Adverse ConditioningChapter 5 free porn video

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The next few weeks became easier. The housekeeping tasks were a pain at first but could be mindlessly done and took shorter periods of time each day. Exercise was actually a welcome relief. There was a holo in the basement and working out on the machines was almost enjoyable. Most times Cleo was there with her. Not necessarily to watch her, but to work out herself. They would actually talk at these times and it was getting very difficult to hate the woman. Corrections were few and far between, most of the time a verbal warning or instruction was more than sufficient. The fact was she didn't see Cleo all that often only more. Cleo was usually up in the den researching the labor project or some other task Brad was working on at the time. She had become his de facto administrative assistant and would often accompany him to his office when he was required to spend time there.

Lisa tried to remain ashamed and humiliated by the nightly cocksucking she was required to do, but even that became a pleasure she looked forward to. It was one of the few times she was in control. She determined when he came, how he felt, how fast it went or how slow. She like the feeling of him completely losing control under her. At that one instance he was hers and not the other way around. It didn't even bother her that it was her son. He wasn't her son really. He was the master of the house, the lord of the manor, the heart and soul of this tiny kingdom. His pleasure became her pleasure.

One night as she was completing her devotion to his cock, she lifted her head, making sure the single drop of his semen on the corner of her mouth didn't fall on her uniform blouse. Over the last week she had earned her clothes, at least the French maids' uniform and she was still getting used to it. She was required to wear it when Brad was home, but had asked if she could go without panties. It made her feel sexy, which she found she liked, and it drew a fondle or two when she served dinner. She found she liked that also.

Cleo came strolling into the room in her power mini-suit. The skirt ended about five inches above the knees, and as Brad said, three inches below heaven; shear hose, four-inch stiletto heels and a translucent blouse with no bra. Usually when in the office she covered her top with a tight-fitting tailored jacket, just to keep the riots down. The whole outfit screamed "Come Fuck Me," but it also said, "I'm his to fuck, work hard and maybe, just maybe you'll get someone like me to fuck also." Brad definitely got a lot more requests for consults from upper management when his new assistant was with him.

"Hi master darling," she said bending down to give him a kiss. "Hi, Lisa." She kicked off her shoes and slid down next to him in the chair.

"Mistress Cleo," Lisa said with a small curtsey. Not having been told any different she knelt next to his chair in her accustom spot.

"How are you doing sexy?" he said after they broke apart. He had one arm around Cleo and the other gently rubbing up and down Lisa's back. She arched her back thrusting up her ass hoping he would reach down and play with her there.

Cleo and Brad talked for a few minutes about what she had been researching and then told her the big news.

"Guess what baby," he grinned. "I got word back from the Tokyo office today. That proposal we put together for the Aussie labor market, it came back a huge winner. They nailed it just like we planned it. The company is going to net at least one-hundred ND (New Dollars) on each head brokered, two-hundred thousand head, minimum."

"That wonderful," she squealed, scrunching in close to him. "You must be their fair-haired boy for sure now!"

"Yep, and they sent their appreciation in the best way possible, in cash."

"Excellent!" She said. "New cloths for your favorite assistance?"

"Even better," he said and pulled a check out of his shirt pocket and handed it to her.

"Holy shit!" she whispered looking at the number of zeros on the check. Looking up at him she said, "You must be kidding."

"Nope, all yours," he said although he wasn't grinning then. "I told you you could buy out your contract and you can, with a little extra. You are a free woman if you want to be."

She sat very still and looked at the check. Then she looked up at him, a tear running out of the corner of her eye.

"Can I ask a favor of you Brad?" she said slowly.

"Of course Cleo," he said, Lisa noticed his voice was shaking slightly.

Cleo took a deep breath. "I want you to buy my contract. Ten years minimum plus the three months I still have left on this one. I will sell you myself for ten years. I'm going to put the money in escrow so if someday you get tired of me I will be able to buy it back."

"You know that's crazy don't you?" he said, smiling again. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you like even without the collar."

"So I'm weird," she said shrugging her shoulders. "I like being your property, your bitch, your fuck-toy. I like it when you own me, use me. So sue me."

"Well, in that case is have something for you," he said and reached down and pulled a box from beneath the chair next to Lisa which surprised her. He handed it to Cleo. She opened it and pulled out a control collar almost identical to Lisa's except it had a few diamonds attached to the stud in front.

"You god-damned bastard," she said now crying. "You knew what I was going to do the whole time."

"Let's just say I had hoped," he said with a grin.

"You are going to get so much pussy tonight," Cleo growled.

"That sounds like a plan to me," Brad said happily.

"And not just mine," she said, smirking at his look of surprise. "Well, you'll get that too, but tonight is special; you're going to break in your mother's pussy." Lisa started shivering, she knew it would happen someday, but lately she had put it out of her mind. "What do you think of that Lisa?"

"That would be wonderful Mistress Cleo," Lisa said still shaking.

"What if I said you should get it up the ass tonight, Lisa?"

"If that is what Master Bradley wishes," Lisa said, her voice shaking almost as much as her body.

"See," Cleo said with a huge grin, "now she is broken. Just a little more and she'll be yours, soul as well as body. Do you want to take her here?"

"No," he said thoughtfully. "I want her up on my bed."

"Very well, Master Bradley," Cleo said. "You heard him Lisa. Up to his room, strip and in second position on the floor."

"Actually, I'd like her to leave the stockings on," Brad said. "I think they're really sexy."

"You heard the master, Lisa," Cleo said cheerfully. "Now get moving."

Lisa stood slowly, still a little wobbly on her high heels, and with head down, walked slowly towards the stairs. She was a bit dazed, her emotions warring within her. Intellectually she knew she should be dreading, even fighting this new phase of her slavery. That she was a slave she now fully comprehended. The problem was it didn't bother her as much as she thought it should. True, she was treated like a servant, but now that she was doing the cooking, although not practically well even though she really did try, she ate at a table with Brad and Cleo when they ate in the kitchen, which was most of the time. She did the cleaning, laundry and still slept on the floor, although she did have a blanket and pillow. But, to actually fuck her son...

Still thinking about what she was really feeling she walked into the master bedroom and quickly striped off her blouse, skirt and heels. She folded and placed them neatly on a chair, after all she knew the maid would have to take care of them later. Walking to the middle of the room she assumed the second position; kneeling with her butt sitting on her heels, Knees spread shoulder width apart, hands resting on thighs, back arched, chest pushed forward, head bowed, and eyes on the ground.

It had been a long time since Lisa had had sex. Not being interested in it herself she hadn't looked for it after her husband died and he hadn't ask her for it for quite a while before that, for either himself or one of their business partners. It could have easily been over a year ago. She wasn't afraid of the act itself, maybe she was more a whore than she originally thought, but she still had qualms about having it with her son. Not that she could do a damn thing about it! She was still thinking about it when Brad and Cleo entered the room.

"See, I told you she would be here and ready," Cleo smirked. "She's just about a hundred percent broken now. Just a few more things to do and she'll be fully ready."

"You certainly were correct," Brad admitted. "I'm wondering though, do I really have to fuck her? To tell the truth I'd rather fuck you."

"You are a sweetie," Cleo said patting his cheek. "And yes you do, she needs to know that not only can you use her, but that you will use her. Her body belongs to you, especially her mouth, cunt and ass. Besides, don't you want to fuck the woman who abandoned you? Left you to a lonely childhood? This is your way of finally claiming her as your own."

"I guess so," he sigh. "And it's not like I don't want to fuck her, it's just, well, I mean, I feel like I'm cheating..."

"On me darling?" Cleo gave him a big hug. "That is so sweet. Put it right out of your beautiful masterly head, you can't cheat on me, you own me. Remember? I'm very happy you enjoy my body; I certainly enjoy yours. But you my man are going to be fucked by all the pussy you can get. Mine included, thank you very much. A young stud needs all the pussy he can get. You will have me, Lisa and whoever else we will need to run your household. Every one of them will be beautiful and yours to do with what you want."

"What new women are you talking about?" He sounded puzzled.

"Why for the bigger house you will need to buy in the future, silly," she teased.

"Why would I need a bigger house?" he asked.

"Look, Brad," he knew she was serious when she used his given name. "We make a damn fine team. I do the grunt work and you polish, present and sell it. If that little bonus we just got is any real glimpse of what is to come then you are going to be one very wealthy man. You're going to move up in business and when you do you're going to need a place to entertain. A house. A big house. A big house with servants. A big house with servants you can fuck. Understand?"

"It just seems so much like a dream now," he sighed. "Besides, I've seen what having the big house with servants is like. I don't want to have to go through the shit to keep it like my parents did and then have it all fall apart in the end."

"Don't worry honey, I won't let you get into that kind of trouble," she said. "We live within our means and make the money the old fashion way, we earn it. But right now we aren't going to worry about the pussy in the future, we'll deal with the pussy you have right here and now. Lisa, get up on the bed, doggie style, on your knees and elbows. I want that ass sticking up in the air and that cute little pussy of yours taking pictures of us."

Lisa did what she was told and was soon in position in the middle of the bed. She was shaking with the humiliation of being little more than a large sex-toy, but part of the shaking was anticipation also. Cleo crawled up next to her and put her head down next to Lisa's.

"Lisa, look at me," Cleo said in a surprisingly normal voice. "Your master is going to fuck you now. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Lisa whispered.

"He is going to fuck you because he wants to, because he can, because this body belongs to him." Cleo reached behind Lisa and caressed her exposed pussy lips. "You are not ready for your master yet. Think of sucking his cock. Think of how if feels in your mouth, the taste of the pre-cum, the jets of his sperm shooting down your throat." Lisa began to moisten as she remembered the pleasure associated with sucking Brad's cock. She actually started to drool a little but that wasn't the only thing that was getting wet. Cleo's finger again explored her sex.

"Works every time," Cleo chuckled. Brad could smell the sent of excitement coming off his mother and he shook his head in wonder.

"How do you do that?" he asked Cleo. Lisa heard something about Pavlov, or some other foreign name. She knew she had heard it before but right now didn't care.

"You are my little bitch in heat now aren't you Lisa?" Cleo whispered.

"Yes, mistress." Lisa gasped. She couldn't believe it but now not only was she ready for sex; she wanted it! She felt like a bitch in heat with her head down and her ass raised. Her body vibrated with a need for sexual release. Right then she didn't care if it was from her son or Cleo, so long as somebody touched her!

The bed moved slightly as somebody new climbed on it. She felt the heat of a body directly behind her, between her splayed legs and she arched her back even more, offering her cunt to whoever was there. She felt hands; large, strong hands caress her ass and lower back.

"What is it you want mother?" Brad said softly from behind her.

"Please Brad," she whined. "Please!"

"Please, what, mother?" he said again, still caressing her.

"Please take me!" she said as her need welled up into an overwhelming desire.

"Tell me exactly what you want mother," he teased, one finger now gently following the outer lips of her cunt.

"Please fuck me!" she was softly sobbing now, from want and not humiliation. "Please fuck me!"

"Very well, mother. If you're sure that is what you want..." He pressed forward slightly and the head of his cock contacted the wet lips of her pussy. She shivered again and pressed back at him but he didn't allow penetration. She started sobbing loudly until he started pushing forward again. His hands held her hip firmly, telling her in no uncertain terms he wanted her to remain still. Slowly he moved into her, his rock-hard cock parting her cunt lips as the spongy head was forced into her channel. She whimpered as he relentlessly, slowly, filled her. She could feel every inch as it entered her to the point where she could swear she could feel every vein and ridge of his rod as it moved inside. Finally the head pushed up against her cervix and she felt his hanging balls rest against her outer lips, the front of his thighs pressed tightly against the back of hers. It was an absolutely perfect fit!

Again she started shaking as he rested there; just feeling the warmth and wetness of her body surround him. He started to withdraw and she unexpectedly orgasmed, clamping down on his cock and making it difficult to extract. Pulling back against her grasping orifice he withdrew until the head was the only portion still imbedded. He paused again for a moment and then started pushing back into her. She moaned as he returned to her perfect sheath. He continued on at this pace for several minutes as she groaned and shivered under him. He began to perceptibly increase the speed of his thrusting until he suddenly withdrew completely and she began to sob again at the empty feeling it left her.

"Turn over, mother," he ordered, and although it took him saying it twice for her to fully comprehend once she did she quickly rolled over and spread her legs as far apart as she could. He positioned himself over her, looking down at here as she whimpered beneath.

"Look at me, mother," he said softly and she opened her eyes. What he saw surprised him. Instead of the disgust, or maybe hate he expected he saw adoration and need.

"Who owns you, mother?" he said, again placing his cock at the entrance to her cunt.

"You do Bradley," she whispered with a smile. "You own my body, my heart, and my soul."

"Guide me into you, mother," he said, this time with satisfaction, pride and more than a little affection.

"Yes, Bradley," she hissed, grabbing his cock and practically stuffing the head into her body. He sank into her and she groaned. Looking up into his eyes she gasped, "I love you! I love you!"

"I love you too, mother," he grunted as he quickly plunged into her to the bottom. Without stopping he began to thrust into her hard and fast as she locked her legs around him. Faster and faster he fucked her as she screamed her desire, clawing his back and using her heels to goad him on. Without warning he arched his back and thrust as deep into her as possible and let lose with a torrent of semen and sperm as Lisa shook and shuddered beneath him in the throes of her own orgasm. When he had finally expended himself completely he collapsed on top of her. Lisa gladly accepted his weight and kept her legs locked around him while her hands caressed his back and her lips lightly kissed his neck and anywhere else she could reach.

After a few minutes he struggled to push himself upright as she whimpered and tried to hold him down.

"Let Master Bradley up Lisa," Cleo said softly beside her ear. Lisa pouted and whimpered some more but unlocked her legs and let them flop to his sides. Brad pushed himself up and looked down at her.

"That was fan-fucking-tastic!" he said with a grin.

"Have I lost you to another woman, master?" Cleo said with a pout. She had said it lightly but Brad could tell there was an undercurrent of real concern in there somewhere.

"Not a chance, honey," he grinned. He suddenly realized why she might be anxious. "Ah, you're worried because I told her I loved her. Well, I do amazingly enough. Bit of a surprise to myself I might add. But I love you too, baby. I love both of you. I'm allowed to love both of you aren't I?"

"You bet you are!" Cleo said with a lot more enthusiasm as he leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"In fact I'm going to show you just how much I love you as soon as I can get this back up and ready," he said, flopping over onto the bed beside Lisa.

"I'll bet I know how to get you revved up and ready," Cleo said with a gleam in her eyes. Moving between the semi-comatose Lisa's legs Cleo looked down at Lisa's pussy still leaking Brad's semen. Holding Lisa's legs open she bent down and started licking Brad's semen off of the open cunt lips and down to where it had dripped onto the anus. Lisa moaned but made no effort to stop the woman. Cleo cleaned up as much from the outside as she could and then, after looking up at Brad with a wicked grin, stuck her tongue out as far as it would go and dipped it into Lisa's cunt scooping out as much of his spunk as she could.

Brad watched in amazement as she ate out his mother. Cleo was correct; it didn't take him but three or four minutes of watching this before he was rock hard again. Lisa was withering and moaning by now and Brad just had to stick his cock into someone somewhere. Quickly he got up and knelt behind Cleo who was wagging her ass in the air for him. Holding her hip; he grabbed his cock with the other and placed the head at the entrance to her pussy. Without any other foreplay he began short jabs into her, forcing his cock in a little bit at a time. Soon Cleo was groaning beneath him almost as much as Lisa was beneath her. It didn't take long before the head of his cock was banging into her cervix and his balls were rubbing against the exposed ends of her pussy lips.

"Oh god, Brad," Cleo moaned, turning her head to the side for a moment. "Fuck me, fuck me hard. Prove to me I'm your bitch! Fuck me hard and cum inside me! Give me your baby! Breed me my stallion! Please, master, please!" With that Brad grabbed her hips with both hands and started fucking into her as hard as he could. She quivered beneath him, absorbing each blow and moaning just a little louder each time. Having cum just a few minutes ago it took awhile before he was ready to orgasm again and both of them were covered in sweat before he finally thrush into her and held himself deep, his semen spurting out and filing her hole to overflowing.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Cleo muttered into Lisa's cunt as she felt him let lose inside her. Brad collapsed beside the two, gasping for air. Cleo crawled up and over Lisa to lie on top of him. After a minute or two she rolled over to his one side, her head on his chest while Lisa moved to his other side. Together they fell asleep, his arm around both women, both of them using him as their pillow.

He awoke groggily the next morning in exactly the same position he went to sleep in the night before. He heard the soft murmuring of whispered voices. Lifting his head up slightly he could see two heads, one blond, one brunette, lying on his chest almost nose to nose. The whispering stopped and both women craned their necks to look up at him. A smile lit up both of their faces, the first real smile he had seen on his mother since the day he picked her up at the IS processing center. It made him feel pretty good. Maybe he wasn't the type that could hold a grudge forever; although at one time he thought he could. He had looked forward to humiliating and subjugating his long absent mother for years, if not for the rest of her life. Now it didn't seem very important.

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John was sitting in the chair watching as I worked on Bill's cock with my mouth. He was smiling at me and slowly stroking his erection. I winked at him, took my mouth off of Bill and got on the bed. Bill spread my legs so he could slide his hard cock into my steaming pussy for the third time that afternoon and I moaned: "Oh yes, oh god yes, that feels so damned good." He lifted my legs up onto his shoulders so he could push deep into me and began fucking me hard and I came and I came and I...

2 years ago
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The Gift

The Gift By Margaret Jeanette Carolyn Walker was checking the profit-loss report from the last quarter. They had made a profit but it was far short of what they had projected it to be. She looked for where they could improve the profit margin. Being the Vice President-Finance her suggestions would carry a lot of weight. She noticed two areas that needed a closer look. She had a few minutes free so she called her husband Jim and asked him if he could possibly do some laundry because...

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Hot Pink

Backstory: This story is a fanfiction based on the character of Dean Winchester from the tv show Supernatural. Dean and his brother Sam hunt evil things that go bump in the night, like ghosts, demons and more. This story is set in the future and Dean is now married to his first love Cassie Robinson. Cassie began to collect their things and clean the mess. She was bending down to retrieve her personal bag of tricks, the bag that held just about everything she needed for a quick hunt or a...

2 years ago
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AftermathChapter 6

Thursday at SciTech had been bizarre. The kids wanted to know if I was a 'war hero.' The staff (depending on their politics) thought I was a 'traitor' or a 'victim of state oppression.' I think those were the extremes. When I got home, Patrick was sitting on the grass, digging with a soup spoon. "Urms," he said. "Right, worms," I responded to my budding invertebrate zoologist. "Go fish with gra'pa?" "Not today." Ah, a sportsman! "Want to come in and clean up?" "Sure."...

4 years ago
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Joans Room Chapter 1

Joan's Room by Darla Raspberry Chapter 1 A New Beginning Ring!...Ring!... I awoke from a deep sleep. Sam's arms and legs were draped over me possessively. He was dead to the world. I carefully extricated myself and reached over for the phone to answer it. The red numerals emitted by my alarm clock told me it was now 1:50 AM. Something must be wrong! "Hello?" I said with a raspy voice into the phone....

3 years ago
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Aisi Behan Sabki Ho

Hello mera naam bilz hai ye meri pehli story hai frnds i hope ki sab ise enjoy karenege me punjab ka rehna vala hu me bcome 2nd year me padta hu mera rang saaf height 5’8 or penis 7″ hai meri ek behan hai jiska naam liza hai wo 12 th class me padti hai meri behan bahut hi sexy hai uska figure 36-28-36 hai jo bhi use dekhta hai uska lund khada ho jata hai wo school me ek choti c skirt or shirt dalti hai jiski upar k do button khule hote hai or hair bhi khule chod deti hai ek dum blue film ki...

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Skinny Dippin

She couldn’t afford the expensive city apartment with the divorce settlement she got. As a stay-at-home wife whose husband made big bucks and she mostly volunteered for things, there wasn’t anything to really keep her in the city. Mel had shortened her hillbilly name “Melba Sue” a long time ago when she made up her mind to get out of the Ozark hollow and get an education which was not typical for her family. She’d inherited the family homestead but had just paid the rather modest property taxes...

2 years ago
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High School Dogging

This story happened about ten years ago. I was only sixteen and going to a high school in the mid west. I was a cheer leader and pretty popular. I had blonde hair and been told that I was really hot. There was a large park about a thirty minute drive from our house. It was like 1200 acres and had been there since the city was started. They have concerts there and alot of other things go on. We had heard that you could go up there and have sex with strangers-dogging. One of the girls on our...

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Vacation Surprise

My wife, Alisha, and I were enjoying a long-awaited vacation in the Caribbean at our timeshare, taking the short flight from our home outside of Dallas. Something about seeing tits and ass on the beach and at the pool and lots of alcohol has led some inspired sex on our part, slowly adding to our sexual repertoire, including ass play, at our last visit. After we were checked in and in our hotel room, my wife got a call from Sharon, a high school friend, and a former cheerleader, from Chicago....

4 years ago
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Sissies owner p3

Daddy told cyntia to wait in the carHe needed to unload and i was going to learn how he liked to **** his sissy daughterHe locked the restroom door pushing me back in when i tried to leave and throw me on the toilet seat bend over''you are just a fucking slut now, you never gonna be a boy again ''unlocking my chastity belt , my toy plug buzzing removed and pushed in my mouth, locked the straps on my head , gagged and ass uphe fucked me like a worehard and fast making me squeal on the toilet his...

2 years ago
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The TravellerChatper 11 Chris Beaker

Chris looked at Sar'ha sleeping on the chair; he shook his head and took the grey book that had appeared earlier. It was almost an exact copy of the script of the Traveller although it did have a few additions. Chris saw the warning in the book and made his plans, using a spell he made a psychic connection between himself and Sar'ha, in so doing he found the part of her that was in love with him, it shook him deeply. He also was in love with Sar'ha but knew that they couldn't stay...

2 years ago
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Carrington Mansion Ch 04

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty’s character-forming youth is detailed and Hayden begins thinking about her beyond her vulva. Chapter 4 Annoyed at the arrogance of Hayden, Kitty pounded seven miles of sidewalk that evening trying to get her head around him. Just...

4 years ago
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Learning It All

“Welcome to Rutland.” the girl said. “I just need you to fill this out.” Taking the form, Derrick filled it out and we were given the keys to a jeep four by four. Going out, we found it and tossed our bags in the back seat and I got the directions to the ski lodge out. “Not to far away.” he said and I nodded. “Want to eat here in town or there?” “Let’s wait.” I said and he nodded. Twenty minutes later, we reached the lodge and I saw how beautiful it was. Parking by the office, we went...

3 years ago
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Main Mera Pati aur Uski Behan

Hi i am huma at your service. First of all I must thank all my readers for the overwhelming response they have given me. I will try my best to raise the cocks and wet the pussies of my brothers and sisters, who are my readers. Sorry, no offence intended. Here is my new story. I got lots of suggestions that I am at my erotic best when I write in hindi, so dear I am going to narrate my story which is in continuance of my pervious story Fuming Huma. Mere nikah ko ab koi ek mahina beet chuka tha....

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 22

The bright morning sunlight had everyone sleepy by the time they got to the retreat. As they got out of the vehicles and grabbed their bags, the back door opened and Frank and Margaret rolled a cart out onto the stoop. Jeff opened the hatch on the Escalade he had been driving, then stood looking at the two on the porch. "Where did you get that?" he laughed. "Just down the hall in its closet," Frank responded. Jeff and Diana both started laughing for real. "What's so funny?"...

3 years ago
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Drunken Good Times

Nadia and I have been friends for like three years now and we always hung out together.  She would sleep over my house and visa versa if any one of us was too drunk to go home when we would go out.  I considered her my best friend.  We were very open when it came to talking about sex and she knew that I had a boyfriend.  She also knew that I was not being sexually satisfied by him and that I was quite frustrated.   She was very open about being bisexual and she would tell me about her...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare8

“What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned toward me, snatched the book from my hands then threw it across the room. It smacked against my...

3 years ago
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crafty mommy

i follow you home from the supermarket,i make my way round the back of your house,im so horny.luckily the back door is open and i make my way through to were i hear you are in the house.the are putting the shopping away,youve loosened your skirt and your bra straps are loose,just of the shoulders.i watch as you bend over the shopping and there only one thing on my going to fuck you.i make my move and grab you from behind and cover your try to resist but im to...

2 years ago
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Half Price Sale

Half Priced Sale(Original Equipment)Chapter oneMarie left a trail of dirty snow on the floor as she walked up to the meat counter and considered the prices on the choice cuts of meat she would need for her party on Saturday.  The meat girl on display had a regulation hood that covered her face and the back of her head.  Her hair was either cut short or tucked under the hood.  By law, no hair was allowed to be visible on a meat girl display.   These hoods, or more specifically the electronics...

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We fucked out near the beach area

My mom married her father when i was 19 and out of the house already. I knew her when i was in school and she was on the cheerleading squad. When our parents got married we kidded around some about getting together and going out. It never paned out for her father was a real bastard and made sure we always had someone around if i took her someplace. He knew my reputation of fucking anything that moved or not. One weekend we decided to get around her father and get out, she told her father she...

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Apartment Mayhem Part 4

Apartment Mayhem Part 4 The Conclusion   The cowboy's cock was deep in Connie's throat while he sucked furiously on her cunt. She slid her index finger up to the knuckle deep in his ass and began to finger fuck his ass. She loved the feel of the hard cock as she moved her head in and out and it slid back and forth down her throat, Her finger worked his ass and she could feel his gland so she knew when he would pop his load but her mind reeled as another climax hit...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Favorite Aunt Ch 9

There be Forest Nymph’s here! The shower tub just fit the two of them as they washed each other. The lukewarm water refreshed their skin and state of mind. The day outside was in the nineties already and the humidity was over eighty percent. The cottage didn’t have central air conditioning but each room had a window unit in it and a wall unit in the living room similar to the ones found in hotels. Once the cottage was closed up, the A/C units did their job pretty good. The bathroom...

3 years ago
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The Alpha Male Part I

For about 5 months I've been meeting strange men in restaurants and cafes. This activity is the culmination of years of work-related stress, home-related stress, boredom, sexual frustration and a feeling of impending doom. The doors are closing and the light is fading. I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I find it. I find the men on the internet. The internet is crawling with horny men of all shapes and sizes. They frequent illicit dating sites, erotica sites, internet...

2 years ago
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 10 Getting Caught Having Sex

Hearty greetings to all my brothers and their sisters. So, how are you all doing? I know it’s been a long time and you must be avidly waiting for my next part. I apologize for making you wait for so long. I think I can make it up to all of you with my upcoming parts. I hope you all will love this part of the story about getting caught having sex with my wife.This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. Here I continue my story. Our co-existence was a...

1 year ago
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Body image Issues

Even the most beautiful woman has some insecurities. Our culture forces women to have intense expectations, and everyone feels they fall short in some way. Sometimes it's something no one else would ever notice.A little (or sometimes big) secret flaw that they'd rather not be revealed. Well, sometimes a woman has no say in the matter. Sometimes their secret shames are revealed without their permission. An accident, a prank. A disaster. Whatever the cause, These women are going to be revealed in...

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72 Hours of Lust Part one

Introduction: Was something missing in her marriage? 72 HOURS OF LUST Traci watched out the window as her husband started the car waved at her then backed out for another five days on the road. They had been married twenty years next month and Howard had promised her a second honeymoon to the Bahamas. He was working twice as much lately to get all of his accounts in line before they left for the ten day tropical paradise. Since he had told her about the trip she had been working very hard to...

3 years ago
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Meeting Him

I wait nervously in the hotel that you told me that you would meet me at. I’ve been yours for a while now and we’re about to meet for the first time since I became your slave. I’m pacing back and forth, awaiting you anxiously. I finally give up pacing and lay down on the bed, curling up and watch an old episode of Friends, with thoughts of you filling my mind. Yawning softly, I drift off to sl**p. You let yourself into our room with your key, surprised that I don’t greet you at the door as you...

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Power Struggle Part1

So here we are, you, kneeling - pathetically - on the floor as if doing homage to the goddess that sits above you: me, in my leather and lace, and you, completely naked. I'll bet all your friends see you as a proper Jack the Lad, never taking any crap from women, but we both know better, don't we?The mark across your chest is just coming up, where my spiteful little whiplash has punished you for the crime of daring to ask if you can lick my crotch. By now I should hope you know I mean business....

3 years ago
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Watching Jen and Marc Short Version

Loud moans were coming from the next room, as they did almost every night. I got so turned on by them I would always find that my hands would roam down toward my soft wet pussy. . I always imagined what was going on in the room next to me. If only I could watch. It would make me hotter. My fingers only satisfied me so much. I always ended up pulling out my 9 inch dildo, and fucking the hell out of my pussy. I would turn it on the high vibrate mode. I would have orgasm after orgasm. Each one was...

2 years ago
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Cuckolded My Useless Husband

. I am working as nurse in a multi specialty hospital and in charge of master health check up programme. i have to go to hospital by 8.30 and my husband Peter has gone for duty by 6 AM and he is working in the same department as accountant.Me a very horny girl and wants a dick 24/7 in my juicy cunt and my husband can’t cope up with that and hence he accedes his defeat and let me go loose in sharing bed with others and hence I fuck other males some time with his knowledge and most of the time...

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Keine Lust auf Militr

Ich kann es kaum glauben ...hier bin ich nun und feiere mit meiner Schwester und meinen Freundinnen meinen Junggesellinnenabschied. In zwei Wochen werde ich die Ehefrau eines Mannes ... und das obwohl ich selber mal ein Mann war und alles nur weil ich keinen Lust auf den Milit?rdienst hatte! Ich war gerade 18 geworden und nat?rlich war schon das Schreiben von der Armee zur Musterung da! Ich hatte keine Lust dorthin zu gehen und meine Zeit zu verschwenden! In meinem Land gibt es auch k...

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Young girl in the supermarket

This happened about 8 years ago.Donna and I were doing our weekly shop at one of the big supermarkets in our town, as she was looking at some stuff I was on the end of an aisle just waiting and looking around, there was a young blonde girl kept staring at me, when I looked at her she'd look away. As we moved round the store we'd bump into this girl who was with her friend, and she'd be watching me.As we neared the end of our shop, Donna went to the toilet and this girl was waiting at the...

1 year ago
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Greeting her after Black Massage

hi as i wrote in my last story my gf was annoyed at me for coming home drunk and decided to go to the spa and have a special massage given to her.well i was waiting on my knees how she requested she just added to handcuff myself with my hands behind my seemed forever for her to come home but once she came home she had a grin that i could tell she had gone through it.she commanded me to lick her red stilettos she then asked me to remove them and clean her feet and toes for a i...

2 years ago
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Visiting QueenslandChapter 3

I told Weena about our air-limo as soon as she got home. She squealed and gave me a hug. She didn't seem to mind putting Willy up for the night. We munched our way through a "nutritious" salad (I had asked what a non-nutritious salad might be and gotten my head handed to me). We also had some store-bought sliced ham and seven-grain buns. I was going to ask which seven grains, but thought better of it. She told me that she hadn't felt well in the morning, but that she hadn't vomited. I...

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Adventures of Tami Tamis Chastisement

Adventures of Tami: Tami's Chastisement Starring L & Tami by Tami, L's Gurl As always these stories are based on the truth. Only a little bit of "dramatic flair". L has always been a tad bit insecure and jealous of any woman that she thinks is eyeballing me. One day I think I mentioned that if she could lock up my dick I would gladly let her, just to prove there are no other women in my life. Not that I would ever think of leaving L, my life is too fantastic as...

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The Boy Wonders

Hi! I’m Philip and I’m seventeen when this tale begins. I really like all kinds of science, math, and sex. Not necessarily in that order either. The scientist I want to be pushes me to learn all I can about things I like. There is so much “wonder” in the universe. Women’s bodies, and what us men can do with them, are only part of the mystery but that is what this story concerns. As this story opens I am a pretty ignorant but horny virgin. I’m with my eighteen-year-old step-sister Mary Beth at...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Woman

Author's Note: This was just a quick little story I thought up. Hope you enjoy it. If not, well, leave feedback either way so I know what to write to please people. Fantasy Woman By CRUNCH Ok, let's cut right to the chase. My wife hates pornography. I can't really tell you why. She just hates it. It's not that she's real religious or a prude or anything of that sort, she just doesn't find it appealing. She tells me it's disgusting to see women in poses like that,...

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Joannas First Gynecological Exam

Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Part: Chapter 1 Preliminary Exam Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patientof the...

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