Fiddlers GreenChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 28
- 0
As the stranger walked through the batwing doors, He stepped quickly to the side and paused to let his eyes adjust to the gloom. The other patrons noted his entrance. Four men were playing a card game at the table to the rear of the room. Their interest was obviously whether the stranger was a threat or a monetary opportunity. Along the right side of the room ran a bar. The bartender stood about mid-way, talking to 2 other patrons. Everybody’s attention also seemed to be a threat assessment. When everybody could see that the only weapon the stranger carried was a large bowie knife, Sheathed on his left side, in a cross-draw sheath, they relaxed.
At the table at the front left of the entrance sat two women. Gaudily dressed and heavily made up. Even with their finery, it was obvious that these soiled doves had lived hard lives.
At the left rear of the room was a set of stairs leading up to a balcony, which ran along the backside and over the bar. These were the hourly rooms that the station master had mentioned. And the two ladies were obviously the bed warmers he also mentioned.
The stranger looked to the women, tipped his hat, and greeted them “Ladies.” They looked over the newcomer with the predatory sharpness of hungry lions. In seconds he was evaluated and passed their prosperity test. The younger one spoke up. “Care to join us, mister. I’m Julieann, and this is Maybelle. Both of us are lonely and would enjoy having such a handsome man’s company.”
“Thank you for the invitation, Miss Julieann, But I’m in here on a mission. Actually, two missions, maybe later, we can discuss the terms and rules of engagement. But, in the meantime, can you tell me if the Sheriff is here, Or, if he isn’t where I might find him?”
Both women giggled, “Sweetie, “ The older of the pair, Maybelle said, “You surely are a nice talking cutie. That fatass playing poker, the one facing the door. He’s the Sheriff. He’s been winning this morning, so he’ll be in a good mood. But unlikely to want to quit playing. You get done talking to him, Come on back. I’m feeling a bit of Christian charity, and I might even be persuaded to offer you a discount.”
“Why, Miss Maybelle, you sure do offer an attractive choice. We’ll have to see how my conversation with the Sheriff goes.”
With both women giggling behind him, the newcomer walked over to the poker table, and He announced, “Sheriff?”
He was a heavy man, wearing a red plaid work shirt with a silver badge pinned on the left breast. He looked up, “Yeah?”
Dropping a $20 gold piece on the table. “When you’re available, sir, I wish to discuss some business with you. I’ll be at the bar awaiting your pleasure.” He then turned and walked to the bar.
At the bar, the bartender, being a past master at his art, had determined that the ring of the coin in front of the Sheriff as the genuine article and of high value. Unfortunately for him, His avarice and greed glaringly showed in his face.
Smiling at the stranger, “What’ll it be, buddy? You name it, and we got it. The beers are cold and whiskey strong. Prices reasonable.”
“Well, barkeep, do you have anything not distilled in your backroom? Also, something that WON’T make me go blind? Whiskey and Scotch are favored, but rye and mescal are good in a pinch.”
Reaching under the bar, he grabbed the first bottle at hand. Bringing it up and brushing the dust off, he recognized it as a bottle of scotch that the late, unlamented Chancey V. Farnsworth had required him to order. This bottle hadn’t even had the seal cracked yet. And they had a case of this white elephant in the back room. It was too expensive to sell to the usual clientele. Maybe, this newcomer could at least cover the cost. “Well, Cap, we have this here, “ Looking closely at the bottle, and then offering it to the stranger, “Macallan Single Malt? It’ll be two bucks a shot If that’s agreeable.”
The stranger took the bottle and examined it carefully, noting that the seal was still intact. “This is more than acceptable, sir. By the way, My name is Joshua Anderson, Late of the Maryland Andersons, Late of the 25th Cavalry. And what would your name be, sir? Just calling you bartender isn’t polite.”
“Names Bart, sir. Bart Gibson. And yeah, I have heard all the jokes about Bart the Bartender.”
Joshua placed a $20 double eagle on the bar, the bartender snatched it and replaced it with the cleanest glass he had available. At the same time, he was thinking that he would have to get one of the Mexican women to go through and thoroughly clean all of the glasses. “There ya go, sir. It’s a pleasure to meetcha, Mr. Anderson.”
“The pleasure’s mine Bart.” Anderson carefully and discretely examined the glass, determining that, while it barely passed a cleanliness test, His need trumped any squeamishness on his part. He chuckled at the memory of some of the liquids that he had been forced to drink over the past six years. A little dirt surely wouldn’t kill him now. Pouring a healthy shot into the glass, he took a sip. The pleasure of drinking an excellent scotch whiskey was almost euphoric.
A voice rudely interrupted Joshua. “OK, you wanted to talk to me, and you paid for the privilege. What do you want?”
Standing at his left was the Sheriff. His poker game on hold. Or at least his participation in it. Because the same players were still at the table, and, most importantly, the coins and cash at the Sheriff’s former position was still there.
“Yes, Sheriff, it’s my understanding that You handle all the deeds and titles for the area?”
“Yeah, that’s right. We ain’t got no recorder. So, I collect the fees, keep the books, and when the circuit judge comes by, he takes all the new stuff into Phoenix and records it with the territorial recorder.”
“I see. Well, Sheriff, What I would like to do is buy some property in the area. And I was informed that You were the best person to point me to a good place. Something that My family and I could settle down on.”
The Sheriff sat for a moment, thinking. Motioning to the bartender, he ordered a shot and a beer. Joshua noticed that there was no money offered or demanded.
“Well, my name is Pete Quigley; by the way, yours is Anderson, right? You wanted for anything, Anderson?”
Joshua Chuckled, “No, Sheriff, my slate is clean as far as the law is concerned. There might be a few unhappy husbands here and there, But the law looks on me with favor.”
“That’s good to know, Anderson. Well, probably the best place out there is the old Ruis place. They were an old Mexican family. Been here since the Conquistadores. Land grants from Spain and all that folderol. Had a huge piece of land south and east of here. Had about a thousand folks working for them. Real Spanish Royalty.”
“Then, after the war, we had a carpetbagger show up. Called himself General Farnsworth. He started buying up all the available land. And what was available wasn’t worth spit. Desert, cactus, and sand. But he was willing to buy it. At a quarter an acre, it didn’t cost him much. Got to the point, he was among the biggest landowners around.”
“Then, some of the smaller outfits started having trouble. Night raiders, poisoned wells, menfolk shot, and killed in their fields. We even started having problems here in town. Gunslingers and their hangers-on were shooting things up. But through all this, the Ruis’ didn’t have any problems. I even talked to the old man Manuel. He was the head guy. I asked if He was having problems. He denied having any, and he told me that if any did come up, He could handle it himself. He was a proud man, unused to asking for help. I had to remind him that this was America, and He needed to follow our laws nowadays. He assured me that he knew that and where the law was at.”
“6 Months later and there weren’t any small-timers left. Those that weren’t killed outright, were burned out. And Old Man Ruis had a full-blown range war on his hands. I went to the City Council and begged them to let me help. Let me recruit a militia to help. They refused me. They told me that if I interfered in any way, I would be out of a job. And probably have posters put out on me. I was able to get word to the old man. I didn’t hear back.”
“Along about Christmas, it all came to a head. I wasn’t there. All I ever heard was from some of the Vaccaro’s, the ones that survived that is. They told me that early in the morning, raiders came over the walls and took out the sentries. From what they reported, these were Comanchero mercenaries. Before the alarm could be raised, the enemy was inside the walls. The carnage was horrendous. No mercy was spared for man, woman, or child. By the end of it, The Ruis family had been slaughtered, no survivors. Including Old Man Manuel’s great-great-granddaughter, six months old, and her head bashed in. Some said that Farnsworth himself did the deed.”
“I couldn’t prove any allegations against Farnsworth. If fact there wasn’t anybody that would swear out a complaint. It seemed that he had succeeded in taking control of the territory. Believe me, I tried, I talked to everybody I could think of. I sent telegraphs all the way to Washington DC. All I did was waste time and money. It seemed that the bastard had got away with it.”
“Tell me, Mr. Anderson, Have you ever heard the old saying of there being no honor among thieves? Well, that’s where General Farnsworth had his waterloo. You see, in the process of all the murder, mayhem, theft, and destruction that the General brought down on this county, He was stingy with his payments. From what I heard, He would routinely rob Peter to pay Paul, get one gun slick to knock off the other, that was owed big money. It all came to a head right after the Ruis massacre. The various mercenaries that the General had hired were demanding payment.”
“The General was broke.”
“He wasn’t even a General, or a captain, or a sergeant. He had never even been in the military. It turned out he had been a butcher’s apprentice in Philadelphia. During the war, he had learned a bunch of different ways to separate honest persons from their hard-earned money. He Accumulated enough to head west and take advantage of the confusion. Masquerading as a rich carpetbagger. But then, he ran out of money, and all the gun toughs and outlaws that he had hired wanted what they were owed.
Two days later than planned, on the horse Clive picked out for him, Joshua rode down the road to what had been described as the Ruis Ruins. He wasn’t sure what he would find. He hoped that whatever remained from the ravages of time and combat could be repaired. It was his experience that finding an even partially functional structure was remote. But still, hope springs eternal in the optimist’s breast. As he got closer to the ruins, the exterior began to appear. Cresting a rise, the blazing...
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Getting caught wearing lingerie under my clothes in public is one of my biggest fantasies that hopefully come true one day.I regularly like to dress up in my car and drive around doing slutty things in the privacy of my vehicle. One day I decided to try something new. I had read a lot of stories on here about people fucking in parks and public places so I figured I would try putting on some lingerie under my clothes and venture out into a park late one evening. I had this hot little matching...
It was something I had become obsessed about and didn’t think was ever going to happen and it probably wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for my sister – at least, not in the way I expected.With her delicate features and deep green eyes, Sara had only recently become aware of the affect she had – on men, and on the world – and was making up for lost time. Everyone, just everyone, adored Sara. But then, they didn’t know her.Things always seemed to work out for Sara, at least I always thought so,...
We are a middle eastern couple. I am 45 years old and she is 37 years old. We have a very good life style, our sex life is also so good as we both are liberal .When it comes to sex between both of us. We tried role play with so many fantasies, we tried toys and dildos, specially I wanted her to feel a massive cock size without involving any one. our dildo is 8 inch long and 2.5 inch wide.We are typical middle eastern couple. She is shy apart when we are together in sexual intimacy.After saving...
"Wake up it's a beautiful morning..." The sound of the old nineties song by the Boo Radleys blares from my phone, raising me from my slumber and reminding me that I have a big day ahead of me. After I rise from my bed, I pad through to the bathroom, reminded every step of the way that I've had plenty of big days over the last few weeks as well. The first, most obvious thing I notice as I sit in my shallow bath (a mandated part of my recovery program) is the fact that the area...
Sun Beams through my window waking me. I get out of bed, put on a pair of black skinny jeans,grab one of my band tees, throw on my red leather jacket and head out for breakfast. It's been 2 weeks since my house dimension hopped me onto a world without humans and covered in cat people. Luckily for me this world has been extremely accepting of me despite everything and i have been adapting well. I got a new job as a bartender and i think i'm gonna be okay but i have been getting lonely. I decided...
Lesbian[Fade in.][Curtains open on Gregory, sitting on his trademark stool, on an otherwise blank stage.] Yes, it's me again... gosh, it's been... well, too damn long since I've been out here... but there's a reason for that. I just found out that my funding from the NEA is being cut... apparently, someone from the Jessie Helms camp snuck in here for the performance of Dragonlove that I did some months ago, and I'm just finding out about it now. So I've been out pounding the pavement, looking for a...
This adventure is a true story like my other one on this website. Cause true stories are the best stories. First a little about us. I met my girlfriend at work as most couples do, the only difference was that I was her boss. We found that we had an amazing amount of similarities. The more we talked the more we became attracted to each other until it finally got physical. We are a couple that stand out wherever we go not only because she's smoking hot but because I'm 46 and she is 25. She is...
I had my group of friends. We had been friends since early on in high school, and though we had since become a lot looser of a friend group we still tried to spend as much time as possible with each other and could talk to each other about things that we couldn’t to anyone else, or just ‘be’ without worrying. We were each other’s oasis in the wilderness of high school – it was quite amazing that we could find each other to not be self conscious around. I was bullied. They were not bullied as...
First TimeI woke up feeling warm and cozy and happy, like you feel when you drink a cup of hot chocolate when it's 25 degrees outside. I had a dream about my mom. A dream in which, we had the whole day to ourselves on a beach and drank some beer. It was a happy dream.All I could think about for the next few days was my mother. I loved her with all my heart. But not a traditional love, it was romance. She never felt it. Or so I thought. My mom is by all means, perfect. Her body is slim as a garden hose...
IncestIntroduction: This is a continuing storyIt is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for...
Jennifer and I have been working together for the past four months. I am an attorney and she is my very eager paralegal. Jen had long straight black hair, bright blue eyes and was about 5’5; I would guess she was about 130 pounds. I always thought she was a pretty girl but she dressed quite conservatively making it difficult to assess what her body was like. The jury returned the verdict, which was a victory for me and my small firm, on a Friday afternoon. I took Jennifer and a few of the...
Straight SexMike was reading a book when Les came behind him and starting kissing his neck as he ran a hand over his chest. He was feeling his nipples as he sucked on his neck then ran his hand inside his tank top to rub his bare skin. He tilted his head back and began tongue kissing Mike as he ran his hand just to the top of his shorts and then back up to his nipples. He took Mike's top off and went back to tongue kissing him and running his hand inside his shorts to rub the hair around his cock. Mike...
Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 02 © 2011 All rights reserved "So, Mark, what's the story with Ryan?" Brody asked a couple of days later. They sat in the dressing room, lacing up their skates before practice. "What?" Mark looked up. "What story?" Brody shrugged. "She seeing anybody?" Mark narrowed his eyes. "I don't know. Why?" "Just curious." "I don't think she's your type." "My type?" Brody raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" Mark stood and grabbed his helmet. "Her IQ is bigger than her bra size and...
Love StoriesRandi's Return Randall reached over and silenced the alarm clock that had brought him out of his sleep. He lay there looking around his room trying to get completely awake. He felt a little saddened looking around his own bedroom; it wasn't the bright place that was Denise's where he had woken up just yesterday. At last he decided he best get ready for work and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for just a minute longer looking down at himself sitting there in his...