- 2 years ago
- 28
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Once again dressed, I gave Megan a last kiss before opening the door. Perhaps I should have remembered what had happened at Elaine's end-of-school party. Perhaps I should have realized that teenagers have very poor impulse control, and that sheer curiosity would lead our friends to investigate as closely as possible.
But I didn't.
And when I opened the door, it was to see Cassidy, Abigail, Allison, Kenny, and Sung standing in the hallway gawking at us. At least the entire PARTY didn't have their ears pressed to the door when I opened it.
"Ha, ha. Real funny guys." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"How was it?" Cassidy asked, her eyes bouncing back and forth between me and Megan.
"Spectacular!" Megan cheered and turned to hug me.
I hugged back and swiveled my glance to our friends, finding that Cassidy was looking at me in a clearly evaluative manner. Something in her expression reminded me of the looks Dayna Evans used to give me right before she fucked my brains out.
Megan pecked my cheek and then set off down the hall with Cassidy, whispering animatedly. I already knew that Megan was giving her best friend a blow-by-blow recap of exactly what we'd been doing. The Sanders twins followed after.
I sighed in mild annoyance. "If you're gonna spill everything, next time just invite her in!" I called after Megan.
Megan just turned and giggled, which made the other three girls giggle. And off they went.
"Dude!" "Dude!" Kenny and Sung were quickly in front of me. "How was she?"
I shrugged and pushed my way past them. "Man, I'm not saying a word."
We made it back down to the living room where I looked around and noticed two of our friends were missing. "Where's Daniel and Elaine?" I wondered aloud.
Kenny grinned. "They're in the guest room." He then proceeded to mime fucking motions with his hands.
As if on cue, we all heard Elaine's moan waft down the hallway. I shook my head. "Eh, they'll be back in three minutes."
"Hey there, boyfriend!" Megan called as she sidled up to me and wrapped her arm around my waist. I grinned as I let my arm slide down her back and I slipped my hand into the back pocket of her jeans, cupping my girlfriend's tight ass. We walked down the hallway arm in arm.
Several freshman and sophomore guys standing next to their lockers looked at me with envy. Yeah, I was an upperclassman now. And I had a cute girlfriend. Go on ... be jealous...
"Heyyy, Ben," came a sultry, sweet voice from my left. Adrienne Dennis was walking the other way, holding her books over her prodigious chest but low enough that they didn't block one's view of her cleavage.
"Hey, Adrienne," I replied off-hand. Yeah, I had hot chicks saying 'hello' to me now. Life was good. I kept walking forward, squeezing Megan's butt tightly to remind my girlfriend that I KNEW I was still with her.
"You're REALLY enjoying this, aren't you?" Cassidy remarked as she moved alongside us, her ubiquitous headphones wrapped around her neck. I wasn't sure which one of us she was asking, but both Megan and I nodded.
For years we'd been just anonymous, underdeveloped kids lost in the sea of bodies on campus. But now I'd gotten my growth spurt, Megan's boobs had grown in, and we were upperclassmen to be admired. Also, my big sister had graduated and she was off at UC Berkeley with Dayna now, so I no longer had to put up with repeated comments of, 'Aren't you Brandi's little brother?'
Of course, that's not to say our first day of school was all roses and happiness. First, there was actual SCHOOL. After three months of goofing off and enjoying ourselves with only minor, no-pressure studying for SATs and some subject material, we actually had homework and tests.
Second, part of Megan's anal-retentive nature had her straightening my collar and picking lint off my shirt like a mothering hen. Apparently, being my public girlfriend gave her the right to publicly groom me, which caused some minor embarrassment.
And third, there was Drew Walker.
One moment between periods, I was standing with Megan by her locker and chatting with Cassidy. The next moment, I'd been hip-checked into the lockers so that I slammed against them with a loud [clang]. And then standing in my place was the Varsity Team's 6'1" starting point guard. "Hey, Cass ... You're looking hot this year," Drew drawled with a grin just oozing slimy charm.
Cassidy quickly tensed up and turned away from him. The pretty redhead was a big music fan, perpetually walking around school with headphones around her neck which ran to a CD player she kept in her backpack. Whenever she wanted to shut out the world ... or a rude, annoying jerk ... she pulled the headphones up over her ears and thumbed the volume on her CD player in an obvious attempt to just ignore whatever she was avoiding.
Drew took Cassidy's cold shoulder in stride. "Hey, Megan!" He turned and slid his arm around my girlfriend's waist, his hand bending down to cup the same buttcheek I'd been holding earlier. "You've grown up!"
"Get away from me, jerk!" Megan batted at his arm and backed away.
"Let her go, Drew," Cassidy growled in an icy voice, but with a scared plea in her tone as well. She'd pulled the cup of one headphone off her ear and glared at the taller boy.
"What? I didn't mean nothin'," Drew held his hands up in self-defense and kept on grinning as if it was only an accident that he'd just copped a feel of my girlfriend's ass.
"Motherfucker!" I roared the instant I regained my balance and I pushed out with both arms in a rage of adrenaline, bodily shoving Drew back three feet.
"Hey, you!" A baritone voice rang out and we all turned to see Mr. Kuznetsov pointing a thick finger at me. "Yes, YOU, young man. We're going to the Principal's office!"
"What?" I burst in outrage. "HE started it!"
"You shoved him, unprovoked," came back the firm response. "And you, Drew. Move along."
"Yes, Coach K," Drew grinned at me while the Varsity Basketball Team's coach glowered at him. And then Drew stalked away. "See ya later, Cassidy. It'll be just like old times."
The slender redhead shivered and hugged herself, biting her lower lip. Megan went to her best friend, and then a meaty paw landed on my shoulder. "Let's go, kid," Mr. Kuznetsov ordered and I sighed in defeat, surrendering to adult authority.
Megan first looked like she was going to say something, but I just looked her off and let Coach K lead me away.
Fortunately for me, the principal was less of an asshole than Coach K. She listened to the coach's version of events, which went, "Drew Walker was in the hallway talking to his girlfriend-"
"EX," I interrupted. "Ex-girlfriend."
Mr. Kuznetsov shrugged as if this was immaterial. "When this young hoodlum, without provocation, pushed him in the chest."
"That's it?" Principal Hsueh replied.
"I believed this school to have a zero-tolerance policy towards fighting," Coach K insisted.
The principal sighed and then glared at me. "Ben, right?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Did you shove Drew Walker?" She asked simply.
"Yes, ma'am," I nodded in shame.
"Why did you shove Drew Walker?"
My face nearly went purple as I recalled the incident. "He shoved me into the lockers first! And he grabbed my girlfriend's a- ... uh, her butt, ma'am."
She took on a firm expression and said, "While I understand that might be upsetting, there are other ways of dealing with the situation than shoving someone back, Ben."
Chagrined, I ground my teeth and closed my eyes, nodding slowly. "Yes, ma'am."
She looked to Mr. Kusnetsov. "Was Drew injured?"
"Uh, no," the coach replied with confusion.
"Then there's no harm. You may both go."
Coach K looked like he wanted to say something, but he bit his tongue and just nodded.
We turned to leave and then Principal Hsueh's voice stopped me. "Now Ben, remember that there are other ways of dealing with these situations. I don't want to see you in this office again, understand?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Okay, Ben. See Bernice for a hall pass."
"Did you get in trouble?" Cassidy looked to me once I came up to them at lunch.
"No, not really," I replied as Megan quickly enfolded me in a hug.
Cassidy sighed and shook her head. "And that JERK gets off scot free. He's such an asshole."
Megan's eyebrows went up. "Hey, YOU dated him."
"Don't remind me," the redhead moaned and dropped her chin to her palm.
"What did you ever see in him, anyways?" I wondered aloud with a tinge of anger in my voice.
"I said, don't remind me," Cassidy spat in a voice loud enough that three of our other friends turned to look. And then in her usual way, she pulled her headphones off her neck and up over her ears and thumbed her CD player. I quickly backed away and held up both hands. Megan pinched my leg reproachfully.
I hadn't needed to ask that, but I'd done it anyways. Last year, when Cassidy and I had dated for three weeks, she'd broken up with me to pursue Drew Walker, rising basketball star and on the Varsity team despite being only a Sophomore. They'd known each other since Junior High but he'd never paid attention to her until her zits went away and she grew a C-cup. And once he started paying attention to her at the beginning of the school year, she'd promptly dumped me for the taller, more handsome, more popular guy. While I didn't carry a grudge, I was still irked at Cassidy for that.
Rumor had it that Drew popped Cassidy's cherry after only two dates. Then he dumped her just before Christmas to go after a cheerleader. Then the next spring while Cassidy still pined away for him, Drew ended up single and he took her back for about a month before dumping her again, irrevocably breaking her heart.
It had hurt when Cassidy dumped me to go after Drew. But Drew certainly had hurt Cassidy more; and besides, the situation had led me to Megan, which was turning out rather well for me. So taking a deep breath, I tapped Cassidy's shoulder until she removed the headphones, and then I apologized. "I'm sorry, Cassidy."
She sighed. "It's okay, Ben."
Abruptly, Kenny sat down next to me, his tray hitting the table with a thud. "Hey, heard you and Drew Walker got into this big brawl this morning and trashed half the courtyard! Huh ... you don't look like he gave you a black eye..."
It was after school and I was walking hand in hand to the parking lot with Megan when I heard a yell behind me. "BENNN!!!"
I turned around and blanched, smacking my own forehead. "Oh, right."
"You FORGOT me!" Brooke screeched as she ran up to us, huffing and holding the straps to her backpack. My 14-year-old sister was a freshman now, and she now rode to and from High School with me.
I winced. "Sorry. It's been a weird day."
"That's no excuse for forgetting your little sister!"
"I'm sorry! What else do you want from me?"
"Nothing!" Brooke folded her arms over her chest and stomped the last three feet to my car, waiting for me to unlock it. The old Corolla didn't have a remote or anything.
I sighed and paused to kiss Megan before we parted. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah. I HATE going back to school," my girlfriend said forlornly. This day would be the first day we DIDN'T have sex since she lost her virginity last week. "I'm going to miss you this afternoon."
"We'll figure it out," I assured her.
"I'll be thinking of you tonight," she hummed. "I love you."
I put on my smile. "Love ya, too."
Brooke groaned, "Oh, puh-lease..."
It was Friday evening when I glanced at the clock and realized how late it had gotten. "Oops, sorry guys. I gotta get ready!"
"What? The game's not over yet!" Brooke whined.
"Ben!" Eden protested.
"You can't leave in the middle of the game!" Emma finished up.
But I was already on my feet. I hadn't had sex in almost a week and there was NO WAY I was going to be late for my date with Megan. "Just divide up my money. Or turn it in to the bank. Whatever. I gotta go!"
I hustled past the kitchen while hearing my younger sisters bitching behind me. My mom called in passing, "That wasn't very nice, Benjamin!"
I didn't care. I needed to get laid. The summer had spoiled me. From the constant sex with Keira and Megan to start things off to the incredible four weeks with Dawn and Dayna, and back to frequent orgasms with Keira and Megan upon return, I never went more than a couple days without getting off at least once...
... until this week.
Keira was focusing on her new boyfriend, Stuart, and other than a passing greeting, I hadn't seen her in weeks. And with school back in session, Megan's parents wanted her focusing on her schoolwork in this important Junior Year, which meant no visiting with the boyfriend on school nights. And after seven days I was DYING to get off with something other than my right hand.
Fortunately, Megan seemed of like mind when I picked her up for our date. We were hungry ... just not for burgers or pizza or the like. We took one look at each other and I already knew ... we were heading straight for the beach. Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into an open parking spot well away from the few other cars still there after sundown, and then we crawled into the backseat.
Megan had told me the beach idea back in August. I think she got it from Cassidy, but the point was that unless the beach had fire pits (which this one didn't), there would be very few people there after dark. The parking lot itself wasn't lit, and in this section of Orange County crime was a non-issue. It was the perfect place to go "parking", and as I scanned the lot, I pretty much saw only other high schoolers in the vicinity.
Now Megan and I had often kissed and groped each other in the backseat of my car. She'd even given me several blowjobs, but neither of us had ever had actual sex in a car before. At first, we could NOT figure out the mechanics. We kept our clothes on just in case someone walked by, Megan just opening my fly and lifting her skirt to try and get herself impaled on my shaft while she straddled me in the back seat. But with the low ceiling, even once I got my dick into her pussy, we found we had a very limited range of motion that wasn't very satisfying to either of us. Once the good feelings started going, Megan wanted to ride me much harder and wound up banging her head on the roof, which was a bit of a mood- killer.
We tried having Megan lie across the backseat while I tried to get between her legs. But even with the front passenger seat moved as far forward as it could go, we just didn't have to the room to get comfortable, and I actually started to go soft in frustration. Why hadn't my parents gotten me a beater Chevy with a big back seat? And her Civic wouldn't be any bigger.
"Dammit, what I wouldn't give for a bed!" I moaned. Megan's parents had let her lose her virginity at home, in a safe and comfortable environment. But that didn't mean they wanted to promote us having sex nor would they grant us convenient opportunities to risk their youngest daughter getting knocked up.
At that point, Megan just sat me down and bent over to give me a blowjob. I was clearly too horny and frustrated to think straight, and having my cute girlfriend bobbing her head up and down my prick did wonders for drawing all my focus towards a single goal.
She knelt beside me on the seat while I wriggled my fingers in her panties. And after only a few minutes, Megan brought me to a quick climax that brought more relief than pleasure after my long drought. She swallowed everything down and then continued licking and sucking to rapidly revive me for another go, now that I'd gotten the first cum out of the way.
That first orgasm also cleared up the cloud in my head. Suddenly, the physics worked themselves out in my head and after giving Megan some directions, I zipped myself up and Megan smoothed down her skirt while we slipped out of the car and into the front passenger seat.
This time, I settled into the seat and reclined it all the way back so that I was almost in a horizontal position. And when Megan climbed on, she was able to hump herself up and down at an angle so that she didn't bang her head into anything; and she also could grip the seat back to use as leverage for her impatient thrusting.
"Oh yeah ... oh yeah..." Megan grunted into my ear as she pumped her body up and down my shaft. With the chair locked and the cushioning minimal, I didn't have much to fuck her back with. Megan ended up doing almost all the work, but she did it enthusiastically. And after a few minutes of rabbit-humping, she was almost there.
"Oh yeah! I'm cumming, Ben! I'm cumming!" My girlfriend crooned.
I was almost there myself. But just before I could get my own rocks off, Megan's body went rigid and she went still on top of me as she groaned out her climax and dumped a load of honey into my lap.
I couldn't cum yet. I needed just a bit more. So while my girlfriend shuddered and crushed my legs beneath her, I just gripped her hips and physically yanked her body up and down a couple of times, masturbating myself with Megan's pussy until I felt that happy tingle and finally let loose with a volley of cum up and into her vaginal cavity.
Megan's bangs were sweat-plastered to her forehead when she finally was able to blink her eyes open again. Still panting for air, she hungrily kissed me and we both moaned, our voices echoing in the small confines of my beater Corolla. And then we broke to gasp for more oxygen. The windows were so fogged up that no one would be able to see in even if they were standing just outside. And I reached over and rolled down the nearest window, taking a deep breath gleefully as the cold blast of fresh air streamed in amongst the stifling heat of the car.
Megan kissed me again and then glanced into my eyes. "That was interesting, but we HAVE to find a way to do this somewhere more comfortable."
"The stoners? Nah, don't worry about them. They look weird but they're not territorial, as long as you can stand the smell," I smirked at Brooke and her two freshman buddies. They were holding their lunches and still trying to figure out the best places to sit around the main quad. Almost all the upperclassman already had their set lunch areas, but the younger kids were still sorting out their cliques and social zones.
"And stay away from the football team. They'll happily let you girls sit near them, but you're going to be getting hit on all day."
"And that's a bad thing?" Erin Roberts, one of Brooke's little acolytes giggled cutely.
"It's no joke," Elaine shook her head. "Last year, at least five freshman girls got fucked by football jocks and then dumped in the first two weeks. They just want your cherries and then they'll smear your reputation for the rest of your high school life."
All three freshman girls winced at that thought.
"Can't we just sit with you?" Brooke asked hopefully.
"No!" I jerked back. "No, I'm not hanging out with my little sister. I'll give you all the advice you want ... but..." I shook my head. "Ugh, I'm not going to commit social suicide."
"FINE," Brooke pouted. "We'll sit over there. Rebecca Tyler and her friends are over that way anyways."
Kenny piped up. "Hey, have her put in a good word for me with Rachel."
Brooke just rolled her eyes and the trio hopped away. Good riddance, I thought. I knew it was my duty to steer my sister clear of trouble, but I didn't want to associate with her any more than I had to.
Kenny sighed while staring after the girls. "Man, the freshman girls this year are HOT. I mean seriously, check out those tight asses!"
"Dude!" I slapped Kenny's shoulder. "That's my little sister!"
Daniel shrugged while staring at his sandwich. "Your sister's hot, man."
Elaine bopped her boyfriend upside the head.
I just growled and stared after the departing 14-year-olds. They'd all been wearing little bits of makeup, with stylish hair and brand new clothes that certainly weren't meant for children anymore. My own gaze dropped down to where Brooke's skintight jeans hugged her lower anatomy. I sighed and turned away before I had to admit: the guys were right.
I hate Mondays.
Not only is the weekend over and you have to go back to school, but it also meant I was guaranteed to be five days away from doing anything remotely sexual with Megan. At least on the occasional Saturday or Sunday afternoon we could get away for a nice makeout session, some heavy petting, or even a blowjob.
But Mondays? Not a chance. Mondays just meant I had to wait until Friday to get any action that didn't involve a magazine or my own rosy palm. And even then, the sex wasn't that great. In three weeks, we'd gotten no closer to finding a comfortable spot, stuck with the cramped quarters of a tiny Japanese sedan as our only option. We were going to have to get creative.
Megan's parents were the type to stay at home and watch TV, so her house was pretty much off-limits, including both Friday night dates and any weekend encounters. My house was always full with siblings and parents as well.
Even during the weekday afternoons, Megan's parents had imposed a rule banning us from using their place for sex, even though we probably had at least an hour or two before they came home. Megan's mom came home early on random days because of her flexible job, often two or three times a week, so Megan and I didn't want to risk getting caught and thus being forcibly separated.
So for three weeks, Megan and I had been sexually frustrated. For three weeks, our only sex was uncomfortable sex in the car. One of those weeks we didn't even do much since Megan was on her period. We were at the point where we were tempted to go to Megan's house and gamble that her mom didn't come home or even shell out the money for a motel.
But all that was about to change.
"Hey, Ben!"
"Heyyy, Megan," I grinned at my girlfriend as she moved into my arms for a sweet kiss. The school day was over and I was waiting for both my girlfriend and my little sister at our usual rendezvous point in front of the student parking lot.
Two minutes later, Cassidy cleared her throat with an obvious, "Ahem."
I pulled away from Megan's lips and blushed, not realizing how long I'd been making out with my girlfriend in full public. "I know, I know. 'Get a room', right?"
"Actually," Megan beamed at me with her arms still around my neck. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."
I arched an eyebrow and she turned to look at Cassidy, who just shrugged and hoisted her own backpack on her shoulder. Then Megan returned her gaze to me with a predatory smile. "We are joining a study group."
Megan grinned with her eyes glittering as if she'd just won the lottery.
Me? I didn't understand. So I grunted, "Huh?"
Megan chuckled, "After you drop off your sister at home, tell your parents you're joining a study group that meets every Monday. Then drive over to Cassidy's house."
I glanced over at the quiet redhead. Cassidy shrugged and said, "My parents never come home before six."
My eyes darted back and forth between my girlfriend and her best friend, the picture slowly coming into focus for me. "You mean?"
Cassidy nodded. "You guys can use the guest room, as long as you promise to tidy up after yourselves. I don't want any trashed furniture or stained sheets or anything."
I shook my head in the negative and Megan answered excitedly. "We'll do the laundry if we need to."
And then it hit me: I was going to get laid! In a bed! I was going to get laid! Now my face lit up like I'd just won the lottery. Excitedly, I asked, "Every Monday?"
"Yeah. But just Mondays," Megan cautioned. "I really DO need to keep my grades up."
I nodded, willing to agree to anything. "When do we start?"
Megan beamed. "Today!"
I love Mondays.
"Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!"
I love the sight of the school buildings as I turn into the parking lot. I love the drab complaints of my little sister as she whines about having to go back to school. Too bad she doesn't know how wonderful Mondays can be.
"Oh yeah ... oh yeah..."
See, on a typical Monday, all my sister has to look forward to is more homework and less playtime. But me? I look forward to seeing Megan again ... knowing exactly what we'll be doing once classes are over. Seeing the school after a weekend reminds me that the day is Monday, a happy day.
"So good! I'm cumming, Ben! I'm cumming!" Megan wrapped her legs more tightly around my waist, thrusting her crotch up at me and trying to sink my dick even deeper into her tight snatch.
A second later, I slammed Megan's hips back down onto the mattress in Cassidy O'Leary's guest bedroom, my own pelvis driving her body to create an indentation in the surface while I ejected wave after wave of spunk into my girlfriend's body. She clutched at my shoulders and moaned happily as she felt me filling her up with creamy jism. And then as her orgasm passed, she grabbed my head and pulled me to her in a passionate kiss.
When I pulled out, Megan rolled her hips back to trap the small lake of mingled cum bubbling out of her lewdly stretched pussy. What did dribble down was caught by the towel we'd carefully placed there. Cassidy would throw it into her hamper since she did her own laundry.
I also handed Megan a few tissues so she could blot herself up and we'd throw the tissues directly into the big trash can out in the garage. Then we dressed and made sure we got the freshly-fucked expressions off our faces.
Cassidy sighed as she saw us emerge from the guest room, pulling her headphones down to her neck. "Do you guys have to be so loud? I can hear you even over the music. Someone out here IS trying to study, you know?"
I was feeling giddy after such a wonderful sex session, and it was all because of Cassidy's generosity. Without thinking, I went straight over to her and gave her a big hug. "Thanks, Cassidy. You're the best."
"Yeah, yeah, get off me Ben," she patted my back twice and then pushed me off, turning her gaze away from me. "You reek of sex."
"Jealous?" Megan asked sweetly.
"Yes, and you know I am," Cassidy growled at her best friend. "Drew was an asshole but at least it was nice to feel wanted for a while."
"Hey, there are guys that want you," I argued.
"Want what? I'm just a plain Jane," Cassidy moaned. "Pale skin and freckles and I burn like a tomato after ten minutes in the sun."
"With gorgeous red hair," Megan interjected. "And a tall, slender figure I would KILL for, with perky tits much bigger than mine."
"Doesn't matter. I'm stuck with this face and I don't like my nose."
"Don't say that," I sighed. "I like your freckles. Your nose is fine and you're very pretty, Cassidy. Why do you think I wanted to out with you so badly last year? And Tommy Jenkins has been following you all over school for two weeks straight."
"Tommy Jenkins is a dweeb," Cassidy rolled her eyes.
Megan wrapped up her friend in a hug. "We'll find you a guy, Cassidy. Someone who's not a dweeb, and definitely not an asshole like Drew Walker. You'll see, by the time the semester is over, you'll have a handsome boyfriend who will sweep you away on a cloud of romance."
Cassidy shook her head. "I don't care about romance. Boyfriends take up all your free time and they're too dumb to think about anyone but themselves. Boyfriends are jerks ... uh, present company excluded." She rolled her eyes at her best friend and then flicked her gaze over to me, the green irises flaring for just a moment as a flush of pink came over her pale skin. "I just want-"
She cut herself off and Megan leaned in, asking, "Want what?"
Cassidy schooled her face back to her books in front of her. "Nothing. C'mon, let's actually study for a bit. I need your help with this Pre-Calc homework."
Megan saw something in her friend's eyes. "Cass ... want what?"
Cassidy's eyes flickered to me for a second. "Nothing. Drop it, Megan. I'll tell you later."
Megan giggled and I just shrugged. It was no big deal. Girl talk.
The following Monday, I ran into both Megan and Cassidy after the last bell rang. I had sex on my mind and put a little extra passion into my kiss with my girlfriend while Cassidy blushed and tried to look away.
When I pulled away from Megan, her chest was flushed above her halter-top and her breathing was a little shallow and rapid. But then I noticed that Cassidy was similarly flushed and breathing hard. I controlled my little smile. Last week, Megan had quietly informed me that Cassidy would often masturbate while listening to us having sex, and I knew that right now, all three of us had sex on our minds.
After I finished cleaning up, puta and I ran over to the Ferris Wheel so she could get tied on. She called it getting hooked up, but what they used was more or less standard restraints.Naturally, she was the first slave there. She was practically bouncing up and down with expectation. You would think she was being given some great treat rather than being tied onto a wheel of pain. Well, having said that, I guess for puta, they are the same thing.She was led up onto a platform that had a section...
BDSMAll characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
A small dusty town on the edge of nowhere. The afternoon sun bakes the small courthouse. Maria's trial is brief: nobody was interested in defending her, and she neither could nor wanted to speak up for herself. Not that there could have been much to say. The simple fact that I am here before you condemns me, she thought. The Judge licked his lips and looked at the tall, slim blonde girl standing in front of him, arms to her sides, her lovely body hidden by the rough brown sacking of her prison...
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Straight Sex-We learned in Part One of this story that I was a sixteen year-old virgin boy named James, who everyone called Jimmy, with a very thick, nine-inch-long cock. My neighbor Norm was forty-two at the time. His wife Lindsey was forty-one and their son Todd was eighteen and away at college.I went with Norm to open his lake cabin for the summer. We were skinny dipping on an unusually warm day for spring in Wisconsin and he convinced me that we should masturbate one another on the boat. That evening...
MILF‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...
She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, stretched over the wheel as she was She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, stretched over the wheel as she was. It was an ingenious device, the round center hub that arched her back nicely, and extensions like spokes on either side to hold arms and legs outstretched and spread. Each extension had bondage rings at different points, allowing her to be held securely, and her legs to be bent at the knee. Her head dangled upside down toward the floor between...
Promises and Secrets: A Teenage Transsexual By Maria Ski Things changed for me after I was discovered trying on my sisters clothes. My mother had caught me. But there was no anger, no disgust, just a warm understanding smile and the love of a mother. From that day of being discovered, and after telling my sisters things seemed to change. Every weekend I became Maria. With a wardrobe of girls clothes of my own which I either bought myself or had bought for me. One thing led to...
This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...
Steve came by the house on Sunday afternoon. He knew the kids were going to be around, and he just wanted some companionship instead of doing his own thing alone. We had a fun afternoon, plus he helped me with a couple of small chores where I needed another pair of hands. As we were working outside, putting up a trellis that had blown down, Steve told me about Stacy and the scene while they'd been traveling. We both ended with hard-ons. Steve gave me some details I didn't know from my...
It happened to me when i was 18 years old. During my summer vacation i and my mother visited my mother’s sister (mosi) place. My elder brother was 21 at that time and he use to remain busy with his education and work etc. so i usually never had a close friendship with him as he was too senior. At my mosi home i had one sister who was just one month younger to me (Prachi) and her sister who was 4 yrs younger to both of us. Since my brother was to senior and one of my cousin being 4 years...
IncestIt’s a surprisingly warm night for fall, probably one of the last nice ones we'll have until next spring.We're out on a rare “date night;” rare because raising a rambunctious toddler doesn't leave you much time (or money) to enjoy each other like we used to pre-baby. So we're out strolling amongst families and kids at the last night of the state fair. The leaves are just beginning to change, pops of color catching the last rays of the sun as it sets behind picturesque blue, smoky mountains. A...
ExhibitionismFriends guilt is what I feel when I think about those incidents 8 yrs. back. I was 18yrs. old boy then and my own sister was younger to me. Actually I was sexually abused when I was just a small boy by a cousin brother much elder than me. At that age out of innocence I used to think its what u should do with ur brother or sis. Slowly I started to touch my sis. and not with any one else ,cause fear was there of getting nude and try to touch intimate parts at that age meant its bad and getting...
Incest“Come on, babe, let’s go on the Ferris wheel,” I smile at him as I grab his hand and pull him towards the huge circular object in the distance. “It’s my favorite ride.” He laughed gently as he followed me through the park. It was crowded with numerous people, all loud and screaming in joy and happiness as they rode the rides, ate the junk food, won the prizes, as well as all the people yelling in frustration to the scheming carnies and in fear from the scary rides. As we stood in the line for...
EroticDECEMBER 31, 2001, WINTER BREAK "Ohhh, Bennn..." "Unnghhh ... Lynne..." I groaned a warning. "That's it ... Cum! Cum in me ... Spill your hot essence inside me..." "Uh, uh ... Unnghhh!" "Ohhh! I can feel it, Ben! I can feel it!" Lynne clutched my head tighter to the crook of her neck, tugging with all the might in her legs, her heels digging into my ass. I practically crushed the petite brunette to the mattress beneath me. My limbs gave out and I dropped all my weight...
Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...
Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...
InterracialTEENAGE TEXAS SLUTS ????? Jennifer got off the bus and looked at the barren landscape in the small Texas townshe was being forced to spend the summer in. This was definitely not on herlist of places she would have chosen to end her teenage years. Her father haddied, and she and her sister Allison had been bounced back and forth from acouple Friends homes until the Final chapter 13 paperwork was finished liquidatingtheir Dads business. Her mother Brenda was finishing all that up and was goingto...
Introduction: 16 year old British lad Sam has a problem he needs accommodation and transport up North to start a summer job fast, but a kindly call and offer from a 45 year old Neighbour Joanna Willow who had recently moved out of the street Sam lived on and up North following the breakdown of her marriage could be the answer to all his prayers and dreams. The passion and buildup of lust driven by sexual tension becomes too much as the recent divorcee Joanna offers the 16 year old boy who she...
BEN NOVEMBER 1, 2001, SENIOR YEAR When I returned to my house, it was after midnight. All was quiet but there was a light on in my bedroom and the door was open. Great. Someone was up. I walked to the room and looked over to find my mom sitting on my bed, holding my cell phone. She first looked at me with a withering gaze and asked in a deadly quiet voice, "Where were you?" I had never, ever, once managed to lie to my mother's face. She always knew when I was hiding something. So I...
Just as I was done with my shower and was towelling myself dry, the bell rang. Irritated, I swore under my breath. The bloody bell just didn’t seem to stop ringing. Wrapping the white turkish towel around my waist, I went to the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw that it was the two maid servants, Pushpa and Rani. Once again, I had almost forgotten that I had hired these two girls as domestic servants in my house. Clad that I was only in my towel, I couldn’t help but laugh at the...
JANUARY 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd ... fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!" Brandi looked so amazing bent over on all fours. She really did have a dynamite ass. And I felt incredibly lucky to have been the one to stick my face between her cheeks and lick her and suck her and squeeze her until she came all over my face. My face. Not Brian's. No, he was still dreaming about doing what I was doing to Brandi. And I was determined to screw my sister so well that she'd come home to me for...
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2000 My whole body was humming. I collapsed on top of my beautiful blonde lover, all of my weight bearing down on her naked chest. But she didn't seem to mind. Instead of pushing me off her, she held me even tighter, clutching my head against her neck. "I love you," Dawn said wondrously. "Nngh!" The moan startled both Dawn and I. Neither one of us had made the sound, and already I was craning my head around while Dawn peeked over my shoulder. And then we both saw that...
(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. She has successfully seduced a teenager and seducing a middle-aged man will be child’s play for her, but she is waiting for a deserving man. Though her fantasy is not yet materialized, she asked me to write the story anyway. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) I am amazed at men who are very brilliant, sharp and intelligent in office matters but are totally blind, deaf and ignorant...
IncestBROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...
Author: Powerone and SarahBell Title: The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Summary: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needsthe student. Keywords: M/F, reluc, nc, anal, oral, The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Copyright 2004. Powerone can be contacted at [email protected] andSarahBell can be contacted at [email protected] Michael was settled into his life as a Professor over thepast ten years. He had married one of his graduate students, a girl, ten...
You never expect to meet God--or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o'clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that's exactly what happened to me. It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn't believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a...
I was 22, going off to college for the first time to an historically black university in a rather diverse city when I met Rudmila, the young south Asian cashier of my local mall’s candy store. We would casually chat every now and then while I made a small purchase. Rudmila, 17, had recently moved to the US with her parents only a few years ago. Though naturally shy, my new friend was open with her love of her new home and had a sweet beauty about her. She wasn’t exactly petite, but...
Hi everyone, my name is Warshadow (name change). This story is about my late teenage days (18-19 years old) and my lovely plump mom. In those golden days of my teenage, I never felt any attraction towards my mom until these incidents happened. Let me introduce my family. We are a total of 4, dad, mom, me, and my younger sister. We live in a 1BHK in Mumbai. My dad and mom both worked in the same office so they had regular general shifts. My parents were born in a village and shifted here to...
IncestSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1991 Whatever noise Mom, Dad and Josh had made getting ready for church simply wasn’t enough to wake me from a dead slumber. I woke up with a smile on my dry mouth and a slight headache throbbing in my temples. Sundays are mine. I think I’ve mentioned that before. But I still had stuff to do. It was nearly 10 a.m. and Jen was coming over for Sunday dinner. That’s lunch for those of you who didn’t grow up on a farm. The savory smell of a simmering pot roast in a...
JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?" "Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?" "Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out." "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?" School was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores. So by four in the afternoon, Elaine Fukuhara and 35 of her...
Kristie was seventeen. I knew her mom, Kelly, We were all very good church-going friends. I liked Kristie’s mom, but couldn’t really find a way to express my feelings, so I did the next best thing- be there for her teenage daughter. Kristie, sometimes her friends from school, her mother and I often spent hours together playing board games or dominoes, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. most usually on Sunday evenings after church services. Kristie’s mother always insisted that...
First TimeI learned the value of hard work from my parents, and it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I realized just how hard they struggled to support our family. My father is a machinist who works the night shift in a small factory in our little town, not too far from the city of Atlanta. He even takes extra shifts sometimes to help earn more overtime. He sleeps during the day and is at work at night, so I never get to see him much, except on weekends.My name is Wendi, and my mother is the resident...
TeenEnuka Njoko was a fifty-three-year-old woman who was born in Nigeria but had moved to London with her mother and father when she was aged eight. When Enuka was sixteen, her father left home to live with another woman which meant that her mother, Omotola, had the task of bringing up and controlling the increasingly headstrong teenager.By the time that Enuka was seventeen, her mother was finding that words and threats were not enough and she acquired a cane which she promptly applied to her...
SpankingJULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...
The guys are at the table, joking around and drinking beers, as Rachel gleefully trots down the stairs. "Hey guys!" She smiles brightly as she walks past them, her perky chest bouncing, to go to the fridge. They smile back, Rick smirks at her as they make eye contact. Rachel is a very sexy teen girl. Standing at around 5'4'', thin body, with long legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial features, flat stomach, tight little butt, perky 32C bust, and long, dark...
I got this idea from a caption and picture by Morpheus. It was too irresistible not to write. I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM By Eric Part One Lesson in life number 316 or maybe it should be number 1. Don't mess with an angry witch! That's what Joey thought with good reason. Joey Richardson was 15, was tall for his age, but otherwise unremarkable. He was a B student if that helps. His folks thought his grades should be higher but that's a universal constant. He has a Dad,...
It was the first of many of my long 16 hour train trips from home to College and as it turned out the first of many sexual experiences that occurred on these travels.Mum dropped me off at the station, tears in her eyes she waved as I sat back in my private cabin, I looked out the window & waved back. It was the first time I had been away from home and the first time I had money in my pockets, thanks to mum who had also sprung for the private cabin.So what does a young horny virgin boy on a...
I’ve had a pretty typical life, that is, up until the events I will describe in this story, which began almost a year ago. I was born, raised, and educated in the Midwest, and then married my high school sweetheart after we graduated from college. My name is Ryan, and I’m now forty years old and living in a suburb of Minneapolis with my wife, Sarah, and daughter, Brooke. Brooke just turned sixteen in the spring before the end of her sophomore year in high school, as did Kaley, the daughter of...
OutdoorI had been to my friend’s place for dinner with family. My friend has two daughters. Rasika is the elder daughter who is now studying in 11th class science. She has one subject on Java programming. My friend said, Rasika has one programming subject which is going difficult for her to understand. He asked me, can you guide her when you have time. He also told Rasika to consult me on any difficulties related to programming. I am working as senior position in IT company. I said I will not have...
My wife and I had been married for five years and had some good sex before our twin daughters were born, then our life in the bedroom began to taper off some.It wasn't that Lisa wasn't attractive any more; she was hotter than ever with the few extra curves she put on after she had the girls.I don't know if she was self-conscious about the ten extra pounds she had on herself or worn out from the girls, but she didn't seem as interested in sex as she used to be.On a good month, I may have gotten...
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2002 "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck," DJ chanted happily while I held her hip with my left hand, pumping her rapidly as my thick dick stretched the blonde 16-year-old's tight snatch. My right hand was holding both her braided pigtails together, not tugging but just giving her a little reminder every time she wanted to lower her head and thrust herself back against me. As always, her tight vaginal walls seemed to be pulsing against me with a steady [bum-BUMP] [bum-BUMP],...
We had all seen them poolside and every one of us had felt them at one point or another. That wasn't what the fantasy was about. I wanted to fuck them. No one had even exposed their cock to her yet but they had jacked off thinking about it more than they would ever dare to report. Man they were big. Big, round, full and tight titties on a young girl who had no idea what she had. ...or did she?...naaw! She was just an innocent big breasted teenager with curves that locked up cocks in many...
JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP "Unnnghhh! Eat me! Eat me!" Dawn whimpered, arching her back while her entire lower torso shuddered. She tossed her head side to side, sending waves of fine blonde hair flying in every direction. Her eyelids closed to mere slits, letting a penetrating blue stare only peek out while her mouth contorted in ecstasy. I watched her ab muscles rolling and contracting as her orgasm swept through her body. And letting her hands free of her own prodigious breasts, she reached...
Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2001 Four weeks of camp. Almost a month away from the real world. No email. No IMing. Probably not any phone calls. No more seeing Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne on a daily basis to remind me how much I'd sabotaged my own happiness. No seeing Abbie and Allie to remind me that this wasn't just a game and how close I'd come to ruining my life. Sure, I'd miss my friends. But I needed a break. Last year, I couldn't read in the family van while we cruised up Highway 5...
It's Sunday morning, and the family is having breakfast together. Logan’s mother is wearing a terrycloth robe that comes down to mid-thigh. It is apparent to Logan she is not wearing a bra, by the way, her breast jiggle when she flips pancakes. Logan often wonders what else she has on under that short robe. Does she have on a sexy nightgown? Is she wearing lace panties or maybe going commando? He would really love to know. Logan’s Sister is wearing her usual sleeping attire, which is a long...
Kink and BDSM porns had always intrigued me. I had been so much curious about them that I got a few toys at home. I never got the chance to try them though since most women freaked out at the idea. I eventually stopped telling my dates about the fantasy and my kinky sexcapades. I am a dom, you see. I wanted to meet the perfect submissive who can appreciate my lifestyle. I never imagined it will eventually come true after the array of failed dates. Jennifer- the calm, sweet face deceived nothing...
BDSM(A Biography of a poor girl) (I am Farah, 28 married; this is a story of a girl told me directly by her) After receiving of wonderful response from my 1st, 2nd & 3rd sexual story I got the courage to write this new episode of a girl’s real sexual experience which is erotic enough that I felt to write it. (There may be mixing of Past & Present so please ignore grammatical mistakes. It is just for sharing and fun) (Now the whole sex story is in his words as I listened and compiled for all of...
A Trampoline And Teenage Girls I have two beautiful teenage daughters. Bethany is fourteen years old and Chloe is thirteen years old. My lovely wife is thirty-five years old while I am thirty-eight. We live in a development where almost everyone is our age with children about the age of our children. Our daughters are very pretty and very popular so we have an abundance of teenage girls around the house constantly. Then I bought the best trampoline that money could buy. It was huge...
A DEMONSTRATION IN TEENAGE OBEDIENCEChapter 1 Hounded Into Submission----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** A DEMONSTRATION IN TEENAGE OBEDIENCE *** by gautam_master *** WARNING *** WARNING *** WARNING ***The following story depicts very explicit acts of cruel discipline andsexual abuse inflicted upon mature (16-19) teenage girls. It isentirely fictional, and is intended solely for the personal amusementof...
My husband, John and our new nineteen year old new friend, Jeremy were both sipping a cold beer when I came down the hall. We met Jeremy a few nights earlier when he delivered room service to the hotel room we were using for some fun. Oh yeah and he delivered a couple of more things to me as well. Read that whole story at was wearing John's favorite white halter neck sundress that exposed tons of cleavage and side...
Reaching home, I stripped off my clothes and headed for a much needed shower. My body was sticky with sweat and oil, and I was dying to cleanse myself. As much as I had enjoyed my romp with Radhika aunty and her two hot girls, I was sure that I would not be going back there very soon. But at the same time, I made a mental note to recommend this place to a couple of my friends anyways. There was no harm in keeping Radhika aunty happy, I surmised. I spent the rest of the day catching up on...
JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Unnnnnh! Ohhhhhh! Unnnnnh!" The hot brunette before me had been whining and whimpering constantly for the past fifteen minutes. I held myself balls deep inside the tight, clenching pussy. With my hands gripping her slender hips, I ground my pelvic bone against her asscheeks and pivoted my cock inside her, stretching out her vaginal walls. Her head hung down between her shoulder blades in this doggy-style position, her silky brown hair cascading down to the...
Maybe it was just the fact that the attendant was on welcome duty and was known to Rick and was eager for a chat that started the eruption that was going to rattle his rather negative associations with his wife. "How are you Rick?" the attendant asked as he smiled at a couple of people that were entering the lobby. "To be quite honest Frank", he replied. "Lousy". The attendant was a bit taken back for he had always thought Rick was quite content and certainly didn't show any sign of an...