The Fate Of A Kingdom; Chapter 3 free porn video

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“Good Morning” she softly spoke as she stretched out her body and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Morning” I replied, feeling a little foolish.

Cari now rested her head on my chest as her nimble fingers traced up and down my torso. Coming agonisingly close to my bare cock.

“About last night?” I awkwardly asked.

Cari turned her head to look at me, her chin planted in my chest as she smiled to me.

“Not bad for a first time?” She grinned.

My words spilled from my mouth without much thought “you went all stiff and shook at one point?”

Cari couldn’t hold back her laughter “oh you are so innocent for such a big brave man. That was what I have come to learn as an orgasm. Through my studies I have also learned that you also had one!”

“I did?” I blushed, blissfully unaware.

“Did you not have an overwhelming sensation of pleasure where you lost control!” She smiled.

“Uh yes I think so!”

“That was the same for me. One of the best feelings the body can experience.” She said as her finger traced around my nipple.

“So it’s a good thing?”

“A very good thing” Cari grinned as she leaned closer and kissed me again. Her tongue was soon to follow and I happily accepted it.

Our tongues danced around again, it felt so natural and oh so good. Her body pressed up against my side as her breasts squeezed between us. My hand ran through her silk blonde her and held her face to mine as our lips smacked together.

It didn’t take long for my cock to become hard again. Without looking, Cari traced her hand down my body and nimbly wrapped her fingers around the base of my cock. As our tongues continued to twirl around each other, her hand slowly began to move up and down my length. She tugged and twisted her wrist. It felt different to her womanhood but still pleasurable.

We spent several minutes kissing as she stroked my long hard manhood.

“Let me show you something new” she said as she sat up. She turned her body away from me and was now on her hands and knees. Her plump ass was held high in the air. “Get behind me” she almost demanded.

I sat myself up and on my knees positioned myself behind her.

“Now take hold of my hips” she said as I edged my body closer. My cock now resting underneath her body. I felt a hand move underneath and take hold of my member. “Now move back a little and then push forward.”

I did as she said and as I pushed forward she guided my cock into her warm slick sex. It didn’t feel as hot and wet as last night but it was still as tight and constricted around me.

“Uuuhhh” Cari groaned below me, “don’t move just yet!”

I held myself in place, my entire cock almost submerged inside her.

“I want you to pump your hips back and forward and push your cock deep inside me. If I shudder and twitch like last night, don’t stop!” She said to me with a bit of authority in her voice.

“Ok” I simply replied as I followed her command. With a firm grip of her hips I began to thrust my hips backwards and forwards. My cock sliding in and out of her. The more I pumped into her the slicker my cock got as I could feel a growing wetness. The wetter it got the less feeling of friction and the faster I felt I could go.

I held tight onto her hips and thrusted hard. My body slammed against hers. Cari moaned loudly as her back arched up, her long blonde spread across her back.

I continued to pump against her for several minutes before Cari arched her back right up further and her body shuddered. I could feel her tighten even more around me and I did what I was told and didn’t stop. I kept thrusting into her but the same sensation from last night was building inside me, and fast.

Cari now lay her upper body down. Her ass still held high as the tingling feeling began to rush through me. I buried myself deep into her and the pleasure exploded from me. I could feel my cock pulsate inside her. I held against her for a few moments before falling back and sitting against the wall next to the bed.

Cari twisted her body around and lay on her back. Her hands slowly playing with her tender nipples.

We sat in silence for a while before I broke it “Cari I need to leave!”

“I know” she said.

“Come with me?” I asked.

“I’m sorry I can’t.” She said sitting up. She looked for her dress and pulled it over her head. “Let me put some things together for you!” As she walked away silently.

I lay for a while longer but knew I had to get going, I couldn’t stay here. I had to find my sister and save her.

I met with Cari outside as she was placing some supplies onto Polia.

“I want you to take good care of her!” She said to me, a tear in her eye.

“I will, I promise.”

Cari moves to me and hugged me tightly. “Be careful!”

“I will, thank you for everything!” I told her.

It was hard but we broke the hug and with a soft tender kiss she backed away from me.

I mounted Polia and was ready to set off.

“Ragnar, head to the Capital Astu, in the tavern look for a woman named Rayne, her hair is red as fire. She will help you!” She called to me. With a nod I took off.


It took me around a day to get to the Capital, and what a grand city it was. It was a large castle with high thick stone walls. A moat running round it’s front with a sheer cliff on its southern edge, that dropped into the Great Sea. The Capital was built into a rock face on its north western side and proved why it was such a formidable city. I had never been here before but my father always told me stories of its grand stature and of King Nemea.

There was line of peasants and farmers moving in and out of the city gates. As I approached the main gate across the draw bridge, two guards stepped out in-front of me with large pikes pointed at me.

“Halt!” One of them called. “State your business!”

A little a taken back, I had to steady Polia. “I’m a simply traveler looking for rest and food.”

“A traveller with such an impressive sword?!” He said moving closer to my side.

“I mean no trouble!”

“See that you don’t cause any!” He said as he waved me on.

I made my way into the city. I was instantly lost in its grandness but had no idea where the tavern was. I tied Polia up to a stable post near the city entrance and explored the streets. It didn’t take long for me to find the tavern. The loud shouts and singing helped guide me. As I neared the tavern, a man came crashing out of the door, he had clearly been thrown as he flew though the air. He then landed heavy on his face, spread across the street.

“Told you too many time’s now Deron. Get lost” this massive man shouted from the doorway. He filed the doorway he was as wide as he was tall. Taller and much bigger than me. He then disappeared back inside.

I exhaled sharply and entered the tavern. It was amass of people drinking and singing. Mugs of ale and beer were waved and splashed around the room.

I scanned the room looking for this woman with red hair known as Rayne. But I couldn’t see her.

A rounder looking tavern maiden carried jugs of beer moving passed me.

“Excuse me, is there a woman by the name of Rayne here?”

Without stopping she dumped a hand of the jugs on one table “not all people give names here and so many come and go.” She said as she moved to an other table and dumped her other hand down onto the table.

“She has hair as red as fire?”

“Oh her” she frowned. “She sits up the back! A joy that one is, in here a lot actually” with that she hurried off to get her next round of drinks.

I made my way through the tables and drunks. Around a stone wall in a some what quieter section sat a woman with red hair at a table by herself. Sure enough her hair was red like fire. It was pleated behind her but barely reached the top of her back. If I had to guess she was only a few years older than myself but maybe slightly older than Cari. Strangely she bore a resemblance facially to Cari. Same features but I couldn’t quite see her eyes as they were down fixated on the mug of ale in front of her.

I approached her and spoke, “are you Rayne?”

Her head not lifting “nope!” She simply answered taking a drink.

“Please I have come a long way!” I pleaded.

She remained silent as she took an other drink.

“Cari told me to find you!” This caught her attention as she lifted her gaze to me.

“Who sent you?” Her eyes narrowed at me. It felt like she was staring into the depths of my soul.

“Cari” was all I could get out before a drunken man stumbled into me.

“Well well look at you little pretty!” The man said as he swayed back and fourth, completely ignoring me. “What would it cost for a night with you.”

“Look friend, if you don’t mind...”

“I’m not talking to you ‘friend’ so why don’t you fuck off!” He growled at me, still looking at Rayne.

“I could say the same to you” I said as I pulled him by the shoulder. As I did this I was well aware of several men standing up behind us and their eyes burning through me.

“Why don’t you sit down little boy, unless you want to get hurt!” He spat. I removed my hand and stood back.

“Now where was I little princess?” He returned his attention to Rayne, his grubby hand laying on hers. I could see her wince in disgust. “I’ve got gold.” He declared.

Rayne turned her head and smiled at the drunk. Then in one swift movement she pulled her hand from under his and with her other hand she struck the mans hand with a dagger. He dropped his mug and howled in pain.

“You fucking bitch” he spat at her.

Rayne rose from her seat and leaned closer to the mans face “you couldn’t afford me!” She said as she pulled her dagger from his hand and the man slumped to the ground.

Three more drunks came rushing towards us with blades in there hands. I didn’t have time to draw my sword as one of the men came at me with a long dagger. I could see the hate in his eyes. He swung his arm down and I managed to grab hold of his hand. Froth spat from his mouth through his gritted teeth. I struggled against him as he used his other hand to try and drive the blade towards me. I stepped back and was met with the table. I used it for purchase and kicked the man in the crotch, he whinged in pain as he dropped the dagger. I followed with two quick punches to his face and he crashed to the ground. I readied myself to help Rayne but as I turned to her the other two men that attacked her were already in a heap on the floor.

I turned to her as she was finished the last of her drink. “We should leave” she said to me.

“Rayne are you alright?” The same large brute of a man that was at the doorway said coming in.

“I’m fine Magna!” She said gathering her things.

“Is this one bothering you too?” His gaze turned to me, his knuckles cracking in his hands.

“No he’s with me!” She said.

“You should both get out here before the kings men come.” He nodded towards the exit.

We moved our way back out of the tavern and out into the street.

“Halt” a man called.

We were greeted by about twenty men with spears pointing in our direction.

“Lay your weapons on the floor!” He demanded.

“Fuck” Rayne muttered.

I unfastened my sword belt and placed it on the ground. I watched as Rayne did the same with her sword and a long dagger. As well as two smaller knives. Where did she hide it all.

“Come with us!” He ordered. It was clear he was the captain or of higher rank at least. He wore a long white cape and his armour was of a better standard than those of the men around him.

We were escorted through the streets and led towards the inner castle. We passed through a second gated wall where there was very few people moving around other than armed men. This clearly was were the King was and no common folk were allowed in without permission.

We stood before a grand door within the castle and were told to wait. Several moments passed before we were summoned in.

I looked around me in awe as I took in my surroundings. This was the kings hall. A kings throne room with flags and sigils hanging from the roof. Armed guards were spread down each side. At the end I could see King Nemea. Standing to his right there was two men I could only guess were Prince Leon and Prince Brutus. King Nemea was an ageing man and had a long white beard. His crown sat upon his grey haired head. As we got closer I noticed more people standing around. Men and woman, all very finely dressed and staring at us. My eyes were drawn to a certain girl who couldn’t have been any older than me. She had auburn hair pleated around her head that almost looked like a crown. She wore a long green dress that looked of the finest fabric. Her face was youthful, high cheek bones with piercing blue eyes. She had a slim figure with a smaller chest.

My attention was snapped back to the room as the captain gestured for us to stand in a certain spot as he approached the king. I noticed that he must of handed the king my sword as the king held it in one hand next to him.

“Step forward!” The king waved.

Rayne and I both moved a couple of steps forward.

“State your business in Astu!” He called, not looking up from the sword now in his lap.

“Nothing your highness!” Rayne replied.

“I was talking to you boy!” He said looking up at me.

“I’m just a traveler your highness!” I said bowing my head.

“Is that so?” He said leaning forward in his grand impressive throne. “And how did you come by this sword?” He held it forward.

“Your highness, the sword belonged to my father!” My head still bowed.

“And where is your father?” His voice seeming less hostile.

“He’s dead, he was murdered!” I had to hold back my anger.

“Leave us!” He bellowed. And the room quickly emptied. Rayne went to move as well “Stay” he pointed to her and she did so.

After a few minutes all that was left in the room was the King, rayne and myself, and a handful of guards.

“What happened?” He spoke more softly.

“Our village was attacked! They slaughtered everyone, they killed my mother, they took my sister and my father was killed in the middle of the village. I am told it was Remus!” My hand shook as I recounted that dreadful day.

“That bastard” he said sitting back in his chair, slamming his fist into the arm of the chair. “And who is this girl?”

“Her name is Rayne, we’ve only just met.”

“Is this true?” The king asked Rayne.

“Yes your highness!”

“Mmm, what is your name boy?” He directed back to me.

“My name is Ragnar, son of Beorn.”

“Tell me Ragnar, what do you know about this sword?” He asked me.

“Not a lot sire, other than that it belonged to my father!”

“Has your father ever spoken about his past? Ever mentioned the Lions Legion?”

“No your highness.” I shook my head.

“Your father Beorn, better known as Beorn Ironhide used to be the leader of an elite group of warriors called the Lions Legion. They were my most trusted men and helped me win the old war against, Remus’ father, Lord Romulos and his white wolves. Beorn was one of the most ferocious men I had ever met in battle but yet such a humble man. After the war he simply wanted one thing. To be able to settle down with his wife and his new born son and live a peaceful life. Tell me Ragnar, was this so?”

“Yes sire. He taught me how to fight and how to hunt but we lived a happy life. Until that day.”

“I am truly sorry for your loss, Beorn was a good man. It looks like he did a good job in raising a son.” The king stood from his throne and approached me. “Here” he simply said as he held out my fathers sword for me. “Take it, keep your fathers memory in your heart!”

“All though Remus’ act angers me, I have agreed with my sons that we need to find common ground and stop the fighting. I am too old to start an other war.”

I simply bowed my head as I took my fathers sword from the shaking hands of the king.

“Sir Gareth” he called out.

“Yes my liege?” Sir Gareth, the captain from before stepped forward.

“Take Ragnar and Rayne too the armoury and see them suitably equipped!” He said as he sat back down in his throne. “A man bearing this sword should have armour to match!”

“Of course!” He bowed his head to his King “follow me” he ordered to Rayne and I.

“Thank you your highness!” I said as I bowed my head again and followed the captain. Rayne simply bowed her head and followed on as well.

We followed the captain down some steps and into the armoury.

“Here are your weapons back” he told Rayne as he handed her, her weapons.

“You’ll need some armour” the captain said to me as he turned and handed me a leather armoured top. It slipped over my head and covered my upper body and down to my elbows and down to my thighs. It was light but felt durable. He fastened some belts and it felt snug but secure. He then handed me a steel lion embroidered chest plate that slipped on from one side and was fastened from the side. It had a golden lion on the front. Lastly I was handed some high leg leather boots.

“Look like a soldier now” Rayne teased.

“Feel like one now.” I joked.

“You’ll need a shield as well!” Sir Gareth said as he grabbed a shield with the same golden lion on it and handed it too me.

“Lastly take this” he said handing me a long dagger with a lions head on the end. “Keep it in your boot” he instructed.

“What about me?” Rayne asked.

“What about you? You are more equipped than I am!” Sir Gareth scoffed.

“What about those knives at least?”

“Fine” Sir Gareth said as he collected a row of small throwing knives.

“Now you can both leave!” He tried to usher us back out.

“What about my armour” she complained?

“Out!” He shouted as we were practically shoved back out into the halls. “Now these guards will escort you out!” He gestured towards some guards who gathered around us and lead us out.

Once we were back out into the main part of the city the guards left us too it.

“Well good luck!” Rayne said as she took off walking.

“Wait you aren’t going to help me?” I chased after her.

“No way, why would I?” She huffed as she kept walking.

“But Cari said you would?”

Rayne suddenly stopped and grabbed me by the neckline of my new armour and pressed me up against the wall. “What exactly did my sister say?”

“You’re sister?” I frowned.

“There’s a surprise she never told you about me, or about our mother? How she was hunted for helping people and they called her a witch?” Her face was tense with anger.

“I didn’t know!”

“Of course you didn’t, I told Cari after it we had to leave that life behind and find a new one but she wouldn’t. She said her place was to heal people. Clearly she’s still doing that!” She scoffed as she released me and began walking again.

“Cari sent me to you for a reason. I need to find my sister!” I declared no longer chasing her.

Rayne stopped in her tracks and held her head down. She stood for a few moments before coming back to me. “I will help you find the way to where your sister is but nothing more! I am no hero!” She declared.

“Thank you!” I said in kindness.

“Whatever, now lets go!” She said as she stormed off.


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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e11 Melissa

Series 4, Episode 11: MELISSA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Then we’re on a busy street in an old English city - not a lot of food traffic, but plenty of cars...

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The kingdom of West Seaxe

With the vassals gone and the great viking armies in the east defeated, the king now turned his ambition to wales. A new war had began, and he would swiftly bring down his new enemy. Meanwhile he arranged the weddings of his sons cousins. His two own sons had already been maried to the daughters of his defeated enemies. His oldest son, Edweard, was the heir of the throne, and already had received a fair bit of estates throughout the kingdom, while he governed the far west region of his father's...

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Kingdom Come

Fucking Barber 12/21/12 Noah and Teddy just finished a joint and are waxing intellectual around the coffee table at Teddy’s parents house. Neither of which are using the coasters provided by Teddy’s mother. ‘You believe in that nonsense?’ Noah dismissively asked as he flipped through the channels, settling on the news. ‘You never know, those Aztecs–‘ ‘Mayans,’ Noah inserted. ‘Those Mayans,’ Teddy continued. ‘Those fucking Mayans knew about calculus and building pyramids, the fucking...

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A Kingdom of Endless Wonder

The Kingdom of Mirantia.... Known and admired throughout the world as the fair land where magic and mortal coexist. For well over one hundred years the inhabitants of the kingdom have prospered, thanks in no small measure to the wise leadership of a succession of good kings. Its current monarch, King Malcolm, has continued the policies of his father and grandfather by striking a careful balance between the magical and mortal beings. Malcolm has been on the throne for over 20 years. At 45 years...

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Futa Family Takes Kingdom

There was a king by the name of George and he wanted a wife. At the same time he was looking for a perfect match for his sun Justin. Just would be the future king after King George died. King George wanted only the best for Justin, so he sent letters across the whole world looking for a queen for him and a princess for his son. The word travel far and a futa Queen by the name of Mary saw the message and realized there was a kingdom that her and her army could conquer and make theirs. Also Queen...

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Kingdom Conquest

“I’ve had enough of your chauvinistic male pig attitudes, General!” The Queen shouted. She was beautiful, the Queen, despite her unfortunate personality. A tall, blonde thirty-something woman, her regal bearing was only matched by her titanic breasts, each nearly the size of her head. You are careful not to stare at them, she has been known to execute people for staring at them. “You are the last male left on my council, and an excellent example of why I kicked the others off!” She continued....

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Magic Kingdom At The Character Breakfast

Long title, realtively short story. Another quickie for me. I decided to experiment and try to stretch my meager writing talent by doing something new. I tried to write a story in flashback. I usually write, for the most part, in linear time. I need it for another story that I'm working on. Tell me if it works Raven Captain Webster's the Magic Kingdom: At the Character Breakfast By Raven I watched my Husband Geoff parade around the restaurant in the Polynesian Village with...

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Champion of the Kingdom

[b]The Serpent and the Goddess[/b] by Hypnohypno[b]Chapter 1[/b]Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards? armor as they marched beside her.  They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn?t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor.  Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame...

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I stretch quickly and start walking down my street. I need to get this done quickly, otherwise I’ll be late for school. It’s the first time my parents have let me out at such an early time and I’m grateful for it, even if it’s not what I first wanted. You can’t see the sunrise at twenty to seven in the morning, but you can at least feel the early morning chill. At the end of my street I start to sprint along the path. I feel uncoordinated for the first few seconds. Then my old knowledge starts...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 60 The Magic Kingdom

July 7, 1996, On the Road to Atlanta, Georgia “I think that’s everything,” I said on Sunday morning. “The vans are packed, the coolers are stocked, and each of the kids has something with which to entertain themselves, which should last for the first fifty miles or so!” “Are we there yet?” Bethany mocked. “First kid that asks THAT is riding in the roof carrier with the luggage!” I chuckled. “Don’t suggest it!” she laughed. “Some of the boys would find that cool!” “So true! Shall we load...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 17 The California Kingdom Part 2

“This here is the hydroponics farm,” Fumi said, pointing through a small window. “This here is where we grow the food needed to help maintain this place.” The elephant goddess peered through the small window to see a vast farming area. Inside the enormous room was a single individual Yuki that was working on a large farm field. The well-lit lights showed several overhead sprinklers and shower drains that connected to the vast array of troughs with various crops growing from them. “You...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E01 Adrienne Huntington 42 from Swanage

We open this week’s show, as usual, with an establishing shot of the seafront of a small seaside town. Shops and shoppers, deserted ice-cream stands, a beach filled with yellow sand but virtually no holiday makers, and a very choppy bay stretching out in the distance, with land on one side and a pier on the other. We can hear the unmistakable blustering sound of wind blowing in off the sea ... We’re clearly at a seaside resort in the middle of winter. A big caption appears, filling almost...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e15 Kimberly

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 14: Kimberly” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 14: KIMBERLY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking down on a busy motorway – cars flying by at 70-80-90mph ... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old-fashioned English resort town ... Finally, we’re in a quiet, narrow residential street, late at night, outside a traditional English pub. White walls and black...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e1 Elizabeth

We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a build up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Then we’re in a large carpark ... Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e19 Tiffany Black 36

Series 5, Episode 19 - Tiffany Black (36) We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – just long enough to notice that this week the shot includes lines of longitude and latitude ... Then we fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit toward the country, staying on the zero-degree line of latitude ... Dropping toward the south, toward the huge urban spread of London ... Staying on that imaginary line – right into...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e16 Olivia

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 16: Olivia” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 16: OLIVIA We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... The Royal Courts of Justice in London. An amazing grandiose building, opened way back in 1882 by Queen Victoria herself. It’s an impressive Victorian Gothic grey stone building that screams...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e18 Rachael

Series 4, Episode 18: RACHAEL We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... A large sewage treatment plant. A mini montage of big circular pools of household waste, being chewed up and cleaned by large rotating mechanical arms ... It looks like it smells terrible. The occasional member of staff, checking equipment, wearing full overalls...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e1 Sammy Murty

We open with an image of the United Kingdom – from high, high up ... The whole country in one shot. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our beloved Charley appears, floating in the sky with us like a perverted version of Supergirl ... She smiles at us, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping to sea level over the Severn Estuary, between Wales (with a cartoonish huge flag waving on the coast, and the south-west coast of England, with...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e9 Tara Carver

Series 5, Episode 9: Tara Carver (59) – Edinburgh We open with our standard sequence – a high altitude image of the United Kingdom. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy caricature of our host, Charley, floating infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping toward the ground, heading in...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e10 Alison Latham

Series 5, Episode 10: Alison Latham (47) – Wolverhampton We open with our familiar high image of the United Kingdom – from high up in orbit ... The whole country in one shot. Then our very cartoonish, top heavy and slutty caricature of Charley appears infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” Then she waves for us to follow her, turns and skydives toward the country below at...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e19 Belinda

Series 4, Episode 19: Belinda We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... We’re in an unimpressive residential area. Lots of orange/brown two story terraced houses that probably looked very modern and sharp in the early 80s, but now just look boring. An occasional resident walks along the street alone, a couple of cars pass by –...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e17 Penelope

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 18: Penelope” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 18: PENELOPE We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something familiar... A narrow single car width country road, leading through an area of barren, rolling, grassy hills. Dry stone walls rise about 3 feet on either side of the narrow road. A few cows...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e12 Cate Morado 36

We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then fall toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit toward the south of England, toward the massive urban sprawl that is London ... Reaching ground level in just a few seconds. From here we race through animated streets, passing traditional London Black Cabs and red Double Decker buses until we hit a wide street of three-story buildings – shopfronts downstairs, apartments...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e7 Effat Hassan 41

Footage through a car window, looking out at a twilight sky and a virtually empty motorway ahead ... There’s a car in the distance ahead of us, an occasional car or truck coming the other way, passing us at speed, nothing like you’d expect from a busy rush hour motorway. Then we’re looking down at the driver from a high angle, corner mounted GoPro. The driver, as you’d expect, is the cleavage heavy, filthy looking pornstar-esque Charley Ozvik, the face of the British bestiality business, and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E09 Vanessa Moore 34 from Manchester with Jenna

We begin this week’s show with a shot of a collection of impressive, modern tower blocks. Each has a different style, format, and color. From browns, to greys, to whites. Lots of windows and lots of balconies. We move along a new, black-topped road, toward the towers, noting the lack of old buildings, and the lack of greenery (a few freshly planted trees and a flower bed, nothing more). There’s an ornamental sculpture up ahead at the side of the road – it looks like a stack of cubes twisted...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e3 Rebecca

“The United Kingdom of Zoo” Series 5, Episode 3: Rebecca We open with a shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our beloved Charley appears, floating in the sky with us like a twisted version of the old “Bewitched’ tv titles ... She smiles at us, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level over the English Channel, off the south coast, in...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E06 Lucinda Glass 46 from Middlesbrough

We start this week’s show with establishing footage from our drone camera as it flies over a large area of well-appointed parkland – bowling greens, rows of trees in large curves, recently mown lawns, a children’s play park, over a small lake, more trees and then down to the neat semi-detached houses beyond... Dropping all the way down to street level, bringing our host into view – a white speck on the pavement at first, then as we get closer – a nicer, more attractive speck ... Closer...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e7 Asha

Series 5, Episode 7: Asha Goyal We open with our familiar high image of the United Kingdom – from high up in orbit ... The whole country in one shot. Then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our host, Charley, appears infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then turns and dives toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e2 Raquel Ferdinand 33

We’re looking at the pretty but increasingly fake features of our hostess – Charley Ozvik. Her nose a little too slim and pointy, her jaw too defined, her teeth too perfect. There’s not a line on her face and when she talks her face barely moves. It’s a little like watching a Thunderbird puppet talking. A very sexy Thunderbird puppet! She’s wearing a tight blouse, the top few buttons undone to show off plenty of her fake cleavage and fragments of a huge tattoo that’s across her chest....

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The United Kingdom of Zoo Celebrity EditionE3 Eliza Butterworth

We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... but now we are seeing medieval castles, green pastures, ancient forests, and nordic invaders. The BBC documentary title appears “The United Kingdom of Zoo” and then the logo “Celebrity Edition; The Last Kingdom” is slapped on the bottom in a dog jizz shaped font. “While this looks much like the Scottish Highlands, we are actually in...

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The Free Kingdom of Avaria

The Kingdom of Avaria is an isolated place, resting on the fringes of the known world. It was founded nearly a thousand years ago by a cabal of sorcerers, fleeing the persecution of less enlightened times. The resulting colony began to attract misfit colonists from across the world, and it wasn't long before the wizards' sanctuary became a chaotic mess of warring tribes and unaligned bandits. Fearing for the future of their home, the founding sorcerers pooled their magic and resources to found...

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Fall of a Kingdom

***My Introduction*** ((Hello everyone, names Lucianna. I’ve been reading CYOA Erotica for a few months now. And I’ve been reading here as a invisible guest. But I felt it was time to finally give it a try. So forgive me for spelling, grammar, and just poor descriptions. But I’m always up for feedback, suggestions, and just getting better. If you want to add to my story. Don’t hesitate to! I’d love to see participation. If you have any requests please feel free to share! Thank you and I hope...

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Sex with Priya in water kingdom

Dear friends, I am 21 years old from Mumbai, doing MBA in finance from reputed college in Mumbai and I have average good looking body but great thing about me is my 7″ my hard penis and my girl friend Priya have a sexy figure of 32 28 34 in the age of 19 n she have a fair complexion n she is virgin. The most exciting thing about her is her boobs which is so pointed and so sexy. This is my first story which I will share with you so if any mistake please forgive me and reply me to my email id so...

4 years ago
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Full Leather Fear Love Loathing in the Magic KingdomChapter 6

"Well done! I had every faith in you and I couldn't have done a better job myself!" I had been almost asleep in the now lukewarm bathwater when I heard Lydia's voice right into my right ear. I cracked open an annoyed eyelid to give the good Fairy a bit of a dressing down, but she looked so happy and cheerful that I couldn't find the ambition to be sore at her. "You were right, of course." I remarked in a sad sort of tone. "Lots of bad and very stupid people that needed to be killed,...

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Champion of the KingdomChapter 9

When Asiara awoke, a dim grey light had penetrated the sky above her – morning had come, and the sun's rays fought to push through the hazy clouds that still poured rain upon the countryside. The lightning and thunder had passed, and the torrential rain had eased into an insistent drizzle that refused to let the sun show itself and cast its warming rays upon the land. Pulling herself into a sitting position, Asiara looked about her, trying to remember everything that had happened. At her...

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