Kiss Me, Bianca 6 free porn video

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COPING -or- I COUNT MYSELF IN NOTHING ELSE SO HAPPY AS IN A SOUL REMEMBERING MY FRIENDS John woke up a bit late the next day. He remembered falling asleep on the couch with his head in his mother's lap, but he woke up tucked snuggly in his bed. He couldn't remember being moved. Before he reached the kitchen, he could hear his mother talking to Rose and Ed in the screened-in room. He couldn't hear the words, but the tone was full of pity. That was worse than sympathy. He hated being pitied. He really felt like he'd done a great job the day before, and that his readings had helped Rose and Ed land their roles. Now, he had to go back to rehearsal, back to the one place where he excelled more than anyone, and everyone would ask if he got a role. What could he say? 'I haven't heard?' No. He'd heard the silence just fine. They didn't want him. He thought about how many people had told him that this was not the be-all-and-end-all of auditions - that there were plenty of auditions ahead of him, but, by coming to The Cape, the production team had made this audition infinitely more important. It was the most important day of his life so far and he'd messed it up, royally. Even though he wanted to happy for Ed and Rose, it was hard because their success made his failure look so, so, so much worse. "Hi, honey," Marilyn called with false cheeriness as John entered the screened room. "Did you sleep well?" Rose and Ed were silent and looked as if they were ashamed of something. John forced a smile for their sake and, after greeting everyone, he said, "So, did you guys go out to celebrate, last night?" Ed looked to Rose, who was somewhat sheepish, and then said to John, "Well... not really... I mean... kinda. We went to a hotel and had a couple of drinks at the bar." "Cool." John poured a few ounces of orange juice into a small tumbler. Rose felt very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, Johnny. We probably shouldn't have..." "Don't be crazy," John interrupted. "I'm glad you went out. You couldn't have done it if I was with you, anyway. John's still a few months from being legal and Bebe's way too young and doesn't look like John's ID." The silence was burning into everyone's head. Marilyn couldn't stand it any more and said, "Last day of rehearsal right?" John nodded. "We open in Brewster tomorrow evening before their fireworks. There's a food truck festival going on, too. Not the best crowd for Shakespeare, but they'll have been drinking all day, so they won't be the worst, either." They all snickered a little at his joke. More silence. Finally, Rose said, "Listen, Johnny, we need to talk..." "No we don't." John had not lost his smile. "There's nothing to say. They chose you, and not me, that's all that there is to it. Of course, I'm disappointed, but that's ok. You guys deserve to be happy, so - be happy. Today will be tough, but I'll get over it. I'm a big boy... sort of." That joke did not get a laugh. "Maybe you should go in late today," Ed suggested. "Let everyone hear the news and then, by the time you show up, they'll have had time to digest it and you'll feel more comfortable." John shook his head. "No. We have final dress today. I can't be late today." When they did arrive at rehearsal, everyone wanted to know if they'd heard anything. Rose and Ed tried not to appear to be overly excited about their news, but everyone was thrilled for them. They were all taken aback with the news that John had not been hired, though. Almost everyone had watched the auditions and they all knew that Ed probably would not have been hired had John not intervened. It just seemed so unfair. Whenever anyone tried to offer John sympathy, though, he deflected it with a grin and said he was just happy for for his friends. He'd get his chance another time. At lunch, Ms Weldon summoned him to her office. He was still dressed in his new costume - the blue plaid gown with the large flowers on the bodice, when he entered. Still in Bianca-mode, he hustled to the front of her desk and gave his little curtsy. "Yes, ma'm?" She smirked at this. "John... I know that you're struggling today..." "Not at all, Ms Weldon. Honestly, I'm fine." She shook her head. "No you're not, honey. I've been watching the run and I can tell that you're not one hundred percent here, today. I know this is tough, but I need you to get back into the show this afternoon. Kate and Petruchio can work around you, but you are the heart and soul of the rest of the ensemble." He curtsied again. "I'm sorry, Ms Weldon. I'll do better." She sat back in her desk chair and appraised him. "May I tell you something I've never told anyone before?" "Of course, ma'm. I promise I won't tell a soul." "Well," she chuckled, "it's not really anything personal, it just... relates to you, I guess. You see, when I was even younger than you, I was already making my living as an actress. Mostly on the stage, but I'd take anything. One day, a friend of mine and I went to an audition for a daily serial - a soap opera - called 'The Days of Our Lives.' It wasn't high art, or anything, but it paid well and I needed the work. Anyway, Of the two of us, I went in first. When I came out, my friend said she'd heard the whole thing and that I'd nailed it. Then she went in. She was right - I could hear the whole thing. When she was done, they asked her a few questions and one of them was, 'Why should we cast you and not your friend?' She responded that we were not friends. In fact she claimed that we'd only met in the waiting room. Then she told them how rude I had been to the other people who'd been waiting to read and, oh, she went on and on about how disruptive and ignorantly I had behaved. None of it was true, of course, but the fact is that she was cast in the role and I was not. I was, however, heart broken and I cried for hours." "That's terrible," John said quietly. "It was, but it wasn't the fact that she'd gotten the role that hurt me - it was what she said. I thought that she was my friend and she'd stabbed me in the back." "Ms Weldon, I think I see where this is headed and I just want to say that Ed and Rose never stabbed me in the back. They just got lucky and I didn't." "That was, in fact my point, John. Those two people are thrilled to have this opportunity, but they're also sick that you won't be doing it with them. Do you know that they called me last night?" "No." John was very surprised to hear that. "Why?" "To ask me to intercede for you. Ed was nearly in tears on the phone. I don't think that he has any idea how to deal with all the emotions that are churning away in him right now." John nodded. "I'm trying not to bring them down, Ms Weldon, I really am. I am very happy for them. I'm just... very unhappy for me." She smiled. "I know. Trust me, though, your day is coming." "Thank you, Ms Weldon and... well... thank you for sharing that with me." "Go have lunch, John, then come back and be Bianca for everyone. Remember, we open tomorrow night." "Yes, ma'm" He curtsied again and left the office. The afternoon run went much better and they all received high praise from the production team. They had 'call' at 6:30pm the next day, in Brewster, a town further out on the Cape Cod Peninsula. They packed all of their garment bags and props into the troupe's trucks, then headed home at 4:15. John was purposefully less sullen and was even singing along with the satellite radio as they pulled into the driveway and he spotted his sister, Nancy, pulling her overnight bag out of the back of her car. "Great," he muttered. "Can this day get any better?" "Want me to drive by and we can get something to eat someplace else?" Rose offered. "No." John shook his head. "I might as well get it over with." He scooted out of the Tesla with a big smile on his face. He was wearing a very casual, loose fitting, tank-top-style dress that was very popular amongst young women who wore their swimsuits all summer long and just liked to have something cute to throw on over it. His was a Hawaiian pattern of hibiscus and leaves with a deep red background. It was VERY cute. "Hi, Nan." He hurried to give his sister a peck on her cheek. "Hi, Johnny. Rose." Nancy was a bit cool to them both. 'Great,' John thought, 'what did I do to tick her off already!?' "I'll take this for you." Rose grabbed the overnight bag from Nancy and headed into the house. "I can take..." Nancy tried to protest. "No trouble at all," Rose called back as she moved quickly towards the house, leaving John and Nancy alone in the driveway. "Sooo," John started. "You feeling ok?" Nancy folded her arms and leaned against her SUV. "I'm... ok, Johnny. You?" "To tell you the truth, I've had better days." She nodded. "Mom told me. That's rough, Johnny." He shrugged. "Listen, 'Shrew' opens tomorrow night. Do you think that, maybe, you might be able to come?" "Come here." She opened her arms and invited him in for a hug. He accepted, gladly. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She smelled nice. Not like strawberries and flowers like him, but like soap and... Nancy. "Johnny," she rubbed her cheek on his soft hair, "I'm really sorry. I mean - about everything. About the other day and what I said to mom and the auditions... I'm just so sorry. I really just want you to be happy. You know I love you, right?" He nodded, still in her embrace. "Are we friends, again?" she asked. "Yeah. We're friends, Nan. I'm sorry, too." He pulled his head free and looked up into his older sister's eyes. "Do you forgive me for looking like you?" She smiled. "Johnny, I've been thinking about this since I left. I surprised by all of this, but I was also an asshole. I shouldn't have judged you like I did." He shrugged. "Ok." "Ok? Isn't this where you're supposed to say, 'No, Nancy, you weren't being an asshole?'" He shrugged again, "Mom told me never to lie." Rose was surprised to see Nancy being so upbeat around John and Marilyn. Marilyn, however still seemed to be overly focused on John, as if she was waiting for him to breakdown and cry. Rose watched John, too. He was smiling and he looked adorable in his sporty little dress, but she suspected that his smile wasn't completely sincere. "Hey, Nancy," John helped, suddenly realizing something, "you need to congratulate Rosie! She's going to be on the show! Isn't that awesome?" Nancy's smile was strained, but as sincere as she could be, "Oh, yeah, that's right. Rose, I'm sorry. Of course, congratulations! That's amazing! You must be so excited." Rose smiled and tried not to look overly self-satisfied. "Thank you, Nancy. That's very nice of you." "Mom," John looked at the clock, "do you mind if Rose and I go for a quick walk?" "Sure, honey. We're just having burgers and corn on the cob. I can start it when you get home." "Great." He practically skipped over to Rose and took her hand. "Come on!" He pulled her out the door, quickly. He was in a rush to get her someplace, fast. Outside, Ed was just pulling up to the curb. "Am I late?" "Right on time." John took one of Ed's hands as well and he hustled them towards the beach. He was out in front, trying to run and pull them along behind him. "Come on, you guys, hurry!" Eventually, Rose and Ed were half walking, half running behind their little guide. When they reached the beach, they saw a group of people gathered near the shoreline. They were dressed oddly for a July evening. Poodle skirts and leather jackets. There was something flickering in the middle of all of them. John pulled the couple towards them, and suddenly, they recognized Gloria, Harry and the whole rest of the cast of 'Taming of the Shrew' and they were holding a huge, sheet cake that was covered in flickering candles. They all shouted the same word that was written on the cake, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Rose and Ed were frozen in shock, looking at their friends, all dressed as if they were in a production of 'Grease.' John was bouncing up and down and clapping his hands. "Congratulations, guys!" "We know that the show takes place in the early 60s," Gloria laughed, "but we didn't have costumes or that. I knew where we could borrow 'Grease' costumes, though, so this is what we could get in a hurry." "Oh, you're all so wonderful!" Rose clapped her hands. "Thank you all, so much!" "You didn't have to do this, Johnny," Ed said, but his smile said that he was thrilled. "Of course, I did. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't?" "Thanks, pal." "Johnny," Rose grabbed him and hugged him. "You're unbelievable. Thanks you." Of course, inside, John was torn. He was still smarting from the disappointment and he was incredibly sad that Ed and Rose would be taking this step together, but without him - but what kind of a friend would he be if he didn't show them that he was happy for them - which, he was. In fact, Gloria had done the heavy lifting on this get- together. John had just mentioned that he should do 'something' for them. From there, she had done all the work. Out of nowhere, John was suddenly hoisted into the air and swung playfully in a series of circles. Disoriented and screaming and laughing, he was finally dropped back to earth by Ed, who's infectious grin made John laugh even more. "I love you, buddy," Ed laughed as he planted a big, happy kiss on John's lips. "You're the best! I thought you'd hate us for... well... you know. Thanks, pal!" John smiled and hugged Ed in return. "I love you, too, Ed." "Hey, can I get in on all this hugging?" Rose giggled as she wrapped her arms around John, pulled him to her breasts and rested her head on his. "Oh, my wonderful little sister," she giggled. "Thank you, so much. I love you." "I know. I love you, too." A little over an hour later, they were back home eating burgers after finishing some delicious corn on the cob. Rose had been on the phone with her very excited parents, who were coming to Brewster for the opening tomorrow. "Knock, knock," called a voice from the doorway. It was Rita, who John had figured had already flown back to LA. "May I come in?" She opened the door without waiting for an answer, and made a beeline for John. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby." She hugged him. "I've been trying all day to get these jackasses to hire you. They know how good you are and they know you can play the younger brother without looking at all like Bebe, but this is how things go, sometimes. They decided on going with that boy who was in that Dwayne Johnson movie last year. He's already part of the Disney family and he's got a little bit of cache, already. Can you forgive me?" John pulled away from the hug and gave her a sad smile. "Sure, Rita. I forgive you." "But I do have some good news for you. I have an audition for you to read for a part in a film. It's a small part and you'll have to fly to Vancouver for the audition." "When?" John asked, not overly excited about going to Vancouver. "A week from tomorrow at nine a.m. it's a long flight there and an even longer flight back, I'm afraid, and you'll have to pay your own way, this time. What do you say?" John snickered as he sat at the table. "I say, 'no,' I guess." "No!?" Nearly everyone said at once. "John, are you crazy?" Ed asked. "It's an audition." "It's a Show night, Ed. I'd have to miss two performances to get there and back. I can't do that." "Bebe," Rose said, catching Nancy by surprise, "you have an understudy. Just talk to Ms Weldon." John shook his head. "Nope. I'm Bianca - no one else. I will do every performance of this run. That's what I agreed to do, so that's what I'm going to do. Besides, I can't afford to fly to Vancouver for an audition and I haven't really recovered from yesterday, yet. I need a break before I do this again." Rita shrugged and sat at the table. "So that's it, then? You're just giving up just because one audition didn't work out?" John folded his arms on the table in front of him and slammed his head onto them, his hair splaying around him. "Arrrrrgh!" He called into the cavern formed by his position. "I never said I was giving up! I just said that I'm not doing THIS audition!" He pulled his head up, shook his hair from his face and lashed out, "I never would have met you if I wasn't playing Bianca. I never would have been cast as Bianca if I wasn't willing to commit to playing Bianca at each performance. I CAN'T GO TO VANCOUVER NEXT SATURDAY BECAUSE (A) I CAN'T AFFORD IT AND (B) I HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO BE HERE, PLAYING BIANCA IN THE SHOW THAT STARTED ALL OF THIS!" "I see," Rita folded her arms under her breasts and nodded. "Would anyone else like to say anything? Maybe help me get our little diva back on track?" "I would," Nancy said, as she reached behind her chair and produced her pocketbook. She pulled a checkbook out and quickly filled in the check. She tore it from the spline and slapped it on the table. Rita picked it up. "A thousand dollars? What's this for?" "That will cover the cost of the dress that you bought my little brother last week. Now, leave him alone and get out of his life." Rita scoffed, tore up the check, stood and headed for the door. She stopped before exiting, turned and said, "Listen, John, I understand you don't want to do this particular audition - that's fine - but, if you need me, just call. I'll give you a little time to get yourself under control, then I'll be in touch - see if there's anything we can do." He nodded. "And you... John's sister. I didn't catch your name." "Nancy," his sister said. "Well, Nancy - I know that you think you're looking out for your little brother's best interests, but just think about this. You wrote me a check for a thousand dollars without even blinking, but you could have bought your brother a round trip flight to and from Vancouver for under seven-fifty. Wouldn't writing a check for the tickets have been more generous and helped him more? Maybe you need to rethink what his best interests really are." They all sat in silence as the screen door slapped closed. "What a bitch!" Nancy finally said. "Who does she think she is?" "No," Marilyn said quietly. "I think she's right, but she should have said that to me." The Fourth of July started with its traditional Cape Cod total gridlock. All the major streets were clogged with tourists and cottage owners, all trying to get to their cottages at the same time. None of that was unexpected, of course. Every year, on The Fourth, the major streets and highways of this peninsula of Massachusetts was a solid mass of cars from the bridges to Race Point, out past Provence Town. Ed had stayed the night, again, and he and Rose had been up since dawn talking and planning. It was starting off as a very hot day. They were both in pajamas, relaxing before opening night. "Well, if you and I are getting a place together," Rose was Looking at some potential apartments in LA on her phone, "and we'll be making plenty of money, then it just makes sense to have Johnny come live with us, right? I mean, neither of us would have gotten this opportunity if it weren't for him, so why shouldn't he benefit from our good fortune?" "Fine with me," Ed said, "but he seems a little out of it, right now. Maybe the best thing to do would be to get a three bedroom place and let him come out when he's ready." "John, you mean?" Nancy was entering the room, well dress and groomed and ready for the day. "Yeah," Rose nodded. "He's seemed a little out of it for a while, now, if you ask me," Nancy said, a bit harshly. "Knock it off, Nancy." Ed didn't bother looking at her. Theirs had always been a difficult relationship. "No offense, but you're not helping much. Rose said that you and John made up yesterday, but undermining him behind his back isn't helping anyone." "Well, no offense, Ed, but he's my brother and I'm worried about him." "We know that, Nancy," Rose intervened, "Ed and I love him, too, but arguing with each other isn't going to help anyone. I don't know how you or your mom feel, but Ed and I think it'd be best if he came to LA with us, started auditioning out there, and we could support him for as long as needed. After all, we'll be making plenty of money." Nancy shrugged. "That's very generous of you, but if I have any say in it, I think he should stay here, see a psychologist and deal with these gender issues he's struggling with." "Geez, you're narrow minded." Ed shook his head. "What kind of a Doctor are you studying to be, anyway?" "An endocrinologist. Why?" "That's hormones and stuff, right?" Ed scoffed. "You're gonna have to work on your bedside manner, then, because a lot of people struggling with gender issues will be coming to see you and if you're as dismissive of them as you are of your brother, you'll have a hard time keeping your office open." Nancy folded her arms and leaned back in her chair. "How did I become the bad guy in my own house!? I just don't want Johnny to get hurt. To do something that he'll regret later." "Like not follow his dream?" Ed was staring her down, now. "Like confusing somebody else's idea of his dream with his own. Johnny's dream never involved being a little girl until two weeks ago, so don't get all high and mighty with me, Ed. I know I haven't been here, but maybe not being here kept me from drinking the same Kool- Aide that you all have. I love Johnny. Don't ever question me about that." "Nancy," Rose said calmly, "just so you know - when Johnny was the most angry with you, Ed was the one who kept telling him that you loved him. So, maybe we should all try to calm down. It's opening night, after all, and I don't want to show up all frazzled." Ed stood and headed to the kitchen. "I brought eggs and bacon. Can I make any for either of you." "Just a piece of bacon for me, Ed. I'll make myself some toast when you're done." "Nancy?" Ed asked. She sighed. Nancy was a born scrapper and she hated losing an argument, but Ed had his points and he was trying to be kind. "Thank you, Ed. I'd love a couple of scrambled eggs and bacon." While Ed cooked and Rose continued to apartment shop, Nancy answered some emails. Soon, Marilyn joined them at the table. Ed made sure that everyone had what they needed before he sat down, too. "There are three pieces of bacon on a plate on the counter for John when he gets up," he smiled at everyone. "Enjoy!" When they had finished, Marilyn got up to get John out of bed. It was getting late. "He's gone!" She ran back into the screened room, panicked. "Gone!?" The rest replied. "I just went to get him and he's gone! Ed - see if he's in the yard somewhere! Rose, check the cars! Nancy, help me check everywhere around here!" They all hurried and looked everywhere. There was no John to be found. "I'm calling the police," Marilyn announced. "And tell them what, mom? That your twenty year old son who thinks he's a twelve year old girl is missing?" "Fourteen," all three responded in unison. Marilyn put her phone down. What could she do? Where could he be?" Just then, John came in through the breezeway. He was wearing the same swim suit he'd worn with Cassie and Annie last week. His hair was wet and he smelled of salt water. "Hi," he whispered as everyone looked at him in shock. "Hi?" Marilyn said too loudly. "Is that all you have to say? Hi? You nearly gave each of us a heart attack! Where have you been!?" "Mom," he was a bit shocked by their concern, "it's the Fourth of July. I always go to the beach to take a dip on The Fourth. What's the big deal?" Marilyn let herself breathe normally, again, before answering. "What's the big deal? He asks. What's the big deal? You could have been kidnapped, or taken or raped, Johnny. You can't just leave like that." "Mom, I've been going to the beach alone since I was twelve years old..." "Since you were a twelve year old BOY, John! A BOY!! You're not a boy any more and you know that! Young ladies, especially young ladies as attractive as you, can't just wander away, John. Things happen to them. BAD things." John realized that he'd upset everyone. "I'm sorry, mom. I really am. I won't do it, again." Marilyn and the other women sat back down at the table. "I'll make you some eggs," Ed said as he headed for the kitchen. As John put down his towel and headed for a seat, Nancy eyed him closely. "Come here, Johnny," she beckoned. When he was standing near her she had him turn around and face away from her. "Johnny, I'm only asking these questions as a doctor, ok?" "Sure." She ran her hand along his rear end and squeezed it just a bit. "Johnny, are you taking any hormones or anything like that?" She gripped his hips and turned him towards her. "No, nothing like that. Why?" She was seated, he was standing, his sightline was only just over the top of her head. She ran her hands along his hips and thighs. Then she patted the front, bottom of the swimsuit. "I assume that your little guy is tucked away in here?" She asked. He nodded. "Hmm." "What's the problem?" Marilyn asked. Nancy turned to speak to her mother and used John to illustrate what she was saying. "Nothing, probably, but, right here, his hips seem broader than a boy's hips should be. And his thighs seem a tiny bit plumper than they should be." "Come on, Nancy, knock it off..." John wasn't seeing the humor in this, but his mother interrupted. "You're not teasing, are you, Nancy?" "No, I'm serious. Honestly, mom, I'm concerned about his development. I now he's small, but..." she turned to her brother and asked, "Do you have any problems attaining or retaining an erection, John?" "Umm, excuse me," Rose said, rising from the table, "I should probably leave the room." John nearly asked her to stay to testify that he had, in fact, no problems in that department, but that didn't seem appropriate at all. "No, if you must know, I don't have any problems. Everything works quite well, thank you." "Spread your legs, just a bit for me." "No!" "Johnny, do what your sister says. She is a doctor, you know." Marilyn demanded. He heaved a sigh and did as he was told. Nancy reached between his legs and investigated. "Are you wearing a gaff?" He couldn't believe his mother was sitting there watching his sister prod him like this. "Kinda. The costumer sewed a pouch in the crotch. I'm tucked in that." "What about your testicles? I can't feel them." "Nancy, please, can we..." "Oh, my goodness!" Marilyn gasped. "You didn't do something to yourself, did you?" "When would I have done that, mom!? I've been with you or Ed or Rose every moment since all this began! Of course not! They're..." he sighed again, "...they're... up, inside. I have to push them back up into me." "Well, that's not all that healthy for your sperm, but, honestly, I think you should see a doctor, Johnny. I'm wondering if you're producing enough testosterone. I mean, that may explain why you're so small, too, but seeing you in this tight, little outfit, I'm not seeing a lot of secondary male development for a twenty year old." "And you're being completely serious, right, honey," Marilyn was a bit concerned. "I wouldn't kid about this, mom. Johnny, you might need a little hormone therapy to kick start the second part of your puberty." "But... I mean, I had a mustache and all..." "John," Nancy laughed, "I have black hair, too. If I didn't have my lip waxed every few weeks, I'd have a mustache, too, and it would probably be as wispy as yours was. Just do this for me, ok? Just to be safe." "Ok," he agreed. "I'll do it." THE PLAY -or- A TALE TOLD BY AN IDIOT, FULL OF SOUND AND FURY AND SIGNIFYING NOTHING "Hi, we're in the show, tonight. Can we park here?" Ed was driving Rose's Tesla. The attendant called someone on a walkie-talkie then said, "You can park all the way down at the end. See those trucks down there? You can park by those." The trucks were actually the property of the Cape Cod Shakespearean Rep. The crew was setting up the limited lighting they'd be using that evening. There was still a few hours before call, but John always liked to get to the show early, then have dinner and relax till the call time. It was a tradition for him and Ed. They were always the first actors on set. This time, though, there was a food-truck festival going on around the town Common where the play was being staged, so - bonus! They left their show bags in the trunk and headed up the parking lot towards the stage. Each venue was different and John liked to know exactly what the stage would look like so there'd be no surprises. "My, my, my! Looks like my three favorite actors are here bright and early!" Jan was pushing a rolling wardrobe out of one of the trucks. They all exchanged pleasantries, then Jan said, "I saw a friend of yours wandering around here a few minutes ago." "Who?" Rose was Looking around, but didn't immediately notice any familiar faces. "Remember Julia, the costumer you met the other day? She decided to stay on The Cape for the weekend. She saw our schedule on the wall and she came to see the show. Probably to criticize my costumes, if I know anything about how a costumer's brain works." She giggled at her own little joke while the others smiled. "Cool." Ed nodded. "We'll keep our eyes open for her. We're going to see what the food trucks have to offer. Want anything?" "Not right now, thanks. I'll grab something after everyone's all set to go. Have fun, kids." They did. With Ed and Rose in shorts and tees shits, and John in a very cute, sheer, cotton sheath, he once again looked like the little sister who tagged along on an older sibling's date as they sampled a little from each of the food trucks. Shawarma, fried dough, hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches... they sampled everything and split each entr?e amongst themselves. As they were waiting for their dessert - New England bread pudding with vanilla ice cream from a local dairy - John said, "Ugg, I'm full!" He thrust his hips forward and extended his belly as far as he could, then he rubbed his belly. "You have a food baby!" Rose giggled. "I hope you didn't eat so much that you'll get sick!" "Nah," he laughed as he returned to his normal posture, "there's always more room in my belly!" Rose laughed, again. John was so excited tonight. She'd only known him a short time, but she'd never seen him this hyper. He was, obviously enjoying the food trucks, but he was very worked up about opening night, too. She knew he enjoyed acting, but he was nearly giddy for the show. When they'd gotten their dessert, they headed for the crowded picnic table area where they could eat and enjoy the local band that had started playing old rock songs. They found a table that had two seats available. "You girls sit down and I'll stand." Ed smiled. John shook his head, though. "You sit. I'm too wound up to sit, anyway." Everyone was having a great time, eating tasty food and singing along to the oldies. While the band played "Old Time Rock and Roll," John joined the crowd around him in singing the refrain, which was the only part he knew. He also started moving, dancing to the music. Since he'd started wearing short skirted dresses, he'd become enamored by the feel of the material moving around his thighs while he swayed and danced to music. He loved the feeling. What a shame that most men never experienced how wonderful that felt. Ed and Rose were thoroughly amused by his little performance, as were some of the people seated nearby. When the band started playing Journey's "Don't Stop Believin,'" John joined the crowd and sang every note along with the band. Soon, a group of forty-something ladies who were walking past, joined John's dance and they became the center of attention in the audience. Soon, more than twenty people, mostly girls and women, were dancing along with him. When the song ended, Ed and Rose led the crowd in a standing ovation - not for the band, but for John and the rest of the people who'd danced with him. One of the band members called out through the PA system, "We'll, alright! What's that girl's name?" He asked, pointing at John. "Bebe!" called back Ed and Rose. "Alright, Bebe! Let's have a big round of applause for Bebe, everyone!" Ed gripped John by his narrow waist and lifted him so he was standing on the picnic table. John gave First the band, then the audience, a quick series of curtsies as he beamed with joy and the crowd clapped and chanted "Be-be! Be-be! Be-be...!" "Let's keep this going," the band member called out, again. "This is a Fleetwood Mac song called 'Monday Morning!'" John was in his element. He would have been way too self conscious to have done what he just did when he was John, but Bebe just seemed to love life too much to not enjoy it. This was the best part of being Bebe. As Ed helped him down from the table, they heard two young, familiar voices calling through the din of the band and the crowd. "Bebe! Bebe!" The voices called out as the two, bouncing, excited girls pushed through the crowd. "Annie! Cassie!" John, still in full Bebe mode, ran to hug his friends. "What are you guys doing here!?" "We're here with our dad!" Annie said excitedly. "We're only here overnight to see the play they're doing here and then see the fireworks, and our dad said that we wouldn't have time to get together with you. So, he wouldn't let us call you." Cassie hugged him, too. The play! John realized that would make things a bit difficult. "You guys are staying for the play?" "Yeah!" Cassie enthused. "Aren't you? I love Shakespeare, don't you?" "I do, actually..." John began, but was interrupted by Rose. "Hi, girls! What a surprise, huh, Bebe?" John nodded. "They're here to see the play, Rose." He tried not to show his concern to the girls. "Oh, how wonderful!" Rose clapped her hands. "You came to support Bebe?" "What?" Annie was perplexed. "Oh, Wow! This is the play you were rehearsing!? Wow, this is awesome!" Cassie caught on more quickly. "You're in THIS play!?" Annie finally caught on. "Bebe, we're going to get to see you act! I'm so excited!" "Not just Bebe, but Ed and me, too." Rose smiled. "Really?" Cassie was intrigued. "Who are you all playing?" "I'm Kate, Bebe is my sister, Bianca, and Ed is..." Cassie cut her off. "Petruchio?" Rose laughed. "No. Ed is Lucentio." "Wait," Cassie giggled. "Doesn't Lucentio end up married to Bianca?" "Yes, he does," Ed arrived after taking a phone call. "Oh, you end up with your real-life sister's boyfriend in the play," Annie smirked. "That's not weird at all!" 'You have no idea how weird,' John thought as he tried to figure out how to keep them from discovering that he was a guy. There'd be programs, or introductions, or something. He had to talk to Ms Weldon, quickly. "That's so cool, Bebe! Your full name is Bianca and you're playing Bianca in the play!" Annie smiled. "Yes." Rose smiled at the child. "Bebe was actually named after the character in this play. How perfect is that?" "I used to hope that I would get to be Annie in that musical when I was younger," Annie joked. "I'm too old, now, though." "Listen, Beebs," Rose patted John's back, gently, "why don't you go spend some time with your little friends and Ed and I will take care of everything that needs to be done before the show. Now, remember, you have 'call' at 6:30, so make sure that you're in the dressing room by at least 6:15. That gives you over an hour to be with you friends. Now, go have fun." John would have been thrilled to have had more time with the girls, but he wanted to be sure that he could keep the cast from giving his secret away. He leaned towards Rose to tell her about his concerns, but she just smiled and said, "Don't be such a worrywart, Bebe. Big sister will take care of everything. I promise." She laced her arm through Ed's, "Leave everything to the grown ups. We'll take care of it." "Ok," John said with some trepidation. "I'll see you at 6:15." After the teenagers had left, Rose said to Ed, "What did Rita want?" "Looks like we're going to have to be in LA sooner than expected." "No kidding? Tell me about it on the way. We've got to speak to Ms Weldon about John." John had already eaten more than he usually would have before a show, but Cassie and Annie had not yet indulged in the treats offered by the food trucks. So, John took them back along the route he'd already followed, encouraging them to try all of his favorites. Within a few minutes, the girls' good mood and enthusiasm had infected him, too and he trusted that Ed and Rose would have everything taken care of when he arrived. As six o'clock passed, John headed to the dressing rooms with the girls in tow. When he reached an area just before the trailers, he said, "I'll meet you here after the show. This is where we do the 'meet and greets' and see our families and friends." "That's so cool!" Cassie grabbed John and hugged him. "Break a leg Beebs! I can't wait to see the show!" "Me neither." Annie joined the hug. "Looks like someone brought her own cheering section," came a voice from behind John. "Hi, Mrs Foley!" Both girls chirped. "Hi, girls," she turned to John, "Bebe, you didn't tell me you'd invited your friends to the show." "I didn't know, mom." John wasn't thrilled with the look on her face. Marilyn was obviously wondering how John planned to pull this off without the girls finding out that he was a man. "We didn't even know she was in it!" Annie said with big grin. "Yeah, we just came with our dad," Cassie offered. "Well, how nice." Marilyn shot John a knowing glance. John nodded as casually as he could, but a shiver ran down his back when he heard Nancy's voice, "Well, who have we hear? Bebe, aren't you going to introduce me to your little friends?" All of John's excitement about opening night was fading quickly. The girls may find out that he's a guy, Nancy may say something inappropriate in front of them - she'd definitely have something to say about all of this later. He was envisioning a 'no win' evening ahead of him. "Cassie and Annie, this is my oldest sister, Nancy. She's a doctor." "How do you do, YOUNG ladies?" She emphasized the word 'young' and glared at John. Then she turned to the girls with a fake smile plastered to her face. "Wow!" Cassie remarked. "You two look so much alike! How did Rose end up being a blonde?" Nancy smiled at the sixteen year old. "We always tell her that she's adopted." Everyone one laughed. "I really have to go dress for the show," John said. "I'll see everyone after, though." "Give mommy a kiss." Nancy stopped him as he started to head to the trailers. "You know that good girls always kiss their mommies goodbye." He did as he was told and headed off to get ready. Ms Weldon greeted him with a big smile. "Here she is! You've got nothing to worry about, honey. The programs never showed up, anyway, so the audience won't know your name." "Thank you, Ms Weldon." John's demeanor indicated that there was something else wrong. "What's the matter, John? You seem distracted." He raised his eyebrows and sighed. "I guess you know about Cassie and Annie, right?" She nodded. "A little, but we've dealt with that. We just won't introduce the cast by name." "Yes, well, my sister and mother saw me with them. I can tell that my mom is concerned that they'll find out, but my sister is really not supportive of all of this 'Bianca' stuff, let alone 'Bebe' stuff, so I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get an ear full when I get home." "Oh, I see." "And not only that, but Rose's parents are here, too and the girls think Rose and I are sisters... I just feel like it's all going to blow up on me, tonight." "Hmm," she pondered. "As Sir Walter Scott said, 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave,' huh?" John nodded. "Look, John, I'm very sorry that I got you into this mess. I'd really hoped that you'd be in a better position - career-wise, I mean - by doing this role. I know that it's been a tough few days, but I'll help you with everything tonight. I'll have Rose text her parents and have them meet her on the other side of the trucks, ok? Will that help?" "Yes, Ms Weldon. Thank you. That will help a lot." "Good, now give me hug and get your head into being Bianca." She hugged him. "This is a big night for you, John. Keep the rest of the world out of your head and just be Bianca until the curtain falls. You can do it, and you know it. Just block everything else out and be Bianca." John took a deep breath and found his inner Bianca. He broke the hug, slowly, stepped back and curtsied as he said, "Yes, ma'm. Thank you, ma'm." Then he smiled and headed for his dressing area. "Bianca's back," the director said quietly to herself as she watched him walk away. "Good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself, To make a bondmaid and a slave of me." John was completely in Bianca mode. Everything beyond the stage apron was forgotten. "That I disdain: but for these other gawds, Unbind my hands, I'll pull them off myself, Yea, all my raiment, to my petticoat; Or what you will command me will I do, So well I know my duty to my elders." "Of all thy suitors, here I charge thee, tell, Whom thou lovest best: see thou dissemble not." Rose was as focused as John and the audience was eating up every second of the fight between the two sisters. "Believe me, sister," John pulled on the 'ropes' that bound him, "of all the men alive I never yet beheld that special face, Which I could fancy more than any other." "Minion, thou liest. Is't not Hortensio?" Rose spat at him. Torturing Bianca in the play. "If you affect him, sister, here I swear, I'll plead for you myself, but you shall have him." John, as Bianca, pled for mercy. Rose, as Kate, was relentless. "O then, belike, you fancy riches more: You will have Gremio to keep you fair." "Is it for him you do envy me so? Nay then you jest, and now I well perceive You have but jested with me all this while:I prithee, sister Kate, untie my hands," Bianca begged. "If that be jest, then all the rest was so." Kate finished with a fire in her eyes. Both actors were fully immersed in the scene and the audience was riveted to their performance. By scene 2, the audience was accepting the truth of the characters and their behavior to such a level that the strangeness of the language was forgotten. When John entered in the final scene, his blue, plaid dress was first received with 'ahhs' from the women, then a round of applause for the garment. The scene, which is primarily between Petruchio and Kate, went beautifully and at the close of the act, the audience erupted with applause. As each actor came out for a bow, the audience responded affectionately, but when John came out, the standing ovation began. He curtsied politely, smiled and took his place next to Ed as Rose and the actor playing Petruchio took their bow. Then they all came together at center stage for the company bow. They indicated the crew for their bow, then took one more all together. Then another. And another. Suddenly the applause grew even louder and the audience's attention was all drawn stage left where Don Ferry, the star of the TV show that had just hired Ed and Rose appeared and crossed to stage center with a microphone in his hand. He waved for the crowd to quiet, then he spoke. "Hi, everyone. I'm Don Ferry..." the crowd erupted again. "... thank you, you're very kind. Anyway, I just want to congratulate this amazing cast! Can we have another round of applause for these people? Wow!" There was a crescendo of applause and everyone was smiling. "The reason that I'm really here tonight is to congratulate two of these amazing actors. Rose? Ed? Would you come forward." The crowd applauded again. "You see, these two talented individuals were just cast in my new TV show, 'Civil Disobedience,' which will air on ABC starting in November. Ed, here, will play my partner on the police force and Rose, here, will be playing my oldest child." "So, come Sunday morning, these two will be flying to Los Angeles with me to begin shooting the series, but they'll be back next weekend to perform 'The Taming Of The Shrew' at..." he partially covered the mic and turned to Rose and asked where they were performing next weekend. She answered and he continued, "... at 'The Heritage Museum' in Sandwich. I hope you'll all come see them again at that venue and, of course, they'll be here again tomorrow night for one more performance in Brewster. And don't forget to watch 'Civil Disobedience' on ABC starting late this fall. Alright, everyone, have a great night! Drive safely!" The crowd went crazy with enthusiasm. Ed stole a sideways glance at John who was, obviously, in shock that they'd be leaving so soon and they hadn't told him about it. When their eyes met, Ed shrugged and looked a little sad and a little guilty - but only a little. The excitement of going to LA was too much to ignore. Then Don Ferry shook hands with Ed and gave Rose a peck on the cheek, in both cases saying, "A car will pick you up at seven on Sunday morning." As John headed for the wings, Don Ferry grabbed his arm and turned him, pulling him into a huge hug leaving his beautiful skirts flailing. Then he spoke softly into John's ear, "I'm so sorry, honey. We all know that you read the best, but you have to understand that ABC is owned by Disney and, even though they're very progressive with their employees, having a boy playing a completely female role on a weekly TV series is a challenge they're not quite ready to take on, yet. I'm sorry." John was a bit surprised that he even acknowledged him, let alone that he'd say something like this. "Couldn't I play the role as a boy?" John asked a bit desperately. The actor smiled down at him, paternally, "Sweetheart, you just weren't as good as a boy. I'm sorry, but that's the truth of the situation. If it's between you and another boy who's already got a following, they're going to go with a known money maker. It's just the way the business works." John nodded and attempted to smile, he gave Don a kiss on the cheek and a 'thank you' before completing his exit. Rose and Ed were waiting at the foot of the stairs. Ed offered a hand, but John used the railing instead. When he reached the ground, they heard Julia raving about the costumes to Janice. "Oh, and that blue plaid dress you put him in, Oh, my God, it was beautiful. Oh, here he comes, now! Bianca, you are just precious in that! Congratulations, darling, you were marvelous!" John smiled and waved an acknowledgement of the compliment as they all headed for the dressing areas. "So... Sunday?" John finally said. "Oh, Beebs." Rose rubbed his shoulder and tried to pull him into a hug, but John kept moving forward. "We only found out about an hour before call. I was planning on telling you right after the show, but I didn't get the chance..." "Seriously, John," Ed said, "I was going to tell you the minute we got off stage. When I saw Don... well, I couldn't believe it. I'm wicked sorry. I didn't want you to find out this way." "No need to apologize just because you guys are successful and I'm not. I'll just miss you guys, is all. I thought we had all summer and I really hoped that we'd all go to LA to be on that show together, but... damn, what a jerk I'm being. I'm sorry, guys. Congratulations. I just... I just need to change..." As he headed into the changing area, Rose asked, "What did Don say to you?" John turned and said, "He said that I wasn't good enough to get the role as a boy and, even though I was very good as a girl, ABC is owned by Disney and they're not prepared to cast a freaky little sissy in a dress to play a girl's role. So - essentially, I suck at being a guy, which, of course, everyone already knew." He sulked away to change. "Shit, shit, shit," Ed whispered. "Rose, I never would have done this except I like hanging with John - and now, you - but this is all so unfair. He should be going with us." Rose shook her head sadly. "It's a business, Ed. Just a business and it seems like they made their decisions based on business instead of talent. Either we do it or we don't and if we do it, maybe we can find him some work, you know? Maybe even get him into a small part on the show." From a short distance away, they heard the voice of Don Ferry calling Rose's name. She turned and saw the TV star walking towards her with one arm around Rose's mom and the other around her dad. "Look who I found," he called as he smiled. "I offered to take them out to dinner. You and Ed, too, unless you'd rather chill with your cast mates." "What? Are you kidding?" she stammered. "Just give me five minutes to change!" "How about you, Ed? Are your folks here, too?" "No, sir, Mr Ferry...." Ed began. "Uh, Uh, Uh!" The actor interrupted. "Sorry... Don... but I'd love to join you, too, if that's ok?" "Excellent, and little Bianca, too, if she'd like." They both ran to change. Rose found John, already back in his little shift dress, headed out to see Cassie and Annie. "Bebe!" She stopped him in his tracks. "Don invited all of us to dinner. You, me, Ed, my folks! I bet he'd spring for Marilyn and Nancy, too. What do you say?" He shrugged, "Nah, I don't think so. I'd just be a fifth wheel. I'll thank him on the way to see the girls. I'll get a ride home with my mom, or something. Have fun." "Johnny, please...!" But he was already out the door. "I don't believe it! Don Ferry just kissed you. He did it on the stage and he did it again just now! He actually kissed you!" Annie was very star struck and over tired to the point of giddiness. "You actually know a star! That's the coolest thing I ever heard of!" John was giggling. Why did these girls always make him so happy!? "I don't know him. I auditioned with Ed and Rose, but I didn't get a part. He's just being nice." "Can we meet him?" "Annie, stop," Cassie was getting a tad irked with her sister. "Bebe, you were SO GOOD! I can't believe that they didn't take you on that show. You KILLED this play. You were so, so, so, 'f-ing' good! Congratulations!" They all hugged and bounced, "Aww, thanks guys. And thanks for coming. It really meant a lot to me." "Maybe they can see another performance before the summer's over." Marilyn appeared out of the crowd. She was smiling and seemed very happy with the play. "But if you do, you make darned sure that your mom sends me a text so I know you're coming and you guys will come to our house for dinner. Deal?" "Deal!" the sisters said in unison. Nancy joined them and said to the girls, "Well, girls, what did you think of my little sister? Wasn't she great?" The girls agreed, but John was left wondering what Nancy's angle was. "Cassie! Annie! Let's go! It's late! We need to get to the fireworks!" a man called from farther down the walkway. "Coming, Dad!" they called. "Sorry, we have to go. Bebe, you were awesome! I'll text your mom, or something... gotta run! Love you!" "Love you, too!" John called as he waved to them. "You were WONDERFUL, sweetheart." Marilyn hugged his head to her breast. I have seen at least seven or eight productions of this show and I have never seen a Bianca who dominated the stage like you did! Congratulations, honey!" "You really were incredible, Johnny," Nancy confirmed. "I'm blown away, if I didn't know you were my brother, I never would have suspected that you were a guy." "I guess this makes it all worth while, huh?" Marilyn beamed. He shrugged. "I guess. Mom, can you give me a ride home?" Marilyn's smile shrank a bit. "Well, yes, of course you can, honey, but don't you want to go out with your friends? I heard that there was going to be a bonfire on the beach tonight." Another shrug. "Ed and Rose are going to dinner with Don Ferry." "And they didn't invite you?" Nancy seemed peeved. "No, they invited me, I just... I'd just be in the way and Rose's mom and dad - I don't know what they know, so I think I'd just rather go home." "Oh, ok, honey, if you're sure..." "I'm sure, mom, and could I, maybe, not talk about it?" "Sure, baby. Let's go." The ride home was lonely. Sitting alone in the backseat of his mom's minivan seemed extremely childish under the circumstances. A car seat wouldn't have seemed out of place at the moment. He wasn't mad or irritated at all. He just felt sad and left out. "I can't believe how good this production was, Johnny," Nancy offered, seemly trying to both make him feel better and make amends for previous conflicts. "Thanks, Nan," John replied as he watched the dark scenery out his window. The fireworks in Brewster could be seen popping up over the trees in the distance from time to time. The quiet continued. "I saw that Mr Ferry spoke to you," Marilyn said as she glanced at him in the rear view mirror. "Did he say anything encouraging?" "Kinda. He said that it was just business and that I was really good at the audition." "Well, that's nice," Marilyn said, looking at Nancy to get her to keep the momentum going. "That's great, Johnny. He wouldn't have said that if it weren't true." "I suppose," John nodded. The silence continued. "He also said that I was better as Bebe than as John." Neither Nancy nor Marilyn could think of a replay to that. Eventually, "Well, honey..." Marilyn searched for the words, "... you created Bebe, so, in a sense, that was a great compliment." "Ok, mom," he knew she meant well, but there wasn't much of a silver lining to be found right now. "Regardless, my best friends are going to LA without me in about thirty six hours and I'm going to be twiddling my thumbs and wearing dresses until the summer is over. You guys were right; I'm just a fuck-up." "John!" Marilyn said in shock. "I never, not once in my entire life, said anything like that!" "Me neither!" said Nancy. "Yeah, but you implied it. I gave up everything for this role, mom. Like you said, I'm not even a man anymore. I'm just a boy who likes looking like a little girl. Even Nancy said I should go to jail." Nancy let out a frustrated grunt. "John, I did NOT say that. I said that I was concerned that, if those little girls' parents found out... oh, what's the use. You're in a foul mood and you'll just twist whatever I say to make me look like the bad guy. Have it your way." "Nancy, please," Marilyn said quietly, knowing her daughter's propensity for drama and her ability to make any issue 'about her.' "Your brother is having a rough time. Be sympathetic, please." "Ok. Sorry. Johnny... we love you and you stole that show tonight. You're a great actor and it will happen for you. I know it will. Honestly, I thought this acting idea was just a pipe dream until tonight, but now that I've seen what you can do... You're going to make it Johnny. I just know that you will." John was feeling a bit ashamed at having baited his sister as he had. "Thanks, Nan. Sorry. I'm just... kinda lost at the moment. I'll get over it. Sorry." It was not the opening night that John had envisioned. The food-truck festival was a blast, singing and dancing along with the band was fun, too. Meeting up with the girls was both exciting and nerve wracking. In fact, he loved being with them. They were so bright and happy that a big part of him lamented the fact that he wasn't able to really be a fourteen year old girl so he could be with them all the time. The show was incredible, the crowd was great, but everything since then had just sucked. It was not even 11:15pm on an opening night and John was in bed. He knew that he was just feeling sorry for himself, but there wasn't a lot more he could do. He just felt bad. "Hi, baby." Marilyn peeked into the room. "Can I come in?" "Sure, mom." She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the boy in the virginal- white nightgown with the lace shoulder straps as he laid in bed. "You ok, sweetie?" "I'm ok, mom." She nodded and thought. "Johnny, I know that this is not the best time to talk about this, but I need to speak with you about something. So, please, try not to get mad at me." "All right." "Good. Now, over the past two weeks, I have watched you change from John to Bianca to Bebe back to Bianca, back to Bebe... and I have gone from being amused to being supportive to being confused, to being scared to being incredibly proud of you that performance, tonight. Everything that Ms Weldon, Rita, Rose and Ed have been telling me is true: you are one of the most talented people I have ever seen." "Thanks, mom, but you don't have to try to make me feel better." "That's not what I'm doing, John. I'm not done. Throughout all of this, I have been fascinated by how well you've adapted to being so much younger and to being a girl. Not only did you become a little girl, though, Johnny, you have thrived as a little girl. Everybody loves you this way. It's unbelievable. I never would have thought that this kind of transformation was possible, but I watched it happen with my own eyes. So, I have a few questions. May I ask them?" "Ok." "Do you like being a girl?" "Well, yes, mom, I do, I guess, but I liked being a guy, too. Being a girl is kinda new and exciting for me, you know? The clothes and the makeup and the way people treat me as Bebe... it's entirely different than being a guy. There's a part of me that finds it all a little exciting and fun, but there's a big part of me that finds it all - every bit of it - right." "Uh, huh. And if you had to choose, would you choose to be a boy or a girl?" "I don't know, mom. I still like girls... I guess I wish I could be kind of how I am. A guy and a girl at the same time." "So, you don't want to have your... parts... removed." "No, mom. I'd really like to keep that. I kinda like it." Both of them gave nervous giggles at that remark. "And what about your boobs? Do you want to keep those?" "Oh, boy... that is a big question. If I have to be honest, mom, I'm really fascinated by them. I love having them, but I wish they were real so I could feel them, you know? I'm sorry. I know that makes me seem weird, but that's the truth." "Why would that be weird? I like my boobs. Why shouldn't you like yours." That made some sense. "Ok," Marilyn smiled as supportively as she could, "So we agree that you're at least considering making some changes to your body, right?" "Well, fantasizing more than considering, but, yes." "Ok, good. Now, sweetie, do you think that, under these circumstances, we could, maybe schedule an appointment with a gender councilor? You know, a therapist who's had some experience with these things so that you can get some guidance to figure all this out?" John thought for a few moments. He wasn't necessarily opposed to seeing a therapist, but was it really necessary, now. Maybe - maybe not, but his mother was obviously concerned, so why not help her ease her mind. "Ok, mom. I'll look for doctors online tomorrow and we can talk about it after that. Is that ok?" "That's perfect, sweetie. Thank you." She smiled at him and he smiled back. It was an innocent, feminine smile that belonged to a little girl. "You make a beautiful child, baby." "Thanks, mom. You make a beautiful woman. I hope that I'm half the woman you are someday." Her first reaction was to be flattered, but then she realized that John was being funny. He was talking about being a woman on top and a man on the bottom. 'Half the woman...' John giggled at her realization. "Oh, you!" She laughed and hugged her pretty little son.

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Kissa Sins Twitter 8000 751000

How many times have you jerked off to Kissa Sins in the past? Too many to count? Once? Never heard of her? Bro, if it’s the latter, where the fuck have you been all this time?If you want to beat off to an amazing performer that is not afraid to embrace her weird fucking side, then you have to start following Kissa Sins on her official Twitter account: You will find a whole host of images, GIFs, videos, and updates about her gigs and life overall that will make you want to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle of a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years old, and as cute as they come. She was 5’2" tall and slightly plump. Her extra weight contributed to her wonderfully oversized tits, tits that I loved playing with. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a gentle lover that liked to be screwed slow and easy. That is, until...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle if a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years-old, and as cute as they come. She was 5'2" tall and slightly on the plump side. Her extra weight contributed to her having wonderfully oversized set of tits. I loved playing with her tits, and she liked them firmly fondled. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a...

4 years ago
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Kissy-Footby Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie[authors note: This story was kindly passed on to us by our friend Bernadette who requested only that we post it in her own words. We have complied with her wishes, passing the original text—with her generous permission, of course—through the filter of a cursory spell check in order to correct only the grossest grammatical errors that might have confused the reader’s comprehension of this otherwise straightforward account of fetish, feminization,...

2 years ago
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KissyChapter 2

The rest of the day passed fairly uneventfully. I guess I was just in a movie-watching mood, because when my brother brought down a stack of other DVDs he’d burned, I joined him in watching them all. By the end of the last film (an old musical about actors in a Shakespeare play), my head was throbbing. I guess that’s the price you pay for spending a whole day staring at the TV. I got up and began to stagger to my room, but my brother stopped me. “No kiss?” he said, a pout on his...

1 year ago
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She took out a book that was about amazon and said, " follow these rules and dont make stupid mistakes okay." She said without taking her eyes off of my eyes. I said sure I later found out i was traveling with my aunt. I was happy because i loved her, not as in a aunt and niece way. I really loved her whole body. She had a 36dd breast size. I could almost feel her breast rubbing against my face. I got up and shook my head letting the thoughts run out of me. I packed my bag and left my...

4 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

2 years ago
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Kissin Cousins

Author's Note: The following is a true story, however, some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent!  It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday and my family and I had gone to my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Bill's to see them. It had been about four years since we had last been down to see them, and we were all anxious to reconnect with family. On the drive down to my aunt's house just a little south of Montgomery, Alabama, Mom talked about how much she missed her sister, how big...

3 years ago
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Sunkiss Slopes

Maddy sighed, tired from the hike but moved by the gorgeous vista before her. Dwight was right - this mountain, crowded with skiers during the winter, was largely ignored in the hot months, leaving a verdant scattering of grass avenues and rich, tall trees that were totally devoid of anyone, save the two of them. Her muscular frame growing restless, Maddy twisted her wrists against the padded cuffs as a chill breeze crossed her bare, freckled skin - at least, she hoped Dwight didn't get her...

1 year ago
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Kissin cousins and more pt 5

I was sitting down stairs watching a football game at halftime Uncle Bob went to get us something to drink. Pam sitting in a chair leaned over and asked me just how did you meet Nancy anyway? I though about it for a few seconds when just about that time Uncle Bob returned when I said I'll tell you later. After the game Pam and I stayed to watch a movie while Uncle Bob and Aunt June played cards in the next room. Pam sat next to me on the couch so I could talk in low tones.I told Pam that I met...

1 year ago
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kissin cousins and more pt 4

Kissin cousins and more pt 4Today is Saturday Uncle Bob is going to play golf with three of his friends and will be gone most of the day and Aunt June is going shopping and out to lunch with a couple of her girl friends and should be gone until at least four o'clock. My Uncle Bob tells me that I am doing a great job and that all of his men on the job like me which makes me very happy. We are almost done with this project and should finish about a week ahead of schedule and should earn all of us...

2 years ago
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iKissed A Girlhellip Or Twohellip Or Threehellip

iKissed A Girl… Or Two… Or Three…[/image]Carly Shay was staring at the ceiling of her room, unable to sleeep a wink. The weird encounter she and her friends had at the retro diner with that crazy Amanda Valdez, better known as Mandy, was still had her mind whirling. She was not expecting such an event to occur, but it did.Mandy, a way to eager to please super-fan, saw Carly, Sam, Freddie and Spencer sitting at a table and freaked out as soon as she realised who it was. She ran over, sat in...

2 years ago
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Kissagram Grope

When i was around 23 i used to do kissagrams for a local modelling agency, my first one was at a hotel, then a couple in pubs. I really liked it and my boyfriend did as i always came home dressed in a basque and horny.Anyway i got a phone call to say a party at a house wanted to book for 10 pm next Friday and the fee was £25, i was given the address and told to ask for Gary.Because it was late my boyfriend drove me and parked round the corner, i had had a couple of drinks as i was not driving...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins

We spotted each other as soon as I walk through the pub door. Doreen sat at a table with her husband Bill. She looked great. I had dropped in on impulse as I passed, felling the need of a cold pint of beer on a warm July night. They both waved at me with beaming faces. Bill stood unsteadily and held out his hand. "Didn't know you were in town," he said as we shook. His speech was slurred. "I got in yesterday," I replied, " I thought it was time to pay mum a visit, or to be more accurate, mum...

1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

Kissin' Cousins by C. Cameron Table of Contents Introduction/Forward Chapter 1 - A Secret Revealed Chapter 2 - What Takes Women So Long? Chapter 3 - Party Time Chapter 4 - Dining, Dancing, and Discussions Chapter 5 - A Nightcap Chapter 6 - Angel of the Morning Chapter 7 - One From the Heart Chapter 8 - Supporting Palyers and The College Years - A Little Background Epilog - Of Sorts to Our Story Acknowledgements Introduction/Forward Ok, just...

1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

Intro - Postcard from Cousin Jeannie Hey, Cuz How you been? Haven't heard from you in so long! What are you up to these days? Don't you be mean to me now, drop me a line. Luv ya Jeannie. Man, talk about an out-of-the-blue whack between the eyes. A postcard, a sunset picture of the Alamo on the front, from my cousin Jeannie. How many years has it been? God, twenty? Yeah, almost twenty years since I've set eyes on that woman. Wonder what she looks like now. I know she had three kids....

2 years ago
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Kissin Cousins

I stood on the veranda of the cabin wearing nothing but a towel, which covered me from nipples to snatch. Eight or ten decks below, two burly men, each wearing a hard hat, were the only living things in sight on the creaking scow, larger than a football field. They were scanning the side of our ship, checking each veranda for life, especially female life. Their eyes kept coming back to me, trying to see through the Plexiglas below the railing, straining to see my bush from under the towel,...

1 year ago
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What's Kiss JAV aka Shy AV all about? You perverts out there with a fetish for Japanese girls probably already know this, but JAV is an abbreviation, short for Japanese Adult Video. Add a kiss in front of that, and you have one of the largest Japanese porn tubes on the web. Kiss Jav specializes in more than just Japanese videos, though; they have tons of Korean JAV and Chinese content as well. It is the Porn Hub of exclusively Asian content.With over 2,500 pages of videos and counting, you are...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Kiss Hentai! I can’t say I’m particularly fond of animated porn, but even then I have to acknowledge that you never know exactly what sort of jizz-worthy content you might just find in this genre of porn. Given how sick this genre can be, I bet you won’t miss some porn images and videos that will totally blow your mind and get your junk throbbing with excitement. There’s something about how everything is presented that really builds into some of my fucked up fantasy moments. I mean, even some...

Hentai Streaming Sites
1 year ago
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You have to hand it to a platform like Reddit. They did not intend to have a fuck ton of porn that users can browse through when it was created (that I know of anyway!). They wanted the platform to be a place for communities could thrive. Over the years, that is exactly what has happened -and more!Today, even the smallest and most niche community and interest will attract new people and thrive. That includes unique genres of porn that you have probably never even heard of before! And that goes...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

My mother and her sister were married the same year and one year later each had a baby, my mother, a girl and my aunt, a boy. We lived in the same city at the time but when I was three years old, my father was transferred to a mid western town. The families were close so when I was five, our parents decided to purchase a vacation home together where they could go fishing and hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. The two families would meet every year during the Christmas break. The...

3 years ago
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Kissy Licky My First Experience

Hi friends, this is Krish. I’m 27 years old and live in Mumbai. It’s my first story on ISS and I hope you enjoy it. The story is really what happened to me. It’s about a girl whom I met while surfing on the internet. Her name is Preeti. She has 36-34-36 figure. She has big bobs and a big ass that make her look sexy. This happened in January when while surfing on the net. I came across a chatting website. I started chatting on it. There I found Preeti. We started chatting. It was a clean chat,...

3 years ago
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Kiss Per Kilometer From Railway Station To Orgasm

HI My name is Megha. I am from Kolkata but I had to come to Delhi for Job. I am 28 years old and work as a manager in a call center in Delhi. Two years back when I got the job in delhi I was super excited. I will finally get to live on my own. My friend had already arranged a PG accommodation for me. I am an extremely horny and beautiful girl. My boobs are the best part of my body and I am very proud of them. But some people say that the best asset of my body is my ass. The day I landed in...

2 years ago
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Kiss Juice Part 2

A month or so had passed; Raj and I had been fucking on a regular basis, even more regular than when I was married. In those few weeks there was not a room in the house where he had not fucked me. He had become a real stud, and that made me hope that I was his only. You never know with young men who are not always in your line of sight. Once they’ve lost their virginity, they just want to fuck any woman that walks with a pulse. I really hoped Raj was not one of them, especially as I am no...

2 years ago
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Kiss me

Hi my name is Opal Hydrangea Ho.  Are you done smirking?  My friends call me H2O.  Come on get it over with.  My friends say that I have a personality like a Chameleon, fitting to my namesake opals which display different colors when viewed from different directions. Anyway my Dad is a Gemologist, and my Mom is a Horticulturist they are Americanized Chinese.  My grandparents came to America when they were 12.  My grandpa was 25 and grandma was 22 when they got married, my Dad was 21 and my Mom...

3 years ago
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Kiss me

Hi my name is Opal Hydrangea Ho.  Are you done smirking?  My friends call me H2O.  Come on get it over with.  My friends say that I have a personality like a Chameleon, fitting to my namesake opals which display different colors when viewed from different directions. Anyway my Dad is a Gemologist, and my Mom is a Horticulturist they are Americanized Chinese.  My grandparents came to America when they were 12.  My grandpa was 25 and grandma was 22 when they got married, my Dad was 21 and my Mom...

First Time
2 years ago
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Kiss But Dont Tell

Every day I wake up and do the same thing over and over again. I really hate routine, it drives me nutty. I wasn't always like this. At one point I was carefree and did what I wanted. It wasn't until I got into a relationship and moved in with her, that things seemed to fall into a routine. Her routine. My girlfriend is the controlling type. She is always telling me what to do, where to go, when to be back. It didn't occur to me how much she was doing it until I met Katie. She asked me why I...

4 years ago
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Kiss Cam Ambush

I didn’t know how or why I let myself be dragged to a baseball game by Tina and her best friend Zoe, except, of course, that it was Tina’s birthday and I could never refuse my niece a treat like that on her special day. Naturally, I offered to buy my latest girlfriend, Lisa, a seat as well, even though the ones that Tina and Zoe got were really nice ones, too. I was willing and able to do that for her or for my sister, Vera, but both of them begged off, so it was just Uncle Robert, his niece...

2 years ago
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Kiss Juice

The day started like any other summer's day. I looked out of my kitchen window, clear blue skies, a warm sunny day ahead and my eyes were drawn to my garden, and, 'oh,' I thought, 'my dear, overgrown shrubs, flower beds are a disgrace and the lawn… Oh dear. I needed to get someone in.' I hated gardening, I did have someone to tend to this, but he had left a while ago.A little about myself, I married very young, and what I thought was love and a lifetime partnership, turned out to be a...

3 years ago
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Kiss Se Bachha

hello dosto mai nirmal ek bar fir apke sath hu, dosto ap sabhi ne meri pehli story bahut pasand ki aur mujhe bahut pyar diya asha hai age bhi aisa pyar aap sab se milta rahega. aaj mai apse apni ek aur kahani jo mere sath delhi me hui wo share karna chahta hu, dosto ye 1998 ki bat hai jab mai naya naya delhi gaya tha to waha maine apne mama ke ladko ke sath romm share kiya unke sath unka ek dost bhi rahta tha uska nam dev tha mere mama ke do ladke jinka nam chander aur prakash ye teeno hi ek...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 1

KISS ME BIANCA THE AUDITION - or - "THE PLAY'S THE THING." "Hi, mom," John called as he let the front, screened door of their moderately sized, summer cottage close behind him. Marilyn wiped her hands clean on a dish cloth and stepped away from the kitchen island where she was cleaning up after having just put the apple pie into the oven. She looked into the large living room and smiled at her son. "Hi, honey? How did it go?" "Good, I think!" He rain his fingers along the Van...

2 years ago
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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 The Beginning

Hello to all the fans of ISS. I have been a fan of ISS for more than a decade and have read thousands of stories and pleasured myself. After a long thought, I have decided to come out with the incidents that occurred in my life. Series of stories are about to come and this is the beginning of my sexcapades. I request the readers to go through it patiently. It would be a long story but will guarantee you complete pleasure. So let’s begin with the story. This is a 100% true story. Many parts of...

2 years ago
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Kiss Changed Life

Hi dear iss readers, am a regular reader of iss. After reading all your stories i thought of posting ma story also. Am new in writing so please ignore if any mistake. I am jimmy 23 years old from kerala but living in oman. Am going to share ma experience with ma girl friends cousin.This is a true story happened with me before few months.I went to meet ma girl at her cousins place as she was staying with her cousin.I went to her home in the morning,when i rang the bell a cute sexy girl opened...

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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 First Adventure In The Theatre

Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...

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Kiss Me Im Irish

Kiss Me I'm Irish Belladonna Vin reconciled the numbers on the ledger in front of him before he closed the book. The day in and day out grind of managing the Pub was taking its toll on him as he rubbed his forehead. The beaten down look on Vin's face was not lost on any of his employees that crossed his path, least all of his girlfriend Monica. She had dated him since before he bought the bar from her father and began to update its image to meet the ever changing neighborhood...

4 years ago
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--- Kisses (mf, 1st, cons, inc, oral, impreg, rom, f-solo, m-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- "What are you doing, brother?" He dropped his hands to his sides and stopped moving. His sister had caught him masturbating in bed! "Brother? I heard you." He didn't move. Why, oh why, did they have to share a room? Yes, it had a curtain running down the middle for privacy, but now that he was sixteen and her fifteen, they should have separate rooms! He knew why, though; his father...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

By: DamonX ([email protected]) It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

2 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

3 years ago
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It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception."I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her!"Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys."Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

4 years ago
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Kiss And TEll Supernatural Fanfiction

"What?" Dean barks. "Dude, don't you think you've had enough?" he asks, keeping his voice level. His puppyish expression is one of concern. One that normally makes Dean melt. But not tonight. "Son of a bitch," Dean groans. "Jesus, Sam. This again? You know what's wrong with you?" He leans back, his hands resting on the table as his mouth draws into a tight line. Sam shakes his head sadly and exhales loudly. Not plastered, but definitely drunk. "No. But I suppose...

2 years ago
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Kiss or ISS

Main karachi main rheti hoon main ISS stories ki abhi new user hoon or mujh ko ye site meri dost say pata lagi main app ko is k baray main bata ti hoo. 1 din main apni dost k sath collage main bheti batain kar rahee thi to us nay mujh ko bata ya k kal raat main nay apnay chotay bhae ko khub danta waja pochnay per us nay bataya k wo sex wali kahani ki side phar raha tha or main 1 dam room main chali gae to wo ghabra gaya us ko dekh kar main kuch shake main phar gae or main nay pc dekha to kuch...

1 year ago
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Kiss of the SuccubusChapter 3 The Kiss of Death

Hunger had overtaken him. Eight long months had passed since he last tasted blood. He would finish her in due time, of that he was certain. But for now, the hunger had to be satisfied, and he couldn't get to Grace. Not yet. He'd held off on killing the stripper. It was a matter of willpower, and he'd resisted. But now there was a new beauty, and she was on the other side of the bedroom door where Lukas now stood. She was blonde; Lukas could see her through the crack in the door that...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 2

BUILDING A WARDROBE -or- KNOW'ST ME NOT BY MY CLOTHES? John could hear laughter in another room as he struggled to open his eyes. His blurry surroundings were a bit off. He was in the living room, on the couch and the sun was shining in the east facing windows. He sat up, wiped the spittle from his cheek and pulled the crocheted blanket off. When he could think more clearly, he recognized the laughter was coming from his mother and Rose and, someone else - a guy.... It was Ed's...

2 years ago
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Kiss me like a lover

This one just came out over the course of Friday morning. It’s hot off the keyboard and hasn’t even had a read-through, which means there will be typos and errors. I’ve got to get out and do some shopping now, so here it is as an unedited piece. I hope the errors don’t detract too much from your enjoyment of the scene.Feedback is appreciated, bearing the above in mind, that is.Thanks for reading. As ever, I appreciate you taking the time and effort.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 28th of August...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 4

TIME FOR EXPLANATIONS -or- IF SO, BE PATIENT, SISTER John put his carryon bag in the back of Nancy's CR-V. He glanced at her before he closed the back door. She was obviously angry with him and he couldn't understand why. He was an adult. If he wanted to wear a dress, what difference did it make to her? This was going to be a long ride home. He closed the back door, opened the front and climbed into the vehicle. "Well," she put the car in gear and pulled out into the flow...

4 years ago
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Kiss You

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you" -- ee cummings Don't laugh, Joe. Fifty dollars can ruin a man's life. That's what this whole fucking mess is about. We had dropped in at the Millers' party. I don't have much occasion to go back to the neighborhood where I grew up, but Jack and Ellen Miller were old friends. It happened to be one of Joanie's sleepover nights and the two of us had decided to indulge in a...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me DaddyChapter 2

Kaitlyn turned fifteen shortly after she gave me her virginity. For the first few days after that night I was nervous that somehow my daughter or I would give away our secret, somehow her mother would find out, but our lives didn’t change, our relationship as daddy and daughter was as normal as it had been for her entire life. After a few days of routine family life I no longer sweated when my wife and girl were in the same room. Kait and I had sex three more times as the summer passed, but...

4 years ago
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Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant

CHAPTER 1 Mid afternoon Ed Bacon closed the stationery shop that was also a licensed Post Office, Lotto Agency and newspaper agency. The Town Clock chimed out three peels and the sound of children being released from school rang out in the distance. The inhabitants of North Crossing, population 2700, and farmers and fruit and vegetable growers from surrounding areas preferred to shop early, so the shop opened at 6:00, five mornings a week and from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays. Those hours...

3 years ago
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Kiss the Bride

John Notle tried not to be noticed as he sat down in the back row of the church. He hadn’t planned on attending the wedding, but he felt it was his duty to stir up a little trouble. But not until the preacher asked if anyone objected to this union, he was going to rise up his hand & then he was going to kiss the bride. It was his plan. There on the altar stood Bernie, his lifelong friend. They had grown up together on the mean streets of down- town L.A. Bernie was the brain while John was the...

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