Higher EducationPart 4 free porn video

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It was barely light outside when I slipped my arm from around Abigail and crawled out of her bed. I dressed quietly, wrote a note to her and left it on the nightstand. I thanked Abigail for a delightful evening and said I would see her on Monday. As I left the house I decided to slip around to the back to see if Maria was up yet. She was an early riser so I thought I would take a chance. The truth was that I couldn't wait to tell her the good news about her boyfriend.

I saw that there was a light on so I tapped lightly on the door. A minute later, the door opened and I saw Maria peek her head from the opening. Her hair was damp and she looked like she had just taken a shower. "Good morning," I whispered. "I'm sorry to disturb you but I have some good news and I couldn't wait to tell you."

"Hi Jim," she said and smiled but looked a little nervous. She was wearing a white terry-cloth robe that she held closed at her chest.

I was a little surprised when she didn't open the door for me to come inside. Then I looked behind her and saw a pretty young girl standing in the doorway of the bedroom. She was dark skinned like Maria but smaller. It appeared that she had a bed sheet wrapped around her. I said, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that you had a guest." I think I saw Maria blush.

"Sorry Jim," Maria said. She opened the door a little wider and turned her head toward the young girl and said, "This is a friend of mine, Juanita. She is visiting America."

"Hi," I said and waived my hand at her. She responded with a shy wave.

"Juanita doesn't speak much English. She is staying with some friends in Roxbury but spent last night with me."

It appeared as though they had slept together since she was standing in the doorway to Maria's bedroom and seemed to be naked under the sheet. I tried not to look surprised, but I was, just a little. However, I knew from growing up with sisters that girls often sleep together platonically and think nothing of it. It's an entirely different story for guys.

Suddenly, I realized that no one was speaking and that I was staring. I regained my composure and said, "Listen, I can come back later."

"No... uh... please come in." She opened the door wider and said, "I was just going to fix breakfast. Would you like to join us?"

I hesitated for a second and then stepped inside. "Uh... no thanks. Maria, I just wanted to tell you that Juan should be coming back to the U.S. soon. His green card is going to be returned."

For a second, Maria looked at me like she didn't understand. Then the cobwebs began to clear and suddenly her face lit up. "Oh my God," she screamed and leaped into my arms. I stumbled backward and fell over the arm of the sofa with Maria on top of me, nearly throwing both of us to the floor. She began kissing my face and squirming in unbridled excitement. I could feel the warmth of her naked body under her robe and, although I had been very satisfied last night, I felt myself getting excited. By the time her lips found mine I was hard. Then I suddenly remembered that we had an audience. I pushed Maria off of me and sat up, trying to regain my composure.

Maria turned to Juanita and told her in excited Spanish what had happened. The young girl's face broke into a bright smile and she put her hand over her mouth to stifle a scream.

Maria turned back to me and hugged me again. "What happened... how... when... ?" she gushed in excitement. Then she curled up next to me with her legs under her, waiting for the story.

"Well, it appears that it was all a big mistake. Juan's name got confused with a less desirable person that is in this country illegally. The INS is still looking for him. But Maria, the truth is that I didn't do much."

"No, no, no, I know you did it," Maria said and began to kiss and hug me again.

If she wanted to believe that I had done it, then who was I to dissuade her. Forgetting about our audience, I turned the sexy woman until she was lying in my arms.

"Kiss me," she said as she stared up at me.

I brought my lips down to hers and moaned as I felt her tongue immediately enter my mouth. Then, to my total surprise she reached for my hand and brought it to her covered breast. As I continued to kiss her, my hand slipped inside her robe and grasped one soft and warm mound of flesh. We both moaned as our kisses turned very passionate.

I pulled away briefly and looked up. I saw Juanita watching us with excitement on her face. My hand was still on Maria's breast, under her robe, as I cleared my throat. Maria opened her eyes and turned to look at her friend. Then, to my surprise, she sat up and slipped her robe from her shoulders, baring both breasts. Without a word she went back into my arms, pulled my head down and almost forced a hard nipple into my mouth. I moaned again and began to suck.

Maria began to squirm with excitement and I could feel her hips moving on the sofa. Boldly I reached my hand down and slipped it between her thighs. If she didn't care that her friend was watching I wasn't going to worry about it either. I felt her tremble and then she opened her legs allowing my hand free access to her already wet sex. My finger searched through her fat lips until I found her pulsing hole. I pushed my finger inside her warm tunnel. Suddenly, the room was electrified with our passion. I sucked first one breast and then the other as my finger began to move in and out.

"Oh yes, don't stop," Maria moaned as she gasped for breath and moved her hips in rhythm with my finger movement.

I had no intention of stopping. However, just as I was moving my mouth to her other nipple I felt something. I pulled my head back and saw Juanita standing at my knees, totally naked. I must have gasped because Maria opened her eyes. I looked from one woman to the other. I couldn't read either expression and for a moment I was worried that I was going to be in the middle of a fight. I had the sudden urge to run. Then I saw the corners of Maria's lips turn up in an almost imperceptible smile. She pulled my head back down to her now heaving breast. As I began to suck her nipple again I felt Juanita push my legs apart and go to her knees. Maria sat up and let Juanita have room. My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked down and saw the big brown eyes of Maria's friend staring back at me. I groaned when she reached for the zipper of my pants. Maria pulled my head back to her breast to cut off any protest. A second later I felt my belt buckle being opened. Maria leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Lift up."

I continued to suck her nipple as I lifted my hips and let Juanita pull my pants to my ankles. As usual I wasn't wearing underwear.

I heard a gasp and then I heard Juanita say "Beautiful." The cool room air on my naked lower half forced a tremor of excitement through me. A second later I felt a warm hand wrap around my throbbing penis. At that point, I wrenched my head from Maria's grasp. What I saw almost made me climax; Juanita was on her knees between my legs, her face just inches from my exposed groin. She was staring at my throbbing penis with her dark brown eyes wide open. A shudder went through my legs as I watched her stick out her tongue and begin to lick my balls. Then I moaned and spread my legs wider, throwing my head back in submission. Suddenly I felt the young girl's mouth on my penis. I gasped and lifted my hips. I closed my eyes in fear that the incredible sight would have me climaxing in her face. If I hadn't had sex with Abigail so recently I probably would have climaxed.

Maria slipped her hand down and joined Juanita's as she turned back to me and pressed her warm and wet mouth to mine. I moaned almost helplessly as both women brought me incredible pleasure. In my wildest dreams I never imagined I would actually be having sex with two women at the same time. My hips began to move up and down as both women worked on me. Juanita would suck the head of my penis as Maria pumped the shaft.

"Juanita is a good... how you say... 'Cock sucker'," Maria whispered and laughed. "You'd never believe that she's a virgin."

I was so far gone that Maria's words barely registered. However, she was quite right about her friend being a good "Cock sucker." Her mouth felt like a vacuum cleaner. She would suck the head then lick down the shaft to my balls and back again. Then she would use her tongue to make little butterfly flicks just under the head. I felt her hand cupping my testicles while Maria continued to squeeze my penis.

I was moving rapidly toward a climax when Maria said something to Juanita that I couldn't quite hear. I watched as Maria moved slightly away from me and relaxed back onto the sofa. Then, to my total amazement, Juanita slipped from between my legs and knelt between Maria's. I hadn't thought that I could get anymore excited than I already was. I was wrong.

Juanita began to kiss slowly up Maria's soft thighs. Her tongue came out and left a wet trail as she moved closer and closer to the older woman's vagina. Then Maria moaned something in Spanish that I couldn't understand and almost violently pulled the girl's head until her mouth was buried in her wet flesh.

"Oh yes little darling, eat me!" Maria gasped in her native language. I understood that. Her hips began to move up and down as she directed the young girl's mouth. It was apparent that this wasn't the first time they had done this.

My excitement was greater than anything I had ever felt before or maybe since. I stared in fascination as the two women lost themselves in mutual pleasure. I could see that Juanita's face was getting very wet, attesting to Maria's excitement. I knew what that felt like. But Juanita didn't seem to mind and her mouth began to work more frantically. The sounds of her sucking mouth echoed around the room. It appeared that Maria was getting very close to a climax. However, before that could happen she pushed Juanita gently away. I could see a surprised look on the girl's face.

I sat in stunned silence, still unable to believe what was happening, as Maria turned to me. "Fuck me," she gasped. Then without asking she pushed me back and threw her leg across my waist, straddling my middle. A second later her large chest was pressed against me and she was searching for my penis with her hand. Juanita found it first. I could feel her mouth cover the head one last time before she fitted my penis to Maria's more than ready hole. When the head touched the hole, Maria hissed in pleasure and with one quick movement took me to the hilt. All three of us moaned.

Maria began to move slowly up and down as her mouth devoured mine. Soon we were rutting like two dogs in heat; my penis slipping in and out of her pulsing hole, making a sloppy sucking sound as her hips moved up and down in a rapid jerking fashion. Just when I thought the pleasure couldn't get any better, I felt Juanita moving closer to where our bodies were connected. I gasped as she began to lick my balls again. Her tongue started there and quickly moved upward until it was sliding up and down on the exposed section of my now very wet penis.

"Oh Jesus Maria," I gasped as the combination of Juanita's tongue and the tightness of Maria's vagina brought me close to my peak.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Maria screamed and her body began to convulse as she bounced up and down in abandon now.

"Ohhhhh!" I moaned as my balls tightened and suddenly I began to shoot my cream into her grasping hole.

Juanita struggled to keep her face at our joined groins as the two of us shuddered in climax. Maria clenching hole and Juanita's searching tongue made my climax last for what seemed like a long, long time. My testicles felt like they were shrivel to nothing as the sperm left them and filled Maria's willing hole.

A few seconds later Maria collapsed on top of me, her breathing ragged like mine. Her head was buried in my neck and I could feel her hot breath on my skin. When she could finally speak again, she whispered "Thank you."

"I should be thanking you," I answered breathlessly.

"No, I mean for getting Juan's card back."

I started to again say that I hadn't really done anything but it didn't seem necessary. Instead I whispered, "You're more than welcome."

Maria slowly lifted up and I felt my rapidly shrinking penis slip out of her. She flopped down on the sofa beside me. When we looked down, we saw Juanita still on her knees between my legs with a wide smile on her face. I had briefly forgotten about her in the heat of our climax.

Maria startled me when she said, "Mr. Adams is all messy Juanita. Be a good girl and clean him up."

With that Juanita moved back toward my groin and began to lick away our combined juices. I stared in amazement as she used her tongue to clean me like a cat licking milk from a bowl. I felt tingling in my groin again. However, after the two episodes of sex in less than eight hours, there was no way I was getting hard.

When the pretty dark haired girl was done with me she sat back with a shy smile and licked her wet lips. I saw Maria smile at her and then she slowly opened her legs. Without hesitation Juanita moved between them. I watched as she began to kiss up Maria's soft thighs again. Maria leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes. Her hands slipped down and grasped Juanita's hair. She directed her face toward her saturated groin and moaned contentedly as her familiar lips touched her swollen vagina.

Within seconds both women were so absorbed that it was as if I was no longer in the room. I watched for a few minutes until I began to feel like a "third wheel." I said, "I guess I had better get going before Abigail wakes up."

Maria's eyes opened and she looked over at me and said, "Would you like to stay for breakfast?" Maria face was glowing with lust again and her legs were now over Juanita's shoulders, her thighs squeezing her cheeks tightly. All that I could see of Juanita face was her forehead and her eyebrows.

"I'd love to but I really have to get back to Bo. Can I take a rain check?"

"Anytime," she sighed with a dreamy look on her face.

I got up, put my pants on and walked to the door. As I stepped outside, I took one last look back and saw Maria pulling Juanita up and their lips going together. I shook my head in amazement.

Chapter 2

I walked around my house in a fog for the rest of the day. The events of the last 24 hours were muddling my thoughts. I thought of Abigail, Maria and Juanita. I couldn't believe that I had had sex with three beautiful women in one day. I was starting to think that this couldn't be real or that I had died and gone to heaven.

The ringing telephone brought me out of my haze for a moment. It was Katie.

"Hi Katie."

"Hi," she said brightly. "I was thinking that I don't really have anything to do tomorrow and was wondering if you wanted to go on a little picnic... I know a wonderful place not far from here... its beautiful and so peaceful." She said the words in a rush, nervously.

I hesitated for a second. I am embarrassed to admit that I thought about her being a virgin and that there might not be sex involved.

Before I could respond Katie said, "I'm sorry, I guess you have plans."

"Uh no... no I don't... I'd love to go on a picnic," I responded quickly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm just a little fogy this early in the morning. Do you mind if I bring Bo?"

"Of course, that's why I'm inviting you," she said with a smile in her voice and then added, "I love Bo but I figured that you wouldn't let him go without you."

We both laughed.

"I'll prepare everything and even pick you up. How about 11 A.M.?"

I could hear excitement in her voice and I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Great. I'll bring the wine. See you tomorrow."

It took me the rest of the day to finally get the cobwebs from my mind. When I did, I began to think of Katie. She was a sweet and beautiful girl and the kind that I could easily get hung up on. However, it wasn't a good time for a monogamous relationship for me. I obviously still had some wild oats to sow.

I was ready and waiting outside with Bo when Katie pulled up on Sunday morning. I was relieved to see that she was driving an old station wagon because I was worried about Bo trashing her car. The wagon didn't look like it could be trashed anymore than it already was.

Katie got out of the car and opened the back and I let Bo jump in. She was wearing a pair of tan safari shorts that fit her buttocks like a second skin and flared at the leg openings. On top she was wearing a yellow, long sleeved shirt that was tied in a knot at her stomach. The sleeves were rolled up and there were several buttons open in the front. I could see her orange sized breasts bouncing freely as she walked. The dark outlines of her nipples were clearly visible under the thin material.

I had on a pair of cargo shorts, sandals and a tight v-neck T-shirt.

It was a beautiful and warm "Indian summer" day as we headed out of town toward the mountains.

"We're we going?" I asked.

"There is a little lake in the mountains north of here. There shouldn't be anyone there this time of year." Katie looked at me with a wide grin.

I wasn't sure what the grin meant but there was a sparkle in her eyes.

It took a little over an hour to reach the lake. We turned off the main road and Katie followed a pine tree lined dirt road until we came to a clearing overlooking a large lake.

"Wow," I said as we jumped out of the car and stood with Katie on a hill overlooking the lake below. There was a well-worn path down the hill to a small sandy beach. "Bo's going to love this," I said. I went around and let him out of the back. We took the picnic basket and a blanket and walked down the hill. Bo suddenly took off toward the lake. He loves the water and he was already in by the time we got to the bottom of the hill. We spread the blanket out and sat down.

"Look at Bo!" Katie laughed.

He was swimming around chasing geese. They would take flight for a few seconds and land a few yards away from the furiously swimming dog. They seemed to find him more of a nuisance than a threat.

"He'll never catch them but that doesn't stop him from trying," I laughed. Then I leaned back on my elbow, propped my head on my hand and looked at the pretty girl sitting next to me. "This is nice. Thanks for inviting me."

"You're welcome," Katie answered as she leaned back on both elbows. The action served to stretch her blouse over her breasts, outlining the curves and the dark nipples. She was staring out at the lake and apparently didn't see me looking. "I used to come here all the time," she said almost in a sigh. "It's so peaceful and quite. It's a great place to think. Especially when life seems to be moving too fast."

I realized that this was a special place for Katie and I suddenly felt honored that she had invited me. I was still staring at her beautiful profile when she turned and smiled at me.

"What?" she asked.

"You're beautiful."

She blushed and changed the subject, asking, "Are you hungry?"

"I could eat."

We took the food out of the basket and set it up on the blanket. Katie had prepared ham sandwiches, homemade potato salad, macaroni salad, and fudge brownies. She also took out the only thing I had contributed-the bottle of wine.

"You went to a lot of trouble. I feel like such a mooch," I said as she opened the salads and prepared the plates.

"Nonsense. I love to cook."

"Beautiful and a cook too! Quite a powerful combination." Suddenly I realized how chauvinistic that sounded.

However, Katie smiled and didn't seem to take offense.

The salads were delicious. I hadn't thought I was hungry but I finished everything and asked for more. A while later, most of the food was gone and the wine bottle was empty. We were lying on the blanket looking up at the bright sun in a wine-induced haze when suddenly a torrent of water cascaded over us. Both of us screamed and jumped up. Bo was shaking his body violent to throw water off his coat.

"Bo!" I screamed and reached down and pushed him away. He thought I wanted to play and jumped up on me and knocked me on my butt in the sand. Then he pounced on me. Katie roared with laughter as I fought the wet dog off. I struggled to find a piece of driftwood and threw it as far as I could. Bo jumped off me and charged after it.

I looked up at Katie and saw her merriment. "Very funny," I said. Then I saw that Katie's blouse was soaked with large wet spots across her chest, making it almost transparent. She saw my stare and looked down.

She pulled her blouse out and away from her breasts and shook it. "Oh well, it'll dry eventually," she sighed. Then her expression changed and she got a naughty look on her face. "Since we're already soaked, why don't we go skinny-dipping?"

My eyes opened wide in surprise. It was apparent that the wine was having an affect on Katie. "I... uh... Katie," I stammered.

"Don't be a stick in the mud," she said and began to untie the knot in her blouse.

I sat with my mouth open as she finished untying the knot and then opened the one button holding her blouse together. She hesitated for a second before opening her blouse and then she quickly pulled it off her shoulders.

Suddenly she was standing half-naked in front of me. I almost gasped as my unbelieving eyes stared at her perfectly rounded breasts. They sat high on her chest, were milk white, showing she was rarely in the sun, and there were freckles on the top running almost to her nipples. The nipples were small and pink and perfectly suited to her breasts. They were already hard. I felt my penis pulse and begin to grow in my shorts.

Katie stood there for a minute, almost posing, letting me stare at her. Then she reached down and unsnapped the button on her shorts. Her hands were suddenly trembling as she pulled the zipper down and then quickly pushed her shorts down her legs.

This time I did gasp as her lower half was revealed. She had on a pair of tiny thong panties that barely covered her vagina. Her thighs were creamy and lightly freckled like the rest of her body. I don't think I have ever seen skin as smooth and blemish free as hers.

"Come on, it's your turn," Katie said as she pulled me to my feet. Then she sat on the blanket where I had been. She pulled her thighs up to her chest and placed her arms around her legs and then her head on her knees. Her pretty eyes stared at me, sparkling in anticipation.

As I stood uncomfortably in front of her, I felt the wine go to my head and make me sway. I took a deep breath, looked around and saw that Bo was in the water chasing the geese again. I hesitated, looking for some excuse not to strip in front of this beautiful girl. There appeared to be no way out. "Katie... uh... listen are you sure you want to do this?"

"Chicken," she said with a smile, her eyes and words daring me.

In spite of how uncomfortable I was, I felt myself getting excited again. My penis throbbed in my shorts and began to lengthen down my leg.

Katie's eyes went to my shorts. "Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me," she chuckled, quoting Mae West. While there was bravado in her stare, I detected a tremble in her voice that told me that she was just as nervous as I was.

"Uh... I don't... I don't have any underwear on." I thought I should warn her.

"Not a problem for me," she said flippantly. However, her rapid breathing showed that she was getting excited.

When it didn't appear that she was going to let me off the hook, I sighed and pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it to the blanket. I could see her eyes on my chest and my excitement grew. I hesitated before opening my belt. Then, I glanced up and down the deserted beach and slowly pulled my zipper down. "Are... are you sure about this?" I said again, giving her one last chance. She didn't answer but I could see excitement on her face. I let my shorts drop.

Katie sucked in her breath as my already half hardened penis was revealed. She had felt it in her hand the other night but I don't think she had seen it clearly. It pulsed and continued to harden in response to her stare. She actually licked her lips and for a moment I thought she was going to reach out and grab it. However, instead, she jumped up and ran down the beach, screaming, "Last one in is a rotten egg."

I watched her sexy butt as she ran for the water. Finally I shrugged and ran after her, my now fully hard penis bouncing in front of me. I heard her scream as she dove headfirst into the cold water. I did the same, the chill of the water engulfing me and taking care of my erection. I swam with strong strokes toward her. I had been a lifeguard for many summers and have always been a strong swimmer, so it was easy to catch her. When I did, she giggled and thrashed in my arms. We were in water a little over waist deep so I picked her up and threw her and then dove under to grab her again. Within a few minutes we were breathless and clinging to one another. It took my penis only a second to realize that I had a beautiful and half-naked woman in my arms.

Suddenly, our movements stopped and we stared at each other. Her hair was dripping and there were little rivers of water running down her face. I reached up and wiped her forehead and ran my hand down to her cheek. Her lips were open in anticipation as her eyes stared into mine. My lips moved toward hers almost in slow motion. We moaned as they touched and my tongue entered her mouth. I could feel my penis now pulsing against her inner thigh.

Katie could feel it too and groaned when she felt it rubbing the sensitive skin of her thighs. Her tongue forced mine back and entered my mouth. My arms wrapped around her back, pulling her close and forcing her breasts tightly to my chest. Soon the world around us faded. There was only she and I and the warmth of our naked bodies.

My penis was now at full staff again. Suddenly I felt Katie open her legs and let my penis slip between them. When the pulsing head touched her sex lips, I thought that she was going to let me enter. However, instead she lifted up slightly and let it slip past until it came out the back. She squeezed her thighs together, trapping me. I pulled my mouth from her and saw that her eyes were closed and that her mouth was open; there was undeniable pleasure in her expression. She began to rock her hips back and forth, causing her soft nether lips to massage the top of my shaft.

"Oh God Katie," I moaned.

She opened her eyes and suddenly pulled away from me. She stared into my eyes for a second as if she had to make a decision. Then she took my hand and pulled me toward shore. I followed behind her as we walked slowly up the sand toward the blanket. I admit that my eyes spend a lot of time staring as her sexy butt as it swayed with each step in the sand. When we were standing at the blanket, Katie turned and melted into my arms. Our lips went together and we were squirming against each other again. Her nipples burned into my chest like hot coals and my penis was dripping juice onto her thigh as our lips devoured each other, our tongues fighting for possession of the other's mouth.

I began to gently pull her down to the blanket. When I had her on her back, I slipped between her legs. My penis was throbbing and the head was touching her vagina. Katie pulled her lips from mine and looked into my eyes. This time I saw a worried look mixed with the passion.

"Jim... God Jim, I want to... but I'm not... I'm not ready yet." She said the words as if she could barely get them from her mouth. I could see that she was struggling with her emotions. "I can't."

To say I was disappointed would have been a gross understatement. I don't believe that I was every more ready then I was at that moment. However, I wasn't about to force myself on her. I said, "I understand." I didn't really but then I am a guy. With that, I began to kiss down her neck and across her breasts. As I licked toward her nipple, my tongue found tiny droplets of water that had been warmed by her body. I took them into my mouth and swallowed as if they had come from her and not the lake. Then, I sucked one of the hard nipples into my mouth and my fingers found the other. Katie moaned and squirmed under my caresses. I worked on her breasts for quite some time, sucking first one then the other until the only moisture left was my saliva. She quivered under me and shuddered with what I thought might have been a small climax. Then I began to kiss down her stomach.

"Oh God Jim... what are you doing?"

I lifted my head and whispered in a firm tone, "I'm going to eat you." Katie moaned and I felt her tremble like she was cold. However, her body was burning hot now. I began to kiss down her stomach again. I stopped at her belly button and pushed my tongue into the accumulated water that had gathered there. I tickled the little indentation before I slowly moved lower. My tongue circled the soft skin of her lower belly, moving down until it reached the elastic waist of her panties. I pulled back and looked down. The panties were totally transparent now and I could see her pubic hair. Without asking, I stripped off the tiny strip of material and threw it into the sand. Then I moved quickly to my knees between her legs. She didn't resist when I lifted her thighs and spread her legs. I saw that her head was pressed back onto the blanket and that her eyes were closed tightly. Her mouth was open as she gasped for breath. I think at that point, I could have done anything that I wanted.

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Higher education a humiliation story

{Note: this story is set at an English University, so all characters are 18+}I knew that Simon was going to be trouble as soon as I met him, he sat there during my interview staring at our tits and making more pervy comments than he asked questions. I didn't mind though cos his house was right near the pub, so I wouldn't spend much time at home, and the rent was sooo cheap! I soon found out why. I moved in on the 8th of September, along with Sarah, another girl who appeared to have been chosen...

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Higher Better Faster Stronger

Smoking can be a way of life. It brings people together in the most amazing ways. Friendships are formed, commonalities are discovered-anywhere in the world, one can light up and be sure that they will find someone with whom they can share a powerful experience. Marijuana, pot, weed-it has many names, and many uses. It can alter one's mind, calm the nerves, and relax the soul. It can cure and inspire, but most of all it just feels good. Simon's love affair with the green began when he...

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{This story is quite long so I will post it a chapter at a time. So far I have written twelve chapters and will be writing more chapters soon. I look forward to comments letting me know what others think. Thank You}Chapter ONECollege Brings New ExperiencesI earned my Masters Degree in the first semester of my colligate life. Okay I can sense that most of you are rolling your eyes and saying something like, ‘My oh my, doesn’t he have a high opinion of his intellect.’ Well let me try to explain...

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Chapter TWOThe beginning of a New FriendshipJake had come back to the dorm room to find Toby gone. After taking a piss, he checked out the room again and then saw the envelope on his bed. After reading what was written on the envelope, he began to open it, figuring Toby had found some cool stuff on his journey around the campus; boy was he about to be surprised.Jake screamed out when he saw the first of the five photos in the envelope. He quickly looked around to try and see a camera, he...

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Chapter TWOThe beginning of a New FriendshipJake had come back to the dorm room to find Toby gone. After taking a piss, he checked out the room again and then saw the envelope on his bed. After reading what was written on the envelope, he began to open it, figuring Toby had found some cool stuff on his journey around the campus; boy was he about to be surprised.Jake screamed out when he saw the first of the five photos in the envelope. He quickly looked around to try and see a camera, he...

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Chapter THREEThe First Talk I don’t remember the last time I spent so long taking a shower. Usually I’m in and out quickly, but then normally I am showering alone. Jake and I spent so much time in the shower that the skin on our feet was beginning to shrivel up by the time we were done. We didn’t really do anything of a sexual nature while in the shower, but there was a lot of touching and caressing as we lathered each other up thoroughly. It felt really nice, and actually kind of natural to...

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Chapter FOURA Proper Haircut Opens a New Doorway I stood in the center of the bathroom, legs slightly spread apart, Jake was stilling holding on to my hard cock with his left hand as he opened his cabinet above the sinks. He pulled out a small electric trimmer, a pair of scissors, a comb and a razor. “Are you sure about this,” He asked, smiling at me and gently stroking my hard cock. “It’ll grow back anyway.” He added as if to assure me. “I know it will grow back,” I laughed. “That just means...

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Higher Learning

Annie Velez strolled past the nondescript club for the third time in the last half hour. It had taken all of her courage for the nineteen-year-old college student to even come this far. According to the information she had been able to get in the chat rooms online, Scarlett's Rose was probably the best Lesbian Club in the entire city, especially on a Saturday night. Not that she would have anything to be able to make a comparison against, since she hadn't been in anything like it in her...

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Higher Education

Chapter 1 I went to college when I was fourteen. No, I was not a child prodigy or even all that smart. No, I was invited by my older brother to visit with him for a weekend, a weekend that his roommate was away. Brad is five years older than I am, he was nineteen, and we'd always gotten along pretty well even though we're farther apart in age than some of my friends are with their brothers. So, I was in eighth grade, middle school, when my mom took me to the bus station one Friday...

1 year ago
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Higher EducationChapter 2

The best ass I could spot was attached to a married lady. She was a student one year my senior. I noticed her ass in my English class. Many a time, I watched it flex as she walked after class. Her name was Melissa. I met Melissa a few times in the library. I had coffee with her once in the cafeteria. We studied together sometimes in her place. I complimented her a few times on her looks. She blushed. I invited her to dinner and she refused, saying she was married and could not do that. I...

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Higher EducationChapter 3

When her contractions stopped, I pulled my cock out of her ass with an audible plop. I hardly could remove it from her asshole before it started squirting strong jets of come all over her sticky pussy. I shoved my cock back into her ass, making her grunt. With my cock balls-deep in her ass, we both collapsed panting, covered with sweat. I was on top of her, still holding her tits. I felt my cock go limp within her rectum. "Squeeze my cock and feel it swell," I whispered in her...

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Higher EducationPart 2

The early morning sunlight coming into the room brought me gradually out of a sensual dream. I was getting a sweet blowjob. I forced my eyes open and saw that it wasn't a dream. Abigail was on her knees between my legs, sucking me. A sigh came to my lips and I reached down to caress her soft hair. She looked up and I saw her eyes smiling back at me. Her lips were too stuffed to smile. Slowly, her eyes closed and she continued to suck. She did love to "suck cock" as she said. I laid my...

2 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 3

I was feeling a little remorseful as I left Abigail's office that afternoon. I'm not entirely sure why, or even what was bothering me. I was worried about my job for sure, but it was more than that. As I have said, I was a somewhat naïve guy, almost leading a sheltered life to that point. Incredibly, it might have been that I was feeling like I was using Abigail and not the other way around. However, I knew that wasn't rational. Abigail wanted what happened. Hell, she set it up....

4 years ago
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Higher EducationPart 5

I entered my morning class a little late on Thursday and was surprised to see that Molly wasn't there. When she didn't show up by the time the class was over, I began to get a little concerned. She was normally very reliable and, so far, hadn't missed a class. It was nearly eleven thirty and I was still in my office when Molly walked in. I was relieved when I looked up and saw the pretty co-ed. "There you are Molly. I was a little worried about you." She looked a little frazzled as she...

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A perfect black stranger fucks Ana

My sweet Ana called me that evening when I still was at my office.I made apologizes to her because I was late at my desk and still had another two hours to finish and come back home for dinner.But then my lovely wife told me she was now going to the local bar because she was in the mood for having a good big black cock…She told me I could go directly to the local motel besides the highway; she would be there for sure in the next two hours and then I could enjoy the full show… I was not...

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Taken for a ride part 1

This is actually the third in the night shift series but the second part is momentarily lost. Also this is only the first of the third part. It will all make sense eventually. But someone was on my mind when I was writing this and I don't think I have done her justice. What a long day it had been. Another wedding attended. Another afternoon, post morning ceremony, where she had spent too much time stood in her heels, meaning the backs of her legs were now aching, passing pleasantries with...

1 year ago
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Semen in her panties

This morning, lying discarded, dishevelled on the unmade bed, lie her panties. A pink lace and satin confection they are made of almost nothing. A handful of scrunched up loveliness, an intimate and tiny covering for her sex. I touched them, my eyes closed and I felt the slimy glaze of his semen. I felt eyes closed what had been left there, a marker of what he had pumped inside her. This morning, lying discarded, dishevelled on the unmade bed, lie her panties. A pink lace and satin confection...

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Finders KeepersChapter 11

"Come in, Pham," Colin gestured to the man who stood in the door to his cabin. "I've got an unusual mission for your guys this time. I'll need your best surveillance team." "Well, they're well rested," Pham said, "but floating around in deep void takes a toll on them. A few seem to have gotten used to it, but I've got about a twenty percent transfer out rate, and not many new volunteers." "I understand," Colin answered, "but I've got a feeling this mission won't require...

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I waited on the couch trying not to look to excited and just waiting for the doorbell to ring. It seemed like forever since I hung up the phone and you said you would be here in 20 minutes. I couldn’t wait to finally see you in person after all the phone calls and talking about what we liked about us. Now you’re on your way the moment of truth is near I wondered if you’re as sexy as you sounded. I closed my eyes and tried to picture what you looked like. I slowly slide my hand down the front of...

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This Has To Stop

The email was short and to the point. ‘My office, noon.’ ‘This has to end,’ she thought to herself. ‘I can’t allow this to continue. He’s half my age and I’m a married woman.’ The decision made, she deleted the email and went back to work. A crisis arose around 11:15 that morning and it took the better part on the hour to deal with it. Once it had been successfully handled, she glanced at her watch and saw it was already ten minutes past noon. Sighing, she hoped he had finally got the...

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©2012 Mendon Fishers It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn’t have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to...

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Ian part 5

I grimace as I feel the pressure increase on my back, and grip the armrests of my chair for support whilst my 'friends' all whoop and cheer. I force the corners of my lips to turn upwards into a smile, though that smile soon fades when the roar of the jet engine is drowned out by a loud squeak from my right hand side. "Oh! My! God!" Georgie squeaks, shredding my nerves more and more with every word she says. "This is so awesome!" "Yeah," I reply, using all of the acting skills I've...

1 year ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ki Thukai

Hello friends lund aur choot walo tyar ho jao …. Mera naam mandeep hai aur main chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Iss par ye meri pehli story hai jo m aj likh raha hu aur ye story mere mama ki ladki ke baare me hai jiska naam anu hai figure ekdam mast hai aur use dekh kar kise ka bhi use chodne ka dil karega itni sexy hai wo ab jayada samai barbaad na karte hue seedhe kahani par ata hu Ye kahani pichli garmi ki chuttiyo ki hai jab m apne mama ji ke ghar ambala gaya hua tha. Mere mama mami dono hi...

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The Rask RebellionChapter 12 Cultural Exchange

“There it is again,” Ben said, tapping at one of his monitors. “The earthquake?” Lozka asked, turning from her turret view to glance at him. “Something is causing seismic activity, not a lot of it, but enough to trip the sensors. I swear, it’s like the suite is picking up Bugs tunneling beneath the ground, but there’s no way there can be any Bugs on Borealis. It’s impossible. Either way, it freaks me out, I don’t like seeing readings like this...” “You said it was growing stronger?” Mizi...

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The Eye Witness Chapter 9

The Eye Witness Chapter # 9 It was Saturday morning, and Lynn was already up, had her shower, dressed, and once again, she was helping me out the crib, saying how's my little princess today? She then said I should go use the bathroom and freshen up a little after last night, she also mentioned that later I would need to take a bath with some nice smelling lavender bubble bath. This way I would smell cute and girly, when I went to Lisa's for her party. It was off to the bathroom I went,...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 14

TommyHaving scared off our audience, I lay out the picnic sheet in the shade of some eucalyptus trees and we dried out in the afternoon heat. We may have been of Mediterranean descent through our mum, but we also had Irish genes from our father. Some people were astounded that, although we were dark-skinned, we also burnt easily if we were not careful.It hadn’t occurred to me quite how intimate this simple act of putting sunscreen on each other was, until that afternoon. We had helped each...

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High Rise Stairwell

She squirmed and thrashed desperately, trying to escape whoever had her. She kicked and tried to reach back to claw at them, but was flung hard aganist the wall. The body behind slammed into her, crushing her against the wall as the arm tightened still further around her throat. She felt dizzy, her head faint. She froze in terror, not moving even when the arm loosened and she was able to breath. "Don't move, " I hissed, low and evil sounding. "You give me any trouble and you will get...

1 year ago
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Where the magic happens Part 1

My stomach growled as I slipped my red skinny jeans over my black lace panties. I sighed and checked the fridge, which was practically empty. "Damn," I muttered, slipping on my black two inch heels and I walked out of the house. Since I just turned sixteen, I don't exactly have my license, so I began walking to the nearest Taco Bell. I was about to pull out my iPod and listen to techno when my ex-boyfriend drove by with his hot friend Nick. I blushed and felt butterflies in my stomach - I still...

First Time
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Second Chance Book 02

As always, my thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills. Any errors are mine. * Chapter 9: ‘Come in, Brent. It’s so nice to see you again,’ June Francis said with a genuine smile. ‘Walter’s in the living room, as usual.’ ‘Thanks, June. How’s he feeling?’ ‘Not too bad today. Yesterday wasn’t so good, but you know, that’s how it is — some good days and some bad ones. I’ll get you two your usual tea and bring it in.’ ‘Thanks, June.’ Brent walked into the living room to greet his friend...

4 years ago
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For the Love of Lana 11

Growling he looked back at Lana, "Lana hon?" He finally said to her. "What's wrong Johnathon?" She asked completely unaware of the fits he was having, looking at the pendant that she was cradling so lovingly. "Hon if you could, please put that away? It reminds me of how much of a failure I am to my friend." Johnathon said. This was a shock to her, hearing Tyrome tell it, he owed Johnathon and would never be able to pay him back. Shaking her head she wondered how the men ever...

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How To Survive Christmas Alone

Are you alone and lonely for the holidays? Don’t you wish that Ronco would invent something to make you feel not so alone and sell it on TV for, oh, I don’t know, $19.99 and if you called right now, you’d get a second one for free? Yeah, well, go fish, life doesn’t work that way. A friend in need is a friend indeed doesn’t always go along with you sow what you reap. Sometimes, life just happens and you suddenly find yourself in uncharted territory and alone, be it a move to a new city or...

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Porn Star Babe Part Two

Being a sexy girly boy about to make her debut as a porn actress with two handsome, well-hung studs was so exciting to me. And having my friend, Chrissie Licks, along to show me how it is done was especially re-assuring. Chrissie and I were naked and about to get into our sexy lingerie for the shoot when Summer Cox, another hot tranny porn star, came to help us with our hair and make-up. Summer was a beautiful, lively blonde and alot of fun to be with. She and Chrissie explained to me that...

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Hunters Advent Ch 02

Written by: Zelix (My original penname, but Literotica already has an author by that name.) A/N: Alright, here is the second chapter for those who found the first one interesting and are curious to read more Before proceeding I will mention one thing, these chapters may leave you with many questions but there is no need to worry, as the story progresses answers will come. That’s the type of an author I am. Lastly, I’m sorry for the long wait, I’m juggling between two and soon possibly a...

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my 1st large cock

hi there i'm Sharon, i'm 32yo very busty horny as hell female.my years of waiting patiently for my first really big one finally came to fruition last weekend. I was on a night out with a few friends and i had more than a few vodka's we were in the local where the disco was held every 2nd saturday. It was about 11.30 p.m when this young bloke came over and asked me in a confident voice to dance,before i knew it he had me on the dancefloor with his hands on my hips/ass.God it felt really good...

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I Needed a Good Fuck pt2

I woke about ten-thirty, I was still in my robe my butt still tingling from the shower fuck with Clarence. I mulled over going up to 428, my butt wanted more and besides Daryl had not been in the room since Friday. I grabbed some sweat pants threw on a t-shirt and slipped into my hoody. I went up the back stairs, which was closer to Clarence room, I reached the door and knocked twice. The door opened the room was pitched black, I heard Clarence voice say 'good come in quick.' I stepped into...

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Probed In The Name of Research Part II

Gabe was riding the enormous high of having just fucked the girl he’d lusted after for the past three years. He went over to the sink to clean himself up and then turned back to smile at her. Shit! He thought as he took in the image of her cum spattered face. There she was all strapped down and looking suddenly helpless. He felt guilt start to set in. He was a bit rough with her at the end. He went over to her and removed the labia spreader, unstrapped her stockinged legs and handed her a...

1 year ago
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Hot Momma

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had been away at my first year of college. I have to say that this was the most lonely I have ever felt in my life. I broke up with my girlfriend just before I left and had not dated anyone since. I had a roommate that studied all the time so masturbation was out of the question. I was really looking forward to getting home to my own room with a lock so I could pull my cock and get rid of this year worth of jizz in my balls. I arrived home from the...

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A Fitting Demise

This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank TouchTheSky for taking the time to comment on this story. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. I didn’t expect a car to be stopped in my lane on the sharp corner of this narrow winding coastal road far above the ocean. I guess that was the idea. The almost new tires and ABS had done a...

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The Girls Go To A Strip Club

My wife is not the kind of woman that goes out with the girls to strip clubs. That's why I was very surprised when she told me she had been invited to go to one with a large group of local girls. One of the girls had won 15 tickets to a male review show in the City complete with a limo ride down. I really wasn't very keen on her going but she seemed pretty excited about it and besides, she really didn't get to go out with the girls much. Lori spent a very long time getting ready and even...

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A slut after all 1

“Have you asked her yet?” I heard one of the girls whisper.“I will,” he replied, emphasising the word will.He returned, standing behind me, combing my hair out.“So, what is it that you want to ask me?” I said.“Well Sue, its just that….”“Spit it out Max, I won’t bite!” I told him.“Look if you don’t want to…..” Max began.Max had been my hairdresser for as long as I could remember. True I’d strayed occasionally, but I always went back to him. “I won’t know unless you ask me, will I?”“Look Sue,...

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How to Cure a Sleepless Night

It was late. My wife was in bed and I couldn’t sleep. I had a hard cock that needed attending to, so I got online to see who might be in the same shape I was in. I had a chat open and was reading stories online looking for relief. It wasn’t long before a familiar screen name popped up. This young man had inspired the craving of man-to-man sex with me. He was the first man I had ever been with. We had spent an afternoon together not long ago. He was sitting at his computer nude and stroking his...

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Nursing Girls

By Homealone_447 Elizabeth, Veronica and Daniela finally made the decision to spend their vacation on Elizabeth’s parents country house. They planned to leave at 7 am Saturday morning but, as expected for a group of untroubled teenagers, at 10 am they were just finishing packing. One hour later they were on the highway cheerfully taking about their boyfriends and their sexual adventures. * * * Been a cheerleader at her high school football team for several years, had really...

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Camilla To Become a Slut

“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...

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Prom king and queen

"You look beautiful Kate," Dylan said as he brought his girlfriend in closer. Kate blushed and felt as Dylan pulled her in closer as they slow danced. As Kate snuggled close to her man, feeling his strong arms around her waist she couldn't help but think how perfect tonight had been. It had been quite the few weeks for Kate, on top of a bad breakup she had to endure the stress of preparing and planning her senior prom. Despite the stress of the last few weeks everything had turned...

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0258223Chapter 2 interrogation

Before I knew where I was I felt myself being pushed into what sounded like a quite large, but unfurnished, room. It was noticeably quite cool in there and I felt my balls retracting in response to the lower temperature. There was activity going on around me — I heard at least one man and two different women whispering as I stood, blindfolded, feeling extremely exposed. "Face me," the male voice from my left hand side ordered. I turned to where I thought the voice was. "Now stand up...

2 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 30

We arrived at the stadium about nine o’clock in the morning, most of us going out on the field and stretching, starting to warm up. After a warmup period I played pitch and catch with Josh and the other receivers. The Baltimore team was beginning to fill up the other end of the field warming up as well. Sometime about ten thirty we all headed back to the locker room, the trainers began taping everyone up. I was suited and ready to go by quarter after eleven, sitting quietly in the...

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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
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Enjoying my neighbor is home alone

My loving husband was leaving that afternoon for a couple days business trip. We had just fucked the night before so he thought I would be good for a while… But he was absolutely wrong.As I came back from driving him to the airport; I was ready for some fun action. I stripped naked in the bedroom and rolled on the bed. I pulled out one of my favorite toys; a large black dildo, almost ten inches long. I brought it to my lips and started sucking it. I pushed it down my throat until the rubber...

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A World of My OwnChapter 9 Programming Emily Part 2

Once recovered, I looked over at Emily who had collapsed on the couch with the sweetest smile of satisfaction I’d ever seen her display. It was time to take her much deeper and begin the real reprogramming. “Emily, tell me how you feel.” “I feel better than I have ever felt before. I love you so much. Did I make you feel good?” She seemed sincerely concerned. “You did great. Did my cum feel good on your face?” She giggled just a bit. “It really did. It was so hot a creamy and watching it...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter Eleven Cats and Dogs

CHAPTER Eleven: Cats and Dogs Roommates Mark and Jay have become closer, and partner swapping had become a routine. Mark's experience as a psych subject led him to new experiences. I got invited to my first “cat dinner” party. It was in an upperclassmen women’s dorm, so the senior resident had to invite the guys. Out of our dorm Jay, I, Drew, Jack and a couple of other guys were invited. We figured out the thing we had in common was having been trained in cunnilingus by Helen. We were told...


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