Part 1
Fiona Wren eased back into the wicker chair which stood on the porch of her
large, imposing, house, overlooking the San Fransisco bay.
The house had been built over a hundred years before by Fiona's great
grandfather when he, and his young wife, first moved to San Francisco to
make their fortune.
It was ,on the whole a dark, imposing place filled with antique furniture
and curios from all over the world. Fiona often remembered being scared of
its dark recesses and dimly lit rooms when growing up there as a small
As she sat back, the chair gave a soothing creek as it accommodated her
Sipping a long, cold Gin and Tonic, she surveyed the bay at early evening.
This was her favourite time of day. She had just finished a long day in the
office and battled through the rush hour traffic in the uncomfortably warm
summer evening.
As her thoughts drifted she became aware of a figure moving slowly to her
left hand side.
Startled, she flinched, only to find it was Toni her husband of eight
She smiled quietly to herself as he shuffled onto the porch with a large
tray containing Fiona's meal.
Many things had changed in those eight years of marriage. She had lost her
father, a blow which she, at points, never thought she would recover from,
and the obvious changes in Toni's appearance and attitude.
From a smart intelligent, good looking man, with all the chat and one
liners any guy could ever of hoped to possess and a business degree from
one of the countries top universities, to the figure that stood before her
A rather dumpy looking woman with long straggly hair pulled back severely
into a pony tail. Her wide hips fighting with the seams of her short skirt,
and her pendulous breasts resting on the top of a portly belly. Her face
was round, a testament to her love of chocolate and all things sweet. She
wore a crop top which showed far too much abdomen for Fiona's liking.
When she talked her voice was slightly slurred and even the easiest
instructions had to written down. She was not in any way mentally
challenged, but she just found that things took time to sink in. Of course
this, as I said, was not always the case.
She stood there holding the tray as Fiona glanced at him.
"Just set it down there please Toni," she said, pointing to a nearby coffee
As Toni did this Fiona reached over to her an pinched a small roll of fat
which over hung the side of her waist.
"Looks like somebodied putting on a few more pounds here!" she said
Toni straightened up immediately, embarrassed at the comment.
"I'm trying real hard, honest," he replied
" Well, maybe you shouldn't wear these types of clothes then, your spilling
out all over the sides," said Fiona sternly
"A lady should be descreet in everything she says and does, that included
how she looks. I have told you this before remember."
"Yes, I remember," replied Toni shuffling back into the house.
Once again Fiona was left alone with her thoughts.
The images of Toni, then Tony White, from the years before ran through her
mind and she again sipped on her Gin and Tonic.
He was, in every way, a great catch back then. He stood 6ft tall, with wide
shoulders and strong frim arms, and blue eyes you could dive into.
He had come to work at the business, nine years before. At that time he was
all brash and confident. He was 12 years younger than Fiona but, despite
that, she had always harboured a thing for him.
Fiona's father, Edward Wren, had started the company 40 years before and
she was now the CEO. It was an import export business and, since Fiona had
taken over the business, and with the help of Tony, things had gone well,
despite the recent downturn in the economy.
In fact the only problem with Tony was that he couldn't keep his hands off
the ladies.
He had dated several girls on the factory floor within a few months of him
arriving at the company, but despite knowing this, Fiona's need for
companionship was too great and within a year they were engaged and
Tony was promoted to a full managerial post taking on some of Fiona's
duties which allowed her to relax a little.
She stopped going into the office every day, as she had done for many
years, and only visited the factory one or twice a week.
Tony took more and more responsibilities on and loved it.
Fiona's secretary, Sharon Carter, who had been with her for most of the
time she had run the company, would visit the house and update Fiona with
the business details once a week.
It was really just an a chance to catch up with gossip.
After a few months of Tony being in charge though Sharon started to dislike
going round to the house though.
It wasn't that she had fallen out with Fiona, on the contary they were even
closer, no, the fact was that roumors had been circulating around the
factory that Tony had returned to his old ways and that several of the shop
floor girls had complained about him.
Sharon was stuck. Did she pass on the news and risk the chance of falling
out with Fiona or keep it to her self and hope things calmed down.
The final straw came one Tuesday afternoon. Sharon had been filing away old
receipts in the archive room at the back of the factory. She did this every
few months as a rule, but this time she was followed in by Tony.
Before she knew it she had been thrown against a large grey metal filing
cabinet. She could feel Tony's hands all over her body. As he whispered
into her ear that know one would find out and he would look after her.
Desperate to break free she struggled as hard as she could, but Tony was
too powerful. Slipping his hand up her skirt, he forced her legs apart and
as he did he slid his hand inside her panties.
Sharon didn't know where she summoned the strength from but some how she
managed to get free and ran from the room. She was quickly followed by
Tony, pleading with her not to say anything.
She had kept the secret for a few weeks until she could do it no more.
Finally Sharon decided to let Fiona know what was happening at the factory.
She trusted that her friendship would overcome anty shock or anger that
Fiona may feel against her.
Sharon arrived at the house at 2.30, a little earlier that normal but she
was welcomed just the same by Fiona.
"Come in, come in," said Fiona with a welcoming smile as she ushered Sharon
into the living room.
"I thought we would go over things here. Its so hot outside and the air con
is so nice, is that ok?"
"Oh yes that's fine," replied Sharon sounding slightly unsure of how the
following meeting was going to pan out.
She set down her dark leather briefcase on the coffee table and eased
herself into a nearby chair.
"Coffee or anything?" asked Fiona chirpily
"Err, no thanks," replied Sharon
Fiona then pulled up another chair close to Sharon and started going over
the numbers on the sheets of paper that Sharon had brought. The meeting
went on for 20 minutes or so then the women started chatting as they
normally did.
Fiona could sense that Sharon was not completely happy and mid conversation
she said, "Are you ok Sharon, your very quiet?"
This was indeed unusual for Sharon normally Fiona normally had trouble
shutting her up!
"Well, there is one thing, but I don't know how to put it," Sharon muttered
"Sharon, we've known each other for years, there is nothing you can say
that would make me anger, we're friends," said Fiona trying to solicit
confidence from her
" I know but this is different, its about Tony and work."
Fiona fell silent for a moment. She had often sensed there was something
happening at the factory with Tony, but she never really wanted to believe
"Listen you can say anything to me, go on," said Fiona insistently
"I know but I need this job I can't lose it, not with the kids growing up
and all," said Sharon the feat in her voice palpable.
"Listen no matter what you say you will always have a job with
me, OK, that's final," said Fiona
With the confidence of that reassurance Sharon started
"Well for the last few months," she started.
In fact stories of Tony's philandering ways had been coming to Sharon's
attention for almost 12 months, but she had kept it away from Fiona out of
love for her.
"I've been getting reports from the girls on the factory floor about him
getting a little "out of hand," shall we say," she said, Fiona sat back in
her chair and listened intently as Sharon continued.
"Well the other week he...," she paused as she knew that this was going to be
a bombshell for Fiona
"He followed me into the archive room and, well lets just say it's the only
time in my life that I've been glad to be a big girl and I could fight him
off.," she tried to lighten the mood slightly with the last part about
being a big girl.
In fact she was a "larger lady," as she normally put it. She stood about
5ft 6 inches tall, about 183 pounds on a good day, with short red hair
which she had always described as "strawberry blonde".
She had never a been a slim girl, not even at college, despite her numerous
efforts to be so, and three pregnancies, to her now ex husband, had put
paid to any real chance of her becoming so.
Sharon finally finished telling Fiona about her ordeal in the archive room.
She then stopped talking and sat looking at Fiona waiting for any form of
After what felt like hours Fiona slowly stood up, and without saying a
word, she slowly moved over to Sharon. She then gave her the biggest hug
Sharon had ever had.
"I am so sorry you had to go through that," she said, her voice cracking
with a mixture of shock and genuine hurt
"I feel like I've let you down," she continued.
"Oh don't be silly these things happen in work places all the time. I'm
just glad I could get it off my chest," said Sharon, the relief evident in
her voice.
"Well not in my Company they don't," said Fiona her tone now becoming one
of anger.
"And certainly not to one of my best friends," she added as she took hold
of Sharon's right hand for comfort.
Sharon's face lit up at the gesture.
"I know lets go down to town and have a girls afternoon shall we?" said
Fiona excitedly.
"The kids are going to be ok for a while right?" she added.
"Well, err, yes they are at the child minders after school," replied a
slightly stunned Sharon
"But I have to get back to the office to tidy up next months invoices," she
"Nonsense your coming with me, and that's an order," said Fiona with a
smile as she added the last part.
A few minutes later the women climbed into Fiona's car and, 30 minutes
later, they were parking up close to china town.
Fiona directed Sharon along the bustling streets until they arrived at a
restaurant doorway.
"Here "said Fiona "This place is great," she said as she ushered Sharon
The mixture of both the smell of the Chinese food and the air con greeted
the women.
They were quickly seated at a small table close to the window by a young
Chinese girl who seemed to know Fiona.
The afternoon meal was superb and the women laughed and joked as normal.
After about an hour the meal was finished and Sharon eased her way back
into her seat.
"I'm stuffed," she said playfully patting her bloated stomach.
"The diet will have to start again tomorrow," she added with a chuckle.
"I know what you mean," added Fiona "If I have one more spring roll I think
I'll pop a button!" she concluded rubbing her belly.
Both women laughed.
"Now some shopping!" said Fiona in a tone that indicated that she would not
take no for an answer.
"But, but," started Sharon but then smiled and tagged along with Fiona.
The heat of the summer afternoon was almost unbearable, and with the
crowded streets to contend with also Fiona eventually said, "Let's get some
As she said this she directed Sharon down a small, dark alleyway. The
coolness that met them was so welcome.
The few shops that were on the street were almost all boarded up and
Fiona was just about to tell Sharon to go back when her eyes came upon a
small second hand shop, 50 yards away from them, on the left hand side of
the street.
"Lets just try in there," she said to Sharon. "At least its cooler down
here," she added.
Sharon had to agree and still rather nervously she followed Fiona into the
As the door opened into the shop a large bell rang. The shop seemed like a
Aladdin's cave of bric-a-brac and second hand furniture.
Moments later the figure of an old Chinese lady appeared from behind a
curtain at the rear of the shop.
Fiona and Sharon both looked at the woman at the same time.
She was a wizen old woman her hair silver grey and neatly pinned back into
a bun.
"Can I help you?" she asked politely she had a strong Chinese accent but
there was a hint of American in there too.
"Were just looking thanks," said Fiona as she smiled at the woman.
The old woman smiled slightly.
"No destiny had brought you both here," she said, "I don't believe in that
kind of stuff," said Fiona trying to plan an exit strategy from the shop.
"Oh but its true," continued the woman.
"Two ladies both hurt by the same man," she continued as she looked at
Fiona and Sharon in turn.
The women were stunned.
"What do you mean," said Sharon.
"Is that not true? Have you not both been wronged by the same man?" the
woman smiles as she finished.
"Well yes, but that's another matter," said Fiona trying to grasp what was
going on.
"And you look for revenge, yes?" the old woman probed.
"Well not, err... no, not really," stuttered Fiona.
The thought had net even crossed her mind.
"Well if not then I apologise and good bye," said at old woman as she
started to move back behind the curtain.
"No wait!" said Fiona abruptly, far more abruptly than she had meant.
"Please go on," she continued in a quieter tone.
The old woman smiled as she turned back to the women.
"All women need revenge when wronged," she started as she crossed the small
shop floor towards the women.
"Chen woo knew that eight hundred year ago and it is still the same today,"
she concluded, slightly out of breath at the exertion of walking and
talking at the same time.
"Chen Woo?" asked Sharon trying not to laugh. She was not sold on the story
at all.
The old woman finally managed to sit on an old rickety chair next to a
small table. She the indicated to Fiona and Sharon to sit down.
The women passed a small glance before doing so. More our of courtesy than
"Yes, Chen Woo. She was the wife of a powerful warlord in china at that
time. She was young and beautiful, but this didn't stop her husband from
taking many lovers. So to teach him a lesson she had her grandmother
fashion a small gold Idol.
Her grandmother was a wise and powerful witch and she bestowed on the Idol
the powers to right wrongs done to women."
Fiona was hooked.
"Go on, go on," she said excitedly.
"Well Chen Woo was given three wishes that she could use to teach her
husband the Idol the error of his ways.
Her grandmother had told her to write down the wishes and place them in the
mouth of the Idol and the Idol would make them come true.."
At this point the old woman paused for breath.
"Well, what happened then?" asked Fiona.
"Well first he lost his sight, Chen Woo said that he didn't wish to gaze on
her beauty then he would never see another woman as long as he lived.
Then he became impendent. She said that if he didn't want to lay with her
then he would never lay with another woman.
And finally he lost his mind. She wanted him to be the lowest man in his
the land. He ended up as a lowly servant to her for the rest of his days.."
"Its too bad we don't have that thing here," said Sharon still not
believing the tale.
"I know a guy who could stand being altered a little," she chuckled
slightly as she spoke.
"I agree," said Fiona "The lowliest man in the kingdom," she muttered with
a smile.
"Well, thank you for your time we really must be off now," said Fiona as
she started to get up out of her chair.
"You don't want to see it then," said the old woman with a crooked grin.
"But that was just a tale surely," said Sharon with a puzzled expression on
her face.
"Please, please sit," said the old woman as she eased her self out of her
chair and shuffled over to a dark brown cabinet.
The woman then pulled out a key from her pocket and opened the door of the
Reaching inside she pulled out a small item covered in a red velvet cloth.
She shuffled back to the table and set the object down.
Fiona and Sharon looked at one another and then at the object.
Slowly the old woman remover the cloth and uncovered a small golden statue.
It was the image of a angry faced woman with what looked like a scowl on
her face.
The statue stood about 9 inches tall gold coloured all over with several
red stones. There was a small slit in the mouth and her eyes seemed to glow
in the afternoon light.
"Is that...?" started Fiona. "Is that?"
"Yes, this is Kim Yu. The golden Idol I have been telling you about," said
the old woman proudly.
"You can't be serious!" said Sharon still unsure of what she had heard.
"You have a man who's done you wrong. I have Kim Yu. She can help you mend
his ways," said the old woman.
"So lets see if I've got this right. We can make three wishes and this
statue will make them come true, right?"
"That's right Madam," replied the old woman.
"So where's the catch?" said Sharon still not convinced.
"Of course this much power comes at a high price," said the old woman
"I thought so "said Fiona " Go on then, how much?" she finished.
"$10.000," replied the old woman.
"$10.000!" repeated Fiona.
"For that I could get him knocked off!" she added almost jokingly.
"Yes madam, but you would not get the enjoyment of watching him suffer at
your hands," replied the old woman.
For a moment Fiona thought about it.
"What happens if it doesn't work?" she finally asked.
"You will get your money back of course, but Kim Yu has never let me down
before," replied the old woman.
"I can't believe your falling for this stuff!" said Sharon to Fiona "It's
like an episode of the Twilight Zone," she added.
"I know but wouldn't it be good to see that worm suffer a little?" said
Fiona becoming more sold on the idea by the minute.
"So how does it work then?" she finally said to the old woman.
The old woman smiled back at Fiona and said, "First you write down what you
want to happen to him, and then you place it into Kim Yu's mouth. Once she
has the wishes she will act on them. The length of time it takes will
depend on what you wish for,."
After a moments pause Fiona finally said, "Ok lets do it. That bastard wont
know what's hit him," she said with a smile on her face.
"Are you sure?" said Sharon, beginning to fear that the whole thing had
gotten out of hand.
"Yes, yes," replied Fiona "And I want you to have one of the wishes. It
will be your way of getting him back for the other day!" she added.
He old woman then picked up three small pieces of paper from the table and
a black pencil.
"Wise, very wise," she started.
"Now just write down your first wish and see it come true," she added as
she slid the first piece of paper and the pencil over to Fiona.
Fiona picked up the pencil and paused for a moment.
"Well if that no good, bastard of a husband likes women so much then I
think he should become one!"
With that she scribbled down "Become a woman" on the paper.
"That is a large wish," said the old woman. "It may take several months to
complete even with Kim Yu's powers," she added.
"But she can do it, right? It is possible?" asked Fiona excitedly.
"Oh indeed she can," confirmed the old woman.
Fiona rocked back in her chair as she gave out a large laugh.
"Lets see how lover boy likes having a pussy instead of a dick shall we!"
she almost fell off her chair.
Sharon joined in the joke.
"Now place the wish into Kim Yu's mouth and it will be done," instructed
the old woman.
Fiona did as she had been told. As the paper dropped inside the idol its
eyes glowed slightly.
"OK, next one," said Fiona.
"Well he has always had the gift of the gab, especially with those chat up
lines of his." Fiona then turned to Sharon and said, "You know he once told
me that at University he used to boast that her could chat his way into any
girls pants in 20 minutes. In fact he even did it. What a pig!"
Then returning her attention to the second piece of paper she muttered to
her self as she scribbled.
"Well no more hun, you're gonna be stumbling over the simplest sentence, no
more silver tongue for you."
As she said it she wrote on the paper "Slow of mind."
Fiona then popped the paper into the Idols mouth. Again the eyes glowed
Fiona then pushed the final piece of paper over to Sharon.
"Your go," she said. "I'm not sure about this Fiona," said Sharon.
"What's wrong if it doesn't work there's nothing lost, right," encouraged
After a second Sharon picked up the pencil and paper.
She thought for a moment. Then she said to the old woman, "Anything,
"Yes anything madam," replied the old woman.
Again Sharon thought for a moment.
"Well, I guess the wickedest thing I can think of is to make him fat!" She
smiled at the thought.
"Life's not as much fun when you're an overweight woman, I know, and I
remember overhearing him cal me "fatty," the other week so, yes lets give
him some extra poundage shall we!" she finally said, her resolve growing
with every word.
She then scribbled onto the paper, "Gain weight."
She popped the paper into the Idols mouth and its eyes glowed brighter than
"Now you must take Kim Yu and put her somewhere close to him for her powers
to be at there strongest," said the old woman as she handed the Idol to
"She can sit in our office," said Sharon with a smirk.
"That's perfect," replied Fiona.
Fiona then handed over her credit card to the old woman. The old woman then
picked up a small piece of paper herself and drew three Chinese characters
on it.
She then handed the paper to Fiona with a warning.
"Kim Yu's spell will continue forever unless you place this paper into her
mouth. Once done the spell will be broken. But keep it safe because if it
becomes damaged or lost the spell cannot be broken."
Fiona took the slip of paper and placed into her pocket.
Minutes later she and Sharon were leaving the shop with the Idol.
Their made there way back to the car and made there way to collect Sharon's
children from the child minder.
As they rounded the corner of the child minder street Sharon said, "You can
drop me here if you like."
Fiona pulled over to let Sharon out.
" I need to pop into the seven eleven on the corner," said Sharon grinning
as she said it
"I'm gonna pick up a couple of boxes of Twinkies for the office," she
"There guaranteed too go straight to a girls hips those things, I should
know!" she said as she picked up the Idol and shut the car door.
Fiona just laughed.
"This is going to be so much fun!" she said as she waved good bye to Sharon
and pulled off.
Sharon walked into the office the following morning. She had arrived early
so she could position the Idol and get things ready before Tony was due to
She places a large brown paper sack onto her desk, the contents of which
she had bought the previous evening. It was mainly Twinkies and chocolate
She then opened her large brown leather bag and pulled out the Kim Yu Idol.
"OK, Kim Yu, let's see you do your stuff," she said to the Idol.
She walked into Tony's office and looked around for a moment looking for a
place to position the statue.
Her eyes fell on Tony's desk. Moving a pile of papers from the right hand
corner of the desk, she smiled as she placed the small golden Idol facing
towards Tony's chair.
"There now nice and close just as the old woman said," she concluded.
She then made her way back to her small office which, was next to Tony's,
and started to fix some coffee before she tackled the mail.
About 30 minutes later Tony walked into the office. He barely acknowledger
Sharon's cheery, "Good morning," as he passed through her office.
As he closed the door of his office Tony felt slightly dizzy for a moment.
He stumbled slightly so he placed his hand on a nearby filing cabinet for
The dizziness passed quickly and Tony shook his head slightly before
continuing to take off his jacket and hang it on the nearby coat hook.
A few minutes later he shouted to Sharon through the partition wall,
"Sharon, is the air con on full, it's freezing in here?"
Sharon glanced at the dial which read as normal.
"No, it's set to normal. Do you want me to turn it down?" she added
Tony mumbled something to himself before replying, "No, it's fine thanks."
About 10 minutes later Tony again shouted to Sharon, "Sharon what the hell
is this ugly thing doing on my desk?"
She smiled to herself as she jumped up and walked to the door. She wanted
to see his expression.
"Oh Fiona... I mean Mrs Wren, sent it for you. She thought you'd like it,"
replied Sharon.
"You mean Mrs White," said Tony. He had always been irked that Fiona had
never taken his name after the wedding.
"Yes, I'm sorry, Mrs White. Old habits you know," said Sharon.
She knew full well that it had always bothered him, so she tried to drop in
in every so often out of spite.
"Well it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen," continued Tony. His thoughts
now back to the statue. "Can you get rid of it please?"
Sharon panicked. She had to think on her feet.
"Oh, but Mrs White will be so upset if it's not there when she drops in."
She hoped that this simple guilt trip would work.
Tony looked at the statue for a moment.
"OK, but please put It over there somewhere out of the way," he said
pointing at the shelf to the right of his desk.
Sharon quickly picked up the Idol and placed it on the shelf as directed.
She then scurried out of the office and breathed a sigh of relief.
After abut an hour Tony shouted to Sharon
"Hey Sharon, can I have a coffee? And do we have something to eat? I'm
starving," he concluded.
Sharon replied, "Yes no problem," as she walked over to the coffee pot and
poured Tony a cup.
She then reached into the large paper bag and pulled out a box of Twinkies.
She smiled as she opened the box.
"Here is the first of many," she thought to herself as she carried the
coffee and cake into Tony.
Things didn't seem to change much over the next few weeks.
Tony would, on occasion, forget things in meetings, but other than that
there was little to confirm if the Idol was doing its work.
Each night Sharon would phone Fiona and update her with what had gone on
that day.
"I don't think is working," said Sharon one evening, desperation creeping
into her voice.
"Well the old woman did say that the physical changes would take some time,
but you say he's beginning to forget simple things though?" replied Fiona.
"Yes some stuff, nothing important but bits here and there. I have noticed
that he has stopped chatting up the young girls though now I come to think
about it. Do you think that's the spell?" she said.
"Possibly," replied Fiona. "Let's just wait and see how things go," she
She then added, "How's his new diet doing there?" she chuckled.
"Oh. that's great he's going through about a box of pastries a day! If he
keeps this up I'll be bankrupt in a couple of weeks!" She then added with a
giggle "He's always hungry. If I ate that many in a week I'd be the size of
a house by now!"
Fiona joined in the joke.
"Oh don't worry he'll be the size of a house himself when I'm finished with
him. I'm fattening him up with Hugh bowls of pasta every night with cheese
sauce and lots of crusty bread and he polishes it of no problem.," she
giggled slightly before continuing, "It tastes divine, but its not too good
for a girls figure! If he keeps this up those pounds are going to start
piling on him any time now! Those rock hard abs's of his have already
started to disappear and he's getting a little pooch!"
About a week later.
Tony had just jumped out of the shower and had pulled on a fresh pair of
cotton boxers. He then turned to the set of drawers to select a shirt for
the day.
Fiona lay in bed watching Tony for any signs of his change. She could see
little, if any. There was the sign of a small ring of fat forming just
above the waist band of his boxers not nothing drastic. His shirts were
maybe starting to look a bit tight too.
As he stood pondering today's choice Fiona noticed him rubbing the bottom
of his back. It almost looked like he was doing it unconsciously.
"Have you hurt yourself hun?" she enquired politely.
"Yes, I don't know when but the bottom of my back just here.." He pushed
his finger into a small area down his spine, and between his hips. "It
feels really sore. It's been like that for a few days now. It feels
bruised," he concluded.
"Maybe you have a trapped nerve or something," said Fiona helpfully.
Tony wasn't really paying attention and he simply grunted and continued
rubbing his back as he examined his shirts.
Just then Fiona heard a small dull cracking sound and Tony fell to his
knees, and he made a groaning sound.
She was startled by the sound and Tony's action and she sat upright in the
"Are you ok?" said Fiona, genuinely concerned.
Tony seemed almost unaware of the incident and he slowly straightened up.
He looked over at Fiona and a puzzled expression came across his face.
"What's wrong Fi..," his eyes seemed to glaze over as he fought to remember
Fiona's name. "Fi...Fi..." he continued.
"Fiona?" said a slightly bemused Fiona. "Remember I'm your wife?" she said.
"Of course you are!" said Tony slightly angered that he needed Fiona's help
to remember her name.
"I'm not a complete idiot!" he finished.
Fiona ignored the barbed comment as she thought to herself, "No not yet
hun, but soon, very soon." She almost chuckled at the thought. "You're
already losing IQ points," she mused to herself.
Tony then returned to his search for a shirt.
Then a beaming smile fell across Fiona's face as she looked at him.
His boxers were now stretched tightly across his hips almost stretching out
the seams.
Fiona then realised what the slight cracking sound she had heard was.
"Well just look at you," she thought to herself. "It looks like Kim Yu's
just fitted you out with your very own pair of baby carrying hips hun!"
Tony seemed unaware of his recent change.
"Maybe that's part of the curse," thought Fiona
She had to stop herself from laughing out loud as she surveyed the new
expanse of Tony's hips.
"By the looks of it some bodies going to be nice and wide through the hips
hun! Better watch those extra pounds though, all those naughty treats will
be going straight on there if Sharon has her way!"
Her thoughts drifted slightly.
"Oh periods, water bloating ..PMS!" She chuckled to herself as she imagined
Tony's future.
He was only 32 and had a good ten years of periods ahead of him. "I hope he
gets really bad cramps!" she thought.
"Baby carrying hips too," she thought for a second. "I wonder if he could
get preggers! Oh I'd just love to see that belly of yours stretched as
tight as a drum with a baby kicking inside," she smiled at the thought "Who
knows," she concluded.
Fiona could not conceive children. She had contracted a STD whilst at
university in the UK, from one of the jocks in the Rowing team.
Ironic really, she had always kept her self to herself and focused on her
work, but one night she'd been coerced to go to a party by her friends.
There she'd had too much cheap wine and had done the only reckless act in
her life. She'd had unprotected sex with a guy.
It wasn't till several months later she discovered the infection and by
that time her fallopian tubes had been so badly scarred by the infection
that she could never have children.
She had lost count over the years how many times she'd regretted her
decision on that night, but that was now history.
The weeks moved on and the changes to Tony were becoming more evident. His
memory had deteriorated to such a point he could barely function on any
sort of intelligent level, and he could certainly not conduct Business
Sharon even had to stand in for him on several occasions.
The matter came to a head one afternoon during an important meeting with
there potential clients from the UK.
The group were sat around the boardroom table and Sharon had just served
coffee all round.
Tony then stood up to pitch to the guys.
Picking up the remote control for the projector he stood for a moment
looking at the array of buttons on the small black devise.
The functions of which were becoming harder for him to work out as the
seconds ticked away.
After what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes, Tony
looked over to Sharon and said, "Is this new?"
Sharon looked up from her note pad and shook her head. "No it's the same
one we always have," she replied.
Tony continued to fumble over the remote pressing several buttons more in
hope that expectation.
He could hear mumblings coming from the visitors and even in his state of
mind he knew he wasn't giving off the best impression of him or the
He was becoming more and more frustrated. Finally he snapped throwing the
remote across the room.
The remote hit the wall across the room just above Sharon's head. The
batteries shattered from the device as to impacted on the wall and all the
broken parts hit the floor.
Tony shouted, "Why do we buy such shit!"
The outburst took the whole meeting by shock. For a moment he didn't know
what to do. The room was silent.
Tony looked over to Sharon a helpless expression on his face.
Sharon then suddenly stepped in to try to save the situation. She quickly
stood up and suggested a small break so they could sort out the equipment
She knew full well that it wasn't the equipment, but it was the best she
could come up with at such short notice.
As she expected though the business men made some lame excuse about having
to be at another meeting across town in 30 minutes and then they hurriedly
left the room.
Tony hurriedly made his way back to his office and slammed the door shut.
After sorting out the room Sharon phoned Fiona and let her know what had
Fiona was livid something had to be done.
Finally Fiona decided that He was a liability and told him that she wanted
him home more.
He accepted the decision surprisingly well. Fiona wasn't sure if he really
understood what she was saying but it had to be done.
She then phoned Sharon to let her know.
"I'm going to have to keep him here," she started. "I can't trust him to
deal with things correctly there, OK?" she said to Sharon.
"Yes that's fine, but who do we get to cover him. Do you want me to call
some agencies for you?" she said helpfully.
"No, I was wondering if..." She paused for a moment. "If you would like the
job!" she said.
"Me!" said Sharon. "But, I'm just a secretary, I don't know how to run a
business!" she said.
"Nonsense," replied Fiona. "You've been with me for years you know all
there is about the business and how I like things done. I really think you
could do it, please!" she said.
Sharon paused for a moment. She had never believed she would get the chance
to run a business.
"Of course there will be a hefty salary hike in it for you!" said Fiona
hoping that this would swing the decision.
"OK, ill do it!" she finally said, the joy evident in her voice.
"That's great, and don't forget I'm here for you any time OK?" said Fiona.
"I know, thanks," said Sharon.
Fiona then said, "Tell the staff there that Tony's gone to set up another
factory down near L.A so he wont be back any time soon. OK?"
Sharon said that she would and that she thought most of the girls there
would like that decision.
"Good," said Fiona. "And that gives me all the time in the world to
continue our 're modelling' of him' she said with a giggle.
"Oh, we need to get the Idol over here of course," she added
"Sure thing," replied Sharon with a grin.
Tony's changes were becoming more pronounced too. His face had softened to
a more feminine look and he had gained about 10 pounds, mostly on the hips
but he was starting to show a bit more of a pot belly too.
A few hours later Sharon had dropped off the Idol and the women had placed
it securely in Fiona's bedroom.
That evening Tony and Fiona sat quietly at the table eating dinner.
Tony was just finishing off his second bowl of pasta when Fiona said, "It's
going to be fun having the two of us here together."
Tony grunted in agreement as he popped the last spoon full of pasta into
his mouth. He sat back in his chair, unbuckled his belt and undid the
button on his trousers. As he did it he gave out a loud groan of relief as
his belly forced its way over the top of his pants.
"That's good," he said scratching at his belly.
Fiona smiled and said, "I can see that you liked it baby." The irony in the
comment went over Tony's head.
He then moved over to the sofa and switched on the TV set and started
flicking through the channels.
Fiona sat at the table observing him as he did this.
He finally came across a baseball game and he settled back to watch. As she
watched him Fiona soon noticed that he constantly scratched at his chest.
He didn't do it blatantly, in fact he wasn't even aware he was doing it,
but it was pretty obvious.
Fiona giggled to herself as she thought
"What's wrong Tony are some body's boobies coming in?" she remembers the
same feeling as a young girl as the hormones were forming her breasts and
the skin around them was slowly being stretched out to accommodate them.
Fiona decided that tonight was the night that she took full stock of Tony's
At about 11.30 pm Fiona said, "I'm off to bed Tony, you coming?"
"Just five more minutes, ok," he replied, he sounded like a child pleading
to be allowed to sty up at Christmas eve.
"OK," said Fiona as she made her way upstairs.
A few minutes later she was joined by Tony.
He then disappeared into the bathroom, and re appeared a few minutes later
wearing a t shirt and boxers.
Fiona watched Tony as he moved around the room.
He then climbed into bed.
"I though we could fool around a bit before you drop off," said Fiona.
Although she made it sound like a question there was no way she wasn't
going to get what she wanted tonight.
"But I'm so..." Tony started.
At this Fiona rolled on top of him and started kissing him intently. Before
he knew it she had snaked her hand down his boxers and was gently stroking
his cock.
She couldn't believe how it had changed.
Moments later he was fully erect and Fiona quickly straddled him. She then
noticed, with a grin, how much wider she had to spread her legs to get over
him because of his fuller hips!
She slipped his cock into her wet pussy and started to ride him.
Fiona could barely feel him inside her! She had to tighten her virginal
muscles as much as she could to stop him slipping out or even to feel
anything at all!
She sat back on top of him as she bucked her hips in time with his thrusts.
After a few minutes Tony let out a cry and Fiona knew her night of passion
was over.
Fiona slowly rolled off Tony and lay on her side looking at him.
She could feel the warm cum inside her.
Tony then snuggled under the Sheets and, after kissing Fiona good night, he
was soon asleep.
This was the opportunity Fiona had been waiting for.
Tony was finally out Fiona reached over to him and whispered in his ear
"Tony, oh Tony." No response.
"Now let's see exactly how your doing shall we?" said Fiona as she gently
slipped her right hand into Tony's boxers.
"Oh, what have we here," she continued quietly.
"Looks like somebodies getting smaller!"
It was true Tony had shrunk a couple of inches since the Idol was brought
into his office.
"Very good, I thought so," she giggled quietly.
Then she slipped her fingers under Tony's balls.
"Oh my!" she chuckled. "And what's this," she said as her fingers found
there way to a familiar feeling softness between his legs.
As she brushed the opening with her fingers Tony shuddered slightly.
"Oh it's sensitive isn't it!" her smile widening with every passing moment.
"Now let me just spread those delicate little petals of yours," she
continued as she gently parted Tony's newly forming labia.
She then slowly moved her fingers back and forward, examining the wetness
of Tony's new pussy.
"Ha. that's right, you bastard, you're getting a pussy. Just like mine! Now
lets see if...."
As she said this her fingers probed Tony's delicate new addition for the
sign she had hoped for.
"Oh there she is!" she said as her finger slipped inside Tony's virginal
She was struck just how tight he was, but, unlike her, he'd not had a
lifetime of gym lessons and other physical activities to stretch him out
"Oh baby you're nice and tight, some luck guy's gonna love popping your
As her fingers surveyed Tony's new equipment he started slowly bucking his
hips slightly.
"Now now let's have none of that!" Fiona giggled. "You are eager though
aren't you," she continued.
She then pushed her index finger into her own pussy and scooped out a large
amount of Tony's cum.
Then gently parted his labia again she pushed the finger with the cum deep
into Tony.
"Now let me just pop this in here shall we, let's see if you can grow that
belly nice and round for me."
Again the thought of Tony waddling around the house in maternity dresses
excited her.
Fiona thought that this would probably be the one and only chance to do
this due to the imminent demise of Tony's cock!
That done she moved on.
"Lets see how everything else is doing.
Fiona then slipped her hand under Tony's t shirt.
Moving slowly she reached his chest. There she came across two small but
growing bumps.
"Well these things are mounding up nicely ," she said as she gently cupped
his breast in her hand. "Looks like We'll have to be buying you a bra soon
too." She had to suppress a small giggle at this point.
Moving back down his body she came across his hips.
Tony's hips had widened considerably over the last few weeks.
They had splayed out by another couple of inches giving Tony a more
feminine look.
"And all those nasty pasta pounds are piling on these hips beautifully
too," she said with a grin.
She then slipped her hand out and slid back over to her side of the bed,
content that her plan was on course.
"I must let Sharon know how he's coming along tomorrow," she reminded
herself as she dozed off into her slumber.
A few more weeks passed and the changes in Tony started to really show.
His once firm hard arms were now covered in a layer of fat. His hair has
started growing so quickly that he now had to tie it up most of the time.
He had also lost a couple of inches in height too.
His face had rounded out also, his once defined cheek bones had disappeared
under two chubby cheeks and a cute little double chin.
His waist had thickened too. But not as much as his hips! He'd really
packed on the extra weight there as Fiona had expected.
He now had a very defined hour glass figure. His boobs had not yet taken on
much of the extra poundage, but they were definitely started to get more
None of these changes seemed to be noticed by Tony though.
The meeting with Sharon continued over the next few months.
Fiona had started to drop in the office more than before too. She was
delighted at the progress Sharon had made at the factory. All the staff
there seemen really happy and there was a pleasant atmosphere in general.
The meetings with Sharon were really just an excuse for her to checkout
Tony's progress.
Both women had agreed that her was now closer to being a woman than a man
and that his IQ had dropped considerably.
The time came when Sharon was due to be away for a while.
Firstly she had to attend a trade expo in New York and then she was due to
go on vacation with her children for a few weeks so she couldn't visit
Fiona and Toni, as the women had started referring to him as.
As soon as she arrived back from her vacation Sharon immediately phoned
"Well how's our little guinney pig?" she enquired with a wicked smile.
"Not so little any more!" replied Fiona.
"You mean..." started Sharon.
"Oh yes he's really filled out over the last couple of weeks. You may not
recognise him any more," she replied.
Sharon could hardly wait to see him again to check him out herself.
"Can I drop over then?" she asked, the excitement getting to her.
"Of course any time," replied Fiona, knowing full well that Sharon would be
straight round.
"Right ill be over in an hour," said Sharon, her heart racing.
Fiona smiled as she said," "OK, ill see you soon."
Almost an hour to the minute later Sharon stood on the door step of Fiona's
She rang the bell and waited expectedly.
A few minuted later Fiona opened the door with a smile.
The women embraced and Fiona led Sharon into the lounge.
Sharon scanned the room for Toni but he was nor evident.
"He's upstairs," said Fiona she had noticed Sharon's glances and had pre-
empted her next question.
"Oh goodie!" said Sharon unable to hide her excitement.
"How's he looking then?" she continued.
"Oh ...FAT!" replied Fiona, pride in her voice.
"I guess I've packed, oh, about another 20 pounds on him since you last saw
him," she finished.
"Really!" said Sharon.
"Yep, and he's carrying most of it around here." She patted her hips to
illustrate the point.
"He's got a real waddle coming on!" said Fiona with a grin.
Fiona than shouted upstairs, "Honey, we have company!"
Sharon could hear the sound of movement upstairs and then the sound of
somebody coming down.
Seconds later in walked Toni.
Fiona hadn't exaggerated at all. He was totally different. He was wearing a
big, baggy white t shirt with a V neck and dark blue jogging bottoms.
The first thing Sharon noticed was his hips. They had flared out greatly
and the extra padding made it impossible to hide the fact. He shuffled into
the room and acknowledged Sharon.
She wasn't sure if he really recognised her any more or not.
"Sit down, coffee?" said Fiona.
"Please," replied Sharon as she sat on one of the large plush sofa's in the
centre of the room. She could barely take her eyes off Toni.
"Toni, would you be a darling?" said Fiona.
He barely acknowledged the request but he slowly shuffled out of the living
room and into the kitchen.
Once out of he room the women laughed to themselves.
Fiona finally came to her senses.
"Told ya!" she finally said. "I know, he's Hugh! chuckled Sharon.
The women again burst into laughter.
A few minutes later Toni returned into the living room carrying a small
tray with two coffee's and a small plate of cookies on it.
He placed it down carefully on the coffee table and moved back.
"Thanks hun," said Fiona.
Toni nodded his head in acceptance of the comment.
The women then spent the next 20 minutes catching up with things from the
Expo and Sharon's holiday.
The women were so deeply engrossed in the char they barely noticed Toni
still stood in the corner of the room.
Sharon then reached over to replace her almost empty cup onto the tray.
As she did she missed the table and the cup dropped to the floor.
Fortunately there were just the last few drops of coffee in the cup.
"Oh I'm sorry!" she said apologetically.
"Don't worry," said Fiona. She then looked over to Toni.
"Can you get a cloth and get that up please Toni."
Toni again shuffled from the room.
"He's a real dear," said Fiona "I don't know what I'd do without him now!"
she giggled as she thought that the term HIM didn't really fit him any
Toni returned clutching a large sheet of kitchen paper.
Slowly he made his way over the the scene of the accident.
Dropping to his knees he began rubbing the stain on the rug.
Fiona glanced down at him and again smiled.
She had noticed that the neck of his baggy shirt was falling open and that
she could clearly see Toni's breasts moving in time with him rubbing at the
She discreetly caught Sharon's eye and mouthed the word, "BOOBIES!"
She nodded her head in the direction of Toni.
Sharon glanced and was rewarded with the sight of two large mounds of flesh
hanging from Toni's chest.
They swayed freely as he firmly scrubbed at the stain.
"WOW!" she mouthed back to Fiona.
Both women chuckled quietly.
Toni finished up and made his way back into the kitchen.
Once he was out of he room Sharon laughed out loud.
"God, Fiona you've gotta get that girl a Bra! He must be a B cup at least!"
she said.
"I know I must, but I've not been able to with you away, But now your back
I really must get him one."
"Oh I know do you want to play dress up?" said Fiona.
Sharon was slightly confused but nodded in agreement.
Fiona then shouted to Toni who was returning from the kitchen.
"Hun come upstairs with us will you."
Toni meekly nodded as he followed the women upstairs.
The three of them were soon stood in the bedroom of Fiona and Toni.
Fiona then turned to Toni.
"OK Toni, strip!"
He looked bemused for a moment, but then he started to pull off this
clothes. Moments later he stood before the women in his panties.
He had started wearing female panties as they were more comfortable on his
hips. Or at least that's what Fiona had told him.
Sharon could now see the full extent of the changes to Toni.
He had filled out beautifully. His little pot belly had thickened up
considerably and he was developing an apron of fat which hung down towards
his now perfectly smooth groin. Two thick love handles sat proudly on each
hip, and he had the beginnings of cellulite developing on his upper thighs.
If she hadn't known that Toni was once a man she would have to swear that
he had always been a woman, and a fat one at that!
Fiona started rummaging through a large drawer next to her bed.
She then pulled out several bras.
She then returned her attention to Toni.
"Now let's see," she started as she held up a red coloured bra against
Toni's breasts.
"No," she said as she discarded it onto the bed.
She did this three or four times without finding exactly what she was
looking for.
She then held up a soft peach coloured bra and cupped it round Toni's
"Oh, I don't think so either," she said. "Maybe 10 pounds or so ago!" she
She then grabbed hold of the two large layers of fat which had established
there selves on Toni's hips.
"I told you all those sweeties will ruin your figure, didn't I? and look
its all started to go on your boobies now," she chirped jokingly.
Toni nodded in response and blushed.
Sharon quietly chuckled thinking that this was a perfect revenge for the
wrong he had done to her.
Finally Fiona pulled out the biggest bra she owned.
"Now this is he last one I have. I had buy this when I was staying over in
Europe years ago" she said, "I gained so much weight over there I was being
cut in half by my normal ones," she finished.
"What size is that?" asked Sharon
Fiona quickly looked at the label.
"34B, oh my god I can't believe I was ever that size!" she said, Fiona then
reached round Toni and fastened the bra at the back.
She then adjusted Toni's breasts in the cups before adjusting the straps.
Stepping back she looked at Toni.
The bra was obviously a cup size too small. His pale mounds of flesh were
being squashed into the cups and they were starting to spill out at the
sides as well as the top of the cups.
"Well that's the best I can do for now," Fiona said finally.
"It looks like he's being squeezed to death in that," said Sharon.
"I know, but I kind of like it," replied Fiona smiling.
She then cupped Toni's breasts taking in the weight and size of them,
Bouncing them up and down slightly she added, " You've got a nice bounty
developing here! any girl would be proud of these."
Fiona then turned he attention to Toni.
"Now you're a big girl you must wear a bra at all times when you up and
about, right," she said sternly.
"Otherwise you'll be bouncing all over the place and, apart from it being
uncomfortable for you, its distracting too," she instructed Toni.
She then jokingly added, "But a little 'bounce' for the boys is OK though,
isn't that right Sharon?"
Sharon giggled an agreement to the question.
Toni looked at Fiona trying to take in all the instructions at once. He the
nodded in agreement.
Fiona then said, "Now let's pop you on the scales shall we."
With this she pulled out a set of bathroom scaled from beneth the bed.
Again Toni hesitated slighly.
"Come on, come on quickly," Fiona urged.
"Let's not mess around. Let's see the damage shall we," she finished.
Toni gingerly stepped onto the scale.
The digital display flickered for a brief moment before displaying "207".
"207!" exclaimed Fiona.
"Thats another 6 pounds this week! You bad girl," she said chuckling.
"I''m gonna have to get you on a diet Toni or youl be too big to move
Toni just lowered his head in disgust.
Fiona then squeezed Tonis plush hips.
"I guess youv'e got something for your first boyfrieng to grab hold of
though," she said looking over to Sharon who nodded in agreement.
Fiona then said, "I've gotta go downstairs for a conference call can you
get him ready for me Sharon?"
"Yes no problem," said Sharon with a smile.
Fiona scurried out of the room leaving Sharon alone with Toni.
This was the first time they had been alone since the incident in the
archive room months ago.
"So let's get you ready," Sharon finally said. The memory of the previous
incident had plagued Sharon since it had happened despite her best efforts
to forget it.
She now decided that this was her perfect opportunity to get her full
Quickly she pushed Toni onto the bed face down. She then landed all he
considerable weight on top of him.
He was unable to move she then held her left hand over Toni's mouth to
prevent him shouting for help.
"Now doesn't this feel familiar," Sharon said coldly.
"Only this time it's me in charge," she continued.
She then snaked her right hand between Toni's legs
"Oh yes remember this," said Sharon becoming more agitated by the minute.
She then slipped her hand into Toni's panties and found his pussy.
She then roughly spread his labia and chuckled.
"Yes, very familiar," she repeated then her fingers found Toni's opening.
She then forced a finger into the opening. The act made Toni wince in pain
"Fiona's right you are a little one," said Sharon
"I bet you can take two though," she said as she slipped a second finger
into Toni.
Toni struggled on the bed trying to get free but to no avail.
Sharon was in complete control.
"There's a good girl," she whispered in Toni's ear as she slid her fingers
in and out of Toni.
"That's not so bad is it?" she continued sliding her fingers in and out of
"I wonder if you could take THREE!"
Toni's eyes widened at the prospect and he began struggling harder
Sharon laughed out loud.
"No, I'd better leave something for your first boyfriend to take I guess,"
she said as she go off Toni.
"Now don't you go telling Fiona about this right," said Sharon the words
sounding remarkably familiar to those used by Toni himself all those months
Toni nodded frantically as he rolled off the bed.
Sharon then threw him his clothes and told him to get dressed.
She then joined Fiona downstairs.
Two months later the transformation was complete.
Toni was now every inch a woman.
His developing figure had continued its expansion. He now weighed nearly
230 pounds and was strapping himself into a 36D bra.
His hips now measured 48 inches across and his waist was 38 inches around.
Finally one morning Fiona was sat at the large wooden table in the kitchen
as Toni shuffled in.
She glanced him up and down for a few moments taking in the new visage that
now stood before her.
She smiled to herself satisfied with how the last few months had gone.
She then reached into her purse and pulled out a creased piece of yellowing
Looking at it for a moment, she recognised it instantly as the one the old
woman had given her all those months before.
A twinkle then appeared in her eye.
Looking over to Toni she said, "Oh, Toni dear can you please..." She paused
briefly, finally deciding if what she was about to do exactly what she
She then continued, "Can you throw this on the fire for me please?"
She handed Toni the slip of paper.
He glanced at it for a moment and Fiona almost believed that she saw a
glimmer of the old Tony in his eye as he did.
He then shuffled across the kitchen towards the range cooker.
With each step he took Fiona noticed the slight bounce of his bosom and the
jiggle of his large heart shaped butt.
Toni opened up the hatch that covered the open flame of the cooker.
He paused for a moment before finally throwing the paper into the flame.
Toni's fate had been sealed by his own hand!
"How fitting," thought Fiona left the kitchen.
A week later Fiona found her way back to the old, run down shop in the
heart of China town.
She pushed open the heavy door and entered. The smell and darkly lit room
soon brought back memories of her first visit there all those months ago.
The bell rang as she carefully closed the shop door behind her.
Moments later she was joined by the old woman.
"Hello madam," the woman said. "You're back then?" she continued.
"Yes," replied Fiona, puzzled how the woman could remember her.
"And did Kim Yu give you satisfaction?" continued the old woman.
"Absolutely," said Fiona with a smile.
"That's good then," said the old woman proudly.
Fiona then opened her bag and produced the Idol.
"I've brought her home. I don't need her any more and I figger there must
be other women that could use her help," said Fiona.
The old woman smiled and accepted the Idol back into her charge with a nod
of thanks.
"Yes madam, there are lots of poor woman that have been abused,lied to or
harmed that could be helped by Kim Yu," she said.
Fiona then turned to leave the shop, but as she did her eye was caught by a
large black lacquered cupboard at the back of the shop.
She slowly walked over to it and started examining it.
As she did the door of the shop opened and an other customer came in. Fiona
briefly glanced over at the customer.
It was a rather chubby looking woman with greying, curly hair in a style
that was more popular in the eighties than the present day.
The woman was about mid fifties Fiona would estimate, around 5 foot 4
inches tall and she had expensive clothes.
Fiona returned her attention to the cupboard.
She cold, however, hear the conversation between the old woman and the
The old woman said, "Welcome madam, can I help you?"
The customer sounded flustered as she answered, "No, no I'm just looking
There was a momentary pause in the conversation before the old woman spoke.
"You are here because of destiny," said he old woman.
Fionas attention suddenly came back to the two women's conversation, as the
old woman's words reminded her of her first visti to the shop.
The old woman then guided the customer to the small dark table in the
corner of the shop.
Fiona quickly checked her watch and discovered she was running late for a
meeting so she quickly headed for the door.
She paused at the door and looked back trying to remember everything.
As she did she heard the customer say to the old woman, "Well maybe, my
name is Mrs Cartwright."
The old woman smiled and said, "My name is...Chen...Woo."
As she said this the old woman glanced over towards Fiona and gave a little
Fiona was stunned. Her mouth fell open as her jaw almost hit the floor.
Moments later she composed herself, smiled at the old woman and left the
Fiona's concentration was broken by the sound of breaking crockery in the
She was suddenly brought back to the present day by Toni's accdent.
She smiled to herself as she again eased back into her chair.
Taking a long sip of the ice cold Gin and Tonic she pondered the past few
years as the cold liquid cooled her throat.
"Yes it's been a good journey," she thought. "A good journey."
The End