Fusion: Second Chance free porn video

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Fusion: A second chance By Rachel Saunders [email protected] Prelude: Lex He stared at the girl in front of him. For the life of him he could not work out how she had got there. She must have been 5 or 6, and her white dress was immaculate. She looked too perfect to be in this hell they called London. Picking her up he held her close as a shell exploded a hundred feet away. She looked terrified, bewildered, and altogether lost. As he carried her into the ante room of the shattered house he smelled ozone in the air, and a bitter metallic taste which lingered in his mouth. "Hey sweety, my name is Lex." He tried to sound soothing. She looked at him with big brown eyes full of fear. Tears welled up as the sound of gun fire wracked the ruined buildings all around them. Slowly a word began to form on her lips..."My...name is... Theya." It was like she was getting used to speaking. Lex was extremely puzzled by her presence, yet she seemed to exude a relaxing aura. "Hey Sergeant, I thought all the civilians had been cleared from this zone," Lex yelled through a shattered door, A big bear of a man walked into the room. "Hmm... the captain told me that this area was secure. No-one was supposed to be let past the check points. How the hell did she get here?" Lex shrugged. "All I know is that she was not in the corner room when I checked it last. I took a picture of it not 5 minutes ago. I was supposed to be doing the attic when I heard a noise down below. I came to check it out, and here she was." A massive explosion rocked the house. Masonry dropped down from the ceiling. Dust erupted from the floor and drifted down from on high. Lex instinctively shielded the youngster in his arms. "Holy shit!" the sergeant yelled over the sound of more shells landing close by. "You were damn lucky you got her. If you'd been in the attic you'd have been gone for sure." Lex just stared at the soldier in front of him. Shaking his head he realised the man was right. He was doing a photo story about rumours of a ghost in this house, and had been in the attic looking for a decent picture. Cries of medic drifted over the sound of more shells hitting home. Looking up at the ceiling both of them realised it was time to vacate the shattered room. Holding the child close Lex ducked out of the rear of the property. Company HQ was only a street away, and the Captain would want to see the girl. * * * "So what do we have here?" Doctor Small peered closely at Lex's charge. She instinctively moved away from the bright light he shone at her. "She must have been through some tough shit son. The Captain said he was unable to get her to say a word. He wants me to give her the once over before she is sent to the rear for assessment." Lex watched as Small tried to examine Theya. She put up a real struggle as he patiently took her pulse and examined her for any wounds. "Son, this youngster is a bleeding miracle. There is nothing wrong with her. Not a scratch. One thing I did find was this mark on her fore are." The doctor's Australian twang strong compared to Lex's native Canadian. Small held up Theya's right arm to the light and showed a small disc embedded under her skin. It was oval in shape, and about 3 inches in diameter "I'm going to send her to the paediatric centre in Cardiff for further tests. I have never come across anything like this in my time in London." Theya looked serene as the two men talked about her. Lex looked at her perplexed. She didn't seem to be from London, most of the children had been evacuated from the former capital over 18 months previously. To have found her where he did just intensified the mystery. Lex snorted. It was three years since a right wing coupe had over thrown the lawful government of the UK, and much of the east of the country lay in rebel hands. Eastern London was a hot war zone, and he was here to get any story he could. "Who will transport her down to the capital?" Small enquired. Lex shrugged. "With man power being at a premium I assume I will probably be assigned a small escort if I'm lucky." The doctor raised an eyebrow. "I though you were none combat?" "I am but occasionally I do the odd favour for the brass. I am supposed to be CNN's Anglia war correspondent, but the allied high command gets me to do the odd favour here and there." Small shook his head. Both men were amongst the small band of foreigners still in the east after the coupe. The right wing alliance was mainly a bunch of mercenaries who enforced an Anglo-Saxon's only policy in their territory. Lex hated it every time he went into their control zone. "You know the one thing I miss is a good tinny. The crap they brew here is horse piss compared to the amber nectar." Small laughed and shook his head. Lex picked Theya off the couch and shook the doc's hand. "Thanks doc, hope I don't have to see you again in any hurry." Small laughed again and showed them both out of the small clinic. Lex took a deep breath as he carried his charge back to the company HQ. The air was rank with the smell of death and cordite. 3 years of misery had left the once splendid city deserted and in ruins. He didn't envy the troops stationed here as they had to fight a multitude of different groups. The suicide bombs and snipers made it lethal to try and control more than the small section the company was based in. He knew these streets well enough to make his way through the black out that covered London at night. The sun was still in the sky which meant he had to be extra careful of the snipers that lurked in the shadows. "Halt!" A young squaddy yelled up ahead shaking Lex out of his reverie. Theya looked up and gave the soldier a quizzical look. Two young soldiers manned one of the many check points that dotted the area. Their guns trained on the pair as Lex slowly made his way forward. He showed the squaddy his id badge and made his way through the makeshift barricade. "We're nearly there hon" he said to the child as she looked at him calmly. He was amazed that she hadn't cried once since he had picked her up in the house. She had been reluctant to let anyone else touch her, but she was perfectly serene with him. She didn't even feel heavy in his arms. "You are a real mystery" he mused as they approached the Green Zone. The company HQ was a mass of barb wire, machine guns, and itchy trigger fingers. As they approached the entrance Lex could see at least three machine guns track them to the entrance of the compound. A 6' brick shit house of a guard waved them through with his assault rifle. "'Bout time you two got back. The captain wants to see you in his office ASAP." A lieutenant yelled across the parade ground. Lex yelled something back that wasn't exactly pc and made his way to the CO's office. * * * The country side rolling past made Theya gawp. She seemed to be really enjoying the trip. It was the first time Lex had seen her smile. It seemed to light up the back of the truck like the sun. The three guards who had been assigned to them looked bored. "Here, mate; have you got a spare fag?" Lex hated smoking with a passion since his dad had died of lung cancer, but he always carried some with him as leverage. He passed the private one, and the stench of fag smoke wafted through the truck as he lit it. Theya coughed a few times, and looked reproachfully at the offender. She never seemed to talk, only take in what she was seeing. Lex watched as they passed through Reading and then into the Berkshire countryside. Due to his job he travelled the country as much as he could, through fuel rationing made any long journey's that weren't essential out of the question. The journey down to the new British capital seemed to take forever. The sky was glowing crimson as they entered the West Country. Most of the major motorways had been strafed repeatedly making it highly dangerous to travel down them. "Hey... Hargreaves..." Lex turned and looked at the Corporal shouting his name. "Yes?" "We're in bandit country now; we're got to be extra careful. Rebel gangs have been hijacking trucks on these roads in the last few weeks, hence why we're here" Lex nodded and looked down at his small charge. She was falling asleep on his lap, so he covered her with his jacket. She stirred slightly as he moved a strand of blond hair from her cheek. As the truck crept through the night Lex thought about what a mess the UK was in. He had originally come to cover the 2033 Champions league final for CNN's webzine, but when the suicide bomb had caused a shut down of the airport network he had been stranded. A right wing group call Action England had risen up against the government a few days later because they were unhappy with the handling of the investigation. The rebels would have been crushed, except for fully a third of the army and air force coming out in support of them. It tore the country apart, and the government had to retreat to the West Country to establish some semblance of order... A crack of a rifle sounded. "Ah" The corporal slumped forward as blood gushed from a head wound. "What the fuck? Jimmy step on it!" The soldier next to me pounded the cab partition and the truck picked up noticeable speed. The soldier opposite went to aid his fallen comrade. Checking his pulse he looked up at his mate and shook his head. He grabbed his helmet and gun. They both made ready to return fire f they got a chance. More bullets came flying through the canvas sides of the truck. Lex lent forward to protect Theya. "For fuck's sake... these bastards never relent. Last week a mate of mine got killed in the same area." The sound of another engine raced up behind up. It then drew alongside their truck and the sound of thunder erupted behind the thin canvas. "Oh shit!" the soldier opposite whimpered as bullets tore through him. Lex did his best to shield Theya as all hell broke loose around him. The other trooper in the back with him didn't get a chance to say anything as a bullet tore out his trachea. Blood reigned down all around them as yet more bullets flew around the. The driver must have been hit as the truck suddenly veered off to the right. It slowed down dramatically as it hit the embankment and skidded onto its side. Lex felt a searing pain rip through his shoulder and legs as more bullets riddled the ruined transported. The engine then moved away as they felt their job had been done. "Theya... are you ok?" Lex croaked through the pain shooting through his body. Miraculously the young girl didn't even have a scratch on her. She looked up at him and a very mournful look passed across her face. A single tear ran down her cheek as she reached out to him. He lay on top of the dead soldiers, helpless and unable to move. "Damn it! What a lousy way to go out. As long as you are ok that's what matters." His shoulder twisted in pain as he tried to meet her hand. His vision blurred as his blood pressure dropped. "Alexis... oh Alexis..." her voice sounded so far away. "This is not what I wanted to happen.... You were supposed to live..." Even in his last seconds he was surprised... "You... were to be my guide... now it is my turn... come with me." The strangest thing happened. Lex felt himself slowly rising over the carnage below. He looked down and saw himself lying there inches below. Theya touched the oval on her arm and he then beheld a bright flash. * * * "You... you.... Did what!?!" He looked around at the infinite white. She smiled a knowing smile at him. "I brought you to my home. I couldn't leave you there to die abandoned by the world." He tried to feel anger, tried to feel pain, even tried to feel the dislocation of where he was - but he felt no anger welling up, and the pain of his wounds was blissfully gone. "Where exactly is here... I have heard of heaven and hell... but I never thought it would be like this... Who are you?" She twirled around in a pirouette, faint sparkles surrounded her. Before his eyes she completed a metamorphosis from a young girl into something akin to an angel. His jaw dropped and he was smitten. Beauty was a pale imitation of a word to describe the vision before him. She smiled again and then looked him straight in the eyes. "Alexis I chose you because I saw the purity of you heart and soul. You saved the girl I was, and now I want to give you a gift that will repay all your kindness. I am a traveller in time as well as in space, and I want to give you a gift that will show you some of what I experience." Lex just stared at her... she was intoxicatingly attractive... he felt a rush of love sweep over him... "Alexis..." she reached out and kissed him. It lasted an eternity and an instant. A rush of a million voices poured through his (her) brain... a million and one sights not seen in a thousand years.... A million and one languages spoken at once... A million and one passionate moments moulded into the ultimate overload.... Chapter 1: Lynette "Lynette... honey... time to wake up." The voice sounded so far off. "Honey it's a school day... you need to get up..." The voice snapped into reality as the sleepy teenage beneath the duvet blinked into reality. Lex looked around and wondered where, and when, the fuck he was. This was the 4th time this had happened, and he was starting to get used to it. The metallic taste still lingered in his mouth, a sign of the possession taking place. "Mom... I hate Mondays... can't I have another 5 minutes?" she moaned softly. "You better get your carcass out of that pit of yours sharpish young lady, otherwise those brothers of yours will have scoffed breakfast." Slowly pulling the covers back she swung her legs out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He was always thankful for regressive memories; they always helped him get used to his new environment. His last experience had been as a burly New York fire fighter on September 11th 2001. The echoes of sadness caused him to cry a few tears as he looked in the mirror. He saw a young teenage brunette staring back at him. He always thought it odd that he could control the person to a certain extent, but never interfere with the person's life. Lynette's memories suddenly flooded back as the effects of his possession receded. Her subconscious kicked in, and he sat back to experience her life. He had no idea when or where he was; the only clues were the 80's boy band posters on her wall. He looked a huge poster of the space shuttle on her far wall, and smiled inside. He had seen many video's of the vintage space craft when he was at school. He had only been 7 when they had retired the fleet in 2010. She dressed quickly, putting on jeans, a strappy top, and jumper over the top. Lex found himself admiring the curves this young woman.. "Graham!" she yelled when she couldn't find her hairbrush. "What?" He shouted back, then laughed when he realised what she was after. As she ate breakfast Lex was able to get a better feel for his surroundings. Lynette lived in a two story detached house which was well decorated throughout. Someone had a feel for nice d?cor. "Honey don't forget to tell Mrs Myers about tomorrow. Your father reckons the shuttle will launch in the morning, and we're all going up to the cape early." Lynette groaned. "Mom! Why do I have to go to see the stupid shuttle launch? I saw Columbia last year, and they're all the same." Her mother looked at her sternly. Then shaking her head she said "sweety this launch has that teacher you were going on about... Christa McAuliffe?" Lex felt Lynette smile. "Oh yeh... I forgot about her. Mrs Myers says she is going to do a lesson from space. Ok I'll tell her today." Her mother looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and hurried the three of them along. Finally she was able to get Lynette out of the house in time for the yellow school bus to pick her up at the corner of their street. Lex noticed the name on the side of the bus said Cocoa High School. As the day went on Lex met all of Lynette's friends. She was quite popular and very much into the whole mall scene. He could never get used to the way she acted; it was so counter intuitive for him. Her body was young and very supple, which she proved by doing three backwards summersaults in gym class last two periods before lunch. He found himself becoming more immersed in her life, and found being a young woman just as exciting as a fireman or soldier. He still found it quite jarring when she went to the loo at lunch time as he had never been inside the women's loo's in his life. "Hi Cindy, how did your morning go?" Lynette chirped across the stall wall to her best friend. "Maths was a pain as usual. Mr Hughes is a piece of work. He is expecting me to learn algebraic equations before Easter... I don't think so." Both girls laughed. "Mom is taking us to the cape tomorrow to see Challenger launch. Myers has agreed on the condition I catch up. Could you get my notes for me?" Lynette asked. "Sure, which classes do you need them for?" "Hmmm... math, English, and... French." The two girls continued to chat as they cleaned up and headed for the dining hall. Lex was utterly perplexed by their conversations and mannerisms. Soldiers he could get his head around, teenage girls... never. "Oh look! There's Donnie Freeman!" Lynette squealed as a 6' tall senior walked past. "Isn't he a dish?" Cindy squealed in return. "Did you know he asked Macy Dixon to the spring dance? Can you believe it?" Lynette sounded so jealous. "I still can't believe what Brian did to me on Friday. He was such a jerk, and I don't want to talk to him ever." Both girls shook their heads and got in line for their lunch. Cindy gave Lynette a one armed hug as they picked up their food. After lunch Lex had to sit through home economics and the most boring English language class of his life. He had a masters in English, but this guy made it seem as dry as parchment. Lynette sat at the back of the class jabbering away with Cindy till the bell went. Cindy said her goodbyes and gave Lynette a huge hug as they parted in front of the school. "Call me around 8 if you want to chat," she yelled out as she got into a black station wagon. Lynette gave a thumbs up sign and walked to the bus. She felt pleased with herself for getting through the day without another lecture from her teachers. Dad would kill her if her grades weren't maintained. Last semester she had managed to get B or above in all but one of her classes, and her French was improving so she may just get a B this time around. "Yo Lindy!" Lynette looked up and saw Brian running towards her. What does he want now? Lex heard her think. "Brian, you know I told you to stay away from me..." The lanky teenager stopped in front of her, a hurt expression on his face. "Babe all I wanted to say was sorry. I was a complete jerk last Friday." Lex felt tears welling up in her eyes. "You made a complete idiot out of me at the mall. I... thought you cared about me..." Lynette started to cry. "Are you two going to get on, coz I need to set off" The driver yelled at them. Lynette looked up at the driver and made as if to get on. "Let me walk you home... I am really sorry for being an arse," Brian said in a mournful voice. Shaking her head she climbed the steps and the driver shut the door. Brian made a phone sign with his hands, but she ignored him. She made her way to an empty seat and sat down. Lex could feel that she was all emotional about Friday night, and the thoughts of Brian's actions kept running through her mind. He had sprayed her with water from one of the mall fountains in front of all her friends, and then proceeded to get all his buddies to laugh at her. They were supposed to be an item, but after that she felt she needed someone who was more mature. Lex was again left all perplexed. He had once been a 14 year old jock like Brian, surely he hadn't have been that bad? Lynette did her homework before dinner, and Lex was able to help nudge her along when she got stuck. From her perspective he was more like her subconscious conjuring up ideas. He could form thoughts and manipulate her into doing certain things, but it was impossible for him to make her doing anything against her will. Not that he would put her in harms way mind you. Over dinner she discussed the following day's events with her dad. He advised the mission had been scrubbed on numerous occasions due to safety, but the management wanted the launch to go ahead tomorrow for PR reasons. "So what did you get up to today daddy?" her brother Fred chimed into their conversation. "I helped prepared the crew for the launch. I have to be back at the cape for 4am to help prepare for boarding." Lex wondered what exactly he did, probably a techie or something. Lynette seemed to switch off at this point, preferring to eat her dinner rather than hearing all the technical details of her father's day. When the phone rang her mother yelled for her. "It's Brian, he wants to talk!" "Tell him I don't want to speak to him!" she shouted back. "Honey I think you should," her dad interjected. Shaking her head she got up from the table and took the receiver from her mom in the hallway. "What?" she almost spat down the phone. Brian then preceded to try and sweet talk his erstwhile girlfriend into going back out with him. Lex was highly amused by some of the lines he came out with, but Lynette refused to countenance any of them. "Brian don't bother calling again, it's over. I just want to get on with my life." Her voice was firm and very adamant. "Lynette..." He didn't get a chance to finish as she put the phone down on him. Lex was impressed by the way she handled her ex, and shocked at the same time to think that he once acted like Brian did. Lynette settled in front of the TV while her mom packed her brothers off to bed. Lex pondered just how far he had come since Theya had given him her gift. Part of her still lingered in his mind; it was like she had fused a small part of herself to enable him to flit across time and space. Her people had developed ways of time travelling using the bodies and minds of real people. He did not have the control that Theya had displayed; indeed he did not have her implant that allowed her to control the shifts. Lex only knew a shift was happening after the event. He vaguely remembered watching a TV series called Quantum Leap which had a similar premise. "Honey, it's time you went to bed," Lynette's mother called out from the kitchen. "But mom it's only 9pm." "I know sweety, but you need to be up at 6am in order for us to get to the Cape in time." Huffing and puffing Lynette pulled herself away from the TV and made her way up to her room. Closing the door she proceeded to strip off. Dumping her clothes in the wash basket by the door she got out a nightie and slid it over her shoulders. Her teenage body was still lithe and firm and Lex guiltily wished he could run her hands over her body just to get a feel of it. "Mom, can I get an alarm call please," she yelled down stair. "Sure honey, sweet dreams." After finishing in the bathroom she went back into her room and closed the door. In the yellowy light of her lamp she pulled out a pink diary from the cabinet by her bed and started to write today's entry. Lex laughed as she wrote about Brian and how upset she was that he had proven to be such a bastard. She also wrote about Donnie, and how much of a cow Macy Dixon was. She also wrote a small prey of hope for tomorrows launch. She tidied the diary away and then climbed under the covers. She switched her lamp off and after about 5 minutes fell asleep. * * * "The weather was a bit cold this morning, glad I wrapped up mom." Her mother laugher and gave her a brief hug. The grand stand at the launch site was over two miles away from the launch itself, but Lynette had borrowed her dad's binoculars to get a better look. "Look mom!" Fred was jumping up and down pointing at some rescue vehicles that were driving past. "T minus 30 minutes." The countdown continued as it had done since they arrived around 8:30. Lynette looked at her watch and saw it was only 11:09 but it felt like a lot later. She realised she would be in double maths, and was not guilty for being glad to be here. She then got up to stretch her legs and wondered down to stand near the huge digital clock. Lex stared in awe. He knew Lynette had seen this before, but for him it was something new and exciting. He had seen it on TV many times, and for him it was the 2024 launch of the Aries Mars mission that stuck in his mind the most when he saw these numbers. She wandered around mingling with the crowd while the clock ticked down. The cold morning had not deterred a sizeable crowd from gathering at the observation point. "T minus 5 minutes." Lynette looked up from her ponderings and made her way back to her family. Lex vaguely remembered this launch from his history classes, wasn't it the first shuttle to be lost, or something like that? He couldn't remember the details, so sat back as they prepared for the launch. "5...4...3...2...1...lift off of the Space Shuttle Challenger...God speed." The gathered audience watched as the space craft gathered momentum and gracefully cleared the tower. Lex was awe struck at the beauty of the sight. It took a few seconds for the sound to catch up, but even so it was a sight to behold. People around him were talking and laughing when suddenly she noticed something was wrong through her binoculars. She saw an explosion tear through the lower part of the booster rocket, and then both boosters spiralled away as one became three. "Holy shit!" they both yelled. People started to point, and a few screamed as the shuttle started to break up. Debris started to fall towards the sea, and the white smoke left a trail across the blue sky over the cape coast. "Mom! What just happened?" Fred shouted. Lynette looked towards her mother. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to remain calm for the children. Her mother was at a loss to explain what had just happened - they were in complete shock. Numbly they made their way back to the car and they all continued to stare at the smoke hanging over the launch area. That evening President Regan broadcast a nationwide message of sympathy. Lynette just stared at the screen unbelieving. Her father had been kept back at work to help with the nascent investigation. Lex had wondered why he had been fused with this young woman, and now he knew he wished he could ease her pain. Challenger was a tragedy that tore at the fabric of the American dream, and he now understood their reasoning for sending him here. As Lynette made her way to bed that night she felt a heavy heart at the day's events. She had been so blas? about the whole day, and now when tragedy struck she was at a loss to comprehend it. As she put her head on the pillow the last thing she heard was thank you coming from somewhere within her. Chapter 2: Lenny That taste again... Lex opened his eyes and looked around... the smell of vomit was overpowering... His new best friend seemed to be a toilet bowl, and his arms were very reluctant to let go. He looked down and saw a real mess in the water below. Whoever he now was must have had a blast last night. "Oi Lenny! Get the hell out my toilet. The party was last night, and my folks are going to kill me if they catch you in here!" He looked up and saw a 20 something guy with a stained white vest standing over him. "I... feel like shit." Lex was surprised by the pitch of his voice. The other man manhandled him to his feet and through the door. "Look, I know we had a great time and all, but I have to tidy this mess up, otherwise I'll be in it deep." Lenny's memories started to come back and Lex realised the guy was called Andrew. He stood there hand on hip waiting for Lenny to say or do something. "Umm... maybe I could help?" Andrew just stared and gawped at him. "Don't you think Chris would have something to say about that? He's expecting you at his place for Judy's wake." Who the hell is Chris? Lex thought to himself. "Oh shit, yeah, I'd completely forgotten about that. What time of her funeral?" Andrew just looked at him. "It's at 10, so you only have 20 minutes to get to Chris's." Lex was perplexed... who was Judy, and why was Chris having a wake? To other man reached out and gave him a huge hug. "Look, I'm sure Chris knows you love him, and after last night I'm sure the other queens do to. I'll be round about 3 if I get this place sorted out." Lenny gave Andrew a peck on the cheek as he was steered out of the door into a bustling street. Lex instantly recognised the architecture of Manhattan rising in the distance. "Fuck! Chris is really going to kill me," Lenny swore to himself, and then proceeded to berate himself all the way down the street. He hailed a yellow cab, and as he got in gave an address down town. Lex absorbed the city, trying to work out just which era in the city's history he had arrived in. He spotted a poster for Alice's Restaurant which was due for release on the 20th of August. He had never heard of the film, but it stuck in his mind for some reason. "Hey buddy! Do you want to get out here? The traffic is jammed." Lenny looked up from his musing and nodded. He threw a $10 at the driver and got out. "You're late!" The tall, well groomed blond guy who opened the door grumbled as he let Lenny in. "Sorry babe, I... umm... fell asleep at Andy's," Lenny said sheepishly. The blond pouted for all of two seconds before planting a massive kiss on Lenny's lips. Their arms entwined in a passionate hug as Lex felt Lenny getting seriously turned on. It was at this point that Lex got slightly freaked out as he had never had a gay bone in his body. "Hmm... I never cease to like you kisses Chris honey," Lenny purred as he let his lover go. He looked around and noticed a few on-lookers, and smiled like a Cheshire cat. "Hey Ricky, how are you and Zak doing?" Lenny enquired to a small guy standing at the entrance to Chris's kitchen. "We're good. Zak wants to know if we all fancy going to Stonewall tonight. Apparently there is going to be a thing for Judy." Lenny looked at Chris and they both nodded. They both liked Christopher Street, and the Village was their usual hang out. "Sure, why not?" Chris said. Chris then practically dragged his lover to a big red leather sofa which dominated the main room and proceeded to snuggle up with him. "So who is here then?" Lenny enquired. "Zak, obviously, Marco, Todd, and Felicia said she'll be here around 10:45 after her hair appointment." Lex felt very much out of his element. Here he was in New York, in the house of an openly gay man...actually sharing saliva with this blond hunk (?!?)... He felt completely at a loss to describe his feelings. A rakishly handsome brown haired guy came out of the kitchen holding two glasses of white wine. "Here you go sweetheart, I think it is time for the wake to begin." Lenny uncurled himself from his lover and took the glass. Everyone congregated around the sofa and held out their glasses. "To our Judy, queen of all things glam, and forever over the rainbow. May she walk the yellow brick road all the way to heaven" Chris said solemnly. Everyone nodded then took a drink out of their glasses. "May her star shine bright and true, and may her voice be heard for all time," a feminine looking guy said from behind Lenny. "Here, here," they all said, and then they all took another sip. As the wake continued the wine flowed. Felicia arrived late, but looked absolutely stunning in a power blue knitted top and very tight jeans. Lex didn't know what to make of her, but she was obviously a Trans something or other. "Darlings I have great news! They are putting on a musical review in the village in a few weeks time, and I have been asked to be one of the acts!" she trilled as she glad handed everyone. "Todd, aren't you supposed to be doing you act in early July?" Chris called out the feminine guy standing behind them. Todd looked a bit glum. "I was, but they cancelled due to a scheduling error." Felicia walked up to him and gave him a huge hug. "So who is coming out tonight then?" she asked the room. Everyone put their hands up, and then started to gossip amongst themselves. As the afternoon wore on people drifted away, until it was only Chris, Lenny, and Felecia left. "You do look absolutely ravishing darling," Chris said to his friend. "Babe I always have to look fabulous. The last time the police took me downtown I ended up looking like a bum." Chris empathised. He then beckoned her to sit next to him. What he did next surprised the hell out of Lex. Chris leaned over and started to kiss her lips in the most intimate and lustful kiss he had seen in a long time. He could feel Lenny getting seriously turned on watching his boyfriend kissing this beautiful creature. "Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?" Chris enquired. They both nodded, and made their way to Chris' sumptuous bedroom. Lex now felt seriously freaked out. He was a macho guy, and did his best to never look at a guy's penis in the washroom. What happened over the next few hours proved to be very hard for him. Lenny and Chris both took making love to the gorgeous Felecia, who mewed like a kitten each time she had either of them inside her. The hardest part of all for Lex was when Lenny fellated her, and actually like the taste of the result. The two lovers then made love in the most sensual and erotic way possible. The feelings of passion and desire that washed over Lenny made Lex loose himself in their love. As Chris climax inside of him, Lenny whispered, "I love you my angel," over his shoulder. As the three of them basked in the afterglow of their intimacy, Lex felt a part of him that wanted to violently throw up. Another part of him secretly enjoyed it, but he refused to allow that part to come to the surface. "Darlings, I need to head home in order to change for this evening. This afternoon has been an absolute pleasure, and I will see you at the Inn at... say 9pm?" Chris lazily nodded as Felicia got dressed. She gave them both a passionate kiss and left the apartment. "Well, lover, we need to get ready," Lenny said in a laconic tone. Chris looked at the clock and groaned as he realised that he only had 2 hours to get ready. "Babe it's 6pm now, do you want to get changed here, or go back to you place?" Lenny pondered for a second and replied, "If I can borrow a t-shirt I'll get changed here." Chris gave him a peck on the lips and smiled. "Of course you can. I need to grab a shower, would you like to share it with me?" Lenny smiled a very seductive smile and nodded. * * * As they sat in the cab on their way down town Lenny felt very satisfied and content. Lex didn't know how to put it into words. On the one hand he felt utter revulsion at Lenny and Chris, on the other he felt that Lenny had a contentment that he had not felt in all his own relationships. "Babe, do you think the cops will be out tonight?" Lenny asked. "I hope not. Judy's death has hit some of us very hard, and I think that they should respect that." Lenny shrugged. Chris had adored her, and he had three autographs in his collection - a signed Wizard of Oz cast picture was his prized possession. Lex tried to figure out what event he had been sent to witness. Unlike the previous four which had all been pretty obvious, he had no idea why he was here. The clues were there: Gay guys, the death of a woman called Judy, and New York. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what it was all leading up to. "We still have to be careful though. The police still clamping down on any ?deviant' behaviour," Chris said sadly. "I just wish I could hold your hand in public hon." Lenny said with a heavy heart. The two of them hugged, which cause the taxi drive to nearly swerve into the opposite lane. * * * "Darlings!" a big queen greeted both men as they walked into the bar. The exterior was a bit seedy, and the interior lived up to the fa?ade. Lenny spotted that Sylvia and La Miranda were already here, and both guys headed to the bar for a drink. "What'll it be honey?" the rather cute bartender asked. The both ordered and went to sit at one of the empty tables. The bar was half full and as the evening wore on more patrons gathered. The mood was slightly sombre, and most of the talk around their table was about the funeral. One guy, called Sam, described the funeral cort?ge and said that all the flowers made him cry. He had been amazed by the turn out, and made it clear just how touched he had been. "I really wish I had been there, but work made me work a late on Thursday," Chris chatted to Sam for ages about all the details, only pausing briefly to allow Lenny to join in. Around midnight a group of drag queens entered and started propping up the bar. "Hey Felicia, do you want to join us?" Lenny shouted across a Stones track playing on the juke box. She sauntered over to the three sitting at the table and gave each one a peck on the cheek. Demurely she sat on a vacant stool and chatted amiably with Lenny. Around 1am Sam got up and bade farewell. "I have to be at my aunt's in the Hampton's around lunch time, so I need to get some beauty sleep." As he left Lex noticed a police man stop him just outside the front door and asked him a few questions. Lenny was paying particular attention to this, and pointed it out the others on the table. "Oh shit, it's very late for them to be raiding isn't it Flick?" "Damn right honey, plus we usually get a heads up." The police man entered with seven other plain clothes cops and made straight for the bar. They proceeded to ask everyone for ID, and gave anyone who could not produce the relevant documents hassle. They also hauled several of the drag queens up to the wall and frisked them in a not too nice manner. "Holy shit!" Felicia yelled as she looked on. "These guys mean business. I only got this top yesterday." One of the plain clothed officers came over to their table and asked for their ID. "You fagots better have it on you, or there is going to be some serious shit going down tonight." "You bastards never know when to give it up!" someone yelled across the room. A general murmur went up around the inn as the atmosphere grew even tenser. Lex watched as a woman being prodded with a night stick suddenly threw her bottle at the officer's head. "Fuck!" Chris yelled. All three of them ducked down behind the table as more bottles started to be thrown at the cops. "Hey fagot, get the fuck away from me!" one of the cops yelled as a group of patrons came at him. "Babe, we'd better get out of here quick. It looks like there is going to be trouble." Chris motioned to Lenny and Felicia to head to the door. All three agreed and hurried to the exit. Chris and Felicia made it through ok, but Lex felt a cop grab him from behind. "Oh no you don't you queer son of a bitch. Fagots like you make me hurl." Another cop came over and helped restrain the struggling Lenny. Lex willed him to break free, but their combined weight and strength pinned him to the floor. Wave after wave of pain flooded through his body as the officers proceeded to beat the crap of him. Their night sticks hurt in a way that made him ache all over. "Please stop!" Lex heard a voice over him, and the last thing he saw was Chris standing there trying to get the cops off him. The impact of the officer's fist knocked him out cold. Interlude "What the hell happened?" Lex suddenly realised it was his own voice now. The metallic taste flooded his mouth. "He was one of many victims of the riot." Her voice floated over the whiteness that became apparent to Lex as he became more aware. "He was a puff... why did you put me in him?" Lex started to feel a wave of nausea flood through him. Theya's essence materialised in from of him. Her angelic form beautiful beyond words and all the anger inside of him suddenly evaporated. "Alexis I did not send you out there to experience things that you knew, but rather things that you didn't know. Lenny was someone who loved life, and gave so much to the world. Stonewall showed the world that it was not ok to repress your sexual minorities." She paused as her radiance swirled with darker hues than normal. "You experienced love, hope, despair, heroic bravery, and many other human emotions. Lenny is just as worthy as Michael. Michael died doing his job in the towers, where as Lenny fought for a cause just as noble." Lex looked at her with a vague understanding. Slowly he nodded this modicum of understanding. "I brought you back here to share you experience with my circle, and to give you a rest from the jumping. Six jumps is a lot to take in." She motioned with her hand and the white suddenly changed into a spring garden. Four other figures materialised alongside the banks of a small brook. Each one was radically different to the next. Theya beckoned Lex to follow her. "This is Jaen." She presented him to an octopus-like creature reclining on the grass. It waved a tentacle. "Here we have Tempe; he is the oldest of our group." The figure before him was covered in fine white robes and his skin was the colour of old parchment. Tempe nodded at Lex, and then went back to reading his manuscript. "This is Dem'bael, the morning star and watcher." She bowed before an aspect of light, whose very radiance outshone her angelic form. "Finally we have Ulla. She is the youngest amongst the group, and the one who controls who you jump into." Lex could only describe her as a fairy of the old school variety. Her butterfly wings beat in the cool air as she removed the welding goggles from her auburn hair. "Excuse the grease stains, just fixing of the main data relays." She chirped as she shook Lex's hand. Theya bade him sit on the grass beside her as she took on her child form. Lex still found it hard to believe they were one and the same. "So Alexis, how did you find the six people we sent you to?" Tempe asked in a voice that sounded like old paper rubbing together. "Hmmm. I think out of the six I found Lenny to be the most challenging. His world view was so radically different to my own, and his sexuality..." He looked at Theya .".. was difficult for me to handle." Jaen motioned and the sound of a harmonious choir filled the air. Ulla fluttered into the air and started to interpret. "He understands that, but what he wants to know is..." She sent the mollusc a raised eyebrow and the music sounded more playful than before. "He wants to know if you enjoyed the experiences." Lex looked at them both in bewilderment, then suddenly realised what Jaen meant. "Ah... I definitely enjoyed being in Miss India when she won the Miss World competition... I must say that I am glad her hotel room had a double bed." The group laughed, and the Jaen chorus floated merrily. The conversation continued as the four higher beings continued to debrief Lex. As it meandered though all of his thoughts and feelings he became more aware of the real purpose behind why they had sent him. They were living lives which could never realise concepts like mortality or finite time. Still, he felt very unsure of himself around their higher intellects. Finally Theya brought the proceedings to a halt. "I think Alexis has done about all he can for us during this meeting. If it is ok with the council I would like to send him on his way again." All four agreed, and after saying their farewells the spring garden evaporated leaving the white space behind. Theya change form again and Lex couldn't help feeling an overwhelming sense of love for her. "I am very touched you feel that way." She laughed as she took her had. His puzzled look barely had time to register as she kissed him passionately. As before a million voices filled his mind, and the sexual rapture that happened previously overtook him in sheer bliss.

Same as Fusion: Second Chance Videos

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SRU Oldtimer part 2 Second Chances

Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...

2 years ago
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Second Chance

Like most high school sweethearts, Gail and I had dreams and plans. We would go to the same college, settle down, get married, and have kids. Things just didn't work out that way. For a start, we were approved for different colleges. Of course, we pledged to stay together and continue our relationship and we did that for several months. But, little by little, the calls and texts dwindled to a few — then none. Despite wanting it to work, our deepest fears were realised and our relationship fell...

Love Stories
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BurrChapter 71 Giving Cindy A Second Chance

Room Leader Laredo noticed the change between Spence and me before anyone else, thank goodness. He took me for a walk on Sunday night so we could have a private talk. "You've already made a lifelong enemy of Lester. You're going to be a leader; you can't go on this way. I don't care what you have to do to make amends with Spencer Freeman, just do it," Orlando Laredo said to me. What could I say? I knew that he was right. The room was too small for any of us to hold a personal grudge...

2 years ago
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A Second Chance

The time had come. An entire lifetime of years blurred together in the span of a few minutes as you lay fading away on your death bed. Your breaths came short and labored, as if an insurmountable weight remained perched upon your chest. What was once vibrant skin had turned gray and gaunt, cursed by the leather of your elder years. Surrounding you was your family, at least those who wanted to be with you in your final moments. Your spouse sat closest, clutching your emaciated hand in theirs,...

4 years ago
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A Second Chance

A Second Chance By Mister Double-U Howard Elton sat in his prison cell as he had for the past 30 years. The face of the young girl he brutally murdered stared from his mind's eye. Her delicate features; bright blue eyes, short brown hair, and angelic face. Then the look as he sliced her throat; those blue eyes filling with tears, her short brown hair covered in blood and her angelic face frozen in a mask of horror. Howard Elton cried at this thought from 30 years ago. He cried often...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 31 Christinas Second Chance

It was long past five p.m. when Henry and Josie left Ellen in the hospital. Josie was exhausted after a long day and wanted to sleep. Yet, the entire household was waiting for them wanting to hear about the birth. Fortunately, Milena had prepared supper, giving Henry and Josie a chance to eat while they related all the events of the day. Josie ate sparingly. A full stomach was not conducive to a good night's sleep and she needed all the sleep she could get. It felt strange for Henry and...

3 years ago
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Second Chances

SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...

1 year ago
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Second Chances

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk pretty young girls. Well no one really ever mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be...

4 years ago
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Second Chance

       It had been three years.  Three looooooong years as far as her libido was concerned.  She’d stayed far away from all of it; buried herself in her awful temp job that had since become a permanent secretary position, not that it’s permanence made it any better, just more predictable.  She’d aided her ailing mother until she’d died six months before and her sister was so far AWOL she hadn’t even shown to the funeral.  She was alone and emotionally destitute when not so long ago her life...

2 years ago
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Alices Second Childhood Alices Second Chance

Alice’s Second Chance, Alice’s second childhood.   PART 1   Mom was a good woman. Dad is a good man. Yet my little sister, Alice was, by age 18, a total spoiled brat and a delinquent. She could easily also have ended up being a killer. It is certainly arguable that she deserved to be sent to jail.   Now Mom did not believe in hitting children and she did not. She did, however, understand that the word ‘NO’ needs to be heard and understood by children. She never hit me but I knew...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 108 Second chances

Alyssa’s cerulean eyes seemed to drink in every detail of John’s shocked expression as she waited for his reaction. “What did you do?!” he finally whispered, staring unblinking at the elongated tips of her ears. She hesitated, unsure of herself. “I wanted to do it for you ... It felt like it was time.” Closing the distance between them, John gathered her in his arms and pulled her in for a smouldering kiss. Alyssa’s doubts fell away as she responded to him, moaning into his mouth, the tips...

2 years ago
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Second Chances

Instant gratification. That’s what most people want these days. Thanks to instant communication with email, instant shopping online, instant pornography too, we all want exactly what we want, exactly when we want it. That’s what made things so frustrating. Much as I don’t want to admit it, my middle-aged brain has been re-wired to operate in the modern era of instant gratification. She made me wait. I had clicked the “send” button and sent my video clip to my foreign correspondent. She was...

4 years ago
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Second Chance

What puzzled her was that even though her parent’s finances were shaky, they always seemed to have the money to send her to prestigious private schools. She had earned a bachelor’s degree, an MBA and now just completed her law degree, all from Ivy League universities, along with experience in prestigious management consulting companies in between her degrees. She asked her mother a few times over the years how they could afford her schooling, when they often had trouble paying their other...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 35 A Second Marriage and a Second Chance

June 1983, Göteborg, Sweden Sofia was waiting on the platform for me when the train pulled into Göteborg’s Centralstationen. I grabbed my bag and hopped off the train into her waiting embrace. We kissed, then walked hand-in-hand off the platform and to the city street. We stopped at a sidewalk café for lunch, and after we ate, we headed back to the hotel to drop my bag. We then walked to a nearby coffee shop to drink coffee and continue talking. Sofia had asked about Helsingborg as soon as...

2 years ago
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Cw I Take My Chances

Ralph — I pulled away slowly from the shadows where I'd been parked. I was sad beyond human endurance. My breath caught in my throat. I was wishing I was dead. First my wife had turned into a slut, now she had succeeded in turning my fiancée into a whore. The radio was playing the refrain of a Mary Chapin Carpenter song, I Take My Chances. Now I can cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side I take my chances, I pay my dollar and I...

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Second Chances

The worst thing about the end of the world was the mind numbing boredom. Sandy made one final connection to her generator. Wiping the grease from her hands, she stood and surveyed her work. "That should do it," she said with a grin. "Now this is going to be good!" The pretty young woman made her way down to the street, and started to take off her clothes. "I better get ready. The sun's going down soon!" Sandy hurried to her camp shower, and washed the day's work from her body. Her...

4 years ago
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First Time Disaster and Second Chances

I’m a really terrific liar. It’s a talent. I know it sounds awful. My mom totally grounded me like a billion times when I was in high school, for being a liar that is. My lying is problematic and I worry about it. Sometimes I can’t decide if I’m a “good girl” wrapped up in a “bad girl”, or if I’m a “bad girl” wrapped up in a “good girl”? You decide. But actually I’ve found my lying to be a very useful talent. But that’s another story. I don’t really know why I lie so much. Maybe it’s because...

First Time
2 years ago
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Second Chance

I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Second Chance

I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...

Love Stories

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