- 3 years ago
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Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in thedictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is anysignificance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dream ofa black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. (
Michelle (Witchie) Murray, 32, of Souris, Prince Edward Island, again thoughtshe was dreaming. But the hot Sudan sun and smells of the burning sand floorof the ramshackle desert corral, converted for captive women instead of blackstallions, told her differently.
?These warm steel bands on my ankles, wrists and neck are sooo heavy,? theyoung mother thought, reminding herself too graphically she was naked andharness-gagged under the hot desert sun, chained for the last 12 hours toher next-door neighbor, Betty Agnew, 30.
Passion was furthest from her mind just now; she was scared to death. Passionwould come later, much later.
The attractive, 5-9, 42DD-28-38 Toronto university grad whose head-harnessedcockgag did little either to disguise her pretty face or dull her agile,witty mind, was about to be sold into slavery with best friend, Betty.
Michelle?s thoughts and intellect restored slowly and she opened her blueeyes gradually against the brilliant, white-hot sun: unable to speak, herinner voice described what she saw. She wanted to ease her mind from thebondage and future that lay ahead -- but she could not:
?Buyers, circulating around Betty and me, and this gaggle of other whiteand black women, all of us chained together like cattle. Maybe if I closemy eyes, they?ll all go away. And I?ll say to myself: "Witchie" it?s alljust a dream.?
But it?s not!
?I force my eyes open once again and all I see is this friggin? head-harnessthat keeps this huge, India-rubber cock gag deep in my mouth. Oh, no!! IfI gag once more I?m gonna call it quits. And that bright sunlight makes mewanna sneeze!! Oh, no!! Oh, noooo!! Acck!! Here it comes. . . . ?
"Ah, ah, ahhhh . . .ahh-feeef!!" ?Now I can?t hear; my ears are blocked.Darn this gag!!?
?Maybe if I close my eyes once again, it?ll all go away. But it won?t!!This bizarre chain of events that brought Betty and me to this strange placekeeps coming back. Dammit!!
?Here I am, naked as a jaybird, standing here, chained to Betty an? theothers, getting baked under this incredibly hot sun; they haven?t given mea stitch of clothing to wear. And that Betty there, she looks like she?sabout ready to orgasm. Again!! Betty, for heaven?s sake!! Think of a brokenarm, your ex-, or something!!?
?I?ll just ignore her for the time being; she?s clearly off and away insubspace somewhere ? lucky her -- and maybe, just maybe, if I smile at thatcute electrician over there? Aww, he?s not lookin?!! He?s busy.
?What?re those faint, electronic whirrings creeping into my ears again fromthe sides? Ohh, these shackles are aching on my neck and ankles!!I don?t wanna look!!?
Mrs. Michelle Murray?s sunburnt back, striped from a light lash she hadreceived at dawn a few hours ago while straggling along in a long coffleof chained women, carefully corralled into the desert slavemarket, made Michellerealize she and Betty had to "escape or die."
?I know I?m a registered slave, on a British registry, and ?owned? by ?fuckfriend,? my Newfoundland Dom, but I never thought I could be bought,? Michellesaid to herself, her lips trying to adjust for the 141st timethat morning to the huge, black cock strapped inside her mouth.
?But I?ll just have to be silent, for now, as long as I have to continuewearing these chains and this darn gag. I?ll show ?em; I?ll just stand hereand look a little more defiant than they?ve bargained for. I can?t move withouthauling Betty off this rickety, little stand but if I can?t speak, my bodylanguage will speak for me.
?Hah. So there, you bastards!?
Michelle?s ice-blue eyes glared hot defiance out around her black head harnessgag as she held her wrist chains in quaking hands, noticing her forearmsreddening by the hour.
?Betty, your mouth is free; why don?t you speak? Or is that big dildo gettingto you again?? Michelle?s eyes said to her African-Canadian friend -- sheof the soft, slightly- pendulous breasts Michelle wished she had.
?Those faint whirrings again. Those high-pitched, excited conversations,men?s and women?s voices gabbling English and Sudanese around us. Gosh, willthey ever finish?
?Even my wrist chains are getting warm under this sun. Maybe if I hold myneck chain this way it?ll ease the tension on my neck and poor Betty?s. Ohmigosh,there she goes again!!?
Michelle grasps for her neck chain to ease the tension on her neck, pausingto remember for a moment yesterday when she stood in the desert and triednot to look while Betty -- ?my goodness, I never realized what a gorgeousbod. she had til then? -- inserted a well-lubricated, 10-inch-long, three-inch-diametersteel dildo into her sex while that cute, young female Sudanese guard lookedon, supervising.
Then, there were those sinister-looking, dark-skinned men with their mirror-finishedpolarized sun glasses, looking on appraisingly, getting hard while they didso. ?Fuck them!? Michelle thought.
?Yeh, right, Betty; you probably enjoyed every minute as you wriggled yourbutt and waggled those 38C tits of yours, trying to ease that big intruderinto yourself. Showstopper, all right.
?Then, that young guard had so quickly strapped and locked it in place foryou; I wonder what it feels like to have a steel cock strapped inside yafor a day! Probably better?n? this darn gag!!
?Betty, why don?t you talk to me? You know I can?t talk back. Or even fightback. Betty?
?Golly, I think Mrs. Agnew is actually loving every minute out here!! Waittil I get you back in Souris, Betty Agnew; you?ll get a piece of my mind!!?
Betty?s mouth had been left ungagged by the crews but Michelle?s was securelygagged with a head-harness; but Betty?s furrow was penetrated by a locked-insteel column while Michelle?s was free and, more or less, available.
Steel gripped the two women at necks, wrists and ankles and both were boundto each other by a 10-foot sturdy chain between their locked collars.
The odd, faint whirrings continued and Michelle moaned softly listeningto Betty?s soft groans as she tried inconspicuously to ease her vaginal lipsaround the big steel intruder.
The bidding continued as the whirrings buzzed in the background.
A desert sheikh, Tariq el-Assizes, known to his countrymen as ?Tariq theTerrible? and to Interpol as ?Big El,? made a bid of 500,000 British poundsfor Michelle (Witchie) Murray and Elizabeth (Betty) Agnew, ordinary, prettyCanadian housewives from smalltown Atlantic Canada, duped into slavery bya ruse from that same Canadian sailor, Peter, whom Michelle had trusted soimplicitly months ago.
Peter, the cad, took advantage of Michelle?s adventurous spirit and, tohim, an apparent lack of forethought, as he arranged the terms of her contractedsale into slavery, along with Betty?s, through a series of business transactionswith shady figures in the Middle Eastern underworld ? and a group of disreputablemoviemakers.
Michelle and Betty stood by, looking at one another with amazement and fear,as the bidding climbed and climbed until, finally, Sheikh el-Assizes silencedhis competition with a bid of 850,000 pounds for the two Island women, sunburningunder the bright, merciless desert sun, their normally pale skins turninglobster-red.
As the sale was closed and money exchanged out of sight, Michelle reaffirmedto herself her body could be bound, chained and sold as merchandise but hermind and spirit would always ? always ? be free.
That is until she could figure a way how she and her friend could escapecaptivity -- and that strange, whirring sound -- chained, gagged and dildo-edas they were. She was stunned by the fact she and Betty were worth 850,000British pounds on the slave market ? or nearly $1,700,000(Cdn.).
Hours later, the two women, still chained together in the back of an oldarmy truck parked in the late-afternoon shade outside a dusty corral in themiddle of the Sudanese desert, pondered an unlikely escape.
"?Witchie,? that guy back there, the one with all the tools, said just nowyou?re a marked slave," Betty said, gasping as she tried again to ease hersex around the big, brutal steel dildo. Michelle looked at Betty throughher head-harness gag, looked down and thought it would not be a really goodidea to explain the barcode tattooed so recently on her neck, hidden underher one-inch-wide steel collar rivetted on her neck, which had made her earsring for days afterward.
?This is all a big misunderstanding,? Michelle thought, as she shook herhead in denial, making the three locks on her head harness clack idioticallyin reply. ?I?m a slave ? in thought only -- but I?m having a whole lot oftrouble with that concept right now.?
Betty, meanwhile, was just trying to get comfortable. Michelle sympathizedbut she could neither say nor do anything about her friend?s bondage or herbig ?intruder,? just as Betty was powerless to do anything about Michelle?s.
Moments later, Betty wriggled over to Michelle?s side, put her head on Michelle?ssunburnt shoulder, whispered in her right ear, glancing at her best friend?sbarcode, and said: "Mich., I hope you?re thinking like me to plan to getthe hell out of here. We just need to find a way to get out of these chains,knock a guard on the head and drive this goddam truck outtahere. Gosh, Michelle,you do have a barcode on your neck! Witcheeeeee?!!"
"Mmmppphhh, Bttn," Michelle chided, shaking her head. She wantedto convey to Betty the idea that she would plan their escape, nother, and she would explain the barcode another time. Michelle Murray hada better idea.
Betty had been a hot-headed, impulsive youth and those traits had carriedover into her 30s. A few months ago, she had even bound Michelle in a tighthogtie as a mid-winter Wednesday afternoon prank, leaving her that way untilshe came over to untie her about suppertime. But Betty?s rashness was slowlybeing replaced by something more, something more power-related, after shehad read a book on D/s relationships and bisexuality.
?I?m thirsty, naked, chained and sooo tired,? Michelle groaned toherself as she leaned gingerly on Betty?s sunburnt shoulder. ?How are wegonna get out of this fix? We?re in th? middle of nowhere and nowhere torun to, fixed like this.? Whirrr.
Michelle swore she would give Peter a piece of her mind when, or if, shegot back to Prince Edward Island.
But that would not happen for another six weeks. Or more.
Meanwhile, Michelle?s cock-gagged throat was parched and she would giveanything for a tall, ice-cold glass of icewater, just as she had read notlong ago in Stephen?s King?s Gerald?s Game. Putting it to her lipsand drinking it, like King?s heroine, would be another matter but the crewhad already thought of that.
Suddenly, the rear canvas of the truck was pulled back, revealing to themthe figure of a young, black woman in combat fatigues, carrying a submachinegun,big flashlight and a large, blue cordless drill. Other shady figures appearedin the dusky, dusty background as the sun began to set on the desert horizon.
It would be pitch dark, instantly, in five more minutes. Michelle and Bettyhad already witnessed the spectacular, fiery-orange African sunsets and wereshocked at how suddenly the brilliant hues were changed to utter darknessso rapidly, only to be lit moments later by countless points of light abovethem in the big sky.
"You, Betty; eev you don?t want to zee your frand zuffocate, or die of thirst,or both, before tomorrow, take zis drill and bore a hole through her gag," shesaid. "That way, at least, she?ll be able to breathe and dreenk." A strange,soft, grey cylindrical object protruded near the woman?s head as she spoke.
The young guard, about the same age as Betty, tossed the heavy drill toBetty?s chained feet and she looked at it warily. She had never before useda power drill, much less on Michelle?s attractive face, and she did not evenknow how to turn it on. Her ex-husband had looked after all those sort ofthings around home.
Michelle thought it was better than the way she was presently and pickedup the drill for Betty, squeezing the little trigger in her chained hands.
"Vrriiing, vrriinng," the 18-volt drill whined sharply. Michellelooked at the 5/8ths-inch, extra-long drill bit and, with a series of handgestures and facial expressions, convinced her nervous neighbor to drillout a hole through her rubber gag.
"I dunno, Michelle, I don?t want it to slip and cut you," Betty said, holdingthe drill in her chained hands.
?Mmmfffrrrrrmmm,? Michelle replied, gesturing and glaring at Bettyto drill a hole through the now-sopping gag.
Gingerly and awkwardly, Betty, kneeling in front of her naked, cross-leggedfriend, their chains tangling, placed the drill bit against the butt of thegag and slowly squeezed the trigger, scowling in concentration.
"Vrrrrrr, vrrrrrr, vrrrrrrrrrrnnnnngggg."
Michelle closed her eyes, hoping Betty?s hands would be steadier. Bettylooked closely at her work and at her friend?s harnessed face and continued,more slowly, while Michelle sat patiently; then as Betty gained a littlemore confidence in her chore, pressed a little harder and deeper as the sharpdrill bit ate away at the hard rubber inside her friend?s mouth.
Moments later, Michelle felt the bit poke through at the rear of her throatand she had a 5/8ths-inch hole that allowed her to breathe, although withan annoying whistle but, if someone assisted, she at least could drink somewater. Eating was yet another challenge to be explored and overcome.
"Whew," Betty said, withdrawing the drill and bit carefully awayfrom Michelle?s face. "Glad that?s over. Witchie, you all right?"
Michelle opened her eyes and nodded, softly whistling her thanks to herlovely, perspiring friend as the two heard soft applause from somewhere offin the night.
An hour later, the young guard returned to get the power tool, suspectingthe two ?slaves? might have used it to drill off their chains. (Michelleand Betty had thought of that, tried but the bit slipped too easily off thecircular steel surfaces of their shackles).
The guard, Amina Allenby, tossed in a canteen of tepid, dusty water to thepair.
Betty took the tin in her shackled hands and poured two cupfuls down herparched throat while Michelle looked on thirstily; then she carefully poureda small rivulet down Michelle?s pierced cock gag and Michelle, trying hardnot to spit up, managed to get down a couple of cupfuls as well.
Michelle snuggled against her friend as night fell, wishing the ache inher jaw would subside as she tried once again to adjust her mouth aroundthe big cockgag. Suddenly, both women were startled upright by a crisp, maturefemale voice:
"Cut. And that?s a wrap for tonight. Excellent work, Michelle and Betty.Sound, cine and lighting crews, Betty and Michelle, my trailer, 20 minutes.Discuss the midnight shots.
"Good work, people."
Michelle wondered if she was going to be able to speak at tonight?s director?smeeting.
"C?mon, gal; let?s get dressed," Betty said, tugging on her chain.
Michelle Murray and Betty Agnew had another six weeks of production to goand they were loving every minute. They looked forward to seeing their new,five-figure bank accounts back in Souris in a few weeks.
The 77-minute bondage movie Sold was well into production and Michelleand Betty were quietly pleased at their new-found stardom.
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This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Besides, if you were in this story, would you want to cop to it publicly? The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or re-post this story as...
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My father decided against the trip for work commitments. My mother too decided not to go on the trip, the reason being my father’s absence on the trip. Not that I was complaining. But to think of a paradise where there are no restrictions rejuvenates you. I’d be lying if I say that I never thought about going on a solo trip. Make some new friends that you’ll remember once in a while you repeatedly play their recommended songs. Or when you experience the same failures or happiness identical to...
IncestI had three encounters with Mr. Graham over a 25 year period.I grew up in the church. Everything in our family seemed to revolve around the church. When you are young, you just accept things for what they are. This was the norm for me.The Graham family also belonged to the same church as us and they were close family friends. It would be safe to say that the Grahams and my parents were best friends. I had known the Grahams all my life.Lindsay Graham was my age and since our parents were...
TrueHello dosto. Mera naam Rajat hai aur mein jaipur mein rehta hun. Mein engineering kar rha hun or mujhe aunty and bhabhi bohot pasand hai and mein unko secretly maje bhi deta hun phone pe and text pe. Ab mein apko kahani sunane ja rha hun. Mein summer holidays mein apni nani ke gaya hua tha aur vhan pe meri mami bhi rehti thi. Ek din unki ek friend aaie thi jo teacher thi school mein meri maami ke sath. Unka naam neha tha and jab unko pehli baar dekha toh mera lund pura khada ho gya tha. Pehlie...
Instead of just reading this story, if you could go to the 'score' tab and press play game I would appreciate it. That allows me to give you scores depending on which decisions you make, which blocks off certain branches later on in the story. Thanks in advance. - Horg You walk down the street towards your girlfriend's house. You want to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers and that necklace she had been looking at. Recently she had become distant, and you wanted to help bridge that gap....
Introduction: This is a true story about my hot wife. I have a lovely, beautiful wife named Angel, and we have been married for about seven years now. We have two kids and as you can imagine, sometimes the romance isnt always there. After being married for a while you have to work at making your sex life stay interesting. Angel is about 55, 140 pounds with a great shape (not too thick and not too thin) that accents her D cup tits. Her hair is dirty blonde which hangs down to her shoulder and...
Ashley sat and watched the video in silence, her eyes blank behind her thick-framed glasses. Tasha gave her sidelong looks, waiting for some response, some reaction. There was none. When the video was over, Tasha clicked the "stop" button and set the remote down."Well, that's it," she said, standing. "Do you have any questions?"The woman tucked a long strand of brown hair behind her ear, looking up at Tasha. She shook her head and gave her a shrug. "No.""Okay," Tasha said brightly. "Well, let's...
100% fiction!It was three A.M. when I awoke hearing noise in my kitchen. I got up wearing my usual bedtime attire, pajama bottoms with no top, and sleepily made my way to the kitchen. I seemed to smell bacon—how odd! As I came through the living area of my apartment I saw with amazement my sister standing at the stove frying bacon—and she was totally naked! Her round fleshy ass moved very slowly from side to side as if she were hearing music. My first thought, I swear to God, was “You don’t fry...
IncestHome. Here I thought that I was going to have a nice relaxing afternoon. I was greeted by a small flying body that tried to bowl me over. “Charles!” She exclaimed, while wrapping her legs around my waist. “I missed you.” How she achieved a 40” vertical leap was beyond me. “What brought this on, I have been gone for only a few hours?” I said cupping my hands under her bottom supporting Celia. “I just missed you. What’s an hour?” Celia mumbled into my chest. “That’s ok, I guess. Hours are...
Another satisfied GrannyA month after re-fucking Nancy I was pottering around in the garden when Nancy was stood talking to another older woman. As I approached them she introduced me “This is an old friend of mine, Liz” I looked at her she looked around 65ish 5’5” quite over weight, silver hair, she was wearing a red and black dress that came to just above her knee.As we talked Nancy had to go to an appointment and I was left talking to Liz. Her husband had died 15 years ago but she was glad...
desperate student wants to improve her grade, a dirty Professor is only too happy to oblige...The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the...
Why I'm a Daddy's Girl----------All very young girls love their Daddies unconditionally, but of course, this may change, as they grow older. I have always been a 'Daddy's Girl' and cherish every moment with him. I quickly learned that even if Mom said 'No' with the right look and plea, her 'No' could become a 'Yes' from Daddy. If upset or crying, his touch seemed to sooth my troubles and he has a knack for making people smile. We are a close family, and we frequently played games together when...
"I hope you two remember which piece goes to which helicopter," I said as I ran my eyes across the parts scattered all over the garage. "I can tell the difference," Holly said walking up to me while wiping her hands on the borrowed white coveralls she had on. They were already streaked with oil, grease, and grime on them, so a little more didn't matter. What did matter was the fact she had a smile on her face, and when she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a nice...
I felt a little hand gently shaking my shoulder. "You awake Grandpa?" The haze slowly cleared my mind and I realized that my granddaughter Debbie was shaking my shoulder trying to get me to wake up."Debbie? What are you doing here? Oh, never mind, I remember." My step-daughter and son-in-law had come over from England to visit me for Thanksgiving here in Florida where I had moved to after my wife died two years ago. Why Florida? Well, first, it doesn't snow here in Fort Myers. Second, there are...
British News Bits ___ From the Churchdown Parish Magazine: ___ ‘Would the Congregation please note that the bowl at the back of the Church labeled “For The Sick”, is for monetary donations only.’ ___ From The Guardian concerning a sign seen in a Police canteen in Christchurch, New Zealand: ___ ‘Will the person who took a slice of cake from the Commissioner’s Office return it immediately. It is needed as evidence in a poisoning case.’ ___ From The Times: ___ ‘A young girl, who was blown out...
Chapter 1 Coming Home After driving for 2 days, I pulled my black mustang up in front of a house that I hadn’t seen in over seven years. The home I had grown up in. As I stared at my mother’s house, I shivered inside. The house hadn’t changed. The blue trim around the windows looked as if it had recently been painted. My mother’s flower garden was thriving under the front windows. In my minds eye, I could see my mother lying on a lounge chair in the back yard by the Olympic size swimming pool....
It's Mine I was in a state of shock the next few days. Could Julie really have been serious? I went over her words a thousand times. She didn't completely rule out fucking her although that obviously wasn't right around the corner. She was right about not being able to jack off, I tried. I tried as soon as I got home that night. It wasn't going to happen! And no blowjobs from her, ever. I knew she was serious about that one. She had said it really wasn't to her liking anyway. ...
Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe "You said you had one current piece of evidence to show us that there is a creator, would you please share it with us," the Energists implored. "We have restricted our connection and examination of your memories and neural pathways, so we are somewhat confused about what this present evidence is, which you referred to earlier in this discussion." Because I was still allowed to access their thoughts, I sensed that some of the Energists...
Now let me tell u something about my aunt she around 32 years of age, 38,28,40 size, she got married around 12 years back with her husband sohan a average guy, from a good family, we have very good relation with them they often come to my house and stay there with there childs, as Im the most cutest boy in my family she always try to hold me or u can say tease me, she always pampered me i also like her, but after one day i got angry with her saying im grown up now so please dont touch me like...
IncestThere are certain things I just cannot tolerate, and the everyday racism of older white Canadians toward immigrants of color like myself is one of them. My name is Ayaan Ismail and I’m a young Somali-Canadian Muslim woman living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. I attend Algonquin College and work as a cleaner part-time at one of Ottawa’s university campuses. A lot of people think that cleaners and security guards are a lower form of life, that people in such lines of work don’t deserve the...
"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!" Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help. "You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her...
Dirty Weekend. Part Two. ‘You are a dirty boy’ Sam chastised him as they entered their suite. ‘That poor woman, expecting so much from watching us, then getting nothing in return.’ ‘She isn’t my wife, she’s not my problem. If her bloke can’t fuck her, then she should get a younger model’ he replied, showing a cheeky smile. ‘Oh, and is that what you will do, when you can’t fuck me?’ ‘Yeah, of course baby. She will be hot and you will be dripping, just watching me…ouch.’ Laughing, Mark took the...
Hi ISS readers, This is Akshay and it is my first attempt at writing a sex story. This is based on my most recent experience that happened in the beginning of 2017. I have had several encounters before I got married but this is the first one after I got married. Hope to write many more stories ;) Maybe a quick introduction before I begin. I am little over 6 feet. I indulge in sports and of late lawn tennis has helped me maintain my fitness level and also increase stamina. Recently, I did a full...
A Daughter Has Her Way - Part 5 by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. This is Part 5 of the...
It was late August shortly after a workplace injury had left me bored out of my mind. I was playing around with different chat apps when I stumbled upon Joselin. She was around my age and gorgeous as the perfect Sunset. We started chatting and found out we had a lot in common. I asked if she wanted to exchange phone numbers so it’s easier to keep in touch. She agreed that it would be better than the app. It was kind of glitchy and didn’t always notify you of a new message. Once I got her...
.................our little slut looked up at me and said please fuck me, please fuck me with ur big fat cock!I slipped my cum covered cock from my wifes beautiful pussy and slid it in 2 our sluts mouth!Do u like the taste of my wifes cum? I askedOh yes she said as her saliva slow started 2 cover my cock and replace all my wifes cum.Oh yes what? I asked our slut! The poor young thing looked so puzzled as her eyes darted between me and my wife!Oh yes WHAT! I said again as I took my cock from her...
Hi readers. This maiden story of mine is a work of pure fantasy and imagination. I have written it as if a lady herself is narrating them. The woman, or you can say the heroine of this erotic story is a young married lady of age 29, fair skinned, 5.7″ in height with a slender physique and a voluptuous size of 34d-28-36. So, wasting no further moment let’s enjoy what she has got in store for us! Amit mishra and i were married to each other five years ago. It was an arranged marriage. Amit is a...