New Horizons Part 2 free porn video

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Over the next two months, Mandy and Joe had seen their sex life go from a boring routine to almost every night experimentation. Even when Mandy was on her period, she was giving her husband blow jobs. Mandy had gone from tolerating sex to initiating sex and craving her husband’s cock in her mouth.

Lisa had continued to counsel her friend on sexual matters. She had been pestering Mandy to go with her to an adult store. Lisa had been talking to Mandy about masturbation and how to use toys. “I can’t go in a place like that,” Mandy protested.

“Oh please, two months ago the word cock had never passed your lips. Now his little dick is in your mouth as much as your chewing gum.”

“Lisa, why do you keep calling his dick little. You’ve never seen it. I know I don’t have anything to compare it to but how do you know?”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say that his dick is small without seeing. I know, I will come to your house and examine it for you. Then I will tell you how it stacks up,” Lisa said.

“Ha ha, very funny.” Lisa raised her eyebrows in a serious manner. “Oh my God, your serious.”

“Yes, I’m very serious. If you would rather, you can come check out my hubby’s dick. My Jack would love for you to check out his cock. He would let you examine it all you wanted.” Mandy blushed. “Okay, you’re not ready for that, yet. But, after work, we are going to the toy store.”

Mandy reluctantly agreed and together they went to the adult store. Mandy had driven by it before but had no interest in going in, till now. Lisa had obviously been there before, taking Mandy straight to the dildo section. Lisa picked up several sizes, “Which one is he?” She laid out four on a table, including a big black one. “Go ahead pick them up and see what feels right in your hand.”

She looked around to see if anyone was watching them. An embarrassed Mandy picked up the five-inch dildo to Lisa’s grin. Mandy looked at it in her hand, “Nope, this is too small.” She pushed the big black one away not wanting to touch it. This is ridiculous, that would just be scary.” Mandy picked up the remaining two. She held one in each hand gaging their size. “I would say he is between these two.”

“Are you telling me Joe is between seven and eight inches?”

“I think so, this one is too big, and the other is too small. Is that small?”

Lisa smiled, “No honey, that is a nice size for a cock. I’m not sure I believe you. I want to see if for myself to prove it. Let’s keep shopping.” Lisa picked up a strap on, “I could show you how to use this thing.”

“Oh my, how would you use that?” Mandy asked.

Lisa put the strap on to her crotch and bucked like she was fucking. She leaned into Mandy’s ear whispering, “I have one at home and would love to show it to you.”

They walked to another section where Lisa picked up a rabbit. “What is that thing?” Mandy asked.

“This is what you need. It vibrates and will make you cum.”

“What is this thing?” indicating to the clit stimulator.

“While this vibrates in your pussy, this is working your clit. I love mine.”

Lisa convinced her to buy it as the two moved to the checkout counter.

That night session in bed. Mandy took special interest in checking the size of Joe’s dick before she sucked it. Measuring with her hand, she was satisfied that she was accurate to tell Lisa his size. Afterwards, they laid there cuddling. Mandy told Joe about the events at the adult store.

Joe laughed, “You showed her how big I am with a dildo? What did she say?”

“I don’t think she believes me, but she said if that was true, you have a nice cock. She said I had to prove it to her.”

“Prove it to her how?”

Mandy grabbed Joe’s soft dick. “She wants to see it, examine it. I got a little mad, I almost said ‘fine I show you Joe’s dick.’”

“If you have to prove it, we could show her.” Joe’s cock started to swell in Mandy’s hand.

“Look at you, you’re getting excited thinking about showing your cock to my friend.”

Joe tied to deny it, but his hardening cock gave him away. Mandy did discuss it more, but was considering having her friend over to see her husband’s cock. The funny thing was that she was proud of his cock and wanted to prove to Lisa she wasn’t lying.

The following week, Lisa and Mandy we involved in their usual sex talk, but Lisa stayed away from challenging Mandy on Joe size. On Thursday Lisa was at it again. She called him little dick Joe. Mandy gave her a stern look. “I told you I don’t believe he is that big. I want proof.” Lisa was clearly baiting Mandy.

“You want me to show you his cock, I will.” Mandy gulped when the words left her mouth. She thought about saying she was kidding but Lisa was too quick to agree.

“Okay, when?” Lisa asked smugly.

Mandy was sure if she was mad are herself for taking the bait or at Lisa for setting her up. It didn’t matter, she had agreed to let another woman see her husband’s dick.

That night at dinner, Mandy broke the news to Joe. “Looks like you’re going to get your wish. Lisa baited me into agreeing to show her your cock.”

“Honey, I love that you are defending my cock and that you say cock now. If you are not comfortable with this, just tell her I said no.”

“That’s another reason I love you. No, unless you do say no, I want to go through with it. I’m proud of your cock and want to defend it. Plus, I feel I owe her. Without Lisa, we wouldn’t have the sex life we have now.”

Lisa showed up at 2:00 on Saturday just as they agreed. Introductions were made, Joe was visibly nervous. Joe spoke up, “Your husband doesn’t mind you looking at another man’s penis?”

Lisa winked at Joe, “He doesn’t mind. The offer is still open for Mandy to examine his cock. He would love to show it to her.”

Joe was surprised with her come back. “Oh okay, uh how are we going to do this?”

“However you guys want, I would be happy to help you off with those pants if Mandy wants me to.”

Mandy looks at Lisa then at Joe. She looks back at Lisa with a ‘I’ll show you’ look. “Go ahead Lisa, I know you want to take his pants off.”

Lisa knelt in front of Joe, grabbing his belt. She slowly undid his belt and slipped off the top button. “Mandy, I think I’m going to owe you an apology, I can feel him growing in there.”

She seductively took his zipper down, then pulled his pants to his ankles. “Kick those off sweetie, you don’t want to trip on them.” Joe kicked his jeans off to the side. “Nice tidy whities Joe. Something big is in there.”

Mandy was watching from the couch, she could feel the moisture building between her legs.

Lisa pealed Joe’s brief’s down, releasing his hard cock. Lisa traced Joe’s cock with her fingers causing him to moan. “Mandy I apologize, Joe has a beautiful cock. May I touch it?”

“Looks like you already are. Joe appears to be enjoying it.” Lisa’s tracing turned into stroking.

Lisa looked over at Mandy, sitting only a few feet away, and smiled. In a quick motion, Lisa engulfed Joe’s cock into her mouth. Mandy sat there with her mouth open paralyzed. Her head told her to stop her friend, but she did nothing.

“Oh God,” Joe called out. He looked to his wife to find her watching intently with her hands in her lap.

Lisa continued to suck and stroke. She took a deep breath, then took every inch of his cock into her throat. Joe let out another “Oh God” as she continued to deep throat him.

Joe could feel the load of semen building inside of him. He looked over to his wife. Mandy was speechless, intently watching Lisa with her hand rubbing her crotch. Lisa sped up her sucking when she heard his breathing get heavy.

With another “Oh God” Joe filled Lisa’s mouth with a load of semen. Lisa looked up at Joe and swallowed his load without spilling a drop. Lisa calmly got off her knees walking over to Mandy.

“I apologize, your husband has a very nice sized cock, I will not call it small anymore. His cum is tasty too. See you Monday at work.” Lisa nonchalantly walked out of the house.

Joe looked over at Mandy, with a panicked look on his face, as she was getting up on the couch. He was about to say something when Mandy shot him a look, “Upstairs, right now.” Joe started to bend down to pick up his underwear and pants. “No, leave them off.”

Joe followed his wife to their bedroom. He couldn’t read her if she was mad. Mandy had already made it to the top of the stairs when he started up. “Hurry up Joe, get in here.”

Joe cautiously opened the bedroom door to find that his wife had stripped naked sitting on the bed. “Get over here and eat me right now.”

Joe moved between her legs, “I was afraid you were mad at me.” His tongue found her pussy soaked.

“Oh yes that feels good, I need that. I thought I was going to be jealous when she pulled your pants down and touched your cock. When she took your cock into her mouth and you started moaning, I got so turned on.”

Joe and Mandy spent the rest of the afternoon sucking and fucking.

Exhausted, they laid in bed cuddling. “Did you know she was going to blow me when she came over?” Joe asked.

“Not really, in the back of my mind, I thought she might do something like this. You didn’t seem to mind.”

“I can’t lie, I enjoyed it. I was afraid you would get mad. I can’t believe you let another woman touch my dick.”

“I told you that Lisa has asked me several times to look at her husband, Jack’s dick. What would you think if I took her up on it?” Mandy asked.

“Look at his cock like Lisa ‘looked’ at mine?”

Mandy smiled, “What if I did ‘look’ at it like Lisa ‘looked’ at you, would you be mad?”

“I didn’t stop Lisa from ‘looking’ at me so I guess I couldn’t complain as long as you came home and ‘looked’ at me too.”


Monday morning, Lisa cautiously approached Mandy at her desk. “Are we okay?”

Mandy looked up at Lisa with a serious look on her face. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

“You’ll do what?” Lisa asked confused.

Mandy pulled Lisa close so she could whisper, “I want to take you up on your offer to see your husband’s thing.”

Lisa stepped back shocked, “Really? Jack’s at working from home today. We could take off a little early and head over there.”

“What today? I’m not sure about that.”

“No no, you are not changing your mind. We are going today.”

At 3:00 the girls met in the parking lot to drive to Lisa’s house. Mandy was nervous but excited. She thought about letting Joe know it was going to be today but was afraid he might talk her out of it.

Lisa called out for Jack when they went in the house. “I’m upstairs. I just got out of the shower,” He called back.

Lisa and Mandy walked into the bedroom to find Jack in a bath robe. “Jack, this is Mandy, my friend I’ve been telling you about.”

“Wow, she is as beautiful as you said.” Jack stood a few feet from the girls checking Mandy out for head to toe. Jack, Mandy estimated was a few years older than Lisa. Maybe thirty-five, about at tall as her husband but heavier. “How can I help you lovely ladies?”

“Mandy has never seen another man’s cock. I told her she could see and examine yours. Is that okay?”

“I am at your service.” Jack said dropping his robe.”

Mandy gasped, staring at his soft cock. Lisa walked her closer to Jack. “Honey, can you sit on the edge of the bed, so Mandy can get a good look at you?” Lisa asked, guiding Mandy to her husband. “Come on Mandy, you’ve come this far, let’s get a close up look.”

The two kneeled before Jack on the bed, his cock was starting to grow. “He’s shaved, it looks so different without hair,” Mandy said.

“Touch it, you know you want to. You going to have to touch it to see it hard. Though it is starting to grow on its own.”

Mandy was fascinated by Jack’s shaved cock but couldn’t raise her hand to touch it. Lisa, sensing her hesitation, took Mandy’s hand raising it to her husband’s cock. Mandy let Lisa manipulate her finger’s on and around the dick in front of her. A sigh escaped Mandy’s lips as her fingers wrapped around his cock.

Jack’s cock grew hard quickly in her grasp. Lisa again guided Mandy’s hand stroking her husband’s dick. She released her wrist once Mandy got a stroking rhythm. Lisa hugged Mandy and kissed her the cheek. “Mmm, I think Jack likes your examination.” Mandy’s eyes were fixed on Jack’s cock. Lisa whispered in Mandy’s ear, “Go ahead, taste it, you know you want to.”

Mandy slowly leaned her head forward. The anticipation was driving Jack crazy. He moaned loudly when Mandy’s lips touched his cock. He and Lisa looked on intently to Mandy opening her mouth letting his cock head pass her lips. Lisa and Jack looked at each other with approval when Mandy started sucking Jack’s shaft.

Lisa got behind Mandy, rubbing her shoulders and kissing her neck. Lisa’s hands slipped in front starting to unbutton her blouse. Mandy kept her focus on Jack’s dick but was not oblivious to Lisa taking her blouse off. Mandy assisted taking her arms out of the sleeves while not losing contact with the cock.

Mandy’s bra hit the floor next, followed by Lisa’s hands cupping her small tits. Mandy’s head was spinning from excitement. Mandy jumped when she felt Lisa tugging at her skirt. Her head was telling her to hit the brakes but she shifted her hips and legs to allow her skirt to slide down her thighs.

“Jack, slide up on the bed so Mandy can get more comfortable.” Jack complied with Mandy moving on the bed between Jack’s legs. Mandy was on her knees with her lips still on Jack’s cock in only her panties. Lisa moved behind her rubbing her ass. There was no jump out of Mandy when Lisa pealed her panties off.

Lisa traced Mandy’s pussy lips with her fingers finder her lips swollen and juicy. Lisa looked up at Jack and mouthed, “She's ready.”

Jack pulled Mandy off of his cock and guided her up to his face. Lisa place aimed Jack’s cock at Mandy’s pussy. “I shouldn’t be doing this,” Mandy said staring into Jack’s eye. Slowly Mandy pushed herself down onto Jack’s dick. “I’m sorry Joe, I couldn’t stop.” Mandy mumbled as Jack’s cock was fully inserted into her pussy.

Mandy started rocking up and down on Jack’s dick. She was grinding her pussy into his dick when she stopped, “Please get on top of me and fuck me hard.”

Jack helped her onto her back then drove his cock into Mandy’s pussy. He fucked her hard and fast. He pumped her hard while was kissing her cheek and whispering encouragement in her ear. “Oh God, I’m cumming,” Mandy called out. Her body shook hard with an orgasm.

Jack kept pounding till he finally grunted filling Mandy with his seed. Mandy calmed down then suddenly started crying. Lisa motioned Jack out of the room then hugged Mandy. “What’s wrong honey?”

With tears streaming down her face, “I just cheated on my husband. I just made your husband cheat on you.”

Lisa held her friend, letting her cry then once she calmed down some spoke up, “We forced you into this. You can tell Joe that we did this to you if you have to tell him.”

“I have to tell him, and you didn’t force me. I let you take my clothes off. I wanted to feel his cock inside me. I’m such a slut. Worse yet, I liked it. It was dirty and nasty, and I liked it. I had an orgasm for God sake.” Mandy wasn’t crying anymore just very matter of fact.

“Cheating is a state of mind. Jack didn’t cheat on me, I was right there. Joe knew you were coming over here right? He knew you were curious after I gave him a blow job.”

“We didn’t say it, but I think we both knew I do what you did, but not fuck! I can’t believe I did this.”

“If it will make you feel better I will fuck Joe for you.” Lisa laughed but Mandy didn’t. “Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood. Just don’t tell him. Why does he have to know?”

“I can’t lie to him, that would be worse, God I’m such a slut. I need to go now, know any good lawyers? I’m sure I will be getting a divorce soon.”

Mandy put her clothes on and drove home, crying.



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Fusion of Horizons Chapter 3

My room was now arranged to accommodate the two of us. I had managed to sneak in an extra mattress as Mary would often spend the night with me, in my room. I had things prepared for our usual oral sex, but Mary’s idea about anal sex came as a surprise. From what I had heard, anal sex was often painful and many couples dared not to try it.“Are you sure, Mary?” I asked as I unbutton my shirt.Mary was in her black bra and panties, sitting on the chair next to my study.“Don’t be a pussy. I want to...

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Fusion of horizons

August 2014Hustle and bustle of the people didn’t bother me as I waited for my flight. The airport appeared to be less crowded at the time of the night. I wiped my wet eyes with the sleeves of my shirt, control my sigh trying to calm down. I fought the inner thought as hopelessness gained the upper hand inside me. I looked up with my still watery eyes at the screen and saw my flight time. I knew my time to leave the place had come. I let another sigh, fought back my tears as I got up and...

Wife Lovers
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Changing Horizons

The flight to Japan had been 3 hours longer than planned, but Carrie was unfazed. Even with dark shadows under her eyes, she displayed a carefree, happy smile for all the other exhausted passengers getting off the plane to see. She snatched her small suitcase from a very flustered Japanese businessman, who started bowing and apologizing profusely after realizing his mistake. Carrie remembered what it was to bow and quickly made her way to the bus station. Kansai Airport was quite close to...

1 year ago
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A trip to new horizons

Suzie and I drove the short distance home in silence. We were both overwhelmed by the after dinner event that had just occurred at our good friends' house. We watched while my best friend Bob spanked and flogged his wife, Suzie's best friend Julie. He did it while she was bound helpless, apparently with her blessing. Seeing this had left both of us at once shocked, dismayed, interested, enlightened, disgusted, but most of all, horny. When we got home we both washed up, stripped, and went...

3 years ago
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Expanding my oral horizons

After my extensive practice with G. I considered myself already a fellatio virtuoso… however I had done that with only one guy…and I wanted to see if I could apply my techniques to other guys as well….but it wasn’t easy…I was propositioned loads of time….but I didn’t want to become a girlfriend to someone…I didn’t want to deal with the drama, the possessive attitude...the jealousy that seemed to be the norm with guys of the same age as me… The concept of friends with benefits was not common in...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Expanding Horizons

The sheets were in the washing machine, the breakfast dishes were in the dishwasher and Franny was leading Jordan out to the salon on an overcast spring morning in rural Massachusetts. "Seriously," she was chuckling as they walked into the salon and turned on the lights, "you don't know who Billie Eilish is!?" "No," Jordan shrugged. "Should I know her?" "Well, I don't know... don't you like music?" "Sure. I like music just fine. I just don't always know who I'm listening...

3 years ago
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broadening your Horizons

You had been in the UK for a week now and we had played every night either in the woods or at a club where you enjoyed the extra attention given to you by the single men there. But tonight was about education and I was going to show you how a cuckold lives. I had met them ages ago at the club we frequent and he was a total sub to his wife, which meant she could do exactly what she wanted whenever she wanted.She had asked me to come around one night when we were at the club her husband was sat...

4 years ago
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Far Horizons

© Copyright 2004 At thirteen, I was about as sexually frustrated as a young boy could be. My friends and I would go down to the corner drugstore and giggle and point at the pictures in the girlie magazines until the owner finally noticed us and kicked us out. He tried to sound gruff, but when he wasn't looking, every once in a while, I'd catch him smiling, as if remembering his own adolescent years. Once in a while, we'd camp out in somebody's back yard. Invariably, someone would...

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Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Bobby knew his place in the world. He was a bottom. He was the one who got on his hands and knees and presented his ass. And mostly, he liked it that way. Oh, once in a while he'd switch and be the one doing the inserting. Bobby was actually quite a skilled cocksman, and he enjoyed the turnabout. But bottoming was his real talent. "You're a natural born receptacle," Norm would tell him. "Your butt was made for fucking." On a hot day in July they were...

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

(Four years ago) By August of the following year, Alex had finished her Ph.D. The University Trustees, the President of the University, the Chair of the Computer Science Department, one R.J. Ambuster, and all the faculty of the CS department agreed that she didn't need to submit a disertation, her body of work would be enough. Only eight months from start to finish was an amazingly short time for a Ph.D., but she was exceptional. Nobody knew why exactly, but they were convinced that she...

2 years ago
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

Cathy came to me as I was working and asked me if I could show her something about what I was doing. I told her that I would be happy to show her. I started explaining about how you program a computer to perform the tasks you wanted. Most of the programming I was doing was in visual basic and C++. Giving her an overview of how it's done meant that I had to show her the main parts that make up a computer system. Using my desktop unit as an example I covered the basics including input, output,...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 21 New Horizons

For the third time in a week, Kelly walked into our kitchen from the back porch carrying a bowl of cereal. She was dressed in a t-shirt that barely reached the top of her thighs. “Good morning, guys. Can I borrow some milk, again?” she asked as she set the bowl on the counter, and opened the refrigerator. She bent at the waist, and gave me a good look at her black-panty covered ass. I arched an eyebrow at Jeryl who just smirked back at me. “Good morning, Paul ... urgh!” Matthew said as he...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 30 New Horizons

Suzanne seemed uninterested in what time I got home the night before. I wondered if Mr. Oldham had a talk with her or if she was resigned to my carrying on with Alice at all hours of the night. We had an early lunch and they retired to Mr. Oldham's study, presumably to get some work done. I went for a walk, thinking I would try once more to see if Cindy was outside. But as I passed the park I saw Ned working on a flower bed. He was on his hands and knees in the center of a large circular...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 15 Horizons Broadened

Jim was beside himself. He’d been watching Sam and Sue’s back yard antics on his desktop at the office, and had a pretty good idea of what had gone on in the house as well. It was better than he had expected by quite a bit. He put the finishing touches on a report that needed to go out that day and shut down his computer preparatory to going home. Normally he didn’t go home until five, but today he was going to go home early – he’d call ahead, of course. It would not do at all to come home...

3 years ago
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A World of My OwnChapter 6 Expanding Horizons Part 1

I woke the next day full of anticipation. This was developing so fast it had my head spinning with the possibilities. I was collecting lives and the shear power that implied was the best aphrodisiac I could have imagined. It was time to take this to the next level. It was time to convert Emily into the sex slave I always wanted her to be. I called her early, wanting to catch her before she left for school. She was attending Washington State University, studying architecture and was really...

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A World of My OwnChapter 7 Expanding Horizons Part 2

I worked feverishly for the next hour or so to insure everything was just right. I started by securing some of the silk rope to each of the four bedposts. If all went well I was sure one of my slaves would be bound to the bed at various times throughout the weekend. I also prepared four lengths of rope that would allow me to bind the bitches to my desk but these I stored in a one of the desk draws. I was particularly concerned that Emily not see any of this before I had prepared her. The...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 16 Expanding Horizons

That morning I got a very intriguing phone call from the marketing director for a school uniform manufacturer. He said that he would like to commission the squad to model some of their products for their fall catalog. I thought this sounded like something that needed checking into. I told him that we were having a practice session that afternoon and he was welcome to come to my house to make his presentation and discuss his offer with the girls and their parents. After that call I had Kim...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 3 Business with Roger Black

Roger Black has just asked about some personal business. I thought I knew but asked, “What kind of personal business did you have in mind?” “I’m getting horny just talking with you. How about I give you $150 and you give me an hour enjoying the kind of business you give your clients?” “Fine by me as long as we don’t go beyond any of the rules SU has. I have a condom with me or should we use one of yours? Let’s take a shower together to start.” That was a problem because Roger’s office has...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 4 Sunday on the bus

I got on the bus. Two guys, both about 25, were sitting across the aisle from each other in row 4. I sat down in the aisle side of row 3 seat putting my bag on the window seat. After the bus got going again I turned around allowing my sundress to strongly hint that I was not wearing a bra. I asked, “So are you guys also going to SU?” Mike and Bob nodded yes. “I’m going for a job interview. If they will have me I want to be a companion.” Bob: “Any chance I can be the one that interviews...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 5 Z Makes a Married Couple Happy

The Hampsons approached me. “We want you to provide an oil massage to both of us together.” “I’m new here. I will find a girlfriend. We can provide for both of you at once.” “But what we want is for us to lie down together while you, not someone else, body rubs oil on top of both of us. By the way, I’m Jack. My wife is Jill. And yes, everybody who learns our first names thinks the same thing.” “That sounds like fun Jack – but I have to warn you – I have never done that before. We have a...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 6 Z Interviews Bob

While messing around in the pool I noticed the tables being set for dinner. But nobody was bothering to get out of the pool. I saw the salad bar rolled out and what might be called the bread bar. Only when the chef (identified by his hat) came out did people get out of the pool, put their towels around their necks, and still dripping wet get in line for the main course. The other items were help yourself. I got in line and looking around found Marby and Mike. I took my full plate and...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 7 Meeting Kimi

I mumbled mostly to myself, “Well Z, I guess you sleep alone tonight.” I could use some sleep. I headed to my room in the Companion’s Lounge. I opened the door and almost turned on the room light. That petite –might be 150 cm and 40 kilos if that– Chinese lady I saw hugging males at dinner was now sprawled out in bed reading a book. She got up and met me halfway with a hug that made me feel as if she was upset at something. “I’m Kimi. You must be Z. I guess I’m the last to welcome you on...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 8 Mike interviews Z

I departed, carrying my empty coffee mug and shaving stuff. I found the obvious place for my empty mug. A few early risers were already in the hot tub. I got in to soak. Nobody was talking this early in the morning. So I got what I wanted: a quiet soak. After my nice warm soak, I got out to prepare to shave my kitty. A guy from the hot tub looked interested in what I was doing. He got out and sat down on the grass in front of me. After a while, he mused, “So that’s how you ladies keep it so...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 9 Mikes recaps last night

I was still Mike’s number one until selection. Normally he would have been with me but this morning I had little choice but to wait for him to appear. Finally, at 07:40 out came Jay, Pam, and Mike. There were two couples ahead of Jay in the serving line. As I approached, Pam stepped backward gently pressing into Mike. Mike took the opportunity to hug Pam from behind. Although I was behind Mike, it looked from my angle that Pam put his hands on her more than ample boobage. Both started...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 10 Kimi gets selected

Today is the first day I was to be a part of the daily selection process. Kelly, with the biggest boobs, was chosen first. Ralph greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips and longer kisses on her boobs. Walt picked next selecting me. He kissed and hugged me and I led him about 15 meters away from where everybody was standing. I told Walt he had veto power, but I would like to spend a little time before lunch with Kimi and Mike. Finally, Mike got his turn and selected Kimi. She and I...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 11 Kimi Struts her Stuff

The pole show started at 10:00 the next day. Both Yolanda and Angel finished their separate pole routines. Each received decent applause. Kimi walked onto the stage with a small cloth in her hand. She tossed it at the base of the pole.”Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me...” Marcy interrupted, “Kimi, pretend there was someone at the back door. Speak so they can hear you clearly.” “Thank you, Marcy. Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me to say something in a firm confident...

3 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 12 Skipping forward

We now skip forward about two weeks. I was comfortable at SU. I especially liked never having to get dressed. And best of all, I never lacked for sexual partners. I was always picked early in the pre-lunch selection process. Most of the single male guests were considerate of my sexual desires. It was my second Thursday at SU. I had a day off from selection but I still had the responsibility to provide sexual service to almost any guest. Ah, Franklin is sitting in the shade with the cool...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 13 Training the Koizumis

A Japanese couple, Kaku and Azami Koizumi are vacationing at SU. He asked me if I could try to teach his wife some more interesting sexual ideas. I had no idea how to respond. I promised some kind of response before dinner. I found Marcy and asked her what to do. Marcy told me the plan. She will talk with Azami Koizumi telling her of her husband’s request. Then ask her what SHE wants HIM to do when making love. I went back to Kaku Koizumi saying, “We will be ready for sexy lessons after...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 14 Big Trouble in the Kitchen

Everyone calls SU’s cook Captain Cook. Actually, his name is Carly. He likes being called Captain Cook. He wears a white paper cook’s hat that looks like a military soft hat. The ladies never suspect that in military slang it’s called a cunt cap. Cap’n Cook loves working at SU. Every day he gets to use unselected sexy always-naked ladies as kitchen help. He likes to show them how to stir a pot. He stands much too closely behind them holding their spoon hand. Sometimes he is able to get one...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 15 Marcy cooks

SU’s cook was fired last night for violating the “no means no” rule. It’s good that he is gone. It’s also a problem. SU no longer has a cook. After breakfast, everybody at SU knew what happened. Kimi was shaken. She needed a few days doing only what she wanted. By the third day, she had recovered enough to entertain married couples. After another two days, she requested to join the pre-lunch selection. Marcy filled in as cook. The companions who spent a lot of time in the kitchen helped...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 16 Founders Lunch getting ready

While working at SU I keep my cell phone off. I turn it on to check for messages several times a day. Normally I have no messages. But today I got a text from Alice Brand asking me to call her. “Hello, Alice.” “Z, I have something you might be able to help us with.” “And what might that be?” “I’m helping Mel find ladies for the Founder’s Lunch. It’s held at the Towering Palms Golf Club VIP dining room. The golf club is visible from our living room window. If you can make it you will...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 17 Girls will be Girls

Tuesday before the Wednesday Founders Lunch Kimi and I were removed from selection. We worked in the kitchen. Randy Robert had the kitchen running well. I almost never worked in the kitchen because I was almost always selected. We were off after lunch. Off from our kitchen duties. But not off from entertaining guests. One of our married lady guests, Betty T, was watching her husband receive double pleasure from two companions. She looked almost sorry for her husband. Kimi and I approached...

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