- 4 years ago
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O.K., I admit I probably shouldn’t have done it. But, really, who in their right mind would have expected this? But, then again, who do I know who’s in their right mind? Sure, I mean, all the tales warn against doing it, but nobody ever suggests that this can happen. Come on. What? You look puzzled. Maybe I should start at the beginning.
Well, I had never really gotten into any trouble, though I’d harbored seditious thoughts on many occasions. I was just discreet enough to keep myself clear of overt political complications, as I liked to remain. I never would have expected the road I walked to lead to such an end. I mean, who expects to get into trouble for the politics of one’s magic?
There it is, in a nutshell. Honestly, is it my fault that I didn’t take such a consideration into account? If I did anything wrong, it was merely the drunkenness by which it became easy to choose loosely to perform the act. Really, though, who would have expected this?
Maybe it is my fault. Maybe I should have realized that such an act carried with it its own reality, that one could expect anything. Again, I don’t know.
The problem is, it’s too late, and They say that ignorance of the Law is no excuse. They don’t listen when I suggest that a touch of publicity to that Law would still be nice. I mean, so it wasn’t a friendly thing to do. Nobody ever before told me there was a law against not liking someone, and I would have called them a liar if they had. I mean, really. What’s a little curse among friends?
Before you decide that I’m a lunatic, let me assure you that I’m not. I’m just as stable as you or your neighbor. I merely happen to disagree with most of you on one point: I’m a pagan (as opposed to a heathen). As a pagan, I see magic as a fairly common and straightforward thing, or maybe seeing it that way was what landed me in this mess. I don’t know anymore.
Here’s what happened: I got drunk and ritually evoked a certain Entity in the process of cursing someone I particularly dislike. Now, who would even suspect that anyone would be watching such a very private little transgression? But, there’s the rub. The recipient of my unpleasant intent was very public, none other than the President of the United States, and such a one has guardians too numerous to count…
It all began the following day.
‘Dr. Randall,’ intoned the voice on the telephone, ‘I’ve heard through a friend of a friend of your interest in magic, and I need a ghostwriter. I suppose I felt that the two were a powerful conjunction, and I just wondered…’
Well, I’d not been doing too well lately (cash flow, the real ‘writer’s block’) and was only too happy to have work drop from the sky. This really helped to cut the edge of the hangover from last night’s disgruntled drinking spree, and I don’t think I even thought to ask into the exact pathways by which my interlocutor had come to know of me. ‘I agree. That sounds like a wonderful conjunction,’ I silked, careful not to be too eager. ‘I’d love to hear more, but it sounds like we’d better meet, first. How do you wanna do this?’
We made an appointment to meet in her office the next day. Now, I really don’t think that I can be faulted for taking the whole thing at face value, surprising or not. My unknown client-to-be ended the conversation by saying, ‘You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to this. I can’t wait to get going.’
The next day found me outside a midtown office building ten minutes early — right on schedule. (I find that hunger and punctuality go hand in hand.) I noticed as I walked through the corridor/lobby and into the dumbwaiter that passed for the building’s elevator that my client-to-be didn’t appear to be doing much better than I was. This might not be such a windfall after all, if they didn’t have any more money than this. Thus lost in somber — aye, sobering — reverie, I arrived in front of the agreed-upon door, 1339.
Only one fact was certain through the door’s frosted window: no lights were on inside. The cracked window rattled in its pane as I knocked on the loosely latched door. ‘Hello?’ I inquired. Nobody. One of the hazards of being early, I consoled myself as I settled back against the wall in cool quiescence. My cool lasted about half an hour, as well as my certainty that I had come to the right address. I considered that the office might well be empty, a possibility hardly unlikely considering the building’s condition.
Drawing near the frosted glass, I strained casually to catch a glimpse of the chamber’s interior through the transverse crack that split the pane. The exercise yielded eye-strain and an incipient headache, but nothing more.
OK, so I should have paid attention to the flaming green aural sparks which shot from the doorknob as I reached toward it (green being a color which I have always, in some contexts, associated with hazard). I chalked it up to the eyestrain and sealed my fate, grasping and turning the doorknob. That mechanism rotated without resistance until I felt the latch release. The office was unlocked. Puzzled, I slowly pushed the door open, stepping across the threshold as I did so, a greeting on my lips which died there.
Inside was something from a bad dream. Blood or something convincingly like it smeared the walls, broken by assorted portions of assorted creatures, and symbols crawled over the room like giant spiders. In the center of the room sat its only furniture and the only untouched surface, an apparently empty, dilapidated desk. Upon that desk was a glass-mounted photograph which faced the door. I couldn’t make out the contents of the photograph through the glare that came from the window across from the door, a window through which the dried-blood hues of the setting sun were just now pouring. I nearly bolted on the instant, but there was something about that photograph on the desk.
Slowly, almost mesmerized, I walked into the room, so engrossed that I don’t even think I heard the door close behind me. Crossing to the desk, I picked up and studied the photograph. Now, you tell me that you could have held onto it once you realized that it was a picture of you, from your own collection. I couldn’t, and the picture dropped to the floor, the echo of its breakage coinciding with the voice that startlingly pierced through me from behind. ‘So. I wondered when you’d choose to attend us.’ To say that I spun would be to grant me a grace that my actions lacked, but it would convey the alacrity with which I responded to this unexpected greeting.
Three white-robed persons stood before me: a short, squat woman flanked by a tall, angular young man and his companion, a somewhat heavy, moderately tall and very cherubic elderly gentleman. From where they had materialized I have to this day no idea, for the hall had been empty when I entered and no other doors disturbed the walls of that unspeakable room. ‘Who…? What…? Why…?’ I inquired with uncharacteristic eloquence of the somewhat toad-like woman. Only now was I beginning to recognize the voice from the phone and connect it with this unseemly apparition.
‘Why don’t you have a seat,’ suggested the dark young man, gesturing at the desk behind me. Angel-face just stood to one side, his arms crossed.
‘No thanks, I’ll stand.’
‘Oh, but we insist,’ husked the woman. She nodded to her two companions, and they came forward, flanking me on either side.
‘Well, since you put it that way,’ I agreed, backing slowly around the edge of the desk until I felt the chair press against me. Her companions advanced as I retreated, one moving around my side of the desk, one around the other. I rather shakily took my seat, looking up at Stretch who stood before me. No sooner had I settled into the chair than I felt hands that could only be Angel-face’s settle upon my shoulders, gently but insistently locking me in place.
‘Dr. Randall,’ began the over-stuffed munch kin who seemed to be in charge,
‘you’ve been a very bad boy. It has come to our attention that you’ve meddled with some, shall we say, rather negative forces, and used them in a highly treasonable manner.’ I was starting to feel dissociated, and I began to suspect that maybe this was a dream. I heard the munchkin’s words, but her toadish face seemed so serene — I just couldn’t stop watching the calm movements of those bloated lips as the fantastic words flowed forth. ‘There are penalties for such acts. I’m afraid that you’ve brought them upon yourself, if you know what I mean.’
The dissociation seemed to be deepening. It was becoming uncomfortably similar to an induced trance-like state, and given the circumstances I found such entrancement unnerving (though I could do nothing to clear my mind). ‘You’ve got to be kidding,’ I gasped. ‘That’s it, isn’t it? This is some kind of joke. Who put you up to it?’ The robed woman brought her face very close to mine, her eyes focused directly on my own and filling my field of vision. I felt myself transfixed by a sliver of spectral ice as she invaded my eyes.
I can’t say that I remember much more of that encounter. If I try, all I can dredge up are memory-images so jumbled and disjoint as to be beyond words or description, images seen as if through the eyes of something which has nothing in common with the conditions of human perception. The next thing I knew, I was walking down a busy midtown street, unsure of how I had arrived there. I immediately noticed the shocked stares that greeted me as I walked, and as tactile sensibility returned an increasing sense of draftiness told me why. I noticed my nudity just as the voice of authority arrived on the scene, stepping from the squad car and pulling my hands behind my back as the ritual words of Miranda were invoked.
‘…really,’ she was going on (and on, and on) as we left the precinct, ‘what you were doing there in such a condition. If you don’t want to tell me, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it. After all, I’m just the person you share your life with. But, if you don’t want to tell me, well, I guess…’
The lingering dissociation coupled with a healthy sense of humiliation made it easy to block out Maude’s tirade, and I let her words flow over me undistinguished as the sights and sounds of city traffic floated past my window. I always have found taxis to be soothing, even in New York City, and I was more than willing to let myself be carried within the ebb and flow of the tidal surge of the streets. We were nearly home by the time Maude began to wind down and I had recovered sufficiently to attempt an explanation for what had occurred. Most distressingly, however, the second I tried to describe that unspeakable room and the events therein, I was overtaken by a bout of projectile vomiting that left the curses of the cabbie ringing in my ears long after he ordered us from his vehicle and consigned our souls to Hell.
I began to suspect that I had been drugged, and reassured us both that everything would be fine once enough time had passed for my body to detoxify itself. This was an explanation that Maude could accept (especially knowing my past), and I settled into the safety of our apartment to await the return of normalcy.
Maude moved out the next day, and I can’t really say that I blamed her. It was an idea that was starting to sound good to me. There’s nothing like a night of finding yourself paralyzed on a bed which violently oscillates between floor and ceiling to make one less than enamored of remaining until the next night. My downstairs neighbor’s ceiling showed the effects of my bed’s repeated violent contact with my floor, and it took one healthy bribe to convince the building’s super to forget about it and replaster the ceiling.
‘Auras read and adjusted,’ read the sign in the window. ‘Authentic psychic astrologer and spiritual healer.’ Well, even someone who dabbles as I do normally doesn’t pay any attention to these street-corner practitioners, but I didn’t know of anyplace else to turn. Taking a deep breath, I rang the outer bell. The door buzzed in response only a few seconds later, and I stepped reluctantly into the tacky parlor with its inevitable trappings.
‘Come in,’ came the thickly accented voice from beyond the curtained doorway that faced me from the back of the room. ‘I’ve been waiting for you.’ Yeah, sure, I thought. What a line. What was I doing here, anyway? Still…
I stepped into a twilit room, the subdual of its lighting magnified by the dark shades and heavy textures of the room and its contents. In this lighting, the white turban of the ancient mahogany-colored woman who sat at the room’s small table seemed almost to float free in the gloom, its wearer receding into the dusky light. ‘Please, sit down,’ intoned the old woman as I stood for a moment in confusion, my eyes adjusting to the lighting (or, more properly, to the lack thereof). Shaking my head in an effort to clear my jumbled thoughts, I lowered myself with only minor hesitation into the waiting high-backed wooden chair.
‘You’re troubled. Unseen forces are at work in your life, and you don’t know what to do about them.’
I chuckled involuntarily. ‘Great line. Have you found anyone yet that it doesn’t apply to?’ I shifted uncomfortably in the spartan chair as the expected retort didn’t come. I strained to see my hostess’s face as the seconds dragged by, but only a dark, oval smudge was visible in the subdued lighting. My unease increased as the silence stretched, until finally I could stand it no more. ‘I’m sorry. Listen, I didn’t mean to … that is, it was rude of me to say what I did. Please. I need to talk to someone.’
‘You need more than that,’ the shadowy woman replied. ‘Unfortunately, it’s too late. The die has been cast. I see about you the pall of a doom. I also see, however, that if you are lucky you may be able to survive it, to ride out its duration. If you are lucky, and if you learn.’
‘What do you mean, ‘a doom’? What kind of doom? And what do you mean by ‘its duration’? All I know is…’
‘All you know,’ my seeress interrupted, ‘is that you have been visited with occult afflictions. I don’t know the precise nature or source of them, though I suspect that you do. I suspect that the visitation has occurred because of occult transgressions on your part. Power is a balance, and every act requires its offsetting. You may take some hope in the fact that your doom is not permanent, else you would already reek of damnation sealed and accomplished. You have but a taint, a touch, the merest odor of corruption to you. Who put this upon you — such as this requires to be enacted?’
‘They said something about a Tribunal.’
‘Yeah. Two men and a woman in white robes. They said something about a Law.’
‘So,’ she hissed, ‘you’re a political.’ There was a moment of silence before the murky figure snorted in derision. ‘You must not be a very good sorcerer. If you were, you probably would have brought down a permanent damnation upon yourself as an example.’
‘Please, you’ve got to help me. What can I do?’
‘Nothing, I’m afraid. The Law is absolute. You break it, the Balance is extracted.’
‘But, nobody ever told me about this. It’s not fair. How can I be held responsible for a Law I didn’t know about?’
‘Ignorance is no defense. Come on, everybody knows that. You wouldn’t expect a traffic court to let you off with that excuse. Why would you expect a magical court to do so? Besides, you’re telling me that you never heard Black Magic has unpleasant costs? And you’re a sorcerer? Save it for the rubes.’ The woman lapsed once again into silence. It seemed that the darkness of the chamber was deepening, as was my depression.
‘How long will it last?’ I pressed. ‘How long do I have to endure this?’ I strained to see through the gloom, to see across the table to where my informant sat. All I could make out was a heavy, dark shadow, and even that became harder to distinguish with each passing sec
ond. There was no response. I became angry at being so treated, being so rudely ignored. ‘That’s a fairly simple question, isn’t it?’ I insisted forcefully. ‘How long?’ Still, there was no response.
I’d had enough of this. The thought ran through my head that the old woman was probably sitting there in the dark — for dark it now was — laughing at me. I’d cure that. Rising quickly, I strode to the curtained doorway and threw the hanging aside, letting in a diffuse but still revealing light from the parlor through which I’d entered. It is hard, now, to convey the true measure of my agitation and confusion when the gloom of that chamber was lifted for, though I could now see the entire room, nowhere was the ancient seeress with whom I had been talking.
Uncomprehending, I walked around the table, almost half believing that I would find the mahogany colored crone crouching down below its edge, afraid to face my wrath. It took me only a few moments to satisfy myself (‘satisfy’ — indeed, such a strange turn of phrase for an experience which left such a chill on my soul) that I was alone in that room. I did, however, find an object upon the chair occupied previously by the old woman: a handmade and painted wooden rune. It was the rune of harvest, a definite period, or one year.
Well, it was clear that the old lady was playing games with me and had escaped through another doorway in the rear of the room when she had somehow turned down the lamps (I am certain to this day that the room had been lit by low, flickering oil lamps when I entered, though I could now see only glass-shaded electric lighting). I determined to give her a piece of my mind and wasted no time locating the doorway hidden behind yet another hanging curtain — this doorway complete with a quite solid and, I found, securely locked door.
The question was still frothing about in my mind how the old woman had made it through that locked door in the dark without making a sound, when I heard the lock in question turn, its tumblers loud and sharp in their movements. Confused by the noise emanating from what I had been in the process of deciding must be an extremely precise and silent mechanism, I stepped back, dropping the curtain into place, and waited for my hostess to reappear. The door swung audibly open on hinges long overdue for oiling, and the air currents of its opening caused the curtain which hid the passageway from view to flutter and sway. I would have thought at that moment that my bewilderment at the recent turn of events could grow no greater, but I would have been completely though understandably wrong. In the next moment, an almost bone-white hand came into view, gripping the curtain and moving it aside as the body attached to that hand moved through the veil.
My caustic greeting gurgled forgotten in my throat as the figure entered that chamber: tall, slender, almost bleached white, and younger than I. She looked at me in shock for a second, before she demanded (in a classic Brooklyn accent), ‘What’re you doin’ here? How’d ya get in? ‘M not open yet.’ She was glancing uneasily about the chamber, and I could feel her preparing to bolt back through the doorway behind her.
‘Who are you?’ I almost pleaded. ‘Where’s the old lady who was here?’
‘What? You on drugs?’ she asked, becoming irate. ‘This place here’s mine. Ain’t nobody here but me.’ She was backing up, and was looking at me as if she expected me to explode at any second. ‘Now, you get out of here before I call the cops. You go, now, before you get hurt. I got a dog,’ she warned me, pulling a whistle from where it hung between her breasts on a neck chain.
Things were just happening too fast, and my mind was reeling under the strain of trying to follow the deformation which my reality had just undergone. I couldn’t think clearly, but I realized that something had just gone very wrong and I was probably in no position to make it right. That dog whistle especially worried me — under the circumstances it wouldn’t have surprised me to see it summon Cerberus, itself. I tried to speak, to explain, but my throat had gone dry and words just wouldn’t come, only an inarticulate squeaking. Panic gripped me, and I turned and fled that room. It took me an almost delirious moment to unlock the front door (I still cannot figure out how the door came to be locked, since I had entered unimpeded) and I then ran blindly into the street, nearly getting myself run down stopping the first taxi I saw.
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Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai 6 feet tall average body and have a 6 inch tool and I thank you for all your response for my last story. Any ladies can contact me through This is my experience of me fucking a prostitute. Now coming to the story I have always had a desire of fucking a high profile prostitute in a nasty and a forceful but I feared it was risky but finally decided to...
Chapter 1 Kevin felt himself get an erection as he looked at his now safely anonymous friend. He'd left the lounge to fetch a few items while she got changed. Now he'd returned, he finally realised just how breathtaking her transformation was. She was covered from head to toe in a black zentai spandex catsuit. The only parts of her body exposed by the tight fitting item of clothing were her nostrils and mouth. Over the top of that, she was wearing gleaming knee-high boots with impossibly...
Part I – The Beginning In the spring of 1995, I was on a camping trip at Brazos Bend State Park. It was a solo trip in the small RV that I had at the time. Of course, being the horny young man that I was, I was always looking for pretty women. But I mainly had porn and photography on my mind for this trip, so I hadn't really come prepared, physically or mentally, for a physical encounter. It wasn't the prime camping season yet, so I didn't expect to find a hot young lady or a lonely wife ready...
Straight SexPatrick was a very busy man working, but not a workaholic. He knew how to stop and has fun when he needed the outlet. Normally in the summer his evenings were always spent with Kathleen, this year was an exception, he was busier than ever. Refusing to interview for an assistant once again. Every time he needed to hire a new one, he would dig his heels in. Increasing his hours meant less time with Kathleen. Would she understand about his hours again or could he be having an affair? Kathleen...
Savita and Ashok were having dinner at home. Ashok was telling Savita about his new promotion at the office when suddenly he was interrupted by a phone call. Ashok took the call and was surprised to receive a call from his favorite uncle, Kunal. “Hello this is Ashok Patel. Who’s this? Oh Uncleji! How are you?… Yes… Yes… No it’s fine! We’ll be happy to have you here.” Ashok put back the receiver and told Savita that Kunal uncle would be visiting them tomorrow and she would have to go to the...
Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time... Anyway she says he owes her now of course... to be continued Jan 20th and she is back there right now getting what he owes her. That’s right her friend is in town and it’s a Saturday night and still she drops everything tonight to get served up. This comes after lastnite when he was trying to get her to go...
**I am completely in love with this story. It just keeps coming. Read them in order and I hope you enjoy…feedback is most def welcomed. Part 3 is in the oven! ~ TC * Ardress was dying for a shower but she was wary of whatever surveillance there may be watching her. When she had awakened from her cry-induced nap, she had distinctly noticed the moistness between her legs and the coating on her fingers. She glanced around the room, horrified that someone may have been watching her touch herself...
After my surprise for Paul out of town I realized that both of had enjoyed the novelty of another couple. But I was sort of put off by the youth of out paid partners. I felt and Paul did after I spoke with him afterwords. We both enjoyed the experience while it happened, but I don't think we want to repeat it. The pot and the X was fun, but nether of us wanted to make that a feature of our sex lives. Honestly, Paul is the only man I make love to and I am the only woman he makes love to. Anyone...
Freshly showered, make up re-applied, carefully douched, both vaginally and anally, wearing only my heels and slave collar and leash, my Master/husband led me naked back into the living room of the hotel suite. I then learned what was in store for me. Since New England was leading at half time, Charles and Billy the Patriots fans from the East Coast could use me as their slave during the half time period. Furthermore, they were not restricted to the confines of our hotel suite. This...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyana paiyan than amma oopathai paarthu kai adikiraan. En peyar gopal en vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluri sendru padithu varugiren, salem gramathil vasithu varugiren. Enaku thanthai illai, amma matum thaan irupaargal. Ammavirku vayathu 39 aagi irunthathu. Eppozhuthum amma vassal kathavai thiranthu vaithu vitu thaan paduthu uranguvaargal. Engal veetil padukai arai irukum, naan padukai araiyil thaan paduthu uranguven, en amma sila neram en...
[Andy writes from Europe] We left two days later. Tomas was with us and Grandpop and grandmother were not. It had been a busy two days with much that had to be done including a ritualized apology by the men. It only took one day of hunger and no wives in their beds before the men saw the error of their ways! Marco's wife became co-leader. She took an immediate and active part in governing the village. It was she who approved of what Tomas was going to do anyway. We took to the air in Duck...
It had been a few weeks since I had my fun with Officer Friendly. I had been looking out for him and had even called once and left a message but got no response. I wasn’t too disappointed since I did get to fulfil one of my biggest fantasies, but still wouldn’t mind another round. I did enjoy reliving the experience every chance I got by stopping at the parking lot where it all happened. Since our little tryst I started bringing along an eight inch dildo to fill in for him. I would do my normal...
Chapter 9: The Party ‘You both understand what’s expected?’ Carmella asked Marcia and Tony Daly as they stood outside the heavy oak front doors of Appleby Mansion. Their position at the top of the downward curving concrete steps allowed the three of them a clear view of the cars making their way along the drive. The vast array of trees bordering the long drive were decorated with a variety of coloured lights, all adding to the ambience as well as cutting through the looming darkness. The...
Basking in victory made Lori being sent to her room easy to take. Even with how angry her dad was and being told she was punished, Lori was enjoying being in what her dad thought was a prison cell. To her, this was just a holding pen and her mom would grant her a partial pardon. She would be able to do anything when the warden, her dad, was not home. Lori did not know or care how long until her mom came up to see her. Being in this solitary confinement was worth getting what she...
A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Two Claudette gave both of them hugs goodbye as Kenny struggled in his heels as he followed Trisha outside. Instantly they were both freezing in their skimpy bodysuits, until thankfully it was pretty easy hailing a cab dressed as they were. "Next time we better remember jackets dressed like this," giggled Trisha as she snuggled, rubbing against him as they drove. "They'll definitely be no next time, Trish!" cried...
by grig314 (Warning! I'm not using 4-letter words like "fuck" in this story. I hope you like it as is, just for the story value. I'm willing to risk turning some of you people off by not putting in much porn content, but I think it is an interesting story.) This was one project that we did not want to get into the hands of large countries because they would just turn it into a military project and create armies of robots, and that's not what we wanted. And so, in small groups,...
The Mission II I "Aunt Sissy wants to take Judy and Solly to work with me today. I want to show them off to the staff. We'll have lunch in the refectory and they can watch me deliver my address from the broadcast studio. I promised them a treat and this is what they asked for." "Can we Daddy," they chorused. My mate Gwen, their mother, was standing right next to me but they addressed their request to me. It wasn't as if I were the final arbiter in this family, only the...
characters created by Honey Moon "Wow, Yuri, look at that!" Honey pointed to the shining new Comic Store across the street. "C'mon, let's go check it out!" It took them a while to cross the street in the heavy afternoon traffic. They had just gotten out of class for that afternoon, and decided to do some shopping. They stood at the corner, holding hands and waiting for the light to change. They had to wait for the Friday afternoon traffic. It was nearing summer now, and it was getting...
Claire’s body tensed as she felt the tip of Belinda’s tongue press into her anus. Still, she could not entirely believe what was happening, how could another woman want to do such a deviant thing to her? But she was so aroused, so thrilled by Belinda’s wickedness. Each nerve ending in her body was on fire as she felt Belinda’s wet tongue pushing inside her, wriggling, opening her ring of muscle which gradually slackened as it was massaged and lubricated. Belinda worked the orbs of flesh...
I opened my eyes and the bedside clock said 6 a.m. Virginia was gone and Carla and Carmella were still asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. I eased out of bed, picked up my clothes and headed for the cabana. Naked, I sat down at my computer which showed multiple high definition views of the guest cottage, and its still-sleeping occupants. I scrolled back on the disc to where Virginia had gotten up. It was a little before 5. Still wearing the crotchless pantyhose she paused before the...
Penrose and Hammond used binoculars to view the clinic through a gap in the trees, trying to spot any sign of movement. Penrose watched the armed response unit fan out around the perimeter. Several carried Heckler and Koch MP5 carbines, while the rest were armed with either Sig Sauer P226 or the X26 taser. Hammond had brought his Glock 26, standard issue with the Metropolitan police. "Nothing yet," Penrose whispered. "Hopefully we'll catch them napping in their beds." Hammond replied,...
Noirtier was prepared to receive them, dressed in black, and installed in his arm-chair. When the three persons he expected had entered, he looked at the door, which his valet immediately closed. "Listen," whispered Villefort to Valentine, who could not conceal her joy; "if M. Noirtier wishes to communicate anything which would delay your marriage, I forbid you to understand him." Valentine blushed, but did not answer. Villefort, approaching Noirtier--"Here is M. Franz d'Epinay," said...
Hi dosto… This is Mayur Patel from Surat. This is my first story when i was in hostel at Anand ye 6 saal pehle ki story hai meri aur mere hostel ke warden ki biwi ki…. Ye baat aaj se 6 year pahele ki hai jab me hostel me apni graduation kar raha tha hamari hostel me ek aadmi rehta tha jo hamare hostel ki dekhbhal karta tha. Wo hamare hi hostel ki ground floor ke room me rehta tha apni biwi ke sath…. Uski biwi dikhne me bahot beautiful thi ek dum maal lagti thi uski figure 36 26 36 thi. Kasam...
I never had seen a gloryhole till I was in my 20's. I was laid off and just kicking around town when I went in to check out one of the many adult video stores that were around town then. Sitting in the booth I saw the hole in the wall and pretty soon I saw a finger drag through it. I ran! I'd never had a blowjob from a guy or given one. I would play with my ass and fantasize but that was it. After a few days curiosity got the best of me and I went back. This time when someone came in the next...
‘Just tell me what you remember.’ ‘I told you that I don’t remember anything.’ ‘Take your time.’ ‘NO!’ Haven screamed, pushing away from the metal table in the interrogation room. She couldn’t understand what these people wanted with her. She didn’t remember anything about what he was talking about, and yet they continued to treat her as if she’d been complicit with that madman. The detective sighed as she moved to the window to glare at the rogue shackled to a chair. ‘You know what? I am...
You already know that Maddy Oreilly is hungry for cock. That is because she makes sure to keep herself sharp with a good blowjob every few days or so. Today, she joins us to get her dick fix, and this MILF is literally champing at the bit to get some big sausage between her lips. She sticks her tongue out and stuffs her mouth with our studs boner, moaning as she feels it poke the back of her throat. She loves when he thrusts her head down to the root of his rod, making her gag and choke and she...
xmoviesforyou'So what, I am a girl and I talk dirty, I let men look at me, and yes I am always in a state of readiness, I have always been, that's what happens when you grow up watching your mum and dad fuck each other, as part of your home education regarding sex'.Even my opening lines to you men reading this, are a challenge. I am a real person and I am challenging you to meet me and find out for yourself just how perverted a girl I am.I love sex and full on intercourse, I am a liberated soul, blessed...
Lucy lay naked on her front, breathing hard, hands still clenching the bed sheets. And lying over her body, equally as naked, he was breathing harder, taking in long gulps of air. His cock was still hard and deep in Lucy’s tight little arsehole, where he had only moments before exploded and flooded her with his hot spunk. Her own orgasm was still coursing through her, flowing out from her pussy to every inch of her body, the same intenseness she always felt when he took her, wherever and...
The next morning George and Natalia slept in. Natalia was the first to wake and rolled over to cuddle her man. She was pleased to find that he had a morning boner so she slid down and slowly began licking and sucking his hard-on. “What a great way to wake up,” said George as Natalia worked her magic on his cock. He was amazed at how much her oral skills had improved over the past relatively short period of time. Her technique was awesome. Knowing where to touch, how much pressure, her moans...
‘C’mon Miss, can’t you just put my best mark on the report card’ My teacher laughed. ‘You would have to do something for me.’ Then I swear she licked her lips but nobody else realised anything so I thought nothing of it. Our Teacher, Miss Jones, was about thirty probably a few years younger. She was the gymnastics coach so had a gorgeous trim body, some say she would have been good enough to go to the Olympics except her cleavage was too big. She had dark hair and soft pale skin, perfect teeth...
Several years ago my best friend and ex college roommate Kelly and I took a week long cruise, visiting several lovelytropical Islands. We had an exceptionally good time as the food was fantastic, the alcohol flowed freely, we didn't manage to part with too much money in the casino and we sampled some incredible strains of pot.The days aboard ship were taken up with sunbathing, swimming, reading trashy novels and generally relaxing. Theevenings on the hand were spent drinking, dancing, gambling...
Hi I hope you enjoyed part one because this is my very first time writing a story. Please leave comments and rate this feel free to give any useful tips you know of and im also trying my hand at being a comedian so rate the jokes that follow also. 1. Q: why did the guy get fired from the MNM's factory A: because he threw away all the W's 2.Q: What did the little girl say when she opened the box of cheerio's A: look mommy, donut seeds 3. A guy took his blonde girlfriend to a football...
THAT SAME TUESDAY BUT EARLIER IN THE MORNING "So my dad's friend told him that what is left of America are Kansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Utah and Colorado. Everything else is completely gone!!" cried a high schooler named Roberto Garzia. They were all high school friends and classmates sat inside McDonalds: Roberto Garzia, the 3 Trusk kids Miley, Chris and Sara, Carol White, an African-American girl named Kira whose parents were migrants from Kenya, 3 sexy Latinas named Gabriella, Esther and...
The following morning I was up early and went in to take a shower. When I looked at my face in the mirror I had to smile. The results of eating my mother were still evident I reluctantly washed my face, shaved, and then took a shower. When I came downstairs my mother was sitting at the kitchen table having coffee. She looked up and smiled. "My, but you're up early," she said. "I know. I couldn't bear to be away from you any longer," I said and laughed. I'm not sure she knew how true...
Ten minutes. Time passes at different rates. When something you are hoping for is awaited, time drags. When you’re in the dentist’s waiting room, time drags then too because you want the ordeal over. But when you are trying to formulate an answer to a question, the allotted period flies past. I watched the clock’s hands and I swear they moved faster than normal. I could think of nothing but what was on the other side of that door. Twice I stood, preparing to leave, to fly away. Something deep...
LesbianIn 1800 Maria and I were summonsed to Mistress Pickles. Jenkins, dressed in her customary Butler’s attire led us and stood in the corner as the Mistress bade us sit, then offered us sherry wine. We accepted and Jenkins served us most deferentially, offering us small glasses of the dry, Fino wine the Mistress favoured. ‘I have been discussing your future with Maria,’ she said to me and I felt a sudden fear that perhaps I was to be separated from my love. I had had no idea that Maria had been...