Potion Mix Up free porn video

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If you read this story and find that you do not like it, please, write a review. If you read this story and find that you do like it, please, write a review. I am trying to figure out if I might have any skill or talent for writing. Should I pursue something in writing or just continue to write for myself and a few others. Be honest, be respectful, but mostly be honest. Thank you, and I hope that you enjoy. Potion Mix Up By Gypsy "You think this is easy?!?" Daniel yelled his roommate. "Chill- okay, I get it-" "No, you don't-" air quotes "get it," end of air quotes, "otherwise you would stop looking at me like that!" Fred stepped back, his hands on his face- "okay, I am sorry-" Daniel sat heavily on the couch, weeping. Fred looked the little blonde haired woman over- she was really pretty and really sexy. She tried to get comfortable, moving so she was sitting back, then sitting on the edge of the couch, then leaning forward, pushing her fingers into her long blonde hair, holding her face, then sitting back her hands held in front of her as though she were looking at her nails, then she looked at him. "How did this happen?" Fred asked staring at the impression of her breast pressed against her shirt. 'My God those are some nice, big, healthy tits- wonder if Danny would let me stick my face in the middle of them?' "I... I took the potion, I took it, and I changed into this- the potion must have been switched," Daniel said gesturing at the cardboard box on the coffee table. Daniel's disgust was clear. The small card board box had a folded pieces of paper near it, which explained how to use the potion that would permanently increase the size of a man's penis by a hundred and fifty percent- "-formulated to not to exceed eight inches of length while erect...", there was a warning that some abuse of the product, none of which included changing someone into a woman. Also on the warning was- "...women should not take this as it may cause spontaneous penis and non-functional testicular growth..." 'Wonder who got his potion?" he wondered. The translation to English was not a good one, many of the sentences were unclear, and confusing. Fred glanced at the woman, then back at the papers- there were no fewer then eight languages on the page that depending on how you folded it... He rotated the pages around until he came to the front of the folded side... he paused when he saw the name of the company- Mana Industries, in Singapore. Fred looked the twenty something year old, sexy woman over, trying to suppress his lecherous nature so that he might get her calmed down so that he might be able to take advantage of the situation. 'Dude or not in there, she is fuckin' hot as hell!' he kept those thoughts to himself. "It... it's wh- I think it was switched by accident," Fred said, trying to sound innocent. Daniel looked at him pushing his hair back from his face- long and blonde, his blue eyes wet from crying, Fred stared, she was looking at him like he was an idiot. "It fucking changed me into a woman! You know how much that potion fucking costs? A hundred grand! You have any idea how much one that turns you into a fuckin' drop dead sex kitten costs? Close to a fuckin' million- you really think they fuckin' did this on accident? Trust me- that shit does not arrive by fuckin' UPS!" "Okay, Dude- sorry, I am not good with this shit." Fred looked Daniel over- five four, a hundred ten pounds, D or DD cup breasts, narrow waist, long blonde hair, beautiful face, sweet looking, kind, pitiable face- he wanted to hold her and help her. Fred pushed his own hands through his brown hair, wondering for less than a second what Daniel would do if Fred had been turned into a woman... Fred knew his buddy and decided to do that- try to get laid. Fred looked her over- she was so sweet looking, even in Daniel's bike shorts and tee shirt. Something occurred to him in the seconds that he was checking her out again- "Wait-? You checked the price of this shit?" "I took the potion this morning! I fucking changed before you got to fuckin' work- I have been home all fucking day!" Daniel yelled at him, on his feet just a foot from him. "Oh," was all Fred could think to say though he was wondering what his roomie had been doing for close to the twenty hours he had been gone, in the form of a really hot looking, beautiful babe. "Oh, fuckin' get your head out of the gutter," Daniel smacked him in the chest with the back of his hand. "Well, I know what I would do, and-" "You would enjoy this? Really-?" Daniel had a point, realizing that your world was never going to be the same, that sitting down to take a piss was going to be a norm, that being looked at as a piece of meat by the males in the area was going to be something you would have to deal with, that you would have to explain to everyone that knows you that you did not intend to change into a woman just make your dick bigger. To say nothing for the fact that a dude was a dude, and any real heterosexual guy would be freaking out over being turned into a chick. Daniel was deep in thought, fear written all over her- his beautifully feminine face. "Did you email the company? Call them?" The fake shock on Daniel's face was almost good enough to make Fred think his roommate was not being sarcastic when he said- "oh, wow, what a great idea, I wish I had thought of that. Must be my blonde hair blocking my fuckin' thoughts." Daniel looked sweet and sexy for a moment as the woman tilted her shoulders, pushing her breasts together. His heart skipped a beat. "I fuckin' called them you idiot!" Daniel snapped at him. "What did they say-?" "It's fucking Friday in Singapore," Daniel said, "they told me they would have to send me a correction. Which I found out means they'll send some mage to dispel the magic before it becomes truly permanent." Fred gave it a little thought, still watching the jiggling tits, he had such a hard on right at that moment. "What's the time difference?" Fred asked as he tried to think clear, clean thoughts, but nothing would come to his mind. 'Dude, or not, I wanta fuck that. Dam, she is hot,' he thought. "Like thirteen hours," she answered lowering her head and holding her face in her hands. "Dan-?" She looked at him with those beautiful tear filled eyes- "what-?" "How long?" "Monday," Daniel sat back defeated his tits wiggling and bouncing as he sat back. Fred watched his roommate's tits move a little. They were firm looking, but- he wasn't wearing a bra and that was why they were so mobile. "And, what about this weekend?" She gave him a look like he was an idiot- "Wha-?" "Molly's wedding? The Bachelor party-?" "You are fuckin' kidding me? I was magically changed into a chick!" Daniel was to his feet again, stumbling, he shoved Fred back, "you think I give a fuck about Molly's fucking wedding right now or a fucking bachelor's-" "Think of the money we could save on a stripper-" Fred stumbled from the punch to the jaw, realizing that Daniel- in his new shape, appeared small but he still maintained his full strength. As unskilled a fighter as Daniel was his blow should have hurt, Fred realized that Daniel's arms were shorter, and that his follow through had been a few inches to short and thus the blow had hurt, but not all that badly. Daniel was not in the best of shape- six foot tall, two thirty or two forty, more belly then muscle, even though he walked daily a couple miles, did more than a hundred pushups, and maintained a five minute plank position. Daniel needed cardio, and Fred told him that almost every day. "Fuck you!" Daniel snapped, fists clinched at his sides ready to pound Fred, but Fred backed up, hands up in surrender. "Okay, not cool to say- okay, it was just me being me," Fred was against the wall, the last thing he wanted was to have to explain to the cops that this hot looking chick was his friend and roommate. Daniel turned and left the living room snarling and cursing under his breath. Fred watched her go- 'that is a stellar ass, oh my fuckin' God is that perfect!' Fred sat down thinking. He took out his phone to call Molly and Jim, wondering what he would say... Daniel would be pissed if Fred told their friends that he had been turned into a chick. Everyone would show up and throw a coming out party for him, there would be a banner and it would be the funniest thing in the world, something they would hold over him for decades to come.... 'What little chance I have of banging that will be lost as soon as I do that, but what are the chances that I will get to bang her? Slim to none, might be the only- no, I need to not turn Dan into a living joke- I would fuck her like this, but not like that,' he thought. Fred rubbed his jaw and went down the hall to Daniel's room, but stopped and backed up when he passed the bathroom. Daniel was sitting on the toilet weeping, shorts around her knees. 'Not a real chick, so be nice without being a hound- he will see what I am doing if I go after him,' Fred told himself, 'have to be sly.' "Dude, I am sorry, but stop taking this shit out on me, I didn't do this to you," Fred told him. Daniel took some toilet paper and wiped between his legs then dropped the paper into the toilet and stood up pulling up the bike shorts. Fred noted that she was commando and that she was fully shaved. "Fine, just stop looking at me like that," Daniel said then stepped towards the door, pausing at the mirror over the sink. Fred watched the beauty crumble at the mire sight of herself, weeping, shaking, he stepped up to her and hugged the beauty. "Couple days you will be back to normal," he said as she held onto him with all her strength. Fred could feel every ounce of the strength in those little arms. Within a few seconds Fred sniffed the beauty's hair, feeling her back- the shape of it, the press of her breasts against his torso- Daniel shoved back and slammed Fred into the wall- "you sick fucking asshole-" "What-?" "You have a fuckin' hard on right now," Daniel snapped shoving past Fred. "Dude, you are hot- hay, I can't fucking help it- okay-?" Fred said following after Daniel, but Daniel was in his room, door slammed shut. * "Come on, Dan, I got you a burrito, and some clothes- and I felt like a perv going into the woman's section of Wal Mart and getting you some pants, and bras, and shit- come on, dude," Fred knocked on Daniel's door again. It was six hours since their last conversation. Fred worked late, and long shifts. Usually Fred got off work when most people were hitting their snooze button for the first time. The best thing about his job was that he worked three shifts a week, and had the rest of the week off. Yesterday into today had been his last shift for the week. Daniel opened his bedroom door wearing only an oversized tee shirt, his hair was a mess- untamed. Fred could smell the strong scent of pussy. "What time is it?" "Almost ten-" "At night-?" "No- in the morning, it's still Friday," he told her. She smelled of sex, and sweat, sweet and invigorating pussy. She pushed her hair back from her face, pausing her hand at her nose, then bowed her head a little- "what a fuckin' nightmare." "You smell good," Fred gave the beauty a little smile. "You are an asshole-" "Fine, I am asshole, but yesterday you had a short dick and tried to use a magic potion to get it longer and now you are a really hot chick, and I am an asshole with a big dick and-" "Are you listening to yourself?" Daniel asked him then stepped around him, headed for the front room, Fred watching her hips and her legs. "So- you... ahh, you know-?" Daniel pulled his hair to the left side of his head, over his shoulder, then looked back at him, giving him a look that said he was not talking, once that was conveyed he continued down the hall, more aware of how he was walking. In the living room Daniel grabbed an aluminum foil wrapped burrito off the breakfast bar and devoured it quickly then wiped his mouth on the shoulder of his shirt, he went to the laundry basket on the couch and picked through the clothes. Fred stood at the mouth of the hall watching this beauty, bent over a basket of clothes, the shirt was long enough to cover her ass just barely, but it was perfect, and that much he could see. Fred chewed on his lip. "Emm- I should take a shower before I get dressed," she said then turned, pausing when she saw Fred, her eyes changed- anger, annoyance, she left the living room, shoving him as she passed him. * It was annoying him to no end how Fred kept staring at him, he knew what the guy wanted, and it was making him sick, he was not gay, he did not want a guy to touch him, and to have a guy look at him that way was making him feel really weird, like he was the new guy in an all gay prison. The door double checked to make sure it was locked he pulled off his shirt and paused- staring at himself in the mirror. He was shorter then he had been by about a foot, or less, he was half his weight. According to the paper work on the dick enlargement the extra size came from mana in the air around them, so he imagined that the hundred plus pounds of lost weight were cast off into mana sphere, but he had no idea, he had failed Magic Theory 101 in college- one of the reasons why he did not have a degree. Still her had good job- or had a good job until he had been laid off the week before. He was hotter then hell- pretty face, slim, trim body, maybe ten percent body fat, toned, narrow waist, big tits- D or DD in cup size, long thick blonde hair, blue eyes so deep and beautiful, his skin was soft, and tanned equally all over. He was younger looking too- maybe, twenty three or so. His left hand slid up his right arm until his forearm touched the underside of his tits. Just a couple hours ago he had woke feeling warm and weird. He had followed his needs and masturbated, playing with his tits, and rubbing on his clit. He'd gotten a couple orgasms out of the experience, feeling like crap for feeling so good afterwards. He had gone back to sleep and woke to Fred knocking on his door. He stared at himself for a long time, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to get his shit together mentally, and emotionally. His shower kit in hand with a towel wrapped about his body he unlocked the door and went down the hall. Fred was watching him, he grumbled and went into the bathroom, where he locked the door. The towel on the rack he started the water. Underwear set on the seat of the toilet, he moved his things into the shower then stepped into the shower. He washed his hair first- just a bunch of shampoo rubbed into the top of his head then rinse and let the shampoo run down and through his hair. Some liquid soap in his hands he washed the strange face that was his, rinsed, then more soap for his hairless arm pits, tits- he rubbed on them way to long, feeling every inch of them until his nipples were hard- "Ahh- fuck," he muttered then rinsed. He could not do that all the time, he had to get himself together. Yes, it felt really good, but he did not want to be a woman, he did not like how Fred had looked at him, and he knew how all other guys would look at him. The idea of being looked at by other guys as some kind of sex object was disgusting to his heterosexual mind. And, his friends, he dreaded the idea that his buddies would find out that he spent the weekend as a woman. The only thing good about this was he was really sure he understood a woman's orgasm. He would never hear the end of it from his "buddies" and "friends"- not a single one of them would let this go. Fred would hound him as well. Fred would- if Daniel left his door unlocked, might just sneak into his room and take pictures of him while he slept. To say nothing for the fact that his roommate might just try to get him drunk and take advantage of the situation. He placed a mental bet with himself that Fred would attempt to grab his ass or a tit before dusk. He took a deep and emotionally pained breath and let it out as the water rinsed through his hair thinking about this, he decided that he would have to run, to move and ditch everyone he knew after this was over, because of the bullshit that would come at him and never end. A little more soap in his hands and he rubbed between his hairless legs, up on his flat belly then down between his legs on his thighs as the water beat down on his back. He rinsed one more time then turned off the shower, ringing out his massive amount of hair then using the towel, fondling his tits once more, then drying off, finding that his hair was not dry, so he dried it again- there was so much of it that he did not feel that he could get it dry easily. "Need to cut this shit off," he muttered. Daniel took another towel and tried three times before he got his hair wrapped, the trick he figured out was to hang his head, brush out his hair, put the towel edge at the back of his neck and carefully wrap then take it back and wrap the towel. It was a pain, but it worked. Another towel wrapped about his torso he had his panties on, and left- Right into a camera. Fred hit the floor holding his groin trying to breathe, his eyes bulging out of his face. Daniel knelt down and picked up the camera. Daniel paused, looking at something, moving the selector through. He groaned then went through the commands until he found "Delete All" selecting "Yes," and "Yes," again when it asked for the confirmation then watched the pictures being deleted for a moment. He walked down the hall to the living room. Fred groaned on the floor, holding his groin, he had not been hit that hard since Jeannie Nipples kicked him for snapping her bra in the tenth grade. It had been a long time since Daniel had kicked a guy in the nuts, and that had been an instantaneous reaction, so fast that Fred never saw it coming and Daniel barely realized he had done it. The kick had been perfect, and powerful. Probably the only thing that was going to keep Fred from punching him was that fact that Dan looked like a really hot woman, and Fred's father had been very serious that no woman, no matter what she did to you should ever be hit. Dan wondered how long that would hold up. Daniel dropped the camera onto the couch while the pictures continued to delete. From the basket Daniel found a pair of jeans, he checked the length and put them back, grabbing a different pair, then a third. He pulled the pants on one leg at a time, then zipped and buttoned them up. He ran his hands over his skin tight jeaned rear a couple times. Daniel's lip quivered as he wanted to burst into tears or tear something to pieces, but he did not. Daniel took off his towel with his back to the hall and Fred, picking through the laundry until he found a bra- there were two, he picked the one that was most likely to fit then struggled to hook it. "G'ah- this fuckin' sucks," he muttered struggling with the back hooks, finally getting it after thirty seconds of struggling. Fred was standing there at the mouth of the hall looking mad, and hurt. Daniel grabbed a shirt- a tee shirt, there was a symbol on the front that he did not read, he just pulled down the head wrap and pulled on the shirt. "You are an asshole," Fred told him, sounding hurt. "I'm an asshole?" Daniel snapped back, "you took pictures of me in my room while I was sleeping! And, I am the asshole?" "I did not-" "I just looked at the fucking pictures on your camera before I deleted them," Daniel snapped at him with a point at the camera as he turned and saw how bent over Fred was. 'Good, the fucker deserved it,' Daniel thought. Fred knew that Daniel had him there. He had returned with the clothes and the burrito and picked the door then slipped in and took a dozen pictures, slipped back out, relocking the door, disposed of the camera, and then knocked as though he had not been there. "You- your're hot, and- you kicked me in the nuts-" "And, I will do it again," Daniel snapped at him. "If you weren't a chick I'd fucking belt you," Fred snapped back, as he found the strength to stand up straighter. "If that is all that is stopping you," Daniel snapped then charged. Fred blocked a punch, took the second to the jaw, retreating down the hall, trying to avoid the onslaught, he took a punch to the chest that nearly knocked him down, another to the forearm that hurt, blocking or avoiding most of the untrained punches. Daniel landed a punch to the jaw, Fred tripped over his own two feet, and Daniel jumped at him, Fred caught him in the chest with a foot, and shoved Daniel back, knocking him down. "Daniel-!" Fred was on him, grabbing his arms and pinning them to the floor, "stop!" Daniel fought harder, trying to escape, pinned to the floor with Fred between his legs, he fought hard to escape, but had no leverage, they were equal in strength, and Fred had him on size. Daniel tried to bite him, kick at him, stomped on his legs. "Dude- stop!" Daniel was exhausted, and gave up, weeping. Fred wrapped his arms around his friend- "I am sorry, okay, I wasn't thinking with anything but my dick. I am sorry." Reluctantly, Daniel accepted the hug, burying his face into Fred's shoulder. It was a couple minutes before Daniel pushed back- "that better be your fucking keys?" "Nah, I have a hard on- sorry, but you are hot and-" "Get off me!" Daniel shoved, Fred rolled back and they were free of each other. "You are such-" There was a knock on the front door. "Ahh-" "You have to get it," Daniel told him. Fred got up, there was another knock- harder this time. "Police open up!" the voice from the hall called. "Oh, shit-" "Get your pants off, get in a sheet, hurry," Fred ordered Daniel, "your name is Vanessa Patrick, I picked you up yesterday and we have been into some rough sex since." Fred hurried to get his shirt off, kicking off his shoes- "hold on, getting something on," Fred called. "Wha-? No-" Daniel was confused about the idea. "Then we tell him the truth," Fred snapped wiping the blood from his lip off with his shirt. "By the way- you hit like a bitch." Fred hurried to the door messing up his already messed up hair, then opened the door a bit- "ahh- hi, officer." The police officer that was there was a large African American man, short to nothing of hair, in his late thirties. Fred had seen him around the complex, but never talked to him short of a greeting exchange. "There are reports of a woman screaming in here, and I heard what sounded like a woman in distress," the officer placed his hand on the door, but Fred was not going to let him in without a warrant, but Officer K.Brown was not going to let that stop him. Fred was no match when Officer Brown shoved the door open, he paused when he saw the beautiful woman in a bra, jeans, and a towel in her hands. Damp hair. "Hi," she smiled sweetly at him, pausing, "sorry, that was me, I got... I got a little over zealous when he wouldn't go down. Then we got into an argument after my shower- about his soft dick, and his premature problem." She picked through the shirts from a basket on the couch. "Sorry, if we disturbed anyone," she said sounding quite seductive. "Are you alright?" "I am fine, just a little sexually frustrated- I took some aphrodisiacs and limp dick here ran out of his," she said nodding to Fred as she walked up to him, "then he would not eat my pussy, and I... I got mad, I hit him, he tried to control me. I was a little pissed off. Totally me being a bitch and this asshole being a selfish prick." She pulled on a blouse, it was a bit to small, she pulled it off and looked at it- "whose is this?" "My- ahh," Fred was confused. "Sister?" "Girlfriend-?" "Ex-" Fred said. She walked up to him, one hip then the other, her intention was to make herself look sexy and she accomplished that. "She had better be ex- oh, thank you Officer, if I need anything I will call 911," she mimed like she was dialing looking about for what might have been shoes. "Are you sure that you are okay?" "Aside from needing a hard big dick or a good licking- I am feeling great," she smiled looking him over. "Did he give you anything? Drugs or anything like that?" "Nope, I brought my own," she said glancing at Fred. "This short dick gave me nothing worth discussing." Fred gave her a nasty look. Brown felt the desire coming off of her as did Fred. Officer Brown cleared his throat into his hand, thinking about his ex-wife, and kids. His ex and him had parted due to his work, but often she would call him to come over... the one thing they always did well together. "Vanessa- please- I can service you, I am sorry-" Fred said, "you just need to give me time-" "Emmm," she purred, "well I haven't anywhere else to go," she said the stepped towards him. Fred started to kiss her, but she stopped him- "wrong lips, dumb ass." "I-" "You are not needed, Officer, I don't do threesomes with men, only a woman and a man, now unless you want to see this limp dick eat my pussy, I suggest you close the door," she told him. The door closed when Fred kicked it lightly. "Oh," Daniel cried out, stepping back from Fred, "let me get undressed." "Let me lock the door," Fred said then shoved his back into the door, fumbling with the lock. Fred rubbed and bumped the door. "Pants off," she whimpered, and purred. Officer Brown watched the door a moment then turned and went back to his apartment so he could continue getting ready for his shift. * "You sounded pretty good there, and looked great," Fred told Daniel after he had turned around from checking the peep hole at the door. Daniel sat on the edge of the couch, hands and face together, elbows to knees- "ya, whatever." "What are you going to do about Molly-" "I could give a fuck less about Molly- okay, tell that bitch I am- okay, I know what I promised to be there, but I can't right now. I am done with the idea of the bachelor party and her skanky husband to be," Daniel said looking at Fred, pushing his hair from his face. Fred went to the kitchen and returned with a piece of ice for his lip. He sat down on the couch favoring his lip - "you should call her or her asshole of a future ex-husband at least." Molly was Daniel's friend (and ex-girlfriend) from way back, while Rich was Fred's oldest friend. Molly and Rich had met, fallen in love and gotten pregnant, and now going to get married. In some kind of weird game that neither Fred nor Daniel understood, the two referred to the couple as Molly. They often insulted the two as part of the game, but in reality there was a lot of love and respect. "You can't tell anyone about this, please," Daniel told Fred with tear filled eyes. "You want me to keep my mouth shut?" Daniel nodded. "Shirt, and bra off, and I want you sitting in my lap, facing me," Fred told him. "Wha-?" "I am not having sex with you-" "Second base- I want to play with those big ol' titties," Fred told him, "and feel that ass- you can keep your jeans on." Daniel thought about it a long moment then got up and freed himself of the shirt and bra then straddled Fred's lap. 'This is rape,' Daniel thought to himself, 'this is him touching me, using blackmail to get some sexual gratification out of it. This is a form of rape. He tried to kiss me or fuck me and I am going to kill him.' At first Fred just sat there and stared, then he ran his hands over her perfect breasts, slowly without pressure, just feeling the shape of them. "Wow," he said. "You are going with me to the wedding, as my date," Fred told him, "you will wear a dress, you will smile, laugh, and have a good time, and play the part of a date that likes me." Fred put some pressure to his friend's breasts, groping Daniel's breasts, running his thumbs over Daniel's nipples. "You don't play the part and I announce who you are at the wedding in front of everyone," Fred said. "You know that blackmail used in sexual contact is considered rape in the eyes of the law?" Daniel told him. "You come forward with my identity right now and I will go to the DA with what you are doing here and now." "Fair enough," Fred said still feeling Daniel's breasts. Daniel moved to get up- "You aren't leaving," Fred told him. "Right now it's your word against mine in a court of law- reasonable doubt and all that shit," Fred told him. Daniel knew that, closed his eyes and tried to think of something else while his "friend" played with the tits on his chest that he did not want to have. Minutes of him feeling Daniel's tits before Fred kissed them, sucked at them. Daniel muttered a groan as his body betrayed him and he realized that he was aroused, his nipples were rock hard, and very sensitive. He clinched his jaw as he felt the rise of an orgasm. Daniel pushed thoughts of Fred's dick entering his ass into his head and the arousal was gone in seconds. It went on for ten minutes, Fred's sexual interest was clear, and present between them. When Fred reached up to take Daniel's neck in hand to pull him in for a kiss, Daniel shoved back- "no kissing, no nothing with lips." Fred considered that- "hand job." Daniel leaned in a little- "sure, get the lotion," he said with a seductive smile then moved off of Fred's lap and to the corner of the couch, sucking lightly on the tip of his finger. Fred thought about it a second then hurried out of the room, Daniel thought he was going to get the lotion, but instead he locked himself in his room for thirty minutes. It was a good thing Fred did that because Daniel was going to play with his friends balls then squeeze them with all the force he could muster. Followed by a beating that might be considered attempted murder. * A text message explaining to Rich that Daniel had come down with the flu. "You say anything..." Daniel warned him. Fred nodded, they were standing face to face, and Fred's hands on Daniel's perfect shaped female ass- "got it. So in the morning, you should wake me with your tits in my face-" "No-" "Ya," Fred said, caressing Daniel's ass, "oh, and you need to get a dress, shoes, and you know- look presentable." Daniel glared at his "friend" - "I'll remember this." "Ya, well I don't need any potions to give me a big dick- I already have one," Fred smiled. "Having one and being one are two different things," Daniel pointed out. Fred picked Daniel up, Daniel's legs wrapped about his roommate. Fred felt the very perfect female ass for a few moments while Daniel looked elsewhere. * Fred gave him a ride to the bank where he got some money out of the ATM, then they went to the store. They found the women's department then Fred left to check out the latest video games and movies. There was a man that was staring at him. Daniel closed his eyes and tried to not think about it. He was feeling very self-conscious of what he looked like and how people were watching him. It did not help him that his pants were skin tight and his shirt was just tight enough about the chest to... he tried not to think about what he looked like. He found dresses, picking through them he found one that did not show off a lot, and looked like it might be comfortable. He grabbed three of them, each a different size, then he went into the changing room. There was no denying the fact that he was really hot, and really sexy. He still felt like an idiot for allowing Fred to molest his tits, and his ass, and now he was trying on dresses. His only hope was that Fred did not turn on him and... He took off his shirt and pulled on the first dress, then took it off because it was to tight in the chest, the second fit well enough. He struggled to zip it up the side but when it was done he was looking at a really beautiful woman in the mirror. "Fuck," he muttered, "what the fuck am I doing?" Letting Fred play with his tits, now he was going on a date with the asshole, all to protect his identity, when he was not all that sure that Fred would do as promised when it came down to it. What could he do? Not go and have Fred roll over on him at the wedding. Or go and hope that he didn't and have everyone there present, taking pictures of him in a dress looking hot... A thought came into his head which made him smile, but he dismissed the idea... but it was the only one that would work in his head, he had to do it, it was the only way that he could protect his ego from the attacks that would be relentlessly coming over the coming years. He left the changing room with one of the dresses under arm, went to the underwear section and picked up a bra, and a thong. He would not wear nylons, he would wear open toed shoes with a three inch heel however. Fred caught up to him as he got into line. "How are you doing?" he asked. "Fair- lots of people staring at me that I could do without," Daniel said. Fred smiled a little, his hand on Daniel's back waist- "you are hot, what did you expect?" Daniel said nothing, until he got to the cashier, she was cute, so he flirted with her, the woman seemed a little embarrassed and a little annoyed all at the same time. Daniel paid cash and led Fred back to the car as he fiddled with his phone. He set it to record and kept it in hand like he was using it. "Are you checking out my ass?" "You have a great ass," Fred smiled at him, his eyes on Daniel's tits. "You are a sick fuck, you know that?" "Blackmailing me into letting you play with my tits when you know how much I fuckin' did not want this, nor do I want to continue to have this," Daniel said to him as they got to the car. "Hay, you can say no," he said with a 'don't blame me,' look and attitude. "Ya, and have everyone knowing who I am. You have to promise that you are not going to tell, or it's not worth me going with you tomorrow," Daniel told him. Fred unlocked the car and they got in- "Fred- seriously, man, I do not want to do any of this, I just don't want my life being screwed up because I got the wrong magic potion... please," Daniel begged. "Okay, I understand- you want to jump in the back seat and secure that?" "I am not having sex with you, letting you touch my tits was bad enough," Daniel said. Fred turned to him- "it's cool, I understand," he said running his hand over Daniel's breast, "but if you start feeling a little randy and all... let me know. Dude inside, chick inside, it matters not at all to me if the look on the outside is all woman." "I am still a guy inside, and this is not something I have ever wanted," Daniel told him, "now take your hand off my tit, and get us back to the apartment so I can get this shit washed and you can go to the bachelor party with Molly." * Daniel went and backed up his phone then made another back up on his computer, changed his passwords, and send a file to his protected email account. It was a little paranoid but he wanted to protect the file. Next thing he did was change his settings on his phone so that they would back his phone up every thirty minutes. It would be costly, but it would be better to have backups then not at all. He went to the laundry room and washed the three items he had purchased while he practiced walking in heels that he had never worn other than to try to on. He walked back and forth, wobbling a little as he walked, cursing himself for not looking at the potion and investigating the color. One line it described the gender changing stuff as purple with gold flacks, while the pecker lengthening potion was blue with silver flacks, they looked different on line, and in the instructions online they were described, but only the one was described in the paper work. He just hoped that he could get his gender back and get back to a normal life, cause this gender and this all was not to his liking. A woman came into the laundry room with a little kid. The boy stared at him, his Mom gave him an odd look. Daniel sat down and started playing with his phone. There was no doubt in his mind, he hated the idea of being turned into a woman, it was uncomfortable, people looked at him oddly, and he felt weird. Now he had to do something that he did not want to do to protect his reputation, while at the same time totally destroying it if word got out- which he was pretty sure it would. He dropped his face into his hands, elbows on his knees, hair all about his face, he wept silently. A little over an hour later he was back in his apartment eating an apple, staring at the hanging dress (it had to hang dry). He had to figure out what he was going to do, and how he was going to do it. After a few minutes he had an idea. He started to make the call then stopped. He needed a sound effect, so for twenty minutes he looked for the sound of someone vomiting and coughing and saying- "no, I'm sick," which he set to keys on his keyboard then he made the call. Lucy answered on the second ring- "Daniel-?" "Um, no, Lucy I am a friend of Daniel's- Vanessa Patrick, I am going to Molly and Rich's wedding tomorrow with Fred," Daniel said, trying hard to sound sweet and kind. "Umm- okay-?" "I know you and Daniel- well, he told me about you two and his- I should not say, but he is really sick right now- the flu and all, he wanted to attend the wedding, he said that you had a micro camera that could attach to a phone and record?" "Ya, I do." "I wanted to film the wedding for him using it, and I was going to see if I could get a bunch of videos from Molly and Rich so that he could watch them- I don't know if he really wants to, but I thought the effort... it would make him feel better." "Oh, sure, I can drop it off-" "Did you get a flu shot? Daniel is really sick and I would hate for you to get sick then-" "Oh, ya, right, no, I didn't- wait, you are going and Fred is going, but Fred doesn't get a flu shot- in never," she said. Daniel felt that suspicion rise up again. Their break up had been sudden, and according to her friends- the ones that Daniel spoke to- Lucy had been heart broken and mad at Fred. Daniel had always thought that Lucy and Fred had hooked up and- Lucy laddened with guilt, had broken off Daniel and her relationship rather than face the impact of what had happened. Lucy and Daniel had stayed in touch. When they got together she would hold his hand, and kiss his cheek, more than once she had apologized for no reason. "I urged him to a couple weeks ago," Daniel said a little to quickly. "Oh." "Can I drop by and get it?" "I am leaving for work right now, maybe I should drop it off- where are you?" "Fred left to go to the bachelor party and I am watching over Daniel at his place," Daniel pushed a smile onto his face, hoping that it shined through a little. "Oh, okay, well- listen, I don't really know you, and Daniel and I split up a couple months ago... we are still friends, and see each other, but...." "Oh, I know- it's completely understandable, how about this- I give you a two hundred dollar deposit, if I screw up the camera I totally buy it from you. If all goes well, you get the camera back, and I get a hundred and eighty of it back." "Emm- okay." * Daniel spent the better part of an hour figuring out how to carry the camera, and the portable drive that he had with him. It was all very small. He went back to the store- driving himself, to get a thigh purse. He could wear it under the dress. During the store run, he had bumped into one man that tried to pick him up, he was nice but Daniel refused to go out on a date with a guy. The second guy was a little more persistent, but eventually took no as an answered. Daniel felt weirder yet when he saw the two guys walking together- not like a gay couple, but like a could guys that were travelling together. Lacy had stared at him oddly when they met, they talked, made the exchange, Daniel said his thanks to her and waved good bye then left. He felt a little more than weird about the meeting, but survived it- short two hundred dollars. He contacted a few videographers and checked prices, there was no way he could afford them on short notice, so he abandoned the idea of hiring one, hoping that maybe Molly had hired one that he could influence. He sat on the couch for a time staring at nothing, then had dinner- a frozen pizza, and a beer, then he went off to bed. He stripped down, feeling his tits, and his body, until he was ready, then he slipped a finger into his pussy and started rubbing and feeling. He kept the orgasm going for as long as he could, wishing that he had a lesbian friend that would do him, but the only lesbians he knew were in a relationship and not all that hot. Daniel worked himself into a fever pitch, trying to maintain some measure of dignity by not crying out, but he didn't make it, he cried out a lot over the course of his hour and a half of personal satisfaction. Afterwards he used the bathroom, and crawled into bed. When Daniel woke he was not alone, Fred was passed out in bed with him. The room was dark- it was just after three thirty. Daniel got up, grabbed his tee shirt and pulled it on then grabbed his phone and the camera. The camera clipped onto his collar he set the phone down nearby so it was recording as well. The light at his bedside turned on, he shoved Fred- "hay, get the fuck out of my bed." "Nah, come on, Danny, you will like it- I have a big dick-" Fred was a little drunk and a whole lot asleep. "Having a big dick and being one are two different things, now get out of my bed and my room-" Fred grabbed him and tried to kiss him. Daniel shoved back and ended up on the floor on his back, Fred had his face between Daniel's legs, before Daniel could scramble back Fred said- "emm, fresh pussy." Daniel was up, and backed against the wall. This was not where he wanted to be, fear and panic slapped him hard- 'this is bad,' he thought, 'he might just rape me. I need to get out of here!' Fred rolled over- his erection sticking out of his waist band. Daniel had never seen a larger dick. He did not look longer then a second. "I am not touching that," Daniel told him. "How do you know you won't like it?" "How do you know you won't like a broom handle shoved up your ass?" Daniel asked watching him and not the wavering dick. "Because I am not gay-" Fred objected coming to his knees on the bed. "Okay, two things about that- first, gay guy- not sure they would like the whole broom handle thing so much either, and second- I am not either, and having you stick your dick into ANY hole in my body would be pretty fuckin' gay in my book," Daniel objected to the idea, "and I am not interested at all in the slightest in touching it." "Hay, any port in a storm," Fred smiled waving his erection by swaying back and forth. "Get the fuck out of my room!" Daniel snarled at him with a pointed finger towards the door. "Come on-" Daniel grabbed his baseball bat- it had not hit a baseball in ten plus years- "I am gonna hit you, get the fuck out." "Come o-" Daniel poked Fred in the belly with the bat. "Hay," Fred snapped drunkly, grabbing at the bat, but missing because he was drunk. "Out!" Daniel ordered. Fred started to get off the bed in the general direction of Daniel, but realized his friend was serious when he drew the bat back. "Not a court in the country," Daniel commented, "I won't stop 'til that cop comes back." "Okay- okay," Fred retreated for the door. Daniel closed and locked it again, then dumped his dirty laundry on the floor in front of the door, hoping that it would keep Fred from opening the door. He paused breathing heavily. He had never been closer to the worst horror he could imagine. He climbed back into bed then looked at the phone and the camera, got up, turned them off, down loaded the videos to his computer, backed them up, then went back to bed, where he laid thinking about how terrible that could have gone. He understood the whole fear of rape better in that second then he ever had. He did not go back to sleep. * Fred stared at him as he came out of his bedroom- "holy shit," he said, with his eyes wider than normal, "you look awesome." Without missing a beat, Daniel said- "you are blackmailing me into this, I do not want to be dressed like this, or doing this." "Ya, ya- whatever," Fred looked him over, walking around him. "You are a fucking perv, you know that? I am a dude." "A really hot dude, holy fuck," Fred said. Daniel watched himself and Fred in the beer advertisement mirror that was over the back of the couch, he hoped the camera inside the silk flower on his left breast was getting it all. He had checked the system twice to make sure it was recording, and been very satisfied with the images and sound now he just had to keep it pointed at the right people. "Can we go-?" Fred grabbed his ass, Daniel jumped and turned, stumbling in the heels, and falling into the couch- "what the fuck-!?!" "You have a great ass," Fred told him with a smile. "Karma is a real cunt. You know that?" Fred smiled at Daniel's comment offering his hand, but Daniel slapped it away. Daniel got up- "let's get this over with." They made it to the car without another word. Fred- for whatever reason got the door for Daniel, and made sure Daniel's dress did not get caught in the door. Fred missed the gear shift twice on the way off to the church, grabbing Daniel's leg both time. Daniel knuckle punched his shoulder the second time hard enough to hurt his hand. Fred groaned and rubbing his shoulder. They arrived at the church. The parking lot only had a half dozen cars. Fred parked near the exit for a fast escape once the lot was full and they were trying to get to the reception. The car parked Fred hurried to get out, moving around the front of the car- "this idiot is such a fuckin' gentlemen." Daniel let Fred open the door, but did not take his hand when it was offered- "you had better keep this door thing up when I get back to being a guy." "Not on your life," Fred said. Daniel locked and closed the door himself. As he looked in the reflection of the glass in the door he saw something in the distant sky and turned to look at it. "What the hell-?" Fred looked after a glance at Daniel's breasts. "Grow up," Daniel told him. Miles off just over the distant tree line was a dragon, flapping it's massive wings, circling, dipping down, then turning was a dragon. "What color is it?" "Blue, I think," Daniel answered squinting to see it, realizing that his vision was better than it ever had been, but still the dragon was a long way off. "That thing looks bigger than a 747," Fred said watching it. Daniel watched it for a long while. "I have only seen dragons at a distance," Fred said glancing over at Daniel. "I saw one when I was a kid, up close, scared the hell out of me," Daniel said then glanced at Fred. "Dude, they are tits, that is a fucking dragon." "That is how awesome your rack is," Fred told him with a smile and a glance to Daniel's eyes. Daniel watched the dragon turn then fly out of view. Daniel took a step or two in the gravel- "Come on- did you just try to take my hand?" "Girlfriend- remember?" "Unwilling date," Daniel said walking. He was not as stable as he would have liked in the heels, but with only a couple hours of practice he was doing pretty well. The interior of the church only had a half dozen couples inside, small groups sat and talked, and all of them looked at Daniel as he a Fred entered the church. An usher- a teenage boy in a suit, smiled at Daniel, and stuttered out a question that made no sense- "for you, would you sit, groom, bribe?" "I'll sit on the bride's side," Daniel said almost laughing at the poor kid. The kid stepped in front of Fred and offered his arm- Daniel took the kid's arm, promising himself that he would show none of the kid's staring, or bumbling, knowing that it would haunt the kid for far to long. His intention was to torment and torture the asshole that were going to make his life hell not screw with a kid. Daniel thanked him and took his seat near the front, while Fred went on to find Rich for his groomsmen duties that he was late for, even though they were forty five minutes early. Slowly, more people started to wonder in, and take their seats. More than a few looked at Daniel. He felt very self-conscious of his appearance, the dress, and the heels, but this was all just a show. A young man standing at the front near an entrance into the back rooms could not keep his eyes off Daniel. Daniel smiled at him seductively for a moment. The guy stared even harder. People walking by stared at him. A man in a suit sat down just in front of Daniel- "Kent," he said putting his hand out to Daniel. Daniel forced himself not to grip he guy's hand, but instead draped his hand into Kent's hand- "Vanessa." "You a relative or a friend?" "Friend of a friend," Daniel said glancing back, letting Kent have a moment to do his staring right into the camera. When he turned back he caught Kent. "Well that was rude, why don't you not talk to my tits," Daniel told him, seemingly annoyed, but really he just wanted Kent to go away. He did. It was not long before close to a hundred people had filled into the church, and the wedding was started. Daniel could feel quite a few eyes on him the whole time, but he maintained. Fred had remembered the ring, and there was words, and kissing. It was a good wedding. Daniel was one of the many that did not shed a single tear. Daniel made sure to smile when he saw that Fred was looking at him with a few tears in his eyes- he hoped he got that with the camera. They piled into cars, and followed the limo to the reception. The driver waited outside for a while, then the bride and groom exited the car looking a little bit more happy. There were some whistles, and yells of congratulations, and the party was on. The reception was in a lodge hall, there was a bar, and a DJ, but all of that was after the food. A buffet- chicken, fish, or dry tough tri tip, and over a dozen items to pick from. They laughed, told stories, there were speeches, and a bit of roasting- but not so much. No one said anything about Daniel until Molly said- "has anyone heard from Daniel? Is he okay?" "He's sick, tomorrow he will be back to his usual self," Fred laughed grabbing Daniel and pulling him into a hug. Rich looked at Daniel then at Fred, and Daniel knew right then- 'he knows!' Rich ushered Molly away and they went off to talk near the DJ. Daniel caught sight of Molly looking towards him holding her mouth to cover the smile. Rich and Molly started the dancing with Magic Moment, then Amazed. Three times guys asked Daniel to dance. Three times he declined. Neither of the three were from the bachelor party. The guys that were at the bachelor party the night before watched Daniel a little more than most. He knew that they all knew. He got up and walked to the bar where three of them where standing, he smiled at them, they stared slack jawed at him, he swayed a little, trying to keep the camera steady as he tried to move as seductively as he could. He ordered his first of three beers over the course of the night. "You guys just going to watch me all night?" Daniel asked them taking a sip of his beer. Two of them hurried away, the third- Charlie, stared at Daniel. Daniel took a long drink then turned to Charlie- "they are called tits." "You are hotter then Fred said you- I mean, you..." he said- "wow," Charlie was stuttering. "Know which one of these girl's is batting for the other team?" Daniel asked looking about. "Ahh- wha-?" "Not into dick, Chuck, I am being forced into this date with blackmail. So as the cat appears out of the bag, I would really like to get some pussy," Daniel told him. Charlie had no idea what to say so Daniel wondered off. It was an hour later when a bridesmaid stepped up to Daniel- "hi, you're Vanessa?" She was auburn haired- just slightly past her shoulders, the flower dress was ugly as all bridesmaids dresses were. She was slim, small of breast, pretty face, in her mid to late twenties. Daniel felt a draw to her so strong he wanted to kiss her right then and there. Daniel nodded- "sorry, I don't know your name?" "Carol," she said with a smile. They shook hands. "Did you want to dance?" Carol asked. "Love to," Daniel said getting up, kicking off his shoes. They danced. Carol was happy to let Daniel lead. They danced two songs then stopped for a drink- Carol asked for water, and Daniel asked for 7 Up. "What do you do?" Carol asked him. 'Lie, say stripper, or something,' a voice in Daniel's head suggested to him. "Can we not talk about work right now?" Daniel asked her. 'Hay, I am currently unemployed, I could be a stripper with this body and make a fortune,' Daniel thought to himself, but he knew that was only the beer in his head talking. "Sure," Carol said touching his hand. "What do you do for fun-?" Daniel leaned in and kissed her, grabbing the back of her neck with his left hand. She was a little stunned, someone yelled- "oh, ya!" When Daniel pulled back Carol smiled at him- "wow, that was abrupt-" Daniel did it again. * Within a few minutes they were in the parking lot kissing. Daniel wanted her, his new form was ready. "Slow down cowgirl," Carol pushed back, breathing heavily from all the kissing. Carol had made it to second base, Daniel did not care. "Let's get somewhere besides a car," she said getting them into her car. Daniel put on his seat belt as Carol did the same. "Love your dress- where did you get it?" "Target," Daniel said slipping his hand under Carol's dress- "Whow- been a while for you?" "Like this- I am a virgin," Daniel said. Carol smiled reached over and kissed him- "it's okay, Daniel, I know who you are." "Thought so," he said. "We should have gotten a guy to go with-" "Not interested," Daniel said nibbling on her ear and down her neck. Carol enjoyed the attention- "I hate doing it in a car," she said. "My apartment is only a couple miles away," Daniel was feeling the inside of Carol's thigh. "Let's do this then," Carol smiled. At Daniel and Fred's apartment they made it inside. Daniel kicked off his shoes, unzipped his dress and pushed it off. Carol paused to look him over- "wow," she whispered. Daniel smiled. Carol kissed him. "What's it feel like?" she asked while they kissed. "What-?" "Doing this now, like this?" "Shut up," Daniel said then put his tongue in her mouth. They stumbled and fell on the floor. Daniel was naked a moment later, Carol's mouth between his legs. Daniel orgasmed quickly and for a very long time, his head felt like it would explode, he let out a cry, clawing at the carpet. When it was over Daniel was sure he wanted to not change back as that was the best orgasm he had ever had. "Better-?" Carol asked from his belly button. "God, yes, please, do that again," Daniel begged, "oh, god, is that your finger." "Two, and this is my mouth," she said working Daniel with her fingers and her mouth, taking Daniel to his second orgasm in under twenty minutes. "What's this?" Carol offered him the thigh purse. "Camera- videoing the assholes at the wedding for blackmail later," Daniel told her without much interest. "Oh, okay," she said dropping the camera and the purse on the floor. "Bed," Carol said. Daniel grabbed the hard drive, and camera, and pulled her to the bedroom, stripping the covers with one sweeping motion, dropping the drive into the dresser drawer- the camera angled half hazardly at the bed. * There was a knock on the door, louder this time. "Daniel-?" "Let Fred get it," Daniel said. He was on his back staring at the ceiling through closed eye lids. Carol was fingering him again slowly, the coming orgasm would be his tenth. "He's not here." The banging was louder. "Whoever that is- isn't going to stop," Carol said rolling back. Daniel disentangled himself from Carol and went towards the end of the bed, stopping her grabbed one of his tee shirt and pulled it on then went to the front door- "who is it?" The voice that responded was oriental, speaking in a foreign tongue. Daniel peaked open the door to see an elderly man, in silk robes. "You are the one." "The one-?" "You must either submit to the change or pay one point two million dollars immediately," the little man said. "Oh, you are that dude? Ya, ahh- change me back to me, I ordered some stuff to make my-" The little oriental man spoke a few words in some language that Daniel was sure was not from Earth, made a gesture and Daniel stumbled back. "Yes, it will come via UPS," the little man said then turned as a glowing door took him away. Daniel looked down at himself- he was himself again! "YES!!!" Carol was in the living room in only a tee shirt. Daniel smiled at her. "Daniel?" He nodded- "I'm a guy-" "-with a little dick," Carol said looking amused by that. "Ya, with a little dick, thanks." "You should have stayed a girl-" Daniel looked back at the hall but the man was gone, then he looked at Carol- "or, I could just be who I want to be, short dick and all." Carol looked annoyed at him, started grabbing her things. Daniel went back to his room, heard the door open and close then started working on the video that would- hopefully, shut his "buddies" and "friends" up forever. * "Hay, Daniel, how's it shaking?" Fred asked as he stepped into their apartment. "You did not check your email yet?" Daniel said with a smile, "you might want to check it before you say anything more." Daniel looked at his friend for a moment then hurried to his room. A few minutes later Fred came out, pausing- "you wouldn't?" "I would, and I sent a copy of it to all of the guys that were at the bachelor party, so... Let's just forget this ever happened. Shall we?" "Ya, ya, that would be a great idea."

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Comics and animations come in all shapes and forms. You’ve got parody comics, hentai, SFM, 3D, and all that good shit. But, sometimes, you just want some classic, western-style porn comics to jerk off to. I’ve found that good western porn comics have been a lot harder to get ahold of lately. I guess they just haven’t been in style for a while. I get it. The art style is a love it or hate it kind of deal for a lot of them. Some sites are still out there, and where better to get started than a...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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Free Adult Comix

FreeAdultComix? Well, you can't hate something that's free, right? Since as far back as I remember, when it came to porn everyone relied on Playboy magazines and other nudie mags to get the job done – they were EVERYWHERE before the internet made consuming porn as easy as a few clicks. Even when VHS porn tapes came along, people still preferred nudie mags with all kinds of tits, ass, and bush in them because of how easy it was to pick one up and fap to it. And better yet, people who fap to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Yay! Pal Comix! Are you a fan of adult cartoon parodies? You know, the type of shit that Newgrounds used to pump out back in the day. Who can forget watching Raven from Teen Titans getting railed by Slade, or getting to see Sam from Danny Phantom take some ghost cock? There’s just something about these parody videos that some people find fucking amazing. Maybe it’s nostalgia or some shit. I don’t know, I’m not here to theorize about all of your issues. I’m here to talk about porn, and my porn...

Porn Comics Sites
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King Comix! Man, I swear every cartoon out there these days has the most fuckable dimepieces in it. It’s no wonder that rule 34 exists. Some of these shows border on being porn right out of the gate. I mean, do you fucks remember Totally Spies? Those babes were always wearing skin-tight suits and getting strung up in bondage dens. And it’s not even just older cartoons. The current shit is hot as fuck. Rick and Morty, The Legend of Korra, and even Pokemon have big tittied babes in them just...

Porn Comics Sites
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I Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your attention.ILikeComix.com has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...

Porn Comics Sites
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The local comic book store really lost a good customer when they banned me from the premises. I mean, I understand why they don’t want me to take the inventory into the restroom, but I only got semen on the pages in a handful of isolated incidents. Whatever, though. Sites like PComix have hotter shit than anything put out by Marvel, DC, or Image.PComix.net is a newer porn comic site, hitting the web at the dawn of 2023. It can be hard for fresh adult sites to get traffic since they typically...

Porn Comics Sites
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I had high hopes for Comix Harem as soon as I heard about it. After all, it’s from the same folks who brought us Hentai Heroes. And unless you’re brand new to the world of porno gaming, there’s a damn good chance you’ve already invested a few hours or a whole bunch of days into Hentai Heroes. The game is known for its high-quality art, a huge number of seducible babes, and a big, elaborate storyline. If you haven’t played it, you can check out my review here at ThePornDude, or read on to find...

Best Porn Games
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Porn Comix One! Usually, I’d say that we’ve had more than enough porn comic sites and that at this point, there’s no need for more of them, but I’d kind of be going against my adage about how there can never be enough porn or porn websites out there. PornComixOne is yet another entry in the world of porn comic websites, serving to compile and provide you with a bunch of porn comics for you to jack off to easily, without having to scour the web for quality smut. That being said, their standards...

Porn Comics Sites
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Porn Comix Info! When you want to beat off to porn comics, you want to choose a site that delivers the goods without the bullshit. A place you can go to read all kinds of XXX comics from amazing artists that know what their readers want. You have plenty of options. But you know this by browsing this section on ThePornDude anyway, so I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know!That is where Porn Comix enters the picture. If you want an assortment of porn comics that will fucking get...

Porn Comics Sites
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Sex Komix! Porn comes in many eclectic forms. Since man first drew in the dirt with a stick, naked women have been his favorite theme. Over the years, we’ve come a long way from scratching stick figures in the sand. Now we have ultra high def 4K porn that makes the real world look like an out-of-focus cartoon.Dick RootsAs the porn world develops, it doesn’t forget about its roots. Many old forms of porn are still enjoyed to this day despite the fact they might be antiquated. Some stick to the...

Porn Comics Sites
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Business And Pleasure DO Mix

She sat perfectly still on the edge of her chair as Trevor and Michael approached, her nipples pushing against the fabric of her thin, silky red camisole. Her legs, crossed at the ankles, glistened with the coconut oil she had applied earlier in the evening, her jeans undone at the waist. I had pulled them down a bit when I sat her in the chair, the top of her thong panties clearly visible now. She could feel the presence of the men, their lust evident in the room as her calves rubbed together,...

2 years ago
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The Compressor Part 2 The Mixer

The Compressor Part 2: The Mixer I highly recommend that you read part 1 first so as you gain an understanding about some of the characters. I truly do appreciate all the positive comments left about the original and look forward to your comments about this one. Please let me know if you have some ideas about how this story should progress, or if you like the direction it is going. Chapter 1: The Next Day The dream I had last night was amazing. As I slowly began to come awake,...

4 years ago
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Vampires and Werewolves Dont Mix

By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is not filled with erotic happenings. It’s my first real story that my wife and I came up with one night after drinking wine. I wanted to try my hand at writing something different. Werewolves have always been my favorite meta-human/paranormal race, so I started writing it the way my mind worked. It is one of my first attempts at writing something like this and I am still learning. Hope you like...

2 years ago
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My Journey pt 1 Losing my anal cherry and the mix

So I've been putting off writing about my first official anal experience as my thoughts about it still remain unsure, whether it was 100% consensual or not. However, whichever way I look at it at the end I did go through one hell of a "slut" period.Here is the breakdown:So to skip some boring details but provide some background.The gurl that ended up taking my anal cherry was, at the time my ex gf, who just so happened to be a ts prostitute (something I wasn't aware of until about a week or two...

3 years ago
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Mystical Mix

A JJ Submission: Hi, your JJ taking you over to an unusual event or could be called a first experience for Jayashree an ordinary Tamil female @ Chennai. 21/09/2009 the city of Chennai waking up very slowly being a religious holiday Ramzam an extended weekend cherished by all working class people. Asprin Garden Carnival Heights apartment 9th floor As the morning light softly caressed her naked body, Jayashree began to awaken. Stretching her arms above her head, Jayashree smiled as she remembered...

4 years ago
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The Marketing Mix

Introduction Introduction Long before Freddie Clegg recruited Larry as his Marketing Manager (see ?Market Forces?) the Clegg organisation had another brush with the world of marketing professionals. This story was originally (?2003?) posted on the forum at The House of Abductor (since closed), hence the references to this and the Secret Society of Kidnappers in this story. The logo used on The House of Abductor web site is referred to in the story. It?s reproduced here as an...

1 year ago
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Short Skirts and Selfie Sticks Do Not Mix

My husband would be coming home soon after an extended trip abroad that promises to vastly increase his financial worth. I'll be frank. I love his bank account, but I hate being left alone so often. Damn, that sounded wrong. I honestly like Billy; I wouldn't stick around if I didn't. I'd just do the divorce thing and take him for every penny I can get my hands on. Yes, I hit the jackpot when I married William Boyd right out of high school. (No relation to the Hopalong Cassidy actor!) While...

3 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 2 Parent Student Mixer

Tess Di Rosa leaned back in the Jacuzzi and enjoyed the warmth and the soothing massage by the air bubbles. The first day back at school had been draining, both physically and mentally. It still took her full concentration to walk and a full day of concentration had left her exhausted. Add to that the need to give brief recaps of her story to at least twenty different people plus her own hunger for all the gossip she had missed in a year and Tess was almost out for the count. The Jacuzzi was...

3 years ago
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Even in his half-awake state, Tobias realised that things were not quite as they should be. Beyond his almost closed eyelids, the bedroom was bright, but the angle of the sun seemed lower and more golden in tone than was normal in the morning. He started to become more aware of his surroundings and as he did, he noticed that he seemed to be pushed to one side of the bed and also, that something was tickling his nose.As he came to full consciousness, he realised that he was not alone, which...

4 years ago
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A very good view 3 P

A very good view i had with my sister always in the period that i am recounting from my previouses stories :-P. It was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold but, in the house ... and when you have the sister hottie :-P (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don't know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed me...

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The Nymph

“When I come to the woods, I am not me.”“And especially when the summer moon is full.”My company moved to new offices, on a complex close to the borders of the city, and I decided it was time to make a change in my life. Since cancer took my wife away, I’d existed rather than lived. I just lacked any purpose. I’d stayed in the same house, our house, and missed her every single second of every single day. And night. Especially the nights. The company moving gave me the push I needed and so I...

2 years ago
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Varsha Mami Ki Choot Me Mera Virya

Hi friends, varsha mami sex stories ab iss par viral ho gayi hai, thanks for your response. Mere mama shaher me rahte hai. Unki wife ka naam varsha hai. Pehle to me kabhi varsha mami ko sex ki hawas se nahi dekhta tha. Lekin ek din, mami ghar me pharsh saaf kar rahi thi aur me samne vale sofe pe baitha tha. Us waqt varsha mami ne red colour ki saree pehni thi. Tabhi mera dhyan mami ki taraf gaya. Mami ki blouse ka upar wala hook nikal gaya tha. Par mami ko te maloom nahi tha. Woh apna kaam kar...

1 year ago
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Taming the Cougar Part 3 Freedom in Submission

I woke alone in bed with the smell of coffee wafting into the room. I started to rise when Pam walked into the room, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and croissants.“Back in bed, you gorgeous hunk of man,” she said, smiling at me. “We’re having breakfast in bed this morning, and you are part of the meal.”“Now what did I do to deserve this? All that beauty and to gild the cherry, domesticity?”“How do you take your coffee?”“Black as sin. Though thinking about it, I think this morning I...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend

“Come in Foxtrot, Whiskey, Echo Bravo, Whiskey dot Foxtrot Alpha Charlie Echo Bravo Oscar Kilo dot Charlie, Oscar Mike slash Sierra Tango Echo Papa Hotel Alpha November India Echo dot Mike dot Oscar November Golf. Do you read me?” Oooops! Oh, are you reading my story already? Haha! Oh, okay then I better get going. Hey, okay, so my name is Crissy. Well “Cristina” if you want to be formal. Actually social convention and I have never been properly introduced. We sorta smile and nod at each other...

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I met adam 1 1/2 years ago, when I volunteered my self to help at a local fund-raising project in my city. He was assigned to me as my buddy for the project, after the week long activity, he asked for my number. Two days later, he called and I had a good time talking to him. We talked casually, but after a couple of weeks, we would talk regularly on the phone while exchanging emails in-between the calls, I found him so sweet, He greets me in the morning and wishes me a good night before going...

2 years ago
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The Zoo

I live in the zoo with master, luckily he didnt want to ruin my natural beauty so he didnt change me.Master has over a hundred slaves, but only about 5 women. The others are all turned into a****ls. He removes their clits, most of them get no pleasure. They all wear beautiful make up and paint, and most of them have special tails.They are all masters a****ls.They are made to feel worthless, like a****ls. They were sold by their parents on their 16th birthday. They belong to master.He punishes...

4 years ago
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Corsets and Boots Part Nine

Chapter Seventeen Some Case Histories This is a short selection of the desires expressed by some of our more extreme customers, taken from my files. In each case I asked for and was granted their written permission to relate their stories, and I always gave them my personal assurance that their anonymity would be protected at all times. 1. "PAINKILLERS PAULA." I remember this particular case because it was one of the few that reduced Dorothy to tears. She had booked the...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 28

Dinner was an interesting affair from several standpoints. In addition to the lady and the young couple I'd seen at breakfast there was now a fourth guest in the lodge, an elderly man—I guessed somewhere in his mid-60s, though I could have been off 10 years in either direction—who'd checked in that afternoon. All five of us had either opted voluntarily for or been pressured into the 7:00 dinner hour, and all of us likewise seemed to be social imbibers. When I went down to the bar at 6:30...

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Escape From Buggery Ch 06

Sharon and Tracey left the teachers the following day, although they had hardly began to recover from either their trudge through Buggery or from their beatings by Tiger Lilly. A dark blue (nearly black) bruise had swollen up around Sharon’s eye, and both girls’ legs were criss-crossed with scratches and discoloured by more bruises. They could barely stand up as they tottered by the door to the cottage, in the unfamiliar flat plastic sandals they’d been given in exchange for the shoes they’d...

2 years ago
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The apocalypse ch2

I look at the figures dropping into our apartment from the hole above in fear. They moan and limp slowly towards our little camp. I move my hands slowly to grab my baseball bat. They didn't notice because zombies have extremely bad eyesight and have a keen sense of smell instead. However, the zombie's keen smell won't usually work due to their own stench of rotting meat. As they got closer i examined them, there were 3 normal rotting zombies and another zombie with a broken leg...

1 year ago
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A NIght Out

One evening we decided it was time to go out for a drinks and dinner and head out to a little restaurant called Beaches. Before we go out I have your change from your work clothes into something more appropriate for the evening - one of your pencil skirts, your black and red quarter bra and a grey top. Just before we head out the door you walk over to me so I can be certain you are dressed to my liking. I spin you around, nodding my head with approval and ask Ray what he thinks. "She looks hot...

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Helping Mum

I knocked on my mum's bedroom door."Mum, can I come in.""What do you want", my mum called back."I just have to get something from your bathroom.""Come in, but make it quick."I opened the door and entered her room. My mum was in jeans that covered her belly button. On top she had nothing on but a white lacy bra. Mums tits were 38 D. My mum was no skinny lady. She was a size 14, so she still looked good. I loved what I saw but did not stare. I went to the bathroom in her room, got my hair...

3 years ago
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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 16

Ten women, all teachers, lined up in the science room. All stood naked in front of a table still decked out in Bunsen burners and beakers. The science class had been dismissed early. The students must have left in a hurry, eager to end the school day early before their teacher could change her mind. Some of the teachers trembled with nerves or anticipation. Some stood, with dilated pupils, breathing hard, addicts ready for their fix. All the teachers were married and showed hourglass figures...

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Porno often has a roundabout relationship with social media. Sure, you can find dirty stuff on the major websites and apps, but the best content is usually just advertising for spicier, more exclusive movies elsewhere. That’s been changing lately as more Instagram-style porn sites appear online, giving the truly exhibitionist babes a more adult-oriented platform to show their cooters on. Swag.live has recently exploded on the web, their traffic jumping to nearly 4 million visitors a month.Swag...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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A Little Night MusicChapter 22

“Begone, all you shod and shady senators! Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries. I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours! And with a smile... I’ll take you to the Seven Seas of Rhye!” -Queen, “The Seven Seas of Rhye“ A few days later, Denise Cole had returned home from school, when her parents informed her that Julie Equals had stopped by and left a crate in the garage and a package at her bedroom door for her, with instructions to open the package first. She’d...

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My New ToysChapter 2

Once we had settled ourselves back in the car we headed off to a local retail park. I remained dressed in the stockings, shortish grey skirt and blue blouse. My knickers were rather moist from my climax earlier and the toy up my cunny was now firmly in place but now switched off. The butt plug up my ass was still deeply embedded and the feeling of being ‘stuffed’ whilst out and about had me thoroughly turned on and feeling deliciously wicked. Once parked in the large car park we decided to...

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Sister Angelas Bad BehaviorChapter 4

The religious tribunal at the Diocese was unanimous in their decision. Sister Angela had to be disciplined for her outrageous behavior. Her transgressions could be overlooked only as long as the image of attempted good intentions was present and that was certainly left in the dust a long time ago. They decided that corporal punishment was out of the question because the violent nature of the situation precluded such a solution because it only added to the confusion of several criminal acts...

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Meri Girlfriend Uske Chacha Se Chudai 8211 Part 2

Maine apko apni purani chudai story m btaya ki anjali k chacha ushe jabardsti berhmi se chod rhe the or woh ro rahi thi uske baad uncle chut m hi sara virya bhar dia or anjali ko chumne lage . Phir thodi der baad side m let gaye unka land phir khda ho gya …Puri bed shit jis per chudai hui thi khoon ki ho rakhi thi ..Uncle apne dost aane se pehle ek bar or chodna chahtey the . Toh unhone ek kapda lekr anjali ki choot ko saaf kia .Or bolne lage kesi chudai thi meri jaan mja aaya na .Or kiss krne...

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A Group Shower

It was late Saturday night or Early Sunday morning, you decide, I returned to Grants Hall. Yes I was some what intoxicated and staggered to the shower with my robe barely on, normally their is no one woke or around that gives a damn what you are wearing. I managed to get into the shower room and start the water when I heard the out side door open and close multiple times. I was very much intoxicated and cared less as to what was going on with the door, I should have payed more attention to...

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Becoming My Friends Slut

I always knew one of my three friends was bi. I just never knew about the other two. I'm writing this story to make sense of a situation that happened that is both embarassing, and erotic. Maybe someone can relate. But it's a secret I've been carrying for a little while. Maybe because of another situation I had this was my punishment. Or maybe it was just a way of me finding a way to...I dont' want to give any names so I'll just call them Friend 1, Friend 2, and Friend 3. I am a very...

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Family Friend

To say she was a family friend might be an under statement. She was the wife of my fathers’s best man and had known my parents since their early teens. That said I didn’t know her at all. My parents had moved from southern California, shortly after they were married. Which by the way was when they were eighteen. I was their second son and born before their second anniversary. As couples who marry young often do they had a turbulent relationship. But since this story is about her and me, not...

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Hubby being an SOB

The husband was being an ass. He had been working too much, not paying me any attention. When he was around, he was distant. He was busy with a project at work and focused on nothing else. I tried to get him to relax. I dressed sexy, attempted to give him head, even a hand job. He wouldn't come around, always remaining focused on his work. I would only wear lingerie around the house hoping to entice him away even for a few minutes. Eventually I wore nothing around the house, still no...

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Trained Into Becoming Black Mens Sex Slave

A few years back I spent time on and off with severalshall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One ofthem, who for this I shall call Leroy, just lovedwhen we got together to make me totally helpless.It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahooand when he found out i was free that weekend he insistedon coming over later that afternoon.We talked about when and what he wanted me to bewearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I wasto be wearing a red waspie,...

4 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 6

Sheriff Morgan Smith was perturbed that his attempts to contact the men making the movie were unsuccessful, but he wasn’t entirely surprised. The lack of cellular signals throughout large portions of his county was something he and his staff dealt with every day. As he made the turn onto the road leading to Gideon James’ cabin, Sheriff Morgan started imagining the positive aspects of him needing to communicate with the men in person. While he had no interest in watching the girl die at the...

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