Dana #1 free porn video

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This here is Dana, Dana is a very tall very beautiful gorgeous blondish red head with Hazel Brown eyes very classy, a very refined 50ish year old woman. She is like a vintage style type. The real nice fancy elegance finesse type. Here, she is in my hotel waiting for me to arrive. Now it's very important to say how did it get to this point. Let me go back just a month or maybe 2in time. My name is Vee, I am a local bartending at 1 of the local restaurants a five-star fancy kind of restaurant. I tend to bartender a 2 to 3 day a week. I am one of the people’s favorite at times they even ask for me by first name bases. What can I say I have people skills it comes with the job? On a few of the nights that I work I noticed Dana, walking in a few times every now and then. I must admit she is a very striking woman, she catches the attention but in a settled low-key kind of way not the wild type. The total opposite of me, everybody looks at me and they all can tell I am the wild-type standing at 5’2 with short spiky red and black hair brown eyes and glasses I sometimes use sometimes I don’t very lean and built body. I am like a little TNT small, but I exploded loudly. I walk into a room everybody notices me right away they either know trouble is about to start or I am about to do something totally out of the normal, you kind of expect it with me. Ms. Dana is more of the quiet type, people notice her. They immediately spot her a but in a subtle way. The way she walks, in a sensual and smooth way, her perfume is intoxicating but very nurturing type of perfume make something that you'll grandmother or mother would wear. Yet at the same time is very sensual, it sparks up your curiosity in some or the another. Her voice, she has one of those Marilyn Monroe temp voice. When she speaks everyone stays quiet cause your trying to figure out her accent. She's very eloquent in everything she does, her mannerism the way she pulls her hands away, she flips her hair is all just simply amazing. Breathtaking! I will admit I've dropped a couple of bottles while flipping meanwhile watching her. I must admit she is 1 of my favorite if not my ultimate favorite dames here. So, a few weeks back on a night I do not work I was covering for a friend of mines. I saw Dana walk in and I was shocked and surprised to see her in 1 of the those speed dating type of gathering we reserve part of the restaurant of it. Basically, women will come sit at the table and a long line of men will come each one has about 5 to 10mins to impress the lady if she like him she can pause out of the date and stay with that one male or after 5 or 10mins each male will move on to the next one. Everything is carter to the lady like or it should be but sadly not all the guys can figure that out right away. I have seen most of the same ladies and same males come every here and there. I was shocking to see Dana there. It was shocking to see Dana partaking in this off-speed dating type of thing. She is a very gorgeous woman! I would not be able to see why or how she could have any difficulties getting anyone whether male or female. People will fall by the tip of her toes in her high heels. The way that woman walks, mom she sets my heart of flames with every step she takes I can hear my heart beat away like drums at the cadences of everyone single step she takes. She truly has one of a kind type a walk. You would have to witness to see what I mean. I cannot describe it in words. So, on this night it just so happened that on one of these guys these suitors came up to the bar and asked for a drink a nigari typical guy drink. While he was up there I couldn’t’ help but ask a few questions.
Hi here’s your drink rough night hun? < I say trying to make convo to get the information I wanted
“Nah just dry,” he said
So, what’s the story with the miss’ < I say point with my head over to Dana who has the some-what disappointing look on her face as she's looking down on her cell-phone?
Roger the suitor's name I was able to get that he replies “
non-at all, the misses and I were in 15 minutes speed dating arrangement and we are not compatible kind of a little bit of a crush I really had high hopes but not my type.”
I got curious “oh not your type? “I mean she's very beautiful and lovely I must admit” what’s the story with her? I ask while tipping a new glass and preparing a new drink.
Roger responded, “she some love-sick kind of woman she likes to be wine and dine and romance and blah blah blah blah blah I don't get time for all that I just want to get my dick to be sucked, you know, why is it so get my dick wet?” He asked putting the money on the table and walks away to the outside to take a smoke.
I drop my cup in the sink since I wasn't really expecting that kind of answer but at the same time, I was kind of expecting it. Typical male only cares about their needs and their wants. Don't take the time to pay attention to the small details. As person when it comes to those type of women I feel sorry for the basters. They don’t stand a chance they are not the easy your place or mines type of female. I must admit I was curious and I did get very easily curious even more about Dana. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back and pleasure fulfilled. I started to think all night as I am attending the bar and every now and then I look at Dana, I started to come up with ideas and one started toll floated in my mind but Little risky but what is life without taking a risk? At one point I made Dana favorite drink “pink lemonade and I took it over to her as I also had to clean out some of the tables near her.
“Hey sweetheart, here for you on the house, looks like you had a little rough night,” I say placing the drink off to her side on the table and picking up her glass off the table and wiping it down.
“OH, why to thank you so kind of you, I’ll make sure to tip you on my way out,” she said jokingly but she is a good tipper, although I am thinking perversely. I smiled and carry on clearing out the table near her wishing she would talk to me but doesn’t even pay attention to me, but she is aware of her surroundings. A few minutes afterward she does leave in her cab I called for her and yes, she does tip me sadly not in the way I wish she would. Damn fantasy in my head…. why must I be so sexual….
Later in that morning around 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. what can I say Bartender life is morning and day day-and-night is all the same to us we lose track of time. I come home to a little one-bedroom apartment drop some stuff off. I am a little restless and I go into a long steam bath with Gardenia oil and relax with Dana still running thru my mind. Before I know I’m on my laptop and I am creating a profile, new email and I my picture NO NO NO not my picture but 1 of my gym rats from the gym. I think I look like Tony a middle age bodybuilder his pretty cool and laid back. If I was a male I would most likely look like him a silver fox mmmm I should dye my hair. He is cute I'm going to use this picture of him, why not we do look alike except that he is a version male of me. I am sure he wouldn’t mind. I go thru my cell and pick out some pictures I have of him. He is a little bit of a camera whore and loves to send pictures of him to all his ladies friend even the lesbians like me. I fuck around with him teasing him, but he knows I’m being a brat. So I use as much as I can to set up a profile and I detail the profile in every way, every single question and answer it applies to me it is filled before I do that I take a peek of Dana's profile and make sure our profile is compatible to the T so that I can spark her curiosity immediately. My name will be then VANZ just leave it like that if she asks or anything I’ll say is short for a family name passed down manner as tradition or something. I think women like that. I have a male profile and now I just must sit back and waits see how this online thing works. Before you know it, I'll be setting up date. Not sure how I will do that, but I will figure it out once I get there. I must admit when I am bored you come up with crazy ideas.
So, my 1st introduction to Dana I looked at her profile and I study it I even took notes.
I found out her favorite flower and I sent her a bouquet of all her favorite flowers each one for each day of the week and so on. Same with her favorite treats, sweets, candy, and chocolate. She very particular taste is hard to find some of these things in your daily store, but I know my way around the world wide web and can order anything within seconds.
Next up I wrote a very beautiful poem that I made using her name. I even made a handmade watermark in the background of the poem using all her favorite colors. The whole thing written in calligraphy style marks and I take the time to make sure it is perfect I even used my old high school calligraphy set and ink. A little expensive ink is very refined very smooth to write. However, Dana is so totally worth not just the money but the time. Time is the most expensive gift you can give to someone.
Send various watermark letters and poems in calligraphy manners and perfumed with her favorite perfume. Some French perfume that I can barely pronounce and not going to try and spell out. I only speak 3 languages French is not one of them, note to self-learn French….
Send various buckets of her favorite flowers to her office and at the restraunte, I made sure to have her flowers all properly displayed all about surrounding her.
For one week I surprised her for 7 days with 7 very detailed and very specific request all suited to her liking and pleasing her in the old romantic kind of way. Romance true romance is dead in our world everything is internet this and social that, true romance is intimacy tenderness that connection that connects with the absences of sex but arises sexual desire to the point that all else is lost in the process. What can I say I am a poet most poet is romantic at heart?
I kept this up for about 1 month or so and I was more prepare for even longer, but it didn’t take much to “wow” her she loved every moment of it. She was very excited about every detailed of it and to the extreme but simplicity of it, I made her blush a few times. That is a win for my book.
Finally, it’s Friday night and I was able to get her to come to my private suite I-143(I love YOUR older beeper codes remember those) penthouse. She’s dress in a knee-high black skirt black stocking and a red blouse her D cup almost showing she has the perfect v cut. Leave just enough to the mind. A tease she is…She pacing’s about the room, the room is her more color with an offset of cashmere and slight green (what is my color) lining in the background. A huge bed center on the right side there is an old vintage maghoney type table. On top is a lettermark letter with DANA name written on it perfumed with her Cha” LaMour her favorite French perfume scent, on the bottom is a long black silk-like fabric like scuff. She is unaware of it, it’s a blindfold. As she slowly walks about the room she sees the note pulls it out and reads it. She drops it on the bed and walks out.
She’s an unwilling player. I am disappointed thought she would play, guess not. Oh well, you lose some and you win some. Sadly, she is one I really wanted to win I wanted her so badly. Well over the next few days I moved on to more of an even playing field. My classic lesbians so much easier to conquer them. The sex is just the beginning part with them it doesn’t take that much. I barely put any effort a smile her, a free drink there and soon I have them in my bed, sadly they never stay, or I never care enough to make them want to stay. The temerity it different I guess. Like I said I am the wild unpredictable type. I really need to go talk to a shrink I don’t know why I always go for the “impossible ones”.
Suddenly, on a Monday night, I witness Dana come back to the bar sit right where she use2 and request the same drink. I prepare it and bring it to her noticing she’s dress in this beautiful red top and black knee-high skirt some nice black high heels like vintage wear but not the stripper types just classic. Her perfume is intoxicating. Just her so being near to me only makes me want to do things to her but instead, I smile at her and ask if she wanted a second drink to come straight after she nods no and carries on. A few times I notice her looking at her cell as if waiting for a message or a call but nothing. As odd as it is her personal cell is well dead, no texting no calls nothing. She has a somewhat sad look on her face I can not pinpoint. This went on for a few nights she repeats the same cycle. Each time leaving the bar a little disappointed. I kind of feel bad but carious to what’s wrong with her but I don’t want to pry the lady is not into women sadly. If she was I think I would have asked her to marry me by now or at least given her the best fuck ever!!! I have too much built up tension on that one. I need to go to the gym and release some of that energy. I am so glad I am not a guy I would be walking around here with a 24-hour boner. I go on about cleaning the bar.
Saturday 2 weeks after my fail attempt to seduce Dana as I am in the supposed “love suite” 143 there I am in the room about to clean it and clear it out when suddenly I hear the perfect beat of patterns of steps behind the doors. Perfect beat “DANA” I run and hide in the closest (of all places) using the key I left for her in the envelope she storms in throws her briefcase on the side and starts talking loudly.
“Vanz, I’m here! Where are you? Where are all the notes? All the flowers the perfume? Where are all the sweet gestures of tenderness and the signs of love??? You just wanted to play a game that it’s, right!
She said walking over grabbing the blindfold and straps it around her face and bend over the bed lifting her skirt, this Is what u want>>> well here I am? Where are u > come I’m waiting she said bending over the bends spreading her legs open and she lifts her skirt up revealing her perfectly shaped ass! Come get It you want it to don’t u? she said as she spanks herself on the left cheek. Come on show me what a big boy you are Mr. Vanz she keeps talking, taunting me.
As I am hiding in the closet I reach over to my secret in the walk draw and pull out my strap-on and slowly insert it inside me slowly start playing with myself with it inside me. I adjust myself and slowly open the sliding door and step outside within feet away from Dana her legs spread out her tiny little white blush pussy peeking thru and that tight ass just there in the air….
Before noticing what, I was doing I walked up to Dana and grab her hands forcing them up pinning them down on the bed
What? OH, there u is? So, you have been here> she asks a little surprise but sounded a little relieved.
Go on show me what u got. I pressed on to her with a nice long 8-inch dick that sprung up like a hardon all the way up to my belly button. She naturally spread her legs even more. She has the perfect legs I have seen. I rub her left legs I like how her skin feels, I rub my hands down her ass spreading her butt slowly guiding my head inside her rubbing it from the pussy up and down her ass teasing her.
As I am teasing her she’s talking’s
“yeah that’s what you want big boy , all the gestures all the romance over the top grand gesture and all you wanted was me bend over, you could have just saved us sometimes and just asked me I am not that hard” you could have saved us sometimes your such a typical guy, Go on what are you waiting for just shovel it in there already you tease me long enough”
I smack her on her left cheek and in one single motion, I push inside her sliding my 8-inch dick inside her pussy and drilling it in there, grinding it while smacking her ass. I am slowly ripping off her blouse undoing it as I get it off her pulling it from the back.
She’s screaming and reaching for the pillow and she bits down on it “OH GOD” OH OH AAAA
I grind in the deep inside while running my fingers in her ass getting that tight ass ready for me. Dragging my tongue in the center of her back and up her neck biting her just between her neck pushing even deeper her soft body shriving with passion.
OH, FUCK IS GOOD DAMNIT YOUR GOOD” kiss her slightly while stroking even faster and faster and I push back and pull out and spread her ass and slid it inside her ass. My dick is cover with her juices dripping all over her legs, my dick just slides easily into her ass spreading it open. She leans forward adjusting her legs and arching her back while screaming.
FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK holding tight to the pillow, as I stroke it in and out, in and out in and out every time I push in and I grind deep inside her.
I pull out slowly and quickly stroke It inside her pussy grinding it in there for a few changing my pace as I bite her down at her waist and smacking her ass before she could even moan I swap it out and jam it back in her ass her wetness dripping all over and down her legs and mines. As I am drilling her in both her holes. I lean forward putting my bodyweight on her. My hands rubbing down on her and squeezing her tits and pinching nipples while kissing her all over her back and neck. Every now and then I switch from her pussy to her ass and back and fourth each time to make her cum as I change my stroking and graining. Her body keeps trying to guess my pacing, but I shock it throwing it off. I shovel deep inside her ass hold it in place as I caress her whole back and kiss her heavily dragging my tongue yet again up and down her back. She violently explodes with cum all over and screams even more loudly
FUUUUCCKKKK!!! She drops down her body limp on to the bed her knees weaken I push her straight up into the bed and grinding her in the doggy style position seeing her pussy dripping with wetness all over the bed soaking the sheets. I pull out I smack her ass one last time as she barely even screams lost her voice after all that screaming and moaning.
“You know Dana your right but you're wrong,” I say finally speaking I am and I am not your typical guy,” I say throwing the strap on to her side as she very slowly turns around to see me standing over her adjusting my belt. A total lost confuse and surprise, look on her face as she soon realizes I am the cute lesbian bartender from the restaurant. Her expression is indescribable….

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Going for the Gold Nicole Bobek

Chapter 1 That first chance to meet and spend time with Nicole Bobek, the sexy young women's figure skater, had been mind-blowing. All I'd known about her before that weekend was what I'd seen on TV -- watching her perform competitively and then the brief post-competition interviews. It just hadn't been enough and only seeing such a sexy young woman from a distance like that was such a tease. Then, Nicole and I enjoyed that first incredible day together and at the end, she'd said those...

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Unfortunate Encounter With Sexy Aunty Mother8217s Brother8217s Wife

Hi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...

2 years ago
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In Ihren Augen

In Ihren Augen (German for In Our Love) The day began as all the others did: gray and dismal, without a ray of warmth or pool of sunlight to be seen. Breakfast had come and gone, bringing much-desired pots of coffee and orders for me to supervise the unloading of the noon train. My chunky black boots crunched on the ash-laden ground as I trudged for what could have been my thousandth time to the train platforms. I traveled alone, with the exception of two or three workers who, having seen a...

3 years ago
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Making HeroesChapter 10

There was considerable distress in Asmia the next morning. By the time Sue and Jack had reached the business district, the merchants, particularly, were running around and lamenting that they could not leave town. There were shouts of how terrible this was for business and there would be financial ruin everywhere if the barrier was not soon lifted. Sue and Jack were slightly amused at the predictions of dire consequences, but they tried to ignore the turmoil. The first thing they needed to...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 38 I Give Carol Much More Than a Backrub

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) Everything was good with the world, until Carol suddenly sat up with an anguished cry of, "Oh, NO!" She burst into tears, sobbing repeated, "Oh nos." I'd only ever seen one other girl orgasm before, but I was pretty sure this wasn't normal. Fortunately I was currently soft, so I was able to twist around. The leg she had pinned was well lubricated, so easily rotated. I sat up and put my arms around her, and wished my underwear had a pocket with a...

3 years ago
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An online meeting becomes a fantasy come true

She grabbed a cigarette out of her pack and lit up as she started checking through emails and missed IM’s. All of a sudden a friend she had met through an online forum popped up. They lived in the same town but had never met in person; they just chatted and talked about whatever happened to come up. Daren said good morning and they chatted for a while, and then he asked what she was doing that night. She told him she had no plans but needed to get out of the house. He asked if she would like to...

2 years ago
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Lust 4

"Is your friend still awake?" "No, She past out drunk so I put her in my room" "So you're alone with your brother now?" "Yes ;)" "Your mom?" "She should be sleeping" "How's your pussy?" "OMG it's so wet. I think my brother came a little bit in me. I really want to fuck him" "You're such a little slut. However, I need you to control yourself tonight. Your brother needs to suffer until the moment he is able to fuck you so I say we need to play with him a little...

1 year ago
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A Slut I became

100% fiction! I have to tell you about the wildest week of my life. First my name is Kelli I am 44 and very happily married to a wonderful, sexy man who until recently I thought would be the only man I would ever want. We have been married for 24 years and have 4 great kids. The youngest is 18 and the other three are away at college. I work for a large trucking firm, I work in the accounting office and am pretty much left alone all day as long as my work gets done. My husband until 2 years was...

Group Sex
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Out for a nice meal and then on to an adult sex clubThere are a few but we will go to Cupids after we have wined and dinedYou are wearing seamed nylons and suspenders with slutty fuck me now high heels and tight short skirt barely covering your stocking topsThe fun begins in the restaurant when you inadvertently but knowingly give senior gentlemen a glimpse of what they might be You pull your skirt up higher and display your little thong which you have pulled to one side to expose your cuntThe...

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Change Happens Part Four Whats Normal

I loved my early morning runs, not the one on the treadmill that will happen later, no, these early mornings just before the sun comes up. A slight chill in the air, the only sound was coming from the birds and my feet hitting the concrete. I loved the feeling of being alone, just me, and the birds. I never wore any of my earbuds or listened to any music on the mornings like this one. I felt my heart racing as I ran up and touched my marker, a light pole six miles from my house. It wasn't...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Adventure with Lisa

So a long time ago, probably 4-1/2 years, I met a wonderful couple. I was single and they were looking for her first black experience. We hooked up when Craigs list was still allowing people to meet through their services. I won't use their real names, so they will be Lisa and Dave for this story.We decided to meet up and see how we clicked before anything came of it. It was actually a good time, no sex, just chatting and watching a Marvel Movie. Can't remember which one. We decided to then...

3 years ago
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The Ceremony Part 3

The Ceremony - Part 3The next girl up was Rosie, paired with me. I had already had a talk in private with Rosie, and told her what was going to happen.I promised her that I would be as gentle as possible. I also promised her that i would finish the job properly.To be honest I was rather looking forward to seeing this buxom young lady naked...Following a short break for a cup of tea, the prefects knocked on the door and Rosie was led in. A lovely girl, quite the Girl Next Door type with brown...

1 year ago
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Going Fishing

It was early that Saturday morning when Patrick McAlester woke up anxiously. The whole family was excited that Jake, Patrick's older brother was coming home for the weekend. Jake was away at college and Patrick missed his brother terribly. The boys' being only three years apart, were more like best friends. It was only them and they had a little sister, Karen, who was a mere 10 years old. It had been a tough year for Patrick since he just started out junior college and really had no one to turn...

2 years ago
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The Houseboy

If I had been told on my sixteenth birthday, that I would end up working as a houseboy, I would’ve advised the forecaster of that statement to sign up for some psychological evaluation. That, however, is exactly what happened by the time I had turned seventeen-years-old.To fully explain how this came about, I am afraid that I now have to embark on a two-part history lesson:Firstly, after my mother had left my dad and me when I was eight-years-old, my father continued to be employed as a foreman...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 8

Sal was flat on his back on top of the mattress looking up at the fuzzy white clouds racing across the bluest sky he had ever seen. He was on the roof of the 5 story building resting in perfect solitude. It was a special place to him away from all the hustle and bustle of the dozens of females waiting to spread their legs for him in the apartments below. Off in the distance he could hear the muted roar of large passenger jets making their approach to JFK airport. It was so far away that it...

3 years ago
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First Experience With A Divorcee

Hi friends my name is Amaan and I’m from Hyderabad. First of all I’m an old fan of ISS. I mostly love incest category in this, incest excites me a lot. I’m 22 now and I came across iss 5 years ago. I’m writing my first story on iss. I have completed my engineering, my height is 5’11” and my cock size is 7 inches Now straight coming to the story this is about me and Fiza. She is so damn hot girl with 36d boobs and a great height of 5’7″ and slim and age 28. She is a mother of two child; a girl n...

3 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 6 New Apartment

Renée took me to Davis Hall and the administration office. After I mulled over some choices, I signed up for a few classes: Psych 101, College Algebra, English 101, History 101 and Basic Art. Most of them were required for most college degrees. I chose the art course just for something relaxing. I'd always enjoyed drawing; maybe a course in it would allow me to explore other mediums. After looking over my arrangement of classes Renée asked, "Why Art? I thought you would be majoring in...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two Tribbies

A Tale of Two "Tribbies" by rat_race * * * * * I could barely believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. And it was all taking place right in front of me, in real time. My ex-girlfriend, Susie--who used to be my girlfriend, up until about a week ago--was "getting it on" with her best friend, Sharon, in the back yard of Sharon's house. Meanwhile, my friend, Davy--who was Susie's older brother--and I were both hiding in the shadows behind the 5-foot-tall rock wall...

2 years ago
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Elsie the English Escort

Maybe it was the neighbors killed in a nighttime bombing raid in her little town outside London, or the loss at sea of her childhood friend, but probably both, that set Elsie on a course to give her all for the war effort. She was slightly built, with light hair and skin. Handsome of face rather than cute. A rather typical English girl of nineteen. She still lived at home, having a clerical job within bicycle distance. Her grieving for Malcolm, the sailor that she had given her virginity to...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 113 Aint Too Proud to Beg

"Wait a minute! You gotta stop this!" Alan yelled, as it fully hit him that Suzanne and Xania had just handcuffed his hands behind his back. Between watching his sister Katherine pole dancing naked in front of him and fucking his nurse, Akami, while she was sitting on his lap, he had good reasons to be distracted and slow on the uptake. But, with growing conviction, he decided that he absolutely did not want to be bound in any way. No one seemed to hear his pleas, so he shouted louder,...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

3 years ago
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Unequal Gifts

"Unequal gifts" by Jennifer Brock Sibling rivalry is a powerful thing. Sixteen years of his twin sister receiving obviously superior presents sends a boy into an unusual battle of wills with his father. How far is he willing to go to prove a point? Reagan had been living all his life knowing that his sister was their father's favorite, but the car was the last straw. The day after he threw her a massive Sweet Sixteen party, (technically it was Reagan's birthday party too, but...

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Broken Marriage Leads To Sex With Ex Part 8211 2

Hi to all those ISS readers and fans of this site. I’m Mr. Erotic and welcome to my fantasy world. The below mention story is pure fantasy, and completely fiction. Persons and names mention in this story have no relation to reality. Here is the 2nd part of the story. Those who haven’t read the previous part, I request you to read that to understand this part. Without much ado let’s head to the story………. As I took a cab to the airport, all I was thinking about how it’s going to be, it’s been...

4 years ago
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My dildos and Jerome

My dildos and Jerome My loving Victor had fucked me early morning, before leaving to his office.Then I stayed there on my bed; feeling still so fucking horny. I called Jerome and begged him to come and fuck me, to make me his whore, to possess me like a bitch…He smiled on the phone and said: “Get your ass ready for my black dick at midday”Two hours later I was still lying in our marital bed; my legs bent at the knees and pulled up to my breasts as one twelve inch black cock slowly stroked my...

2 years ago
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The DavetoJane Chronicle Part 4

I wrote the first two parts of this chronicle to make sure I never forgot these wonderful events in my life, not knowing they were to be part of a complete change in my life. They were, however, originally written for my eyes only and certainly not intended for publication. My apologies for this being heavy reading. I was instructed to write the remaining three parts by my Lover and Mistress. Together they record my full transformation. Constructive communications may be sent to...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 2

March 2nd 1995 This is my first ever diary. I say ‘diary,’ although there are no dates printed in the book. Perhaps it should be ‘The journal of Eleanor Risby.’ I believe that’s what people call them - not that I would know what others think. Ever since I ceased working, I never mix. But, there I go again, wandering from the point. I must try hard to control myself and keep to the subject. I’ve never written a diary, even when I was a child. Mind you, nothing ever happened in my infancy, at...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 123 Girls Fight

(The soldiers look nervously at the unconscious body of Henya.) Soldiers: No way... one kid beat Henya... Yahiko: All right! Two to go! (His voice gets weaker--we see a huge bleeding gash across his back.) Let's give 'em... all we... (He collapses.) Kaoru: Yahiko!! Kamatari: Like I said. You're all gonna die in the end. (Kaoru turns from Yahiko to face down Kamatari.) Misao: Kaoru! Kaoru: It's okay. Yahiko isn't going to die so easily. Just watch yourself. We're up...

2 years ago
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Car or Motorcycle

I "Niched" this as First Time,because, amazingly I had never been on a Harley in my life! It truly should be "Niched" Sexy Foreplay Fun!”Car or motorcycle?” he asked. I said, “Whatever you prefer”. To which he said I must have an opinion one way or another. I shrugged my shoulders and answered I was flexible. People find it difficult to believe I can be so relaxed and go with the flow so well. I guess I derive my pleasure from knowing if other people are happy, then I am happy.Is it...

3 years ago
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I convinced my BF to let me peg him

This is a true story about how I convinced my boyfriend to let me fuck him in the ass with a strap on.Never have I thought I would have the chance to fuck him in the ass but this pass week he allowed me to..In case you haven't read my last story or looked at my about me section, I have a lot of fantasies and I am into being submissive but sometimes dominating. After cheating on my boyfriend and experience a huge black cock, the fantasy of being dominant to my boyfriend grew bigger and bigger...

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Sara the Exhibitionist

Sara is a standard 18-year old High School girl.She has short black hair cut above her neck and with bangs ending just above her eyes, stands 5'9, has light pale skin, perky C-cup breasts, and a nice round bubble butt with a trimmed but not completely shaven pussy. she's athletic, beautiful, is an altogether nice young girl. With one little feature: Sara is an exhibitionist, she loves getting naked as much as possible, the thought for shedding her clothes in public and the thrill of getting...

1 year ago
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Horny Mom

I’ve been in love with my Mother, Donna, for as long as I can remember. She’s the most wonderful person you could ever meet. So full of energy, always smiling or laughing. She’s also one the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. She stands around five foot, five inches tall. Mom’s sandy, brown hair goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark green, when she’s excited or happy, they turn blue. Her body is unreal, she has perky size 34 b breasts, with very small areola circles her...

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Ein Medizinischer Durchburch

Es war im letzten Sommer. Mein bester Kumpel Stefan und ich (Manuel, beide 25 Jahre alt) beschlossen im Sommer nac h Italien zu fahren. Es sollte ein Partyurlaub werden, also suchten wir uns ein Gebiet in dem laut Reisebüro „die Post abging“. Wir waren beide Single, hatten durchaus im n letzter Zeit ganz guten beruflichen Erfolg, und wollten uns eben mal einen richtigen Männerurlaub gönnen. 2 Kumpels, eine Menge Alkohol, Party ohne ende und Strandschönheiten. Eben das, was man als in diesem...

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