Fiddlers GreenChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Meanwhile, the Regiment was having religious services. This was a very special day. For the first time, Regimental services were held in a structure dedicated to the Lord. For much too long, they had been in whatever space was available. From a lean-to in the forest to a plank between 2 barrels on the battlefield. There had been times when there was no roof, no walls, no alter, Just a level piece of dirt.
The modest church on the civilian side of the Hacienda was packed. Standing room only. It had been decided that additional services would be held later in the day. Services that would be provided by the Protestant and Methodist members of the Regiments Chaplaincy But the first service was reserved for the Catholic Father Sims. He had been a fellow POW with Colonel Anderson and held a special place with him.
Also, at the services were the members of the command group. These were the men and women that occupied staff positions with the Regiment. The brains and leadership. Following services, there was to be a staff meeting.
Seated next to Colonel Anderson was Martha Olsen. She held the honorary position of Colonels Lady, Not because of any romantic connection. Instead, Martha had been elected the President of the ladies Auxiliary. The leadership of the Non-Combatant arm of the Regiment rested with her and the Auxiliary. Colonel Anderson had also been elected to his position as the leader of the Combatant arm. His rank was real, He carried a commission, but after being medically evaluated after his incarceration as a POW, He had been medically retired.
Colonel Anderson’s wife and family had been murdered early in the war by marauding raiders. They had moved to Kansas to be with her family while The Colonel was serving. Raiders had attacked and destroyed the whole town.
Martha held her place in the Regiment because her husband was killed in the fires of Shiloh. As with many women in the Regiment, their membership is based on the participation of male family members. This, however, was not a requirement. Men, women, and children that had been ravaged by the war were welcomed with open arms as full members of the Regiment.
When the Regiment was formed, it was decided that membership would not be limited to military service. Rather individuals that had suffered injury or loss could apply. The Regiment slowly evolved into an organization modeled along military lines, specifically the Cavalry. There were two branches. Combatants and Non-Combatants.
Combatants were tasked with the defense of the Regiment and its members. Non-Combatants were the human side. And they were not limited to women and children. The non-combatants also included those that had been injured by the ravages of the war and to varying degrees, needed assistance to survive. These included both physical and mental injury. The Regiment took care of their needs as best as possible.
Standing at the head of the conference room table, Colonel Anderson addressed the leadership. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my distinct pleasure to bid you welcome to the first staff meeting at our permanent home.”
There was applause and several hooraws.
“Now, we need to get started on the real work of the Regiment. Some of us, Hell, most of us are on unfamiliar ground right now. We have lead troops in the field, fought battles in the mud, muck, and mire. But very few of us have any experience in a garrison situation.
“If any of you have suggestions or advice, here is the place to voice it. “The Colonel paused for a moment and looked around the room.
“OK, Well, let’s get started with the obvious, first. Sergeant Major Young,” The Colonel, looked to the Sergeant Major who was standing at the doorway to the room. At his name, He stood to attention, “SIR.”
“Sergeant Major, we need to see to the defense of our new home. That means a guard mount. I’ll not presume to tell you how to do your job. Just see to a 24/7/365 guard, please.”
“Yes Sir, By your leave, Sir. That guard mount has already been put into place. And anticipating your command, I have put in to place a quick reaction force. They will be ready on 5 minutes’ notice for any need.”
“Excellent, Sergeant Major. I would also like to see the tower staffed with sharpshooters.”
“Also, in the works, Sir. However, this will take a couple of days. Travel takes a toll on men and equipment. The boys need some time for equipment maintenance and some time on the firing range. I’m also looking for an NCO to take over marksmanship training. Give me a week, Sir, and we’ll be up to speed.”
“You’ve got a week Sergeant Major. I have full confidence in you.”
“OK, Next on the list is S4, Captain Reynolds, how are our provisions?”
A portly gentleman stood. Partially balding and wearing glasses, “Sir, given what We know of the inventory of the first group, and the inventory of the second group. And a rough estimate of the size and available inventory already in place. I would estimate six months before we run into any serious food shortages.”
“I hope that we will have our first crop ready for harvest before that time. Given the year-round climate, we should be able to bring in two or even three harvests each year. Our saving grace on that is the artesian spring here at the Hacienda. I tracked the flow at approximately 20 gallons an hour. That and the various cisterns spread out through the complex, water will not be a concern.”
“However, we’re in a limited inventory on ammunition and arms. Currently, we are at a 100% weaponry loadout. However, if we start getting new recruits, which I have been informed that we will, on the possible level of an additional two troops of 150 rifles and pistols, we are seriously short. We still maintain a wholesale status with both ammunition manufacturers and gun makers. However, because of the end of the war reduction in demand, the weapons manufacturers are demanding upfront payment. Without accurate personnel figures, I can’t estimate need, availability, and cost.”
“Moving on, we need pretty much everything else. I’ll need to evaluate the capacity in Wilkins and the freightage availability. If I may suggest to the group, if we were to take three or maybe even 4 of the Conestoga’s no longer in use and convert them to freight carrying, we might very well have a profitable business, as well as absorb our costs in the process.”
“Good Idea, Captain Reynolds. Find yourself an able Lieutenant and make him a muleskinner. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is how we will succeed in this country.”
“Next, we’ll hear from Captain Williams our S1.”
Standing up, a thin, almost cadaverous man rose. “Thank You, Sir. Ladies and gentlemen, our personnel complement currently stands at 95 %. This is not worrisome, however. I have been advised that some of our new Hispanic members wish to join the combatant ranks.”
Looking at the S3, “We will need to begin an evaluation and selection process. Combined with a basic training program that needs to be designed and put into action.”
The S3 Captain started to stand and was interrupted by the S1. “We also have a prior agreement that needs to be addressed. A proposal was previously made and favorably voted on by the group. That proposal was the addition of women into the combatant ranks. Martha and I agree, feel that now is the right time to act on that proposal.”
There was a mixture of murmurs and whispers around the table. Colonel Anderson sat quietly for a moment, looking at everybody, BUT Martha. “Ladies and Gentlemen, A promise was made, and a promise will be kept.” Looking to the President of the ladies Auxiliary, “Martha, please provide Captain Williams with a list of willing candidates.”
Looking to the S3, Captain Harrison, “Chuck, draw up a basic training schedule. Followed by an advanced Cavalry training schedule. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to propose something here that some of you may reject. I propose that on the combatant side, we establish two groups.
The overall name will be the Order of the Spur. For troops that perform honorably in combat, I propose the award of gold spurs. For others, A series of training, tests, and evaluation by senior NCO’s will be required for award of silver spurs. All others in the command will only be authorized black spurs. And then only members of the Calvary combatant group. And in keeping with the agreement previously mentioned, if a woman candidate successfully completes the Cavalry training, and passes the testing for the order, she will also be authorized to wear the silver spur, and the gold spur if earned. There will be no distinction of bravery or valor in this Regiment.”
“Next, let’s hear from the S2, Captain Burgess. What are we looking at here?”
Standing Captain Burgess was a non-descript person. Average height, average looks. He was the kind of person that would be invisible in a crowd of 2. “Well Sir, starting at Wilkins, there isn’t much of any sort of threat. The town leadership is quiet, mellow, and friendly. As you well know.
Outside of town, to the west and north, we have Obie Jackson. He is the largest landowner in the area. That is until We came along. His primary concerns are cattle, horses, and acquiring more land.
Next to the north and east, we have the Ute Indians. They are a semi-hostile group, that seems to have been quieted down by the Mormons in Utah.
To the east and south. And this includes lands that we hold title to. There is a tribe of Shoshone. While there have been no incidents reported, The Shoshone do have a reputation for violence and distrust of whites. I recommend a gentle touch when dealing with members of this tribe.
And finally, to the south and southwest, there is a mixture of bandits, marauders, Comancheros, and cross border raiders. These are mostly small groups. 3 to 5, usually. But some of the Comancheros groups are as large as 20 to 25 riders.”
Before the meeting could continue, A quiet knock sounded at the door. Sergeant Major Young looked to the Colonel, who nodded. He opened the door, and the sentry outside leaned in and whispered to the Sergeant Major. The Sergeant Major closed the door and walked to the Colonel’s side and whispered a message.
Colonel Anderson’s eyes widened. Looking at the Sergeant Major, “Really? Ten riders?”
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MatureWhen they had crossed the Missouri into Dakota Territory, and were in the open country again, Beth told Runt she wanted to ride with Tom. She jumped from the wagon and untied her horse. She tried to swing to her saddle like Tom did, but her horse was too tall. She mounted and rode hard to catch Tom. He and Cal were riding side by side, neither had spoken since the incident at the river. They looked back to see Beth coming up on her horse and Cal dropped back to ride beside the wagon so Tom...
The first part is here My Guwahati Posting And My Delicious Boy ( ) Monin who was 18 and I at 57 were having the most lustful and wonderful time. As my assistant he was always by my side whenever we went on field trips. The Ahom boy was just the right prescription any Doctor gave me. At 5’ 8”, 56kg with a slender 32waist, he was the horniest boy I had come across for a long time. Dark skin shining in its...
Gay MaleFrom a woman's view point :It was the party of the century, a hundred of us celebrating in style. A pool party with alcohol and very little clothing, plenty of d**gs and sex going on in dark corners, sometimes out in the open too. It was wild and fantastic, the perfect way to spend a hot summer's night. Graham's parents were away for a few days, and he had decided to make the most of it, but there was no way he would be able to clear up all the mess we were making.Aaron and I had been friends...
"But mom," Ben whined as he faced his brown haired mother in the kitchen. "Don't you 'but' me Benjamin Tennyson," Ben's mother said in a tone that meant business. "Your father and I are going to his company Christmas party tonight and you're just too young to be left home alone. Normally we'd get you a baby sitter but it's too late to get one now so you'll just have to go to your aunt and uncle's house for the night." "Yes ma'am," Ben said as he turned his eyes toward the...
July 13TH,2016 a day that Dawn Foster will never forget. It's her first time going out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah. Dawn was a five foot five beauty with mousy brown hair,greenish blue eye and a 32d-24- 30 figure. Dressed in a crisp white ironed blouse,navy blue skirt that came to her knees and a pair of black soft soled Hush Puppies she set out from the Kingdom Hall on Dixie Road to spread the good word of Jehovah. Proceeding down Dixie she...
(This is my first ever story guys so please leave comments thank you. There may be more parts if you like it also) It had been two years since the tragic passing of theirfather. Two years however can be seen as a long or short period of time depending on the people involved. For James it was difficult to watch, firstly because he watched his best friend fly away with his sister and mother. They were only a two hour flight away but compared to living in the same street as him, it felt like...
IncestI felt as though everyone was staring at me however quite shortly we arrived at Miss Susan's. When she answered the door I thought she looked really nice, middle aged with a pleasant face and dressed in a really pretty long dress in a multi coloured style. "Do come in i am so looking forward to this afternoon I just know we are going to have so much fun together." Aunty and Miss Susan exchanged greetings then Aunty told me I was to be the perfect young lady or suffer the...
This story starts on a warm summer night a couple years ago. My parents were out, and my sister had Beckie around for a sleepover. I was downstairs watching TV, and the girls were in my sisters room trying on clothes, as they had been shopping earlier. Except for the TV, the house was pretty much silent, except for occasional loud bursts of laughter coming from upstairs. The TV programme I was watching came to an end, so I flicked off the TV and lightly made my way upstairs to take a shower....
If I thought I was done with all the new surprises Katie could bring to my life I was kidding myself. After the confrontation where Katie had changed her look so drastically happened Katie started not coming home more and more. When she did come home, it was usually right as I was headed to work and needed to drop the kids off at daycare. She would watch me from her car struggling to put two kids into car seats without trying to help me. Once I was finished she would often breeze right...
Introduction: Elenas just moved into a new apartment, only to find out its old inhabitants are still around. The dark sprits demand to be satisfied and unbeknownst to Elena… shell satiate all of their needs, whether she wants to or not. So, this is my first try at an erotic work. Please let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy! A little to the left&hellip, yeah, perfect. I smiled up at the mover, taking in his muscly arms and well toned physique. He shot me a flirtatious smile as he...
I was a student at a big university for the first time. It was Saturday nite and I'd already been drinking and smoked a joint or three. it was late and the bars were closing. I was making my way home and saw a little adult book store with a tiny red light that said open all nite on it. I had never been in an adult store before, but as soon as I walked in, my cock got hard just smelling the sex in the place. I had sucked cock before when i was very young. i got change and found my way to a...