The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract
- 3 years ago
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Thursday afternoon, 12.40 pm
Dana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors. Her dark shoulder length hair normally pulled back into an ugly bun, was loose and wild looking. The tiny amount of make-up she usually wore wouldn't have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, let alone the office, and that was fine. However, Dana was anticipating something a lot more exciting than an afternoon of looking at files. She needed a more sultry effect to make her wishes come true.
Inspecting her usual business attire, Dana realized there wasn't much she could do about her outfit. Not unless she had a complete change of clothes in her bag, and she didn't. Even if she did, there would be an awful lot of raised eyebrows and inquisitive stares when she suddenly appeared in it.
Not that her white blouse and black knee length skirt were unfashionable. On the contrary, her entire wardrobe was filled with such outfits, and they were the best she could afford. But 'respectable' came to mind when describing her office attire. Right now she wanted ‘sexy’.
"Still, maybe I can..." she mumbled, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Throwing caution to the wind, she rolled the waistband of her skirt a couple of times. This made her slender waist look slightly thicker, a fact that irked her — but it was unavoidable and a price she was prepared to pay. Her 'respectable' just-above-the-knee skirt was now 'sexy' with the hemline halfway up her thighs.
She cast a furtive glance around the restroom and quickly undid the top buttons of her blouse, exposing a good deal of her cleavage. Cocking her head to one side, she studied the effect of her alterations. "Never hurts to advertise the goods," she chuckled and her reflection eagerly smiled right back at her.
Checking her shoes, Dana smiled. They were sexy enough. Maybe they weren't Laboutins, but they were fashionable, expensive, and surprisingly comfortable. The high heels made her toned legs look incredible. Not just incredible, but absolutely devastating, especially clad in sheer black stockings. Seemingly out of place in the summer, Dana's stockings were the only visible clue to what she was really thinking about.
Being a successful lawyer meant keeping yourself in control, and Dana's poker face could fool even the best Las Vegas gambler. Moreover, anyone who’d had contact with her this morning would never have guessed that beneath her respectable attorney's disguise, Dana Jones, wife of Mr Christopher Jones, was dressed and ready for an afternoon of wild, uninhibited, adulterous sex.
She had woken up horny... and frustrated. A fitful night filled with raunchy dreams plaguing her subconsciousness was to blame. It was her own fault. The dreams were a result of a raunchy sex tape she'd watched the previous evening, one that involved a client she was meeting today.
Despite experiencing a mind-blowing orgasm while watching the tape, a climax that left her feeling like a rag doll, Dana couldn't rid herself of a gnawing feeling that she was missing something.
When Chris woke, Dana saw he was still bearing a grudge from the previous evening, so she ignored him. In fact, he barely uttered a word before he stormed off to the shower. Lying in bed, the images that disrupted her sleep returned to haunt her and, immediately, she became aroused. Automatically, Dana slid a hand between her thighs. At first, she was content to caress her clit through the soft fabric of her knickers, but the sensations this caused increased her dilemma.
Afraid of Chris disturbing her pleasure, but not wanting to stop, Dana decided to pull her sodden knickers aside. Holding her pussy lips open, she plunged two fingers deep into her silken tunnel and hurriedly fingered herself. Despite her haste, Dana heard her husband returning. Not wanting another row, she reluctantly stopped and pretended to be asleep.
This frustrating interruption didn't improve her mood, especially as Chris seemed to take ages dressing before going downstairs for breakfast. As soon as he was downstairs, Dana headed to the bathroom. While warm soapy water streamed over her body, Dana felt the tension drain away down the plughole — but an underlying feeling of not being fulfilled still persisted.
Returning to the bedroom, Dana opened her wardrobes and gazed at her variety of outfits. She glanced briefly at the assortment of work blouses and skirts and picked out those she wanted. Still not satisfied, she approached her underwear drawer, her heart beating faster than usual, and yanked it open. Rummaging, she found what she was looking for and held it up to the light for inspection. Having made her choice, Dana carefully laid the items on the bed and experienced a brief moment of doubt. Then she heard Christopher slam a door downstairs and her resolve strengthened.
The selected underwear was a present to herself after Brady, Cooper & Davidson, Lawyers Incorporated, confirmed her appointment. She’d found it by accident while surfing the internet. Somehow, a search request had got mixed up and led her to the website of a well-known adult store.
After the initial shock, Dana's natural curiosity, and the celebratory wine she'd drunk got the better of her and she began browsing. Amazed at what was on offer, her shopping basket soon contained a wide range of things, including this raunchy lingerie set. It was black, her favourite colour, and it revealed more than it covered.
Designed by someone who clearly appreciated what men liked and also knew the feminine form, it consisted of tiny thong panties, a delicate lace patterned corset, which offered little support but displayed a huge amount of flesh, and sheer stockings which fastened to the corset by means of suspenders.
Luckily, Chris was absent on business otherwise she never would have gone through with it. But, after pressing the send button, Dana — by now quite drunk — switched off the computer and went to bed, forgetting what she’d done. However, when she arrived home the next day, a Fed-Ex notice pinned to her door informed her that her parcel had been delivered and was in her backyard.
When she had taken it inside, Dana opened the plain brown package, her hands trembling and heartbeat racing. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she picked out the contents, nervously inspecting each item before going on to the next. Once the array of toys lay on the bed, Dana tried on the lingerie set. She looked stunning. It didn't matter from which angle she looked at herself, she oozed sex appeal.
However, despite being proud of how she looked, Dana knew she could never let Chris see her dressed like it. He would flip. After concealing her toys, she stuffed the lingerie into the back of her underwear drawer and that's where it stayed — until now.
Dana started dressing. With consummate pleasure, she placed the corset around her body and, making sure her breasts felt comfortable, she began fastening it. Then she carefully inserted her toned legs into the silk stockings, smiling when she connected them to the suspenders, one by one. She stood and inspected her appearance in the mirror, noting how sexy she looked, before reaching for the tiny pair of lace panties.
Dana reached behind for the tiny sliver of cloth, nestling between her buttocks and adjusted it until it sat snugly. Then she turned left and right, each time admiring the view while fighting a battle with her conscience.
Deep down, she knew what she was doing — or, to be more specific, what she was planning to do — was wrong, on more than one level. Although she looked smouldering hot, she knew a married woman should only wear such outfits for her husband. Thoughts of Chris darkened her mood again. He had made it obvious what he thought of her and last night's rejection was the last straw.
Somehow, Dana had forgotten how angry he was after catching her with some pornography. He'd gone off the deep end, despite the fact it was work related. Although accepting her explanation at face value, he’d gone to bed in a huff, leaving Dana to her own devices.
Unlike Chris, Dana was not a prude and she could look at the photos with a certain objectivity. However, included in the evidence, was a raunchy homemade movie that tested her professionalism. She failed the test.
The content was so hot, she forgot why she was supposed to be watching it and used it for personal gratification.
Although she’d experienced a mind-blowing orgasm using her fingers, Dana's thirst for sexual release had not been quenched. Climbing into bed, she woke Chris and told him she wanted to make love. That idea backfired — in a big way. Christopher hit the roof.
He shouted at her for coming to bed so late, shouted at her for waking him at an ungodly hour, and shouted at her for acting like one of those whores she’d been looking at all evening. Then he turned his back to her and went to sleep.
His words hurt, and salty tears ran down her cheeks as she lay sobbing in the darkness. A lot of thoughts went through her mind, not all of them pleasant before she fell asleep.
Now, standing in front of the bedroom mirror, admiring herself, Dana knew exactly why she was dressed like this. She’d had enough. While she ran her hands over her body, she suppressed any guilt feelings her conscience threw at her.
‘He hasn't touched me in months. So, if he doesn't want me anymore, then I'll find someone who does.’
The image of her client's cock and what she could do with it if she had the opportunity, crashed into her thoughts. The length and thickness both frightened and excited her. Dana felt the moist heat returning between her thighs and briefly caressed herself.
Her arousal increased and she applied more pressure. Watching her reflection, she ran her free hand over her firm breasts and her nipples responded. The small buds hardened and pushed against the see-through fabric, eliciting a wispy smile.
This developing vicious circle nearly took control of her and it was only through impressive will-power, and the fact that she would be late for work, that she stopped. "That's why I'm wearing this," she announced proudly, seeing her erect nipples poking through the translucent corset.
Dana reached for the rest of her clothes and slipped on her blouse and began fastening it, still admiring herself. "If everything happens like I hope it will, then this 'fuck me' outfit will be exactly the right thing to wear."
With fingers trembling with excitement, Dana hastily continued to dress. Reaching behind to zip her skirt, she felt ready. Her mind was made up. Now it was up to Robert Cranton-Smith, the young stud whose magnificent erection had become an obsession for her.
"All I know," she muttered, stepping into high heels, "is that if he's game, so am I.”
Thursday afternoon, 12.45 pm
In the restroom, Dana, having rearranged her clothing as best she could, reached for her makeup. Before reapplying her eyeshadow, she smiled at her reflection, her green eyes sparkling. She took more care than normal and, after a few minutes work, they looked mysterious and exotic, especially with the mascara emphasizing her long lashes.
A touch of blusher gave some colour but, more importantly, it accentuated her high cheekbones. Genetics had been kind to Dana and her Northern European ancestry was easy to see. Almost done, Dana reached for her lipstick. She had bought it along with the lingerie and she had never used it. She knew it was the finishing touch.
Pausing for a second, Dana studied the lipstick, poised only inches from her mouth. The glossy cherry red was definitely provocative, and if folklore was to be believed, undeniably sexy. "If this doesn't help, then nothing will," Dana muttered and pursed her lips. Satisfied with the result, she surveyed her work. A tingle of excitement ran down her spine.
"If this doesn't get his motor running, then nothing will," she giggled, spraying her delicate neck with a musky perfume. A tiny squirt down her cleavage — and she was done.
The restroom door closed behind her and Dana turned toward her office, a smile decorating her lips. "Dana Jones, the office mouse has left the building," she mumbled, "and Dana, the sex goddess… well, office goddess, at least," she sniggered, "has arrived.”
Confidently walking to her office, Dana noticed that guys who normally ignored her were now watching her with more than a little interest. Pretending not to see the flirty smiles cast in her direction, Dana continued onward in a cloud of euphoria. Feeling the hungry stares empowered her. 'If only you knew,' she thought and added an extra wiggle to her hips for the fun of it.
Entering her small reception area, where Suzie was busy filing documents, Dana started explaining what she wanted Suzie to do when her client arrived. The young secretary glanced at her boss and was momentarily speechless. Trying to hide her shock, Suzie blinked rapidly. But, with her mouth hanging open, she was in danger of catching flies.
In all the time she’d worked for Dana, Suzie had never seen her boss looking like this. Back at her desk, she couldn't stop staring. The outfit was much the same, but the hair and makeup were definitely different.
Suzie knew Dana well enough to suspect something unusual was going on but refrained from commenting. Then her boss leaned over her desk, treating the secretary to an eyeful of cleavage. Not only was a good deal of Dana's firm bosom visible, but a sexy bra was also in view. Then Suzie realized it wasn't a bra.
'Jesus I can see her nipples.' Unconsciously, Suzie raised a hand to her mouth before averting her gaze.
Then Dana straightened and Suzie noticed the anxious expression.
'What the fuck?’ Suzie wondered, struggling to believe what she was seeing: the sexy clothes, the exotic makeup, and the anxious behaviour. ‘No, not anxious,' Suzie corrected herself — ‘excited’. Had she landed in the twilight zone?
Suzie grinned inwardly while speculating some more. Maybe this transformation has something to do with Dana's next meeting. Whatever it was, Suzie perceived, correctly, that it was none of her business but she did approve of the new Dana Jones.
"Suzie, when Mr Cranton-Smith arrives, you can show him through, okay?”
Although Dana’s voice sounded friendly, her secretary and friend heard the tension. Dana heard it as well and blanched. She knew her instructions to Suzie were unnecessary, but because she wanted everything to be perfect this afternoon, she couldn't help herself. Suzie, although a first-class secretary, was young and carefree and sometimes she had a different way of doing things and Dana's nerves were frazzled enough.
Suzie assured her boss that she knew exactly what was expected and she wouldn’t let her down. That brought a sheepish smile from Dana and she apologized and moved off toward her office. Then another thought entered her mind.
"Oh, and when they arrive, hold all my calls until we’re done. Okay?” Again, Suzie nodded indulgently and waved her boss away. "And don't forget to bring in the coffee, will you?” Dana said, entering her office and missing Suzie's bemused expression.
Once inside the sanctuary of her own office, Dana stood by the window. She was restless. She glanced at the wall clock. Her client could be arriving at any moment. With butterflies in her stomach, she looked at the street way below but knew the chance of actually seeing him from this height was pretty much zero.
After tormenting herself, Dana sat behind her desk and fidgeted with anything and everything.
Thursday afternoon, 1.00 pm
After a discreet knock, Suzie escorted two handsome gentlemen into her office and Dana’s heart skipped a beat. From the photos and video, she recognized Robert Cranton-Smith — but who was the other man? Despite her surprise, she stood up and walked around her desk to shake hands.
Her first impression was that the stranger was a sharp operator. Like a wild deer approaching an unknown waterhole, he moved cautiously. When she held out her hand, it took him a second before he took it. As their eyes met, Dana corrected her opinion. He wasn’t cautious, he was deliberating. He wasn't prey, he was a predator. Like a hawk soaring on waves of thermal energy, constantly watching for any signs of weakness, he retained every little detail, however unimportant so he could use it to his advantage. Only when he was ready to pounce would he unleash an attack.
Knowing an alpha male when she saw one, Dana guessed the stranger had but one goal in life. To win. She wondered if he was he going to make life difficult for her. She hoped not.
"Hi, Dana Jones. How do you do?"
His gaze swept over her body, lingering briefly at her chest before taking in her short skirt. For a moment, Dana felt naked and vulnerable. When he looked back at her, a shiver of excitement ran down her spine. He might be a player, and he definitely was a predator, but she couldn't deny her attraction to the dangerous stranger.
"Hello, I’m Mark Waterhouse, Robert's business manager. Pleased to meet you."
His handshake was firm and reassuring. Only an extraordinary amount of willpower stopped her from blushing. Then she turned her attention to Mr Robert Cranton-Smith.
'He's even more handsome in real life than he was on television, well computer screen,' she corrected herself, proffering her hand. He might be a good deal younger than herself but he oozed a confident charm that verged on arrogance. Only his disarming smile saved him.
Like Mark had inspected her, Dana's eyes flicked over Robert's body. She'd seen how hard it was in the video, and researching him this morning, she found out why. He lived dangerously and the long hours of extreme surfing, free fall rock climbing, and HALO parachuting, had toned his body to perfection.
The memory of what she’d seen the previous evening flashed through her consciousness and her gaze strayed to his groin. She smiled wickedly. Maybe it was knowing what he was packing, or maybe it was the way he oozed sexual energy, but when their hands touched, Dana’s skin tingled.
It was as if an electrical current passed through their fingers, and Dana felt her temperature rising. Convinced she was blushing, she searched his face for any reaction and saw him watching her intently. A knowing smile appeared and Dana wondered what he was thinking.
Recovering her composure, she gestured to the chairs in front of her bureau while returning to her seat. Both men watched Dana’s pert bottom wiggle gracefully as she moved behind her desk, but she didn't see Robert wink at his business manager. After everyone sat, Dana used the intercom to order coffee, noticing the smirks on the men's faces but choosing to ignore them.
Mark Waterhouse opened his attaché case and began sifting through his papers when the office door opened and Suzie appeared carrying a tray of refreshments. Dana watched with interest as Robert turned and stared at her secretary as she approached the desk. Dana suppressed a smile.
Young and independent, Suzie was part of the 'fuck you' generation. She did what she wanted, said what she thought, and if you didn't like it, then, "Fuck you." Despite this, she had a first-class brain and a kick-ass body. It was the bane of Suzie's life that not many people knew how intelligent she was because they couldn't look past her beauty or challenging dress sense.
Dana knew differently. Working alongside Suzie every day, she’d learned to accept the young secretary's quirks for what they were. Dana's husband, on the other hand, thought Suzie was the devil incarnate. The first time they met, she convinced him she shared a house with five other people and weekends were one big orgy.
Although Dana's dress code today was an exception, for Suzie it was the rule. Her blouse always had too many buttons undone, resulting in lots of bare skin and designer bra straps or, if she was feeling particularly rebellious, an unlimited view of her braless chest. Mind you, that was nothing compared to the skirts Suzie wore. If her blouses were risqué, her skirts were shameless.
Calling them short was like saying the Pope is a religious person. Definitely true, but somehow not really doing the description justice. Suzie wore incredibly short skirts. Some could be called minis — but they were the more respectable ones. The ones that barely covered her buttocks were more commonly described as a wide belt. Today’s skirt belonged to the second category.
Because he was sorting out his papers, Mark was unaware of what he was missing, but Dana saw Robert watch the young secretary walk between their chairs to serve the coffee. She also saw the way his eyebrows rose when Suzie began serving the beverages. Dana waited patiently for her coffee to be poured and, after filling both men’s cups, saw Suzie lean forward with her cup. That was a mistake.
Robert Cranton-Smith watched Suzie serve Dana and couldn't believe his eyes. Right in front of him, the young secretary's short skirt rose, revealing not only her firm thighs but also her very shapely buttocks. His voyeuristic pleasure was further heightened when her pouting sex, tantalizingly covered by a tiny thong, came into view. Bulging delightfully between her slightly open thighs, he felt himself stiffening.
Suzie suddenly gasped and coffee splashed over the rim of the cup. Alarmed, and then annoyed by Suzie's unusual clumsiness, Dana gave her secretary a sharp look. Suzie saw none of this because she had her eyes closed in a manner Dana knew all too well. Then Suzie's wispy smile disappeared because she was biting her bottom lip.
Although Dana recognized what she was seeing, the reason for it mystified her. Then she saw Cranton-Smith's eyes sparkling with amusement. Dana followed his gaze which was directed at Suzie's rear, and immediately she knew what was happening. To say she was shocked by this behaviour was an understatement — although, with hindsight, Dana wasn’t surprised.
Fuming now, she glared at him, but he ignored her. Then she saw Suzie deliberate push against the hand between her legs. In silent outrage, Dana gestured him to stop what he was doing but he was enjoying himself too much to obey her command. The gusset beneath his fingers was moistening nicely and, if Dana's secretary didn't mind him fingering her, then why should he stop having fun? Dana's reaction only encouraged him. Deliberately, he stuck out his tongue at her and flicked it in a way that was unambiguous.
Dana was torn between emotions. Although she was truly angry at him for creating a situation, she couldn't deny what she was witnessing was a huge turn on. Images of him, more importantly, his huge cock, crashed into her consciousness and Dana felt her juices starting to flow.
Casting a furtive glance at Robert's business manager, she was relieved to see he didn't appear to notice anything untoward. Because the voyeur in her didn't want to miss any of the action, Dana swiftly returned her attention to Robert and Suzie.
While Dana wished he would stop, the raunchy action compelled her to watch. His smirking irritated her beyond belief and she desperately wanted to wipe it from his face, but she daren't do or say anything for fear of alerting Mark.
Despite her misgivings, Dana secretly wished she was the one impaled on his fingers. Although she couldn't know it, Robert had worked his fingers inside Suzie’s panties and her pink wetness eagerly accepted his intrusion. Dana watched fascinated while her secretary kept pushing backwards to increase the penetration and then she saw Robert wink at her. He started mouthing something.
You wish this was you, don’t you?
Dana’s eyes widened in surprise. Was she so easy to read, was the lust in her face so obvious? Chastened at how close he was to the truth, Dana stared downward to avoid his victorious gaze but, at the same time, she imperceptibly nodded her head. The moist heat between her legs was increasing and Dana badly needed rescuing.
As if on cue, Dana’s distress was relieved by Mark Waterhouse. Ignorant of everything going on around him, Mark cleared his throat and Robert, realizing the interlude had run its course, withdrew his fingers from Suzie’s slick tunnel. They glistened with her juices.
“That will be all, Suzie. You can return to your desk now,” Dana commanded.
Aware that the hand between her legs was gone, but still on a sexual high, Suzie’s lust-induced trance was broken by Dana’s cold tone. Looking at her boss defiantly, Suzie recognized more than a small hint of jealousy in her sensual green eyes.
Despite the surprise attack, Suzie had surrendered almost immediately to the fingers that so skillfully worked her pussy, but now she realized where she was and what she was supposed to be doing. Acting like nothing unusual had happened, she composed herself.
She eyed her boss apologetically and saw Dana raise her eyebrows. Aware she couldn’t say anything, Suzie smiled inwardly as she realized Dana’s resentment wasn’t personal but was born out of her own desire. After asking if there was anything else they needed, Suzie turned to leave the office but not before smiling gratefully at her assailant.
Mark Waterhouse, still unaware of what had taken place, watched the secretary leave and close the door. What he didn’t see was how Cranton-Smith, looking Dana straight in the eyes, raised a hand to his nose and began slowly inhaling Suzie’s musky scent, like a fine wine connoisseur, before licking his fingers. Dana was shocked and extremely turned on by his audacity.
Cranton-Smith, on the other hand, was a happy man. He couldn’t believe things were going so perfectly. He couldn’t have planned it any better. He made a mental note to remind himself, that if this afternoon turned out exactly as he wanted, he’d give Miss Martin, who was busy doing something else for him, a big fat bonus.
The events leading up to this moment had been started weeks earlier when Robert saw a picture of Dana. It was a holiday shot that Christopher Jones kept in his wallet. He’d been hired by Cranton-Smith and during a get to know you moment, was asked if he was married. By way of answer, Chris produced his wallet and showed Robert the photo.
Robert, complimenting the man, stared hard at the photo and studied every detail, imprinting it in his memory. The image of a stunningly attractive Dana Jones, tanned and relaxed on holiday, had pushed a button in the younger man’s brain.
It wasn’t just the fetching bikini she was wearing, or the thin beach skirt sensually displaying her thighs. It was also the way she looked at the camera. She was leaning forward, hand on hip, blowing a kiss at the camera. The scene seemed playful enough but it was her eyes that sealed both their fates. In the glorious sunlight, they sparkled and danced, conveying her obvious happiness. But, looking closer, Robert could also see a wantonness that fired his imagination. He’d had seen this look a thousand times before, especially on the world wide web.
When Cranton-Smith discovered computers, he was thirteen. Since then, his world and preconceptions of how the world worked, were shaped by what he saw on his desktop screen. Even though he was a master hacker at fifteen, had been arrested by the Feds before turning seventeen, and earned his first million by the time he was twenty, up until his eighteenth birthday, his only experience with women was from what he’d witnessed on the internet. And he'd never heard of Doris Day.
To his young, corrupted mind, all women were the same. They were sluts, exploiting every opportunity to get laid, preferably with as many different men as possible. In rare lucid moments, his incredible intellect rationalized that it couldn't all be real, but in general, he preferred to believe his preconceptions. If you had lots of money and a big dick, then success was guaranteed. He had both!
When he ventured into the Los Angeles nightclub scene, his wealth allowed him to gain contact with the latest members of Hollywood’s Brat Pack. After getting to know him, Robert became a sought-after financial advisor and it was during this period that he formed Sunset Holdings. It was also in this period that he enjoyed some of the carnal delights the young actresses were willing to share with him and this also helped develop his reputation as a player.
As his portfolio grew, so did his address book, containing the names of some of Hollywood's most influential men and women. These older, mostly married women, completed his sexual education.
Bored with money and power, the older, wiser ladies were looking for a new way to amuse themselves. Robert, with his hard body and even harder cock, became their new hobby. Experienced, and knowing exactly what they wanted from their young stud, Robert learned women were just as sexually driven as men. They had no inhibitions, knew no boundaries, and once they had him in their bed, they lost themselves in their debauchery.
Although he still shared his body with some of Tinsel Town's young actresses, he preferred Hollywood's older women. He became an expert in recognizing the wistful, dreamy glances he saw at many parties and he evolved into a real ladies man. His easy-going manner and good looks helped, but it was their fantasies that propelled these sex-craved goddesses into his arms — and bed.
Even as he reluctantly handed back the photo to Christopher, Robert recognized the expression of unfulfilled desires, but it was her beauty, the combination of innocence and wantonness, that captivated him. He decided he had to have her. Wanting to find out everything about Mrs D. Jones, Robert hired a private investigator.
What he learned only increased his hunger. According to her neighbours, Dana was a decent, hard-working, church-going wife. Of course, there were no children yet but they were still young so what was the rush? Although her husband often went away on business, Dana had never been known to entertain another man in the house.
She never flirted at work, never gossiped, and kept possible trouble — that is, men — at arm’s length. In fact, she was regarded as cold and remote, and not even Suzie knew much about her boss outside the office.
In fact, according to the detective's report, Dana seemed to be exactly what she professed to be: a successful lawyer and happy wife. The more Robert learned, the more he wondered if his intuition had failed him. However, everything comes to he who waits.
The investigator's reputation for thoroughness hadn’t been earned for nothing. It took him a couple of weeks snooping, but he found the very thing Robert was hoping for. After receiving the information, Robert clicked the enclosed hyperlink. Then, he watched in awe, the film Dana prayed would never see the light of day.
He watched it at least a dozen times and still found it hard to believe that the woman his investigator had described, was the same woman in the film. He wondered if his investigator had been tricked and had found an incredible look-a-like. Yet, in his heart, he knew it was true. Starring a much younger very, very naughty Dana Jones, the infamous spring break film went beyond Robert's wildest dreams and reinforced his infatuation.
Being rich has its perks. His infatuation having developed into an obsession, Robert took things to a new level. He rented a house that backed onto the Jones's property and spent his free time observing Dana with the aid of high-powered telescopes and cameras. After a couple of weeks of covertly watching her, his patience was rewarded. Robert knew Dana was definitely not who she seemed to be. What’s more, this stunningly-attractive lawyer tried harder than anybody to disguise her true identity.
Her carefully crafted façade of professionalism and decency fooled everyone: neighbours, colleagues and, most of all, her husband. Only late at night, when she was alone, did her mask slip.
Having been lucky enough to witness Dana in less formal circumstances, Robert knew exactly what turned her on. Knowing which catalyst was needed to ignite the smouldering desire within her, he couldn't believe his good fortune when the secretary leaned over the desk. Presented with a golden opportunity, Robert knew exactly what he was doing — and why — when he thrust his hand between the shapely thighs. Although he enjoyed fingering the secretary, his pleasure was increased ten-fold when he saw how avidly Dana was watching him. Her reaction caused his cock to swell.
He had seen that expression before, but only from a distance. Now he had a chance to study her behaviour from close up. The dilated pupils made her gorgeous green eyes sexier, and her expression was one of longing. For a moment, Dana's professionalism deserted her, and the expression of carnal frustration amused Robert. She was turned on. Very turned on.
Unfortunately for her, he knew it and she was aware he knew. That made the situation, as far as he was concerned, very awkward for her and all the more interesting for him.
Thursday afternoon, 1.10 pm
After the office door closed, Mark looked at Dana, his crystal blue eyes bright and alive.
"Mrs Jones… first, Mr Jullianson asks me to say hello."
Dana held her breath at the mention of her former employer. Not daring to speak, she wondered what Mark had heard. Even though his voice was businesslike, Dana detected an undertone and she cursed this unforeseen development. Looking at Mark's animated face, she thought her old employer had told him more than she would have liked.
Assuming the worse, her confidence waned. Hopefully, Jullianson hadn’t told Mark the whole story. Not that he needed it. Anything said, even jokingly, could be exploited by Mark. Staring into his eyes, Dana got the message.
Understand real good where I'm coming from, lady. I've very thoroughly done my homework.
He smiled benignly. "Now that the niceties have been dispensed with, let's get down to business, shall we?"
Dana nodded while dreading what was to come.
"The accusations from Miss Martin are totally unfounded. Her story is a total fabrication and Mr Cranton-Smith wants his good name cleared." The friendly Californian accent couldn’t disguise the steely hard resolve in his voice.
'So the gloves are off,' she realized, shaking her head solemnly. She wondered if Mark realized she was on Robert's side.
"Furthermore we're seriously considering prosecuting Miss Martin," this was no surprise, "for slander. We want you to destroy her, am I clear?"
Dana knew that refusing his demands was futile, but she wasn’t sure if she could get her client acquitted, let alone win a counter prosecution.
"Miss Martin was a willing partner in a highly-charged, very physical sexual encounter between two consenting adults and my friend here," he waved his hand at Robert, "will be absolved of all charges. Is that understood?"
Feeling depressed, Dana looked at Mark and sighed. His expression said, 'You’re my bitch now' and, coming so soon after the humiliation of Robert’s taunting, almost proved too much for her to bear. She had to compose herself before answering.
“Mr Waterhouse.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. "Firstly, I’m not your enemy, I'm here to help," she explained, hoping to gain some ground. "I’ve been asked to defend your friend in a court of law... if it goes that far," she added.
“Now, whilst I will do everything in my power to reach a satisfactory conclusion, and I agree with our goals..." she hoped the emphasis on ‘our’ wasn’t missed by anybody, nor the pause before she continued, "I have to say, as a woman, your friend seems to have behaved like a wild animal." Again the emphasis on the word 'your' was obvious.
She stared at Mark, her gaze just as steely as his. She felt better now. Her opening statement was clear and concise and her confidence returned. The smile she gave him said, 'I don't care what you think you know about me, you cocksucker. I'm nobody's bitch.'
Dana felt better now. "I don’t know how you folks 'Out West' regard men who beat up women, but where I come from they're considered nothing more than worms."
Mark Waterhouse congratulated himself. His source had been correct. Dana had spunk. She'd heard his insinuations and had come out fighting. He took time formulating his reply, causing Dana to feel uneasy again. She glanced at Robert, but he was just staring out the window, a bored expression on his face.
"Listen to me, Mrs Jones, I don’t know how you folks in the Windy City do things…” Dana returned her attention to Mark, after hearing herself being mocked, "but 'Out West' we like to have real evidence before we accuse anyone of a petty crime.”
Dana snorted. “Mr Waterhouse," she began but was interrupted by Mark.
“Please, Dana, call me Mark."
Dana nodded dumbly at this new development.
“Mr Water... sorry, Mark. Assault is certainly not regarded as a petty crime by LA's finest. As you can imagine, the DA treats these accusations very seriously. The police certainly wouldn't have arrested him on just circumstantial evidence." She flipped open a folder on the desk in front of her and pulled out photos.
"I would have to agree with you… the encounter was certainly physical, judging by these pictures, but that hardly gives him the right to do what he pleases. I assure you, these pictures alone are enough to have Mr Cranton-Smith locked up for a very long time, and not in the Beverly Hills Hilton. I can assure you of that.”
She thought she heard a snigger, which she found irritating because it wasn’t meant to be funny.
"Am I amusing you, gentlemen?" she asked. "As I was saying, the DA is not taking this lightly." She pushed some pictures across the desk and Mark studied them. Although the quality was grainy, they clearly showed the bruises on Miss Martin's right arm but the clincher was the obvious black eye. No amount of grainy imagery could disguise that.
Mark passed the photos back to Dana and looked as relaxed as anyone in his position could be.
"Dana, the District Attorney has nothing to go on. We have everything we need to clear his name," he said confidently. Did he know something she didn't?
“Mark, the physical evidence alone is enough to convict him," she replied. "As a former defence lawyer, I've seen cases prosecuted on much thinner evidence than this. Take into account that Robert is something of a public figure, the resulting publicity for the state governor is enough to guarantee a trial. You know this is just the sort of thing that launches successful political careers."
Both men heard the exasperation in her voice.
Mark gave her a relaxed, wolfish grin. "Have you got the DVD here? The one that Robert supplied to this office to substantiate his innocence."
Dana blinked twice before answering, her voice guarded.
"Here?" She shook her head. "No, I don’t have any DVD. Not from Mr Cranton-Smith or anybody else for that matter."
Technically, Dana was telling the truth. The DVD John Davidson gave her, lay in a secure desk drawer at home. However, before going to bed, she’d copied the contents to a secure file on her laptop in case she needed it. Having watched the video countless time that morning, it was firmly imprinted in her mind, not that she would admit such a thing to this shark.
Arriving at work, Dana had informed Suzie that she was not to be disturbed. Used to Dana's single-mindedness, the secretary obediently obliged. However, in the privacy of her own office, Dana couldn't get any work done.
While looking for any legal technicality, any procedure that hadn’t been carried out properly, or a denial of her client's rights, proved almost impossible, for two reasons. First, the police had done everything by the book and, second, all she could do was obsess about what she’d seen. Eventually, the temptation proved too much.
The first time she watched it, under the pretext of doing some research, Dana got very turned on. During the second viewing, she was unconsciously rubbing herself and was almost caught by Suzie, unexpectedly barging in with Dana's morning coffee. Dana managed to stop the film before Suzie saw anything, but her heartbeat was racing like a NASCAR auto.
The third time Dana watched the film, she was so horny she couldn’t help herself. Within seconds, her skirt was up around her waist and her hand inside her panties, her fingers rubbing her swollen clit until she reached a delicious orgasm.
"That's odd," Waterhouse replied. "I'm sure Mr Davidson received a copy... Oh well, never mind. Luckily, I came prepared and have a copy here.” He fished out a grey DVD case from his attaché case.
"Can we watch this here?" he asked Dana, looking around the office. Dana shook her head apologetically.
"Only the conference room has viewing facilities," she mumbled.
"What about your computer?" he asked hopefully.
Again Dana shook her head. “Again, sorry. This is just a terminal with no DVD player. It’s connected via a server to our in-house network. But I do have my own laptop.”
Mark's expression conveyed relief. "Thank god for that, I was beginning to think that we were running out of options."
Dana placed the laptop on her bureau, the screen facing her two guests, and moved around the desk. After inserting the disk, she stood between both men and waited. As the film began, she held her breath but sighed with relief when she saw it was a different movie. Her respite was short-lived when she realized it was the same scene but from a different angle. Using all her willpower to keep her expression neutral, Dana looked at Mark Waterhouse.
"What is this, Mark?”
"This is Robert's living room," he said smugly. "These are from his security system."
“Ah, ha. So this is —“
Dana was interrupted by Cranton-Smith. “Yeah, Mrs Jones, this is a home movie. One like you’ve never seen before."
Dana eyed him challengingly before answering. “Oh, I don’t know Robert, I’ve seen some pretty wild things in the past," she said. "And I can assure you, I'm not easily shocked."
Robert’s eyes crinkled as he smiled back. “We'll see, Mrs Jones, we'll see."
The trio watched Robert and Miss Martin hurriedly entering the room before moving toward the sofa, kissing and fondling along the way. After five minutes of heavy making out, he moved to the bar and poured drinks.
While watching, Robert began explaining expansively, almost boastfully, how turned on he was that night, especially after being teased all evening by Angela’s continuous suggestive behaviour. His running commentary was interrupted when Mark suggested he should let Dana give the film her undivided attention.
Mildly peeved, Robert stood and walked toward the office window. Glancing over her shoulder, Dana admired the sinewy way his muscled body moved but said nothing. She felt a shiver run down her spine, and despite the ten year age gap, Dana was shocked to realize she was more attracted to him than she would have liked.
She returned her attention to the film, pretending she was viewing it for the first time. Which, from this angle, was true.
Dana heard familiar music and saw Angela begin her striptease. Then she saw Robert grab his video camera and watched how he began making the film she knew so well. Although this was filmed at a different angle, the contents were just as hot. Dana stole a sly glance at Mark, still seated in his chair, and she saw he had a growing bulge in his trousers. Not for the first time today, Dana’s knickers were getting sticky.
Robert, observing Dana from behind, could read the signs very clearly. She was definitely turned on. The subtle fidgeting betrayed the internal struggle she was having. Her mind was commanding her to get a grip on herself but her body, reacting to the visual stimulation, was gaining the upper hand.
He was impressed with her efforts but he knew it was to no avail. He grinned. She was an extremely attractive woman, obviously in the prime of her life, and she was unwittingly turning him on.
Watching her, he found it hard to believe she was the same woman who shot him down on the phone so effectively only two days ago. For the umpteenth time, he asked himself why he was so obsessed with her. He constantly browsed her social media accounts, despite only being open to friends; nothing is sacred to a man with his skills.
He’d pored over her status updates and drooled over every photo he found. Although there were some good ones, he had to admit nothing compared to the real thing. Seeing Dana dressed in her lawyer's uniform, he found her even more attractive. The way her buttocks moved beneath her skirt as she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs, was highly erotic. Quietly, out of sight, he massaged his throbbing erection and wondered if he had the courage to go through with his plan.
Sensing she was being watched, Dana briefly looked over her shoulder and saw Robert massaging his loins. Returning her attention immediately to the laptop, she fervently hoped he hadn’t seen her checking him out.
She was in trouble now.
Knowing both men were sporting erections only made her arousal worse. Was she the only one who could feel the incredible sexual tension in the room or was it her imagination. Watching her client being hungrily blown by Angela was making her pussy leak and she had to constantly press her thighs together to staunch the flow.
Mark seemed oblivious to what was happening beside him because he was watching the screen intently. Just as Dana wondered if he’d actually seen the whole film, he answered her curiosity. "Watch what that little bitch does now. If that's not mutual, then I don't know what is," he said indignantly.
On screen, they all watched how Angela grabbed hold of Robert’s massive cock and placed it between her swollen pussy lips. "Come on, Daddy, fuck me please," she pleaded and Dana watched Robert obey.
As his cock drove into the young actress, Dana looked over her shoulder and was pleased to see his hand still in his groin. This time, Robert saw her watching him, and grabbed his manhood and squeezed it. His message was obvious.
Dana bit her lip. The tops of her thighs were stickier and stickier and all she wanted was to get naked and dirty, but she daren't move a muscle. Despite the minimal support offered by her corset, Dana’s firm breasts jutted proudly and her erect nipples were clearly visible through the satin blouse. Her chest was rising and falling in time with her shallow breathing and her excitement was seen by Mark when he briefly glanced up at her. Even though his eyes paused momentarily at her physical reaction, he politely made no comment.
Although he said nothing, Dana saw him surreptitiously rub his erection and she almost whimpered out loud. She wanted to scream at them, to jolt them into action. Weren’t they both as horny as she was? Didn’t they want some of what was happening on the screen?
Come on guys, get your cocks out so I can suck some dick.
All they had to do was drop their trousers and she would happily sink to her knees and engorge herself on their warm meat. The more Dana thought about what she wanted, the more turned on she became and the more she wanted it.
Is it too much to ask to have your hands groping me while your mouths hungrily lick and bite me?
Thinking about it made her sex ache, especially when she saw Robert relentlessly pounding Angela’s cunt.
That, thought Dana watching the film in anguished silence, was exactly what she wanted right now, a big fat cock buried deep inside her. But, why stop at one? she mused while watching Angela get on all fours so that Robert could fuck her doggy style. As she saw him squatting above the actress, his giant cock poised for action, Dana remembered that two cocks were better than one. Much better.
It was a long time ago, but she'd never forgotten the experience. How she had screamed out in wild abandonment as two hard pricks thrust savagely inside her. Dana felt her juices trickling down the bare flesh between her panties and stockings and did her best to suppress the erotic shivers running down her spine.
Dana watched excitedly how Robert began lubricating Angela’s tight arsehole with spittle and her own starfish twitched in anticipation of what was going to happen. 'So, you’re into backdoor action, are you?’ she thought as Robert’s thumb pushed into Angela.
All three watched Robert withdraw his glistening erection from Angela’s gaping pussy and place it against her tiny clenched arsehole. Feeling the sudden emptiness in both her orifices, she glanced over her shoulder just as the massive purple mushroom head pushed past her lubricated star. This is where Dana’s version ended and now she saw the reason why.
Angela was into anal only when she was being highly paid. When she felt Robert enter her ass, she started flaying her arms about wildly in protest and tried to wriggle out of her position, escape his onslaught. Her right arm elbowed the camera out of Robert’s hand in her haste to stand, and then she tripped and fell. The tripping didn’t do the damage — that was caused when her face landed with a sickening thud on the corner of a coffee table.
If she was angry at Robert for trying to fuck her ass, then she was furious at him when she hit her head on the table. She started punching him, scratching his face with her razor-sharp fingernails, and screamed and shouted obscenities.
Cranton-Smith, unaware he’d done anything wrong, was confused at this turn of events. At first, he thought Angela was engaging in some kinky game but, after she drew blood by scratching his cheek, he realized she was serious. He began defending himself, but she was hysterical and Robert slapped her face twice, trying to calm her.
Angela, however, was made of stern stuff and the slaps enraged her to new heights of ferocity. She recovered quickly and renewed her attack. Robert retaliated in kind, eventually pushing Angela onto the floor. Spitting mad now, he repeatedly swore at her and told her to leave.
He left the room — and, moments later, Angela could be seen making her telephone call.
Still dreaming about getting her ass well and truly fucked, it took Dana a moment to realize the film had ended. Her office was unusually quiet. Nobody spoke and the only sound was the humming of the air conditioning. Despite the units best efforts to keep everybody cool, all three were extremely turned on and the sexual tension was tangible. Finally, Dana started to speak, only because the silence was becoming embarrassing.
“Well, there's no question—“
Before she could finish, Robert cupped her breasts and began kneading the soft fleshy mounds. Dana, virtually beyond herself with lust, almost orgasmed on the spot.
"Oh yesss," she gasped, when his strong fingers started tweaking her protruding nipples, sending small shocks rippling through her torso.
"Oh God… don’t stop, you fucking bastard. That feels sooo good," she moaned. "What took you so long? Couldn't you see I was gagging for it?"
Her hands covered Robert's and held them tightly in place. Surprised, Mark looked up at what was happing.
“Jesus, Robbie, have you lost your fucking mind?" He was truly shocked at his friend's behaviour. He had no idea Robert had been planning this for weeks.
"What the fuck do think you’re doing?" he demanded.
Having spent a lot of his time defending his buddy from friend and foe alike, he was aghast at what he saw. Keeping Robert out of trouble wasn't exactly what he had in mind when he agreed to become his business manager, but it was something he had grown used to and here he was again, making life really difficult for him.
If that wasn't bad enough, his friend was engaging in behaviour that could very easily be construed as sexual assault — with the lawyer employed to defend him from the latest sexual transgression.
Much to his surprise, Robert laughed. "Can’t you see what’s happening man?"
Mark glanced at Dana, but her eyes were closed and she seemed to be enjoying Robert’s tit massage.
His expensive cologne penetrated Dana’s nostrils, intoxicating her, and she leaned back into his body. When she spoke, her voice was thick with lust.
"He’s right, Mark. Ever since I saw that film last night, I haven't stopped thinking about his big fat cock. It kept me awake all night, haunting my dreams, and this morning... well, I couldn't face my husband knowing I wanted to be fucked by your friend."
Dana shifted a hand from her breast and moved it behind her, fumbling for the object of her desire. "In fact, I’m so fucking horny,' she giggled, "my knickers are saturated and cunt juice is running down my thighs.”
Mark failed to disguise his surprise at her obscene language and her honesty.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that," she said scornfully. "I saw you rubbing your cock after looking at my tits. So don't bullshit me."
He wanted to protest but faltered when Dana looked him straight in the eye. "I need some cock boys, and I need it now. So, what the fuck are you waiting for?"
Author's note - Special thanks goes to Jwren for his patience and editing.
The Tale Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 3 Chapter 1 Thursday Afternoon 1.35 pm Before moving behind Dana, Robert Cranton-Smith correctly anticipating her reaction, had unzipped his fly and fished out his manhood. Already flying at half mast, he took hold of his thick cock and started wanking it to its full length as he approached her from the rear. After he grabbed hold of Dana, she could feel his erection pushing against her bum and she moved her warm sweaty hand between them...
Chapter 1 Thursday Afternoon 12.40 pm Dana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom, and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors that covered the wall. Her dark shoulder length hair which normally looked so neat and tidy was now looking wild and abandoned, especially after applying some mousse and then writhing her hands through it. The tiny amount of make-up she had on wouldn’t have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, but for the...
Thursday afternoon 2.00 pm “Come on Mark, fuck me…get on with it…yes…yes…oooooh…that’s it, Mark, let me feel it deep inside me!” Dana moaned loudly as Mark’s searing hot flesh pierced her soaking wet pink hole. Her breathing was ragged as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered its way into her silky hot tunnel. “Ooooohh, you fucking bastards,” she moaned as her head hung forward in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, 32, tall, lithe and devastatingly attractive, stood in front of her desk,...
Thursday Afternoon 2.20 pm The two men started timing their thrusts, one pushing in and one pulling out. This meant that at any given moment, Dana’s orifices were being deliciously ravaged by rock hard pricks. This wonderful action was causing wave after wave of pleasure to ripple through her body, and Dana, unable to contain her feelings, threw her head backwards, closed her eyes and began moaning loudly as the two studs really started to get the hang of it. Dana couldn’t decide which cock...
After Dana’s “coming out” party on Brad’s boat, Mark and Dana talked about the experience almost every night in bed, and it led them to having sex more often than they could remember. Sometimes Mark would tell it from his point-of-view, sharing that watching her suck Brad’s cock was the most intense because it felt like Dana at her sluttiest. Other nights Mark wanted Dana to describe her sex with Brad, and he asked her questions and urged Dana to use graphic terms. Dana was surprised how easily...
Dana was surprised and also intrigued when Mark, her husband of nearly 20 years, shared his fantasy of seeing Dana have sex with another man. Dana had been with lots of men before settling down, but at 48 and after raising two k**s she assumed those days were over. She worked hard to stay toned, though, and her 36E breasts had always gotten lots of attention, which Dana would admit she enjoyed and sometimes encouraged. Still, even though Mark kept bringing it up, Dana wasn’t sure he was serious...
Dana carefully walked down the creaky, basement stairs and to her son, Jason's room and she walked in. Jason was sitting on his bed, smoking a big cigarette and he was watching a porno movie. "Jason!" she yelled and slammed the door shut behind her and sat down on his bed. Dana peeked to her left, she saw two people doing it like little rabbits, and she noticed something else. The older woman was calling the young man, son. "Umm, what is this and why are you watching it?" she asked with...
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Dana woke up late the next morning in the same mood. Her happiness continued as she got dressed and on through her brunch. There was only one thing for a girl to do when she is that happy; Dana went shopping. She leisurely browsed and came across a sleek little spaghetti-strap, black-satin dress that fit entirely too good and made her look positively delicious. She got a pair of black, patent leather sandals with four-inch heels that her mother would definitely not have approved of, and a...
After I gave Dana the new swimwear, I began taking pictures of her in the various suits. Dana told me that she was uncomfortable when I took pictures. She was afraid that someone would see the photos. I explained to her that the pictures were for my private collection and would be kept with her favorite toys. Dana seemed okay with the idea because I also agreed to keep the cameras in the same place. I was starting to become a decent amateur photographer and Dana was warming up to the idea of a...
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Dana had a wonderful dream. She floated to her hometown on a soft cloud of purple flowers. Her mother welcomed her home, brimming with pride. When she arrived on her old familiar streets, the entire town was there to greet her like an avenging hero. They had a parade for her, she was treated like royalty, and her beauty was roundly praised. There were humble apologies from everyone. At the end of the parade, a banquet was held in her honor. It was hosted by a beautiful, auburn-haired young...
DAY ONE HUNDRED AND SIX ‘Did you enjoy your birthday?’ Jeff leaned down and gave Dana a quick peck. ‘Yes I did.’ She looked down at her new smart phone. ‘I can’t wait to charge this puppy up!’ Jeff unlocked his apartment door and smiled. ‘Don’t worry I have to gear inside.’ Dana smacked his ass. ‘Get in there… I want the rest of my present!’ ‘What makes you think there’s more?’ ‘I better be getting birthday sex.’ Dana made her way into the darkened apartment and chucked her coat before...
Part 2 Karen’s last client cancelled their meeting so she decided to drive straight to the airport and see if she could get an earlier flight to Dana’s neck of the woods. Sure enough, there was several to choose from so she picked the one that flew direct. It would put her in there around a quarter to six. She started to dial Dana’s number but then hung up. ‘I’ll surprise her,’ she thought to herself. Karen parked her rental car in front of Dana’s house at 6:17pm. Dana’s car was in the...
YEAR ONE DAY ONE A knot of nervousness wiggled and weighed within Jeff as he walked Dana up the stairs of her brownstone. Just before they reached the top step, he grabbed her hand. She turned and smiled up at him. He felt an answering flutter of happiness. From the first time, he saw her at work, he felt a stirring of attraction. She cocked her head to the side, curly brown hair falling to the side and he noticed a small dimple in her left cheek. ‘Yes?’ She looked up with a flirty...
Dana’s nipples got hard too when she noted that the blonde wasn’t wearing any panties. A small tuft of hair was all that shielded the world from perhaps the most beautiful pussy that Dana had ever seen. The pouty outer lips barely concealing what looked like a good sized clit hood. Dana wasn’t a lesbian but she was most certainly selectively bi, and this woman fit very well into Dana’s definition of selective. She wore a black mini skirt and a white sheer top. 3” heals only accented her...
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When Peggy’s hubby gave his son, Steve and his stepdaughter, Dana, money for the movies, he assumed they would really go to a movie. He was only interested in getting them out of the house because he really needed some “quality time” with Peggy. It had been so long since he’d fucked her that his eyeballs were swimming with cum. + Steve and Dana jumped into the old pickup truck that Steve used to haul his lawn mower around to cut yards with. It was not too clean inside the cab and Steve had...
Dana unlocked the front door and led Duke, a brindle and white Great Dane, into her living room and through her house to the back door. She turned him loose in the spacious back yard and watched him for a few moments, loping around, sniffing and marking as he went, then returned to her car for the rest of his things; food, bed, bowls and toys. She had agreed to dog sit for her older brother Dan while he and his wife Kara went on vacation to Hawaii, but she didn’t realize how much stuff that...
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Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...
Here I am at the bar working an extra shift on a Friday night let the fun begin. I’m covering for a few extra hours I’m cleaning and clearing out the tables. As I am out on the floor I see Ms. Dana tall about 5’7 very nicely proportion very elegant mature 50ish year old or so woman with light reddish blond hair. She’s dress with a black knee-high skirt and a green top tight fasten at the middle with a red waist belt with black and red pumps and black stocking. Ms. Dana comes in for her usually...
Note: This was a popular CBT story that I published here years ago and then took down, partially of embarrassment. I've since overcome that embarrassment and decided to re-upload a portion of it. The rest of it can be found in a new eBook. More info at the end of the story. For now, enjoy!“Are you sure you want me to do this? I can still give you a hand job instead.” Dana‘s voice was whiny with anxiety. Her thoughts kept dancing between exhilaration and guilt. I wanna do this. I’ve never done...
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Talking to her was easy. So easy, I couldn't help myself from wanting to talk to her more. You may say, "yeah, so what." So what for me is that I am 54 years old and stopped dating because I really don't enjoy sex with women. I love their company, their softness, the fact that they love to cuddle, their warm soft lips. And the list goes on. I just wish I liked to how they make love. None of the women I have ever been with knew how to handle a penis. They are either afraid to hurt it and...
Dana DeArmond was born in Fort Bragg, California, on June 16th, 1979. Dana was already a rising star before ever getting naked in front of a camera. First, she was one of the original internet personalities with well over three hundred thousand friends on My Space. That's right. I said MySpace, not FaceBook.From My Space to MasturbationAs she grew in popularity, Dana eventually met the porn director Eon McKai through MySpace. That ended in her doing her first scene for the film "Neu Wave...
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We had known each other for a couple of years, and I had admired her taut little body from across the room on many occasions. She was the wife of a college friend, and therefore off-limits. But she was still a hottie, and the subject of much fantasy and the topic of much lewd banter between males. She had always been friendly, even flirty on occasion. I knew of her husband's wayward ventures with other women, wondering why he would do such a thing with Dana at home. Time went on, Dana's husband...
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction composed by the author, and expertly edited by Lisa Funke. It is presented without compensation for entertainment only. Any resemblance of characters to persons living or otherwise is entirely coincidental. With the author's approval, this work may be presented on any fee forum. EXTREME MEASURES - DANA AND LOREN by Lorna Samuels Preface: After almost eight years of marriage, I still considered myself the luckiest husband...
This here is Dana, Dana is a very tall very beautiful gorgeous blondish red head with Hazel Brown eyes very classy, a very refined 50ish year old woman. She is like a vintage style type. The real nice fancy elegance finesse type. Here, she is in my hotel waiting for me to arrive. Now it's very important to say how did it get to this point. Let me go back just a month or maybe 2in time. My name is Vee, I am a local bartending at 1 of the local restaurants a five-star fancy kind of restaurant. I...
Dana's turn: Yes, it's me again. Glorious, crazy, delirious me. The 'me' that just drove my Ed crazy. I don't mean to. Okay, there's this set of thoughts, you know, of that whole male-female relationship thing. Trouble is, I find myself in love, enraptured with Ed and across that whole 'Dana's in love' thing is this terrible black line that is a state law about adults in relationships with minors. I've just made the guy that I love into a felon. I know he will be careful. He's...
Ed's turn: I'm just not that adventurous, I guess. If I had been, my degree would have taken me into one of the engineering houses or maybe a staff engineer job. Yes, that's right. My degree's in electrical engineering, with emphasis on computers and microprocessors. I just sort of gravitated to the computer side of things. Some of my friends say that my present job is 'punching way under my weight class'. Adventurous. Like NOT running screaming in the opposite direction when a...
I wasn't really all about the party. I knew maybe four people there, and while it was a pretty chill affair, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to be at home doing something else. Of course I was looking for the good looking girls- and there were a few- most of whom either had boyfriends or just wouldn't be interested in me. When that happens, when I can see there's no connection there, a woman's attractiveness becomes abstract real fast, like art on the wall; pretty, but you don't want to...
Ed's turn: I suppose I'm moving. That's what I get for smiling back at Dana one day when she asked if I needed a girlfriend. I will absolutely NOT refer to it as a downhill slide since then. If it's downhill, then it's that downhill that my skiing friends rhapsodize about, all fresh virgin(!) powder, the bite of frosty air in the face, the sun glinting off a trillion prismatic crystals, the shhhhhhhhh!!!! sound of snow subdued under skis. I don't think it's downhill, though. It's...
Dana left my office fighting back tears. She composed herself quickly in the bathroom and left in her car. The game had started, but even I didn’t realize that Jim had some plans of his own for this little game. When Dana arrived at Jim’s house, he acted surprised to see her and invited her inside to his study. Dana tried to “professionally” convince him that this was an unfortunate error that was all her fault, but that he could count on the same excellent service in the future that he had...
I put on my sneakers and headed out the door. At soon as I got ready to knock on the door, Dana opened it and dropped her purse. “Mark, what are you doing here?” “Sorry, I startled you sexy. I just saw your mans leave and I was hoping I can come over here and give your body another workout” Dana didn’t say shit. She just stood there motionless. Dana had on cherry red suit dress. Her double d cleavage was exposed, her legs were shaven and her ass looked so round in her skirt. Dana finally...
The following is a preview of a sequel I am in the midst of writing to a story of mine awhile back, 'Great Four Way To Stay In Shape' that seemed fairly well received. The link to the original tale follows...“Oh, GOD – Huey!!!” A sweet voice from just below me exclaimed. I couldn’t help but squint my eyes a bit; Even though I tried to keep them open to drink in as much of the exquisite delight as possible – I couldn’t help the...
Shopping for her that Christmas had become quite a problem. She was my best friend, and in a perfect world, we'd be dating. But as anyone can tell you with a quick look around...this world ain't perfect. I lusted after Dana with the lust only the truly infatuated and completely unsatisfied can. If I were to open my personal mental dictionary and look up the word 'perfection', Dana's smiling face would be staring right back at me. And, if you listened to her personal definition of...
Suzanne arrived at Mrs Jones house at 9.00 am. Mrs Jones was waiting for her to arrive. Dressed, packed and keys in hand, gave Suzanne a big hug. Then handed over the keys saying please enjoy your new, and my old, home. She has a few tears but was happy to leave. On the dining table was a package wrapped in brown paper. Mrs Jones requested Suzanne to hand the parcel to her good friend Helena. This is my thank you to Helena for her kindness and gift of the cruise. Mrs Jones said to Suzanne,...
I know Dana since I was 14 years old when her family moved in the neighborhood. She was 2 years younger than me and we basically grew up together. We became friends very fast, we went to school together every day, we went together to handball practice (we were both playing for the same club) and we were always together when we went partying because her father was very strict and he would let her out only if I was around and I would make sure that she will get home safe. We had a very strong...
When Peggy’s hubby gave his son, Steve and Dana, his stepdaughter, money for the movies, he assumed they would really go to a movie. He was only interested in getting them out of the house because he really needed some “quality time” with Peggy. It had been so long since he’d fucked her that his eyeballs were swimming with cum. Steve had just gotten his driver’s license. He was shocked when his dad suggested he take Dana to the movies. His dad had to know that it was risky for an...
Dana's turn: My Ed. I think about him a lot. Guys. With Mom I saw a lot of guys, some of them around Ed's age. I saw a spectrum. I know that there are guys who'd NEVER consider a relationship with a girl my age for any of a number of reasons, law, religion, moral compass, whatever. And there are guys who'd have had me upside down with my legs spread in five minutes, law or no law. Ed's somewhere towards the first group. I know the word – conflicted. There's the part of him that fears...
All her life, Dana had felt different. Born a boy, she always preferred dressing in girl clothes and playing girl games. She was mistaken for a girl from the time she was toddling - her feminine face and manner always convinced people. By the time she graduated high school, Dana discovered her main sexual interests were in . She didn't care for gay men, and acted as a lesbian when she was with women sexually. She had no interest in taking the male part and thrusting her cock inside of them....
She MalesYears ago I lived in upstate New York. I was hiking some trails in Moreau Lake State Park on a hot, humid, summer day. The sun was shining, but I was able to get some shade from the trees as I walked. I didn't see anyone else on the trails, and my mind wandered to where it always thought to myself - "I'd love to run into some hot, horny girl willing to suck my dick." No playful romantic banter, just wild, rampant sex.As I rounded a bend, I did run into someone. Unfortunately, it...
Dana's turn: I was very wary. Gramma had just turned me over to a nice lady at the school board office. I was here for an assessment. Actually, they already have some idea that I might be just a little bit ahead of the game. It's part of a program run by a university to identify 'talent'. I giggle. I took their test. It was the ACT. Possible composite score was 34. I was in the seventh grade. Got a twenty-eight. That was astounding enough to get me conversations with counselors. I...
Dana drove straight to the office. When she walked in, she reeked of sex. There were wet spots on the back of her skirt where cum had leaked out while she drove. Her top was slightly loose, but silky. It draped across her breasts and nipples making it clear that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. There was a stain over her left tit that made it look like she had been nursing and sprung a leak. I made her stand in my office while we called Jim to discuss the contract. Cum was running down...
“My husband hasn’t noticed the change in my wardrobe.” Dana realized as she dressed for work this morning. “I’m not sure whether I should be glad that I don’t have to explain, or worried that he isn’t interested enough in me anymore to care.” She wondered. The idea that the pastor of a church was the CEO wasn’t far from the reality. Just like any business, the person in charge typically worked longer and harder than anyone. Their church was struggling, particular the last few years. The...
I awoke from my New Year’s Day nap to the glorious feeling of soft lips and tongues on my cock. Looking down, I saw that Kara and Dana were pulling double duty on me, even as Carlos looked at me with obvious lust himself, his dick pointed at my face. I grinned and opened wide, figuring that I could suck him off while the ladies did the same to me. Thankfully, in his erect state, his foreskin was pulled back and he clearly kept it clean, which made sucking his sweet prick much easier. I loved...
Ed's turn: I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be thinking here. Conventional standards say that I'm a sex criminal and should be in jail, in treatment, or both, but I can't buy that. I didn't seduce Dana unless you count being a friend as some measure of seduction. No, according to Mizz Lee, Dana targeted me. I don't know why. I'm of the mind that I shouldn't even ask; it's like the beauty of spring flowers, the dogwoods blooming in the forest before the rest of the trees...
There she was, completely naked, smiling. She saw my mouth gape open. I was trying to think of something to say. She giggled. "I thought about this during class today, Ed," she told me. "You need more challenging classes, baby," I said. "You're gonna give me heart failure." "C'mon," she giggled. "You know you wanna..." "Of course I wanna, sweetness. You're some kind of fantasy." Giggle. "The door's locked. The curtains are drawn. Gramma's two hours up the road, and if...
“Hey great game guys—gotta jet” “What's up Dillon—gotta hot date”? “Ya, I think so” “No shower ? Hope she likes funk” ! “ya, me too” I grabbed my duffel bag from my locker, and quickly ran out the shower house. We had a good game that night, and I was pretty excited. Even at 10:00 at night, it's was pretty fuckin hot in East Texas—about 80. I was sweatin like a pig, and damm near smelled like one. I hopped in the GTO with Mark Mattox. Catching me right after the game he said he had a...
Jim was an inventor by nature. He had created a new medical procedure just for Dana, although if the trials were successful he could make a great deal of money from this invention. Dana wasn’t in any position to turn him down. The process involved electric muscle stimulation, active exercises, and minor surgery. The electrical stimulation and exercises re-tightened the vagina walls. Later he would add a topical cream that furthered this process. The surgery used micro-drops of surgical glue...
Ed's turn: I woke up with an angel in my arms. I don't know if I pulled her into my arms or if she insinuated herself into them, but when that alarm went off, there she was. Cute. Naked. Oh, so adorable, that short blonde hair in delightful, spritely disarray. I've always heard that it's not what a woman looks like in the evening that counts; it's what she looks like first thing in the morning. First, she's not a woman, she's my sprite, Dana, and second, she's beautiful. Her grey...
I was thinking that it was a good case of deja vu - same pose, different people but most likely the same result. I was there, but in a different guise than last time. This time, I was an 18 year old black stud named Randy, and my female partner this time was 40 year old Laura Midders, a petite redhead with a killer body. We were posing naked on the floor of an artist's studio. I was on my side, spooning behind Laura with my long fat black cock nudging its head between her pink outer pussy...
Dana was speechless. Shocked would have been an understatement. As she watched the restroom door close and the blonde disappear she looked down at the card she had mechanically taken. There was no name, simply a number written in what appeared to be eyeliner. 573-8572. Dana stared at the card and with a jolt came back to reality and realized that there she stood in a public restroom with the cum from an unknown man leaking from her ass, her hair and clothing a mess, she quickly stuffed the...
Once again, I awoke with a hangover in an unfamiliar bed, this time to find that I wasn’t alone at all. There was a hand tugging on mine, pulling me up with a physical strength that belied its owner’s twinky persona. It was definitely a man’s hand, and as I looked up at its owner, I saw the beaming face of my best friend and best man, Carlos Suarez. The sassy Puerto Rican had a big grin and then a kiss for me on the mouth, making no mistake as to his intentions, especially as he pointed the...
Dana's turn: It really IS a turn. I live with Gramma now. Mo finally did it. Went over the edge. Got thrown in jail. I spent the night with a foster family until Gramma could get to me to rescue me. That's when I met my knight in shining armor. That would be Edward Paul Allen. He was driving Gramma. She's seventy-something. She drives herself around town, but she doesn't like to drive on longer trips. Edward – Ed – he lives in the apartment across the alcove from hers. He had her for a...
Dana's turn: I love Gramma. I guess she's thinking that with all the recent crap in my life, my attachment to Ed is, like coming to live with her, a GOOD thing. She could've thrown a fit over an inappropriate relationship between me and an adult male and that could've gotten my Ed thrown in jail, and nobody would've condemned her for it. Gramma's not stupid. First, Ed's a former student of hers as well as a long-time friend. She knows him, claims him as the son she wishes she...