- 3 years ago
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"These are my concubines," said the Captain indicating a young man and a slightly older looking woman.
"Ma'am?" replied Bert.
"You wanted two people to watch your back."
"That's right, Ma'am," said Bert.
"These are they," said Alice, favouring Bert with a smile. "I'd be most appreciative if you could bring them back when you've finished with them."
Bert nodded, "I'll do that, Ma'am."
"David, Yvonne, this is Commander Murray. You'll be working with him until this, uhmm, problem is solved."
The two concubines nodded but looked confused. Bert took charge, "Come on, you two, let's go and get things organised."
He nodded to Alice and headed off, the two confused concubines following in his wake. He headed straight for the small medical bay and didn't say a word until the three of them were inside and the door was shut.
"Have either of you ever fired a gun before?"
David shook his head, "No."
Yvonne nodded, "I have," she said. "My dad was a hunter and he taught all of us kids to shoot."
"OK," said Bert and then paused. "I take it neither of you has a clue as to what is going on?"
"No, Sir," they responded in unison. Yvonne added, "I know we've been sent somewhere unexpected and there's a lot of tension in the air."
Bert nodded, "You're right there," he said. "Simply put, one of our bases is in trouble. We're being sent there to evacuate the base and destroy what's left behind. Where you two come in is that I'm going to be on the ground sort of directing things and I need someone to watch my back. It looks like you two have been given the job."
Yvonne swallowed and David looked shocked.
"How it's going to work is this," explained Bert, "You're going to be made to look like Marines." He waved towards the med tubes, "Physically at least. After that it's down to uniform. Yvonne will get a rifle and you'll get a stinger, David. When we go down to the planet you'll follow me around and keep an eye open."
Yvonne looked troubled, "Sir, we, err, are not allowed, you know, to urmm, harm volunteers."
"Normally that's right," said Bert, "but in this case you will be operating under my direct supervision. If you take down a volunteer, even kill one, it will be at my command. Any trouble that flows from this will be coming in my direction, not yours. As soon as you are returned to the Captain anything you've done whilst with me will be forgotten about."
"Can you do that?" asked David.
"Under the parameters of this mission 'any and all options are acceptable, '" responded the AI. "Commander Murray has given a legal set of orders and the concubines of Alice Freeman will not be held responsible for the death or injuries suffered by any volunteers," it paused, "or any others."
Yvonne and David stood there looking at Bert, who grinned back. "That's right, I'm even more god-like than normal," he said and chuckled. "Now hop into these pods so we can get you looking like Marines. I'll see you when you come out and we can get you fitted out then."
Slowly, nervously even, the two concubines entered the med tubes as Bert gave his instructions to the AI. As the two tubes sealed another concubine entered the room, "I'm here to keep watch, Sir," she said softly.
Bert nodded to the concubine but was listening as the AI said in his ear, "Transformation will be finished in eight hours. There will be some residual pain but it should be present for no more than two hours after they exit the med tubes."
Bert turned to the concubine, "I'll be back for those two in eight hours, if there are any problems, or you have questions, give me a call."
"Yes, Sir," responded the woman as Bert left.
The bridge of the Eddie Stobart was fully manned once more as the ship approached the Morgat system. Commander Murray had found a place to stand behind the Captain's command chair and was watching silently as the Fleet Auxiliary personnel went about their allotted tasks.
Tension was high, much higher than it was for a normal transition to normal space. No one was sure what they would find and more than one of the people present had spent the previous night working through their own version of a nightmare scenario.
For Bert this was a worrying time, he could deal with going into danger on the ground because there he could have some impact on events. Here he was entirely in the hands of the ship's crew, admittedly a crew for which his respect had slowly been growing but it was still out of his hands.
Alice Freeman had her own worries, headed by dropping into normal space under the guns of a Sa'arm dreadnought. She'd been trying to convince herself that the Navy wouldn't have sent her into a situation where she didn't have a chance but she hadn't been successful. Things change. They may not have known what was here when they sent her. Thoughts like that kept nibbling away at the back of her mind as she sat there trying to look calm.
"Prepare for transition," announced the AI, it seemed excessively loud on the nearly silent bridge. Although everyone had been waiting for the announcement it managed to take almost everyone by surprise. Gasps greeted the words as the crew reacted.
"Five, four, three, two, one," came the countdown. "Transition..."
"Position confirmed, Ma'am," reported Jon Webb.
"Thank you, Jon," replied Alice. "Gerry, what can we see?"
"Scanning, Ma'am," replied Gerry Stevens as he worked the ship's limited sensor suite hard.
The bridge returned to silence as everyone there did their job but most of them were distracted, waiting for Gerry to announce his findings.
"Ma'am, there's one other ship in the system as far as I can tell," said Gerry looking up.
"And?" responded Alice.
"It is a Sa'arm ship, Ma'am. It is in orbit around the moon we're here to visit," said Gerry glancing at his screen. "The AI identifies it as a Volturnus freighter which, according to this readout has a capacity somewhere between ours and a Kilo class ship."
"Is there anything from the base yet?"
"Not yet, ma'am," replied Jon immediately. "but even if they're watching for us it'll take the best part of four hours for a radio message to reach us. We're going to have to deal with that transmission lag until we can get hyperspeed communications established." He shrugged, "And to be honest I don't think that it would be worth the effort it in this case."
"Agreed," said Alice, "we shouldn't be here long enough to need it."
She thought for a moment and then said, "Gerry, keep an eye on that ship and let me know if it starts to move." Gerry nodded once and turned back to his displays.
"Jon, head us towards the moon but keep it slow and easy. The last thing I want is to draw attention to ourselves."
"Ma'am," replied the First Officer and turned back to his duties.
"Should we deploy the modified pods?" asked Bert.
"Not yet," said Alice glancing towards the Marine. "We'll detach them about a light hour from the moon but keep them alongside us as we move in. I know that velocity would increase their impact value but the flight time from out here would give the Swarm a chance to evacuate the target area."
"A surgical strike rather than trying to disrupt the whole satellite," said Jon as he stepped up to the command chair.
"Don't get me wrong," said Bert, "I'm all in favour of that approach. Lobbing those pods from here would add another time constraint when we're on the ground. Having them in close may lower their destructive power but it does give us more control over when that impact is going to be."
Dear reader, this story tells of the love between an able bodied girl and a disabled man. I did a little bit of research to see if these events could actually happen and I have concluded that they could… If for some reason my research has led me to improper conclusions, I hope that I won’t offend anyone with the story that follows. * I met my husband Ben back in college. I had known him since freshman year and we were the best of friends. We did not get together until senior year because I...
Hello readers, hope you enjoyed my previous stories “Rescue wife from her affair part one and two”. Those who are all not yet finished yet, go and read it. After fuck with maid rasaathi, I went to our room and have some hot drinks. Due to tired and drunken position I fell in bed. I woke up at evening 4o clock only. Some of my friends went. I ask my friends that when are they leaving? They told waiting for me only; they need to reach their home before 6. I ask them to go, don’t wait for me....
I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...
Dear Readers, Thank you for all your comments. I have edited Part 1 to take into consideration some of the errors you pointed out… Sorry for the confusion about the first name… I was getting ahead of myself. Ben is the man in the story and the girl who had remained nameless in the first part of the story is Sam (Samantha) the narrator. Again, I hope that no one will be offended about the love that develops between a disabled man and an able bodied woman. Please let me know if you think that...
PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....
BDSMThis story may not be altered or reposted without the express written permission of the author. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Comments are always welcome. New e-mail is [email protected]. Rescue Me 2 By Lindsay Hart "Hello?" "Hi, Beth. This is your little sister." "Kelly!! Oh, wow, sweetie, I was just thinking about you. I've been trying to call your apartment for a couple of days but your phone has been out of order. I've been so worried...
Hello friends, this is the second part of the story of “Rescue my wife from her affair”. Those who were not read its previous part please go and read it first. After got to know about my wife affair, always I had my eyes on her activities. I can’t find any changes in her behavior towards me nor my family. So I understand that she doesn’t hate us. She loves us as usual. But she loves him too. That’s the problem. I want to confirm her affair. So I made a plan (From ISS stories). While she went to...
Rescue All my life I've been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I've always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make. Then one day I learned how right I had been .... I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I headed out of town, thinking I'd visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch. The engine...
I had just stormed out of the local bar when some jackass bartender wanted to be an asshole and refuse serve me anymore. I had gotten into an argument with my boyfriend while we were there because he said I’m too snobby to get drunk ... What the hell is that even supposed to mean? ... Because I know I’m a higher class than most there, I’m too good to get drunk? Is that what he meant?! Or ... Maybe he wanted me to get upset. Maybe this was a plan to make me mad so I’d leave. I did notice him...
Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...
"Alpha Base, we are two minutes from your location." Bert heard the pilot's words in his ear and automatically began checking over his own equipment. This wasn't meant to be a hot landing but habits are hard to break, especially ones that have kept you alive when faced with the death and destruction that usually accompanied the assault landings he was normally involved in. Along side him the two pretend marines he'd created saw what he was doing and did their best to copy his...
Shirlynn's inner watch mercilessly woke her at a quarter to seven, just in time for breakfast. In daylight the room looked and smelled even worse. There was no way she could ever hide what had happened during the night. Also for some strange reason, that she could no even identify herself, she did not want her slumbering lover to wake up while she was there, so she dressed silently and made her way to the galley. Everyone was there, already busily gulping down the first meal of the day....
Janie Ward sat on her suitcase and looked, almost dumbly at her phone, not even sure what to do next. It had been almost a life long fantasy, a hope, a dream, and here she was, sitting in the tatters of her great European Adventure, her longed for trip to Rome, and she was on the verge of tears. Thoughts raced across her mind, as she fought back the tears: ‘How could Marge do this?’ She’d scrimped and saved and had been scheduled to go on this dream fulfilling trip to Rome with her friend...
This time of the year is usually so beautiful, Maggie thought, as she stared out of her window. Oh, the leaves were still turning brilliant hues of red and orange and yellow. But it was 1864 and Maggie was in Virginia. Sighing, she turned away from the window, once again cursing the Fates which had had her turn a marriageable 17 at the start of the War Between the States. Maggie could see only one benefit to being unmarried at the God-awful age of 21. When she worked at the hospital, along...
during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...
Becca lay on her side in front of the fireplace. He lay right behind her, caressing her hip, moving his chest into her back. They were both naked with the only light from the room being the flames from the flickering fire. He reached around and caressed her full breast, teasing her nipple gently between his fingers. She smiled and sighed contentedly, knowing that he wanted her. This day had taken so many turns. Becca thought about how the day began. This morning, she was sitting in a writer’s...
Mike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to its maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say that his elderly cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a series of backfires belched from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated and slowly the revs increased. The inappropriately named “Queen of the Waves” lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots. Through his binoculars Mike had seen hundreds of gannets diving into the water. He knew what that...
Hello friends, am a regular reader in ISS for past five years. This is not an imaginary story, happened to my friend’s life. Let’s go to the story. I have finished that work earlier than I thought, now the time is just three o clock, I decided to pick my wife from her office. It’s taken 20 minutes to reach her office. While traveling I think about my wife, she doesn’t like to work, but for me, for our family she is doing this. I reached her office. This is the first time I went there. She...
I was happily cruising the bars and enjoying the people shows when I decided to take a short cut to one of my favorite places as I turned the corner a couple making out got my attention. A young white girl was making out with a big black guy which wouldn't have gotten my attention except he was doing everything but fucking her right there. Also just a few feet away was three other black studs watching every move stroking some heavy equipment as they watched this bitch heating up. It seemed that...
The well-built man twisted his body around, checking as he did so that the bright yellow projectile was no longer heading directly for his head. A short swing with his right arm and the gladius he was wielding slashed the ball in two. "Yes!" he hissed exuberantly as the two halves of the sphere flew harmlessly either side of his body. "Session complete, prepare for the resumption of gravity." As the AI's voice reverberated off the metal walls the man calmly flipped over so that he was...
Bert Murray looked at the copy of the message he'd been handed as he entered the room and frowned, "Does anyone have any idea what this base has been doing?" He'd only had a moment to peruse the contents and that was the first thing he'd thought of. Around him people seemed to be dazed as they stood around the Captain's ready room waiting for the meeting to begin. He wasn't particularly surprised when no one responded immediately to his question. There were so many things going on...
Bert charged up to the bridge as soon as the shuttle docked. "Ma'am," he said as soon as he had the Captain's attention, "if the Sa'arm react as quickly as they did on that last hop we're going to have real problems getting anyone else off that planet." "I believe you," replied Alice getting to her feet. "Have you got any suggestions as to what we can do to help?" "I've no idea," said Bert honestly. "The best thing we could do would be to create some sort of diversion and...
The speaker in the rear of the shuttle crackled into life, "Hold tight," said the pilot, "the dickhead shuttle is coming after us." Bert frowned and then checked his straps to ensure they were tight. The ride, which had been pretty smooth despite the rush suddenly became a lot more like a roller-coaster as the craft dropped and jinked at speed. The unsecured AI module began sliding around and Bert was lucky to trap it against one of the secured boxes with an outstretched leg. The...
The man on the floor began to moan quite loudly, so I gave him a swift kick in the ribs. I had never in my life struck another person, but the hatred that this foul piece of garbage engendered in me, was monumental. "Shut up, you slug, and get on your feet! We have things to do." 'Master' slowly got to his feet still clutching at his chest. "You will not try to run again! You cannot, and will not disobey me, no matter what the command. Is that clear?" I pushed these commands into...
It would be a romantic and classical turn of events if we were now to switch our sights to the poor, exhausted sailorman in the lifeboat. View him as he lay there, barely breathing in 2 inches of water that had entered the raft through the canvas sides, which he had never managed to zip and secure. And linger for a while on his rugged, but handsome, looks, concealed as they would be under several weeks of grime and facial hair. We cannot. The events that led to Lomax Pierris predicament...
There was an uncanny silence around him and Lomax wondered if he had been left on the deck to freeze to death. Soaked with cold water and exposed to the cool night air, the problem with controlling his erection was now definitely a thing of the past. Lomax did not know if unconscious men could shiver from cold, but he had no choice in the matter and shivered away. The 5 women had each been lost in their own thoughts for a moment, but seeing the large body shiver, Cathy sprang into action....
Shirlynn was the next to leave. No one really noticed as she got up and silently left the galley. Malu was the only one on the crew who was genuinely sorry that Shirlynn was having such insurmountable difficulties fitting into the crew. A low-status member of the crew herself, there was not much she could do about it. Slowly making her way to the back-cabin, Shirlynn pondered the extraordinary happenings of the evening and marked Isidora down as a heroine. She did not really think about...
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From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through… Soft lips breathing lifegiving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed...
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August 1968 The old man sat in his chair watching the evening news. For the last several days, there was a minor story on a large hurricane, named Doria, traveling up the middle of the Atlantic. Since it was not predicted to make landfall, the news channels were not making their typical dire warnings of “the apocalypse is upon us“. Tonight, however, appeared to be different. They were reporting that a smaller cruise line had offered the services of one of its older ships for a humanitarian...
I was eating at a restaurant alone at the bar. A man came by to strike up a conversation with me. He seemed nice at first but then started to become pushy. He was very arrogant, which was a turn off for me. I had already finished my meal and was getting tired of his company. I was getting ready to leave but the man kept talking to me. Apparently, it must have showed in my face that the man was annoying me that another gentleman walked up from behind me, placed his hand on my back, said hi...
I am sure most won’t believe this story, but I had to write it anyhow. There must be a something about the last few years that have put me in unbelievable sexual situations. I don’t expect it to continue and I know how crazy these situation are when they arise and knowing that makes me remember them and do anything I can to take advantage of the situation. Having said all that let me begin. It was a warm rainy spring day. It was warmer than normal for the time of the year and the...
Katie and Aimee had moved to the kitchen and were watching the videos they had taken of their mom and me. It was hot to know they were watching it at their ages. Amy had slipped on her panties, shorts and top again and I had pulled on my shorts and t-shirt. We sat on the sofa and had a beer in relative silence. I thought that the weekend might be coming to an end; that Amy had satisfied whatever urge she had when we met and was going to be leaving. For me, I knew I had many more urges to...
Part III As I sat my living room with Amy and her two daughters on the heels of what had just happened and with the knowledge that Amy had giving me control of her and her daughters for the weekend, my mind race from one sexual desire to another trying to find he best ones to do before the weekend ran out. Even though I had just cummed, the excitement of the possibilities kept my cock in a...
I was still reeling from the experience. Sitting on the sofa in boxers and a t-shirt, I listened to the shower and couldn’t help imagine Amy and her two young daughters, Katie and Aimee, naked and wet. I could hear whispering in the bathroom, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. My thought kept drifting back to earlier, when I saw them soaking wet on road next to their car and saw how their thin dresses clung to their bodies. A sight never to be forgotten. Since then I had seen...
Copyright 2011 by madengineer3 I was entering my least favorite time of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In years past I loved those holidays, especially Thanksgiving. However, I lost my family a year ago. It wasn’t disease that took them, it was a drunk driver. The driver was a snotty nosed city kid driving the fast sports car his parents had given him. He was on his way home for Thanksgiving break and had enjoyed the frat party a bit too much. But, he was a liberal arts major and...
He coughed and put the empty shot glass down on the bar, blinking rapidly as the whisky burned its way into his stomach. Shaking his head, he turned and blanched as he watched her at the opposite end of the bar. Hannah tossed her long blonde curls over a bare shoulder with a laugh, her blood-red dress making her a beacon of beauty that men just couldn’t seem to resist. Joel slumped onto a barstool as the surreal angel delicately accepted a long-stemmed wineglass from another suitor, and ordered...
CuckoldIt was Thursday afternoon. Melissa was home alone, as she always was at 3:32 p.m. on a school day. Both her mom and dad worked and never arrived home earlier than 5:45 p.m., her mom always first. Mr. Kendall usually hit the front door somewhere between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He had a long commute. Melissa was busily texting away on her new iPhone 6, a birthday present only three days old. She grinned widely at the bang she'd just put on a fellow student at Martin Luther King High School. Melissa and...
1971 was a pretty good year for me. I got the first real big promotion of my career as a home designer. I had worked a lot of years as a builder, an actual hammer and saw guy, when I got a somewhat private gig with a local Montana businessman, Burnett Perkins, who wanted specific perks on his new self designed home. We had met as I worked my way up the coast to Portland Oregon and Yakima and then east to Helena, Montana. I had a crew of 9 independent contractors and usually hired locals as we...
It was Thursday afternoon. Melissa was home alone, as she always was at 3:22 p.m. on a school day. Both her mom and dad worked and never arrived home earlier than 5:45 p.m., and then always her mom. Mr. Kendall usually hit the front door somewhere between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He had a long commute. Melissa was busily texting away on her new iPhone 6, a birthday present only three days old, grinning widely at the bang she'd just put on a fellow student at Martin Luther King High School. Melissa and...
From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through ... Soft lips breathing life giving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed and...
Rescuing A Princess? Author's Notes by Bill Hart I've been working on this story on and off since October 1996. The inspiration for this story originates with a cartoon posted by Mike Allegretto to one of the pictures' groups at that time. If you're familiar with the cartoon or the site, then I'm sure you'll be able to guess at least one of the transforms in the story. When I first sat down to write this story, I didn't expect it would be very long, but it took on its own...
After crossing the border Manuel was more careful to stay out of the sight of everyone. The land was dry and barren with few shade trees but there was a lot of scrub brush giving him plenty of places to hide. The trip from Magdalena was easy since he was able to ride most of the way, but now he was just walking north, needing to survive on almost nothing until he reached some type of large town or city. He carried a bag with some clothing, a few pieces of bread and two bottles of water. There...
Wiping his broad sword on ginas beard he sapt and called his hosrse Synopsis: in a land removed in space and time a Vagabond Wanderer is hired to rescue the snotty princess from the vile hands of villains heaping unnamable tortures and humiliations on her. ?Will he stop them in time? Of course not. Disclaimer: Strictly Adults Only Material. If you are not of legal adult age or this kind of material is illegal or considered unacceptable in your country/state or community.? please?...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My father , a catholic by birth, was married to mother , a non-christian, 25 years ago. The product of their marriage was sister Olga , 24 years old, and me (20 years old). Daddy never cared about religion but mom did her best to drag Olga's feet to marry a guy who belonged to mom's faith. Mom never tried to play this game with me because she knew that I had a liberal free mind. Olga dated a few guys before but each time mom was able to blow the...
IncestThe reader should read RESCUING DIANNE before reading this part in order to understand the plot. GE286 I awoke and saw Dianne watching me as I napped on the plane back to Ocala. She looked so sweet and childlike as she smiled. She said she couldn’t believe how much she liked me. She said she felt I really liked her and even more important, I respected her too. She really wanted to kiss me again. She was a bit frightened. She had bet her life on the impression she got of me. That I was honest,...
TRUE STORYMY GIRLFRIENDS ROOMMATENEEDS RESCUINGBack in 1984 I was at my girlfriends just finishing dinner, when her phone rang. Chris answered & after a few words handed it to me." Tamara (her roomate ) wants to talk to you. puzzled I took the phone. "hey Tam, whats up?" Her voice was slurred badly, she was hammered! " Guy I need you to come get me please, I'm so fucked up I will get arrested if I try to walk home.""Tam, I just finished a 12 hour shift, I'm beat, take a cab.""I'm broke,...
She was in fifth standard when I first met her. But after seventh standard I recognized her as a woman. She was not gorgeous or ‘celebrity like’ sexy, she was just a standard young girl. Obviously not my girlfriend, I did not see her in that way, but I knew that her body was ‘well rounded’. May be some guy would want to ask her out. Now were both alumni of the same engineering college. Now this story tells us about the events of 14 February of first year in my college. We were close friends by...
WHACK! Aaahh!! WHACK! Assshh!! No more mother, please! WHACK! Yaaah! Stop!! You're killing me!! WHACK! Aaahhhhh! I'm not a whore! Let me go!! In the quietness of an early Saturday morning in June, the noise coming from my neighbour's kitchen sounded loudly through the shared wall of the semi-detached house. The teenaged girl was receiving another beating from her self-righteous, bully of a mother, the third beating I'd heard in the six months they'd lived next door and it sounded by far...
The blue figures on the clock on my bedside table read 2:12 a.m. when I jerked out of a sound sleep by a frantic pounding on the front door. When that happens at that time of night, you automatically think something terrible has happened. The house is on fire, there’s been a big car accident right out in front, someone else’s house is on fire. I rolled out of bed and fumbled around for my bathrobe, then raced down stairs. I flipped on the porch light and peered through the...
This is a story inspired by a dream I had recently. I have changed the names of any real people involved in the dream, and there was at least one. Also: Please ask me before putting this up somewhere else. Thank you and enjoy reading! ***** Serina was missing. She had been kidnapped. Why? Who would have kidnapped her and for what purpose? Many things went through my mind as the search for my high school sweetheart lead me to a small house in the middle of the woods. I sighed as I parked my...
Tatiana’s disclosure of the next chapter in our erotic adventure had the predictable uplifting effect on my battle scarred dick. Throughout our long lunch, the girls kept switching the subject of conversation to sex. I tried to talk about the relationship of Russia and Ukraine, they twisted ‘relationship’ into the benefits of mutual masturbation. Global warming became a discussion of whether a girl’s pussy became hotter as she got older. They drew the most ridiculous parallels intended to shock...
SeductionThe country lane was becoming more and more familiar, as he approached his Aunt Jane's place. This trip to visit her was certainly not his idea; it was, in fact, his mother's idea. She'd said that Jane was in a major slump, after the death Uncle Henry, and wasn't apparently getting things done. She'd then said that she hoped that a visit from Jaime might settle her down and provide some extra help that she needed to get some things done around her house.Jaime, recently arrived from Iraq, and...
This is fiction...We approached the island late in the afternoon, our rented speed boat full of beer, a barbecue and a few burgers, four lads on holiday looking for a quiet beach to have a bit of a party.“That looks like a beach Daz,” said Stu, pointing away to our right. “Take her in a bit.”The boat edged towards the island and we agreed that it seemed a likely place to cook some meat and sup some ale, so Daz brought us to a stop in waist-deep water while Kevin dropped the little anchor to...
He immediately recognized the voice, even though he hadn’t heard it in several years, “Nat’s missing, we need you to go look for her.” “Well good morning to you too. What do you mean she’s missing?” “After her graduation she went on a trip with two of her girlfriends, that was three months ago. I know she was in Oakton last, but she no longer is responding to my texts or calls. I don’t know what’s happened to her but you’re her father and we need you to find her.” Chip chuckled to himself....
I first met Rachel when I was 14 years old at a summer camp on Lake Okanagan, British Columbia. I spotted her the moment she got out of her parents rented SUV. She was beautiful with her dark auburn hair, flawless pale skin and deep, piercing green eyes that felt as though they could look into your soul. Even at that age she knew the affect her beauty had on the opposite sex and used it to her full advantage. I was just a gangly geek but we hit it off straight away and became the best of...
"Hey mum," I called down the stairs, "have you seen..." "Not now Luke," she called back, her voice sounding tense, "I have some-one with me." Muttering to myself I headed downstairs to search for my tape recorder, I was sure I'd left it in the living room so I made that my first stop. As I entered the room I saw my mother sitting on the sofa with a strange man next to her, something about him put my back up immediately and my mother's reaction only added to my instant dislike of...