The Kingdom Of West Seaxe free porn video

With the vassals gone and the great viking armies in the east defeated, the king now turned his ambition to wales.
A new war had began, and he would swiftly bring down his new enemy.
Meanwhile he arranged the weddings of his sons cousins. His two own sons had already been maried to the daughters of his defeated enemies. His oldest son, Edweard, was the heir of the throne, and already had received a fair bit of estates throughout the kingdom, while he governed the far west region of his father's kingdom. Edweard's wife had already given birth to 3 of his children. They would grow up to inherit a great empire.
Alfred, the king, presented his nephews two fitting wives from some irish kingdom. They had just reached adulthood, and were beautiful untouched maidens. The men they would soon mary were older, their late twenties or early thirties, but they had proven themselves to be great men. One being a general, the other a governor. Both with estated granted by their uncle, the King.
Thus even if they were a bit older, they were good looking, honourable men with a good amount of influence in the kingdom. These women had nothing to complain about.

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