Higher EducationPart 3 free porn video

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I was feeling a little remorseful as I left Abigail's office that afternoon. I'm not entirely sure why, or even what was bothering me. I was worried about my job for sure, but it was more than that. As I have said, I was a somewhat naïve guy, almost leading a sheltered life to that point. Incredibly, it might have been that I was feeling like I was using Abigail and not the other way around. However, I knew that wasn't rational. Abigail wanted what happened. Hell, she set it up. Still, when one is raised a certain way, it has an impact on how one looks at the world. I was raised to respect women so it was against my nature to treat them like I had Abigail. However, I have learned that one can play many roles in life. Little did I know at that time that I had the capacity to play them all.

As I headed back to my classroom, I passed Katie leaving the administrative offices. She looked at me but didn't smile. I couldn't read her face. Maybe she was angry at what I had done-pulling her into the office like that. Or maybe she was jealous. I said "hi" anyway. She mumbled something in response but I couldn't really hear her as she hurried off.

I was worried about Katie's reaction, so at the end of the day I went to her office. Her office was small like mine but much neater. She was just cleaning up her desk as I walked in.

"Hi," I said, standing nervously in the doorway. I was almost afraid to go into the room.

She looked up like she was expecting me. I saw her face turn red. She looked back down and continued to clean up her desk without responding.

"Katie, uh... about today... I... uh..." I had no idea what I was going to say.

Again, she didn't answer.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink or something?"

Katie paused and looked at me, her green eyes almost burning into me. Surprisingly she said, "All right."

"Listen," I said, still searching for something to say as we walked across campus, "I'm... uh... sorry about today."

"Let's wait until we get to the pub. I need a drink really bad."

It was early on Wednesday afternoon so the pub wasn't crowded yet. We found a booth in the back and ordered drinks without otherwise speaking. The silence was uncomfortable as we sat trying to avoid each other's eyes.

Finally, when the drinks came and we had consumed about half, Katie spoke. "I want... wanted to explain... why... you know why I was leaving Dean VanBuren's house Sunday morning."

I tried not to show my surprise. Amazingly, she wasn't angry about what I had done today but rather worried about being caught coming out of Abigail's house.

"Katie, you don't have to explain your actions to me." But I really wanted her to. It had to be a good story.

"I want to. Abigail... Dean VanBuren... has been good to me."

I had heard that before.

"I couldn't have ever gotten a job at such a prestigious college without her. I'm only twenty-six and I'm already teaching college. That's pretty good for a kid that wasn't anywhere near being a valedictorian." She took a sip of her drink and I saw her hand trembling.

I waited.

"She had a lot of great candidates to chose from, some with lots of experience, but she chose me."

I knew how she felt.

"Dean VanBuren is a little different though. I... I... had never been... you know... with a woman... before her."

She assumed that I knew that she had "been with" her. Her stay over could have been innocent. Yea, right! Remember, I said I was naïve.

"So you two are lovers?" I asked stupidly.

She looked startled and then blushed. "Uh... well... I guess, but I'm certainly not the only one."

"You mean female?"

"Female, male... it doesn't really matter to Abi... Dean VanBuren."

"I think we know her well enough to call her Abigail," I said with a smile.

"I guess so." For the first time Katie smiled. "I... I am not that... uh you know... experienced sexually."

I must have looked skeptical because she said, "I'm not. I was... am... a very shy person. When I was in high school and college, I didn't think that highly of myself. I was just a skinny redhead with braces."

I looked over at Katie and down at her rather large breasts and raided my eyebrows. "I find that hard to believe. You're beautiful."

Katie blushed and whispered, "Thank you. But it's the truth. I was really skinny. I gained about fifteen pounds after I graduated and I think most of it went to my boobs and butt," she said and looked down at her more than amble breasts, which sat high under her tight yellow sweater. The nipples began to harden under my stare.

"Those were the right places," I said and she blushed again.

We ordered another round.

"So, where were you coming from that morning?" she asked.

I was surprised by the question. I hadn't even thought about her curiosity about where I had been. However, I'm sure she already knew the answer.

"Maria... Abigail's housekeeper... and I... well, we got to know each other." I think I blushed.

"She's very pretty."

I was going to say "And, one hot Latino," but that would have been insensitive... I think. Instead I said, "She is a very nice woman." And then added for some unknown reason, "Unfortunately she has a boyfriend that was deported... lost his green card."

The new round of drinks came and Katie took a big drink. "So what was going on in Abigail's office?" she asked tentatively.

I knew that question was going to come up. I had decided not to be coy. "Abigail wanted me to tie her over the desk and fuck her ass," I answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

Katie gasped and her pretty green eyes opened wide. She took another drink and I could see that her hand begun to tremble again.

I leaned over and whispered, "Abigail is a very kinky lady."

Katie nodded without responding.

I pressed the conversation. "I've heard that she is pretty good at eating pussy as well."

Katie showed her shock at the statement. I'm sure she wondered how I knew. Then the expression on her face changed to one of recognition and she said, "Maria?"

"Um huh! But Maria doesn't do her." I saw a surprised look on her face. I figured I might as well ask the obvious question since I had gone this far and said, "Do you do her?" I asked. I saw an almost imperceptible nod. I smiled. "So we have something in common." I held my glass up for a toast.

Katie smiled and blushed again. Then she lifted her glass and tapped it to mine.

"Well, I guess we had better get going. I need to feed my dog." It was the first thing that either of us had said that didn't have to do with sex.

"You have a dog?" Katie asked.

"Yes, a black lab."

"I love dogs but they won't let me have one in my apartment complex."

"I'm in a private home over on Barton Street... allowing dogs was a requirement. Do you want to see him?"

Katie looked at her watch and then said, "Yes, I'd love to. It's on my way home anyway."

We left the bar with me carrying her heavy briefcase. "What's in here, rocks?" I joked as we crossed the campus.

"Sometimes it feels like it. I never know what I'll need for my classes."

My apartment was on the second floor of a large house. The entrance was in back, upstairs and there was a large screened in porch that overlooked a big back yard and woods. It was perfect for "Bo" and I. The owners were an older couple that I rarely saw. However, I tried to keep as quite as possible.

We walked up the steps and I opened the screened door. Bo practically knocked me down. "Down boy," I laughed.

Katie squealed and went down on one knee to greet Bo. He jumped up and knocked her onto her butt.

"Bo! Bo!" I laughed and pulled him off of her. "Bo loves everybody. Some watch dog huh?"

"He's gorgeous," Katie said as she continued to pet Bo. He licked her face. Smart dog.

"Here," I said and opened the screened door behind Katie. Bo bolted out and headed down the steps.

"Aren't you afraid he'll take off?"

"No, I have one of those invisible fences. It cost me a week's pay but it's worth it." I turned back to Katie and saw her staring at me.

"Oh, the briefcase," I said and handed her the case. When our hands touched, I felt a spark. It might have been static electricity because it had began to thunder and dark clouds were rolling in. We stood staring at each other as the lightening flashed in the sky. I took a chance and pulled Katie into my arms. She didn't resist and suddenly we were kissing.

Katie dropped the briefcase and her arms went around my back and her soft body pressed to my chest. We both moaned as our tongue began to duel. Suddenly, the skies opened up and the rain began to pour down as lightening flashed.

One of my hands slipped between us and I grasped her breast. Katie whimpered but didn't protest so I moved it under her sweater. She had on a bra so I pushed my fingers underneath and lifted, freeing one soft orb to my hand. I could almost see the soft white flesh and pretty pink nipple as I kneaded it. My penis responded and began to pulse almost painfully in my pants. I pressed it against Katie.

Suddenly, Katie pulled away. She was breathing heavy. "No... I can't."

I felt disappointed but said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she answered and surprised me by reaching down to grasp my hard penis through my pants. "I'm just not ready for that."

I didn't know if she meant that we didn't know each other well enough or she was a virgin. She couldn't be a virgin, so I figured she needed time. I moaned and thrust my hips at her squeezing hand. As I watched, she reached for my zipper and pulled it down. Another moan escaped my lips as she deftly pulled my hard penis from the confines of my pants.

"Nice," I heard her whisper as she began to move her hand up and down.

I looked out in the pouring rain and saw Bo running and jumping like the crazy dog that he was. I turned back to Katie and pulled her lips to mine again. She melted into my arms and her body trembled. Her hand continued to move on my shaft.

"Katie," I gasped as her strokes grew faster.

"It's okay," she whispered and squeezed her hand tighter and pumped her fist harder.

"Oh Jesus," I moaned. My legs began to tremble and I felt my balls tighten.

"Go ahead, that's it," Katie whispered as I neared my peak.

Just as bolt of lightening streaked across the sky, I bellowed and thrust my hips at Katie's pumping hand. "Ohhhh!!! I moaned and like some horny teenager, my penis began to shoot cum across the porch. It flew across the deck and hit the screen, splattering through to the outside.

From someone in the back of my brain I head Katie giggle. Her hand kept pumping me as the streaks of my cum matched the flashes of lightening in the sky. Finally, Katie squeezed the last drop from my wilting penis.

"I have to get going," she said as she let my penis drop from her hand.

I tried to hide my embarrassment and said, "Are you sure you can't stay. I can throw some steaks on the grill."

"No, I really have to go but I'll take a rain-check," she said with a smile and a glance at the still pouring sky's.

"Well, let me get you an umbrella."


I put my penis discreetly back in my pants as I opened the door and found a large umbrella. "Here," I said handing her the umbrella.

"Thanks, I'll give it back tomorrow."

"No hurry, I have others."

Katie went up on her toes and gave me a quick kiss and then quickly turned and hurried down the steps into the storm.

I called Bo inside and watched as Katie disappeared around the side of the house. "It's been one hell of a day boy," I said to my very wet dog. His only reaction was to shake himself, splattering water all over me. I laughed and said, "I guess I deserved that." Before I went into the house, I glanced over and saw the rain washing my sperm from the screen. I shook my head and went inside.

Chapter 2

I didn't see Katie or Abigail for the rest of the week. I did make a call to a friend who said he would check into Maria's boyfriend's green card. As I was packing up to leave the classroom, I saw that one of my students, Molly, was still sitting at her desk in the front of the room. Molly was a pretty girl with almost white blond hair and pale blue eyes. She was an average student who liked to wear loud clothes to get attention. Not to mention that she always sat in the front row wearing very short skirts.

"What's wrong Molly?"

"Mr. Adams, I'm lost."

I started to be sarcastic and ask if she needed a map but I said, "It's only the end of the second week."

"I know but I'm not good in this philosophy stuff. All these Greek names and such. I'm afraid I'm not going to pass and my Dad will kill me."

"I think you are overreacting Molly." I saw her cross her legs, showing me that she wasn't wearing nylons because I could see just the hint of her panties under her smooth thigh. I felt a little tingle.

"Maybe I am, but I don't want to get behind. Can you help me?" She batted her pretty eyes at me and turned a little to the side, revealing even more of her thighs. She saw my eyes.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I wasn't sure how to handle this. Was it appropriate for me to spend time with one student? I was reluctant to ask Abigail. She already warned me about fraternizing with students. "I don't know Molly. You should probably wait and see how things go."

"Pleaseeee!" she whined with a pretty pout on her face. "If you could just go to the library with me and show me how to do the research I would be very grateful."

I'm a sucker, but I figured the library was safe enough. "All right."

"Oh thank you. When can we do it?"

I figured I would make it hard on her. "How about tonight at eleven p.m.?"

I figured that since it was Friday night she would be partying and wouldn't want to do it. I was wrong.

"Great. There will be less people there to disturb us."

I didn't like the sound of that and I was about to say that I had changed my mind when suddenly my cell phone rang.

"See you at 11," Molly said as she rushed out of the room.

"But..." Before I could say anything more, she was gone. "Hello," I said in an irritated tone.

"Do you always answer your telephone like that?"

It was Abigail. "No. I'm sorry."

"Having a bad day?"

"No, not really. Just a student problem."

"That's not unusual," she laughed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner Saturday night?"

I didn't have any plans but I didn't have any money either since I hadn't gotten paid yet. "Uh... I... don't know," I said reluctantly.

She understood my hesitance and said, "Don't worry, it's on me."

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment. I suddenly had a vision of being a "kept" man. Still, it was a free meal from the boss. "All right. Where do you want to go?"

"There's a five star restaurant at a new hotel in town and I've been wanting to try it. I'll pick you up at seven?"

At least I wouldn't have to pay for a taxi to take us to the city. "Okay. See you then."

"See you."

It was almost eleven p.m. when I walked into the library. I didn't expect Molly to show up. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. When I looked around I spotted her sitting at a table in the back. She waved to me and I walked past the counter, saying hello to the two female students that were handling the desk chores.

"Hi Mr. Adams,"

"Hi Sondra," I said to one of the pretty co-eds. She was in my afternoon class.

"It's pretty late for you to be in the library isn't?"

"Yea, a special assignment," I laughed. "Not many people here on Friday night huh?"

"Only the losers," Sondra said, and then added quickly, "Excluding you Mr. Adams." A bright smile crossed her face.

I'm not sure I was an exception. "Yea, right!" I laughed and made my way over to the table where Molly was sitting. She had a bunch of books placed on the chairs and the table. The one empty chair was next to her. As I sat down I glanced at her and saw that she was wearing a tiny micro-mini skirt and a v-neck top. My eyes naturally traveled to the exposed cleavage. Molly had a substantial chest. I know it sounds like I'm a "boob" man, but I'm really not. Not that I mind large breasts but I have never really had a preference. However, it seemed like all of the girls I met at school (including one older woman) had substantial chests. It must have been something in the water.

"All right, where do you want to start?" I asked looking at the stacks of books.

"That's my problem; I don't know where to start," she said with a pretty pout.

"Well, I think you have almost every book in the library on philosophy. Let's pick out a couple first." I searched through the books and couldn't find any that I wanted. "Let's go and look for a couple." I went to the philosophy section with Molly following behind. I want one called "Philosopher's in Time," by Roger Joyce.

I was searching for the name when I saw Molly squat. I looked down and almost gasped. As she squatted, her leg's naturally opened. I could see that she wasn't wearing panties. It was obvious that she was a blond. Her pubic hair was almost white like the hair on her head. There was enough light that I could even see the inner lips of her vagina. When my eyes met hers I saw that she was watching me look between her legs. "Uh... uh... let's start with this one," I stuttered, quickly pulling a book from the shelf. It wasn't the one that I had been looking for but I wanted to get out of the deserted isle.

When I returned to the table, I could feel sweat beading on my brow. I sat down and opened the book. Molly leaned close, her breast grazing my arm. I nervously cleared my throat and began to go though some of the material.

Molly acted like she was listening but I think it was farce. As the evening wore on, I felt more and more pressure on my arm until her breast was practically flattened against my forearm. It was impossible for me to deny that she was coming on to me. However, just as I began to say something to discourage her, Molly boldly reached over and grabbed my thigh. I jumped, looked at her and then toward the counter. I saw that the two girls busy on their cell phones. "Molly," I said, trying to sound authoritative. Then, I reached down and grabbed her hand, taking it off my thigh. I felt my penis twitch.

"Sorry," she said with her eyes twinkling mischievously. She began to twirl a blond curl in her finger. Then, she acted like she was listening again. A few minutes later, out of the blue, Molly turned to me and pushed her arms together on the sides of her breasts, forcing a substantial amount of flesh above her top and said, "Do you think my breasts are too big?"

I naturally looked. "Molly..." I said like a reprimand.

She could see that I was flustered and she reached over and grasped my thigh again, this time, inches from my crotch.

I sat frozen in my chair as her hand began to move. For whatever reason, fear or excitement, I was paralyzed as her fingers slowly moved the several inches until suddenly she was grasping my hard penis. I sucked in my breath and my eyes opened wide.

"I believe you are thinking about something other than philosophy," Molly whispered and squeezed my pulsing penis. "However, I could be wrong." She moved her hand on the bulge in my pants as if to see if it was real. "Let me see it."

"Molly, this is nuts," I gasped as she reached for my zipper.

"No, these are nuts," she giggled as she cupped by squirming testicles through my pants. With a rapid movement of her fingers she pulled my zipper down. She had obviously done this before.

This is nuts! my mind screamed. Still I did nothing to stop her as she reached inside. "Oh God," I moaned.

"Mmmmm," Molly responded as her fingers circled my shaft. Then she abruptly pulled her hand out of my pants and said in a louder tone than necessary, "I think I saw the book we were looking for on a shelf in the back." With that the young girl grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair. My zipper was still down, as she led me through the tall rows of books again.

I followed like I had no control over my movements. In fact, at that moment, I didn't. I was thinking with my penis.

When we reached the end of a row Molly stopped and turned to me. Without missing a beat she knelt at my feet and reached for my open zipper again.

"Molly, this is crazy, there are two girls at the desk," I hissed with panic in my voice. I knew that there were other people in the library but I was more concerned with the girls at the front desk for some reason.

"Don't worry, they're friends," she whispered as her hand went inside my pants, then added, "They will keep a look out for me. I've done the same for them."

It was obvious that this was a conspiracy and that Molly had planned it all. I had fallen for it. I was such a sucker!

"Oh my," Molly gasped as she wrapped her hand around my penis again.

I moaned in spite of my fear.

"Very nice Mr. Adams," Molly smiled as she pulled my tool from my pants and held it inches from her face. She looked up at me with an almost innocent look.

I was too shocked to speak. I swallowed hard and looked back at the pretty, blue-eyed coed.

"I really need a passing grade in philosophy Mr. Adams." She pulled my penis downward and blew warm air on the pulsing head.

Suddenly I wanted to grab her head and force my penis down her throat. Instead I pushed my hips out at her. However, she pulled back.

"I'm only looking for a guaranteed "C."

Hell, it was only one student and she would have probably gotten a C anyway. I debated for about three seconds before I shook my head up and down. And, just like that I had compromised my principles. Obviously my principles hadn't been that strong in the first place.

Molly smiled brightly and opened her mouth to take me inside.

I moaned quietly as I watched the pretty teenager's lips wrap around the head of my penis. She began to suck. I reached for her soft hair and guided her mouth on my pulsing tool. She swirled her tongue on the head and jerked the shaft like an expert. I could hear her moaning deep in her throat.

After a few sucks, Molly pulled away and held my penis up. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick it like a lollipop. "Molly... lolli," I thought. I was sure that I would never forget her name now.

I watched the young girl lick and then suck me until I couldn't take anymore. The risky nature of the encounter was bringing me to a peak much sooner than normal. However, maybe I just wanted to get it over with. Either way, I could feel the sperm churning in my balls and I knew that my release was close. When my hips began to move faster, Molly pulled away.

She looked up at me and said, "Do you want to cum in my mouth or on my tits."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I had never had a girl ask me that before. In fact, I had never cum on a girl's breasts before.

When I didn't answer Molly said, "No matter, we can do both." With that she put her mouth back on me and reached down to pull her top up, freeing her breasts.

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Higher EducationChapter 2

The best ass I could spot was attached to a married lady. She was a student one year my senior. I noticed her ass in my English class. Many a time, I watched it flex as she walked after class. Her name was Melissa. I met Melissa a few times in the library. I had coffee with her once in the cafeteria. We studied together sometimes in her place. I complimented her a few times on her looks. She blushed. I invited her to dinner and she refused, saying she was married and could not do that. I...

3 years ago
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Higher EducationChapter 3

When her contractions stopped, I pulled my cock out of her ass with an audible plop. I hardly could remove it from her asshole before it started squirting strong jets of come all over her sticky pussy. I shoved my cock back into her ass, making her grunt. With my cock balls-deep in her ass, we both collapsed panting, covered with sweat. I was on top of her, still holding her tits. I felt my cock go limp within her rectum. "Squeeze my cock and feel it swell," I whispered in her...

3 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 2

The early morning sunlight coming into the room brought me gradually out of a sensual dream. I was getting a sweet blowjob. I forced my eyes open and saw that it wasn't a dream. Abigail was on her knees between my legs, sucking me. A sigh came to my lips and I reached down to caress her soft hair. She looked up and I saw her eyes smiling back at me. Her lips were too stuffed to smile. Slowly, her eyes closed and she continued to suck. She did love to "suck cock" as she said. I laid my...

2 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 4

It was barely light outside when I slipped my arm from around Abigail and crawled out of her bed. I dressed quietly, wrote a note to her and left it on the nightstand. I thanked Abigail for a delightful evening and said I would see her on Monday. As I left the house I decided to slip around to the back to see if Maria was up yet. She was an early riser so I thought I would take a chance. The truth was that I couldn't wait to tell her the good news about her boyfriend. I saw that there was a...

4 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 5

I entered my morning class a little late on Thursday and was surprised to see that Molly wasn't there. When she didn't show up by the time the class was over, I began to get a little concerned. She was normally very reliable and, so far, hadn't missed a class. It was nearly eleven thirty and I was still in my office when Molly walked in. I was relieved when I looked up and saw the pretty co-ed. "There you are Molly. I was a little worried about you." She looked a little frazzled as she...

2 years ago
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Lust Relief University Chapter 3

Breathing hard, I stared at Yoko’s ass for a moment. I could not quite believe what I was seeing. In this secret library corner, Yoko was supporting herself against the bookshelf and asking me to fuck her. The fact that she decided on that so quickly showed that she had been anticipating this when she was applying to this university. I took a step towards her and could feel how my hard cock was resting in the valley her fleshy buttocks formed. Yoko turned her head around and smiled. She could...

College Sex
4 years ago
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My Bestfriend sister

i was on my 2nd year high when this happened, i have a Bestfriend whom got a beautiful & sexy sister her name is Josie...Josie was 5 years older than us little did she know that i fantasize her everytime i masturbate cause of her plump body and everytime i went into my Bestfriend's house i would sometimes catch her unknowingly upskirted and enjoyed watching her watching being so....but one time happened a distant aunt of ours died,my mom & sister went into her wake that i was left...

2 years ago
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Surgeon Generals Warning Smokin In The Boys Room

Surgeon General's Warning: Smokin' In the Boys Room By Debi This is a work of fiction that deals with transgendered themes and explicit sexual content. Please, if you're not 18 years of age, or if you find this sort of thing offensive, then just don't read it. If you'd like to include this story on any TG fiction lists, you're free to do so with my blessing. Let me know what you think, please; constructive criticism is gratefully accepted. Enjoy the story! Love, ...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Mother part 1

“Its time I took you home,” Fleur said. “Time you met my mother.” I knew what that meant. I might only be nineteen, but even I knew what it meant. We were serious. Did I want to be? I was happy as we were, true I’d have liked to fuck Fleur, but she said she wasn’t ready yet. Sweet, and definitely dirty. She would suck my cock, and keep me from coming for what felt like hours. Her pussy was tight, and oh so sweet to the taste. Even her arse wasn’t out of bounds, at least to my fingers, or my...

3 years ago
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The Cum Factory ndash A Naughty Tale

Late yesterday afternoon I get a call from a friend who just happened to be an old boyfriend from six years ago. We go out every once in a while as friends, but he is in the friends bucket, or so I thought. Well, he happened to be in my neighborhood and wanted to know if he could swing by to say hi. I hadn’t seen him in a while so I told him to come on over. We sat on the couch chatting and enjoying a cocktail when I noticed he was staring at my chest. I shouldn’t have been surprised...

2 years ago
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CindyChapter 53

Playing music with the Hardesty bunch was fun for Cindy and me, but Jim'd given me the itch again. Cindy was amused when I dragged my old acoustic guitar out of storage and hauled it home with us, and she was even more amused when I started dragging it out from behind the sofa in the evening and started practicing, retraining old memory paths and muscles to make fingers go where they needed to produce music. "You're getting pretty good," she said. "A lot better than the first time I...

1 year ago
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Lovely Master 3

And after submission of 2 days I was back to my hostel . I was thinking of all that happened in last two days . I was thinking should i continue with it or not ? I was thinking day… [email protected]

4 years ago
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Cant Hold Back

It was one of those spring days when you just want to pack up a picnic basket, find a quiet spot, open a bottle of wine, settle down with a good book and enjoy the sun. Your body soaks up the glow and warmth of the sun. You move and change position, your hair falls in front of your eyes and you lift your hand to brush it aside. I watch you, knowing you’re unable to see me standing nearby. I want to reach out and brush the hair from your eyes and run my hand down your cheek. I cannot! No, you...

3 years ago
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First time with a pro

Hey guys and gals this is my story. When I was 18 I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. Anyway one day I was out with a friend of mine and he asked me if I was interested in getting a fantastic blowjob. As far as a blowjob was concerned I was a virgin. I was excited. I asked him where. He told me that he knows of a brothel near Grant road where they give fantastic blowjobs. Hearing this all sort of horror stories came to my mind. Grant road after all had a bad reputation because it was...

2 years ago
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In keeping with the rules here, I will tell you this true story, but you have to do your own math.I was a sophmore in high school, and was not a virgin thanks to the milf neighbor of mine. But that is another story. Anyway, I met LeeAnn at a dance at school, but she was 3 years younger and I wondered about her being there with all the older high schoolers. She was really cute, and really petite because of her age, but her eyes were so big and expressive. Somehow I knew she was hot to trot. She...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 53

Jerry Goldsmith was effusive in his praise – not only for Sahara and Derrick but for Renaldo. The last picture got even better when Jerry had a chance to look at Derrick's face. He was looking down at Sahara passionately but with an underscored sedateness, like he was mesmerized by her. Hell, he probably was, Jerry thought. The curves of Sahara's lush body, her bottom sticking out to increase the contact with Adam's hands caused her back to arch slightly, produced a silhouette that the...

4 years ago
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Rule of Woman CH 03

Chapter 3 Trades and Dollars Sada’s heels clicked loudly on the waxed floors of one of the FDD’s Central Leadership Halls. The clicks echoed past plane white walls under bright lights. At the Northern Amazonian Hall, everything concerning decorum sat hidden from the public eye behind heavy doors. Sada’s heels were just that. They didn’t lace up her legs and instead sat on her ankles. She wore a grey blazer, white blouse, stockings and a grey skirt. Many in the FDD would absolutely say she...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Ashley Fires Haley Reed What8217s This For

When naive teen stepdaughter Haley Reed sifts through her stepmother Ashley Fires’ bedside table she finds a knobby looking vibrator. She turns it on and innocently massages her underarms. Ashley walks in and explains it’s a personal massager. When Haley looks at her blankly, Ashley knows it’s time for ‘the talk.’ She explains it’s for self-relaxation and it’s normal. Ashley puts the vibrator on Haley’s developing breasts and it makes her tingle....

3 years ago
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The Awakening 12 16

Sitting at the computer naked after taking a shower I logged on the fetish site and saw that I had a message in the inbox…Opening it I saw it was from one of the women here on the site. She said she had read the blog I had written earlier telling of my awakening and my doggy cock sucking bitches..Saying she was very interested in talking with me online.. She wrote that she was older lived in the next city nearby, was a widow whose husband had passed away a few years ago and had left her...

2 years ago
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Leenas TransformationChapter 2

The very next day I was still horny from the previous night's fun and could not wait to continue with part two of my flashing, after all I had to flash six guys and had so far only managed two. Ray my master had never stipulated a time slot for any of my flashing, so I decided to flash some old age pensioners on the afternoon buses. Well that's not exactly true I was so horny I could not wait till the evening to go flashing and besides I thought the old folk deserved a treat as much as the...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 38 Albuquerque

Tuesday, June 15, 1971 If this was Tuesday, it must be Albuquerque. The sun was shining and it looked like another hot day, but at over 5,000 feet in elevation, it was nowhere near as muggy as Houston had been. The ATSF yard was bustling with activity all around us. I felt like we were on an island in the midst of a choppy sea as I scanned for any signs of danger. Everything was clear. The Dining Car was empty so I started the coffee brewing in the galley as I rummaged around for something...

1 year ago
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Fucked a really hot one

Hi to everyone. I am Rajshekar 22 now living in hyderabad. I have seen this site for the first time. I wanna share my experience with u people. This was my first experience. I did this with a girl beside my house whose name is swetha(wrong name) First let me say her figure. She has 36-28-36 (one perfect shape). I was in intermediate. I used to stay in boys hostel in my town. So, living in boys hostel makes me mad on girls. To say true we dont even think of any sister or mom of my friends and...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Daughter

I watched my father come out of his bedroom, the rain beating hard on the tin roof. He stopped and looked at me then turned to pour himself a cup of fresh coffee that I had put on just for him. I kept looking out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to watch a silly talk show. Yesterday I had been busy spending my first day of the summer vacation with him by doing what I loved most: running around in the thick woods. Today it was different. Today I had awoke from one of the wildest dreams I...

3 years ago
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Zero Chronicles ch 1

Being summoned is a pain in and of itself, but being summoned for something retarded drives me a little insane. I’d much prefer to stay at home and relax. Unfortunately my life isn’t that easy. Sure there are perks to my job, but then again it the entirety of it that pisses me off. Though there were a few who seemed to really interest me. One of them was called Dante Cross. Chapter one Dante Cross It was the middle of spring if I recall correctly. By that time all of the little...

3 years ago
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Femdom Domination By My College Seniors

Hi everyone, this is Divyaag (name changed ), and today I am writing about a story that happened with me last October. I am an engineering student from Pune. This story has happened with Priya (name changed), who is my college senior. I knew Priya through a college festival. We were working for the art team for the festival. But we knew each other only as teammates and never had a chance to move further to turn it into friendship. Neither I dared to get her WhatsApp number from the arts...

1 year ago
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Bathing With Horny Bhabhi

I am Bond, I reside in Kolkata, but since I am in the Army, I travel around the country on a regular basis. If you want to know how I look and what I am like, I would love to get in touch, but as for the story I like to keep it short and crisp. So, this is an account of how I fucked my horny bhabhi, elder cousin brother’s wife. Coming to the story, my cousin brother is a successful man, he works in the private sector and earns a lot for himself, recently he got married. It was an arranged...

1 year ago
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Locked in With a SuccubusChapter 2

"I'm a prostitute," Nicole said, absolutely straight-faced and without a hint of shame. "Men pay money to have sex with me." Her directness completely threw George off. "Well ... um..." "Does that bother you?" Nicole asked in a voice that sounded as if it had been dipped in honey. "No ... um ... I mean if you're ... um ... happy ... if it's what..." He held out his palms. "I'm not judging," he said. Oh dear. George knew he was making a hash of it and tried to...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 36 James Henry Ford Walker

The previous evening — that is, the Thursday — instead of visiting Fran's I had gone straight home from work to rendezvous with Wendy and Alicia. We had our stuff already packed (not that we needed much) and set off in high spirits for my weekend party at George's. Kylie wanted to join us but was under strict orders not to miss the following day's school; I consoled her with a nice fuck while Wendy and Alicia got ready. We reached George's at about nine o'clock. Elspeth had already...

3 years ago
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Sex with Daryl and his friend TBone

It was a late Saturday night, I was in our dorm room, The one I shared with Daryl. It was nothing unusual for Daryl to return to our room on a Saturday night intoxicated, but this night he had a young friend with him. I was alert as soon as the keys fumbled at the door, I watched to see how Daryl would enter. To my surprise Daryl stuck his head through the door and than motioned for some one behind him to enter. Another young black guy entered and stopped just inside the door, Daryl pushed...

3 years ago
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Strangers on Flight 2345

The waiting at Gate Three A was more than Zoe could deal with. What the fuck was taking so long? Not only was she tired, but the annoying baby screaming bloody murder behind her was beginning to give her a headache. She glanced at her watch and figured they would be calling seats at any time, she’d hoped. Just then an airline rep came on and made an announcement: “Good evening passengers of Flight Twenty Three Forty Five. We appreciate your patience this evening and will be boarding shortly....

4 years ago
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the Road to Vegas

We own a gift shop in Arizona with her parents. Last week things were hectic and there was a lot of customers and the store supplies were getting low. There was a gift show in Las Vegas this week and we all agreed we should get some fresh ideas for the shop. My wife had to stay and work the store and my mother in law asked me if I would go along and help pick out new items and carry things, as her husband had a bad back and he could not travel in the car for long distances. So I agreed and...

1 year ago
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Mrs WaxermanChapter 3

“Sir, you requested that I ask for clarification if I was unsure of anything you say,” Mrs. Waxerman began, sitting at the same dining table as her equally naked niece and three fully clothed nephews. Her fiancée, Doctor Hooker, pulled out a chair, sat and nodded in response. “Two of my nephews saw and touched my nude body for the first time just now and it caused a physical reaction. Are you suggesting that I should have asked to copulate with one or both of them to satisfy that arousal?...

1 year ago
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The Export part 2

THE EXPORT by Jacki Pett Part 2 of 3 MONDAY - DAY 17 112 lbs. Monday was not a good day for John. He was terribly bored. He'd read all the magazines, twice. He was tired of the dolls, such a degrading way to pass the time, now that he'd exhausted all the possible different ways to dress them. Margaret seemed to be really on his case. He couldn't seem to say anything right, she was constantly correcting him. When she wasn't telling him how to behave and how to talk,...

2 years ago
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Lea has lived with her dad all her life with no mother. Her mom walked out when Lea was three years old and her dad raised her. When she was five her dad began playing with her sexually. He started by kissing and licking her young pussy and then putting a finger in her. He taught her to kiss and lick his cock before she began to suck him. Being naked with her dad was just natural to her as he had used her for years. By the age of twelve they were having deep sex almost daily. He loved her tight...

3 years ago
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The Costume Party Part 2

The Costume Party Part 2 On our way to the party, the girls gave me some more things to wear. Some long fake pearls and some different stockings, the look was that of a 1920's flapper. I asked why and they said, as I now realized, that we were all dressed as flappers. The girls had changed their minds; as girls are want to do. I thought the whole tranny thing was the costume, but they said it wasn't, that was just for them. When we got to the party, we got drinks and sat down at a...

3 years ago
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What About Nick Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning with a nice wet, warm sensation on my cock.  I was lying on my back and as I opened my eyes, Michelle was down between my legs sucking my dick.  She was sucking me nice and slow, stroking the length of my cock while sliding her mouth up and down.  As she slid my dick out of her mouth, she stroked me with her hand.  My cock was growing hard in her hand and mouth.  Noticing my cock head growing thick and plump, she teased and licked it with her mouth and tongue.I slid one...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 6

We left the hotel following that for a restaurant which turned out to be the largest and most expensive one in Pak Chong. It was certainly more impressive than the places where we had eaten previously. The building was masonry with a wooden second story. There were many types of meat on display such as roast chicken and duck, there was red barbecued pork cooking over coals still. Just the smells were delicious. There was also the smell of freshly cooked rice and the other items being...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 54 I Wouldnt Have It Any Other Way

February 3, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Dave Kallas, Tara Brooks; Tara, Dave - once and future VP of Software Development at NIKA.” They shook hands and Tara and I sat down in chairs facing Dave’s desk at IIT. “Steve filled me in,” Tara said. “And me,” he replied. “I read your basic proposal. It’ll need to be fleshed out to turn it into an actual development proposal.” “Steve warned me about that and said you’d ask a bunch of questions today to get us closer.” “Then let’s get started,” he...

4 years ago
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Moonshadow Ninja Spy Part2

Moon lay on his back with his hands behind his head. He could still feel her lips on his and wish he haden't pulled away. What was he thinking? He was only just out of the monastry! At the age of 5 he had started training untill now, 10 years later. He groaned a 15 year old shoudln't have to put up with that. He rolled over and looked at her. He had to hand it to her, she was gorgeous. Big eyes with long eyelashes. Short black hair that came just to he shoulders. Her lips were medium sized,...

4 years ago
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First Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hey Indian sex stories. This is Kashwick (name changed). M a huge fan of Indian sex stories and usually read stories on ISS when I was 18 years old. This is the story of my first encounter with my girlfriend. Her name is Swati(name changed). She is like a sex goddess. Very active in sexual chats and fucking sessions. Her figure was real charm (36-28-32).. By god her melons where the best. When I hug her I usually poke her pussy with my dick. :d :p and she says control your feeling my boy you...

3 years ago
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Smalltits was correct that I could expect more visits. Barely 40 minutes after she'd disappeared, the second 'ghost' of the night was entering my tent. I'd had a long day and was drowsy, almost asleep, when hands parted the flaps of my tent. By feel, I knew immediately that the Ghost of Christmas Present was Bigtits. She had a bit more 'junk in her trunk' than I'd found attractive in daylight but in the darkness of the tent she had all the sweetness of a nice, plump peach. Sinking my fingers...

3 years ago
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Blonde Beach Beauty

She was a tall, blonde with a nice body and now, a nice tan to go with her blonde hair. I, the bros, and their girlfriends went out for the day to the beach. I had always loved the beach. Hot, but easily to cool down at. In the shade with a nice beer watching the horizon of endless water. But then she walked by. I couldn’t stop starring at her as she walks with her friend where the water met the sand. My buddy shoved me and said "Mike? Mike are you listening"? I snapped back to my...

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