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                                The Archer

                                  by Abe

     There, in the gloom, was a typical Welsh cottage: small,

square, all stone and slate.  A candle burned in a window. 

Gwenneth went to the door and knocked.  A woman answered the

door, dressed in black, just like the "witches" on Welsh


     "Pardon me," said Gwenneth, "but could you tell me where I

might be able to rent a room for the night?"

     Sternly, the woman looked down on Gwenneth, who was all of

five feet two.  Then she turned and bellowed, "Elspeth!"

     A girl came to the door:  "Can I help you?"

     "Please, could you tell me where I could find a Bed and

Breakfast, a place to rent a room for the night?"

     "Oh," said Elspeth, tilting her head as if in deep thought,

"The nearest, it's like on to ten mile."  She spoke to the woman,

in Welsh.  "Mum says its twelve miles.  You're afoot?"


     There was a discussion in Welsh.  "Mum says you'd you'd

better stay here for the night.  You can sleep in my room.  Would

that be all right?"

     "Oh, yes," sighed Gwenneth.  It began to rain.

     Elspeth led Gwenneth into a small sitting room, where the

candle glowed.  The only other light was the fire in the grate.

The woman sat close to the candle and took up her embroidery.

Gwenneth took off her pack and sat, weary, on a small settee.

"I'll just go up and change the sheets and get some of my things

out of the room," said Elspeth, who lighted another candle and

mounted the steep stairs.

     Conversation was impossible.  Over the mantle was a large

oil portrait.  Holding her hands before the fire, as if in need

of warmth, Gwenneth stood and studied the portrait.  It was of a

man, a warrior of some bygone time, dressed in furs and plaid,

with a great sword, a longbow, and a quivver of arrows.

     "He's supposed to be an ancestor of mine," said Elspeth.

"What did you say your name was?"

     "Gwenneth Jones."

     "That's a good Welsh name, but you're not from around here."

     "No, I'm American, but I have an aunt in Llandudno."

     "Oh, really.  Well, I expect you'll want to see your bed.

Just follow me."  At the top of the stairs, she pushed open a low

door and handed the candle to Gwenneth.  "Watch your head," she


     The room was just a loft.  The twisty, hand-hewn beams of

the roof were exposed, and the undersides of the great,

three-foot long roofing slates.  On a dresser were a mirror, a

pitcher, a porcelain bowl, and a small towel.  There was a

chamber pot under the high bed, which stood tall on four great

wooden legs.  "Well," said Elspeth, "I'll say goodnight.  See you

in the morning.  Bolt the door when I've left."

     Gwenneth glanced at the door, with its black iron bolt, and

thought that really wouldn't be necessary.  You don't find

burglars or ax murderers in Wales, and she had nothing to fear

from Elspeth.  She took off her damp clothing, hanging her

anorak, her jeans, and her flannel shirt on pegs in the roof

beams, then spreading out her socks and underwear, hoping they

might dry.  She washed as well as she could.  Gwenneth looked at

her tuft of pubic hair, reddish, like the hair on her head.  She

cupped each breast in her hand, hoping they might have grown a

little fuller, more womanly.  She took from her pack an

old-fashioned flannel nightshirt and dropped it over her head.

It was just the thing for sleeping in, for the nights could be

chilly, even in July.  Then she took out her hairbrush and

brushed her hair for fifty strokes.  She held onto the brush and

took from her pack two long scarves.  Then she blew out the

candle and groped her way to the bed.

     The blackness was total, like swimming in ink.  She

remembered the spooky feeling of being enveloped by the silent,

translucent clouds.  She thought how lucky she was to spot the

candle in the window.  She thought about the portrait of the

archer, wondering what sort of man he was.

     Slowly, she drew the hem of her nightshirt up, up around her

waist.  Her left hand cupped her left breast, while her right

hand slipped across her stomach, stroking the skin, finding the

short, curly hairs.  She pressed her hand against her labia,

rocking it back and forth, feeling pleased that they were

swelling and growing sensitive.  She tried to imagine what it

would be like having a man touching her.  No man ever had, not

there.  A little groping at the breasts, at a dance or something,

but never there, her most private place.

     Then Gwenneth did something she had been doing, on and off,

since she was about thirteen.  With one scarf, she tied her left

ankle to the left bedpost, and, stretching to do so, she used the

other scarf to tie her right ankle to the right bedpost.  When

she lay back, her straightened legs formed a wide vee.  This is

childish, she thought to herself, but only briefly, for this was

her way of turning on her favorite fantasies.

     She was a Christian slave in ancient Rome, and her master,

who really loved her, had had the eunuchs bind her thus so he...

well, the details were a little vague, but it gave her a thrill.

She rubbed two fingers up and down her furry mount, and a

delicious tingly feeling accompanied her fantasy.  "This slave

must be punished!" said her master, who spoke English, not Latin.

A little shiver of fear, entirely contrived, added zest to her

predicament, as she was whipped across her thighs and belly, the

Roman slave whip feeling too much like a hairbrush.

     When her Roman master's attentions failed to excite her

further, she declared a change of venue.  She had been captured

by that notorious London rake, Lord Walsingham, who now declared,

heh heh, that this virginal beauty was at his mercy.  How did he

know she was a virgin?  He would look for himself.  With her eyes

clamped shut, Gwenneth heard the rustle of her petticoats as the

rakehell lord lifted her skirts and peered at her most private

parts.  In her imagination, she saw him holding high a candle and

heard him exclaim, "As pretty a quim as I've ever laid eyes on!"

She felt his hand spreading her lower lips and knew that he was

peering into the pinky depths of her treasure tunnel.  "Ah,ha.

See her maidenhead.  Virga intacta.  I shall have it.  But first,

she must agree to marry me, for I am told that Lady Gwenneth

commands a handsome dowry."  Lord Walsingham dropped her skirts

and put his hands on her breasts, praising their maidenly

firmness and declaring that he would enjoy them, too.

     When the lusty lord had done with her, gloating over what he

was going to do, but didn't, Gwenneth fell captive to a murdering

pirate who carried her onto his galleon and had her bound hand

and foot, spread-eagled on a grating, helpless.  "Ho, ho ,ho," he

roared.  "I'll have fun with this one, and, if she doesn't do

right by me, I'll give her to the crew."  His rough pirate hands

made free with her helpless captive body, but she knew, deep

down, that he wouldn't hurt her.  He would learn to love her and

would carry her off to his secret island fortress, to keep her

there, always, to be his love slave.  Gwenneth grasped the

bristles of her hairbrush, as the pirate whispered in her ear,

"Well, my saucy maid, how would you like to be deflowered with

the pommel of my longsword?"  She pleaded with him to spare her

maidenhead as she pressed hard with the brush handle, but it did

not bring her the release she wanted, and the pirate faded from

her view.

     Gwenneth lay there in the dark, in the silence, listening to

her own breath and feeling an annoying sense of congestion, down

there.  She had tried all her favorite fantasies, and nothing had

resolved itself.  None of her girlhood seducers seemed real

enough.  She might tell herself that Marcus Publius, her Roman

master, really loved her.  He only whipped her out of concern, to

conceal and deny his own desire for her, for a Roman patrician

should never permit himself to love a Christian slave.  On the

morrow, her master would break down and ask her forgiveness, free

her, and marry her, but she could not get past that point, beyond

which lay blissful relaxation.  She grew tired and drifted off to

sleep, her ankles still tied, her nightdress up around her waist.

     She dreamt that she heard the door to her room open, and

someone came in.  A man!  She could hear him breathing.  Did

Elspeth have a lover who would slip into Gwenneth's bed, thinking

she was Elspeth?  She heard the creak of leather, and smelled

him, wild animnal furs and the damp wool.  It was the Welshman,

the archer, so very real she could smell the mead on his breath.

Strong hands, there in the darkness, seized her hand and bound

her wrist to a bedpost with a strong string -- then the other,

leaving her spreadeagled, as the pirate had done, her arms and

legs taut and spread out.  She was truly helpless, unable to

resist, and she knew, in her inner brain, that this fantasy, this

dream, would not fade out before the business was done.  This

spectral figure, invisible in the dark, was so incredibly real.

He even spoke Welsh to her.

     Her nighdress was roughly dragged over her head and stuffed

into her mouth, so she could not even cry out in protest, when

rough hands roamed her body, stroking her legs, taking handfulls

of her girlish buttocks, making free with her breasts.  She knew

this stranger meant to rape her, right and proper, and she was

unable to resist in any way, totally helpless.  She was quite

blameless, too, for what can a poor girl do, when a raging outlaw

has her bound hand and foot and can ravish her at will?  In that

space behind her tight shut eyes, she could see his bearded face

through the cloth which covered her face.

     He stroked her body, murmurring to her in incomprehensible

Welsh, taking her body to be his toy.  He took her breasts, one

by one, squeezing them and licking them.  He sucked one breast

and then the other into his mouth, his coarse whiskers pricking

her skin, his teeth and tongue driving her crazy.  It seemed so

real!  He moved his hairy face across her belly.  She felt a

churning, there between her navel and her...  He was licking her,

taking handfulls of pubic hair and pulling her labia apart,

burrowing into her private... Oh! Oh!  What was happenning to


     The Welshman spread her slippery juices over her mons and

inner thighs, doing with his fingers, his lips, his tongue what

neither Roman nor pirate had dared.  Waves of excitement raged

through her insides, causing her to wriggle helplessly, unable to

escape, for she was stretched tight, bound hand and foot, the

victim of his relentless passions.

     She felt the bed move, as her assailant removed his weight

from the bed, and she was suddenly frightened.  She heard the

creak of leather, knew he must be removing the last of his

clothes, the better to...  Apprehension made her pulse pound.

Would her dream end, as her other fantasies always did, before

the climax?  She waited for the worst, the best.  This warrior

would not shrink from doing what her Roman, her lord, and her

pirate never had.  The inevitable assault was coming, any second

now, and she shivered to think of it.

     Yes, the bed sank as the archer knelt between her outspread

knees.  She felt the warmth of him as he moved to cover her with

his body, his hairy chest pressed to her breasts, his

incomprehensible Welsh words telling her, she understood without

knowing, that he found her beautiful, irresistable, and he was

going to possess her.

     "No, please, don't!" she cried, aloud, she thought, through

the flannel over her face.  "You mustn't.  I'm a virgin.  You

can't."  She was frightened, frightened she would wake.

     It seemed so real.  His weight on her, the pressure, the

stretching, the little twinge of stinging pain as her hymen burst

and her slick labia slid apart, and the sense of penetration, of

being filled to bursting made Gwenneth cry out: "Oh! No. Oh. Yes.

Ahh!"  A wave of emotion swept her, not dread, relief, as a great

burden, her virginity, was so suddenly, so thankfully, removed.

Helpless, blameless, tied hand and foot so she could in no way

resist, her irresistable beauty and femininity had made this man

do the terrible deed.  She was had.  She had known a man.  She

had crossed the bridge, yet she was helpless to stop it.  She

need feel no guilt.  She had been ravished by a stranger.

     The great intrusive thing withdrew, leaving her empty.  Was

that all there is to it?  No, the thing pounded into her, harder

than before, sending warning alarms through her nervous system,

as her delicate inner membranes were stretched and rubbed.  Again

and again it plunged, stirring her insides, moving things around,

pounding on her very womb, and rubbing her there, just below her

mons where, so often, so unsuccessfully, she had used her

hairbrush or her finger.

     But this was no finger.  This was big.  This thing knew what

it was doing, and her helpless body, filled, overcome, could do

nothing to resist.  With each thrust, Gwenneth felt the effect

spread, like a warm fluid infiltrating her pelvis, like

electricity sparking in her tenderest spot.

     Wild associations ricocheted in her brain: the tingle when

she climbed a tree, straddling a branch, her bicycle seat, the

pounding of the saddle when she went horseback riding, the

feeling when her fingers... but this was so much more!  Plunge,

withdraw, plunge, withdraw.  Rhythmically, relentlessly, the

tension grew; the sensitivity grew; the intensity of friction

grew; she could not withstand it.  Like little explosions of

indescribable sensation, great shuddering contractions racked her

insides.  Her ravisher grunted and heaved, and her body, her very

womb, heaved with him, as she cried out, "Oh, oh, oh, AHH!"  She

was overcome with ecstacy and well being.

     "Uuugh, uugh, hmmm," the Welshman said.

     She felt his dead weight, pressing her into the bed, so hard

it stretched her limbs, even more taut than before.  She felt his

warm body, the moisture on their skins, his breath in her hair

and ear.  She felt him withdraw, her breasts tingling, as he

released them from his crushing against her.  She felt a

coolness, the air, drying her damp breasts, wafting across the

wetness of her inner thighs.  She felt profound relaxation, but

then her dream faded and was over.

     Gwenneth awoke, feeling chilly, wondering why she was not

under the blanket.  When she tried to move, she realized her

ankles were still tied to the bedposts with her scarves.  She

must have fallen asleep without removing them.  No matter, her

mother wouldn't find her so.  She released herself and scurried

under the covers to get warm, hugging herself.  It felt good, the

soft bed, the warm blankets.  She drifted off, half asleep, half

awake, and she remembered now the strange dream.  Such a vivid

dream.  Such a pleasant dream.  Such an impossible dream.  How

could she dream in Welsh?  Well, in dreams, anything can happen.

In dreams, the mind isn't rational.  The superego doesn't spoil

the fun.  Nice dream...

     She awoke again.  A dim light came through a tiny window.

Elspeth was at the door.  "Gwenneth, will you be coming down for


     "Yes, Elspeth, just give me a minute."  Gwenneth swung her

legs out from under the covers and sat on the bed, her feet still

inches from the cold floor.  She felt different, somehow, and,

when she looked, she seemed to have a little spotting, when her

period wasn't due for days.  She went to her pack for a

pantishield, just in case, dabbed up some of the blood with a

very cold, damp washcloth, and dressed in a hurry.

     She made her way downstairs, unconsciously rubbing her

wrists.  When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she saw the

small sitting room bright with sunshine.  Elspeth was there, a

steaming teapot in her hand.  She gave Gwenneth the strangest

look.  Do I look different? thought Gwenneth.  Does it show?

     "One egg or two?" asked Elspeth.

     "Oh, two, please.  I'm suddenly very hungry."  Elspeth

departed for the kitchen, and Gwenneth sat, spreading her

serviette across her lap.  As she looked down, she noticed her

wrists.  There were strange red marks, like rope burns, but

smaller.  Thoughtfully, she looked up at the portrait of the

Welsh archer.  She hadn't noticed last night, when the light was

bad, but his bow was unstrung, and he was smiling.


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I was marveling at the new apartment—the floors, the fresh paint, the space, the possibilities, the view of the city—when I heard the knock. I kissed my fingers like a chef. My wife and I were so ready to turn this place into our love nest as soon as she got back from work. I pulled my eyes away from the hardwood floors to go see who was at the door.It was the landlord, Harry, with his tight mouth and his distinguished gray hair. I gave him a great big smile of gratitude and a firm handshake....

3 years ago
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Geek Luv

Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...

1 year ago
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Fat Mom Tube! Are you horny as fuck for fat ass old women? Moms in particular? If so, then you probably find yourself jacking off across the street at the local hair salon as MILFs of all ages get their hair done, thinking they don’t look fucking ridiculous. But you are into that shit, right mother fucker?I know what you are into. I see the shit you look at on ThePornDude. Hey, I’m not going to judge you! I just want you to be aware of a site called Fat Mom Tube!Oh, now you are interested in...

BBW Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Stranger At My Door

I was on a business trip to a Caribbean Island. It did not go how I planned. I was alone and far away from home. I arrived at the hotel and unpacked my bags. I opened my computer and reviewed the presentation that I was to give one more time. I was very anxious and nervous; if it were approved, I would get a promotion and transfer.The next day I set up for the briefing. I surveyed the room making sure everything was perfect. Everyone arrived and took their places. I scanned all the faces and...

Quickie Sex
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The Twisted Tale Of My DomSub RelationshipPart 1

Having a dominant man in your life is always exciting, as you never know what runs in His mind. Every day seems to be an adventure with a new twist. The same happened to me. It was a routine Monday morning that started with me giving the ritualistic wake-up blowjob to Him, as we both lie naked under the sheets after a night full of fucking and cuddling. It was time to wake him up so I bent down and started swirling my tongue up and down licking it all the way down till my master became...

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The Princes Momo

If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

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good wife goe black

My wife Terla and I became swingers last year and since that time a whole new world has opened up for us. We have joined clubs around the world and spend our nights trolling friend sites for potential lovers and three ways. I am not an active participant in the love making but I enjoy watching Terla with different lovers. Not long ago I convinced her to try having sex with a very well hung black man who we refer to as "Big Gun" because his cock is all of 11 inches fully erect. He comes to meet...

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Her Favorite IceCream

It was a nice summer, a couple of years ago. I had decided to go on vacations down in Spain with my then-girlfriend, but before we go, we had opted to relax a couple of days in my parents’ house. They were away and we had the house to ourselves, which after the long weeks at work that grew longer and longer as we headed into July, was very nice indeed. Of course, the fact that my parents had a pool and that the weather was just perfect, was something of an added bonus, and we had spent most of...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Lesbian Lover

I was still a virgin at age 20. Most of my friends had gotten involved with sex…but my two closest friends were like me. One good friend already had a baby. Other girls had serious boyfriends. A few played with other girls. I had been asked to try girl-girl activities but had declined. I was saving myself for some yet unknown destiny. I wasn’t envious of my sexually active friends. I masturbated myself to orgasm almost every night. It was comforting and it was enough. Boys liked me but I...

1 year ago
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Beth Pony girl 3 Sunday

Its early morning and as usual Joe (the blacksmith) opens my stable and delivers me food and water, the door is locked again. Yesterday while I did enjoyed some of the activities I was also very disappointed in the way one of my best friends treated me, having my boobs stabbed and her continual humiliation was not part of my fantasy. However at other times I was fully engrossed in the erotic turn on, the continual arousal of my slit, the urges deep within my groin as I reminisce I feel it...

3 years ago
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African Cocks Banging My Ass Part 2Game Time

Hi to all my ISS readers and horny fans out there. I hope you all liked my first part. If you are new to my page, please read the first part before reading this one to help you understand better. So as you know, I met the African hulks who were enjoying the time of their life. I was enjoying being their pet. After the bathroom session, I became way too horny and started begging them to fuck me with their beasts. But they were just pretended as they were not ready yet and decided to play a...

4 years ago
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I didnt Know your Gay Steve

The email arrived. Steve licked his lips in anticipation. "Love your pic," it read, "Would really like to suck your Black cock." Steve smiled, felt his cock harden. He replied to the email, told the guy his address and what time to be there. Once the guy had replied, Steve showered. He looked down at his six inch cock and smiled, he began to rub it, felt it growing hard in his hand and then he jacked it, slow and steady. Pleasure rose through his wet body. He ran his free hand over his stomach...

3 years ago
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Never Again

The weeds were the first thing I noticed as I made my way along the paved path to Ben’s front door. My gaze followed the twisting lengths as they pushed through the cracks and strangled the roses once tended by me. It made my stomach drop to see how much he’d let it all go, as if the act of maintaining something that had meant so much to me was more than he could stand. Almost six months had passed since we’d spoken. A closing door and a couple of boxes filled with the belongings I’d left...

2 years ago
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Naughty Drunken Uncle Fucked Me 7

Depending on your age some of you might recall the era of computers being introduced to home and that dreaded dial up tone of the internet. Our computer was initially kept in my parents bedroom but I would sneak in and use it whenever I could. On one such occasion I found my dad's email account had been left open and being the nosy parker that I am, of course I snooped through his emails. There were a string of emails between him and Jim but what really piqued my attention was they were about...

3 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 26

“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...

4 years ago
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Fucking my sister the very first time part 2

In my last story I explained how my sister and I were alone one night and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were fucking. It didn't last very long, I shot cum everywhere and we hurried up and cleaned up and vowed to keep it a secret between the two of us and never do it again.We both felt guilty about it over the next few weeks but we also had some lust built up inside about it. I wanted to do it again, but didn't dare. I was worried she would get pregnant. In fact, after we did...

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Jake and Jane Stranger Sex

It had been a long time since her husband and she had been out for the night together. With their anniversary nearing, she felt she had better make a plan and arrange something exciting for them to do. With Jake’s long hours at work she felt it was unlikely he’d have time to plan anything for them. Taking the day off work Jane had a relaxing day giving herself a facial, manicure, pedicure, taking a relaxing bath and then moisturizing all over until her peachy skin was smooth and had a...

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Sleight of Hand7 Songbird

I had business to conduct before we could leave. The first order was the burial of Jules/Julia. If I remembered the Damsel Rule Book correctly, a damsel who died and was buried on Chaos was returned to Cassandra. I hoped so. Otherwise, I would want to take her body with me to the bank vault. We were a somber group that returned to the Inn. Ariel continued to weep and Lisa whispered to me that she was still in pain. I wanted to wrap up the business as quickly as possible. I had five horses...

3 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 4 If You Could Read My Mind

Fitness for Boomers Club, Tuscaloosa, AL Early afternoon, January, 8, 2003 I finished with that little wisecrack to try to put a smile back on her face. It did as ... Kaleigh quickly reached up with the hand she had over mine, and pinched my nose to show she was back in her playful mode. I swatted her hand away from my face and made a small nasally, “Don’t do that” comment. I then decided I would counter-attack my blonde ‘Star’. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to taste the delicate...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Slut Wife Marilyn

The story begins now. Marilyn Peterson had always been the darling in whatever she did. When she was little, she looked absolutely radiant in a cute little jumper with her beautiful blonde hair pulled up in twin pigtails. As she grew older, she grew taller and more lithesome. Marilyn became very popular in school. In junior high, she was elected vice-president of the student body and earned a spot on the cheerleading team. That was important to her as she liked to be involved in sports not...

4 years ago
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The Guy From The Chicken Shop

The guy from a chicken shop Thanks for your lovely feedback for my last story . Am overwhelmed with love. Thanks once. Again My next story which I have encountered at the age of 17 is way am going to pen down now. While I was quite happy with my friend at school , whom we twice a week met in his bed at home right after our school get over, we started to taste both of our ass. We even bathed together while having kissed each other . Just lying naked in our shoulders . It was quite a love that...

Gay Male
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Have HandsWill Travel Jamie 3

I was prepared for Jamie's last visit on Sunday early. The stones were heated and a fresh sheet on my table, along with some incense I burned one after another until her arrival at 4 pm. She arrived carrying a gym bag just as the guy was delivering a large pizza I had ordered. He gave me the 'look' –like I was a pimp or something. I tipped him $5.00 and he left smiling. Jamie looked the part of a very Gothic chick I'd seen on TV lately on N.C.I.S. Her eyeliner and...

2 years ago
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Shrinking cock Limp permanently

To Mistress AlexI'm an average guy, average looks, average Job, average Wife, ETC. One thing in my life I'm proud of is my Dick. It's just above average at 6.5" but it's all I have. Now for my story. I came home from work early to find a low rider Caddey in my Drive way. I sneak inside. Up the stairs in my bed is a skinny Black Dude Fucking my Wife of 10 years. I don't know what to do but I do catch a glimpse of his Cock and man it has to be 9" Long !I sneak out and come home later to my...

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Louisville 4 way

Hey there everyone, for everyone who doesn't know I am a cowgirl and I show cattle nationally.It was November 14th,2007 and I had to get up early to get the cattle ready to show.I was wearing cowgirl boots, tight sparkly jeans, sparkly belt, no underwear, a button up pink plaid long sleeve cow girl shirt, and my sexy lime green puffer vest that has a stain on the back......I wonder wait the stain is from ;) . The show went great so like always the winners buy beer and throw a party in the...

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My House My RulesChapter 17

Alice was not in the same universe. The stairs reversed direction halfway down, from west to east, so they entered the basement facing east, toward the far wall. The lower chamber was better than Kris had guessed. At least 40x110 feet, large white columns on 20 foot centers, offset rows, plus clearly air-conditioned. Another staircase, boxed on three sides, beneath what was evidently the courtyard, rose upward to the ceiling. A flat black cube, approximately 10'x10'x10', was centered...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 12

Tuesday morning I awoke with questions in my head along with relief in my body that I didn't need to awake absurdly early in the morning as I had the day before to rehearse Lindy's dance. Fortunately Nick and the angels except Chanda and Alexandra greeted me and Lindy and our angel lovers with breakfast and smiles. (Lindy had awakened at her usual 6am but quietly remained in bed making love and being made love to by Miwa and Helena. For the first time I actually was thankful not...

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Mesmerizing Young Married Lady Who I Met Through ISS

It is so great to be back in ISS with another real experience in Bangalore, which happened last weekend. Before that, thank you all for reading my previous stories. Kindly comment your opinions, comments and request. I would really appreciate your feedback as well. It all started from an e-mail, which I received from a young lady Sunanda (Name changed for privacy) 34YO, 5’1” tall, pear shaped young working women with stat 36-28-38. She was very clear in her communication. She asked me my likes...

4 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 35

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 35 (Friday - week 5) Her dreams were mostly scattered images, flitting from one vague subject to the next. But as the night wore on toward morning, more and more of those dreams became about Sissy. Eventually, even though she remained mostly asleep, her conscious mind became aware of her dreams - or thoughts. Sissy - in a pink leotard with white tights and a white tutu, pink ballet slippers on his feet, dancing to her favorite ballet music. ...

2 years ago
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Day Off Pt 2

"You made a mess, but I think I cleaned most of it up." Rocco flashed a cheeky grin as he licked a last bit of cum from the side of his mouth. Nacho couldn't believe what a cockwhore his friend seemed to be. After working together in porn for years and even fucking girls together off set, he'd never imagined Rocco would be so into dick, balls, and cum. Rocco and Nacho were known as some of the freakier porn actors and directors. They'd never had issues fucking girls together, rubbing cockheads...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Lily Rader 02182018

Lily Rader and her man are in all sorts of trouble…and about to get into more! They’re broke, they’re unemployed, and they need money…fast! They’ve decided to do something “sketchy”, so they’re meeting with a man who steals identities in order to get with their crew. “It’s a white-collar crime,” Lily’s boyfriend says. “It’s not like we’re drug dealers! If we get caught, white-collar criminals never go to...

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A Great Gig

It was a band I had wanted to see for ages and finally they were in the UK. I had got a ticket quickly as I thought they would sell out but none of my friends or my wife wanted to go so I was there alone. I was not keen on the support act so I headed to the bar and got a drink before the rush then found a spot in a quiet corner. As I sipped my drink and looked at my phone I spotted an attractive lady, who looked a few years younger than me, walking in my direction and looking round. I guessed...

Wife Lovers
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Humping My SisterInLaw

Hello ISS readers. I’ve been reading stories on ISS lately. Since its lockdown time and we all are suffering from COVID-19, I thought of penning down some of my experiences and share it with you guys. Happy reading. Hi, my name is Andy (nickname), and I’m from Varanasi. I’m a 4th law student currently studying in Dehradun. In Doon, I live at my cousin brother’s place in his 3 storied building. He has been married for the past 1 year. He married his school time, sweetheart Satakshi. Bhaiya was...

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Cheerleaders Jocks and Geeks

"You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!" the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man's dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. "What are you looking at, dork?" Jenna Marble, one of the...

Love Stories
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Maami Chudi Train Mein

Hi to all ISS readers. To be real the story is a pure work of fiction and my imagination. So I would like you to at least read and then comment also so that I would write again. To begin with I am Rohan (not real name), 20 years of age. I live in Kanpur. The story which I am going to narrate is about my hot and sexy aunt Ritu who is 40 years of age. She has a great figure of 38-30-38. Black hair up to her waist is my weakness. The incident happened in May last year when we were travelling to...

1 year ago
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A Day At the Beach

I keep myself in shape: my waist thin, shoulders broad, thighs and calves well developed. Between my pecs and around my nipples slight hints of dark blond hair highlight the curves. My dick is full, round and longer than most others I’ve known. But I’m older now and small strands of gray curl among my darker pubic hair. My face shows I am no longer twenty, but it still has form and structure. When I can, I go to the beach to see if someone will notice at least my body. As I sat in my chair as...

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Zelenas Story 2

She was having trouble going to sleep. Zelena kept thinking about who she should choose to give her anal sex. Of all the men her age that she knew the only possibility was Karl. But Karl was so shy, and she hadn't even had sex with him yet.Finally, she decided, it had to be Daddy. He had a very large penis, but she knew she could trust him and that he'd be careful and gentle. She drifted off content, knowing that in the next few days her curiosity would be satisfied.She always knew when to...

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