Dakota Jones And The Goddess Idol free porn video

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August, 1942 ------------- "Bean, I think this is it." Dakota James, Bachelour of Archeology and Anthropology, world class explorer, and in general pain in the neck for any ancient who wanted their mortal remains left undisturbed, pulled his young research assistant up from the ledge to solid ground. Both men were huffing and puffing, for the trek to this remote temple had not been pleasant. The ziggurat had long been hidden from the eyes of the world, but the encroaching desert had thinned the trees which had once kept it hidden from the world. It had been spotted by reconnaissance flights searching for German bases in the area. James looked over young Bean. The young man was black, although James didn't hold it against him. Dakota's own parents had been Quakers, they believed that the words "All men are created equal" didn't end when ones ancestors had been born on the continent. And besides, the kid was smart, and had the heart of an anthropologist and the eyes of a photographer. He hadn't complained once when the filter on their jeep had failed, and the pair had been forced to walk in the blistering heat, supplies on their back. "Here," James said, handing Bean his waterskin. As the young man downed his fill, the archeologist studied the temple entrace. Sumerian writing, although certain pieces had been carved over in heiroglyphics much later. Low reliefs covered the margins, depicting the offerings that the religion here had demanded, mostly of sheep, grain, and the seeds of trees. It was almost pristine, considering the circumstances. The almost is was scared him. Sand and dust of eons had been recently disturbed, as bootprints lead into the temple with military precision. Looks like the Krauts were here after all. "We might have company, Bean. Eyes open." The young man nodded, and the pair ventured forth into the unknown. ---- The temple complex wasn't particularly large, and yet even an inch of progress felt like a mile. The only sounds James could here was his own heart beating, as the pair moved forward. He held one hand to the wall, feeling the carvings as the light from outside faded. They were well and truly on their own, as they walked halls that had remained unchanged since before the birth of Christ. Unchanged, but not undisturbed. Both Dakota and Bean took cover at the entrance to the temple sanctuary, as noises of disturbance were heard ahead. Dakota took a moment to peek around the corner. Yeah, it was a whole bunch of Jerry alright. Twenty soldiers or so who had set up an operating base here. Supplies, motorcycles, even a wireless which had been left in the corner as the Krauts argued. Several were giving evil eyes to the ivory statue to the goddess that stood in the position of honor at the alter. The statue itself seemed to glisten in the torchlight. Bean whispered a question to his companion, "Who is she, Mr James?", bringing Dakota's eye to the sole woman in the room. She was a of short woman of local color, with dark hair and dressed in an ill fitting german uniform. She seemed to be the subject of the argument, as both the commanding officer and his subordinate were shouting as they gesticulated at her, both red in the face. Dakota looked over to his friend. "You catching any of this, Bean?". Bean shook his head. Suddenly, the feel of cold metal was against Dakota's back. German accented English breathed down his neck. "It is lucky, then, that I have caught you." Dakota James put his hands up, as did Bean, as the sentries who had snuck up on the pair marched them out into the open. The Heer stopped their bickering immediately, and walked over to look the pair over. "Amerikanisch" said the officer, a cruel smile on his face. "You have come at a most convenient time, freund" He barked orders at the rest of his men, who cawed with laugher. Rough hands grappled the duo, and try as he might Dakota could not burst free. Bean was similarly helpless, and soon both were brought down on their knees before the alter. The ivory statue seemed to stare down on them as the German began speaking. "Der Fuhrer and Reichsfuhrer Himmler entrusted me with this assignment, the seeking of artefakte of the ancient world. Magical devices, if you will, waffen to win this war. This temple was dedicated to the ancient goddess Inanna. We thought it was merely for grain, but in fact it was so much more." He leaned close to Bean. "I would begin praying if I were you, dog." Dakota felt his fists tighten. No one talked to his friend like that. Still, with all these german guns on them, there was nothing he could do but bear it. He watched as the crystal of the statue, a perfect cut of lapis lazuli, began to glow red. Wind began picking up, as dust began clearing from where the Americans were kneeling. Dakota felt the ground beginning to give beneath him. In a split second, he reached to grab the german soldier at his flank, but this act of defiance only served to bring the larger man with him. His last sight was looking up, as the german commander's face was curled into rage as his subordinate too was sacrificed. And then, there was only black. ---- And in blackness was where Dakota awoke. He had no point of reference beyond his hands and the sound of the two others breathing. Good news and bad news, then. He'd landed on the German, from the feel of it. "Bean! Bean, can you hear me?" he called out, his voice echoing in the sealed chamber. He heard a groan. "S'all good, Mr. James. Camera's busted, though." And then the third interupted. "Verschwinde!" the soldier demanded as he fumbled for his gun. Dakota almost stopped him, but the man was simply stronger, six and half feet of muscle in a German SS black. Dakota felt that he had cheated death only to die here in this anonymous pit, for surely at this range the man couldn't miss even in the dark. But, lady fortune, a cruel mistress, decided to stack the deck. Lights appeared in the darkness, blinding the three of them. No. Not lights. Eyes. Glowing eyes of some shadowed entity. More Interlopers The voice was nowhere and everywhere. It had the cadence of a whisper, and yet seemed to shout. The SS soldier was the first to react, firing wildly at the eyes. They squinted in annoyance, and then the man stopped in time with a bullet half out of the chamber. He blinked once. The Same As The Other Very Well Dakota and Bean could only watch in horrid fascination as the man floated into the air. Fire was first, whisking over the man's body. His uniform fell from him, and then his hair. The flames licked his body, and where it did his nordic skin darkened to that of this land. Fresh Water and Earth transmuted the mans body to clay, his eyes to lazuli. The flames pushed and pulled him, his form rearrange. Muscle was converted to fat, as the form of a man became that of a woman. Breasts began to emerge, the aryan features of the soldier's face were sculpted away, leaving the face nigh identical to that of the statue above, a woman of Ancient Sumer. And then the magic released her. Dakota looked on as the woman felt herself, only to find that she was not himself. A shriek left her lips for a moment, and then she was silent. The former SS soldier fell to her knees, and bowed deep to the entity which had transformed her so. And Now To See What I Shall Do With You Bean spoke up. "We weren't with him!" he cried out. Oh I Know I Know All Of Those Sacrificed To Me Benjamin String "Are you Inanna?" Dakota asked. The sound of a laugh filled the chamber, and the light from the woman's eyes diffused through the room. Dakota found they weren't actually in a room. They were in the palms of an enormous statue of ebony and carnelion, the statue itself looked down on them from the void. I Am Ereshkigal Sister To Inanna Goddess Of Death My Sister And I Were Once A Gestalt Being But She Wished To Become Closer To That Man Tamuz "I... didn't know that" There Is Much That You Do Not Know Treasure Seeker You Are A Thief But Your Thievery Is For Enlightenment Rather Then Riches I Will Offer You A Deal Dakota tried not to squeak. "What is it?" You May Stay Here In The Underworld In A State Of Half Death Until You Join The Abyss In Full Or You Will Allow Me To Borrow Your Bodies So That I May Smite The Defilers Above It really wasn't an option. Get back at the krauts above for getting them into this mess? Infinitely better then being left to rot. He looked over at Bean, who also nodded. "We'll do it." Very Well ---- Light poured into Dakota and Bean's bodies as the goddess below them simply disappeared. Floating alone in the void, the pair felt their bodies being pulled together. Their clothing simply phazed through them, in a sensation that was as odd as it was... arousing. Strange. A Single Mortal Body Would Die In Moments Of My Touch We Must Make Modifications Dakota wasn't sure whether he was screaming in pain or in pleasure as Ereshkigal's touch invaded his body. It was like lightning down his spine, only everywhere. He felt his sausage shoot out with pride as ecstacy filled every nerve. And then another mind touched his. Bean's, he could tell it was Bean's. And then the pleasure doubled as he could feel everything that Bean could feel as well. It was too much to take and stay sane. White filled Dakota's vision. And We Are Complete They weren't Dakota and Bean anymore, although both consciousnesses were there. They were an Avatar of Ereshkigal. Their skin was obsidian, their eyes carnelian. A golden crown adorn their head, and a necklace of lapis lazuli adorned their neck. They were she, body and soul. A dress of kingfisher feathers had appeared on her. She was a woman of divine beauty, and yet all that would look upon her would fear her. To The Mortal Realm ---- Although it had seemed an eternity, no time had passed since three mortals had entered the pit. But now the Germans fled back as their former comrade's new form was flung from the pit. Only the other woman among them, the first of the Germans, moved to help the new girl. The rest looked on in terror, as a goddess had appeared before them. Ereshkigal smiled wickedly as the exit to the room sealed, a wall of black marble that appeared from oblivion. When bullets failed, the soldiers smashed themselves against it with all their considerable might, only to find their effort fruitless. Her crimson eyes narrowed at the sight of the commanding officer. Your Men First And Then You With a gesture, Ereshkigal brought vines into existance, binding the man to the wall so thickly that all that could be seen was his head. After all, she wanted to give him a view of the show. And watch he did. All around him, his men collapsed to the floor, screaming. Gold chains burst from the ground, collars locking around their throats as they fought to get to their feet. Blackness spilled from their orifaces, and they tore at their uniforms in madness. One by one, the SS soldiers manly cries went from bass to soprano, writhing on the temple floor as spines loudly snapped as they contracted dramatically. Soon nothing remained of the men they were. They weren't identical, but one would think them sisters. Dark hair and light brown skin had annointed all of them. Their uniforms were gone, leaving naked fair breasts to bounce with every overexaggerated breath taken. Some attempted for modesty, covering themselves with their hands, while others were still too shocked to do anything besides feel themselves. One's lust outdid her shock and terror, and she reached for her nearest former brother and tackled her. Ereshkigal surveyed her handiwork with a sharklike grin, before turning her attention back to the last Nazi in the room. His eyes were open in terror, even as his uncontrolled ego stood erect. A Fine Crop Of Handmaidens With those words, all the new women fell to the ground, asleep. They would awaken soon enough, with their lives pledged to a lesser force of darkness then their previous master. And While We Are Sure We Could Make You Beg To Join Them We Have Something Much Better In Mind The vines receded, all but the barest needed to keep the German restrained. The avatar of Ereshkigal leaned in close, and passionately kissed her captive, her inhuman tongue plunging deep down his throat as her claws wrapped tightly around his penis. A chuckle emerged from her throat. And then the metamorphosis began. The features of the SS officer faded, began mirroring those of the one holding him. His body tightened to inhuman proportions as his veins turned black. Breasts ballooned until they matched the goddess's forms, thighs thickened, muscles faded, and hair curled as blonde faded to black. Soon, Ereshkigal was looking at a mirror image of herself, though smaller and less godly. Her eyes began to glow as she finished her divine work, using the vines to manipulate her doppelganger into a pose, as the blackness was spreading to the skin. Only the eyes could tell you the Nazi was still there. The scream continued, until it died as vocal chords became stone and glass. This Temple Was Dedicated To My Sister But It Was Built On The Gateway To My Realm Where She Traded Her Unfaithful Husband For Her Own Freedom Thus We Feel That We Should Share It That Is Where You Come In Another laugh, as the new statue's human eyes became gems, and Ereshkigal placed the new idol opposite of it's sister, the idol to Inanna. The pair were eye to eye, both antagonists and sisters. The room was now still, save for the breaths of the unconscious handmaidens. Dakota and Bean hit the temple floor with a thud, the room darkening as they did so. They backed away from each other, breathing heavily as they did so. The experience had been intense to say the least. Their experiences had been magnified a hundred fold, and every rush of power had been deeply erotic. I Thank You For Your Assistance You May Leave Now The voice echoed around the room, though it seemed to emanate from the new statue. Dakota nodded once, still shaken by the experience. Of course, there had been a price to their escape from the Underworld. Both Dakota and Bean had been irrevocably changed by their experience as the body of an ancient Babylonian goddess. Dakota had always been handsome, but now she was beautiful. He had been long in the trunk and short in the limbs, but she was the reverse. Long, full legs lead to a divine ass. Her body looked like it had been sculpted by a master of the arts, perfectly proportioned breasts on a frame that belonged to an olympic athlete. Her arms were muscled, but retained a softness. And gods, her face. Her lips were red and plump, her nose aquiline, and two deep hazel eyes slightly obscured by auburn hair. Bean was just as transformed. Her hair was long and extended out from her head like a supernova, even as she attempted to pat it down to a more manageable shape. Her old clothing flattered her new figure nicely, although her pants were stretching from her new bottom. Her voice was a contralto that could get a man to jump off of cliff if she asked it. Taking the motorcycles, the two made it back to their camp before nightfall. They only had one tent, which before hadn't really mattered. What a difference a day makes. They looked each other up and down, each lamenting that the one across from them was their own gender, and then deciding they didn't care. They jumped each other and rolled together, and for a moment became one again. ---- Epilogue ---- No one seemed to notice anything different about Dakota James. She eventually finished her thesis on ancient Matriarchal cultures and graduated from Bachelor to Doctor of Archeology and Anthropology. She was considered a firebrand in her field, and brought many young women kicking and screaming into the field Benny String lived with Dakota the rest of their lives, sharing many adventures. The two held hands at the march to Washington. Bean's work as a photographer was used by many publications. The Cult of Ereshkigal grew silently when the temple became an Axis field hospital as the war left Africa. The temple itself faded back into history, although the regions laws about being transgender were among the most liberal of the world. All was well and good, until it wasn't because the adventure must continue.

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Mrs Jones p10

"Good news" my mother said as I strolled into the kitchen "The Joneses next door are having a BBQ party this afternoon and we're invited!""Great!" I replied grinning."Why are you so happy?" my mother asked"I just like BBQ's" I replied before I quickly left the room.For the next few hours I sat watching TV, just trying not to get too excited about what might happen at Mrs Joneses party and then as I began to hear people arriving, I couldn't wait any longer.Throwing on a clean t-shirt I strolled...

3 years ago
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Professor Jones and His Student

“But Professor Jones, there has to be another way! I’ll do anything else to make up my grade, anything!” He shook his head, patting his lap once again. “Be a good girl and take the punishment you deserve, Maggie. If I have to tell you again, I’m afraid I’ll have to fail you.” Shaking with excited, nervous anticipation, Maggie stood up and walked over to the desk. She tried to think back, wondering how this had happened. Just weeks ago, Maggie Collins had been a normal college sophomore in her...

4 years ago
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jones p11

It was Friday evening when I got a message from Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour.'Come over!' it read, so slipping out of the house so my parents didn't see me, I climbed over the back fence like I had done several times now, and then made my way to the back door of Mrs Joneses house.As I reached the door, it opened and Mrs Jones stood there in just a white fluffy dressing gown, with her hair up in a bun and smiling at me eagerly."Come in!" she said and stepped into the...

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Training Mrs Jones

"Mrs Jones could you come to my office" "Yes Sir"About 10 minutes goes past before she arrives. Standing in the middle of my office."Mrs Jones sit down. We need to talk about your job performance. Frankly it's bad. Your typing is full of errors. Your at least 10 minutes late each day and then... You leave early. You have let your appearance become scruffy. What do you have to say for yourself?" "My husband lost his job and I don't have the money to spend on nice clothes any more. Please don't...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones p5

It was a hot day, the sun was shining and I sat in the back garden in my shorts and t-shirt wondering when Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour was going to call me next.It had been a few days since I had last fucked her and her friend, and as a teenager I was really begin to feel horny again.As I sat staring at my phone waiting for something to happen, I thought I heard some noise coming from Mrs Jones garden, and moved to the fence to see what was happening.Peering over I saw...

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Mrs Jones p9

It was a quiet day as I sat playing a video game, and was just beginning to wonder what my sexy hot older neighbour was doing, when my phone began to beep, and glancing at it, the text read 'Robbie, come over, I have a surprise!"So I quickly slipped out of the house, climbed over the back fence again, and made my way up to Mrs Jones's back door."Hey baby!" she said smiling, as she greeted me at the back door "Come in!"I stepped into the house, and then followed her through the kitchen and...

4 years ago
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Mrs Jones p2

After fucking my hot thirty something blonde neighbour Mrs Jones, I could hardly think about any thing else, and for the next few days I hung at every window in my parents house waiting for her to call me over again.But to my frustration Mr Jones was suddenly spending time at home, and even though I caught her eye several times over the next few days, she never once indicated to me to meet her.Finally I couldn't take it any more, and slipping out of the house one afternoon, I climbed over the...

2 years ago
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The Idol

I had found it when I was searching for a gag gift for my roommate's birthday. I'm Kyle by the way. A decently attractive 19 year old college guy with a nice athletic build that was the result of years of sports like track and swimming during High School. I have dirty blond hair, some nice defined abs and a nice girthy 7 inch uncut cock that got me plenty of pussy if I do say so myself. I had pledged a frat the first thing on arriving in college and didn't take long to get in one. Spending most...

4 years ago
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Taking Aunt Val to meet Mrs Jones

To give you a little background on me, I would have to say that I do not judge. I am here to give pleasure and help women achieve their ultimate fantasies - no matter how kinky or deviant they might be. I get off on helping women get off. I hope you enjoy exploring your deepest, darkest fantasies. That is the short note that I left for Aunt Val before heading out to work. I was still a bit weak from showing Aunt Val a taste of what she could expect. Today we had to finish up a job over at the...

3 years ago
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Muscle Encounters 2 Goddess Heather

Musclee encounters 2- Goddess HeatherBy lilguy Man trapped and abuse by the real life Goddess HeatherA man lay in dungeons. He was shivering with fear and pain. His ass was bruiselike two g****s. His penis stretches out from hours with a penis pump eachday. Whips market covered his body and a tattoo that said "Goddess Heather"was on his ass. Tears ran down the young black man eyes as he dangled in theair. The were a drain under him that watch away any fluids. His cock rockedhard and body...

2 years ago
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Mr Jones

Mr. Jones has lived next door to my mom and I for a couple of years now and we have become good friends with him. Mom is always complaining to him what a bad girl I am and how I need someone to teach me a lesson. I never quite understand what she means by this, she is always saying to me that if I was Mr. Jones daughter he would know how to deal with me. She will even say that when I am standing right next to him and he just looks at me and grins. I like Mr. Jones, he is a good looking strong...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones

The year I turned 14 I got my first job. My father had died 5 years earlier, and mom had her hands full, providing for me and my sister. There was never enough money to go round, and a weekly allowance was out of the question. Not that I complained much. I loved my mom and my sister, and our family was a good place to grow up. So when the need for money turned up, a ticket to a movie, a fancy add-on for my bike, or whatever, I got myself a job every afternoon. 'Office messenger boy' I believe...

2 years ago
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Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble

The characters are properties of Archie comics. I am just playing with them in this fan fiction. No infringement intended. As always, a big tip of the hat to Editor Steve Zink. Nobody does it better! Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble By Eric Jughead Jones had finished his volunteer work at the children's hospital. He usually dressed up in a silly costume and went around telling kids stories or playing silly magic tricks that usually didn't work and made kids laugh....

4 years ago
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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

3 years ago
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Miss Jones Part Two

Miss Jones P2 F/MBy [email protected] This is now the second evening that I need to report to Miss Jones' house at seven P M. I didn't want to be punished anymore than I had to, so I arrived on time. I knocked on her door and Miss Jones opened it. "Good to see you, again, Clyde. It is also good that you are right on time. Come on in so that we may begin your lessons for tonight." Instead of leading me to her living room, she led me to another small room in her house. This room had two...

4 years ago
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Jan Jones

Cast: Jan, Paul, Peter, Penny, Mrs Haig. The new teacher arrived in town and her name is Miss Jan Jones. She is a very conservative person, age 28. Usually dresses in white underwear, white blouse, Grey skirt around the knees, and a cardigan for school. She does this to cover her figure of 36dd, 22, 30. Because of old school teasing, she tries to hide her body from others. She had been in the three teacher school for the term and was happy her first term was finalised. Two weeks...

4 years ago
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The Jones Family 2

The Jones Family, 2 By: Malissa Madison "We won't be long," Stacy told Tim as she and the girls went out the door to the car. "If you're going by Dr. Roberts on the way I'll order Pizza if you give me a call before you start home," he told her knowing it might take longer than she thought. Why didn't Daddy want to come with us? Asked Tammy. "It's kind of embarrassing for Daddy's to shop for Bras and Panties," Colleen told her sister. "Oh," giggled Tammy as they started...

3 years ago
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The Jones Account

Kristina stood staring in the mirror trying to convince herself that she was ready for this. She’d been working at Blackwell & Collins for a while now, and she had finally gotten the call she had been waiting for. Mr. Blackwell had called a meeting with her to discuss the Jones account. The Jones account was one of the biggest pieces of business to come into their office and Mr. Blackwell himself was brokering the deal, and now he was asking for her help. Finally, all her hard work would pay...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 25 Mrs Jones Departs

Suzanne arrived at Mrs Jones house at 9.00 am. Mrs Jones was waiting for her to arrive. Dressed, packed and keys in hand, gave Suzanne a big hug. Then handed over the keys saying please enjoy your new, and my old, home. She has a few tears but was happy to leave. On the dining table was a package wrapped in brown paper. Mrs Jones requested Suzanne to hand the parcel to her good friend Helena. This is my thank you to Helena for her kindness and gift of the cruise. Mrs Jones said to Suzanne,...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

4 years ago
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Mrs Jones Teaches Me How To Be A Girl

My next door neighbour when I was growing up was Mrs Jones. She was a fairly young divorced lady in her early thirties, a little chubby but her face was beautiful and she always dressed incredibly sexily.I remember noticing her clothing when I first saw her. She would always wear short skirts and dresses with pantyhose and a pair of little heels. I adored the outfits that she wore and would often watch her from my bedroom window.This was during my teens when I was around sixteen or seventeen. I...

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Mrs Jones

I grew up in Gold street, a nice neighbourhood in a nice part of a town, and for many years we lived next to the Jones.Mr Jones was a big guy in construction, he did a lot of work around the town, built a lot of new buildings and was always fairly busy, Mrs Jones however was always at home, she was a trophy wife, a hot blonde thirty something with an all over tan and what looked like a pretty impressive cleavage that was always fighting to get out of her top.When I reached my later teens I soon...

2 years ago
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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

3 years ago
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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

5 years ago
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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

2 years ago
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Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig

Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig.         You know, one thing I enjoy every year after the county fair is getting to kill and eat the pig that wins.  This year, though, something weird happened and we were all deprived of that pleasure.  That little bitch claimed it was all because of a spider, but I didn’t care.  She was about to find out that some of the rest of us in this county had another hobby, which she would never forget.  Fern would soon get what was coming to...

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