An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 3 Summer Camp
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SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2000
My whole body was humming. I collapsed on top of my beautiful blonde lover, all of my weight bearing down on her naked chest. But she didn't seem to mind. Instead of pushing me off her, she held me even tighter, clutching my head against her neck.
"I love you," Dawn said wondrously.
The moan startled both Dawn and I. Neither one of us had made the sound, and already I was craning my head around while Dawn peeked over my shoulder. And then we both saw that the bedroom door was ajar, with Dayna kneeling on the floor staring at us through the opening, her face flushed with arousal as she panted in what looked like the aftermath of her own orgasm. And even more surprising to me, Brandi was standing just behind her.
Startled, both Dawn and I rolled hurriedly and tugged at the blankets to cover our nakedness. Dawn screeched in panic, "DAYNA!"
"Wow..." Dayna just said wide-eyed as she calmly got to her feet and walked into the room. "You two were AMAZING!"
Brandi was still standing wide-eyed in the doorway with her hand jammed into her own shorts. I pulled the blankets around me even tighter and glared at my big sister. "Brandi! What the hell are you doing here?"
It wasn't that I was embarrassed. I'd just had one of the greatest sexual experiences of my life with a beautiful girl; there was no shame in that. But I was surprised to be spied on. As far as I knew, I'd never had sex in front of an audience. And if it had been up to me, I would have liked to spend a lot more time cuddling with Dawn in the aftermath.
But despite the heat in my voice, Brandi didn't even react. She just stared numbly at me, an expression of disbelief on her face.
Meanwhile, Dayna was holding Dawn's hands. The blanket had slipped down while Dawn sat up, revealing her firm tits. Dayna was rubbing the backs of Dawn's hands soothingly, but Dawn still seemed rattled. "You weren't supposed to be WATCHING us! Mom promised no one would disturb us until lunchtime!"
"I couldn't help it," Dayna said apologetically. "I had to see what it should have been like, to lose your virginity with someone you cared about, instead of with a fumbling jock in the backseat of a car. And it looked so wonderful!"
Dawn smiled at that and turned her face to me. "Yeah..."
"And three times!" Dayna grinned.
"Hmph," Dawn grumbled. "If you hadn't interrupted I might have made it FOUR."
"Hey, I came twice already myself. You two were just so busy you didn't notice me." The eldest Evans daughter sighed and absentmindedly palmed her own breast through her halter-top. "You are SOOO lucky to have Ben, sis."
Dayna then turned to my sister, who was still in shock and standing in the doorway. "Brandi, why couldn't YOU have been a boy?"
That question out of left field seemed to finally shake my older sister from her trance. She turned her head to her best friend and screwed up her face. "What?"
Dayna just giggled, and Brandi finally realized she had a hand in her shorts and she blushed fiercely before stepping into the room.
I glared at my sister. I wouldn't have minded a fourth attempt myself. "What are you DOING here, Brandi?"
She winced and darted her eyes to Dayna. "I didn't know. Dayna just told me there was something in the cabin I just HAD to see. I had no idea. Have you and Dawn been doing ... each other ... long?"
Dawn looked over and beamed "My first time!" at the same time Dayna volunteered "Her first time!"
Brandi's eyes went wide and then she stared at me like I was an alien. "That ... that wasn't YOUR first time, was it Ben? You really looked like you knew what you were doing."
"Uh, no," I shrugged, feeling guilty for some reason. Like I knew I wasn't SUPPOSED to be having as much sex with as many girls as I could.
"Megan?" my sister queried.
"Actually, no," I admitted.
Brandi's eyes got even bigger and she started shaking her head. "Some OTHER girl? Or girls? Wow ... How the hell did I not notice? My little brother ... You grew up Ben. I never thought it would happen. Every time I look at you I just see the little brat who annoyed the hell out of me. But you grew up." Brandi looked amazed, as if only now realizing I'd gained more than seven inches in the past year.
Dawn then took charge of the situation. "Well, this is MY birthday and my special occasion. You two have spied on us long enough. Now GET OUT!" Dawn smiled. Her voice had picked up in volume but there was no anger in her voice.
Dayna just popped her eyebrows and then pinched her lips together, bowing her head apologetically. Then she grabbed Brandi's elbow and pulled my sister out of the room, closing the door behind them.
Immediately, Dawn glanced at the clock and then turned to me, rolling her eyes. "I knew it ... I knew she was going to spy on us."
She giggled and then my blonde angel touched her hand to my face. "Now, we've got almost an hour and a half. What do you say we try for four?"
At lunch, my mom gave me a sly smile. Perhaps it had something to do with the way Dawn was absolutely glowing and clutching my arm happily.
Mrs. Evans also flashed me a smile, but Dayna and Brandi both looked apologetic. I gathered that they'd gotten a verbal lashing from their respective mothers. But then Greg Kinomoto walked by and the elder girls' focus went with him. Dayna looked horny enough to jump him right there in the dining hall.
The rest of our families were oblivious. I certainly found it hard to look Mr. Evans in the eye, and thankfully I didn't need to.
After lunch, we had a small birthday celebration for Dawn, complete with cake and candles. But it wasn't anything over the top. Dawn was the only one of us with a July birthday and she usually didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Afterwards, I suggested that the two of us slip away to try for numbers five and six, but Dawn told me she was feeling pretty sore down there, so we just joined our families in all going down to the lake to play and hang out.
It was only when I settled myself into a lounge chair that I realized what a toll the morning's activities had taken on my body. It was the same for Dawn, and after twenty minutes, we both fell asleep.
I woke up just once to find my mom slathering sunblock on me lest I burn, and then she told me to turn over while my dad pulled over one of the big umbrellas for shade. I looked to my side to see Dawn groggy as well, with Dayna similarly applying a healthy coating of sunblock to her sister, and then I passed out again.
Much later, when I awoke I found that it was just me and the girls. Dawn was still asleep, but Dayna and Brandi were up and talking. The rest of our families had gone off for their own various afternoon activities.
We were all shaded by two umbrellas now, and I saw that Dayna and Brandi had pulled their lounge chairs closer in to take advantage of the cover. They must have gotten enough of a tan for one afternoon. And from their new proximity, I could hear them talking with each other.
I had just barely cracked one eye open when Dayna softly asked Brandi, "Did you know Ben was that big?"
My eye flew up for a second, and then on instinct I shut it and decided to pretend I was still asleep. But even with my eyes closed, my ears were wide open.
"No," Brandi said with amazement. "The last time I saw his dick was when he was fourteen and his towel slipped coming out of the bathroom. Of course he was limp and the thing looked so tiny. I never really thought he'd ... well ... become a MAN."
"Ohhh ... it was so beautiful ... What I wouldn't give to suck it," Dayna sighed dramatically.
"Dayna!" Brandi hissed. "That's my brother!"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. Your little brother's got a beautiful dick. I'm so jealous of Dawn right now. I haven't gotten laid in three months and she's got access to that weapon whenever she wants!"
"What? You're not getting enough orgasms on this trip between the two of us?" Brandi whined.
"You guys are great. But that's the point; you're not actually 'guys'. And fingers and dildoes just can't replace a good dick." Dayna sighed. "You think she'd let me borrow him?"
Brandi snorted. "Dayna! You can't ask her that! They LOVE each other. You heard them say it and we can both see it. Don't even think of messing with that."
"What? It's not like he's her boyfriend. She's dating Mark and you said he's got this Megan girl back home."
"Doesn't matter. Dawn and Ben are ... well, they're them. I'd say they're practically siblings, but then of course there's the sex thing." Brandi sighed. "Just ... Dayna, you KNOW you shouldn't."
"Fine..." Dayna moaned. "But right now I'm still jealous her best friend is a guy. Seriously, sometimes I wish you'd been born with a dick, Brandi."
The sudden thought of Brandi with a dick caused me to flinch uncontrollably, which made my arm move. And my arm moving across the vinyl lounge chair made a scraping sound.
"Shh. He's waking up," Dayna hissed.
Everything went silent for a long twenty seconds, and then I decided they weren't going to continue talking about me. So I just went through the motions of getting up, and by the time I opened my eyes, Dayna and Brandi were just laying back with their sunglasses obscuring their eyes. If I didn't know any better, I might think they were asleep as well.
I sat up and swung my legs over the edge towards the three girls laid out in a row beside me, Dawn still breathing shallowly with her eyes closed. I worked the kinks out of my neck and then paused to ogle all the wonderful teenage flesh before me from three girls in skimpy bikinis.
Then Dayna turned to me, leaning forward so that her tits bulged out of her too- small bikini top. My eyes yo-yoed down and then back up to her face while she tilted her sunglasses up on her forehead. "Morning, sleeping beauty. You wear yourself out this morning?"
Cockily, I grinned and said, "Nah. Just saving up my energy to go another four times tonight."
Dayna's eyes popped open and even Brandi turned to stare at me. But I just bent to kiss Dawn's cheek and then got up to go refresh myself in the lake.
It turned out, I didn't get to go four more times that evening. We didn't even get to have sex ONE more time. Our parents didn't want us hiking away while the sun was coming down, and with no further promises of an empty cabin, we resigned ourselves to planning for a hike out the next morning.
Still, we got to lay together on the big diving-platform rock, staring at the stars while holding hands tightly. And every few minutes or so, we would turn and look into each other's eyes, coming together for a tender kiss.
There were no more verbal expressions of love. We didn't need them. I felt it in my bones. I felt it in her kiss. And I knew that no matter where our lives took us, when we were old and gray Dawn Evans and I would still be very special to each other.
MONDAY, JULY 10, 2000
"Didn't you get enough this morning?" Dawn giggled and twisted her body in the water, pulling her ass away from my hand and splashing me at the same time. "You came three times!"
I sputtered for a second to breathe after the splash and blinked the water out of my eyes. "What? Two days and you're already tired of me?" I complained.
Dawn giggled and swam back to me, treading water just enough to lean in and kiss me. "Never."
"Glad to hear it," I grinned. Then we both continued swimming to the pier and the hauled ourselves out. Summer or not, the lake was fed by snowmelt and the water was COLD.
From our vantage point, we could see Eden and Emma playing on the rope swing with a few other kids their age. Further away, Brooke and DJ were with a bigger crowd playing Ultimate Frisbee. I looked over to my best friend and without words, Dawn and I decided to go join the frisbee game. We'd had enough waterplay for now.
Without needing to think about it, Dawn and I slipped our hands together as we walked along the pier and headed for the lounge chairs and our clothes. For some reason, the touch of each other's palm against our own made us pause and look at each other, goofy grins on our faces. I wondered for the umpteenth time if this was what falling in love was like.
I'd meant what I said earlier. I loved Dawn, but I really wasn't sure if I was "in love" with her. I wasn't being swept away in a whirlwind of passion. I wasn't being driven by my lust. And my heart didn't ache or anything when we were apart. I simply enjoyed every second I was near her and accepted it when I wasn't, since I knew I'd be seeing her again. I didn't have that puppy love that my friends all talked about. Dawn was just ... Dawn.
"This is fun, isn't it?" she said, holding up our hands. I felt a pleasant little buzz go through me just at her touch.
"Yeah, I'm certainly having more fun this summer than ever!" I leered.
Dawn giggled and stopped halfway down the pier. "Not THAT! Well ... yes ... that," she mused. "But more than that. I just feel ... happier! Bouncier!"
I dropped my voice. "It's amazing how a good orgasm can change your life."
Dawn giggled. "Don't you EVER think of anything besides sex?"
"Sure ... I picture you just lying there naked next to me ... and THEN we have sex!" I grinned.
I let my face soften and my eyes opened up while I looked deeply into Dawn's eyes. "And I love just standing here with you. Even doing nothing, I love just standing here and holding your hand."
"Mmm..." Dawn sighed and smiled at me, feeling my affection washing over her like a warm blanket. And then squeezing my hand, she tugged us into walking again.
Heading over to the lounge chairs, we came across our parents relaxing as well as Brandi, conspicuously without Dayna by her side. Curious, Dawn asked the question first, "Hey Brandi, where's Dayna?"
Without even looking, my sister pointed down the line of lounge chairs. "Trying to seduce Greg." Brandi took a deep breath and then sighed. "I warned her that he officially is hooked up with Felicia now, as of yesterday. But she insisted on making him see the error of his ways."
Dawn and I were putting our clothes on over our suits, but we both looked over to see Greg reclining on a lounge chair a hundred yards away from us across the curve in the lake, wearing a very short, very tight pair of swim trunks that revealed his sculpted body complete with well-defined muscles. Dayna was sitting on the lounge chair beside him, giggling constantly and leaning dangerously far forward to expose her tits while threatening to topple over.
Dayna was working pretty hard to seduce the handsome man. To her credit, Greg certainly looked interested and both attractive young people were smiling and chatting amiably while Greg's entire head went up and down as he checked out all that Dayna was offering him. I had to admit, Dayna was pretty enough now that I'd hold her as an equal to Felicia now.
"Uh-oh," Brandi sighed. "Here comes Felicia."
I turned my head and sure enough, the goddess herself, Felicia Clarkson, sauntered over from the main lodge with a towel over her shoulder. I couldn't help but let my own jaw drop from how good she looked in her bikini. But then Felicia saw her new boyfriend flirting with Dawn's older sister, and the goddess picked up her pace a bit.
A minute later, Greg was sitting up straight trying to explain himself while Dayna played innocent. Their voices carried towards us but we couldn't make out the words. Felicia just barked something at Dayna and all of a sudden, Greg was holding his hands up as if to separate the two girls. The little argument was settled when Greg slipped his arm around Felicia's waist and she sank beside him on the lounge chair.
Dayna shrugged as if she didn't care, and stood up to take her leave. She then tossed her hair back and reached up with both hands to re-tie her scrunchy, a motion that thrust her Double-D's forward as if to show off what he'd be missing. And then with a graceful pivot, Dayna turned and began striding back towards us.
A minute later, she came up, her feet stomping into the sand with intensity. "Fucking whore," she spat.
"Dayna!" Her mom rebuked from her chair just a few feet away.
"Sorry, mom," the beautiful teenager apologized and then sighed.
"Told you he wasn't worth it," Brandi reasoned. "He's too gorgeous. Men like that are just too shallow to appreciate us."
Dayna shook her head. "That wouldn't stop you from going out with him if he asked you."
Brandi blushed and turned her head away.
I arched an eyebrow at my sister. "Don't you have a boyfriend back home?"
Dayna chimed in, "What happens at camp, stays at camp." Brandi just blushed again. I certainly couldn't disagree with that motto.
"Doesn't matter anyways. Greg's not going out with either of us." Dayna just exhaled and rolled her eyes. "I don't see why we were hung up on him in the first place. He's nothing special. He got hard staring at my tits and even Ben has a bigger dick than him."
"Dayna!" Deanna Evans rebuked again.
"What? The kids aren't around or anything," Dayna turned and shrugged. Meanwhile, I started blushing beet red. And then I realized that Dayna's reference to "kids" no longer included me or Dawn. I felt kinda good at that, being part of the "older" crowd now.
Dawn stepped in. "We're going to go play frisbee. Wanna come?"
"Sure," Dayna sighed and looked to Brandi for confirmation, who was already sitting up and reaching for her tennis shoes. Then she glanced at me and Dawn, where Dawn had taken my hand to lead me off towards the game.
"Stupid camp," Dayna moaned. "A month up here and all the cute boys are taken."
TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2000
I stopped and kissed Dawn just before we went into our respective cabins, feeling a deep-rooted satisfaction in my gut. Cumming three times in one morning will make you feel that way.
Dawn giggled as she deliberately snaked her tongue between my lips, making sure I could taste my own sperm deposit from that third orgasm where she'd had me pull out and spurt in her mouth. I wasn't exactly fond of the flavor, but since Dawn always wanted to kiss me, I thought it best to let her do her thing and keep her happy rather than risk all the great sex I was now getting.
I finished up our kiss and then we turned away to hop into our cabins. No verbal goodbyes were needed. We'd see each other in another couple of minutes once I put our hiking gear away and changed out of my boots, and while Dawn cleaned up the evidence of our fornication.
It took me a little longer than usual to get everything put away. Brooke or the twins or someone had been a little careless with our other camping equipment, and I had to put it in order before unpacking the rest of my gear. But when I came back out, I somehow still beat Dawn in exiting the cabins.
Five minutes after me, she came out still dirtied from our hike, having apparently not cleaned up at all. "Uh, Ben. Why don't you head down to lunch without me? Dayna's in there and we need to ... uh ... talk. You know, girl talk. I'll catch up with you later."
Thinking nothing of it, I nodded and headed out. My stomach was already rumbling, and I couldn't wait to get to lunch.
However, not fifty yards from the cabin I came across Brooke and DJ sitting on a log, both of them staring quite obviously with smug expressions on their faces.
"Ladies..." I arched an eyebrow and gave them an appraising look. The girls dismounted the big log and came right up to me.
"Ben? Can we ask you a question?" Brooke said in a wary voice.
"You just did," I pointed out. "But you can ask me anything. I'm your brother."
"What do you and Dawn do all morning every day?" Brooke asked.
Now it was my turn to blush. I didn't have the self-control not to. "Uh ... well ... we go hiking. You've been with us a few times."
"In the afternoons," my little sister clarified. "But you two always go alone for your morning hikes."
I shrugged. "We just like to be alone sometimes. I don't see Dawn very often and it gives us a chance to catch up. Don't you two just want to be alone sometimes?"
The girls immediately looked at each other and blushed cherry red. "Well ... maybe not like you and Dawn. You're a boy."
"So? Talking is talking, boy or girl."
Brooke huffed and then said accusingly, "You're not just talking though, are you?"
I just stared at my sister blankly.
"You're kissing her on those hikes, aren't you?"
I shrugged. "I kiss her all the time."
"Yeah, and you don't need to be alone to do that either. So that means..." Brooke's eyes gleamed as I watched the gears turning in her brain. "You're doing a LOT more than just kissing. That's why you two need to sneak off alone."
I rolled my eyes. "No comment."
"You ARE! You two are doing sex stuff, aren't you?" Brooke charged.
"Yeah!" DJ chimed in. "I can smell her when she gets back. And it's not just sweat."
I sighed and fixed my gaze on the 14-year-old blonde, who with her braided pigtails and innocent face looked WAY too young to even comprehend sex. I asked her, "And how would YOU know what sex stuff smells like?"
DJ set her jaw and glared right back at me. "I get horny too, you know. I know what a girl's cooch smells like."
"Look," I sighed. "I said you can ask me anything. But I won't answer questions that are private to Dawn. That wouldn't be fair to her."
The girls bitched about that for another minute or two, but they got the hint after I stonewalled them and eventually all three of us headed down to the main lodge.
Fifteen minutes later, I was working on my second hamburger when Dawn, Dayna, and Brandi all came in together, glowing happily. I wondered if the older sisters were as inquisitive as the younger sisters.
"Oh, for crying out loud." We'd gotten maybe a quarter mile before the sound of skidding behind me made me turn to look. There, not a fifty yards behind us, was Brooke, desperately trying to maintain her balance while ducking behind a tree around the bend in the trail.
"Brooke! DJ! Go HOME!" I yelled.
"They're following us?" Dawn gaped at me.
"Guess so. They're curious what we're up to."
"Good grief, we never followed Dayna and Brandi around, did we?" My blonde lover sighed.
"Well, we never suspected they were sneaking off to have sex." I shrugged.
Dawn was strangely quiet on that one, but then Brooke finally came out from her worthless hiding spot and DJ came around the bend a few seconds later.
"Why can't we come hiking with you?" Brooke called.
"Because you can't!" I yelled back.
"Well we're following you!"
"Then we're all just going to stand right here until lunchtime!" I threatened.
"Well you won't be able to have sex then!" Brooke warned.
"Fine. But you'll get bored before we do and you KNOW it." I folded my arms over my chest.
Fifty yards away, Brooke did the same. And we siblings stared each other down. I wasn't too worried. Brooke and DJ were just two years younger than us, but I knew their attention spans were half of ours. They'd fold.
But then Dawn leaned into my ear. "But that'll still leave less time for us," she whispered in my ear. "We've got to give them something to get them to go away."
I shrugged. "But what?" I whispered back.
"Let's just tell them. No details. But I don't mind admitting to them that we're having sex. Mom already told DJ she would put her on the pill when she turned fifteen. And they already assume we're doing it. Besides, don't you want to try for four again?"
My dick twitched and made the decision for me. I took a deep breath and then nodded. Dawn agreed and then she called out. "Okay girls, go back and leave us alone, and I promise we'll tell you about it when we get back."
DJ gave her sister an evaluative look. "You promise?"
"I promise," Dawn said firmly.
Our younger sisters looked at each other for a few seconds, but then DJ grabbed Brooke's elbow and turned them around. Brooke flopped her arms in a "fine..." gesture and a moment later they were both out of sight.
Dawn then took my elbow the same way DJ had taken Brooke's. "Now my lover, let's not waste any more time."
"Ben! Oh, Ben! Unnngh!"
My head began to loll limply from side-to-side, my eyes closed as I focused in on the exquisite sensations coursing through my body. My chest bobbed back and forth while my hips hunched repeatedly, driving my cock deep through Dawn's clasping tunnel.
"So good! So good! I love it!"
And then Dawn grabbed my head and yanked it down to hers, her tongue spearing between my lips as she came, wailing into our kiss while her body vibrated beneath me.
Her spasming inner muscles pulled me along with her, and just as her climax began to wane, I began pumping out my second load of the morning, drenching her already soaked pussy. Even with all the lubrication and all the repeated fuckings of the past three days, she was still as tight as when I took her virginity.
And like a marionette with its strings cut, all the energy fled my body...
" ... and he just collapses on you? Isn't he heavy?" DJ looked at her sister with a furrowed forehead. Brooke shot me a dirty look. And I just blushed and looked away. I still couldn't believe Dawn was telling them this.
"It feels nice actually. I wouldn't want him to just lie there forever, but right after an orgasm, it feels ... intimate..." Dawn explained.
"But you said he gets all sweaty. Isn't that icky?" Brooke asked, screwing her face up like she was disgusted by the concept.
"I get all sweaty too." Dawn shrugged. "Sex is a lot of exercise."
The girls stewed on that and then Dawn clapped her hands together. "Okay? I'm sure it's no different than what you've already heard. Sex is just sex. It can be fun, if you're with the right guy." Dawn beamed at me.
"And how big did you say he was?" DJ asked innocently, not ready to let go of the conversation.
"I didn't say," Dawn turned and glared at her sister. "Don't be getting all manipulative now."
DJ pouted. But Brooke got in her own manipulations. "We'll follow you again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next."
I warned, "Brooke..."
"Or I'll tell mom and dad what you're really doing."
"Mom and Dad already know," I rolled my eyes.
"Really?" Brooke asked in confusion.
"Really." I sighed. "Look, you obviously have questions, so let's just do this: NO, you can't follow us; but I already told you, I'm your big brother and you can ask me anything. I won't answer a question if I think it's too personal, but you can ask me about sex or whatever and I'll tell you the truth. I remember what it was like to be curious at your age and Brandi never told me a damn thing. But I'll tell you, okay? You don't have to turn into a conniving brat, alright?"
"Really?" Brooke's voice was now enthusiastically hopeful.
"Me, too," Dawn said to DJ. "Although unlike Brandi, Dayna DID tell me just about everything. So I'll return the favor."
"Yes!" Both girls cried, and suddenly Dawn and I had our little sisters hugging us. We looked over at each other, grinning proudly.
It had been an interesting summer.
"C'mon Ben, think you can finally beat me?" Brandi brushed her wet bangs out of her eyes and grinned. We got onto the pier and moved over into our starting positions. Our swimming races had existed since I was six and she was eight, and my big sister ALWAYS won. She was an excellent swimmer and she'd even beaten me twice already this summer. But this day, I intended to break that streak.
"I almost did last week," I retorted as I set my feet, the toes of my right foot gripping the edge."
"Never in a million years," Brandi stated emphatically as she stepped into position.
"I dunno, Brandi," Dayna chimed in. "He doesn't look as wiped out as he's been the past couple of days."
Dayna was right. Dawn and I had only made love twice that morning. After cramming as much fucking as we could for the first few days of our newfound sexual relationship, we'd both sort of gotten the initial lust out of our system and we'd found more time to just talk again. We made observations about a particular piece of wood floating down the creek. Dawn regaled me with the story of a hapless nerd who'd been crushing on her for a couple of months, even though she was with Mark. And we philosophized on the nature of a society that had physically-fully-formed adult humans in their mid-teens but supposedly didn't allow sex until 18.
The fact was, talking wasn't nearly as taxing on the body as fucking. Right now, I didn't mind. I'd had both the pleasant company of a girl I loved and the extra energy to outrace Brandi on this day. Growth spurts had to be nice for FINALLY beating your older sister in a swimming race.
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-- FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005, SUMMER CAMP -- To be fair, I wasn't completely surprised by what I'd just seen. There had certainly been enough hints over the years that my parents and the Evanses played around with each other. And Dawn and I had discussed this very possibility a couple of years back when we speculated on just what our parents did with all their time together while we kids ran wild all day across the camp grounds. But none of us had gone out of our way to catch them in the act,...
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Summer Camp Author's Note: Al rode along on the bus heading for a summer camp. He was surprised to be sitting here; his parents suddenly told him they had found a camp for him to spend a week. "It will be fun," they told him. "Lots of new experiences, lots of new friends." He was enjoying his time at home now that school was out, he was twelve now and getting to spend some time alone when his mother needed to run an errand. He wondered if his mother had figured out that he was...
Part 1: A Plan is made Williams Summer Camp was an all girls camp that lasted for a week during the month of June. All of the councilors were women as it was assumed that none of the girls families would trust men with their daughters. Unknown to any of the families however was that it was in fact a man who owned not only the camp but also the land it was on. It was also unknown that the camp had actually been loosing money, and had been for years. It seemed that fewer and fewer girls between...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
Summer Freedom and Adventure Camp – Prelude Lola was greeted with a big smile by a lady in her fifties at the registration counter. She was told her room number and was given two thin leather wristbands with her name on them. Next to the registration was a long counter with baskets full of round metal plates, one inch in diameter. She knew what they were, since she had read the camp instructions very carefully. A white one with the number “1” on it meant that the wearer did not want to...
Group SexAs an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...
Straight SexAll characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on...... CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONHi it's me, Jo Ashram, I'm back again, putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) to carry on where I left off with 'Becoming a Model Patient'. It's been a week since the private...
I would like to tell you a story about some things that happened to me years ago. This happened while I was still in high school and before I went into service (And YES, they even had airplanes back THEN!). One of my buddies and I were in the Explorers and had taken a Life Saving swim course for another merit badge. I never thought I would ever use the course for anything else but I sure am glad I was wrong. My buddy Brian's family ran a summer camp and most of the campers were members of...
This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...
"You don't get anywhere in life without facing some adversity. Whether it's within yourself or the world. If it's something you believe you can do, you do it, little love." Trixie said reassuringly, "You know I can't give you the answers but I can guide you halfway. The rest you've got to find for yourself. And I believe in you." Abigail sat there quietly for some time staring at the page before her. Despite Beatrice's kind words, it mocked her terribly. But the silence and...
My name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...
As per usual, my parents sent me to summer camp. This year I begged them to let my best friend Rob go with me. Rob's parents got together with mine and decided there just wasn't enough money to send us both to the camp I normally go to in upstate New York. However, their daughter Becky was a counselor at a nice camp in Massachusetts and she could get us boys a lower rate. After a few meetings it was decided to send us to both to Camp Squanto. Rob told me his sister was pretty nice. I had seen...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...
I was 16 when I went to summer camp for the first time and found it to be a lot of fun. Between archery, canoeing, hiking and swimming there was plenty of activities to do. I made friends with several of the other boys and we hung out together most of the time. One day after we had been swimming in the lake, the three of us laid in the sun on the sandy beach talking for a while. We talked about how much more fun it would be if there were some girls in the camp, this being a boys only camp. We...
Terry was being ‘punished’ for talking back to his camp counselor Serge and was confined to his cabin while the other boys went on an overnight camping trip. The other boys had noticed that Serge seemed to have an ‘in’ for Terry since he seemed to be punishing the boy every day for truly minor infractions of the camp rules, but surprisingly Terry never complained about his treatment. Of course, the reality was that, by this point in the summer, Terry would never dream of complaining about any...
Summer Camp Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 4-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom My life changed like I would of never thought possible. I mean there is no sense in just saying...
The last two weeks in May were warm and on and off sunny. We arrived at the camp in the SUV and drove up the long winding road that hid the camp from prying eyes. Anyone on the property could not be there by accident. The State highway reduced to a county road, which reduced to a dirt farm road, which reduced to a partially overgrown winding drive to the camp entrance. The GPS had the nerve to announce that we were no longer on a road as we pulled onto the drive way. The drive ended at a...
Here I was on the to the summer camp I have been dreaming of since I could first shoot hoops. Ever since my coach yelled "Hey Tim" pulling me aside confirming my acceptance I fully expected something would go terribly wrong ending as a cruel joke. But reality began sinking in as we passed the gates and entered the training camp. I was one of the youngest players ever to be chosen to attend, I was told because of my dedication and natural "gift" it was decided I should attend. Over 400 boys from...
GayThe bus ride was long. You seemed to have been traveling for days. But in reality it was more like hours. Six to be exact. For the last five of those hours only trees have gone by. Your parents had sent you away this summer against your will. They were taking their own vacation this summer and they didn't trust you at home by yourself. You couldn't really blame them for not trusting you but this was a little extreme. After all, six weeks was a lot of time to spend at camp. You never were much...
LesbianThe alley was immaculate. You've never seen such a spotless alley. Not a single piece of litter anywhere. No drink cups or cardboard boxes. Not even a single cigarette butt. Other than that, it could have been just about any urban alleyway anywhere in the world. Painted cinderblock and brick buildings with dented metal doors and barred windows lined both sides of a stretch of asphalt. Recessed doorways and a couple of dumpsters could provide cover for someone up to no good. I smiled as I...
Originally writing under the name Bonnie Belkin The summer of 1961, before I started college, I was a camp counselor. There were a dozen of us, six gals and six guys, about the same age. We were up there all summer. The kids came up on Monday and went home on Friday. We had the weekends pretty much off. One weekend, the camp director and his wife went into town. There was a campsite by the lake, about a mile away if we walked by the side of the county road, or about two miles through the...
This summer I was to spend some time at the Fayetteville School for Unwed Fathers, otherwise known as Fort Bragg. The standard ROTC plan was that you spent a portion of your last two summers in some sort of training. Then, after you graduated and were commissioned, they would send you to your advanced training. Infantry officers go to Benning, artillery officers go to Fort Sill in Oklahoma, armor officers go to Fort Knox, Kentucky, and so forth. By the end of June, I would be at Bragg for six...
My mom and dad wanted me to work during summer after I turned 18So i got a job up north at a camp, my job was easy, all I did was supervised boring k**s game and make sure they stay in the designed area until the monitor came back or sometime doing the referee , disputing a goal or a penalty shot.evry night i would wait for my bus and make a 50 min ride before getting home, then every morning mom would drop me back or sometime id take the bus againhis name was Josephhe had a nephew of 13 he...
**Everyone is 18 and over. This story is a slow burn, but I hope you find it worth it in the end. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy as always - Alyssa*******"Oh my god mom I don't want to go!" I threw myself back onto my bed."I already paid for it, so you are going" mom followed me into my room. "Next year you do not have to, but humor me one more time before you leave for college and I lose my baby girl."I groaned and growled, "Fine, but this is the last time."Eighteen...
Rick continued driving down the street towards the high school. He had to pick up his 16 year old daughter, Katie, as she had just came back from summer camp. Rick was a handsome 32 year old man with a strong jaw and broad shoulders and combed dark brown hair. He was recently divorced and he obtained sole custody of Katie. He parked his Mercedes in front of the school. Because of the heat, many of the girls decided to take a quick dip in the school pool until their parents came to pick them up....
The bad karma between my father and I only lasted for two days after I got home. My mother sat us both down and we talked things out. My father had been so taken in by Penny's looks that he hadn't checked her mind out. He apologized for his mistake, and almost begged for my forgiveness. We more or less patched things up with the understanding we would take every care not to meddle in the other's business or friends from now on. Later that evening, my mother told me she was going to sell...
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000 "How was it?" "It was amazing," I said, my eyes glittering as we stared off towards the setting sun. We weren't on the ridge; our conversation was too private for that. But we found a nice clearing and could still see the red haze descending over the mountains. "It really was one of the most incredible experiences of my life." "I wish I'd seen it," Dawn said glumly. I chuckled. "You looked plenty happy with what we did." "Yeah..." Dawn sighed. "I...
Rebecca’s sixteen year old daughter Edwina was really looking forward to the new experimental Boy Scout/Girl Scout coed camp because she would have an opportunity to offer her oral services to any number of new teenaged boys without much interruption. The fact that they would be on their own out in the woods and learning all kinds of new things was excuse enough for some playful interaction between the teenaged boys and girls with all kinds of energy and blossoming desires emerging at every...
This is karan! I am expecting a lot of replies from girls/aunties especially the one from Indore. As I have said earlier that I am karan, 20 years old. I have a dick of 6.5″ long. any aunty/gals can give me their reviews at I am really looking forward to make new female friends of any age and that’s the reason I am writing these stories. So please don’t feel shy and feel free to contact me. I promise whatever u say or do will always be a secret so please mail me ASAP. I am karan, a 20 year...
Introduction: Some parents want their kids to have sex. Some kids are too awkward to manage this on their own. There exists a camp that fixes this problem. A/N: Look, I can write one serious story a year tops before I descend into parody and/or self parody. As always, I didnt MEAN to be long winded, and Im open to whatever criticism youd like to offer. ———————————————————————————————————————- This was going to be phenomenally, incredibly, unbearably awkward. Oh sure, it sounded great in...
Mr. Franks Summer Camp Part 1 Everyone knows that summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Frank often take only a day.? ?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover and loafers, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Frank walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage. Behind him, a...
-- MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007 -- I thrust forward a final time, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as I grunted out my orgasm, feeling the delight of a quart of spunk flowing out of me and into Adrienne’s still quivering pussy. My fingers tightened their grip on her shoulders. My pelvis pivoted forward with my knees as fulcrums so that my feet came off the bed, all of my weight and energy being put into that final deep thrust. And I kept my cock buried at full depth down the gorgeous...
Pulling up the long drive, mom parked the car and helped me unload my things. Carrying then to the meeting area I found out my cabin number and found an empty bed at the back of the cabin. Heading back to the main area I met the councilor for the cabin and cabin mates. Most knew each other from times before and gathered onto their groups. Being my first time there I put my things away and went to see what there is to do. Seeing the activity sheet most of the things were water events. Not...
Gay Sex at CampAuthor SteveI was 18 and I decided to go to a month-long camp for the summer to keep me busy. When I got there, I was a little nervous at first, but I made some friends and it was fun. This was the kind of camp where you get assigned to a tent with another person (there was a girls and boys camp, by the way) so I got my tent assignment and I took my things over there. I met my tent buddy, Steve. Steve was 18 too, and he seemed like much of a loner, but he was cool, so we...
Girly Camp ? by: Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem "Man I need a job for the summer," I said to myself as I looked at the computer screen. I was a senior in high school and wanted to get a summer a job. I was at a web site that had job listing on it. Then all of a sudden I found what I was looking for. 'Needed for eight weeks a aquatics director at Camp Make-Up'. Camp Make-Up I wonder what that is all about. It had a link to its website. I immediately went to the link for the camp. I was...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
HardcoreBalla woke us up just before dawn. “Alex I am so afraid, are you sure that you can defeat all those men?” Balla asked me. “Yes I am confident this will be over real soon I want to eat breakfast as soon as possible though so my breakfast will be settled while theirs is not. I opened a family-sized can of ravioli that I ate cold. I would get something later when I was back home. Balla just stared at the can, not knowing what to make of it. When Challa put some in a bowl from another can for...
Every year since we were in fourth grade, John, Brad, Joey and I had gone to a summer camp for two weeks in June. We had several friends we only got to see at this camp and always had a blast with them. But this year, only Joey and I were going. Brad had elected not to go because of his sister. John didn't associate himself with us anymore and had said he was too old to go to camp anymore. Joey and I begged Suzi to go, but she couldn't because of a family trip to England. The camp was...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
When I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...
Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...
IncestBoy in a girls’ brat camp A fantasy of women using a man.Part one Bob was seventeen and failing badly. He had at school got in with the wrong set and had been in trouble with the police and also with the school. Finally that summer his parents had given him an ultimatum. Either he left home and school or he spent the summer on an outdoor programme designed to change the way he acted. Bob was not at all keen but his parents would not be moved so that summer he packed a rucksack and looked...
I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
Bo Harrington met us at the apartment where we'd be staying. He'd found us a three bedroom within walking distance of the Camp, and Hunter and Ridge had agreed to room with me. Bo suggested we needed time away from the facility. Bo had rented the unit right across from us. I got settled into my room, and joined him across the hall. The West Coast guys were not getting in until late this afternoon. I'd caught the first flight out of O'Hare and had arrived just before lunch. Bo had food...
The next morning Kennedy was waiting for Mr. Glastonbury when he came into the practice room. "Sir," Kennedy asked diffidently, "did a Slayer die last night?" He looked at her curiously. "Yes. The Watchers Council let me know early this morning. Why?" "I felt her die. It was like I was her. Then I was in this other place..." "They would have told me if you'd been Chosen," Mr. Glastonbury mused aloud. "I think I was only half-chosen, sir. Some black woman, I mean, she was...
"OOOHHHH ... SUCK THEM ... SUCK THEM ... THAT'S IT BUT DON'T TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF YET ... JUST SUCK THEM THROUGH THE BLOUSE ... OH, THAT'S IT ... OHHH, BABY ... OHHHH..." Nikki Richards pulled up short at the sound of the moans drifting out through the cabin window. At first she'd had some trouble telling just what the sound was. It had almost sounded like someone in pain. But if it was pain, it was sweet pain, there could be no doubt about that now. No sir, no doubt at all. Someone seemed to be...
My name is Jason, and at twenty-six years old I’m married and living in Savannah, Georgia, the town where I was born and raised. I still socialize with my childhood friends, Larry and Paul, who are also married, and I’ve recently been thinking about the experiences I had in my teens that influenced my hunger for sucking cocks and swallowing cum, that is still a source of enjoyment for me.My father, Colton, is an electrical contractor, and for as long as I can remember he’s gone deer hunting...
BisexualMy mother signed me up for Bible Camp. I couldn’t wear anything too sexy; it had to be modest. Hell all mighty, I was a teenage boy, modesty was my middle name. I read the brochure and it said that the girls had to wear one piece bathing suits and cover up as soon as they got out of the water. They couldn’t wear short shorts either. Crap! Plus we had to take our own bible and a musical instrument if we played one. I didn’t! Well mom packed my stuff and dad drove me to the camp and dropped...
Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...
Josh Flannigan pulled on his tight muscle tee shirt which accentuated his pecs and hard nipples, and slid his gym shirts up over his bulging jock strap and muscular ass globes. ?He smiled at himself in the mirror. Nineteen years old and what a fucking hunk! He loved the way his big fat dick pushed the crotch of the shorts out. The little cunts would get wet panties looking at that all right. The cunts had crushes on him almost automatically, and the boys idolized him in that boycrush way that...