LuciChapter 3 free porn video

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I walked back into my office a few minutes later, laptop in hand. Luci was sitting on my couch, legs tucked up under her looking very vulnerable. She started to open her mouth, but I held up my hand, similar to what she had done last night. At least I got a small smile out of her.

"I have to do my job and Paul's at the moment. Can it wait?" I added a silent please. I do not know if she was still angry with me, but I really did have to get the database up and running.

I was surprised when I got a smile and a nod of her head and a slight, very unladylike snort. She had been crying.


"Please." Her voice sounded raw. I passed her the box from my bookshelf and walked to my seat, putting the laptop on the corner of my desk. I do not think her eyes left me until I sat down. As I was settling into my desk and reaching for the phone, she took the opportunity to blow her nose and dab her eyes. I kept my finger on the hook release and then put the handset back in place, looking at Luci.

"Better? Ready to be seen in public?" I was smiling at her when I said it.

"No, but I don't have a choice do I?"

I wished I knew what was going on, but I had a list of things to do and really had to get moving before the day got much further along. As it was, my phone seemed to have a life of its own.

"This is Gary," I was in no mood to talk to accounting.

"Hi, Gary. Janice gave me an update, but I wanted to see if Paul had managed to get the database sorted out."

"Sorry Bob, Paul isn't in today and it fell on my desk, which is currently knee deep in alligators." Luci giggled from the couch and made rowing motions. I nodded my head.

"Any estimates?" I was guessing that his staff had not done a lot of work today and he was feeling the heat. I know how he felt.

"Well, I know what the problem is and in theory I know how to fix it. Now all I need is the time to do it."

"Which I am cutting into. I understand. Let me know if we can help." I hung up and put my head on my desk. I had aspirin in the office somewhere, but I could not remember where. I heard Luci move and then I felt her fingers on the back of my head. She was still on the far side of my desk, but it felt good. I was content to let her rub my head for a few minutes before my brain kicked back into gear and the task at hand came back to the forefront. I caught her hands in mine and raised my head up to look into her eyes. I kissed the palm of each of her hands.

"I don't know what I did that has you so angry at me," I said, never letting go, never breaking eye contact, "but I will try and make it right, I promise. However, right now I have to get accounting taken care of."

She pulled her hands out of mine and came around my desk and perched on the edge of it in front of me and took my head between her hands and kissed me. It was not passionate, but there was plenty of heat. It was a quick kiss and she looked right at me afterwards.

"You don't have anything to make right for." She leaned in and kissed me quickly again. "I am the one who should apologize." She kissed me again and let me go. I did not know what to say, so I said nothing and reached for the phone and punched in Eric's number.

"Eric? Gary. Saunter down this way when you get a moment will you, I have a project for you." I hung up the phone and captured Luci's hand and kissed it quickly before turning to the keyboard. Luci ran her fingers through my hair once and made her way back to the couch. She had just sat down with some sort of manual in her hand when Eric appeared at the door.

"Looking for me?" he asked, eyeing Luci, who was doing her best to ignore him.

"Yes. This one comes from the top." I picked up the laptop and explained what I wanted him to do and saw him on his way out. I then reached over to my book shelf where I keep a couple of signs, one of which says "Mad Genius at Work. Explosions Possible." and taped it to the outside of my door before closing it. I was certain that Eric's tongue would start wagging, but I really needed to get the database fixed.

I don't remember much of the afternoon. At some point I took my tie off and loosened my collar and that was about it. I was one with the system and if you asked me what I did, I honestly could not tell you. I seem to remember Luci slipped in and out a couple of times but I noticed it with the sort of consciousness that you notice the wind blow which is not at all. It was not until the phone rang that I really surfaced.

"Gary," I was still processing data in my head.

"When are you coming home, dear?"

"Oh, hello. Umm, I don't know. I have had my head in the array all afternoon. What time is it?" I was trying to find the clock of which there had to be a half-dozen in my office.

"A little after 5." Five!

"Don't hold dinner. I still have a fair amount of work to do yet. The accounting system died and Paul isn't here. And based on what I have been seeing, the system was going to tip over soon anyway. Sorry."

"That's OK. Don't be too late. I love you."

"I love you, too. Bye." I hung up the phone and rubbed my eyes at which point I noticed Luci was looking at me.

"Hi. Sorry, no fun on this side of the office today." I tried to smile as I did it.

"Actually, it has been interesting watching you work. Jerry wants to see you when you surface."

"Thanks." I picked up my phone and dialed his extension. "You want to see me, skipper? OK, be right over." I hung up the phone and tried to stand up only to find my legs were not working right. It took two attempts to stand up and I managed to haul myself to the door. "I will be back in a few minutes," I said to Luci as I let myself out.

"You look like hell," Jerry said when I stuck my head in his office. Not how are we coming or where do we stand, but you look like hell. And it was only 5:30 in the evening. An evening that was likely to roll into tomorrow morning at the rate I was going.

"Thanks. You are buying the pizza."

"Sure, just submit the receipt. How are we making out?"

"I am maybe a quarter of the way there. Paul really let things slide. I guess things were worse at home than we knew because there are real issues with the database. I am going to take over a PC and start the diagnostics on the array while I work on the script to put everything back together in case there are hardware issues we missed."

"Do what you need to and keep a record of what you are doing. We will need the documentation. Missy found us someone if we get stuck, but we cannot get them until Monday..."

"... at which point the accounting department will have been down for almost a week and there will be people sitting on my desk until it gets fixed." I finished for him.

"I wish we had other options."

"So do I, but we don't, so we soldier on. Maybe this is the excuse we need to get a junior in or trained."

"Already working on it as well as that other issue we discussed." Other issue? Oh, women's clothes. I was almost sorry I brought it up. Almost. The image of Luci in my office wearing nothing but her lingerie distracted me for a moment, but I knew it was for a good cause that I had made the request. "By the way, what happened to the laptop?"

"Oh, Eric has his hands on it. I honestly don't know how far he has gotten."

"Update me when you find out." He made a waving motion with his hand. "Get back to work. Your wife would like to see you tonight I am sure and Luci probably wants to go home as well."

"Probably," I responded, hoping just the opposite. "Actually, she seems fascinated by me hunched over a keyboard. Go figure. See you in the morning." I turned to go by the kitchen to get some more water and the bathroom before returning to my computer.

Luci was still sitting on the couch, her legs tucked up under her, apparently reading the configuration manual from yesterday.

"You should go home," I said sliding into my desk and resuming my tap, tap taping. I set up an alert to go off at 7 so I could order dinner and start the diagnostics.

"I already called home. Tonight is drawing class and I usually spend the evening in the bathtub before ravaging my husband when he gets home." Oh. Really. That was almost too much information. If I had not chanced to look up at that moment and seen the gleam in her eye, I would have missed the point of the statement. It was the part about spending the evening in the bathtub. I tried to keep my mind focused, but my body betrayed me and my erection began swelling.

"Wench," I muttered and turned back to my script.

"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that?" she was grinning, I could hear it. I had also left the door open.

"I called you a wench."

"You think I am a big busted serving girl?" She cupped one breast and lifted it slightly, running her tongue over her lips at the same time.

"Perhaps brat is a better term?" I was trying not to picture her in a tight-bodice dress.

"Oh, you think I am a pouty little girl, do you?" She affected her best pout. She was not helping my condition and I think she knew it.

Unfortunately I had run out of terms.

"What's the matter big man? Pussy got you tongue-tied?" I would have to remember that little turn of phrase.

"Yes darling, your pussy has got me tongue-tied." If you cannot beat them, join them.

"Not yet it hasn't," she responded with a very sultry voice and returned to the document in her lap. That was my cue to go back to work. Of course, it took a couple of minutes to get the image of her in a bathtub out of my head and make room for the arcane language I was trying to write in.

I lost myself to the project before my PC beeped at me. It was 7 and time for dinner. I had been at work close to 12 hours and had subsisted on water and a half a cup of coffee. No wonder my stomach was grumbling.

"Luci, what do you want on your pizza?"

"Hmm? Oh, whatever you are having is fine. Just no anchovies."

"Not to worry there." I dialed the number from memory and placed the order and then went next door to take over Paul's PC. It made the most sense. He had the array management software already installed and I fired it up and told it to go and find out how things were running. Housekeeping had been and gone and a quick walk around the department showed us to be the only ones there.

I walked back into my office and raided my pizza money jar. I kept loose change and bills in my desk for pizza and other munchies and for times when I had not made it to the ATM. Today was one of those days; I had been planning on going at lunch time.

"Pizza's here. Back in a minute. We might as well eat in the library - it will save clearing a space in here. What do you want to drink?"

She gave me a look that said "You" and licked her lips again before saying, "anything diet is fine."

Somehow I managed to make it downstairs and get the sodas, pick up the pizza and get back on the elevator without my erection subsiding one little bit. I was just walking back into our spaces when I finally returned to normal. We have a small conference room that was lined with bookshelves, and thus books. We called it the library and it served many function in the department. Tonight, it was a dining room. Luci padded in on stocking feet and dropped down in a chair as I fished some plates off a top shelf. She set about opening the sodas while I served up the pizza.

"Dinner is served madam," I said with a flourish.

"Oh, so now you think I am a senior prostitute?" I could tell I was not going to win so I just started eating. Luci joined me and her foot snaked up and down my calf.

"No charlie horse tonight," she said pulling her chair into a position across from mine at the foot of the table and ran her foot up my calf and across my thigh all the way to my waist before doing the same thing with the other foot. She was sitting on the edge of her chair, rubbing my flanks with her stocking feet while eating pizza. It was very erotic. I took a bite of my pizza, put the slice down and wiped my hands before I captured her left foot with my right hand.

"Hey, no fair," she started and then sighed out loud as I started rubbing her foot. She slumped back in the chair, her leg bent at the knee and her foot almost pushing into my crotch as I rubbed her foot and toes.

"Where did you learn that?" she asked breathlessly.

"Just something I picked up," I responded. I massaged her foot for a couple of minutes before I reached for the other one and gave it the same treatment. With her left foot free of my hands, she pushed the heel gently between my thighs, her toes moving back and forth over my erection while I was massaging her right foot. I do not know who was having more fun. I stopped to take another bite of dinner and she slid both feet together and twisted her toes so that they were on either side of my cock and my legs were slightly spread. She had a very content look on her face as she played with me.

"You know, I often lie in the warm water and think about your hands rubbing soap over my breasts," her hands started to slide over her breasts as she talked. "You have no idea how hard my nipples get, how wet and slippery my pussy becomes." How hard my cock was getting between her toes.

Luci opened her eyes and looked at me, smiled and slowly started undoing the buttons on her blouse. She undid the first three buttons, revealing the curve of her breasts and what looked like a purple lace bra that was close in colour to the blouse. Her smile grew as she undid two more buttons, which opened her blouse all the way to the top of her skirt. She had my complete attention as her feet squeezed my cock.

"Have I mentioned you are a very naughty girl?"

"You think of me as a girl?" Did I mention I was fighting a loosing battle? Time for a more direct track.

"No, Luci," I said as lifted her feet enough to stand up, trapping her legs between my mine as I levered myself over her. "I do not think of you as a little girl." I said as I bent down to kiss her lips. But it was only a quick kiss. I was not going to let her win this hand. I slid across her lips and along her jaw line which caused her to tip her head back as she slid her hand along my neck and into my hair. I was willing to let her direct the direction of my head, as long as it was along the line of her neck and down across her shoulder. I nudged her blouse with my nose and kissed down along the strap of her bra and across the top of her breast. The skin was so soft and I could feel her breath catch in her lungs as her heart pounded under my lips. Her fingers were alternating between squeezing my neck and floating through my hair as I trailed kisses along her breast and into the cleft between them and back up the other breast. I wanted to take them in my hand, but I was using my hands for support on the table. The nails on her left hand were slipping beneath the collar of my shirt and her right hand was sliding up and down my thigh as I kissed my way back up to her shoulder and across her shoulder to her neck. Three more kisses took me back to her lips and our tongues entwined as her hand slid across my chest. I balanced myself on my left hand as I let my right trail over her cheek, across the skin of her shoulder and over her breast. She moaned as my palm crossed her nipple, hard and ready as I gently squeezed it and she pushed up into my hand. The hand holding my head clamped tight on my neck as her other hand slid across the front of my pants gaining her a moan from deep inside me. I left my hand on her breast, gently squeezing and tracing my thumb over the smooth skin above her bra.

We broke our kiss and looked at each other. She squeezed my cock slowly and gently as I squeezed her breast.

"Oh Gary," she half moaned, half sighed. "I have wanted to feel you for so long. I have wanted to feel your hands on me for so long. I am so wet right now and I want you so badly." She squeezed me again as if to emphasis the point.

"And we are already way over a line that should never have been crossed." I have no idea where my conscience came from, but it decided to raise its ugly head now.

"I know and I don't care." Luci responded and squeezed me again as she pulled me down to kiss me again. Her hand was pulling at the zipper of my pants and she slid it down. She reached inside to trace my cock through my underwear. I pulled back from the kiss and slid my hand up to her chin.

"Luci, I have to finish." I meant my work, but I do not think she was following because she seemed more intent on my cock, which had already been oozing for the better part of a half hour.

"I know, but I want to feel you, taste you, hold you." Her kisses were almost desperate. I caught her hands and stood up.

"Luci," words were failing me. I wanted Luci to feel me and taste me and hold me. She pulled my hands to her mouth and gently sucked on my fingers, her tongue sliding gently between each digit. My cock twitched with each pass of her tongue over my fingers. I was fighting a loosing battle and I knew it. I pulled my fingers from her mouth with a great deal of reluctance and replaced them with my lips.

"Luci," I said pulling away and placing her hands on my chest, "I am going to ask you to do something very difficult. More, it is very difficult for me to even put it into words." I kissed her again and slid over and kissed her neck and run my tongue over her ear.

"Luci," I whispered, "I want you to go home." I could feel her tensing under me. "Yes, I am throwing you out." I kissed her again to take the sting out of my words. I could see a tear in her eye and I kissed it away. "Luci, I am not throwing you out to prevent you from having your way, but to get done what is an important job for all of our customers." She was trembling and the tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. I did not let go of her. "Luci, hear me, please. If you stay, I will let you let you feel me, taste me, and hold me, and more I will I will feel you, taste you and hold you. I will kiss you, lick you, nuzzle you, suck you and make you scream in pleasure. And tomorrow, Bob will chew me out, Jerry will chew me out, then Craig will chew me out. If there is anything left, you are welcome to chew on it, but I will be on the outside looking in." The tears were flowing and I tried to wipe them away, knowing it was futile.

Same as Luci
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Christopher was excited about the forthcoming weekend. It should be fun. He had indeed warmed to Jenny. Now that she had shed her shyness and therefore her 'jolly hockey sticks' she had shown herself to be a considerate, friendly, intelligent and amusing girl. Certainly friendly in the light of her remark about wanting him to share her bed last Friday and inviting herself to spend two nights with him this coming weekend. He was mildly concerned by it in fact. Was she an easy lay? More...

1 year ago
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Frills and Thrills Ch 02

The sun was beginning to set and cast bright brilliantly colored streaks of light through the front windows of Frills and Thrills. Carrie was behind the circular cash wrap desk which was situated fifteen feet back from the front door, giving everyone who worked there an instant view of whoever walked in. She idly stared out the windows at the infrequent people who walked by. The store had been closed for almost an hour but she had stayed behind to finish some paperwork and to take a few...

3 years ago
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Teenage SorceressChapter 2

Suddenly, Mark’s beautiful fourteen year old daughter became the mistress of the house without a shot being fired. “Mom”, she told her mother. “Daddy likes it when you are sexy. When you finish your shower, he wants you to wear your black lace peignoir to breakfast and there is no need to close the front. He likes to see your wonderful boobs being showcased by the built in support and to see your pussy flash when you walk.” “Yes, Dear. Why are you naked?” “Because Daddy likes it when I am...

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Trick or Treat 2 Descent

Trick or Treat 2 - Descent By: Enigma Sunday, November 1 My back was starting to hurt, and I had to pee. I was crouched on our kitchen floor, still clutching Sandy to me, mashing her against my ample breasts, rocking her, trying to will comfort into her chilled body. Behind me, Amy had her arms around both of us. Our tears had finally dried up, but I could tell that Sandy was still desolate, and I doubted Amy was doing much better. I knew I wasn't. And I wondered,...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 68 More Estrogen

Major Greenfeld was standing outside the door. He looked at me and shook his head. “You are just fifteen?” he asked. “I might be sixteen now,” I replied. “I’ve lost track of how many days have passed and which day we are on anymore. But I also don’t worry about it much.” “You don’t?” he asked as we started walking back to Corsica. “My age does not determine how well I can do my job,” I said. “No, but it does determine how others will view you,” Major Greenfeld said. “At least initially....

2 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 3

Taboo Orgy Part 3Thanks for the response to the first two stories and I hope you like this as well.CheersRoyby.Ann knew that look on Jen’s face meant that she was ready to join in their sick behavior and said, ‘well now that you’re here why don’t you shut the fuck up and get your gear off while I get back to getting my rocks off.Jenny told her that she was going to have a pee first and come back ready for the fucking of her life. Ann told her to take her jeans off right now and piss in her...

4 years ago
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My Brothers GenieChapter 11

“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...

3 years ago
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Lucinda Finds Love

Entering the lounge from the outside my eyes adjusted to the dimness after the bright light outside. I let my gaze travel around the room taking in the surroundings and the customers at the tables and bar. This was my first time here and I was orienting myself, not only to this lounge, but also to the city I now found myself in. After six months of job hunting I had found myself here in this mid-western city. Lucky enough to find a job, even if it paid less than I was making before, I was in...

2 years ago
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Fucked Plumpy Neighbor Aunty

Hello everyone, Krish here with my fantasy. This story is about me and my neighbor aunt making love. I am Krish from Bangalore , very fair, 5’11 height and heavily built. Any unsatisfied auntys/bhabhis/girls wanna have secret relationship,Then mail me **** **** And about my aunt, her name is Shalini,38 years old,fair and plump.Her assets are 36-28-36.She looks closely like heroine Namitha. Coming to the story, Shalini were new to our neighbourhood and they lived next to our house.Soonly my...

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Our Night Pt 2

Raising my head I start to pepper your strong jaw with tiny kisses working my way down your neck, then back up to your sensual lips kissing you deeply. You start to stroke my hair away from my face then digging your fingers into my thick hair you pull my head in to kiss me deeper. Loving your taste I start to suck on your tongue as if it was your cock deep in my mouth. You groan as you rub your hardening cock against my pussy then never breaking our kiss you slowly stand us up. Backing me...

4 years ago
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Deep and Lovely Dark Final Chapter1

The grave had been set up in their back garden. It was large. Going up the sides were flower beds with a hundred different types of plants. At the end of the garden, two rose bushes had been created by Vlad with Lisa's grave in between the two of them. On the left was a red rose bush and on the right was a blue rose bush. Rachel approached as far as shield around the grave would allow. She kneeled down in front of the grave for one final word with her friend. "I'm so sorry that this...

4 years ago
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The Gifts

I hate the weekends that your job takes you out of town but also know that they are a necessary evil with your company. I had planned a spring-cleaning weekend, you know cleaning the house, mowing the yard, just general busy work and of course missing you, but only after sleeping half the day away. So I was very surprised to have the doorbell ring before noon on Saturday. Swearing and groaning, I stomped my way to the door muttering ‘this had better damn well be the neighbors saying they need...

2 years ago
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A Switch to the Right

A Swing to the Right     "General, the city is ours.  We have captured thePresidential Palace.  It appears El Presidenteescaped, but we have found his sister, his wife, andhis son and two daughters, and we have them incustody."     "Good, we can use them as hostages.  If he does notsurrender or go into exile, we will publicly torturehis family."     "My general, there are many Communists still ready tofight, and there are other countries to consider,diplomatic relations.  I suggest we structure...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Swallows a Big Black Cock Part Six

Tuesday evening, Olivia checked her Hot Wife Hotel email account. She was getting to be quite in-demand and was glad she had added a second day to her schedule, so she now took appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays. A peek at the schedule showed she was booking up fast. Tomorrow was completely full! She grinned as she realized she’d be completely full tomorrow too!12:00 Drew2:00 Emir4:00 Carl6:00 Ray8:00 DarylDaryl? Olivia clicked open her email and saw a message from him.Olivia,Guess whose...

Wife Lovers
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The Sissy Trainer Part 2 ndash Taking A Virgin

Ken raising my dress higher to have a better view of “loosening me up” and told me to rest my heels over the other end of the couch. As he fingered my butthole, his hard cock continued to slap against the side of my body as he wiggled and shook his finger. The more I thought about Ken finally ramming his cock in my tight butthole the harder I clinched. “Lisa, I need you to relax some, take a deep breath” “Ken” I asked “Is it going to hurt much?” “You are super tight, but I brought lots of...

4 years ago
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The Choice Deena is caught between a cock and a

Deena's StoryBefore I was an escort, I never had anal. Now it's my bread winner. I never had a potty mouth either. I used to be a classy girl from a conservative British Asian family. The world of sex was something only shared between a husband and wife. Now I fall on my back and open my legs at the sound of loose change in any buggers pocket. Ok, slight exaggeration, but you get my point. Anyway, let's spend this chapter describing how I got here. Don't worry. After a few paragraphs of telling...

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Loving on the Lake

Probably the biggest change in my life started about a year ago. It was summer, I had just finished my sophomore year in high school and my mom rented a small cottage on a lake not too far from where we lived. The owner was someone she knew from work, she works at a bank, and she said that it would be a nice change of pace for us that was fairly inexpensive. My mom and I live in a small house together, my father long ago left and they were divorced years ago. I try to help out around the...

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A few months ago I notice that I gain some kilos. So I decided to do jogging and lose weight. I bought some lightweight jogging pants and top and sports bra. Near our home is a track where lots people jog especially at evening when hot sun goes down. After work I drove there one evening. Oh there so many cute guys there and it fun to watch their buts when they run. I could not run all way around track and so I walk some and jog some. I try go there about 3 times week. I began recognize some...

1 year ago
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Ms Americanas RescueChapter 6

The investigation into the car bombing was quickly ended by the police at the Chief's orders. He realized that if Ramon now owned the building that the landlord must have had something on Ramon or pissed him off him some way. He had gone to the club nightly to watch the heroine's stage shows and watch the two dogs fuck them. He also enjoyed the Flag Girl, Specter Girl and Got Chic strip followed by lesbian sex shows. Friday night Ramon joined him at his table, "Everything set for...

3 years ago
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Lisa the Amazon DestroyerChapter 9

The next day I went for a run as usual before a fight. When I returned I saw that my dorm had put a banner in the hall; "Go Bob - Beat Her Ass!" I shook my head, laughed and returned to my room. At the predetermined time I walked over to the gym. There was Lisa and Karen waiting for me. I kissed Lisa long and hard. "Remember, I love you and I'll always love you. I'm counting on you to fight your best; all I ask is that you try not to break anything" She smiled and said, "I love you,...

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The CoachChapter 5

It was the last day of the first school week when Ted was sitting by himself at a table in the teacher’s lounge and he heard someone say, “Mind if I join you?” Looking up he saw the voice belong to Marie Watkins the Principal’s Secretary. Putting down the paper he was reading he told her he was happy for the company. He knew that Marie who was close to retirement age was privy to the many things happening not only at school but also in the area. “I am not going to ask you how the summer...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 14

Desirée could cry. Mark had left without a word to her. She'd wanted so much to discuss Priscilla Devereaux's phone conversation with him, and especially give him the opportunity to say something concerning Nancy Pace that would clarify the auburn- haired girl's malicious intimations. God knows, it wasn't that she'd readily believe such vicious gossip, nor wanted in the least to doubt his fidelity, but she hadn't the courage to broach the subject. She'd never seen him so...

4 years ago
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Heart of Darkness Ch 03

Since their arrival in Kinshasa, just hours ago, the M2 within Darla and Shelly had suddenly come to a boiling point, unleashing within them insatiable desires that only a place like Africa could satisfy. At the end of the hallway, Darla met Mona and said, ‘I’m done. Have you seen Shelly?’ ‘No Ms. Darla,’ Mona answered.’However, you may want to check the rear of the hospital, near the barracks. There is a recreation area there where the Colonel’s men go to workout this time everyday. I would...

4 years ago
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O Brave New World

It had been the Daily Mail that had first broken the news, shortly followed by all of the World’s media. During the Autumn, scorn had been poured upon the doomsayers who believed in the old Mayan prophecy, that this 400 year cycle was going to end in the destruction of the whole world. But those deriders had to eat their words when the news of the asteroid was broken, by a technician at Jodrell Bank who sold the story to the Mail. The world did indeed have only a few weeks more left, until...

3 years ago
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ReplicoidChapter 3

Leia Organa-Solo stepped out of the small air taxi as it arrived home at the Imperial Palace. Her aide Winter and C-3PO followed. "Hi Han," she said with an exhausted smile, greeting her husband. "You look tired," he said, touching her shoulder gently. "Bad day?" Leia sighed, glancing over at Winter. "Just some disagreements with Fey'lya. He's been excessively uncooperative in the Council lately." "Yeah, he doesn't seem like the typical Bothan," Han said. "Feel like...

1 year ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 6 Lunch on Monday

"I'm just glad it's lunch time. I'm starving. I skipped breakfast and I can feel it now." She knew Paul said he was going to spank her at lunch but she wasn't going to think about it. She moved closer to Paul before they reached the lunchroom. She knew it would be crowded and a lot of hands would be ready. "What are you going to get?" She looked around for what she might like, then she decided she would just get whatever he did, she didn't feel like splitting up. As they walked...

2 years ago
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Pyar Aur Sex

Well dosto Mai Antariksh from Meerut fir haazir hun aapke samne! ye story mai sirf entertainment k liye nahi likh raha hun balki mujhe apke jawaab bhi chahiye kyunki mai bahut pareshan hun apni love life se.meri pichhli story thi “sex se pyar ki ore badh chala” jise ap logo ne kaafi pasand kiya aur kai saare comments aaye.thanx to all ladies and gents who send me comments. Maine ye decide kiya h ki main kabhi bhi fake story nahi likhunga,ab mai jawan ho chuka sahi buil up h to jo bhi mere sath...

3 years ago
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The Very First Time

The story started some time ago, while I was in high school, it was a dreary day that I decided to cut class and go into the woods behind the track field. I heard people running behind me and move aside as Charlie, Daniel and Bruce came charging through. The three of them are our version of local bullies. Word was that the three of them had spent time in prison and was very violent, no one wanted to be around them long. As they charged past Bruce looked back over his shoulder and called out to...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Janice Chapter 8

Tuesday I woke up to the alarm and Janice was already up, she was in the kitchen having coffee and a cigarette. She was all showered and made up; she was dressed ready to start her day. She told me she woke up at 5:00; she couldn’t sleep so got up and decided to get ready. She was wearing a black suit pants that had a matching jacket, a white satin blouse, the same black bead necklace and earrings she wore the night before. She had on her bright red lipstick, with black pumps. She looked very...

Straight Sex
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Mistis Advrntures Part 169

After Dave and Carl had finished chewing out the crews for their behavior, They had dressed and Chloe went and got in the truck, and Francis had got in with her, so she could drop him off at the Kelly house. Zane and Falina went and got in their car and gone home. Falina had SO MANY questions in her head that she couldn't decide where to start. First she needed to get confirmation of something she had perceived."Sweetheart?" she started. "Did you REALLY enjoy watching Francis fuck me, and cum...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 50 An Offer

February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...

3 years ago
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If there is one cliché’ to describe how I feel in Milan during Fashion Week, it would be like a kid in a candy store! I was there on business though but I could not help but scheduling my meetings in the mornings so that I could at least catch some of the shows: Sander, Armani, Prada, etc., beautiful clothes worn by some of the most beautiful women in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those shallow men who goes entirely in for the model type. I think beauty comes in a variety of...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Act cont

My ex wife Michelle 38 left me when she fell in love with her trainer Sam. Sam 24 would punish Michelle like 50 Shades of Grey a lesbian version and fuck her with all variety of sex toys.A few protests were heard by me and the girls but when Michelle paired her mobile with my desktop and played the video we went silent. "Now that I have your attention. " Michelle grabbed her phone and moved to the outdoor sofa, hiked her dress up, sat down an spread her legs. "Sara and Yang 69 on the floor I...

3 years ago
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Jaimes Journey

I tried being one of the guys, but all the other boys seemed interested in was cars, sports, hunting, fishing, guns, and making rude comments about girls. When I wasn’t as macho as some of the other boys, some of them started calling me a faggot, and asking me to suck their dicks. I decided I really didn’t need that kind of shit, and I was interested in girls, not boys. I ended up hanging out more with the girls, though none of them had any interest in me. At least they were friendly and most...

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SRU The Welsh Rings

Hi, all. This is the first story I've ever done for SRU and I have to admit it's something of a surprise - I never thought I'd do one. I hope you all like it. Disclaimers: This story is mine, and don't you go saying otherwise (Except, of course, for Spells 'R Us...). I give permission to anyone with a free site to archive this (you could let me know, if you've got the time). If you think this is good enough to try to charge money for it, you'd better be willing to offer me (and...

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