A Good Year free porn video

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Writers block is a total bastard for any author. You start with a brilliant idea for a story and somewhere along the line it no longer seems brilliant. The flow stops, the ideas dry up, and all that you are left with are scattered stagnant pools of words.

I guess my biggest problem is that I try to come up with different scenarios for each of my stories. Finding a new and different one is getting increasingly difficult. I have tried on several occasions to use different story devices, some work, some don’t, some that I thought worked well enough were crucified by my readers, while others that I thought long and hard about before posting were praised. I have been tempted on a number of occasions to come up with a successful formula and stick to it, but if I wanted to do that I would be writing for a publisher like Mills and Boon who use the same formula for just about every story that they publish, change the name and occupation of the protagonists, put your mind into neutral and produce soppy romances, boring, but making shit loads of money.

This was the dilemma facing me one morning some time ago. I had my usual light bulb moment in the early hours, a story had formed. It was complete, it had a beginning, a middle and an end. My characters were well formed in my mind, who they were, what they did and why, I even had names for them all. Sometimes these light bulbs were turned on by a single thought, or even a comment made to me at some time in my past that had resurfaced in my memory. Sometimes there was a beginning and nothing else, sometimes and ending only, whatever the catalyst, in my mind, at that moment, the finished product was a clear vision.

My motivation to get out of bed that morning and head for my study, to crank up my computer and begin, was tempered by the fact that this was the middle of a particularly cold winter, and my bed was warm and my study cold.

By the time that I’d consumed my breakfast and taken my dogs for their early morning stroll and toilet break on the beach (don’t worry, I pick up after them), I’d just about forgotten everything that was so clear a couple of hours earlier. Try as I might it just wasn’t happening for me. A rough draft of the storyline might help, but no, I remembered the beginning and the ending, but the stuff in the middle eluded me. Develop the characters and see whether that helps, but apart from the name that I’d assigned to my hero, the other names failed to materialise.

The process of actually writing a story is as varied as the thought process that kicks it off. There are times, such as this morning when it’s cold and miserable outside and I’m not able to do the things that I had planned, when I find that I can set aside blocks of time for the sole purpose of writing. If the mind is in gear, and the story is fresh in my mind, it can flow as fast as I can type, sometimes faster, which leads to more than a few typos, and my output is prodigious, other times I can find it difficult to achieve anything of value.

Nothing for it but to save what little I have and file it, along with several other false starts, in the vain hope that inspiration would return.

Okay, what I have for this story so far comes from two different sources, both connected with the wine industry here in Australia, in particular the McLaren Vale district of South Australia. The first concerns aspects of the region. My main character is Jenny Blaylock, a young girl recently graduated from Willunga High School and in her gap year before beginning her wine making studies at Roseworthy College (part of Adelaide University). Willunga High has wine making as part of its curriculum, and the students produce wine each year. She is the daughter of a second generation wine making family, although her family have been growing grapes in the district for over a hundred years. Her father Greg is also a viticulturist, and the product that they produce is entirely their responsibility, from the vineyard to the bottle. This then is the background for this story.

The other source is also connected to the wine industry. On a visit to the Coonawarra region in the south east of South Australia, I was speaking with a young French winemaker. ‘Why are you here in Australia making wine?’ I asked her.

‘Because here you have freedom.’ She said. ‘You can do things that we are not able to do back in France,’

And this sums up the industry here, we are not bound by tradition, we have had to find ways of overcoming the variable factors that impact on the industry, from climate and weather to government policies such as the wine with-holding tax, that has forced a quantum shift in production techniques, to the ever-changing tastes of the consumers. We are driven by the consumer rather than dictating what the consumer should drink.

So it is, two sources, the first a love of wine, in particular, red wine, to be specific McLaren Vale Shiraz, and the second a comment, that have led to a story based on them both:



‘Why are you picking these grapes now?’ I spat the grape onto the ground in front of me.

‘What do you mean why are we picking them now? We always begin the harvest at this time.’ His name was Pierre, this was the vineyard of his family’s Chateau, and he was in charge of the harvesting of the grapes.

‘But they are not fully ripe, too acidic, and to make really good wine you have to pick them when they are fully ripe and the sugar content is at its peak.’ I spoke from experience, having grown up with viticulture and winemaking. My name is Jenny Blaylock and I am spending my gap year in France, gaining experience in traditional winemaking before I start my Oenology course at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy campus, where my father had trained, before he took over the family vineyards and winery.

The wine world has at last acknowledged the status of Roseworthy in producing winemakers who are instrumental in changing the way wine is produced and my father has taken it a step further in applying a new technology to the vineyards.

Up until recently it had been a holiday. With my friends, Susie and Meg, I had arrived in London six months ago and we had done most of the tourist things, drank a little too much too often than was good for us, watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, took in a couple of West End shows for the cultural side of it, and off to Paris on the train for some serious shopping and partying.

After a week in Paris, Susie and Meg had decided that they would never learn French well enough to stay there for very long, and were prepared to head back to London when we met them. We heard the English accents first and then met Timothy, Nigel and Harry, three banking types in Paris for a weekend of debauchery. They invited us to join them, Susie and Meg were all for it, but I wasn’t so sure, but I went along for the ride so to speak.

We found ourselves in Nigel’s hotel room, Susie and Meg were right off their faces and it wasn’t long before their clothes were scattered all over the floor and they were being mauled by all three guys. ‘Come on Jenny, don’t be such a wimp.’ Meg had spat out a cock long enough to issue the invite. She had another cock jammed into her pussy and was obviously having a good time, as for me this sort of thing, waking up in the morning with a monster hangover and cum all over you, wasn’t my idea of fun. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against sex, in fact I enjoy it, but on my terms and one thing that I do not enjoy is to have too much to drink and lose control of the situation. Another thing I hate is having to fight off some drunken slob who’s intent on fucking me regardless of what I think.

Harry made a half hearted attempt at getting me to join them, if you can call groping me between the legs an attempt, no finesse at all, but I declined and he went back to Meg’s mouth. At some ungodly hour in the morning I woke and felt someone grab my legs and pull t
hem apart while another pair of hands tore my panties aside and fingers pushed roughly into my pussy. ‘Get the fuck off me!’

‘Come on, you know you want it, you Aussie girls are all the same, you might protest at first, but in the end you want it so bad.’ He was naked and, while his cock wasn’t fully hard, he was about to shove it into me. I managed to get my leg free from whoever was holding it and I brought my knee up into his groin as hard as I could. ‘Fucking hell!’ he cried between sobs, ‘How could you let her do that?’ He rolled off me clutching himself.

‘You others will be in for the same treatment if you try anything.’ I gathered my gear and left.

Susie and Meg staggered into our room mid afternoon looking like death stoked up. ‘What happened to you? We woke up this morning and the boys said something about Harry having to hold an ice pack to his balls because of you.’

‘They tried to rape me.’ I didn’t want to elaborate further.

‘We were having a good time.’

‘You two were dead to the world and they were still up for action, I think they were on speed or something, so they thought that they would fuck me while I was asleep. Unfortunately for Harry I woke up and kneed him. If I could have done the same to all of them I would have.’

‘Yeah well, when we and they eventually came to, they shoved us out into the hall and chucked our clothes out after us, we had to get dressed in the hallway. Do you realise how busy those hotels are? There were people everywhere thinking that we were sluts.’ She realised what she had said. ‘Which I suppose we were.’

A couple of days later they met a couple of Spanish guys and left me in Paris to follow them to Spain, which left me to implement my plan to travel to the wine regions and find work in the vineyards. There was little to do in the actual vineyards until the harvest but I was able to find work in the cellars as the vignerons prepared for the harvest, and this was how I found myself here in Chateau Rombault in the Cote De Rhone region of France. I had helped prepare the presses for the crush, the vats for fermentation and the barrels for aging, and now I was walking through the vines with Pierre.

‘What do you know of winemaking?’ He seemed offended at my criticism of his tradition, I was being challenged to prove that I wasn’t just another backpacker working my way through Europe as a grape picker. I had only just started in this vineyard so I guess he could be forgiven for his scepticism.

‘My father is a viticulturist, and a vigneron, and has been producing award winning wines for as long as I can remember, he even has a couple of Intervin gold medals to his name.’ That should impress him.

‘My family has been making wines here for centuries, long before they even had grapes in Australia.’

‘And I bet you have been making wines the same way all of that time. When everything works for you your wines will be good, not great, just good, and when things are not perfect you produce piss de chat, vinegar.’

‘If you are so knowledgeable what would you do?’

‘By the taste of that grape I would say that it is about 10 Baume and you need it to be closer to 12 before you pick it. I would wait for two or three weeks before I picked these grapes.’

‘But if we wait it might rain and spoil the grapes.’

‘How old are these vines?’

‘Two, maybe three, hundred years.’

‘And do you irrigate them?’


‘Then you have nothing to worry about.’

‘I think maybe you should speak to my father, he is the vigneron, and he gives the orders.’ Pierre had come to the conclusion that he was never going to win this argument and would be happy to pass me on to someone with a greater knowledge.

And so I found myself sitting in the cool of the cellars of Chateau Rombault talking to Pierre’s father. He would have been around fifty years old and had that leathery face of a man who spent most of his life under the hot sun. ‘Pierre tells me that you disagree with our methods.’

‘Yes Sir, I do.’

‘What experience do you have that allows you to comment, have you made wine yourself?’

‘Yes, in fact I have. My father allowed me to make wine for the past two years from the vineyard that he planted the year that I was born.’

‘Pah! The grapes are far too young to produce good wine, the vines must be at least one hundred years old.’

‘Not so. These vines are deep rooted and do not require irrigation, they have been heavily pruned so that all of their energy is in the fruit and not in the vine. If you wish to try my wine I have a bottle of it in my luggage.’

The expression on both of their faces when I came back with the bottle was one of polite condescension. They would try it before telling me it was garbage. I pulled the cork from the bottle. ‘I see that you still use the cork, I thought that all of the wines from Australia come in screw top bottles.’

This is where this story ground to a halt. I could’t decide whether to continue with the romance, or to give it context with a background into the wine industry, because wine was central to the story. After looking at the story title for months as I scrolled through my saved files, the story line began to develop, but not as originally conceived. I chose the latter course, mainly because it gave more grounding to the main characters.

‘Not all. The problem with the corks is that the inside of the bottle neck is not perfectly cylindrical, and the cork doesn’t always seal properly allowing the wine to spoil, we used to lose between ten and twelve percent of our wines from spoilage. There are two solutions to this problem, the first is to use screw caps and the other is to source better bottles. My father found a bottle maker who is able to produce bottles with close to perfect inside necks, so we still use corks.’ I poured a small amount into each of the three glasses that sat on the bench. The older man raised his glass to his nose and sniffed the wine, a puzzled look came over his face. He took a sip of the wine and swirled it around his mouth, the look remained. He picked up the bottle and read the back label. ‘This Shiraz is produced from a small parcel of vines in our McLaren Vale vineyard that was planted in 1983 using a revolutionary new viticulture technique. The grapes were picked when fully ripe and the sugars had reached their peak. The juice was fermented on the skins in open vats that have a system to circulate the juice under the must to control the rate of fermentation. The juice is then extracted using a traditional basket press before being placed in controlled temperature stainless steel vats to complete fermentation for 2 to 3 months. It was then placed in year old French oak casks to age for 18 months, then a further 12 months in new American oak before bottling. The wine was bottle aged for a further 12 months before release.’ The label was signed ‘Jennifer Blaylock, Winemaker’.

‘You made this wine?’

‘Yes. My father acted as consultant in that, if I had a problem he gave me advice, but I did all the work myself.’

‘This wine is from grapes less than twenty-five years old, impossible!’

‘Not only is it possible but it is true. Tell me what do you think?’

‘It is good, very good.’ He picked up the bottle and filled all three glasses. We drank in silence.

‘Could it be that this young girl from the other side of the world can teach you something of winemaking?’ Pierre asked.

His father ignored the comment. ‘You mentioned that your father used a new technique in the vineyard that produced this wine, what is that?’

‘About thirty years ago there was a storm with heavy rain and my grandfather noticed that the grapes on the old vines were not as affected as those on the young drip irrigated vines, which were badly affected, and the berries began to burst before they could be picked. He lost a large percentage of his crop and that got him thinking, so he had
some core samples taken from next to the main trunk of both the new and old vines. From those samples he found that the main roots of the old vines were very deep into the water table, and they had very few surface roots so the rain didn’t go into the vines, at least not until after harvest. The younger vines, because they had been drip irrigated, had a root system that was close to the surface, and they were affected by the rain almost immediately. He found that they are also more susceptible to the hot surface temperatures of the soil that we experience in the summer, sometimes as high as 45 degrees and the berries would dry up and not produce as much juice.’

‘My father thought about this problem and worked on the principle that new vines should be deep rooted so that the roots were in the water table and not at the surface like traditionally planted vines. If the roots went directly into a water supply there would be no need for irrigation. It took a while, and much experimentation, but finally a solution was found.’

‘The vines for the new vineyard were propagated in long bio-degradable tubes and the roots were encouraged to travel at least a metre and a half to find water. When first propogated, he created a false water table some 20 centimetres below the surface. As the roots grew down, he raised the tube to encourage the roots to follow the water table. The vines were two years old before they were ready to plant and the roots were hanging out the bottom of the tubes. You see, the soil in the vineyard is a layer of heavy clay over limestone, it is in and under this limestone that the water sits, so what he did was to bore down into the water table for each vine tube to sit in. Most of the rain in McLaren Vale is winter rain and that is when the vines are dormant, so they have no need for surface roots. The roots went into the water table and the tube eventually degraded into the soil. The other benefit of this technique is that the water that is pumped through the drippers comes from a bore that has a meter on it and we have to pay for water usage, while the water that the roots absorb from the water table cannot be measured, so it cost us nothing.’

‘We got our first pickable crop four years after the vines were planted, and the juice was blended with other juice because it wasn’t ready to stand on its own. Father wouldn’t allow me to make wine purely from that vineyard until the vines were fifteen years old. Because the vines were planted the year that I was born, he decided that I should be given the opportunity, if I wanted it, to make the wine from it. I wanted that opportunity, and what you have here is the result of that first vintage. What do you think of it?’

‘Your wine is good, it is different from ours, there doesn’t seem to be very much tannin in it.’

‘That is the Australian way with wines, they are fruit driven, the berries de-stemmed so the fermentation is on skin only. I didn’t want the oak influence to be intrusive, which is why only year old casks are used for the initial maturation, and then into new oak to soften the palate. The oak influence is softer, more subtle, it is the fruit that is important, why would you grow good grapes just to kill the flavours with tannins?’

‘But the tannins are important in the aging process.’

‘Too much tannin results in wines that are dominated by it, they are thin and there is no fruit flavour to them. Everything about the wines that we, and most Australian winemakers produce, is that it all begins in the vineyard. The vines are monitored to ensure that they have water when it is needed although this is less important with our deep rooted vines, these are dry grown and not irrigated, so water is there at the time when the new growth is happening and after the berry set, they have all the water that they need. The grapes are picked when the sugar is at the level that we want for the wine that we produce, the grapes for this wine are hand picked to ensure that the berries are not damaged before they are crushed. Because of the uncontrolled nature of the wild yeast, the fermentation is controlled by killing all of the wild yeast before crushing, and adding a controlled amount of yeast to achieve the right balance. It is all about balance, the wine is allowed just enough time on oak to balance it before it is bottled. Because this is a premium wine we allow an extra year of bottle age before it is released, although it could be drunk a year earlier. By controlling the process in this way, the Australian wine industry has gained a reputation for producing consistently very good wines year after year, whether the weather is favourable or not.’

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goodie bag

I drove long that night out of the city through the suburbs till I reached your quaint town, I saw my target, and a few lights still on I parked just far enough away. And crept through the long grass encompassing your home. When I was close enough I sat to observe the house one small feminine car on the drive. And light shone out a small window I manoeuvre to peer inside. I began to watch you flitting about the kitchen enticingly prancing around. Wearing just an apron, barely covering her large...

2 years ago
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Good Start to New Year

It was New Year's Eve 2016 and we were all excited about the party we were going to have a few hours from then. We were looking for rooms online. When we found a decent one, we booked it and decided we'd spend the night partying there. When the night arrived we had rather a fair amount of people that showed up to party. We expected ten, twenty turned up. The party began at around 10 P.M. and was bound to go on until 2 or 3 in the morning. When it was New Year, everybody wished each other well...

Oral Sex
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A Wild Yearning

I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. Proper credit is hereby given to the actual author of this and more stories that will follow. A Wild Yearning by Author Unknown Chapter 1 In the beginning, there was no thought of the Levitt's German shepherd Rex in Jan's pretty blonde head as she went grumpily about her early morning housework. She was by far too preoccupied with other things -- in particular with the peculiar frustration...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 10 Sophomore Year

School was boring enough that I considered trying to skip a few years but instead focused on the other aspects of my life: friends, football, farming, and fast cars. Okay, farming was becoming less and less of a focus, but I still felt obligated to give Uncle Ben more of a hand now that Ryan and John were away at school. Interestingly enough the farming gave me more specific ideas on how to apply drive by wire to large machinery. That, in turn, led me to Caterpillar, in a very roundabout...

1 year ago
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The flying yearn

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello dear reader I think I wrote more than hundred stories in this site I have one more site in my name that is a blog site of mine. So read my other special stories on there and write your thoughts on that site also If you want the site ID write to my email ID to direct me just click my name there you can see my profile and email ID. Write and enjoy yourself with most lovable Incest dreams. I fumbled with the keys to open the door, my right hand on...

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Every Year

Every Year by: Bethany Jacques ? 2000 Imagine me. A slim eighteen year old boy, dressed. I mean Dressed. Dressed up that is, in my sister's clothes. I felt good, very good. In fact I felt incredible. I had done this several times before when my parents had been away but never to this extent. They were away for two nights, visiting Uncle George in northern Scotland, my sister was at college and I had full access to the clothes she had left at home. I looked at...

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Dianes Gap Year

Diane's Gap Year When Diane told me that she was still going to take her gap year from university, I didn't believe her at first. All right, when we'd first met at a college party some eighteen mouths previous, she had been raving on about how her friend Emerald and she were planning on taking a long trip down to Australia, where apparently some of Emerald's relatives lived. From what I could remember Diane and Emerald had been discussing plans to backpack around the country together. But...

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Senior Year

Senior YearBy Christine [email protected] 1, Chapter 11 -* This story is the sequel to "My Sexual Evolution." "Senior Year" continues the story right where "My Sexual Evolution" ended. This story is written in 3 Chapters and ends with an Epilogue that will update you on some of your favorite characters and where they are today. The rest of this chapter will detail the first 2 Cheerleader initiation Parties. We did some raunchy and outrageous stuff that final year of high school. It...

5 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 3 The New Year

-- AUGUST 2004, JUNIOR YEAR -- Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having...

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The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year By Katharine Sexkitten Growing up I never would have thought it possible, but all I could see now was too much Christmas. Lights, wreaths, tinsel, reindeer, stockings, baubles and trinkets. Everything. And the commercialization of it was overwhelming. Buy Buy Buy. As far as my eye could see. Ten months ago, I'd lost my dream job. Downsizing, they'd said. I had some savings, but they were disappearing fast after months of failing to land a...

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Amy 17 Amys Shiny New Year

Amy 17: Amy's Shiny New Year! Copyright 2013 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2013 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Standing on My Own Life likes to punish people for doing dumb things. Not everyone, because obviously some people are rewarded, but life kicks the snot out of most people when they act stupid. So case in...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 18 Senior Year

Our first game of the season was at the end of the month, the last Friday of August, the 30th. It was a home game with North Cobb High, from up in Kennesaw. They were from a wealthy suburb of Atlanta, and North Cobb was a big school, certainly bigger than us. That was important in high school football, since the more students you had, the more likely you’ll be able to find better players. I commented on that to Kelly once, and she said something about Gaussian distributions and standard...

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A Fresh StartChapter 37 Sophomore Year

Sophomore year is an interesting year for most students, in that this is their first really independent year, at least academically speaking. Not in lifestyle, of course, since that occurs freshman year. Freshman year is a huge change for the average college student. For the vast majority that are now living away from home for the first time, this is a massive culture shock. They are now treated as adults and need to learn discipline quickly. Mommy and Daddy are no longer going to be there to...

2 years ago
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Goodnight Beautiful

I climb into Michelle's bed every night and wrap my arms around her soft warm body. I lean my head down and gently press my nose into her hair and take in the scent of her freshly washed strands. Tonight it is apples. Tomorrow night it could be coconuts. The next night it could be the scent of freshly falling rain. That's what I loved about Michelle. She always surprised me. However, she always wore the same thing to bed. That never changed. It was always a tee shirt and her panties. Of course,...

First Time
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Foreign exchange sweeties make for a perfect high school year

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...

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Sissy New Year

Author's note: My stories generally featured a lot of forced femme, bondage and kinky sex--you know, the stuff that I keep hoping will someday happen to me. That is still true for this story, but this time around, the author in me decided to spend a bit more time developing the characters before commencing the full-on sissy sex orgy. I also wanted to write a story where the characters are well intentioned instead of simply being a rogue's gallery of perverted bastards. With that in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 7 The Rest of the School Year

Monday, February 2 to mid-June, 2004 For the last half of the school year, there was the good news and the bad news. All the girls in my new classes were a year older and much nicer to look at, the extra year's growth making a delightfully noticeable difference to them. Being much more status-conscious high-school students, a lot of them dressed much nicer too, sometimes "nicer" in ways that teenage boys very much appreciated and admired. Not so good was that all the guys in my new...

1 year ago
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Stephanies Happy New Year

Kaitlin the Reporter had a problem. Christmas was fast approaching and she still hadn’t thought of a great feel-good story to spice up the season with. A few years back, she’d done that wonderful story of the two sisters – Mary and Kim – who ended up blowing an entire conference of Santa Clauses, as Mary desperately looked to find ‘the real one’ she’d seen Kim blow under the Christmas tree the year before (Mary Blows Santa). And the next year she’d done one about two teenage cheerleaders and...

Group Sex
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Once A Year

This isn't one of my better stories since my Muse has been a little lazy of late. However, I did want to at least put my two cents in for this contest so here it is. Once a Year By Morpheus Scott frowned as he looked around the dusty attic in the hopes of finding what he was looking for, though he still wasn't even sure what that something was. All Scott knew was that he needed some kind of costume for Halloween and he wasn't about to spend much money on something he...

4 years ago
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Its Been a Tough Year

I'll admit it'd been a tough year; not just for Lori, my wife, but all of us. For sixteen years, I'd worked for Van's Screw and Nut. We made custom fasteners for manufacturers. When a company builds a product they can't just go to the local hardware store to buy screws, everything has to be made to their specifications. I started out in sales and worked my way up to sales manager. It was a great job and paid very well. If I met all four of my quarterly quotas, which I always...

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Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR By Persephone It was New Year's Eve and eighteen-year-old Samantha is tired of life and wants out. Practically born an orphan. Growing up in one abusive foster home after another. One bad boyfriend after another. Beaten and abused by all of the men she knew and trusted. A dead end job with a lecherous boss, bills on her credit card that she can't pay run up by the last man in her life, no time to go to school so she can get ahead and now no money to pay for it...

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Same Time Next Year

Same Time Next Year ? by: Cindy My dominant Mistress and I, a lowly submissive cross-dresser, get the opportunity to play with each other just once each year. We met on the internet a few years ago and we don't live in the same city. We always arrange to see one another for a wild weekend in the fall of the year and this year she chose our location to be sin city itself, Las Vegas. Here are some highlights of this year's happenings; we do hope you enjoy them. The players:...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 41 The End of the Year

May 2 Becky and Katie picked me up just after nine this morning. While we were on the road back to the condo, Becky told me she needed us to help her pack up more stuff from the old house. She promised we would be done by lunch. “I’ll let you two have your time this afternoon,” she said, “but I want to get as much of our small personal stuff packed up as I can before lunch. We’re going to pack up all the bedding and linens from the bedrooms now that the house is under contract and it...

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Happy New Year

It was New Year’s Eve, and despite my reservations, I had ended up at a party to see the New Year in. Ever since my wife of thirty years marriage had died, I hated New Year’s Eve. We had always been the ones to host the celebration of saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming in the new. So this night in particular brought back memories in a way that I had thought I had long since got over. I had really, and had moved on in my life, even having had a number of dates in the last couple of...

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Changing With The New Year

Changing with the New Year by Xloop Times have turned odd my friends. I was so worried about the Y2K bug that I couldn't have fathomed what was about to happen to me, hell no one could. The Y2K problem was, as it turned out, to be the least of my problems. It all started late last year. I was sure of that much, but today, well today, I'm not so sure of anything anymore. But let me start at the beginning. The following is my recollection of the events for the past several...

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Angelic New Year

It was three days till New Year's Eve. Trish and I had discussed going out, but the truth was, we really didn't want to have to face all of the amateur partiers that we knew we would run into that night, no matter where we decided to go.I was sitting in the media room with Tracy.'Do you have any plans for Friday night?' I asked her.'There's a bunch of k**s who want to go out, but nobody wants to pay for hotel rooms so we don't have to drive home. You know me. I don't care if they all want to...

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Happy New Year

Two years ago I was in a fairly serious relationship with a girl I had known since school. We had always had a bit of flirty chemistry, and one day I bucked up the courage to ask her out. We had been dating for a few months when New Year's Eve rolled around, and we had decided to head to the pub to celebrate the occasion together. Had I known when she was getting all dressed up what I know now, maybe I would've chosen to stay home.She slinked out of the bathroom in her best tight black dress,...

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Stephanies New Year

Stephanie?s New Year Stephanie?s New Year Story Codes:? m/f, bd, ds, humil, inc, reluc, spank, teen, slow Part 1?????????????????? Stephanie Learns to be Touched Synopsis:? Sequel to ?Conversations with Anna? by Katie Dale.? The original story was an instant message conversation and was recorded on asstr.org.? It involves a 14-year-old girl is gradually introduced into a submissive lifestyle by older brother.? Story is multi-part and rather long.? It is not a ?slam, bam, thank you...

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The CircleChapter 52 At the end of the following year

The next year flew by for everyone in The Circle. Willow and Darrell had moved to New York City, taking Ariana with them. She made it back to Dillonville six times during the year with the baby, who by then was approaching four years old. We saw Willow on the evening news almost every night; she was prominent, and had started to do some high profile interviews including many controversial senators, and eventually the President of the United States. She was in the big leagues, and she...

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New Year

"Let me get this straight. You want to book me for New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight.""Right.""But I have some killer party plans. How bout we meet earlier?""I'm sorry. It has to be midnight. I'll double your rate. Triple it if you cum inside me bareback at exactly midnight.""All because of the silly superstition that whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve is what you'll be doing all year long?""Yep.""You know that's bull shit. Right?""Probably, but what have I...

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High School Part 2 My Sophomore Year

High School Part 2 - My Sophomore Year [In which Shaun learns to cope with the aftereffects of his surgery, notices a few changes occurring in his body, and confides in his mother and Jeff.] While I'd been wearing panties and sanitary napkins during the summer, that didn't work for me when it was time to go back to school. My problem was that while I could control the flow of urine, when I had to pee I had to go, like, RIGHT AWAY, and I only had a minute or so to get to...

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Tipping PointChapter 7 Happy New Year

"What are you and Jilly planning for New Years Eve, Tommy?" I asked. "Oh, we've got a party at the college. We'll be staying with a classmate of hers, so we won't have to drive home. Should be fun. What about you?" "No plans. Thought I'd stay in and watch some TV. Things have been kind of hectic for me in the last month." I'd arrived home from Charlotte Wednesday evening, too late for hockey. I still hadn't made it to a single game yet. On the other hand, I had the rest of the...

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My Final School Year

My final year at school was spent on my grandfather’s farm. I was an adopted child named Caedon, a good looking city boy that surprisingly looked a lot like Gareth, my non biological dad. Ruth, my mom, was also attractive, but in a masculine way. Mom came from a physically large family. Isaac, mom’s dad, was six-foot-three tall and my uncle Seth, mom’s twenty-eight year old brother, was six-foot-five tall. Seth was the most powerful man I would ever meet. Sadly, Seth was slightly slow as result...

Gay Male
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High School Part 4 My Senior Year

High School Part 4 - My Senior Year [In which Shaun lets Jeff feel his breasts for the first time, a winter blizzard forces Jeff and Shaun to sleep together, and Shaun increasingly dresses and acts like a girl.] Shortly after we finished our Junior year, Jeff and I decided to celebrate the coming summer by going out to a movie and then stopping for some pizza. The movie was good except that it was one of those teen romance things where the guy and the girl start out hating each...

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Brandy Tackles Her Senior High School Year

I have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what...

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