Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter One
- 4 years ago
- 30
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“This girl must be lost,” Kurt said, having picked out the lone figure coming towards them with his binoculars.
Spence grunted and turned his attention towards the tall scrub on the eastern edge of the grassy hill they were camped out on. From where they were crouching, they had a commanding view of the entire escarpment that stretched out for miles all around them. He squinted for a moment trying to focus, before blurting out, “Is she—?”
“Topless? Yes she is.” Kurt handed the camo-patterned field glasses to his partner.
The two men had started their day at dawn, humping their gear up the hill. They’d peeled their shirts off, stripping down to olive-drab tank tops, their well-muscled arms glistening with sweat. After being bossed around and getting things set up they’d only just settled into a boring routine of scanning the perimeter of their camp. They were the last line of defense, the command watch, and were expected to sound an alert if anyone approached. Then the girl appeared.
“She’s skinny,” Spence said, looking through the binoculars. He was disappointed to see that the girl, probably in her early twenties, was pressing her hands against her breasts, covering them from view. She wore cutoff blue jeans and her straight, sandy blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders in the style of some kind of hippie flower child.
“You like ‘em round?”
“Well, I like ‘em with a little more meat than she’s got on her. Doesn’t look like she has enough tit for half a handful. Don’t even know why she’s bothering to cover herself up.”
“Guess she’s mine, then. Seeing as she’s too skinny for you.”
“I never said that! We can still share.”
“Maybe. I did see her first.” Kurt watched as the girl continued to pick her way toward them. The early morning sun was still low on the horizon and it shone above and behind her so that she resembled a modern day Venus rising up from a sea of tall grass.
“No need to be greedy. Think she can see us?” Spence twisted to look at the camo-patterned tent behind them. Their tent might blend in, but the blue flag flying above it stood out well enough. He turned back in time to see the girl raise her hand and wave at them.
“I think she sees us just fine,” Kurt answered.
As she drew closer, Kurt rose to his feet and began pulling his gear together. Making sure he was ready. He picked up his weapon and checked the magazine then switched the safety off.
“That’s a little much, don’t you think?” Spence said. “You’ll scare her off with your gun.”
“You’ll scare her more with yours. At least mine’s not made of wood.” Kurt nodded at Spence’s crotch, which was stirring with interest.
Both young men were at the ready when the girl reached them. Her lithe body was tanned and she still held her hands over her small breasts. Her smiling face showed no concern for the fact that the two men facing her were armed or that she was nearly naked.
“Blessings be yours,” she said. “Through Mathias, this day is ours.”
“Mathias? Who’s that?” Kurt shifted his feet and tightened his grip on his weapon.
“Mathias is the path to love. He has led me here.”
Kurt scowled. His eyes narrowed, shifting all around to do a quick sweep of their surroundings for anyone else. “Looks like you’re alone to me.”
Her eyes remained bright and full of sunny optimism, her smile never changing. “We enter and leave this world alone. In between, there is Mathias. Follow him and you’ll find unwavering love and companionship.”
“I got all the companion I need, right here,” Kurt lifted his weapon. “Now what are you doing wandering around up here?”
“I was told I would find men who would follow the way.”
“Honey, I’d follow you straight to bed,” Spence spoke up, hoping to break the tension. He thought Kurt was overplaying his part. They were just weekend warriors. The girl was pretty and seemed innocent and sweet. There was no need to throw down hard with her.
She looked at Spence, crinkled her nose and giggled. Then she returned her gaze to Kurt who seemed the least affected by a near-naked woman in their camp. “Peace and love can be ours. If you lower your arms, I’ll do likewise.”
Spence watched his partner for some crack in his icy reserve. He reached out and put his hand gently on the barrel of Kurt’s weapon, the cold steel sent a sobering chill through him as he spoke, “Much as I’m a fan of being cautious, it seems like a fair trade to me.”
Slowly his partner lowered his weapon. True to her word, the girl dropped her hands revealing her small, firm breasts. Her nipples were risen nubs standing to attention at the centre of each of her blush-pink areoles. She reached out and placed her hand on Kurt’s bare shoulder. His bicep twitched and his jaw tightened as the girl stepped in close to him. She tilted her head to look up at him as she bit her lip.
Kurt put his right palm against the girl’s chest, below her collarbone, and pressed firmly, pushing her back. “I don’t know your game, but I’m not as easy as that.”
“Don’t mind my friend,” Spence said, wrapping his arm around the girl’s slim shoulders. “He takes some time to warm up. Me, I’m plenty friendly all the time. You got any friends on this path of love you’re talking about?”
“I find many friends for Mathias,” she said.
“How about for yourself?”
“We’re not here to make friends,” Kurt growled. “You show up here like this and expect us to fall for whatever crap you’re selling?”
“Mathias doesn’t sell. Mathias gives, expecting nothing in return but love.” She moved forward again, pressing herself against the big man’s tense body.
“Bullshit!” Kurt grabbed a handful of the girl’s long hair and pulled her head back. She let out a yelp and her eyes widened as he barked at her, “Who sent you? Why are you here?”
“Hey, chill man! She’s probably part of some commune or something and is out for kicks.”
Kurt raised his weapon higher. “We’ll see who gets any kicks around here!”
“Stand down!”
The two men whirled around to see their slim commander emerging from the tent behind them. Reid Lowry let the tent flap fall behind him, straightened up, and folded his arms over his chest. Reid was in his early thirties and the only one in their group with any actual military training, having served in the reserves before being booted out. Regardless of his discharge, the men looked up to him, and let him take charge. He surveyed the trio before him, then spoke. “Your orders are to alert me to any intruders of our perimeter. Now what’s going on?”
“Just detaining this person of interest for questioning,” Kurt said, letting go of her hair.
“We were gonna let you know, Reid.”
“Were you? Why hasn’t she got any clothes on?”
“This is how we found her.”
Reid looked from the two men to the girl and asked, “That true?”
“I am as you see me.” She cocked her head to one side and began to twist her hair around the fingers of her left hand. Looking up and down at Reid, a wry smile crept over her face as though signalling approval of what she saw.
“What’s your name? And why are you here?”
“I’m Courtney. Mathias sent me. To make love, not war.” The girl tried to step towards Reid, but was held in place by Kurt and Spence, each grasping one of her arms.
“She keeps talking like that,” Spence said. “I think she’s slipped away from some cult or something.”
“More likely stoned,” Kurt said.
“Mathias is my drug,” the girl beamed as she looked from one man to the other. “His joy is for everyone. We can all share together.”
“That’s enough of that,” Reid fumed. The girl was attractive. Any other day he might be interested in her free love, but not now. He had a campaign to win. The last three were losses and he needed to save face or lose his command. “We don’t have time for this shit. The horn will blow any minute and the battle will begin. Take her inside the tent and tie her up.”
She didn’t resist, but they pulled her along roughly all the same, shoving her into the tent. They sat her down in a folding chair and Kurt held her arms behind her back as Spence tied her wrists together. He was careful not to bind her too tightly, not wanting to cut her circulation off. But he knew he had to do a good enough job to pass inspection. He watched as both Kurt and Reid tested that the girl was restrained securely.
They all lifted their heads up at the sound of an air horn blasting from far away. That was the signal they’d been waiting for. Reid tapped Kurt on the chest, “You come with me,” he said. He lifted the tent flap and looked back at Spence and the girl. “You watch her. And maybe cover her up while you’re at it.”
“Yeah, right.” Spence looked down at the girl, admiring her breasts. They weren’t so small that he couldn’t enjoy looking at them. Playing would be alright too.
Courtney watched her captor ogling her until his eyes met hers and she smiled at him. She’d sized them up quickly and was happy to be left alone with this one. He appeared to be the most susceptible to her act.
The other two seemed like much harder men. Her heart had skipped a beat when she thought they might stay behind instead. They were likely too willing to engage in rough stuff. Not that she hadn’t been prepared for that possibility. She might even have relished giving up control to them had she needed to. But this one would be a good warm up to the main event.
“You don’t need to cover me up,” Courtney said.
Courtney ran her tongue over her lips and smiled. She kicked her canvas sneakers off and raised her left foot, resting it on Spence’s crotch. The stirrings of interest were quite noticeable. “You should join me, instead,” she crooned.
“Reid wouldn’t like that.”
“He’s not here. Besides, Mathias would.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not here either.”
“That leaves just the two of us.” Courtney had been rubbing the young man’s now healthy erection through Spence’s camo pants with her foot. A shiver ran through her as she traced the thick, stiffening evidence of his desire. She felt her own hunger rise in anticipation of seeing his eager cock set free of its constraints.
“I’m not stupid,” Spence said. He glanced toward the tent’s entrance. “You want me to untie you, so you can try to escape.”
“Why should I wish to leave? Mathias sent me to serve. Besides, I don’t need my hands to commune with you.”
He shifted, moving closer. Courtney kept her foot planted on him and bent her knee until her thigh was against her chest. She smiled as he crowded into her. His rough, calloused hand brushed against her skin. He stroked her leg and she parted her lips, opening her mouth suggestively.
“It’s a fine morning for feeling fine,” she said. “Let me take care of you.”
“Go ahead,” she rubbed his crotch gently with her foot. “Take it out and show me. I won’t bite.”
“Got something else in mind, then?” Spence pulled at the zipper on his pants. “You gonna show me some of that lovin’ you were talking about?”
“We’re all put here for one reason. Bring that here and I’ll show you.” She dropped her leg and bent forward, touching the tip of her tongue to her lips.
Spence slid his pants down. His erect cock sprang up like a soldier on parade answering a call to attention. He moved closer and Courtney lowered her head and flicked her tongue out to tease his hard-on. She explored the subtle veins and ridges that swelled beneath the smooth skin. Her kisses along his length made him strain for more of her sweet mouth.
When she took him, she wrapped her lips around the meaty head of his cock, biting down without using her teeth. She managed to lift her bound arms up behind her, raising them above the chair back so she could drop to her knees on the ground. Her mouth still held him fast and she breathed deep, looking up into his eyes before plunging down on him. She took as much of his hard cock into her mouth as she could, burying her face in his crotch and breathing in the musky scent of his sweat-slick body.
Her juices began to flow and Courtney felt her own desire rising within her. As much as she was working to distract this young stud, she knew she also wanted to feel his rough hands on her body. She wanted to turn him on, wanted to feel his desire to possess her, wanted to feel him let go and give himself over to her.
Courtney knew she had him when she felt his fingers tangle up in her hair as he cupped the back of her head. His touch was gentle, steadying her, encouraging, yet not demanding. She sped up her efforts wanting to take him to the edge. After a few minutes, his breathing became heavier, his grip at the back of her head became more firm.
She pulled back, tilting her head and looking up at Spence. His eyes were closed, his jaw clenched tightly as he enjoyed the attention she was giving him. Her mouth was locked tight onto the thick, spongy head of his cock. She twirled her tongue over the round knob slowly.
It would be easier if her hands weren’t bound. She could touch him—stroke the thick length of his hard cock and squeeze him gently with her fingers. There were so many ways she could please him if her hands were free. But maybe he liked it better this way. Maybe he was getting off more thinking he had control over her.
Of course, it didn’t matter. Not his pleasure or hers. The main thing was that she had him distracted. She’d practiced being tied up plenty of times before with Matt. They liked playing games and she’d gotten quite good at escapes. In the right moment she could step her feet back between her arms and be able to bring her hands up in front of her.
The only question was whether or not she was fast enough. With luck and good timing she would find out that she was.
“What the hell?”
The tall one they called Kurt stood silhouetted in a blinding shaft of light as he held the tent flap aside. Spence jerked his cock away from Courtney’s mouth.
“She just went crazy on me, man!”
“Right. How lucky for you she went the good kind of crazy.”
“I swear. It was all her idea.”
“Didn’t look like you were putting up much resistance. She’s supposed to be your prisoner.”
“I still am,” Courtney said. She twisted around to show that her hands were still tied behind her back. She wiggled her fingers, gesturing for Kurt to come into the tent. “Why not join us? I’m a prisoner for the both of you.”
The big man scowled. Still, he stepped inside, letting the fabric fall behind him to close off the entrance. He approached them cautiously, looking from her to Spence and back.
“I don’t get you at all,” he said, glaring down at Courtney.
“It isn’t so complicated.” She paused to let her words sink in, then started saying. “Mathias—”
“Yeah, Mathias sent you. Sure. We get it. You’re sent here to love us all up.”
The two stared at one another. Courtney tried to remain composed, hoping her face was a mask of benign trust. She waited some more before nodding at the front of his pants. “I’m going to need your help with those. Would you?”
Kurt unbuttoned his pants. With one hand he pulled his limp cock out and shook it at her. The other hand reached behind her head, grasping a handful of hair. He pulled her head back so she was looking up at him. “Just so you know, we ain’t talking about love. I’m not some fool like lover boy Spence here or your Mathias. You’re on your knees for reasons other than love. We’ll get on so long as your reasons don’t cross mine… we understand one another?”
Courtney fought to calm herself. Her heart was pounding, she could feel her palms grow sweaty. Her muscles tensed as her skin tingled and broke out in gooseflesh. She had expected this one would play rough. The trick was to grant him enough power to feel he was in control. She lowered her eyes, turning from his harsh gaze to look at his handful of slumbering lust. She steadied her voice before murmuring, “I know what my reasons for being here are.”
She let him pull her towards his crotch. Her lips parted as she breathed in the scent of his sweat and his flesh mingled with the musty atmosphere of the tent and the earthy tang of the grass and the dirt beneath them. She took him into her mouth as she gazed back up into his eyes. She softened her focus, tried to fill her heart with adoration, wanting to appear servile, hoping to adopt a submissive enough pose to deceive him.
He responded quickly, swelling to size in Courtney’s wet mouth. It astonished her how thick and firm he became. Where Spence had been a healthy size to suck on, Kurt was obscene. She choked on him as he held her from pulling back. She did her best, resisting the urge to bite down and to keep her tongue rolling over his hard length. He thrust inside her mouth, testing her, keeping a steady pace. She struggled but kept held on. Tears came to her eyes as she gagged and strained to accommodate his size. It only made him stiffen up more.
“This what you came here for? What your Mathias sent you to do?” Kurt released his hold on Courtney’s head. She pulled back, keeping the head of his cock in her mouth.
Her chest heaved as she caught her breath before answering. She opened her lips around his hard-on just enough to get the words out, “Please sir, I want some more.”
He snorted and grabbed his friend by the arm, pulling him closer. “I’ll bet. Think a skinny thing like you can handle the both of us? Let’s see.”
She turned her head from side to side, alternating between one and then the other. Taking them into her mouth in turns offered her a study in contrasts. There was the difference in size between them and subtleties such as one being cut, the other not. Each had their own scent and nuance of flavour on her tongue. But their responses were similar. They rewarded her efforts with similar twitches, thrusts, grunts and groans.
The angry one, Kurt, grew bored with her mouth first. No surprise, she thought. He barked a terse command and she lifted her hips up, spread her knees, and let him undo her cutoffs to slide them down her thighs, exposing her pussy. Some rough passes with his thick, coarse fingers were enough to show him how wet she was. He clutched at her with a steel grip and pried the cheeks of her ass open.
Courtney sucked her breath in and waited for Kurt to enter her from behind. She tensed her whole body, expecting him to take her forcefully. Instead she felt his tongue lapping at her wet slit. She shivered and sighed at the surprising sensation of his mouth mashing hungrily against her flesh. He was actually better than she expected and she lost herself to the feeling.
It took only a moment to recover and continue her blowjob on Spence who was still positioned in front of her face. Her apprehension turned to excitement as hope ignited within her. Maybe the situation might become less of a duty and more the down and dirty rut she had hoped for when she accepted Matt’s mission. Now she had two of them distracted. Where was the third?
Reid scrambled up the hill carefully, approaching their HQ from the rear. He didn’t want to take his own men by surprise. Too many foolish accidents happened that way and he couldn’t afford to bear another loss. But that was in the past, he’d learned his lessons and had made adjustments. Today would be different. There was a lot of money riding on it, not to mention his pride.
He was pleased with his reconnoiter, having picked up on a few of the defensive positions his men had taken. The sounds of the advance scouts’ engagement told him his plan was working. The other side would be led further away, giving his second line a chance to approach the enemy camp. Once they were in place they’d be ready to capture the red flag.
Everything was as it should be. That left him time to consider their “prisoner”. Her presence was a puzzling distraction. If her story and the way she behaved wasn’t so outlandish, he’d wonder if she wasn’t a member of the other side. But her manner was too quirky to be an act. Besides, red team had no women, same as him. These games were strictly men only.
Which left him with the question of what to do with her. Free love? She certainly made that seem an interesting proposition, dressed and behaving as she had been. There was definitely something about her. Her manner was knowing, yet naive. And she was defintely attractive enough. Maybe he could spare a few minutes for a little interrogation?
He slowly raised his head to peer over the crest of the hill. The tent was visible. Their flag still fluttered overhead. Yet, there was no one in sight. Where were those two sad sacks?
Reid crept up to the tent. His eyes swept the terrain around them, seeing nothing out of place. He strained, listening for any sounds that might give away what was happening. From inside he heard the sound of blows, an open hand striking flesh. This was followed by the woman’s grunts and groans.
Then he heard Kurt growling, “You want more? Go ahead, beg!”
That did it. Those idiots would get the authorities down on them. Bad enough they had tied her up. That could be explained. If they were beating on her, there’d be hell to pay! Reid sprang into action. He swept the tent flap aside and burst inside.
The sight that greeted him was not what he’d expected. But not so surprising, once he realized what was actually happening. The two men were “interrogating” their prisoner in much the same way as Reid had just been hoping to.
The three of them were tangled together, each partially undressed. Spence lay on the ground with Courtney straddling his hips. Kurt was squatting behind the girl smacking her ass as he worked his thick cock inside her.
“What the fuck do you two think you’re doing?”
Courtney froze when she heard Reid’s exclamation. Her two accomplices were caught off guard too. But only for a moment.
“What does it look like we’re doing,” Kurt said, bringing his hand down on her ass again with another resounding smack.
“We’re joining the followers of old Mathias,” Spence added. “He’s got some real good ideas.”
“You must join us,” Courtney chimed in. She’d been wondering how long it would take for Reid to check up on them. The question now was, could he be tempted as easily as the other two? Although she’d lost track, she estimated that she didn’t have too much time left. Which meant she only had to keep the three of them in the tent just a little longer.
“You need to stop this right now,” Reid snarled.
“We’re not holstering our sidearms until we’re finished,” Kurt snapped back. He thrust deeper into Courtney’s ass, causing her to gasp through gritted teeth.
Spence responded, keeping up and adding his own thrusts to the see-saw action the two of them had fallen into. He grunted, “You really should try her, Reid. This girl’s hotter ‘n hell.”
“Love improves when it is shared with many,” Courtney groaned. The sensation of both cocks inside her was making it difficult to maintain control. “Why not add to our numbers so our pleasure may be increased? Let me take you into my mouth.”
The lean commander appeared to struggle with how to maintain control. Their battle game had begun and Courtney’s spur-of-the-moment orgy was likely as far off-script as things could get for him. Yet, she sensed her invitation was something he’d been entertaining, just as the other two had done. Why shouldn’t he accept?
“I promise, I don’t bite,” she said, tempting him some more. If she had her arms free she’d reach for him and undo his pants. “Let me taste your sweet, hard candy while your men enjoy the pleasures of my flesh.”
“I see nothing but trouble coming out of this,” Reid mumbled. Still, that didn’t stop him from moving towards them.
“We won’t tell, if you don’t,” Kurt said.
Courtney smiled and watched hungrily as Reid undid the front of his pants. She’d had her doubts about how this scene would play out when she first approached them for Matt. He’d advised her before that they were extremely focused on playing soldier. How could it be so easy to tempt them away? Yet...
Reid placed his stiffening cock in front of her face and Courtney took him into her mouth. This was her third blowjob of the day. Her jaw was beginning to tire, but she felt sure she could bring the lean commander to a pulsing climax. Pride could do astonishing things. The thought of making him shoot his cum in her mouth gave her the energy to continue.
She was enjoying the novelty of the situation. The thought of taking on three fit, strong men at the same time, now that she was actually doing it, set her body on fire. She rocked her hips slightly, timing her movements to Kurt and Spence’s thrusts. Her pussy was wetter than ever before. She alternated between clenching her pussy and her ass, giving both men a good squeeze as she sucked on the hard cock thrusting at her face.
Courtney gave herself over to the sensations in her body. Feeling both cocks colliding inside her was so arousing. The subtle twitches of the cock in her mouth as Reid strained to keep his excitement in check inspired her to suck him more fiercely. She wanted to make all three men come in an explosive climax as a testament to her own sexual prowess. She purred and groaned as her pleasure intensified.
“That’s it baby!” Spence grunted breathlessly beneath her. He held her waist and bucked his hips up into her.“Take us all.”
Kurt had given up raining down blows on her and now dug his strong fingers into the cheeks of her ass. She thrilled at his forcefulness as he pried her open and thrust heartily into her tight sphincter. His pace quickened and it seemed there might be a race between the two men over who would come first.
Courtney shuddered at the thought that they were so close. She bobbed her head faster over Reid’s slick cock. He began to groan with satisfaction. His pleasure prompted her to suck him even harder.
All three of them were so close. She was too. She took her mouth away from Reid’s cock long enough to gasp, “Come for me!”
Spence was the first to succumb. She felt him thrust deep and go rigid. His cock twitched inside her. His groans were quickly followed by Kurt who pressed deeply in Courtney’s ass as she bucked and writhed her hips against both their hard cocks.
“Oh, God, yeah!” Kurt exclaimed. He smacked her ass and his body shook as she wiggled her tight, little round cheeks on the end of his cock. Breathlessly, he added, “I told you skinny girls are good lays.”
Courtney pulled her mouth off Reid’s cock as she continued to shiver with delight over the two spent cocks inside her. The pleasure was so intense she could barely hold herself up. “Come in my mouth,” she moaned. “Give it to me.”
Reid took his stiff cock in his fist, working it up and down over his slick flesh. He shook his hand rapidly, moving with frenzied urgency until his cock spit thick gobs of come onto Courtney’s waiting tongue.
“Fuck, yes!” He cried out.
As if on cue, the tent flap flew open and two dark figures burst through. Three sharp popping sounds accompanied them: pffft, pffft, pffft. Angry red paint stains burst across the torsos of the three men.
“We’ve captured your camp and your flag,” Matt said. A big grin spread across the face of the Red Team’s commander. “I hope you enjoyed my little gift.”
“You fucker!” Reid spat back.
“Looks like you three are the fuckers to me. And now you’re well-fucked. That’s four losses in a row!” His eyes locked on Courtney’s. “You played your part perfectly. We waited until we thought you were all done. I hope they weren’t too unpleasant?”
“Not at all Matt,” Courtney said. Then she corrected herself. “I mean Mathias. Thank you for this gift.”
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A magical throne is the artifact that imbues you with your power. You have a domain which you naturally rule, one that changes to suit your personality and desires over time. You command the obedience and loyalty of all those who reside within your domain. You may choose their role in life. Those outside your domain will respect your right to rule it and those within it. You have the power to teleport those you to defeat to your domain. Your domain's borders grow in a variety of ways.
BDSMRachel and I went for sushi and seafood over the weekend – we didn't think there'd be much of that sort of food in the desert northwest. We had dinner with my parents on Saturday, largely to reassure mum. Rachel found me a copy of Harold Hunt's Memoirs from the Corner Country and I took it with me on Monday, along with the file. The flight to an extremely hot Broken Hill was uneventful and only half-full. Thrifty [!] had my GPS-equipped vehicle ready and supplied me with several maps. I...
Hi indian sex stories dot net guys, I’m Jason…5ft. 10″ tall…a 6″ cock…good looks…fair skin…and much more…hot girls please contact me at I’m 19 years old and rest I have mentioned in the above lines. Talking about my cousin she is extremely hot and sexy with medium size boobs, completely round ass, extremely fair skin, a figure of 36″ 30″ 37″ I guess. Coming to the story… It happened when I visited my cousin’s place I always had a crush on her. I remember whenever I used to visit her I...
Incest“Good morning, sleepy head,” I heard as I opened my eyes and found Sienna and Jeanette standing over my bed. Their smiles worked wonders on my state of mind and I am sure my smile was just as wide. “What ... What happened?” The best thing to do, in my current opinion, was to gather some facts before I make any decisions about what I think happened to me. “Ross, what’s the last thing you remember?” Sienna was looking at me with such devotion. I wanted one of her hugs so badly. “We were in...
Back at the base I spent at least an hour in the shower, and then slept for about 6. It was now the 25th July, and after breakfast the officers and SNCO's of the battalion went off to be told how well, or otherwise, each unit had performed during the exercise. The rest of us were going on organized sight-seeing trips and visits. I had been given permission to go with Eddy Two Bears, and had just got back from breakfast when a Pikani came up to me and wordlessly handed me a note from Eddy....
The kids had been far too excited to hear we were going out and they were fending for themselves. It had been hard walking up to the local pub, we instinctively kept going to grab each other’s hands. We were sat in the beer garden, late spring sun on our backs by four, eagerly awaiting the very late lunch we had ordered. Liam did buy me lunch and I bought him a pint. I allowed him to mock me for ordering lime and soda and refusing to drink with him, but I am a bit of a lightweight and without...
CheatingBeck came back the next day but she didn’t know I had a surprise in store for my new fuck bitch. It was about 4 in the afternoon and Beck came pretty stoned and after a couple more she was open for any new experience I had planned for her. The doorbell rang and Beck answered it and with shock said Hi Mom. This was her surprise that Beck thought I was only joking about. Judy came in and sat on the couch next to Beck and both were smiling. I asked Judy if she wanted some of the smoke, which...
**Mistress:** Congrats on making it two whole years, I am so very proud of you! **Slave:** Oh please! I don't know what the hell I am thinking here but....... Oh please write me! **Mistress:** lol **Slave:** Oh god Now I'm really in for it What are your thoughts? Are you in the mood to be one HEARTLESS woman? I am hoping this STUPIDITY of mine goes away soon! Lol. **Mistress:** Maybe, what are you seeking ? **Slave:** ...
I was invited to a lesbian friend( coworker)birthday party at a lesbian night club..being that I was 22 at the time and a stright male, I wasn't sure it I wanted to go to the party, a few days later I heard that Shaw (friend and coworker) was going( now Shaw was 6'1 dark skinned, nice perky breast..with the nices little round bubble butt ...and I had giving her rides home after work before and as far as I had ever gotten with her was getting some great head right before I would drop her off at...
Chapter Four I want to start by saying I love my husband Doug. What has transpired over the past few months was something that I wasn’t looking for it just simply happened. Here I was happily married for over fourteen years, housewife, mother of two who never cheated much less flirted with other men now a slut wife. To be blunt I now have a cuckold hubby who loves watching me fuck other men as much as I love fucking them! All told I have dated and been bedded by his recently divorced best...
The woman that stepped through a shimmering portal of dark red light, had dark grey skin, long white hair and wore a skimpy outfit which was an odd combination of bikini, medieval armor, and wispy veils. Her eyes had no pupils but glowed in the same dark red light as the now dissipating portal. Stahl suddenly remembered Sunday school and stopped himself to actually make the sign of the cross. However, he was never really intimidated, by anyone. The Eternal Warrior got up, like the old...
It is silent now, in this room where I am suspended.All I can sense is the breeze that gusts now and again through the sheer curtains and cools my skin, creating waves of goosebumps on my body. Are these little shivers revealing my anticipation at what may be ahead?I come to realise that once again I am being taught a lesson: patience and how to listen to the heightened awareness of my desires, needs and sensations.My newly pierced nipples are throbbing now, not too intense, but enough to take...
BDSMEarly to mid-December 1963 Gradually, December accelerated towards Christmas and school finished for the year. Col brought her school report home on the last day and she gave it to Mutti Frida that evening. When Mutti Frida opened it, there was an accompanying letter. After reading the report and smiling at Col, she unfolded the letter. After a while, she looked up. “You are doing so well, Col, that they want you to move to the grammar school, in Canterbury.” Col was astounded. I smiled....
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey all have a good read and don't worry your pretty little heads this story is just that a story. My sister was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen when we were growing up. Gina was only a little older than me, but she matured long before I did. By the time my cock started reacting to female flesh, my sister had a body that was driving older boys and men crazy. To me, it was pure torture in my own home. My first hard-ons were caused by her. I don't know...
IncestSUSHMA KI CHUDAI By: KV…. Hello readers kaise hai aap sab.Well this is my second story.umeed hai pehli story ki tarah yeh bhi aap sab ko pasand aayge.Please continue to mail me my ID is .The story I am going to tell you that is based on my own experience. Mera ek friend hai jo bahut hi randibaj hai .Ek dafa uske sath ek aurat aaye jo ki lagbhag 33 ya 34 saal ki hogi.Jab maine us lady ko dekha to mera lund hilore marne laga behad khubsurat thi who.Mere dost ne mujhe bataya ki yeh...
After I light the last candle, I shake my hand, putting out the match. I step carefully over the rest of the candles, back out of the living room and into the kitchen. Taking a moment’s rest, I look back into the room, surveying my work. My eyes move from one end of the room to another, slowly, taking in all the details I’ve worked so painstakingly to attend to. The couch is off to one side, against the wall, we won’t need it tonight, and so it is best to keep it out the way. The carpet, a deep...
Thanks for the tons of mails that you have sent me and love you all. Well friends this is an old story written by me 90% on real life experience of a friend of mine and I hope you all will love the same. It has being posted before and many guys have reposted in other forums and site. I didn’t find the same in ISS so posting the same for you guys to enjoy the same. Do comment on the same, will be waiting for your reply. Smita Well this is another incident when I had gone to a late night party...
She was waiting on her big mansion porch when mommy drop me for my first day of summer jobMy mom wave at her and i shook Cassandra hand, the 50yr old women was the place caretaker and she recruited me from my facebook page , looking for school boys who needed a hob this summerThe place was bog i was only in the lobby and could tell why she needed help''you ever did any chores at your place boy?''she was speaking in a clear dominating voice making me feel the urge to answer to her ''yes i help...
Breathing by Dawna Tompson I I was aware of my breathing before anything else. It was slow and deep, as if I was still in a deep sleep. I stayed perfectly still, listening to the natural rhythm. I wasn't ready to get up yet, but I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I tried to recall the dream I had just had. I had a feeling it was important but couldn't remember anything of it. Still, the feeling wouldn't go away. I tried to keep my mind blank, to think of...
It's a known fact we reach puberty before our male counterparts, our sexual urges are pretty fucked-up, thanks to a year of unbalanced hormonal activity, and full sex at these ages are varied and experimental, most girls I knew as friends, including myself, applied the old saying, 'Don't knock it until you have tried it'.Some men confess to wishing to be a woman, so they would let every man fuck them, anywhere, anyhow, and in numbers.Of course when you look at this you realize they are just...
100% fiction! My name is Mike and I'm 18 and live with my mom. My dad died of a heart attack last year and things have been depressing ever since. My mom decided that we needed a vacation when school was out for summer break. She's 55 years old and a little plump and she's definitely let herself go since my dad died. She wears frumpy clothes and her hair is long and graying. She's quit shaving her legs and armpits and I'm sure other places as well. I'm an only child and I don't have the heart...
IncestI had just walked in from settling a dispute between two high-school-age bagger gathering shopping carts outside when she flashed me her million-dollar smile.“Hello, Jack.”I was one of the front end supervisors at a local grocery store while I was in college and she was one of my cashiers. It was the summer between her sophomore and junior years at college and I was about to start my fifth year to complete a double major. The two of us hit it off well. Ashleigh was a beautiful woman and we had...
Straight SexIntroduction: Based on Reality We are living next to the waters edge of a large river that runs into an Eastern bay. It is a beautiful spot with all the entities one would want from the shore. We dont know how long we will be able to live there as my husband is in the military and could be transferred at any time so we have decided to purchase the property for the future so it will always be a place to go back to and renew our memories. A recent happening has caused our lives to change, to...
A lot had changed. So I was still staying with Lyla. The plan was for me to move in with my mom, sister, and aunt over Christmas break, but that didn’t happen. I did go and visit for Christmas though, it was a decent trip. I finally got to talk to mom.. REALLY talk to mom. We discussed US, however that makes it sound weird though. That makes it sound like we were in love or something, which we aren’t, we just share a… ‘hobby’. Lots of parents have hobbies with their kids; fishing,...
Between Christmas and New Year Emma and her parents went to work each day while Steve stayed at home or visited friends. One day Steve came home and overheard his parents talking. Id love to go Dave. Im getting excited just thinking about it. His mother said. Dave sensed that his wife was about to finish with but we cant go and he interrupted her. Its been a long time, and youd enjoy it Maureen, you know how much you enjoy all that attention and I enjoy watching you ….. His fathers voice...
I have a present for you when you get home, the text on my phone read. I was excited. Today was my birthday, but even so, I had to work. Just 'cause it was your birthday did not mean you got the day off, at least that is how my boss saw it anyway. There was too much work to be done to let someone capable of working have the day off. Oh yeah? What is is? I asked my husband, feeling that excitement in my stomach rise. My husband knew that I liked things wild, but it was not really his thing. I...
Group SexI had been curious about transexual girls since i had first seen one in a video at aged thirteen. As a young lad and man I had no shortage of girlfriends but had fantasised about sucking a cock since a young age. It wasn't until i was 25 that i had my first sexual experience with one. I was in a relationship with a girl 2 years younger than my self at the time but gave in to my urges and plucked up the courage to arrange a meet with a Brazilian TS escort based in Bayswater, central London, i...
We arrived at the front door to the house, hand in hand, both of us nervous yet excited. I could tell from the look in my beautiful wife’s eyes that she was scared, not in a physical harm might befall her kind of way, but a will she truly enjoy this kind.My wife Diane is, to me, the most beautiful woman. She is 5’5”, 150lbs, curvy hips, long dark wavy hair, blue eyes, porcelain white milky smooth skin, and lucious plump D cups. She is the perfect example of a wife and mother, and for a woman...
Maria looked up as her big, beefy husband entered the room and smiled. Evenafter all these years her heart still skipped a beat at the mere sight ofhim. And when Steve smiled at her and asked for a kiss she thanked herlucky stars that she had found this special man.There was a dreamlike quality to her life with Steve; he was a goodprovider, a true romantic and the man knew all the buttons to press when itcame to sex. She had had a long busy day and as Steve kissed the back ofher neck and the...
Author's Note: My first story, "An evening with Anna" was a fantasy inspired by other storied I've read here and on other tg fiction websites. I didn't really plan on writing any more stories. However, once I started writing, I got quite attached to the character I had built. I now want to see where I can take it. This story takes off where the last one stopped. So without further ado, here is the next installment in Anna's story. A Date with Anna by Hazel M Golden sunlight...
Sarah grabbed for her prize and it wasn't as if David would have resisted in any case but with her being angry just a few moments ago he knew it might not be the time for her to grab his cock. Her anger would definitely be communicated into what would only be considered a torturous blow job. Forcing her to sit on the steps, David was concentrating on relieving her stress. He quickly buried his face into Sarah's warm wet quim. Delicious was the only word that came to mind for David, before Sarah...
I was walking home after school one day and was in a hurry. I wanted to get home and jack off before anyone got home. I am 16 and have a crush on this girl Michelle in my math class. I watch myself jack off in the mirror as I thought about Michelle naked and on her back, legs spread apart and me fucking her.As I walked up to the house I could here music playing. I was pissed as I had a raging hard on and balls were ready to burst. Now what was I going to do? I go into the house and my eyes...
IncestI had given my various sexperiences in my previous posts. Now I am going to give my experiences in relation to my marriage, in the early years. I got married in while I was working in Chennai to a girl from Kerala, from the neighbouring district. She was a graduate and ok looking Mallu girl. We were staying in an apartment complex in Anna Nagar and friend of mine was also staying there. We used enjoy sex like any newly married couple and I understood from her participation that she was also...
From just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...
Eddie parked his car outside of the run-down convenience store that was down the street from his girlfriend's house. The building was made of simple stucco walls, and painted a non-descript beige color. The sign hanging outside was sponsored by a large soda company, and read NAFFY'S STORE in a bold font. He had never been here before, and didn't know who the hell Naffy was. This store was in an area of drug users and teenage pregnancies. There were men with no shirts and numerous tattoos...
By: Rajesh Hey friends, this is Rajesh again from Chandigarh. Old readers must be remembered of my earlier stories published on net (Surprise Finding, My first luck, Rajesh fucking beautiful Chachi etc.) These stories could easily be found on net through any search engine. Now I tell you about my next encounter with beautiful lady whom I met during my tuition classes (for detail please read my story Surprise Finding. Almost after 5 years when I left her for last time, suddenly she met me again...
At the end of the mornings training, and while they were both seated enjoying breakfast, Brianna quietly asked "Honey, Aric, what circle mage are you?" "I don't really know," responded Aric "maybe second or third." He wasn't really listening to her. He was really excited about having a good day today. Brianna was unable to knock him down or disarm him even once today and they switched hands back and forth easily. Even though she got in some good shots at him, and his shoulders and...
Natalia Queen’s step father keeps messing with her. Secretly he has been watching her and lifting her skirt when she least expected. But little did he know, it turned hr on every time. One particular day, he discovered her masturbating and he decided to get a little too close. Once she noticed him, she quickly asked him to pull his cock out. Natalia, soon started chocking on her step father’s cock. From there, he stretched his step daughter’s pussy in several different positions before...
xmoviesforyouI ran into the boy’s locker room. No one else was there. I cursed under my breath and quickly got dressed. I knew Mr. Crocker, the basketball coach would be furious. I had been late four times already. I ran out carrying my Jordan’s in my hand. The team was no where to be seen. I looked all over the gym. I didn’t hear anything. I sat on the bleachers and waited. I put my shoes on in the meantime. The bell rang at 5pm and I walked back to the boy’s locker room. Mr. Crocker sat right in front of...
Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, I am Rahul with yet another escapade with my maid, Priya. She was working for me in Hyderabad when I was living alone. I have since then moved to many cities and now am in Chennai, any women interested in meeting can contact me on My story revolves around our housemaid, Priya She was twenty-two years old, slim but a strong and firm body, she had thick and smooth long hair, and her boobs were well in portion with her body, firm and perky. You must be...
“Screw you, asshole,” my girlfriend of three years said to me right before slamming the door in my face. I was holding my possessions and valuables in my arms; the rest of my meager belongings were in the trunk of my car. I didn’t think Sally would be so heartless and selfish as to throw me out during the middle of a snow storm at six o’clock in the evening, but I guess I had misjudged the situation and misjudged her. Sally was, and always had been the self- centered type, but that was one of...
Gay MaleMs. Crump was a rather stern and imposing teacher. One did not misbehave in her class. There was never any whispering. There was never any passing of notes. Students always arrived on time, if not a good five to ten minutes early. One always paid close attention, never got caught being distracted, which wasn't that easy as her lectures on Victorian literature could be so long and tedious. The students so much preferred Miss Bixley, but her classes this semester were all full (see "Miss Bixley...
Zoe was new to school and we hit it off immediately. Her mother and her had moved to the city during the break between school terms. We found ourselves in mostly the same classes, with me helping her get used to the system at our school. The task was made very easy because Zoe was very beautiful (but shy), and she felt more comfortable with the nerdy me rather than the muscle-head football jocks. Like me, Zoe was 16 years old. She was fairly tall at 5ft 8ins tall, short blonde wavy hair, and...
Lucas Frost comes home from army service overseas to the utmost delight of his step mom Alana Cruise. The patriotic MILF prepared a surprise for her soldier boy to help him relax and readjust to civilian life. Excited to get started, she hops off the couch and heads to the bathroom where she runs herself a bath, strips naked and gets in the tub. The proud step mom calls to Lucas to come in but when he sees her tits aren’t immersed, he freaks out over her nudity. She tells him she just...
xmoviesforyouI looked around, there was no one nearby. All our friends were off exploring."Have you ever been fingered?" I asked her. She was my girlfriend now, but I wasn't sure how far she'd gone with other guys before.She hesitated then nodded yes. I was immediately both jealous and hard."Stephan?" I asked. She'd been with him for almost a year before hooking up with me."No," she said blandly. I was puzzled. Before Stephan?"Gee, you must have been young?" I said. Joycie shook her head."No, not really."I...
"Hey, when are you going to be home?", I asked my husband Ben. "Probably not for another hour", he replied. "OK. Text me in 30 and I'll order pizza for the night". "Will do babe" he replied. We said our I love yous and hung up.I slipped into my bikini. I looked at myself in the mirror. I should have thrown this bikini out years ago as it's too small these days. Regardless, I headed to the hot tub. I filled the cooler with some beers. I opened a beer and jumped in the hot tub. It's a great...
Hello dear readers,I strongly encourage you to read the previous two chapters of this story to fully grasp the sudden changes which affected my life.*At home, Elena was waiting for me but she wasn't alone, her boyfriend was there too. He was a tall black guy named Jeff. I told them all the things that happened at July's, blushing as Jeff was watching me with desire.Elena hadn't changed her sexy outfit and her beautiful face leaned towards Jeff's crotch uncovering his 10 inch cock which was even...
The following morning, Abby Walker slept in late which was very rare. The reverend was an early riser who always ate a hearty breakfast, and Abby was ordinarily up preparing it for him shortly after sunrise. On this day, however, her husband had left early to drive over to Hanksville where he had a breakfast appointment with another minister. Feeling lazy, and with nothing urgent to be done, she was lounging around in bed with her thoughts on Mae Langford's big collie dog. She hadn't been...
For a porn enthusiast like the busty bombshell, Mona Azar, meeting her favorite adult performer is a dream come true. As such, she didn’t expect much when she contacted Prince Yashua. Mona can’t hide her happiness when Prince responded to her message and asked to meet with her. Without wasting any time, the two show their adoration for each other. Prince licks Mona’s pussy and ass before letting her ride his cock like a real cowgirl. Mona’s round butt bounce hard as...
xmoviesforyouHow I Became a Slut for BBC – Part TwoIn the first Installment I explained how my husband and I had discovered a mutual fantasy where I would fuck a well-hung black stud, just for sex, while my husband watched. We are writing these together to share our experiences and that is an exciting thing for us to do.So, as I had agreed, I watched a couple of sexy videos with Jamie over the next few days. They were amateur and featured what looked real couples sharing a white wives and girlfriends with...