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Number 28 was standing in a cage with 3 other female slaves waiting for theirturn to be auctioned off. She could hear the auctioneer as he called out thebids on the slave taken from the cage a few minutes before. As number 28 stoodthere nervously, she reflected back on her path to this point in her life.

She had been a relatively shy but normal 34 year woman. Long brown hair, nicesoft body with curves accented by a little extra weight. Her childhood wasnormal with loving parents and two brothers. She had been the middle child.She had been a passive child, letting her parents guide her life and her friendstake the lead in play. Her main pleasure was in making others happy. To makeher parents happy, she began attending college even though she had no realfocus to her studies. She attended college for a few years before her friendswere lured away by the big salaries offered by the dotcoms. Once again, followingthe lead of others, she left college to for the dotcom world. She did wellenough salary wise, but never progressed as far as her friends. She just didnot have the drive and self confidence it took in that free-for-all-world.

The bursting of the dotcom bubble left her high and dry. No degree and heronly professional work experience no longer in demand. Her old friends couldn'thelp because they had also been laid off. So she went from professional workwith a salary in the high 80's to a retail salesperson making, at best, $20,000a year.

She drifted along until she met a man who came into her store. He startedflirting with her almost immediately and before she knew it, she had a datewith him that night. He took control almost immediately, seeming to know sheliked others to lead her. She was so excited; it was hard to wait for her shiftto end. He had told her to be ready at 8 and to wear a skirt. She thought ita little odd to be told what to wear on her first date but it felt so goodto not have to make that decision.

That evening was a turning point in her life. It started at the restaurantwhere he immediately took charge. He took the menu from her as it was presentedand proceeded to order for her. He then instructed her in the proper way toenjoy the food and wine, telling her what to take a bite of next and what tastesto look for. She got the feeling he wasn't so much teaching her so she wouldenjoy her food more, as he was teaching her so she could look after him better.The thought brought a warm feeling to her that started in her pussy and creptup to her heart. It felt so good that he would be taking that much interestin her.

Later, he took her to his place without even asking her. It was as thoughhe expected her to go and could not conceive of anything else. She too acceptedthis as his right. She reveled in his confidence and surety.

Once inside his front door, he turned and kissed her for the first time. Itwas a long, lingering kiss; his tongue seeming to take control of her mouth.It was the most erotic kiss she had ever experienced or even seen in the romanticmovies she and her friends used to watch during slumber parties in high school.

Then he told her to strip. She didn't even think. She just started to removeher clothes. She wasn't a virgin, far from it. During high school and college,she had never said ?no.? It wasn't that she particularly wanted to have sex;she just didn't have it in her to spoil her date's evening. She had even hadsex with women if they wanted it. But she had never just stripped like this,on command. That evening she learned so much about herself and about the joyof submission.

She began to spend her every waking moment with him. Pleasing him with littlethings, massaging his feet after a long day no matter how tired she was, makinghis favorite foods, even cleaning his house. It was the happiest time of herlife.

Their bedroom activities had increasingly reflected an M/s relationship. Hebegan to use corporal punishment to improve her sexual performance. It beganwith spanking and gradually progressed to caning. His control over her in thebedroom soon became complete. She was his sex slave, doing whatever he wanted.

Then he told her, not asked her, to move in with him. She was so excited!This was what she had wanted from their first night together. It was an easymove since he had her sell all of her furniture and most of her possessions.He told her that He would give her all she needed from now on. In fact, Hetold her to quit her job. He wanted her to devote herself to Him full time.The morning after she moved in to His house, He took her hand and guided herto the telephone where He dialed her work before handing her the phone. ?Tellthem that you quit.? He commanded and she obeyed.

Soon the M/s relationship was carried on outside the bedroom. She was alwaysnaked in his presence and wearing his collar. He started making her sleep ona mat at the foot of His bed, chained to the bed. Kneeling at his feet, shefelt complete and wanted. She was a 24/7 slave. She was His property.

One night He had some friends over, keeping her nude during their visit. Thesewere friends of His that she had met briefly before. But He always had lefther behind when He went out with them. He had never brought them over to Hishouse before while she was there. At first she didn't know what to do, butit was soon clear that they considered her to be His slave. And as such, theyignored her. So all evening she knelt at His feet and did His bidding.

She was so content to belong to Him. She loved it when he began to modifyher body for his pleasure. He began by lengthening her clit so it protrudedfrom her fold. It made her very easily stimulated by any touch at all. Therare times He let her wear clothes, she would have cum from the stimulationto her clit if He had let her. But her ability to cum without His command hadbeen taken away from her long ago.

Next he lengthened her nipples until they were over a half inch in length.He loved to roll them in his fingers and pull on them as though he was milkingher. She loved it too. It made her feel both used and loved at the same time.

His final modification was to induce her to produce milk. He bought a milkingmachine and either hooked her up to it or milked her with his hands four timesa day. In two weeks, she was beginning to produce milk. He always put a vibratorin her pussy when he milked her, saying it would make her produce more. Whetheror not it would, it always made her wet with anticipation when milking timecame close. Soon she was producing all the milk they needed, plus extra thatHe sold to His friends. Sometimes she would be milked in front of His friendsso they got fresh milk.

He never let anyone else milk her nor did he share her with anyone. It wasas though he was saving her for something.

Then she found out what that was. He was going to sell her! She knew she wouldnot resist. It would make Him happy to sell her and it was His right. She wasHis property.

When the day came for her sale, He paid special attention to her. He latheredher up in the shower and made slow sensuous love to her. He then shaved herbody completely to be sure it was baby smooth. He told her how happy she hadmade Him. What a good slave she was. Then He led her to her sleeping pad atthe foot of His bed and commanded her to sleep. She thought she would be tooexcited to sleep. But before she knew it, He was shaking her shoulder to wakeher. He told her to relieve herself and brush her teeth.

Then, He draped a cloak around her naked body and led her outside to His car.She turned slightly to take her last look at His house. Then she was insidethe car, lying on the floor as He always expected.

He got in and drove a while before stopping the car. He got out and came aroundthe car, opening the door and taking her hand to lead her to the door of abig building. Inside the place bustled with activity. Some Masters and Mistresseswere leading slaves over to be registered for the auction. Others were inspectingthe slaves being readied for sale.

A Mistress approached Him and greeted Him. She said ?Don, so you have anotherone to sell. I am impressed. Wasn't your last sale only four months ago? Howdo you do it?? He responded ?It isn't hard. I just look for the lost ones.But I mustn't take too much credit for finding this one so quickly. The dayafter the last auction I went out to buy myself a little present with the profitfrom that sale and, lo and behold, there this one was. From there it was easy.? Number28 did not know how to take what she just heard. He did not love her! He hadnever loved her! Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. Noticing this,He wiped them away and said ?Now, now little one. You know you needed someoneto take care of you and there I was. Now you have a place in life and can serveothers as you were born to do.? She took heart in His words because she knewthey were true. But she still was a little sad.

?I decided to try something different this time. I created a milk cow outof this one.? ?Oh, yes? the Mistress said, ?I can see from her nipples. Doesshe produce much?? ?Yes, quite a bit. I bet she brings a pretty penny in theauction.?

With that he took her leash and led her to a table where He registered herfor sale. As part of the registration, he listed her as being a milk cow withher average daily production figure. After being registered, He handed heroff to an attendant who painted something on her ass. The attendant told hershe was number 28 and led her to a cage to await her sale.

Masters and Mistresses wandered by, inspecting the slaves to be sold. Somestopped and commanded her to move to the front of the cage where they inspectedher body. They commanded her to open her mouth, fondled her breasts, and playedwith her pussy. Of course, as soon as they touched her enlarged clit, she immediatelybecame wet. More than one potential buyer commented on how much of a slut shewas. Some of them, obviously connoisseurs, checked her milk production figure.

Then the buyers began to drift away. The auction was beginning.

All of a sudden, her reminiscing was interrupted by the cage door being unlocked.It was her turn! A leash was attached to her collar and she was led out ontoa stage with a low platform on it. She was placed on the platform. She couldsee her Master sitting to one side with some of His friends. He gave her asmile and a nod. It made her feel so much better.

Then the auctioneer began to describe her. He described her as a human cow,capable of copious milk production. Her sexual features were also discussed.He fondled her pussy briefly but intensely, causing her to cum noisily. Thiscreated a minor stir in the audience since it indicated her heightened sexuality.

The auctioneer began the bidding process, starting the bids at $3000. Manymembers of the audience began to bid but it quickly narrowed down to two people.One, a Mistress with several slaves at her side seemed entranced by her breasts.She regularly sucked milk from the breast of one of her slaves as she contemplatedthe human cow for sale. The other, a Master, had a slave at his side who couldhave been her twin. It seemed he was looking to make a matched set.

Finally, she heard the auctioneer yell ?sold to Master Paul!? The winningbid had been $5200. An attendant came and led her off the stage to her newMaster. He seemed pleased with her but was distracted by the next slave beingled onto the stage. So she knelt at his feet, content that He would tell herwhat to do next. Her conversion to the complete slave was finished. She wasno longer a person; she was someone's property, bought and paid for. She feltwarm inside, she knew her place and her destiny was at His feet.

She continued to kneel at His feet while the auction went on. He did not bidon any other slaves, seeming to be content with merely watching the proceedings.She was aware of His other slave but knew better than to say anything to her.Her last Master had taught her well.

Finally the auction was over and He led His two slaves outside to a largevan without any windows in the back. He put them in the back of the van. Thevan had obviously been designed to transport slaves. The seats were hard andthere were bolts to hook their leashes on to. The front of the van was separatedfrom the back by a solid wall. No one from outside could see the goods beingtransported.

He got in the front of the van and started to drive away. At this time theother slave turned to her and smiled. Number 28 smiled back shyly. ?Don't worry,He is a good Master. He knows we are valuable property and He takes care ofthe things He owns. He is so pleased to find a milk cow and one that looksso much like me. This cow knows this because He told another Master beforethe auction. He was so disappointed that this cow cannot produce much milkand has looked for another for while now. Between us we should be able to produceenough for Him. He loves milk and drinks it constantly.? Not knowing what tosay, number 28 just smiled and nodded.

Before long, the van stopped and He opened the door. As He led her out ofthe van, she looked around at her new home. He had a large house set in a groveof trees. But it was hard to see much as it was dark out now.

He led them inside and unhooked their leashes. ?Follow!? he commanded as heled them to a room with a tile floor and walls. ?Stay!? He walked away andfilled a bucket with soapy water. When he came back he began to scrub her asswith a sponge. ?At least this new marker washes off easier than the old marker.? Hemuttered. His hands were firm but gentle. After he got the marks off her ass,He proceeded to wash her whole body. It felt so good to be cared for and whenHe washed her pussy she came almost immediately. She stiffened, knowing shehad cum without permission. But He didn't seem to mind, at least this time.As she stood there stiffly, a drop of water wandered down her forehead andthreatened to drip in her eye. Without thinking, she flicked her head to sendthe drop away. Again, she stiffened, thinking she would be punished. Instead,he grinned and said ?I know what to call you now! Flicker.? She had a name!She belonged. It felt so good.

Next He had her mount a table and get on all fours. Flicker knew what wasnext, she was to be milked. It had been hours since her last milking and herbreasts were beginning to hurt from the pressure. His hands felt soo good asthey felt the hardness of her breasts. Then He proceeded to milk her. WhenHe was finished, He held the container of milk up and said ?Would you lookat that! What a great producer. Finally, a good enough producer that I canstart to make cheese.?

Then He had her get off the table. As she got off, He spun her around andplanted her hands on the table. Spreading her legs with His feet, He plungedHis cock into her pussy and proceeded to thrust mightily. Soon He came andpulled out. Snapping His fingers at the other slave, He pointed to His cock.She immediately knelt in front of Him and proceeded to clean Him with her tongue.

When He was satisfied, He milked the other cow. But he got little from her.Flicker knew He must be a kind Master to keep a cow that didn't produce much.

He took them into the kitchen where He proceeded to make Himself a sandwich.He tossed some meat and bread into two bowls which he placed on the floor.Pointing to them, he said ?Eat.? Both cows immediately got on all fours andate. After they ate, He gave them each a glass of water to drink.

He took them next to the bathroom where He commanded them to relieve themselves.Flicker was used to relieving herself in front of others, so had no problemsnow.

Finally, He led them upstairs to His room. At the foot of His bed were twomats. He told them to lie down and sleep. Flicker curled up contentedly onher new mat. She was home.

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Little Sister

Introduction: A young man is caught at home with his little sister, and madness endues Now, I feel I am going to have to defend myself right off the bat. You are going to think this is sick. You are going to think I am sick, and for all I know you may be right. All I do know is that I am sixteen years old and Id never been laid. Never even touched a girl in any way other than the completely innocent. Never even kissed a girl! Whenever I accidentally brushed up against some girl at school I...

4 years ago
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The Malavide

The Malavide waited, he looked much like a normal man, and he had the same heritage, but there nearly all similarities ended. The Malavide could disguise itself well, and the rumors about them, the myth and that silly name that humans called them – all that was nonsense. Some of the myths, though – some of them were right on the target, frighteningly so. The Malavide dismissed that thought. His colleagues, what few of them were left, disdained him for thinking too much. But it was not that he...

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Summer of 93rsquo Nothing Compares To You Part IX

Summer of 93’Nothing Compares To YouPart IXMe Natalie and Maggi walked from our next door neighbor’s house after a great evening of fun wife swapping sex. This was a Thursday night so we all had to go to work in the morning. Fridays were great for me, we had casual Friday and I was usually able to skate out around 1:00 if I didn’t need to hold a meeting or be on a conference call.Maggi’s job was not so nice on Fridays, she was in international banking (Chase Bank) and had all kinds of...

2 years ago
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Mrs Briefs Tricking others and treating hers

Halloween notorious for it's tradition for a singular parent to follow alongside their offspring and request candy from any generous patrons in their neighborhood. Traveling door to door repeating the phrase 'trick or treat' and most home owners get the idea and either happily or begrudgingly pass over candy. One parent in particular however had an alternate plan on this night of spooky outfits and excited sweet collectors, namely Mrs Briefs. Young trunks was with Goku's family as he'd prefer...

4 years ago
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103 gran takes us to visit the duke

103 gran takes us to visit the duke Life trotted on as it does for pauper or king, in our case for me it meant, a night of vanilla lust with alternately aunt May, or granny Rose, then perhaps a day or two resting followed by another with one of them. Most youngsters of my age would have given gold to be in my place, but I found it after a while a bit tiring. Don`t get me wrong no way would I have changed it but, like all things regularity breeds tedium. I need not have worried, my gran...

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Interrupted Reading

We laid in bed naked, her head on my chest with my arm on her side, caressing her side and stomach. She read her novel to herself. It was erotica. This particular book was one of her favorites, though she never told me, I could tell because I've seen her read through it many times before. "You like that book baby girl?" I asked. My voice a little deeper and commanding than normal. I think she caught on to it. There was a little pause as she rolled over and looked into my eyes. "Mhmm..." she...

Oral Sex
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My Best Friend8217s Sister Seduced Me

Background: My Name is Hasan I am 22 years old and I currently study in England. My friend’s name is Arjun, who is 24. Shivani, his sister, is aged 21 who studies medicine at the same university. She is approximately 5’7 with average sized boobs. However, she has an amazing round ass. Light skinned and can come across as shy, at least that is what she makes you think. It was a typical day at University. I and Arjun were drinking coffee in the lounge alongside a group of friends enjoying our...

5 years ago
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Caged Puppet

My R L Master came to me near the end of a hot day and told me he was lending me out to another Master in our club that night. Whenever I am in control of another Master I have to do what that master tells me. I had been with Master Doc a couple of times before and he lived in this large mansion and had very posh upmarket parties. He was a retired doctor who was in his late 50’s but very sophisticated and very fit. My R L Master made sure I was cleaned and prepared for that night ahead. He had...

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Kalinda Gets RescuedChapter 4

It was probably Lady Wentworth’s preference for vaginal stimulation that caused her to be the one that became pregnant first. Both Charity and Kalinda were perfectly satisfied with the alternative of oral or anal copulation, because they feared the added burden of motherhood whilst stranded. In a sense, Kalinda felt a degree of pity for the mature upper class female reduced to the basest of animal instincts for food, shelter and doing what came naturally. No more fancy tea and crumpets for...

3 years ago
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Star Crossed LoversChapter 2

"Incoming!" Everyone dove for cover as the call came over the platoon's channel. The shell missed, but not by much. "Get some fire on that battery!" Lieutenant Burke shouted to anyone who was listening. Combat in a vacuum is a strange thing compared to combat in atmosphere. Contrary to what is portrayed in the holos, there is no sound. Just flashes of light and blips on radar displays. It's very surreal. Death comes out of nowhere. Burke saw Ski spraying the oncoming Federation...

4 years ago
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Gambia West Africa

Many thanks to infructescence for her editing of this story. It was hot sunny day in Gambia. Though both the door and the only window were missing on the corrugated tin shed at the backyard behind a bar in the outskirts of the capital city Banjul, it was hot as a sauna inside the shed. No wonder why the naked gorgeous Scandinavian housewife who was lying in there, with her back on a large "extra bed" type gray air mattress, was totally wet from sweat. Another reason for her sweating was the...

3 years ago
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Nazneen Fucked in corner shop

Nazneen Fucked in corner shop40 year Muslim wife Nazneen gets to shake her belly, wide hips, fat arse and C cuppers for an elderly "Uncle" in his corner shop, in return she gets a baby belly.I had been looking for a present for my wife Nazneen for Eid and went to the shop next door to ours. I went inside the dark and quite dirty little shop to find Mr. Mohammed (whom we both knew) sitting behind the counter. I explained about my wife's belly dancing at which the rather crude, elderly man became...

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Weekend fuck for my dirty wife

weekend fuck for my dirty wifeThis continues my wife Karen’s mid-life crisis as she tries to fuck any man she sees.Karen as I’ve told you before is gorgeous. Over fifty now she still gets the admiring looks as she goes about her business. Her ample chest and big arse mean she has no end of admirers. A month after she was well and truly fucked by the waiters at our local restaurant we decided to go to our chalet at a holiday camp just over a hundred miles from home. Since her banging Karen has...

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The Fairest of Them All

Lizzie walked around the school checking out all the girls to see who was perfect for “The Most Gorgeous and Wicked of Them All”, the finishing school’s monthly magazine. It covered all arrays of topics, from the girl’s love of spanking to beautiful photos of girls modeling with thrashed sore bottoms. The magazine covered the most spankable bottom, votes to see who were the most beautiful girls readers hoped would be spanked, interviews with the girls on life and their love of being spanked,...

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Caseys Valentine

This is my submission to the Valentine’s Day contest, and the first piece of writing I’ve ever completed since college. There are hockey elements to it, and some parts that may be considered corny, but it’s romance, right? Sometimes it’s cheesy. Enjoy! * Casey removed her hat and shook the snowflakes from her strawberry blonde curls as she stepped into the dimly lit bar. ‘Fuck, it’s freezing!’ she yelled out as she went about unfurling her scarf and stripping off her coat to reveal her...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 19 Waves

I was the first one home and I put my stuff down. The guardian angel gave me lots to think about. Was I really leaning towards staying here? I wasn't ready to give up on Tony just yet. But I was having so much fun as Christina. I felt like I was on a train going full speed into a no-win situation. Cindy came through the front door and had a huge smile when she saw me. "That. Was. Awesome. I never saw anyone manipulate Amber like that." "Thanks," I said with a big smile. "I had to...

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Reunited Ch 01

As the sun set on a beautiful spring day, two people sighed at the view. One, Ellie Brown, sighed with relief. It was the first anniversary of her escape, her year of freedom had been everything she’d dreamed it would be and more. While she fervently hoped that the search for her would soon end, allowing her to live at ease once again, she mainly felt thankful for her continual ability to evade recapture. She released another sigh and grabbed her pack. She had hiked the mountain trail to find a...

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King Of The Rim0AppendixAHistory

Ancient Past -B.C. 250,000-Foundation of Atlantis: Atlantis gains prominence in perfected mind/body due to the birth of psionic adepts who develop the crystal, chemical, mental technology that avoided atomic and nuclear war to give the citizens the equivalent advanced technology a shown in science fiction and fantasy. -B.C. 240,900-Discovery of Ethereal Stones: Atlantis discovers the unique properties of the ore that responds to psionic energy as well as artificial intelligence...

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Teachers Pet Ch 2

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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Graduation and Ch 20

Lois Tillman found herself in a situation she wished she could have avoided. Several months earlier, before she and her husband Rod split up, she agreed to let Dennis Livingston, the teen-age son of a friend, stay at her house for a few weeks while his parents traveled in Europe. The young man didn’t want to go on the trip and her friend thought having the bookish, unathletic boy spend some time with Rod and Lois might be good for him. Dennis was stocky and soft-looking, and he wasn’t homely,...

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Masturbation and Joint Sex

In the rear garden of my bungalow was a high hedge between my garden and the house on the other side. The couple who lived in the bungalow were friends of mine. They had a swimming pool between the hedge and the bungalow and they often invited me to swim there. We all wore bathing suits and had a glass of wine before swimming.I was disappointed when they sold the place and moved away but it wasn`t long before another married couple bought the property. I helped them to settle in and told them...

Wife Lovers
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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 2

Jen sat at the bar, sipping a Cosmo. She loved playing the Game. She loved the attention she got from all the handsome guys. The way they touched her. The way they pressed their hard mounds into her. She got so hot by it all. It hadn't always been that way. Back then, she had been fine with fantasy play, but had always resisted doing anything for real. Then, after years of hearing Mike beg and plead, she finally agreed to go to a bar, and let a guy pick her up. She remembered being so...

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My Dear Rashmi

Hi this is deep again bringing an intresting story for you guys. ye story h rashmi ki jo bht sundr tall aur bde sexy ldki h. Rashmi aur me 1 common frnd k through mile the hm dono ne 1 dusre se dosti ki aur n0 exchange kiye aur roj msg chat krte the aur dhere dhere persnal bt b share krne lge jiske karan hm 1 dusre k close hote gye aur 1 din maine usse kha ki me tmko agr kis kr lu to? Rashmi ne kha ki sharat lga lo tm ni kr paoge kis maine kha jb milege tb dekh lena aur roj aise hi funny bt kia...

2 years ago
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Amber Dear Diary

Amber, Dear Diary, Day 216 Dear Diary, Good Morning today is Wednesday, day 216, and I am still trying to find the job position that I want in the Administrative Office of an company and not a job position that the companies wants me to start at. My parents have been at me to go back to school and get my associate degree in business administration. But, the problem is that I do not want to go back to school right now and I do not want to start off in the mail clerk or any other basic office...

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Georgia goes to University Part 001

by Vanessa Evans Intro, Georgia is a 19 year old skinny little girl, only 150 cm tall with little AA cup breasts and light brown hair. She spent her school years in an all-girls boarding school and after an amazing gap year spent on her father’s yacht in Ibiza harbour, she has to go back to England to go to University, a condition of her father handing over his multi-million pound business to her when he retires. This story is about Georgia’s first few months in her new apartment and it will...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 23

My newest close friend Moira was without a doubt one of the most submissive females I had ever encountered in my entire life. She must have inherited it from her mother because I had heard rumors that her still attractive mother had been caught several times by her cuckolded husband "in flagrante" with business associates with demanding dicks that knew no shame. I had met the upper-class society lady in a relaxed atmosphere and found her to be a brilliant conversationalist and charming...

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Fractured RealityChapter 3

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 9:24 pm Rebecca bent at the waist, hands on her knees, and breathed deeply through her mouth. Her head swam and her ears rang. Her stomach felt assaulted by a 24-hour bug from Hell. Busy with homework, Younger-Rebecca hadn’t witnessed her arrival. Rebecca pushed upright and gazed around her room. The clock on her night stand advanced to 9:25 pm as she watched. It was her bedroom, of course, and she was Iris, the uninvited guest. Twin Sister also, she realized....

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