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Number 28 was standing in a cage with 3 other female slaves waiting for theirturn to be auctioned off. She could hear the auctioneer as he called out thebids on the slave taken from the cage a few minutes before. As number 28 stoodthere nervously, she reflected back on her path to this point in her life.

She had been a relatively shy but normal 34 year woman. Long brown hair, nicesoft body with curves accented by a little extra weight. Her childhood wasnormal with loving parents and two brothers. She had been the middle child.She had been a passive child, letting her parents guide her life and her friendstake the lead in play. Her main pleasure was in making others happy. To makeher parents happy, she began attending college even though she had no realfocus to her studies. She attended college for a few years before her friendswere lured away by the big salaries offered by the dotcoms. Once again, followingthe lead of others, she left college to for the dotcom world. She did wellenough salary wise, but never progressed as far as her friends. She just didnot have the drive and self confidence it took in that free-for-all-world.

The bursting of the dotcom bubble left her high and dry. No degree and heronly professional work experience no longer in demand. Her old friends couldn'thelp because they had also been laid off. So she went from professional workwith a salary in the high 80's to a retail salesperson making, at best, $20,000a year.

She drifted along until she met a man who came into her store. He startedflirting with her almost immediately and before she knew it, she had a datewith him that night. He took control almost immediately, seeming to know sheliked others to lead her. She was so excited; it was hard to wait for her shiftto end. He had told her to be ready at 8 and to wear a skirt. She thought ita little odd to be told what to wear on her first date but it felt so goodto not have to make that decision.

That evening was a turning point in her life. It started at the restaurantwhere he immediately took charge. He took the menu from her as it was presentedand proceeded to order for her. He then instructed her in the proper way toenjoy the food and wine, telling her what to take a bite of next and what tastesto look for. She got the feeling he wasn't so much teaching her so she wouldenjoy her food more, as he was teaching her so she could look after him better.The thought brought a warm feeling to her that started in her pussy and creptup to her heart. It felt so good that he would be taking that much interestin her.

Later, he took her to his place without even asking her. It was as thoughhe expected her to go and could not conceive of anything else. She too acceptedthis as his right. She reveled in his confidence and surety.

Once inside his front door, he turned and kissed her for the first time. Itwas a long, lingering kiss; his tongue seeming to take control of her mouth.It was the most erotic kiss she had ever experienced or even seen in the romanticmovies she and her friends used to watch during slumber parties in high school.

Then he told her to strip. She didn't even think. She just started to removeher clothes. She wasn't a virgin, far from it. During high school and college,she had never said ?no.? It wasn't that she particularly wanted to have sex;she just didn't have it in her to spoil her date's evening. She had even hadsex with women if they wanted it. But she had never just stripped like this,on command. That evening she learned so much about herself and about the joyof submission.

She began to spend her every waking moment with him. Pleasing him with littlethings, massaging his feet after a long day no matter how tired she was, makinghis favorite foods, even cleaning his house. It was the happiest time of herlife.

Their bedroom activities had increasingly reflected an M/s relationship. Hebegan to use corporal punishment to improve her sexual performance. It beganwith spanking and gradually progressed to caning. His control over her in thebedroom soon became complete. She was his sex slave, doing whatever he wanted.

Then he told her, not asked her, to move in with him. She was so excited!This was what she had wanted from their first night together. It was an easymove since he had her sell all of her furniture and most of her possessions.He told her that He would give her all she needed from now on. In fact, Hetold her to quit her job. He wanted her to devote herself to Him full time.The morning after she moved in to His house, He took her hand and guided herto the telephone where He dialed her work before handing her the phone. ?Tellthem that you quit.? He commanded and she obeyed.

Soon the M/s relationship was carried on outside the bedroom. She was alwaysnaked in his presence and wearing his collar. He started making her sleep ona mat at the foot of His bed, chained to the bed. Kneeling at his feet, shefelt complete and wanted. She was a 24/7 slave. She was His property.

One night He had some friends over, keeping her nude during their visit. Thesewere friends of His that she had met briefly before. But He always had lefther behind when He went out with them. He had never brought them over to Hishouse before while she was there. At first she didn't know what to do, butit was soon clear that they considered her to be His slave. And as such, theyignored her. So all evening she knelt at His feet and did His bidding.

She was so content to belong to Him. She loved it when he began to modifyher body for his pleasure. He began by lengthening her clit so it protrudedfrom her fold. It made her very easily stimulated by any touch at all. Therare times He let her wear clothes, she would have cum from the stimulationto her clit if He had let her. But her ability to cum without His command hadbeen taken away from her long ago.

Next he lengthened her nipples until they were over a half inch in length.He loved to roll them in his fingers and pull on them as though he was milkingher. She loved it too. It made her feel both used and loved at the same time.

His final modification was to induce her to produce milk. He bought a milkingmachine and either hooked her up to it or milked her with his hands four timesa day. In two weeks, she was beginning to produce milk. He always put a vibratorin her pussy when he milked her, saying it would make her produce more. Whetheror not it would, it always made her wet with anticipation when milking timecame close. Soon she was producing all the milk they needed, plus extra thatHe sold to His friends. Sometimes she would be milked in front of His friendsso they got fresh milk.

He never let anyone else milk her nor did he share her with anyone. It wasas though he was saving her for something.

Then she found out what that was. He was going to sell her! She knew she wouldnot resist. It would make Him happy to sell her and it was His right. She wasHis property.

When the day came for her sale, He paid special attention to her. He latheredher up in the shower and made slow sensuous love to her. He then shaved herbody completely to be sure it was baby smooth. He told her how happy she hadmade Him. What a good slave she was. Then He led her to her sleeping pad atthe foot of His bed and commanded her to sleep. She thought she would be tooexcited to sleep. But before she knew it, He was shaking her shoulder to wakeher. He told her to relieve herself and brush her teeth.

Then, He draped a cloak around her naked body and led her outside to His car.She turned slightly to take her last look at His house. Then she was insidethe car, lying on the floor as He always expected.

He got in and drove a while before stopping the car. He got out and came aroundthe car, opening the door and taking her hand to lead her to the door of abig building. Inside the place bustled with activity. Some Masters and Mistresseswere leading slaves over to be registered for the auction. Others were inspectingthe slaves being readied for sale.

A Mistress approached Him and greeted Him. She said ?Don, so you have anotherone to sell. I am impressed. Wasn't your last sale only four months ago? Howdo you do it?? He responded ?It isn't hard. I just look for the lost ones.But I mustn't take too much credit for finding this one so quickly. The dayafter the last auction I went out to buy myself a little present with the profitfrom that sale and, lo and behold, there this one was. From there it was easy.? Number28 did not know how to take what she just heard. He did not love her! He hadnever loved her! Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. Noticing this,He wiped them away and said ?Now, now little one. You know you needed someoneto take care of you and there I was. Now you have a place in life and can serveothers as you were born to do.? She took heart in His words because she knewthey were true. But she still was a little sad.

?I decided to try something different this time. I created a milk cow outof this one.? ?Oh, yes? the Mistress said, ?I can see from her nipples. Doesshe produce much?? ?Yes, quite a bit. I bet she brings a pretty penny in theauction.?

With that he took her leash and led her to a table where He registered herfor sale. As part of the registration, he listed her as being a milk cow withher average daily production figure. After being registered, He handed heroff to an attendant who painted something on her ass. The attendant told hershe was number 28 and led her to a cage to await her sale.

Masters and Mistresses wandered by, inspecting the slaves to be sold. Somestopped and commanded her to move to the front of the cage where they inspectedher body. They commanded her to open her mouth, fondled her breasts, and playedwith her pussy. Of course, as soon as they touched her enlarged clit, she immediatelybecame wet. More than one potential buyer commented on how much of a slut shewas. Some of them, obviously connoisseurs, checked her milk production figure.

Then the buyers began to drift away. The auction was beginning.

All of a sudden, her reminiscing was interrupted by the cage door being unlocked.It was her turn! A leash was attached to her collar and she was led out ontoa stage with a low platform on it. She was placed on the platform. She couldsee her Master sitting to one side with some of His friends. He gave her asmile and a nod. It made her feel so much better.

Then the auctioneer began to describe her. He described her as a human cow,capable of copious milk production. Her sexual features were also discussed.He fondled her pussy briefly but intensely, causing her to cum noisily. Thiscreated a minor stir in the audience since it indicated her heightened sexuality.

The auctioneer began the bidding process, starting the bids at $3000. Manymembers of the audience began to bid but it quickly narrowed down to two people.One, a Mistress with several slaves at her side seemed entranced by her breasts.She regularly sucked milk from the breast of one of her slaves as she contemplatedthe human cow for sale. The other, a Master, had a slave at his side who couldhave been her twin. It seemed he was looking to make a matched set.

Finally, she heard the auctioneer yell ?sold to Master Paul!? The winningbid had been $5200. An attendant came and led her off the stage to her newMaster. He seemed pleased with her but was distracted by the next slave beingled onto the stage. So she knelt at his feet, content that He would tell herwhat to do next. Her conversion to the complete slave was finished. She wasno longer a person; she was someone's property, bought and paid for. She feltwarm inside, she knew her place and her destiny was at His feet.

She continued to kneel at His feet while the auction went on. He did not bidon any other slaves, seeming to be content with merely watching the proceedings.She was aware of His other slave but knew better than to say anything to her.Her last Master had taught her well.

Finally the auction was over and He led His two slaves outside to a largevan without any windows in the back. He put them in the back of the van. Thevan had obviously been designed to transport slaves. The seats were hard andthere were bolts to hook their leashes on to. The front of the van was separatedfrom the back by a solid wall. No one from outside could see the goods beingtransported.

He got in the front of the van and started to drive away. At this time theother slave turned to her and smiled. Number 28 smiled back shyly. ?Don't worry,He is a good Master. He knows we are valuable property and He takes care ofthe things He owns. He is so pleased to find a milk cow and one that looksso much like me. This cow knows this because He told another Master beforethe auction. He was so disappointed that this cow cannot produce much milkand has looked for another for while now. Between us we should be able to produceenough for Him. He loves milk and drinks it constantly.? Not knowing what tosay, number 28 just smiled and nodded.

Before long, the van stopped and He opened the door. As He led her out ofthe van, she looked around at her new home. He had a large house set in a groveof trees. But it was hard to see much as it was dark out now.

He led them inside and unhooked their leashes. ?Follow!? he commanded as heled them to a room with a tile floor and walls. ?Stay!? He walked away andfilled a bucket with soapy water. When he came back he began to scrub her asswith a sponge. ?At least this new marker washes off easier than the old marker.? Hemuttered. His hands were firm but gentle. After he got the marks off her ass,He proceeded to wash her whole body. It felt so good to be cared for and whenHe washed her pussy she came almost immediately. She stiffened, knowing shehad cum without permission. But He didn't seem to mind, at least this time.As she stood there stiffly, a drop of water wandered down her forehead andthreatened to drip in her eye. Without thinking, she flicked her head to sendthe drop away. Again, she stiffened, thinking she would be punished. Instead,he grinned and said ?I know what to call you now! Flicker.? She had a name!She belonged. It felt so good.

Next He had her mount a table and get on all fours. Flicker knew what wasnext, she was to be milked. It had been hours since her last milking and herbreasts were beginning to hurt from the pressure. His hands felt soo good asthey felt the hardness of her breasts. Then He proceeded to milk her. WhenHe was finished, He held the container of milk up and said ?Would you lookat that! What a great producer. Finally, a good enough producer that I canstart to make cheese.?

Then He had her get off the table. As she got off, He spun her around andplanted her hands on the table. Spreading her legs with His feet, He plungedHis cock into her pussy and proceeded to thrust mightily. Soon He came andpulled out. Snapping His fingers at the other slave, He pointed to His cock.She immediately knelt in front of Him and proceeded to clean Him with her tongue.

When He was satisfied, He milked the other cow. But he got little from her.Flicker knew He must be a kind Master to keep a cow that didn't produce much.

He took them into the kitchen where He proceeded to make Himself a sandwich.He tossed some meat and bread into two bowls which he placed on the floor.Pointing to them, he said ?Eat.? Both cows immediately got on all fours andate. After they ate, He gave them each a glass of water to drink.

He took them next to the bathroom where He commanded them to relieve themselves.Flicker was used to relieving herself in front of others, so had no problemsnow.

Finally, He led them upstairs to His room. At the foot of His bed were twomats. He told them to lie down and sleep. Flicker curled up contentedly onher new mat. She was home.

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My Mentor

Hie friends. This is Navin, back again with another experience. My first incident was told in Taste Of My Elder Sister’s Virginity. Now i’m back here with another. For those who dont know me – i’m 5’11 feet, avg color and avg body , decent looking. Few Girls tell me that i look similar to actor Dhanush and few tell me that i resemble actor Vishal. i’m a volleyball player. So here it goes. This took place 6 months back . I got into a reputed collage in chennai. Now i’m in second year. During the...

2 years ago
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Lost at SeaChapter 3

“Aye, Cap’n,” Will said, his voice muffled between her legs. His tongue kept up its swirling around her entrance, occasionally sweeping up and fluttering across her clit. She sat up a bit, leaning back on her forearms and watching the top of his head. The muscles in her thighs and her butt twitched of their own accord, squeezing as her pleasure mounted. She ran a hand through his hair and pulled his mouth harder into her, starting to rock her hips. He firmed his tongue into a point and...

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my best friend2

My name is Jonathan, and this is my story, I’m seventeen years old, 5 7” 58 kg , brown sandy hair and brown eyes and I have more than average looks but I’m kinda shy and tend to mainly hang out with my two best friends. Jimmy who was basically the brains of the group, he was two months younger than myself but taller, he was 5 9” 59 kg with a similar build of muscles. However, the girl and beauty, if I may add, was Becky, 6 months younger than me, 5 4” and a body that made up for her height...

4 years ago
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Satisfied Hungry Cousin

Hi to all my ISS Friends. I am from south India and I would like to describe my experiences with my cousins. Now I share my experiences with you guys so that you could also enjoy it. My sex journey began when I was in 11th standard that is around 8 years back. After completing my 10 std. I was sent to my aunt’s (mother’s elder sister) house for further studies as quality education was not available at our place. My aunt had 2 daughters. Elders name was Dhivya and younger name was Vidhya – my...

4 years ago
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Watching Ch2

I had spent the last few evenings in a perpetual state of arousal after spying on Victoria masturbating first in the bath and then again in her bedroom, I still had a slight feeling of guilt, I knew I shouldn’t have watched, but I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to thank Vic for the pleasure she had given me, I had spent the last few days trying to think of a way. It was while I was imagining her watching the porn film of a woman masturbating that I finally came up with my idea. I dressed...

2 years ago
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Mom After Father8217s Death Part 8211 2

This is the continuation of the first part so I’ll just start right away.   So the 3 guys and uncle were spanking her while the fat guy was fucking my mom then the uncle said me to go and bring a pencil and I went to my room and brought it then the uncle said me to give it to the fat guy,he took it and put the pencil in his mouth and the other guy applied some spit on my mom’s asshole and rubbed it then the fat guy pushed the pencil into my mom’s ass it didn’t go in fully but it went inside...

1 year ago
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School Term Paper 3

“Do you think I’m blind? When we were over at Frank and Emma’s this past weekend, for their cookout, I saw you flashing you cock to Debbie and that’s not the first. I saw her looking at you and smiling. Are you fucking her? You know she’s only 16 and thank God Frank and Emma didn’t see what I saw. They aren’t stupid you know. You will be in so much trouble if they find out. Well! Are you fucking Debbie? If you aren’t, you were probably thinking about it while you were fucking me. You haven’t...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 14 INTERLUDE FIRST SON OF DARKNESS

For all his connections and all his psionic powers, for all his influence and knowledge, the First Son of Darkness was just a tool, another game piece in a cosmic game. Despite his blindness caused by a sense of unequaled self-importance, he was quite intelligent and was aware of this, but he had plans to elevate him above being just a game piece. The key to his quest for Godhood was knowledge. Here on Netlor, a planet in Free-space he planned to gain more. Long before the rise of the Union,...

2 years ago
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Licking woman clitoris

Licking woman clitoris is skill that men should do it in just right way. When it is done right, you make them thoundrous orgasm with more pleasure from her clit and good intercourse to ecstatic end. Licking citoris is not a easy job to make woman pleased. While licking the clit you should be tranquil, appealing and enticing to stir your tongue into very sensetive part that has millions of nurves. A man should do far better job then jus licking clit. First you should prepare woman for oral...

3 years ago
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Eriks transformation part 3

As they drove home, Kate was confused and thought about the proposal from Dr. Wood. Her voice echoed in her mind, "Kate, I plan to let him fuck you!" She was a bit shocked, but at the same time she was very excited by that statement. She was wondering if it was the right way to help Erik. Should she obey Dr. Wood? Dr. Wood was someone whom Kate believed in and respected. Erik's question interrupted her thinking. "Mom, are you going to work today?""No, I took the day off.""Excellent! We'll have...

2 years ago
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My Wife Needs Big Cock

Hello readers! I am Raghava from Hyderabad.i am aged about 25 years and got married forcefully by my elders. I am not interested to get marriage since I got my own doubt I may not be suitable marriage life. I got job as asst engineer in private company with good salary. My relatives brought match to me and my parents accept it without my knowledge. Finally, with great difficulty I was made to accept it. After my marriage, my elders celebrated my first night and I slept separetely. My wife...

1 year ago
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The night that was

The night that was View of the crumbling of a marriage. The pavement was wet and cold from the light mid-west October rain. Vibrant colors reflected up from the street as if it were a liquid mirror. He was on his hands and knees crawling around at my feet, splashing around in his own blood. I swore I could hear him crying as I quickly looked around to see if there were any witnesses to my crime, but I saw no one. I jumped in my car and took off for home a few minutes...

1 year ago
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The Layoff part one

We all go through it at some point in our life to where you find yourself on a subway heading home early with a box in your hands with all of your things from work in it. last week was the time for me. My employer booted me out and sent me packing but I wasn't worried cause here came the unemployment check. Anyway on my way home that day I met a black man who was right across from me who was dealing with the same thing I was. I said to him," they got you too huh." He said," Yep! I made him...

1 year ago
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Squirted Vina Sky Taking Vina8217s Squirting Cherry

Sexy teen Vina Sky’s cherry-print ensemble is very appropriate, because she’s never squirted before and she wants Toni Ribas to pop her cherry! Toni knows just how to do it, rubbing Vina’s clit and fingering her pussy until her eyes go wide as she feels herself squirting for the very first time! There’s much more to cum, as Toni fucks Vina’s pussy and stimulates her G spot with his fingers, then hands her a vibrator so she can make herself cum as she rides his cock...

2 years ago
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The CocoonChapter 2

After the first week of preparing him like this, the messages would be stopped and replaced by sounds of a hog farm. Hours and hours of grunting, squealing and snorting would bombard him. And when the hogs on the audio recording were fed, the feeding tube would begin to feed him at the same time. And slowly, as the week progressed, the food would be mixed in more and more with real pig food, slop and gruel, until by the end of the second week, he was eating pig's food and hearing nothing but...

4 years ago
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Double Fantasy and more

Double Fantasy – And More …She tugged at the cock as she sucked hungrily on it. Hands grabbed her hair and dictated the rhythm of her passionate movements on the stiff shaft.Her ass cheeks were pulled apart and she felt a hard knob against her pussy lips – suddenly a hard cock thrust into her wetness as she choked on the other cock deep in her throat.Two men. Two cocks. Double the pleasure …It had been a fun after-work get together for drinks at the office. The women were out-numbered...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 14

Chapter 14 – Wendy’s Ghosts People are full of surprises, as Amy was about to learn. The person you think you know the best, your closest friend, your family member, your lover, can conceal any number of dark secrets from you. It is human nature that all of us have our failings. It is human nature that each of us tries to conceal those failings from those closest to us, from those who we love the most. It is the fear of judgment, of rejection, over those failings drives people to do strange...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Brittany Bardot BDSM DP Session On Order

When horny Milf Brittany Bardot orders a BDSM session she doesn’t know quite what she’s in for. It’s not just Master David Perry that’s going to spank and ass fuck her in this House of Taboo premium porn scene, it’s Master Yanick Shaft as well and the two together get the submissive slut to give up all her holes, from her mouth for deepthroat multidick sucking, to her trimmed pussy for hardcore fucking, to her asshole for anal insertion. And both of them...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 16 Hiking Redux

The trio gathered in front of the sign at the trailhead. It was the same trail they had tried the summer before. Now they were back to try it again, only this time they were better prepared. They were properly equipped with well broken in hiking boots, a first aid kit, energy bars, lunch, and sufficient water for the trip. They were in much better physical shape having walked, ridden bikes, and exercised regularly for the past year. They were more experienced having hiked many easy trails...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 14

The next morning I had just finished my shower and was getting things together when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and let two beautiful girls into the house. “Keith, the girls are here!” I yelled upstairs after I gave each of them a big hug and a kiss. Holly on the cheek, Linda on the lips. And soon he was downstairs wearing just his pants as we were giving even more kisses to them. I headed back into the kitchen as Keith was putting MTV on in the living room. I pulled out...

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The News At Ten

My girlfriend and I have lived together for several years now. Then our apartment got hit by a tornado and we had to find some where else to live. Well we ended up moving in with her parents till we could find another place. Her parents live in an very upscale part of Dallas. We got settled in. Now my girlfriends mom is a major hottie. She is a anchor on the local news and has been for a very long time. This woman could pass for my girlfriends sister. Blonde, large tits, slim, long legs, flat...

1 year ago
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Through the Looking GlassChapter 7

The sun was low on the horizon but still shining brightly, the sound of birds and the small creek in the distance was a soothing distraction to Sarah McIntyre. She was lying on her side in bed, slowly brushing out all the tangles in the curly hair of her hip and leg with a soft bristled brush. Keeping her hair short helped but it was a long, slow process anyway. Sarah had been planning on a long relaxing session in a local spa, but she was just too busy to even make an appointment. It was an...

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I Love My Neighbors The sex show gets more bizarre Chapter 2

Tom stretched his arms, yawning as he woke up Sunday morning. He slept better than he had in quite a while as he remembered watching the step-siblings sex show the night before.He pulled the sheets down exposing his usual morning hard-on. He seemed to be harder and more aroused remembering the events from last night. He reached down and caressed his hardness, slowly running his hand up and down his hard shaft as he pictured scenes from the night before.He looked towards the window, but in the...

2 years ago
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Mistake in Vegas it teez ok

It teez ok? New revised version By mitlvsmeg This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5...

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The Nurse Dream

This is how the dream starts: I’m lying on a bed in a hospital room. There must be some reason for me to be here, although I feel fine. I’m wearing my jeans and a T-shirt even though, as a patient, I suppose I should be in one of those embarrassing gowns with the back open. After flipping through the TV channels for a while, I get bored and wonder what’s wrong with me and when I’ll be discharged. Suddenly, a nurse comes into the room. I immediately notice two things: first, the nurse is...

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My First Time Part 2

I was in a daze, it had all happened so quickly. I had just had the most explosive sexual experience of my life at the hands, and tongue, of my best friend Abbey. The uncontrollable vocal expressions of my sexual ecstasy had almost alerted her mum to the fact that we had been having sex. Amazing sex! At least I hope she hadn’t heard me, that would be really awkward in the morning, and now, now it was my turn to reciprocate. Abbey pulled me up to my feet so that we were standing on her bed, my...

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The Blues Bar

I’m a divorced guy, 50 (but people guess me at late 30’s/early 40’s), not bad looking, a little spare tire, but with a little extra swingin’, and I let it do just that, no underwear. I stood at the entrance for a few seconds, letting my eyes adjust to the low light, and listening to the music coming from the stage. There was a slight odor of weed in the room, which kinda surprised me, but I didn’t really mind. A nice buzz along with good music was always a good blend. The band was doing a...

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