Slutty tales 2 ch 1 Becky s filthy fantasies
- 3 years ago
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“I may as well be a nun,” I complained to Tammy. “Even the most devote of nuns must have more satisfying sex lives than I do.”
Tammy sniggered. “Somehow, I doubt that although I have seen some videos if nuns are your thing. I’ll send you a few links.”
Tammy was a connoisseur of internet porn. If she hadn’t seen it, it didn’t exist. “Something with a really nice wimple might go down well right now.”
“So… you want a nun who goes down? When’s the last time a nun went down on you?”
“March. That’s when they get released from the convent for spring.” We both laughed. The links arrived. The third one looked very promising. “How sad is a woman’s sex life when it revolves around rubbing off to some random nun porn send to her by her best friend?”
“I’d come and rub you off myself if you weren’t in Berlin.”
“Catch a plane,” I challenged.
“Tempting… but I’m not sure what my husband would think if I snuck off to Berlin to give you a good seeing to.”
“Why sneak? Just tell him.” I swallowed nervously. “Tam? Have you told him about the pee thing?”
“No! He’d be really weird with you every time you came over if he knew it was you who peed in his favourite chair.”
“He’d be really weird with you if he knew you dared me to do it,” I retorted.
“Honestly? I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” There was a pause and I knew that in one of London’s leafier suburbs, Tammy Mills had just spread her legs and touched her pussy.
“Tammy, stop that.”
“Why should I? Danny’s at five-a-side… and you’ve got me thinking about the feel of your pissy little pussy. The taste of it, Clara. Remember what it was like when I spread your legs and licked you? Mmmm, fuck; remember my fingers inside you?”
My pussy quivered with the memory.
“And you were such a good girl, Clara. Not quite a nun but not far off.”
“Hey,” I protested weakly, as my fingers dragged some of the fresh slipperiness up onto my clitoral hood and started rubbing. “It’s not my fault my parents were strict.”
“Strict? You didn’t get the keys to your chastity belt until you were eighteen, and even then you had to borrow it and put it back.”
“I’m still good.”
“We both know that’s not true. Deliberately wetting yourself in Danny’s chair like that changed you. If we were in the Star Wars universe, that was the moment you turned to the dark side of the force.” There was a significant pause. “Clara? You should do something naughty while you’re still in Berlin.”
“Like what?”
“Something piss-related. I’ll send you some links,” Tammy said dreamily. “In the meantime, why don’t you join me in a threesome with Daisy Ridley.”
My session with Tammy had awoken something inside me; it reminded me that I was a sexual being with wants and desires and fantasies of my own. I decided that I’d turn one of those furtive fantasies into a wonderful reality, and in doing so make a kinky video to add to Tammy’s collection.
I was going to deliberately wet myself in public.
Nobody knew me in Berlin; I was in a city where nobody cared what I did. I was invisible on my daily train journey, and it was during that train journey where my mind had so often wandered that one wonderfully wet day, my body followed.
I just couldn’t help myself.
It was an extreme fetish which demanded to be satisfied, especially with Tammy sending me all sorts of filth. It became obsessive – all my wank fantasies featured me peeing myself; my mind filled with horrified faces, watching me as I rubbed my pissy pussy.
The fantasy translated into reality by stages; first before I showered, letting the hot pee spray down my bare thighs as I rubbed frantically at my clit. Then that wasn’t enough and I started wearing yesterday’s knickers as I peed; then it was yesterday’s trousers before I put them in the wash. I filmed myself in the mirror as I pissed myself; as those dark lobes grew around my crotch and spilled down the insides of my thighs… and I sent all the videos of me misbehaving to a thrilled Tammy.
I loved knowing that she knew what I looked like as I did those dirty deeds, and as she sent reciprocating videos, Tammy also got to know how good it felt. But I found my fantasies becoming more extreme. I wanted other people to see me when I wet myself.
To judge me as a dirty pissy whore.
The urge to actually do it grew as fast as those wet patches grew; every time I stood in the bath and pissed myself edged me closer to the point where I had to do it for real as the sexual reward rapidly diminished.
I did it in the garden, where someone could see me.
I did it in the street, in the dark where someone saw me but didn’t know what I was doing; didn’t know that I was pissing myself and didn’t know that I’d be thinking of their face as I masturbated to orgasm again and again over the next few nights.
But I was teasing myself; I knew what I was building up to… and I knew when was the perfect time to do it.
The first time I tried, I chickened-out. I was prepared – my bladder was full to bursting. “I’ll definitely do it,” I promised myself. “Wet myself so that others will be able to see what I’ve done.”
I was so aroused by the imagined feel of the pee running out while I was standing in a busy train that I found my fingers wandering. I’d just have to pee more and more; no point holding it back.
I really needed to pee a lot and began looking down at my trousers, hiding my crotch behind a newspaper. In my mind, I saw my entire pants getting wet with pee and I could feel it running down into my boots as it had done on so many previous occasions. I didn’t know if anyone was looking at me as that first spurt escaped.
Tammy would be so proud.
Then it soaked into the material. I could see it clearly. My eyes darted around the faces in the carriage. Could they see it? Suddenly, I felt so ashamed by the thought of it. I just had to get out – I had to get to the toilet.
I made urgent steps towards the loo. Pee was dripping down my legs but there was nothing I could do, except try and contain the panic. It was hard to make progress because there were so many people.
Luckily the toilet wasn’t occupied. I got in and closed the door against the sour faces belonging to the people I’d shoved out of the way. Suddenly alone, I took a deep cleansing breath and focussed. Alone, the fear and panic dropped away… leaving arousal and excitement.
I’d actually peed myself on the train. I couldn’t believe I had done it, although the evidence was indisputable. I was so horny from having done it that I couldn’t stop my fun just yet.
I had my phone with me and I decided to capture my wet crotch for Tammy. “Hey, Tam. Just thought you’d want an update from your dirty little piss whore. I just pissed myself on the train home.” There it was – pictorial evidence - and I felt proud: that strange, arousing kind of way I did when I translated the naughtiness in my head to the real world.
Suddenly, I was scrabbling my way out of my boots and trousers.
It wasn’t really a decision to pee more; I just had an instinct to go on with my sinful wetting. Standing before the mirror, I peed and peed, assuming various revealing positions for Tammy as I angled my hips to spray my urine across the little cubicle like a ruined rainbow. I was breathing heavily as I played the footage back on the phone, already thinking about how many delicious orgasms Tammy and I would share over this footage.
It was so much pee, running every which way across the rubberised floor as the train rocked. Bracing against the counter, I squatted down with my legs spread and smiled at the angled lens as I completely emptied my bladder. “That’s for you, Tam.”
I sighed happily because it felt so good and so naughty but as soon as I stopped filming, I felt a pang of guilt and began to worry about other people wanting to use the toilet. I was enjoying my own pee so much. But what if someone was already waiting outside?
The excitement faded quickly and I swam back into focus, came back to reality. There was shame and fear – thankfully, it was an enclosed space so there would be no pee running out under the door to expose me.
I cleaned-up as best I could with the newspaper and toilet tissue. It actually worked quite well, and although the floor was still wet, it wasn’t a pissy paddling pool anymore and in any case, I escaped unnoticed.
However, as I walked down the platform home, buzzing with adrenaline, I was determined that I wouldn’t go unnoticed the next time I did something wet.
My heart was pounding out of my chest as I walked down onto the platform clutching an almost-empty bottle of Lucozade in my hand. There was an empty bottle of Smirnoff Ice in the recycling bank on the station’s approach… a bottle whose neck was smeared with my pussy juice, since I’d been so horny at the thought of what I was about to do that I simply had to fuck myself with something.
My pussy tingled at the memory of the hard glass shoulders of the bottle crushing my labia against my pubic bone; I’d taken that bottle as deep and as hard as I could… pushing right to the limits, and now my bladder was straining as I explored its limits.
I’d never been so desperate to pee.
And as I continued to drink, I was pushing myself beyond all limits.
The train was coming and I was committed. In fact, I wasn’t even going to make the train.
My bladder pulsed, and with that single pulse, I felt a surge in the hot wetness between my legs.
That isn’t pussy juice; that’s pee.
And I was in public, with a train-full of bored faces peering in my direction.
The feeling was so familiar, so comforting that I instinctively grabbed my crotch and rubbed. The sexual fire roared, as if my probing fingers provided oxygen to glowing embers of filth connecting what was going on between my legs and what was in my mind.
My mind… my mind gathered the details of being surrounded by people, hustling past me in their polite Germanic way to be first in the queue as pee ran down the insides of both my thighs.
Was anyone watching?
Could anyone see?
I hoped so.
That thought made me gasp and someone did look; an older gentleman with a white beard and half-moon glasses turned as he folded his newspaper and looked straight at me. Did he see the pervert who had deliberately pissed herself and even now was helplessly masturbating in front of him?
“See me,” I begged, wordlessly. Part of me wanted it to be over; to be in my safe place, with the memory lodged in my brain, ready to provide substance for a spectacular wank. To be on the phone to Tammy. Thoughts of Tammy meant that I held his gaze and peed, just as I had done when she had dared me to empty my bladder in Danny’s TV chair.
I was perfectly prepared, wearing tight black cigarette trousers which were shiny enough to disguise their pee-sodden state; they were tried and tested. However, I was peeing too hard and there was no hiding the golden waterfall cascading between my fingers and onto the concrete between the heels of my trusty barely-there double strapped heeled sandals.
I saw the moment he realised what I was actually doing – actually, two separate realisations - peeing and playing. That big private fantasy of mine was now a shared reality with this random stranger. My head span as my fingers bit into the soft fabric and drove the rough, wet seam into my dripping slit.
This was my chance!
Two rubs and I would actually come. Making no effort to catch the train, I focussed on the eyes watching me, the hands below were clutching the newspaper as might a Germanic warrior of old hold his shield to ward off an attack from the crazy piss-sodden woman openly masturbating in front of him.
My left hand clutched my tit, grabbing and squeezing hard enough to add an uncomfortable edge to the pleasure in my body; giving it something to rebel against.
It was hard to come standing in the open with someone watching but I was able to go harder and faster as the train became a blur; harder and faster still as he took a step towards me. As the train disappeared I was freed, taking pleasure with frenzied movements of my fingers. Anxiety forked out of me and connected the sparks in my pussy with the stranger’s smile like a Tesla coil. That smile gripped me; something inside was so desperate to see how this played out. What would he say? What do you say to a piss-soaked woman openly masturbating in public?
I tried to set my mind into that of the other people; normal people who didn’t do such depraved things… but found myself thinking of how nice and warm it felt.
What a relief it was after I’d had to pee so badly… how much there had been… how it was all there for him to see and… stand in. I came hard as that triple eyeletted black oxford came to rest in my pee puddle. It didn’t need to stand in that puddle – there was so much dry platform to choose from, which meant the shoe’s owner had chosen to put it there.
It was nice to share my pee-crazed world again; Tammy would be so proud. My cunt seized as my lungs tried to suck all the air off the platform and hold it briefly in my chest. I saw the measured expression of interest on my Germanic voyeur’s face as I had the most mind-bending of orgasms.
It hadn’t been planned this way but going off script was so much better. Especially when he spoke: “Sieht aus, als hättest du einen kleinen... Unfall.”
Enough to make me melt between the legs.
“It wasn’t an accident.” The defiant words came out between post-orgasmic sighs and surprised me more than him.
“No. It didn’t look like an accident… which meant you did it deliberately.” I grunted with satisfaction. Nothing had been lost in translation: he knew.
I closed my eyes, allowing my mind to plunge into lewd pools of utter depravity. I’d pissed myself deliberately; his accented word felt delicious in my mind. I wished Tammy were there with me.
Suddenly, I wanted to share the depravity; needed to share it.
My eyes snapped open with such unexpectedness that I startled the face peering at me enough to make its owner take a backwards step. I took a step forward, grabbed his hand and pulled it between my legs, folded newspaper and all and I peed again, releasing the last little bit of urine lurking in my bladder.
Only it wasn’t a little bit. It was more than I’d been expecting; much more. Oh, fuck it felt so naughty to piss on someone else; to feel their hand against my crotch; feel the hot piss trickling over my fingers, having already journeyed over his; to listen to my piss dancing down the sheets of newspaper. It made me feel like a little puppy in need of training.
Training… I yearned to be trained.
To be rewarded.
And punished.
My stomach knotted as I thought about being punished for my lewd behaviour.
“What do you do to women who deliberately piss themselves?” I asked, savouring the shameful filthiness of my words as they amplified the humiliating messiness of my piss-soaked trousers. Surprising thoughts popped into my head… spankings, canings… things being forced into my arse.
I rubbed his pissy fingers over my sensitive pussy, giving me pleasure; then they were rubbing on their own.
“I can think of a few things, my dear.” My body was disappointed as the fingers stopped their work but I jumped with excitement as the stranger unzipped and unbuttoned my trousers and roughly pushed his hand down between my legs. As he explored my wetness, my trousers became a pool of their own around my ankles.
I longed for the warm, silken comfort of my bed as I felt the bristly forest of a beard on my exposed neck.
Not as exposed as my cunt…
Oh my God! You can’t do this!
I tensed as a cold, gnarled finger pushed into my vagina and enough force was applied to my groin to lift me off my feet, giving me a mad burst of pleasure. My body liked that – there was a furnace of heat burning so fiercely down there that someone daring to give me oral sex would have needed a welder’s mask to get close enough.
The wet heat sheeted down my thigh as a second finger forced its way into me.
A welder’s mask and a snorkel.
There was no hiding the level of my arousal.
Or his.
As my hand gripped his cock through the material of his suit, my cunt became a flaming anaconda, desperate to wrap itself around that bone-hard tool and constrict the life out of it. “Fuck! I don’t… I don’t even know your name.”
“And you never will.”
Oh shit, that was brutal and cutting - being fingered by a man who’s name I’d never know, desperate for him…
“Are you going to fuck me?” I shocked myself by voicing my desire so brazenly. The fingers continued to stretch the walls of my vagina.
He didn’t answer, so I turned and looked him in the eyes – matching intent with intent. My mind soared as I undid his zip and pulled his cock out into the night. All stopped for a few beats, except the movement of our fingers – his retreating from between my legs to his mouth; mine dragging the soft skin up and down over his hard shaft.
“You taste of spice. Cinnamon and ginger, maybe?” I felt flattered and intrigued as his fingers went back inside me with embarrassing ease.
Cinnamon and ginger?
“Let me taste.” He watched with obvious longing as I sucked his fingers clean, allowing my tongue to demonstrate skills which might be useful on other parts of his body.
Another time, maybe.
My needy pussy was empty and instinct made me angle my hips and drag that condom-less cock inside with reckless enthusiasm. His age made me feel young; made me eager to please. He fumbled a thrust and the head of his cock slipped in an inch.
I gasped with girlish delight; I love that first moment of penetration, when the bulbous fat head slides in and waits. My pussy clenched, trying to hold it right there as I savoured the moment – perfectly in balance, anticipating… awaiting the deeper thrust.
Then it was fully in me and my head tilted back, allowing me to watch the stars jerk rhythmically through slitted eyes. The heat of his cock inside me was exquisite and his long heavy strokes soon had my voice extolling my pleasure to any listening commuters. “God,” I murmured. “You feel so good inside me.”
A woman walked past and there was no hiding from her disgusted stare as she twisted her neck to look. I spread my legs wider and wriggled down far enough to crush my clitoris into the hairy root of my lover’s cock and stimulate my sensitised nerves still further.
“I liked watching you piss yourself,” he said into my ear. “I liked it more when you pissed on my fingers, meine Schlampe.” I was instant heat and surging arousal. Somehow, I kicked my feet free of my trousers and I was on him, bare legs wrapped around his waist, fingers clamped around his neck.
“Ich liebe deinen Schwanz. Fick mich, bitte. Härter!” Another orgasm was gathering, hot and heavy between my legs. There was so much untapped sexual energy after those years of enforced abstinence. Deep down, despite – or perhaps because of - my parents’ efforts, I was a horny, dirty slut. The fact that I was able to ask for what I wanted in any of five European languages was testament to the private education which my parents had foisted upon me.
I love your cock. Fuck me, please. Harder!
Following my demands, the blunt thrusts became fiercer, pushing into me to create a delicious fullness again and again. Pinching my clit in time to the strokes, I became aware of two faces watching. I wanted to come with them watching; the thought of sharing the most private parts of myself caused a deep, mounting pulse of pleasure.
The leering faces blurred and then disappeared as my eyelids fluttered closed; I wanted them to see me come… and then I let go of all thoughts as the cleansing peak of my orgasm made my body tense. I screamed my pleasure into the night, not caring who might hear, and I felt him coming too, trembling with urgent, needy thrusts as he spurted come up towards my womb and then over my pubic mound as he slid out of my jerking body.
“Don’t stop on our account,” someone called in heavily accented English.
“We’ve not quite finished, have we?” my nameless lover whispered his agreement in my ear. “Geh auf deine Knie.” I obeyed, squeezing my thighs tightly together to hide my pissy, spunky cunt as I dropped to my knees. I was feeling shy and vulnerable now that my orgasm had passed.
My lover started to urinate over me. He did it really thoroughly, steering his hot stream over my bare thighs before plastering my blouse and bra to my tits. Every drop added to the growing puddle captured between my thighs. Then he did it over my hair and I felt it running down my face as I knelt there, soiled and filthy, a plaything to be used and abused.
“Open your mouth.” I conformed, both thrilled and horrified at what I was about to let him do. He peed into my mouth and I gagged immediately, filled with shame and anguish but then I was laughing and unable to stop as I thought about one of Tammy’s homemade videos where she had reacted in the same way to Danny’s accurate spunk hitting her tonsils. It was a shame she wouldn’t be able to see this.
Undoing my blouse, I squashed my boobs together to create an inviting target. When he peed into the hollow, I bobbed forward, took a mouthful of pee and spat it up into the air, imagining myself to be an amusing fountain in an Italian plaza, with watching crowds simultaneously amused, aroused and disgusted.
“It’s going on forever,” I gasped. It shouldn’t have gone on for that long, surely? Then I realised that there were two separate impact points on my face and there was so much piss…
I opened my stinging eyes to see that my erstwhile lover had taken a step back and there were two young bucks in his place, standing side-by-side as they used me as a human urinal.
“Herrlich,” one said. The other simply nodded as their piss streams intersected in a Y-shape. I imagined smelling of soap and shampoo and conditioner later that evening when this was all over. That thought let me enjoy the moment and there were involuntary shocks of delight as I rubbed the tenderness between my legs.
“Schau sie an! Sie liebt es verdammt!”
He was right; I was fucking loving it as the two piss streams woke up desires and sensations that I didn’t know were part of me. Leaning forward, I grabbed a pissing cock in each hand and turned my opened mouth into each hot stream in turn.
“Jesus Christus,” they muttered in unison as I luxuriated in the forbidden warmth of two pissing cocks. Without even thinking, I was wanking and then sucking each cock in turn, my attention focussed on the thickening shafts. My hands and mouth clenched and sucked ever tighter; a synchronised sway designed to turn the tingling sensations in those cocks into creamy loads in my mouth.
Sensing quaking thighs on my right, I fastened my mouth onto the swollen cock and encouraged it to pop with the deepest of blowjobs. In my enthusiasm, I bucked so far forward that my nose touched pubic hair as the cock spurted into my throat. My spine shivered like a cat’s as the goo slid down my throat.
As the owner staggered backwards, chuckling and gasping, I focussed my full attention on the second cock, using both hands and my mouth to go harder, sharper and deeper.
The first bloke warned that the train was coming. “Urgh! So am I!” I felt the second cock jump in my mouth and lost all self-control as I furiously sucked the come out of it, only stopping when I was sure that I had it all.
“Let’s go!” Both guys took a last lingering look at me. I treated them to a wicked grin, letting my inner naughtiness show as I licked my salty lips while giving an exaggerated wink. I was sure that I’d be starring in their filthy fantasies for months to come… they’d definitely be part of mine.
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Those days you lived in a shoebox. You often thought about moving to a bigger, nicer apartment in a cleaner, quieter neighborhood, but you somehow never got around to it. Plus, you could walk to work – theoretically, at least. Also, your lack of funds and your (probably unhealthy) fixation on that independent coffee place right down the road may have had something to do with it.The building you called yours had apparently been designed by some allegedly fancy architect in the 80s who thought it...
Voyeur“‘Number One Ladies Detective Agency’ – so it actually exists,” mused Tracy as she read the brass plaque on the door. “Wasn’t there a TV programme or somethink? Oh, what the fuck…” She rang the doorbell. It was answered by a strikingly attractive black woman – older than Tracy by a few years perhaps, but slender, glamorous, and with large breasts straining at the jacket of her rather fine red skirt suit. “Tracy? Come in. I’m Billy Webb,” said the woman with a broad smile, as she proffered her...
Fetish____________________________________________ After the loathsome degradation from the madam and her well paying friend, my mind went into what could be called a baseline survival mode, in which I gave myself over fully to my extreme craving for the disgusting acts I was forced to perform, and a mindless obedience, and even a simpering, serving loyalty to the countless women who shamed me while I cleaned them of their most intimate toiletry efforts. Women of great...
Level five is yellow...level four green...level three red...level two blue, and level one brown. I now wore the brown tag and was now looked on by the staff as the lowest form of oral slave possible, and would be treated like a dog from this point onward. It was outrageous that I would be used so unjustly and with such filthy lust, but until I was released, or escaped, I would have to exist in this world. -------------------------------------------- I wore a dog collar at all...
Teasing You’ve been missing me lots and you know how horny I’ve been for you all week long, and you’ve been wet so often over the week just thinking about being back in my arms, being kissed and caressed. Your pussy has been aching for my big hard dick and you want me bad. Whether it’s long slow loving, or being pinned down, tossed around and fucked hard and rough, you want it all. Fed up with sitting down in your pyjamas and watching TV every night, you set out for a week of fun to get the...
Introduction: Indian woman on foreign posting having fun with locals I had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process. I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing. The month I got the divorce I also got...
Hello, I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my 7th sex story which recently happened with my foreign boss and his son. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe myself, I have done MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So, let me start narrating my recent incident happened with my...
Charlie had had a productive day, by his standards. He had finished sequencing another song, and was now sitting at his desk in his study sorting out some sundry paperwork. He was surprised Tracy was wasn’t back yet – it was nearly five o’clock. And after all she had been fired from her last job, hadn’t she? And it was just a job interview this morning, wasn’t it? Oh yes, she’d been in a bad mood first thing, hadn’t she, about her smoking? (Charlie had almost forgotten.) “Girls,” muttered...
FetishTracy liked to smoke. And she liked to fuck. And she liked to smoke and fuck. And fuck and smoke. In fact, she loved smoking and fucking so much that fucking without smoking just wasn’t quite the same. Though smoking without fucking was still pretty fucking good.The only problem was, Tracy’s boyfriend Charlie didn’t like smoking and fucking. Don’t get me wrong – he liked fucking. But he didn’t like smoking. And he didn’t like Tracy smoking. And he didn’t like fucking Tracy when she smelled of...
FetishAs she thought about the kiss she realized he puckered and placed his lips gently against hers. In full anticipation of a hit or punch like Roger would have done it was her who actually escalated the kiss by opening her mouth. But Joseph didn't aggressively shove his tongue deep into her mouth or even push his mouth hard to hers. He softly held and kissed her. And yet like a frightened animal she shivered uncontrollably. Being alone in the hotel room, the fear mostly passed that she...
The brunette law student's bedroom reflected her sensible personality; neat, tidy and well-organized. A Van Gogh print hung above her bed, her desk was clear except for a single notebook with a fountain pen laying across it, and her shelves were stocked with academic books in alphabetical order. Laying there with the summer sun shining through the thin pink curtains, Judith stretched out and yawned. She was naked under the white covers. Her mind drifted to the events of yesterday, of her...
I didn't sleep well that night...the horrors of what lie ahead for me the next morning kept me in a cold sweat through my fitful slumber. My stomach was agitated so that I felt nauseous and ready to vomit...but I had learned to control much of this destructive side effect of the abuse here...and decided inside...that I would take what was given me...and survive to leave here one day. Stories of prisoners of war flashed through my mind, and I knew that whatever they had endured for so...
Introduction: do not read this article without having read pt 1 At nine oclock on Sunday morning, Judith awoke in her bed. The brunette law students bedroom reflected her sensible personality, neat, tidy and well-organized. A Van Gogh print hung above her bed, her desk was clear except for a single notebook with a fountain pen laying across it, and her shelves were stocked with academic books in alphabetical order. Laying there with the summer sun shining through the thin pink curtains,...
It was one of the rainy days in Mumbai when Richa had to travel in a public transport bus during the rush hours. She had put up a yellow color transparent saree with a black blouse inside off course a sleeveless one with deep cuts on either of the sides. There were no heavy rains but it was drizzling all the while making the traffic a bit slow and the rush to increase. Richa managed to get into the bus and reached over to ladies seat which were all occupied. As always there were men standing...
This storey relates to me and a time when my life was so good, that I thought o would put pen to paper and tell you good folks about an incident that happened to me back when I was being used by dirty old men for there gratification.Ive told you all before about the 2 dirty old men that used me in various positions and the like over a 3 year period that I would never change in my life and is something im quite thankful for, well this incident is a follow on from them stories and involves the...
I had done my A-levels and like many of my friends I was still debating whether to head straight to university or take a gap year when the letter arrived. I’d been offered a full scholarship at an American university. I was ecstatic. I’d almost forgotten the audition pieces I’d written for the creative writing course that I was so desperate to do and now I was offered a chance to get an English degree for free. The thought of moving to America for 4 years was a bit daunting. The campus of the...
Introduction: Hi guys, this is my first story on this site. I hope you like it! Emile had gotten off the plane a couple of hours ago, but was already quite exhausted from his long flight to an unfamiliar country. Just seven hours ago, he was sitting comfortably in his bedroom in Marseille, France. Typically he was a laid-back and casual type of guy, but traveling across the country as part of a foreign exchange program had gotten him pretty nervous. He had been assigned to the Hill family as...
Emily came home exhausted from college. She has discovered that communicating all day in a formal classroom setting in a foreign language is exhausting. She closed the door shut and yelled, “Hello, anyone home?”Silence.“Well, I guess I can take a nice long, hot shower and relax.”Emily went up to her bedroom and quickly undressed. She went into the open shower and turned on the hot water. Emily really loved standing under the hot water. It was so relaxing as she ran her fingers across her...
First TimeChicago 1999. I’m 19, Sandra 18. Sandra is a foreign exchange student from Germany, we met while both visiting Chicago for a group gathering of the host and foreign students. She was tall, 5’ 10’’ dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes, full lips. Her lightly tanned skin was accented with tan lines, highlighting her firm perfectly shaped B-cups. A flat tight stomach with a small mole just above her bellybutton. Long toned legs and a nice round ass, tight and firm from cross-country running. Me, 6’...
You know it’s going to be one of those days when you have to hurry and rush around straight from the word go in the morning. I’m Jet, I’m forty five, five foot six inches tall, black hair (what’s left of it), brown eyes and slim to medium build. What else do you want to know? Ah yes, I live alone, divorced for six years and I’m a college lecturer in mathematics, I think that’s it. Oh, most of the students I teach are foreign, mainly European. As I said, I had to rush around; I was trying to...
InterracialAnother one of my early stories...please enjoy, and gets me hot, REALLY!! :P*****************************A brief background: I'm 21, still live at home, and a sexually activebi-woman. My parents continue to believe I'm their little innocent angel. If only they knew. Anyway, this year, we've taken on a foreign student from Australia. She is staying with us while she goes to school. She's 18 and so hot! She's about 5'2" (2" taller than my height), with deep green eyes, sandy brown...
“If I should die, think only this of me, That there’s some corner of a foreign field. That is forever England.” Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) 29th August 1944.Michelle paused cautiously at the edge of the copse and listened. She could hear hasty, muffled...
CONTINUED FROM PART 4… “Now is the time to go to their camp…..and tomorrow we will go to another place closour to our college….now get going to sleep” Every one goes to their Camps…I then took Mahboob and went to see all the Camps ARE PROPERLY LOCKED….then Mahboob went to his Camp where Daniel is waiting for him….and I went to my camp….where Raheel is waiting for me. THEN…OKAY WE ARE IN NEXT PART……. So I went in my Camp….where Raheel…already goes to bed….and starts snoring….so I locked...
Gay MaleA Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game". I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end. The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later. For all my attempts, I could write nothing...
A sequel to Entertaining a Foreign Guest This is a sequel to 'Entertaining a Foreign Guest' and will make more sense if it is read after the initial story. It has been written at the request of a few fans, although the result might not necessarily be how some of them might have envisaged. "Guess what, Grant" an excited Jan asked me as I came through the front door at the end of a busy day at work. Kissing my wife first and then our two young children, I asked tiredly "can't, so why...
This is the anniversary of my initial employment as a full-time employee of the Foreign Office staff. I was much encouraged by the fact that now I was fully covered under all of the many perks of full-time employment as a permanent employee and not just a probationary one as most office staff would remind me from time to time as I navigated my way through the bureaucratic morass that littered the landscape with little prigs and clueless bitches with no concept of how things worked in the...
I had been on the job at the Foreign Office for almost two years when my domestic life fell apart when my husband decided to divorce me only two weeks before I went into the hospital for my first delivery. I remember crying onto Diane’s boyfriend’s shoulder feeling rotten over the whole marriage situation because I knew down deep inside I wasn’t cut out for the housewife routine and I knew I had failed my test as a wife. Adding to my misery was the doctor telling me that their testing showed...
Molly & Mark 2072 It had taken a long time for Mark and Molly to get used to living in Dagenham. It was a definite climbdown from North West London and it still wasn't a change in circumstances they were comfortable with. However, at least they'd both found jobs: not particularly good ones compared to what they had before but the compensation was they didn't have to squeeze themselves together all day long into the cramped space of a studio flat. The novelty and delight of spending...
A sensual event when silk fucks Nick and juices out his big cock, hard in front of his clients I have always been needed by many men, maybe because I have a body that attracts all.I met Nick (my present boyfriend) on Facebook when he asked me a question "why did you not call me after our last meeting".We met and fucked each other a lot of times, but the one incident I wanted to first share with you guys is this one.All my sex stories have happened and that's how I am inspired to write about it....
AffairHi, guys, I’m Ravi from Chennai.24 years of age currently working in a software company.This is a real life story which happened three months ago and it’s real just want to share this after going through this site.Just wanted to let you al know that this stuff happens to us. This started three months ago. I have no idea what to do. I live in Chennai with my mom who is 48 years old. My dad works abroad in the Gulf. Recently, a guy Named Bill a Foreigner, came for work purposes. He is training...
regardless of how vile or lascivious. I found that I was the only slave at the lowest level of existance here...none other even approached my abysmal servitude or ranking, and more and more I was made to feel humiliation even at the hands of my fellow prisoners. The wardens in the training area had become quite nasty by now...and showed me their complete disgust at every opportunity. Though I wasn't physically abused, the attractive women oozed contempt and sarcasm, and eating the shit...
Tania was used to living a life on the move, going to all the exotic places the world had to offer and seeing the sights. Her job demanded alot out of her, and she was paid pretty well for the long hours she put into it. She had checked into a hotel while she was in Africa for a couple of weeks. She was to attend a long and tirsome convention, but after that was done, she'd have plenty of time to herself. She looked forward to relaxing and enjoying a bit of the country. It was her firm's way of...
I lay in my marriage bed last night. My beloved breathing deeply beside me; his slow, even breaths a constant reminder of his trust, and I dreamt of you. Dreamt of your fingertips owning my soul. Dreamt of your hands; hard and rough, digging into the softness of my flesh. Controlling, demanding... My body aches, and my small breasts heave; the tips swollen and hard, desperately awaiting your touch. My hips left to writhe and twist, lifting ever upward in a never-ending, futile search… for...
Straight SexBack when I was a dirty teenager in the late 90sAs a teenager I was always extremely horny. I mean I had it real bad, I used to have to go and wank my pussy in the toilets at school during the day, I'd been raiding my dad's porn stash for years, and increasingly I was beginning to tease men on the train on my way to school, by opening my legs up wide and letting them see my white knickers. Perhaps it wasn't surprising that I was a horny little bitch. My parents were constantly going at it, I...
Hey indian sex stories dot net doston this is aju back with another story of mine. I am a tall, athletic guy who loves all kinds of sex. This story is about a weird and crazy relationship that develops between me and my neighbor aunty Shantha. Shantha aunty is a mature milf. She is 49 years old, with fair skin and medium long hair. She has a thick body in the sense her hands and legs are medium size but she has big breasts not extremely large but big and plump. Also her stomach is bloated and...
Hi, I am going to share yet another horny sex between a young married woman and me. As you perhaps may know that I am a Delhi based boy, educated, smart and a part time masseur and escort. Thank you to those who replied to my mails and want to get fucked by me. Coming to the story, in response to my ad online, I got a reply from a lady in Delhi. She introduced herself and wanted to have her some fantasies fulfilled. She said she is 33 married to a rich businessman who does have sex but not what...
“You filthy little cunt” You say and a small part of my mind considers whether I actually like being called a cunt or whether it’s just the tone you’re using to talk down to me. I say down because I’m actually on my knees below you, I’m following orders like a good little girl would.I’m tempted to defy you, it’s my rebellious streak but I like the image of the good little girl and so do you.“Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” you ask me in a voice that intimidates me and makes me ache in...
AnalThe early glow of dawn serenaded her room. The curtains were parted. She was still asleep on her bed. Dressed only in the boxers I had slept in, I crept up on her bed and proceeded to do what she had so earnestly requested of me the previous night.Ellen looked very cute, sleeping peacefully on her back. I knew mom was behind me watching when I started undoing her pyjama top buttons, one by one. The fabric parted and I basked in the lovely view of my older sister’s bare body as it was revealed...
IncestTremaine obliged, calling over the last three all at once. They waved their big rods in my face and I felt like I was at a buffet. A buffet where they only serve my favorite meal, and the portion sizes are always huge. Using my pigtails to control my head, they took turns fucking my throat as hard as they could. I choked, gagged, slurped and sucked, but they continued unrepentant and unimpeded. One would fuck my face sloppy for a minute or two, and then pass me to the next with just a moment...
InterracialOk, so technically I wasn't a schoolgirl any longer. It was the summer after I'd finished my exams and I turned 18 two weeks prior. I had partied hard since school was out, had some 'encounters' with guys my age but they were all too full of themselves; all trousers and no dick, without even the slightest idea how to please a girl in bed. I had gone to third base with my previous boyfriend but was left feeling uninspired by his pussy licking skills - although, I have to give him an 'A' for...
First TimeI had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process.I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing.The month I got the divorce I also got selected as Cultural officer in Ministry of External Affairs, I was posted...