Adverse ConditioningChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 26
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"Bradley!" Lisa's shout caused every eye not already focused on her to do so immediately. She ran, well not really run, she couldn't while still trying to cover herself, so she scurried as quickly as she could over to her son finally throwing her arms around him, holding on as tightly as possible while sobbing.
"There, there, mother, everything will be alright," he said while patting her bare back.
"Sir is this ISP bothering you?" asked the guard he had been talking to.
"No she's fine. Here, mother, put this on," he handed her a small dress box.
Quickly releasing him she grabbed the box and tore it open. Inside was a plain light blue dress with a pair of flat sandals. Still turned into towards her son Lisa shook out the dress and pulled it over her head. It wasn't much of a dress, just a plain shift, little more than a sack with holes for her head and arms, but at least she wasn't naked anymore! Dropping the sandals to the floor she held onto Bradley's arm while slipping them on her feet. God she felt almost human! This was the first decent thing that had happened to her all day.
"Sir," it was that guard again, "If you've taken custody of your client would you please sign and print the receipt. After that unless you have further questions you are free to go."
Reaching over with his right hand, his left having been taken again by his mother, he quickly scribbled his name and pressed his thumb in the proper block. Thanking the guard he turned and walked toward the exit. There was no need to steer Lisa along, she had a death grip on his arm and it would be problematic whether or not a crowbar would have been enough to get her to release it. Walking quickly with her scampering alongside he made his way out of the building to his waiting aircar.
Once there he unlocked it, opened the passenger door and helped Lisa in. Walking around to the driver side he entered, punched in the destination and watched the manual control column disappear into the dashboard. As the vehicle hummed to life and gently rose above the parking area Brad turned towards his mother studying her as she huddled in the seat, arms crossed over her chest, eyes starring down at the floor.
"How are you doing mother?" he said quietly, breaking the silence.
Raising her head like emerging from a dream Lisa turned her head toward him and focused her eyes. Suddenly she leaned over grabbing the front of his shirt with one hand while resting her head on his chest. Her body shook as she began sobbing; tears ran down her cheeks to be quickly absorbed in his syn-sa-silk shirt. After a while she was able to breath regularly, leaving her head flattened against his chest she released her hold on his shirt and gently smoothed the wrinkles she created. She could hear his heart beat as she pressed against him and marveled how big he had grown in just the past few years.
"It was awful Bradley, just awful!" she simpered. "They treated me like I was some kind of criminal, like a nobody! You wouldn't believe what they did to me! I-I can't even talk about it. Thank god you saved me! Can you believe it they actually talked about sending me to one of those houses; you know which ones I mean, where women sell themselves. I was terrified!"
"Well thank god that's over," she sniffed, pushing herself back away from her son and sitting upright. After doing it she sort of wished she hadn't, he had definitely been nice to lean against, so warm and safe.
"Oh Bradley! I've missed you so much! I haven't seen you since the funeral, I thought about calling but with the lawyers and accountants and everything it just never seemed to be the right time." Trying to smile as she looked up at him she rubbed tears off her cheeks. "What have you been doing? Before coming to my rescue that is."
"Well, to be honest, mostly I was defending myself from those same lawyers and accountants." His eyebrows moved up just a fraction along with the corners of his mouth in just the hint of a smile. "For some reason they seemed to think I was part of the J&J package. Even tried to insist I had put myself up as collateral. Wasn't till I pointed out a minor couldn't collateralize, and of course nobody can do it for someone else, adult or minor. I wonder where they got that crazy idea? Mother, do you know where they got it?'
"Ah, no, of course not!" Lisa felt a bit flustered and turned to look out the window.
"Humm, they thought you might. Even had a paper with your signature on it using me as collateral for one of the loans."
Refusing to meet his eyes she stubbornly kept looking out of her window at the passing cityscape.
"I really don't know dear. Your dad had me sign so many papers. I really didn't know what I was signing. Look at me! I didn't know I was using myself to guarantee a loan! I would never have done it if I had! For either of us."
"Well, that's good to hear mom," just a hint of sarcasm could be heard in his tone. The car began to slow and descended. "Ah, here we are, home sweet home."
The car slowly settled into a car park just outside a row of townhouses. Although not very large they were obviously fairly upscale. Given Lisa's skewed sense of proportion she thought it was just the kind of place one of the free servants would live, or maybe some minor public official. The fact was even these 'modest' digs would have been far above such plebeian pocketbooks.
"This is very nice dear," she remarked as the car door opened allowing her to step down to the walkway. Overhead the car-park roof slid silently closed leaving them in a dim coolness. It was only a step or two up to the front door that opened with Brad's handprint on the lock plate. Stepping aside he waved Lisa in before him.
The front hallway and what she could see of the living and dining areas were tastefully, if a bit sparsely furnished. Very clean and well kept, not at all what she would have expected of a 'bachelor pad.'
"Why Bradley this is very nice indeed." She remarked taking it all in at a glance. "So very clean and neat! But then you were always a neat boy, not at all messy like some of those friends of yours. Do you have a service come in or do you have your own staff?"
"Well the place isn't really big enough to have its own staff," he chuckled. "So I've had a service in once a week. With all my traveling it seemed to work out pretty well. But yes, I do like a clean house. With you here now, and me not traveling quite so much it'll probably need to be cleaned more often. So let me show you around, I know it's small, but I don't need anything much bigger just yet. You can see the living room and dinning area, haven't really used that yet, I usually eat in the kitchen, but let's see the rest of it."
Wandering around he showed her the very large kitchen, laundry room, and ground floor bathroom. Next he took her upstairs to show her the rest of the house. Technically it was a three-bedroom but one of the extra bedrooms had already been converted to a den/work area. The master bedroom was very nice with a huge king sized bed and a master bath whose shower/tub could easily have fit three of four people. Although the décor definitely said 'male' it was tastefully done and wasn't overly masculine to the point of reeking of musk. Just something about it let you know this was the king's room and not the queen's. The only thing that seemed somewhat out of place was the large wicker framed pad placed at the foot of the bed. It looked like a bed for a very large dog but Brad had never mentioned a pet to her and he had never been allowed to have one while living at home. Oh well, she thought, maybe as part of his quest for independence he got a pet when he moved out. Lisa never had been much of a pet person and wasn't overly excited about sharing a house with any kind of animal especially a large one, but beggars can't be choosy.
The third room was a bit of a puzzle. Empty, nothing but bare carpeting. The only break in the expanse being a small round disk of metal set flush in the middle of the floor with what look to be a small hook or clasp sticking up in its center.
"What's going to be in here dear?" she asked. "Is this supposed to be my room?"
"For awhile it will be," he answered. "Until you earn something better anyway."
"What do you mean earn?" Puzzled she looked back at him. He leaned against the wall, arms folded, with a slight smile just barely curving his lips up at the ends.
"I mean earn, mother. I didn't buy you to keep you as a pet." His smile broadened a bit, "You've had the last twenty-one years to lay around and do nothing, now you're going to have to earn your keep."
"Ah, ooh," stunned Lisa could hardly think of what to say. "Well, yes, I understand, I'll help out of course. Supervise the help and such, I'll do what I can."
"Lets get this straight now Lisa," it was the first time Lisa could remember him using her first name and that disturbed her more that anything thus far.
"I'm your mother," she snapped, "I would appreciate it if you would address me as such."
"I'll address you as I see fit," his smile evaporating like it was never there. Straightening up he continued. "I'll call you Lisa, or bitch, or whore, or slut, or anything else I deem fit to call you and you shall address me as Master until I give you permission to use something else. You see my Little Bitch, I own you. I bought you, paid cash, a lot of cash in fact. The state may bid low for a prime whore but it's still a lot of money for a working stiff like me and I fully intend to recoup my investment."
"Bradley! You can't talk to me..." suddenly her ass stung like someone had smacked her with a paddle. "Ouch! That hurt!" Rubbing her bottom she noticed he had an object in his hand, it was the small key fob the guard had given him at the courthouse.
"Of course it hurt," he said grinning. "It's supposed to hurt. It's called adverse conditioning and for the first part of your training it's what we will use to, shall we say, dissuade you from undesirable actions. Later of course when you have had at least the minimum of obedience training we can start using positive reinforcement as a training tool. But for now, until you've been broken to harness as they say, pain is the easiest and quickest way to break down those social barriers that have been engrained over the past forty odd years. How long it will take is up to you. We can do it the easy way or the hard. Easy is most comfortable for you, the hard way a bit more pleasurable to me. I have to admit I still harbor a great deal of repressed resentment for you abandoning me while I was young. At least that's what the therapist has told me, and what the hell it's as good an excuse as any."
"But, but, Brad... ouch!" His name was barely out of her mouth when she felt another sharp slap on her butt. It hurt a lot but the funny thing was it didn't feel sore when she rubbed it, the pain was intense while it lasted but was gone almost immediately, only to remain in her memory.
"A slow learner huh?" he said his grin widening. "Right now I have it set to feel like a cane to your ass, one of the lowest settings by the way. I can set if for broken bones, fingernails pulled out or even a hot poker stuck up your ass. Pretty amazing, it works by sending signals directly to the nerves in your spinal cord. No physical damage of course, but you won't know the difference when it happens. Do you want to try some of the other settings just to see what they feel like?"
"N-No Br-Master," she said starting to sob. Her mind was numb, her body shaking, this couldn't be happening to her! Suddenly she became angry. He couldn't do this to her! I'm his mother for god's sake! She had to stop this now!
"You can't do this to me!" she shouted. "I'm not some animal you can train to do tricks!" Almost immediately the pain began. One round after another two, three, four, they seemed to come one after until she lost count and crumpled to the floor twitching and writhing.
"Well," he said with an exaggerated sigh, "they said it wouldn't be easy training you on my own. You see I took a course on training ISP's. I suppose I could do it the easy way and enroll you in their program, but I wanted to do it myself. Well, maybe not all by myself but that's for later, after all you are my mother and family should do for family shouldn't they? Besides this is so much more fun, for both of us. I've seen their program and believe me, I'm just pissed at you, they on the other hand really enjoy giving pain. But then they do guarantee their work; unfortunately the results tend to be blithering, simpering and subhuman at times. Well, it's always an option."
"Now stand up and take off your clothes. I want to see my new property."
Sobs still racking her body Lisa stumbled upright and slowly began to tug the shift over her head. Holding the dress in front of her trying to hide her nakedness he pointed to the floor and she dropped it. Immediately she pressed one arm over her breasts and cupped her groin with the other hand, head down in shame.
"Sandals," was all he said and she slowly slipped them off her feet.
"Now stand up straight, arms to your side. Pretend you're in the army and at attention. We'll teach you the proper way to present yourself to your master later; right now this is good enough."
She did what she was told, standing a still as she could while still shaking as he walked around her.
"Very nice, Little Bitch," he said from behind her, "I see you have been taking care of my property. Not bad for an old broad, not bad at all."
The 'old broad' crack hurt, Lisa had always prided herself on her appearance and had worked harder at that then anything else over the past twenty years.
"Still pretty firm," she felt him grab the cheek of her ass and shivered, his touch was repugnant, it made her skin crawl.
"Please don't Bra-Master," she whimpered. Again the pain from the ghost slap hit her and she cried softly.
"Unless I give you and order, to which you answer 'Yes, Master, ' or I ask you a question you will remain silent. Do you understand, Little Bitch?"
"Yes, Master," she whispered.
"What was that? I didn't hear you."
"Yes, Master," she said louder.
"Better, ' he said smugly. "Now, what is it you don't want me to do? Grab you like this?" With that he grabbed an ass cheek in his hand and gripped as tightly as he could. She whimpered again both from the pain and the humiliation of having someone groping her without her permission, something that had never happened before.
"Get used to it Little Bitch," he said coming around to the front. "You exist now only to serve and please me." Reaching out with both hands he cupped her breasts and gently squeezed them, to her horror her nipples began to enlarge and stand up on their own. Seeing this he released one tit and began rolling the nipple between his finger and thumb, causing it to grow even larger. Lisa began whimpering again, this time from the pleasure his ministrations were giving her. She hated her reaction but her traitorous body continued to respond to his touch.
"You kind of like this don't you Little Bitch?"
"No what, Little Bitch?"
"N-No Master." Tears were running down her face uncontrollably now.
"Well, you will," he chuckled, "soon you will now only like it but crave it, beg for my touch. These really are nice tits. I've heard I can have them stimulated to start lactating, fresh milk anytime I wanted. It's not like you breast-fed me when I was a baby. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"
"Nooo." Again the pain briefly flared in her ass. "No, Master!"
"But you will, Little Bitch. Notice I call you Little Bitch. That is your name until you earn another one. Now on you back, knees up to your chest, bare yourself to me."
Without even trying to protest Lisa slowly dropped to the floor and keeping her legs together drew them back towards her chest.
"Spread 'em, I want to see your cunt." Whimpering she spread her knees apart, face burning red, knowing her vagina was open and bare to his gaze. Trembling like a leaf she felt his fingers softly stroke her downy patch of pubic hair, trimmed short but still covering most of her venus mons. Against her will she could feel herself lubricating, reading herself for sex. She whimpered louder and shut her eyes tightly, hoping against hope he wouldn't recognize the reaction of her traitorous body, but she wasn't to be so lucky.
"Well this hair will have to go at the very least. Ah, you see, you do like this," he said as he slowly pushed one finger and then another into her glistening slot. "This is good. Maybe you're a natural submissive and your training won't take as long as I thought. I guess that shouldn't be much of a surprise, normally women don't put out for strange men just because their husbands want them too, so there must be at least a bit of a sub in you somewhere. I don't know if I really like that or not. I was looking forward to slowly breaking you, paying you back for all those years you and that asshole I called father shut me out of your lives. You know what it's like being bundled up and sent off, shut away, hidden out of sight like a piece of trash you are ashamed of?"
"I'm sooo sorry Bradley, I mean Master!" It was becoming difficult to think as his fingers pistoned in and out of her now sopping vagina. She could feel an orgasm starting to build which also shocked her, she almost never came during sex, it was always something she had to do to herself afterwards. But now for some reason, maybe the ghastly humiliation of her position or the shear perversion of having her own son finger fucking her was starting that itchy, pressure of an oncoming orgasm. She didn't want it. To orgasm under these conditions would be tantamount to admitting she enjoyed this abuse. She didn't want it but her body did.
Sensing her imminent release Brad quickly withdrew his fingers as she whimpered now with frustration. She wanted him to finish her off, desperately wanted him to, but the fingers didn't return.
"We don't want you cumming just yet, oh no," she heard him say. "That's something you're going to have to beg for, something you're going to have to earn." Then she felt a finger probe her anus. Remembering the probe from the processing center she involuntarily tightened up causing him to chuckle as he pressed his unlubricated digit in.
"You have a nice tight asshole here, Little Bitch," he said. "When you finish your training we're going to have a lot of fun I can see that now."
Horror at the thought overpowered her fear of the pain and she gasped, "No Bradley, we can't do that! That would be incest!"
"Let me see, that should be at least two, one for not calling me Master and another for speaking out of turn." He sat up and fondled the control fob as she cringed, waiting for her punishment. Instead he looked at her and grinned.
"This time I think I'll let you get away with it, but just because I want you to hear what I'm saying with no distractions. First, legally anything we do isn't considered incest. You are an ISP, not really human; there are no more ramifications for me fucking you than if I drilled some piece down at one of the whore houses. Secondly, you never were really my mother. You were the egg donor and incubator for nine months and that's it. You never acted like my mother and never were so I don't consider it incest. Thirdly, what you think is meaningless." Standing up he looked down at her, his eyes taking in the sight of the still splayed cunt and closed eyes as she softly sobbed.
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My name is well I guess I should say was Brent Samson, up until about two years ago I was a normal healthy twenty four year old male. Up until that fateful day two years ago I had been in a very healthy loving relationship. I met Jessica when she was working at a local greasy spoon. Jess was absolutely gorgeous she had long brunette hair long supple legs and nice large DD breasts. We fell in love right away I don't even think we had been dating more then two months when we moved in...
AF: As Luck Would Have It By Bashful What can I say about Jerry? He's one of the unluckiest men I know. He's also one of the nicest. He tries so hard to do the right thing and it seems it always backfires on him and those that make the mistake of standing too close to him. I think the one story that best exemplifies Jerry's brand of luck is the twenty-dollar bill incident. It was a windy day, Jerry and I were crossing the street when a twenty-dollar bill blew right up to...
Hot and slutty teen schoolgirl Mila is an hour late again for her after class tutorial and tutor Van is not having it anymore. He lets her know her excuses are not working as he sees what she is up to on her gram and it must stop, because what he is getting paid is not worth it. Well, now Mila has a much better way to pay him as she asks to be tied up and for Van to have some fun with her young teen body. Mila drops to her knees sucking down his cock as Van fucks her hot hungry mouth. But once...
xmoviesforyouHi, my husband has been writing about our experiences from our Fantasy Boxes. We both have a box where we put our sexual fantasies in and try to make them come true for each other, I find his writings about our fantasy experiences really exciting and he agreed that could I write about our latest fantasy, so here goes…. This is John’s fantasy, I picked it out and read it in secret so he didn’t know which one I had got, he asked for a foursome wife swap, he didn’t state who with but left it up to...
My black SUV pulled up at our house and I tried my hardest to be fairly quiet as I walked into the door. Usually she is the first thing I see when I come home but she was not in sight. The house was somewhat quiet though. I walked from room to room checking on her when I got to the closed door of our bedroom. My heart skipped a beat as I was now listening to strange sounds. Sounds her and I usually make when we are behind closed doors together. I paused before opening the door to listen,...
Lonavla Hi friends, this is Zoonaid (name changed). I am 23 yrs old graduate. I am 5'10'' tall with 6'' tool. I am working in MNC in Pune. I stay alone here. You can mail me at (Read my other stories 1.Hot Morning with Mami, 2.Friend’s Support, 3.Raat ki baat, Deepa ke saath) I have one friend working with me. Amol. We are of same age. We completed our UG in same year (from different cities) and joined the company on same day. He is from Mumbai. Came to Pune just for a job. Hum ek saath job...
Chris felt the vibrator buzzing away in his ass, pressed tightly against his prostate. The vibrations rolled and buzzed up the length of his cock and were swallowed by Mika's pussy. She had come home with her sister after being at the club all night and crawled into his bed in the middle of the night to fuck. She was drunk and smelled like coconut rum, cigarette smoke, and perfume. He remembered her climbing on top of him, straddling his waste and pulling her white dress over her head. She...
On a recent round with my partner, Steve, I started to feel the need for a pee on the 14th hole. I tried to hold it in and forget about it, and that was OK on the long shots, but when I was stood over a particularly tricky putt on the 14th green, my concentration was affected and I missed the putt (at least, that was my excuse to myself). Fortunately, the 15th tee was next to a small wood and I shouted to Steve that I was going for a pee. “Great!”, he replied cheerfully, “can I...
School started up again two weeks later and Jack didn't see Staci for a few days. They had gotten together once more the week before school began, when he had run into her at Galileo's. Staci had really done a number on him that day. She made him fuck her hard in several positions, ending with him pounding her from behind while she screamed into her pillow, and he'd left with a pleasant soreness in his groin. He was getting better and the last time had lasted long enough to bring Staci off...
July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can't wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You're everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 "I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles... This is...
TabooIt had been a few days since I heard from my new sex partners, Jack & Molly – a sex loving couple - Our initial sexcapades had been so intense that I was getting my pussy wet just thinking about them. My roommate had to go out of town to the village to see her parents, so it left me alone. The pool was nice and warm, nude swimming was all ways a favourite past time for me. The phone woke me out of my daydreaming. "Hello." I said. "Hey! What's up?" Jack said on the other end. "Not much,...
About a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night.He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one of the guys always smiled at me.While one night I got a phone call and he said his name was Rick and he lived down the hall...
Down on my knees at the foot of the bed with my cock in my hand, I had the best view possible. Although I couldn't actually see his cock in her cunt, I had a good view of his balls slapping against her thighs and she was already on a roll, orgasming loudly. He only arrived about fifteen minutes ago, the first time we had seen him. He had answered our small ad: Couple, he bi, seek man. That was it. She took one look at him and said "Good", and in nextto no time they were fucking and I was...
VoyeurI’ve had my first orgasm, but now I’m craving more, one thing is for certain, he won’t be able to drive through this, “Pull over Alex.” **** I was craving her pussy, and as soon as those words dropped from her lips I knew I was going to get it. We weren’t far from a local wooded area and I sped my way along the well known roads, the aching in my loins only spurring me on to drive ever faster. We arrived, and I turned the engine off. We jumped out of our seats and clambered into the back of...
Hey guys.Hi my name is Vijay.I want to share my sexual experience with you people out there.This happened with me last year with my sweet bhabhi.You see my brother is married & we all stay together in a big bunglow just on the outskirts of Mumbai.My bhabhi Anita is a really hot women.She looks gorgeous wearing those sarees.Her big butt.Her juicy boobs.her wet lips always used to arouse me but I never got a chance to even touch her.But my luck soon changed.One day everyone went out for...
IncestWe slept in the next day and woke up around noon. Sarah was the first to get out of bed and I saw her naked ass as she left the room. As she took a shower I put some jogging pants on and ate some breakfast. Sarah came into the kitchen after her shower to get some orange juice and was naked other than a pair of panties. When I saw her I couldn’t help but stare at her tits fully visible in the daylight. Sarah must have seen me staring and gave me a wink. She then left the kitchen and I...
Chloe had the rest of the day off from work. When she told me I knew what she meant; she was available for all the fucking I wanted. Of all my women she had the biggest appetite. Considering I was going to take two of my women with me and Mandy to West Virginia, Chloe ranked at the top of my list. She not only accepted more when I wanted it, but she usually asked for more. For the few days I'd be away from everyone else, she'd get her wish. After Chloe and I got dressed, I gave her another...
The Mediterranean morning winds blew briskly across the dusty streets, sending a foul stench into the air. Major David Haver gingerly stepped down the street and glanced around him. The sun was just beginning to come up in the west, the first rays nearly blinding as it reflected across the ocean in the distance. As it did the full carnage of the scene in front of him became apparent. David had not expected it to be nearly so messy. The Phalangists said they would do this clean. Clean. The...
On a Clear Blue Sky Sunny Day, a Mom was in the driver-seat of a dark blue Mini-Van, She was about 5'11, long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, button nose, and a wonderful smile, She was dropping off her 16-year-old daughter off at the soccer field for her soccer practice, that was a few feet away from the high school. I looked both ways, in case I see some cars and trucks driving by, I walked casually walked across the street up to the open driver-side window of the car, until The Mom saw...
Mind ControlI never could have imagined this would happen to me. Like every other normal k** I hit that age, got hair on my balls and thought I was pretty cool. At first all was well and I would get to start fucking girls-a lot of girls. But it did not happen like that. I learned that the girls did not want to put out as easily as they should. So I learned to please myself. And that worked well for a while but then I started to do that too much. I mean I really liked it and thought why not? What could it...
Niomi had, over the past few months, accepted her role in life and in so doing the life had almost gone out of her. Days and nights meant nothing. Like a robot she arose, prepared meals, cleaned house and then "performed" for her son and husband which usually consisted of taking a friend, sometimes two, of theirs to bed and subjecting herself to any and every act of depravity. Only last week she had been forced to copulate with a large dog. Arora and Hyota had roared with laughter when the...
This happened in January 2000. I have changed the names to more English sounding names to make the text slightly more fluent. English is not my native language so bear with me :)Yet another weekend. I was at the nightclub that is right next to the apartment house where I lived. At some point, a young woman came talking to me. I was almost 30 and later I found out that she was 21. She had cute face, long black hair and her body was thick at just the right places. We talked and danced a lot. When...
The Best Day Ever Chapter One It was hard to believe reallly, but as Chris sat alone in his very own college apartment he was completely happy at last. It had been an unbelievable weekend of work for the entire family but it was done. An apartment. And, not just any apartment but his apartment. Finally, at the age of 18, Chris was moving into his very own place. His. His very own place in a completely new and exciting mid-size college town over a days drive from any one and...
Was the second month of the school year and found myself in trouble again. Mrs. Black caught me day dreaming for the fifth time. She said she had no choice but to report me to the principal. I knew if she did that I'd be in serious trouble with my dad. He and my dad played golf together and I know he'd tell him. I begged Mrs. Black not to report me and I'd do anything she said if she wouldn't. She said she'd think about it. After class I asked her if she thought about it, she said yes,and I...
Hi everyone, this is my first story. Since am not that much good in writing in Tamil, here goes my story in English. Am working for a medium sized office with branches spread across the city. As am heading the operations, I would be mostly on the roaming from one branch to another. We had a vacancy for Branch head for one of the branch and was conducting interviews. Through referral got a profile of a girl named Anjali (Name changed). She was married for the past 2 years but with no kids due...
My sister instructed me to clean up my bedroom. She made a big show about how I didn’t know what I should use to clean the carpet. Charity offered to teach me how to clean, but Lindsay said she would do it. “You have your slave orientation tomorrow! Dad said you need to focus on that,” Lindsay told Charity. “You are right, Ma’am! I am very excited and nervous!” Charity beamed with a look of enthusiasm. “I am sure you will do fine,” Lindsay pet Charity on top of her head. It was...
James and Diane had worked together for nine years. There had always been a little sexual tension between them, but she was married and he had a girl friend, so it was more flirtatious fun than smoldering passion. Both of them knew the other wasn’t getting any sex at home, and James had playfully remarked that maybe they should help each other out some time, but neither had ever taken it too seriously. Little did she know that was about to change …… One day, they were standing around talking...
Impregnating Paula part two Paula didn’t understand what was happening. They had went to the Hypnotherapy Clinic on the recommendation of their family Doctor. Hypnosis was supposed to relax them and assist in her impregnation. Instead, her husband was impotent, except at the clinic. There, he was larger and more powerful than ever before, but, he couldn’t get an erection at home. He had never been like that before their first visit to the clinic. Maybe, she had gotten pregnant when he had...
Later in Antioch Illinois, Richard G was thinking about a girl at the office named Wendy L. The recollection of Wendy L sexually stimulated Richard G in such a way as to cause his penis to become erect. Richard G wondered if Wendy L wore a thong with low rise styling and a flat curved waistband for comfort. Richard G wondered if Wendy L would opt for the really low five and a half inch rise and the stretch lace, silky, semi-sheer tanish thong which were actually a color called...
What a crazy week….MondayMy hands were tied behind my back as my ass was impaled by the huge donkey cock of that gross client that I have. Big, fat, hairy, sweaty…even his cock was too big!“Giddyap momhwore!” he ordered as he pulled on a chain that had clamps tightly tied to my big nipples at the end. I began to ride his massive cock faster as I faced him. You could hear the slapping of my ass on his lap as I fucked his cock faster. He pulled on the chain harder and my boobs were being...
Alex and Valentina are step-siblings who have gotten in the habit of hooking up when their parents aren’t around. He is younger and his 21st birthday is coming up!!! Valentina has a very special surprise for him. She knows he is a massive fan of the one and only Briana Banks and she sets up the ultimate gift. Watch his eyes light up as he fucks his dream girl, all while his kinky, big titted stepsister watches and joins. He is surprised when Briana appears in front of him and invite him to...