Freshman Year free porn video

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Freshman Year By Stacey D The fall semester and the falling of the leaves seemed so strange to happen at the same time, but this was Vermont and things change quickly here I'm told. I felt uneasy about leaving my home for the first time. I was now 17 years old and had never left the county where I was born. After 20 hours of driving I could see that the next exit up ahead is where I needed to get off the turnpike. I could not believe that I had a fully paid tuition to a small town college along with a free room and board Oh, the jocks from baseball, football and basketball had all gotten scholarships but I never could have imagined that l would have received a scholarship for writing poems. Little ole' me of 5'6" and 136 lbs, with shoulder length wavy blond hair and blue eyes never would have made it into the big ten colleges, and couldn't have afforded it as my family had always been poor. Now, I was going to college at a small town college that recently had turned coed five years earlier. There would be at least 5 girls to every guy and I just loved the odds. I was that lucky person and I was all excited about the next four years. The next house must be the place I thought to myself, yep, it's a white four story Brick House with huge stone columns, just like in the pictures I received. Well, that should be a good sign I thought as I backed into the closest parking space. Two other cars were parked there also, one brand new blue Ford Mustang and a beat up white Buick. Really can't say much about the old white truck that I drove to school, but it did manage to make the trip without breaking down. Getting out of the truck I felt wonderful just standing still and stretching for a few minutes. This place was just gorgeous with manicured gardens all around the house and a white picket fence with a big sign that said, "Welcome Home." All the gardens had pink and lavender flowers and the walkways were made from gray slate. The flowers I imagined would be leaving shortly as the brisk fall hair had came down from the mountains early this year. Never had I seen any place more beautiful in my life and the old farm could not hold a candle to the beautiful white house. "Hello, you must be Cary, sorry I mean Gary," said a lady coming down the walkway from the house. "Hi, yes I'm Gary and you are Mrs. White?" "Yes but please call me Jen, short for Jennifer," she said. "Welcome to your new home for the next four years and I just know you are going to love it here," she said with a bright smile and a bit of a southern draw. "Well the house is beautiful, and I cannot thank you enough for choosing me in the poetry contest," I replied. "We'll actually it was a group of women that chose you but I will let them know that you are pleased," she said. "Now I need to run to work, but Maggie, the Dorm Mother, will be around here somewhere and will be glad to show you your room and help you get settled." "Sure enough," I replied. "I'll take a look around and I'm sure I will find her." Wow I thought to myself, a beautiful place to stay and a very pretty landlord. Jen must have been in her early 30's, with a knock out body, and stunning red head and blue eyes. And I couldn't wait to talk to her again as she seemed so refined and elegant. The lavender suit she had on must have cost a fortune, it was so well tailored that every curve just mesmerized me, and the sweet lilac perfume she wore definitely could make any man weak at the knees. "And whom might you be?" barked a woman from behind me. "Hi, I'm Gary and will be staying here this year, Ms. White said to find someone named Maggie. Would that be you?" I asked. "Yes, I'm Maggie, now grab your things and let me show you too your room for the next year," she replied. "I run a tight ship here and I don't want you having any wild parties or girls in your room Mr. Gary. Do you understand me?" she asked. "And I will be watching you to make sure that you keep your grades up and act like the proper person you should be, understand?" "And what ever you do, do not let me catch you trying to sneak into the upstairs floors, boys rooms are on the first floor, so stay there and we won't have any trouble," she said. "Yes I do," I replied even though I don't think she cared if I did or not. "Now here is your room, number 4, there is a bed, desk and a dresser inside." "Dinner is always at six o'clock sharp and please be dressed, we are not savages here and will act like proper people. Also your duties around the house and your job schedule will be posted on the bulletin board next to the clothes hamper. If you have any questions then you will usually find me in the kitchen. Ok, Mr. Gary?" "Yes, of course," I replied. Now I have finally met Attila the Hun I thought to myself. Where on earth did they find her. She was at least 6' tall and weighed at least 170. She was definitely a lady as well, even though she seemed to talk like a man. Her demeanor made me feel as though she had done this job for a very longtime and was not about to put up with any bull. The quick answers and the lack of niceties definitely made me want to steer clear of her as much as I could. Her clothes were definitely in the same class as Ms. Whites but with no color at all, a white blouse and black skirt with black flat shoes. The jocks from home definitely would have won the championship instead of coming in last if she had been around. They all would have been too scared to lose for fear of making her mad. I took a deep breath and opened the door to my new room for the next year. Expecting to see a well decorated room, I felt my heart drop as there was but an old bed, a woman's dresser and an old desk. The all must have come from army surplus but it was not in me to complain so I thanked Maggie and went inside. The floors were absolutely bare and the old oak floors definitely made the room feel cold. But what really surprised me was the Pink Satin Comforter on the bed, this just did not make any sense at all I thought to myself. Why on earth would a guy want a pink anything? It's just not a guy color. Again I said nothing and lay my two suitcases down on the floor and looked at Maggie and thanked her for a place to stay. After I had unpacked one suit case, I decided to stroll around the house and see what this place had to offer. The house was just beautiful, more than I ever could have imagined. Every room was decorated with the finest furniture and looked like it could be in House is Beautiful. There was a pool table room, dance room, movie room, a nurses station, study hall complete with library and a bar area to name just a few. The back yard was very secluded with an 8' privacy fence and an in ground pool that was just breath taking. There were two girls sunning on lounge chairs on the other side of the pool from me that waved and shouted "HI." I waved back and couldn't believe my luck and thought to myself this place is getting better all the time. After wondering around the grounds for ten minutes I decided that I would find something nice to drink. So I headed for the kitchen and opened the ice box and grabbed a soda. Pepsi had always been my favorite. "And what do you think you're doing young man?" said a familiar voice. "Just grabbing a Pepsi, I was so thirsty," I remarked. "Mr. Cary! For now on, please ask before you taking something out of the fridge please. I don't want everyone in this house thinking they can raid the kitchen anytime they desire," Maggie said. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize," I replied. "And my name is Gary not Cary," I said. "Next time help yourself to the tap water," she remarked. I wondered if Ice was allowed but was to afraid to ask for fear of making this woman mad. "No problem," I said as I headed out the door as fast as I could then proceeded to look over the rest of the house. After I finished my short tour of the rest of the house I headed for my room to take a quick nap, it had been a long drive from home and I hadn't stopped to rest the whole way. I was so tired I feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pink satin pillow. "Wake up Gary, it's dinner time," a feminine voice shouted. "I'm up, I'll be right down," I shouted. "Don't forget to dress, you wouldn't want to make Maggie mad," the same voice said. "Oh ok," I said. Quickly I jumped up and grabbed my second suitcase and opened it. Grabbing a tee shirt and jeans, I wondered what the voice meant by don't forget to dress. I pondered if she meant not to wear a swimsuit or maybe shorts or that bare chests weren't acceptable at the dinner table. The tee shirt looked wrinkled in the mirror attached to the bedroom door and the jeans sure looked faded and had a few holes but at least they were clean. I tried to press out the wrinkles with my hands and gave up and headed out the door. Three people were sitting at the dinner table as I arrived. Two girls from the pool and one guy who I guess would be Ken. I had seen his name of the work roster and figured he was the only other male person here. "HI, I'm Gary," I said as I sat down. "And you must be Ken," I said looking in his direction, wondering why he was sitting there in a pink rain coat. He was a small person like myself but with beautiful long brown hair and hazel eyes. "And I believe I met you two girls this afternoon at the pool but weren't introduced," I said in hopes of them telling me their names. No such luck, they just smiled. "And you are?" I asked looking at a pretty girl wearing a very pretty pink dress. "Mary," she said in a whisper. "And whom might you be?" I asked the other girl in lavender outfit. "Kate," she said in a softer whisper. "Be quiet," Mary whispered. "Why?" I responded. "Maggie will hear you talking and there is no talking at the dinner table unless you are asked to speak," she whispered. "That's crazy," I said. "Shh," came from Mary. "She coming," said Ken in a whisper also. Maggie entered the room and all heads turned at once. She quickly set down a large plate with a cover on top. The aroma was that of fish but what kind I had no idea. I was staving from the long drive and it had been two days since I had a decent meal. "Come with me Gary, would you please," she said with no feeling in her voice. "Sure you need help with something?" I asked. "Just come with me please," she said with a stern voice this time. As we entered the kitchen, she turned quickly around to me and said, "If you don't have appropriate dress for dinner then I will find something for you to wear. Do not come to dinner wearing old tee shirts and jeans with holes. We are not beggars," she snapped. "Do you understand me?" she said looking down on me. "Yes, of course I do,, but I don't have any real nice clothes, hell I can't even afford a new tooth brush much less dinner clothes," I exclaimed. "Well I'm sure I can find you something to wear downstairs in the laundry room we have tons of clothes from previous students." She opened a closet door and reached inside and grabbed a pink coat. "Here, you may wear this tonight," she said with her stern eyes gazing at me. "Now you may go back and eat your supper." I head back out to the dinner table to find my three fellow roomies all smiling at me as I entered. Now, I knew where Ken had gotten the pink coat and could see him smiling from ear to ear. They never said a word, not a word the whole dinner. At the end of the dinner Maggie handed each of us three small pills and we all swallowed them without saying a word. My guess is that vitamins would be given out at dinner time instead of in the morning because we all had different class schedules. After dinner all my new roommates disappeared and I was left alone in the living room watching television. This place was definitely a little bit weird I thought but at least it was comfortable. It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep and was close to midnight before I awoke. So I headed for my room, only to discover that my empty suitcases were now outside my room door. What the heck is going on I thought, where are my clothes? Had Maggie been messing with my stuff? I really didn't like it I thought to myself, and why would she do it? I entered the room and quickly opened the drawers to discover that all my clothes had been neatly placed inside. A note was left on top the dresser that read that all washing will be done on Monday though Friday and that I should place my dirty clothes in the hamper outside the bathroom. At the bottom of the page read, 'The Living room is not meant to be slept in, that's why we have provided a nice clean bed for you, so please use.' Well, I paused and thought about it for a minute and figured that she was right and this isn't my home to do what I want. I undressed and quickly slipped into my nice silk pink sheets and was out like a light. College started the next day, and I was up at the crack of dawn to get myself ready. I checked out the class schedule and figured I better stop by the bookstore and grab a few notebooks. I headed down the hall to the front door and Maggie was waiting there with her arms crossed. "Morning," I said. "Did you get my note?" she replied. "Yes, and thanks for the help with my clothes," I said. "You're welcome, have a nice day and don't be late for supper," she said. "Bye," I shouted as I headed down the stone path. At the bookstore I quickly grabbed some notebooks and headed for the cashier. When I noticed Mary and Kate were standing in line ahead of me. I so wanted to talk to them about what was going on but they were 10 people in front of me. I noticed a lot of guys there were looking over my two roomies but none said a single word to them and just whispered to each other. They were two beautiful girls for sure, one blond and one brown haired and both had spent a lot of time at the pool tanning them selves till they were dark brown. They were dressed very conservative for girls these days though, everyone always wore jeans and tees. But my new roomies were wearing lady's dress suits in pastel colors and even had on high heels in matching colors. They definitely were the center of attention at the bookstore for sure. But soon they were gone and I hadn't gotten the chance to chat with them. Well maybe at the pool later I thought. By the end of the day, I couldn't wait to get back to my pink bed and take a nap, all those boring professors talking on and on definitely make me sleepy. My room was a welcome site and I entered to find that I now had pink curtains on the windows. Maggie must have been busy again I thought as I laid my books down and headed to the bed for a short nap. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered what the heck it was with pink that everyone in this place seemed to like so much. I would definitely have to ask Maggie I thought as I drifted off to sleep. I awoke to a knock at the door just before six o'clock and that voice again telling me not to forget to dress. "Ok, I'll be just a sec," I said. I searched the room quickly to find the pink coat I had last night but to no avail. Maggie must have taken it with her when she put up the curtains I thought. No way can I go down to dinner wearing these old jeans and tee that I wore to college today. Quickly I opened every draw in search of something that looked nice, but I don't have any really nice clothes to wear to dinner I thought. Oh why am I here. Home use to be so casual at dinner time, we all use to grab our food in the kitchen and head for the living room to watch TV. Well, I might as well face the music I thought and opened the door and headed downstairs. Mary and Kate and Ken were already sitting at the table when I arrived. "Oh my," said Kate. Mary chuckled and said, "Gary are you really crazy or what?" Ken was just staring at me with this big smile on his face and I noticed that he now was wearing a pink shirt. "Well this should be fun to watch," laughed Kate as she pulled her napkin to her mouth. "Mr. Gary," shouted Maggie. "Yes," I managed to say. "Mr. Gary will you please come to the kitchen with me please," Maggie insisted with a tone of voice that made you jump. We entered the kitchen and she quickly closed the door behind us. "Mr. Gary, I asked you last night not to come to dinner in tee shirts and jeans last night, I'm I right." "But Maggie I told you last night that I don't own any nice clothes, I'm so sorry but I'm broke and I don't know what to do, and I looked for the pink rain coat but it was no longer in my room," I said. "Well march you self down to the laundry room and see if you can't find something more appropriate to wear to dinner. You will find a lot of boxes down there from previous students. Now move and don't make us wait to long or I will be down there and you might not like what I pick out," she said as she peered down at me and looked me straight in the eyes. "I'll be right back, now where is the door to the laundry room?" I said. Maggie pointed to a pink door in the kitchen. I headed for the door as quickly as possible in order to get out of her sight. I located the light switch, and ran down the stairs to find the biggest room in the house. I stood there for a few seconds taking in the view, it definitely was prettier then anything I could of imagined. Marble floors and furniture in a laundry was just to much to believe. Pink boxes upon pink boxes were neatly stacked row upon row. Hanging pink clothes closets, maybe even hundreds, where placed neatly on the outside walls all around the room. At the back of the room I could see a black door, now how weird and out of place in this palace of pink I pondered. I definitely would have to check this out later but I better find something quick to wear before Broom Hilda comes down here and picks something out for me. I quickly opened the first box to find all female clothes; the second box was just the same. Damn, I thought, where the hell are the guys clothes she said were down here. "Mr. Gary," Maggie shouted down the stairs. "Have you found something appropriate yet?" she said. "No ma'm I haven't, I'm still looking for the guys clothes, all the boxes here seem to be for girls," I shouted back "Well Mr. Gary, I suggest you find something quickly or I will be down there shortly to help you find something to wear," she said in a very passive voice. "You might just try finding a coat to wear for now, but please hurry up Mr. Gary, dinner is getting cold and your roommates are hungry," she said. "Please don't wait for me, I'll be right there," I shouted back. "We always eat together like a family Mr. Gary," she remarked. Swiftly I hurried over to the pink hanging clothes closets and opened the first one. Damn, I thought, why everything is pink or lavender here. I grabbed a lavender coat and tried it on quickly but the coat was too small. Time and again I grabbed another coat, pink or lavender but none of them fit. I dropped each one on some boxes next to the closet and figured I would hang them all up when I found the right size. Finally, a lavender coat almost fit me, it was a little too tight around the waist but at least the shoulders fit. I quickly ran up the stairs and thru the kitchen. Swinging the kitchen door open, I could see that they all were waiting on me calmly. "Mr. Gary has decided to join us tonight appropriately dressed, so we may now begin dinner," Maggie sneered. "Do you like lavender Mr. Gary?" said Mary. "Oh yes it's quite pretty on him," remarked Kate. "It's the only one I could find to fit downstairs so I didn't have much choice." "Well did you open the boxes marked in your size Mr. Gary?" Maggie asked. "I don't know my size to tell the truth, I have always just purchased small shirts my whole life," I answered. "Well Mr. Gary, we will have to take your measurements later and find out what size you are and find you something more appropriate to wear," Maggie answered. "That would be great," I replied. At the end of dinner we were all given vitamins and Maggie told us that Mrs. White would be joining us for Friday night for dinner with some special news. I had forgotten about her saying yesterday that she would check in on me later but maybe she came over while I was asleep on the couch. Anyway, I had a lot of questions to ask her about all the rules here and when I would be starting my new job. And the big question of course is what is it with all the pink and lavender around here. But I had to admit it was starting to grow on me as I gazed at the two beauties across the table. After dinner all my roommates disappear again and I was left alone for the second night in a row. I figured that maybe Ken would like to roam the campus and see if any parties were going on. I had heard that colleges were notorious for their beer parties and I definitely wanted to try on a few. I knocked on Ken's door and shouted to him to see if he was interested in going. No answer. Again I knocked and the door opened just a bit. "No thank Gary; I'm a little busy right now." "Well I can wait for you if you want," I replied. In a whisper he said, "Maggie doesn't like us going out at night so I better stay here." "Come on guy, let's go have some fun, it's party time," I said. Ken opened the door a little bit more and he shifted his eyes to the right like he was trying to tell me something, maybe one of the girls was with him or maybe even Maggie was behind the door. "Ok, we can do it some other time then?" I said. Just then I caught a glimpse of a necklace around his neck as he went to close the door. This wasn't a gold manly necklace but one made of pearls. Wow I thought, this Ken guy must be gay or something. No guy wears pink shirts and pearls that I ever met. Well, this place is getting stranger every minute, and then I began to chuckle to myself that it might be hard to meet people with my guy friend wearing a pink shirt and pearls. I headed out the front door and strolled around all the dormitories on campus till I found a group of football players gathered around smoking hot cars. I must say the cars all looked brand new and these guys either working a lot of hours or their parents must be rich. Anyway it didn't really matter, I all wanted was a few beers and to make a few friends. "Wow, that is one beautiful Cameo, I just love the red," I said to one really big guy standing next to it, wearing a football jersey. "It a butte," he replied. "I just got it last week and it only has 100 miles on it." "What fraternity are you with?" he asked. "Oh I'm not in any fraternity yet, this is my second day here and I'm just checking out the campus to see if I could find some beer." "Well the beers are over there in the barrel, help yourself." "Thanks I will," I replied. "Hey, I'm also Looking if you know what I mean," I whispered. "Sure guy, step over here and we'll fix you up with a few joints." So I grabbed a beer and followed him over to a secluded corner and made my transaction. Stuffing my prize in my pocket for later I headed over to the crowd to see If I could now make a few new friends. Wow, it was really great to chat to some people, it had been two days and I hadn't had a decent conversation with anyone. We talked about cars and sports and kept on drinking those Millers till about 12 pm. When I figured that it was time to head home so I thanked them all for the beers and then the guy with the Cameo asked me, "So where are you staying Gary?" "Oh, I'm living down at the Big White House at the end of Eden Street," I replied. "Really, isn't that the house where everyone wears pink or lavender all the time?" "Yes, isn't it strange," I replied noticing that all conversations had stopped to listen. "But it sure is beautiful inside and I got a full scholarship and free room and board for them," I said. "Buddy, you are going to need it," said the guy with the Camero. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "I have said too much already, time for me to go." Then he jumped inside the Camero and sped off like he was running from something. Within twenty seconds the party was over, and everyone was headed home I guess or maybe it was to get away from I thought. Something must be going on that I don't know about. For sure I'm going to ask Maggie what the deal was about all the pink and lavender and why people might be scared to talk about this place. I might be scared to ask but I really would like to know if I'm getting myself into something. But for right now I need some sleep and that pink satin pillow sounds like a great place to lay my head. I entered the front down and was immediately grabbed by the ear by Maggie. Her sharp finger nails felt like they were cutting me deep. For some reason my knees buckled with the sharp pain coming from my ears which she had complete control over me. The pain literally made me start to sweat and the room started to blur. I didn't want to try and break free for fear of losing an ear so I submissively let her take control for now and all I wanted was for the pain to stop. Maggie proceeded to pull me into the kitchen and thru the pink door to the basement. Down the stairs and over to wear I had thrown the clothes down she stopped and pull me up by both ears. "Mr. Gary, did you put these clothes on top of these boxes?" she asked. "Yes," I said and it was all I could get out of my mouth with the pain now traveling between my ears and my eyes were starting to wet. "Mr. Gary, now I have to wash all these clothes again because of you, I don't like washing clothes Mr. Gary! I think you should be the one to wash all clothes for the next two weeks, don't you Mr. Gary?" "I will be happy to clean whatever you like Maggie, but please let my ears go." Suddenly Maggie turned and sat down on the boxes while still holding both my ears. The pain was just unbearable by now and tears were starting to come to my eyes. She flipped me around letting go of my ears and landed me on top of her lap. As the pain dropped off a bit from my ears, I suddenly felt another sharp pain coming from my ass. Maggie had jerked my pants down and was giving me good old fashion spanking. Whack after whack. She was spanking so hard with those big hands that my pain tolerance overloaded and I burst into crying my eyes out. "Please stop Maggie," I said in a whimper. "I will do the washing for the next two weeks, I promise. I'll do whatever you want Maggie but please stop." She must have hit me with those big hands at least 25 times before she stopped and flipped me back into the standing position. My pants were now around my ankles and she sat there with a big smile on her face, like she just loved what had just happened. This woman for sure was just evil. "Mr. Gary, for now on I'm going to call you Cary," she said. "I think Cary will be better since you cry like a girl. I hope you have no objections? You will do the laundry for the next two weeks, do I make myself clear?" I quickly nodded in her direction all the while keeping my head down, not wanting her to see my teary eyes and red face. My ass was burning like hell and I just kept rubbing my buns in hopes that the pain would disappear. "You will behave yourself in the future or you will be thrown out of this college and this dorm if I so desire, do you understand that Cary?" Again I just nodded. Both my head and ass hurt like hell and all I wanted to do was run up the stairs like a little boy to his room. Never had I felt such humiliation at the hands of anyone in my life. But I knew from her voice that there would be more punishment if I was to say anything that might upset her. "Now Cary, since you already have your pants down, please strip down the rest of the way so I may take your measurements for you new clothes." I quickly took everything off except my underwear. Maggie grabbed a cloth measuring tape, a pencil and a pad of paper from a shelf over the washing machine. She wrapped that tape around me a dozen different ways and then told me to get dressed and go to bed. Believe me I had no desire to ask her any questions at this time and literally ran up the stairs to bed. Inside the safety of my room I quickly removed my clothes and felt my behind to see if it was actually still there. My hands came away almost burnt from the heat off my ass. Maggie had done one hell of a job on me and I felt sick to my stomach at how I hadn't stood up to her. She was the boss of me for sure and I guess of everyone in this household. I wondered if Maggie is the cause of all the strange things going on around here. I was to tired to think about that now, I was exhausted and those beautiful satin sheets looked so inviting that I couldn't wait to drift off to sleep. When I awoke the next morning I quickly turned on the lights and posed in front of the mirror. My ass was red as a beat and moving at all seemed to bring the sting back from the night before. A tap on the door, and Maggie entered my room holding some clothes hangers. "Morning Miss Cary, and how are we today?" she said politely. "Morning," I replied standing there stark naked and trying to cover up as best I could. I felt like a deer in headlights, so I just covered up down there and tried to act like I was in control of myself. But I really wasn't, I knew who was in control but I put my best face on anyway. "Here are your clothes you requested, please put them on and come to the kitchen before you head off to college. I would like to inspect you before heading out." "Yes Maim," is all I could say. Maggie headed back out the door and the door followed her in one swift motion. The clothes she left consisted of a pink blouse and black pants, both neatly pressed and hung on hangers. I can't wear this I thought, this blouse is for girls. What the hell I'm I going to do now, everyone will be laughing at me. Damn, Maggie must be out of her mind, I'm not a girl. Not only will my ass be beat red, but so will my face when the jocks at college see this blouse. Well I best do what I am told or I will have to meet Attila again and I don't want that to happen. I headed to the shower and for the first time in my life it was a cold shower. It felt horrible getting in but it seemed to numb the pain on my ass. Soon I was dressed and I headed down the stairs for my inspection, I didn't want to keep Maggie waiting. "Ah Miss Cary, you look very pretty today, let me have a look at you, please turn around for me." "Thank you Maggie," I replied. "On Saturday we must go get those ears pierced." "That would be nice," I said in a very quiet tone. Not wanting to raise any alarms with her. "Ok off with you now, have a nice day," Maggie smiled and hugged me. On the walk to my first class I tried to keep my head down in hopes that no one would notice me. Quite a few people that passed me by, glanced my way but did not seem to notice my pink blouse at all. Instead each time someone looked my way they all seemed to look the other way quickly. Like if looking at me might somehow turn them into something. Not a soul in class stared or said a word to me all day and I definitely felt alone. The jocks that I was so scared of kept to themselves and they didn't even whisper to each other about me wearing this beautiful pink blouse. This college was definitely strange, any other college I would have been ridiculed and tormented by almost everyone. Why is this place so different? Was it the White House? After my classes I head home quickly and arrived just as a police officer's squad car was leaving the driveway. No way, I thought would Maggie have called the police on me, or would she? Must be someone or something else because you don't get arrested for leaving clothes on the boxes, but I wouldn't put anything past Maggie. Stepping up to the door Maggie was waving bye to the officer. "Hi Maggie." "Good afternoon Miss Cary, did you have a nice day today" "Yes I did, thank you for asking," I replied. "That's great, now please don't forget our arrangement about you doing the laundry." "Oh no, I will get right on it after dinner if that's alright," I said. "Wonderful, I will help you the first time so things don't get messed up. So shall I say we meet in the laundry room around 7 o'clock." "Yes that would be great, I would appreciate you help," I replied. My guess is that the police had not been here for me I thought to myself as I headed to my room. Opening the door I was surprised to see that the old oak floors now were covered with lavender area rugs. Maggie must have been busy again I thought to myself and smiled. The room seemed like it was starting to feel more warm to me and I settled down on the bed and looked around for a minute, just wondering what might be next on Maggie's agenda. I wonder how long it will be before I finally have a few pictures on the walls, or maybe a nice poster. Oh well time will tell and I lay down to take a quick nap before dinner. My alarm rang at five forty-five, enough time for me to put on my lavender coat and head downstairs. For now on I didn't want to attract any attention from Maggie and behave myself. Washing the clothes was no big deal but I didn't want to make her mad at me again for sure. No one was at the dinner table when I arrived, so I sat in my usual seat and waited for the others to show up. Mary and Kate arrived about a minute or two after me. Ken showed up a minute after the two girls. None of us said a word to the other but instead just smiled and waved. The two girls were beautiful as always and I couldn't believe I hadn't even gotten to chat with them yet. Mary was really the best of both, she definitely had the smoking body and she definitely had tons of sex appeal. Ken on the other hand, well, he pretty much looked like a guy in a pink blouse with a pearl necklace but he did have very soft features and a nice smile. I noticed that his ears were now pierced and that the pink earrings matched exactly the color of his shirt. Oh my god, Maggie is turning us both into wimpy guys I thought. What the hell I'm I going to do now. Now way can I just leave this place, the shame of being kicked out would not be understood by my parents and friends. And I'm not sure I could live like Ken over there. Maggie appeared in the kitchen doorway with a large silver tray at 6 o'clock sharp. There was no small talk all thru dinner and Maggie handed out our usual vitamin pills but she gave me an extra blue one and told me that I needed this since I looked so tired. Then the two girls removed the plates and dinnerware at the end of supper, which seemed very unusual and I wondered if it had not been prearranged. "I have a few things I would like to say," said Maggie in a stern but polite voice. "First Gary would now like to be addressed as Cary for now on." "Second Ken also has requested to be called Kandy in the future." "Lastly, Cary has volunteered to do the laundry for the next two weeks and Kandy asked to clean all the bathrooms and floors for the next two weeks. If you have any complaints about the volunteers please see me with the details as soon as possible." "Any questions?" Maggie asked. "Will Cary be doing Kate's and my laundry also?" Mary asked. "Well of course," replied Maggie. "Hope he doesn't steal anything," Kate exclaimed. "Kate I know what you are referring to and I can assure you that Cary will not have any problems, that ends the discussion," stated Maggie as she kicked her chair out from underneath her and headed for the kitchen door, then stopped and turned around. "Oh one last thing the local police were here today, apparently they caught some guy speeding in a Red Camero a few days ago and discovered that he had pot on his possession. The officer told me that they had a college surveillance camera of this young man making a trade with someone. The accomplice had their back to the camera so they are not sure who they are looking for so please do not talk to any persons on campus that you don't know or recognize. I feel sorry for this young man because in this county he will be spending the next twenty years in prison. Thank goodness you girls don't do drugs." And Maggie headed into the kitchen. Fear ran over me like a big wave at that very moment. It must have been the guy I met the other day, he had a Camero also. What are the chances of two red Camero's. I started to freak out and didn't notice that everyone had left me sitting at the table. What the hell am I going to do, I don't want to go to prison. "Shit," I said out load. I remember putting it into my pocket but what did I do with it when I got home..... Stupid .... I went to bed and left it in my pants. I damn near ran to the dirty laundry hamper to check and see if the pants were still there. No such luck. I bolted into my room but knew already that all dirty clothes were not there anymore. Ok, stay calm, you are the one doing the laundry, so just check all the pockets first and everything will be ok, I thought to myself. Oh shit, Maggie is suppose to help me, so I'll need to find the joints and sneak them into my pocket without her seeing. "Buzzzzzzzzzzz," the alarm rang and I knew I was late for the laundry. Damn, I thought, Maggie is going to be mad with me again, this time for being late. Out the door I bolted again and headed down the hall when I heard a strange voice coming for the front entrance way. Police. Maggie was talking with a Police officer at the front door as I slowed my pace down trying not to attract attention. Maggie turned to me and said, "Cary please head on down to the Laundry Room and I will be there in a minute or two, thank you." Shaking from head to toe I managed to continue walking calmly into the kitchen the ran over to the laundry room door. Once downstairs I could see that Maggie had separated all the clothing for washing. Quickly I looked around for my old jeans but there were no piles for them. Everything was lavender, or pink or black. Where in hell could they be, maybe Maggie threw them out when she gave me the black pants. No way I'm I that lucky. But I must destroy the evidence or I will be spending my time behind bars instead of here with Maggie. Oh I must be loosing it, neither choice is so great I thought. "Well let's get started," Maggie said as she emerged from the stairway. "Ok, what do I do first?" My voice was so close to breaking, for sure if I speak to much she will know something is wrong. "Start with the lavender first, pink second and then the black items last. Now remember to wash the lingerie separately and don't forget to change the setting to delicates." "I'll be upstairs in case you have any questions or want to chat about things," Maggie said with a very sincere voice. Off she went and I began to do the laundry pile by pile. Wow, the clothes that Mary and Kate owned were just to sexy for words. One minute I'm thinking about them in their lingerie as I held there undies and the next minute I wondered if Maggie had already found the evidence to put me in prison. Wash, then dry and hang if necessary and of course folding, my mind could just not focus for too long. In between loads I just sat there in a stupor not knowing where to look or wondering what had happened to those precious panties, I mean jeans. Two emotions at once were putting my brain on overdrive and I couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. Locating my jeans and destroying the evidence was what I needed to do most, but I had no idea for sure where it might be. She must have put them in the garbage outside this morning after I left for school. How the hell am I going to sneak outside and rummage through the cans without being heard by Maggie? Oh my, Katie is really a lot bigger up top than Mary according to the her bra size... Why am I reading this I thought, damn I'm close to going to jail and I'm standing here admiring the girls bra's and panties. OMG this slip is just like my satin sheets, bet it would be wonderful to slip inside this and get in bed. Jeez, I'm about to be some put in prison for 20 years and become someone's bitch, and I'm thinking about putting on the girls lingerie. But it's such a pretty little slip, I thought holding it close to me and it's just the same shade pink as on my bed I thought. "Ms Cary, are you about done with all the laundry?" "Yes, Maggie," I replied, "just folding the last of the items and I will be finished." "Ok then, I'm headed to bed, it's been a long day so I will see you in the morning." "Good night, I'll be up shortly." Damn I was lucky, this was my opportunity to go outside and search through the trash. But if I get caught then what am I going to say? Maybe I could.... Just try this pretty pink slip on for a few minutes. No, no, I must find some more trash to haul outside. Oh I know, I could throw away some of my old clothes, Maggie would be happy to see them gone. But maybe I have time to try this slip on if just for a minute, so I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the pink slip. Oh my! This really feels great against my skin and it's just about my size. I wonder if it will be missed amongst all these clothes. I had to see what it felt like wearing this pink slip and getting into my pink satin sheets. Damn, my blood was racing through my whole body now, nervousness, shaking, and being excited all at once. I quickly put my black pants back on and pink shirt and placed my old BVD underwear in the trash. Upstairs in my room I opened my women's dresser and found an old pair of jeans and shirt that both had holes in them. I opened the bedroom door and stood silently listening for any noise at all. The house was completely quiet so I slipped out the door and headed back to the kitchen where the side door lead to the garbage cans. At least they were plastic garbage cans so they won't make much noise. But it was too dark to see anything inside so I tilted the can toward the street light. Not enough light I thought so I lay the can on it's side and began to pull stuff out piece by piece. Sudden a tremendous light came on and I turned to see who had discovered me. "Ms Cary," he said, "this is Officer Craig, and Maggie is with me. What on earth are you doing in the garbage at this time of night? Have you lost something Ms Cary?" Standing up slow, my stomach felt like I had just ate a lead ball the size of a basketball. Think quick Cary or you going to be buddies with a guy named Bubba. "Yes, Officer Craig, I dropped my watch in here when I was throwing some old clothes away." "Ms Cary, this is not the time to searching through the trash alone at night," said Officer Craig. "Maggie told you that we are looking for drug dealers and we wouldn't want you to run into one of them. So the police department is watching the entire neighborhood in hopes of finding this individual. We have video of him selling some pot to one of the college kids here but we are not sure of his identity." Damn, I'm not the one who sold it, I was the buyer. That asshole must have told them he got his stuff from me. Well at least Officer Craig doesn't suspect me at the moment or is that why he really is here? "Well I best put this trash back in the garbage can and look for my watch tomorrow in the daylight," I said "Good idea, and hurry it up it's past your bedtime," Maggie said. I scooped up all the trash and put it back inside and tilted the garbage can upright. Damn, and I was so close to finding the evidence. Well I best get to bed because I can't do much anymore. So I headed for my room and my breathing began to return to normal, and my stomach felt a lot better. Inside my room I took off my clothes and admired the pink slip once again in the mirror. How wonderful it looks on me I thought. Getting into bed was pure heaven, my body seemed to just slide inside the covers and within two minutes I fell asleep. Maggie was already inside my room and sitting on the bed when she woke me from the best sleep I ever had. My eyes just didn't want to open and I just lay there looking at Maggie. "Ms. Cary it's time to get up. I see that you are wearing a pink slip to bed now. But I don't remember ever giving you a pink slip, so you must have stolen it from the laundry last night. We don't like thieves here Ms Cary, so please remember to not take things that aren't yours. Say something Ms Cary!" "Ouch, what was that?" I asked. "I'm giving you a flu shot," she replied. "I don't want my girls catching the flu this time of year, now take off that slip and put it in the laundry hamper, it will need to be washed again. Now here are your clothes for today, please take a shower and get dressed and see me in the kitchen for inspection before you leave." "Yes Ma'm." Now she is calling me one of her girls, I'm not a girl I just wanted to try this slip on. That doesn't make me a girl. So what if I like the color pink. Does that make me a girl. No. But I loved wearing the slip to bed it was wonderful... but it doesn't make me a girl. I looked over to the clothes pile that Maggie left for me and saw to my delight a pink camisole and pink petti pants, along with a pink shirt and black pants. I just don't care what those other college kids think, wearing pink does not make me a girl. Anyway no one seems to care what I wear and since I don't have any friends I won't have to discuss it. Quickly I took a shower and ran back to my room to put on my new pink camisole and pink petti pants. In the mirror I could see just how beautiful I looked in the mirror. Pink must really be my color I thought. The pink blouse was different today; it had little white pearls on the rounded collar and down the front were larger ones. When I pulled on the black pants the feel of excitement ran over me as the silky tap pants seemed to make wearing pants enjoyable. And for the first time Maggie had given me a new pair of black shoes with a strap across the top. I had never seen this type shoe before with a buckle across the front. So I put on the pink cotton socks and slipped the shoes on and closed the buckle. They were just a perfect fit and felt so wonderful that I had to stand in front of the mirror and gaze at myself in my new outfit. Wow, I thought to myself, you look really sweet. But I'm still a boy came rushing to my head. As I entered the kitchen for inspection, I saw that Kandy had already arrived and was getting the once over by Maggie. Kandy wore a dusty satin lavender blouse with a lavender/purple pair of pants that stopped just above the ankles. Her shoes mathed perfectly with her pants and with her low heels she just looked wonderful. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a lavender ribbon and her new gold earrings were just beautiful. Oh she looked really cute, I thought to myself. And just because he likes to wear lavender, or myself pink, it doesn't make us girls, I said to myself. Maggie gave me the once over and told us, "Now you two will have to start walking together, Officer Craig has suggested that no one walk alone till they find that pusher and put him away." "That will be fun," said Kandy in a giddy voice. "Sure," I said, "I would love the company." "Now off with you two before you're late for class," Maggie said. Damn I had forgotten to get up early and check the garbage for my watch, um the evidence. Hopefully it will still be there this afternoon when I get home, I really need to destroy it. What is wrong with me, I just can't seem to concentrate any more. Why had I forgotten? "Oh, I just love your pink blouse," Kandy remarked. "It is beautiful and I just love the feel against my skin," I replied. "I can tell we are going to be such good girlfriends," Kandy replied. "How on earth are we going to be girlfriends? Listen," I said, "we are two guys who like to dress differently that's all. But we are still guys Kandy." "If you say so," she said. Kandy seemed to be put off a little by what I had just said, and didn't say another word all the way to class. The only sound was that of our shoes clicking along the way. Other students passed us by but did not seem to even take notice of the beautiful outfits we had on. Oh they must be jealous, I thought to myself. "Well I will meet you here at 3 o'clock," I said. "Maggie said to walk together so I will be here as soon as I can Kandy. See you this afternoon." Kandy did not say a word except, "Bye." At three o'clock we both were headed home from College and we passed by Mrs. White's office building. It was the largest building in town for sure, it had to have at least 6 floors with retail shops and a bar on the street level. Dell's Boutique was closest to the bar and the display window was just mesmerizing with all the beautiful outfits and lingerie. Both of us just stood there for a few minutes without saying a word. How wonderful it would be to work in a place like that I thought to myself. "Let's go inside," said Kandy. "No way, I'm not going in there, we are guys remember." "Come on," she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "We can say we are shopping for a friend if someone asks." "But we don't have any friends," I replied. "Yes you do, I'm your friend," said Kandy with a sincere look in her eyes. "Thank you for being my friend," I said. "I really feel lonely lately and it's wonderful to have a new friend." "May I help you with something," asked the saleslady, who couldn't have been over twentyfive. Wow was she beautiful, I thought as she approached, I would buy anything she wanted me to if I just had some money to spend. "No thanks," said Kandy, "we are just looking right now." "Well if you need some help, please just ask," she said as she headed back to the sales desk. She didn't even seem to care that two guys were shopping here. "You were wonderful," I remarked to Kandy. "Oh look at these lavender camisoles and panties, have you ever seen anything more beautiful?" said Kandy as she held the camisole up to my chest. "Mine is just as pretty," I replied without thinking. Both of us just looked at each other then began to laugh. My secret had slipped and from the smile on our faces we both enjoyed the wonders of wearing lingerie. "Come on," I said. "I don't have any money to spend here and we must be getting home before Maggie misses us." "Ok," she replied as we headed for the door. The long walk home was strangely quiet, I guess we were both thinking about our appreciation of lingerie. Neither of us said a word but just smiled to each other. As we arrived at the house, Maggie was standing at the front door as if waiting for us to arrive home. "Hello girls," she said with a passive voice, "Hi Maggie," came from us both at the same time. "Ms. Cary, I would like to see you in my kitchen after you put your books away please." "I will be right back," I replied as fear hit me like a ton of rocks. For sure I had done something wrong, why else would she want to see me before dinner. Damn, maybe Maggie went to look for my watch and found the evidence. I opened the kitchen door to see Maggie standing on a stool reaching for something in the upper part of the cabinet. I couldn't have asked for a better view up her skirt as I went over and grabbed the stool to keep it from tipping. Her silky legs and sheer black stockings made my heart skip a beat. Maggie had a great pair of legs, really long and slender and the black garter belt streaming down just about drove me crazy with desire. Quickly I grabbed the base of the stool and told Maggie, "Please let me get that for you, you might fall." "Well I thought you had forgotten that I asked you to come to the kitchen so I decided to retrieve that special pink bowl on the upper shelf," she replied. Maggie climbed down from the 3' stool and looked at me with a big smile. Waving her hand in an upward motion as if for me to go ahead, I stepped up to the top of the stool and reached over to grab the bowl. "So how do you like wearing girl's lingerie Cary, did you know that Kandy likes to wear lingerie also? And Mary and Kate just can't get enough of wearing new sexy little lingerie outfits. If the boys could see those two dancing around upstairs I would have to hire a body guard to keep you girls safe." Suddenly I felt uneasy up on top of that stool, she picked a hell of a time to ask such personal questions. She already knows the answer to that so why is she asking, I thought to myself. And why was Mary and Kate mentioned. And thank goodness I didn't have on a skirt and hose. The pink bowl was even a stretch for me to reach with having to lean so far over the base cabinets. But the job was soon finished and I jumped down off the stool and handed her the prize bowl. "Thank you so much," she said. "You know that Mrs. White is coming tomorrow night for dinner and I thought I would bake a birthday cake." "Oh, whose Birthday is it?" "Never you mind Cary, you will just have to wait and see, sort of a surprise and I don't want anyone to spoil it. Now wash your hands before you touch anything, there is a lot of dust on those upper cabinets. They are just to high for me to clean so I don't bother with them anymore." "I would be happy to help you clean up there anytime," I remarked. "That would be great, now wash those dirty hands please." "Ok," I replied as I walked over to the sink and turned on the tap. The faucet turned on so fast that the water splashed up and onto my pretty pink blouse in the flash of a second. "Crap," I said. "Don't worry hun, we can throw it in the dryer and it will dry in no time, now take off that blouse and I'll throw it in the wash. Oh and it looks like some is on your pants so I'll be needing them also." I stripped off my blouse and pants without even considering that my beautiful pink camisole and pink petti pants were underneath and that Maggie had never seen me in my lingerie before. It just seemed so comfortable now with Maggie that I didn't give it a second thought. Maggie looked at me and gave me her morning smile and said she would be back in a few minutes and that I was to sit on the stool till she returned. Ten minutes went by when there was a knock at the front door. Why I can't answer the door I thought, I don't even have a robe to put on to cover up. It could be the mailman and I definitely don't want him to see me dressed this way. Another knock, why doesn't someone hear the door knock, are they all asleep or what? Then nothing, no more knocks, I guess who ever it was has gone away. Maggie for sure will be unhappy to hear that she missed who ever was at the door. Suddenly the outside kitchen door opened and Officer Craig walked in like he owned the place. "Maggie," he shouted as he turned and saw me sitting on a stool. "And don't you look pretty in your pink lingerie," he said with sarcasm. "Now what's a girl boi doing sitting in the kitchen with lingerie on," he said more as a statement then a question to answer. I began to feel scared of this overweight, middle aged, aggressive man with black hair and those silver cop glasses. "You know the prisoners down at the jail would love to see you in your pretty little panties, matter of fact why don't you stop by sometime and I'll show you the jailhouse," he said as he reached out and touched my camisole strap. "She's doing exactly what I told her to do," replied Maggie who must have been standing at the basement door for a minute or two. "And what the hell are you doing in my kitchen Officer Craig, I don't remember inviting you into my house." "I knocked on the front door and no one answered so I figured I best check things out and make sure you were ok," he replied with a chuckle in his voice. "We are just fine Officer Craig, now scoot your way out of here and I will talk to you later about hitting on my girls. They are much too young for you old man," Maggie said with laughter in her voice. With that said Officer Craig exited the back door in which he came and I heard the screen door close before Maggie turned to hand me my clothes back. "Watch out for old guys like that Cary, they will be hitting on you young girls all the time. And you know just what they want don't you? They want to get into your panties and we must not have any of that going on around here." "But.... Maggie I'm boy and I don't think old men will be doing too much chasing after me. And I don't even have any panties." "Hmm, well off with you to your room now, I need to start dinner, you don't want me to be late now do you?" I didn't even bother to put on my blouse and pants and made a dash for my room. Inside I could tell that Maggie had been busy again and I was now graced with a brand new white double bed that had gold leaf all over it. Oh I couldn't wait a second to try my new bed on and crawled under my pink satin sheets to my little heaven. Buzzz! Damn that was way to short a nap, I'm still so tired that I wonder if Maggie would mind me not eating tonight and just let me sleep. Who am I fooling, hell no she wouldn't let me sleep and I still have tonight's laundry to do besides. And I better start working on all that homework that is piling up. Everyone seemed to arrive at the same time for dinner tonight and we were all seated when Maggie entered the dining hall. Dinner was very quiet and the usual routine of one a days ended the meal. "I have two announcements to night," said Maggie. "First, the good news is that we will be having a birthday party tomorrow night for Mrs. White, our host. Presents will not be expected, but maybe a birthday card would be nice. Secondly, and bad news is Cary and Kandy will now be restricted to using only the bathroom closest to their room as there has been a complaint about improper behavior involving the toilet. That's all for tonight and be ready to have a fun time tomorrow night," exclaimed Maggie. Then she grabbed a few dishes and headed for the kitchen, as Kandy and I just stared at each other at this news and both of us seemed a little puzzled as to what the other might have done wrong. Damn I thought to myself and everything was going so well, and I was finally feeling comfortable. Now I have to use just one bathroom in a house that must have ten. Geez. Where's that luck now. At 7 o'clock I headed down to the laundry and began to separate all the clothes, when Kate and Mary came running down the stairs with baskets full of clothes. These two had a devilish look in their eyes as they approached me and put out their arms as if for me to take the baskets. "Sorry we didn't have time to bring these down earlier, but we have a lot of school work to do," said Kate. "We will try harder to make sure all the clothes we want washed will be in the hampers for now on, and we were wondering if you wouldn't mind bringing them to our room after they are washed? We want to wear some of the clothes to class. Please?" asked Mary. "If you will then we will invite you to our pajama party tomorrow night." "Well I don't think that would be ok with Maggie." I said. "You're just delivering our clothes to us, come 'on." "No, I'm not supposed to enter the second floor girls," I replied. "He's right Mary," said Kate. "Well let me just show him what he's missing," said Mary with a devilish smile as her took off her pink skin tight top and pulled down her pants. Damn, I'm toast I thought to myself. Mary was wearing a silky pink bra and panties that showed everything underneath. Her nipples were dark brown and she definitely was shaven down below. My heart was pumping harder and harder as I just stood there in amazement. Needless to say but I couldn't help not staring and such an invitation. "Wouldn't you like to wear my bra and panties?" asked Mary. "Oh I would never do that," I said. "I bet you would love to, even have a body like mine to play with wouldn't you?" she asked. "Stop teasing him," said Kate as she picked up Mary's shirt and pants and handed them to her. "Can't you see he has a little hardon already poking out his pants?" "And I bet it's just a little thing, shall we make him strip and show us?" chuckled Mary. "And I bet he is wearing some of your panties right now," said Kate as she held her hand to her face like she couldn't believe she said that. "I'm sure Maggie will be happy to deliver your clothes to you, but right now I'm a little busy, so if you two wouldn't mind letting me get back to work," I remarked. With that the duo headed up the stairs with a lot of stares from me, they were just so beautiful and built, it's no wonder all the guys at school can't keep their eyes off them. I took about one and a half hours to do the laundry tonight. Really the clothes the sex pots brought down managed to be washed in two loads so it was no big deal. And handling their clothes was a pure delight to say the least. And the perfume each wore still lingered and was truly heaven. Arriving back at my room, I found a note that from Maggie saying please meet me in the Nurses station after you have completed the laundry. As I walked toward the room I noticed that Kandy was ahead of me and I figured we both were asked to appear at the same time. "Wonderful, you both are here at the same time," said Maggie. " This won't take but a few minutes, I need to administer a few shots that are required by the college admissions office. Kandy will you please go behind the curtain and remove your pants, yeah I know it hurts more there but it's the only place for these types of shots." Kandy and Maggie headed behind the curtain and within two minutes both reappeared. Kandy headed back to her room and I figured it was my turn to have these awful shots. "Ok Cary, it's your turn and since we are alone then just go ahead and take your pants down and bend over holding the examination table." "Ok," I replied. Wow, I thought to myself, two days in a row I've had my pants down in front of a women. And this time I'm oh so vulnerable. Then suddenly I felt the pain on my back side and a load slapping noise. "Ouch!" I screamed. As Maggie walked around to the front of the table and pulled out some straps and quickly attached them to my wrists. I was bare assed and laying face down with nowhere to run. "What's going on Maggie," I asked. Then another sharp pain hit my ass. OUCH! "Well Cary I want you to know that I like you but I don't like it when you lie to me!" said Maggie. "And I don't like it when my girls smoke pot!" Whack! Whack! Whack! "Please Maggie that really hurts a lot," I yelled. "Maybe you don't understand." Whack! "You thought that you could fool me." Whack! Whack! Whack! I couldn't even think at that moment with the pain rushing from my ass to my brain. That paddle was sure turning me into jelly for sure, as I slouched down on the table and begged her to stop. Whack! "You were the one who purchased the drugs from that guy in the Camero weren't you?" "Yes it was me," I cried. "And you were in the trash can looking for it weren't you?" Whack! "Yes Ma'am." Whack! With each hit I fell into a semi conscious state trying to deal with the pain. "And you lied to me about loosing a watch didn't you?" Whack! Whack! "Yes Ma'am I did." "Do you have any idea what I will do to you if I ever catch you doing either again?" Whack! Whack! Whack! "Yes Ma'am I do, it will never happen again," I said as tears came rushing to my eyes. What have I done to myself I thought, I didn't want this to happen. "Now I'm sure you are sorry," she said in a calm voice. Whack! Whack! "Yes I am," I muttered softly. Maggie released the cuffs o

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Freshmans First Load

I went to high school in Manhattan right near the original time square I got more than my fair share of an adult education.My freshman year I would pace back and forth in front of the box office of a gay cinema near my school , finally the guy in the booth waved me over one afternoon. Once inside I grabbed a seat in the back row. A suited handsome mid forties white guy sat next to me cornering me in the isle. Dropping a meaty paw in my crotch he manipulate. My cock till it hurt it was so hard...

2 years ago
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Freshman Year Girlfriend

Freshman Year Girlfriend==> PrologueI met Jacquelyn about two months into my freshman year of college.  I look back now on the wild relationship we had now that it's over and I have the benefit of perspective.  We were inseperable for nearly eight months, thirty-two weeks spanning the calendar between Halloween and the Fourth of July, which was the weekend it all ended and she was committed to the mental facility that still is her home even now, almost a year later.I thought of her yesterday...

1 year ago
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Freshman Year

I was an orphan and raised in a convent my first eighteen years of my life. Now being raised in a convent and educated there I had little contact with the rest of the world and was therefore so lacking in the ways of the world I had no idea about sex among other things. I was an excellent student for the nuns and when I reached eighteen it was decided that I should continue my education in a real college. As it turned out, Mother Superior had an in with a very upscale, totally private Catholic...

4 years ago
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Freshman Couples Night Out Part 2

It was a wonder her moans couldn't be heard across the street. About an hour ago, the young freshman couple, Trisha and her boyfriend Everett, had been forced by this cruel gang into a rundown house in one of Detroit's seediest areas. The gang had forced the couple to strip naked, and then they'd forced Everett to fuck his girlfriend right in front of them on a filthy mattress. Now, after the gang leader had followed it up by having his way with the girl himself, Malik was giving his boys...

2 years ago
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Freshman Follies

First, who has a mirror right there on the wall? Second, I don’t do this kind of thing. Third, I don’t even know his name. Kayla continued to tick off all the things wrong with her current situation. Do you want a blowjob? Who says that to a freshman in college? Who says that to any guy? Ever since the first blowjob, no man has ever refused. Kayla looked up at the mirror and saw the hard cock that was now inches in front of her face. It’s bigger than my entire head, Kayla...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year Meeting Cam

Going into my freshman year of college I experienced the normal mix of emotions about the coming year. I was extremely excited about heading out on my own for the first time, but I was also nervous about the unknown. One of my main apprehensions was about having a roommate, which as an only child I had never had. I ran through about a dozen different scenarios about how bad it could go. What if he was a slob, or had poor hygiene, or listened to annoying music?However, after the first week of...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Freshman Year part 1

My parents had just dropped me off for my first year at college, and I was already starting to feel a little homesick. Damn, how the fuck could I last a day, let alone for years in this concrete jungle? That was until I saw her… I was the only person on the elevator when the doors were closing, until I heard a voice cut through the lobby, followed by the sound of wheels against the tile floor. “Hold the door!!!!!!!!!!!” Being the nice guy that I am, I rushed from the back wall to...

2 years ago
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Freshman Orientation

Chapter 1 Everyone told me college was unlike any schooling I had experienced before. My parents told me that, my teachers, my counselor, my older brother, just about everybody. And, now, as I started my freshman year, I was seeing that they were exactly right. It was adult, for one thing, you were on your own. I saw just how grown-up things were when I got to know my new roommate, Shannon. Especially when she told me she was bisexual. Well, my roommate. Now, before you think badly of me, I...

2 years ago
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Freshman Dorm

I hated high school. I was from a small town in the south where everyone was always in each others business. Most of the town was very religious or at least they claimed to be. I was a good k**. I had never really been out of there before. I was more of an artist than a jock but pretty good at sports. Good enough to fit in when I felt like it but it never really felt like I truly fit in anywhere. Something never really felt quite right but at the time it was all I knew. I had no point of...

1 year ago
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Freshman hookup turns into a surprise facial finis

I was a freshman (1st year) student at my university, and I noticed a cute girl in my psychology class. I wouldn’t call her hot or gorgeous, but she had a cute innocence about her. She had brown hair and blue eyes, she was 5'3, had a nice curvy body that she was almost trying to hide, but I could tell she had something special there. She also had the cutest pair of librarian glasses, and topped it off with braces on her teeth. The first few times I sat near her in class, she looked over and...

4 years ago
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Freshman hookup turns into a surprise facial finis

I was a freshman (1st year) student at my university, and I noticed a cute girl in my psychology class. I wouldn’t call her hot or gorgeous, but she had a cute innocence about her. She had brown hair and blue eyes, she was 5'3, had a nice curvy body that she was almost trying to hide, but I could tell she had something special there. She also had the cutest pair of librarian glasses, and topped it off with braces on her teeth. The first few times I sat near her in class, she looked over and...

3 years ago
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Freshman Orientation

Chapter 1 Everyone told me college was unlike any schooling I had experienced before. My parents told me that, my teachers, my counselor, my older brother, just about everybody. And, now, as I started my freshman year, I was seeing that they were exactly right. It was adult, for one thing, you were on your own. I saw just how grown-up things were when I got to know my new roommate, Shannon. Especially when she told me she was bisexual. Well, my roommate. Now, before you think badly of me, I...

Group Sex
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Freshman Felatio 101

It was the fall of my sophomore year in college and I had just moved into a new apartment and I had put up an ad for a room mate to help cover the expenses. A number of girls had called but the one I settled on was a girl named Alicia who was just a freshman but her parents were well to do and she didn't want to live in the dorms. Most of the other girls I either knew by name or reputation and I really didn't want my pad to become party central. Alicia was a small town girl, who was still...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year Chapter 2

Freshman Year Chapter 2 Dazed and unable to grasp reality, I opened the door and looked out into the hallway trying to decided which way led to my room. Either direction would be fine I believed if only to get away from Maggie. I had no sense of where my room was but I did realize that I should start to move and fast. But somehow fear had trapped me into not wanting to move in case I made a bad decision. What had just happened to me could not have happened, but it did and it was just...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year

Another fantasy, roughly grounded in the actual eventsI anxiously awaited my first year of college. But, during the summer before I was going, my roommate-to-be Diane invited me to her parent’s house at the Jersey shore for a long weekend. I was excited to meet her; I had read her biography and she seemed very smart and we had a lot in common. My parents took me to the train and off I went. When I got off the train in Bay Head, Diane and her mom met me. I was taken back; Diane was drop-dead...

1 year ago
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Freshman Year

Mark couldn’t believe it, for the first time in his life, he would be living away from home. With frequent waves of anxiety and stress through his years at high school, Mark missed out on simply enjoying his time there. Moving to a college interstate was a scary thought for Mark but something he needed to do. It was a chance for him to finally have some proper college experiences. As he walked inside the East Hall of campus, he looked around to see many other students chatting, exploring and...

4 years ago
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Freshman Couples Night Out

This was a big part of how she'd gotten her new boyfriend, Everett, to take her out bar-hopping with fake IDs the day before classes started, after everyone had settled into the dorms. It wasn't hard, especially in a city like Detroit. Although the urban sprawl just reeked of decay, on the plus side, it also meant that there were many hole-in-the-wall bars that didn't scrutinize IDs too carefully. She and Everett had started out the night on a carefree note. They'd lowered their...

3 years ago
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Freshman Year Part 25

As I lay there in my post-orgasm bliss, my cock still wet from Cam's mouth. I realize that I never returned the favor. The least I could have done was give him a handjob, but he left so quickly that I didn’t even have time to think. Determined to not leave Cam wanting, I stand up, wrap a towel around myself, and head down the hall to the showers.As I walk into the bathroom, I notice a problem with my plan; more than one shower is being occupied. Pondering for a minute, I decide to risk it and...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year Part 2

I admit a part of me was nervous about how things between me and Cam would be after our hormones had receded and we got back, but everything turned out fine. We both enjoyed our time at the pond and are eager to explore more as the year goes on.That’s not to say we’re exclusive or anything like that. It’s more of a friend with benefits arrangement. If either one of us gets lucky and finds a date for the evening, then more power to them. If on the other hand, the mood strikes and we’re the only...

Gay Male
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Freshman yearpart 4Justin makes me strip and fucks me

“God your big dick shoots so much.” I said trying to dirty talk him back into the mood. He didn't say anything so I figured maybe the encounter was over and I should get going, I didn't want to push my luck for future times, I was happy to get anything I could. “well, should I head out?” I asked. He paused and seemed to be contemplating. Then he got up and took his pants off his other leg and walked over to his stereo. He put on a cd with some rap music. The whole time I was staring at his...

4 years ago
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Freshman yearpart 3Finally getting with Justin again

The next day was Friday. When I got on the bus afterschool I tried to act normal. I sat a row across from Justin like usual. “Hey whats up?” He said. “Not much. Hbu.” “nothing.” “What are you up to today?” I asked trying to start a convo to see if he would come over again. “Can't hang out today.” He said and gave me a sideways glance. “Oh yeah me too, I was just making convo.” I lied. “haha yeah I bet.” He said mockingly. I was kind of hurt but more disappointed that we wouldn't be hooking...

2 years ago
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Freshman yearpart 2Justin fucks me

I licked his balls and put one in my mouth, before going back to work on his dick. I hadnt done but 30 more seconds of sucking when he pushed me off again. I kept stroking him slowly looking up at him wondering why he stopped me, when his dick jerked and he exploaded all over his stomach. It felt like it had been less than two minutes. I kept jerking him and more and more cum kept coming. It was the most jizz I had ever seen. I stroked a few more times getting every last drop out, then whiped...

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Freshman year of highschoolSucking Neighbor Justin

I was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...

2 years ago
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Freshman year the end

So I was surpirsed on Saturday night to get a text from Austin, asking if I wanted to hang out. I gladly agreed and he met up with me in my dorm to watch the last season of the Walking Dead which we had missed at the beginning of the school year. "Hey man, it's been a while" Austin said as I invited him in. "Too long" I said with a smirk. That last time Austin and I had really seen each other just so happened to be when he and Mark had tag-teamed me. Since then, I had only seen...

3 years ago
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Freshman year third quarter

His fucking got to be somewhat painful and demanding too. Last week, he had gone out drinking with his ROTC friends and came back extremely wasted. I was reading in bed when he walked through the door. "Bro, want to fuck around? I'm feeling lit right now!" he growled in his husky boy-man voice. The ROTC men were always so funny to me. They were everything resembling a rugged Brawny man, but so boyish and sophomoric, barely mature beyond a high-schooler. "I don't know man, I'm a...

3 years ago
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Freshman year second quarter

I was on my knees, sucking at his thick, throbbing 8 inch cock, squeezing his muscular, military thighs when he came a big load. I sucked him off well and good and sat back on the floor, catching my breath. Slowly, we both settled down a bit and began talking about the upcoming finals. First quarter was nearly done with and Mark would be heading back to Minnesota for a month. I was going to stay with two different friends over the course of the break since going home wasn't an...

2 years ago
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Freshman year first quarter

When I surveyed my list of colleges that I had been accepted to, the only thing on my mind was getting as far away from home as possible. My father hated me. I hated my father.. I had zero friends that wanted to be around me after I came out senior year. All that shit about people coming to accept who you are was total bull. Then again, maybe I hadn't given them enough time. So I headed north to a little college in Vermont where I knew no one. I was going to start fresh and state...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year part 2

“Well, it is 8.” HOLY FUCK I WAS IN THE SHOWER FOR AND HOUR AND A HALF! “Haha true…well I was just about to get dressed and come on over. So did your roommate come yet?” “No, she moves in tomorrow I guess…so do you have any cups?” I pointed to the stack of disposable cups in the little kitchen area, which just consisted of a sink, mini-fridge, and microwave. I grabbed a pair of shorts and another t-shirt from my drawer and said that I would be back in a sec, and headed off to the bathroom...

3 years ago
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Freshman Spring Break

(episode 6) Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...

1 year ago
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Freshman Year Gay

Your name is Robert "Robin" Meadows. You're from a boring suburban town in Minnesota. Because of peer pressure in High School you never had the chance to fool around with anyone in your school. Not like there was anyone to fool around with, it seemed like everyone around you was straight as an arrow. Well that was until now. You're starting your first year at Bellmore University. 5,000 undergraduate students 1,000 post-graduate students and 50% of them were men. Hot, young, liberal-minded...

3 years ago
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Freshman First

Being a young and naive, small-town girl, I found college to be a bit of a culture shock. The pace, activities, and people were a bit too much for me at first. Especially my dorm roommate, Tara. She was actually a sophomore so she had a better idea of the college scene than I did. She was also just more of a wild c***d. That applied to everything, parties, boys, and other ways to feel good and have a good time. But we got along well. For the most part, she did her think, and I did mine. She...

4 years ago
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Freshman pt11

Find the previous episodes on my blog, they're equally as awesome!On the evening of the dinner party Riley and Amber arrived together at the hotel where the Prof's guests were staying and where a private dining room had been booked.They both looked gorgeous; sexy, but elegant and sophisticated. They exchanged amused glances at seeing Emily, who was wearing a dress that was barely long enough to cover her bottom, and revealed her magnificent chest almost to the nipples and belly button. She...

3 years ago
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Happy 2013 Newyear

2012-2013! by Peter Leo. approaching the door of our suite, with key in hand, i think with a frown how late business took me and that you’ll be fast asleep. so knowing my fate, with the stealth of a cat burglar, i quietly slip the key into the lock of the knob. pushing the door open i enter soundlessly. wanting, but not wanting to wake you. i listen in hopes that you aren’t sleep. but as i make my way into the darkened room, i see your cloths strewn over a chair near the bed....

4 years ago
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Tinder Helped In Newyear

The whole city was dancing on its feet when I met her. I was completely prepared to face a young diva as it was our first date after we met in tinder. I was waiting outside a pub in Vashi as new year evening was a couple entry event for that pub and I was not allowed to go in alone. Strange but we have not yet had shared our contact number. It was like a festival of cool couples who were rushing into the pub with arms around each other. She reached and the moment I saw her I was stunned. She...

2 years ago
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The Fursecution of Sammy Lightyear

The four of them stood staring in open-mouthed shock at the huge crowd of people surrounding them. Finally Syrie turned to his sister and said, "Sis, I love ... well, no, actually right now I hate you, but in either case sometimes you are an idiot." "But I was so sure," was all Aerie could say in reply as she continued to stare at the scene around her. For her own part Sammy was babbling as she stared at the mobs of people around her. "I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me and wake me up,...

2 years ago
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Merry Belated Christmas Happy Friggin New Years

Kate and I had only been dating for about seven months by the time we went to that New Year’s Eve party.She was, is, my everything.We had actually met back in college, earlier that year. We had a class together during our last semester before graduating. She sat next to me and was friendly at first. It took me a while before I realized she was flirting with me. But, despite my obliviousness, she stuck with me. Once I registered the fact that she was flirting, we out and it was awesome.I always...

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Robins New Years

Continued from the Robin Bennett series: The Bitches Oven Ding-Dong the Bitch is Dead Saturday Arrives Robin’s Christmas Holiday ***** The girls got back to school still flying high. Nikki and Carey called Brandon and thanked him over and over, they talked for almost an hour. Robin had an idea that more went on during Christmas than either one of those two were going to tell her. Robin was on the phone with Danny for about five minutes. They were meeting in an hour at a local coffee shop....

2 years ago
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Hung Yearnings

Tomorrow I will be forty years old. My story, however, begins nine years ago when I was thirty one... My name is Jessica. I've been happily married for nine years to a wonderful caring man I met in college. We have two lovely children, a boy six and a daughter eight. My 31st birthday was yesterday and, as usual, my husband treated me to a night of dinner and dancing. He so enjoys doing for me that my pleasure's are equalled only by the delight he derives from making me happy. We want for...

4 years ago
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Twas the Night Before New Years

‘Twas the night before New Years, The lights were turned dim, Every person was stirring, Especially Kim. Her stockings were black And clung to her thigh. She sat on her bed And let out a sigh. Her thoughts were all filled With what was to cum. She knew it’d be her And for sure more than one. She picked out her panties Matching bra trimmed in lace. Turning to the mirror With a smile on her face. She liked what she saw Indeed it was HOT! She could not resist But to reach for her spot. The hairs...

2 years ago
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A Wild Yearning

I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. Proper credit is hereby given to the actual author of this and more stories that will follow. A Wild Yearning by Author Unknown Chapter 1 In the beginning, there was no thought of the Levitt's German shepherd Rex in Jan's pretty blonde head as she went grumpily about her early morning housework. She was by far too preoccupied with other things -- in particular with the peculiar frustration...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 10 Sophomore Year

School was boring enough that I considered trying to skip a few years but instead focused on the other aspects of my life: friends, football, farming, and fast cars. Okay, farming was becoming less and less of a focus, but I still felt obligated to give Uncle Ben more of a hand now that Ryan and John were away at school. Interestingly enough the farming gave me more specific ideas on how to apply drive by wire to large machinery. That, in turn, led me to Caterpillar, in a very roundabout...

1 year ago
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The flying yearn

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello dear reader I think I wrote more than hundred stories in this site I have one more site in my name that is a blog site of mine. So read my other special stories on there and write your thoughts on that site also If you want the site ID write to my email ID to direct me just click my name there you can see my profile and email ID. Write and enjoy yourself with most lovable Incest dreams. I fumbled with the keys to open the door, my right hand on...

3 years ago
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Every Year

Every Year by: Bethany Jacques ? 2000 Imagine me. A slim eighteen year old boy, dressed. I mean Dressed. Dressed up that is, in my sister's clothes. I felt good, very good. In fact I felt incredible. I had done this several times before when my parents had been away but never to this extent. They were away for two nights, visiting Uncle George in northern Scotland, my sister was at college and I had full access to the clothes she had left at home. I looked at...

2 years ago
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Dianes Gap Year

Diane's Gap Year When Diane told me that she was still going to take her gap year from university, I didn't believe her at first. All right, when we'd first met at a college party some eighteen mouths previous, she had been raving on about how her friend Emerald and she were planning on taking a long trip down to Australia, where apparently some of Emerald's relatives lived. From what I could remember Diane and Emerald had been discussing plans to backpack around the country together. But...

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Senior Year

Senior YearBy Christine [email protected] 1, Chapter 11 -* This story is the sequel to "My Sexual Evolution." "Senior Year" continues the story right where "My Sexual Evolution" ended. This story is written in 3 Chapters and ends with an Epilogue that will update you on some of your favorite characters and where they are today. The rest of this chapter will detail the first 2 Cheerleader initiation Parties. We did some raunchy and outrageous stuff that final year of high school. It...

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A Good Year

Writers block is a total bastard for any author. You start with a brilliant idea for a story and somewhere along the line it no longer seems brilliant. The flow stops, the ideas dry up, and all that you are left with are scattered stagnant pools of words. I guess my biggest problem is that I try to come up with different scenarios for each of my stories. Finding a new and different one is getting increasingly difficult. I have tried on several occasions to use different story devices, some...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 3 The New Year

-- AUGUST 2004, JUNIOR YEAR -- Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having...

2 years ago
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The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year By Katharine Sexkitten Growing up I never would have thought it possible, but all I could see now was too much Christmas. Lights, wreaths, tinsel, reindeer, stockings, baubles and trinkets. Everything. And the commercialization of it was overwhelming. Buy Buy Buy. As far as my eye could see. Ten months ago, I'd lost my dream job. Downsizing, they'd said. I had some savings, but they were disappearing fast after months of failing to land a...

3 years ago
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Amy 17 Amys Shiny New Year

Amy 17: Amy's Shiny New Year! Copyright 2013 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2013 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Standing on My Own Life likes to punish people for doing dumb things. Not everyone, because obviously some people are rewarded, but life kicks the snot out of most people when they act stupid. So case in...

3 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 18 Senior Year

Our first game of the season was at the end of the month, the last Friday of August, the 30th. It was a home game with North Cobb High, from up in Kennesaw. They were from a wealthy suburb of Atlanta, and North Cobb was a big school, certainly bigger than us. That was important in high school football, since the more students you had, the more likely you’ll be able to find better players. I commented on that to Kelly once, and she said something about Gaussian distributions and standard...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 37 Sophomore Year

Sophomore year is an interesting year for most students, in that this is their first really independent year, at least academically speaking. Not in lifestyle, of course, since that occurs freshman year. Freshman year is a huge change for the average college student. For the vast majority that are now living away from home for the first time, this is a massive culture shock. They are now treated as adults and need to learn discipline quickly. Mommy and Daddy are no longer going to be there to...

1 year ago
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Foreign exchange sweeties make for a perfect high school year

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...

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Sissy New Year

Author's note: My stories generally featured a lot of forced femme, bondage and kinky sex--you know, the stuff that I keep hoping will someday happen to me. That is still true for this story, but this time around, the author in me decided to spend a bit more time developing the characters before commencing the full-on sissy sex orgy. I also wanted to write a story where the characters are well intentioned instead of simply being a rogue's gallery of perverted bastards. With that in...

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