A Loner Mentalist Pt. 09 free porn video

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Jack Watts was standing in a newlywed couple’s hotel room, wearing nothing but a wet towel. He had another towel on his shoulder and his four bags were on the floor. His laptop was beeping in its bag to indicate an incoming Skype call. Jack shot a look at the ceiling. Two floors up and several rooms over, an FBI Hostage Rescue Team was poised to come crashing into his hotel room to arrest him, believing him to be the next Unabomber.

He checked in with Porthos. The Great Dane was leading a very nervous Mia west to the next phone they see after crossing at least three city blocks. Jack’s laptop kept beeping and he pulled it out of the bag. He had seen the lead FBI agent waiting on the phone for the go-ahead and his laptop had started beeping at the same time, which seemed to him as a strange coincidence. He set it on the bed and crouched in front of it.

He tapped the button and the screen was filled with his mother’s face. He nearly toppled over in shock. ‘Mom! You can Skype!?’

Janice smiled a sad smile. ‘Hello my son, it’s nice to see you, too. No, I can’t Skype, but my new friend can. He knows about many things, even these gadgets.’

Jack drew a deep breath and slowly let it out. He didn’t have time for distractions. ‘OK, Janice, that’s nice and all, but I’m kind of in the middle of something so I’ll call you back later…wait! What computer are you Skyping me from?’

‘It belongs to my new friend. We met at my prayer circle and he explained things to me-‘

‘Ok, that’s nice, but I’ve got to go and-‘

‘He explained your behavior to me and asked me to speak with you.’

Jack moved his cursor to end the call and said, ‘I’ll call you back as soon as I can, ok?’

‘He gave me this necklace,’ his mother said, unheeding of the urgency in Jack’s voice. ‘He said you’d know what it meant as soon as you saw it.’

Jack squinted at the screen. Janice looked to be very calm and collected. She was wearing a dark green turtleneck, a bit heavy for the kind of weather they must be having in Virginia right about now. A very big crucifix was hanging from her neck on a slender chain. ‘What?’

‘My new friend knows about the taint the Devil has laid upon your soul, Jack. He intends to purge you of it.’

Jack frowned. ‘The fuck you on about, Janice?’

On the screen, Janice looked off screen before leaning forward and holding her crucifix up to the camera. ‘He says you should look at it more closely. He says you ought to have recognized it by now.’

Jack shook his head in bewilderment. He had more pressing matters to attend to than his mother and her new, kooky friends. There was an FBI team upstairs, poised to arrest him and they had backup on the ground floor, probably sealing off all the exits. And I can’t do a thing about it cause they’re all wearing the fucking necklaces…

Pinpricks ran down Jack’s face and arms as he took a good look at his mother’s crucifix on the screen. Its chain looked exactly like the anti-mentalism necklaces. He couldn’t be sure, due to the low resolution and poor lighting, but the sinking feeling in his gut told him that it must be true. ‘Mom! Mom, where did you get that?’

Janice smiled a warm smile. ‘You understand. Good.’ She sat back and gave him a maternal look. ‘I’m sorry I’ve failed you, Jack. I truly am.’

‘Mom! Mom, listen to me! Where did you get that necklace? Who gave it to you?’

‘I should have guided you better.’

‘Mom! Tell me who gave you that necklace!’

‘Answer your door, Jack,’ she softly said. A gloved hand snaked over the keyboard in front of her and the call was disconnected.

‘Mom! Mom!’ Jack frantically tapped the buttons to reestablish the call to no avail. Whoever was with his mother on the other end wasn’t picking up. Jack sat on the bed and buried his head in his hands. Keep it together, Jack, keep it together. First thing’s first! Get out of the hotel and away from the armored people with guns, then you can deal with this shit.

He made holes in his cloak, inspired by what he had felt in the hotel security man’s mind. It took a few tries, but he made it back into the man’s mind. He learned that the FBI had cleared his room and reported there was no sign of him.

The lead agent looked like he’d rather be shoveling fresh dung than reporting Jack’s disappearance to the person on the other end of the line. He obsequiously agreed to everything that was screamed at him over the phone. As soon as his phone was lowered, however, he began screaming at the hotel security staff, threatening to send them to Gitmo for collaborating with an enemy combatant and impeding federal agents in the performance of their duties.

His rant upset the security man so much that Jack lost the connection to his mind. Jack cracked his neck and checked in with Aramis and Athos in the parking lot. Agents in plain clothes, FBI windbreakers or full tactical gear were frantically setting up on every exit from the hotel, detaining and examining everyone that was trying to leave. At the same time, they were stopping anyone trying to come in. Even the Phoenix police department was being kept at bay.

As Jack looked through the eyes of the dogs, he realized there weren’t enough feds to cover every exit. If he got down to the parking lot before the SWAT teams were redeployed there, he had a good chance of getting out. His RV was guarded, but there were only two agents covering each of the side entrances to the parking lot. He could get by them with a little distraction.

His laptop beeped again, making him nearly jump out of his skin. He was receiving another Skype call. He put it in his lap and angled the screen up. He tapped the button and his mother appeared on the screen again. She looked worried. ‘Jack! Jack, where are you? Why are you-‘

‘Tell your new friends that I’m coming for you,’ Jack declared darkly. ‘And I will be dealing with them depending on how I find you.’ He shut off the call and clicked a few icons in the application George had put on his laptop to make sure he wasn’t traced and that he got no more calls.

He turned off his laptop and put it back in its bag. He pulled out some clothes from his suitcase and dropped the towel he was wearing. The husband politely cleared his throat at the impropriety of Jack’s behavior and the young wife blushed before turning away. Neither said anything. Jack jumped into a pair of boxers, a pair of slacks and pulled a T-shirt over his wet hair.

He checked in with Porthos. Mia and he were coming up on the second block since leaving the cafe. At the rate they were going, they’d reach a payphone in five to ten minutes. Jack said, ‘Squiddleydoodlefluffer,’ and got into the husband’s mind again. He had him chant the word squiddleydoodlefluffer over and over again. He did the same to the wife. He’d need them to make some calls for him and he’d need to wipe their memories after he left.

His first order of business was for the husband to call security again. The man insisted and got connected. He insisted his wife was missing and that someone needed to address the issue. An FBI agent was on the other end of the line and he brusquely ended the call. Jack had heard the agent’s words through the husband’s mind and he made holes in his cloak in the shape of those words. He felt the minds of three security men through them.

Jack picked the most experienced one and had the man think of a way to get Jack to the parking lot unnoticed. He also made the man think of the word squiddleydoodlefluffer over and over again, so his mind was available to Jack at all times. He had the man point at the screens and say, ‘Isn’t that the guy you’re looking for?’

Jack saw through the man’s eyes that the FBI agents turned to stare at the screens. The security officer then worked the controls for the camera screens and shut off the feed for the floor Jack was on as he deftly manipulated the FBI agents into thinking Jack was taking one
of the stairwells towards the roof. He also shut off the feed to the service elevator and Jack dashed out of the room with baggage in hand and Spot in tow. They took the service elevator to the basement while the security man kept the FBI looking at the highest floors of the hotel and the roof.

Seeing the situation in the security room, Jack had no trouble entering the mind of another security guard. He had the man surreptitiously take one of the FBI radios from the table and leave to go to the bathroom. Jack and Spot made their way through the hotel laundry room and found themselves in the parking lot. They were joined by Aramis and Athos and snuck across the lot towards one of the side exits.

At the right moment, Jack had the security guard in the bathroom order the FBI agents at the exit to go provide backup to the agents guarding the fire escape. He had the other security guard switch off that exit’s camera, as well as distract the agents in charge from what was being said on the radio at the same time.

The agents jogged away from the exit and Jack and his dogs ran for it. Jack had never run so fast in his life as he had at that moment. He could feel through both the security guards’ minds that the jig was up as the lead agent angrily countermanded the order over the radio. Jack and the dogs were already on the sidewalk outside the hotel. They dove behind a bench and he peeked out to see the two agents stop and turn around. He swung back behind cover as they jogged back to their position.

Jack looked around himself. There were a few people on the sidewalk, but none were interested in him and his dogs crouching behind a bench. He quickly caught his breath and rebuilt his cool. I’m out! I’m safe! His joy was tempered by the realization that Mia was still running around the streets of Phoenix scared. He peeked through Porthos’ eyes and saw the dog sitting by a public payphone that was five blocks west of the cafe. Mia was stomping up and down the sidewalk, anxiously growling at Porthos to get up and keep going.

Jack had the dog look at the phone and noted the number. He opened up his laptop and loaded a map of Phoenix. He found the location of the payphone and considered things for a minute. He picked a random, out of the way spot and had the husband call the payphone. Jack watched through Porthos’ eyes as Mia jumped at the sound of the phone ringing. She hesitated before picking up the phone. She didn’t say anything after putting the receiver to her ear.

Jack spoke through the husband. ‘Jack wants you to go to the park that is three blocks north of your location. Wait at the fountain and he’ll be there to pick you up in about fifteen minutes. Just follow Porthos. Everything will be alright.’ Jack had the husband hang up the phone and erased his and his wife’s memory of Jack’s visit to their room and the phone calls.

Looking through the squiddleydoodlefluffer-shaped hole in his cloak, Jack felt the mind of the senior security officer. The FBI agent in charge was screaming at everyone to find out who had given the order to leave an exit unguarded. Jack saw that they didn’t suspect he had already broken through their perimeter. They didn’t think he had enough time. He had the junior security guard covertly return the radio.

Jack stood up and calmly walked away from the hotel, his three dogs following in single file. He walked to the nearest streetlight. He had his dogs stand on hind legs to provide him with an in into the minds of the drivers that stopped at the red light. The ninth mind he looked into happened to be that a young stoner that was just driving around, feeling bored. Jack had the man park around the corner and accept him and the dogs into the car without question.

Jack stuffed the dogs and bags into the back seat of the beat-up station wagon and took the shotgun seat for himself. He cleaned up any and all traces of his presence from the two security guards’ minds and stopped them from thinking the word squiddleydoodlefluffer. He had the stoner drive them to the park and wait near the fountain. He also had to use his power on the stoner to get him to shut up during the drive.

With the stoner driving quietly, Jack took the chance to relax. As soon as the tension left him, he began to giggle with joy. I just escaped an FBI task force with my dogs, laptop, pot cookies and change of clothes intact. I rock! He took a peek through Porthos’ eyes and saw Mia pacing nervously next to the fountain, even as the dog lay in the shade. I’m coming, Mia, I’m coming!

Jack’s excitement deflated quickly. His mother was wearing an anti-mentalism necklace and was acting on behalf of whoever was behind the raid on his hotel. His fists tightened. Janice and he weren’t as close as most mothers and sons, but he would be damned before he’d repay her for raising him by leaving her in the clutches of whoever had her.

He drew deep, slow breaths. I can’t do anything for her right now. I have to get to Springfield first. And I have to get there fast.

He opened up his laptop and looked up small, private airfields near Phoenix and Springfield. A minute after he closed the laptop, the stoner parked near the fountain. Jack laughed with relief when he saw Mia pacing in front of it with his own two eyes. He wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes and got out of the car.

Porthos was the first to see him jogging their way and the Great Dane jumped up to run to his master. Mia barely stifled a scream of frustration at seeing her lifeline seemingly abandon her. As her eyes followed the dog, she finally saw Jack running towards her.

Jack was so fixed on Mia that he didn’t react to Porthos dashing at him until the dog leaped up and nearly toppled him over. As it was, Jack was stopped dead in his tracks and forced to hold on to the giant canine to keep from falling. He laughed and rubbed the dog’s back. ‘Good boy! Good boy!’

Mia quickly joined them. ‘Jack,’ she exclaimed as she hugged his free side, ‘what the hell is going on?!’

‘I don’t know,’ Jack said as he hugged her back. ‘The FBI showed up at the hotel, out of the blue, and tried to arrest me.’

‘What?! Why?!’

‘I honestly have no idea. They were all wearing these necklaces,’ he hooked a finger under Mia’s choker, ‘and telling people I’m a dangerous terrorist.’

Mia frowned. ‘How did you get away from them? Without,’ she paused and looked around them, ‘you know?’

Jack grinned. ‘By being a sneaky bastard.’

Mia didn’t look amused by his reply. ‘Are they still after you?’ He nodded. ‘You gotta fix this shit, babe.’

‘I will. But, I have go home to Springfield, first.’


‘Whoever is behind this crap also has my mom.’

Mia frowned. ‘How can you know that? I thought your power couldn’t reach that far.’

‘It can’t. The people behind all this had my mom Skype me just before they broke down the hotel room door.’ Mia shot him an incredulous look. ‘They wanted to gloat.’ He rubbed her back in a comforting manner. ‘It’s all going to be ok, I promise. Let’s get in the car. The guy behind the wheel is going to drive us to an airfield and we’ll hitch a ride to Springfield, so I can free my mom and get to work on straightening this mess out.’

Mia nodded and they got in. The four dogs took up the entire rear seat, so Mia had to sit in Jack’s lap up front. Jack had the stoner drive them to the small airfield just outside of Phoenix. Jack gave the man a hundred bucks for gas and wiped his memory of driving them around.

Mia and Jack picked up the bags and went towards the office building to find out which planes were available. The four dogs were around them, keeping pace. Just before the door, the dogs stopped as one and began to growl low. Jack dropped his bags and looked into the dogs’ minds. They could smell fear coming from two men standing behind the main entrance to the office building. They could sense the men preparing for a fight.

Jack tried to
reach out through his cloak, but fear and getting ready for a conflict were too general for him to lock on to any specific mind. Especially with half the population of Arizona feeling like that on some level. Jack sent Aramis forward and the automatic doors swung aside to admit the dog. Two security officers pivoted from their hiding places flanking the doors. They had guns pointed at Jack.

‘Freeze,’ one of them yelled. They both looked like they were of Jack’s age. They definitely looked ready to crap themselves. Before Jack could react and try to defuse the situation without any shooting taking place, Aramis leaped up and bit one of the kids on the wrist. His weight dragged the screaming kid to the ground. The other kid turned pale as his shaking hands pointed his gun at Aramis. Fortunately, he was still focused enough to realize that shooting Aramis would probably result in shooting his colleague, as well.

In the next instant, three dogs jumped on him and tackled him to the ground, with two maws biting down on his gun arm.

Jack’s reaction was just quick enough to stop his dogs from killing the kids. As it was, one kid had a big bite mark on his arm and the other had two. Aramis and Athos picked up their guns and lay them at Jack’s feet, their tails wagging happily.

‘Fuck,’ Mia exclaimed, finally finding the time to react to everything. She hadn’t even had the chance to drop the bags she was carrying.

‘It’s ok,’ Jack said to her. ‘It’s all going to be ok.’

‘Fuck,’ she reiterated and put a hand over her ample bosom.

Jack slipped an arm around her shoulder and held her close as she tried to shake off the sudden fright. Jack looked down at the security guards. Porthos and Spot were standing over them and growling menacingly. Jack imagined the kids’ fear and agony from the bites and made such holes in his cloak. He quickly found himself in their minds.

The guards were just a year older than he was and fresh to the job. An urgent FBI notice was going around about Jack, claiming that he was a very dangerous terrorist and that he should be avoided if possible. The FBI was to be immediately informed if he was spotted. The kids had decided not to call in seeing him getting out of a car right in front of their airport and tried to get the glory of catching him for themselves.

Jack’s brow drew down. The kids were young, but they were also fresh out of training and they knew the notice about him being a very dangerous terrorist had already made the rounds nationwide. He would be recognized on all means of public transportation available. His face might even make the news.

Jack led Mia through the doors and his dogs followed them. They went down the hall towards the offices. He had seen where to go in the kids’ minds. As soon as they were out of sight of the two kids rolling around on the floor, he wiped their memories of him, only keeping their memory of seeing the notice about him intact. He made the kids get up and think they got bitten by a stray dog they had been teasing out of boredom. He had them collect their guns, call in for a replacement and go to the hospital to get their bites seen to.

While they were doing that, Jack opened the door of the office the head of the refueling team used and said, ‘Squiddleydoodlefluffer.’

The bald, middle-aged man sitting at the desk frowned up at Jack, but he had heard the word and Jack was already in his mind. Jack saw that several planes were going to take off that day. One of them was flying all the way to Delaware and the refueling crew had just finished pumping the luxurious plane full of fuel. Even better, the owner was going to fly it himself. The departure time was scheduled for less than an hour from now.

Jack smiled and winked at the bald man. ‘Thanks!’ He closed the door and made the fuel manager forget he ever saw him. ‘Come on,’ he whispered to Mia as he took her by the hand, ‘we got ourselves a ride back east.’

He led her to the hangar. Their mere presence was enough to allow him to slip into the minds of the ground crew. He made them forget they were there and they boarded the plane and settled in to wait for the owner to arrive. The seats were very comfortable, but Jack was still tense. He was getting more worried about Janice with each passing second. He felt certain that her mind had been tampered with by whoever was holding her. How am I going to restore her mind?

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The Eighteenth Amendment

I walked up onto the boardwalk on a bright summer day, just heading to work. I calmly walked down the boardwalk as several others used it to get where they needed to go in New Jersey in 1928. Unfortunately for me, I needed to keep a close eye out. "Pay no attention to me, I'm just a simple man that operates a barber shop," I whispered, entering my place of work, wearing a white work shirt and tan pants. I walked in and shut the door. "Good," I muttered, strolling towards the back. I made my way...

3 years ago
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Dentists Chair

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Chapter 1 Arthur Petitjean wanted to groan, not so much from the pain in his mouth, but from the boring topic of conversation Dr. LeMoine droned on and on about as he drilled on Arthur’s tooth. That was the problem with Dr. LeMoine. The man was a good and thorough dentist and seemed to be a very compassionate man to all his patients. But the problem was, the man was about as...

4 years ago
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Potty lips

Julia seems to keep getting her words muddled.Julia Fountain worked in insurance. At thirty-six, she was happily married and a mother of three. She had been part of the North Office for the last six years and was an integral part of the team.Respected across the office, she also held positions in the school parent council, as well as in the neighbourhood community council.Julia was known as a prim and proper lady who, with the bit between her teeth, was fearless when it came to political...

Mind Control
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Weekend Party Part 2

I made it to the back room and found the trouble makers. My wife and Kelsey were both being fucked. Shauna was bouncing up and down riding on a cock with a cock in each hand. At the moment, just stroking them concentrating on fucking the guy under her. Kelsey was on her back being fucked hard with a girl sitting on her face. The guy and girl using Kelsey were kissing, making out. As I stopped in the doorway I could see the cum shot across Kelseys chest. Her tits were covered and glistening,...

2 years ago
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ME 02

I was fourteen years old before ever I found out that It was worth money. It happened like this. Every day of the school year, rain or shine, I had to walk three miles home. I couldn't exactly take my time, because I knew I had to clean up the house spick and span before Papa got home from working in the pulpwood, or else take a beating. He did seem to enjoy whipping on a girl, laying me across his lap to hike up my skirt and let down my pants and then going to it with the bare flat...

3 years ago
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There was a time when I had to crash at a female friends house for a couple days. It was one of those situations like a quid pro quo. So after a couple beers and some catching up, we entered the bedroom. She changed into these booty huggin' shorts with no panties....I could see the clit and pubic hair through the shorts. Weren't too long before I asked to go down with no stopping I had her legs up, toungue in. She she got so wet she grabbed the chocolate bar and pushed it in, whimpering my...

2 years ago
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Kamikaze TV With Big Sister

Nel is my big sister. She’s three years older than I am.We’ve always been pretty tight and spent many a day wandering through malls or on the beach. Despite our collegial friendship, it never escaped me that Nel had an incredible body. We were both home from college and it was pushing 2AM.It was just the two of us watching TV. Mom was visiting her sister in the Midwest. Dad was never in the picture. We had the house to ourselves.We sat at opposite ends of the sofa which was our usual spot. As...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex In Rain On Rooftop

Hii readers this is my second story I am sharing with you all , do read my first one to know how we met and got into physical relationship and please dont forget to mail your feedback and comments , interested people can also mail me at Now coming to the story it had already been a month and a half since we both got physical , last time we had stopped at oral sex when I had visited my girls home ,since then we never got chance again since both of our homes are not free , but we made out ,...

2 years ago
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Model Perfect

In college I had studied hard but my dream was to be a photographer. My mom and dad had not been very supportive and encouraged me to become a teacher. So I studied business and became a teacher. So with a degree in business education and the desire to be a photographer, I got a job and started my family. After my girls got out of diapers I told Sherry, my wife, that I wanted to try and be a photographer. Sherry encouraged me and soon I was taking pictures semi-professionally. I still worked at...

3 years ago
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the meaning of control

As you get closer you are already getting excited thinking about what i might have instore for our date. When you get to the door, it swings open and i grab your waist and your hair at the back of your head suprising you, pulling you to me, holding you tight and kissing you deeply. I tell you that today is going to be full of little suprises and smile.I tell you to get undressed and i watch as more of your beautiful body becomes exposed to me. You are mixed with excitement and a little...

2 years ago
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Will You Watch Me

Chapter 1 I babysat Tucker for years, ever since he was about seven and then, when he had just turned fourteen, he began coming out after his shower, in his pajamas, and would sit next to me as I watched TV. It was pretty obvious that he had an erection and he seemed to want me to see how he was poked out. He also began leaving the bathroom door open when he showered, even once calling out to me that he'd left his pajamas in his room. I was almost seventeen so I had quite a good idea what...

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Angela TransformedChapter 20

The twins heard us pull in and came out to help us carry our purchases into the house. Di was still naked. She blushed a little when she climbed out of the van with her clothes in her hand. But she got over it quickly when Allan took her in his arms and said, "I'm glad you're here today. I've been looking forward to seeing you again." She smiled, hugged him and said, "I've been looking forward to seeing you, too ... a lot." He tried to kiss her then but she placed her fingers over...

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HeartShaped Headfuck

‘She walked into the room in a Santa suit and I could tell she was trouble…’ from Yuletide Mindfuck Shane Houston finished his shift at 1pm on February 14 th and left work with a spring in his step. He even blew a kiss to the check-out girl as he stepped out the door. There were several reasons for his lightness of mood. His new first-floor manager’s job at the 86 th Street branch of Barnes and Noble was one. What a splendid fluke that had been. Intently discussing the American crime novel with...

3 years ago
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Dare Book IIChapter 7

I'd slept poorly again and awoken late to find Chance gone. Our den was beneath a broad pine whose heavy branches swept low over the ground. It was soft in there and warm, and well protected from the chill of a winter not yet arrived, but soon. It was coming and I knew the rain would give way to snow one of these nights. I could feel the cold coming inside me. This morning was clear, however, like the one before it, and the day would be warm enough. I was hungry, but only my body, and my...

3 years ago
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By Night My Love

Chapter One note: both mcs are over 18 and this story builds up to them having sex so stay tuned :). ‘Nice night, huh?’ Garret Butler pushed off from the fender of his car and saw a woman sauntering over to him. All he could see of her in the starless night was the muted gleam of the slanted zipper on her leather jacket and wild, wind tossed curls streaming behind her like a blue-black banner. She walked over to him, popped herself over on his fender and grinned at him. He noticed she was...

3 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 8

The following Saturday, Cathleen and Heather arrived at Total Transformation. The changes in Heather had certainly progressed. Through her tight yellow button-down, it was undeniable that her breasts were developing well beyond that of a male. And with the shirt rubbing against her sensitized nipples, it was obvious that they were there and that they were excited! Cassie noticed again that the buttons on Heather's shirt were on the women's side - subtle but a conscious choice. Below,...

4 years ago
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Rising Star Back To The Fuchsia 3

My time at the Flotsam Theatre was coming to an end. The play Millicent Graham had written and which was based on Faust had been a huge success and it was likely to go to London. There were also rumours that an American company wanted to put it on in New York.Nadine, or Nads as I now called her, and I were definitely an item. The L-word had reared its beautiful head and I was about as happy as I could be. She’d moved into my house, and had brought Wilberforce, her Labrador, along with her. Her...

1 year ago
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Gagging for cock

I understood, of course I did. I was just one of Luther's bitches. He owned at least two other wives and there were casual conquests too. That leant a certain humility to proceedings. I had to beg for cock. Luther had so much pussy on offer he could pick and choose. That affected how I then treated Paul, my husband. I understood, of course I did. I was just one of Luther's bitches. He owned at least two other wives and there were casual conquests too. That leant a certain humility to...

4 years ago
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Curiousity Seduced My first time

I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was the youngest in my class, and being new to the school I was now beginning to make friends. I am and have always been the type of person that smiles and laughs all the time and it's usually contagious. I was at the ripe age of 13 turning 14 and I was having a hard time at home. To get away from my mother I joined the swim team the summer of my sophomore year. It was great. I'd always loved the sport, plus I met the coolest bunch of girls who were my...

2 years ago
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Jennifers BodyChapter 4 Jerri Again

I had to wait for the bus. As I sat there I watched a couple of women at the street corner. They looked kind of rough, as if they had been used and abused. They were street prostitutes; I know I don’t want to end-up like them. When I got home my dad was asleep naked in my bed. I got undressed and took a shower. I even shaved my pussy. I think it looks great that way. I then put on my robe, and got my dad’s cellphone. I went to the kitchen to get a soda. I then went into the living room, and...

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Keep Your Enemies Close

They say climax to lovemaking is like dying a little death. In the space of one night, I could specifically say that I died a thousand deaths. We met at a charity event for the homeless and while the master of ceremonies kept going on in his drone-like voice about how bad these people were suffering and how much they needed our “help”, my long shapely legs that could put any model to shame found their way to the open bar.“Double scotch on the rocks please,” I said to the bartender. I was not...

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A hotel name, a suite number, the key card at reception. The instructions were simple yet so clear. The innocuous vibration of your cell as the message arrives, your eyes only just falling upon the illuminated name that flashes up. Yet the merest of glances enough to stop in your tracks in an instance. An audible gasp and the instant flutter of butterflies in the pit of your stomach as your mind spirals off in a million directions, a heady mix of intrigue and surprise that consumes you every...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Amber Chase Feast On Mommy Amber8217s Forbidden Fruits

Sweet juicy momma Amber admires herself in the mirror as she slips on some sexy red panties, seducing red heels and awaits for her snooping and peeping step son Nathon. As soon as he arrives she is in the kitchen showing all her goods and lets him know she is aware he is the one taking her panties into the shower and jerking off. With a gasp from Nathon she unleashes her huge tits offering him all the feeding time he wants to suck and fuck her tits as well has her extra wet hot pussy for a nice...

3 years ago
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Servance Cherry Popping

Mistress Angelica took the lube and spread it all over her cock. She rubbed her cock and looked back up to Harry. “All lubed up. But wait since this is your first time, I’m gonna be nice. Now, slut, this strap on is going to go up your ass but I’m going to be nice and give you a chance to finish lubing it up first. So suck it, you little bitch,’ this little thirteen year old commanded and, knowing how much worse it would be if he didn’t do so, Carl started to suck and lick the fake cock that...

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Bris Decision

The Saturday morning sunlight lit up Bri’s golden locks that were cascading down her back.  Matt sat in the living room with his morning cup, admiring the young beauty washing her new Camaro in his driveway.  “My God, could anyone be more perfect, more beautiful than her?” He asked out loud to himself.  His eyes scanned the gorgeous woman, Thank god for daisy dukes and bikini tops, he thought. As she bent down to clean the front rim, he got a nice glimpse of her outer lips.  “No panties,...

1 year ago
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Captive of His Passion Ch 03

Hope you all enjoy the final part of this series. I sure had fun writing it A month had passed and Talise was still captive. Talise was given no chances to run away. Hazma kept watch on her and she had spent each night with Ali. She rested beside Ali and watching him sleep and it was early morning. She was naked and her body well pleasured. Ali had taught her so many new things she blushed just thinking about them. He was sinful and so good looking. His lovemaking was erotic. He worshiped...

2 years ago
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Tormented Soul Ch 02

This story picks up where chapter 1 left off, neat how that chapter thing works . ————————————————– Charley’s bedroom was in a different part of the house. It was part of the add-on/renovation that they had to do when his parents were surprised by the arrival of his twin sisters. Half of the attached two car garage was turned into a bedroom with an in house doorway for Charley. Being the only boy meant that Charley had his own room while his sisters were bunked two to a room. He also never...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 26 A Horrible Passing

Joseph continued his conversation with Liala and Octavia on lighter subjects than religion and justice. He tried in vain to keep from shifting his eyes from the bulges in Octavia’s dress to the ones in Liala’s tight tunic. He was gratified when Morane came into the room. “I apologize, Sire,” the newly ordained bishop said, “but I require your time if you are available.” Joseph made his excuses – and took another look at the female’s anatomy – before departing with Morane. They walked in...

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Dr Jekyll and Ms Heidi

Chapter 1 You are unlikely to believe my story, I find myself doubting it myself. I do need to put this down in some form, just to check my own mental state. Let me start from the beginning. My name is Jack, I am 42 years old. I work long hours, being a biochemist for a pharmaceutical company requires a lot of work, especially when millions of dollars are at stake. It certainly has been a long road for me since my great grandfather ruined the family's reputation back in England during the...

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BlacksOnCougars Syren De Mer Second Appearance

Syren De Mer was recently reprimanded by her broker for “unprofessional behavior” during an open house. But let me back up a few…Syren is a licensed real estate agent, and she loves being what she calls “politically incorrect”. In other words, whenever she’s with clients, Syren will crack dirty jokes or say naughty things! She told her broker, “sex sells, so that’s why I do it!” She is one of the top producers in the office…so a lot of...

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First Sex With Girlfriend In Open

My name is Kapil age 23. well built body with 8 inch rod. living in bhopal my girl friend ankita age 23 stats 32-28-32 is sexy and fun loving girl. this incident takes place 2 years ago. we are in relationship for quite a few time. But our relationship is limited to gentle kisses in college compound (sabse nazre chura k). ek din mausam acha tha humne decide kia kahi ghumne jaate hain. hum manuabhan tekri gaye. tekri do hisso me bata tha ek mandir dusra couples k baithne k liye jagah. hum doosre...

4 years ago
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Fun times a conference Pt 1

At the time, I was working for a large multi national company who used to pay for two members of our department to attend a conference in Cannes each year. OK it sounds glamorous, but it was bl**dy hard work, albeit in a very glamorous location. I’d previously been on a couple of occasions with male colleagues and this occasion was to be the same, but right at the last minute this colleague dropped out. Six months previously, a new, very attractive girl had joined our team and I had the job of...

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Upon Deciding To Capitalize On His

Eric sat stonefaced, looking into the camera hardly surprised at his lack of words. The blonde woman sitting behind the camcorder cursed under her breath. ‘Jesus, here we go again.’ And then louder, ‘Look Mister uh…. Rupert,’ she said looking down at her bundle of unorganized applications and release forms. ‘You should really say something. Women don’t tend to inquire about the tapes where men just stare at the camera looking all pensive. It makes us feel creepy.’ Eric shifted nervously. The...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

2 years ago
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Sleeping with my Sister

If you have read internet porn, then you're sure to have come across so many incest stories that it almost seems common place. But I think in reality there isn't all that much of it going on in families. If you took a moment to think about it you'd realize that having a relationship with a sibling could be very awkward. The story I'm about to tell you is true and yes, it is about incest. Actually it is about the first time I had sex and that "first time" was with my sister. This story...

4 years ago
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Flight From Bangalore To Mumbai

Hi all I have been a reader for of ISS for very long Now let’s get to the story that happened recently I am 40 I am from Bangalore i have been divorced for sometime now and i live alone…. My job keeps me busy i keep travelling mostly to Pune and Mumbai I met this lady (Alpha) on a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai I had asked for a window seat with some leg space so Indigo had given me the seat on the emergency exit I was ok with it, I boarded the flight and just fell asleep, middle of the...

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