An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 10 Summer Camp
- 4 years ago
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-- FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005, SUMMER CAMP --
To be fair, I wasn't completely surprised by what I'd just seen. There had certainly been enough hints over the years that my parents and the Evanses played around with each other. And Dawn and I had discussed this very possibility a couple of years back when we speculated on just what our parents did with all their time together while we kids ran wild all day across the camp grounds.
But none of us had gone out of our way to catch them in the act, choosing instead to remain blissfully ignorant. As far as I knew, no one ever actually confirmed it was happening. And to now see it with my own eyes ... my own mom... ugh.
The four of us stood just outside the door for a long minute, gawking at each other and wondering what the hell to do. It was Brandi who first motioned us away from the porch; and stepping down onto the dirt road, we all moved back to the car.
Amber eyed us carefully. "So I take it you guys didn't know?"
Dayna and Brandi looked at each other and shrugged. "We suspected..." Dayna began.
Brandi took a deep breath. "But we didn't think about it too hard, you know what I mean?"
"Good for them," I pronounced, forcing myself to get past the queasiness in my stomach over the vision of my mom getting porked. I wanted to be mature and rational about this, and I reasoned, "This certainly explains a lot of things about our two families."
Dayna and Brandi nodded in agreement, Dayna commenting with a smirk, "It also helps explain just how ... permissive ... Mom and Dad are with Ben and us girls."
Brandi's eyes shot over to Amber for a moment in alarm, worried that Dayna had just spilled the secret. But Amber's eyes were still on Dayna as the eldest Evans girl continued, "They certainly let Ben get away with far more than any other boyfriend any of us had. Can you imagine Dad letting DJ have any other boyfriend spend the weekend?"
Amber cocked an eyebrow. "DJ?"
Dayna nodded. "My baby sister. Ben dated her for a few months two years ago."
Amber blinked at me. "You dated Dawn AND her little sister?"
I blushed and scrutinized my shoes.
Amber smirked and looked over at Dayna. "So when's your turn?"
Dayna laughed and held up her hands. "No, we're not like that. Just occasional fuck-buddies."
We all laughed at that, and a few more stories were tossed around about the things our two families had done together over the years. Dayna and Brandi told Amber about how our mothers were roommates in college and stayed best friends ever since. None of us kids knew all the details, but we all knew about the weddings just a few months apart and then of course, the matching children from Dayna and Brandi down to DJ and Brooke.
The longer Dayna and Brandi talked, the quieter Amber became. Part of it was because she was just listening with great interest to this story of two families so closely intertwined. But I caught her making several significant glances over to me – questioning glances. And I was a little nervous, noting that nearly all of those glances came when the girls were mentioning my history with Dawn.
But before the conversation went any further, the door to our cabin opened up. Fully dressed, Dad stood in the doorway, glancing around before spotting us standing by the car. And with an almost sheepish grin, he waved us over and commented, "Uh, nice to see you kids."
Wouldn't you know it, Dayna jut a hip out to the side, put a hand on it, and gave my dad a flirtatious smile. "Nice to see you too..." she drawled with a world of innuendo in her voice.
Brandi smacked her friend on the arm, shaking her head. And the four of us went up into the cabin.
All four parents were dressed and decent, any traces of their sexual activities completely gone. The Evanses sat on one couch and my mom on the other as Dad let us in. And all four of them looked at each other nervously for a moment.
"Before you guys try to explain anything," Brandi began as soon as we got in the door. "We just want to say that you don't need to."
We kids exchanged our own glances before Brandi continued. "What you guys do is your own business, and we'll happily stay out of it. We just want to apologize for busting in at an inopportune time."
"Thank you," Mom replied with relief in her voice.
"With that out of the way," I said, stepping forward and going over to hug my mom and forcing myself not to think of her womanly body beneath the clothes. "It's good to see you guys."
"Oh, it's good to see you too," she replied, hugging me back warmly. At the other couch, Dayna was hugging her parents as well. And I switched parents with Brandi to exchange further family hugs.
"Mom, Dad, this is Amber," I introduced, stepping back and pulling my girlfriend's left hand into mine.
She extended her right hand and shook with each parent. "Pleased to meet you."
"I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances," Dad said apologetically.
"Don't be," Amber replied. "Every parent deserves to have a good sex life."
Mom and Dad blushed, but didn't comment further. There was brief moment of tension in the room as everyone acknowledged what had happened. But then collectively, we all seemed to exhale and let that tension evaporate. Thankfully, parental embarrassment at getting caught was outweighed by happiness to see their children. And although they'd seen Dayna and Brandi on the way up to camp four weeks ago, both sets of parents were just tickled that their eldest daughters were actually here for the first time since graduating High School in 2000.
"And you too, Ben," Mom added, hugging my side once again. "We missed you on the way up."
I blushed and looked down. Mom and Dad had wanted me to join them at the Evans house back on July 2nd. Rather than drive up separately, they had simply picked up Jack and Deanna and driven the rest of the way together. But even though Dayna and Brandi had taken the time to stop by and visit them for lunch, I had made up some lame excuse and skipped out, not wanting to face the Evanses in the aftermath of Dawn's breakup.
Amber noted my mood and squeezed my hand, a question on her lips. I just shrugged and shook my head.
From there, we all sat down and we had a good long conversation. A lot of it centered around my new girlfriend, as you would expect it would. Amber got the usual boyfriend's parents' grilling in duplicate, since the Evanses were especially curious to know more about this new girl who had swept me off my feet. But perhaps still caught off-guard by their own recent embarrassment, both sets of parents went surprisingly easy on her, with none of the really probing questions they might have otherwise given to a prospective boyfriend or girlfriend of one of their children.
In the end, our parents beat a rather hasty retreat. The evening was still young when they declared that they wanted to turn in for the night. And what's more, with our arrival, they decided that the four of them would spend the night in the Evans' cabin.
"Now that you responsible young adults have arrived," Dad explained. "You can babysit the twins."
"And now that the secret's out," Deanna Evans added. "There's no reason to pretend you don't know what we're going to do over there."
"Mooom," Dayna whined.
Deanna just giggled. "Your fault. You kids interrupted us before I got my cookies."
"Mom!" Dayna barked even more shrilly.
"But what about the twins?" I asked. "They don't know about you guys, do they?"
Mom and Dad exchanged a quick look. There was a tightness in their expressions that made me speculate that they weren't so sure themselves. Could the twins have figured it out?
"No-no-no," Brandi interjected. "As far as they know, our parents are just a bunch of old sexless geezers playing cribbage and drinking wine tonight. Got it?"
I nodded and smirked. "Got it."
Mom grinned. "Not that we're actually playing cribbage."
I groaned and Brandi urged, "Go, go. Before you gross us out even further."
Laughing, the parents took their leave. The four of us then started unpacking our luggage, and as we did so, Brandi suggested, "Hey, why don't you two take the Master Bedroom?"
I glanced over at Amber, who got a little sparkle in her eyes at the notion. I had to admit, I rather liked the idea of having a nice queen-sized bed in which to snuggle with my girlfriend instead of staying out in the communal bunkroom on a hard twin mattress while Amber slept on a completely separate bed. But I had to weigh that pleasant concept against the squick idea of making love in my parents' bed, flush with the recent knowledge of what my parents did in that room.
"Good idea. But I'm changing the bedsheets," I finally stated.
Brandi just threw me a knowing wink.
As usual, the late evening was spent with a good chunk of the camp residents around the big bonfire. Hand-in-hand, I led Amber down to the area and quickly met up with a bunch of old friends. Gary Wong was there with his college girlfriend Erica, and we caught up on the past couple of years while the two girls bonded over being new to the whole camp thing. Erica had been here for three weeks already, and she chatted amiably with Amber about all the different things there were to do around here, even though Amber explained that we'd only be here for the weekend.
Dayna and Brandi likewise caught up with some old friends. Barb Hemingway told the girls her little brother Andrew wasn't at camp due to his own internship, but that he was also still desperately in love with Brooke. Dayna told Barb and Tina Nguyen that Felicia was missing camp because of her blossoming modeling career, and Tina gushed that she remembered seeing Felicia's FHM cover. And the camp girls explained that Lucia Ramirez and her little sister Ana weren't coming to camp anymore.
I was somewhat surprised that the older girls were chatting with Amber and me. In all of my camp memories, Dayna, Brandi, and their friends always kept themselves quite separate from me. It wasn't because I was male or unwanted or something. Really, it was a basic fact of age. When I was 12, Lucia was 14, Barb was 15, and Tina was 16. The gap was enormous, and apart from admiring the developing bodies of the older teenage girls, I had nothing to do with them.
Now? These hot older babes were flirting with me, girlfriend be damned. In fact, a couple of them seemed to be flirting with Amber as well (or maybe that was just Dayna). I supposed that since I was now 21, I was just as much of an adult as them, and Amber was the same age as Barb.
But casual flirting aside, half of the conversation revolved around catching us up on the things we'd missed having been away from camp for a few years, and the other half was reminiscing about the old days when we were young. Amber huddled against me and listened to all of us chatting with old friends about things gone by. After a while, I realized I was ignoring her, and apologized for it. But she just squeezed my hand and told me she liked hearing about my past. "I like getting to know more about you, period," she assured me.
But all the conversation also made me nostalgic for the old days. I watched the teenagers roasting s'mores and handing them out to little children the way Dawn and I used to. I held my girlfriend's hand and couldn't help but recall how this month at camp used to be the one chance Dawn and I could re-connect after eleven months away from each other. And I couldn't help but be acutely aware not only of Dawn's absence from camp this summer, but of her absence from my life.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come on this trip.
But just as I began to feel that rock sinking into my heart, I heard the high-pitched squeal of an excited girl followed a split-second later by its echo. And turning my head to see what was going on, I was just in time to brace myself for the blur tackling me off my log.
"OOF!" I grunted as my back hit the dirt and a heavy body landed on my chest.
"You were supposed to catch me!" Eden whined.
"You're a lot bigger than you used to be!" I groaned automatically.
Giggling, Eden leaned over to hug me before finding her footing and hopping up. I found that Emma was right next to her, reaching a hand down to help me up. And once I was back on my feet, my other baby sister enfolded me in a warm hug. "What are you doing here?" Emma asked.
"Surprise?" I shrugged and then waved over to Dayna and Brandi. Our older sisters had noticed the commotion and were already coming over. One-by-one, they each hugged the twins in greeting. And then suddenly all of us were staring at Amber.
"Hi, I'm Amber," my girlfriend said with a nervous wave.
"You're Ben's new girlfriend?" Eden gawked.
Amber nodded.
Emma just looked over at me. "How is it that you manage to hook up with the most beautiful girls on the entire planet?"
I blushed. Amber both blushed and smiled at the compliment. She stepped forward, looking each twin in the face before sticking a hand out and saying, "Nice to meet you, Eden."
Eden gawked even further before shaking hands. Amber then turned to Eden's identical twin and said, "Hi, Emma."
"How do you know?" Emma just asked in confusion.
Amber grinned. "I'm smart like that."
"She's a doctor," I commented.
Eden smirked and elbowed me in the ribs. "I like her."
I just patted my sister on the shoulder and replied, "Me, too."
I woke to the sweet scent of Amber's fine blonde hair in my face. I lay flat on my back, with my girlfriend's head pillowed on my left shoulder. My left arm cinched around her body, holding her against my side. And as consciousness flooded my brain, I slipped my palm beneath the waistband of her pajama pants to cup her tight ass and fondle it gently.
Apparently Amber had awoken before me. She was already lightly petting my morning wood with her left hand outside of my pajamas, tracing its outline with two fingers and rubbing it with the heel of her hand. When I caressed her ass, she tilted her head up to look at me. And finding that I was now awake, she leaned over to give me a sweet kiss. "Good morning," she whispered.
"Morning," I replied. "How did you sleep?"
"I always sleep well when I'm in your arms," she hummed happily.
I smirked. "Even though we're in a strange bed with my sisters in the next room?"
"Even though." Amber smirked, and then gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about last night."
"Don't be." Even though we'd been in the relative privacy of our own room, the walls of this cabin were paper thin and we could still hear Dayna and my sisters puttering around in the main bunkroom. Amber reasoned that if we could hear them, then they could hear us. And being quote 'in a strange bed with your sisters in the next room' had put quite the damper on Amber's libido.
I think it was mostly the twins' presence that bothered her, more so than Dayna and Brandi. But whatever the reason, she wasn't into it. And for the first night since we'd gotten together, we'd gone to sleep without making love.
Once again, I wondered if it wasn't such a good idea to come on this trip.
But my girlfriend continued rubbing my cock, and as a small smile crossed her face, she changed positions and slid her hand inside my pajamas instead. Now wrapping her warm fingers around my rod, her sparkling blue eyes shot up to mine again. And with a smirk, she asked, "Promise to keep quiet?"
I blinked quickly. "If you're about to do what I think you're about to do, then I damn well promise to be quiet."
Amber grinned and then slid herself into the covers like a turtle retracting its head beneath its shell. Covered almost entirely by our blankets, she drew both my pajamas and boxers down to my knees before propping herself up by her elbows above my prick. And stroking it firmly, she opened her mouth and lowered her head.
Five minutes later, I grit my teeth to fight down a groan as my hips surged off the bed. With sparkles shooting off behind my closed eyelids, I sprayed a heavy load down my girlfriend's throat.
So I kept my promise. I stayed quiet. Not a sound.
But then after Amber swallowed my load, she grinned up at me and remarked, "You know, Dayna's made it pretty clear she wants to get into my panties – and into your shorts at the same time. What do you say we do this again later today, but when I make you cum, I pull off and shove you into Dayna's mouth so I can watch her drink down your sperm? Hmm?"
So then I had to break my promise and grunt, "Oh, shit!"
Breakfast was quite amiable. Amber professed amazement at the spread, and commented to my parents that, "Ben had been giving me all these dire warnings not to expect the typical life of luxury I had been accustomed to."
"Well, it's not exactly the Four Seasons." I shrugged and gestured around. We were sitting in rows of wood-plank picnic tables under an open sky, grabbing food from a buffet line by the main lodge. "You were the one who told me you were just a spoiled little rich girl who always got your way."
"Stop it." Amber slapped my arm and pointed to her ceramic plate, complete with silverware, and a glass of orange juice. "You had me thinking we'd be sitting on rocks over an open fire eating canned oatmeal."
"Okay, I might've undersold it a bit. This is a 'camp', but we're not 'camping'."
"Disappointed, Amber?" Dad put in.
"Not at all. But I guess I was expecting some hiking around, maybe some nice views or an obscure, secluded pool somewhere. From what I saw last night and what the girls were talking about, there's a lot to do right here around camp. Those zip-lines running into the lake look so exciting. There are water slides and a volleyball court and everything."
I sat up. "We can still go hiking if you want. Think you can keep up? Might get a little muddy."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm not some delicate flower who can't get a little dirty. I can keep up with you guys."
"Hey, why don't we go to the Garden of Me?" Eden chirped.
"'Garden of Me'?" Amber queried.
I smiled and just waved at my baby sister. "It's the Garden of Eden..."
"It's about an hour-long hike each way."
"But the pool there is spectacular," Dayna enthused. She elbowed Brandi and said, "Count us in."
"Hey! I was looking forward to just sunbathing and relaxing for a bit," Brandi complained. "I didn't drive all this way just to hike for two hours."
"Aww, c'mon. It'll just be the six of us. Family bonding time," Dayna prodded. She glanced over at Amber, and I swear I saw her eyes sizzle as she stared at my girlfriend.
Brandi glanced at the twins, who were nodding, then at Amber and me. And finally sighing to her best friend, she nodded in agreement. "Fine. But just until lunch. And this afternoon I'm parking myself in a lounge chair and not moving until dinner."
True to her word, Amber kept up. Hell, if she'd known the way to go, I think she'd be leading everyone. The girl was in excellent physical shape, probably from all that long-distance running. She'd told me more than once that it took a lot of work to get her looking as incredible as she did, and she certainly could give Adrienne a run for her money in the high-maintenance department from time to time. But all that exercise paid off in Amber's sexual endurance, and it seemed to be paying off for hiking as well.
Likewise, Eden and Emma were regular energizer bunnies. The 15-year-old twins had already made this hike several times this month, and knew the route like the backs of their hands. They were also full of boundless teenage energy and did most of the leading, leaving me and the two 23-year-olds lagging behind.
"Hurry uh-uup, guys," Emma whined, stretching the word 'up' into two syllables. Her fists perched on her hips as she stood atop a boulder further up the trail.
"That stopped being cute when you were eleven," I grumped.
Beside Emma, Amber just turned around and put her hands on her hips. "Hurry, uh-uup," she mimicked.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
Amber then stood up straight, raising her left foot onto a boulder beside her. She wore well-traveled hiking boots and tight khaki cargo shorts that had been rolled above her knees. Her top was a cropped Nike running shirt in stretchy, moisture-wicking neon green and white fabric that left several inches of her belly bare. And the halter top of the bikini she wore underneath was obvious around the back of her neck. Reaching to the hem of her shirt, she ripped it up to her neck, dragging her bikini top along with it. And proudly thrusting her big bare tits at me, she called again, "If you can catch me, you can have me."
I glanced at Dayna and Brandi, with whom I'd been casually chatting for a good chunk of this hike. Dropping the backpack I'd been lugging onto the ground, I offered an apologetic, "Sorry, ladies." And then setting my jaw, I took off up the trail at a dead sprint. Amber may have me beat in long-distance running. But I was sure I was the faster sprinter.
I was wrong. Gawd damn that girl could run. Uphill, downhill, it didn't matter. Her footing was sure and she scrambled past tree roots and stray rocks with ease while I managed to stub my toe and nearly fall off a cliff. And I realized that the longer I tried to chase her, the further and further away she would get.
But I managed to outsmart her with a little trickery. The trail to the Garden from here was fairly straightforward, and we were only about ten minutes away. But noticing that Amber sprinted past a little used intersection, I yelled ahead, "Missed the turn! You keep going and you're going to get yourself lost out here!"
Suddenly realizing how dangerous it would be for her to get lost in a completely unfamiliar place, Amber skidded to a stop and then stared back at me. I had stopped myself at the intersection and gestured off to the right. Groaning, my girlfriend returned and willingly came into my inviting arms.
"Gotcha," I growled as I wrapped her up, trapping her against my body. One hand immediately dropped to fondle her tight ass.
Amber figured it out immediately and tried to push away, to no avail. Instead, she started beating my chest while screaming, "Rat-cheating-bastard!"
"I caught you. Now I get to have you," I growled. My blood was pumping from the chase, and hers had to be pumping as well. Breathing heavily, we just gazed into each other's eyes for a second, and then red lust took over. Her hands went around the back of my head, my tongue was in her mouth, and then her legs were suddenly wrapped around my waist as I held her up off the ground. We pretty much did our best to devour each other, not caring one whit who might see us.
I think we would have started fucking right then and there on the trail if the other girls hadn't come. We hadn't made love since I left for work more than 24 hours ago, which was easily the longest amount of time we'd gone without getting into each other's pants. I was hot and desperate to sink my dick into my girlfriend's willing body, only the morning's blowjob taking the edge off my lust. Amber had received no such relief, and as her own right hand dug down the front of her shorts while my right hand slipped underneath her shirt to fondle a large breast, we almost got her an orgasm.
But the sounds of feet shuffling up the trail reached our ears, and no matter how close we were to getting her off, panic had already set in. Amber yanked my hand out of her shirt and fixed her shorts. I made sure my own clothes were in order. And we were quite presentable by the time the other girls arrived.
"He actually caught you?" Brandi wondered in amazement.
"He cheated. Told me the Garden was that way," Amber explained, pointing up the little used turn.
Dayna grinned and slapped my butt. "Atta boy."
I smirked and we all pushed ahead for the final leg. With the increased pace, we actually made it to the Garden in about 45 minutes total. We spread our towels and the two backpacks we'd carried. The weather was just starting to warm up, and the girls all quickly stripped down to their bikinis.
The twins had thankfully worn relatively modest two-pieces. I still remembered Brooke and DJ dressing provocatively to show off their developing bodies by the lake when they'd turned fifteen. But to my great surprise, Eden and Emma wore matching conservative suits that looked more functional than titillating, Eden's blue and gold while Emma's was black and teal. Similarly, Brandi wore a red bikini that she'd owned since High School. Her curves had filled out a little since then, but it still wasn't anything too extreme.
Dayna, on the other hand, was Dayna. Her big Double-D's were put on full display by the fabled itty-bitty teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini. The bright yellow material called attention to itself, and the small black polka dots just added texture to show off the curvature of her chest mounds. The triangular tops were each scalloped like a crescent moon to expose even more skin. And the bottoms were cut in a thong pattern that left her perky buttcheeks out in the open air.
But even that yellow polka dot bikini couldn't draw my attention away from Amber. Like that one time by the pool at our Stanford apartment complex, my girlfriend had found a way to be supremely sexy without showing as much skin as the others. Her hot pink bikini with black trim actually covered the majority of her upper chest. Like a single large triangle, it left her shoulders completely exposed and came together at her neck. But at the base of the bikini was a triangular cutout that exposed the lower curvature of her cleavage, with only the black trim connecting beneath her breasts. For some reason, that open expanse of flesh beneath the hot pink fabric seemed to call to me, inviting me to slide my dick up into the valley of her cleavage from below, fucking my girlfriend's tits and making the top of her bikini fabric bulge every time my cockhead pushed at it from the inside.
The matching bottoms also had triangle cutouts at each hip, so that I had an expanse of creamy skin to view, broken only by two black strings that held each side together. And even though her bikini had more fabric than Dayna's, I couldn't help but think Amber's was the more sexually alluring outfit.
"Holy crap, the view is beautiful," Amber said in amazement as she looked over the picturesque pool with 10-foot waterfalls feeding into it, and lush foliage all around.
"Yes, the view really is," I murmured, staring right at her.
The twins started giggling when they saw where I was looking, and whispered something amongst themselves.
Meanwhile, Dayna and Brandi quickly ran up behind Amber. Grabbing her arms, they dragged her forward toward the pool while my girlfriend began to yelp. "Time to initiate the new girl!" Dayna crowed.
"Ben! Ben!" Amber shrieked for me while laughing.
"Be there in a minute, honey..." I drawled. Ten seconds later, my girlfriend splashed into the water while Dayna and Brandi stood on the bank, wiping their hands and feeling quite proud of themselves.
They never saw me coming.
Four seconds after Amber had gone into the water, so did Dayna and Brandi. In order to make sure they both went in, I couldn't let go of them, simply wrapping my arms around both girls' waists and then vaulting all three of us forward. Amidst a hail of high-pitched shrieks, we splashed down and then almost immediately shot back up, standing on the sandy bottom and wiping water out of our eyes.
"Be-ennn!" Brandi whined.
"Fucking asshole!" Dayna complained loudly.
"Shh, there are children here," I chortled, jerking a thumb back at the twins.
"My hero, you have avenged me." Amber swam into my grasp and wrapped her arms around my head, planting a firm kiss on my lips.
We finally broke for air, and then settled our feet on the sand while beaming at each other. But just as I started to lose myself into my girlfriend's gaze, Amber's eyes popped wide open and she squealed in surprise. "Eek!"
Simultaneously, I felt my swim trunks being dragged down to my knees. I whirled around to find Dayna underwater, jerking me off my feet so that she could drag my trunks the rest of the way off my legs. Off-balance, I fell into the water and kicked out reflexively. But all I managed to do was help Dayna pull my trunks off completely and stand up triumphantly, holding them aloft. "Got 'em!"
Likewise, Brandi held aloft Amber's bikini bottoms. That caused Amber to dive after Brandi, and me to go after Dayna. And within two more minutes of water-fighting, all four of us were buck naked in the water.
"Settle down, children," Eden called from her spot, reclining on a towel spread across the grassy knoll.
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First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...
Summer Freedom and Adventure Camp – Prelude Lola was greeted with a big smile by a lady in her fifties at the registration counter. She was told her room number and was given two thin leather wristbands with her name on them. Next to the registration was a long counter with baskets full of round metal plates, one inch in diameter. She knew what they were, since she had read the camp instructions very carefully. A white one with the number “1” on it meant that the wearer did not want to...
Group SexAs an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...
Straight SexAll characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on...... CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONHi it's me, Jo Ashram, I'm back again, putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) to carry on where I left off with 'Becoming a Model Patient'. It's been a week since the private...
I would like to tell you a story about some things that happened to me years ago. This happened while I was still in high school and before I went into service (And YES, they even had airplanes back THEN!). One of my buddies and I were in the Explorers and had taken a Life Saving swim course for another merit badge. I never thought I would ever use the course for anything else but I sure am glad I was wrong. My buddy Brian's family ran a summer camp and most of the campers were members of...
This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...
"You don't get anywhere in life without facing some adversity. Whether it's within yourself or the world. If it's something you believe you can do, you do it, little love." Trixie said reassuringly, "You know I can't give you the answers but I can guide you halfway. The rest you've got to find for yourself. And I believe in you." Abigail sat there quietly for some time staring at the page before her. Despite Beatrice's kind words, it mocked her terribly. But the silence and...
My name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...
As per usual, my parents sent me to summer camp. This year I begged them to let my best friend Rob go with me. Rob's parents got together with mine and decided there just wasn't enough money to send us both to the camp I normally go to in upstate New York. However, their daughter Becky was a counselor at a nice camp in Massachusetts and she could get us boys a lower rate. After a few meetings it was decided to send us to both to Camp Squanto. Rob told me his sister was pretty nice. I had seen...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...
I was 16 when I went to summer camp for the first time and found it to be a lot of fun. Between archery, canoeing, hiking and swimming there was plenty of activities to do. I made friends with several of the other boys and we hung out together most of the time. One day after we had been swimming in the lake, the three of us laid in the sun on the sandy beach talking for a while. We talked about how much more fun it would be if there were some girls in the camp, this being a boys only camp. We...
Terry was being ‘punished’ for talking back to his camp counselor Serge and was confined to his cabin while the other boys went on an overnight camping trip. The other boys had noticed that Serge seemed to have an ‘in’ for Terry since he seemed to be punishing the boy every day for truly minor infractions of the camp rules, but surprisingly Terry never complained about his treatment. Of course, the reality was that, by this point in the summer, Terry would never dream of complaining about any...
Summer Camp Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 4-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom My life changed like I would of never thought possible. I mean there is no sense in just saying...
The last two weeks in May were warm and on and off sunny. We arrived at the camp in the SUV and drove up the long winding road that hid the camp from prying eyes. Anyone on the property could not be there by accident. The State highway reduced to a county road, which reduced to a dirt farm road, which reduced to a partially overgrown winding drive to the camp entrance. The GPS had the nerve to announce that we were no longer on a road as we pulled onto the drive way. The drive ended at a...
Here I was on the to the summer camp I have been dreaming of since I could first shoot hoops. Ever since my coach yelled "Hey Tim" pulling me aside confirming my acceptance I fully expected something would go terribly wrong ending as a cruel joke. But reality began sinking in as we passed the gates and entered the training camp. I was one of the youngest players ever to be chosen to attend, I was told because of my dedication and natural "gift" it was decided I should attend. Over 400 boys from...
GayThe bus ride was long. You seemed to have been traveling for days. But in reality it was more like hours. Six to be exact. For the last five of those hours only trees have gone by. Your parents had sent you away this summer against your will. They were taking their own vacation this summer and they didn't trust you at home by yourself. You couldn't really blame them for not trusting you but this was a little extreme. After all, six weeks was a lot of time to spend at camp. You never were much...
LesbianThe alley was immaculate. You've never seen such a spotless alley. Not a single piece of litter anywhere. No drink cups or cardboard boxes. Not even a single cigarette butt. Other than that, it could have been just about any urban alleyway anywhere in the world. Painted cinderblock and brick buildings with dented metal doors and barred windows lined both sides of a stretch of asphalt. Recessed doorways and a couple of dumpsters could provide cover for someone up to no good. I smiled as I...
Originally writing under the name Bonnie Belkin The summer of 1961, before I started college, I was a camp counselor. There were a dozen of us, six gals and six guys, about the same age. We were up there all summer. The kids came up on Monday and went home on Friday. We had the weekends pretty much off. One weekend, the camp director and his wife went into town. There was a campsite by the lake, about a mile away if we walked by the side of the county road, or about two miles through the...
This summer I was to spend some time at the Fayetteville School for Unwed Fathers, otherwise known as Fort Bragg. The standard ROTC plan was that you spent a portion of your last two summers in some sort of training. Then, after you graduated and were commissioned, they would send you to your advanced training. Infantry officers go to Benning, artillery officers go to Fort Sill in Oklahoma, armor officers go to Fort Knox, Kentucky, and so forth. By the end of June, I would be at Bragg for six...
My mom and dad wanted me to work during summer after I turned 18So i got a job up north at a camp, my job was easy, all I did was supervised boring k**s game and make sure they stay in the designed area until the monitor came back or sometime doing the referee , disputing a goal or a penalty shot.evry night i would wait for my bus and make a 50 min ride before getting home, then every morning mom would drop me back or sometime id take the bus againhis name was Josephhe had a nephew of 13 he...
**Everyone is 18 and over. This story is a slow burn, but I hope you find it worth it in the end. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy as always - Alyssa*******"Oh my god mom I don't want to go!" I threw myself back onto my bed."I already paid for it, so you are going" mom followed me into my room. "Next year you do not have to, but humor me one more time before you leave for college and I lose my baby girl."I groaned and growled, "Fine, but this is the last time."Eighteen...
Rick continued driving down the street towards the high school. He had to pick up his 16 year old daughter, Katie, as she had just came back from summer camp. Rick was a handsome 32 year old man with a strong jaw and broad shoulders and combed dark brown hair. He was recently divorced and he obtained sole custody of Katie. He parked his Mercedes in front of the school. Because of the heat, many of the girls decided to take a quick dip in the school pool until their parents came to pick them up....
-- MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007 -- I thrust forward a final time, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as I grunted out my orgasm, feeling the delight of a quart of spunk flowing out of me and into Adrienne’s still quivering pussy. My fingers tightened their grip on her shoulders. My pelvis pivoted forward with my knees as fulcrums so that my feet came off the bed, all of my weight and energy being put into that final deep thrust. And I kept my cock buried at full depth down the gorgeous...
Rebecca’s sixteen year old daughter Edwina was really looking forward to the new experimental Boy Scout/Girl Scout coed camp because she would have an opportunity to offer her oral services to any number of new teenaged boys without much interruption. The fact that they would be on their own out in the woods and learning all kinds of new things was excuse enough for some playful interaction between the teenaged boys and girls with all kinds of energy and blossoming desires emerging at every...
When the story I’m about to tell you happened, I was just twenty-one, engaged to be married, and desperately unhappy. Jeff and I had been engaged for six months and I knew that I’d made a major mistake but I didn’t have any idea of what to do about it. The wedding was planned for October and it was already late September. Both families were terribly pleased with the match and I felt as if I was on a train rushing toward a river crossing, knowing that the bridge was...
Swiss College - Ordinary Morning What was this? In the middle of a happy, sexy dream... what is this feeling? Jeanne snuggled closer to Aisha's warm back and tried to go back to sleep. She slipped back into soft, silky sleep clouds for a few seconds but the feeling was back again. Not unpleasant, but very clear. There was no way to deny reality; it was time to wake up. She slowly opened one eye and looked at the clock. The wooden clock, a 19th century piece from Germany that fit in well with...
He had graduated from high school earlier in the year, and he was enjoying these relaxing summer days before heading to college in the fall. He smiled to himself, threw the blankets off and got out of bed, his hand still gently pulling on his erection that stuck straight out in front of him through the opening in his boxer shorts. He walked down the hall this way, with his hand still slowly pumping his shaft and his nut sack swinging freely between his legs, and entered his mother’s bedroom....
This is karan! I am expecting a lot of replies from girls/aunties especially the one from Indore. As I have said earlier that I am karan, 20 years old. I have a dick of 6.5″ long. any aunty/gals can give me their reviews at I am really looking forward to make new female friends of any age and that’s the reason I am writing these stories. So please don’t feel shy and feel free to contact me. I promise whatever u say or do will always be a secret so please mail me ASAP. I am karan, a 20 year...
Introduction: Some parents want their kids to have sex. Some kids are too awkward to manage this on their own. There exists a camp that fixes this problem. A/N: Look, I can write one serious story a year tops before I descend into parody and/or self parody. As always, I didnt MEAN to be long winded, and Im open to whatever criticism youd like to offer. ———————————————————————————————————————- This was going to be phenomenally, incredibly, unbearably awkward. Oh sure, it sounded great in...
Mr. Franks Summer Camp Part 1 Everyone knows that summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Frank often take only a day.? ?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover and loafers, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Frank walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage. Behind him, a...
Cheer camp was scheduled for the last week in July. On Sunday right after lunch everybody assembled at the school parking lot where a big yellow bus was waiting for us. The school had arranged for a bus and driver to transport the squad to cheer camp so we were all there raring to go with our luggage piled near the bus door. Tracy took roll and as she called off each name the girls boarded the bus with their suitcase. The luggage was piled on the rear seats and the girls took their seats,...
I was 19, just back from my first semester at college. My first year at college had been the most fun I had ever had in my life. In high school, I was well liked. I wouldn’t say I was popular, but I certainly wasn’t a loser either. I was about 5’10”, 160 pounds, thin build (I played tennis which no one paid attention too), but was relatively smart and focused on getting into a great university. In high school I had a few relationships that lasted a short while (a month or so), and one...
Pulling up the long drive, mom parked the car and helped me unload my things. Carrying then to the meeting area I found out my cabin number and found an empty bed at the back of the cabin. Heading back to the main area I met the councilor for the cabin and cabin mates. Most knew each other from times before and gathered onto their groups. Being my first time there I put my things away and went to see what there is to do. Seeing the activity sheet most of the things were water events. Not...
Gay Sex at CampAuthor SteveI was 18 and I decided to go to a month-long camp for the summer to keep me busy. When I got there, I was a little nervous at first, but I made some friends and it was fun. This was the kind of camp where you get assigned to a tent with another person (there was a girls and boys camp, by the way) so I got my tent assignment and I took my things over there. I met my tent buddy, Steve. Steve was 18 too, and he seemed like much of a loner, but he was cool, so we...
Cindy’s Summer Vacation from CollegeI have two older brothers. My brother Bob is one year older than I am and Bill is two years older. I know my parents didn’t give them very original names but I suppose it is better than Phineas and Fauntleroy. My brothers and I always got along fine as I was growing up. We were close enough in age to be able to play together and share a lot of things. Including the bath tub and the bed when we were quite young. I was naturally sexually curious and they were...
IncestThe bad karma between my father and I only lasted for two days after I got home. My mother sat us both down and we talked things out. My father had been so taken in by Penny's looks that he hadn't checked her mind out. He apologized for his mistake, and almost begged for my forgiveness. We more or less patched things up with the understanding we would take every care not to meddle in the other's business or friends from now on. Later that evening, my mother told me she was going to sell...
Riding with Kris to Colt's for our next big get together was an adventureall in itself with his crazy driving and not paying attention. Even thoughwe talked a lot and saw each other often, his stories kept me entertainedfor the two hour trip. He always was scheming something and as usualmeeting new people left and right. We arrived at Colt's about six orthereafter to see cars there. One I knew too well and got excited.After parking his new SUV, we headed to the door but didn't get an answer.We...
Girly Camp ? by: Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem "Man I need a job for the summer," I said to myself as I looked at the computer screen. I was a senior in high school and wanted to get a summer a job. I was at a web site that had job listing on it. Then all of a sudden I found what I was looking for. 'Needed for eight weeks a aquatics director at Camp Make-Up'. Camp Make-Up I wonder what that is all about. It had a link to its website. I immediately went to the link for the camp. I was...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
HardcoreAnd as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...
TabooBalla woke us up just before dawn. “Alex I am so afraid, are you sure that you can defeat all those men?” Balla asked me. “Yes I am confident this will be over real soon I want to eat breakfast as soon as possible though so my breakfast will be settled while theirs is not. I opened a family-sized can of ravioli that I ate cold. I would get something later when I was back home. Balla just stared at the can, not knowing what to make of it. When Challa put some in a bowl from another can for...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
When I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...
Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...
IncestBoy in a girls’ brat camp A fantasy of women using a man.Part one Bob was seventeen and failing badly. He had at school got in with the wrong set and had been in trouble with the police and also with the school. Finally that summer his parents had given him an ultimatum. Either he left home and school or he spent the summer on an outdoor programme designed to change the way he acted. Bob was not at all keen but his parents would not be moved so that summer he packed a rucksack and looked...
I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
Bo Harrington met us at the apartment where we'd be staying. He'd found us a three bedroom within walking distance of the Camp, and Hunter and Ridge had agreed to room with me. Bo suggested we needed time away from the facility. Bo had rented the unit right across from us. I got settled into my room, and joined him across the hall. The West Coast guys were not getting in until late this afternoon. I'd caught the first flight out of O'Hare and had arrived just before lunch. Bo had food...