No Control free porn video

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No Control

I'm not sure what's going on right now. He called in to work today and told them he wouldn't be in. He hardly ever does that. But there is something different about him today. Something intense. When I cross his path and he looks at me, it is with a hot look that seers me to the core.

Something is about to happen...

It scares me a bit. Makes me feel a little anxious.

But the excitement is building.

By mid-afternoon the tension is so strong I'm ready scream. I turn to take the laundry to the bedroom and he is suddenly there in front of me. I let out a squeak and dropped the clothes basket. He bends and picks it up while I try to hide my shaking hands. He straightens and looks at me again with that hot look. He is so close to me, towering above me. I can smell his cologne. Feel his power over me. I meet his eyes almost timidly. With a little smile that does nothing to soften the strength of his mouth, he tells me to get ready to go out. To go shower and put on the clothes he has laid out for me. Sparks shoot through my vision and for a moment I can't remember how to breathe.

Numbly I turn towards the bedroom and shower, the laundry forgotten. My mind is racing but I feel like I am moving in slow motion as I dress and apply my make-up. A flicker of movement makes me look up and my eyes meet his in the mirror. He is in the bathroom doorway, dressed in black slacks and a gleaming white dress shirt. He walks up behind me and lowers a necklace in front of me. It's his favorite - the one he says brings out the color of my eyes. I close my eyes as I feel his warm fingers on my neck brushing aside my hair as he fastens the chain around my throat. His hands are so strong. So capable of reducing me to a molten puddle of lava. I feel him gently kiss my exposed ear as he whispers how beautiful I look to him. I quake beneath his touch. I open my eyes and see the ring on his finger. The one that matches mine. I smile a secret little smile of my own. He is mine. Always...

We leave the house and after a short drive arrive at a very nice hotel. One we've never stayed at before. The coil in my belly tightens further. Confidently, proudly, he guides me through the lobby, his large hand on the small of my back. It stays in place as we wait for the elevator, warming me. Lending me strength. The elevator ride to the room lasts forever, yet was over too quickly for my peace of mind. With absolute authority, he guides me down the hall and stops before a door which he opens and motions me to enter. The suite is beautiful, opulent by any standards. All gleaming woodwork and tasteful decor.

He watches me move about the room touching a buste here, a chair back there. I move through the next doorway into the bedroom and stop dead in my tracks as my eyes come to rest on the bed. My heart in my throat, I recognize his attaché case, lying open on the bed.

I recognize the restraints resting inside it. The red silken cords he says look so beautiful against my white skin…

Casually he moves past me and begins the process of attaching the cords to the bed. I am trembling so badly I'm afraid to move. In his calm deep voice he tells me to undress and hang my clothes in the closet. I am rooted to the spot as he moves efficiently around the bed making preparations for what is to come. I stand, paralyzed, mouth dry, heart pounding.

Seeing my dilemma, he comes to me, pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. Helplessly I melt against him as he claims me body and soul. Slowly, patiently he calms me, murmuring reassurances against my hair. I cling to his strength. To my faith in him. I step back from him and beneath his warm gaze, begin undressing. He sits back in a nearby chair and watches with appreciation as I peel away the layers until I stand before him, naked but for necklace at my throat, sparkling in the dim light.

Smiling, he nods his head toward the bed. When I hesitate, his eyes and mouth harden. Meekly I duck my head and crawl up on the bed and wait for instruction. He rises and with a hand to my shoulder, directs me to lie on my back in the middle of the bed. His long, strong fingers wrap around my wrist and gently lifts it to his mouth for a scorching kiss to my palm. A kiss I feel all the way to my core. It sets fire to my body. Smiling down into my eyes he stretches out my arm and carefully wraps and knots the cord around my wrist...

Slowly he moves around me securing me to the bed. His fingers slide across the bottom of my foot as he wraps the cord around my left ankle. As I watch with growing arousal, he bends and feathers a kiss across my lower belly as he takes hold of my right ankle and draws me into a spread eagle, tying it in place. As he works he tells me I must not speak. He finishes tying me down and turns to remove something else from his case. With his back to me I can't see what he has, and he hides it from my view until the last possible moment. At last he turns and I see what he holds in his hands.

A blindfold...


My heart slams in my chest and I can't stop the wild "No!" that escapes me. Futilely I struggle against the ropes, total panic setting in. I struggle to breathe as my mind screams it's protests; sightless, soundless.

He knows all my secrets...

...all my worst fears...

I bite my lips to keep silent, pleading with tear-filled eyes, silently protesting with my entire being. But he knows me too well. Spread open as I am he can plainly see the evidence of my arousal. He can see the wetness seeping between my swelling lips. He knows I am throbbing with need. He sets beside me, his weight on the bed oddly reassuring to me. He looks into my eyes and puts a finger against my trembling mouth. I am able to draw a ragged breath as his touch eases me. My fear recedes and I am able to control myself again. He lowers his mouth to mine and kisses me slowly, deeply, lovingly.

Grounding me...

Setting me free...

When he straightens he brushes my hair from my face and arranges it to his liking. With a reassuring smile, he turns my head and gently inserts first one earplug and then the other. He bends and kisses each of my eyes and quickly pulls the blindfold in place.

I am plunged into darkness and silence. Time ceases to exist as I struggle to stay calm. I turned my head this way and that, struggling for the faintest glimmer of light, the tiniest sound.

There is only velvet blackness...

Only ringing silence...

Only the ropes...

Moments pass. Or hours. I can't tell which. I wait, trying to keep myself relaxed. Trying over and over again the strength of my bonds. His touch on my belly is so unexpected I cry out and my body jerks in heated response. The heat of his hand soaks into my sensitized skin. I become aware of the brush of cool air across my breasts, the cool puckering my nipples. An icy breath flowing across my thighs to tickle the wetness in between. Suddenly the scent of plumeria is nearly overwhelming around me. The smell of burning wax stings my nostrils. He brought my favorite candle. I draw the sweet scent deeply into my lungs and let it out with a blissful sigh of appreciation. His small kindness touches me deeply. I let myself drift with the scent, falling into a kind of trance state, savoring the sensations. Relaxing into the crisp sheets beneath me.

But my body will not relax for long. The hunger inside me is too strong - my need too deep. Mutely I try to draw his attention. Arching my back. Thrusting my breasts into the air in invitation. Squirming and wriggling sexily. As much as the ropes allow. Straining to open my legs even wider. Beseeching. Begging. Softly moaning my need to him. Bucking my hips.

No response. Nothing. I can't even tell if he is still in the room with me. I moan again this time in loud frustration. Petulant. Pouting.

It earns me a stinging slap to my left breast.

I yelp in surprised pain. My entire body flinches convulsively. Tears flow, soaking the blindfold. Something brushes the fingers of my left hand. His thigh! Desperately I stretch my fingers, seeking him. But he is gone again and I am left alone with my sniveling echoing loudly inside my head. I don't dare move for a very long time. I am so ashamed. The stinging of my breast nearly made me lose control. My nipples are so hard. My clit aches unmercifully for his attention...

I struggle to wait quietly, obediently. My senses are heightened and I’m more aware of the sensations of the cool air moving across my body, the drifting scent of the candle wafting over me, the feel of the sheets beneath me, sensual against my sensitive skin.

Suddenly something soft and cool touches my lips. I suck in my breath and I’m surrounded by the scent of roses. The soft velvety petals caress my skin stroking down my throat, making lazy circles around my nipples, sending shivers of delight across my skin. The rose strokes between the valley of my breasts and down over my belly, across to my right thigh, down to my toes. Then very slowly the rose brushes up the inside of my thigh to barely brush against my moist, swollen lips. I moan softly and lift my hips seeking more contact but the rose is moved away back over my belly, leaving a damp trail of my arousal behind.

A warm hand cups my breast, lifting and kneading it as the thumb brushes over my nipple. Nothing matters now but the feel of the hand on my breast. The thumb teasing my rock hard nipple. The wet throbbing need between my thighs…

The fingers of his other hand brush across my hip, feathering across the top of my moist open mound. I gasp at the rush of heat that surges through me at that simple touch. I strain to touch him but the rope stops me short. I arch and writhe beneath his hands as he draws circles over my belly, his fingers slowly, teasingly stroking lower and lower toward my throbbing core. I am on fire, panting with the need to feel him touch me there - to relieve the aching hunger…

His mouth descends on my left nipple sucking it hard, teeth scr****g and tormenting just as his fingers curl into the wet heat of my womanhood - rocketing me into heaven as I writhe beneath the dual sensations…

When another mouth closes over my right nipple I scream with wild surprise and my body convulses with pleasure and fear - there’s a strange mouth sucking my nipple!
He’s allowing a stranger to touch me - to see me this way! Wide open and vulnerable with no control over what is happening to me! To touch me any way they desire and there was absolutely nothing I could do but lay there bound to the bed and enjoy every blissful moment of it! As that thought crosses my mind the fingers teasing my core deepen their caress, molten pleasure surging through me. I try to discern which mouth is his and which is the stranger but they are equally skilled and I’m given no clue and no chance to gather my s**ttered thoughts as they demand my total attention and reaction.

Both mouths begin to move over my body, licking, kissing, nibbling. More hands than I can keep track of stroke and tease, cup and grip until I’m drowning in a sea of sensation. I writhe and twist beneath the onslaught, my body responding with wanton pleasure even as my mind tries to be outraged - tries to calm my body’s wild response to this other’s presence. But it’s no use - I can’t deny the intense pleasure building inside me. I’m lost in the bliss that comes with the freedom of being unable to do anything but respond to my body’s pleasure.

Hands frame my face and a mouth closes over mine and kissed me deeply, a tongue driving in to taste my mouth slowly and thoroughly. The mouth pulls away and is immediately replaced by another mouth and tongue and a kiss so sensual and deep I bliss out. But they won’t let me slide away from them. The fingers stroking my center are replaced with a hot moist mouth and probing tongue and I scream with pleasure as that mouth drives me into a hard orgasm that left me gasping and sobbing in it’s aftermath. I writhed beneath that mouth that keeps demanding more from me until, unable to escape I am driven into another shattering orgasm.

The mouth pulls away and I feel a body slide between my wide open legs and a man’s weight settles over me. A thick cock pushes into my creamy aching core. I hiss with pleasure as he slowly spreads me wide open on his thick hardness, my body arching and straining to accept him. The friction is incredible as he begins to slowly rock against me. Another body brushes me as my shoulders are straddled and a cock is driven into my willing mouth. I sucked feverishly, my tongue working against the base of his shaft as he rocks forward driving himself deep into my throat. I groan as my body is rocked back and forth between them, their thrusts coming harder and faster as they drive themselves and me higher and higher. The man between my legs shudders and stiffens as he drives into me and holds himself there spurting great jets of cum deep into me. The cock in my mouth pulses hard and I suck for all I’m worth and am rewarded with his hot seed which I work hard to swallow as it fills my mouth again and again.

And the night is only beginning…

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I Have To What Mom came into my bedroom and said, “You have to have sex with my boss’ daughter.” I was shocked but quickly replied, “Oh no I don’t and you can’t make me.” Mom was ready for that and replied, “Oh yes you do, or else I’ll make your life a living hell this summer. I’ll send you off to every camp that I can afford, starting with White Water Rafting in Idaho for a week.” I knew that she would do it too, so I had another approach, “I’m a virgin. I don’t know how to...

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Vehicular adventures

I first met Alexx online and we started texting and sending erotic instant messages to eachother. Alexx was hot, way too hot for me. I knew sex with him would be good because someone THAT good looking HAD to be good in bed. I met up with Alexx at a coffee shop one Saturday morning. We had been texting the night before and I had sent him several pictures of my glistening, shaved pussy. He called me that Friday night and listened to me masturbate while he talked dirty to me. Alexx showed up...

2 years ago
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Alone in Paradise Part 2 of 2

Alone in Paradise Part 2 of 2 By Cindi Johnson, May 2006. Part 38 ------- "SNAP!!" "SNAP!!" "SNAP!!" The pain seemed unending, each jolt hurting more than the previous one. Cold sweat formed on my forehead as tears streamed from my eyes. I laid belly-down on a medical examiner's table, naked save for pink panty girdle which Katrina had loaned to me. The panties were trimmed with white lace and had images of roses embroidered onto their front. "Very well, very...

1 year ago
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Meri Mast Bhanji Mastani

Hi, Mera naam hai Mayur Teli. Mein do saal se Dallas, Texas men medical practice kar raha hun. Mein 32 saal ka hatta katta javan hun. Heightt 5’8”, weight 160 lbs. Color fair,baal aur aankhen kale. Lund 8” lamba aur dhai inch mota, uncircumcised. Hobbies: physical fitness, sports aur kamashastra. Meri patni mere sath hai. Us ke aagrah par mein mera ye anubhav aap ko suna raha hun. India men mera gaanv taluka town hai, abadi kuchh 50 hajar ki. Pitaji prakhyaat vakil the. Office men pandrah...

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The Best Week of My Life Chapter 2 The First Weekend

THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE CHAPTER 2 - THE FIRST WEEKEND Bobbie was sound asleep at 8:00am the next morning when her mother came in to wake her. "Come along sleepyhead," Mrs. Harris admonished. "It is 8 o'clock and if you are not careful your girly Saturday will slip away from you!" Bobbie leapt out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. Mrs Harris called out after her, "Your friend Stan has rung already. He was wondering if your brother, Rob, could lend him a few clothes for the week....

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My Two Aunts0

My parents were childhood sweethearts. Mom was the “girl next door” that everyone is always talking about. She was and still is very pretty and very sweet. Both of my parents are the oldest children in their families, so am I if that matters. Mom is one of ten siblings while dad is one of just six. Apparently my grandmothers were not done with their families when mom and dad started theirs, namely me. There are pictures of the three women getting fatter and fatter as I and my two aunts...

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Discipline Correspondant 03

The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 3. Dear master, Saturday started really strangely for me, I woke up from dreaming about our meeting. I trembled at the thought of being in your presence and must confess nearly did not turn up, However I did show and was glad I did. I Selected the clothes you demanded I wear, took a shower making sure to clean not only my pussy but I had three enema’s, self administered of course, to ensure my arse was clean for you. I took my time in shaving my...

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9 December 2006Chapter 2

It was an hour since Karen had gone exploring. She returned to them proudly, wearing a smile of satisfaction. As she drew closer, Dan noticed the distinctive coating on her face and tits. “Don’t you look lovely?” He admired the clumps of creamy white spots and clear trailing liquid. “I thought you’d approve!” She smiled, cuddling next to him. He examined the slimy mixture covering her cheeks, chin, throat, tits, and trailing down to her navel. “You must have been a busy girl.” “I was very...

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Virgin Girl

Introduction: The old pervert is back, after a few months of being way too busy… Heres the start of the story of a man who finds himself alone with a young, virgin girl…. Want more – let me know. Leave a comment, a PM,! I suppose the only excuse Ive got is that I was horny. I cant say what it was that day that made me so hot. I swear I had a hard-on all day. I even jacked-off that morning, twice, once before getting out of bed and again in the shower. I was so horny that even though she wasnt...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Wife Poonam And Her Adventures 8211 Part 2

Thanks for the enormous appreciation and support which i received from mails for my previous story “My Sexy poonam and her adventures” especially for married women who took my guidance in spicing up their married life and pleasing their husbands. Hereby I continue my next part of story. My wife is the most beautiful women and we think we have to expose her beauty so that other guys will appreciate it so that she will become happy. We wanted to go to a nearby town and we planned out trip in our...

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Landladys DogChapter 5

Sunshine brightened her bedroom. Carol opened her eyes to it, looking vacantly around until she saw Sultan's big, stretched-out form on the floor beside her. As always, his presence gave her a warm, protected feeling, but then as she lay there open-eyed for a short moment, an unpleasantness began to spread through her. Her head throbbed. She remembered it was Saturday... and then, she began to recall much more. Abruptly, the blonde-haired girl sat nakedly upright in her bed and glanced over...

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A Good Christmas

This year was going to be a good Christmas. Dave leaned back and took another sip of latte, watching the Food Court crowds scurry. This corner table served a calm oasis amongst the bustle, giving him time to reflect. Of course, last year's Christmas wouldn't be tough to beat. Getting asked for a divorce Thanksgiving Day. Claire out of the house with half the furniture by the 10th. Christmas Eve alone in the empty rooms watching the cat scamper across the floor. Then far too many questions...

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I Was a Virgin Nymphomaniac

Introduction: This is not intended to be erotic so much as to get a memory off my chest. Probably not even entertaining to anyone else. You have been warned! Entering high school with the highest sex drive Ive ever had in my life to date, my Freshman year was tortuously frustrating. Not because I wanted every guy in sight, but exactly because I didnt. I desperately wanted someone, yet my fantasies brought my standards so high, and I judged so thoroughly on first sight, that no one seemed good...

1 year ago
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A Weekend At Work

There is a Mexican woman I work with daily. She's fifty-something with a bit of a belly hanging over her belt, but she's got a great set of tits, a face that is ok, a nice ass and a pretty good set of legs. She has that look of having been rode hard and put up wet more than a few times, but that only adds to her attractiveness. I know, most guys go for the young, tight, and perky girls, and I usually do, too. But there is something about Ana that has always oozed, "I can fuck you balls...

Office Sex
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Nazayz Sambhad

Hi all of you first of all I will thanx to ISS jis ne har kissi ko apne sath hue incident ko share karne ka mauka diya.aur mein iss ki regular vistor hoon. mera naam pooja(name changed) hai mein Punjab ki rehne wali hoon aur apni ik sacha incident batane ja rahi hoon jo mere sath hua jis se meri jindgi hi badal gayi, mene ajj tak kissi aur ko touch bhi nahi karne diya tha apne hubby ke bina meri age 34 ki hai ,gud looking hoon rang goora aur fig size 38-34-36 ka hai mein aur logo ki tarah juth...

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Coming Out In Bangkok

Chapter 1: I was lucky to save enough from my first year’s salary to take a holiday in Bangkok after my girl friend and I had finally split up. There had been something wrong with our relationship for some time but I couldn’t put my finger on what was the root of the trouble. We just drifted apart. I just had a feeling that I wasn’t the marrying kind of guy. Bangkok was a great place to visit. I was getting over the culture shock and I was enjoying the city on my own during the daytimes. The...

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Feminising Adam

Meeting MistressSixteen-year-old Adam walked hand in hand with his mum across the park. He was wearing his favourite shiny pink leotard under the school blazer, white shoes with kitten heels and white ankle socks.He took small steps to avoid his tiny boy-clit rubbing up another erection inside the soft fabric.“Look at that lady in the black leather, what's she doing to that older lady on her knees, mummy?”“They look like Mistress Anna and her sub, Suzy,” Mum replied, trying to shield her son's...

Office Sex
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Forty Years Ago Today

40 Years Ago Today. By Samantha White. [email protected] It was forty years ago today that my life started to change, I can almost recall everything that happened, obviously, at the time I never realised where this was going to lead me or the effect it would have on the rest of my life. It all started as I said forty years ago, my mother Winifred or Winnie, caught my father Fred having an affair with our next-door neighbour Janet. My Mother and Father had been married for four...

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Jon and Liz The Beginning

Her name is Elizabeth. We met the summer she was 19 and I was 26. And in all the years since that summer I have never forgotten her and the way she made me feel. It was the summer of 1979. That was the year that they lowered the legal drinking limit in New Jersey from 21 to 18. This allowed thousands of 19 and 20 year olds to legally enter nightclubs and bars, dance, drink, have fun and listen to music. I will be forever grateful for that official act that allowed us to meet. I was a 26 year...

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Condo Wife and Lactation Prostitute Part 1

My husband, Jason, and I were excited about our move to Charlotte, North Carolina from Minneapolis, and especially looking forward to the milder weather there. We were both born and raised in the Midwest, and after graduating from college in Wisconsin, we found job opportunities in Minneapolis. Jason worked in banking there, and after two years he earned a promotion and transfer to the home office in Charlotte.Jason is very conservative and a quiet guy socially, as you might expect for someone...

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Jasons TaleChapter 29 On the Road

I got to join in the fun and games! Once the army had landed and secured the foot of the avenue we brought in each of Jayport’s warships one at a time and unloaded the rest of our siege engines: the large trebuchet, the other catapult, and both arrow-engines. We kept our two shore bombardment ships with the small trebuchet and the catapult set up because they caused so much trouble, but we could move them onto solid ground if we needed them. The Commander wanted the two arrow-engines up front...

2 years ago
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The Organization

THE ORGANIZATION BY  MASTERINCThis story is purely fictional and does not represent known persons or places.  It is entirely a creation of my own dark imagination.  All rights reserved.Chapter 1??The CaptureI saw her at the Outlet Mall.  She was just as I remembered her from my days of watching volleyball and basketball at her high school two years pervious.  She still had that great ?female? presence with a beautiful face, bright smile, and wonderful figure.  As a senior in high school she was...

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