ich hab ein viel zu enges Kostüm an. Meine Brüste fallen fast raus und mein Ausschnitt besteht aus zwei Fleischballen und einer langen Ritze die vom Schweiß glänzt. Der Rock geht mir über den Po, ist eng und zeigt ganz klar meine Rundungen.Am Kartenhalter eine Karte die, die...

3 years ago
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Ich Bin Ich

Title: Ich Bin Ich Authors Name: Katrin Elisabeth Text File Name: ichbinich.txt Male Name: Daniel Changed Name: Daniela Other Names: Tina Synopsis: Daniel wird von seiner juengeren Schwester dazu ermutigt, einen ihr nicht passenden Rock mal anzuprobieren. Aufgrund seiner eigenen Neigungen und mit Hilfe seiner Schwester entwickelt er den Mut, als Bub Maedchenbekleidung zu tragen. Wird er jedoch von Fremden als Maedchen wahrgenommen, so ist ihm dies auch...

4 years ago
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Ich Will Aber Nicht

Titel: Ich will aber nicht Autor: 'Hansi' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Ich will aber...

2 years ago
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Andy 2

Svenja und ich hatten in dem Gartenh?uschen kaum zusammen Platz. Ich dachte, sie w?rde mir helfen, aber sie meinte nur, "Du musst das morgen selbst k?nnen." Das Umziehen ging noch ziemlich problemlos. Das Haarnetz zu entfernen war schon schwieriger, mit den vielen kleinen Klammern daran. Ob ich das morgen alleine wieder hin bekommen w?rde? Das Makeup verunsicherte mich, ich sah in dem kleinen Handspiegel nicht genau, ob wirklich alles weg war. Au?erdem hinterlie? das Tuch aus der kleinen Au...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 3

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein Teil VI

Ein M?dchen zu sein V Inhalt Was bisher geschah Die Geschichte Die Pr?fungen Personae Dramatis Sonja Viki Anna Maria Tatjana Carolin Heike Chris Frau Margarete Schneider Frau Dr. Piefenschlick Herr Wieland Was bisher geschah Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert ...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 30

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 38

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

3 years ago
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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

3 years ago
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Ich liebe das Risiko

Hintergrund Ich liebe Sex. Immer, seit ich vor acht jahren meine Unschuld verloren habe. Ich bin jetzt 24, langes Haar, habe ziemlich große Brüste, eine ganz gute Figur und ein hübsches Gesicht. Die meisten Leute finden mich sehr attraktiv. `Natürlich kann man nicht allen gefallen. Trotzdem mag ich meine Figur. Ich bin kein Stock, aber ich bin nicht dick. Ich trainiere, habe Muskeln, aber auch schöne Kurven. Und ich bin das, was du wahrscheinlich eine Schlampe nennen würdest. Ich bin einfach....

Group Sex
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Ein ohrenbetörender Knall durchbrach die Stille des Chemielabors. Reflexartig zog ich meinen Kopf zurück. Meine nerdige Brille fiel in das große Becherglas, aus dem eine dichte Rauchsäule aufstieg. Beissender Qualm legte sich auf meine Atemwege, sodass ich heftig husten musste. Erschrocken zuckte Maria Stichner, meine Chemielehrerin zusammen, bevor sie zum Fenster eilte und es weit aufriss. Zum wiederholten Male schien mir ein Experiment missglückt zu sein. Zu dem pfeifenden Tinitus gesellte...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Held f r eine andere Welt

Ich drehte das Licht aus und verschloss die Tür des Klassenzimmers. Gähnend kratzte ich mich am Hintern.Wieder ein anstrengender Tag vorbei am Eberhard-Staubfang .. Äh, Straubing-Gymnasium in G.. Ich war rechtschaffen Müde nach einem ausgefüllten Arbeitstag. Erst war die Sprechanlage ausgefallen, dann gab's Schwierigkeiten mit den Jungenwaschräumen weil ein paar der jugentlichen Penner einen Eimer mit irgendwelchem Klebstoff in den Ausguss einiger Waschbecken geschüttet hatten was die ganze...

2 years ago
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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

2 years ago
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Jochen drückte den Kopf der 18-jährigen Zoe noch einmal fest gegen seinen Schwanz und kam dann im Mund der geilen Blondine. Nachdem sich die beiden voneinander verabschiedet hatten, stieg Zoe aus dem Auto aus und ging Richtung Schulgebäude. Jochen fuhr zur Arbeit. „Sie sind zu spät!“ Frau Meinert schaute Zoe mit strengem Blick an. „Tut mit Leid.“ antwortete die Schülerin locker. „Aber ich hab meinem Vater eben im Auto noch einen geblasen.“ Zoe wischte sich etwas Sperma aus dem Mindwinkel und...

3 years ago
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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you're looking for sex, it's not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big 'Thank You' to Estragon for making it a much better read. I'm what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I'm 5' 10", weigh 160 lbs. I'm not overly smart, but not dumb either. I've always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

4 years ago
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Denise s Brows Chapter 2

Denise's Brows Chapter 2. Out in My Hometown *This story is a continuation of my autobiographical story of feminization. I have changed (or omitted) a few details for privacy. I have also embellished parts of the story to make it more readable; but it is based on my actual experiences. All portions of the feminization are true....Please give me comments! *** My ex had traveled to see me, and carry out my "not-so-secret" desires to my hearts' content, which she has done! ...

2 years ago
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Lost and Found 2 Danielle s Weird World

Lost and Found 2: Danielle's Weird World By The Guyer Danielle, a beautiful blonde college student sits down heavily on the couch at her mom's house, Oddly enough she had been thinking that since that one fateful morning on the way to work her life had changed... Drastically, as she flips on the tube she grins. -When do I Get My Contract? or My shoe Deal? She relished the sound of the young boy on the commercial, -Hershey's Change is Bad, unchanged since -- The sound of...

3 years ago
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A Super Hero s Slut Ch 01

It took a second to register, but when it did he reacted quickly. Rolling down the partition he instructed the driver to pull over to the curb. As the limo pulled over he turned to the short, balding man sitting next to him. ‘I’ve found my female lead. See the redhead coming down the walk toward us? Find out everything about her that you can. She’s the one. I knew it as soon as I saw her that she is the one.’ ‘Why her?’ ‘Because as soon as I saw her a voice in my head said, ‘That one!’ You...

2 years ago
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AmnesiaChapter 2

It took several months, but John finally formalized his name, received a Social Security number, a driver's license and a bank card. He had piggybacked on Muriel's banking until he could establish his own. His date of birth was listed as August 12, 1965. He had chosen the date he awoke in the hospital as his birth date and decided he was, in fact, forty-two years old at that time. He had received sworn statements from Dr. Leacock from the hospital and Detective Polikoff that his claim was...

4 years ago
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Losing my wife in a bet true story

It has been a fantasy of mine to bet my wife. Lately I have been sending her to work in short dresses with no panties and telling her to subtly flash her pussy and ass to her coworkers to see of they would make a move on her. She came home the other night saying that earlier that day, josh had touched her pussy when she was on a short ladder. She asked me what I thought she should do and she was surprised when I told her I would bet him and she would be the prize. After I ate her pussy and...

2 years ago
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Ravi 8211 My Pet Boy

Hi, this is Jaya from Andhra. I am a house wife, having no kids. I and my husband lived in a small coastal city. He works as a supervisor in a construction company. He leaves in the morning and comes in the night. To be frank our sexual life became dull. Then we used to quarrel with each other. Sorry first let me introduce myself. I am 35 years old and have a measures of 34dd 30 36. I am black in color (but not ugly) and 5’2 height and 65kgs of weight. My assets can attract the people towards...

4 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 17

After Jason had spent a pleasant afternoon fucking Sarah, it was time to sort out what he had planned for the rest of the evening. It was still early and there were hours until his mother would arrive home - more than enough time to arrange matters. He had been mulling over the possibilities ever since he had seen his mother and aunt interacting together. Sarah’s hesitant and almost cringing reaction to everything was something that he really wanted to explore further. So, in the midst of...

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Introduction: Laura develops a relationship with her neighbour Mike I wrote this because Im sick of people copying stories from other sites. It brings no originality or creativity to XNXX which, I think is what writing these stories is all about. Anyway I hope you enjoy Laura slipped her long slender legs out of her bed and sat up wiping the sleep from her eyes. It was three weeks to her seventeenth birthday and already she couldnt wait. Since her birthday fell on the week before Christmas...

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Part 3

“Take the strain” I roared. And both girls moved back.“Pull”Tiffany had clearly realised the disadvantage she had. As soon as I shouted pull she raced back, completely taking the blond, who had not moved, by surprise. The tension on the bungee rope increased until the hook ripped clean through the blond’s nipple. The hole in Tiffany’s tit had increased in size, but her nipple was intact. She had won.The blond stood whimpering and holding her ruined nipple. “Oh God no” she cried. blood...

2 years ago
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new cuckold pt II

After my wife Kay finished with Jim in the car we went home making sure he didn't follow us at Kay's insistence. Once home we fucked and Kay came like crazy and told me I was much better than Jim. I was proud but also disappointed that she hadn't enjoyed Jim that much because I knew a repeat performance wouldn't be happening. We did talk about her having sex with other men but she wanted to be more selective; meaning, a better lover, a bigger cock, and more time. Two to three weeks passed and...

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Truth or Treat

(Two couples find the fun really starts after the party)Andrea Donovan was not too thrilled with her husband Seth at the moment. He had accepted the invitation to Jared Devlin’s Halloween party without even asking her. Part of the reason was probably because he knew that she didn’t like Jared all that much and that if he’d asked first she would have said no, or at least argued about it for a while. In fact, it seemed that they were doing a little too much arguing and too little lovemaking. Both...

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I Drink Every Drop You Give Me

We are at a party on a Saturday evening, at someone’s home. It’s a very large, old mansion built in the early 1920s with lots of winding hallways that lead to countless rooms. There’s a band and people dancing but also wandering all over the house and grounds. It’s a fancy party, black tie. You’re looking very dashing in your tuxedo, and I gently tease you by joking about how you look like James Bond. My long, dark brunette hair is loosely pinned up, and I’m in a bright blue silk gown. The...

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Movie Adventure

I arrived at the location and it was in a good neighborhood so I felt safe parking and heading inside. When I entered I found it just as it was described, racks of books and walls of DVD’s. I cruised around pretending to be looking at the books but really watching to see if anyone came in or out of the theater. Yep, three guys entered and one came out in about 10 minutes so I thought it could be a good plan to head inside. I purchased my ticket plus a one dollar required membership and...

3 years ago
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My Boss Wife

She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. With curves for days and an ass so sexy that it a recurrent feature in his dreams and fantasies. He wanted her. Deji wanted so bad to fuck his boss’ wife.On days he had to go to drop documents at his boss’ house, he gets extremely turned on whenever he caught a glimpse of his wife. It was torture seeing her in whatever she was wearing. In a nightwear, in shorts, tying a wrapper, whatever. While having a quick discussion with his boss on Monday...

1 year ago
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Todd s punishment and trip

Hi my name is Todd, I am 18 years old, and here is the story of how I got locked in a chastity cage by my step mother. It was a hot day, in the middle of summer vacation. My father had just left for a work seminar, he was going to be gone from Monday to Friday, which mean that I almost had the perfect opportunity to host a party. I just needed to get rid of my step mom. Me and my stepmom have a good relationship. We can talk about anything, from girls to sports. She was more of a friend to me,...

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A Whiskey and a Smoke Part II The Theater

Convincing Megan to stay for the weekend and longer, I have invited her to have dinner with me and then head off to the theater.  What she doesn't know is that she is to be my wonton sex slave, lover, and play thing for five days.  This is the first night of our lustful few days.  What is in store for her, only Jay will know as the days progress.I arrived at the restaurant early and grabbed a seat at the bar to have a few drinks and to calm my nerves. While watching the fish swim around the...

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The woman of the house

The woman of the house.I was sitting in the family room looking at xhamster on my laptop. I pulled down the waistband to my shorts and started stroking my dick. Just as the movie was getting good my daughter Nina came flying out of her room. I let my waistband go and slammed down the cover to the laptop.What's wrong dad? Nothing Nina, you startled me that's all. Why were you moving your hand so fast?I had an itch.An itch that bad? Yes Nina I was scratching it. You shouldn't scratch that hard,...

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I Should Have Taken the Train Chapter 8

By the time I pulled the car into the garage I was fighting to keep from crying. This had seemed like such a harmless fling when I submitted to Cory on the bus. No one there knew me. My husband would never find out. The things we did awakened in me a spirit, a set of fantasies I never even knew existed. Now it looks like my once happy marriage is dangling by a thread. There’s no way all those men can fuck me, not once but on a continuing basis, and it won’t get back to my husband. I’m fucked...

3 years ago
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How He Dominated My Wife With His Big Cock

For two years, I’d pestered my 49 year old wife about making love to another man while I watched. I was rejected every time as she wanted no part in doing something that she thought wasn’t right. She also thought at her age no man would even want her. I had been my wife’s only partner and after more than 20 years of marriage I wanted to see her so badly with another man. Our love life was still very good, but I needed more, or at least I thought I needed more. I was getting more dejected...

5 years ago
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Secret Sex Fight Society Ch 01

Forward: In the year 2099 the world has gone to total shit. The divide between rich and poor is so great that multi-billionaire families can literally buy their own armies but the poor can barely pay their rent. Technology has progressed to a point that even near-fatal injuries can be healed completely, but such resources are strictly regulated by a tyrannical and corrupt governments which reserves such luxuries for the upper classes. In the metropolis of Climax City (wherein this story mostly...

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Sex Party

[/https://mygirlsplay.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/c1.jpg]1992 or so. At the Comms company I used to work for, there was a large social group, and much disposable incomewhich was mostly exchanged for booze. There was a man called (We shall call him) Robert Cakewell, which is near enough, and he was married to Linda,she was a lot younger than he was. He looked like Robert Mitchum. He often had parties, and those in the knowwhispered about these parties, in corners. They would apparently start...

1 year ago
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Love Hub! Pornography is one of the most amazing things in the world because it helps us satisfy a constant, primal urge to stimulate our cocks and blast buckets of jizz all over the goddamn place. Sometimes, though, those HD lesbian movies just aren’t enough to make that old, crusty gym sock look appealing anymore. When that happens, it may be time to consider hiring an escort, like one of the broads you’d find on LoveHub.LoveHub.com was registered back in 2014, but the site took off in late...

Escort Sites
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the lady 2 doors down vol 2

For the past 8 months or so, I have been doing the lady two doors down in our apartment complex. Her husband is a trucker and gone most of the time. During our relationship she really has opened up to her sexuality and so have I to be honest. She says she has weird fantasies that she is embarrassed to tell me. I told her that so far I have been open to all of her desires, well minus the dildo up my ass part. For the most part I enjoy her fantasies and her newly found sexiness. One of the...

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Dance With a DevilChapter 2

I woke slowly, my nose filled with a wonderful scent, a scent I knew by heart. Leanne had always used one brand of shampoo, one with a special scent that I could pick out anywhere. As I woke further, I became aware of her breasts pressed to my chest, her face nuzzled into my neck. I could even tell, likely through our twin link and my mind-reading, that she was only just asleep. There were confused thoughts running around, like the last vestiges of a dream. As though to ruin the moment, I...

2 years ago
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Why Do the He Then Rage

Why Do the He Then Rage? by commentator He had just come back from Vegas and was wandering the shore of his small beachfront home when out of the corner of his eye he saw it. A flash of light on a piece of glass. He strolled over to where he saw the flash and saw a bottle nearly buried in the sand. "Damn tourists and their littering , " he grumbled and dug the bottle out. It was old and still had a cork in it. He yanked on the cork and fell to the ground as a beautiful...

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First time with a buddy

I am predominantly straight, but had a few encounters with guys when I was in my teens. Lately, I have been running every little now and then into guys who are showing quite an interest in playing. But that's gonna be for another time (or three!).First time I played with a guy was when I ran into a buddy of mine on the street, during Summer break. I had just turned f******n, and he was a good sixteen himself. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks, since scouts camp where he was my...

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BFFs Ashlynn Taylor Galactic Delight

Alien babes from another planet have come to earth on a mission! They need to extract a specimen from a human male to possibly save the fate of their planet. Unfortunately they had forgot their extractor, but one of the smarter alien babes did research on human mating rituals, and getting that specimen might be easier than they thought. All they had to do was lay down this earthling and place his long flesh stick into their vaginal receptacles and oral cavities. The sample was obtained quite...

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Getting My Pool Cleaned My Shaft Noticed

Getting My Pool Cleaned & My Shaft NoticedBy BigsofteeI have always been an exhibitionist but it’s only since I became a “senior citizen” that I began to take it a little further. I guess getting some reassurance from a lady that she has seen a flash of my junk can be somewhat rewarding to an old fart like me. While I do use Viagra and other performance pills my PSA tests show I am in good health and don’t’ need them. I just use them to stay harder longer. But lately my psychological being...

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I fucked a million dollar princess

DISCLAIMER! ALL OF THIS STORY IS FANTASY! !WARNING! This will get really graphicI fucked the millionaire heiress Stephanie Mcmahon! If you don't know who Stephanie Mcmahon is, I'd strongly suggest you look her up. She's a sexy fucking milf! She's 5'9 and has a 34D cup breast! Her legs are so long and sexy, and her tits are always an instant hard-on. I had a backstage pass for a WWE wrestling event, and stephanie mcmahon was one of the people who was on the list of people my group got...

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A Well Lived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 40 Firsts Part I

January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning at school, Tracey Jones pulled me aside and told me she had a question she needed to ask me. She and I were on different lunches, so I asked if I could call her, but she wanted to talk face-to-face. I suggested that I’d drop by her house after I saw Doctor Mercer that evening if she wanted, and she was fine with that. When I walked into Miss Barkhurst’s class, where I was the teaching assistant, I sighed. Dona Bingham was in this class. She...

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The first time Luther ever laid eyes on Sadie, the only way to describe his reaction to her is to say that he had an incredible, almost scary, feeling of awe. He also knew he could fall in love with her. It was a warm, muggy day in early May, and he was hiking at a community park near the campus of the university he attended in Florida. It was a large park, some of it open, some of it wooded, with picnic tables, tennis courts, a playground, and clean restrooms. There was a large lake with a...

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Whatever It CostsChapter 6

By Friday morning the showering was easier but I missed my practice. I would be totally out of shape once I could start practicing again. That could not be helped. At school it was clear that something was out by the curious looks I was getting. I thought that was a small wonder that it had not leaked out before. But all those rumors were interrupted by a bigger announcement during the second class. Since it was raining slightly outside all the students were asked to come to the gym. There in...

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SamChapter 9

Triot was screaming at the techs as more and more systems went offline. “Get the redundant systems up! If she gets loose we are all dead!” Several men were running around trying to bring dead systems back up. “We’ve the entire system that holds it isolated, containment is holding steady.” Several techs told Triot. “Make sure, we need as much power as we can get. It is far more cunning than you think. I want all destruct protocols in place if it starts to escape I want it dead!” Triot was...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 31 Ride to river side

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 30 you read Uday showed up after half an hour and she did not talk to him at all throughout our return journey. She was...

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Interview With the BimboChapter 20 Bimbo on the Run

"Wait, there's more?" asked Annabelle. "Just a little," Replied Lulu, "There's still two and a half years to cover before we arrive at today." "What more could happen to you? You were finally out of Chrystal Heights." "Haven't you ever heard the phrase: you can take the girl out of Chrystal Heights, but you cannot take Chrystal Heights out of the girl?" smiled Lulu, "Surviving in the real world was a far from simple task." "How so?" "For a start, there was the fact that...

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washing my sisters back

When I was 16, my sister had just gone into the Air force. A few years older than me we had allways got on. I remember her first visit back home after 3 months.Phisicly she had changed she was more toned, and was looking Hot. she wore a short summer dress when we picked her up at the station. It was a hot summers day & our parents drove us back to our house before they were heading off to a evening dinner with friends. Leaving my sister & I at home, we were chatting away catching up on...

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My Friend s Place

When they announced that aliens were incoming and that Average Joes was a glimpse of the future, women’s fashions had changed quickly. See through clothing showed up everywhere. Body paint became common. Someone, somewhere, had decreed that the minimum was a thong and that for sanitary reasons. Almost anything might show up at a bar on Saturday night. It gave 78 year old guys like me a feast of eye candy. Along with the clothing revolution the dropping the age of consent to fourteen had...

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The OutsiderChapter 6 An Evening in Santa Cruz

The next morning Ruthie's alarm went off at 4:30 am. She put on her usual shorts and t-shirt. She normally wore athletic shoes with her shorts, but her shoulder hurt so much that she did not want to bother with tying the laces. She settled for a pair of slip-on sandals and made her way through the darkness to the Student Center. At first she felt somewhat better than she had felt the night before, but after she had been at work for an hour her depression returned. She turned off the news,...

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No Witnesses

Copyright© by author (TALAMYCUS) 2005 "Maybe I should get my Chief in on this, ma'am. I'm not even sure I know the protocol for something like this." That was a lie, of course. He just didn't feel like he should have his relaxing Sunday evening turned upside-down so heinously and not have the opportunity to share the experience with his boss. Detective George Renner would look back on this day as being one of the most astounding and frustrating in his life. At forty-one, he was a...

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Pretty Hood Bitch

The Negro sat up and pulled the fellatrix off his dick by grabbing a bunch of the platinum, neon green, & jet black box braids. He stretched his arm placing a hand around the knob gobbler’s neck. “I can’t fuckin’ take it,” he groaned.“Oh, baby,” purred the doe-eyed, mahogany brown vixen. “Let me suck it!”“I can’t fuckin’ take it,” he reiterated still gripping.“Bae, stop choking me,” whined the eager pleasure artist. “You play too much!”“It feel too good!”“Come on, Daddy. It’s already 5:00...

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Motel Spiking

Introduction:Sexy buisness women always stops at the same motel each month. the service is so good, but unknown to her its far more intimate than she ever would expectLiz pulled into the parking lot of the Angel Motel as she had on many occasions. Her job in the last year had been taking her further and further a field, bringing with it the difficulties of travel. She had tried different transport options in that time and now she regularly made the eight hundred mile journey back home by car;...

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My Doctors Exam

Many years ago, I was experiencing a burning sensation when I urinated. It would come and go. Sometimes it wasn't that bad and other times it was really irritating. because I am self employed and work a lot, I put my little issue to the back of my priorities list and hoped it would just get better. It didn't! Finally, I decided that I needed to see a doctor. The problem was that because I hadn't been to a doctor in years, I didn't know who to go to so iasked my wife who she saw. She...

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Kaama Very Pidithu Pichaikaariyai Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Subaramani, naan oru paditha kaama very piditha mirugam. Naan oru gramathil vasithu varugiren niraiya puthagangal padipen aanal ippozhuthu thinamum saarayam kudipen. Ennal ithil irunthu meelave mudiyavillai naan saarayam kudithu kudithu enathu muulai mayangi vitathu. Aathal eppozhuthu ellam saarayam kudikireeno appozhuthu ellam suya ninaivai izhanthu viduven. Athanaal naan enna seigiren endru ennake theriyaathu appadi oru naal picahikaariyai ootha neyabagathai indru...

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What Gordon Fleecely Wears to Work part 1 of 2

What Gordon Fleecely Wears to Work - part 1 of 2 A story by PRIM Part 1 - One male is no match for all those office females "Letts, have you seen Fleecely this morning? Have you had a look at his suit?" Bet Carlyle sat on the end of her friend's desk, a hot pink mug of coffee in one hand and a healthy breakfast bar in the other. Her dark hair was cropped at the back but quiffed to almost cover one eye, and this morning she had gold earrings with a small, high heel charm dangling...

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Day of DestructionChapter 7

We drove into town slowly and carefully. The roads were deserted. We saw no one or even any sign of anyone. We went to the local shopping center with our current needs list. Doris told me on the way in to take everybody with me as she needed to go to the drug store and fill prescriptions and pick up some simple medical supplies. We pulled up at the local grocery store and went over our lists. The girls were after fresh fruits and vegetables. Charlie was after canned goods and bread. My...

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Gary By Morpheus The bedroom was fairly small, with walls that were covered by posters of wrestling stars and rock groups. A small pile of clothes filled one of the corners, fitting in the with the rest of the slightly messy room. It was the perfect room for a 10 year old boy, specifically the boy that was lying in bed. Gary groaned and rolled over, slowly reaching for the remote control by his bedside. But after flipping through the channels, he saw that there was nothing...

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Period Synopsis Walk a mile in my shoes has a whole different meaning when it's a Tampon.... Players Our Protagonist Rick, Jennifer - Rick's sister, Rose - Rick's mom, Susan - Rick's Antagonist. Story "Hey Mom, it's started," Jennifer yelled from the upstairs bathroom after opening the door a few inches to call down. She had felt that odd flutter just below her stomach almost immediately and knew what it was instantly. "Right on schedule isn't it? You know, I thought...

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Chapter One. Gina was bored with the party, bored with her friends,and frankly, with her life. Her job was a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nonentities. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was beautiful by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her aching for...

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White slavery or is it Really part 5

Sam was just pulling Trina to her feet after the homeless men were done with her when a large city refuge truck with four men aboard rounded the corner, they had been on a late afternoon special pick up and when the driver saw the girls especially Trina, big, beautiful, and naked, he had immediately jammed on his brakes bringing the big truck to a screeching halt!. The men in the cab climbed down as the two on the back jumped off and all four were now standing in front of the truck...

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Sex Slave to My BrotherChapter 2

“What the fuck!” I jerked up at the sound of my brother’s voice. He was standing in the doorway of his bedroom staring at me. I was sure I was quite the sight. Here I was on his bed, tied up, half naked and panicking. I was thrashing wildly around as if I could hide from my brother, as if the rope and metal handcuffs biting into my skin would suddenly disappear and I could escape. “What the fuck, Jen?” Ben cried out again. Deep down, I had known it was inevitable that he would find me...

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It was a friday night in June and me and a few friends decided to go to the club to celebrate my 21st birthday. It had been at stressful week at work and I wanted to release some of this tension I had been carrying. It took me all day to pick out an outfit appropriate for the night. It was lesbian night at the club, so we decided it would be fun to wear something sexy. I showered straightened my hair and applied some makeup. I had decided on a tight black dress with an open criss cross back,...

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Mere bhabhi ki tite chut

Meri pehli bhabhi se me utna ghulmil nahi paya tha kyoki uski shadi ke 2 years baad wo bahar rehne chale gaye the. Lekin chote bhai ki biwi yani apni rekha bhabhi ke saath meri acchi patati thi. 7-8 years tak mai bhabhi ke bare me kabhi galat nahi sochata tha.bhabi ko do bachche ho gaye the.lekin 21-22 years ki umar me mai kabhi kabhi sexy books padh leta tha jisse mera bhi man kharab ho jata aur mai muth mar kar kaam chala leta tha.bhabhi kafi sunder hai aur uska figure 34-30-36 hai.woh kafi...

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Higher EducationPart 3

I was feeling a little remorseful as I left Abigail's office that afternoon. I'm not entirely sure why, or even what was bothering me. I was worried about my job for sure, but it was more than that. As I have said, I was a somewhat naïve guy, almost leading a sheltered life to that point. Incredibly, it might have been that I was feeling like I was using Abigail and not the other way around. However, I knew that wasn't rational. Abigail wanted what happened. Hell, she set it up....

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DominionChapter 30 Turning the Tide

They were all lined up, lying on their backs on a long table, a dozen beautiful girls in their late teens. Their wrists were tied to their spread ankles and they wore nothing but gags and blindfolds. They all had small vibrators inserted into their vaginas and taped to their nipples, with much larger vibrators rammed into their assholes. Some also had clothespins added to their labia or received a continuously changing electric current directly to their clitoris. The table and floor were...

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Too Much LoveChapter 52

Monroe wasn’t surprised to find that Dietrich hadn’t locked the door of his borrowed apartment nor was she surprised to find Cricket in his kitchen wearing only one of his work shirts as she looked through the cabinets. Dietrich’s senses of privacy and sexual restraint had always been underdeveloped. Before Cricket could notice her, she said. “I come in peace. I’m Dieter’s sister.” Cricket turned to look at her. “I remember. We met last night.” “I wasn’t sure if you’d remember. Some women...

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DaddysLilAngel Moka Mora Phone Sex

Busty Moka Mora gets caught skipping school by her stepdaughter Tony. She convinces him that it’s a mistake, but when he forgets his keys and returns inside he finds Moka confessing to her boyfriend that she lied. As he listens in, she flips up her miniskirt and starts rubbing her pussy beneath her panties as she has phone sex without knowing she’s being observed. Tony knows he needs to punish her. Whipping out his cock, Tony tells Moka to suck him off while staying on the phone....

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112 Dora s bill

112. Dora`s bill (a revamp) Let me introduce myself, the names Lenny, 6ft of unkept, red headed, slim, tired, unemployed, sex mad 30 year old , whose wife is the delectable Dora, a 5ft 10, 36D 24 37, a 25 year old blonde who has just returned to me after some days of intense adventure. It all started at the library, as I said a month ago, I was keeping a low profile from the good lady having squandered her holiday fund on a certainty that obviously with hindsight was not... and the...

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Peeping Tom Part 1

Introduction: The following story is true. Well some of it is true. Ok, the only part that is true is that I did have a paper route and I did maturbate a lot when I was 13. Everything else is purely from my dreams. Onlyl my second story attempt, and the first one that I think I can make into a series. If you have negative remarks, make them constructive please, dont just say that it sucks. Thats an opinion, not a criticism. Hope you enjoy it. I had an early morning paper route. It was a good...

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The Bondage Room

You?ve gone to the store to get us makings for a special dinner tonight You?ve gone to the store to get us makings for a special dinner tonight. We?re going to celebrate the opening of our very own sex room in the spare bedroom. I take a shower, shave, and make sure my body is soft and supple for You. I dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail, tight, so You have it to grab on to. You?ve told me to be ready for when you get home wearing nothing but my nipple clamps with the chain...

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Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm, and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 61 Field Trip

It was only two blocks to the hotel from where I had met Anna to give her all the gear the U.S. Treasury team had put on me. I only wanted a hat and jacket. On the way to the hotel, I found that Anna had picked my obnoxious shirt out perfectly. It was juvenile enough to be annoying without having sexual stuff that would get me in deep crap with the teachers coming on the trip. The bright neon green of the shirt did make most of the people who looked at me turn away. Others looked at the...

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EROS is clear of the traffic lanes, with clear horizons and no blips marring the radar screens. Captain Laura dismissed the extra lookouts for the time being. It’s been a hectic time for all, and confusing for nearly everyone. No one has really relaxed for days. For the first time in days, everything is now calm and peaceful. With one exception. High above it all, an intense meeting of fanatical geniuses is underway. Each member contributes her own genius in a different area. Each has her...

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Godless and FaithlessChapter 7

Axel woke suddenly, jolting up in the bed. The last thing he remembered was a great deal of pain after he sealed the Miasma away. Rayner must have carried him here. A woman sitting by his bed left calling for a man named John. When John came, he explained what happened while Axel was sleeping. “He did what?” “He left to fight the dragons, rescue the maiden and free our people of this scourge,” John explained for the third time. Axel sighed, it sounded like something Rayner would do....

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Feminizer disease takes my body over Chapter 20 and 21

Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay Chapter 20 I packed up my stuff and as I was getting off the elevator in the kitchen I saw Steve standing ready for me. I could see his bra was still on. Our eyes connected and Steve said, "Terri, would you mind if I wore my bra while I drive you home?" For some reason, I had no problem at all and expected him to have the pretty bra on yet. I told him I had no problem at all, that it...

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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 7

That afternoon... “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being called here by my nephew? In front of my daughter, no less,” Manfred Schultz asked with a rather wary tone of voice. He hadn’t seen me in literal years, of course. Daddy’s lawyer, that is. Daddy Troy. Simon, Sr. He would naturally be on edge. Why wouldn’t he be? Especially when he knew how rich and powerful I was now. He wasn’t sure what to expect of me. “Well, for starters, Simon Says to get me some legal paperwork to help me...

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My Mother and the Swing

My Mother and the Swing I woke up this morning cuddled in to my mother with my face stuck in her tits. Her babydoll is only fastened with a bow at the top and her tit had found it way out, hanging towards the bed. My mother had her arm around my head, cuddling me on to it and I began to suck her nipple. She must of liked me sucking it as her breathing became long and deep, I felt her other hand push down between us feeling for my cock. She turned on to her side to get a better feel of my cock...

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Sister Celeste Angel of Mercy Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 For the next visit, I arrived a little earlier, hoping to see the place with some daylight remaining, but of course, the sun also set a little earlier, so I caught the tail end of twilight. The place still looked gloomy and then my headlights fell on a gutted deer hanging from a crossbeam between two poles. I had neighbors that hunted when I was growing up and I had seen their dead deer, so it didn’t bother me. I got out of my car and stood next to it with my headlights shining on it....

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Taylor is a 20 year old, single, midwestern girl. Camden is a 22 year old, single, midwestern guy. Both growing up across the street from each other. Taylor is fairly short, with light brown and blonde highlighted hair. Just past shoulder length. Sun tanned skin, bright green eyes, with a curvy build. Her breasts are naturally round and the envy of many of her friends. Having developed large breasts early in her teens, she has been the envy of her friends for many years. Her waist emphasizes...

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Second Squad Third Platoon E CompanyChapter 9

Sgt. James Haggerty, please come in as speedily as possible. A new factor has shown up which requires your immediate attention. On our way, Voice. That sounded downright scary! What could have happened so suddenly that Voice needed us back at the home cave before we had finished our patrol? Talk about shaking up the troops! It was scary to have a sudden change like this! We moved as fast as we could, short of running, to get back to the cave as fast as we could go. Back at the cave, we did...

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An Ordinary Movie Date Pt 2

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Lucas grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him. “I have no idea what you are talking about hun.” Kristina gave a devilish grin licking her lips a bit. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Despite the fact that they just had the most amazing sex that Lucas had ever had, Kristina made everyone in the theater aware of it. “I’m pretty sure I saw my third grade teacher in there! Now she knows I just got my dick sucked while she was enjoying a night out...

5 years ago
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Paleo What

"Well, you remember that whole Paleozoic-diet from a while ago?" I asked, trying my best to stifle my rampant nerves. At the therapists nod I pressed on "do you know much about it?" "Assume I don't " she replied. "Ok, well I didn't either, not at first, wasn't even in high school yet. I saw an article online about it. They went into detail about the research behind it, the competing theories about what the data meant, the different issues with making generalities from small data...

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