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I'd just gotten divorced from my husband of 22 years. The marriage had been over for many years before that, but we stayed married until our son graduated college. Rather than move back to the New York area, he stayed in Michigan with his girlfriend. I hadn't been on my own since I was 25 when my husband and I had moved in together. After my divorce I sold my house and moved into the country. The house was a bit of a fixer upper, but I had plenty of time on my hands and needed something to occupy my time. This was the perfect solution, or so I thought.

Within two weeks I knew that I had bitten off a little more than I could chew. I asked my younger sister for some help. She said that she wasn't able to take anytime off, but would ask her son, who was 29, if he could help me. I told her that I would be willing to bribe him with plenty of food and give him a couple hundred dollars if he would help for the week. He agreed, but said that he would take the food and if I paid for his train ticket, we would be even.

It took him a couple of weeks to get time off from work. It wasn't until the second week of July, in a very hot summer that he was able to get free. I was ecstatic to be able to get my new house into shape for so little money. Hiring someone would have cost at least three times as much, and I wouldn't have had any company while the work was getting done. He said that he was going to come up on Friday night after work and help through the next two weekends.

For the next four days we spent the time working on the inside of the house, giving it a deep cleaning and doing basic repair work, patching and painting walls, tearing up bad carpets, and rearranging the furniture. On Tuesday after having finished most of the work inside the house I told Thomas that we should start doing the chores on the outside of the house.

That first day, he cleaned and repaired my gutters and water spouts. After a good dinner, we talked about the remaining projects. I still had weeding and pruning that needed to be done. Plus the big job in the backyard, repairing the deck that had a number of bad timbers. We both went to bed early after all the work we had done over the previous five days, so we could get an early start the next morning before it got too hot.

Tommy spent the early part of the morning replacing the bad planks in the deck. Even though it was only 11 by the time he finished that job, it was already 90 degrees and he was sweating like a pig. I told him to come inside and cool off for an hour before we had lunch and we started the actual yard work. I made a light lunch, which we enjoyed with a couple of cold beers.

After eating Tommy started cleaning out the yard for me. Once I finished the dishes, I joined him, making sure he didn't pull out any plants that I wanted to keep. He was a good boy and hard worker, but I don't think he could have told a rose from a dandelion. A couple of times he almost removed tulips that I wanted to keep. After an hour of kneeling and pulling everything he was starting to get hot again. He took his shirt off trying to keep cool.

I had forgotten how good a sweaty man looked without a shirt. I started to feel a tingle in my crotch. I knew that I shouldn't, he was my nephew. I had changed his diapers many times. I had been in the hospital when he was born. I would have to fight this desire it wasn't right to look at him this way. I made up some lame excuse to go inside and try too cool off my scalding pussy.

As I puttered around the house for a few minutes, the sight of his wiry body with it's rippling muscles kept running through my head. I decided to take a quick shower to try to take the edge off my desire. The bathroom was the only part of the house that the previous owners had seemed to care about. It had been totally redone, with a large stand up shower, with a detachable massaging showerhead. When I pulled it down to clean off my legs, I accidentally sprayed my clit. Instead of calming myself, I had just launched myself to new heights of arousal. I gave up trying to calm down, and decided to take the edge off. Diddling myself, I focused the water on my burning pussy, fantasizing about the few affairs I'd had towards the end of my marriage. As I brought myself higher and higher, images of Tommy started to flash through my frenzied brain. I nearly fell in ecstasy as I imagined him slamming his dick into my greedy pussy.

Panting I leaned against the stall door, trying to recover my composure, unfortunately, my attempts at removing some of the fire had backfired. I was even more ravenous than before. I was woken from my reverie by a knocking at the bathroom door.

"Dana, are you alright. I thought I heard you scream?"

"Oh ... I'm okay ... I just ... dropped my shampoo bottle on my foot."

"Ooookay. Just wanted to make sure you didn't fall, or see a rat or something. I'm going to take a break for a little bit, it's a real scorcher out there today. You want me to get you a beer and an ice pack?"

"Yeah ... that would be ... nice. I'll be out in a couple of minutes."

"Okay, I'll have my head in front of the air conditioner when you need me."

Need him, that really wasn't a turn of phrase I needed to hear right then. The only thing I could think about was how much I needed someone, and Tommy was really the only option. No, I had to stop thinking like that. I couldn't risk my relationships with my family. If my sister found out that I'd seduced her son, she would make sure that everyone in the family cut me off for good. God knows what my son would do.

"Okay, relaxing things, lavender, chamomile tea, massages, satin sheets, waterbe ... no this isn't working," I thought. I quickly dried off, being careful to avoid rubbing my crotch and making the fire even worse. I put my robe on and ran into my bedroom to change. I started to put on some cool summer shorts and a loose T-shirt, but I realized the friction was just making my nipples hard and my pussy itching to be free. So I put the robe back on and decided to just grin and bear it. Tommy true to his word was standing right in front of the big window air conditioner in my living room, still without a shirt.

"Hey, kiddoo, got that beer for me," remembering to limp a little, like I had dropped something heavy onto my barefoot.

"Yeah, it's right here," he said turning away from the air conditioner with a frosty brew in hand. "Take the ice pack too."

He'd had it on the back of his neck obviously trying to cool down as quickly as possible. He walked over to the couch and flopped down taking a long sip from his beer.

"I figure an hour or so more in the backyard and it'll be ready for mowing. Tomorrow I can start on the front yard. After today, I think I should space that over two days. It's supposed to be even hotter than today. So if you have any errands you want me to help you with, I'm all yours."

There it was again, that double entendre that he wasn't even aware of. I swear every time he spoke it was just the words to make me need him even more. I thought that if I was going to have him around for a couple of more days, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do things that required him to keep his shirt on.

"I'm sure there are some things that it would be easier to do with you here. I'll think about it and come up with a list for the next two days."

"Cool. I'm gonna go outside in a few minutes and finish up in the backyard. You want to tell me what else needs to be done. I'll probably need you in about 15 minutes. I'm just finishing with that last little tree you wanted me to prune."

"Sure, sounds good. I'm just going to enjoy the beer and the air conditioner. I'll be out in a bit."

I just sat there trying not to think of anything. Still not feeling cool enough I decided to follow Tommy's lead and stood in front of the air conditioner. Leaning over my robe opened a little. The cool air blowing over my chest felt so good I didn't bother trying to re-close it; in fact I loosened the belt a little and let it open a bit more. I guess I lost track of time, because the next thing I realized, Tommy was in the kitchen calling me. I stood up just before he walked in the room. Forgetting how open the robe was I, turned to see what he wanted, when I saw his eyes go wide, and his face turn even redder than it was from his exertion outdoors.

Looking down, I realized while my breasts were covered, my fire red pubes were exposed to the world, or at least to my nephew. I'm sure I must have turned fire engine red, in half a second as I followed his stare to my fire crotch.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, the air just felt so good I didn't realize my robe opened," I quickly blurted as I scrambled to cover my neat nakedness.

"That's okay, it's much easier for me to cool down without a shirt. Besides, you've been alone so much lately, I'm sure you forget when there are other people around.

As I looked everywhere, except his face, I noticed a bulge forming in his loose shorts. "My god," I thought. "Is he having the same thoughts as me?"

"Tommy, I'm just going to get some clothes on so it won't happen again. I don't want to embarrass you."

"If you're more comfortable in the robe don't worry about it. I just wanted to see what else needs to be done to the rear."

More double entendre, I wondered if this one, and perhaps the others were intentional. Was he thinking the same things as me?

"Well, if it doesn't bother you. Let's go see the backyard. And I'll let you know it you can do anything else for me." I figured if we were going to play at the word games I might as well have some fun with it.

As we headed out to the yard, I made sure my robe was tightly closed. It was one thing to accidentally flash my nephew in private, but I didn't want to expose my self to my new neighbors, especially with Tommy there. I pointed out a couple of things that still needed to be done, and asked him to pick up the debris that was scattered from our earlier work while I went back in to make dinner. It took him thirty or forty minutes to finish with the yard work. By the time he was finished dinner was just about ready for the table. We had a relaxing meal, me in my robe and Tommy in just a tight white T-shirt and his shorts. As soon as dinner was over, he refused to let me help him with the dishes. He told me to relax and see what there was to watch on TV that evening.

Joining me in the living room we sat watching the boob (he-he) tube for an hour or so. It was just getting on 9 when the power went out. Checking my battery-powered radio we found out it was a pretty widespread power outage. I grabbed some candles, while Tommy went to get some cold drinks from the fridge before they got too warm. Even though it was 9 in the evening the temperature was still nearly 90. We debated opening the windows for fresh air and keeping them closed to keep what cool air we still had. We decided to leave them closed until it got too hot, and open them in the hope that it had cooled down. In twenty minutes we were already starting to sweat, Tommy went to the kitchen to grab the rest of the beer and put them into a cooler along with whatever ice was in the freezer. While he did this I went around the house, opening every window then went to my room to change into my coolest silk robe. When I got back he was lounging on the couch, in just his boxers.

"Sorry about this, even those shorts were just too warm."

"That's okay, just give me one of those beers, let's see if they're enough to keep us cool."

We sat around for a while drinking beers. Eventually we had gone through the last 8 cold beers in the house. That's when I had my fateful idea.

"I'm going to get something stronger. The last time I spent a summer without any A/C I would always get pretty drunk on nights like this. Even if it doesn't keep you cool, at least you can get to sleep. Sound like a plan?"

"Sure, why not? Got any whiskey. That's my favorite."

"Yeah, I should have a bottle of Jack in the credenza, would you mind getting that. Don't worry about hunting for glasses in the dark. I don't want you to knock anything down and cut yourself. We'll just drink from the bottle." That was really the kicker to fate, or desire or whatever you want.

"Okay. You have a flashlight?" We'd already blown out the most of the few candles I had handy, in a desperate attempt to cut down on the heat, and trying to save them for the next night if this was going to be a really bad outage like the great blackout of '05.

"No, let me give you a lighter." I reached into the end table, and dug out a lighter from my stash box. I didn't smoke often, but every once in a while I liked to toke a bowl to numb my brain quickly. As soon as I opened the box, Tommy's head whipped around in my direction and he got a huge smile on his face.

"I didn't know you smoked weed? You think we could smoke some too?"

"Sure, you get the Jack, while I pack a bowl for us."

In my many years of having a weekend house in the country I'd met a few old hippies that grew their own really good pot in the woods, they always gave me a little bit of their special stuff for odd favors I would do for them. Not smoking often, it would last me quite a while. I'd had the last half-ounce they gave me from the previous October when I'd sold the weekend house during the divorce.

As soon as Tommy got back with the bottle and lighter we sparked the bowl and took turns swigging from the bottle. We were hammered pretty quickly, giggling and joking about everything. Soon enough though the situation took a bit of a turn. Leaning across Tommy to grab the bottle for another swig my robe opened again. This time I was too far gone to notice or frankly to care if I had noticed. Tommy got up to go to the bathroom. I assume that he noticed when he came back, because a tent quickly formed in his boxers. Before he was sitting back down, it was poking out the bottom of his shorts. He didn't notice it until he sat down.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he said while covering himself as best he could with his hands.

"Don't worry about it. I flashed you before. Besides, any old lady like me would be flattered by your dick's reaction."

Pretty soon we were snuggled up against each other passing the bottle and bowl back and forth. At some point Tommy reached across me. Losing his balance his face fell into my into my bosom completely opening my robe. I felt his penis rub against the outside of my thigh. God did it feel big and hard. Putting his hand down to keep his balance, he brushed up against my pussy drawing a moan from deep inside me. As quickly as he could in his drunken state, he tried to extract himself from the situation. This time he rubbed even harder up my pussy, giving my clit a nice swipe, I sighed again as his face came level with mine. I leaned forward until our lips met in a tentative yet passionate kiss.

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New Roommate Pt 2

Nathan entered the bathroom, feeling a combination of embarrassment, surprise and relief. It wasn’t ideal to be caught wanking by your new roommate but the result was unexpected. There had been many rumours about Jay’s successful pursuit of the girls on campus and Nathan hadn’t been sure about being his roommate on this football trip. But that changed pretty quickly when he felt Jay’s warm mouth descend on his throbbing cock. Now he stood in the bathroom wondering what to do next. His new...

First Time
2 years ago
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Fucked My Aunt Chachi

Hi, everyone. I am Rishu. It is my first story on ISS please don’t forget to send tour feedback at And please ignore the grammatical errors.Not wasting your time I’ll jump to the story.This story is the read incident between me and my aunt (Chachi). My aunt. She is 37 years old but had maintained herself like a girl in late 20s. She has a fair skin tone. A figure on 36-28-34.I am 19 years old. Live in Chandigarh. A college going boy with a normal body and a height of 6.1 feet. My dick size is...

3 years ago
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Bright and Early

Eventually, the alpha-numeric screen radiated 5:00. Deciding that another short bout of sleep was going to be unattainable, she drooped out of bed and stumbled to her laptop. Anya could feel her pupils straining, as she had not bothered to turn on the lights. Her body was sore from the volleyball game the previous night. She had scored the winning points, but at the cost of falling and over-extending her pectoral muscles in the process. Groggily, she slipped off everything but her panties and...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 6

At home, I called Patty at the condominium to wish her good night. It was one in the morning where she was but she was happy to hear my voice. I told her about the day, the girls, and the party lagoon. She was happy that I was having fun and she mentioned the workout that she did and how sore it left her. She told me that she hated “burpees” but saw the benefit of the exercise and that she planned to do at least a hundred a day. I wished her ‘Sweet Dreams’ and hung up to find my own bed...

3 years ago
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Me and sis Another BJ Part 3

After my last encounter with my sister, I had tried and tried to get her to play with me again but with no luck. Then one day about 4 years later I was in the shower when i heard someone come in. I hadnt locked the door because I knew my Mon was at work and my s*s was at college. I had the curtain up and i started to panic thinking someone was robbing the house. For several minutes which seemed like hours there was no sound. Finally i called out,"Who's there?"" Its me Mary(my s*s) Dont pull the...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 10 Theater Play pt 2 GurlGu

10. Having sucked and fucked my way through the first hour or so of my membership at The Grande Theater, I sat resting and enjoyed watching a fiery redhead porn princess get double penetrated and then impossibly huge loads of cum on her face. My entire crotch was moist and slick with a nasty mix of lube, cum, and saliva and momentarily enjoyed a cool breeze through the theater. My cock was rigid and I knew I was ready for more. I pulled up my black satin panties and re-zipped my...

2 years ago
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A rough tomboy

“who is a bad bitch?! You are! Yeah, that's right!” Jamie hardly ever lost a fight, and she was a skilled fighter. She hit him one more time except for this time not as hard. “fuck for a girl, you hit like a man. Must be embarrassing to be beaten up by a woman. Shit, you're not a woman. You're a fucking man.” she hits him again and knocks him out and she got up looking over at me. Stares for a few seconds and then she walks away, surprisingly, she hadn't told me anything. I wonder if I...

3 years ago
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Broken Hearts and Last Goodbyes Part 2

Introduction: Heres part 2 Four Years Later The jukebox whispered out a gentle melody as Miley shuffled around the room, wiping up tables and stacking chairs. She didnt make much money waitressing, but she needed all she could get. She had just finished a double shift and her bones ached with weariness by the time she was done. Four years. Four years of doing the same dead-end job, scrimping and saving and still never having enough. It had been two years ago that she finally realized that she...

1 year ago
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Night 2

So after my first event, which you might've read about I tried to brush it off. I have a lovely girlfriend, I come from a Catholic family, I didn't want to rock the boat. I kept the jumpsuit my friend loaned my in the trunk of my car in a plastic bag under the spare tire hood and I tried to forget it. It was a one time incident, I was drunk, it was a crap story. I felt horrible about what happened. I went down to a local testing place 3 times and got tested for aids. I didn't want to give it to...

She Males
1 year ago
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A Gardeners Touch

Author’s Notes: ‘A Gardener’s Touch’ is a short story I wrote almost two years ago. It’s situated in the same universe as Jack Danner’s stories. I enjoyed writing it and I have no intention of writing a sequel to it. I think it’s fine as it is. I hope you enjoy it as well. All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older. ******** A Gardener’s Touch Part I Grenville McKree was born too big. The seventh son born to Margaret McKree was the...

3 years ago
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My aunt No relation

When I was younger, I used to go swimming at my aunt and uncles house. One day my aunt, ( 42 years old 5'5 145-150lbs, Bbw big saggy d cups nice round ass, dark shoulder length hair, freckled skin) called me to see if I wanted to come over and swim. Being a young man I was always ready to swim, so I walked over to her house. When I got there I noticed none of my cousins were there. I asked where they were, she said they were gone for the day.She was rubbing sunblock on and asked if I...

2 years ago
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I fucked two teachers for first time

This was my first time when I was 15. I have always had a crush on teachers and bbws. This happened when I was 15, my mom's friend work as ateacher in our school, she was a very good friend and used to give me rides back from school. Any way, she is 42 years old , she is stocky and a bit plump, she has big C cups boobs that never.lrt my dick down she has a big fat ass that always kept me horny. She is readheaded and she always smiles at me and jokes with me. She has two k**s a boy who I don't...

2 years ago
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KPop Fantasies

You are ‘Oppa’. Your girlfriend is the K-pop idol Sunny from Girls' Generation. You've been a couple for a week and have only kissed so far, and not even had an official date. On a Friday, you take Sunny out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. The date goes well and you end up kissing outside your apartment for a few minutes. You have trouble sleeping and end up lying in until noon the next day. There's a text waiting for you on your phone - from Sunny. "I can't wait to see you again soon~," it...

4 years ago
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New Cleaner Samantha

A new day had dawned and I was dozing on the bed when a text came through from Debbie asking me to meet Benji in the park at lunchtime because she forgot to pay me and had given Benji an envelope for me, I text her back to say it was fine and to meet at Doris’s café.I took a quick shower and after a quick coffee headed off to the park, it was a hot day so shorts and tee shirt was the order of the day.I arrived at the park and got a coffee from Doris, she wasn’t busy and we chatted, I told her I...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hello, friends this is Karthik here. I’m from Bangalore 22 yrs. I’m new to this site and this is my first real experience which I’m writing here. I’m available for all needy girls and aunties of Bangalore. Privacy guaranty. Mail me for more information to The heroine of this story is my best friends gf. Her name is appu (which I call sweetly with love). She has a very attractive figure of 34-24-36. She has a cute looking face smile. My friend name is Rakesh. Rakesh and appu got married...

4 years ago
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Lost Remote

“Lucia, your brothers are coming home today.” my father told me.“They are not my brothers, they are your girlfriend’s sons.” I argued as I put my hair up.“Come on Lucia, I know that your relationship has been turbulent with Nancy but I’m asking you to behave.” he sighed.“Turbulent? This is all your fault, to begin with! You knew how I felt when you started seeing her and you didn’t care. I’m going to work out.” I argued.“Don’t stay out all day, we’re gonna have a family dinner.”“We’re not a...

3 years ago
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Hidden Pleasures With Aunty

Hi guys, this is Steve an average working guy from Pune aged 22.This is my first time submitting a story on this forum.I have been a huge fan of ISS right from the start.I have a thing for mature woman as they always fascinate me with their raw passion. Enough about me lets get to the story and make it short.This story is about Swati(name changed).I moved to Pune to have a fresh start with my job and relationship was not ready to get in a relationship cause good girls they have their own way of...

2 years ago
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World BeneathChapter 4 Doors

Valentine and I walked into the church together and I immediately paused to make use of the restroom. I didn't have to pee, I hadn't felt that particular need since Valentine had bitten me, which seemed a rather happy benefit of my new condition. Merely I wanted to check my appearance, as becoming a vampire had little changed my vanity, such as it was. The clothes I wore had come from the girl I'd fed on - murdered - and they were simple and tasteful. A white button down blouse with a wide...

4 years ago
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Sut The Exhibitionist part 2

Slut: The Exhibitionist (Part Two)

The reworking and updating of an earlier story.Hubby had left for work early that morning. I spent what seemed like an eternity in the bathroom, showering, pampering my skin, doing my hair and sorting my make-up. I was going to Jen’s shop to discuss my new Stripper career with her and some strip club owner. Maybe I would have to audition for this guy, so I decided that whatever I wear would need to be extremely sexy and enhance my curvy figure as much as...

2 years ago
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Mastering the Game

‘You lost the bet,’ he reminded her. Still, she felt oddly numb. She just knew she was going to beat him, he had never been much of a pool player. Big surprises come in small packages, and when you least expect them, he had once told her. He had said that months ago when they first met, and had repeated himself earlier today, just before the games began. But she had never felt more sure of winning, especially since she hid her talent as a way of luring people into the bets and then taking...

2 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Part 2

Leila heard her name called as she held a garden hose while standing on the concrete porch of her parents’ house. She was aiming the nozzle at the gladiolas in the flower bed to the right of the porch, showering them with water. Except, her mother didn’t have gladiolas and this puzzled Leila. She looked to her right and saw Ace standing on the sidewalk in front of the yard. He was unzipping his khaki trousers. “What are you doing?” she yelled. “Come here,” Ace said, in that insistent tone of...

2 years ago
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The phone call

Several year ago I had the good fortune of being able to retire early with a union pension and jumped at the opportunity. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do with all my free time, other than being able to dress up more often and invite men and other T girls to my apartment for fun times. I do love sex and love to play. Then it dawned on me that I had always wanted to travel cross country, stopping to see a lot of landmarks, historic sites and so on. I had been chatting with guys and other...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 55

"Governor! How nice to hear from you again. That bag of diamonds set me up with a new house, a car, and some cash invested for the future; and my experience with you has got me a consultant post with the university. If I can do anything for you, fire away!" "Terence, We are looking at another new planet that has a huge amount of forests covering the land. The Personalia have taken samples for us of all the tree species, so we need appropriate experts to examine these samples and tell us...

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 68

Bozo spent the night in the garage with us. He stayed over near the water heater. Mom had told Jill to take responsibility for what she was doing to me while we were doing our chores earlier. Jill had promised to make it better. She did. I'd planned on talking to her about what she and Mary talked about while they were washing Mom's new car. That idea went out the window. Jill wouldn't let me put shorts on and she was naked when I turned out the main light. We got into bed and the next...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 4

The doubter (Unpronounceable), whined some more and finished with, "It's Change," with the capital 'C'. Everybody in the room knew it was there ... even the ceiling. "I hate Change," (Unpronounceable) said, "It means that I have to adjust my comfortable life to fit in. Hate Change. Change upsets me so." He/she/whatever grouched continuously, getting louder and whining ... winding up like a turbocharger until... "Shut up, (Unpronounceable). I can see it was a mistake having you on...

1 year ago
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Take your medicine honey Chapter 7

"How do I look, honey?" my wife asked me.I quickly turned my attention from the television show that I had been watching and focused my gaze on Angela as she stood framed in the lounge-room doorway. My hungry eyes slowly floated over her a couple of times, from eye-line to ankle."You look absolutely gorgeous," I finally told her.And she did. It was 7:00 pm on Friday night, and Angela had just finished dressing in preparation for her night out with the girls. Yes - she had decided to go to...

2 years ago
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Private Dancer An Adult Story

Introduction: She brought her husband to watch me I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the room I had seen a movie last week. That made...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales Rapunzel

Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...

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