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Number 28 was standing in a cage with 3 other female slaves waiting for theirturn to be auctioned off. She could hear the auctioneer as he called out thebids on the slave taken from the cage a few minutes before. As number 28 stoodthere nervously, she reflected back on her path to this point in her life.

She had been a relatively shy but normal 34 year woman. Long brown hair, nicesoft body with curves accented by a little extra weight. Her childhood wasnormal with loving parents and two brothers. She had been the middle child.She had been a passive child, letting her parents guide her life and her friendstake the lead in play. Her main pleasure was in making others happy. To makeher parents happy, she began attending college even though she had no realfocus to her studies. She attended college for a few years before her friendswere lured away by the big salaries offered by the dotcoms. Once again, followingthe lead of others, she left college to for the dotcom world. She did wellenough salary wise, but never progressed as far as her friends. She just didnot have the drive and self confidence it took in that free-for-all-world.

The bursting of the dotcom bubble left her high and dry. No degree and heronly professional work experience no longer in demand. Her old friends couldn'thelp because they had also been laid off. So she went from professional workwith a salary in the high 80's to a retail salesperson making, at best, $20,000a year.

She drifted along until she met a man who came into her store. He startedflirting with her almost immediately and before she knew it, she had a datewith him that night. He took control almost immediately, seeming to know sheliked others to lead her. She was so excited; it was hard to wait for her shiftto end. He had told her to be ready at 8 and to wear a skirt. She thought ita little odd to be told what to wear on her first date but it felt so goodto not have to make that decision.

That evening was a turning point in her life. It started at the restaurantwhere he immediately took charge. He took the menu from her as it was presentedand proceeded to order for her. He then instructed her in the proper way toenjoy the food and wine, telling her what to take a bite of next and what tastesto look for. She got the feeling he wasn't so much teaching her so she wouldenjoy her food more, as he was teaching her so she could look after him better.The thought brought a warm feeling to her that started in her pussy and creptup to her heart. It felt so good that he would be taking that much interestin her.

Later, he took her to his place without even asking her. It was as thoughhe expected her to go and could not conceive of anything else. She too acceptedthis as his right. She reveled in his confidence and surety.

Once inside his front door, he turned and kissed her for the first time. Itwas a long, lingering kiss; his tongue seeming to take control of her mouth.It was the most erotic kiss she had ever experienced or even seen in the romanticmovies she and her friends used to watch during slumber parties in high school.

Then he told her to strip. She didn't even think. She just started to removeher clothes. She wasn't a virgin, far from it. During high school and college,she had never said ?no.? It wasn't that she particularly wanted to have sex;she just didn't have it in her to spoil her date's evening. She had even hadsex with women if they wanted it. But she had never just stripped like this,on command. That evening she learned so much about herself and about the joyof submission.

She began to spend her every waking moment with him. Pleasing him with littlethings, massaging his feet after a long day no matter how tired she was, makinghis favorite foods, even cleaning his house. It was the happiest time of herlife.

Their bedroom activities had increasingly reflected an M/s relationship. Hebegan to use corporal punishment to improve her sexual performance. It beganwith spanking and gradually progressed to caning. His control over her in thebedroom soon became complete. She was his sex slave, doing whatever he wanted.

Then he told her, not asked her, to move in with him. She was so excited!This was what she had wanted from their first night together. It was an easymove since he had her sell all of her furniture and most of her possessions.He told her that He would give her all she needed from now on. In fact, Hetold her to quit her job. He wanted her to devote herself to Him full time.The morning after she moved in to His house, He took her hand and guided herto the telephone where He dialed her work before handing her the phone. ?Tellthem that you quit.? He commanded and she obeyed.

Soon the M/s relationship was carried on outside the bedroom. She was alwaysnaked in his presence and wearing his collar. He started making her sleep ona mat at the foot of His bed, chained to the bed. Kneeling at his feet, shefelt complete and wanted. She was a 24/7 slave. She was His property.

One night He had some friends over, keeping her nude during their visit. Thesewere friends of His that she had met briefly before. But He always had lefther behind when He went out with them. He had never brought them over to Hishouse before while she was there. At first she didn't know what to do, butit was soon clear that they considered her to be His slave. And as such, theyignored her. So all evening she knelt at His feet and did His bidding.

She was so content to belong to Him. She loved it when he began to modifyher body for his pleasure. He began by lengthening her clit so it protrudedfrom her fold. It made her very easily stimulated by any touch at all. Therare times He let her wear clothes, she would have cum from the stimulationto her clit if He had let her. But her ability to cum without His command hadbeen taken away from her long ago.

Next he lengthened her nipples until they were over a half inch in length.He loved to roll them in his fingers and pull on them as though he was milkingher. She loved it too. It made her feel both used and loved at the same time.

His final modification was to induce her to produce milk. He bought a milkingmachine and either hooked her up to it or milked her with his hands four timesa day. In two weeks, she was beginning to produce milk. He always put a vibratorin her pussy when he milked her, saying it would make her produce more. Whetheror not it would, it always made her wet with anticipation when milking timecame close. Soon she was producing all the milk they needed, plus extra thatHe sold to His friends. Sometimes she would be milked in front of His friendsso they got fresh milk.

He never let anyone else milk her nor did he share her with anyone. It wasas though he was saving her for something.

Then she found out what that was. He was going to sell her! She knew she wouldnot resist. It would make Him happy to sell her and it was His right. She wasHis property.

When the day came for her sale, He paid special attention to her. He latheredher up in the shower and made slow sensuous love to her. He then shaved herbody completely to be sure it was baby smooth. He told her how happy she hadmade Him. What a good slave she was. Then He led her to her sleeping pad atthe foot of His bed and commanded her to sleep. She thought she would be tooexcited to sleep. But before she knew it, He was shaking her shoulder to wakeher. He told her to relieve herself and brush her teeth.

Then, He draped a cloak around her naked body and led her outside to His car.She turned slightly to take her last look at His house. Then she was insidethe car, lying on the floor as He always expected.

He got in and drove a while before stopping the car. He got out and came aroundthe car, opening the door and taking her hand to lead her to the door of abig building. Inside the place bustled with activity. Some Masters and Mistresseswere leading slaves over to be registered for the auction. Others were inspectingthe slaves being readied for sale.

A Mistress approached Him and greeted Him. She said ?Don, so you have anotherone to sell. I am impressed. Wasn't your last sale only four months ago? Howdo you do it?? He responded ?It isn't hard. I just look for the lost ones.But I mustn't take too much credit for finding this one so quickly. The dayafter the last auction I went out to buy myself a little present with the profitfrom that sale and, lo and behold, there this one was. From there it was easy.? Number28 did not know how to take what she just heard. He did not love her! He hadnever loved her! Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. Noticing this,He wiped them away and said ?Now, now little one. You know you needed someoneto take care of you and there I was. Now you have a place in life and can serveothers as you were born to do.? She took heart in His words because she knewthey were true. But she still was a little sad.

?I decided to try something different this time. I created a milk cow outof this one.? ?Oh, yes? the Mistress said, ?I can see from her nipples. Doesshe produce much?? ?Yes, quite a bit. I bet she brings a pretty penny in theauction.?

With that he took her leash and led her to a table where He registered herfor sale. As part of the registration, he listed her as being a milk cow withher average daily production figure. After being registered, He handed heroff to an attendant who painted something on her ass. The attendant told hershe was number 28 and led her to a cage to await her sale.

Masters and Mistresses wandered by, inspecting the slaves to be sold. Somestopped and commanded her to move to the front of the cage where they inspectedher body. They commanded her to open her mouth, fondled her breasts, and playedwith her pussy. Of course, as soon as they touched her enlarged clit, she immediatelybecame wet. More than one potential buyer commented on how much of a slut shewas. Some of them, obviously connoisseurs, checked her milk production figure.

Then the buyers began to drift away. The auction was beginning.

All of a sudden, her reminiscing was interrupted by the cage door being unlocked.It was her turn! A leash was attached to her collar and she was led out ontoa stage with a low platform on it. She was placed on the platform. She couldsee her Master sitting to one side with some of His friends. He gave her asmile and a nod. It made her feel so much better.

Then the auctioneer began to describe her. He described her as a human cow,capable of copious milk production. Her sexual features were also discussed.He fondled her pussy briefly but intensely, causing her to cum noisily. Thiscreated a minor stir in the audience since it indicated her heightened sexuality.

The auctioneer began the bidding process, starting the bids at $3000. Manymembers of the audience began to bid but it quickly narrowed down to two people.One, a Mistress with several slaves at her side seemed entranced by her breasts.She regularly sucked milk from the breast of one of her slaves as she contemplatedthe human cow for sale. The other, a Master, had a slave at his side who couldhave been her twin. It seemed he was looking to make a matched set.

Finally, she heard the auctioneer yell ?sold to Master Paul!? The winningbid had been $5200. An attendant came and led her off the stage to her newMaster. He seemed pleased with her but was distracted by the next slave beingled onto the stage. So she knelt at his feet, content that He would tell herwhat to do next. Her conversion to the complete slave was finished. She wasno longer a person; she was someone's property, bought and paid for. She feltwarm inside, she knew her place and her destiny was at His feet.

She continued to kneel at His feet while the auction went on. He did not bidon any other slaves, seeming to be content with merely watching the proceedings.She was aware of His other slave but knew better than to say anything to her.Her last Master had taught her well.

Finally the auction was over and He led His two slaves outside to a largevan without any windows in the back. He put them in the back of the van. Thevan had obviously been designed to transport slaves. The seats were hard andthere were bolts to hook their leashes on to. The front of the van was separatedfrom the back by a solid wall. No one from outside could see the goods beingtransported.

He got in the front of the van and started to drive away. At this time theother slave turned to her and smiled. Number 28 smiled back shyly. ?Don't worry,He is a good Master. He knows we are valuable property and He takes care ofthe things He owns. He is so pleased to find a milk cow and one that looksso much like me. This cow knows this because He told another Master beforethe auction. He was so disappointed that this cow cannot produce much milkand has looked for another for while now. Between us we should be able to produceenough for Him. He loves milk and drinks it constantly.? Not knowing what tosay, number 28 just smiled and nodded.

Before long, the van stopped and He opened the door. As He led her out ofthe van, she looked around at her new home. He had a large house set in a groveof trees. But it was hard to see much as it was dark out now.

He led them inside and unhooked their leashes. ?Follow!? he commanded as heled them to a room with a tile floor and walls. ?Stay!? He walked away andfilled a bucket with soapy water. When he came back he began to scrub her asswith a sponge. ?At least this new marker washes off easier than the old marker.? Hemuttered. His hands were firm but gentle. After he got the marks off her ass,He proceeded to wash her whole body. It felt so good to be cared for and whenHe washed her pussy she came almost immediately. She stiffened, knowing shehad cum without permission. But He didn't seem to mind, at least this time.As she stood there stiffly, a drop of water wandered down her forehead andthreatened to drip in her eye. Without thinking, she flicked her head to sendthe drop away. Again, she stiffened, thinking she would be punished. Instead,he grinned and said ?I know what to call you now! Flicker.? She had a name!She belonged. It felt so good.

Next He had her mount a table and get on all fours. Flicker knew what wasnext, she was to be milked. It had been hours since her last milking and herbreasts were beginning to hurt from the pressure. His hands felt soo good asthey felt the hardness of her breasts. Then He proceeded to milk her. WhenHe was finished, He held the container of milk up and said ?Would you lookat that! What a great producer. Finally, a good enough producer that I canstart to make cheese.?

Then He had her get off the table. As she got off, He spun her around andplanted her hands on the table. Spreading her legs with His feet, He plungedHis cock into her pussy and proceeded to thrust mightily. Soon He came andpulled out. Snapping His fingers at the other slave, He pointed to His cock.She immediately knelt in front of Him and proceeded to clean Him with her tongue.

When He was satisfied, He milked the other cow. But he got little from her.Flicker knew He must be a kind Master to keep a cow that didn't produce much.

He took them into the kitchen where He proceeded to make Himself a sandwich.He tossed some meat and bread into two bowls which he placed on the floor.Pointing to them, he said ?Eat.? Both cows immediately got on all fours andate. After they ate, He gave them each a glass of water to drink.

He took them next to the bathroom where He commanded them to relieve themselves.Flicker was used to relieving herself in front of others, so had no problemsnow.

Finally, He led them upstairs to His room. At the foot of His bed were twomats. He told them to lie down and sleep. Flicker curled up contentedly onher new mat. She was home.

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 01 Dead Ends Ker-chink Sighing, I set the completed report aside after stapling it, and putting it on top of another set of reports that will likely get just as ignored, as the head honchos of our company make their billion dollar decisions. Craning my neck and back, I grunt as I feel my back pop. I look around my office. . . . Well, I’m not really sure I can call this room an office. Five desks are arrayed around the room in a...

1 year ago
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Friends With Many Benefits

I hasten to clean up my room and neaten up my bed. I look at myself in the mirror, trying not to think too hard about what’s to come. I head back to my room and sit on the edge of my bed, my hands held in my lap. My whole body is shaking, but I’m so excited. The doorbell rings, and I practically jump out of my skin. I run downstairs and open the door. You’re on my doorstep, smiling at me. You’re wearing a grey skirt and a light blue shirt. I look down at my pajama pants and white shirt, and...

3 years ago
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My Unwanted Butterfly Tattoo

Divorce can be hard for a single Mom like me. Especially if you’re a practicing Catholic. But I felt like I had to do it, given that he ran off with one of my best friends. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my eighteen-year-old son. I’ve gotten a lot of help from my support group and the parish priest.Yesterday I was just relaxing by the pool for a while before I had to get dinner ready for Jeff and I. He wasn’t home from marching band practice yet so I figured it was ok to put on a...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Corra Cox Athena Heart The Best Farewell Party Possible

It’s college time, and Athena and Corra got their acceptance letters, but that’s not the case for Rico and Jimmy. Rico is devastated, so his stepsister Corra rushes to comfort him. When things start to get steamy, stepsiblings, Athena and Jimmy walk into the room. The four are like a family and can’t stand the idea of being apart, so they decide that losing their virginity together is the best farewell possible. To avoid feeling uncomfortable, Jimmy proposes a sister swap, but it’s only a...

2 years ago
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Horny Voyeur SchoolgirlsChapter 12

Like a skyrocket made of quicksilver, Jerry's jism rose high into the air. It hung suspended for a moment, a fleecy cloud of cum floating above the booths. Then it descended. The creamy lump splattered on Tina's bare belly and ran down into her bushy pubic mound. Both girls looked at this unexpected addition to the available cream in surprise. Where in hell had it come from? Linda leaned down and sucked the tasty spunk up from Tina's crotch. "What was it?" Tina asked. "Cum or...

2 years ago
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My first week in Tenerife

After the unexpected, but highly pleasant events on the first night of my stay in Tenerife with Dave and Claire I was rather uncertain what was going to happen the day after. I had only briefly seen Dave and Claire on Sunday morning. All seemed to be fine with them and no mention or any other indication was made of Claire and Maria’s visit to my bedroom for what had been my first FFM threesome. Quite an event after nearly a year without sex. I had arranged to catch-up with some other friends...

4 years ago
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The Entity Pt 08

This is the story of love lost, love explored, and love found in a place least expected. It is also a mystery that involves power, money, greed, and lust. While not as graphic as most here at Literotica I hope you find it an entertaining read. I apologize for the state of the work. It still needs proofing. Please vote and comment. I just wanted to say thanks for making it this far. JPMMURPHY Chapter 21 CNN – Still no news from the Richards camp. Democratic hopeful, Arthur Wright’s position...

2 years ago
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Memories part one

It all started when I was about eight, far too young at the time to understand what went on, but years after one can piece it together and realize the explosive situations I was involved in.Firstly a bit of background.I was brought up by my father’s parents, he was a merchant seaman and I was told, when I was old enough to ask questions, that my mother died.My aunt, father’s sister, was a businesswoman and she used to give respite to my grandparents during the summer holidays, my uncle and aunt...

1 year ago
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Absolute DelightsChapter 17 A New Home

The new harem in which Amelia found herself was strange, even by Kobekistani standards. Each woman had her own small suite of three rooms, one for eating, one for sleeping and a bathroom. At least Amelia assumed so, for she had seen nobody but eunuchs during her first few days. In fact for two of those days it was painful to lie down at all, because of the weals front and back from her flogging. At least she knew who had bought her, the eunuchs were quite willing to tell her that Ramzy...

4 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 28 Marie

After a miserable night in the cold with only intermittent sleep, Marie awoke to a white world of frost. Her meager blanket provided little warmth and, still naked, she was shaking with cold. The sun was at least a half hour short of rising, but Marie had to get up and move around to get any semblance of warmth to return to her body. She went first for her morning ablutions at the stream and then kept moving, picking up firewood where she could. After the sun was several hours old, Red...

1 year ago
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Son owes mother

It started like anything other night. My sister Patty and I were watching television and bored. Our parents worked late and sometimes double shifts at the local casino, Caesar’s Palace. My parents made a good amount of money so it afforded us some luxuries. We were up late just watching some movie with old gangsters set in 1930’s driving around shooting each other. I was slouched down in the recliner and my sister was texting on the couch. She was lying with her legs hanging over the arm of the...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 7

“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...

1 year ago
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Double Damaka

Hi all iss readers. I am Ravi a regular visitor of this site. The categories i love to read is incest. I am here to share my experience of sex. I am not a story writer so sorry if there is any mistake I would like to hear the feedback from all the readers in my mail id: This happen a year back we are three people in the family me my sister swathi and my mother rani. My dad passed away 2 years ago since then mom has been alone. Let tell about myself i am 6ft and my tool is 5inches long. If i...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 21 Healing and Mechs

Lisa slowly woke up and opened her eyes. As she moved her eyes, they settled on her sister's face. In a scratchy voice, she said, "Hi, Sis. Can I have a drink of water? I'm really thirsty." Tammy brushed the hair out of Lisa's eyes. "Hey, Sis! Yes, you may have a drink. How are you feeling?" Reaching over to the bedside table, she lifted a glass of water with a straw in it to her sister's lips. "Take your time drinking. Well, we now know what was wrong with you, and it will...

2 years ago
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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 8

Preparing for the liberation of Iriti wasn't the only item on the agenda. Soon, the Halim would start investigating why they weren't receiving food shipments from this sector. They had already sent several inquiries, which we intercepted. The fabricated excuses we sent in return were getting harder to come up with. We hoped that one more planet could be dealt with before the jig was up, but weren't counting on it. Even more scouts were deployed along the likely approaches of any Halim...

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CHAPTER 20: NIKKI AND JULI TRY THE HORSESNikki was very grateful for Juli in her life. She loved the sex she was getting and was devoted to Joe and Butch and Sam were wonderful. She could easily get as much fucking as she needed. Well, maybe nearly. She was always amazed at the appetite she apparently had for sex. But, she also realized that her enjoyment of sex was within a range of experiences. She loved men but restricted that to Joe and Harry. She didn’t feel the need or even interest in...

1 year ago
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At the desolate rocks, I fucked the feet of newlywed Russian gymnast Marina's .I was working as a waiter at a hotel. Usually Russian tourists were visiting our city and hotel. It was almost middle of the July. That is, hottest days f the summer.Even very beautiful women wouldn't impress me because I usually used to it.We were working shifts night and day.But, that day everything changed. I had just finished night shift. After breakfast I was resting in the staff room. I was watching Russian...

2 years ago
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His Lucky Day

As experienced with sex as I am, and with all the lovers I manage to fit into my busy life, there’s something special about helping a young, good-looking lad to become a man.  At eighteen, Lee is almost an aging virgin these days, but at twenty-nine, I'm definitely 'the older woman.'Knowing what the day held, I had intended to be up early, to be bathed and looking sexy before Lee’s arrival at eleven.  I had a 'quickie' with my lover Jim at eight and he then went off to work as usual, but...

First Time
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Tranz Fanz! Do you get a kick out of chicks with dicks? Maybe you’re a crazy boy for ladyboys or just appreciate the fine details of a fine shemale. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but it’s a certain demographic that flocks to this section of the website. I’m guessing you’d consider yourself a trans fan, in which case you might want to check out hasn’t even been registered a year, but they’ve been garnering more attention on the web lately. The tagline at the top of...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Depraved and Then Some

I have been called a depraved individual by some, and in fact I have been called THE most depraved individual by a lot of people that know me. And you know what? I am. Even though I am now in my mid-forties I'm still not sure if I came by it naturally or if I had to work at it. Because it started at a very early age I'm leaning toward 'natural'. The first time my depravity came to light was when I was six years old. You know how young boys usually don't want to have anything to do with...

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Its Just a Business Transaction Ch 08

Alex was thrilled to confirm Aida was indeed a virgin. Not that he mind if she wasn’t one. Besides it was her life before she became Mrs. Jefferson, he had no control over that. He would have thought Greg and she would have shared a physical relationship seeing how protective Greg had been of Aida on their wedding day. He thought they might just had gone to bed more out of companionship. And even so if it hadn’t been Greg it could have been any other guys back in Mexico. Aida was not ugly...

3 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Aunty

Hello, everyone, my name is Nimo this is my first story on ISS so kindly forgive me for grammatical mistakes and get set for my first story So basically I am a 19-year-old guy currently living in Mumbai and pursuing with my carrier a well build body little skin on stomach area the size of my dick is 6 inches with satisfied my aunty and surely will satisfy every ladies aunties who are longing for sex so let’s start the story This story is about how I lost my virginity to my aunty the name of my...

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Doctor And Me Fullfilling Our Desires In Mahableshwar

Hello friends, I am adi from pune, I am a regular reader of iss and a good fan of all the stories, I mostly like the teacher and aunties stories…. Today after reading lots of stories I also gathered guts to do so real thing in my life,, I always imagined the beautiful women in my life and always gets hard and gets long due to thinking of aunties… But today I would like to share my real life story…. Friends I am adi 27 from pune 5.9” tall with good physique and of course a good tool to fit all...

1 year ago
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Behind The BarnChapter 3

Sandra threw her corduroy jacket over her shoulders and stepped out into the yard. There was a slight breeze which alleviated some of the premature heat of early May, and she began to amble towards the barns. She was glad the house was a short distance away from them - she didn't think she could stand it if the animals were milling about directly outside the front door. There was nobody about and Sandra was grateful for that. She didn't feel like talking to anyone this morning, and...

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Sassy Cassy

I am writing this while I am using a stand-up desk.  The following story will explain why I am standing today and why I am being extra gentle when I sit down.I have to admit, having a Friday off of work as an adult makes me feel the same way I did when it was spring break as a high school student.  Instead of sleeping until noon and saying I am bored all day long, I get up at my normal time, leisurely enjoy my coffee, and take the time to read.Cassy had the day off too, but, decided to go in...

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My ex wife caught out by webcam

Me and my ex wife owned a couple of flats near the city center,one was taken but the other had been empty for weeks when i recieved a call from a young guy called Dedryk,he spoke in broken english and we arranged to meet up at the flat so i could show him round,i was taking Jen out for a meal and she,as usual looked sexy as hell when she came out to the car,short tight summer dress and white strappy heels,she was always on the sunbed and had a fantastic colour.We pulled up to the flats and i...

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