Adverse ConditioningChapter 3 free porn video

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The room was still dark when she woke. The lights wouldn't respond to her voice and neither would the window tinting. She had no idea what time it was but she knew it must be sometime early morning since she was hungry and needed to go to the bathroom. Standing up she tried to move but the leash wouldn't let her get to the door. So she got as close to it as possible and sat down to wait.

She heard the doorbell buzzing faintly downstairs and muffled voices. Considerably later, she was almost dancing she needed to go to the bathroom so badly, the bedroom door opened and the lights came up. Jumping to her feet Lisa saw Brad step through the door, with him was a woman.

The first thing that struck Lisa was how attractive this new woman was. Tall, almost as tall as Brad, shoulder length dark brown hair pulled back in a French braid, ample, although not overly large bosom, narrow waist and full hips. She had long, incredibly long, tapering legs that highlighted by the incredibly sexy, and maybe a bit comical uniform she wore. It was a traditional 'French Maid' costume. Very short skirt, deeply veed cleavage, a small white apron tied in back, four-inch stiletto heels and stockings. She looked every inch the caricature of a French maid.

"Good morning, Little Bitch!" Brad said cheerfully. "I have someone here you need to meet. This is Cleo. She's a temporary I've rented to help with your training. Cleo knows how a household is supposed to be run and she's going to teach you. Now I've already gone over with her any special requirements and she's ready to go. Until your training is complete you are to do everything Cleo tells you. You are to obey her as you would me. Now let me unsnap you..." stepping forward he touched the thumb lock that allowed the clasp to release, "... and turn you over to her." Turning to Cleo he said, "Do you need anything? If not I'm going into the office for a while. If you need me you know how to reach me."

"Of course Master Bradley," she replied. "We'll be just fine here. Little Bitch and I will get started on the housework and her training right away."

"Very good, Cleo. I'll see you both later." With that he turned and left the room.

Lisa noticed that as Bradley left the new woman, Cleo, had bowed her head along with the upper portion of her body. Straighten up she turned back to Lisa, cocking her head she slowly looked the nude women over, almost like she was inspecting a piece of furniture looking for defects. Her expression indicated she wasn't all that impressed. Indignation welled up in Lisa and she returned the look with barely contained fury.

"Mmmm," Cleo started, "I guess I've seen worst to start with. You definitely have the potential but I can see we're going to have to work on that attitude right away." Stepping forward Cleo reached up and hooked a snap attached to a thin line to the ring on Lisa's collar. The line was joined to a bracelet clamped around Cleo's left wrist, a small fob, much like the one Brad had been holding the day before was also attached to the bracelet was gripped in her left hand between thumb and forefinger. She held it up so Lisa could clearly see it.

"This is a training leash Little Bitch. It's like the Master's activator but is controlled by me. That means I control you. During your training period I will be your mistress, your lord, your god. You will address me as Mistress Cleo and will afford me the same respect and deference due the Master. Is that clear?"

Lisa raised her chin and gave this impertinent wench the same cold stare she would any servant who displeased her. Cleo smiled and caressed the activator in her hand. Instantly pain coursed through Lisa's body, different from the faux-cane hits Bradley had given her, these seemed to pervade her entire body and not just her rear end, but not quite as intensely painful as the 'medium' setting he had use the one time. Lisa gasped as her body shook but as soon as it started it ended.

"Tisk, tisk, Little Bitch," Cleo chuckled. "I thought you were smarter than that. First off when spoken to by your masters you bow your head and look at the floor. Secondly the only two acceptable answers are 'Yes Mistress Cleo' or 'I don't understand Mistress Cleo.' Now is that clear?"

"Yes," Lisa forced out through clenched teeth. "Fine."

Again the pain hit her, this time lasting for what seemed forever but was in reality only about two to three seconds.

"A bit of a slow learner aren't you, Little Bitch?" Cleo laughed. "Well it's your body. Just for your information, this doesn't hurt me a bit. I can do this all day if needed. The more you resist the harder it will be for both of us. Well, actually a lot harder on you of course, and in the end the result will be the same. You will break, everybody breaks. Oh, mind you, I've seen some last for a couple of weeks, for most it only takes a couple of days. Although I will say the ones who take the longest seem to end up being the most compliant in the end. It's up to you really. The journey can be difficult and painful or easy and quick; the destination is already a forgone conclusion. So what will it be Little Bitch, the hard way or the easy way?"

Lisa was gulping air into her lungs that had been forced out by the pain constrictions. Looking up into Cleo's eyes she didn't see the hate or delight in having given pain she expected to see, just curiosity. Lisa realized then and there that Cleo didn't really care which way it was going to be, hard or easy was the same to her; she intended to do her job either way. The fight seemed to drain away with that epiphany, her head bowed down and eyes went to the floor.

"Easy, Mistress Cleo," she said softly, "easy."

"Wise choice, Little Bitch." Straightening up Cleo gestured towards the bathroom. "Right now I'm sure you need to use the toilet so let's take care of that first."

Cleo followed Lisa into the bathroom and watched she sat and voided herself. Embarrassed by her watcher Lisa bit her lip and turned her face toward the wall. As if reading her mind Cleo again chuckled.

"Get used to it," she said. "You're an ISP now. You own nothing the master doesn't grant you and right now that means you have nothing, which includes privacy. Until your training is complete you and I will be close enough that we might as well be joined at the hip." Lifting her wrist and shaking the training leash lightly she continued, "Well maybe not exactly at the hip."

Blushing furiously Lisa kept her eyes down as she took a towellet and wiped herself.

"Oh by the way, Master Bradley told me about his, mmm, unique method of checking your personnel hygiene. He told me to randomly use it myself so you might want to take that into account when you clean yourself." Quickly Lisa grabbed another towellet and scrubbed herself even harder.

"Very good, Little Bitch. Now for breakfast." Walking down to the kitchen she was told to retrieve two of the pre-prepared breakfasts from the pantry and pulled the tab to start the self-heating cycle. Cleo sat at the table while Lisa again ate on the floor. While they were eating Cleo continued to lecture Lisa on the morning breakfast routine.

"The Master wants his breakfast at 0700 hours weekday mornings. Weekends will be one half hour after he gets up. Once he approves your proposed menu for the week and we order the groceries you will be responsible for fixing it."

"But I don't know how to cook!" Lisa blurted out. "Ouch! Ah, Mistress Cleo."

"That's just to remind you that proper address is required at all times. Don't worry about cooking, you'll learn how just like you'll learn everything else. It's not really very difficult and you might just find it's rather pleasant. I've always found it satisfying being able to take raw ingredients and turning them into a tasty wholesome meal. But we'll start on that this afternoon. Now we'll spend some time looking at what we have here to work with."

For the next hour Lisa and Cleo looked through every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. Everything was removed and examined. Cleo gave a brief description for each utensil and what it was used for. Lisa was amazed and the variety and sheer number of different implements, she just knew she would never be able to remember what they were or their function. Cooking was something someone else did for her; the how's and whys were a complete mystery to her. Although they looked clean to Lisa Cleo insisted they needed to be cleaned before use and most were loaded into the kitchen washer. Luckily in this day and age the only things that needed to be hand washed were those things that were simply to large to be loaded, few enough items.

Unfortunately Lisa found out that bathrooms and houses didn't have an auto-clean cycle. After they located the cleaning supplies, neat freak Master Bradley was fully supplied in that department, she learned what hard work cleaning could be. Under her tutor's watchful eye, and with a few less than gentile reminders, Lisa learned all about scrubbing toilets, scouring shower stalls and mopping floors. After what seemed an eternity the bathrooms received Cleo's grudging approval and it was time for lunch. Again it was the table for Cleo and the floor for Lisa.

After lunch it was laundry. The miracle of modern fabrics made it almost impossible to make any really bad mistakes, but while the washer/dryer took care of the cleaning it didn't fold or put away what was cleaned. This again entailed going through every drawer and closet in the Master's bedroom learning where everything belonged. One drawer held the maid uniforms that Cleo was wearing, prompting Lisa to ask a question.

"Mistress Cleo," she started. "Where will you be sleeping? In my room?"

"I'll sleep wherever Master Bradley wants me to," was her reply. "I suppose it could be the serf bed in his room but I'm hoping it will be his bed, that's much more comfortable."

"You expect to sleep with him Mistress?"

"No I am hoping to sleep with him." Seeing Lisa's shocked look she sighed and continued, "You still don't get it do you? This is the easiest gig I have ever seen for an IS. Maybe being kept as someone's pet might be better, but believe me it could be a lot worse. I've seen a lot worse and I've done a lot worse." They were passing through the kitchen at that time, stopping she pointed to a chair, indicating Lisa should sit down.

"Let me give you a short primer on life in the bigs as we say. I was three years into college, double major, economics and business management. Actually it's ironic that one, because here I was taking business and finance and I got myself in a shit load of debt trouble. No one to blame but myself, I liked the fast life and credit was easy. Hell, the credit companies were falling all over themselves to extend me credit, and why not I had me to back it up. Well it got so I couldn't even cover the interest payments and --here I am. I did two years in a state whorehouse fucking and sucking anything that walked through the door. First I did it like most of the whores, just lie back and take it, then I got smart, actually tried to make it enjoyable for the 'customer.' I started getting noticed, you know, they started requesting me by name. Got a good reputation and had my contract bought out by one of the private houses. Another couple of years there and I was doing more personnel services than just hooking. Kind of like this, training newbie's, planning parties, a whole bunch of different crap. Your ISP right?"

Lisa nodded, quickly adding, "Yes, Mistress Cleo."

"Good recovery, maybe you will learn given time. Anyway you think being ISP must be about the worst, wishing maybe it was just IST and you would have something to look forward to right? Well I'm IST and my debt will be paid off in about six months. Believe me that 'T' for temporary isn't that big a deal. What do you think I'll have when I walk out that door the last time? Nothing, that's what, zero, zilch, nada. I won't have a dime to my name and what do you think I'll be able to do for money, for food? Can't hook, the state won't let you do that without a license and if you get caught it's right back in the system. The fact is most IST's are back in the system in less than two weeks of their release, mostly as ISP's. So much for being free. So what's a girl to do? Find somewhere I can stay that's what. Maybe, just maybe, if I do the best I can and Master Bradley likes what I do then maybe he'll keep me, maybe even after my contract is up."

"Look I don't know what his plans are for you. Maybe he'll keep you and maybe not. Maybe he won't need or want two women in his house but I'm going to do my damnedest to show him he wants me. I plan to keep him well fucked, well fed, clean, happy and give him the best trained ISP he's ever seen. You understand that bitch?"

"Yes, Mistress Cleo."

"That's good because if making him happy means I have to break you too a bloody pulp, I'm going to do it and not think twice about

it." Leaning back in the chair she smiled. "And as for fucking him, my god woman, just look at him! Christ, he's handsome, rich and single. Unless he's got a dick about an inch long or is a closet sadist that won't be a chore it'll be a pleasure. Hey, just because I've been a whore doesn't mean I don't like sex; I just don't have any hang-ups about it now. If you had any brains you'd be trying to climb in his bed also"

"Mistress Cleo, did he tell you I'm his mother?"

"No kidding? Well ain't that a kick in the pants! So tell me all about it."

Slowly Lisa related the story of her life. She thought about glossing over the parts about sending Brad away and his feeling of abandonment but it just seemed to come out by itself. Probably for the best she thought, it would come out later anyway.

"Well don't that beat all!" Cleo cackled when Lisa finished. "So he's got mommy dearest back and is going to make her into the mommy he never had. Well in that case I would suggest you suck up and transform into Mrs. Cleaver as soon as you can."

"Mrs. Cleaver, Mistress? Well never mind, now you know why I can't have sex with him."

"Bullshit. It doesn't change anything except he's got a real personnel interest in breaking you. So unless you really have your heart set on being really miserable for a long time I would start thinking about just what words you should be using to get him to screw you. Well, it's your ass not mine. I'm planning to give him as much pussy as he can stand, and anything else for that matter. So he wants to breed you? God that would be great! I wonder if he would do me also. I've never had kids and that would be absolutely fucking wonderful! Lactation too? Not sure I'd want my boobs dripping all the time but crap if it made him happy I'd get one in chocolate and the other vanilla. Well, enough of this, shooting the shit doesn't get him any happier and you any better trained. Next is meal planning and grocery ordering."

Meal planning wasn't difficult; there were literally thousands of recipes loaded in the kitchens compsole already. On the calendar function you just punched what meal and when, it then calculated the ingredients required and compiled a list ready to be sent to the local grocery supplier. Once approved by Bradley the list would be sent to the supplier and delivered the next day.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent in learning and demonstrating the proper forms of address and posturing. Not knowing exactly what Bradley expected Cleo put Lisa through all the standard and submissive routines she knew. Naturally Lisa didn't like them and corrections were frequent and harsh.

"Listen you stupid bitch," Cleo finally growled at her. "Bowing and groveling are the easiest way to placate a master or mistress, especially one that's pissed off at you! Now get down there and put your head on the floor before I give you a jolt that'll crack your ribs!"

About half an hour before Bradley was due home Cleo stopped and told Lisa it was time to prepare for the masters return.

"He will come home not only to a clean house, nice dinner but to clean and pretty house servants. Now get upstairs and we'll get a quick shower."

Once in the bathroom Lisa expected Cleo to unfasten her leash before she got in the shower, but that didn't happen. Slipping it off her wrist she hung the bracelet on a hook attached to the wall.

"Just so you know when the bracelet isn't in contact with my body and it moves it gives you a shock. So while I'm undressing you might want to be careful and not move it." Cleo proceeded to strip off her uniform, kicked the heels into the bedroom and climb into the shower with Lisa.

"Come on stupid, we don't have all day, start scrubbing, what's the matter haven't you ever seen another woman naked before? Never taken a shower with one of your girl friends back in school? Oh here is some depilatory, you said he wanted you bare down there and bare you will be. Me too for that matter." True to her word Cleo squeezed a little from the tube and rubbed it over her carefully trimmed pubic hair. After just a few seconds the hair seemed to dissolve like magic, rinsing away leaving her a bare of hair as a newborn babe. Holding the tube Lisa couldn't bring herself to act. Snorting Cleo grabbed the tube, squeezed out another dab and started rubbing it on Lisa's groin. Lisa tensed up and started to push Cleo's hand away from her. Using her other hand Cleo slapped Lisa's and started to reach for the bracelet.

"Look bitch I'm not trying to play any games with you now, we don't have time for this! Either you start moving or I start jolting, got it!"

"Yes Mistress," Lisa whispered and started to soap and shampoo herself while her pubic hair dissolved and ran down the drain.

"Besides Little Bitch," Cleo grinned. "The Master gave you to me for training. If I decided to fist fuck your ass or have you spend and hour licking my cunt you'll do it and pretend to enjoy it. Now you're lucky, I don't normally swing to women but it doesn't bother me and I do like having my pussy licked. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime he wanted us to perform for him. Men really get off on watching two women make it. If he does you'd better grin and stick your tongue out because if you don't I'll make your life hell, got that?"

"Yes Mistress Cleo," then she blurted out, "but I've never been with another women like that before."

"Really? A good corporate whore like you and you never had a woman client that needed your attention? Amazing! Well there's a first time for anything. Soon you're going to learn to make love to a woman; if he ever tells us to do it I want you ready. I don't care if you like it or not, you will do it, you will be enthusiastic and you will put on a show that will knock his socks off. Now get dried and pretty yourself up. No clothes of course but at least do your hair and put on a little makeup. There isn't any in here but I'll bring some over after I get dressed." Running out of the room she stopped to pick up her shoes and call back over her shoulder, "Remember don't move the bracelet."

Lisa brushed her hair while the dryer sucked up the moisture. Within minutes Cleo walked back in completely dress in uniform looking for all the world as fresh as she had the first thing in the morning. She threw a small case of cosmetics on the counter.

"Don't overdo it; you're not a whore anymore. Unless he wants us to look like sluts we will be pretty but not garish."

"Yes Mistress, but I'm naked I think I'll look like a slut regardless."

Cleo just laughed and shook her head, "Give me a break girly, you're old enough to know that without cloths you're just naked, you have to get dressed up to really look like a slut. Now finish, we need to get downstairs ASAP." Taking the bracelet off the hook she slipped it over her wrist and stood waiting for Lisa to finish.

"Not bad," she said surveying the results. "You'd be in big demand as a hooker if this doesn't work out. It's not hard work, maybe not even as hard as housework, just a bit repetitive. But let me tell you from experience, I would rather clean a thousand toilets than spend another day on my back taking tricks one after another. Maybe if you kept that in mind it'll help you with your attitude."

Finished with their primping Cleo led Lisa downstairs to the front door telling her to assume the kneeling position directly in front of the door where she would be instantly visible to whomever entered. Cleo positioned herself beside and to the right.

"When you hear that door latch turn I want your nose on the floor, hands down, palms flat. Do you remember what you're to say?"

"Yes Mistress Cleo."

"Don't fuck it up or I'll have you burn for half an hour."

Slowly the minutes ticked away, Lisa uncomfortably on the floor, Cleo calmly standing beside her. After about ten minutes the door announced a presence outside and Cleo hissed through her teeth. Startled Lisa quickly bent forward pressing her nose to the floor her hands to each side of her head palms flat on the cool tile. Shortly the door opened and swung wide.

"Welcome home Master," Lisa said loudly intro the floor. "How may I serve you?"

"Yes, welcome home Master," echoed Cleo her head and upper torso bent toward him. "What is your pleasure?

"Well this is a pleasant surprise! Cleo it certainly looks like you've been busy. Oh, have her get up. She didn't give you too much trouble today did she?"

"No sir, we've had a fairly productive day, quite adequate for a first day of training. May we take that up to your den sir?" She held her hand out for his portable compcast.

"What? Oh yes, thank you."

"No need to thank your servants sir. Now, if it pleases you dinner will be ready in one half hour, we will be serving in the dinning room. May I suggest you retire to your room and freshen up before dinner?"

"Ah, yes that would be fine." He chuckled a bit, "I have to admit I'm not used to this kind of attention, especially coming home. I could sure get used to it though."

"Sir!" Cleo said almost sounding shocked, "You are the master of this house and you will be treated appropriately. We can't change the past but now that we're here we will serve you correctly. Isn't that right Little Bitch?"

"Yes Mistress Cleo. Master, we are here to serve."

"Well this is great! But we can talk about it later. I think I will go upstairs and 'freshen up' a bit." Smiling down at Lisa he walked by and headed up to his room.

"Adequately done, Little Bitch, now let's take this portcom up to the den and finish getting dinner ready." Dinner wasn't all that difficult; it was still just a pre-prepared meal but scooped out of the tray and placed on good china.

When he came down Brad frowned and whispered to Cleo, "Do we really need to eat in the dinning room?"

"Sir!" she whispered back, "We aren't eating in here, you are. Just think of it as a training exercise. Little Bitch needs to learn how to serve you at dinner and this is the best atmosphere to do that. Of course you are the Master if you would rather..."

"No, no, you're the expert. I, well, it's just that I never ate in here before."

"Well then, Master, it's about time you did, you paid for this room along with the rest of the house and you might as well get some use out of it. Think of it as an adventure. Where else except maybe a high priced bordello or one of those private clubs can you be served your meal by two beautiful women, one naked, or both naked if you prefer."

"No, I like you in that for now. I have never seen a better set of legs and those heels and hose set them off perfectly."

"You are to kind Master," leaning over she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now please sit down and we'll bring out your supper."

Reaching up to touch his cheek Brad turned and watched Cleo's ass and legs as she softly swayed out to the kitchen. "Wow," was all he could think.

Within minutes Lisa entered carrying his plate, the food steaming, Cleo followed directly behind. Placing the plate in front of him she took the napkin off the table and spread it out in his lap, her breasts swaying softly mere inches from his face. As she spread the napkin she felt his erection begin to grow. Appalled and delighted she quickly pulled her hands back and stood next to him as she had been instructed. Trying to forget what his cock had felt like under her hand Lisa stared straight ahead at the wall, but trying to forget and forgetting were two different things. The more she tried putting it out of her mind the more she thought about the large lump that swelled in his pants. Her face flushed and involuntarily her nipples darkened and stood upright.

For his part Brad was not indifferent to the exposed female flesh standing next to him. For all that he wanted to hate his mother he kept feeling he was going to far with all of this. She looked very pretty tonight and when she bent down he had trouble taking his eyes off her breasts, he was sure she could feel his erection when she spread the napkin in his lap. Maybe he would talk to Cleo tonight about loosening up a little bit; now there was a woman with a head on her shoulders! He wondered how she had come to be where she was; she was obviously intelligent, and goddamn gorgeous! He didn't think he had ever seen a better pair of legs! He wondered if conjugal rights came with the rental, maybe he could find out how much her contract cost...

Lisa was seething inside. Her body ached; she was fed up with being told what to do and was embarrassed as hell standing here next to her own son like some common server, naked. But what could she do? Not only did he have the ability, and the demonstrated willingness, to inflect a considerable amount of pain on her but that vampire in hose standing right behind her did also. That and she didn't miss anything! She watched Lisa like a hawk eyeing her prey, just waiting for the smallest mistake. It would be so lovely if she could just dump the plate of hot food into his bulging lap! But the consequences would never make up for the simple pleasure of that little act of rebellion!

Yes, right in his bulging lap is what he deserved! That was another thing, what kind of pervert would get sexually excited by seeing his mother naked? Maybe he was the type that got off on humiliating and hurting other people. She had never seen that in him before but then she hadn't been around him that much when he was growing up and especially since he went away to college and off on his own. Was he the kind who enjoyed torturing small animals or beat people for entertainment? He certainly seemed to be enjoying her predicament. Would she really have been sent to a whorehouse if he hadn't bought her contract? The possibility seemed so unreal she had difficulty even imagining such a thing. Although the harpy certainly didn't seem to think it was out of the question, in fact she seemed to think it was a forgone conclusion. She was certainly blasé enough about telling Lisa about her own time spent in one of those houses. It seemed to be the truth; you wouldn't think someone would brag about something like that.

Then there was this Cleo harpy bitch! The way she fawned over and sucked up to Brad was disgusting! Didn't she so much as come right out and say she was going to do her best to trap him? Use her body to entice him into keeping her. She really was a predatory slut! As much as she despised her son at this moment the thought of him with that vixen turned her stomach. He maybe an absolute shit just now but he was still too good for her!

Another thought disturbed her. What if his hardon wasn't because of Lisa but from Cleo? Part of her wanted to be reassured that she was still attractive enough to elicit a response from a young handsome male, of course the other part was still a bit creeped out by the thought of her son as a sexual being let alone being sexually involved with her. Besides he couldn't really be interested in her that way, could he? Sure, he threatened to impregnate her, maybe induce lactation but that was all just to scare her wasn't it? Besides he said she would have to beg for it and that would never happen.

But what to do about this bitch Cleo? At the very least she had to warn Bradley what she had planned. If Lisa was going to be around here for at least the foreseeable future then the last thing she needed was that bitch hanging around. If Cleo weren't there she would have a chance to convince Bradley that she had changed, that she was sorry for what she put him through growing up. Given a little motherly remorse and charms she could even start living a normal life.

Maybe, Lisa thought, maybe if he focused on something other than the cheep whore's ass he wouldn't be so inclined to take her hook along with the bait. But what could draw a young, hormone saturated, mans attention away form an aggressive piece like Cleo? Fire with fire? Lisa knew she had what men wanted to look at. At the moment it wasn't as well packaged as the bitch's but she knew he liked it. Maybe she didn't have the heels and the hose or the cute little uniform that accented her tits and ass but she could use what she had to its best advantage!

Slowly she rolled her shoulders back and down thrusting her chest out just slightly. Cocking her body just a bit towards her son she lifted one foot up on her toes, just enough to enhance the gentle curves of her legs and draw the eyes upward to her chest. Nothing overt of course, subtlety and understatement worked best in trapping the male beast. Lisa may have had no head for business but in the art of seduction and the flirt she was more than adequate. Casually, almost like she was just shifting around reliving aching muscles, she moved slightly forward until she was just within range of Brad's peripheral vision.

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"Come in Kelly Anne," Cathy said, not looking up from the page she was examining. "You wanted to see me?" Kelly Anne asked. "Yes, I just got a call from the San Francisco office, and they didn't receive the Jenkins file yet. Did you send it?" "Um, I think so," Kelly Anne replied. "Then why didn't they get it?" Cathy asked. "Go check to see if you sent it. If you did not, then send it and come back here." Kelly left the office, but was back a few minutes later. "I'm sorry,...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen A sea of masked faces looked up at Ted Phillips and the tall leggy girl with the long dark hair. Jim and I watched with horror as Phillips handed the brunette beauty's leash to the man who had just bought her. Eagerly, the man took hold of the leash and looked over his prize. Her hands, like ours, where cuffed tightly behind her back, leaving her totally at his mercy. Her long and shapely legs were clad in shear dark stockings and three inch black pumps. She wore a...

4 years ago
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Unpleasant guest

Darcie was looking forward to an uneventful Friday evening after a stressful week in the office. In a moment she would get up and make dinner but for the moment sitting on the couch was the most relaxing thing she had done all day. She'd have to get out of her office clothes - a tight black skirt and stockings and a tight fitting pullover - before too. And besides, the only one growing hungrier by the minute was she: Living alone definitely had it's perks. Today had been an especially long day...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Judy Jolie Miranda Miller Step Sister Secrets

Judy Jolie and Miranda Miller are always annoying their step brother. Usually he does a good job of ignoring them, but today they are making so much noise he has to check things out. He cracks the door and sees them making out with each other. He is so turned on, that he starts jerking off until they catch him and kick him out. Later on, Judy is feeling curious, so she asks her step brother to show her his cock. He takes it out and she is shocked at how big it is. When Miranda sees the action,...

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My boss my girlfriend

It was an evening like most. I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to do anything. My friends all seemed to be busy with their own thing so I was left to my own devices.My name is Katelyn, Kate for short. I am a proud bisexual woman in my twenties, I am more or less a lesbian, having not been with a guy in quite a long time. I prefer the company and touch of a woman.I decided that I had to kick the laziness and go out and do something. I decided that I’d go to my local bar and have a drink....

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Path of Evil Ch 00 Prologue Pt 01

This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. This chapter has no sex, but the second part of the prologue does. I’ll try to keep splitting the chapters like that so folks looking just to fap can find the material they want and those looking for story can get that too. The keep was in ruins. One half of its gate hung from a single rusting iron hinge, leaving an easy passage into the inner courtyard, not that such a passage was...

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Marwari Aunty ki Choot

Usraat soote waqt jab main muth marneki socha to achanak se “aunty’s” ko soch kar muth marne laga ….. maza aata tha.”aunti” k mote-mote,rasile aamon ko dekh kar mere lund ki pyass bekabu ho jaati thi.unki bhari hui “gaand” main apna lund ghusane ka bahut mann karta tha … Do din baad maine unko phone kiya to unhone kaha ki dicide nahin kiya baad main batayeegi.. 1 hapte baad main fir sa call kiya to unhone kaha thik hai 2 din baad phone kar ka aane kaliye boli..Fir main usdin unke call...

2 years ago
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My Sister8217s Tits

I was surprised when my sister Nora called me and asked if she could stop by. We didn’t get along, and rarely had any contact anymore, but she said she really needed to talk to me, so I agreed. Two years my senior, at 24, Nora lived just across town but we never even talked to each other anymore, so this was a real surprise. The doorbell to my apartment rang, and I got a much bigger surprise. When I opened the door and saw my sister standing there with her boyfriend Bob, I couldn’t...

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Roger Tells It: Raising a kid alone has got to be one of the toughest, most demanding situations any responsible human could ever face. And I was pretty well-off, financially; I can't begin to imagine how someone making less than I do could manage it. I, at least, could always afford to have someone stay with Bill during the day until he started school. And I could afford to have someone be there for him when he came home or when business took me out of town. For the first six years after...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 8 Wednesday August 4 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Jake and Alice found most of the women sitting at the kitchen table when they got home. “Ellen’s out?” Jake asked. “Another date with Boris,” Leanne said with a smile. “Probably another night of torture,” Kara said. “What do you mean?” Jake asked. “When Boris dropped her off last night, she was so horny I could feel it,” Nina said. “Fortunately she had help dealing with it.” “Did she?” Jake asked. Leanne blushed. Jake turned to her with one eyebrow...

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A few days later, I guess I was horny or something, I found her number in the book; women used to list their numbers in the book, and she even listed her first name, not just initials. I got the impression she wanted people to be able to find her. We struck a conversation on the phone and I invited her over for a little wine. After some wine and some conversation, we started kissing, heavy kissing, french kissing; and oh yeah, I forgot to mention something: Mandy had a set of tits. She...

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So you got yourself into this poker game... You're hanging out at your friend Emily's house with her and her friend Jenny. They are two beautiful, slender brunettes with dark eyes and long legs. It's been a fun evening so far - a lot of wine, goofing around, and teasing. Everyone's laid back and laughing. Once the girls start to get really tipsy, Emily suggests a little game. "Hey, let's play some poker" she suggests. "I don't have any money," says Jenny. "What are we gonna play for?" You...

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A Good Wife Chapter 2

After he had finished with his speech, like a teacher, he asked if we had any questions. Whether it was the mixture of nerves and jealousy or the fact that I was fighting off a hard on at the thought of them, I shrugged off his inquiry. So it started. He edged himself up in his seat and he said to me, "I will have that drink actually if that's okay? A glass of water?" I obliged but as I left the room I couldn't help feeling I shouldn't have. When I came back in with his water and my wife's vod...

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18Eighteen Maria Kazi An Afterschool Sex Lesson

Maria tells her tutor that she hasn’t studied because she has “better, more important things to focus on,” like her secret project for health class. So what exactly is this project? By the looks of it, it’s getting an older man rock hard and then sucking and fucking him dry. Maria looks sexy in her schoolgirl uniform and even sexier once she’s naked. She takes her time sliding her tight pussy down the tutor’s cock, but once it’s in, it’s easy...

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Sex With My Mom Chitthi

Hi to all ISS fans… my name is Adarsh (aadi). I’m going to tell u about the true life incidents happened in my life I had sex affairs with two beautiful ladies one s ma mom n other s my chitti. First of all I’m 18 years old and m 5.8″tall and built athletic looks little more than average. this happened to me when I was18.the first ever incident was with my mom when I was doing ma 12th standard. My mom and dad are separated because of an misunderstanding my dad looked after her very well but my...

2 years ago
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The Second Black Friday Sale

As they lie in bed, his arm was around her as they snuggled closely. She told herself God, he’s good. I could do this all night with him. Then she smiled. Once that idea came to her she felt the sensations in her body. Her heart warmed and her loins did too. Something from somewhere told her she was ready to do it all over again with him. She could easily have sex with her brother in law as good as he was. He was a good lover and he had a style she couldn’t get over. No, he is a great lover she...

Straight Sex
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Night On The Town MMMf nc humil

I swear that Chapter 4 of my other story is nearly done! But until then, here is the first rough story I'd ever written. It could really do with some refinement but sometimes things are just better left raw. ;c)~*~6PM and the phone rings."Hello?""Lyss! Wanna go have some fun?" cries my best friend Tristen."Fun is my middle name. Where and when?""8o'clock. That new club on 26th.""Ok. See you there!" I just got home from work when the phone rang. I drop my jacket onto the back of the couch as I...

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Fantasy about Sophie Hou

I have this idea in my head, you're in this guy's car, he's picked you up at a club. You're really really fucking horny, you've wanted to get off all day but someone bothers you everytime you try to do it yourself. So this guy approaches you in a club, you're not particularly interested, but he buys you drinks and you're feeling drunk enough to fuck him. You're wearing a white blouse with a bright red bra underneath and a tight short black skirt, with matching red lacy thong...

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No One Can Ever Love Me

I would like to thank my friend Kiki for her editing efforts. All other mistakes are mine. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but remember this is fictions. Mental abuse, especially from parents can be as bad as physical abuse. There are a lot of things happening in this story, but it is above all a romance. I hope you enjoy. JJ John Martin was walking to his truck in the Brookshire’s parking lot when he heard a scream. He looked to his right where he witnessed a young woman being...

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BangBus Britt James Clout Hungry Chick Gets Dick

The BangBus is always lurking on the streets of Miami, searching for their next commuter. This time we pulled up on the spot and found this 18 year old with giant tits and a perfectly round ass. After we followed her on the bus for a couple of blocks and offered her that clout. She eventually jumped on. This chick thought we were hiring her for some sort of stripping job. In reality we just wanted to rip and dip. After she was convinced of getting nude, getting her to shove a cock in her mouth...

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SSBBW Big Cousin Little Cousin II Tight Ass Co

She opened the door and let me in. And damn, what a difference a few months made. When I first met her she was already a huge woman, with wide super-size hips, and a big, round ass. When I last saw her a few months ago she still had her super-sized ass, but her tits and belly were growing, sagging, and catching up to her ass in size.But now? Just walking from her bedroom to the door was enough to make her start wheezing again. I could see her body silhouette under the thin fabric of her...

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Secret lives Chapter 3

She is such a fucking tease, but truth be told, I love it. No matter how much I want to relieve myself and right now the need is almost painful, I know I won’t because in some ways I’m just like Sarah. I want to prolong the sweet agony for as long as I possibly can. Besides I’m beginning to enjoy the exhibitionist side of this too. It’s not only the risk of being caught, nor watching Sarah expose herself to me and to complete strangers. Although both are an incredible turn on; it’s also the...

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Zubway Zip Up

L'etrangier: You'd think the trains would be empty at 2:00 a.m., yet there were at least thirty commuters with me. Where were they all coming from? Much too late to be desk jockies. I don't remember ANY of them being in the sleazy strip club I just left. Damn, those women know how to tease! Mostly young and average looking late-night commuters, an obvious, drooling perv or two among them, balanced the few older couples. Nearly all were dressed formally, as if coming from an opera or even...

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WebYoung Adria Rae Maya Kendrick Morgan Rain Melody Marks Focus Group Frenzy

A moderator has brought together four teens (Melody Marks, Maya Kendrick, Morgan Rain, and Adria Rae) into a focus group to figure out what makes them tick when it comes to adult entertainment. What can adult entertainment companies do to attract young women to subscribe to and watch their content? Melody starts things off by saying how important it is to her to have women creating the content. So if something is written or directed by a woman, it’s her jam! Maya believes representation...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller part 3

Leaving off in part two, coming home with the small package, the panties and a video inside from Becky to me. She had busted me, but after I made her orgasm so fucking good eating her pussy and ass, she just wanted more. Now that I was home, I got a chance to look over the video and smell the soaking wet panties that she had gifted me. Nicely folded and messy like I have never seen before. The note she put in the package was wet enough from her panties, that the pen ink had run on the paper...

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WebYoung Gianna Dior Hazel Grace Bore Your Daughter At Work Day

Hazel Grace and Gianna Dior, two teens, are bored out of their minds as they meet for the first time in an empty conference room. It’s Bring Your Daughter To Work Day and they’re both finally getting a break while their parents are stuck in yet another meeting. Although they’re both feeling a bit grumpy from being dragged around all day, they’re quick to bond over their shared boredom. In fact, as they begin casting each other flirty looks across the table, they can...

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Strange Fantasies

STRANGE FANTASIES? by J R D IN THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY... Lee Adams was waiting in the receptionist's area of the personnel department of Drasberg's, a multi-national company that had recently opened up an office building in his city. Lee wasn't very hopeful. Over the last year, he had gone after many jobs, but he was turned down time after time. It was always the same reason, "No experience". At least that was the official reason. Whenever he talked to the...

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After Dinner Delight

We just had dinner at this really nice Indian place. I‘m wearing a cute little brown strapless dress and all evening we flirted, talked, laughed and just enjoyed spending time together.Then we went back to your place. On the way there you start stroking over my knee and thigh, showing me what was to come when we got to the house. You move your hand up and down in slow strokes. Moving higher under the hem of my dress teasing.Brushing ever so lightly over my panties. You can feel my heat and tell...

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BetrayalChapter 11

O'Donnell was flying, almost literally. The rush of the chase made him feel alive. It beat the hell out of babysitting a bunch of thieving miners. He craved action. Chasing down this sexy little bird with the powerful SRT-8 was the thrill of a lifetime. He was savoring every moment, almost hoping it would never end. But, unfortunately, it was time to stop the chase. She couldn't be allowed to make it back to town. O'Donnell briefly considered grabbing the M-16 sitting in the backseat, but...

4 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 24 The Choice of the Mother

Wednesday, January 27th – South Hill, WA Kyle held the shivering Christy on his lap, her wet, naked body pressed against him. He was so happy to see her again. He had missed her this last week, fearing he would never see her again after she fled in guilt. "I'm so sorry," she whispered when she broke the kiss. "I was such a cunt for what I did to Aaliyah." "It's okay," he told her, stroking her damp hair. "It's not. What I did was so terrible." He held her tight....

4 years ago
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The Serving Maids Tale

[Part 1 - Just Another Day in the Market]Continued..."'Ello, 'ello, 'ello, what's all this, then?" boomed the voice of the Sergeant of the Guard as the store room door burst open.Gilli and Sir Cuthbert froze in horror, Sir Cuthbert's hand still nestled in Gilli's warm, wet groove (and she had been so close!)The Sergeant hauled Gilli to her feet, and handed her off to his corporal standing just outside the door.Standing to attention, and adopting a more respectful tone, he continued: "I'm afraid...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 11

Priscilla Devereaux watched morosely from the cafe across the street as Nancy Pace left the sheriff's office where her dark- skinned fiancee worked. Everyone seemed to be happy but her. Even that no good law officer had a steady girl that she was sure he was fucking. Only she was alone, it seemed, and she didn't like it. Priscilla was very unused to being deprived of anything, and having been spurned by Mark Denning at the conference at the Radisson, the fire of envy and resentment burned...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 8

[Tennessee] They made a mistake. They turned into the parking lot and stopped blocking the entrance. Their problem was that I had a clean shot at the driver. I let them get out. They crouched behind the doors and the driver shouted, “Come on out! We know you’re in there! Hands up! No tricks or we shoot!” I whispered, “Stay put.” I waited until they got nervous. They thought they heard something from the SUV. The passenger moved out toward it while the driver stayed behind. I silently...

2 years ago
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Stop Sign by loyalsock

Mike knew the instant he did it he was in trouble! “Dammit,” he cursed out loud, “stupidstop sign!” The spinning blue light on the police squad car told him instantly that he had just committed his third moving violation in the past twelve months! “Christ alive,” he thought, “I’m gonna lose my fucking license again!!!!” He waited until the officer was next to his door before rolling down his window. Trying the “I don’t have a clue approach”, he offered, “Something wrong, officer?” The female...

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Nina In America

I sat at baggage claim, logged into CHYOA like an idiot. I had wanted to write more, but instead I was reading Nina's Adventures by Inked. My manhood raged inside of my jeans as I waited. I couldn't go to the bathroom because the flight would land any minute. As if on cue, the arrival/departure board flipped to show the plane I had been waiting on had landed. My guest was here. I stood up holding a sign that said LeoKnowsBest. Even still, I noticed her before she noticed me. She had on rock...

2 years ago
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To Touch A Palm

Synopsis: To touch a palm and to be touched awakens a traveler to wishes unfulfilled, maybe barely acknowledged. To be touched points a way to a possibility only dreaming usually delivers. (With a thousand thanks to Kelly Ann Rogers for keeping this story on track and for her wonderful lesson on makeup -- and for just being her). To Touch A Palm It was getting dark when I got there, and I'd managed to get off the wrong exit, too, guessing downtown was where it wasn't, as I always...

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Saint LukeChapter 3

I only got lost twice before I found the hospital, but I did find it eventually. Once inside, it took me another hour and a half just to get confirmation that the girl had been brought in, but the nurses seemed completely disinterested and unwilling to tell me anything at all since I wasn’t a relative. I admit I was making something of a pest of myself, but I never expected them to call the police on me. The police officer who showed up, an American Indian woman whose nametag said Wilson,...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 4

On the other side of the curtain stood Jackson and Amber, wearing their costumes for the event. Jackson didn't look much different now than she did during their trip down the elevator, though the pinstripe skirt she wore now was slightly shorter than the charcoal gray one she had on earlier, and the jacket was tighter around her chest. Her hair was done up in a severely tight bun, and she wore smokey black stockings above a pair of pumps, much the same style as Tyler's but with a much...

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Sacred Beach Caning

I met a married couple online whose wife was a professional dominatrix. She was a highly educated ther****t tall blonde Norwegian goddess with a great body and 36D breasts with cone shaped suckable nipples. Mistress claimed to be a Wicca witch who magically had powers over men. Her slave/husband was a 6 foot tall lanky good looking man with a huge cock and a sparkling gold PA through his urethra. Both of them were bisexual and had an eye out for me. Being naked with another man and having...

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A Conspiracy to Defraud

Dear readers, this is another long segment in the Barry and Carol story. If you are looking for a quick ‘kiss and fuck’ story, this is not it. As this is Part III of a continuing story, it would be advantageous for the reader to have read ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ and ‘A Conspiracy to Deceive…’ before tackling this section. Also, there will be a Part IV segment where I hope to be able to conclude the Barry and Carol story. I don’t want to ‘milk this story’ any longer than it already is....

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Just another day at school

Enjoy! It was just another day... It was 14:20 I was at school as usuall. I was in class just dreaming as always and starring at my teacher's fine body, a perfect ass, which you could see really good in that short skirt and she also had some awesome tits, a little bit bigger then would fit in my hand. I was dreaming about me and her just like all guys in the class did. Even if we didn't have school, we talked about her fine body. Some guys even claimed to fuck her in front of the class....

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Jane Bound Office Wear Capter 4

Jane Bound Office wear Chapter 4 Jane steps into Miss's office balancing the silver tray, adorned with fresh picked strawberries, cream, fresh coffee and organic honey. Carefully setting the tray beside the large wooden desk. She places paper folders in their proper location, wipes down the desk, computer, and chair, preparing for another day of work. She hears chiming from the doorway as the door opens in the reception area, Jane scoots to assume her position at the desk,...

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The Wedding PlannerChapter 13

As she settled in behind her desk on Monday morning she thought about her weekend. Jake had come home from his trip to Atlanta Friday evening and he had wanted to play. For the first time in months he was actually the first one to use her pussy. Dan had been out of town and there had been no other way for her to get herself laid before going home to Jake. As Jake did her she realized how much she hated giving Jake her body unless someone else had used it first. She knew she had to do it in...

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Culture Shock Ch 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She’d eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn’t stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don’t know if I can do this.   The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. “What’s taking so long?” asked Kendra.   “You’re going...

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 54

“I wasn’t quite expecting it to be this bad,” Sean said looking over the dump. In the midst of an unusually hot day, the mounds of garbage gave off a stench that threatened to destroy his sense of smell forever. The limits on the range of his magic gift required him to be right in the center of it. “What are you doing?” a male voice asked him from behind. Sean turned around and spotted the pair of elves, George and Georgia, watching him. George was devastatingly handsome and Georgia was...

1 year ago
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A couple meets an unhappy pregnant woman on the beach

I was walking down the beach when I spotted her. I knew my husband had not seen her. He can sometimes be in his own world. I don’t mind. When his mind is off, he is usually thinking of me. He is just enjoying being with me, thinking of what he’d like to do with (or to) me, or thinking of things he can do for me. He is amazingly good to me. I am madly in love with him and would do anything for him. I watched her for a moment. She looked to be in her late 20s early 30s. She had long...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 233 Maxines Navy

I went to bed early that second night in the white house tourist court. The small cabins were actually duplex, so next door to me were Vlad and Anya. Eve and I got to hear them screwing. If it amused Eve, I didn't know about it, but I got a small laugh before I fell asleep. I slept ten hours that night, noise or no noise. Since I felt rested the next morning, I called around to the other two cabins and set a 10AM meeting. What good was being the boss, if you couldn't set the meetings at...

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New U SalonBack In Business

(A special thanks to the community of superstories without your help it wouldn't nearly as good as it is now) January 1 2010 Reputation: Loathed Respectability: Not Even Close Income: $400000 Debt: $400000000 “New U Salon closing down from bankruptcy” Says the Headline. “The Allegations surrounding the business and its alleged mind control devices has finally caused the business to shut down. While they have never being proven the rumors surrounding the business has led to its final backers...

Mind Control
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 291

A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called and asked to speak to his client. "Sam, I have some good news and, I have some bad news." The art collector replied, "I've had an awful day; let's hear the good news first." The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. I think she could be right." Sam replied enthusiastically, "Well done! My wife...

1 year ago
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The Curious Transformation of MonaChapter 4

Mona decided that since it was Friday, she would go to school. It wasn’t to preserve her grades, or anything like that. It was more in the sense of an adventure. She hadn’t bothered going for several days and decided to have some fun before school closed. The teen finished washing up. She carefully brushed her hair, once again marveling at somehow being able to see herself just as plain as day in her mirror. She smiled at her reflection. With her new outlook on feminine beauty, she decided...

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The New Elizabeth

“Well Mate it is getting on I better be moving if I want to get back by five”. Rick said to his mate Frank. Frank finished his beer and picked up the bit of rubbish that was left over from their lunch. “I was thinking”, he said. “Remember last night, after we had lunch at the hotel you commented on the waitress and said that it was as though she got out of a concentration camp because she was so skinny. I found her attractive, what do you expect in a woman Rick, what would be your ‘perfect...

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