ExperimentChapter 2 free porn video

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Kathy felt much better as she left the confessional. Father John was a wonderful priest. Of course Kathy knew her pussy was far from satisfied and she had some more work to do on her swollen clit.

Father John on the other hand did not feel so good. Kathy had awakened something in him he thought he had killed, sexual passion. As he later cleaned himself in his room he could not help it but another erection appeared and the only way he could rid himself of it was to empty his sperm in the sink.

Kathy returned home and began to enter her new experiences into her journal. It did not take Kathy's left arm long to move between her legs as she wrote about cumming for Father John. There were some many things that now turned her on she did not know what she would do. She seemed to have an unlimited supply of libido and she was enjoying every moment of it. It was a real love-hate conflict but these conflicts were eased some by Father John's support. She remembered he had told her that sexual desire is a normal part of living. She wondered how Father John handled his own sexual desire but this quickly brought back the memory of the old Father Bob. She could still see him sticking his erect cock into her face and telling her she was very wicked because she had a pussy. At this point in time Kathy was very happy to have a slit between her legs and as she pondered these thoughts she began touching her wonderful pussy. Bill stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes not knowing what he should do. He had just sucked a stranger's dick and had enjoyed every moment of it. He also told this stranger a lot about himself he did not want anyone else to know.

Bill hated fags and thought they were of the devil. Even though he had experiences with his older brother and his friend those were all during childhood and did not count. What disturbed him was his recent cock sucking did count.

Bill also did not like the fact he had told Doug about his habit of regularly either saving his cum after masturbation or else shooting off directly into much of the food he prepared. He did this both for his family and for friends. In fact his barbecue sauce was always a hit and he always refused to tell the secret ingredients. He also did not like the fact that he loved to see his daughter naked.

Bill could still taste Doug's sperm that he had swallowed. "Gee, I sure hope he does not have any diseases," he said as he got into his car for the drive home. But even as he tasted the residue of Doug's sperm he felt his own cock begin to swell.

No one was home when he got there. His teenage daughter had band practice and his wife was working late. He was going to prepare lasagne. He knew he would be able to muster some of his secret ingredient particularly after what happened today.

Bill and his wife were not on the best terms. She was always at work and seldom was ever interested in sex. It was not like this when they married 20 years ago but now they were each going their own way it seemed. Ann, their 18 year old daughter was doing quite well and would graduate this year. She would then be off to college and Bill would miss her.

As Bill prepared the food it was time for the sauce. He put most of the ingredients in the sauce pan and then pulled off his shorts. He pulled on his dick and as he did so he began to think of sucking Doug and his erection quickly occurred. He did not like the fact that these thoughts were turning him on but he did want to finish the sauce before anyone arrived home. As he pumped himself he remembered Doug's cum hitting him in the back of the throat and then gulping it down. This picture along with his hand work was enough to spew and good helping of cum into the sauce pain. Bill let this simmer while he went and took a shower. However, before he took the shower he found a small notebook and began his journal.

"Today I was making lasagne. I needed a good load of cum so I began to masturbate. I began to think about sucking Doug's dick and it was enough to produce a nice helping of cum for the sauce. The sauce is now simmering and I'm sure my wife and daughter will love it."

"Gee Dad this is great lasagne," Ann said later that evening.

"Thanks," Bill said with a large grin. "Glad you like it, I am really glad you like it."

During the next week Doug sat at his computer refining his programs. He had a multi-track recorder on his computer and could add or subtract various sounds from his musical subliminal composition. He planned on visiting Kathy soon and could not wait to find out how her confession went. He also wondered how Bill was doing with the cooking.

Kathy spent the week mostly working and then masturbating several times a day. She continued to find it pleasant to leave her panties at home. She even found some ways of touching herself at her desk so no one could see. Everyone thought Kathy was the same conservative person she had always been and this is what Kathy wanted them to believe. But Kathy had changed. She was even learning how to tolerate the guilt and even using the guilt to increase her pleasure.

Father John was not having a good week. He had long ago given up sex and thought he had conquered his libido but now because of Kathy it had returned with a vengeance. He had masturbated three times during the week because he kept getting erections. Father John did not have a large penis and this along with the fact he often wore a robe aided in hiding these frequent erections.

On Tuesday evening Doug returned to Kathy to check her journal.

"Hi Kathy. What have you got for me today," Doug said as he entered her apartment.

"Hi Doug," Kathy said as she handed him her journal. Kathy almost immediately felt a burning in her pussy as Doug read. She both love and hated the reaction that Doug's presence elicited in her body. Doug was very interested in her confession with Father John. He had a theory that priests used a good deal of reaction formation themselves and wondered about the dynamics of a young priest's sexuality.

"You mean you masturbated in the confessional," Doug asked in amazement. He was surprised she had gone that far.

"Yes," Kathy replied.

"What did Father John say?" Doug asked as he noted Kathy's hand had moved between her legs.

"He said that sex is normal but I should control it. It's funny because he seemed real nervous during the confession. For a long time after I told him I was cumming he did not say anything except I heard him moaning. It really turned me on to hear that. I don't what he was doing," Kathy said.

Doug wondered what Father John was doing also but he had more of a clue than did Kathy.

"Are you wearing any panties?"


"Then let me see your pussy," Doug commanded.

Kathy raised her dress and Doug could admire the pink lips of her pussy.

Kathy watched as Doug pulled out his hard cock.

"Come over here and lick my cock as I read the rest of your report."

Kathy had never sucked a cock. The closest was one time she was being punished by Sister Mary by having to stand naked in the Church. Father Bob would usually show to chastised them and in the process show her his hard cock blaming it on her pussy. She just remembered that he would sometimes make them kiss it and several times she tasted a drop pre-cum on it.

As Kathy moved toward Doug's cock she could see the drop of pre-cum on it. She licked that off and began sucking like she would a lolly. This seemed to be okay with Doug and he continued to read her reports of frequent masturbation.

As Doug finished the report he reached down and moved Kathy's head back. He gripped his dick and began to pump allowing its head to remain in contact with Kathy's lips. As Doug got close he began to moan and suddenly his cock sprayed cum all over Kathy's lips and face.

"With a little bit of practice you will be a great cock-sucker Kathy," Doug said as he wiped the last bit of cum onto Kathy's chin.

One part of Kathy felt totally disgusted that she would let a man do this to her. She felt totally degraded. But then her pussy overruled and as Doug sat and watched she rubbed herself into a fantastic orgasm as she licked his cum off her face.

"Oh Doug, it feels so good!" she said as she hump her hand on the floor.

She looked up and saw that Doug was delighted with her show.

Doug thought about Father John's reaction to Kathy's display as he drove to the park to meet Bill. He felt there might be something in those moans that Kathy heard and where better to find a defensive posture of reaction formation than in a celibate priest.

Doug walked up the path of the park near the mall and there was Bill sitting on a bench.

"Hi Bill, Do you have something for me?" Doug said as he greeted Bill.

"Yes here is my journal that you instructed me to keep," Bill said feeling very strange even being here talking to this man.

Doug sat down and began to read. He saw that Bill had been busy over the past week. He had prepared five meals that contained his special juice. Doug also noted that in each of these times Bill had fantasised either about sucking Doug's cock or else his daughter Ann standing naked before him.

"Very interesting Bill," Doug commented. "I guess everyone liked the food?"

"Oh, yes they all loved it," Bill said.

"So with all this sperming in food when do you fuck your wife?" Doug asked Bill.

"We seldom have sex. The last time was six months ago," Bill answered.

"Oh, I see how you have the time for whacking off," Doug said.

"When did you last see your daughter naked?"

Bill thought a moment. These questions were disturbing in a strange sort of way. "I guess it was last week. She was going swimming and I walked in on her just before she was putting on her bikini," Bill said.

"How much of her did you see?" Doug asked.

"I saw all of her. She was standing up and I had a perfect view," Bill replied.

"Was her pussy shaven and did it have hair?"

"It had a small strip of hair right above the slit and that was all," Bill could feel his face flushed pink as he answered Doug questions. Bill also found a very disturbing pressure in his pants as his cock began to become erect.

"How does she react to you when you walk in on her," Doug asked.

"Last time she just said hi daddy and put on her bikini."

"She ever see you naked."

"Not really," Bill answered wondering how his daughter would react if she saw him with an erect cock.

"Ok, Bill keep up the good work on the journal. Remember anything about sex and you write it down. Got it?" Doug said as he got up to leave.

"Yes, I will," Bill said as he watched his new friend walk down the sidewalk to his car.

Father John continued to have major conflicts over his newly discovered sexuality. There were many problems being debated related to sex and the priesthood. Father John did not know who he could trust in this matter. He knew that some priests were homosexual and he knew about the few priests who had molested young boys. Father John would kill himself before he hurt anyone but he needed to talk to someone. He was afraid of being labelled a pervert and he was tired of always having an erection. He finally decided there was only one person he could trust in this matter. It was not another priest but Sister Teresa.

He had known Sister Teresa for about 7 years. She was in her 40's and had always been most helpful to him. She was considered a bit of a radical and he felt she would be just the kind of person he could both trust. He felt she had been around a bit and she could advise him on how to handle this situation.

She worked in a Church nearby so he made arrangements the next day to visit her.

"Hi Sister," he said as they hugged.

"What brings you here Father?" Sister Teresa said as she greeted her friend.

"Just a friendly visit but I do have something I am hoping you can help me with."

"I will do anything I can," she said.

"It is a most sensitive matter and I don't know who else I can trust on this," Father John explained. "If you don't feel like this is a good idea I will go to someone else."

"You can talk to me about anything you want, anything at all. Let's go up to my study. It will be totally private and no one will interrupt us," she said as they walked up the stairs.

"Now tell me what is so sensitive?" she asked as they sat in her study.

Father John told her briefly about Kathy and the fact that she had masturbated during confession in the confessional.

Sister Teresa listened very attentively.

"What really bothers me," Father John continued, "is and I don't know how to say this."

"Just go ahead and tell me," Sister Teresa was very interested.

"While I listened to that young woman my penis became erect and what is worst as she moaned I ejaculated right there in the confessional," Father John said.

Sister Teresa was not really prepared for this story. She was also surprised by the effect it was having on her.

"Since that time I continue to have erections and the only way I can rid myself of them is to masturbate. I even have an erection right now while I am telling this to you."

Sister looked down at Father John's pants and noted a large bulged.

Father John could see her looking and became even more embarrassed.

"You don't have to feel so uncomfortable talking to me about this," Sister said attempting to be supportive. However, the Sister was also finding this a bit uncomfortable. What was making it uncomfortable was not the subject matter so much as the stirrings she was feeling inside her.

"I feel so badly about all of this. How can I help people and be a priest if I go around with a hard-on all the time. It is really frustrating and the damn thing will not go away until I masturbate. Just look!" With that Father John pulled down his trousers and stood before Sister Teresa with a hard-on.

"Oh my," Sister Teresa said as she looked at Father John's erect cock. It had been a long time since Sister Teresa had seen a hard cock. She looked intently at the swollen member.

"Oh what have I done?" Father John said in complete desperation.

"Don't worry about it. I have seen a penis before," Sister Teresa said but she was worrying about it. She was very concerned over a certain wetness she was feeling deep in side her.

"Now what do you have to do to get rid of the erection?" Father asked bringing her out of her own thoughts.

"The only way I have found is to masturbate like this," Father John explained and he pumped his dick a few times to demonstrate.

Sister Teresa very limited experience with men and this had been a long time ago. This was the first time she had seen an erect cock in years and she was totally intrigued. Other parts of her body were also intrigued.

Sister Teresa quickly composed herself.

"Maybe we can help each other," Sister Teresa explained. "I am lacking in knowledge of men and maybe you can show me a few things on the mechanic of masturbation. I teach lots of teenage boys and this would be good for me to know. Then maybe we can work through your current problem." Sister Teresa felt this would be the perfect opportunity for her to learn about the male body. It was a purely intellectual interest; however, the Sister also knew there was wetness between her legs as she looked at Father John's erect penis. That wetness wanted something more than Father John's knowledge of masturbation.

"Come over here," she directed the Father to a small wash basin.

"Masturbate into this wash basin," she said.

"I can't do that," Father John said.

"Look you can't leave here with an erection sticking out of your pants. It is not going to hurt anything to go ahead and solve this immediate problem."

"Ok I guess you are right. And you want to watch?"

"Yes it will be very educational for me," she said but noticed that her heart was beating much faster and breath had become shallower.

Father John pulled his trousers all the way down and stepped out of them. He walked over the basin and the Sister followed him. He took hold of his cock and looked sheepishly at the Sister.

"Go ahead, we don't have all day." She was staring intently at his cock. Sister Teresa resisted the urge to move her hand between her legs.

Father John began to slowly stroke his cock and as he did a thought of Sister Teresa standing before him naked appeared in his mind.

"I can't do this," Father John said.

"Why not, what is wrong?" Sister Teresa said.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked.


"As I stroked my penis my mind formed a picture of you standing naked before me," he said with a shamed look on his face.

This statement had a strange affect on Sister Teresa. She felt queasy in her stomach. She had never had any problems with the teenage boys she taught but this was a bit different. She also was not use to having her pussy become moist and her clitoris was swollen with a forbidden desire.

"I know I should not have said that," Father John said still standing before the basin with his hard cock in his hands.

His words brought the Sister back to the situation. "Oh, I'm sorry. It was just sort of shocking to hear you say that but its okay. We need to work on your problem and I agree it is a very sensitive one." I have an idea that might make you more comfortable. Just stand there a moment longer."

With that Sister Teresa slipped into the small bathroom. She could not believe what she was going to do but felt it would be the most helpful thing to Father John. She also had not been this excited in years. In the bath room she removed her panties and walked back into the room.

Father John was now standing before her holding his very hard cock in his hands.

"I think this may help you finish you masturbation and then we can decide the best course of action." As Sister Teresa said this she pulled up her skirt revealing her rather hairy genitals but her moist pussy lips were plainly visible. She was not prepared for Father John's reaction.

Father John was standing right in front of the Sister so he had a perfect view. The room was small so he was close enough to almost touch her. When she lifted her skirt and he looked at her pussy he could not help it. He began the most wonderful ejaculation he ever experienced. His cum spewed all over the Sister. It went on her dress, some went on her face, and some even went in her hair. At this point the Father was beyond caring.

Sister was caught unprepared. She had not expected that her showing the Father her genitals would push him over the edge. She was also not prepared for how this surreal experience was affecting her. When she saw Father John gasped as she pulled up her dress she suddenly felt a surge of passionate energy engulf her. It was almost if an evil sensuous demon had possessed her. When his cum splashed on her she felt her pussy begin to pulsate to his rhythm. Her hand immediately found her long neglected clitoris that responded violently to her manipulations. As the Father shot his last load almost directly on to her face with some finding her open mouth, Sister Teresa sank to the floor in the most overwhelming orgasmic fit of passion she had ever known.

They both sat on the floor looking at each other in total disgust and total bliss.

Doug did not know what he had begun. His experiment with the Freudian defence mechanism of reaction formation was very successful. These experiments were also significantly changing several people's lives. Doug did not have much to lose. He was unemployed living on a small pension with few real friends. Of course, he now had association with Kathy, Bill, and soon to be Father John and Sister Teresa. Whether or not this was to their best interest it did not seem to matter. What mattered to Doug was his experiment. Of course, the fact that he was getting plenty of sex also provided him with a lot of motivation. The one thing Doug was missing though was the affect his program was having on him. At the very least Doug was now finding he needed a sexual release at least two times a day. In the past he was quite content to masturbate once a month. Also, he was now very much into domination.

Doug had just finished reviewing Kathy's latest journal entries. Hers were now mostly routine accounts of her masturbation. She continued to go without panties and at times would manage some interesting masturbation techniques accomplished in a public place. He saw that Kathy continued to react sexually to any guilt impulse and the sexual impulse continues to generate much guilt.

Bill's accounts were also about the same. Since he became involved with Doug's program his libido had increased as had the others. He now masturbated at least two times per day so his sauces were on the increased. He reported that this made everyone happy including his daughter. He also reported number of incidents where he saw his daughter partially unclothed. He never mentioned this effecting him but it seemed each time he had a good look at her body he was ready to make some new sauce. Also, he reported a new incident of allowing her to see him naked.

Father John continued to be confused. He decision to talk to Sister Teresa was a disaster for both of them. His problem was complicated that now he thought of both Kathy and Sister Teresa when he masturbated and he was now masturbating several times a day. At times he would even fantasised Sister Teresa and Kathy together.

Sister Teresa pondered her new found sexuality. Her orgasm had a great effect upon her. Unlike the other though, masturbating alone did not satisfy her. She knew she and Father John would have to work on their problem together for her to find the relief she needed.

Kathy was at the Church working on her program for the teenager when Ann, an 18 female asked if she could talk to her.

"Sure Angela, What can I do for you?" Kathy asked.

"Could we go somewhere and talk in private?" Angela asked.

"Sure, let go over to Father Stewart's office. He is out of town and I know he will not mind," Kathy said as they walked over to his office.

"So what's up?" Kathy asked.

"I don't really know how to talk about this but it is my father."

"Okay what about your father?" thinking it was some simple disagreements. Ann was a senior in high school and was soon to be leaving for college.

"I think he likes to see me naked," Ann almost whispered.

"Why would you think that?" Kathy said very surprised at the subject. She knew Ann's father and liked him. He made the best sauces with his various dishes he brought to Church functions.

"It is just that he walks in on me all the time when I am changing clothes and stuff," she explained.

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RawAttack Abbie Maley Fit Babe Abbie Maley Explosion of Energy

One word to describe Abby Maley would be ENERGY!!! This brown eyed, brunette, fit babe is a refreshing mix of sexual, friendly, excited and adorable energy. She never misses a beat weather the cameras are rolling or not. After taking a hard pounding and a huge facial I continue to film this hot bodied sweetheart. Her flirtatious vibe and gorgeous body make for a super intense fuck session. After making it clear what she wants from me I am happy to give her what she is looking for. This behind...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty August Ames Plastic Surgeon

When devoted wife August Ames receives a sex tape of her husband cheating, she swears she’ll get him back. Livid and hellbent on revenge, she goes to see her husband’s golf partner, a plastic surgeon named Dr. Jessy Jones, to reconstruct her idea of marriage. Jessy wonders what’s up when the natural beauty claims she wants her perfect tits redone. He’s not buying her story and tries shoo her out of his office. But she insists he check her breasts. Maybe she has lumps. He...

2 years ago
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Shivani Losing Her Virginity

My love to all iss readers. This time I am back with a very erotic story. This act happened a few weeks back with my neighbor shivani (name changed). shivani is 21. She has beautiful face and decent features. she was talk of our area and she never gave a damn to any guys and was always spotted with other group of hot chicks around her. A month ago i received a friend request from her on fb and i accepted that after few days as i was not website for sometime. Initially we spoke for few mins for...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Dava Foxx Second Appearance

Dava Foxx has a deep, dark fantasy, and it’s about to become her reality! Dava works at a black-owned bar, and she loves it! The crowd is great, as are her co-workers. They’re all handsome, too. This is where her fantasy kicks in. The one she doesn’t really want anyone to know about: Dava Foxx wants a train run on her. You know…a good, old-fashioned gang bang. She’s never experienced a bunch of Bulls fucking her, so here’s her plan: slack off a little at...

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Super Secretary 3

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 Alan woke up as his alarm went off and got ready for work. He knew that Pam was pissed and she wouldn't be coming this morning and he had no choice but to put his training to work. After a quick shower, he blew his hair dry and took his time with his makeup. He fixed it a few times and figured it looked decent enough before taking the next outfit from his closet and getting dressed. It was weird trying to match things,...

3 years ago
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Two Birds In One Stone 8211 Part II

Two Birds in one stone Author—Ranju Panda Hey readers, This is Ranju Panda from Bhubaneswar again appearing with a new story. My previous stories in this site have been appreciated by many readers and they have encouraged me to keep up writing. I was serving in an office in my local town and being a bachelor was staying in our own house in the old town with my parents. My cousin brother, who is the son of my maternal uncle, one day came to our house. He is a Lecturer and has been transferred...

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Ginas New Life

It was a cool fall evening. The leaves were in the full glory of their autumn colors and in the half light of the sunset they seemed ever more marvellous than in the brightness of noon. Gina was preparing to go out again. Born Claude Eugene Monet he had decided long ago that he really should have been a woman and now lived and worked as a young woman and had changed his name to Regina Melody Monet. Though it was never totally legal, with the help of some less than reputable friends...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Lusty Manager To Another Encounter With Colleague

Hey boys (hard dicks) and ladies (yummy pussies). Sameer working in Bangalore is back with a hot encounter with my colleague. After my encounter with HR manager, as soon I had this encounter I am writing this to share with you and guys I am better in real life than the story because some romantic scenes are tough to write as words fall short to describe instead it can be shown please mail me your reviews and fun at my email id at the end of story cum real experience. Now there was another HR...

2 years ago
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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve – Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

4 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 16

Wheelin' 'n' Dealin' was and still is the place to go if you're a serious cycler. That's obvious the moment you set foot on the sales floor, the front half of the Denzel brother's space. On the walls are bike posters and more bike posters; posters of road racers and track racers frozen against backgrounds so blurred you feel the wind, posters of BMX bikes and riders soaring off jumps looking so real you want to pick the dirt and mud off your face, barf-inducing posters of X-Game riders...

3 years ago
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Haylie Duff and Hilary Duff A Tale of Two sisters

Hilary Duff sat in a director's chair in her trailer, having just finished making a video with her sister Haylie for the soundtrack of her new movie, Cinderella Story. Her skintight black jeans were unzipped and one hand was exploring inside. Her eyes closed as she bit down on her lip remembering when she had first met her true love.Or rather when they had first met as lovers.After all, she and Halie had Known each other her whole life.But it wasn't until the ages of thirteen and fifteen that...

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 5 A Married Couple

Rav gently shook Natalie awake, she opened her eyes and looked at Rav in confusion, still feeling the effects of the champagne she closed her eyes as her head started to spin. "The minister is waiting, sweets," Rav said with a smile. Without opening her eyes Natalie said "the minister?" Chuckling Rav replied "yes the minister who is going to marry us." Opening her eyes Natalie looked at Rav "marry us?" then she giggled a little drunkenly "oh you said I would marry you if I kissed...

4 years ago
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Older Women Pt 2

Older women seem to desire the younger men as thy seem to enjoy the young hot stud to the utmost.I do odd jobs around the neighborhood from cutting grass in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter and some minor repairs for the people in the neighborhood. I have been cutting the grass for Jean , a divorced women in her late thirties. She called and asked if I could come over to her house and cut the grass and other yard work. I told her that I could probably come over tomorrow in the...

1 year ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 7 To Sleepover Perchance to Dream

Author's Note: Just wanted to make another note to thank everyone for the kind reviews, and to inform everyone that if they're hankering for more, I've been experimenting with TG captions over on DeviantArt (I'm vthunder42 over there) so if you're interested, go check those out. After telling Aunt Agnes of what he'd agreed to, and her customary shaking of her head at Taylor's predicament, Taylor was soon standing in front of Emily's house carrying a small overnight bag, which...

1 year ago
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The Nest Is Full Whats Next

While his wife was destroying the concept of fidelity in the arms of their daughter Jack was tossing and turning in his father’s house. He had driven out to spend the weekend with his dad since Donna wasn’t going to be around. Since he never traveled for his job like other people it was his first night since being married that he wasn’t sleeping next to his wife. His dreams were nightmare filled visions of Donna screaming in ecstasy in the arms of multiple lovers. He kept waking up in a sweat...

4 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 18

In Professor Daniels’s office, Sandra was incredibly nervous and said, in a soft low hesitant voice, “I must admit that I am extremely apprehensive about posing nude in front of your art class. Peter said that there are several students besides him in your class.” “As per school policy, none of the other students in the art class will know your true identity and that you are Peter’s wife. Also, you will have to sign these release forms that you understand that you will be posing nude, and...

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Sam Prefers Daddy

This is a sequel to the story 'Sam Gets Married'. I think you'll find it a fun and sexy read even if you haven't read the first part. We were all waiting by the gate, talking excitedly but each of us nervous, when the doors opened and my beautiful daughter Samantha and her new husband Jimmy, both tanned and covered in colorful leis, rushed into view. "Daddy, oh Daddy," she shouted to me as she launched herself into my waiting arms, and even among the swirling crowd and with her new...

2 years ago
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Cheated My Husband

Hi, this is Soumya, this is my real name. I am 30 years and married have a kid. I was an innocent lady and I never thought I will cheat my husband. This is my real sex story. I am here to tell all guys not to leave your wife alone for years for earning money. I got married 4 years back, he uses to love me so much, he got a chance in the USA and now he is working in the USA for 2 years. I am working in a private company and taking care of my kid. Before he uses to satisfy me on Skype but now he...

1 year ago
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GirlsWhoLie Addee Kate Beggars And Choosers

Addee Kate wants to have a girls party, so she rents a house for the weekend and gets ready to let loose. When she arrives to get set up, though, the house’s owner claims that he didn’t receive the deposit. Addee is desperate for this party to go well, so she wants to know if there’s anything at all they can do to work out a deal. The owner seems amenable, so Addee slips out of her top to put her titties on display. Her nipples are already hard as the owner reaches in to check...

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the interview

The interviewAfter having to take an early retirement from my job, and enjoying a little time off, it was time to get out and find another job. Although I needed the income, I was not happy about having to go through the whole process, after so many years. Being over 50, I knew it wouldn't be an easy task. I did have the advantage of still being in pretty good shape. I am 6'1", 185lbs, salt and pepper hair, and blue eyes. My first interview was to be at 11:00 with a warehousing and distribution...

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TheRealWorkout Katrin Tequila Steel Buns In The Sun

A dedicated chick like Katrin always finds creative ways to spice up her workout. Today, she heads out to the pool to get a little sun while crunching her buns. She does some squats, showing off her incredible ass. Then she spills some water on herself, getting her tight body all wet. When our stud shows up, Katrin gets even wetter. She goes inside with him and sucks his thick rod. Then, she lays on her back and welcomes his prick into her velvet underground. She moans while he fucks her from...

2 years ago
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Masquerade Pt 02

I arrive at work the next day, late as usual, but it is what it is. Rushing once again to my office, I find a beautifully wrapped box on my desk. I set my things down and go to the present. The paper is a gorgeous shade of green – deep emerald – with silver swirls all over it. The package is tied with silver and black ribbon. It looks almost too pretty to open, and I’m excited to find out who sent it. I look for a card, but there isn’t one on the present. I check around and under the desk, the...

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Just a Girl redone

Just a Girl Joe just sat there wiping the blood from his nose . He's a somewhat small and skinny kid for a high school senior, with his long brown hair and somewhat feminine face. Mark an over grown football jock. Who enjoyed beating Joe almost every day. Joe never let Mark see the fear he put into him. Mark stands over Joe yelling, "If I ever catch you talking to Cindy like you're her boy friend I will kill your fag ass, you hear me." Mark severally back hands Joe almost...

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Panty surprise

For aslong as I can remember I have always smelled worn panties. I remember stealing my friend's mom's I had a favourite thong she wore. Purple and lace. Every Saturday I would lock myself in the bathroom and smell his mom's pussy I even went as far as licking them. It wasnt long before I was taking my stepmoms panties. She was in her mid 30s. Small B cup chest but a huge round ass. She was brunette with blue eyes. I was a horny teen and decided I had taste her. He perfect day came during a...

3 years ago
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My khala and me in Bangaldesh

Hi I would love to share my incest stories. I am 22 year old. My name is Foysol Ahmed. I am from Bangladesh. I had relationships with my younger sister Tajrin, my khala (mom’s youngest sister) and my maid in Bangladesh. I will tell you the story of me and my khala. My mom has 2(Shaida, and Shilpi) other sisters both of them r younger then my mom. Shilpi khala is the youngest one and I had relationship with her. I came to Canada when I was 10 years of age. I went back to Bangladesh 3 years after...

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Handsome and Gorgeous meet the Botch

(Always wanted to do a fairytale parody and here it is, a crude facsimile to Grimm's story of two steps and their lascivious guardians. I say guardians, not parents, because neither birthed either of these c***dren, just felt too guilty to leave the swaddled pair of babes to freeze in the cold of their abandon amongst the trees.)Back in the good ole daze of lederhosen and mead lived a family of four scratching out a living in the depths of the Black Forest. Life was natural, a bit isolated,...

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Halloween hijinx

Charles, or as everyone called him, Charlie was watching the clock on his desk. Just ten more minutes and counting before he could leave a really crappy work week behind him and head out for a fun Halloween party with his very sexy wife. He had been looking forward to this since he and Margaret got the invitations two weeks ago. Charlie couldn’t remember the last Halloween party he’d been to and just the thought of it was bringing out the kid in him again. Margaret picked out the...

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The Purse Came First

The Purse Came First By Varian Milagro "Don't forget your purse, Larry." I came to a stop. I turned and looked at the speaker; it was my co- worker Janine, a short, serious minded woman in her mid thirties. She smiled at me and pointed to my desk. "You wouldn't want to forget that." I looked at my cubicle and sitting on my desk was a black woman's purse. It had short handles, was around a foot or so tall and looked like something a stylish lady might carry. It also had not...

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Taken in Hand by my Wifes Sisters Again

Sally and I were married when we were twenty, nearly six months ago. We’d been lucky to find a new terraced house we could just afford but finances were very tight and we’d struggled to stay within budget. It was my own fault that I’d ended up being spanked by Sally and her sisters, as I’d come up with the idea of a spanking to help us stop spending. But I hadn’t banked on Sally demanding that her sisters help if I was to be punished, as Sally 'wasn’t as strong as me’.Since I’d spanked Sally...

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I Missed You

‘Jer, I’m home baby,’ Marisa yelled, closing the apartment door and throwing down her bag. She walked into the kitchen in confusion, not finding her boyfriend in the living room either, she headed towards their bedroom, shrugging off her jacket and kicking off her shoes along the way.  ‘Jeremy?’ Marisa called, opening their bedroom door, and then stopping in her tracks. Jeremy was sitting naked on the end of their bed, holding his hard cock in one hand and facing the door. ‘I missed you,’ he...

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Weeks Vacation Day 02

I woke up in the very early hours of the morning. I was toasty warm where I pressed against Brian’s side and cold where my skin was bare and exposed. We’d fallen asleep entwined and completely nude on my couch. I slid my hand softly over his chest noting his own skins coolness. The early summer nights still turned cold sometimes. I began slowly extricating myself from his arms. It was almost painfully slow as several areas of our skin were all but glued together with dried bodily fluids. I...

2 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 20 Dumb Blondes

Hello! Let's keep this train rolling, shall we? We're fast approaching the finish! Remember, if you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my Deviant Art with chapter 23 now available on my Patreon! You can also let you voice be heard in regards to what you'd like to see me write next by checking out my poll at surveymonkey.com/r/TKN7H6C ! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out razmagurk.deviantart.com and ...

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Mind Control Mansion

Prologue: You are 19 year old Karen Steen. You are blonde, you are young and you come from a country nobody cares about. (That is why this story is written in a strange foreign way with expressions, no native speaker would use) You have come to the US to study engineering and to see the landscape. That is why you started a road trip with your friend Jackie (also student, but with brown hair) through the country and ended up in a crowded bar in a small town. After some drinks and some dancing...

Mind Control
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After The Party

Introduction: Wife taken advantage of after party My very first ever attempt at a story (based on a long held fantasy). Please let me know what you think. Thanks. It had been three weeks since moving into their new house and so she had reluctantly agreed the football team could have its night at their place and enjoy the new bbq and pool. As the evening began she thought it was going well. The house looked fantastic, the decorator had done a fantastic job, and she was the centre of attention...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 166

These are compliments of Allan A guy was crawling through the Australian outback, dying of thirst, and gasping, ‘water, water’. He looked up and saw a sign saying “Sisters of Mercy Convent”. He managed to crawl to the door, and banged on it. When a nun opened the door he gasped, “Water, please, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun said, “We don’t have water, but we do have tea brewed from a koala bear.”. The guy said, “Anything, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun gave him a big mug of the tea, he...

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Darli O

Darli O My wife and I lived in Orange County, California in a nice house, on a corner lot, with a pool in the back yard. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, was 34C-26-35 and a size 7. She wore really short dresses and skirts that showed off her assets! She was pretty inhibited when it came to sex. I have always enjoyed talking during sex and sort of role playing and fantasizing. I think she really was turned on by this, but felt she had to deny it because of her convictions that it was...

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Behan Bhai Aur Bhabi Ka Pyar

Manu apni behan ki saheli Madhu par ashik ho chuka tha. Ussne apni behan Sheetal ko apni saheli ke saath dosti karne ko patane ka plan banaya. “Sheetal, yaar apni saheli se mera intro to karwa do na? Mujhe bahut pasand hai. Agar vo maan jaye to ussko teri bhabi bana loon, sach behna” Asal mein Madhu ko Sheetal bhi bahut pasand karti thee aur usske saath lesbian sex karne ki ichha karti thee. Agar ek aurat ki dusri aurat ke saath shadi ho sakti to Sheetal apni saheli se shadi kar leti. Lekin...

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