Fusion Of Horizons (Chapter 2) free porn video

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Mary maintained the poker face and continued sucking her lollipop seductively and not breaking eye contact.

“For God sake, stop giving a blowjob to that lollipop!”

The next thing I knew is that the lips which were sucking and kissing the strawberry flavoured lollipop were pressed against mine. After what seem to be two long minutes, she broke the kiss and said, “Took you long enough.”

I was stunned and aroused at my first kiss. It was sweet. The mixture of sugar with her saliva made me want to kiss her back. As it was my first time, I knew not how to respond. I continued to look at her surprised yet shocked.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something bad?” Mary questioned with a concerned voice.

I caught her face in the palms of my hands and kissed her back. My breath was heavy as there was adrenal rushing in my blood. Even though Mary was five-feet-eight-inches tall, a few inches shorter than me, I didn’t bend down. It was she who raised herself on her toes to let out lips meet once again.

We broke our kiss and looking intently into each other eyes smiled. We had crossed the line and there was no going back.

“Is this your first time?” Mary asked.

I nodded silently. I had never been with a girl. My Catholic mom had been very particular about relationships. She insisted that I focus on my studies, job and only then seek out a life partner. But here I was, making out with a girl whom I had known for a little more than five months.

“Well, now I know how to repay you,” Mary said as she winked at me. “You teach me and I teach you. Isn’t it something?”

“So… are we going to have sex?” I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her close.

“No. I cannot do that. I am still a virgin and only my husband will deflower me.”

I felt a wave of disappointment hit me. A few hours ago, I was a man determined not to entertain any relationship but now, I was looking forward to one.

Mary noticed the disappointment on my face. She looked at me with pity and said, “We will have our fun, but not today. I am not clean and I need to prepare myself. She paused for a while and then said, "I need you to do something for me. Go on the internet and search for oral sex. That is something I want to try with you.”

“So am I your boyfriend?” I asked excitedly.

Mary looked with widened eyes and burst out laughing. She made it to the door and calming herself said, “You are a funny guy. I will see you tomorrow in my room.”

“What about your date?”

“Well, I’ve planned to spend time with my new boyfriend tomorrow,” she said as she made her way out of the room. She laid emphasis on the word 'new', to let me know that she talking about me.

I was left standing alone, bubbling with excitement. There was an afterglow of mixed emotions, similar to the feeling of watching porn for the first time.

‘I have a girlfriend. A girlfriend. This is so exciting.’

The following day, I couldn’t concentrate on the classes. My mind was wandering on the last night’s episode. No conscious effort could help me focus on my studies. My gaze wandered towards Mary who was attentively listening to the lecturer. my eyes began to study the facial feature of my new Asian girlfriend. Her fair skin, long black hair, her dark eye and her tiny nose. ‘She is my girlfriend.’

During the lunch hour, I slipped into the computer lab. I chose the last computer which was often used by the notorious students, assuming it to contain some adult material. I browsed through the computer and found some hardcore porn in local drive D.

‘Oral sex, oral sex, oral sex. Where is it?’

I was in luck as I found an eighty-four minutes long porn which contained some oral sex scene. I am not guilty of watching porn, it’s not new to me. But oral sex was. I intently observed the close-up scene of the male porn actor licking and sucking the female genital. What impressed me was the reaction of the female actor. ‘This better be genuine.’

For the rest of the day, my mind began wandering around the porn clip which I had intently studied. Never had I ever been so distracted and excited at the same in my life. I was looking forward to coming to the close of the classes. ‘Mary is going to suck my dick.’ The very thought of it made my prick grow hard.

My torment was put to rest when the professor called it a day. I scanned the classroom to look for Mary who was collecting and putting her stuff in her bag. She looked up and winked, to which I responded with a smile. Gathering up my material I walked straight towards her without breaking our eye contact.

“Need a hand, my lady?” I asked proudly.

“Thank you, my man. I assume you have done your homework,” Mary said with a grin. “Come on, walk with me, will you?”

We walked together to our block. All the while, I asked her if it was her first time having oral sex and if she was excited. My face fell when she said that it was not new to her.

“Are you disappointed? I don’t want to hide anything from you and see you get hurt later. You are a sweet man, Steve. I appreciate for taking the trouble to help me in my studies.”

With a disappointed tone, I said, “To tell you the truth, I am a little disappointed but that’s okay. For me, it is my first time and that is why…”

“… you are all excited. I could see that you were distracted during the class hour,” Mary said as she chuckled.

“I’ve never been in love before. Yes, I was attracted to other girls back home, but never dared to approach them. Had it not been for that mean lady at the canteen counter on the first day, I don’t think I would have even dared to approach you.”

Mary laughed the mention of the lady in the canteen. She looked around to see if we were alone, grabbing hold of my face, kissed me.

“You are a sweet man. Come to my room in thirty minutes and make sure that you shower.”

Having said that, Mary climbed the stairs of the residential block while I walked towards my door. Excited that I was, I wasted no time to step into the shower and wash myself. As the water cascaded down my body, I was aroused by the mental picture of Mary, I had in my mind. I pictured her going down on me naked. The very thought of it gave me a boner.

Having washed clean, I stepped out of the shower to dress. I used a little perfume which I had saved for a special occasion, put on my t-shirt and my track pant to avoid suspicion. I looked at my wristwatch, which was on the table, to check the time. ‘It’s time.’

I had to be extra careful not to be detected by any ladies as it was way past the visiting hour. I quietly managed to reach Mary’s door and knock it gently.

“I’m in the shower, come in,” I heard a voice from within.

Turning the doorknob I let myself into the room and latched the door once I was in.  To my surprise, the room was well arranged. The table had a lamp and a few open books. ‘She is taking her studies seriously.’ My attention was diverted towards the bathroom door when I heard the noise of the latch.

Hot steam billowed through the doorway as Mary stepped out with a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair still dripping with drops of water as she walked towards me and pushed me on the bed. Turning her back towards me, she let the towel drop to the floor revealing her bare back and her black lace panties which covered her cute ass. Cupping her breasts, turning around she came near me and let her hands-free revealing me her breast.

"Kiss me," she said.

I was no expert in sex, not at that moment, but the only logical thing I felt needed to be done was to remove my t-shirt, which I did. Standing up, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressing her wet body to mine, I kissed her.

We shared a long passionate kiss, eyes closed, feasting on each other’s lips and letting my hand wander across her naked back. We remained in that position for some time, allowing the warmth of her skin as to synchronize with mine. I became aware of her nipples pressed against my chest and my hard dick pressed against her abdomen. I consciously moved my hand to her ass and pulled her even closer. The feel of the fabric of her panties was something I enjoyed at that moment but was soon lost as I was pushed away by her, breaking our embrace.

“Show me what you have learnt, lover boy,” Mary said as she slid panties down her tender thighs. Sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide she, she bit her lips seductively.

Kneeling in front of her I brought my face close to her shaved pussy. Nervously, I wrapped my trembling hands around her waist and began to lick her outer velvety folds.

“Fuck! Yes, Steve, like that. Begin gently,” Mary moaned.

I assumed that her eyes were closed as the lady in porn did the same. I felt her fingers ruffling my hair, stroking, and gripping it, whenever I made an attempt to push my tongue between her folds. My hands, which were gripping her waist, began unconsciously caressing her lower back and her ass, attempting to explore her naked skin.

Mary now wrapped her legs around my neck, pulling me close, which made me uncomfortable. Not wanting to break her moment of pleasure, I decided to bear it and continued pleasing her. Little did I know that she was close to cumming as I felt her legs tremble and right hand on her mouth trying to hide her moans. With few rapid strokes of my tongue on her clits, I felt her juice squirting around my mouth.

“Fuck! Give me a moment,” Mary said as she gasped for breath.

Drawing out a kerchief from my pocket, I wiped my mouth which was covered with cum. Mary was looking at me with a grin on her face as she continued to gasp for breath. As I stood up, I felt her hand reach my track pant and pull it down. As I wore no boxers, my dick sprang to attention.

“Mmmm, a virgin cock. All for me!” Mary teased as her warm finger curled around my hard member.

The touch of her hand sent shivers down my spine. A wave of pleasure kicked me and a deep sigh escaped my mouth. I closed my eyes as I felt her grip fasten around my shaft. She began rolling my foreskin back and forth slowly exposing the tip of my cock.

I was fine with the easy handjob which was being catered to me. The thirty seconds were of pure bliss. The moment Mary grabbed my scrotum, I felt a surge of pleasure burst from within.

“Mary!” I moaned with my fist clenched.

“Don’t tell me you are going to…”

Her words fell on my deaf ears as loads of cum shot right from my tip onto her cheek, her breast and her bed. Letting go of my limp dick she wiped her cheek and roared in laughter. I stood there embarrassed for having cum that quickly.

“It’s ok, I understand. It is your first time after all,” Mary said as she stood.

“Sorry… I guess,” I managed to reply.

“It’s ok, sweetie. It happens for the first-timers. You will do better next time.”

Trying to divert my attention, Mary pulled me by my hand to sit beside her. “Cuddle me, will you?”

Smiling, I wrapped my arm around her, while she rested her head on my shoulder. We cuddled silently. That was something that porn didn’t teach me.

It didn’t take long for our classmate to notice that Mary and I were dating. Our oral sex continued and over a period of time, my endurance increased. I learnt many more techniques and most importantly, I learnt to pay special attention to her body. Even though she was two years elder, age played no role in our romantic relationship.

Not only did our relationship progress but so did our grades. In the final year, I managed to make a mark in the college as I ranked second while Mary managed to score much more than what she had anticipated. To celebrate our achievement I took her out for dinner on my twenty-seventh birthday where I decided to reveal what I had in mind for our future.


12 March 2012

Mary wore her blue lace overlay skater dress, which was my favourite, for the evening. We had chosen a decent place to dine which also gave us an ample amount of privacy. The order was placed for beefsteak and beer, which was her actually her choice.

“So, lover boy, today I have something special for you,” Mary said as she winked at me.

“Is that so? Care to tell me what it is?” I asked as I lifted up my glass.

“I want to try anal tonight,” Mary said.

I was taken aback and nearly spilt my beer at the mention of the word anal.

“You want to try, what?” I asked.

“You heard it right. Anal.”

“Won’t it hurt you? I mean… I know it is going to bring me immense pleasure, but I don’t want to do anything that would hurt you.”

Mary looked at me lovingly and smiled. “The reason why I broke up with the previous guy was that he wanted to be intimate with me. He wanted to fuck me and I had to put my foot down. Eventually, we split. But you, Steve… you are different. You never pressurized me. It’s about time I let you know how grateful I am to you.”

There were plenty of questions in my mind which I wanted to ask. I decided not to object as it would result in her getting angry and ruining my birthday. I decided to play along.

“Oh, Mary. What have I done to deserve a lady like you?” I paused and leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table. “I have been thinking for a while and I guess it’s time that I let you know what I have in mind.”

Mary took a sip from her glass and nodded in affirmation.

“It’s been three years that we are together… two years, four months to be precise; but the thing is, I want to explore a bit more about our relationship. I don’t want this moment that we share to end. I have spoken to my uncle, who manages a firm in London. He has agreed to employ us temporarily and promised us a decent pay. Simultaneously, we can also hunt for our dream jobs. I know I am asking you a lot, but I am enjoying my time with you, and I wish to explore it a bit more.”

Mary’s dark eyes never left my face the entire time. She looked away for a while to process the words I had just spoken. her prolonged silence made me nervous.

“That’s a lot, Steve. Over a period of time, I have fallen in love with you. It is going to hurt me if I have to say goodbye to you. At the same time, we come from different parts of the world, different cultures and background. Are you sure we can work this out?”

Without wasting a moment I said, “Mary I have given it some thought and I am sure we can work this out. Is it ok, if we give it another year? Maybe once we live together and go on with our daily routine, we might be able to know how compatible we are.”

A smile drew on Mary’s face as I tried to speak as convincing as I could. Clasping my hand in hers she said, “Yes. We will give it a try.”

“While in London, I want you to meet my mom. She will be glad to meet you. I will introduce you as a friend of mine,” I said.

The mention of the word 'friend' made Mary giggle hysterically. She knew the precise reason why I wished to introduce her as a friend. My mom was strict about relationships. She didn’t want her Catholic child to be led astray or lose focus in life. Everything had priority and I didn’t want to upset her.

As her laughter subsided she said, “Sure, Steve. I understand. But I have a condition. I want you to come to my home too, and meet my parents. I will introduce you to them as my boyfriend. They are quite open about it. My parents will be happy to meet you. After all, I need their permission if I have to choose a life partner.”

“What do you mean by that? You need their permission?”

Mary let out a sigh and after a brief pause, she said, “Well, Steve… Usually, in my culture, the parents choose a life partner for their children. Love marriage is a seldom occurrence.”

My heart skipped a beat. “What if they say no to me.?”

Mary smiled at the worried look on my face. “You don’t have to worry, sweetheart. A fine educated gentleman like you is an ideal choice for their daughter. Trust me, they will like you too.”

With that, she leaned over the table and kissed me. The other people in the room looked at us and smiled. I couldn’t help but blush.

“So, do I have to learn Chinese if I have to marry you?” I asked.

“Apparently, you have to learn more than Chinese. We have our ancestral house in China but our province shares its boundaries with Indian and Nepal. By heart, I am Chinese. Trust me, you will understand it better when I take you there.”

I had a mental map in mind and had already begun calculation about the distance I had to travel to meet her family when our order arrived.

“Let’s dig in,” Mary said before helping herself.

As we continued our conversation, I learnt two things about Mary that day. Firstly, she came from a matrilineal society which explained her leadership qualities. A matrilineal society is in contrast to a patrilineal society where ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines.

Secondly, she came from a royal family and was the second of three children, all of whom were girls. Not only was this lady beautiful, but rich too. I knew that she spent a lot on her clothing and other stuff, but I had never asked her about the source.

“Wow, after three years you reveal this to me today? A birthday surprise indeed,” I said.

“Relax crazy. It’s not a big deal. Hold your judgement until you see my family. Can you do that for me?” Mary asked as she grabbed my hand.

Even though I nodded in agreement, my mind was still processing the facts revealed to me.

“Don’t think too much. Let’s pay the bill and get out of here. We have a long night ahead,” Mary said as she emptied her glass of beer.

I smiled and responded, “Fucking you in the ass?”


(To be continued)

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The sheets were in the washing machine, the breakfast dishes were in the dishwasher and Franny was leading Jordan out to the salon on an overcast spring morning in rural Massachusetts. "Seriously," she was chuckling as they walked into the salon and turned on the lights, "you don't know who Billie Eilish is!?" "No," Jordan shrugged. "Should I know her?" "Well, I don't know... don't you like music?" "Sure. I like music just fine. I just don't always know who I'm listening...

3 years ago
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broadening your Horizons

You had been in the UK for a week now and we had played every night either in the woods or at a club where you enjoyed the extra attention given to you by the single men there. But tonight was about education and I was going to show you how a cuckold lives. I had met them ages ago at the club we frequent and he was a total sub to his wife, which meant she could do exactly what she wanted whenever she wanted.She had asked me to come around one night when we were at the club her husband was sat...

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New horizons for Sammyboy

You exit your home in a rush, making your mom scream at you from the living room. You don't listen, you are too excited to go to Mark house to care, both have been frinds since kindegarden, having eachothers back. You are quite different to him, you are quite slender, with a mop of blond hair over your head and bright green eyes that shine everytime you smile, he in other hand had tan skin, result of many hours of soccer training, and dark hair styled in a buzz cut. He gave off that tought guy...

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Far Horizons

© Copyright 2004 At thirteen, I was about as sexually frustrated as a young boy could be. My friends and I would go down to the corner drugstore and giggle and point at the pictures in the girlie magazines until the owner finally noticed us and kicked us out. He tried to sound gruff, but when he wasn't looking, every once in a while, I'd catch him smiling, as if remembering his own adolescent years. Once in a while, we'd camp out in somebody's back yard. Invariably, someone would...

2 years ago
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New Horizons

The cabin was small. There was only one bedroom just large enough for a double bed to be situated on each side of the opening into the room. When I first visited the mountain cabin as guests of Bob and Sarah I was uncomfortable with the lack of privacy. My wife Jenny seemed comfortable with it. She had been there several times before when work had prevented me from joining them. Bob and Sarah were in and out of the room while Jenny changed into The extra large T-shirt she used for a nightgown....

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Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Bobby knew his place in the world. He was a bottom. He was the one who got on his hands and knees and presented his ass. And mostly, he liked it that way. Oh, once in a while he'd switch and be the one doing the inserting. Bobby was actually quite a skilled cocksman, and he enjoyed the turnabout. But bottoming was his real talent. "You're a natural born receptacle," Norm would tell him. "Your butt was made for fucking." On a hot day in July they were...

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

(Four years ago) By August of the following year, Alex had finished her Ph.D. The University Trustees, the President of the University, the Chair of the Computer Science Department, one R.J. Ambuster, and all the faculty of the CS department agreed that she didn't need to submit a disertation, her body of work would be enough. Only eight months from start to finish was an amazingly short time for a Ph.D., but she was exceptional. Nobody knew why exactly, but they were convinced that she...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

Cathy came to me as I was working and asked me if I could show her something about what I was doing. I told her that I would be happy to show her. I started explaining about how you program a computer to perform the tasks you wanted. Most of the programming I was doing was in visual basic and C++. Giving her an overview of how it's done meant that I had to show her the main parts that make up a computer system. Using my desktop unit as an example I covered the basics including input, output,...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 21 New Horizons

For the third time in a week, Kelly walked into our kitchen from the back porch carrying a bowl of cereal. She was dressed in a t-shirt that barely reached the top of her thighs. “Good morning, guys. Can I borrow some milk, again?” she asked as she set the bowl on the counter, and opened the refrigerator. She bent at the waist, and gave me a good look at her black-panty covered ass. I arched an eyebrow at Jeryl who just smirked back at me. “Good morning, Paul ... urgh!” Matthew said as he...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 30 New Horizons

Suzanne seemed uninterested in what time I got home the night before. I wondered if Mr. Oldham had a talk with her or if she was resigned to my carrying on with Alice at all hours of the night. We had an early lunch and they retired to Mr. Oldham's study, presumably to get some work done. I went for a walk, thinking I would try once more to see if Cindy was outside. But as I passed the park I saw Ned working on a flower bed. He was on his hands and knees in the center of a large circular...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 15 Horizons Broadened

Jim was beside himself. He’d been watching Sam and Sue’s back yard antics on his desktop at the office, and had a pretty good idea of what had gone on in the house as well. It was better than he had expected by quite a bit. He put the finishing touches on a report that needed to go out that day and shut down his computer preparatory to going home. Normally he didn’t go home until five, but today he was going to go home early – he’d call ahead, of course. It would not do at all to come home...

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A World of My OwnChapter 6 Expanding Horizons Part 1

I woke the next day full of anticipation. This was developing so fast it had my head spinning with the possibilities. I was collecting lives and the shear power that implied was the best aphrodisiac I could have imagined. It was time to take this to the next level. It was time to convert Emily into the sex slave I always wanted her to be. I called her early, wanting to catch her before she left for school. She was attending Washington State University, studying architecture and was really...

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A World of My OwnChapter 7 Expanding Horizons Part 2

I worked feverishly for the next hour or so to insure everything was just right. I started by securing some of the silk rope to each of the four bedposts. If all went well I was sure one of my slaves would be bound to the bed at various times throughout the weekend. I also prepared four lengths of rope that would allow me to bind the bitches to my desk but these I stored in a one of the desk draws. I was particularly concerned that Emily not see any of this before I had prepared her. The...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 16 Expanding Horizons

That morning I got a very intriguing phone call from the marketing director for a school uniform manufacturer. He said that he would like to commission the squad to model some of their products for their fall catalog. I thought this sounded like something that needed checking into. I told him that we were having a practice session that afternoon and he was welcome to come to my house to make his presentation and discuss his offer with the girls and their parents. After that call I had Kim...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 3 Business with Roger Black

Roger Black has just asked about some personal business. I thought I knew but asked, “What kind of personal business did you have in mind?” “I’m getting horny just talking with you. How about I give you $150 and you give me an hour enjoying the kind of business you give your clients?” “Fine by me as long as we don’t go beyond any of the rules SU has. I have a condom with me or should we use one of yours? Let’s take a shower together to start.” That was a problem because Roger’s office has...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 4 Sunday on the bus

I got on the bus. Two guys, both about 25, were sitting across the aisle from each other in row 4. I sat down in the aisle side of row 3 seat putting my bag on the window seat. After the bus got going again I turned around allowing my sundress to strongly hint that I was not wearing a bra. I asked, “So are you guys also going to SU?” Mike and Bob nodded yes. “I’m going for a job interview. If they will have me I want to be a companion.” Bob: “Any chance I can be the one that interviews...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 5 Z Makes a Married Couple Happy

The Hampsons approached me. “We want you to provide an oil massage to both of us together.” “I’m new here. I will find a girlfriend. We can provide for both of you at once.” “But what we want is for us to lie down together while you, not someone else, body rubs oil on top of both of us. By the way, I’m Jack. My wife is Jill. And yes, everybody who learns our first names thinks the same thing.” “That sounds like fun Jack – but I have to warn you – I have never done that before. We have a...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 6 Z Interviews Bob

While messing around in the pool I noticed the tables being set for dinner. But nobody was bothering to get out of the pool. I saw the salad bar rolled out and what might be called the bread bar. Only when the chef (identified by his hat) came out did people get out of the pool, put their towels around their necks, and still dripping wet get in line for the main course. The other items were help yourself. I got in line and looking around found Marby and Mike. I took my full plate and...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 7 Meeting Kimi

I mumbled mostly to myself, “Well Z, I guess you sleep alone tonight.” I could use some sleep. I headed to my room in the Companion’s Lounge. I opened the door and almost turned on the room light. That petite –might be 150 cm and 40 kilos if that– Chinese lady I saw hugging males at dinner was now sprawled out in bed reading a book. She got up and met me halfway with a hug that made me feel as if she was upset at something. “I’m Kimi. You must be Z. I guess I’m the last to welcome you on...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 8 Mike interviews Z

I departed, carrying my empty coffee mug and shaving stuff. I found the obvious place for my empty mug. A few early risers were already in the hot tub. I got in to soak. Nobody was talking this early in the morning. So I got what I wanted: a quiet soak. After my nice warm soak, I got out to prepare to shave my kitty. A guy from the hot tub looked interested in what I was doing. He got out and sat down on the grass in front of me. After a while, he mused, “So that’s how you ladies keep it so...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 9 Mikes recaps last night

I was still Mike’s number one until selection. Normally he would have been with me but this morning I had little choice but to wait for him to appear. Finally, at 07:40 out came Jay, Pam, and Mike. There were two couples ahead of Jay in the serving line. As I approached, Pam stepped backward gently pressing into Mike. Mike took the opportunity to hug Pam from behind. Although I was behind Mike, it looked from my angle that Pam put his hands on her more than ample boobage. Both started...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 10 Kimi gets selected

Today is the first day I was to be a part of the daily selection process. Kelly, with the biggest boobs, was chosen first. Ralph greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips and longer kisses on her boobs. Walt picked next selecting me. He kissed and hugged me and I led him about 15 meters away from where everybody was standing. I told Walt he had veto power, but I would like to spend a little time before lunch with Kimi and Mike. Finally, Mike got his turn and selected Kimi. She and I...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 11 Kimi Struts her Stuff

The pole show started at 10:00 the next day. Both Yolanda and Angel finished their separate pole routines. Each received decent applause. Kimi walked onto the stage with a small cloth in her hand. She tossed it at the base of the pole.”Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me...” Marcy interrupted, “Kimi, pretend there was someone at the back door. Speak so they can hear you clearly.” “Thank you, Marcy. Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me to say something in a firm confident...

3 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 12 Skipping forward

We now skip forward about two weeks. I was comfortable at SU. I especially liked never having to get dressed. And best of all, I never lacked for sexual partners. I was always picked early in the pre-lunch selection process. Most of the single male guests were considerate of my sexual desires. It was my second Thursday at SU. I had a day off from selection but I still had the responsibility to provide sexual service to almost any guest. Ah, Franklin is sitting in the shade with the cool...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 13 Training the Koizumis

A Japanese couple, Kaku and Azami Koizumi are vacationing at SU. He asked me if I could try to teach his wife some more interesting sexual ideas. I had no idea how to respond. I promised some kind of response before dinner. I found Marcy and asked her what to do. Marcy told me the plan. She will talk with Azami Koizumi telling her of her husband’s request. Then ask her what SHE wants HIM to do when making love. I went back to Kaku Koizumi saying, “We will be ready for sexy lessons after...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 14 Big Trouble in the Kitchen

Everyone calls SU’s cook Captain Cook. Actually, his name is Carly. He likes being called Captain Cook. He wears a white paper cook’s hat that looks like a military soft hat. The ladies never suspect that in military slang it’s called a cunt cap. Cap’n Cook loves working at SU. Every day he gets to use unselected sexy always-naked ladies as kitchen help. He likes to show them how to stir a pot. He stands much too closely behind them holding their spoon hand. Sometimes he is able to get one...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 15 Marcy cooks

SU’s cook was fired last night for violating the “no means no” rule. It’s good that he is gone. It’s also a problem. SU no longer has a cook. After breakfast, everybody at SU knew what happened. Kimi was shaken. She needed a few days doing only what she wanted. By the third day, she had recovered enough to entertain married couples. After another two days, she requested to join the pre-lunch selection. Marcy filled in as cook. The companions who spent a lot of time in the kitchen helped...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 16 Founders Lunch getting ready

While working at SU I keep my cell phone off. I turn it on to check for messages several times a day. Normally I have no messages. But today I got a text from Alice Brand asking me to call her. “Hello, Alice.” “Z, I have something you might be able to help us with.” “And what might that be?” “I’m helping Mel find ladies for the Founder’s Lunch. It’s held at the Towering Palms Golf Club VIP dining room. The golf club is visible from our living room window. If you can make it you will...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 17 Girls will be Girls

Tuesday before the Wednesday Founders Lunch Kimi and I were removed from selection. We worked in the kitchen. Randy Robert had the kitchen running well. I almost never worked in the kitchen because I was almost always selected. We were off after lunch. Off from our kitchen duties. But not off from entertaining guests. One of our married lady guests, Betty T, was watching her husband receive double pleasure from two companions. She looked almost sorry for her husband. Kimi and I approached...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 18 Founders Lunch is served

Kimi and I had our 4-lady sleeping quarters to ourselves as the other two ladies were sleeping with guests. Neither of us said anything about it but both of us got into Kimi’s twin bed, kissed each other good night, and promptly fell asleep comfortably pressed against each other. The alarm went off at 06:15. We had arranged an early breakfast. The kitchen crew offered us cold cereal or microwave breakfast goodies. We had microwave hot waffles with microwave hot sausage and the staff of life,...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 19 Fun with Alice Brand

Walking outside wearing clothes felt strange but we behaved ourselves. We found the tallest building then the flagpole and then the brass owl. I called Alice. “We are looking at your brass owl.” “A garage door will open. Press the garage door control button. Then walk into the building. Press the nearby elevator call button then the top floor button. Our apartment door will be unlocked. See you in a few minutes. Bye Z.” “Bye Alice.” The garage door opened. We followed directions. We found...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 20 We go shopping

Alice said that we will be going to Howard’s Heals and J. Classics, although most people call them JC’s. Alice called the limo driver for pickup in 10 minutes. She then called JC’s where she talked with her favorite saleslady. We went down the elevator and out the impressive main entrance. Our driver held the limo door for us and off we went. At Howard’s Heals I got 7½ cm tan alligator heals. Cute bow in front and back. They match my tanned skin. Fran got 7½ cm heals in Black. Kimi got...

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