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This story may not be altered or reposted without the express written permission of the author. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Comments are always welcome. New e-mail is [email protected]. Rescue Me 2 By Lindsay Hart "Hello?" "Hi, Beth. This is your little sister." "Kelly!! Oh, wow, sweetie, I was just thinking about you. I've been trying to call your apartment for a couple of days but your phone has been out of order. I've been so worried about you. Is everything alright?" "Yes, I'm fine, ..., now. The last few days have been a little crazy, though. I'm sorry, I should have called you earlier, but with everything that happened, it kind of slipped my mind. I didn't mean to worry you." "I know you didn't, but you know sisters have a connection. Let me guess. Something happened Wednesday night, didn't it?" "Yes. That's when everything started." "I knew it! I had this bad feeling that something was wrong. But, you say you're OK now?" "Yes, I'm OK. I'm just thankful that Sabrina has been so understanding." "Sabrina your boss?" "Yes. She has been so wonderful through this whole thing. She could have made my life hell if she had wanted to. Beth, she found out about my crossdressing." "Oh no! I'm here for you, Babygirl. Tell your big sister all about it." So, for the next hour and a half I related the events of the last few days to Beth, my best friend and sister. I told her about Sabrina finding me wearing my camisole when I blew up her battery. About me dressing for her and Sabrina cooking for me, and all the candles. About the fire, John the fireman, and the police officer, and the reports, and everybody thinking I was a woman. Then I explained why I had to go to work the next day dressed as a woman. I told her how Sabina stood up for me in front of everybody at work and laid down the law about teasing me. I told her about how just about everybody at work had been so accepting and kind. I told her about John wanting to take me out. I even told her about Sabrina and I making love. I told her about kissing Jack on the cheek and making him run away. I explained about Sabrina buying the rest of the company and about my new promotion to Office Manager. Just like a big sister should be, she was very supportive and comforting. She always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better about any situation. After relating all the traumatic events we settled down into just casual conversation like any two sisters. Beth lives about 150 miles away and had married Thomas Clark who she met in college. Beth had actually asked me to be one of her Bridesmaids, but I wasn't ready to be so bold and I quietly declined. Thomas is a lawyer and they have one four year old daughter, Elizabeth, Beth's real name, but unlike Beth they had shortened Elizabeth's name to Liz. She is a beautiful child, like her mother and it is easy to see where Liz gets her looks. I asked how she, Liz and Thomas were, and she told me they were all doing well. Liz has met her Aunt Kelly and thinks it's cool. Thomas knows about my dressing but I have never dressed in front of him. Thomas has always been kind of noncommittal about it. Beth finally told me that she had better go so she could put Liz to bed. There was a long pause and then she asked, "Kelly, ..., is this what you really want? To live as a woman?" "I don't know, Beth. I think so. I know not everybody is going to be as accepting as the people at work. Sabrina can't lay down the law to the whole world. But, I feel like this is who I was meant to be. I love how I feel, I'm more relaxed, and I've been having the time of my life. I never really had much fun as a boy." "I'm just saying don't do anything drastic until you've had plenty of time to think everything through. Take your time and make sure this is want you want. You know how much I love my little sister. I just want her to be happy." "All grown up with a family of your own and still looking after me. I love you, too, sis. Don't worry, I'm not making anything permanent, yet. I can still change my mind. That's a girl's prerogative, isn't it? Now go take care of that precious daughter of yours. Give her a kiss from her Aunt Kelly. Oh, and how is Mom?" "What can I say? Mom is Mom. She stays busy and she is doing well. You should call her. And, tell Sabrina I appreciate her looking out for my baby sister. Good night, Babygirl." I always loved hearing her call me 'Babygirl'. It was her pet name for me since technically I was the baby of the family. As I hung up the phone Sabrina came into the room. She stood before me as I sat on the couch. She raised her skirt to her waist and sat down on my lap facing me with her legs on either side of me. She brushed a strand of hair out of my face and wrapped her hands around the back of my neck and kissed me tenderly. "So, how's Beth?" "She's fine. She said to thank you for her, for taking such good care of me." "The pleasure is mine." Then she raised up enough to pull my skirt to my waist and began to stroke my crotch while giving me a deep passionate kiss. The fire was building, but, this time we would forego the Fire Department. We went to bed early. ***** The next day I was trying to organize my new office and give it a personal touch, without a whole lot of success on either count, I might add. It was so wonderful. I have never had an office of my own. Sabrina had moved into old man Kline's old office and I moved into Sabrina's old office. Cindy moved down the hall with Sabrina. I had asked Emily to be my new assistant. Sabrina had given me a pretty free hand and I could offer Emily about the same money as my assistant that she was making as a junior accountant so she agreed. Emily buzzed me, "Ms. Hart, there's a John Parker on line two, for you." Ms. Hart! Wow! "Thank you, Emily." "Hello, this is Kelly Hart." "Kelly, hi. This is John Parker. How are you?" "I'm fine John, how are you? Is anything wrong?" "No, everything is fine. I just wanted to talk to you. Actually, I wanted to talk to you and Ms. Roberts. I was wondering if I could buy you and Ms. Roberts lunch tomorrow?" "Both of us? Ah, let me check, ..., yes, I'm free for lunch but I would have to check with Ms. Roberts." "Please convince her to come." "John, what's this all about? What is going on?" "We'll talk tomorrow, Kelly. I'd rather not discuss it on the phone. How about 12:30 at Trudeau's Bistro?" "Ok, John I'll see you then." As I hung up the phone I couldn't help but be a little worried. Had John found out about my deception? I had to talk to Sabrina. A client was just leaving her office when I got there. Sabrina saw the concerned look on my face and guided me into her office. "What's the matter, Kelly? Is somebody giving you a hard time? Just tell me who it is and I will ..." "No, Sabrina. It's nothing like that. I just got a call from John Parker. He wants to meet with us, both of us, tomorrow for lunch. He was very evasive. Do you think he knows? Sabrina, what am I going to do?" "Oh, don't fret about it, sweetheart. If he knew your secret, why would he want to meet for lunch? And why meet with both of us, why not just you, or why wouldn't he just turn you in? No, something else is going on." "Well, the one thing that comes to mind that fits all those things is he is going to blackmail us. I don't have anything but he knows you're the head of the company. Oh, Sabrina, I'm sorry I got you into this." Sabrina put her arms around me and rubbed my back, maybe not purposely giving more attention to the area around the back of my bra and the straps, but oh, what an incredible feeling. Does she know the effect that she has on me? I almost forgot why I was there. Then she gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "Don't play the 'What If' game. Calm down and what ever happens tomorrow, we'll handle it together, ok?" "Ok, if you say so. I can't promise that I'm not going to worry, but I'll try." "That's my girl. I'll see you at quitting time." We kissed again and I went back to my office. My office! My head was still spinning from everything that had happened over the last week. My love for feminine things had been discovered. My apartment had burned down. I had unwittingly committed two criminal acts. I had been outed at work. A handsome man, John, my rescuer, had asked me out on a date. I had found the love of my life, and she loved my feminine side, too. I had been promoted, given my own office and a pretty nice boost in pay. I found acceptance as a woman by my peers. And now John had something he wanted to discuss with Sabrina and I, and I was afraid that all the bad things that had happened to me recently would soon heavily out weigh the good things with tomorrow's meeting. Sabrina knew I was nervous and when we got home she fixed us a nice pasta dish while I talked to Gwen. Gwen's a good listener but not much of a conversationalist. We had dinner, without CANDLES! God, no candles! After dinner Sabrina and I cuddled on the couch watching some movie, I think it had Johnny Depp in it, but I'm not sure. I couldn't really concentrate. We didn't talk. We just held each other. Gwen had pretty well worn me out conversation wise. She really shouldn't let me monopolize the conversation like that. ***** I had a restless night, tossing and turning. In the morning I showered and began to do my makeup. It wasn't going well. I was a nervous wreck and Sabrina noticed. She ended up doing my makeup for me, and curling my hair. I picked out a short navy skirt and a very frilly white blouse to wear. If John didn't know the truth, I wanted my attire to shout FEMALE. If he did, well, let's just say I wanted to die looking my feminine best. Sabrina wore a mid calf length silk shirt dress in a black print. Casual, but still business like. She looked great. She was starting to take me seriously about loosening up around the office and the staff. I felt good that she was taking my advice. A little after noon Sabrina came and collected me, and we set off for the bistro. Sabrina had to hold onto my arm as we entered the restaurant to keep me from running for the hills. The hostess greeted us and Sabrina asked for John Parker's table. As we approached I saw that John was not alone. He was with a big football player type, about John's height but more stout. Not that John was a wimp or anything. Far from it. John had carried me down a ladder without any problem. John and this other guy were both about 6'2" tall. John was about 220 pounds, slim and lean, short brown hair and brown eyes. The other guy out weighed John by about 50 pounds and was very muscled, with short blond hair and green eyes. Neither one of them was a dog, if you like guys. I wasn't sure. I'd never been with a guy, but I certainly had butterflies in my stomach. Nah. Must be just this nervousness I've had since John called yesterday. John greeted us. "Kelly, Ms. Roberts. You made it. Frankly, I wasn't sure you would come." I said, "Frankly, I wasn't sure myself." "Ladies, this is a friend of mine, Zack Burton. Zack and I work together at the fire station. Zack, this is Kelly Hart and Ms. Roberts." Sabrina replied, "Please, call me Sabrina. We're all friends here aren't we?" Her voice was friendly, but the look she gave John was stern and questioning. The conversation was casual and a little strained until after we ordered our food. Sabrina and I ordered chef salads and the guys ordered some house specialty sandwiches. Sabrina, always the business person, was the first to bring it up. "John, let's cut to the chase. At the risk of ruining some appetites, why have you asked us here?" "Sabrina, I'm not out to hurt anybody, I promise. I just thought that we might be in similar situations and might be able to help each other out." Sabrina said, "We're listening. Please continue." "Well, Zack and I are both single, and we have this Fireman's Ball coming up that we don't have dates for." I said, "So, all you wanted was to ask us, complete strangers, to be your dates for this Ball?" Zack answered, "Well, yes, but there is more to it than that." John cut back in, turning back to me, "You see, last week at the fire I could tell that you were a very attractive lady. But, the next day I was taken with your beauty. You're both very beautiful, by the way." Sabrina smiled and said, "Nice save." John continued, "Anyway, I noticed how you two kept looking at each other, and when you said that you thought that you had found somebody, I put two and two together." Sabrina got stern again, "Here it comes!" "No, wait. Let me finish. I figured out that you two are a couple. That's cool, because actually, ..., Zack and I are a couple, too." That perked Sabrina up, then she turned to me and said, "Close your mouth, sweetheart." Zack said, "John and I are both bi-sexual. We like both girls and guys. And even though we date other people occasionally, we are committed to each other. We thought that maybe the four of us could enjoy each others company and appear to be dating for public functions. Sabrina and I, and John and Kelly. You know, for appearances." Sabrina spoke up with a smile, "That's great, because I am 'Bi', and Kelly is OWW!" My heel caught Sabrina square on the shin. I spoke up, "She was going to say intrigued. I'm intrigued by the proposal." "I was GOING to say 'open minded'." she said as she rubbed her shin and gave me a dirty look. "When is this 'Ball'?" "Two weeks from Saturday. So, what do you say, ladies?" asked John. Sabrina answered, "We'll think about it. Right now, Kelly, why don't we go to the ladies room? Excuse us, gentlemen, I think my leg is bleeding." I followed Sabrina into the ladies room and checked to make sure we were alone. "Sabrina, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kick you so hard. Are you ok?" "Oh, I'm fine, dear. It's not really bleeding, and it doesn't hurt as much as you not trusting me. Did you really think I was going to tell them your secret? That's not my place. If you want them to know then you should be the one to tell them." "I'm sorry. I really don't know what I thought. You're right, I should have trusted you. It seems all I ever do is tell you I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" "Of course, sweetheart. I forgive you. Now, what do you think about their proposal?" "I don't know. I'm not sure I want to date a guy. Do you think this is a good idea?" "You told me you dated a guy before. And, yes I think it's a good idea. It could let us get out more and have some fun." "I went out with one guy once when I was a teenager, and nothing happened. This is different." "Look, you wouldn't have to do anything you don't want to. And, didn't you say you thought John was cute?" "Did I say that?" "Yes, you did. And, I think Zack is pretty cute as well. It would give you more experiences as a woman." "You think Zack is cute?" "Yes, don't you? But it is your decision. If you don't want to do it, then we'll tell them no." "No, I guess it would be alright, and it might be fun. We can tell them yes. But, we have to be the one's to set the boundries." "Great, sweetheart. Give me a hug and a kiss." We broke our kiss and were repairing our makeup when two young women came in talking to each other. One of the ladies said, "Did you see those two hunks over at the back left table? I wouldn't mind having some of that for dessert." Now, I knew that I had absolutely no right to be possessive, here. And, I tried really hard to bite my tongue, but that just irritated the hell out me for some reason. "Keep your panties on ladies. Those two hunks out there are OUR boyfriends, thank you very much. You'll just have to find YOUR dessert someplace else. You all have a nice day. OK? Ta Ta, now." The ladies just stared at me red faced and wide eyed. Sabrina couldn't believe I did that. I couldn't believe I did that. But, this time she was the one with the shocked look and the gaping mouth. I turned to Sabrina and just said, "Close your mouth, sweetheart." We walked out of the restroom and I was beet red as I turned back to Sabrina. "Oh, my god! Where did that come from? And, who was that girl that told those ladies off!?" Sabrina said, "That GIRL was you, my dear! YOU GO, GIRL!" Then she gave me a high five. By the time we got back to the table Sabrina and I were still laughing hysterically. The guys pulled our chairs out for us, and asked what was so funny. Sabrina said, "Oh, Kelly's just being a little catty." Our food came and as we ate I finally said, "Sabrina and I have decided to accept your offer, on two conditions. The first is you guys pay for everything, including new dresses if we decide that we need them. IF? Who am I kidding? We need them!" Might as well get a pretty dress out of the deal anyway. "Secondly, Sabrina and I don't have to do anything that we don't want to do. Got it?" Both guys answered in unison, "Sure, ok, we got it." We finished our meal, laughed and enjoyed ourselves and got to know each other a little better. I have to admit the meeting and meal went a lot better than I originally thought that it would. John and Zack were both great company, and I also had to admit they were both cute. John thought that it would be a good idea to get to know each other a little more before the Ball and suggested a movie and drinks afterwards on Saturday. Nothing fancy, just very casual. We agreed and Sabrina gave Zack our phone number and address and we went our separate ways. Sabrina held my hand as we drove back to the office. "See, you had nothing to worry about. I knew something else was going on." "Oh, please. You can't tell me you weren't a little worried, too." "Well, maybe just a little. But, if you're going to be such a worry wort, you'll get wrinkles before you're 30." "I think I'd rather worry just a little bit longer. After all, I just agreed to date a guy that has no idea who I really am. Besides, a little worry is health, I think." "There's a difference between worry and caution. Use caution to keep yourself out of trouble. But, there is no reason that you can't have fun with this." "What caution could we have used the day that you called me to help you with your car, and everything that happened after that?" "Don't be tacky. I think everything happens for a reason. We may not always know what the reason is when it happens, or recognize it as the opportunity that it is, but things have a way of working themselves out. If I hadn't had car trouble that day, we may have worked together for the rest of our lives, not finding each other. Relax, and enjoy yourself." "I know you're right. Thank you." I then raise our embraced hands and gently kissed the back of hers. ***** About mid morning on Friday I was just gathering some reports to take to Sabrina when I heard a woman talking to Emily. I could barely hear them and was around the corner, so I could not see her. The woman said, "I'd like to see Kelly Hart, please." "Of course. Can I tell Ms. Hart your name, please?" "Tell him it's his, ..., Ms. Hart?" I stepped to the door and looked at the woman. "Mother! Oh, my god! Mother, I can explain. You see, it really is quite funny, you see, ..., oh, dear." My mother stood there looking me up and down for a few seconds and to her credit didn't bat an eye, but I could see a small smile creep over her. "Well, Ms. Hart. Is that any way to treat your mother? Don't I get a hug?" I quickly crossed the few feet between us and hugged my mother. "Emily, would you buzz Ms. Roberts and tell her I'll be a bit late." "Yes, Ms. Hart." I could tell Emily was about to bust a gut trying to keep from laughing. "Dear, if there is something you have to do, ...." "Oh, don't be silly, mother, I always have time for you. Please, come in and sit down. You look wonderful, as always." "I can see you're taking after me more and more, these days. But what I want to know, young man, ..., young lady, ..., is why I have to hear about your apartment burning down from your sister?" "I'm sorry, mother. I really did intend to call. I just didn't know how to tell you about all of this." I gestured to my clothing. "You could have at least called to tell me you were ok." "Didn't Beth tell you I was ok when she told you about the fire?" "Yes, she did, but that's not the point, young lady, ...!" Just then Sabrina appeared in the doorway and knocked. 'Saved by the bell, ah, ..., knock!' I thought. Sabrina said, "Sorry, should I come back. Emily told me that your mother was here. I wanted to meet her." "Sabrina, please come in. Mother, this is my boss, Sabrina Roberts. Sabrina, this is my mother Gail Hart." "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Hart." "Please, call me Gail. I've wanted to meet you, too. My other daughter, Beth, tells me that you helped Kelly out when her apartment burned. Thank you. I would have been more than happy to help her out had I known about it." "Kelly's so sweet, and she's been a trooper through this whole thing. We've become very close." "Well, ladies, I don't mean to keep you from your work. I just wanted to see if Kelly needed anything, since the fire. If you can find some time for your mother, I think I'll stay in town for a couple of days, and maybe, get to know my daughter. Is there a hotel nearby that you can recommend?" "Hotel!? I wouldn't dream of it. You'll stay with us. There is plenty of room, and that will give you and Kelly more time together. Kelly, take your mother out to the house. The other bedrooms are clean, she can have her pick. In fact, take the rest of the day off so you two can have some time to yourselves. The things we were going to go over can wait until Monday. I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do. This evening when I get off, we'll go out to eat, my treat." "What a kind offer. Thank you. Are you sure I wouldn't be a bother?" responded mother. "Of course not. You two go on. I'll see you about 5:30." Since Sabrina and I had been living together and worked at the same place, it just made sense for us to ride together each day instead of taking two cars. Come to think of it, I guess my car is still at the apartments. I had forgotten all about it since I really hadn't needed it. I rode with mother and showed her how to get to the house. Once we left the parking lot and got onto the main road, I noticed mother stealing glances at me. "Mother, I know this must be somewhat of a shock to you, or did Beth tell you about all of this?" "Beth didn't say a thing about this, and she should have. You know you're not supposed to keep secrets from your mother. But I do understand loyalty between sisters. I think you look lovely, by the way." "You're not surprised to see your son dressed as a woman?" "Well, yes and no. I always felt dresses would be a bigger part of your life sooner or later. I just didn't know when, or how. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long." "How did you know?" "As much as you used to dress up with Beth, it was a logical progression." "You knew about me dressing with Beth? Why didn't you ever say anything?" "I didn't want to influence you. This was something that you had to decide on your own. A sister's influence certainly has an effect on a young impressionable boy, but a mother's influence can make a boy do things he wouldn't do even with his sister. I didn't want to push you into it, or destroy your enthusiasm by making you stop. I wanted nature to take its' course and guide you. So have you made a choice? Is this permanent?" "I don't know yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do. Oh, turn here. This is Sabrina's place. We can talk more after we get your stuff inside." We set mother up in the bedroom next to Sabrina's room, which on hindsight may not have been the best move. Sabrina and I would have to keep the noise down now that we had company. I showed mother around the house and set about making us some tea. Gwen came into the kitchen to see what we were doing. Mother picked her up and said, "This must be the evil arsonist." "Yes, that's Gwen" "She does kind of resemble that cat owned by the bad guy in that James Bond movie. So, where do you sleep?" Good ol' mom. Right to the point. "Sabrina and I sleep together in her room." "I thought as much. She seems like a very sweet girl. How serious are you two?" "I think I love her, mother. And, I think she loves me. But not for what I wear, or what I have between my legs. It doesn't matter to her. She cares for me as a person. The person that I am inside. We think sooo much alike. Kind of like Beth and I, but still different. We have a connection that's hard to explain. And when she's close to me, I get light headed. And when she touches me, I melt." "Ohh! You've got it bad, girl. I was the same way with your father, so I know what you mean. And how's the sex?" "MOTHER!" "Ah, don't 'mother' me. I just want to know if I should expect a new grandbaby anytime soon. It would be nice." "We haven't even talked about marriage yet, not to mention kids." "That would be nice, too, you know." "What?" "A wedding. I would so love to go wedding dress shopping with you." "Mother, I told you, I'm still trying to decide if this is what I want. I'm just not sure." "No, I have a feeling that you've already made up your mind. You just haven't acknowledged it to yourself, yet. I can tell you are having a great deal of fun with this and you seem very comfortable. You're natural as a woman. You have a feminine grace." I blushed at her words. "Thanks, mother. I am having some wonderful experiences that I never thought that I would have. And, it's all coming at me so fast that it is almost overwhelming. Oh! You'll love this. Sabrina and I went to lunch with two cute firemen. And when Sabrina and I went to the restroom, there were two girls that came in talking about the guys we were with, and it pissed me off, ..." "Don't say 'pissed off', dear. A lady doesn't talk that way." "Sorry, mother, but they were talking about getting some of 'that' for dessert. I don't know why it upset me but I let the women have it. I told them that those guys they were talking about were our boyfriends and they would have to find their desserts some other place. It was so funny." "Oh, that is precious. I wish I had been there. So, cute firemen, boyfriends? Is there something else I should know about?" "Oh, no! The guys! I completely forgot. Sabrina and I have dates tomorrow night." "You mean you and Sabrina are going out together with men as your dates? How did that happen?" "Mother, it's not what you think. Let me start at the beginning, ..." A couple of hours later and Mother and I were still talking. Just a very wonderful chat. I had never been this close to my mother my entire life. I really am a very lucky girl. Sabrina arrived home and we went to a nice Sea Food restaurant. While I was eating my shrimp I told Sabrina that I had forgotten about our dates with Zack and John. Sabrina said, "I figured you would. I didn't forget. Gail, can you stay the weekend with us? If you wouldn't mind us going out on our dates tomorrow night I'll make it up to you on Sunday. In fact, I have a couple of surprises for us tomorrow and Sunday." "My curiosity is peeked. Count me in. I could use some "me" time tomorrow while you two are out." Mother replied. My curiosity was also peeked, "What kind of surprises?" Sabrina just cocked her head to the side, gave me a funny look and asked, "Now, what is the definition of surprise?" "Oh, ok! You're no fun." "I doubt you'll be saying that Sunday afternoon." We finished a great meal then headed back to the house. Mother was a little tired from her drive up so we called it an early night and went to bed. Sabrina and I were feeling frisky but held it in check because of Mother. Even though I'm a grown man, ..., woman, ..., person, ..., there's still something about not wanting to make love when your mother is right next door. I'm not a prude, really, I'm not. But, there are still some things that mother and I haven't broached yet. ***** I could tell that it was morning from the sunlight spilling through the curtain, right in my face, of course. The clock said 9am but I wasn't ready to surrender my pillow, just yet. I turned my back to the sun- drenched window and pulled the covers up over my head. I reached for Sabrina, but she was already up. I was just on the edge of conscientiousness and sleep when in a matter of seconds, I was startled wide awake. "GERONIMO!" "NO, BETH!" I yelled. Beth came running into the room, flew through the air and landed in the middle of the bed so hard that I was almost knocked onto the floor. Then, with the quickness of Bruce Lee, she attacked me both through and under the covers, tickling me until I lost all control of my breathing. I never was a morning person and this had been a favorite game that Beth and I shared since we were little kids. Sometimes I was the attacker, but mostly Beth attacked me. And we always had to have the traditional 'Geronimo' shout. It just wasn't fair unless you gave that split second of warning. I was squealing like an eleven year old girl on a roller coaster. It's a good thing Sabrina doesn't have close neighbors. "What are you doing, still in bed on a beautiful Saturday morning, sis? Get your butt out of bed, sleepy-head. Times a wastin', Babygirl." Beth finally let up enough that I could catch my breath. I sat up in bed still amazed that my sister had surprised me like this. I started to cry and just hugged Beth as tight as I could. After a long hug I looked over and saw Sabrina and Mother standing in the doorway, laughing hysterically. And Mother had a camera taking pictures of the whole thing. Great! First thing in the morning, haven't even gotten out of bed yet, no make-up. I must look like crap! Gota get that camera later. "Beth, what are you doing here?" Beth feigned being hurt, "Oh, I get up at 6am, drive 150 miles to see my sister and that's the welcome I get?" "Come on, you know what I mean." "Blame it on Sabrina. It was her idea. When Mom came in yesterday, Sabrina got my number off your personnel file and called me to see if we could make it a foursome for the weekend. Well, except for your hot date tonight. Mom and I might just go out trolling while you two are on your dates." "Ah, don't forget about that rock on your finger, dear. You're a married woman" "I can look, can't I?" I got off the bed and went to Sabrina, "You did surprise me. What a wonderful thing to do. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around Sabrina and gave her a long kiss. Beth spoke up, "Ahem, get a room, you two." I replied, "We have a room, and you're in it." Sabrina told me, "Hold that thought, sweetie. Coffee's on, girls, and breakfast will be ready shortly." I put my robe on, Sabrina and Mother were still in their night clothes, too. "Beth, did you bring Liz?" "No, sis. This weekend is just for grown ups. Providing we all decide to act our age. Thomas agreed it would be good for us to have this weekend, so he's keeping Liz.. He said to tell you he's sorry about the fire and if you want to sue anybody, he's your man." "Oh, yeah, the only one I can sue is Gwen, and I can see that headline. 'Law Suit Settled For Hairballs'. Thanks anyway." We ate a good breakfast and Gwen was the happy beneficiary of a few uneaten eggs and sausages. Sabrina suggested that we dress casual. The other girls all wore jeans and sweaters or blouses. I, on the other hand, wore a skirt. I hadn't wanted pants at all when Sabrina and I had shopped. I was a newborn girl. Why would I want pants? Now, though, I was beginning to rethink that 'No Pants' clause in my self-imposed Girl Contract. Maybe there was a place for them in my blossoming wardrobe after all. I have to admit, I have admired the way a tight pair of jeans can hug and show off a well shaped female butt. I did, however, conform to the denim theme of the day by choosing a cute little denim skirt, paired with a button up peach colored gauze blouse with a tie back at the peplum waist and low heeled sandals. We all piled into Sabrina's car and she drove us to a small strip mall near downtown and directed us to the Fabulous Finishes Salon. Inside Sabrina introduced us to Stacy, the owner of the Salon, saying that Stacy was one of our clients. When I was introduced, Stacy came out from behind the counter and gave me a hug saying, "Oh, you poor dear. Sabrina told me about the fire. How awful!" Then addressing all of us she added, "Ladies, make use of any and all of our services. Everything is on me. Just don't tell my accountant. She may not approve of me giving favors to my friends. But, this is my Salon and I can do what I want." Then she turned back to Sabrina and gave her a wink. Stacy turned back to me, "You're right Sabrina, Kelly is very pretty. We can do great things with her. We'll take you first dear, since you will take the longest. Sabrina had some very specific suggestions for you. Nothing too dramatic, though." With that Stacy took my hand and gently guided me past other ladies in various stages of becoming more gorgeous. This was the first time that I had ventured into a Salon, one of the last bastions of feminine mystic. I had seen over the years that sometimes an ordinary, frumpy looking housewife type person could walk into one of these places, and a few short hours later emerge looking like a starlet. I never understood how that was possible, or thought about what all had to transpire for such an exhilarating metamorphosis to take place. The sights, sounds and mostly the smells were both intoxicating and assaulting. I felt a little light headed and my heart was pounding but I was determined to be the proverbial sponge, soaking up as much of this femininity as I could, and enjoy myself in the process. Stacy showed me to a changing room in the back and told me to strip down to my panties and bra and put on the pink satin robe she handed me. When I had changed I opened the door to find Stacy waiting for me. She took my hand once again and asked, "Ready, dear?" I nodded my agreement and we were off again. We entered another room and Stacy closed the door behind us. The room resembled a doctor's office more than a Salon, with an examination table in the center of the room. Stacy patted the table and said, "Loosen your robe and sit up here." I did as asked and Stacy slipped the robe down over my shoulders exposing my bra. She gently undid my bra and slid it off me. I instinctively tried to cover my breasts with my hands. Her voice was soothing. "Don't be shy. I see girls every day. Even girls like you. Lay back. We need to remove these forms so your skin can breathe for a while." Stacy worked with a solution that smelled like fingernail polish remover, and slowly but surely she was able to remove my breast forms. When she was done she handed me a pair of foam inserts and told me to put my bra back on and to use the inserts for now. With things properly adjusted and my robe back on we went back out front to a wash station and Stacy began to wash my hair. I noticed that Beth and Mother were being worked on by other stylists. Sabrina was still waiting and watching me intently, smiling all the while. A young girl, I would guess about my age, came to us and addressed Stacy, "Stacy, I'm free now. Is this Kelly?" Stacy replied, "Yes, and she's ready when you are. Kelly, this is Annie. She will be working on your nails." "Hi, Kelly. Nice to meet you." She gave me the once over and added. "You look familiar." I thought 'Oh, God! She knows me.' Then Annie said, "Oh, wow! You're that girl whose apartment burned down a while back. I saw your picture from the night of the fire. It was in the paper the next day with the article. No offense, but you looked like you had been put through the ringer. I'm glad you're ok." Picture ... paper?! I hadn't noticed any reporters that night, but then again, I had been a little pre-occupied. "Yes, it was an awful night. I bet we did look pretty bad. Sabrina and I fought the flames ourselves for a while. We were probably a little scorched." Annie said, "I'll get my equipment and we'll talk some more while I work on your nails." Annie left us for the moment. I was thankful she didn't know me from some place other than the fire. I looked at Stacy and asked, "Does she ...?" Stacy said, "Relax. I'm the only one here that knows." That certainly helped to ease my mind. Annie returned with a portable nail station and settled in filing my nails. "That was such a cute top you were wearing when you came in, where did you get it?" "It's one that Sabrina, my boss, bought me after the fire. It's from Neiman Marcus." "I wish my boss would buy me something from Neiman Marcus," Annie said, giving Stacy wry smile and a look out of the corner of her eye. Stacy smiled and said, "Your boss is right here listening. You haven't had a fire. And it doesn't count if you go home and intentionally burn all your ugly clothes." While Annie worked on my nails Stacy continued with my hair. She was wrapping small sections of my hair on rods. I had seen this a few times from the outside of a salon looking in but here I was up close and personal. I don't know why, but for some reason I felt very comfortable sitting there, even in just my panties, bra, and a thin satin robe, and casually talking with the girls about everyday things we all discuss, work, shopping, fashion, men. I was so relaxed that time seemed to go by very quickly. Before I knew it they were finished with me. I was the proud owner of half inch nail tips finished in French tip fashion, matching toes, real diamond stud earrings in my newly pierced ears, compliments of Mother, movie star make-up, and my usually straight mousy blond hair was now a beautiful honey blond with lighter blond highlights with a wavy body and cute bangs. "Just one more thing and you'll be ready for your date tonight." Taking me by the hand once more Stacy led me back to the clinically laid out room and I lay down on the table and opened my robe again thinking I knew what was coming. But, instead of Stacy producing my old, cheap excuses for breast forms, she showed me a set of amazingly real looking breast forms complete with areolas and nipples. I said, "My word! What poor woman did you steal those from?" Stacy laughed. As she fitted me with the new breast forms she explained, "These are the latest and very best prosthetics on the market today. With the special make-up included, the seams will be blended so well nobody will be able to see them, even with an up close and personal inspection." Stacy gave me a wicked smile as she emphasized the words 'up close and personal'. "They're a gift from Sabrina. You can go back to the dressing room and put your clothes back on. We'll see you out front when you're ready." I went back to the room that my clothes were in and closing the door behind me I let my robe and bra slip to the floor. I stared at the reflection in the mirror, knowing full well that it was me, but at the same time trying to study and memorize the details of every curve and feature of a beautiful woman that I was just meeting for the first time. I touched and caressed my new breasts, and I swear I could actually feel my nipples tingle as my fingers glided over them. Light flashed from my earlobes like fire. The makeup was flawless, even better than Sabrina had done. My hair was so bouncy and bright. My new french tipped nails so brilliantly shiny were set off against the white of my skin. The taste of my lipstick and the smell of the makeup and perfume. All of my senses were in overdrive and I felt intoxicated by life. I didn't want to move because I was afraid that I would never look or feel this good again. I don't know how long I was there, sometimes staring, sometimes with my eyes closed just feeling. Stacy broke my self admiration stupor with a knock on the door. "Hey, you ok in there?" "Um, yeah, I'll be right out. Sorry." With the new hair style, makeup, and new breast, I was feeling good, and, ..., a little devilish. I slipped my bra into my purse and finished dressing. As I looked in the mirror you could faintly see my nipples through my blouse. I smiled, took a deep breath and walked out, jiggling as I went. Sabrina, Beth, and Mom were all waiting for me and smiling until I got closer. Then, I could see on Mom's face that she could see my new assets. She went ballistic. "Young lady, if you think you're going anywhere like that, you've got another think coming. I will not have a daughter of mine running around dressed like a hussy. You go back in there and get dressed properly. I'm still your mother and I can still tan your hide." Sabrina and Beth stared wide eyed with that look that said, 'I'm glad it's you and not me'. Some of the older ladies in the salon actually applauded Mother. The younger one's seemed to be sympathetic to me as I made my way back to the dressing room with my face beet red. I quickly dressed 'properly' and went back out front. All the employees and clients watched me as I walked through the shop. Then it happened. The employees and clients began applauding me. But, I knew for the first time in my 'femme' life people weren't staring because anybody suspected that I might be a man. Right then I was the most beautiful woman in the world and I felt like it, too. Mother said, "Much better, dear, thank you." "Sorry, Mother, I got carried away." She just smiled and said, "Uh, huh." I walked up to Sabrina and although I wanted to do more, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and a big hug. She looked stunning after her turn in the stylist's chair. "Thank you for everything. Remind me to thank you properly at home later." I told Sabrina. Sabrina said, "Oh, don't worry. I won't forget to remind you." Then Mom and Beth joined in and kept going on about how great I looked. Mom and Beth also looked great, better than I had seen either of them look in years. "I love the earrings, mother. Thank you, so much." Mother said, "You're very welcome, dear. I love you." "I love you, too." Then we hugged. I turned and hugged Stacy and said, "Thank you so much. If I come back sometime next week can you show me how you worked your magic?" Stacy replied, "Well, I'll show you some makeup tricks, but that's all. You have to leave that gorgeous hair to my hands. Besides, if I showed you everything, you wouldn't have an excuse to come back and see me." "It's a deal. My hair is yours. But, I won't need an excuse to come back to see you. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." We hugged again and we all said our goodbyes. I never realized how much hugging women do. Must be around the top of the list just after shopping and making love, I mused. As we left the shop I said, "Sabrina, there's a police supply store over on Jefferson. That should probably be our next stop." Sabrina asked, "Why would we go there?" I said, "Well, as hot as the four of us look right now, we may need some pepper spray to keep the guys off of us." Everybody laughed and Mom surprised us by saying, "Now, why in the world would we want to do that." We all laughed again. We all piled into Sabrina's car again and headed to Neiman Marcus, The same store that Sabrina had tried to buy out for me the day after the fire. Yes, they had had time to restock, although I'm sure it probably took them the whole next day. When Sabrina and I had been there after the fire we hadn't been looking for formal gowns. I never would have thought at the time that I would have had the opportunity to wear one some place. Now we were on a mission. Four women with a single thought. Find that perfect gown that makes us look like fairy tale princesses. Well, I guess Mom and Beth weren't really looking for themselves, but they sure got into the spirit of things helping Sabrina and I look. We had each tried on several gowns when I heard Mom call. "Kelly, look at this gown. Try this on. I think it would look darling on you." Simple words. And yet, words I had wanted to hear my whole life. The wave of satisfaction that swept over me was indescribable. I had been living as a woman for less than two weeks, my mother had only known about my female life for one day. But, she was treating me like I had always been her daughter. I was proudly displaying the diamond studs in my newly pierced ears that Mother bought me and now she had picked out a dress she wanted me to try on. Emotions flooded through my veins and I began to cry. Mother seemed to know the reason for the outburst and held me close as we sat on the bench outside the dressing rooms. "Oh, it's ok sweetheart. I know this must be overwhelming for you. We'll make it work. And, if you decide this is what you want, then we can have many more fun mother daughter times as often as you like." "Mother, did you ever wish I was a girl?" "Oh, Kelly no! I've loved every minute of watching you grow up. We have some wonderful memories that I wouldn't trade for the world. Memories that we probably wouldn't have if you had been born a girl. Remember the time that you brought your pet frog Herman to the Christmas dinner table and hid him under your cousin Connie's napkin. She knocked the mash potatoes on the floor trying to get away, and we had to move her to a different seat because she was so afraid of getting warts. I thought I was going to die laughing." "Wow! I had forgotten about that. You didn't seem to think it was very funny at the time." "I thought it was hysterical. I just couldn't tell you at the time. Your Aunt was upset enough as it was. And what about the time you were six and you painted racing stripes on my car with my nail polish because you wanted your friends to think you had a cool mother?" "Oh, ...yeah, sorry about that. I guess I was a handful, wasn't I?" "You had your moments. But, all those experiences made you unique and helped to mold you into a wonderful, caring man, who is now becoming a wonderful caring woman right before my very eyes. And, I love the fact that you've been able to be both of those people and the same person all at the same time. I've cherished the time that we had with you as my son, and I can't wait for all the wonderful times that we'll have with you as my daughter." Clean up in 'Ladies Better Dresses', Gail Hart just turned on the 'Water Works'. Sabrina and Beth had come out of the dressing room in time to hear Mom's last comments and realized that my tears were tears of joy. Beth handed me a tissue. "Babygirl, you're going to mess up all of Stacy's work and I don't think she'll be happy to have to redo it. You better get happy or do I have to give you a 'Geronimo' right here in the middle of the store?" "You wouldn't dare!" I replied. Beth raised an eyebrow, smiled and simply said, "Try me!" We both burst out laughing. One of the sales lady's came over asking if everything was alright, and Sabrina, Beth and Mom turned and looked at me. I answered the sales lady's question by smiling and saying, "Oh, yes, I don't know how it could get any better." I showed Sabrina the dress Mom had picked out for me and went to try it on. Mom has always been very fashionable and elegant and her pick for me was the same. She had found an emerald green halter gown with rhinestone accents. It was quite striking with deep cleavage and a daring back. I was a little surprised that Mom would pick something like that for me. It was definitely sexy but covered just enough that I wouldn't look like a tramp. Of course I bought it. Sabrina found a wonderful white gown with a choker style halter neck that really set off her exotic looks and showed curves that even I didn't know she had. Wow! Beth ended up finding a knee length dress and Mom bought a tailored suit. I even broke down and bought a pair of jeans. Tight and low slung, I had to admit that for pants, they did make my butt look good. I wouldn't wear them tonight, but soon. ** We took our purchases and headed back to the house to get ready for our dates. Both Sabrina and I chose casual skirt blouse combinations. I wanted to look nice for John but at the same time I didn't want to encourage him. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea about me and think I was really interested in him. John and Zack arrived right on time, both looking, ..., well, hot! Zack wore a tight gray turtle neck that show just about every one of his muscles. John was casual chic, with a red pullover shirt and a black leather sport jacket. Mom and Beth hovered around the living room trying to get glances at our dates but we ushered them out to the car without introductions. I mean really, we weren't fifteen any more. The guys escorted us to the car. Zack was driving and he opened the passenger door for Sabrina as John did the same for me. I was only trying to be nice as I slid in to the center of the back seat so that John could slide in as well and not have to go all the way around to the other side. When John got in I realized that put me a lot closer to John than I had wanted at the time. John closed the door and I started to slide further across the seat to put some room between us, but he grabbed my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it. "You look lovely, tonight." "Thank you, John. I like your jacket. You look good in leather." "Thanks, Zack thinks so, too." Ah, move in another direction, Kelly. "So, did you have to work today?" "Nah, today started our days off this week. With this new schedule we're on every other week we get four days off in a row. In three weeks Zack and I are planning a white water rafting trip. You and Sabrina should go with us. It's going to Rock." "I don't know, that doesn't sound like much fun to me, getting almost drowned in an icy cold river. What else do you guys do?" "We like to go to the beach, we surf a little bit." "I love the beach. Maybe you and Zack could teach Sabrina and I how to surf." "Could be a plan. Sabrina, have you ever surfed?" "No, but, I've always wanted to try", Sabrina replied. "What do you say, Zack? The ladies would like to learn to surf. Think we can teach them?" "No problem, ladies. Just set a date and bring your suit, ..., or not! We know of a nice little clothing optional beach." Sabrina punched Zack in the arm, and it was almost like he felt it. She smiled and said, "So, this is how it's going to be! We're going to have to watch these two, Kelly!" We went to a little sports bar for some burgers. It was a little on the loud side with the occasional cheer when the local favorite team made a good play. It also gave the guys the excuse to move a little closer to us so we didn't have to shout to be heard. I found the evening quite interesting. John was so obvious in his attempts to get closer to me at every opportunity. His hand lingering a bit longer than necessary on mine when passing the salt at dinner. Steering us into the middle of the crowd as we stood waiting for the movie to let us inside, so we had to be virtually in each other's pocket. Pushing a stray strand of hair away from my face. Holding my hand as we maneuvered through the crowd 'so we don't get separated from each other', he said. Putting his arm around me in the movie when I happened to mention I was a little chilly. Was I that blatant when I was a guy? Ohhh! That sounded so past tense, didn't it? I didn't even realize that I had leaned into John and put my head on his shoulder while watching the movie, until Sabrina pointed it out to me later. I really don't know how she had the time to be watching John and I. She and Zack seemed to hit it off quite well. When I would occasionally glance over at Sabrina and Zack, I felt a swell of jealousy. I so wanted to be the one holding Sabrina. But, then, John would squeeze my hand, or plant a single tender kiss on my neck, and I was overwhelmingly content. Before I knew it, the lights had come on in the theater and people were getting up to leave. Our two supposed couples, or was it supposed, left the theater arms tightly wrapped around each other. We stopped at a little night club for a drink and settled into a booth. There was live music, a quartet, playing mostly easy listening, and sounded pretty good. I was caught off guard as John's hand found my knee. Well, I knew it was going to happen. That's what I would have done. I just didn't expect it quite so soon after sitting down. It wasn't so bad. At least I knew where his hand was and I wouldn't be getting any surprises. I allowed him his slight encroachment. After the second drink his hand began to move ever so slightly, caressing the inside of my leg. Sabrina told me later that she was getting worried. She knew something was happening. She said I closed my eyes, my breathing increased and I sort of went limp. She said I do the same thing when she touches me. Damn this! What is going on? I am not easy! Really, I'm not! Fortunately, I came to my senses when John's hand started to move further up my leg. It took all my concentration to slap his hand and move it to his own leg. I wasn't paying much attention to the band that was playing. I mean it was good music, but I guess I had zoned out there for a while. Apparently John heard something that he liked because he was up in a shot and pulling me to the dance floor. The oaf didn't even bother to ask me. When we got to the middle of the floor I realized that the band was playing a slow song. As John took me in his arms he explained. "You're probably too young to remember this song. It's a love song by the Righteous Brother's called 'Unchained Melody', and it's one of my all time favorites. Every time I hear it I just want to hold the beautiful person that I'm with. That would be you, my beautiful lady." How could I be mad at him? We began to move to the music and noticed Zack and Sabrina join us on the dance floor. As we danced John's strong arms moved from around my waist to one on my ass and one caressing my back and shoulders. I felt so wonderful in his arms and found myself wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into me. John moved my hair to the side and began to assault my neck and shoulders with tiny little kisses. My breathing became labored and I was lost. The next thing I knew, we were locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing as much as our bodies. Realization hit and I pulled away, chastising him. "Don't do that without asking first!" John looked surprised and said, "Kelly, you kissed me!" "I ..., I ... did? Oh, god! Look. Just shut up and dance." The next two songs were a little tentative. By the third song we had loosened up again. My head lay on his shoulder. I listened to the music and found myself humming to the ones I knew. A small shiver ran through me as John's fingers teased my ass. As our bodies moved against each other I realized that John was sporting a raging hard-on. Inwardly, I smiled at myself, thinking that I was sexy enough to turn on this beautiful man. Somewhere in this haze I heard the question. "May I kiss you, my beautiful lady?" And I heard the answer, "Oh, yes, John." We kissed, and kissed. It was a ballet of lips and tongues. And even though I realized exactly what was happening, I could not bring myself to pull away from this handsome man. Our reverie was broken when we accidentally bumped into another couple on the dance floor. Then Sabrina and Zack danced by us with smiles and raised eyebrows. With my red face lighting the way like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, we walked back to our table with our arms around each other. We sat in silence for several moments just holding hands. Well, we were silent on the outside. On the inside I was having a heated conversation with a mad man. ME! 'What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't do this.' 'Why not? We're consenting adults. And he is very handsome.' 'But, he thinks you're a woman! It's wrong.' 'Don't be a hypocrite. Here you are, a man pretending to be a woman, wearing a dress, and being accepted. And you can't accept two men kissing.' 'I'm not a hypocrite. Two guys kissing doesn't bother me, ..., as long as I'm not one of them.' 'We're just two friends enjoying each others company.' 'Friends don't deceive each other.' Even though I was arguing with myself, I knew this was an argument I could never win. It was then that I made the decision. "John, I have something to tell you. I haven't exactly been honest with you." I spoke mostly looking at my hands in my lap, but glancing up once to see a small grin on John's face. "You're not going to tell me you're really an alien, are you? Because, I have this rule about dating girls from other planets." "I'm not an alien, but I'm not exactly what I appear to be either. John, I'm not a woman, I'm a man." John's grin didn't change but, his eyes squinted a bit, questioning what I was saying. "I didn't mean to deceive you. Things kind of got out of hand. Sabrina said I should tell you, and she was right. You're a nice guy and you deserve to know the truth." John's eyes began searching our booth, then the room. But, the grin was still there. "John, what are you doing? I'm trying to talk to you. What are you looking for?" "The camera. This has got to be a set up. Did Zack put you up to this?" "John, I'm serious, damn it. I was born a boy. If you don't believe me you can ask Sabrina." "Oh, so Sabrina's in on this joke, too? Look Kelly, I've been around. I actually know some crossdressers and T-girls, and you're nothing like them. Maybe if you were a little more masculine I might buy it, but, I'm not buying it. All I see is woman." Then John lost his smile. "Oh, I think I see what's going on here. If you didn't want to be with me all you had to do was say so. You didn't have to make up this lame story." Well, I may be blonde, but I do like to be taken seriously. He pissed me off. How could I make a believer out of him? In the darkness of the booth I reached under my skirt and pulled my panties down and freed my cock. I stared coldly into his eyes, my nostrils flaring. I grabbed his hand and pulled it under my skirt to my waiting cock and watched John's reaction. "HOLY SHIT!" Everybody in the bar stopped what they were doing and turned to look in our direction. I was praying that the booth was dark enough that they couldn't see what was going on because John had not recoiled. In fact he had tenderly grasped my manhood and was gently stroking it. I pushed John's hand away and straightened my panties and skirt. Sabrina and Zack came to the table and asked if everything was ok. I slid out of the booth on the other side and stood up. "John seems to think I'm a joke. It's time to go home," and I headed for the door with Sabrina close behind me. I heard Zack ask John, "What the hell did you do?" The guys hastily left money for our bill and met us at the car. Sabrina and I sat in the back and she held me all the way home as a tear rolled down my cheek. Not a word was spoken until I started to get out of the car at the house. "Kelly, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you," John said. I didn't look back. I guess Sabrina stayed for a minute to say good night to the guys, and probably try to find out what happened. As I burst through the front door I saw Mom and Beth in the living room but said nothing as I went straight to my room. They both realized that something was wrong and Mom started to follow me. Beth called her back. I lay on our bed crying and trying to make sense of what just happened. I could hear Sabrina talking to Beth and Mom but I couldn't hear what they were saying. After about ten minutes I heard a soft knock at the door. I didn't answer. Then the door opened slowly. "Hey, baby girl. Can I come in?" It was Beth. I still didn't answer but I sat up in the bed. Beth came over and sat next to me on the bed. "I made you some hot chocolate." "Beth, I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm a grown woman, and hot chocolate can't fix everything!" "What did you just say?" I wiped my eyes with a tissue. I was confused. "What? Hot chocolate can't fix everything?" "No, the other part." "I'm not a kid anymore." "That's not what you said. You said that you weren't a little girl anymore, you were a grown woman." " ..., no I didn't," now even more confused. "Yes you did, Babygirl." "Well, hell! Why wouldn't I start to think like a woman? I haven't even seen any of my men's clothes in so long. I mean ..., what difference does it make anyway? It's only words!" "It doesn't make any difference to me, but it's not just words and I think you know that. Do you want your old men's clothes back?" ", ...I don't think I would miss them if I never saw them again." "And how have you felt emotionally since the fire and all this new Kelly started?" "Well, I guess the best way to describe it is, ..., comfortable. You know how I used to always be uptight and jittery? That's not me anymore. I'm more relaxed, more calm. Things just don't seem to bother me like they used to. Even tonight, I had some butterflies before the date, but a couple of months ago I would have totally freaked out even thinking about going out with a guy on a date." "Ok, let's talk about that. Sabrina told us some of what happened. What was it that John did that made you so mad?" "Well, I was trying to have this serious conversation with him. I was trying to be honest and tell him the truth about me. He thought I was joking and thought it was funny." "He thought it was funny before or after he knew the truth?" "Before." "So, at least part of the problem was that he didn't take you seriously when he thought you were a woman?" "Yes." "Honey, that's just part of life as a woman. That's reality. There are some men that will always think they're better than us. We have to constantly prove ourselves worthy of being taken seriously. Maybe John is one of those men." "But, it's not fair! We're, ..., I mean women are just as smart as they are." "I know it's not fair. But, that's just the way it is, and apparently that's just something that you're going to have to get used to. So, I take it that another problem was that John didn't believe you when you told him you were a man?" "Yes, he thought I was playing some huge joke on him." "Sweetie, why would he think you were a man? Just look at yourself, you're beautiful. He thought you were a real woman. How is that a bad thing? Take it as the compliment that it is. He was around you all night and not once did he ever suspect that you were anything except a charming, beautiful lady. Isn't that what you want?" "..., yeah, ..., I guess I owe him an apology, huh?" "Yeah think?" "But, how is he going to feel about me now that he knows the truth?" "I think he'll be ok with it. Mom said he was gay, right ...?" "Bisexual, actually." "Why wouldn't he like you, you have everything he likes?" "Well, not everything." "Well, don't assume anything. Talk to him, I'll bet it can be worked out." "Ok, I'll call him tomorrow and apologize." "Not tomorrow. Wait until Monday. You don't want him to think you're too anxious." "Ok. Thank you, Beth. You always know what to say to make me feel better." We embraced and held each other tightly for some time. Without breaking the hug I spoke again. "Sis, can I ask you one more favor?" "Just name it, Babygirl." "Would you reheat my hot chocolate for me?" We both started laughing. "Sure. Why don't you clean your face a little and meet us in the kitchen." "Ok, sis. Thanks." As I fixed my makeup I watched myself in the mirror. Why was I being so silly. When I was a man I never would have let the little things like what had happened with John tonight bother me in the least. Well, what happened with John tonight wouldn't have happened if I had been a man, but you know what I mean. It was trivial and stupid and yet tonight I had g

Same as Rescue Me 2 Videos

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This time of the year is usually so beautiful, Maggie thought, as she stared out of her window. Oh, the leaves were still turning brilliant hues of red and orange and yellow. But it was 1864 and Maggie was in Virginia. Sighing, she turned away from the window, once again cursing the Fates which had had her turn a marriageable 17 at the start of the War Between the States. Maggie could see only one benefit to being unmarried at the God-awful age of 21. When she worked at the hospital, along...

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during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...

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Becca lay on her side in front of the fireplace. He lay right behind her, caressing her hip, moving his chest into her back. They were both naked with the only light from the room being the flames from the flickering fire. He reached around and caressed her full breast, teasing her nipple gently between his fingers. She smiled and sighed contentedly, knowing that he wanted her. This day had taken so many turns. Becca thought about how the day began. This morning, she was sitting in a writer’s...

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August 1968 The old man sat in his chair watching the evening news. For the last several days, there was a minor story on a large hurricane, named Doria, traveling up the middle of the Atlantic. Since it was not predicted to make landfall, the news channels were not making their typical dire warnings of “the apocalypse is upon us“. Tonight, however, appeared to be different. They were reporting that a smaller cruise line had offered the services of one of its older ships for a humanitarian...

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It was Thursday afternoon. Melissa was home alone, as she always was at 3:22 p.m. on a school day. Both her mom and dad worked and never arrived home earlier than 5:45 p.m., and then always her mom. Mr. Kendall usually hit the front door somewhere between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He had a long commute. Melissa was busily texting away on her new iPhone 6, a birthday present only three days old, grinning widely at the bang she'd just put on a fellow student at Martin Luther King High School. Melissa and...

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After crossing the border Manuel was more careful to stay out of the sight of everyone. The land was dry and barren with few shade trees but there was a lot of scrub brush giving him plenty of places to hide. The trip from Magdalena was easy since he was able to ride most of the way, but now he was just walking north, needing to survive on almost nothing until he reached some type of large town or city. He carried a bag with some clothing, a few pieces of bread and two bottles of water. There...

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A New BeginningChapter 7

Paula looked at me startled, then smiled, "Later ... perhaps. Now come and cheer everyone up by dancing with me." Five minutes of energetic humiliation later I was really ready for a beer and left the dance floor to the cheers of the campsite. "Dear Lord how do you always manage to persuade me to do that?" I asked Paula. "You make me look so good is why," she replied with a cheeky grin. This is true, I can make anyone look good on the dance floor, it's not that I have two left feet,...

3 years ago
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The Secret Biker Chick A Tale Of The FagHag

The Secret Biker Chick: another tale of the Evil Fag-Hag Irene U. Dean wasn't exactly human, she was centuries ago but her path was set through ages of miserable karma lifetimes. As initiate of a dying ancient faith, when impure male warriors decided to overturn the Goddess in Nature and deny the Lunar deity. Rogue males in rebellion against the Divine Mother, our Earth herself! It all seemed so logical at the time, worship the Sun instead. One Sun equals one God, a man of course....

4 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “So tell us Ilke, we both know each other well and know what we each like, what really makes you cum very hard?” Asked Lorraine.She stood still in the middle of the room, her face a picture of hesitation and indecision, her face still bathed in my drying juices, the ends of her hair still very wet.“I not know if I can say to you. Is how you say, slightly unusual.”We looked at her expectantly.She continued. “I like to make like prisoner, with bindings, maybe a little pain too.” She...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 442

Honesty Yup, some people can't handle the truth! My Favorite Animal Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else laughed. My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and...

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Going Bi 9

If you aren't into gay or b/m, please don't bother reading this. I promise you will be disappointed. *** I woke to the sound of Naomi, the housekeeper, vacummning in Jason's room, and glanced at my watch. It was only nine. Naomi must have thought that everyone was awake. She normally saved her upstairs work for the afternoon. I decided I might as well get up. Once Naomi started her upstairs work, she'd be at it for hours. My stomach growled. I pulled on sleep shorts and...

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The Dirty Sheets

All of my writing is fiction and the characters are products of my imagination. All characters that need to be are 18 years of age or older. Comments are always very welcome and carefully reviewed. Dirty Sheets doesn’t sound very romantic but they, along with Lisa’s words, turn out to be a key to opening Eric’s mind and allowing all his doubts to escape ***** The white BMW X5 slowed, stopped to wait for the traffic to clear, then quickly turned left onto the short causeway that led to...

1 year ago
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Sex experiences of a slutty shemale

« Bhopal girl fingered by boyfriend in hotel room mms | main | middle east lady Officer dressing up after fuck mms » Sex experiences of a slutty shemale Posted on december 15, 2008 12:00 pm, filed under straight couples Hi! This is priya, 21 years and i am a shemale. Hope you know what’s a shemale. I was born as a boy; but i always wanted to be a girl right from my childhood And so, i had medical intervention to change my sex. Since my parents are rich And supportive, I could well afford for...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 16

Thomas Dubois stood outside the Midway Motel office and watched the gray clouds rake across the jagged mountaintops. The leaves were gone from the trees, and with them the tourist season. Business was dead, and that left too much time to think. It had been a busy summer and autumn, the cabins were filled almost every night. Tom handled everything alone, which didn’t leave any time for self-pity. During the day, he forgot about Hannah Roundtree, but at night she haunted his dreams. A...

2 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Ch 01

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Chapter 1: A mix up at the hotel leads to wild times.Jon and Michelle had been planning this trip for a long time and couldn't believe they were actually sitting on the plane as they flew over the Gulf of Mexico. They were on their way to Cozumel for a second honeymoon they had been planning for a few years now.They had been married for just over five years and had no k**s. Their marriage was...

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The Anal Nurse

The internet has rendered commuting superfluous for many types of jobs. I realized this years ago, but many employers, control freaks that they are, are still resisting the idea. I’m among those fortunate’s whose “commute” is from my bedroom to my den, though once a month I must make the two- hour drive for “co-ordination meetings.” There are advantages to living out where there are trees and grass, clean air, and where no one thinks I’m a terrorist if...

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Work night hook up

"It looks amazing as always." her partner Ryan yelled from the other room as he got off the couch. "Don't worry. They'll love it- I mean you."  Scarlett laughed and pushed him. "How'd  you know that's what I was looking at?"  "Because very time you leave the bathroom you check yourself out." he replies promptly. "It's like an obsession."  Ryan and Scarlett were engineers working in the oil sands and were going to a meeting to present a new idea for increasing profit while...

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Wings as EaglesChapter 16

A Growing Airline! Four more years have passed and my business had grown beyond my expectation. I purchased two twin turbo propjets and three Learjet's. Two Learjet's were six years old but had recently been refurbished and looked new for which I had bought at a good price. I now have five full-time pilots and three part-time. Charlie was my full-time mechanic and I had two others that worked for me part-time from their other jobs. I had run an ad in the paper for two flight attendants and...

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Lisa and Jonah

Lisa and Jonah   A short interlude in the lives of ………. Jonah drove along taking in the wonderful scenery that he passed.  He had been on the road for 2 days now and except for an overnight stay last night and to fill up the tank, hadn’t stopped anywhere.  He had a goal and was determined to get to where he was headed as soon as possible. As he drove he noticed something up ahead, it looked like a moving figure.  He saw that they had their hand outstretched as though thumbing a ride.   This was...

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USAChapter 34

She began by explaining the Watcher Rules: The Watches are for women. The eldest daughter inherited the Watch when she was twelve. The eldest daughter could refuse the Watch but the Watcher HAD to ask once a year if the girl wanted the Watch. Relinquish on demand. The recipient should be trained in Watch protocol. If the present holder didn't want to train, the Powers That Be would perform the service at their base. The watch stopped working if the Watcher refused to give it up. Males...

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Jens Awakening

The first time I saw Jen, we both were at her company pool party. As I stood chatting with a business friend, I watched her swimming impressively, cutting through the water like a Greek million-dollar yacht. Her one-piece suit was barely winning the battle to keep her heavy breasts covered. I knew right then I had to have her. It started with small talks on the phone. Then pure pleasantries turned to late lunches at the local bistro as I talked my way in Jen's world and heart.Three months...

Quickie Sex
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Owning my Aunt and Cousin 3

Raghav looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in a traditional sherwani with headgear. “It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned up,” he thought. He took a sip of water and sat on the bed in his room. Downstairs, preparations were being made for a marriage ceremony. The pyre was set up in the living room by the pujari. He also happened to be Raghav’s closest friend Aashish. Raghav thought back to when he first told Aashish about his ‘situation.’ He smiled, remembering how Aashish’s jaw...

4 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 13 the Nice Thing About Money

We had some, actually quite a lot. $4 mil at 5% over 6 years equals $5,200,000.00 and change. We let the bank do the calculating. We also had the 90 thousand that we "lived" off for 6 years. Remember we did a Time Bunk to 1934 and bought voting shares of IBM. The sale of those netted, after Uncle Sam, $6 mil. Time Bunk number two bought us bearer bonds that matured in 1960. Experimentation with the watch proved to our satisfaction that one complete wind once around the stem equaled ten...

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Police Woman Goes MissingChapter 2

Abby’s brother hated his sister; their parents were always asking him, “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” He wanted the bitch to suffer. For the next week, each day, Abby would wait for one of the men to come stick a needle in her arm and give her what she needed. On the twenty-first day of her captivity the man came into her room, she looked at his hands, looking for the drugs she needed so badly. That day his hands were empty. “I need it! Please! I’m hurting!” Abby...

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My decent in to female domination

"I give you so many handjobs, you really owe me" my girlfriend said as I took off my shorts and underwear. "Haha I know, well I'm a lot hornier than you. I can't help it" I replied, and smiled down at her. "How much is one of these worth to you? 50? 100?" she asks. She is wearing running shorts, which show off her tanned and toned legs, and a tight t-shirt. I look down at her boobs, D cups on an athletic frame. "100 at least. They are amazing." She gets out the lube and pours it along the...

2 years ago
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The Whipping Post

The Whipping Post Copyright © 2007 Nikita Synopsis:Tanya and Nikki are a couple of soccer moms who met at a book luncheon and find out they have complimentary desires.Tanya, a former domme turned hairdresser, bewitches a BDSM acolyte in a bedroom community of the deep South. The Mint Julep Cafe was bubbling with conversation.The table was full of slim, tan women, who all sported the same hairstyle and pastel clothing.It was the Spring Book Club Luncheon.I was on their tennis team and at...

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Jake and Hunter

"Morning, sleepy head!" shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing with Jake's hair. "Hunter! Can't you see I was sleeping?" complained Jake. "Not anymore! C'mon, we got stuff to do!" "Like what?" asked Jake, as he tried to fully wake up and get out of the bed. "You promised we'd go to Mount Gloria today!" shouted Hunter, as he followed Jake, wherever he went in the room, as the boy looked for some clothes to wear. "Mount Gloria?" asked Jake. "Yeah, it's where we...

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Dentist by kitten72

I am posting this for kitten72 because she had trouble posting it, I think it is a great story and I hope you do to.The Dentist.Here is one of my it but be gentle- english is second language to me.This is the first i post here may be more if you all like it.You were going to the dentist for annual checkup and waited in the waiting room ready when your name was going to be called. It took a little while before a nurse came and called out your name. She said that your regular...

4 years ago
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I was after a new phone and went to the local phone shop. When I walked it it was pretty busy so I decided to look at the ones on display and read specs while I waited.I was looking at a particular one and didn,t notice a guy move in along side me. I reached up to the phone and as I did he reached up too and as I held the phone he cupped mine with his hand.I turned and looked at him and he smiled at me. He was about 18 slim with blonde hair, nice face and slim body.He (James as I later found...

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Toilet Lady

Chapter 1: Toilet Lady. Svetla lived in a village near Kryvyy Rith. Like many other Ukrainians, sheworked in the agriculture sector. Her life was hard. The girl wanted to explorethe world and earn a substantial amount of money. She was petite, she had smallbreasts. Her dark hair was in ponytail. She was like most women in the area,she was stubborn. She was determined to find her luck in the richer countriesof Europe . One day, she decided to leave her country and to build a life inthe United...

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Les Bob Part 3

Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read the third chapter in a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, woman and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by sending a message via this site or by email...

3 years ago
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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 3A Indoctrination of the Slave

Answering the bell, Robert opened the door, and was not surprised by what she had dressed in. He had assumed she would rebel, and show her independence. Good, he liked that, it meant she had spirit, and passion. He wanted both from his submissive mate. Sherri entered without saying a word, and once in the living room told him in a mockery of her usual Lawyers voice "We need to discuss some of these terms, I would be willing to agree to some of them, but..." Robert cut her off and told her...

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Mom Aunt And My Cousin 8211 Part I

Hi friends, I have read many stories in this site. Now am here to tell a real time story that happened in my life. It was most wonderful moment. I am Sanjay from Chennai age 20, and to be frank I have really fucked my own mom, aunt and my cousin. And now they have got my child. My mom is 41 years old her name is sita, superb plum structure even at this age. Any boy would love to have her in bed. She has 36 24 38 structure. And next my aunt my mom’s sis she is 38 they both look like so no need...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Addison Lee Outdoor Shower Peep Show

Try to imagine a world where your hot step-sister wants you just as badly as you want her.. It would be so great to have her please you whenever you want! I have this incredible fantasy that step-sis is out in the back yard, completely nude. She sees me watching and comes into my room to pull my shorts down… licking all over my rock hard cock before sliding me deep into her cunt. Addison moans as I rub her clit while she grinds on me. “I love feeling you stretch me out!” She...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 25 Taste my pussy and lets get dressed

Amy Parker could not stop thinking about it. Sex. Lesbian sex. With Natalie. Her best friend. She wanted to do it. She had to try to seduce Natalie Jones, and she just thought about it during the whole day. If Jack, after the gay sex, was more confidant, walking around the school as if he ran the place; Amy was just nervous for more. Jack, knowing that he had a piece of ass in his house, didn't really care for his schoolmates. Amy, on the other hand, checked every hot girl she saw. She...

4 years ago
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The Burning BoatChapter 2

Laurie stood uncertainly leaning against the door jamb watching as Miranda dropped four pieces of meat filets into the pan. "Hi!" "Hi, I'm Laurie. John... um, saved me." "You're the girl in the boat house?" "Yes." Laurie replied shyly. "You must be something special. Mr. John doesn't bring women here." "What do you mean?" "Mr. John has had a bad time of it lately, the past couple of years I guess. I've been really worried about him. He mopes around here all day...

3 years ago
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Ancient Fossile

He then watched her licking the cum off his cock as she looked at him, smiling. It was an incredibly erotic moment for the college students, when all of a sudden, the front door was unlocked, and the knob was being turned. It was his mother! Amanda's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of some college girl licking her son's cock on the sofa. But her face quickly morphed from being stunned to being absolutely livid at what she was seeing. "What the hell are you two doing!?!" she...

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A Page From a Charmed Life

I lead what many would call a charmed life, as it doesn't seem that I have an outward visible means of supporting myself. However the fact I don't leave the house each morning in a suit in a tie with a briefcase in hand does not mean that I don't have a job. I am a writer and columnist who has managed to stay somewhat anonymous. I'm syndicated in 38 papers across the US and Canada under an assumed name, IE: different than the one that appears on my mailbox or drivers license. I have written...

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Loving sister


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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 6 A Quickie

It was getting late and I had work to do. She continued her poses on the bed. I was ready to try her on again. The poses of her body were very arousing, especially the rear views which she seemed to promote in her posing. As I was considering this she asked about how she might go about asking for more. She was not talking about the meal or the conversation. Also, she did not blush as she spread her legs wide, then used her fingers to part her inner labials, showing me her pink, wet flesh...

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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy E

January 2, 2006, I had just entered the Manhattan high-rise in the heart of Times Square where I work. I was the founder and CEO of Goodfella$, a successful American men’s magazine. Everybody in the building acknowledged me because I am the playboy known as the Nature Boy. I knew most of the women in my company, married or not, would sleep with me for bragging rights or career advancement. I often heard rumors about the women speculating the size of my dick. Hey, I cannot help if I had a...

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werewolf was hungry as a bugahboo stinking

he himself was more, or less like that being of 'the-happy-camper' when that being of the weather temps could possibly become, or be more to his liking be it for that being of the spring, summer, or fall, or autumn season.& whereas he himself just hated that being of the winter, & especially whenever that being of the weather's temps of 'mother-nature' could possibly prove to become, or be highly, or greatly unfavorable however said with historically phenomenal dipping below that being...

4 years ago
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My First Call Girlescort

I was at home and just messing around looking over some porn sites getting more and more horny when I came to one for call girls, I flicked through the models till I came across this cute little asian, she had sort black hair and a tite little body perfect firm tits and the cutest bum.Because I was getting even more horny by now I decided I would go for it, I had never order a woman for sex before shore I had met woman online and we would meet up for a fuck but this felt so much naughtier as I...

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Gaining a SonInLaw

Gaining a Son-In-LawWhen the phone rang it surprised Guy. It hadn’t rung in days, maybe weeks.He answered and a familiar voice said, “Dad, hi, how are you?”Guy was delighted. “Trish, my God, it’s great to hear from you. How are you?”She said, “I asked you first, but I’m fine.”“Me too. What’s new? To what do I owe this call?”“Dad, can’t I just call to see how you’re doing?”“Yeah, but what, once a year?”“Oh, come on, it hasn’t been that long. But yes, I know it’s been a while. But listen, I’m...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 46 Lessons

April 2, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Well, I think this may have been a wasted trip,” Lieutenant Mike Washington said when he was ushered into my office. “Because of the Japanese decor?” “And me not wanting an assignment to Yokosuka.” “Don’t worry about it. If you prefer, I have a room with Western furniture.” “This is OK.” We sat down in the «zaisu» chairs and Kimmy brought me green tea and a glass of ice water for Lieutenant Washington. “If I can ask, and you can refuse to answer...

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Sins of the Father Part 2

Ben was frozen in indecision, picking at his bottom lip. Getting drunk by himself was an attractive option. Then he remembered the vision he had had the day before. The beautiful unknown girl in his arm, the situation he had always dreamed about. A chance to turn things around. Whether he ended the night wallowing in self-pity, or having the time of his life, rocking some teen ass, would remain to be seen. He grabbed the 30-pack and rode off on his bicycle. He arrived at the street where the...

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HopeChapter 3

The text on his computer screen kept blurring, as Michael stared at it in a zombie-like fashion. Eventually, he cursed and pushed the keyboard away. He returned to staring at his mobile instead. The house was blissfully silent; Hope was asleep upstairs and he was meant to be writing yet another report for tomorrow's meeting. Instead, he sat at the table, unable to write the goddamned thing. He knew he needed to talk to Ellie, but he didn't know what he could say that would make things...

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GFs fy Midwinter Lodge Retreat 4

As Tina pulled back the curtain on the shower my heart was pounding. Only minutes earlier I had seen her Dad and other male relatives acting out a Turkish bath house scene in that very shower. Mentally the images were seared into my mind!! But the sounds coming from behind the curtain now were much more feminine. Tina turned and grabbed my cock and kissed me savagely! I could feel my cock swelling and I thought again about just possibly mounting her instead of interrupting her Mom and oldest...

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Pakistani wife cheats with a hindu man

I am Saif Ikram and this is the story of my wife Saima and her search for another man, I am a Pakistani Muslim cuckold. Before you read this story please search for some Pakistani girls pictures whilst reading this story and view their photos to see the true delicacy of a Pakistani Muslim woman and why she needs a more well-endowed man than me: the main one I like is Tehmeena Afzal so google for her. Also listen to this video between 41:50 to 45:00 this Pakistani girl talks about her parents...

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Picking Up A Pretty Hitchhiker

It was a foggy night, while I was driving on the interstate. I had been driving for a few hours and was kind of feeling a little tired. I was listening to the radio and trying to keep myself awake. I had stopped about forty miles back to have a coffee and a bagel, but wanted to get a little further along before stopping for the night. I was a little sleepy, but aware of the road. I wanted to drive a little while longer, before retiring for the night. All of a sudden, I saw a young woman waving...

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Sand Muscle Growth

Wednesday, Jared came home from a long day of work, immediately showered off, got dressed, ate, and went to sleep so he could do the same thing over again the following day. Thursday was no different, there wasn't really much variance during his workweek other than maybe nuking a Hot Pocket instead of Pizza Rolls in the microwave for dinner. Construction work really wore him out each day, especially during the long, drawn-out days of summer when the heat index could easily reach into the mid...

4 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 10 Welcome Home

The next two weeks were uneventful. We had good weather all the way. The ship went even faster with the clean hull. I think all the damn crystals they had embedded in the ship helped as well. The food was awesome. We had fresh produce every day. The cook, Ben, excelled himself. The ship normally had sixteen crew members, but since the Captain had a feeling he was going to have a bored crew on a ship that would rarely break down, we had left six of the crew with the girls. Half of his crew...

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kyle and jamie

it was 2 years ago when i recently met up with a girl who used to baby sit me when i was younger.she was about 8 years older than me and recently split up from her husband she asked me if i would go to a wedding with her as a friend as it was her first social function since becoming single and i happily agreed. we attented the weeding together and at the end of the night she asked me back to her daughters house where she was staying to continue the drinking and partying so off we went.her...

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Bathed in the Lights of Vegas

We made it to Vegas. We drove along I-15 through the heat of the desert and made it to our hotel. We were giggling like kids, but that’s because this wasn’t so much of a vacation as a mission. You see, my lover revealed a fantasy. A fantasy I would like to explore with her. We checked into the hotel, and took the elevator up to the 16th floor. We checked into our room. It was a nice room. I didn’t cut corners on the room. It had a nice king size bed and a nice size in-room hot tub. It also had...

1 year ago
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Nice Day for a White Wedding

What can I say? I was blindsided. My wife Maggie had just laid a big bombshell on me ... make that two big bombshells on me. "Mac, we need to talk." She said as I came in from work. She was still dressed in her business suit from where she worked as an accountant. I was dressed in my coveralls from where I worked, overseeing my chocolate business. I'm Angus 'Mac' MacDougall, and my wife is Margaret Sullivan-MacDougall. Yes, she hyphenates her last name. Pretty pretentious, if you ask me....

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Meeting her Mistress

Meeting her MistressChapter 1PreludeAs the months, then years came and went since my youngest daughter left us to go live with my ex-Master in England, the rest of us continued on with life. I worried about my daughter in England, my mom came down with Parkinson’s Disease, and my dad Alzheimer. Working full-time and trying to take care of two aging parents was becoming all-encompassing. I found myself longing for the old days when i was married with a career. My dad was forgetting who he was or...

2 years ago
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Within You Without You

At first, I thought my trip was a disaster. I had driven three and a half hours for a series of meetings in Center City, Philadelphia. I had a room booked and was planning on spending three days in conference and two nights in the hotel. The first meeting was Monday morning. When I came back from lunch, I learned that my schedule had been cleared. It seemed the manufacturing complex of Sterling Enterprises was on fire. Not knowing how much damage they would suffer, or even if they would be in...

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