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sold By stephanie winner as he opened his eyes he couldn't see anything. total darkness around him. he tried to move but realized that he couldn't move his hands either his feet. he was tied! he moved his head around and saw that he was caught in a trunk. he felt the trunk moving. 'must be a car-trunk,' stephan thought. then he felt the car stopping, moving backwards. he tried to say something but his tongue was like a big woollen scarf in his mouth. he must have been drugged and he tried to remember what has happened before he passed out... on his free day of work he always started to dress as a woman, a fetish he had since he started crossdressing a few years ago. usually he started the day like each monday morning. a shower, very good shaving and light make up. then the clothes: cream coloured panties, matching bra filled with old pantyhose and a garter belt. next he rolled up tan nylons over his well shaved legs and wiggled his red polished toes, shining through the nylons. a black knee length skirt and a rose coloured blouse followed. at last he stepped into a pair of 3 inch pumps. carefully he placed a wig on his head and added some jewellery. done. it followed a light breakfast then he took a short coat and left the house for a walk in the park beside his house. he often did this before, outside his house dressed as a woman. this gave his free day a special kick. he had learned to walk on the heels and he was quite passable. only his voice was male then and stephan, now obviously stephanie, tried to get in no situation where he/she would be forced to speak. he enjoyed these mondays in his second life, especially after the divorce from his wife. this woman had never understood him. still thinking about this he reached the entrance of the park and walked down a small way as suddenly something was pressed over his nose and mouth from behind. he started to struggle but he passed out after a few seconds... as his thoughts flew back he realized that he still was wearing the feminine clothes and tried to raise his voice again. "help, " he screamed into the darkness of the trunk and after a few seconds he heard heels clicking on the floor coming nearer. then a hand slapped onto the trunk and a female voice said: "shut up!" then the trunk was opened and he twinkled into the light of a small bulb on the ceiling of a garage. in front of the car stood a woman with blonde short cut hair. behind her he could see a second woman holding a weapon in her hand. "one word, one scream again and i will cut off your tongue, sweetie. " the blonde one said and held up a sharp knife. she ran a gloved finger along his nyloned legs and cut through the rope, which was holding his ankles together. "get out and one false move and you will see what this is good for," said the second dark haired woman and waived with her pistol. stephan swung his legs out off the trunk as wide as his skirt allowed it. carefully he stepped onto the ground and before he could move forward the blonde grabbed his upperarm and dragged him away from the car to a door, which they passed through and stood in a small living room. there was only one sofa, a few paperboxes and a tv in the room. beside the sofa stood a tablet with water bottles and cigarettes. the brunette let a big black bag fall to the ground and laid the pistol on the sofa. then she turned around and walked to a stairway down to the basement. as she disappeared she threw over her shoulder: "i'll check our sweethearts room, bianca. " the blonde answered, "don't call me by my name again, silly!" "oh, this doesn't matter. we won't see him again for two days," stephan could hear her voice from the basement. then she came back with another great black bag. as she started to talk again her voice was cold as ice: "it doesn't matter if you know our names or not cause you won't see us again after tomorrow evening, sweetie. so may i introduce myself and my friend to you: this is bianca and my name is claudia. if you speak to us, (what i will do if you are not asked), address us as miss bianca and miss claudia. understood?" stephan hesitated a moment then answered: "let me go, bitch!" he couldn't see the gloved hand, which came out from claudia's arm. smack!! her hand slapped his cheek. then her left hand grabbed his chin between thumb and forefinger and shook it up and down. "this means yes, miss claudia!" stephan bowed his head and murmured something. claudia's hand forced his chin up again. she looked coldly into his eyes, then suddenly he tried to escape. he threw his bound hands backwards and pushed the woman behind him away then gave claudia in front of him a body check that she stumbled to the floor. he ran forwards but his high heeled shoes even if only 3 inches, weren't as fast as his running shoes. so he was caught by bianca just as he reached the door to the garage. bianca slammed him hard against his head with her hands and with his still bound hands he couldn't protect his head. she dragged him back into the living room where claudia stood with her hands on her hips. "so, so our little sweetie wants to play. that was your last attempt. believe me!" said claudia with a devils smile on her lips. bianca spun him around and forced his head down so that she could fasten his head between her thighs. looking through his nyloned covered legs stephan could see claudia reaching into the bag. she produced a few pieces of white nylon rope out of the bag and started to improve the tying of his wrists. then he felt how bianca forced his elbows together and how the rope was cinched tightly around them, holding them firmly together. all he could do was stumble with his heels and whimper. while he was looking at bianca's, precisely polished toenails shining through her nylons and her open toe slings the rope was cinched tighter and tighter around his upperarms. after an endless time bianca let him come up and he was dizzy as his blood run into his head again. he realized that claudia had started to spin rope around his chest above and under her falsie filled bra. this rope pinned his arms strictly to his body and stephan tried to wiggle a bit. at once claudia said, "hold still, sweetheart. only a few seconds and it is done. " and with a look to the second woman. "perhaps bianca would be so kind and put a pretty huge gag into your snippety mouth. " he looked up to bianca and could see how she reached into the bag and came back with a leather harness. "open up, girl", she barked and before he could do anything. she wedged a large rubber sponge between his teeth and into his mouth, filling it completely. then she fastened the wide strap tightly behind his head. all he could bring out was "mmmmppphhhff". as this wouldn't be enough bianca fastened a strapover his head from ear to ear and pulled it tightly, making the gag even more secure. while claudia was finishing the knots on his upper body, bianca checked the gag again. after this the let him towards the stairway grabbing him by his tied arms. they went downstairs and found a metal door which bianca opened. inside the room was lightened by a small bulb at the ceiling. the room was empty except an old bed on one side of the walls. there they placed him down. with no more words and hesitation both women started to tie his knees and ankles tightly together. then bianca slipped of his pumps to cinch the ropes tighter. then she put them back on. he knew that he was effectively tied and gagged. he tried to make a sound but all he could bring out again was, "mmmffff". "psssht, sweetie, " said claudia as she finished the knots on his knees. bianca checked the bonds again and both ladies got up. "you are going to stay here for a while, darling", they cooed. "we will let you go to the toilet and have a drink in 2 or 3 hours. byyeee!" with these words they both kissed him onto his cheek and left the room. he heard that the door was locked twice, the sound of her heels on the stairway then it was quiet. after he realized that there was no possibility to escape from these bonds he closed his eyes and a few minutes he felt into a deep, dreamless sleep. he awoke as the door was unlocked and bianca entered the room. "good morning, dear", she said and smiled. in her right hand she held a great pot of coffee. "if you are a good girl, i will take out the gag and let you have a bit coffee. promise." she laughed. the gag was untied and his numb lips couldn't feel the edge of the cup as bianca held it up to his lips, as he took a few sips his senses came back. he felt how the girl started to loosen the knots around his legs and soon he was free, except for his still tied hands. as he tried to move his legs. bianca explained him that he had slept all the time. "but now we have a few very busy hours with you, before your new mistress will arrive," she told him. he tried to say something, but she laid her finger on his lips and said: "ssshhht!" bianca started to rub his legs to get the blood circulation going and after a few minutes she helped him to get up. then she led him into another room. there he noticed a spreader bar, which hung down from the ceiling. For the next minutes, bianca was cutting of the rope that held his arms. she felt his fingers and decided that they were too numb to have any power. so it was very easy for her to fasten his hands to the spreader bar and pull his hands up until he was standing on his tiptoes. a few moments later, claudia the second girl stepped into the room with a scissor and a large bag in her hand. he tried to speak a word but bianca laid a fingertip on his lips and said: "sshhhht. don't speak darling. we won't hurt you if you are a good girl." then claudia started to cut off all his clothes. as she ripped down the nylons she said: "hmm. well shaved legs. that's good. then there is no time waste, we only have 2 hours left." as he lifted his head he saw bianca standing in front of him holding two false breast forms and a little bottle. in almost no time she had glued them securely to his chest. "ahhh. there is a special remover for the glue, but you won't need it", she said and with these words she threw it into a paper basket nearby. stephan tried to move a bit on the spreader bar but claudia gave his bare bottom a few hard slaps with her hands. next claudia adjusted the spreader bar so that he was standing on his tiptoes even more than before. then she clasped something around him that he recognized as a full corset made of black satin and heavily boned. his new falsies filled the cups and claudia started to lace him very, very tight until his waist was shrinking and he really got an hourglass figure. bianca held some very thin tan coloured nylons before his eyes: "look, cutie. real nylons from the past. it took me very long to get them. they will look great on you!!!" and with these words she rolled them onto his legs, made sure that the seams were straight and fastened them to the tiny, frilly suspenders of the corset. then she returned to the black bag, while claudia still was tying the lacing, and showed steph a pair of black open toe pumps with a 4 inch heel. in almost no time these were slipped onto his feet. this made him stand onto his own feet without the spreader and he realized the enormous pressure of the corset. as he started to complain about this, bianca slapped the back of her hands onto his lips and said: "shut up!" then she cried out to claudia's direction: "look at this, dear!" and pointed towards his penis, which stood out rocking hard. "we have to do something about this." claudia noticed, "give me the oil!" bianca reached into the bag and handed her a small bottle. claudia opened it and put some oil on the palm to her hand and started to oil his shaft with it. she stroked up and down and said: "don't you dare, honey and cum on my hand. i will cut it of in a second." then suddenly there was a stinging pain. bianca had tied a thin cord around the head of his penis and used now an ice spray to shrink it. as it had gone limb she took a steel cylinder and slipped his oiled penis with the help of the cord through it easily. next he heard a "click" as the cuff behind his balls closed and locked the cylinder onto him. this happened so fast that there wasn't any chance to pull away. but what had he could do, tied as he was. both girls stood now in front of him and laughed, "soooo, honey this will really please your new mistress," laughed bianca as she lifted her skirt and put the key into the welt of her stockings. "please", he asked, "what is that good for?" "i'll show you." said claudia and made a step forward. she cupped his balls with her hand and caressed him a bit. as his penis tried to get hard. it couldn't, trapped as it was! as he realized that he had been effectively chastised he started to cry. they untied him from the spreader and while he still was sobbing they dressed him into a cream blouse and a black calve length hobble skirt. then bianca quickly tied his hands behind his back with a short rope and they led him upstairs. while he went up they teased him with words like: "pee like a girl now. never be a man again." and so on. they placed him in the bathroom onto the toilet seat and began to restore his make up. at last they added a dark red lipstick and stepped back. "there is our little sweetie. oh my, how cute she looks." "she is coming in a few minutes, bianca," claudia said. "yes, we have to hurry up!" stephan now stephanie was placed onto a stool and claudia laced him into a red arm binder and tied his feet with a short rope together. the arm binder was awfully tied and crushed his arms to his back and his elbows nearly together. the strict corset, the nylons, the chastity device, the clothes and last not least the bonds... was this all real? and who was this woman who would be his "mistress"? and then claudia opened the front door and a strange expensively dressed woman entered the room. he looked up and his eyes bulged! this pretty woman was his ex-wife!! he started to stumble, "what... what???" "shhht. i will soon talk to you and explain. but for now shut up, stephanie!" his ex said. and as she spoke to him with the girl's name, he started to shout, "let me go. let me go! at once!!!" bianca made a step forwards and slapped his face as she had done before only harder this time. his ex-wife, elaine, shook her head, opened her expensive looking handbag while she moved towards him and pulled out a huge red ball gag. and with her left gloved hand she held his chin and with her right she shoved the ball into his mouth and buckled the strap very, very tight. "where had she learned this?" he thought as he tried to push the ball out. but there was no way out, she had strapped it tight enough. and all he could do is watch as claudia and bianca were paid for his abduction by elaine. then bianca took of the rope at his feet and marched him out to a stretch limo where she placed him in and laid him onto the floor. then she retied his ankles and secured also his thighs. the last thing he saw from her was her smiling face and her hand waving goodbye. then elaine entered the back seat of the car the door was closed and she knocked on the separating window and the car rolled on. while she pulled off her long gloves she spoke: "a happy reunion, isn't it, darling. oh i forgot you can't talk but i think this gag is necessary until we have reached our destination." "mppff" was all he could bring out so she started to speak again: "you wonder were all this come from? soon you will see! and soon you will be well trained for me and my sister's pleasure. you wonder why i am dressed in this dress, coat, high heels, nylons and underneath pretty lingerie? the things i refused to wear as we were married? soon you will understand." he looked down at her 4 inch mules she was wearing, her legs crossed and playing with one shoe on her foot. then he looked down at the little bulge between his legs. and if she could read his thoughts she said: "ohhh darling! don't be sad! you will have a really nice life from now on. only your little clitty will stay locked..." and with these words she tussled the bulge with the tip of her nyloned toes. then she had enough of this play and turned him onto his stomach, tied his ankles to the bottom of the binder, forcing him into a strict hogtie, then at last, rested her feet upon his back. what will happen to him? then he closed his eyes and felt asleep.... suddenly a voice ran through his head... "steph, steph wake up, we are there!" he opened his eyes and saw his wife elaine sitting beside him in the car, her sister driving up the way to their house... he realized that they found their way back from the brunch party at his parents place. tomorrow is monday he thought and his mind flew to the bag down in the cellar with all his clothes.... tomorrow is monday...

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As I sit here eating beautifully creamy Brie with some oatcakes I can feel the remains of cum soaking into my silky knickers. I feel surprise at myself, yet have just had one of the best fucks I have ever had, with perfect strangers.When I arrived I was introduced to Greg, along with another very couple couple, the wife grabbing her guy very territorially, as if she knew I had just been through a split with my plank of a partner. I looked at the hubby, thinking in your dreams, as I would eat...

3 years ago
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My Hot Sexy Bhabhi With The Driver

My cousin stays out of the station. He is busy with business and they have a boy who is studying in class 8. Bhabhi arrived a few days before the marriage with the kid. My cousin will join later before marriage as he cannot leave the business. Everyone is happy and busy with something during the marriage and bhabhi too. We have a car but no driver as we only drive. But in marriage, everyone wants to go somewhere. Especially females of the house to shop, mehendi, makeup, and bla bla. So, we...

2 years ago
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Sissy slaveboy gets trapped blackmailed Pt 2

When Empress had finished taking pics and videos and collecting enough evidence to ruin an army, let alone one guy she sat at her laptop and downloaded all the images onto her hotmail account and sent a copy to Mistress Saskia who was sat with her."There sissy, now they are safe in our hands and there is NO WAY you can get to them or more importantly, get rid of them. You are one fucked little whore boi"Her words echoed in my head... she was right... i was screwed over...Empress rose to her...

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Terms of Release

Terms of Release by kittynor Chapter 1 Rachel's phone chimed and she saw the message on her chat. "Have a family function to attend. Need to be released for a weekend. Can you please drop by?" Such an innocent request. Tammy thought for some time and replied. "What if I deny? After all, it will be hidden beneath clothes. Why do you need to be released?" Some time went by and then another chime. "I have been a good girl for more than a month now. And my...

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Sometimes, it is much easier to have all your porn videos downloaded to your PC, and that is why sites like exist. Here, you have all kinds of porn videos that tend to be pretty basic, with a variety. Now, if you do not understand what the fuck I mean by that, do not worry, I am here to explain everything you need to know.Simple design.At first, it is not really that obvious that this is a site that only offers downloads because the site itself looks quite nice. It could easily...

Free Porn Download Sites
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My neighbour

It all started one day when I visited my friend. I'm a 17 year old boy with a fairly large cock, 8 inches.We sat and played on the computer when his mom came in. She's 42 years old, but looks like she's 24. Her tits are just perfect, and a really slim body. She said she were going to take a shower, so we couldn't go into the bathroom, cause they didn't have a key. We said ok, and continued to play. Suddenly, my friend get's a phone call from his girlfriend, saying he has to come over to her...

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Repo Auto CenterChapter 3 Curric U Kill Em

At college when my first semester started I was a business major for lack of anything better to do. It was what you chose when you didn’t know what you wanted and I sweated out registration for the first time. I didn’t know, was formerly an unhappy commercial art student but college was an entirely different thing. And it didn’t carry the constant threats parochial high school forced on students. Here I wouldn’t encounter mean nuns who seemed to be able to read my mind. The whole thing with...

1 year ago
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Not Your Average Delivery Boy Story

An unusual cold snap brought an even more unusual snowfall to our small beach town. We decided to have an evening in, making some poor delivery boy drive through the snow, while we lay curled up in each others arms on our bedroom floor in a cascade of pillows and blankets. Headlights streaked across the walls through small slits in the blinds. “Food’s here,” he said excitedly. “Thank you for calling it in and getting up to answer the door, you’re so sweet.” He added affectionately.“Aww,” I...

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Pee Perverts The Awakening Of A Perversion

The girl lay on the table,waiting - just waiting.I watched for a few seconds, wondering what was going to happen. The guy was just standing by her side, gently pulling on his cock. It was flaccid, unimpressive and I had a feeling that I had missed the most important part of the scene.Why was the camera still rolling?That was what I wanted to know.So I carried on watching with nothing happening.I was about to hit rewind when something unexpected and shocking happened - a stream of fluid fell...

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Slaves Of Locust StreetChapter 9

Thus the slaves of Locust Street were established, all trading one form of slavery for another. Damius had little choice but to allow them to use his house every Friday. He would spend the night at a hotel while the five masters took turns using his bedrooms and dungeon for their own amusements. Derek was now using Christine Matthews to entertain his friends. On his Friday he would invite some classmates both male and female and start off the evening by having them watch as he instructed his...

3 years ago
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Baap re Baap 8211 II

Hello Dosto aur sahelio, I am Huma with continuation of my story Baap Re Baap. I hope you will like it. Main Ritu, apni nanad ki chudai karwa chuki thee. Meri bari ab aa chuki thee. Dopahar ka wakt tha. Babuji apni bet ko chod kar thak ke lete huye thai. Radhika bhi saath hi nangi leti hui thee. Uske chehre par ek nai chamak thee. Baap beti ki kamar par haath dal kar soya hua tha aur beti ka haath baap ke lund par tha. Main uthi, kapre pehne aur bathroom mein jakar naha kar vapis aayi. Maine...

2 years ago
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Anticipating Geneveve

The air was filled with the sharpness of perfume, and that perfume brought Brian instantly to full alert. ‘She’s here again,’ he thought. 'This time, Geneveve will have a stay she will never forget.' Brian loved her name; it was so unique and different, just like her. Rather exotic in a way. Brian worked on staff in the Renaissance Hotel, downtown Chicago. Geneveve was a fairly regular patron, as she had to work with some of the local architects on a regular basis. She was a freelance editor,...

1 year ago
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Black Orchids and Wildflowers

Black Orchids and Wildflowers by Armond 1. Friday, 5:00 PM Sam was all about helping people. But for Samuel Albert, Esq., this week of endless legal counseling needed to end. Friday had stretched into three forevers, crawling by like a turtle, appointment after appointment. Or was that sliding by like a snail? Tricky things, metaphors. His last of the day, appointment, not metaphor, was Last Will and Testament drafting time with sweet Mrs. Beasley and her son...

1 year ago
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Presdoh The Bat and the Weasals

Author's Note Welcome to my third story about Charles (Charlene) Stewart. If you haven't read the first, you probably should since it has the basic details of how Charles got into his current fix. In a nutshell, however, young Charles is a witch from a long line of witches. Not evil witches, but generally good people who are attuned to the natural forces represented by Gaea. In the first story, The Ant and the Chrysalis, Charles bungled a shape-changing spell that left him stuck as a...

3 years ago
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Discovering Faith Pt 01

CHAPTER1 – I MEET FAITH I spotted her the second week of the semester. I was working part time in the Financial Aid office at Strictland College. My dad is a chemistry professor here and had arranged for the job for me. But I also had another reason to be there. My Uncle Gene was a photographer and had asked me to keep an eye out for potential models and actresses. I had actually sent him two already, and he had been moderately pleased, but he had asked me to watch for a certain type. Uncle...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Harper Promiscuous Woman Finally Ready For Porn E417

– 37 years old single with no kids – Is a dance and fitness instructor – She has worked as a private dancer for parties – She is a very sexual person, masturbates herself every day – Occasionally will booty call one of her fuck buddy boy toys – She is somewhat of a wild woman and a risk taker – Will fuck a random stranger she meets while walking down a street – Is very new to anal she was willing to indulge for the video – Oral fixation, gets wet and excited when she is sucking cock – Has a...

3 years ago
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Lost Love

I remember Bradyn like it was yesterday. He was a tall boy for his age. He had curly brown hair, long enough to run my fingers through it. It always felt soft and it always smelled like fruit. He was thin but muscular. His voice was smooth and calm. His smile made my stomach flutter. It was bright and big. It was contagious. He was a normal 17 year old boy.I met him when I was sixteen. I went on vacation to Charleston, South Carolina a few summers ago with my family. I was standing on the pier...

First Time
1 year ago
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Love Department

Tony walked into the office of his processor "Hello Mandleson. Just bringing up your file here. Born in ninety two on March seventh." She read off as Tony sat down not looking at her, she adjusted her glasses and brushed her long hair from her face "Oh your birthday was three days ago. Hope you had fun." She noted "I stole a grenade launcher." Tony replied "And I see you also took thermal vision goggles. Interesting grab." She noted "Yeah I wanted to see the explosions." Tony said...

1 year ago
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Swing Sets

© 2003 Swing Sets: A Horny True Biography Of My Sexy Wife's Erotic Past The woman that I am crazy about (and have been for many years) is small in stature. If my wife lies about her height, she is exactly five foot tall. This lovely lass (I'll call her Sindora) also has what some blue nosed prigs would call a sordid, checkered past! (I call it delightful!) She married at 18 and spent several years screwing just Calvin, her erstwhile new hubby. Then on a whim of his, she was tricked...

3 years ago
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Stockholm Story Part 4

As some of you know ‘Stockholm Story’ is half true and half fiction. I had great fun writing this chapter, because a lot of things mentioned here are based on experience, and even though they were confusing to me back then, now they just bring me a dirty smile. ******************* Names of days changed but the quality of sex never. There must be something in seduction and climax similar to a drug. After a while, you can’t do without. My eyes shone on every Azem’s hint about the evening plans,...

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Saali Ne Kiya Mujhe Seduce

Hi dosto ye meri pahli story hai jo mein aap logon k saath share kar rha hum. Mera naam Varun hai mein Jaipur mein job karta hu, mera rang gora height 6 feet aur lund 6.5 lumba aur 2 mota hai, ye baat abhi kuch mahino pahle ki hai, meri shaadi fix ho gyi hai aur november mein meri shaadi hai. Meri honey wali wife ki ek choti sister hai Deepika uski age 20 yrs rang gora, sharer bhara hua abhi jawani mein kadam rakha hi hai usne. Uska fig 30 28 30 hai. Jawani uske sharer k eke k ang se tapakti...

1 year ago
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Just the Tip Part 1

It had been the worst fucking shift. Customers had been rude and mostly leaving shit tips. One asshole actually had the nerve to write on his receipt that my “big rack” had made him “forget his wallet” and he’d dashed without paying at all. Then, because the universe hates me apparently, one of the buttons on my shirt popped off and zinged across the room, rubbing in the fact that yes, I do in fact have a big huge stupid rack. To add insult to injury, I had already been trying to show them off...

Straight Sex
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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Play for Pay

I try on a few outfits while you watch; a light blue tank top with cream lace trim and a cream lace pair of panties, a thin almost see-through white shirt with a burnt orange thong, and a pair of knee-high black socks with matching lace bra and panties; spinning around for you to see my curves as I giggle and move from outfit to outfit. You help me settle on the pink and black pot socks that come up almost to my knees, the black fabric shorts with a pink seam that runs right under my ass,...

2 years ago
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Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again... Decision making can be defined as an act of choosing one scenario or set of actions over another. Most decisions are relatively simple, such as what to have for supper, or which shirt to put on in the morning. Some, however, are life changing alterations that can have a monumental impact in shaping the course of our future. It is this type of decision which I face, and I can honestly say that I am truly afraid of making the wrong choice. You see, my dilemma stems from the...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 24

Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...

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Unusual Punishment Part 3

Unusual Punishment by Norman O. Johnson Part Three: Temporary Girl I had come to Ida Cynthia Watkins Girls' Reformatory as a boy trapped in a girl's body. That was my first emasculation. As the fall quarter went on, I became a boy trapped in a girl's body impersonating a girl. That was my second emasculation. But there was a third set of male parts tucked away in my brain. In September, I resolved to keep them always. In mid- November, I noticed an invisible knife inside my...

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Tom BillionaireChapter 6 Marseille

-- JULY, MONTAUK, NEW YORK -- Sharpley had snatched Cassandra in Manhattan. We always traveled with security outside of the mansion and outside of the JKE building. I knew for a fact that Fat Tony would have made damn sure nothing bad would happen to his favorite blonde bombshell, were he with her. But he wasn't. Instead of going directly for Cassandra, Sharpley's goons had captured our helicopter pilot. He was found drugged and tied up in a janitor's closet. But by then, Cassandra had...

2 years ago
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SAM Ch 04

I apologize for the delay in getting chapter four to you. In this Chapter Sam returns to the Shelley Resort and her family come into the story. If you want background on the characters then I recommend my previous story The Webber Family Secret. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER FOUR BECCA AND SAM Sam started to wake at five thirty on Tuesday morning. As she lay trying to bring her thoughts into order she noticed the gentle movement of the boat. At first she was confused but then it all began to return....

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My Wifes Desire for a Big Cock

My wife and I our in our late forties and had been happily married for the past twenty years. We met after college and had built a very nice life together. We are extremely open with one another, and when it comes to sex we know we can share our most inner desires with each other. Over the years our sex life had been nothing but fantastic. I think we can safely say that we had built a mutual trust between us that is unwavering. It had been about a year ago when my wife came to me one night and...


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