Speeding Ch. 09 free porn video

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‘So, what do we know?’ Reid asked, marker poised above the white board, his back to Chris, Jason and Sheridan Detective, Chloe Davenport.

‘We know she was overdosed, we know she was bound,’ Jason answered.

‘We know she was a hoo… working girl,’ Chris continued, catching himself before labeling his friend’s ex-wife a hooker.

As Reid was writing on the board, Chloe asked, ‘Are we sure she wasn’t perhaps bound for fun and later accidentally overdosed?’ The Sheridan Detective had been quiet since arriving, but asked a very valid question.

‘Adrienne explained that the track marks were healing, indicating she hadn’t used in a while. She does not feel the death is accidental,’ Jason answered.

‘Can she prove it?’ Chris jumped in, springing from his chair. ‘Even if this is murder, and we figure out who did it, can we prove it?’

‘The evidence is shaky,’ Chloe agreed.

‘Adrienne isn’t wrong,’ Jason growled in defense.

Fire in his chocolate gaze, Chris challenged, ‘Prove it.’

‘Prove it isn’t,’ Jason threw back.

Reid’s shrill whistle stopped the two detectives from coming to blows. ‘Children!’ He knew Jason was defending Adrienne more than the evidence itself, and Chris was siding with the striking Sheridan detective. What he didn’t know was who was right, and working together was far more productive than taking sides. ‘Look, we’ve never had a murder in Aylesford, so we have to do this right. Maybe it was two separate incidents, and the binding isn’t related to the overdose, but until we know,’ he stopped with a grimace. ‘Until we can prove something- anything- we’re treating it like a homicide.’

‘Well, said Detective,’ Chloe approved with a nod, brushing her caramel colored hair away from her face.

Jason glared at the green eyed woman before returning his attention to Reid. ‘Plan of action?’

‘Yeah, how are we going to find this evidence? We’ve been to her apartment, spoken with her neighbors…’ Chris trailed off.

‘Talk to her pimp,’ Chloe suggested.

‘Of course! I’ll just look him up in the phone book,’ Jason joked.

Chloe shook her head at the cocky detective. ‘Big Ben owns that part of town. Vice will know how to find him.’

‘Do it,’ Reid instructed before his attention was drawn to a cloud of curly blonde hair nearing his desk. His daughter. His heart broke for the time they’d lost. Bolting from the chair he’d dropped into moments before, he made his way to Annie.

When he reached her, he suddenly felt very awkward. ‘Hi,’ was all he managed to say. He almost lost his footing when he caught the small body that crashed into him. ‘Guess you know.’

‘Hi, Dad!’ she squealed.

Momentarily speechless, Reid held her tight. Annie was far too excited to have him for a father. Aware of her mother’s case on the board behind them, he walked her to the front of the station before finally finding words. ‘Annie, why are you here?’

‘I want to live with you and Kendall,’ she answered, her words so rushed they all ran together.

Thrown, he opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it again. He didn’t want to tell her no, but this was something he would have to discuss with Kendall. He mentally laughed at that thought. Who was he kidding? He knew Kendall’s answer. The Reverend and Mrs. Shaw would be the problem. They would oppose any bid he and Kendall made for custody. Sighing, he settled for an age old parental stand by. ‘We’ll see,’ he answered as he hugged his daughter to his chest. ‘Your grandparents want to keep you.’ Hit with the proverbial ton of bricks, he repeated, ‘Grandparents.’

‘Dad?’ Annie looked at her father with wide blue eyes. How she loved that word. Dad.

‘You haven’t met my parents yet, or your uncles and aunts,’ Reid told her, shock on his face. How had he overlooked something so fundamental?

Silently cursing her selfish bitch of a mother, Annie asked, ‘I have more family?’

‘You sure do.’ He grinned. ‘Whether or not you live with Kendall and me, you’re coming to your Uncle Reece’s wedding in a few weeks and Sunday dinner at my parents in a couple days.’ He’d missed so much of her life, and so had his parents.

He’d never seen Annie look so excited. ‘You want me?’ She bounced in her sneakers.

‘Of course I do, sweetheart. I just wish…’

‘You wish my mother had told the truth,’ Annie finished. Her eyes turned sad before she told him, ‘Get used to it. She never told the truth. Ever.’

What kind of life had his child led? She already seemed far wiser than her years, but as excited as she seemed to have him for a father, it was obvious she was starved for affection. Smoothing a hand over her curly blonde head, he decided he would petition for custody. He knew Kendall would be on-board, and if they had to see a judge to be married to better their chances, he was fine with that.

Annie wondered what her dad was thinking as he held her. She knew it had to be something important with the way his eyes were narrowed. God, she hoped he wanted her. She sighed. She’d probably used up all her prayers just to get him for a father. What were the chances he’d want a thirteen- correction, almost thirteen- year old girl horning in on his life with Kendall? She knew about men and women, and she knew Kendall was amazingly pretty. No man would want to give up his privacy and let a kid live with them.

Pulling away slightly so he could look at his daughter, Reid promised, ‘I want you and I know Kendall does, too.’

‘Seriously?’ She goggled at him, her jaw slack.

He flashed a grin at her shocked expression before he placed his hands on her shoulders, bending down to look her in the eye. ‘I would never, never have let you go had I known. I promise we’ll figure everything out, and I promise I will never leave you again.’

She flung herself back into his arms, sobbing like a baby and not caring a bit. ‘Thank you, Dad.’

Arms full of crying girl, Reid pulled out his phone and called the only person who could help him. Ten minutes later, Kendall scooped his daughter up and took her to the store with her. Dazed, he made his way back to the other detectives.

‘I take it she’s yours,’ Jason greeted.

‘Yes,’ Reid answered succinctly before turning to the board. ‘Now, let’s figure out what happened to her horrible excuse for a mother.’

‘Yes, let’s,’ Jason agreed.


‘Dad said I could live with you,’ Annie informed Kendall on their walk between the station and the store.

Missing a step at that revelation, Kendall almost fell flat on her face. Regaining her balance, she asked, ‘He did?’

‘Well, he said, ‘We’ll see,’ at first, but then he said we wanted me, and you do too.’

Wow. What he said was so very different than extending an invitation to live with them. ‘We do want you, sweetie, but your grandparents will fight us.’ Beverly had promised that on the day of Amy’s death.

‘I know it won’t be tomorrow,’ Annie admitted, her slender shoulders slumping. She stopped then, bending to pluck a fluffy dandelion stem from a sidewalk crack. Face solemn, she said, ‘But you want me.’ She blew the seeds free of the stem, watched them float a moment before reiterating, ‘You want me.’

Kendall watched this little girl, a girl who had far more in common with her than she knew, cope so much better than she had and swallowed the large lump in her throat. ‘Did you know my parents died when I was your age?’

Annie gaped at Kendall. ‘Really?’

She gave a jerky nod in answer. ‘They were pilots. Their plane went down over the Atlantic.’

‘What happened to you? Who took care of you?’ Annie asked, concern etched into her delicate features.

‘My brother, Kyle, came home from college.’

‘He didn’t want you!’

‘He was eighteen. He wanted to go to college, not raise his sister,’ Kendall automatically defended.

Annie looked
at the ground, her fingers twisting a curl. ‘My grandparents don’t want me.’

Oh, her grandmother wanted her all right, and said as much ten days ago. ‘Of course they do.’

Annie shook her head, sending her cloud of curls flying. ‘No. I’m a problem my mother left them.’

‘Surely you don’t think that.’

‘It’s the truth.’ Stiffening her spine, Annie marched toward the store, leaving Kendall rooted to her spot on the sidewalk for almost a minute.

As she ran to catch up, Kendall’s mind was reeling. Did the Reverend and Mrs. Shaw really not want Annie? And why, if they didn’t, did Beverly issue that salvo indicating war should Reid try and take her from them? Something just didn’t add up.


‘Know any good lawyers?’ Kendall asked as soon as Kyle answered his phone. She knew her brother wouldn’t understand the situation, but he’d be able to help. Legally, at least.

‘What kind of question is that, Kendall?’ Kyle made a guttural sound. ‘Why do you need an attorney?’

An attorney. Of course. ‘Reid just discovered he has a daughter and we want to-‘

‘Did the bastard cheat on you? I told you he wasn’t good en-‘

‘Don’t even finish that thought, or so help me, Kyle, I will kick your teeth in.’

‘Oh,’ came the startled reply.

‘If you would have let me explain before cutting me off, I’d have told you that Annie’s mother was married to Reid, but she cheated on him. She told Reid Annie wasn’t his daughter and somehow had the paternity test back her up. Dr. Marquette had new tests run and viola, now I’m gonna be a stepmom.’

Kyle made some sort of choked sound on his side of the phone. ‘So, you need an attorney for what?’

‘We want to petition for custody.’

‘What? Why?’

Kendall frowned at the question, forgetting the expression was lost on her brother. She’d known he wouldn’t understand, but had hoped she was wrong. ‘Because she’s Reid’s daughter,’ she answered simply.

Kyle let out a long sigh laced with disappointment before finally answering the question. ‘Talk to Marjorie Statham. She’ll be able to help.’

‘Thanks, Kyle.’

‘Thank you for calling,’ he replied stiffly before disconnecting the call.


‘You wanna talk about it?’ Kendall asked when she walked into the shop. Taylor had been so quiet the past few days, and hadn’t even made a comment about Annie’s presence in the store. Worried about her friend, Kendall had left Annie with Jo and made her way back to Taylor’s bench.

‘What’s there to say?’ She placed the ring she’d been finishing on her bench-pin and turned her chair to face her best friend. ‘He’s dying. Faster than we thought.’

‘Oh Tay, I’ve been so preoccupied with Reid and Annie, I haven’t been there for you.’

A rueful smile turned Taylor’s pink lips. ‘What could you have done? You can’t make his cancer go away,’ she took a shallow breath, ‘and you can’t make me love him like he deserves.’

‘You are what he wanted,’ Kendall reasoned. ‘He couldn’t ask for anything more.’

Taylor shook her head, causing her red ponytail to beat at her shoulders. ‘You are so wrong. He asked for me to love him.’

‘You don’t not love him,’ Kendall argued.

‘You are such a good friend.’ Taylor hung her head. ‘I said the vows, even when I knew I was lying. I care about him, and God, I don’t want him to die…’ she trailed off, tears in her eyes, ‘but when he does die, I will be able to move on.’

Kendall’s face scrunched up at that. ‘So, if you were madly in love with him, you wouldn’t be able to move on?’

‘I’d be consumed with grief, unable to love again.’

‘You’d… Huh?’

‘If Reid died, you’d fall apart.’

She blew out a breath. ‘As true as that is, he wouldn’t want me to grieve forever.’ She shuddered. ‘I worry about something happening to him all the time, but it’s the risk I take loving a cop. We worry about each other, but at the end of the day, we never know what could happen.’

‘We get one great love in our lives, Kendall. You’ve found yours. Kevin is not mine.’ She sighed. ‘I married him anyway.’

‘And he’s better off for it.’ She laid a hand on Taylor’s shoulder. ‘Look, I know you feel guilty about marrying him, but you haven’t done anything to hurt him. You’re taking care of him, you’re seeing him through this illness and you will potentially have to bury him. You have to get out of this funk. Feeling guilty and acting like a recluse isn’t going to help anyone.’

Taylor grimaced. ‘You’re right, I know you are. It’s just so unfair.’

‘A great looking, highly successful man, dying in the prime of his life is tragic.’

‘Way to be concise,’ Taylor joked with a watery smile.

‘I try.’ Changing to a safer subject, she asked, ‘What are you working on?’

Taylor’s smile was genuine when she turned her attention to the ring on her bench. ‘This is a special piece. The center stone is a morganite and I’ve copied an Edwardian period mounting to wrap around it.’

It was beautiful. It looked like an antique engagement ring, but the center stone was petal pink. ‘Who is this one for?’

‘I promised I wouldn’t tell,’ Taylor answered with a smirk.

‘Well, it’s beautiful.’ She looked at her own specially designed engagement ring as she continued, ‘The woman that will get that is a lucky one.’

Taylor let out a long sigh before very quietly muttering, ‘She has no idea how lucky.’

Leaving that alone, Kendall gave Taylor a squeeze before she left her to her work again. ‘I’d better go check on Annie.’

Taylor was immersed in her work when Kendall turned to leave. Her friend was troubled, and had a very skewed outlook on love. Letting that play in her head, she went to check on her nearly-teenaged almost-stepdaughter. She was chuckling at her own description when she made her way onto the sales floor.


Reid paced the hall in the Sheridan precinct. He and Jason had come down here with Chloe to meet with Amy’s pimp, Big Ben. Chloe had promised two of her Vice guys would bring him in, but so far he and Jase had been cooling their heels for hours with nothing to show for it. Maybe the female detective had been onto something when she’d suggested talking to this guy. If Vice couldn’t find him, it was possible he had something to do with Amy’s death.

‘Something doesn’t feel right, here,’ Jason said as Reid made what seemed like his fortieth pass down the hall. ‘Why are we still just standing around?’

‘Who’s standing?’ Reid quipped.

Rolling his eyes, Jason started with the rundown of what they knew yet again. ‘Adrienne believes the overdose was purposeful, we know Amy was tied up, we know she had a pimp. What does that tell you?’

‘She was still selling her body, but she was trying to kick the heroin?’

‘Right. Why was she trying to kick the heroin?’

‘Why did she do anything?’ Reid tossed out without thinking. He winced when he caught Jason’s far from amused face. ‘Okay, I’ll bite. Why do you think she was off the drugs?’

‘I think maybe she wanted to go straight. Maybe she wanted to come home.’

Reid held up his hands. ‘That’s quite a jump there, Detective.’

‘Think about it.’

Reid made a show of tapping his finger on his cheek and stroking a non-existent beard. ‘Nope, still don’t make the jump. The woman left her kid- my kid- with her parents without a backwards glance ten years ago.’

‘Says her mother.’

‘Right. Why would her mother lie?’

Jason shook his head, his lips compressed in a thin line. ‘I don’t know, but something about that woman rubs me the wrong way.’

Reid laughed at that. ‘It’s because she’s a church lady, and you’re not even close to a churchy person.’

‘Well, it might be that,’ he agreed with a short flash of his lady-killer smile, ‘but I think there’s something she’s not telling us.’

‘You thought there was something up w
ith them that day at lunch, didn’t you? That’s why you didn’t like the idea of leaving Annie with them.’

‘I hear you’re petitioning for custody,’ Jason sidestepped.

‘We are.’ He raked a hand through his hair. ‘I can’t believe the Shaws had anything to do with Amy’s death.’

‘No?’ Jason asked, his irritation with Reid evident.

Reid blew out a breath as he stopped pacing. ‘What’s your theory, Jase?’

‘I don’t really have a theory, but things just aren’t making any sense.’ He threw is hands up in frustration. ‘You said Mrs. Shaw told you you couldn’t take your daughter.’

‘Right,’ Reid agreed, not at all sure where Jason was going with this.

‘What if,’ Jason jumped from his chair, pacing himself now. ‘What if Amy wanted to get clean and come home and Beverly didn’t want her to?’

His handsome face a mask of confusion, Reid asked, ‘So, to keep her granddaughter, she killed her daughter?’

On a roll, Jason ignored his partner’s incredulousness and went on. ‘Let’s say, Amy called mommy dearest and told her she wanted to come back. Maybe the overdose was accidental. Maybe she just wanted to get Amy hooked on it again so she couldn’t come home.’

‘Geez, Jase. With all that conclusion-jumping, I’m surprised you haven’t broken a leg,’ Reid said sarcastically.

‘I know it’s a stretch, but let’s look at the facts.’

‘Let’s,’ Reid prompted.

‘Bear with me, here,’ Jason warned. At Reid’s ‘get on with it’ expression, he did. ‘Her pimp is nowhere to be found, we haven’t turned up a drug dealer, an unhappy john, nothing. Her behavior for the last decade is consistent, but then, sometime in the last few months, she gives up the smack. Something changed.’

‘I’ll give you that, but cleaning up her act to return home?’

‘Why else would she get clean?’

‘Let’s say that’s the reason, fine. Why wouldn’t her pimp or her dealer take her out?’

‘They may have. I think her parents- at least her mother- know something, that’s all.’

‘Because she rubs you the wrong way?’

‘Don’t get your nose outta joint. I could be wrong.’

‘You are,’ Reid said more firmly than he felt. His daughter was with the Shaws, and if even a little bit of what Jason was thinking was on-target, he shuddered at the thought of something happening to her now that he’d found her.

‘You sure about that?’ Jason asked, not really wanting to be right, but sure he was onto something.

‘No,’ Reid admitted. ‘I don’t know what to believe, but we’re not ruling anything out just yet.’

‘That’s all I ask.’


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Part 5 Facial and Sex Reassignment surgery That evening, Kavitha called us and asked Jeevan when she can schedule my operation and that if he wanted any facial job done to me. He said, "I leave the choice entirely to her" and looked at me. I said, "I can have the operation as soon as you people can organize. I would like to reshape my nose and lips to make it more feminine." She nodded and noted something in her diary. We went back to our apartment and continued our usual sexual...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 57 You Dropped a Bomb on Me

Lynette’s Car, North of London 4:40pm, Sunday, March 25, 1979 “Timmins! That’s like half way to the frickin’ North Pole, isn’t it?” Lynette exclaimed as she drove north on Highbury Ave after we had a coffee, muffins and/or some donuts at Tim Hortons. “What the hell, Paul!” I said as I turned in the front passenger seat to stare at my clearly upset best friend in the back seat. “I, uh, me and Cathy weren’t gonna say anything to you guys ‘till it was official, but uh, its looking more and...

4 years ago
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The Lady in Blue Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen: A big break. Note: Takes place at the same time as chapter twelve. Hawk’s point of view I caught a lucky break on the fourth call. The secretary at Conrad’s Construction and Demolition wasn’t as discreet as she should have been to nosy people asking questions about missing explosives and detonators. She let slip that they had already reported the theft to the police. I told her someone would be following up on that right away and to have an eye out. Her directions were...

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Secret Biker Chicks part 2

The Secret Biker Chicks a tale of the Evil Fag-Hag.... (Part Two) Eric held out his bended wrist to show off this girly pink, but jewelled and expensive looking sports watch. "Tommy gave it to me here in our bedroom last night." "He did?" Ponytail blondie lashed his baby blues longer at his fellow cross-dresser, kicking up shapely nylon legs and 2" inch heel sandals to stretch and see the prize. Both were into wearing girly...

3 years ago
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I Need To Talk To You

“I need to talk to you,” he said as the phone crackled in her ear and the noise around her swelled to an as-yet-unseen level. “Right now?” she asked, trying her best to sound less pulled than she felt. “As soon as you can.” “Give me a couple of hours to finish up here with the kids and I’ll head that way.“ As she hung up, something in Garret’s voice struck home with Sierra. The sad, flat tone he used along with the catch she heard in his plea caused an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her...

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Annas release Pt 3

There’s been a big gap between parts two and three, and I hope, for those who’ve left nice comments, it’s not a disappointment. Anna felt a flush creep up her neck into her cheeks, and across her breasts. The air seemed to have had the oxygen sucked from it and she was panting with her head pounding. She couldn’t believe she’d just suggested Angie join her and Glen in bed. She’d never thought of Angie sexually, and if anything, had thought of her more like a big sister or even the mum she’d...

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This is the story that goes with the video i made

Greetings all our perverted dirty boys and girls, Nathan has been playing again! Beautiful and sexy Chloe was having a bit of a shitty day at work, you know the type of days I'm talking about, customers with cruntish attitudes, co-workers that specialise in doing as little as possible, making themselves look like they are rushing around holding down the fort singlehandedly whenever the boss pokes his head around the corner, sending customers over to Chloe because they are just too damn busy...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 406

A few thoughts: Covid commentary ✧ ✧ ✧ It’s been a great blessing to be at home with the wife these last few months. We’ve caught up on everything I’ve done wrong in the last 20 years. ✧ ✧ ✧ I’m stuck between a rock and someone I would like to hit with it!! ✧ ✧ ✧ So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be KILLED by sanitizer and hand soap? ✧ ✧ ✧ I am done with my 90-Day Trial for 2020. How Do I Cancel My Membership??? ✧ ✧ ✧ Remember, Rapunzel was...

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Mrs Concha a Spanish with gorgeous buttocks

This story I’m about to tell you happened 6 years ago as I was attending college. I’m 25 years old now. I used to share a flat with my roommate at the time,  I reckon 3 or 4 years elder. The fact this boy wasn’t a student at all, just somebody who worked, an employee in a business  in this  city,  obliged him to travel to his home town on weekends to visit  his girlfriend. Thus I was on myself, alone in the apartment, starting from Friday night until Sunday in the evenings when my roommate was...

4 years ago
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Muslim mom gangbanged by 4 black strangers

Im jabir 18 years old and my mom is shabna and i have 3 brothers. We all studying in the school. My dad works abroad. My mom is 38 years old and she has a super sexy body with white skin and with good figure of around: 34-30-32 and evryone in the street always has eyes on her when she goes out even though she wears abaya. Since my dad is working abroad i fixed spy cameras inside the house and kept for security reasons. One day after i return from school i saw my mom very tired and walking with...

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The Sensation

"The Sensation" It was a sunny mid morning in the country a few miles from town. A few cars were coming and going on the highway, driving past a rarely used gravel road turn off that led even further out into the countryside until a couple miles in, a tree lined and fenced property came into view. A short turn off led to a security gate which offered country security and kept people from bothering Madge at her estate. It was a two garage affair, a two story, four bedroom ranch house...

2 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 7 Another Photo Excursion

After our quite enjoyable shower we got dried off and dressed ready to face the day. We came down to the kitchen intent on fixing some breakfast. Now, my housekeeper Alice seemed to exhibit a seventh sense since she could anticipate when I would be hungry. She would have prepared just the right repast to slake my appetite without my even having to ask. That morning was no exception as we were met with a table set for three complete with platters of pancakes, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee....

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Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight.""I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved."What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended."I just knew," I shrugged."How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker."How...

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a Home Away from Home

I stare listlessly through the glass window pane, watching as the trees woosh past in a blur; every now and then i see a stag or doe proudly standing, munching on grass and barely looking at us when we drive past; cars are so common here that the wildlife doesn't have the sense to be afriad. We take a sudden turn onto a dirt path, the car's suspension groans and soon the sound of gravel being crunched under the wheels fills the air as we turn the corner and the house comes into view. It's an...

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Inappropriate FatherBoyfriend TeamRape Story

Inappropriate Father+Boyfriend Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a father encourages his daughter?s ex-boyfriend to mercilessly abuse and rape her, and throws in the use of her cheerfully willing sister as well. It should be noted that though this story is categorized as involving snuff, the event is ambiguous, and occurs off-stage.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The...

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Rani the slut and what she got upto

Rani, My wife, lover, and slut gets a surprise from the boys.You wake up lying on your back with Rani next to you. You are both naked and you have a huge hard on that you cannot ignore. You cup your big heavy balls in your left hand and begin to pump your cock with your right hand. You close your eyes and think back to last night when you had watched your beautiful hairy cunted wife being fucked by an old guy you had met on the internet. Usually you ask them to pull out but last night you...

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I Helped The Helpless Girls And Their Mom Part III

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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Bibbity Bobbity Boo

Danica sat cross-legged, naked in the circle of candles. The small brown nipples that crowned her tiny breasts were hard in the cool air of Celia's basement. Her short black hair, both above and below, bristled with the strange energies of the ritual as she chanted the ancient words. At last she finished, and the 13 candles snuffed out at once. "That was adequate" said Celia, turning on the lights. "But your mind was not completely focused. The candles should not flicker when you make the...

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Becoming Sarah Part 9

Well isolation has given me the opportunity to FINALLY finish Part 9!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I walked over to Adam, and he reached out and took my hand, slightly tugging me down to my knees. The tight clothing made it harder to breathe as I knelt, and the nerves didn't help either. He reached under my chin with one finger, and tilted my head up so our eyes met. "Keep eye contact. Every time you break it, I'll up the shocks in that plug" He smirked....

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Heaven on Earth

have been thinking of you all the time, dying to meet you.  I am now driving to the airport to meet you.  I still can’t believe it’s true.  I am in knots thinking about meeting you for the first time.  The closest airport is two hours from my house in the mountains.  The entire drive I am anxious, thinking about how freaking beautiful you are, what will you think when you actually see me, what will we say/do, how it will be to hold you/kiss you; so many things.  The drive goes fast because of...

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Fur Addiction

My third fur story posted here. If fur disgusts you read no further. This is not the same as the other ‘fetishes’ in so many ways. Indeed fetish or addiction? That is the question. A Psychiatrist’s fur seduction and Addiction. Melinda is fed up with George and his damned infidelity. She has done all she can but he is continuing his affair with his want-a-be-a-blond secretary only a few years younger than her young 26 years. Nothing she has done warrants this. She has been loving, faithful,...

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Hi ISSR Readers I am Regular visiter of this site and after reading lot of stories i have decided to share my sex experience with you peoples. Im Khan (name changed) from Hyderabad Pakistan I am 24y old having a 8 inch big and 3 thick cock I Love to Fuck girls and aunties if any girl and aunty want to be fucked please contact with me i will be available her at any time to fuck her at my id now moving towards to story. Ye jo real story me aap ko batane ja raha hoon ye meri aik student ki hia...

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Years ago I loved chat on Yahoo Messenger. I had a group of friends I would chat with from time to time...it was always filthy. One of my favorites was Bernadette. She and her husband Mario had been married for fifteen years. She lived one state away from me and we would chat about her fantasy. Me fucking her while her husband watched. Eventually we moved onto phone sex. She always got super excited hearing my voice as I told her what I wanted to do with her. She almost never spoke during...

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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Minxx Marii Dont Mind If I Do

Minxx Marii and her boyfriend Robby Echo have been together for long enough that the sex is comfortable and fun, but not necessarily new and exciting any longer. They’re just getting hot and heavy with one another when Minxx’s new roommate, Aubree Valentine, decides to both help them spice things up and get a piece of the action for herself. She waits for Robby to finish eating Minxx out and get on his back with Minxx blowing him, then she makes her move. Putting a finger to her...

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The Art of Love

"Good Evening Sir, how can I help you" Sonia asked in her usually shy low voice. "Uh, yes, I would like a ticket for Quantum Solace."Demetrius responded. Sonia worked at Paramount Theaters in New Jersey and is generally reserved and quiet. She never smiled and rarely looked anyone in the face longer than two seconds. Sonia worked at the movie theater for five years. She was a movie fanatic; every movie featured, Sonia saw. The moment she clocked out, she was sitting before a big screen....

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Tim picked up his coffee and headed toward the door of the shop, eager to get home. His guild had a big raid planned for the game tonight, and he didn’t want to be late. He started when someone grabbed his arm as he walked past. He was even more surprised when he stopped and turned to see it was a hot girl. “Timmy, right? You’re good with computers, aren’t you?” She knows my name? He thought. Kelly had run with the popular crowd in school, and he was surprised she even knew he existed. “Yeah,...

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EvilAngel Kissa Sins Squirting Gaping Kissa8217s Anal Sins

In fishnet lingerie and sky-high heels, glamorous Kissa Sins shows off her natural-breasted, tattooed beauty. ‘Sinner’ is inked on her hot, hypnotically twerking ass. Heavily hung Manuel Ferrara rims her butthole and kisses her mouth. He eats her pussy, stuffs four fingers into her sphincter and tastes them. Lush-lipped Kissa sucks his uncut, hugely thick cock, laps his balls and tongues his bunghole. Straight-to-anal goes his big boner, buttfucking her to blushing, orgasmic...

4 years ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 9 Freedom Force Restoring America

I am James Monroe and the leader and General of the Freedom Force I-II. The I-II in our name stands for the First and Second Amendments of the original Constitution of the United States of America. The organization was created prior to the repeal of III amendment rights so the original name stuck. We do not support nor are we subjected to the laws of the corrupted New America government and fight to bring back the Constitution of our forefathers and that of the United States of...

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Fucking My Muslim Classmate While Her Father On Phone

Hello everyone. This is Prem again and I am back with the story that tells the incidents that happened after my first sexual experience. Do read if you haven’t and then read what happens next. Let’s get to the story. This is a long one, people. Here we go. After our first session, Shafaq and I were struggling to hook up again. We couldn’t do it in either of our houses as there was always someone in our houses. As we were in college and had no money, we were not able to afford a room in a good...

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Adult Empire Celebrity

Ever since Paris Hilton's ex, Rick Salomon, released the pair of them porking, celebrity sex tapes became super popular. Then after a while, they seemed to die down for a bit until The infamous Fappening happened. Nowadays, it seems like famous (non-porn) people fucking seems to serve two functions, being 1.) it's good publicity for stars who are no longer in the news, and 2.) it is a halfway decent cottage industry for adult entertainment.Whatever the reason, past, present, and future, I am...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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Unknown Desire

Neville worked at the Mill and came home at 9pm one evening. He walked through the door and closed it, he never step forward, he just let himself fall against the door and slide onto his bottom. Mary heard the door and walked to the door, to her surprise she found her dad on the floor. "Dad!" she yelled and ran to him, he quickly woke and looked at her in shock. "I'm just tired love. I'm fine." he said and woke up slowly while exhaling heavily. He went and sat in the lounge. Mary...

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Kelly Girl 25 Floop or Consequences

Kelly Girl 25: "Floop or Consequences" Down the hall from Barbie and Kelly, in the boys' part of the house, Richard and Pete dozed in front of the big TV in the children's lounge. Richard woke up from a very vivid dream and stared at the screen for several minutes, not really seeing the infomercial that had replaced the Australian Rules Football he and Pete had been watching. "Pete," he said. "Uh," his older brother grunted. Richard turned off the pitch for the ultimate kitchen...

3 years ago
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The Opportunity

THE OPPORTUNITY PART ONE     I suppose looking back, that my childhood was to blame, that is if there was any real blame to be attached. It could have just been my inherited genes so I can happily blame my mother and father for being the smallest in the class, but I somehow also got left out when the popularity genes were issued, I became a loner and spent far too much time in my own company for any real good to come of it. I loved the movies, the actresses were goddesses...

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A Night in a Moorish Harem part 2

He began to undress me rapidly, his hand trembling with eagerness. Could it be that he wanted to pierce my loins so soon again, as he had done in the orange garden? An hour ago I would have dreaded it; now the thought caused a throb of welcome just where the pain had been sharpest. Stripped to my chemise, and even that unbuttoned by the eager hand of my lover, I darted from his arms and concealed my confusion beneath the bedcover. He soon undressed and followed me--then, bestowing one kiss on...

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Road RashChapter 5

It was a GOOD kiss. A very good kiss. I don't know if I should be proud or not, having known Jenn for two days, but I kissed right back. I didn't know what her deal was, but mine was bunch of things: I hadn't kissed in a long time. Jenn was pleasantly pretty in an understated, 'girl next door' way. And this kiss, illuminated by God's own lightshow, the moment just seemed right. We finally pulled apart. "That's the one you should've gotten in the river, Chuck," she said. "Jenn,"...

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