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Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in thedictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is anysignificance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dream ofa black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. (
Michelle (Witchie) Murray, 32, of Souris, Prince Edward Island, again thoughtshe was dreaming. But the hot Sudan sun and smells of the burning sand floorof the ramshackle desert corral, converted for captive women instead of blackstallions, told her differently.
?These warm steel bands on my ankles, wrists and neck are sooo heavy,? theyoung mother thought, reminding herself too graphically she was naked andharness-gagged under the hot desert sun, chained for the last 12 hours toher next-door neighbor, Betty Agnew, 30.
Passion was furthest from her mind just now; she was scared to death. Passionwould come later, much later.
The attractive, 5-9, 42DD-28-38 Toronto university grad whose head-harnessedcockgag did little either to disguise her pretty face or dull her agile,witty mind, was about to be sold into slavery with best friend, Betty.
Michelle?s thoughts and intellect restored slowly and she opened her blueeyes gradually against the brilliant, white-hot sun: unable to speak, herinner voice described what she saw. She wanted to ease her mind from thebondage and future that lay ahead -- but she could not:
?Buyers, circulating around Betty and me, and this gaggle of other whiteand black women, all of us chained together like cattle. Maybe if I closemy eyes, they?ll all go away. And I?ll say to myself: "Witchie" it?s alljust a dream.?
But it?s not!
?I force my eyes open once again and all I see is this friggin? head-harnessthat keeps this huge, India-rubber cock gag deep in my mouth. Oh, no!! IfI gag once more I?m gonna call it quits. And that bright sunlight makes mewanna sneeze!! Oh, no!! Oh, noooo!! Acck!! Here it comes. . . . ?
"Ah, ah, ahhhh . . .ahh-feeef!!" ?Now I can?t hear; my ears are blocked.Darn this gag!!?
?Maybe if I close my eyes once again, it?ll all go away. But it won?t!!This bizarre chain of events that brought Betty and me to this strange placekeeps coming back. Dammit!!
?Here I am, naked as a jaybird, standing here, chained to Betty an? theothers, getting baked under this incredibly hot sun; they haven?t given mea stitch of clothing to wear. And that Betty there, she looks like she?sabout ready to orgasm. Again!! Betty, for heaven?s sake!! Think of a brokenarm, your ex-, or something!!?
?I?ll just ignore her for the time being; she?s clearly off and away insubspace somewhere ? lucky her -- and maybe, just maybe, if I smile at thatcute electrician over there? Aww, he?s not lookin?!! He?s busy.
?What?re those faint, electronic whirrings creeping into my ears again fromthe sides? Ohh, these shackles are aching on my neck and ankles!!I don?t wanna look!!?
Mrs. Michelle Murray?s sunburnt back, striped from a light lash she hadreceived at dawn a few hours ago while straggling along in a long coffleof chained women, carefully corralled into the desert slavemarket, made Michellerealize she and Betty had to "escape or die."
?I know I?m a registered slave, on a British registry, and ?owned? by ?fuckfriend,? my Newfoundland Dom, but I never thought I could be bought,? Michellesaid to herself, her lips trying to adjust for the 141st timethat morning to the huge, black cock strapped inside her mouth.
?But I?ll just have to be silent, for now, as long as I have to continuewearing these chains and this darn gag. I?ll show ?em; I?ll just stand hereand look a little more defiant than they?ve bargained for. I can?t move withouthauling Betty off this rickety, little stand but if I can?t speak, my bodylanguage will speak for me.
?Hah. So there, you bastards!?
Michelle?s ice-blue eyes glared hot defiance out around her black head harnessgag as she held her wrist chains in quaking hands, noticing her forearmsreddening by the hour.
?Betty, your mouth is free; why don?t you speak? Or is that big dildo gettingto you again?? Michelle?s eyes said to her African-Canadian friend -- sheof the soft, slightly- pendulous breasts Michelle wished she had.
?Those faint whirrings again. Those high-pitched, excited conversations,men?s and women?s voices gabbling English and Sudanese around us. Gosh, willthey ever finish?
?Even my wrist chains are getting warm under this sun. Maybe if I hold myneck chain this way it?ll ease the tension on my neck and poor Betty?s. Ohmigosh,there she goes again!!?
Michelle grasps for her neck chain to ease the tension on her neck, pausingto remember for a moment yesterday when she stood in the desert and triednot to look while Betty -- ?my goodness, I never realized what a gorgeousbod. she had til then? -- inserted a well-lubricated, 10-inch-long, three-inch-diametersteel dildo into her sex while that cute, young female Sudanese guard lookedon, supervising.
Then, there were those sinister-looking, dark-skinned men with their mirror-finishedpolarized sun glasses, looking on appraisingly, getting hard while they didso. ?Fuck them!? Michelle thought.
?Yeh, right, Betty; you probably enjoyed every minute as you wriggled yourbutt and waggled those 38C tits of yours, trying to ease that big intruderinto yourself. Showstopper, all right.
?Then, that young guard had so quickly strapped and locked it in place foryou; I wonder what it feels like to have a steel cock strapped inside yafor a day! Probably better?n? this darn gag!!
?Betty, why don?t you talk to me? You know I can?t talk back. Or even fightback. Betty?
?Golly, I think Mrs. Agnew is actually loving every minute out here!! Waittil I get you back in Souris, Betty Agnew; you?ll get a piece of my mind!!?
Betty?s mouth had been left ungagged by the crews but Michelle?s was securelygagged with a head-harness; but Betty?s furrow was penetrated by a locked-insteel column while Michelle?s was free and, more or less, available.
Steel gripped the two women at necks, wrists and ankles and both were boundto each other by a 10-foot sturdy chain between their locked collars.
The odd, faint whirrings continued and Michelle moaned softly listeningto Betty?s soft groans as she tried inconspicuously to ease her vaginal lipsaround the big steel intruder.
The bidding continued as the whirrings buzzed in the background.
A desert sheikh, Tariq el-Assizes, known to his countrymen as ?Tariq theTerrible? and to Interpol as ?Big El,? made a bid of 500,000 British poundsfor Michelle (Witchie) Murray and Elizabeth (Betty) Agnew, ordinary, prettyCanadian housewives from smalltown Atlantic Canada, duped into slavery bya ruse from that same Canadian sailor, Peter, whom Michelle had trusted soimplicitly months ago.
Peter, the cad, took advantage of Michelle?s adventurous spirit and, tohim, an apparent lack of forethought, as he arranged the terms of her contractedsale into slavery, along with Betty?s, through a series of business transactionswith shady figures in the Middle Eastern underworld ? and a group of disreputablemoviemakers.
Michelle and Betty stood by, looking at one another with amazement and fear,as the bidding climbed and climbed until, finally, Sheikh el-Assizes silencedhis competition with a bid of 850,000 pounds for the two Island women, sunburningunder the bright, merciless desert sun, their normally pale skins turninglobster-red.
As the sale was closed and money exchanged out of sight, Michelle reaffirmedto herself her body could be bound, chained and sold as merchandise but hermind and spirit would always ? always ? be free.
That is until she could figure a way how she and her friend could escapecaptivity -- and that strange, whirring sound -- chained, gagged and dildo-edas they were. She was stunned by the fact she and Betty were worth 850,000British pounds on the slave market ? or nearly $1,700,000(Cdn.).
Hours later, the two women, still chained together in the back of an oldarmy truck parked in the late-afternoon shade outside a dusty corral in themiddle of the Sudanese desert, pondered an unlikely escape.
"?Witchie,? that guy back there, the one with all the tools, said just nowyou?re a marked slave," Betty said, gasping as she tried again to ease hersex around the big, brutal steel dildo. Michelle looked at Betty throughher head-harness gag, looked down and thought it would not be a really goodidea to explain the barcode tattooed so recently on her neck, hidden underher one-inch-wide steel collar rivetted on her neck, which had made her earsring for days afterward.
?This is all a big misunderstanding,? Michelle thought, as she shook herhead in denial, making the three locks on her head harness clack idioticallyin reply. ?I?m a slave ? in thought only -- but I?m having a whole lot oftrouble with that concept right now.?
Betty, meanwhile, was just trying to get comfortable. Michelle sympathizedbut she could neither say nor do anything about her friend?s bondage or herbig ?intruder,? just as Betty was powerless to do anything about Michelle?s.
Moments later, Betty wriggled over to Michelle?s side, put her head on Michelle?ssunburnt shoulder, whispered in her right ear, glancing at her best friend?sbarcode, and said: "Mich., I hope you?re thinking like me to plan to getthe hell out of here. We just need to find a way to get out of these chains,knock a guard on the head and drive this goddam truck outtahere. Gosh, Michelle,you do have a barcode on your neck! Witcheeeeee?!!"
"Mmmppphhh, Bttn," Michelle chided, shaking her head. She wantedto convey to Betty the idea that she would plan their escape, nother, and she would explain the barcode another time. Michelle Murray hada better idea.
Betty had been a hot-headed, impulsive youth and those traits had carriedover into her 30s. A few months ago, she had even bound Michelle in a tighthogtie as a mid-winter Wednesday afternoon prank, leaving her that way untilshe came over to untie her about suppertime. But Betty?s rashness was slowlybeing replaced by something more, something more power-related, after shehad read a book on D/s relationships and bisexuality.
?I?m thirsty, naked, chained and sooo tired,? Michelle groaned toherself as she leaned gingerly on Betty?s sunburnt shoulder. ?How are wegonna get out of this fix? We?re in th? middle of nowhere and nowhere torun to, fixed like this.? Whirrr.
Michelle swore she would give Peter a piece of her mind when, or if, shegot back to Prince Edward Island.
But that would not happen for another six weeks. Or more.
Meanwhile, Michelle?s cock-gagged throat was parched and she would giveanything for a tall, ice-cold glass of icewater, just as she had read notlong ago in Stephen?s King?s Gerald?s Game. Putting it to her lipsand drinking it, like King?s heroine, would be another matter but the crewhad already thought of that.
Suddenly, the rear canvas of the truck was pulled back, revealing to themthe figure of a young, black woman in combat fatigues, carrying a submachinegun,big flashlight and a large, blue cordless drill. Other shady figures appearedin the dusky, dusty background as the sun began to set on the desert horizon.
It would be pitch dark, instantly, in five more minutes. Michelle and Bettyhad already witnessed the spectacular, fiery-orange African sunsets and wereshocked at how suddenly the brilliant hues were changed to utter darknessso rapidly, only to be lit moments later by countless points of light abovethem in the big sky.
"You, Betty; eev you don?t want to zee your frand zuffocate, or die of thirst,or both, before tomorrow, take zis drill and bore a hole through her gag," shesaid. "That way, at least, she?ll be able to breathe and dreenk." A strange,soft, grey cylindrical object protruded near the woman?s head as she spoke.
The young guard, about the same age as Betty, tossed the heavy drill toBetty?s chained feet and she looked at it warily. She had never before useda power drill, much less on Michelle?s attractive face, and she did not evenknow how to turn it on. Her ex-husband had looked after all those sort ofthings around home.
Michelle thought it was better than the way she was presently and pickedup the drill for Betty, squeezing the little trigger in her chained hands.
"Vrriiing, vrriinng," the 18-volt drill whined sharply. Michellelooked at the 5/8ths-inch, extra-long drill bit and, with a series of handgestures and facial expressions, convinced her nervous neighbor to drillout a hole through her rubber gag.
"I dunno, Michelle, I don?t want it to slip and cut you," Betty said, holdingthe drill in her chained hands.
?Mmmfffrrrrrmmm,? Michelle replied, gesturing and glaring at Bettyto drill a hole through the now-sopping gag.
Gingerly and awkwardly, Betty, kneeling in front of her naked, cross-leggedfriend, their chains tangling, placed the drill bit against the butt of thegag and slowly squeezed the trigger, scowling in concentration.
"Vrrrrrr, vrrrrrr, vrrrrrrrrrrnnnnngggg."
Michelle closed her eyes, hoping Betty?s hands would be steadier. Bettylooked closely at her work and at her friend?s harnessed face and continued,more slowly, while Michelle sat patiently; then as Betty gained a littlemore confidence in her chore, pressed a little harder and deeper as the sharpdrill bit ate away at the hard rubber inside her friend?s mouth.
Moments later, Michelle felt the bit poke through at the rear of her throatand she had a 5/8ths-inch hole that allowed her to breathe, although withan annoying whistle but, if someone assisted, she at least could drink somewater. Eating was yet another challenge to be explored and overcome.
"Whew," Betty said, withdrawing the drill and bit carefully awayfrom Michelle?s face. "Glad that?s over. Witchie, you all right?"
Michelle opened her eyes and nodded, softly whistling her thanks to herlovely, perspiring friend as the two heard soft applause from somewhere offin the night.
An hour later, the young guard returned to get the power tool, suspectingthe two ?slaves? might have used it to drill off their chains. (Michelleand Betty had thought of that, tried but the bit slipped too easily off thecircular steel surfaces of their shackles).
The guard, Amina Allenby, tossed in a canteen of tepid, dusty water to thepair.
Betty took the tin in her shackled hands and poured two cupfuls down herparched throat while Michelle looked on thirstily; then she carefully poureda small rivulet down Michelle?s pierced cock gag and Michelle, trying hardnot to spit up, managed to get down a couple of cupfuls as well.
Michelle snuggled against her friend as night fell, wishing the ache inher jaw would subside as she tried once again to adjust her mouth aroundthe big cockgag. Suddenly, both women were startled upright by a crisp, maturefemale voice:
"Cut. And that?s a wrap for tonight. Excellent work, Michelle and Betty.Sound, cine and lighting crews, Betty and Michelle, my trailer, 20 minutes.Discuss the midnight shots.
"Good work, people."
Michelle wondered if she was going to be able to speak at tonight?s director?smeeting.
"C?mon, gal; let?s get dressed," Betty said, tugging on her chain.
Michelle Murray and Betty Agnew had another six weeks of production to goand they were loving every minute. They looked forward to seeing their new,five-figure bank accounts back in Souris in a few weeks.
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I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just turned eighteen years of age and was recently disowned by my family. I feared it would happen due to me being from a very religious background, but I could no longer live a lie. There was a blind hope that I would have been accepted simply because I was their daughter, however, I knew better. I was the daughter of a preacher and as such, I was an embarrassment and brought dishonor to my family. It hurt like a knife wound stabbed in the heart...
Lesbian"You've got to pull over," I screamed."I'm not stopping again," my older brother said, "it's not my fault you had that extra coffee, I warned you.""You're such a fucking dick," I mumbled.I was desperate now, my bladder felt so full and I had a burning sensation in my crotch. My step brother could be such an ass sometimes.He had come to get me from university to give me a lift home for the Christmas holidays, which was very sweet of him, but now he was being a twat. I really needed a piss and he...
This is where we leftoff. Darla opened her eyes slowly and as the adjusted to the lights outside she saw a familiar wide-eyed figure staring up at her and her lover in astonishment. Her friend Fiona who had been at the club with her the night she had fallen for her new lover was staring up at their naked bodies as they hung brazenly out of the window. ‘”So this is where you’ve been you naughty slut.’’ She teased. “This clearly isn’t a private party so I’m letting myself in ok.’’ Darla saw...
Unforgettable Holiday Chapter 4I arrived at Bob and Liz's room at 9pm as agreed, Terry and Gina were already sat round the sofa with Liz sitting next to Gina , both wearing short summer dresses , showing their dark tans off to the full looking very hot, in the thin material.Liz pulled Gina up and took her out to the balcaney , whilst us guys were sat chatting on the main sofa , Liz and Gina sat opposite us in one armchair each... a mere few feet away , the heady scent of their perfumes...
Hi, Amit here again. I’m sharing an incidence which is very memorable and dear to me. For those who haven’t read my stories earlier, I’m from Mumbai, 35 yrs, 5’10”, well built, adventurous and a passionate guy. It was a pleasant day at office when I received a call from a friend, asking me for a favor for a friend of hers, named Nishita. She was new to the city and had banged up her car, so she needed help in getting it repaired, as she knew nobody. I agreed to help her out and called the...
‘I hate this place.’ ‘I hate that you’re such a brat,’ Danielle said to her little brother. ‘Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn’t even speak English,’ he whined some more. ‘She does, too.’ She reached over and smacked him just because she could. ‘You’re just too stupid to understand her.’ ‘Dani, don’t antagonise your brother,’ her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. ‘They don’t even have a Playstation!’ Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself. Before she said...
The surly atmosphere in the house drove me out early the next morning. I determined that I might as well ride to Crinan to begin my investigation into the existing trade routes rather than leave myself available for further frosty treatment. I was encouraged to find out that my tributes of salt to King Fergus were already in much demand apparently with his trade partners. The trade seemed to be with merchant captains who sailed from Roman dominated Gaul, Denmark (incongruous given our trouble...
Real life couple Angel Emily and Mike Angelo have come to Private Specials, Break Ups and Makeups Sex, and after a recent argument they’ve decided to resolve the conflict in the only way they know how… a hot fuck! Watch this horny couple in action on as the saucy Angel makes things up to her man, first warming up with an incredible gagging blowjob before offering up her pussy for a taste as she gets everything wet and ready for a hardcore anal pounding that has her screaming all...
xmoviesforyou“Fuck me hard, please,” she whispered in my ear. I carried her to her bed and undressed her slowly. She rolled on to her belly and watched me with a hunger in her eyes as I undid my belt. Her legs bent at her knees, lazily and slowly kicking her feet back and forth. I playfully struck her ass with my belt. The coy smile on her face disappeared and was replaced by an expressionless glare. At first I had thought I had hurt her, perhaps I had struck her too hard. Nothing could have been further...
BDSMThursday morning. I called down to the front desk letting them know that we needed our cars brought up front and that we were checking out. "Not a problem Mr. Johnson. They will be out front waiting for you." Nothing interesting happened Thursday morning. Ashlee and I got dressed together. I had on comfortable shorts, t-shirt and my usual running shoes while Ashlee had on sandals, shorts and a t-shirt as well. When we saw Brenda, she had on her yoga pants which were skin tight, stopped...
fantasy BLAH BLAH. If offended BLAH BLAH... It was late August and we were on our way out to my uncles farm. It was the yearly family picnic which meant lots of good food and plenty of drinks for the adults. Since mom and dad always got plowed we usually stayed the night, and I didnt mind since there was lots to do, play in the woods, go swimming in the pond, ride horses and quads. I was 13 with blonde hair and blue eyes and athletic build.My sister Tina was 11...
This true account is dedicated to Sterling. At the beginning of a long-term relationship, my new girl, Ariadne, joyfully agreed to submit to my discipline. She was a redhead, a big plus for me. I told her I wanted to train her to cum only with my permission and she agreed to accept this training. Suppressing orgasms was particularly difficult for Ariadne. She’s the most orgasmic partner I’ve ever encountered. I could, and often did, make her cum simply by playing with her nipples, or by...
"Thank fuck for that!"I threw my bag on the floor and sat on my favourite stool at the bar in my lounge.The vodka optic was within reach on one side and the mini fridge containing the coke on the other, I filled a glass with a lot of one and a little of the other and then hit the message switch on the answer phone."Hi, it's Katie, can you ring me on my mobile?" she rattled off her number and I rang it immediately, Katie was my twin sister and one of the very few things in this shitty world that...
IncestPink Diva Day 44 Dear Pink Diva Quick entry, Trisha is such a brat, giggles. I was mad at her. No, to be better phrased, I was mad at her actions and being inconsiderate but she understood when I explained why to her. I wanted to make sure I was clear it was her actions, her not thinking, and not her as a person. A person is a sum of all their actions, and they will mess up. If they meant no harm, make amends for their transgressions, and learn, then it is best to know it...
I was sitting at home when I got a call from Michelle. A week ago I hadblown and been fucked by her boyfriend before a concert while she watched.I didn't know her before that day, and we hadn't spoken after the show, soI was suprised to hear from her. (You can read about that fun in bisexualadult friends- the story is called "warm up before concert")"Hey B. Did you like what we did with you?""Yes..." I said warily. One doesn't just call a casual acquantaince andask how they liked their...
We walked into his apartment and he said we can be comfortable here in the living room. He started to remove his pants, so I did also. He was down to his bikini panties and after he took off his shirt, he pulled his panties down and off. He was now nude and I got my first look at his cock. He looked large, long that is, and he was cut. I finished removing my shirt and stood there in my garter belt, black stockings, and black bikini panties.He said, “Nice.” I had told him over the phone what I...
CrossdressingAfter the weekend at the lake, Ruth and Penny kept Michael entertained for most of the week. Claire really did not mind. Work had been grueling and she was getting home late. She was content to have Michael sleep near her at night. Sleeping together became routine right after they were back from their weekend at the lake. Although Claire did ban him from the bedroom on Thursday night because she was bringing Bob home with her. It was Saturday night and time for their bi-weekly poker game....
“I may as well be a nun,” I complained to Tammy. “Even the most devote of nuns must have more satisfying sex lives than I do.”Tammy sniggered. “Somehow, I doubt that although I have seen some videos if nuns are your thing. I’ll send you a few links.”Tammy was a connoisseur of internet porn. If she hadn’t seen it, it didn’t exist. “Something with a really nice wimple might go down well right now.”“So… you want a nun who goes down? When’s the last time a nun went down on you?”“March. That’s when...
WatersportsI walked back into my office a few minutes later, laptop in hand. Luci was sitting on my couch, legs tucked up under her looking very vulnerable. She started to open her mouth, but I held up my hand, similar to what she had done last night. At least I got a small smile out of her. "I have to do my job and Paul's at the moment. Can it wait?" I added a silent please. I do not know if she was still angry with me, but I really did have to get the database up and running. I was surprised when...
The party was already in full swing when Nancy and her friends arrived. The Victorian ball gown that she had found in the trunk in her grandmother’s attic fit nicely after a few custom alterations by a seamstress friend. With the addition of having her hair set in long hanging banana curls she felt like the perfect Scarlet O’Hara. Nancy adjusted the mask that hid the upper half of her face and looked around to see if she recognized any of the other masqueraders. When Spiderman approached and...
Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So let’s start the story! September 26 As I and Kusuma mami received an invitation for breakfast from Anusha bhabhi (owner). We were waiting for the final call. I was thrilled. I had asked bhabhi to ask about me and Kusuma mami’s affair to know how she reacts. Finally, Anusha bhabhi called by coming near her house entrance. I rushed towards her house and...
I, Julie Mitchell, am going to say something that I would never normally say, ‘My life sucks! Not just run of the mill suck, but it fucking sucks big time.’ Life up until a couple of months ago was great, I was in a long term relationship with a great guy, I, I mean we had our own apartment, we went out to restaurants and the theatre on a regular basis, we were comfortable financially, and then he got sent overseas, and he never came back, at least not alive. He was working with refugees and...
*** Please read all of the stories before this one to understand the plot up to this point. From the previous story, Donna's cousin, Donnie, arrives early which seems to dampen the time that Donna and Marcus as well as Tonya and I will have together during our holiday vacation from school. Marcus is bummed out about Donnie staying at Donna's parents' house, but we all resign that whatever happens between them is none of our business. After Donnie arrives, we all meet and are surprised to find...
First TimeLet me tell you Something I have never been able to tell even my closest friend, this started When my nephew (my husband’s elder brother’s son) came to live with us for studies, I did not like it at all and frighten with my husband, but Soon his good manners and Liveliness made me Comfortable with him, he always made sure to make me happy ,he also carried out all my Instructions with full devotion, He was 18 years old and growing into a tall handsome man his name is Rajiv, my hubby is 10 year...
IncestIt is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That was the case for my wife Cindy and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help. My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...