Isabella and Evelynn
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
I smiled too and said, "You would make a good grandfather. You have patients and a quiet voice. Some grandfathers may be surprised to what the grandchildren can do. I pulled back my forces because I felt that we many be able to talk this out. By now the majority of your forces would be dead and those in the city would be racing through your camp and kill everyone that put up any resistance."
"First you say that you have stolen a few horses from the Mediomatrici..."
"There were two hundred and seventy six horses but forty seven were from your old enemies the Alamanni. Those were nothing more than robbers. I was hurt on the chest and thigh while another girl Arienh's age was hit by a spear."
The man looked worried and I added, "She may have a few fractured ribs but the spear only penetrated a finger's width."
"She no doubt had the same armour as you."
"That is true. In fact each of the cadets makes their own steel and then make the armour then the weapons. That reminds me, Arienh had armour on when she ran here to warn of your coming. You said you saw none of our armour before."
"It appears she removed her armour before she was captured."
"She is a resourceful girl, but then so are all the cadets."
"How many cadets do you have?"
"Twelve but that is enough to start shaking the world."
His eyebrow rose and he said, "The world?"
"You look to be a man of forty years or so. There is time yet that you may sit back with your family and talk of capturing Arienh. They may believe many things but capturing that girl will not be believed."
"Why is that?"
"She is going to be very famous perhaps more than a Roman emperor. You see I plan on taking over the crumbling Roman Empire if I cannot get its cooperation. Your government and people only think of slaves and war. You can become many times richer by making things and selling them to your own people. When I show you how to make real ships then you can sell your produce to the rest of the world."
"Our ships are no different than any other maritime nation."
"That is true, and that is why I have to show you how to build a real ship."
"What is a real ship like?" This again was said with a smile.
"A real ship does not have oars or sails. You may already know that steam can make things move. I believe the Greeks made a device that spins when water is placed in it then heated."
"I have heard of that. It's a toy."
"True. Now make an iron tube and weld one end shut. Fill it half full with water and then crimp over the other end. Throw it in a fire and get far away and see how it is just a toy."
"We should try that but twelve cadets cannot possibly fight the armies of Rome."
"I am fully capable of taking on Rome but you are mistaken about my methods. Your government is ruled by two bodies. One is your Augustus and the other is the senate. Those in the senate are very rich but the wealth comes from their farms and businesses. Those men are always twisting the laws so that they favour their aims. Taxes are put on these men and they simply lie or move most of their businesses away from the empire. The Augustus himself has businesses and farms so he is not beyond making a few adjustments to suit his needs."
"That may be but you were talking of fighting Rome."
"Yes. Your empire is directed by men with strong business interests. I cannot see this changing for thousands of years. It has been true as far back as there were men. Now I can attack Rome in two ways. You may not know it but we make glass. This is not new but we will soon be making sheets of perfectly flat glass six or more feet wide and as long as a mile if I wanted it that way. At the moment just consider eight feet in length. I can sell this glass to Rome and gain great wealth. Everyone with two aureii to rub against each other will want it. If it is taxed very high by Rome then the price will be higher but they will still buy it."
"That is an odd form of military manoeuvring."
"My point is that there are a great many products to sell to Rome that they cannot produce themselves. I will have no competition. Another way to do this is to move to your empire and make this glass there. I get taxed but my prices still stay very high. Now that I am in your empire I can influence your laws. With armour and swords to make, I can get the patrician class to help me if there is something in it for them."
"You would give us the secret of your steel?"
I smiled. "If we were at peace you could walk into the city now. All of the smiths know the secret and as such is not a secret any more."
A man came to the tent and pushed his way in. He looked at me with a worried look until Lucius said, "Yes," in Latin which I understood.
The man spoke but I didn't understand any of it. Lucius said, "It appears that an intruder attacked one of our men inside our perimeter."
Lucius looked at me and I said, "When I left he came out to take a piss. He is suffering from a headache not a knife wound. I try very hard to keep my word."
The man standing said something else and Lucius simply said, "No." Then after a pause he said a bit more. There was a minor conflict but Lucius sounded adamant.
When the man left Lucius said, "I have send orders to those on patrol to not engage the enemy unless they are attacked. We are having an important talk now."
"Peace talks are conducted better that way though sometimes they go much quicker with some military action."
"You are a very astute young man. I have already assumed that you are the only remaining son of Clovis."
"I am."
"You could be held captive."
"You would have to break your word. I think that may be a difficult thing to do. From my study of Rome I have found that it is populated by men in two extremes and a great many in the middle. You are one of those that would die to protect me now even though you know that I could defeat Rome and change its course."
"Where do you want Rome to go?"
"I once read a book about the third century. You had three factors that each could have destroyed you. There was external invasion, internal civil war and economic collapse. I could precipitate an economic war. Carthage was a competitor of yours. I too will be. My products will be so cheap that the businesses in the Roman Empire will collapse. You might call this a 'Cold War'.
"I will sell to your enemies all that they want. Rome will fight back with their armies but they will only die. This would bring on invasions into your land.
"I can also back factions in Rome with my gold and equipment. Civil war is bad but I am afraid it is easy to formant with greedy men. Rome too uses this strategy.
"I explained three crude methods to get my point across. I want slavery abolished completely. The empire is ruled by Romans. This will change with Romans representing Romans in popular elections. The senate will have representatives of all races. The state will distance itself from religion so those that want to believe in a certain way will have the freedom to do so but not have the support nor the hindrance of the state. The Roman army will now be a police force that follows the laws set down by the senate."
"We follow those laws now."
"You follow laws made by Romans even if they try to apply to Germans outside of your empire. I would have you follow the laws set down by representatives of all the empire not just a faction."
"I understand. Please go on."
"Romans have devoted themselves to learning the science of war. Nothing else was very important to them. As a result you had a thousand years to learn and grow. You grew very little. The rich have nice homes. You have made dams then channelled the water to cities. You have made large mines but you kill the land and the water along with a lot of slaves to gain what you want. I can get what is needed with a fraction of the workforce."
"What would we do with all the slaves?"
"It will be a slow process. Everybody from slaves to the patrician class will gain an education. Those educated children will form the bureaucracy and the senate in later years. Laws will change. You may be surprised to know that you are a slave in may ways."
Lucius only smiled knowingly.
I said, "The Senate owns you even if you think it is duty. The slaves I mentioned will have to now get jobs and then get paid. Now the free slaves can purchase what they want. This means that more has to be produced to fill the demand. This will mean more former slaves have to work and get paid. What I am saying is that the great majority of the world will be wage slaves. They are free otherwise. The great bulk of your future wealth will be generated within your borders as I mentioned before."
Lucius said, "I understand what you are saying but it hinges on new things that the Romans and other races want very much to acquire. Do you have so many things to sell that you could wage this cold war?"
"More than you can count. I mentioned my ships. They will be made of steel this thick," I said with my fingers showing two centimetres thick. "A mighty engine using steam will turn a giant screw in the water to push it forward. The ships can be a thousand feet long but they will have to extend far under the water and few ports would be able to allow them to dock. Smaller ships of only five hundred feet will have to do."
"Are you sure iron or your steel can float?"
"It is the shape it is in. A boat made of wood will hold more than a raft made of the same amount of wood."
"I understand that."
"Getting back to ships, mine will sail around the world. Trade with China and India will be very profitable. There is also a lot of undiscovered land that awaits our coming. Rome has barely touched Africa and without good ships then the rest will take a long time to be found."
"Men will find them if there is silver involved."
"That is very true. And man's greed is one thing that can be used to understand us. Rome though is not all about the greed of the few because there are many good things that not only have to be saved but to be improved."
"Like what?"
"You make good roads but they have to be improved considerably."
"What is wrong with our roads?"
"There is a hard substance that will flex. It is like very thick skin. I mentioned that ships will have a device that burns fuel and the steam is used to make something turn. A cart five times longer than what we already have can have these soft but firm wheels. The device I mentioned will cause the vehicle to move. It can carry children to a large place of education or fruit to a city. My glass could be carried on these vehicles. Similar vehicles could also take warriors and all their equipment.
"To do all this the roads have to be higher and with a smoother surface. There will be so many vehicles that sometimes four roads are needed to carry them in one direction and four more to get back. The speed would be sixty miles in a single hour. They could go faster but problems happen with animals and people crossing the roads. All this means that there has to be many more bridges and culverts have to be made."
Lucius said, "The images in your mind are very vivid. I wish some of them were true but alas this cannot be."
"Do you mean about the battle we will have to wage, perhaps tomorrow?"
"We are going to fight? I thought you may surrender. That way your people will be spared a great hardship."
"It is your cohort that will be the ones surrendering I am afraid. I will try to keep the deaths to a minimum if I can but soldiers have to die. Your emperor will not understand your surrender without a fight and I really want you to help me after the battle. Would it be possible if your Immunes and of course the children and any wounded stay to one side and under my protection. I will give my oath on this."
"You sound very sure of yourself."
"I am as sure of this as I am that the sun will come over the horizon tomorrow morning. I will try to pull back our men. You should make a very sturdy wall. It will not matter because I have an onager like device that will make a hole through a full grown oak not just a small tree. Instead of a stone we throw iron but instead of it being heavy it is small and goes very fast."
"If the wall is of no use, why build it?"
"You are what I think is an honourable man. You will one day face your Augustus and tell him you did everything you could to protect your men. He will not be able to fault you on any point, that is if you happen to survive."
"You sound like we have no chance."
"You don't. I will talk to those in the city. The ones that are going to fight you will do so as honourable men. The rest I would hope would tend to the wounded. My people pick up booty and I cannot stop it. If one person collects the coins and keeps a tally then those that survive will get their money back."
"They will not be slaves?"
"Call them prisoners of war. They have certain rights and privileges. If they are honourable then they will get the freedom of the countryside."
"So you think that we will have to fight tomorrow?"
"Unless you want more time to prepare."
"You would give me more?"
"As I said before your effort is only to show your Emperor or Augustus that you fought bravely and did everything that could possibly be done.
A little boy got up. He was about two and a half. He was holding his dick in his hand and hurried out of the tent. I chuckled and said, "Boys never change. Tell me about your children."
"If you will tell me about your cadets?"
We talked for an hour and when I was offered breakfast a second time I accepted. The older boy was admiring my helmet and I looked at Lucius then put it on the boy's head. The boy only spoke Latin and Jón or I knew little of his tongue. It didn't matter much because we knew he liked the armour.
Lucius tried to find out about the black powder and the grenade but I avoided telling him much. He would know all he wanted to know when we attacked. He admired my swords and I actually told him how we currently made steel and how the swords were fashioned. When I was finished he said, "Why have you told me this? You said we are going to fight." A light seemed to come on then he said, "I see. You do not think we could carry it far."
"Not just that. This is a crude method of making steel. Iron and steel can be made in a large ceramic container that will produce two thousand talents of liquid iron or steel at one time." I drew the cross section of a rail and said, "Two of these about a pace apart can support a giant engine powered by steam. It can pull long coaches that ride on the steel. When I get these put in place in Italy then you can move troops quickly but also travellers, fruit, grain or any commodity you want. They usually go only fifty miles an hour but they will go to three hundred in a few centuries."
"That fast. I would love to be able to go that fast."
"You can travel almost that fast and sooner too but we need to make a vehicle that flies."
"Flies, like a bird?"
"The wings are fixed. A different and more powerful engine turns a propeller. This propeller turns very quickly and pulls the vehicle through the air. You will not believe it but we already have a toy propeller. They are made in the city by a fellow Roman and his German troops. I will ask if he wants to come and visit but he may not. He has lost a leg so he cannot fight. He was fed regularly and he is free to do what he wanted as long as he stayed on our land. You or the other soldiers may think him a deserter but he was captured and treated for his injuries."
"I would like to talk to him. If he came to me he would have the same oath given to you."
"I will ask him then. Getting back to the bad part of war. How long would you like to prepare?"
"I believe you will attack and you will use your onager. How effective it will be is to be seen. Rome could use this weapon if it were made available to them."
"You may not believe this, but Rome will get this weapon. I want a strong Rome that has changed its ways. You have some rough spots that have to be rubbed away but the rest is good and very much worth saving."
At noon I walked from the camp with my helmet on and my weapons and cloak carried in my arms. The Romans left me alone and I got half way to the city before a pair of horses raced to me. Forni pulled up beside me and said, "Did they capture you."
"No, we just had a talk. We are going to have a battle in two days. We better get two more cannon ready. The Romans are going to strengthen their camp and then we are going to knock it down."
The gate opened for us and Grímkell was livid at my approach. "Do you know what you did? We raced off to kill Romans and you did nothing except get captured. Your father will be angry at you and lock you up until you are an old man."
Jón was now in control and said, "No he won't. I was talking with the Roman. In two days at noon I am going to attack and destroy his fortifications. He is going to go into the forest and cut trees."
"I am going to kill some Romans in two days. They have a chance to defend themselves but they will fail. I am fairly sure a messenger was sent telling about this so we better have this wrapped up because a legion or more will be here in a month or so."
"A legion? We cannot stand up to them. You have killed us."
"Get twenty men and I will show you the weapon. I will show Lucius too while we are at it."
"The Roman?"
"Yes the Roman. He will see what he faces and perhaps there will be more legionnaires that will surrender. They make good soldiers if we get to train them soon enough."
Grímkell told Jón that only Forni had come home early this morning. He sent Forni off again to bring the artillery to an area both close to the city and close to the Romans.
The noon meal was very frosty with Astrid and Dagmar. Others too had taken their cue from them and were angry at me too. Jón was able to eat but he cut it short to get away. The food was better here but the company was better in the field.
A servant was sent off for shovels and twenty men were assembled to protect the cannons and the cadets. We were half way to our destination at a leisurely walk. The Romans avoided us and we did the same for them. We met up with the cadets and all of them were at the low ridge looking down over a cleared field. Large trees were half a Roman mile away. Most of the cadets looked sleepy but they were excited.
Jón said, "Arienh, go to the Romans and invite twenty of them to come to see a demonstration of our weapon. Tell Lucius that I won't hurt his soldiers today if they behave themselves."
"Really? Lucius?"
"If he sees then he can begin to understand. We are still going to fight unless he decides to run. I want him alive and on our side if at all possible."
"Shall I go the way I am? I do not have my armour."
"Yes, and you did a very smart thing by denying the enemy a chance to find this out. I am proud of you."
She turned red but a big smile blossomed on her features. Before she left I said, "Ask Lucius if he want to bring his boys. They may like what they see and tell him I have three toys for his family."
"He only has two boys."
"There is a big boy I met too." Arienh smiled and hurried off toward the Roman camp.
We ran through a simulated attack on an enemy position but no shots were fired. It took twenty minutes before a column of Roman calvary came our way. Our own men had got back on their horses and formed one row as if ready to charge but the lance butts were on the ground.
Lucius stopped next to the guns where we stood at attention. "Are these your onagers?"
"These are some. We have different kinds like the short ones over there." Jón pointed with his finger. "They shoot high into the air to drop behind fortified walls."
The horses were all taken away and there were a lot of angry men. They felt naked without their mounts but the horses would bolt at the sound of the explosions. The men stayed a respectful distance away and Arienh lit the powder in the pan. It flashed and in a second the cannon roared and rolled back three metres. Before they could recover the other cannon fired and I think that the soldiers would shit themselves.
The cadets fired five rounds of solid shot each as quick as they could at the targets in the distance. They then loaded up with small grape shot and stood ready. If somebody was going to come now they would be greeted the way Jón and I wanted.
The smoke eventually blew away and the horses were called for. The two boys were crying from fright and Lucius was trying to calm them. When the horses came, they were just as worried as the men.
Everybody but the cadets went to see the damage to the mature trees. Even without explosive shells there was awesome damage. Not only were trees shot through but the ball had continued through others some were deflected only to cause damage in a new directions.
It was not just the Romans that were in shock, so were the Frisians. The balls were hard to find and most were buried deep in the ground or had bounced and struck higher in a tree. We only found two of the balls anyway. One had to be dug from the ground while an axe had to be used to cut a tree down to get the other ball. They were of iron and had not shattered but they had seriously deformed themselves.
We came back to the cannon an hour and a half later. I stood beside one and said, "That was solid shot. We didn't put all the powder we could in the cannon so it was slow. The thunder you heard could be contained in a lighter projectile and when it explodes, thousands of iron pieces move in every direction. A man in armour is the same as a man without. Besides those two projectiles we have others."
The cadets brought out the various loads and showed them. The Romans that knew German were busy translating what was said. When the last two were shown I said, "The cannister with nine balls and the one with many smaller balls are designed to strike men. Nobody stands up to them.
"The city is defended by six more of these cannon and more of the mortars."
The cadets loaded the mortars but the two boys were asked to assist so that they would not be as frightened this time. The cadets fired one round almost vertically after checking the wind and Jón counted the seconds. When we heard the thunk, enough seconds had passed for him to say, "That ball that you saw travelled over a mile straight up. I can prove by mathematics but you will have to take some figures on faith."
Nobody said anything about the mile and they were not going to argue. A shell was put in but this time the elevation was at thirty degrees. The fuse this time was just wood with some powder in a small hole that would lead to the charge in the centre. When the mortar or cannon fired, the flames would lick around the projectile and ignite the powder leading to the centre of the projectile. The timing was not good but I didn't have a machine shop or a way of casting steel yet.
Lucius said, "After seeing this, I believe everything you have told me."
"Are you prepared to face me in two days or are you going to retreat? The legion could be here in a month if it hurries but longer if it is engaged. I can kill five thousand men as easily as five hundred. My advice is to go. Staying to face even the two cannon you see is insanity." Lucius didn't say anything and I hoped in a way he would just leave but I knew that if he was commanded to return, he would.
With the show over I handed the three propellers and their launchers to the boys and their foster father. The serious look on the children's faces evaporated to that of wonder. The devices flew into the air and came down and the boys ran for them to do it again and again.
To the three I whispered, "If we make big propellers and a device to turn them we can ride through the sky." Lucius translated and the boys' eyes got even bigger.
We escorted the Romans most of the way back to camp while the cannons went right to the city gate.
When we stopped Jón said, "Will you be leaving or staying? I do not relish killing your people but I will. I am afraid though that you will be coming back under orders. I want Rome to work with me but they are just too big to even listen yet. They need their nose bloodied and I am afraid it is the army that has to take the wounds."
Lucius gave a quick translation then said, "I think we will leave if we are allowed to."
I turned to Grímkell and said, "Will you and the rest allow the Romans to withdraw? They will be back though and we can deal with all of them at one time."
Grímkell said, "I think that a hundred of our soldiers and those devices of yours will take a legion easily. They would be trembling at the iron flying so fast and they would be easy prey to our lances." We still looked at him and he said, "They are free to go. Others may attack but that is their business."
Lucius just nodded his head and turned to go. The rest of his troop followed behind.
With Lucius far enough away Grímkell said, "I do not like your weapons. They are not for a man."
"It is your kind of people that cause wars Grímkell. They want glory and go out to get it at any price. Women and children have to die for it as well as innocent men. You think too little before you fight. There are many ways to show your manhood without killing. None of them would be acceptable to you or your kind. Your kind are still needed though because the legion will be coming soon."
The priests had a heyday ever since the first success with the Romans. Now that they had been vanquished, everybody was in very high spirits.
I took a table at the side of the hall and had a crest made in bronze with the stylised eagle put on it. This table was now for the academy. There were a few mutters at first but I had the cadets talk in turn about our exploits. In typical German fashion they went into great detail where it was needed.
Aagt showed her wound for all to see. They didn't believe the number of horses taken from the Alamanni. They didn't believe the booty either. The six children that took on the three robbers were next and they went through every gesture that they had originally done and probably a few more.
The Mediomatrici camp was then described with a lot of detail by the two that had entered it with Jón. When they came to the part where they had to leave then the rest talked of riding past the camp in the dark with all the Alamanni horses.
Jón now got up and talked in less detail but I could tell that he wanted to tell his story just like the cadets but he held back with difficulty. He depreciated his own efforts but then talked about the traps that were set. Apparently the Mediomatrici had not wanted to follow after all or at least not yet. The numbers of additional horses was even harder to believe.
Arienh had to get up again and talk of her run from the Romans and the thoughts of hiding her armour and weapons. She took her time and said how frightened she was and then how Lucius had treated her. She made the man sound like a German in many ways. When she was running down she smiled and said how she was awakened and then her escape.
Jón finished up by saying that he just went back and talked to an enemy that may one day be a valuable friend. He used more words but he was tired.
Astrid and Dagmar were now going to console him but Forni got him to the forge and a bed of straw on a stone floor where he could rest instead.
The Romans pulled out early the next morning but Jón slept until near four o'clock in the afternoon. He felt like shit. I knew because I felt the same way and I had no sleep at all.
That afternoon the smiths were told of a legion coming and how the cannon needed shot or everybody would die. They took this to heart and started making shells. This would give us the best method of killing an enemy.
Two wagons left with a lot of small empty barrels. The cadets would try to get as much of the powder stored inside the walls as possible. When the barrel was half empty, it was still the biggest ever made and it took work to get it on a wagon. Fálki had done the same thing and his was full.
Grímkell had to go to the quarry for stone for the walls but I think it was to count the horses that were supposed to be there. Some of the booty was hidden back along our trail. A few wagons would go to retrieve it tomorrow but again with an escort and a few cadets to show the way and use any grenades if necessary.
The family that received the six horses had come along with a lot of others. Drudwyn and Calder had arrived already. Jón simply gave the refugees into Teirtu's care so he could find farms for them. The ploughing now was only at a reasonable level.
Teirtu had heard about Bran but since Bran was not of his tribe, then it was all in good fun. Jón personally found more fun by naming the refugee community Victoria after me. It was not even a German name but it stuck.
The village was growing well because Teirtu was demanding that they build the way Jón and I wanted. It looked like a model community, which indeed it was. Stone had been hauled from the quarry and used to make the first house. Jón and I were not around when the first few were built. We helped build one structure the way we wanted. This was going to be a community were everybody helped everybody else. The Mennonites came to mind and they too were of German decent.
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Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...
You hear the sound you have been waiting for, the ding of your computer that your game has finished installing. You immediately start it up and put on your VR visor and grab your controller. The visor screen turns on and your heart beats faster as you see the intro and the feminine goddess telling you "welcome to the world. " You go through the set up options and you reach the character creation screen. You create your avatar and begin your game.
In my suddenly darkened bedroom, Kelsea nuzzled my ear and whispered, “Neat trick,” just as I had started kissing along the nape of her neck. But it was not of my doing. And soon I heard a cry of alarm and then faint thud from down the hallway. Zoey’s voice rose up, laced with a bit of pain - “Hey! What happened to zee lights!?” I broke enough away from Kelsea to make a better survey of what was happening. Not the easiest thing to do when I had a beautiful woman in my arms and her hand down...
It didn't work out that way. I watched impatiently, purse and papers in hand, as the students filed out. I wasn't paying any attention to the kids leaving the class. I was watching the door fearfully for any sign of Jamal. I was looking for trouble in the wrong place. The last student in the line let everyone else leave and then he stood in the door and turned around. He grinned and said, "You aren't leaving are you, cunt? Jamal will be right here. He'd really hate it if he missed...
The sun was shining when Peggy woke up. She sat upright in bed, confused for a moment. Then she swung her feet over the side and, wearing only panties, went straight to her son’s bedroom. With relief she saw him sprawled there, still sleeping. She had fallen to sleep waiting for him and had not heard Donny come home. That was unusual, because Peggy had always waited up for her son when he was at a late movie with friends. But then she had known where was and what time he would be...
Sunday morning, Stacy moved a little gingerly around the kitchen thinking she'd prepare breakfast. I swung into action and had her sit so I could take over. She sat down slowly and carefully. Stacy had even been walking kind of funny when we got home the night before, to relieve the babysitter. I had settled with Melissa while Stacy sort of hid so her slutty façade wouldn't be seen. She made me laugh. She'd been dressed – barely, but she still had cum in her hair, and carried the...
This is a true story and takes place a few years ago.It was my friend Ryans birthday and we had went out for a few drinks while our girlfriends had a girls night in. By the end of the night we where both quite drunk and decided to walk home and try to sober up a bit rather than take a taxi. As we where walking I made a joke about leaving with my girlfriend quickly so he could get his birthday blowjob. I was quite surprised when he replied that he wouldn't be getting one as his girlfriend didn't...
Introduction: A mother allows a man to use her daughter This is a fictional story for adults only and describes sexual activities between an adult male and an underage female. Please do not continue reading if this offends you. This story was written for entertainment only and the author does not condone any illegal activities or abuse of any kind. This is a 3rd attempt at story writing and feedback is welcome. CHAPTER 4 – Brians Story Brian knew how to get what he wanted, and he had specific...
Malissa was an attractive 21 year old who lived at home with her mom, dad and 18 year old brother. Malissa had put clean sheets on her bed before she had gone away for a week with her mates, she had also put a pair of silk PJ's on the bed ready for when she returned. A week later she arrived home from her holiday to find the house empty she went to dump her bags in her room as she entered her room she noticed that her bed was unmade, on a closer look she saw lots of stains on the sheets she was...
Inceststories where women grow and overpower men. No giants (nothing over 7 feet tall). these are stories of wives working out and over powering their husband/partner or just some guy. There can be some height gain or height loss from the guy's side. The height gain or loss is maximum a foot or two. So nothing extreme. The is also muscle gain or loss, breast expansion. These stories follow aggressive, sexual women who over power smaller weaker males.
BDSMWARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Melinda Puff,...
It’s one of the days when you get up late cause you had boozed too much at night and you make a wise decision to stay at home rather than going college to show your professors how much drunken one can really get on a typical Wednesday night and trust me even that doesn’t impress them. Well as it is i was never a regular student and my parents both of em were off to office, so it was time for me to use to hangover protocol, get up from the bed shift to sofa, watch TV, sleep again, eat, sofa bed...
"Damn it. Why can't you ever wait for me to cum? All you have to do is be patient. Twenty years and you still don't know how to get me off. Some husband I married" my mother shouted. I hurried back to my room, as my mother would certainly be headed for the washroom after her weekly attempt at sex with my father. I had been watching this routine since I was thirteen and five years later I still can't get enough of watching my mother having sex with dad. Every Friday night at 10 PM they...
Running Eagle, naked except for a leather breechcloth, a red headband, and moccasins. Earlier the day he had been following day old tracks of a shod horse. The rider made no attempt to hide it from possible pursuers. The imprints were clearly visible in the red sand and on the rocks amongst the variety of tracings left by other animals.During the tracking, Running Eagle began to know his quarry. The rider, astride a chestnut horse, was reconnoitering the terrain. Through the depth of the...
Love StoriesEver been with a pornstar? If “no” is your answer today, tomorrow it’ll be “yes.” Pornstar Ava Addams is horny as fuck, and not only that…she’s here, and she’s here for you! She wants to rub her juicy, fat, big tits all up in your face and let you suck on her plushy pink nipples. After that, she wants to blow you like a pornstar would blow you — sloppy, wet and feeling like it’s never going to end. And you won’t want it to end…until you find out how wet her pussy is! Ava’s so fucking horny...
xmoviesforyouShe loves her husband. She loves her children. At least that's what she always told her online lovers. It set the ground rules and put up boundaries so that none of them got too serious or requested a meeting. It was a grand rationalization, to put it mildly. By getting this up front, she was able to tell herself that none of this was real, that it was all fantasy and fun and that no one would get hurt. If she had believed that, then perhaps it wouldn't have gone so wrong, caused so much hurt,...
CheatingToward the end of November most normal Americans think of Thanksgiving as their holiday of choice. No so the hunters of Pennsylvania, where the opening of Deer Season easily drives all though of turkey from their minds. One might go so far as to take the word back to it's origins: Holy Day. Truly a day of reverence; the schools are closed, as are many of the small shops, and the woods around the small towns of the Endless Mountains ring with the report of rifles. This can be a...
Hello, My name is Swathi and I am a twenty one-year-old girl. I am a very homely girl who is very educated and is working in a reputed organization. Coming to my looks, I am slightly on the healthier side. My body stats are 36’’ 32’’ 38’’. I am medium fair and very cute. I have never had a boyfriend in my life. I always thought I should wait until marriage. It’s been a few days that I have been reading indian sex stories dot net stories. I always wanted to have a sexual encounter with a...
Back up in her mum’s office they dumped their backpacks and went along the corridor again, to where the hermaphrodites had been standing around in the doorway the day before. “Hello?” called Sophie, and one of them appeared. “Hello!” Kim was coming to greet them. God, she was gorgeous! And she seemed ready for sex while she was still walking up to them!! They kissed her and went back with her and were introduced to the other four girls, who were all super friendly and were kissing cheeks...
FictionI was the head coach of the school's football team for nearly a month and a half and I was enjoying my position. I was a former player and also a former high school coach who had taken my team to the playoffs 3 years consecutively. The college I attended as a young male had hired me on as head coach due to my success in high school football. I was married, and had long since stop messing around with men when I went to college and feel in love with my girlfriend who ended up being my...
turning over and smiling, i say 'good morning Master'. already i see that gleam in Your eyes that tells me You have something planned for today. You turn me over and swat my butt as You tell me to prepare for the day. scurrying out of bed, i head quickly to the bathroom, turn on the shower and adjust the water. running my hands over my body, through my hair, i sigh with delight as the warm water runs over me. spending a little more time than usual in the caress of the shower, i hurriedly wash...
In the morning, Cone arrived at the employee cafeteria thirty minutes late. "What happened? I've never know you to be late," Lan asked. "I ate breakfast without you." "An unexpected contract bid came in late last night. A slight inconvenience that had to be handled before we go to the trade show," Cone responded, out of breath. "Let's go aboard and depart for the station. We are still within our flight plan window for a timely arrival and unloading." Lan shrugged the delay off...
Thank you for reading my first story. This takes me back to senior year in high school in June. I was a pretty straight-edge guy and quite naive. My first time was not planned, and it was an unexpected surprise. She was a blonde standing about 5"3 with an athletic build – the volleyball type. We had been in the same English class the entire semester and she had a boyfriend. Because of her relationship I didn't expect her to put any moves on me. I stood about 5"9, lean and muscular. I was a...
First TimeNote: The last photo shoot detailed below between Kerry and Patrick was real, and the photo above one of the results. We sincerely hope the Private Investigator wasn’t real. Markus attended to his preparations with meticulous attention: batteries were loaded, lenses cleaned and packed, listening devices prepared. His work was his passion, and he didn’t accept anything less than perfect. He worked under the most challenging conditions to get that perfect shot – more so than any normal...
In an alternate world, the constant threat of attacks by terrorists and criminals caused the public to become increasingly frightened. This fear pressed the government to create new regulations to help the people to feel more safe. Strangely, the government found that terrorist and criminal attacks were committed by females much more often than males. This resulted in the new laws being especially biased against women. Authorities had the right to strip a woman and perform a cavity search...
Near Carlisle, England August 1385 Jean de Carrouges sat at his morning campfire, sipping slowly on a flagon of watered wine, contemplating the disaster this Scottish expedition had become. When he had left France in early Spring, he had command of nine good squires, all well-trained heavy horsemen, and two score foot soldiers and archers. Six of the squires and over half the men-at-arms lay buried in English graves, along with Jean’s aspirations of wealth. “Riches!” Robert de Thibouville,...
Hai friends, naan Kalpana, vayathu 18. Ennaku oru thozhi irukiraal aval peyar keerthana avalukum en vayathu thaan aagugiraathu. Indru naan en thozhiyudan eppai sex seithen endra kaama anubavathai pagira pogiren. Naan en siru vayathil irunthe kaamam meethu aasai udayaval, niraiya aangalin sunnigalai paarthukonde irupen. Enathu veetil niraiya uuta sathu alipathaal ennak kuthiyil viral pootu then vara vaikaamal iruka mudiyaathu. Naan thinamum kuthiyil viral vittu aati then vara vaipen aanal...
I held her tightly against my body, encouraging her. "Let it out, Keira. I have you." My eyes never left hers in the mirror. "Release for me, baby."Her legs straightened, toes pointed, and her back arched as she screamed, "James!"Is there any bigger compliment than a woman screaming your name as she cums? She panted with her orgasm, thrusting against my hand with each spasm. Her pussy squeezed my fingers as her release ripped through her. Dear God, my cock almost exploded in my pants! My eyes...
Oral SexThis story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! The...
I woke up quite late for me but didn’t panic as I had nothing really planned for the day but with my new neighbours moving in I decided that I would at least introduce myself and offer any assistance that may be required but it was all quiet at the moment which gave me time to have my breakfast and shower ready for the day ahead.I was sitting outside having a smoke when at around 11am I saw the removal van pull up and things starting to happen and as my car was right outside my gate I thought...
Laura and Frankie are graduating from high school and getting married. Much to our surprise, she told Lisa and me that she was wearing white because she was still a virgin technically! She said, "Making physical love to Frankie will be almost anticlimactic. We've been lovers all our lives. When we didn't make love physically a few years ago, we decided to wait until our marriage." She giggled. "That's not to say we haven't come close or done other things! We are comfortable with each...
We'd hosted a Forum party, this was a group of open minded people single or couples it didn't matter it wasn't a swingers group as such but a number of couples were. On the whole we got on with most and had in the past swung with three of the couples in the past, at club parties swinging didn't usually happen it was more of a socialising thing, though we didn't fuss two much if a couple disappeared for a short while into a quiet area.Anne was late arriving as she'd had to go to Sydney on...
A married couple find themselves in trouble with the law,but the wife finds a way to get them out of trouble.***Deanne and Brent have been married for fifteen years with three c***dren. Although Deanne kept her five-foot frame in great shape and her 36C breast were still firm, at only 32 their sex life had begun routine and boring. Deanne and Brent decided that they were going to have a Saturday night of sexual adventure. Deanne arranged for a babysitter for Saturday night and would not let him...
Early December, after a game. "Oh, yeah! "Right there. "Harder, sweetie! "Like that! "Mmph. "Uh? Yum! "Can you move your arm? "Um. "Oh. Oh! "Yes! "Oh, yeah. "Move up here, sweetie. "Kiss me. "Mmm. You're covered with me. "I taste pretty good, you know? "All the way up, now. "Sit on my boobs. "Yeah, just right. "Not so hard, OK? Yeah, like that. "You're so firm, so warm. "Does that feel good? "I can see you like that. "It's OK. Just not too...
He actually waited four days before he called. Two days longer than I thought. I listened as his smarmy voice oozed through the phone. "Tom, Tom, please be reasonable. I'm sure we can work out an agreement we're all happy with. Why don't you come by the office, we'll sit and discuss it like reasonable men." "That's a great idea, Stan. I already know what I want." He hated being called Stan, insisting on Stanley. I heard his hiss, but he controlled it. "That's just great, Tom. I...
‘Again!’ Winona frowned as she skated back towards the center of the rink. The Olympic tryouts weren’t for another 3 weeks, but her coach, Rebecca was tyrannically working her day in and day out. Rebecca was an Olympic silver medalist only 10 years older than Winona, but her career had been tragically cut short by an injury, forcing her into coaching early. Winona sometimes felt like she was feeling the brunt of Rebecca’s desire for vengeance at what fate had given her. Winona was drenched...
This has been one of my long-term fantasy- to experience kissing a girl but I never really met anyone with whom I could try it and was sad about it. Until recently. So there is this hot girl in my office who joined recently. In no time we both became friends. She has long hair, beautiful eyes, thick lips which is always coated with different shades of lipstick. Dresses very sensually. Fair skinned. We used to always hang out together. We went drinking many times and she used to always lose...
Lesbian6 mature, curvy, big breasted, white ladies were thrilled to deliver their 8 black babies after their 2nd breeding session at our cottage. These 8 black babies are in addition to the 6 black babies they delivered the year before. These mature white ladies, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Steph, Beverly and my wife, Tryphaena have always wanted to be repeatedly bred by black men. They waited almost too late as their ages are now between 50-55, so their old and tired wombs and ovaries could shut down at...
I had one of the most amazing experiences over New Year's Day weekend. those of you who've read my stories on "Doing Mandy" will know fully what I'm talking about. I accidentally ran into Mandy again -- wow!!!! If you haven't read, "Doing Mandy", then this surprise encounter won't mean nearly as much to you. Suffice it to say, Mandy was my work supervisor "once upon a time" and she was a bitch from hell as far as being someone's supervisor. But, in the end, I got her but good. It...
Tim, the Teenage Part Fifteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 2 - Are You Free This Evening? (Or A Slave?) (fff, mm foreplay) "Wow!" Joey exclaimed as we entered the room my father had selected for us. "Look at THAT!" Suzi exclaimed, pointing up on the wall. "Holy Shit! How did he get that?" I said amazed. "Heh. I guess the same place as that one," Joey said pointing behind us. "Shit," was I could say. We were...
It was thanksgiving dinner at her house, when I first laid eyes on Audriana. I was captivated by her presence and her ability to work a room, but how could this be the same girl I had watched as a baby? She had grown up so beautifully but that was so long ago, she was sixteen now. Her Italian and black mix gave her a deeply tanned skin tone, big beautiful brown eyes that were feathered with thick dark lashes and her loosely curled, dark hair fell just above her mid back. She looked around 5'8,...
First TimeIntroduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 1 ...
Sleepily, I looked at the name under the big envelope, and raised an eyebrow quizzically when I saw that it was Brianna that had texted me this late. Brianna and I had always talked rarely, and we wouldn’t at all if it wasn’t for the fun night we’d had at prom junior several months back. We were both bored with our dates, whom we’d gone with more out of laziness and resignation than any great affection, and more than a little drunk from covert swallows from hidden flasks. Brianna was...
“Oh, ohhhh!” Tom pulls down his pants, while never letting his eye off the peep hole. Every Sunday night, these same five girls have gathered here and done amazing sexual things to each other in this abandoned old shack. Dan pulls out his stiffening cock and slowly strokes it. Inside the four women are completely naked, and surrounding a donkey this time. They are taking turns sucking on the donkey’s hugely disproportional dick, rubbing their breasts up and down its...
I arrived at my parents with a lot of desire to spend time in the horizontal position. If a guy was involved, well and good. But just lying in bed for a few extra hours sounded good. I had not really had any time off in months. I wanted to stretch out, bask in the sun—courtesy of SPF 75—and just try to catch up with myself. Mother was fully agreeable to this. I was her last child at home, and she wanted to savor that. I'm not sure she was dreading the "empty-next" aspect or not, but for...
I managed to control my temper when the program director informed me that I would be making a personal appearance to function as an emcee for a Halloween bash. I thought my promotion to full time air personality would change things. I was wrong.Now, before I could launch into my rant my boss informed me that this was a costume party at the popular nightclub that was located inside of the larger hotels. The hotel had purchased a ton of commercial time to promote their party. Along with the pay...
CrossdressingThere was a diner, of sorts, on the first floor of the building. It served pre-packaged sandwiches and salads. There were also hot soups, Polish sausages, hot dogs, kraut and the like. Maggie wasn't interested in the fatty foods, so she chose a bowl of mushroom soup, with lemonade, and took it to one of the small tables that were scattered around. She sat in one of two chairs at the table. She was joined by Helen, who asked if she could sit in the other chair. Neither woman seemed to be...
I remember the first time I saw Tara. I was the cameraman for Gangbang - Women In Heat and she was a relative newcomer to the world of porn. She was only 21 years old but from the moment I saw her I was hooked. She had a beautiful face and long straight blond hair. Her 38DD tits and her firm round ass were an irresistible combo. She was one fuckable babe. I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of...
EroticContinuing to hold Ami's hand, she led her into the Sacred Space, followed by Jess. The floor was now completely covered in what looked like a giant yoga mat. The lighting was soft and the music hypnotic. "Let's get undressed." Without a word the three women removed their clothing. Ami was shocked by Cregan's perfect body. Now she was sure that Cregan wasn't 91. Her breasts were on the small side, firm with protruding nipples. Her body was lean and sensually muscular. She had the same...
Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...