Jared and Andrea
- 2 years ago
- 40
- 0
Mike settled back into the couch as he flipped the remote hoping to find a good tit show. He glanced at the clock noting it would be at least a half hour before Andrea came home from her date. Not finding anything interesting on the set, he threw the remote on the coffee table and picked up his cigarettes. He drew in a deep breath as he lit one and started hacking.
“Dammit,” he sputtered as he coughed a few more times. He grabbed his can of Pepsi to ease the burn and set it down when he realized it was empty. Shit that burned. Why shouldn’t it? This was my thirtieth cigarette today.I guess I better slow down if I want to live to twenty. Getting up, he went to the freezer and pulled a Pepsi out. Mike shivered as the coldness went down his throat soothing the burn away. He glanced at the fifth of rum sitting on the counter. No, I better not. His mind flipped through the faces of his uncles, each of which had died from drinking.
Stepping back into the living room, he glanced around and saw the cans and overfull ashtrays. Shit, Andrea will kick my ass if she sees this! He set his drink down and cleaned the room, taking time to wipe down the coffee table. He had just sat down when he heard David’s Corvette pull into the drive.
Well, here we go, I hope she doesn’t invite the asshole in. He heard the engine shut off and sat back and waited. After a few minutes, Mike got up and chanced a look out the window. He jerked as he saw her head lifting from David’s crotch as she wiped her mouth with a tissue. His eyes burned as he went back to his seat and rested his head in his palms.
Fuck, why do I set myself up for this shit? I KNOW I’m eighteen and she’s twenty six. I know she thinks I’m too young to take care of her and Ronny. Yet, I put myself through this time after time. Mike took a deep breath to steady himself He wiped his eyes and lit another smoke. He had just finished it when Andrea walked in. He pasted a grin on his face.
“Hey, did you have fun?”
“Yeah, we went dancing for awhile then went to Angelo’s for a few beers.” Andrea grimaced as she limped toward the couch.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, I shouldn’t have worn these heels. I think I pulled a muscle dancing.”
“Lay down on the floor and I’ll massage your legs for you.”
Mike could see the idea turning in Andrea’s mind.
“You wouldn’t try anything would you?”
He stared at her. “Really?”
Andrea dropped her eyes. “OK”
Mike helped her to the carpeted floor and grabbed a small pillow from a chair and placed it under her head. “Just relax, I’ll be back in a second. He got up and went to the kitchen. Rummaging through a drawer he found a small hand towel and dropped it in the sink. He turned on the water and adjusted it until it was lukewarm. Turning off the water he wrung the hand cloth out and walked back into the living room and sat by Andrea’s feet.
“What are you doing?”
Mike smiled at her. “Wait and see.” He pulled off one of her high heeled shoes.
“Mike, no.”
“Shh. Just relax and let me pamper you a bit.”
Andrea sighed in resignation and closed her eyes. Mike pulled off her other shoe and washed her feet, massaging each through the wet cloth.
Andrea moaned. “That feels soo good.”
“I’m glad you like it.” When he finished he tapped her foot with his finger. “Turn over.”
“Do I have too?” Andrea groaned.
Mike set the cloth on the coffee table. “How’s your back?”
“It’s ok, It’s my legs that hurt.”
Mike took a slow deep breath as he realized his hands were trembling. Damn, her ass is fine. I wonder? Stop it! Just massage her legs. Andrea groaned as Mike began to work tension out of her legs. He did allow the edge of his hand to graze the bottom curve as he worked the knots out of her thighs. I wish she wasn’t wearing jeans. Who am I kidding? I wish she wasn’t wearing anything.
“How was Ronnie?”
Andrea’s voice snapped him out of his reverie.”Umm, he’s fine he went to sleep about twenty minutes after you left and got up once to use the bathroom.”
“That’s good”
Andrea started to groan again as Mike massaged her calves. She jumped when Mike pressed his thumb into one.”Ouch!”
“Sorry.” He went back to the softer, rubbing he had been doing. After about 10 minutes he heard light snoring. He stopped and shook her shoulder.” Hey, sleepyhead let’s get you to bed.”
“Whaah? I’ve got to take you home.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
He helped her up and led her down the trailer’s dark hallway to her room. Mike flipped on the light and pulled down the covers. He turned around and almost shat himself. Andrea had shucked her jeans off and was standing there in her shirt and pink panties with her arms held out to him in a child like manner. “Hug?”
He stepped into her embrace and pulled her tight, feeling her lithe body conform to his. He closed his eyes and luxuriated in the sensation and inhaled the apple blossom scent of her hair
“You always know how to make me feel better.” She whispered. Andrea gave him a tight squeeze and ended the embrace. She stepped around him and crawled into her bed.
The sight of her ass showcased in sheer pink panties inflamed him. His erection pushing against his jeans sent a twinge of pain through him. Oh Shit! He turned to the side and grabbed the blanket and pulled it up on her. He turned the light off and leaned down and kissed her forehead.
“Goodnight.” Andrea said as she stifled a yawn.
Mike turned towards the door, “I love you.” he whispered as he walked out.
Andrea’s scream woke Mike. His shin slammed the oak coffee table as he jumped to his feet.”OW, shit!” Mike stumbled across the dark living room. He caught his balance as his head rocketed towards the wall. He scrambled down the hall and burst into Andrea’s bedroom. Andrea was closed in on her self and sobbing.
Mike sat on the bed and hugged her to himself. “What’s wrong?”
“G ... g ... eorge was hurting me.”
“Shh, shhh, George isn’t here. He’s not in your life anymore. You’re safe. I’ve got you.” He whispered.
Her crying softened, She nestled into him and laid her head on his shoulder. Andrea drew a ragged breath. “I’m scared will you stay with me?”
“Of course, here, lay back.”
Mike got under the blanket and pulled her close. “Go to sleep I’ve got you.” He stroked her hair as he listened to her breathing. Eventually, it slowed and deepened. She shifted position and put her leg across him and mumbled a moment before starting to snore. He lay awake and watched her sleep. How could anyone ever hurt her? She’s so beautiful. It was first light when he drifted off.
Somebody was shaking him.
“Mike wake up.”
He opened bleary eyes to see Andrea staring at him, her face contorted with anger.
“Why are you in bed with me?”
Mike pushed himself into a sitting position and stretched. “You had a nightmare and asked me to stay with you.”
Surprise and realization darted across her face as she blushed and face palmed herself. “Oh, I did. Didn’t I.”
Mike snickered at her. “Yep, I told you one day you’d invite me to your bed.”
Andrea smacked his arm. “Stop it. You have to get up before Ronnie sees us in here.”
Mike yawned and pointed at her. “You snore.”
“I most certainly do not!”
“Yes you do. In fact, I can see I’ll need to invest in earplugs.”
Andrea snorted “I don’t see why. You’ll never need them. Now, go get dressed and I’ll get Ronnie up and make breakfast.”
Mike was sitting at the table when Ronnie padded in carrying crayons and paper. “Will you color with me Mike?”
“Sure pardner”, Mike lifted the five year old into his lap, “We can color while Momma gets breakfast ready and then we’ll have to put it away, OK?”
“Yeah, buddy?”
“Why was momma crying last night?”
“She had a bad dream and it scared her.”
“I don’t like it when Momma cries.”
Mike hugged the little man. “I don’t like it either. That’s why we have to take good care of her.”
Ronnie got quiet and colored for a few minutes. He looked up at Mike. “Are you going to be my daddy?”
Mike gulped. “I don’t know. I’d like to be.”
“I’d like you to be too.”
“Boys, it’s almost time to eat.” Andrea called from the kitchen.
Mike tickled Ronnie “Okay, let’s put this up and help momma set the table.”
After breakfast, Andrea pulled out her IPAD. “Here Ronnie, Mike and I have to talk. Why don’t you take this to your room and play?”
“ALL RIGHT!” He grabbed it and zoomed away laughing.
Andrea went and poured a cup of coffee and grabbed another Coke for Mike.
She sat across from him, a serious look on her face.
“What’s up?”
“I heard your conversation with Ronnie. It isn’t fair to give him hope like that.”
Mike glanced at the table and turned his gaze to her. “Why not? I have hope.”
Andrea sighed,”MICHAEL! I’ve already told you that you’re too...”
“Stop.” He raised his hand, his voice hard as steel, “Do NOT talk to me like that. I am here anytime you need me. I treat you better than any of those “men”,” He made air quotes, “that you go out with. I have never spoken down to you or hit you. I love you and want to to be YOUR man AND Ronnie’s DAD. If you don’t want me fine. But don’t insult me.”
Andrea shrugged. “Mike, I’m not insulting you. The truth is you are eighteen years old and still in high school. How are you supposed to support a family in college?”
Mike started to speak.
“Don’t you dare tell me you’d not go to be with me! I would lose all respect for you and respect for myself if I let you do it. You have a bright future ahead and one day you will find a woman to share it with you. I’m not her.” Andrea folded her arms and sat back.
Mike lit a cigarette and stared at the table, watching smoke dance across it as he exhaled.
After a few moments he spoke. “I’m sorry if I raised my voice. You don’t understand. Yes, I’m starting college in the fall. I spoke with my academic counselor last week and he’s arranged for me to get an internship with Lloyd Technologies that I’ll start my second semester. I’ll work 20 hours a week and every summer until I graduate. It pays $20 grand a year and I’ll be making $40 grand a year starting when I graduate. I do have money or will in about six months.” He risked a glance at her. “Please, don’t shut me out.” He turned his face away as he felt a tear sliding down his cheek. “Please.”
“Mike, having a family is a heavy responsibility and I’m not sure you’re ready for it. How can I be sure you wouldn’t get tired of it and walk away?”
“My name’s not George.” Mike muttered.
“That’s low.”
“No, he is. You know the life I have. I work 30 hours a week for $200 and give all but thirty of it to my mom to pay bills with,” He held out his hand and pointed to a thin, red scar on the meat between his thumb and forefinger, “Do you know how I got that? Two years ago during that snowstorm our heat went out and I had to go into the woods to cut firewood. It was fourteen below and I didn’t have any gloves. My hand slipped and I cut it with the ax. I was bleeding kinda bad but I didn’t stop because my mother and sister needed me.” Mike tapped the table, “I’m not a quitter and I want in.”
Andrea frowned and shook her head. “Mike, it’s not happening. Please, can we drop it? I have to get Ronnie dressed so I can drive you home. I have some shopping to do before I pick dad up at the truck yard.”
He heard them again.”Mike, I think you need to take a break. Please don’t call me for awhile, at least a few weeks.” The first night, Mike took his mother’s Jack Daniels from its hiding place in her closet and drank himself senseless. She found him passed out on the living room floor when she came home from her “date”. Her and her “flavor of the night” boyfriend had carried him to his bed before continuing their party in her room. She reamed his ass the next morning, but he didn’t care.
The only thing that stopped him from binging was his dedication to school and work. When not busy with them he locked himself into the cocoon of his room. In the quiet darkness, he lay on his bed staring at the ceiling as her words stabbed him again and again. Only one other thought sat vigil with him. Why did I ever tell her?
Ringing from his cell phone woke him. He fumbled for and nearly dropped it before bringing it to his ear. “Uhh, hello?”, he mumbled. The only response was hard, racking coughs. “Hello?”
“Mike, I need you.”
“Ronnie and I are really sick,” she sobbed. “I can barely walk. I need help. You said you wouldn’t runaway if I let you in. If you can’t come now don’t ever come back.”
Mike jumped out of bed and threw his clothes on as he talked. “It’s gonna be alright. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Can you unlock the door for me?”
“I’ll try.”
“OK, see you in a minute.”
Mike ran across the hall and pounded on his mother’s door. “MOM!”
“What do you want? It’s almost three in the morning?”
“Andrea’s sick. I need the car. Where’s the keys?”
“On the kitchen counter by my purse.”
Mike spun and darted into the kitchen. He flipped the lights and snatched the keys. He snagged his book bag from the kitchen table as an afterthought on the way out.
Mike walked into the trailer. Andrea was curled up in the leather recliner with her head on the arm. Vomit had fouled her sweats and the floor in front of her. He knelt beside the chair, careful to keep his knee out of the putrid mess. Her face was flushed and sweaty. She opened her eyes as his hand brushed her forehead.
“Baby girl, you’re burning up. Let me check on Ronnie and I’ll come back and help you.”
Mike found Ronnie burning with fever and his pajama bottoms soaked in piss. He stripped Ronnie and threw the bedclothes into the hamper along with the blanket.
“I’m cold.”
“I know buddy, we’ll get you warmed up in a moment.” Mike picked up the feverish child, who fell back to sleep the moment his head hit Mike’s shoulder, and held him as he gathered clean night clothes from the boy’s dresser. Picking up a towel from the hall closet, he headed to the bathroom where he bathed Ronnie.
After the bath, he carried the boy to his Grandfather’s room where he grabbed a folded blanket from the foot of the bed and a pillow. He took his load into the living room and got Ronnie tucked in on the couch.
He turned to see Andrea peering at him with listless, blood shot eyes. “He’s OK. He had an accident so I had to clean him up.” Her only response was a minute nod of her head.
He stepped over to Andrea and grabbed her hands. “C’mon it’s your turn. She struggled to get up but couldn’t manage it. So Mike scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom and set her on the toilet.
She protested when his hands grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt.
“Shut up and raise your arms.” He worked the sweat shirt up her torso carefully as he tried to prevent more vomit from getting on her. Her bra soaked with sweat and vomit stunk so he pulled that off as well.
Andrea’s eyes widened. “Urgh, I’m gonna...”
Ronnie turned her head as vomit erupted from her and plastered the blue bathroom tiles above the tub. he gently rubbed her back until she finished. He snagged a pink washcloth from the shelf above the toilet and wet it in the sink. Using it, he washed her face and gave her a small hand bath.
“Feel better?”
Andrea gave a little nod as Mike dried her using hand towels. He grabbed some mouthwash and made her wash out her mouth.
He picked her up and carried her to her bedroom and got her under the covers before finding a teeshirt for her.
Holy Shit! What a mess. After a moment of taking stock he decided to start a load of wash. He gathered all of the soiled clothes and blankets and got the first load started. He checked on Ronnie, who was sound asleep, and went looking for Andrea’s cleaning bucket. It took almost twenty minutes of hard scrubbing to clean the living room carpet. The bathtub tiles and tub were much easier.
After he started the second laundry load he sat down in the recliner to rest a minute.
He woke to loud knocking on the front door. He opened his eyes to the morning sun filling the room. His watch read 8:17. He had slept about three hours. He rubbed his face, stood up and stretched. He opened the door to find his mother.
“I need the keys.” She held her hand out, “I expected you back last night.”
“Hi Mom.” Mike dug the keys out and dropped them into her hand. “Sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t get me to work. Give me five dollars. I had to pay Linda to bring me over.”
Mike pulled out a five and gave it to her. As soon as her hand closed around the bill she walked away.
He called after her. “I love you, too”
“Don’t be a smart ass.” She growled.
He sighed and went back inside. The next two days held to a simple formula: hand feed two sick people, help two sick people to the bathroom, refill the glasses of two sick people with juice or water. Mike borrowed Andrea’s car to go to the store for more supplies and smokes. When he was not busy he studied.
He started smoking outside, rather than expose them to it. The third morning, he checked on Andrea after stepping out for a smoke. Andrea was sitting up and resting against her pillows. Her hair was freshly brushed.
"This is so unfair," said Andrea to no one special. She was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling. From outside the sound of a truck reached her ears and she looked out the window. It was the garbage truck passing by. She lay down again with a sigh.It was spring break and Andrea had to stay at home with her step brother. It just wasn't fair. It wasn't her fault that he had failed all the exams and had to stay home to study the entire week. She had made plans to drive down to Daytona Beach...
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John was stood at his kitchen sink washing the dishes he had used for dinner, it was 8:00 at night, he pondered going to bed early, or watch the match starting at 9:00He was a widower now, Julie his wife; the love of his life had died tragically 5 years ago.He had dated a couple of times since, but his heart hadn't been in it, so he had not developed a romance.He was an accountant in a city firm, and was on line to be top dog one day.He didn't smoke, drank little, wine was his preferred tipple....
I rode the elevator to the top floor of the expansive building housing Andrea’s condo. The text I had received was specific that I arrive at her place at six o’clock sharp and dress for dinner. I wore one of the dark charcoal suits Carol had chosen for me, along with a black dress shirt and tie. I checked the shine on my shoes as the door opened and stepped out into the hallway. I took a deep breath and exhaled fully before ringing the buzzer.”Come in,” I heard over the intercom.I entered the...
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It was during spring, I remember, the time I met Andrea, that magical and wonderful time I met my darling angel. The leaves on the trees turning into a myriad shades of green and there buds peeping shyly from every branch of every tree. I had been waiting at Nino's, the coffee shop, for my boyfriend but, as usual, he was late. The waitress that had brought my coffee kept coming over to check if I needed anything else and, after the third time, I noticed that she had the loveliest dimples: they...
Introduction: This is a story of my first sexual encounter. Constructive criticism is welcome. Andrea has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. we bonded in kindergarten because neither of could tie our shoes. we have shared blood, sweat, and tears. she is the one who explained all about puberty and my period. she is also the one who introduced me to sex. Andrea and I are total opposites. Im tall with barely wavy blonde hair and blue eyes with a slim build. Andrea, on the other...
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Just as she had promised, the key was on the top of the doorframe. I took it down and unlocked the front door of a stylish, but moderate beach house. I had my clipboard, my measuring tape and my camera. The view from her great room was spectacular. The wall facing the beach was made of glass with tasteful Grecian columns to support it. It was a simple project. Extend the deck further toward the beach and extend the size of the room to take in the current deck. After a short pause to get a...
Our day tour of Jaipur was a feast of colour, scents and noise. The hotel had many pamphlets describing the city and thus armed it was easy to put together the information and the actuality. It was indeed a lovely city; the wide boulevards and the impressive palaces that lined them offered much to observe. However it was off the main streets that India came to life. My rural life in Broughley and to certain extent Bloomsbury could not have prepared me for the crowded streets of Jaipur. I had...
Ah yes, she's here again - the girl. I've been watching her for several weeks now. She and her friends hang out at the pool where I live. Several of them must be sub-letting for the summer because there's no way a college student could afford to live here on a regular basis. Then again, who knows? Parents give their k**s everything these days. Of course, I like to give them things too. Just not the things their parents give them, or would likely want them to have. Like the best oral sex of...
You are Eva Andreasen, a dark-skinned, fair-haired elven woman from the town of Wildewynne. Your hometown could not contain your thirst for adventure, however, and on the day you turned 21 (or 210 in human years), you packed up your gear and set off on your journey to explore the rest of Felania. Though you'd always felt you were fairly average looking compared to the other women in your village, your encounters with the other races of the land have taught you that even a plain elf woman could...
Jimmy The next time one of these girls tells me someone is 'special', I'm leaving town. Don't get me wrong, I like Christine; I think she's wonderful. She's fun, smart, self-assured, easy to talk to, and she's certainly a lot of fun to roll around naked with. Heck, she doesn't even hog the covers, but this... How do I keep getting mixed up with stuff like this? It seemed like every woman I meet has some kind of crisis. They're either in trouble and need my help, like Samantha and...
Guys, I just wanna say thank you so much for being such great readers. I love all your PMs and comments and suggestions. It's great knowing that you enjoy my work so much.Sarah grinned up at her lover’s face. “You like that, don’t you?” she asked as she squeezed his cock between her breasts. “You like feeling my big tits around you.”“Oh yeah baby,” Jerome replied, reaching for her breast.Sarah slapped his hand away. “No touching,” she warned.Jerome raised his hands and leaned back in his chair,...
XIX: By The Grace And The Goddess The moment Xavier had been informed by one of his contacts...Sgt. Connor Niehaus, another soldier who was a part of the Nightshifters unit...of the confirmed location of a woman fitting Maggie's exact description, he was quick to drop everything and acquire a large black case. This was all he took with him as he gunned the engine and raced out to the coordinates Connor gave him. He hoped to be able to intercept...and deal with...Maggie before...
Alan Alan stood outside the door to Room 49, just after six-fifteen, nervously clutching his overnight bag. Bradley answered his delayed knock almost immediately. He was smiling. He welcomed Alan into the room and invited him to put his bag down on the luggage rack. His own overnight bag rested on the bed. “How is Dawn?” he asked.Alan forced a smile. “She’s fine,” he answered. “She was just getting ready when I left.”He smiled again. “I won’t rush her then,” he said looking at his watch. “We...
CuckoldRahul as c***d grew up with his aunt Smita. She treats Rahul as her own c***d and even Rahul treats her like her mother. Both of them share a very deep understanding for each other. Smita is a woman of 35, whitish complexion and waist long black hairs. As an Indian woman she wears sari and blouse which makes her look sexier than in any other outfits. Her bosoms’ are really huge and her blouse seems to hold her two beautiful breasts with real difficulty.After having her own c***d she is breast...
My problem started soon after I had just turned 18. My name is Jacob and I'm just a regular kind of guy. Or so I thought. Ok, so I had a few issues back then, but doesn't everyone at 18? For me most of these issues revolved around my mom being temperamental and difficult, and the way I had been brought up. My mom, Margaret Addington, or Marge as she liked to be known, had divorced three years back, and now at 55, in the prime of her life, she had become a bit of a recluse. She'd given up on...
At times, acting on his explicit directions could be challenging ... to say the least. "Take this banana, and masturbate with it in your pussy while I watch. Then take it out and eat it." "I'm going to cum all over your face, but don't wash it off. Just leave it there all day." "I want you to write a poem about how you love my penis." "Do you think that, with enough training, we could have anal sex?" "It would be great if I sat down at my desk one day, and you were already...
Just a word, I haven’t ended the Angel Next Door series, I’ve lost my writings so far so that series is at a halt until I find them again. I will redo the last chapter because I actually had written two versions of that chapter, one seriously and one for fun. I posted the one for fun to see what you guys would think; apparently I got a negative reaction. I want you to know that I haven’t ended that series and am re-writing that chapter from scrap since I lost the writings, but I apologize for...
I suppose I should introduce myself. Hi, I’m Payton. I’m about 5’3”, skinny yet curvy, and I have long dark curly hair. I’m a Capricorn, I like French fries with gravy, and I am in love with my best friend. I’m not sure when it happened… it wasn’t love at first sight. Spencer and I, were best friends ever since 3rd grade when he forgot his lunch, and I gave him half of my tuna sandwich. He lived about 3 blocks away from me, and every day after school he’d come over and we’d play basketball...
Love StoriesShawn and I finally had our second date on Friday night. I was stunned to find Shawn more nervous than I was. The idea of any woman being more nervous than me was odd enough. The idea of Shawn Michaels being nervous at all was astonishing. Maybe I was just being oversensitive. Maybe Shawn Michaels had the same insecurities and fears as everyone else. Although the look on the face of Sam Weathers as he sat in his taxi and watched us exit Shawn's apartment building suggested otherwise. His...
[Chapter 1] Most of the boys at my school either already have a girlfriend (or boyfriend), aren’t that attractive, or are extremely shy around other guys when they’re naked (as I’ve observed in the locker rooms before and after gym class.) I just wish I could find a good lover to spend the rest of my high school years with. And I found that lover in 17-year-old Kyle Thompson. My name is Jerry Lewis. I am 17 years old as well. And this is the story about how Kyle and I met, and became...
Dear ISS readers, I am a regular reader of ISS stories and a great fan of Servant maid incidents which is great to share and read. Here is the real incident which I would like to share with ISS readers which is really hot and make you cum. This incident happened in Hyderabad where I started my career after completing my degree. I am Seenu, 23 years old then, was staying in a hotel in Hyderabad. As the monthly income in 1999 was very low, I along with 2 of my friends moved to a Govt Colony...
CHAPTER 5 Over the next couple of weeks Amy’s prediction of Beth’s behavior was right on. Beth seemed to be more open around me, in conversation. In dress, it seemed like she was acting just had Amy said she would. Mind you, nothing Beth did was out right wrong or inappropriate, just little things I now saw. She would leave her bedroom door open when she was just hanging out, sometimes in very little clothes. There was one time when I walked past her room and she was lying on her bed in just a...
Straight Sex'm not particularly sure when the change in my mother happened, I only know that when it did, I benefitted greatly. As far as I knew my mom was a very wholesome and plain woman, obviously I had worked out that as I was 19 and she was 36 she must have had me at a relatively young age, but any sign of a wild youth had never been shown to me. At her age she still looked really good, gyming three times a week and regular yoga classes had helped her keep a slim but curvy body that a lot of my...
It was warm in my bed, so nice, and I could feel him between my long legs. I had my arms around his neck and his face was turned away from mine while we lay on our sides. I kissed him, blindly because I didn't want to open my eyes yet. My alarm went off a six every morning, and every morning I woke about five minutes early, just waiting for it. Enjoying those brief minutes that were mine alone. I'd been dreaming, like always, and about puppies again. And my pussy was wet. I could feel it...
The Prince of Valentinium Exodus. In an effort to save what remained of their drastically reduced population, the people of Valentinium decided, in the year 5571 B.C.E., to undertake the perilous task of evacuation. Though their home planet remained lush and nutrient-rich, the once immortal race had begun dying off in numbers never before seen. At first petty conflicts led to full-blown wars that ravaged entire countries and continents, turning their utopian planet some 25 light-years from...
Kenzie Reeves is in the living room watching TV when she hears something coming from upstairs. It sounds like her stepsister, Riley Anne, is crying. When she goes upstairs to check up on her, she finds her weeping on her bed. She asks her what’s wrong only to find out that Riley’s boyfriend broke up with her. Riley explains that they never ended up having sex because she wasn’t attracted to him and as a result of this he ended the relationship. When Kenzie asks Riley if...
xmoviesforyouAugust 2, 1996, Chicago, Illinois Facing an angry pimp with a knife was not a situation which called for conversation, but I also didn’t want it to escalate to the point where the police would be involved. He knew I carried a gun, and I was sure he was convinced he could stick me with the knife before I could draw. What he DIDN’T know was that I was better off WITHOUT the gun at this point. In fact, having the gun on me severely limited my options. Without a word or any warning, I shifted...
Angel discovered sexual pleasure even before she had her first period. Her exploring fingers found her little clitoris and the hood and flaps of flesh surrounding it, and she was very surprised how much fun she could have gently rubbing her pussy in that area especially with some spit on her fingers. She didn't know what an orgasm was, but she enjoyed several dozen before she found out. By using a small mirror, she could actually see her clit and was amazed to discover that it was a little...
Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...
The Switch aka (Turned into Sue) by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) My fiancee Susan and I were do to get married in six months when she suggested we go for pre-marital counseling. I didn't really see any need for it, we hadn't had many arguments and I had no complaints about our relationship but she insisted. Somehow she even persuaded our friends Ed and Mary who were to be best man and maid of honor to come along. I couldn't see any harm in it or good for that matter so...
Neither Edwina, nor Cary was ready to surrender their virtue after watching Tara and me. They still wanted to be with me like that, just not right then. We kissed and cuddled for a long time, before we all slept together. Tara chose to be on my left where she could use her right hand to play with Mr. Johnson. Edwina took my right and settled down to sleep almost before the light was out. And Cary lay on top of me for a very long time before taking a place on the far side of Tara and...
(Note- All characters in this story are 18+) Author's note- I have lot of stories running right now so if you like this one be sure to leave a like or comment so I know it's in demand, other than that please enjoy! These are a collection of stories of the lewd events that unfold in the dorm of the most prestigious hero college in the nation... UA university.
Her name was Carol, and his name was Charlie. Charlie had always been shy with girls; he had hardly dated before college. He was still a virgin, though he did know what a girl's breast felt like and how to feel her pussy to give her pleasure and make her come. He even knew that he was very good at that. He had never wanted to date a lot of girls, anyway. He only wanted one, a girl whom he could love and who would love him, and who would be his soulmate forever. Just one. And when...
This is another entry in an ongoing story consisted of other shorts I’ve written. I recommend reading Odd Job then Another Day before reading this. Just in case the story is confusing. I want to thank everyone for their comments and emails I’ve received and the support I’ve received. I also want to thank Allison for editing all of my work and helping improve my writing skills. I hope you enjoy the story. Comments appreciated and I ask everyone to write one. Thanks again. * October/26th/2015 ...
David was on his way to Jeans house. He smiled to himself, he didn't like his wifes new friend she was everything he despised. Very large and obviously bossy he was undoubtedly intimidated by her. David was an obnoxious man who had controlled his wife into absolute submission taking money from her and spending on booze. Universally disliked by both men and women he was a selfish scrounger who was known as a wife beater and crook. His idea of love was treating his wife like a slave and violently...
Shela ka biaah aik army major arun sey howa aur unkey han aik ladrka aour aik ladrki paida howi. Ladrka badr tha aour ladrki chotti. In bachoon key baad arun ki sey ki chahat kam honey lagi. Shela ney subhi kuch ker dekha mager aik wakat aisa aagia ki arun maheno shel ko na chodta. Ahista ahista uska dhian baher ki aourton ki terf honey laga aour wo yeh sub kuch chupa ker nien kerta tha bulkey shel ko na serf pata tha ki uska pati kiya kerta hey bulke arun baher ki aourton ko ab gher laney laga...