SRU Summer Camp
- 3 years ago
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The alley was immaculate. You've never seen such a spotless alley. Not a single piece of litter anywhere. No drink cups or cardboard boxes. Not even a single cigarette butt. Other than that, it could have been just about any urban alleyway anywhere in the world. Painted cinderblock and brick buildings with dented metal doors and barred windows lined both sides of a stretch of asphalt. Recessed doorways and a couple of dumpsters could provide cover for someone up to no good.
I smiled as I walked casually along the center of the graying blacktop. I was supposed to be sneaking, but I wasn't. The game we were playing called for me to make my way down the alley while reconnoitering for a potential ambush, then signal the rest of the team to close-up if the way was clear. Typical Urban Warfare Tactical Training Exercise. Or maybe in Armyese it would be Tactical Warfare/Antiterrorist Training, which would have made a more amusing acronym.
I should have been wearing one of those standard-issue Urban-camo uniforms with the black, white, and gray splotches that matched nothing and stood-out against everything, but fortunately (and typically) the quartermaster hadn't been able to produce one in my size. Instead, I was wearing a gray, seamless sport-top and a pair of black, stretch, low-rise, boyshorts which was a much more reasonable outfit for someone out taking exercise in this Georgia late-summer weather. The black, crepe-soled cross-trainers on my feet and the no-particular-color-at-all fanny-pack riding my hip completed the ensemble. My black and grey color-scheme did match the official camo colors, if only by coincidence. My argument that a girl in jogging attire was more in keeping with the spirit of the thing than one clumping along with a full-pack load-out and carrying a Heckler and Koch MP5-SD had been met with some reluctant grunts, but no real disagreement. I'd expected more of an argument from the non-com running the exercise, but he hadn't yet figured out what to make of me, so he was erring on the side of politeness.
I did get some static about the amount of exposed skin. I'd dressed as I did because I hadn't understood the use of the term 'exercise' in the schedule they handed out. I thought we were going to be doing some 'physical training' (their term), so I dressed accordingly. To be fair, the static was more of a warning about how much the simunition (wax bullets mixed with blue dye) would hurt if I got popped with one. I countered with the argument that in the real world a hit like that would probably kill me and if the exercise taught me to avoid that occurrence, then it would be well worth it. Faced with that bit of macho bluster, the static faded fast and I even saw a couple of flak-jackets get surreptitiously ditched.
This was the first scheduled event and no one here other than the few guys I'd met before had a clue what to make of me. We'd all just arrived at Fort Benning the night before and none of us had had a chance to chat. As a result, I was still the official eye-candy for most of the rest of the campers as well as the locals.
Nothing new there. I've been gawked at before. When you are female, 5' 1", 105lbs, and your measurements are 48-18-28, you're going to get some stares, especially from a bunch of mostly military and police jocks with more testosterone than plasma running through their veins. If no one had tried to hit on me yet, it was only because it was 8am in the morning and they weren't yet entirely sure I was real.
Mind you, I was actually sort of looking forward to getting hit on. From what I could see, most of my fellow campers were close to being perfect physical specimens of the human adult male. Not a paunch or a stoop among them and probably not a single IQ under 120. Most were young, not many over 30, and those that were had much of that same rigid, commanding presence that Colonel Brock typified.
Oh yes, my favorite Colonel, Brock-the-Brick was here, along with two of his Sigma 7 operators, Jonas Matuchek and Evan Cochran. Evan had been around for a while now and I suspected that he had been assigned as my permanent shadow — someone to either make sure I didn't get into too much trouble, or to rescue those poor unfortunates unlucky enough to seriously piss me off. The latter I knew to be something Brock was concerned about since my style of dealing with problems tended to be flashier than he was normally comfortable with. What can I say? Flashy comes with the territory for your average superheroine. And that brings us to me. I'm Samantha Draco, aka The Dragon.
If that name doesn't ring any bells, then you haven't read a newspaper or watched TV in the last few months. I'm what you call 'famous' or maybe it's 'infamous'. What little footage there is of me in action gets trotted out whenever there is a slow news day or some editor decides to goose their ratings. I heard a rumor that the Discovery Channel was planning a special on people with super-normal abilities. I'm going to watch that to see if they manage to find someone else like me. I sure hope so. This stuff gets lonely sometimes.
Not that I don't have friends. I do. Just not many who know my secrets. One who does is my best friend and partner, Neeka. She's here too — somewhere. They split the tech-people out and sent them to another part of the base to put them through a series of seminars on the latest mil-tech advancements.
I see I'm explaining things inside-out again. Sorry. Bad habit. What happened was — we were looking forward to getting back to what passes for our normal lives after our last adventure when we got a call from our favorite bureaucrat, asking if we'd like to attend a special summer-camp.
Now, I hadn't been to camp since I was twelve, so I was keen on the idea from the start. Neeka was reluctant, until Mr. Solomon explained that she'd be spending the whole time buried in a bunker with all the other uber-geeks, playing with a load of ultra-high-tech computers and spy gadgets. Her hesitance vanished at that point and shortly afterward, so did she, while she was being processed for some level of clearance the name of which is never mentioned and knowledge of which is grounds for permanent surveillance. I got the better deal. I got to go off and play with the best-and-brightest members of every counter-terror, hostage-rescue, elite-police, special-warfare, and black-ops team that wasn't otherwise-engaged for the week. This was a summer camp for heroes and I was extremely proud to have been included.
All right, 'summer camp' isn't what they called it, but that's what it amounted to. The idea was to get people together from as many of the diverse special operations groups as possible and let them hang out for a few days, doing 'refresher courses' on tactics and running through exercises on the local MP, Ranger and Sniper facilities. I suspect that this was mostly an excuse to let people who normally couldn't say squat to anyone about their jobs relax in an environment where everyone else was more or less in the same situation. We still couldn't divulge the specifics of certain operations, but shop talk was otherwise encouraged.
I tried not to let the fact that these guys were mostly of the seriously-studly persuasion influence me in any way, but I could feel their eyes on me as I made my way down the fake alley and I confess that did make me strut just a teeny bit.
I was also very worried about not screwing up. I had volunteered to be on Point for this exercise — something I knew darn well was a cardinal sin in the military. But I wanted to prove as quickly as possible to anyone who might doubt my qualifications for being there that I was capable of doing the job. Now I was practically reciting it as a mantra with every step - "don't screw up, don't screw up".
I was past the first couple of recessed doorways to either side. They couldn't have provided much cover and I was sure none of the local guys who would be playing the OpFor — the Opposing Forces, as Sgt. Wilkins called them — or The Bad Guys, as I thought of them, would be dumb enough to try to hide there.
I thought the best cover for someone trying an ambush was either the dumpsters or the narrow gap coming up on the right between two of the buildings. The gap seemed a poor choice. Even I could see that someone shooting down the length of it could easily cut down an entire squad before they could escape out the other end. No, the best place to hide would be behind the standard, commercial-sized, green dumpsters. They were free-standing steel boxes on pairs of thick skids and their positioning left enough space for three or four people to either hide behind, or between one and the building next to it.
If I was wrong and the ambush team was around the corner of the building, then I would look foolish. But if they decided to take advantage of my mistake, the bad guys would have to show themselves to get at me and I would be on the other side of the dumpster when they did, putting them in the line of fire from my teammates a half-block behind me.
I inhaled deeply and then let it out slowly, the better to hear any noise the opposition might make. I practically tiptoed, my crepe-soles making my steps noiseless. When I was close enough, I put my right shoulder down, jogged three steps diagonally toward the dumpster and gave it a shove. Maybe I shoved a bit too hard. The dumpster moved with a loud screeching-scrape sound. It slid about three feet before stopping a foot away from the wall of the building. The lid, which had been propped up, fell down with a big-time clang. Barely audible under the noise of the dumpster were a few "oof"s and some small clanks of something solid hitting the other side.
Pressing my advantage, I quickly ran around the corner of the big metal box. On the ground were two OpFor guys, just getting their feet under them. The one closest to me had an AK-47 in one hand. I reached down and grabbed it and twisted it out of his grasp. I used the butt to shove him back on his ass before tossing it over my shoulder to land out of reach on top of the dumpster, then I jumped over him to land on the second guy's rifle, pinning it to the ground just as his hands closed on the wooden stock.
Now disarmed, but facing an obviously weaker opponent than they had expected, both guys jumped at me and grabbed hold of my arms, trying to wrestle me to the ground. They seemed surprised when things didn't work out that way.
I just love it when that moment of "gotcha" that my opponent feels once they have their hands on me, turns into "uh, oh". That's exactly what happened this time. I gave them a split-second of joy, then I slammed them together hard enough to loosen their fillings, but not hard enough to break anything. They both went down and stayed there, no doubt trying to remember the license number of the truck that had just hit them.
A moment of digression here: I don't dislike guns. I'm just not a 'gun person'. Guns have their place. If you want to make holes in people, a gun is the way to go. But having a gun in your hand in a combat situation narrows your options down to shoot or don't shoot, which is analogous to having only a hammer and thinking that everything looks like a nail. I prefer unarmed, close-quarters fighting because I can apply the precise amount of force — courtesy of Master Li's training — that is necessary to achieve the desired effect. That effect can then be anything from a mild slap on the wrist to something much messier than a few small-caliber holes.
I stuck my head out from behind the dumpster and gave the come-ahead signal. The rest of my team jogged down the alley, looking sharp as they covered every angle from the roof to the manhole cover in the center of the alley. I swallowed guiltily as I realized that I hadn't considered either of those hiding places. It was two-dimensional thinking on my part, and just the sort of lesson we were all here to re-learn. I mentally awarded myself a kick in the butt for missing that.
I hadn't met any of the other members of my team before. We'd been picked out according to some random (or not) method that only Sergeant Wilkins knew and I'd only caught one or two names. As they ran up and secured the still-limp ambushers, I expected Wilkins to blow his whistle as a signal that the exercise was over. That he didn't meant there were still members of the OpFor yet to be accounted for.
I was just starting to look around, thinking that we had been suckered by decoys, when I heard a muffled, plaintive voice from the narrow gap between the dumpster and the brick wall of the building.
"Little help here?" it said.
One of my team, who I took to be FBI, based on nothing I could explain, and I stuck our heads into the gap. Sure enough, there were two other OpFor members trapped in there.
"Give up?" I asked.
"Yes! Please get it off," the voice said with more than a touch of claustrophobic panic.
I discovered that Wilkins had come up behind me when he blew his damn whistle right in my ear.
"Lend a hand, people!" Wilkins barked, and I realized from his protective tone that the trapped men were almost certainly his own best-and-brightest whom he intended to showcase to the campers and possibly get them seconded to one of the elite organizations represented.
"Wonderful!" I thought. "Now I've gone and made them look bad and probably honked-off Wilkins. I don't need to be making enemies here."
The dumpster must have been stuck, or it was heavier than I thought. Three burly guys had their shoulders against it and hadn't managed to budge the thing.
"Oh, frikkin' great!" I thought. "This is getting worse by the second."
A faint sound from behind the dumpster could have been someone trying to breath in a constricted space or it might have been a whimper. That tore it. A flash of mad mixed with frustration and exasperation swept through me and I grabbed the metal trash-box and yanked it up and away from the trapped men. I knew as soon as I did it that I had messed-up ... again.
The dumpster sailed across, hit the wall of the opposite building and spun away down the alley like a square pinball to finally come to rest ten yards away.
"Crap!" I said.
"Shit!" the supposed FBI guy said.
"What the fuck?" Wilkins said.
"Ooof!" the freed OpFor members said as they gratefully slumped away from the brick wall.
Wilkins ignored them to continue to stare at the dumpster before turning to look at me with one of 'those' expressions.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" I said, hands in the air, indicating that I was the one who messed up.
Up the alley with the rest of the campers I saw Brock looking on. I couldn't read his expression because he had his hand over the lower half of his face, not that he ever had much expression to read. His eyes did look a bit crinkly, though.
Not feeling the need to hide his amusement at my antics, Cochran wore a really big grin that showed most of his teeth.
"At least someone is enjoying this," I thought sourly.
Of course that tore it. The first exercise on the morning of the first day and I'd managed to blow my cover. I felt humiliated. I wanted to go back to the BOQ and hide under my bed.
I was surprised when it was Cochran, not Brock, who came to my aid. Wilkins was just about to frame a coherent question to me when Evan stepped up and spoke up.
"Sergeant, you didn't see that," he said, absurdly.
Sergeants must get a lot of dumb orders. Wilkins jerked to attention and snapped, "See what, sir?"
Evan waved a hand at the still-gasping OpFor guys and Wilkins gratefully lost his brace and went to see to them.
Everyone else immediately assumed an air of 'nothing going on here — everything perfectly normal', for which I was fantastically grateful. I wanted to kiss every single one of them. When I looked at Cochran, it was with fresh eyes. I'd suspected that his job was to clean up or cover up my mistakes. Now I realized that it was a task little better than the one of following behind the elephant in the circus parade with a shovel and a sack.
The problem was still that everyone had seen that, and no amount of verbal stuffing could get the cat back into the bag. All that had been achieved was to establish for everyone present that I was another one of those items on the no-doubt long list of things that they weren't allowed to talk about. It wouldn't stop them from thinking about it though, and it was going to color their attitudes toward me for the rest of the week.
It occurred to me that maybe this was for the best. Getting it over with now might save greater embarrassment later on and now I didn't have to try to walk on eggshells all week.
After the OpFor guys caught their breath, we went back to the staging area to reset for the next team to have a try at taking the alley. For me it was anticlimactic until one guy got shot in the ass when he turned his back on a hiding-place. That got a big laugh from the gallery and I was certain that was because everyone felt relieved that it wasn't them out there with the blue spot on their butt. I laughed too, because while I'd messed-up, I hadn't failed the exercise by getting myself simulated-dead.
After everyone had a chance to clear the alley of Bad Guys, we moved inside to participate in a presentation on the latest in Unarmed Combat Techniques. This was held in a new facility that looked like it had been designed for the purpose. It had a large square room with a resilient floor that I was sure would be much appreciated by anyone coming here for training. The first thing they teach you in martial arts is how to fall without breaking anything because you will be doing a lot of it while you are learning. I was sure our hosts weren't likely to try to coddle this bunch.
Our instructor was a former Israeli commando who said his name was Uri Cohen and who looked very much like a smaller version of Colonel Brock. He had the same economy of movement, the same slab-like muscles, and the same limited range of facial expression. He was obviously a man who took his vocation seriously.
Cohen gave us a thickly-accented five-minute explanation of his fighting style (the name of which I will not mangle by trying to spell it here). Basically, it boiled down to "do it quick — do it dirty — and don't let up until they're dead". No Marquis of Queensbury rules for Mr. Cohen. No 'equal force'. No rules at all, really. I didn't see how something that had no rules qualified as a combat style, but I'm always open to learning something new so I paid close attention.
When we filed into the room, I had hung back so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I was still pissed at having showed-out like I did. I ended up in the back of the crowd, peeking around a guy so big that he probably hadn't even noticed I was behind him.
When Cohen finished his explanation of the philosophy of his technique, he took out a blue-rubber practice knife and asked for a volunteer.
This was old stuff to me. I knew whoever stepped forward was going to get clobbered and then Cohen would spend several minutes explaining how he'd done it before moving on to the next sucker, er ... volunteer to repeat the process.
I was surprised when Evan Cochran stepped forward. He'd always seemed smarter than that to me.
Cohen handed Evan the fake knife and stepped back into a defensive posture. Evan did a shuffle and faked changing hands with the knife before lunging forward for a throat-slash. Cohen blocked and grabbed, stepping inside Evan's guard to deliver a knee to the groin and an elbow to the throat. Evan hit the padded floor hard and rolled to one side with his eyes closed. Cohen hadn't pulled the knee very much, if at all.
Mr. Cohen didn't even look down while he explained again how a devastating attack trumped finesse and style every time and this is what made his technique unbeatable. He took his time doing it, which was just as well, since it allowed me time to take several deep breaths and lose most of the mad that had every muscle in my body tensed and twitching. When he finished and was about to ask for another victim, I was front and center in a flash.
"Me," I said.
"Sam," Brock said, sweetly. He didn't have to finish with "don't kill him", I knew what he meant.
I ignored the interruption except for squaring my shoulders and flexing my back muscles, bringing then into sharp relief under my tight top for the benefit of the audience behind me. Brock fell silent. Evan rolled off the mat and was dragged to one side to recuperate.
Cohen was unsure how to handle this. He had a room full of beefy types to humiliate and now he was faced with someone half his size and clearly the wrong sex. He looked around the room for an alternative as I bent down to pick up the rubber knife Evan had dropped.
"Is this one of your American jokes?" Cohen asked the crowd. No one answered. No doubt everyone was remembering the dumpster ricocheting down the alley.
"No joke," I said simply. "Show me your technique."
"I do not fight little girls," he said in an insulted tone.
I flipped the rubber knife at him and bounced it off his forehead. His hand came up far too late to ward it off.
This enraged him. I had insulted him physically, something he certainly never allowed a man to do. He took a step toward me and I fell into my fighting stance, feet apart, weight centered and balanced, arms loose, my situational and kinesthetic awareness expanding to the point where I could almost tell you where every one of the forty or so people in the room were standing without turning my head. I felt like I was channeling the spirit of Bruce Lee. "Do not let your anger fight with your body," I remembered Master Li quoting, "We need emotional content. It gives you power. But you must feel it." I looked it up. Lee died in 1973. If he had lived four more years — long enough to see Star Wars — I was sure he would have pointed to George Lucas' invention of The Force and said, "That's what I meant!"
Cohen recognized the classic Kung Fu posture. His thick, black eyebrows knit themselves together into a single monobrow. Suddenly, almost before I could blink, he rushed me. His arms windmilled in a wild torrent of blows. I stood my ground and blocked left, then right, then turned my arm and executed a palm-strike to the center of his chest. Two inches to the right and a good bit harder and I would have burst his heart inside his chest.
Cohen was jarred back. If he was surprised at my successful defense, he gave no sign. I was sure the fact that my feet had not moved was not lost on him. He came on again. This time I did move my feet. I waited for him to commit his inertia and then spun to one side while sweeping my arms up and over and down, blocking his strike and pushing him past me.
Suddenly finding me behind him, he jerked to a stop and spun in place, coming to a halt in a Karate stance.
"And so the unbeatable technique is abandoned," I thought.
I was only partly right. Cohen, too, believed in using whatever worked to defeat an opponent. Recognizing that I couldn't be taken by the bull-rush, he shuffled forward and threw a kick at my leading leg, aiming for the knee. I raised my leg and caught the kick on my shin, then straightened it and returned his kick by aiming my heel at his groin.
Of course, my leg was too short to connect, but it scared him into a brief retreat, after which he decided to bite the bullet. Cohen stepped into contact range and started throwing a flurry of blows with his hands and feet, any one of which would have been deadly had it landed. None did. This was what Neeka and I practiced several hours a week — fighting at top speed — pushing the limits of coordination and anticipation until my body moved by itself in response to things I wasn't even aware of seeing.
I easily blocked him blow for blow, and when he hesitated, I returned his hail of blows and kicks, matching him one for one. Several times I had to wait for him to get an arm in place to block. It was tempting to smack him a good one and end the fight right there, but I intended to get my money's worth out of Mr. Cohen.
Cohen tried to regain the offensive that was the foundation of his style. Every time he tried an attack, I blocked and countered. After a bit, he must have known I was playing with him because all my counters were just tap-and-slap, not the crushing responses I could, and should, have delivered. Still, he kept coming, getting slower and weaker every time until I thought it must be obvious to everyone that I was carrying him — practically holding him upright.
Finally, he couldn't keep going. His shoulders slumped and his heels dropped to the mat. His arms quivered with exhaustion and he could hardly keep his guard up. Cohen had punched himself out.
I skipped to one side and lined up for a flashy finale — a big side-kick at full extension. Even though I telegraphed it terribly and pulled it to the point of it being done in slow-motion, Cohen still couldn't stop it. I caught him with the flat of my foot right in his center of mass and I shoved rather than kicked because a kick with the force I intended to use would have caved in his sternum. As it was, the kick lifted him into the air and flung him up against the wall with a satisfying WHOOM. The sheetrock gave way and he stuck there, embedded in the wall.
I turned to face the crowd.
"And that," I announced with finality, "concludes the section on unarmed combat. I hope you were all taking notes. There will be a test later."
I will not bother to describe the cheering and applause. I didn't deserve it, but it sure felt good. When I looked for Brock, to see what he'd thought of my little exhibition, he actually almost cracked a smile. I mean, I saw his lip twitch. It was quick, but it was there.
A couple of the locals peeled Mr. Cohen off the wall and a suspiciously-convenient medic checked him over. I doubted I'd broken or ruptured anything, but he was going to have one huge collection of bruises the next day. A few whiffs of smelling salts brought him around, but he still had to be almost carried out of the room.
While this was going on, the crowd fell into shop-talk mode. Groups developed as guys began to network. It was inevitable that some would want to talk to me. I was watching Cohen limp away when the guy I had earlier assumed to be FBI came over.
"Your Kung Fu is strong," he said, smiling.
It's an old joke and anyone who is into martial arts has heard it. It's one of the funnier translated lines of dialog in a lot of the low-budget Kung Fu films made in Hong Kong.
"Thank you," I said, with more lip-movement than was necessary. I tried to simulate a poorly-dubbed translation to show I'd got the joke.
"Hank McGuffin," he said, holding out his hand.
"FBI?" I speculated, shaking with him.
"How'd you know?"
"You guys must all go to the same barber. You've got that 'clean cut' look perfected."
"Part of the image," he said.
Evan joined us, along with several other guys, but not Brock. The Colonel had been recognized by some of the military types and was being introduced around. As one of the few living and still active Medal of Honor winners, he was perfectly entitled to the celebrity.
"You OK?" I asked Evan.
"Gonna be walking like John Wayne the rest of the day, but otherwise I'll be fine," he said, then added, "You didn't have to do that."
"Yes I did," I said sharply. "I get cranky if I don't beat the crap out of someone every few hours."
That got a laugh, for which I was grateful. Now that I was over being mad, I wanted to downplay the whole thing.
"So who do you work for?" Hank asked, innocently helping me change the subject.
As innocent as it was, it was one of those questions I couldn't answer. Sigma Seven was one of those groups that seriously didn't exist. 'Black' wasn't a dark enough color for them. The members of it who were here, weren't "here", if you get my meaning.
Evan watched me closely, no doubt ready to slap a chloroform-soaked rag over my mouth if my tongue got too loose.
"I free-lance," I said.
McGuffin looked at me like I'd just admitted to being a ring-tailed lemur from the jungles of Madagascar. "You what?" he asked.
"I go where I'm needed," I said, and then realizing that I'd dropped my end on the introductions, I said, "I'm Samantha Draco. Call me Sam."
"Well, Sam," Hank ventured, "I hope you can come work with us at the Bureau sometime."
"Be happy to, Hank. I'll give you my phone number before this is over. Oh, wait..."
I pulled my fanny-pack around and dug into the small outside pocket for my stack of business cards. Solomon and other past business contacts had kept me well-supplied with identities and covers and I had something of a collection going of pasteboard with my name and number on them. I'd flipped through FEMA and a couple of others that, due to the explicit company logos, wouldn't be appropriate in this or many other settings when I realized, judging by the level of eagerness that began to appear, I was going to need more cards than I had on me.
"I'll get back to you on that," I said.
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First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...
Summer Freedom and Adventure Camp – Prelude Lola was greeted with a big smile by a lady in her fifties at the registration counter. She was told her room number and was given two thin leather wristbands with her name on them. Next to the registration was a long counter with baskets full of round metal plates, one inch in diameter. She knew what they were, since she had read the camp instructions very carefully. A white one with the number “1” on it meant that the wearer did not want to...
Group SexAs an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...
Straight SexAll characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on...... CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONHi it's me, Jo Ashram, I'm back again, putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) to carry on where I left off with 'Becoming a Model Patient'. It's been a week since the private...
I would like to tell you a story about some things that happened to me years ago. This happened while I was still in high school and before I went into service (And YES, they even had airplanes back THEN!). One of my buddies and I were in the Explorers and had taken a Life Saving swim course for another merit badge. I never thought I would ever use the course for anything else but I sure am glad I was wrong. My buddy Brian's family ran a summer camp and most of the campers were members of...
This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...
"You don't get anywhere in life without facing some adversity. Whether it's within yourself or the world. If it's something you believe you can do, you do it, little love." Trixie said reassuringly, "You know I can't give you the answers but I can guide you halfway. The rest you've got to find for yourself. And I believe in you." Abigail sat there quietly for some time staring at the page before her. Despite Beatrice's kind words, it mocked her terribly. But the silence and...
June 2002, Summer Break "Holy SHIT!" Stephanie Vo screeched as she felt my cock slide the final inch up her ass. Her exclamation was apropos given which hole I was currently violating. I gripped her waist, keeping myself deep inside her while also preventing her from trying to shift away. And then I just held that position, letting her get used to the stretched-beyond-belief sensation I knew the slender girl had to be feeling. "Breathe..." I reminded in a soft, soothing voice. It...
My name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...
As per usual, my parents sent me to summer camp. This year I begged them to let my best friend Rob go with me. Rob's parents got together with mine and decided there just wasn't enough money to send us both to the camp I normally go to in upstate New York. However, their daughter Becky was a counselor at a nice camp in Massachusetts and she could get us boys a lower rate. After a few meetings it was decided to send us to both to Camp Squanto. Rob told me his sister was pretty nice. I had seen...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...
I was 16 when I went to summer camp for the first time and found it to be a lot of fun. Between archery, canoeing, hiking and swimming there was plenty of activities to do. I made friends with several of the other boys and we hung out together most of the time. One day after we had been swimming in the lake, the three of us laid in the sun on the sandy beach talking for a while. We talked about how much more fun it would be if there were some girls in the camp, this being a boys only camp. We...
Terry was being ‘punished’ for talking back to his camp counselor Serge and was confined to his cabin while the other boys went on an overnight camping trip. The other boys had noticed that Serge seemed to have an ‘in’ for Terry since he seemed to be punishing the boy every day for truly minor infractions of the camp rules, but surprisingly Terry never complained about his treatment. Of course, the reality was that, by this point in the summer, Terry would never dream of complaining about any...
Summer Camp Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 4-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom My life changed like I would of never thought possible. I mean there is no sense in just saying...
The last two weeks in May were warm and on and off sunny. We arrived at the camp in the SUV and drove up the long winding road that hid the camp from prying eyes. Anyone on the property could not be there by accident. The State highway reduced to a county road, which reduced to a dirt farm road, which reduced to a partially overgrown winding drive to the camp entrance. The GPS had the nerve to announce that we were no longer on a road as we pulled onto the drive way. The drive ended at a...
Here I was on the to the summer camp I have been dreaming of since I could first shoot hoops. Ever since my coach yelled "Hey Tim" pulling me aside confirming my acceptance I fully expected something would go terribly wrong ending as a cruel joke. But reality began sinking in as we passed the gates and entered the training camp. I was one of the youngest players ever to be chosen to attend, I was told because of my dedication and natural "gift" it was decided I should attend. Over 400 boys from...
GayThe bus ride was long. You seemed to have been traveling for days. But in reality it was more like hours. Six to be exact. For the last five of those hours only trees have gone by. Your parents had sent you away this summer against your will. They were taking their own vacation this summer and they didn't trust you at home by yourself. You couldn't really blame them for not trusting you but this was a little extreme. After all, six weeks was a lot of time to spend at camp. You never were much...
LesbianOriginally writing under the name Bonnie Belkin The summer of 1961, before I started college, I was a camp counselor. There were a dozen of us, six gals and six guys, about the same age. We were up there all summer. The kids came up on Monday and went home on Friday. We had the weekends pretty much off. One weekend, the camp director and his wife went into town. There was a campsite by the lake, about a mile away if we walked by the side of the county road, or about two miles through the...
This summer I was to spend some time at the Fayetteville School for Unwed Fathers, otherwise known as Fort Bragg. The standard ROTC plan was that you spent a portion of your last two summers in some sort of training. Then, after you graduated and were commissioned, they would send you to your advanced training. Infantry officers go to Benning, artillery officers go to Fort Sill in Oklahoma, armor officers go to Fort Knox, Kentucky, and so forth. By the end of June, I would be at Bragg for six...
My mom and dad wanted me to work during summer after I turned 18So i got a job up north at a camp, my job was easy, all I did was supervised boring k**s game and make sure they stay in the designed area until the monitor came back or sometime doing the referee , disputing a goal or a penalty shot.evry night i would wait for my bus and make a 50 min ride before getting home, then every morning mom would drop me back or sometime id take the bus againhis name was Josephhe had a nephew of 13 he...
**Everyone is 18 and over. This story is a slow burn, but I hope you find it worth it in the end. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy as always - Alyssa*******"Oh my god mom I don't want to go!" I threw myself back onto my bed."I already paid for it, so you are going" mom followed me into my room. "Next year you do not have to, but humor me one more time before you leave for college and I lose my baby girl."I groaned and growled, "Fine, but this is the last time."Eighteen...
Rick continued driving down the street towards the high school. He had to pick up his 16 year old daughter, Katie, as she had just came back from summer camp. Rick was a handsome 32 year old man with a strong jaw and broad shoulders and combed dark brown hair. He was recently divorced and he obtained sole custody of Katie. He parked his Mercedes in front of the school. Because of the heat, many of the girls decided to take a quick dip in the school pool until their parents came to pick them up....
The next morning Kennedy was waiting for Mr. Glastonbury when he came into the practice room. "Sir," Kennedy asked diffidently, "did a Slayer die last night?" He looked at her curiously. "Yes. The Watchers Council let me know early this morning. Why?" "I felt her die. It was like I was her. Then I was in this other place..." "They would have told me if you'd been Chosen," Mr. Glastonbury mused aloud. "I think I was only half-chosen, sir. Some black woman, I mean, she was...
Buffy could hardly wait to get to acting camp. She'd gone every year since she was ten and she loved it. It was outdoors, which she liked because she was a city girl, but what she liked the most was that she had friends there she rarely got to see. One of them was Megan, who was a special friend. They had learned to masturbate together at acting camp three years ago. They had been roommates that year and Megan taught her how wonderful it felt to stroke her little clitty and stick fingers...
"Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake," Beth told Mary and the other campers as they got off the camp bus and started looking for their luggage as the driver handed it out the back door. "If you're new to the camp than stay here with your luggage and the camp director will be here in a few minutes to give you the grand tour." Mary collected her suitcase and shoulder bag and turned to head for her cabin when Beth stepped into her path. "Mary, right?" "That's right," Mary said as she...
Rebecca’s sixteen year old daughter Edwina was really looking forward to the new experimental Boy Scout/Girl Scout coed camp because she would have an opportunity to offer her oral services to any number of new teenaged boys without much interruption. The fact that they would be on their own out in the woods and learning all kinds of new things was excuse enough for some playful interaction between the teenaged boys and girls with all kinds of energy and blossoming desires emerging at every...
The summer ticked by, day after day, and I started to lose all hope of ever getting to spend another night with Sammy. I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him and I had to know if he felt the same. My uncle came to me one day to tell me that he had planned to surprise my aunt and the boys with a camping trip and that I, of course, was invited to come along as well. This was it, the moment I'd waited for the last month. I looked him squarely in the eye and asked if it would...
I love Sam Sam.Chapter One ? The meeting. I love Sam.When we first met I had been single for quite a while, so had he. It?s hard trying to find that special person, one who you feel that connection with. For Sam and I, that connection was immediate. I had been at university for a while. I was in the final semester of my second degree. My routine was, well, routine. Lectures, home, eat, pub, club, and home. Occasionally I would be required to write an essay. I was beginning to...
Sam and Vanessa Part Five: The Club By Teddie S The rest of the two weeks, that Vanessa's parents were gone, went along as the first part had. The couple enjoyed spending all their time together, Sam spent every night, and Samantha was only around at night. But, toward the end of the second week, as Vanessa's parents were due back on Sunday, and she wanted to do something with her girlfriends on Saturday night. They found a club that looked like it might be a lot of fun. It wasn't far...
Sam and Vanessa Part one A little background Authors note. This is a sequel to the story of Mike and Sam that I wrote in 2004. It follows their son, Sam, from his preteen years through college. If you haven't read the original five parts, it might help you follow this story better if you do. If you went back and read the first five parts, you can skip down to The Story Starts, as this part just describes the four main characters. Our little family has four members to it....
Sam I Am By Shintashi Chapter 1 Splashes of water, rising up from freshly stomped mud puddles in the midnight rain were the first to herald the frantic journey of the soaking stranger. He looked down at his watch in the back alley way, trying to catch his breath as he scrutinized the water soaked time peice, wiping the corrupt evening down poor off its glass surface, hoping the batteries were still strong enough to power the nightlight, and at the same time, hoping he had lost...
Sam Considered the Pistol By Constance Grant ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Sam couldn't sleep. It was very early as he considered the pistol on his hands and remembered the day that he purchased it. It was a bright cheerful day in Downieville eight years ago, which itself was located amidst the near paradise of Tahoe National Forest, California. Ben and he had been shooting iron critters, and Ben had cleaned his clock. It wasn't that he missed often; it was that...
Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...
Sam and Vanessa Part Two: A very sad time A few weeks after Christmas, just after Saturday breakfast, the telephone rang, and Toshi answered it. She turned to her mother, handed her the phone, and said, "It's Oda Sachiko, and she's crying." With a little trepidation, Masumi took the phone, and said, "Sachiko?" She listened for a minute, her face flushed, and she started to cry. "Mom! What's wrong?" "Sobo (grandfather) died." "What? No!" And, Toshi started crying. "Please...
Sam and Vanessa Part Four: Could It Really Be? By Teddie S She looked at him for a long time, then reached up, and wiped his tears away. "I... I... could try and stop for you." he said. "You would do that for me?" "I would do anything for you." She moved around, so that she was sitting on his lap, and said, "Hold me." He put his arms around her, and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around him. And, they just sat there holding each other. She finally whispered, "Sam. I...
When I was eighteen years old I actually went to summer camp. I had just finished my junior year of high school and while the idea of going to summer camp at my age of eighteen would normally seem ridiculous, I was very intrigued to go. It took a bit to convince my father to let me go to camp. Even he was of the opinion that a girl of eighteen going to camp wasn’t the norm. He was even more leery when I told him the reason I wanted to go. A Facebook friend of mine would be going and thought it...
Sam and Vanessa Part Three: A New Beginning Sam sat at the table, and looked at his mom, and Aunt Mi. You could see the puzzlement on his face, as he thought 'What did I do?' Miyuki started, "Sam. Your mom and I are glad to see that you and Vanessa are friends again. We both hope that you come out of your funk. But, what we really want to talk to you about, are your clothes." "My clothes!" Sam asked. "Yes. Your girl's clothes." "Huh?" "Sam. We're not blind. When you put...
Bill recently separated from his wife of twenty-five plus years. He moved into an apartment flat close to where he worked. Bill was not sure what was going to be the outcome of the separation. His wife seemed to no longer love him, and their sex life near zero. Their home was an hour drive from work, the new place he moved into was five minutes away from work. It also provided some distance for them to sort things out without running into each other. The kids were now out of the house, which is...
Bisexual[A little background for this, Sam was born with male genitalia, which is one of the reasons why she doesn't like the word panties, something she can't technically wear because of her 'extra' friend. The only four people who know about Sam having male genitalia are her doctor, her mom, her s*ster, and Carly. Carly found out because the two secretly dated for a while and lost their virginities to each other prior the finale of 'iCarly', and after Sam broke up with Freddie. When she was younger,...
"Sam do you know where I put my ducky at? I need him to go to the beach with me. Sam are you listening to me?""Yes k*d, I am," said Sam. "Look you left him over there on counter." "Oh yeah," Cat said. "Sam look at my bathing suit, what do you think?""It’s pink," Sam replied, "and a bikini.""Well of course it’s pink, I love pink," Cat said all happy. "And Jade said if I wore a bikini I would get lucky tonight, whatever that means. Jade is always saying weird things like my br*ther does."Jade is...
I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...
SAM & CAT: #ROLE-PLAY "Cat, I'm bored!" Sam groaned as she collapsed on the couch of their shared apartment."Why are you bored?" Cat asked from the kitchen as she was checking on the roast beef in the oven."There's nothing to do," Sam said as she laid there, bored out of her skull.Cat came in with the placemats and set them on the table along with the cutlery, moving Sam's head so she could sit down, then putting her head in her lap once she was comfortable. "Come on, Sammie," Cat said as...
They were only twenty yards away when Sam held up his hand. "Unless you wish to seriously piss me off? I advise against you using those weapons. You see I am immune to them. Several of the men started to laugh as they advance further, a look of supreme confidence on their faces. "You're nothing but a savage that we will expunge from the universe!" Laughing at least twenty started to fire at Sam. Standing for a few moments Sam wondered just how long these idiots would stand there when...
Sam and Jill pt 1By x wayStorycodes: bound; breathplay; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind her head...
Surprised Sam replied, {I'd have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up the triad.} Sam replied still wondering what in the hell Triot was up to. Queen Triada shook her head, {we have to gather before we act. We had detected Triot approaching, were almost ready when you struck out.} Sam nodded that he understood though again he felt a little foolish, knowing that the queen couldn't see him. Sam walked out heading toward where his parents were. A smile slowly...
He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. As he thought, the more they used it the better and stronger they became. Another look at those with him he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thellus weren't completely ready though they were a hell of a lot stronger than they looked. The last, here Sam shook his head, they weren't here in corporeal form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the...
Sam and Jill pt 1By Way2BdgStorycodes: bound; breathplay; plastic bag; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind...
planetary time unit = day ---------------------------- Sam stood there looking over the scene, they needed to move if they had any chance to stop the Tetricons. He had three full Cliverstones, himself, Thantas whom he'd just discovered was his sister then Mellos. A slight gasp from the only occupied bed, had Triann and Drivas rushing to Thellus's side. "God I am so hot." She said as she like Drivas tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. "It should pass soon, I am reading that,...
Sighing Samuel shook his head as he flew into another worm hole. ‘Hmmm,’ he thought, ‘as many as Mello's ship had taken you'd think that she was trying to lose him.’ Flying onward, he suddenly dropped into normal space. Looking around he blinked his eyes at what appeared to be earth, though shaking his head her knew better. Rubbing them he looked closer as his mouth dropped open. On the planet he could see very thin though extremely tall human like creatures. Their eyes were huge,...