Kiss Me, Bianca 4 free porn video

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TIME FOR EXPLANATIONS -or- IF SO, BE PATIENT, SISTER John put his carryon bag in the back of Nancy's CR-V. He glanced at her before he closed the back door. She was obviously angry with him and he couldn't understand why. He was an adult. If he wanted to wear a dress, what difference did it make to her? This was going to be a long ride home. He closed the back door, opened the front and climbed into the vehicle. "Well," she put the car in gear and pulled out into the flow of traffic, "do you want to tell me just what the hell is going on here, or am I just supposed to guess?" John started his explanation, "Look, Nancy, I'm doing a play, you know, with The CCSR and..." Nancy was impatient, "Oh, don't give me that. I did plenty of plays with The CCSR when I was a kid. I never once heard of a boy having to live as girl for a role!" "Yeah, I know, but this director the board hired, she's really good and she..." "She what!? Did she say, 'John, I want you to stop living your life and start living your sister's life, only you need to be her when she was...' what? Eleven? Twelve?" "Fourteen..." John mumbled defensively. "Seriously!? She wanted you to look like me!? John, that's the creepiest thing I've ever heard!" "No, of course not, Nan. She doesn't know what you..." he groaned in frustration. "They sent me to a beautician and after they dyed my hair, I just ended up looking like you." "And where did you get that dress you're wearing, anyway, Johnny? My God, it must have cost a thousand dollars!" John looked at the dress and adjusted the hem on his thigh. "I don't know what it cost. My agent bought it for me." "YOUR AGENT!? Jesus, John... how many people are involved in turning you into a girl?" "Look, Nan, I'm an actor, ok? Actors do unusual things for roles, ok? Now, come on, give me a break. It's been a long week." "Oh, well, I'm sorry if you've had a long week, missy, but in case you didn't know it, I'm doing my residency right now. I've been working eighteen hour days for months, but my mother called me about two hours ago and said that she was stuck behind an accident on Rt 6, couldn't get across the bridge and that my baby brother needed a ride home from the airport. So, instead of getting into my nice, comfy bed, I drove from Worcester to Providence and, NOW, I have to schlep you back to Hyannis. So, if you think that I'm feeling any sympathy for you because you're tired... forget it!!" There was silence in the car for a few minutes, until John said, "Thanks for picking me up, Nan, but if it was going to be this big of a deal..." "It's only a big deal because, when I got to the airport, I found my nineteen year old brother dressed like a ten year old princess." "Alright, first, I'm not nineteen; I'm twenty. Second, I don't look anything like a ten year old and you know it. I have breasts, for crying out loud..." Without asking permission, or taking her eyes from the highway, Nancy's right hand shot over and groped John's chest. "Holy shit, Johnny! You DO have breasts! Oh, my God, do you still have your dick?" Her hand lunged for his crotch. "Nan!" He pushed her hand away. "Knock it off! Those are silicone, for crying out loud and, yes, I still have my... penis." "I swear to God, Johnny, I can not believe this. How could you have let this happen to you?" "LET this happen to me?" Suddenly, John realized something. He hadn't fought anybody at any time as these changes took place. He could have said, 'No,' and walked away at any point. He could have demanded that the breasts be removed before going to LA. He could have walked out of Stacy's salon. He could have turned down the role."Nan, I didn't LET anything happen to me. I am an actor and I was given the opportunity to play a role that most men would never get to play and I dove into it with everything I had. In this case, that means living, experiencing and participating in every aspect of being a girl. Maybe you don't approve of that, but it got me my first audition for a TV show, so I think it may be worth it." "Oh, Yeah... 'I'm an actor!' 'I'm an actor!' Nancy mocked John's words. "I swear to god, Johnny, I do not have time for this kind of stupidity right now..." "Then pull off here, before we get to the bridge, and drop me off at the McDonald's. I'll call mom, or Ed to come get me and I'll wait there." "Shut up, John, you know I can't do that, I told mom..." "I don't give a shit what you told mom," John shouted. "I'm not your fucking problem. I'm your brother, for crying out loud. Mom asked you to help me. If you don't want to help me, then pull the fuck over and let me me the fuck out!" Nancy was shocked. She had never heard John say anything more profane than 'damnit' before. He had definitely gotten her attention. She jerked the wheel and pulled across the traffic to make it to the off ramp in time, then slowed her vehicle as she pulled onto the road beyond. There was a McDonald's visible about a hundred yards down the road, but Nancy pulled into the parking lot of a Home Depot and pulled her car away from the other cars and slammed her new car into 'park.' John pulled the handle to open the door, but Nancy had locked the doors with the parental control button and he could not exit the vehicle without her unlocking the door. "Let me out." He looked at the floor and waited. Nothing happened. "Let me out." He said, again. "No. I think we need to talk." She shut off the engine and sighed. John crossed his arms and looked out his window. It was early, the store was just opening. Not a lot of people milling about. "Look, Johnny," she said with a heavy voice, "I just want to understand..." "No you don't," he kept his attention focused on the main entrance of the store. "Every thing you've said and every question you've asked has been an insult. You don't want to understand; you want to attack me and I'm not interested in hearing any more of it. Let me out." Nancy sighed and calmed down. He was right. She was angry and confused and was attacking him instead of talking to him. She considered how she should proceed. The car was silent. "I got a callback, by the way," John finally said, quietly. "What?" "Not that you'd care, but... the tv show... I got a call back. They say it never happens at your first audition... but I got one." His sister nodded. She'd done enough shows to have known plenty of kids who had taken a chance and tried to make it on Broadway, or in LA or even in regional theater. She knew it was a big deal. "That's great, Johnny," she muttered. Now, something outside her window was keeping her from looking at her little brother. "That's great." More silence. "Nan," John still looked out the window, "what if you'd found out that, instead of me looking this way because of a role, I was dressing this way because I was transgendered? Would you have reacted the same way? With anger?" She raised her hands in an 'I don't know' attitude and let them fall noisily back down onto her thighs. "Cause, if I found out that you were intending to live as a guy, I don't think I would have attacked you. I think I would have tried to let you know that I loved you, no matter what." Now, he turned and looked at her. "Cause I do, Nan. I love you... no matter what." "Jesus," she couldn't look at him, yet, "Johnny, I just don't know. I mean..." she gestured to his dress, "this is a lot to take in." "Why? I'm still your brother. I'm just wearing a dress." "And make up. And earrings. And heels. And your hair is the same color as mine and it's styled like mine was when I was a kid... You're not my brother anymore, you're me, fifteen years ago. it's a lot to take in, Johnny." He nodded. "So... what? You don't love me any more because I look different?" "I never said that, Johnny." "You sure sounded like that's what you meant." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Johnny," she finally looked towards him, "I'm sorry I yelled, but... Johnny, is this something you've been thinking about doing for a long time?" He shook his head. "Till last Friday, it never occurred to me. I only started doing it 'cause I had to do it to play Bianca." "Why did you ever agree to play Bianca, though? Didn't that sound odd to you?" John ran through a list of Ms Weldon's accomplishments. "She's a bonafide big-deal, Nan, and I wanted to be in her cast." Nancy nodded. "And now?" Nancy asked. "Do you want to go on wearing these clothes after the show closes?" "I don't know. I like a lot of it. Everything's so soft and... pretty... and comfortable. You wouldn't understand. You've always been able to choose what you wanted to wear. I couldn't. I never wore clothes like these before." Nancy scoffed, "Yeah. I've never worn clothes like that, either. I'm telling you, Johnny, that dress is... well, it's kind of magnificent and it fits you like it was made for you. Did they tailor it for you?" "No. The lady who ran the shop grabbed it and handed it to me. We weren't in the store more than fifteen minutes." Nancy shook her head. "Unbelievable. I've never walked in off the street and walked out of the store with the first dress I tried on. Now, I know why. It's because the dresses are designed for my brother." He laughed, quietly. Finally, they were looking at each other. They both bore sad smiles. "You know," John broke the silence, "when the stylist was done and I got to see myself for the first time... I realized that I looked like you and... well... as weird as that may sound... it made me happy." Nancy screwed up her face. "Why would that make you happy?" "Why!? Because you're beautiful and smart and because I love you. I've always wanted to be like you - maybe not quite this literally, but... you know what I mean." Nancy smiled, then looked at the ceiling of the SUV and groaned as she ran her fingers through her bobbed hair. "Arrrggghhh, Johnny, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know... I'm sorry I yelled at you. You're right - I was out of line. I love you, too, honey." She reached over and took his small hand in hers, then she held it to her lips and kissed it, then inspected it. "Nice nails, bro." She smiled at him. That was nice. "Thanks." "So... what happens after you've been a little girl for, what, eight or nine weeks?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I get the breasts taken off and that's that. No more Bianca." She raised her eyebrows. "Seriously? Just like that, this cute little teeny-bopper will just disappear and John Foley with the messy boy- bun and the goatee reappears?" "It's a Van Dyke, not a goatee... and, yeah, I guess. I mean, the breasts aren't mine and they're wicked expensive, so... I thought about a lot about it on the plane. Ms Weldon says I should leave school and go to New York or LA. I'm thinking about that. Who knows, if this TV show pans out, all these decisions may be made for me. The role is for a seventeen year old boy." "Then why did you go dressed like this?" "'Shrew' opens on The Fourth and if they remove the breasts, they can't put them back on for ten days or so. The solvent irritates the skin, I guess. I was originally dressed in yoga pants and a polo, but my agent said I looked like an unmade bed and dressed me this way. She made me leave the yoga pants and polo at the store. I had to wear this." She nodded. "And you enjoy dressing like this, don't you?" "Wouldn't anyone?" "No, Johnny." She thought for a few moments. "So, obviously, no matter what, this 'Bianca' person is going to stick around through the whole summer and, it seems to me, she'll probably be around, at least occasionally, after that, right?" John shrugged, again. "I don't know, Nan. Maybe... probably... I just don't know." She nodded. "Look, Johnny, I'm sorry I came on so strong. You were just much more... 'me'... than I expected and it freaked me out, ok? Now, I love you, but it's going to take me a while to get used to this. That's my issue, not yours, but I want you to be aware that I'm trying." "Ok, Nan." "Alright." She started the engine and took one last look at her pretty little brother and smiled. There was very little sign of the boy she knew, but he was definitely in there when they spoke. "So, tell me about this other 'new' sister I have. Mom tells me her name is Rose. Mom thinks that you have 'a thing' for her." John smiled and blushed as they headed for the Sagamore Bridge. A CONVERSATION -or- TELL ME - BUT TRULY - BUT THEN SPEAK THE TRUTH - DO YOU NOT LOVE MY SISTER? Both John and Nancy were exhausted by the time they reached the cottage in Hyannis. John gave an excited synopsis of his eighteen hours in LA and everyone was thrilled that he'd gotten a callback. Both Marilyn and Rose gushed over John's new dress, which Nancy found somewhat odd, but she'd learned her lesson with John, so she didn't say anything. By 11:45 that Sunday Morning, both brother and sister were looking for a pillow to conk-out on. Marilyn had not yet changed the sheets in Nancy's room and, not wanting to inconvenience Rose, Nancy crawled into John's double bed with him. Both wearing little blue nighties that made them look even more like sisters than before. Just after noon, Marilyn checked on them and found them both laying on their left sides with Nancy spooning her little bother, her arm hanging loosely over his stomach. Marilyn chuckled at the mess of black hair and blue nylon and satin. She was lucky. Two good kids who loved each other. It was nice to have them back together. She poured herself a mug of coffee and joined Ed and Rose at the table in the screened room. "I don't think we'll be hearing from either of them for quite a while," she laughed. "They are out like lights." They were awake by 6:00 that evening, though, and Rose and Ed helped Marilyn serve a delicious meal of steamed clams and halibut, a great meal for a warm, early summer night at The Cape. Nancy decided to stay the night and get an early start back to Worcester the next morning. "Rose," she asked as the dishes were being packed away, "I'm going to take a walk down to the beach. Will you join me? It'll give me a chance to get to know my new sister." "Sure!" Rose was very happy to join her, so the two walked the block and a half to the moon lite beach. They'd had their chit chat about their lives and ambitions all along the walk. Once on the beach, they sat in the cool sand and Nancy finally asked the question, "So, what's your opinion about this whole 'Johnny/Bianca' thing?" Rose shrugged and played with a piece of seaweed. "I don't know. I hadn't really felt that I needed to form an opinion. John is a grownup and an actor and he was offered a great role. He took it and now he has to do what needs to be done to play the role. He seems to be having a good time, though, so what difference does it make?" Nancy's forehead pinched, "I should think it would make a great deal of difference, but I seem to be in the minority there. My mother and you and Eddie all seem to be supporting this. It's a very confusing thing for an outsider to walk into." Rose sensed a challenge coming, "Nancy, I'm not a member of the family or anything, so I know that my opinion is not really valid, but I wouldn't say we're 'supporting THIS' as much as 'supporting HIM.' He needs help to do this well and Marilyn and I are helping him. You should see him in rehearsal, though, Nancy - he's amazing. I've never seen anyone 'become' a character the way that he becomes Bianca. Even if he were really a girl, I'd be blown away by him. He's consistent and in-the-moment and the words mean so much to him! Wait till you see him!" Nancy listened and tried to imagine her little brother being that amazing. She just couldn't do it. He would always just be her goofy kid brother. "You said he enjoys it," Nancy finally said. "You mean the clothes, right?" "Well, yeah, but everything else, too! I mean he likes being treated like a girl - the pampering and compliments - and you should have seen him with Cassie and Annie, he was just like them! Like a real fourteen year old girl..." "Wait, wait, wait!" Nancy was suddenly very concerned. "He actually 'played' with other girls? Don't you people realize how dangerous that is!? What if they found out? He could be arrested for that! Are you people out of your minds!?" "It wasn't like that, honest," Rose tried to calm her. "We met them before we saw Jaws so they sat with us. Then we met them at the beach for a couple of hours and they came to dinner. Mostly, John sang show tunes with them. Nothing sketchy happened. He was really into it..." "Jesus, what is wrong with you people!?" Nancy wasn't yelling, but she was obviously very perturbed. She bolted to a standing position and ran her fingers through her hair, grunting to keep her anger back. "This is ridiculous. I thought I could handle it, but, come on, Rose, you must see how crazy this is. He's going to end up either in jail or get himself beaten up by some gang of idiots if he keeps this up. At the very least, this is all playing head games with him." Rose stood and took Nancy's hand. "I know how this looks, Nancy. Just walking into it must be weird, but this all moved in a pretty logical way throughout the week. Honestly, your mom has been keeping tabs on him the whole time. She spoke to Ms Weldon, the director, and you have to believe me, Nancy, she is only doing what's good for his career. Ms Weldon says that he's one of the best actors she's ever seen, and I think she plans to make him her prot?g? - for real! This role may be the best thing that could possibly happen to him, career- wise. Please, don't ruin it for him." Nancy was perplex. "Damnit, Rose, I never expected this to happen. I truly love my baby brother, you have to believe me, but... this is all so freaking crazy!" "I know you love him, Nancy, and he adores you, too. Please, don't make this any harder on him. He's doing great! He really is!" Nancy eyed Rose suspiciously. "And what do you get out of this?" "Me!? I don't get anything out of this except to be in the play." "Uh-huh," Nancy crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed. "Johnny's nuts about you, you know that, right?" Rose smiled, "Well, I know that he's... well, you're a pretty girl... you know how it is. Boys, just... you know... get crushes..." "No, Rose. I mean that he's, like, head over heels, crazy in love with you. In fact, I think that he's doing a lot of this just to be with you." Rose thought about that. She had feelings for John, sure, but 'love?' That's a pretty big word... "So," Nancy persisted, "how do you view Johnny? A friend? A potential boyfriend? A potential lover? A little sister? A doll?" The truth was that Rose viewed John as all of these things, but she couldn't say that to his sister. "Look, Nancy, I like John a lot. He's really sweet and so talented, but... well, we hardly knew each other at school. We really only met on Monday. I don't think he actually 'loves' me per se. I think he's just infatuated. I mean, I like spending time with him and I'd like to get to know him better and I'm not saying that there isn't the possibility of something coming from that, but... well, I guess that I don't know how to answer your question beyond that." John's sister nodded her head and thought for a moment. "I hope you understand that I'm not ticked off about this cross dressing stuff just because I think it's odd. I'm afraid that Johnny is going to get hurt. Do you understand that?" "Yes, of course I do." Nancy nodded. "Then I hope that you'll understand that I'm concerned about you for the same reason. I don't want my brother hurt by you." Rose smiled. "He won't be. Besides, he's a grown man, Nancy..." "No. No he's not. He's always been... fragile. You need to remember that. He's much more like the little girl he's pretending to be than you imagine. That's probably why he's such a good actor. Don't hurt him. Please." "I won't." When they returned to the cottage, Rose and Nancy found Marilyn sitting on one end of the coach watching the Red Sox game with John cuddled up next to her, his head in her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady with the very occasional snore coming forth from his slack-jawed mouth. Marilyn held up her finger to her lips to indicate that the women should not be loud. BACK TO THE REHEARSAL HALL -or- A POOR PLAYER STRUTS AND FRETS HIS HOUR UPON THE STAGE Monday's rehearsal was going well until mid afternoon, when an intern came into the hall with the message that Ms Weldon wanted to see John immediately. John, in full Bianca makeup and his forest green gown hurried to the office. When he entered, he hustled to the area in front of the desk and then, through sheer habit and rehearsal, he gripped his skirts and curtsied. "Yes, Ms Weldon." She smiled, realizing that he hadn't even noticed what he'd done. "Thank you for coming, John. Rita has been trying to call you, but, of course, she couldn't reach you during rehearsal. So, she called me." He'd hoped that this was why she'd summoned him. "Is there news about the callback?" "Yes, John, there is. They wanted you to fly back out to LA tomorrow for a callback on Wednesday, but, since we open on Saturday, I made it clear that I could not spare you or have you get worn out with a lot of extra traveling." John was concerned. He really wanted to do the callback. "So, I have convinced the director to come to The Cape to do your callback here on Wednesday afternoon. Is that ok with you?" John's heart was fluttering. He put his hand to his breast and let out a relieved sigh. "Ok!? Oh, my goodness! I can't believe they're coming HERE!" Tears of excitement began to flow. "Oh, thank you, Ms Weldon! Thank you, so much!" She came around the desk and shook his hand. "My pleasure, John. You've earned it." Overcome with excitement and girlish impulsiveness, John pulled his director into a huge hug. "I can't believe that they're coming here! That's a good sign, right!?" Ms Weldon pulled the boy's arms from around her neck. "Yes, dear. That's a very good sign. Now, please return to rehearsal and let's do a great job on this show before moving on to the callback." The lipstick made John's smile even more pronounced and prettier. He skipped to the door, then turned and curtsied once again. "Thank you, ma'm," he bowed his head in medieval subservience and backed out of the door, leaving Maureen to wonder if he'd done it to be funny, or was he so engrossed in the role that he wasn't even aware of his gestures. By the time he'd returned to the rehearsal hall, thanks to an overly excited intern, everyone was already aware that the audition would be taking place on The Cape. Most were excited for John, a few were jealous and some were hoping that the director and casting director may watch a rehearsal at The CCSR facility and discover them as well. Regardless of their feelings, everyone applauded when John reentered. He beamed and curtsied. He couldn't wait to tell his mother. Out of nowhere, Ed came up behind him and pulled John into a backwards bear-hug, lifting him high off the ground, kicking and screaming. When he returned him to terra firma, Ed leaned down, kissing John's cheek and saying, "Aren't you glad I talked you into playing Bianca!? They're going to love you! You'll be a star before Christmas!" Suddenly, Rose was there, too, pulling both Ed and John tightly to her, nearly smothering the diminutive John against her supple breasts. "Oh, I'm so happy for you, Johnny! You're going to be so famous!!!" She kissed his cheek, too. "That's what I said!" Ed laughed and kissed him again. Rose followed suit and within seconds, John was being drown in kisses. Some soft and covered in lipstick, some scratchy and aggressive, but all wonderful and welcome! When Marilyn heard the news, she insisted on taking them all, John, Rose and Ed, out to dinner at John's favorite restaurant, The West End - one of the nicer restaurants in Hyannis. Rose insisted that this was an occasion for a new dress. Something cute and fun so they'd both feel playful and happy. They agreed to meet Marilyn at 6:15 at the restaurant. So, when rehearsal ended, Ed took his own car to run home to change and Rose took John to a boutique she'd heard about. Marilyn arrived at the restaurant just after 6:00 and met Ed in the parking lot. The maitre'd sat them at a table near the far end of the restaurant, as Marilyn had requested. The vaulted ceilings and pristine, white table clothes always made dinner at The West Side an auspicious event. "I've never been here," Ed said as he took in the grandeur of the restaurant, which looked quite unimpressive from the outside. "We only come for special occasions," Marilyn smiled as she tucked her purse under her chair. "Graduations, important birthdays... that kind of thing. It's far to fancy for a typical Monday night dinner." Within moments, Rose entered and waved as she crossed to the table. Ed smiled and stood to pull out a chair for her. "Where's the star of the evening?" Marilyn looked beyond Rose, but only saw an empty doorway. "He's on the phone with his agent. Evidentially, she's coming out for the audition, too. She wants everything to be perfect. I left my phone with him so he could use it to take notes. He said to go ahead and order drinks and he'd be right along. He wanted a glass of champagne, but I told him that was impossible, so he'd like a Shirley Temple instead." She grinned at the sweetness of the name of the drink. "Honestly, he's so high on adrenaline right now that I think he could run right up the walls!" "HE'S excited!?" Marilyn joked. "Good lord, in the past few hours, I think I called everybody I ever met to tell them about John! This is all so amazing, I mean, they must see something very special in him to be coming all this way for a callback, right?" "Oh, I think so," Rose agreed. "I called a friend of mine who has been in a couple of things, nothing recurring, just one time appearances, and she says that she's never heard of an executive doing this. She says that, usually, if an actor can't make it to a callback..." "Holy shit..." Ed muttered, interrupting Rose's story. The women turned to see what he saw and Marilyn reiterated Ed's thoughts. "'Holy shit' is right." Entering the door was not John, nor Bianca, but Bebe. Perfect, beautiful, bubbly, fourteen year old Bebe. Her dark hair had been curled just enough to give it some body and her bright red lips were more youthful and playful than Bianca's. She strode on the balls of her feet, the three inch heels on her nude, open toed pumps hardly touching the ground. Her makeup was much more modern and natural than Bianca's and her dress - Oh, my goodness, that dress - was magnificent. The pure white dress was strapless and clung playfully to Bebe's bosom, then pinched in, just a little, at a high waist before hanging in a pretty and moderately wide, tulle lined circle, six inches above the knee. Above that lay an embroidered confection of startling, navy blue lace. The neck line of the overdress was a series of arched scollops that rose in delicate sweeps that drew attention to Bebe's dainty, white shoulders. That pattern continued around the back to make the wearer's shoulders look even more luscious from the back. The pattern thinned and ended at the waist, but from the hem of the skirt, a similar pattern repeated itself, yet, this time, it was upside down - thinning as it climbed, and leaving long, delicate tendrils of lace reaching towards the waist. This perfect combination of woman-child and dress floated across the restaurant with a grace and dignity and confidence that John had never exhibited. The tiny clutch-purse that hung from his left shoulder on a delicate, silver chain bounced playfully on his hip and occasionally disappeared into the flouncy skirt. Every customer, every employee, every person stopped and took in this beautiful child as she passed. Women gasped while men grew hard at the thought of a creature this beautiful passing so closely. Bebe was... a vision. Ed was standing and pulling out the remaining chair at their table before John was halfway across the room. "Oh, darling," Marilyn's hands were pressed together, as if in prayer, and the tips of her index fingers were pressed against her lips. "You are just breathtaking." John placed the tip of the toe of his right shoe just behind the heel of his left and, with his arms held out to the side, gave a sweet, delicate, slightly bouncy curtsy. These gestures had become so ubiquitous in his role as Bianca that he was hardly aware of his use of them in real life. He accepted the chair that Ed offered, smoothing his skirts under him as he sat and Ed pushed in his chair. Before returning to his own seat, Ed leaned over and inhaled the sweet, heady, fruity perfume of his friend's hair before kissing his cheek and whispering, "You're gorgeous, Beebs. I can't believe it. I really can't." John smiled up at the handsome man who'd been so polite. "Thank you, Ed." He sat with his legs crossed at the knees, his back straight and unsupported, looking regal and confident, but still young and vulnerable. "So," Rose was inquisitive, "Tell us about the call. What's going on." John fidgeted with the chain on his purse. Hung it from the back of his chair, then explained. "Well, Rita is coming back east for the callback. She says that I shouldn't be talking to anyone without her there to negotiate. The casting director, the head of the production company and the director-slash-show runner are all coming, too. She says that they want me to read for both of the sons, again, but that she can't get a hold of the sides in advance this time. The whole thing is going to be cold readings." "You must be so excited!" Marilyn gushed. "Well, yeah," John acknowledged, "but like Little Red Riding Hood said, 'Excited and Scared,'" he referred to the song from 'Into The Woods.' Ed leaned back and chuckled. "What do you have to be scared of? I mean, they're coming all this way to see you... I'd say you're already a shoe-in." "I agree," Rose sipped her water. "I think you just need to do what you do and they'll love you." John nodded, then looked at his dress. "Tell me the truth, though, do I still look like I could be anybody's brother or son? I mean, I love this dress and all, but... that's my biggest concern." "No, you don't," Ed blurted out. "Ed," Marilyn scolded. "No, I mean it," Ed went right on. "Look, Bebe... man, it's getting harder and harder for me to even remember that you used to be John... but that's a good thing, right? I mean, when you first told me that you were playing Bianca, well, I thought you'd, maybe, look like a funny looking girl, but you don't. You're freaking beautiful and watching you act - and even playing with those girls the other night... well... I think John is gone, now... but that's what you wanted, right? That's what actors do. And I'm sure that you can become one of those characters, too. All you have to do is prove that to these guys and you'll be all set." Then, unexpectedly, Ed reached over, took John's hand and kissed it. "I have confidence in you, Bebe. You can do this." "Well," Marilyn folded her arms, "I swear, Edward, in all the years that I have known you, I've hardly heard three words in a row coming out of your mouth. And now this! I am impressed, I must say!" "That was really nice, Ed," Rose said. "Thanks, Ed," John smiled as he retracted his hand. Ed just smiled as the waiter brought their drinks to the table. "Three champagnes and a Shirley Temple for the young lady," he said as he served. John's mouth hung open in shock. With each glass of champagne placed on the table, he glowered at the person sitting behind the glass. Champagne was, after all, what he'd wanted to order for himself. When the waiter turned to put his tray down, John whispered "You all suck, you know that, right?" "Now, you just watch your mouth, young lady," his mother chided, "or I'll pull you across my lap and spank you, right here in this restaurant." They all giggled. "May I take your orders?" The waiter asked. He started with Marilyn, then Rose and Ed, finally, instead of asking John, he turned to Marilyn and said, "And for the young lady?" John was very surprised. It seemed to him that, even when he really was fourteen, the wait staff would speak to him directly. "What do you say, sweetie?" Marilyn asked John. "Do you want a hamburger with fries or would you prefer something more grown up." In fact, John had planned on getting a burger. The burgers at The West End were the best he'd ever had and he'd eaten so much salad and seafood lately that he really wanted a good burger - AND - his mother knew that, full well. He wished she hadn't phrased the question as she had, and he could see by the smirk on her face that she was enjoying this. "I'll have the burger, please, mother." Marilyn turned back to the waiter, "My daughter will have the burger, but I think it's best to hold the fries. She's not going to be that young and slender forever." When the waiter departed, they all snickered at John's expense. "You are a frigging riot, mom, you know that?!" Marilyn did. REALIZATIONS -or- WHAT'S PAST IS PROLOGUE As the meal wound down, Ed excused himself. He needed to pick up his younger brother from a lifeguard training class. Marilyn and Rose enjoyed a cup of rich coffee while John finished a glass of cold milk. He'd already had a couple of cups of coffee throughout the day, anyway. He probably would have had a glass of milk with his dessert, anyway, but his mother had taken that decision out of his hands and ordered him the glass of milk. Just another aspect of reliving his childhood - well - 'A' childhood, anyway. "Well, ladies," Marilyn announced as they stepped into the parking lot, "I need to make a stop before I head home. My cousin Joan is staying in Dennis Port and I promised I'd come by after dinner." "Mom, it's nearly eight o'clock and you don't like driving at night. Can't you go see her tomorrow?" "Well, yes, I could, but if I go during the daytime, I'll be there all afternoon. This way I can come home in a couple of hours or so. Besides, this is all your fault." "My fault?" John was surprised to receive the blame. "How is this my fault?" "Because I called Joan to tell her your big news and she invited me over. If you hadn't gotten a callback, I wouldn't have called and I would be headed home to my comfy bed and a good book. So - it's your fault. Good night, Bebe." She kissed her son's smooth, soft cheek. "Good night, Rose." She did the same to Rose. PASSION -or- GRAZE ON MY LIPS; AND IF THOSE HILLS BE DRY, STRAY LOWER, WHERE THE PLEASANT FOUNTAINS LIE. As Rose held the car door open for John, she contemplated the conversation she'd had with Nancy the night before. Marilyn had asked her similar questions before, too, but Nancy seemed to hit a nerve. How did she really feel about John? He definitely was her little sister, no question about that. He definitely was her little doll, too, that was obvious, just look at how she'd dressed him tonight. As a possible boyfriend, though - there was the real question. She loved spending time with him and he was one of the sweetest boys she'd ever met - even sweeter as a girl. He was beautiful and talented and determined and funny - nearly everything she ever wanted in a boyfriend. He was smaller than her, which was not a feature she normally desired in a relationship, but that wasn't his fault. There was no doubt that he was attractive, just not in the normal 'manly' concept of attractiveness. God knows, some of the guys she'd dated could use a little feminization, though. They smelled sweaty and felt hard and scratchy. John was the opposite, though. He smelled pretty and fresh, and felt soft and silky smooth. They shared a lot of interests - acting, of course, musicals, clothes, makeup, hair, jewelry... well, those last four were all new to him, but he certainly was taking to them. She kinda thought of him as girl, though - BUT - she had seen, and even handled, his equipment and he had nothing to be embarrassed about there. So how was she supposed to feel about him? She was, unquestionably, very attracted to him in every way possible and she knew, because Marilyn, Nancy, Ed and Gloria had all confirmed it, that John was more than attracted to her. 'Smitten' one might say. So, why not give it a shot? This pretty, little, teenaged girl may just turn out to be the man of her dreams! She got into the Tesla and the started the silent motor. As she drove away, she glanced at her petite, potential-boyfriend and saw that he was examining the navy blue lace that decorated his stunning little frock. "It's pretty, isn't it?" She asked, suddenly feeling a little awkward about initiating a conversation in the hopes of bringing up some discussion of romance. He smiled back at her, those young eyes, so bright and happy, those young cheeks, so round and those lips, so plump and red. "It's beautiful, Rose. Thank you, so much. I must owe you a fortune! You've bought me so many pretty things. Ed, too! Harry and Jim have been so nice, too. What a weird couple of weeks it's been." "Weird, but good, right?" "Yeah, I guess. I mean... yeah, it's been very good! I met you and then the audition and the callback and, we'll, yeah, it's been unbelievable in so many ways!" She giggled at his enthusiasm. She hadn't known him all that well before, but he'd seemed to be a reserved young man. Now, he was a giddy little girl and she found that much more endearing. "I like you like this." She reached over and patted his knee. It was small and warm and smooth. Hairless, young and feminine. "Like what?" "Happy. You didn't seem as happy before. I'm glad you're happy, now, and I'd like to see you stay that way." He smiled even more broadly and shrugged. "Thank you, Rose. That's very sweet of you." She smiled back. "You like being a girl, don't you?" He blushed and shrugged. "I guess. I like the attention and the way everything is so soft and pretty. It's very different from being a guy. I mean, it's like, as a guy, you wear the same clothes everyday - shirts and jeans or a suit and every now and then a tux, but they're pretty much all the same thing. As a girl, every day is like a new costume, different hair, different jewelry... I haven't worn the same thing twice outside of rehearsal and even there, I have more costume's then I've ever worn and each is more beautiful than the last!" "I never even thought about my hair before," he continued, "and now I think about it a lot! And makeup and accessories! Everything is so important, now. I feel like I'm connected to women in a whole new way. It's been an eye opener for me and I'm so glad that I'm spending the summer like this and with you." She liked that response. She turned the car down their street and into the driveway. When the car was parked, she turned to John and in the dim twilight finally got to her point. "Johnny... have you ever gone out with anyone - I mean, seriously?" "Not really." Dating had never been easy for John. Being smaller than most of the girls in his class made him a kind of romantic-non- entity. He'd taken a different, younger Theater student to each his proms, but they weren't interested in him beyond the excitement of the dance. Rose assumed that would be his answer. "And... Wow, this is awkward, but, well, between me and Ed... who would you rather date, 'cause I'm pretty sure that Ed is interested." The nervous laugh and pause spoke volumes. "I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that these clothes and living this way... its all given me some fantasies that I've never had before, but I'm pretty sure that they're just fantasies." He took a deep breath before spitting out what he needed to say. "Rose... I'm not sure I would have followed through with all of this to this extent if it weren't for you. What I mean is... I kind of went all the way with this because it meant that I got to be with you. I think about you all the time and I wake up everyday dreading the end of summer when you won't be here with me. I'm... kinda crazy about you, I guess. I really don't care if you want me as your sister or your girlfriend or your boyfriend... I just want to be with you - forever." Rose smiled as her hand moved up his slender, smooth thigh and caressed his inner thigh, tenderly. "Oh, Johnny... or Bebe... I don't care... that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Wait there. Let me get your door for you." She got out and hustled to the passenger door, opened it and offered John her hand. She took great pride in how pretty she kept her hands. Her nails were always perfect and she used cream on her hands every night to be sure that they remained soft, but when John's soft, tiny hand with the baby-pink nails landed in hers, she felt so much bigger, so much stronger and so much more masculine than the child she was helping out of the car. She loved everything about being the beautiful woman that she was, but she felt a sense of power and control she'd never felt with a man before. She doubted that she'd ever need to 'submit' to John, but she knew that Bebe would 'submit' to her at any time. In fact, she was sure that both John and Bebe both would submit to her just as women had been subservient to their men since time immemorial. She would 'love and cherish' him and he would 'love, honor and obey' her. John stepped out and stood. Even with his heels, Rose, who was wearing much higher and more mature heels than he, still towered over him. She pulled him in close and felt the crush of their breasts. Then she kissed him and felt him giving himself to her, his soft, lipsticked lips offering no resistance to her tongue. These were all new sensations for her. Typically, at this point, she would be surrendering to the man. She'd smell his musk and feel his stubble on her face and his erection pressing against her. Now, she smelled strawberry shampoo and floral hairspray. She felt soft cheeks and bare legs parting without resistance as her left foot pushed his feet apart, her own naked leg touching his. Her prize was just inches away, separated from her knee by just a little air and a fraction-of-a-fraction of an inch of virginal, white lace silk, tucked between his legs; chaste and waiting to be taken. She broke the kiss and stood tall, holding his head to her shoulder, his chin touching her breast. "Let's get inside before we get carried away,"she smiled at him. He nodded and took her hand, allowing himself to be led into his own home. John was deep in a state of bliss. He could feel himself stirring in the gusset of his panties, but the excitement he felt was different than he'd felt when he masturbated. He felt flushed and his belly tickled. He wanted. He wanted to be hers. He had a deep, insatiable 'want' building in the very center of his being. Rose led him into the house, through the big room and into her bedroom. Once she'd closed the door, she turned her back to him. "Unzip me and take my dress off, baby." He did as he was told and lowered the dress, kneeling to allow her to step out of the garment. Before he could stand, she turned and held him in his submissive kneel. "Now, my panties, please." From his knees, with his skirt spread about him, she was a tower. Strong, powerful and beautiful. His hands shook slightly as he slipped his fingers through the waistband and lowered her panties to the floor then guided them past her platform heels. "Kiss me here," she pointed to a spot on the front of her upper thigh. John kissed it. "Now here," she pointed to a corresponding spot on her other leg. He kissed that spot as well. "Here," she pointed back to the first leg, but the spot was much closer to the well trimmed area that defined her sex. He kissed it languorously and she shivered at the softness of his lips. "And here," again, the corresponding spot on her other thigh. John knew where this was headed and the butterflies in his tummy were fluttering uncontrollably. He could smell her scent and it was like nothing he'd ever inhaled before. It was as beautiful as she was. After he kissed where she asked, he kissed her, just above her perfect, womanly mound. When Rose shivered and let out an involuntary 'ahh,' he knew he was on the right path, but, being a virgin, he looked up at Rose to be sure he was doing what she wanted. Although not quite a Virgin, Rose had only had limited experience in sexual matters. She was a popular, but good girl. Her experience with penetration was limited to a little vibrator she kept in her nightstand and the middle finger of one long-time boyfriend who'd found her opening during a few, passionate make-out sessions. She was about to take a big step, one she had avoided taking for twenty-one years, but one she wanted to take right now with this pretty little supplicant kneeling before her. She looked down and saw his big, beautiful eyes looking up at her for guidance. "It's ok, baby," her whisper was hoarse and needy. "Go ahead. Use your tongue." Tentatively at first, partly due to his inexperience and partly due to his gentleness, John tongued her opening. Each stoke elicited a grunt or a moan or a shiver from the goddess before him. When his tongue swept slowly across the little nub at the top of her cleft, her knees nearly gave out and she reached, involuntarily, for the back of his head and pushed his face firmly into her slit. She let out a full throated scream of joy as he continued to tongue that spot. Soon she was convulsing, slamming his tongue deeper and deeper within her. To John, her taste was pungent yet familiar. It tasted of her being. He could do this forever. When she could take no more, she stepped back and pulled John's face away from her. He was nearly as flushed as she. "Oh, my God!" She muttered, over and over. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" John sat back on his heels, his face sweaty and otherwise dampened, but still adorable and adolescent. Knowing that he was not a child made this game so much more exciting than just a sexual encounter would have and Rose had no intention of letting it end here. "Stand up, baby," she whispered, offering him her hand. When he stood, she said, "Take off your shoes." When he did, he found his eye-line was now below the level of her shoulders, putting his mouth at exactly the right height to suckle on her nipple. Rose moved his head to her breast and he kissed her beautiful nipple through her silky bra. Within a moment, Rose had pulled the bra cup to the side, allowing access to John. Without hesitation, he began kissing and licking her as he'd done to her down below before. Rose's breathing was heavy. She buried her nose in his sweet smelling hair and whispered, "Oh, baby. Babies need to nurse on their mommies' breasts. Nurse on me, baby. Be my little girl." If Rose's words were kinky, John didn't even notice. Still in his white dress with the navy-blue lace and still barefoot, he suckled on Rose and wished that she had milk to share with him, while Rose struggled to breath and ran her fingers through his soft, wavy hair. On the verge of losing her wits, Rose fantasized about taking John, right here, right now. With no protection at all. As he slurped and suckled at her breasts, she imagined him in that dress, laying prone and helpless on the bed. She could picture herself mounting him and taking his organ in hers, thrusting and thrusting and thrusting till he screamed and moaned. The vision in her mind's eye ended with Rose having a massive organism that shot ropes of cum into her little lover and seeing him shaking to try to milk her of every ounce of juice she could muster. When she realized that her fantasy-self now possessed a large, proud penis, she smiled and wished that it could be so. It excited her so much that, without warning, she turned John so that his back was towards the bed, put her hands under his hairless armpits and lifted him completely off the floor, throwing him into the center of the bed. He let out a thrilled, girlish giggle and, when he landed, his skirt bounced up, revealing the sewn-in tulle petticoat and the adorable, silk, lace panties below. She had never been so turned on in her life. Is this what it was like to be a man? To know that you owned your lover and you could do whatever you wanted to her? To feel your desire so distinctly centered in your groin that your need for relief was nearly unbearable? It must be. John smoothed his skirt back down and smiled at the ravenous being who, he sensed, wanted to devour him. He'd never felt so vulnerable or so excited before. Rose, wearing only her bra, platform heels and earrings, was evaluating every inch of his body. Her look spoke of hunger, desire and need. A need he wanted to satisfy. Before he'd had a moment to even consider what he was doing, he reached under his petticoat and raised his bottom so that he could slide his panties down his smooth, soft legs. The grin that crossed Rose's face, let him know he'd done what she wanted. "Raise your skirt, little girl," Rose grunted, passionately. "Let me see what my baby was hiding in those pretty panties." She'd seen it before, of course, but it was never quite this turgid. She wanted to mount him and to take it from him, but she knew that could lead to some very complicated results, so she opted to take a safer route and she crawled onto the bed and looked at the appendage between his legs. "Do you think it could get harder?" She asked. He nodded. She smiled a Cheshire grin. "Make it harder." John squirmed beneath her in an attempt to make himself harder. "No, baby," she smiled. "Mama wants her baby to use his hand. Take your little toy and play with it. Make it as hard as you can. Mama wants a nice, firm dinky when she bites into it." John took his right hand and gripped himself, rubbing gently to further stimulate himself. With his left hand, he pulled his skirts and petticoats away from the area that may be contaminated by his discharge. Rose grinned at him. She loved that, in the heat of the moment, he was concerned about soiling his pretty, little dress. His tool had grown long and stiff. It was a very reasonably proportioned organ and Rose was pleased to see her little charge so willingly masturbating himself for her. "Oh, what a good little girl you are," she cooed as she spread his legs, lowered her head and licked his ball sack. Her tongue sent a thrill up John's spine and he let out a whispered moan. "Does that feel nice?" Rose giggled as she licked again. "Then let go of your dinky and let mommy lick it, too." When he let go of his penis, Rose ran her tongue slowly up and down the shaft causing John to arch his back, thrusting his hips upward and staggering his breathing. Rose kissed around the base of the shaft and pondered aloud, "I wonder if I could just bite that off and make you a girl for real. Wouldn't that be be nice?" John just painted. Rose smiled at his silence, then took the entire shaft into her mouth and gently allowed her teeth to grip his manhood, ever so slightly. Then she growled and shook her head like a dog trying to rip off a piece of meat. John shook with stimulation like he'd never experienced and both wished that it were just that simple for him to actually to become a girl. Finally, Rose made sure that she left his penis well lubricated with her saliva and she moved to lay behind him in the same spooning position she'd seen his sister adopt. With her right hand, she took his and guided it back to his groin. The she whispered, "I want to watch you do it yourself." She laced her fingers through his and gripped him. Then she started the motion and whispered, "Come on, little girl, cum for mommy. Get rid of all that nasty boy juice and be mommy's good girl. That's what your really want, isn't it? To be my good, little girl?" John grunted his agreement and she let go of his hand so he could work himself into a frenzy and while he did, Rose wet the middle finger of her right hand and slipped it under his skirts. When she sensed that the moment was about to arrive, she did what her former boyfriend had done to her and pushed her finger gently, but firmly deep into his anus and wiggled it furiously, pushing John further over the edge of ecstasy. She held it there as he squeezed out every bit of semen and she nibbled his ear as he shivered and shook and jerked and moaned. While he panted, Rose whispered, "What a good little girl you are. Now, go clean yourself off, put on your nightie and get into bed before your real mommy gets home." As he started to rise, he turned and looked at Rose's face. He was smiling and seemed to want to say something. "What?" Rose asked. "I love you," he finally said, quietly. She pulled his face to hers and planted a long, gently kiss on his lips. "I love you, too, baby." He pulled his head back and smiled a crooked smile, looking at her more closely than he'd ever done before. He cocked his head to one side and pushed all of his hair behind his head so that it all fell to one side, and he considered her face and hair and skin. She was, truly, everything he'd imagined she would be. With his makeup slightly mussed and his hair hanging as it was, still wearing his adorable little dress, he looked to Rose to be even more bright eyed and innocent than before they'd started. He leaned down and planted another soft, chaste kiss on her lips, before standing, looking around for a moment to gather his shoes and panties. When he reached the door, he turned to her and gazed at her for another moment or two. "Good night, Rose." "Sleep tight, Bebe," she smiled back at him. He smiled at the name. He was happy. "See you in the morning," and he went to his own room. Tuesday's morning run-through went very well and Ms Weldon was there to take notes. At some point during Act 5, John noticed Rita was sitting behind Ms Weldon. She was dressed much more casually than he'd seen her before, but she too was taking notes and turning a very critical eye on the cast. When he was not on stage, John felt just a bit awkward about Rita being there. It was kind of like having your mom watching you work. Once he was in a scene, though, he was oblivious to anything outside of the environment of the performance. Before lunch, Ms Weldon gave notes, but she asked the cast to sit and wait for a moment before she started, then she turned and discussed a few things with the Assistant Director and, strangely enough, Rita. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," Ms Weldon said with a lot of enthusiasm, "let's get these notes over with so that you can all get to lunch." A few people clapped at that. "First and foremost, let me just say that I am very... VERY impressed with this cast. You people have so far exceeded my expectations that, for the first time in my life, I only have a couple of pages of notes. Very, very good work! Give yourselves a big round of applause!" They all applauded. Ms Weldon walked them all through a list of minor, yet important, things that she'd written down throughout the run. Everyone took notice of any changes or improvements. Most were just minor changes in blocking or set-piece placement to make things work more smoothly. Finally, though, she said, "Katie and Bianca - act 5, scene 2, at the wedding dinner, I'm looking for something just a little bit more extreme in the scene to indicate that things have changed for you two. Kate, when you leave with the widow, I'm going to have you change into a different dress. It's similar to your maroon dress, but a little more feminine. Less... shrewish, I guess. Jan put something nice together for you. Jan, could you show us, please?" Jan, who had come in at some point during the notes, pulled a sheet off of a sewing form. The dress was also maroon, but much more feminine. There was a lace trim around the neck line that offered Rose as 'married-Kate' a bit more modesty and a lot more femininity than her other costumes. There was also a series of lace patterns circling the waist of the dress and, like all of John's costumes, a little bit of lace peeking out from under the hem. "It's beautiful," John whispered to Rose. She nodded in excited agreement. "I think that will make your acquiescence to Petruchio's requests a bit more logical. You'll be wearing it through that long speech at the end, too, so you'll look even more beautiful than ever." Rose nodded, then called to Jan, "Thank you, Jan! It's beautiful!" Jan smiled, please to be appreciated. "And Bianca," Ms Weldon continued, "in the same scene. I think it's important that you look as if you are making a lot of financial demands on your husband, right off the bat. I know it's not necessarily historically accurate to have an actual 'wedding dress,' but I asked Jan to go way over the top so that it would be obvious that Lucentio is definitely not in charge of the purse strings now that you're married. Jan, can we see that one?" Even the men gasped when Jan pulled the sheet to reveal the dress. It was amazing. Primarily white and baby blue, it sat off the shoulder with two puffy balls of material on the bicep of each arm, each separated by a a band of baby blue that matched the the trim at the top of the bodice. At the elbow, the sleeve blossomed out into three, loose hanging cones of alternating color - blue, white, blue. The inserts that covered the sides of the bodice and skirt were a pattern of baby-blue, light-blue and white plaid, with the center panels white with oversized wild flowers seemingly hand painted onto the fabric. "Oh, my goodness," John was nearly breathless at the sight of the garment. "I can't wait to see you in that," Rose whispered. "You're going to look amazing." Everyone applauded for the dresses and Jan, once again, enjoyed the appreciation. "Alright, Ladies and gentlemen," Ms Weldon announced, "you finished early, so you get an hour and fifteen for lunch - EXCEPT - Lucentio, Kate and Bianca! Bianca, go see Jan. Lucentio and Kate, in my office for a few moments, please. Thank you all, again, for your hard work!" As Jan laced up the back of the dress, John stood and stared at himself in the mirror. Being a girl was SOOOO different than being a guy when it came to clothes. He'd worn at least a hundred costumes as an actor, and some had been fun, but most had been pretty run of the mill. Every dress that Bianca wore - or even the ones that Bebe wore - was a new and exciting adventure. Every single one gave him goosebumps. Why was this so? Why couldn't men wear beautiful clothes, too? "What do you think, honey?" Jan asked. "Oh, Jan..." he fluffed the skirt and swayed them from side to side in adolescent excitement, "it is so beautiful. You're spoiling me! Thank you, so much!" He bounced to watch the skirt move, then turned and kissed Jan's cheek before giving her a big hug. "You're very welcome, dear." Jan was a bit surprised by the girlishness of his behavior, but she accepted the hug. "You deserve it. You know, I have worked with Ms Weldon for over a decade and, I have to tell you, I have NEVER, seen her take an interest in anyone the way that she has it you. This whole TV show thing, John... I swear, she is more nervous and excited about it than you are. Did you know that they're bringing Don Ferry, the lead actor, out to read with you?" John was startled and shook his head. "No! Really?" "They are and they're sending out a costume assistant to take a look at you, too. Honestly, John, I think you're really, really close to getting this. Wait and see!" John's Heart was fluttering and he held his hand to his breast to catch his breath. "Oh, my, Jan. I can't even think that way, right now. Holy cow." He'd gotten a bit pale, so Jan led him to a stool to catch his breath when Rita entered with Rose and Ed following. All had huge grins on their faces. "There's my angel!" Rita gushed. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She turned to Jan, "Did you tell her the good news?" Jan nodded. "Alright, sweetie," Rita was in her 'Show Business' persona, "tomorrow's the big day. Maureen has decided that the three of you will be leaving at three o'clock, today. You are all to go straight home, have a good meal and get into bed as early as you can. Do I make myself abundantly clear?" "Yes, ma'm," John replied. Finally, Rose could not contain herself any longer, "Bebe, do you understand what Rita just said? We ALL have to get to bed, early. Baby! Ed and I are getting screen tested tomorrow, too! Isn't that amazing!?" "Oh, my God!" John leapt up and grabbed them both, together, in a group hug. "But how? Who are you reading for?" "I'll answer that," Rita said with a little smugness. "I now represent these two budding thespians and, to tell you the truth, I liked the chemistry I saw between the three of you. I liked it a lot. So, I called the casting director and, since they're going to be here anyway, he's going to read you all. There are lots of un-cast parts on the show. I think he should consider all of you for whatever he needs." "Rita, you're unbelievable!" It was her turn to receive a baby-bear hug from John. "I know I am, honey. That's why I make the big bucks!"

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Beatrice Takes Pictures Of Bianca

Beatrice was my best friend. She was short and petite with a curvy waist, hazel eyes and long, brown hair and very beautiful.I was average height, thin with a big 32DD chest and an ass, dyed red hair and blue eyes. I usually wore makeup and she barely wore any. She had natural beauty.She was over at my house and we were discussing our boyfriends. She admitted she was unhappy with hers for some reason, and I was going to break up with mine soon. Hers was an ass and I was fed up with boys....

2 years ago
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Beatrice Takes Pictures Of Bianca

Beatrice was my best friend. She was short and petite with a curvy waist, hazel eyes and long, brown hair and very beautiful. I was average height, thin with a big 32DD chest and an ass, dyed red hair and blue eyes. I usually wore makeup and she barely wore any. She had natural beauty. She was over at my house and we were discussing our boyfriends. She admitted she was unhappy with hers for some reason, and I was going to break up with mine soon. Hers was an ass and I was fed up with boys....

1 year ago
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Kissa Sins Twitter 8000 751000

How many times have you jerked off to Kissa Sins in the past? Too many to count? Once? Never heard of her? Bro, if it’s the latter, where the fuck have you been all this time?If you want to beat off to an amazing performer that is not afraid to embrace her weird fucking side, then you have to start following Kissa Sins on her official Twitter account: You will find a whole host of images, GIFs, videos, and updates about her gigs and life overall that will make you want to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle of a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years old, and as cute as they come. She was 5’2" tall and slightly plump. Her extra weight contributed to her wonderfully oversized tits, tits that I loved playing with. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a gentle lover that liked to be screwed slow and easy. That is, until...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle if a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years-old, and as cute as they come. She was 5'2" tall and slightly on the plump side. Her extra weight contributed to her having wonderfully oversized set of tits. I loved playing with her tits, and she liked them firmly fondled. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a...

4 years ago
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Kissy-Footby Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie[authors note: This story was kindly passed on to us by our friend Bernadette who requested only that we post it in her own words. We have complied with her wishes, passing the original text—with her generous permission, of course—through the filter of a cursory spell check in order to correct only the grossest grammatical errors that might have confused the reader’s comprehension of this otherwise straightforward account of fetish, feminization,...

2 years ago
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KissyChapter 2

The rest of the day passed fairly uneventfully. I guess I was just in a movie-watching mood, because when my brother brought down a stack of other DVDs he’d burned, I joined him in watching them all. By the end of the last film (an old musical about actors in a Shakespeare play), my head was throbbing. I guess that’s the price you pay for spending a whole day staring at the TV. I got up and began to stagger to my room, but my brother stopped me. “No kiss?” he said, a pout on his...

1 year ago
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She took out a book that was about amazon and said, " follow these rules and dont make stupid mistakes okay." She said without taking her eyes off of my eyes. I said sure I later found out i was traveling with my aunt. I was happy because i loved her, not as in a aunt and niece way. I really loved her whole body. She had a 36dd breast size. I could almost feel her breast rubbing against my face. I got up and shook my head letting the thoughts run out of me. I packed my bag and left my...

4 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

2 years ago
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Kissin Cousins

Author's Note: The following is a true story, however, some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent!  It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday and my family and I had gone to my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Bill's to see them. It had been about four years since we had last been down to see them, and we were all anxious to reconnect with family. On the drive down to my aunt's house just a little south of Montgomery, Alabama, Mom talked about how much she missed her sister, how big...

3 years ago
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Sunkiss Slopes

Maddy sighed, tired from the hike but moved by the gorgeous vista before her. Dwight was right - this mountain, crowded with skiers during the winter, was largely ignored in the hot months, leaving a verdant scattering of grass avenues and rich, tall trees that were totally devoid of anyone, save the two of them. Her muscular frame growing restless, Maddy twisted her wrists against the padded cuffs as a chill breeze crossed her bare, freckled skin - at least, she hoped Dwight didn't get her...

1 year ago
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Kissin cousins and more pt 5

I was sitting down stairs watching a football game at halftime Uncle Bob went to get us something to drink. Pam sitting in a chair leaned over and asked me just how did you meet Nancy anyway? I though about it for a few seconds when just about that time Uncle Bob returned when I said I'll tell you later. After the game Pam and I stayed to watch a movie while Uncle Bob and Aunt June played cards in the next room. Pam sat next to me on the couch so I could talk in low tones.I told Pam that I met...

1 year ago
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kissin cousins and more pt 4

Kissin cousins and more pt 4Today is Saturday Uncle Bob is going to play golf with three of his friends and will be gone most of the day and Aunt June is going shopping and out to lunch with a couple of her girl friends and should be gone until at least four o'clock. My Uncle Bob tells me that I am doing a great job and that all of his men on the job like me which makes me very happy. We are almost done with this project and should finish about a week ahead of schedule and should earn all of us...

2 years ago
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iKissed A Girlhellip Or Twohellip Or Threehellip

iKissed A Girl… Or Two… Or Three…[/image]Carly Shay was staring at the ceiling of her room, unable to sleeep a wink. The weird encounter she and her friends had at the retro diner with that crazy Amanda Valdez, better known as Mandy, was still had her mind whirling. She was not expecting such an event to occur, but it did.Mandy, a way to eager to please super-fan, saw Carly, Sam, Freddie and Spencer sitting at a table and freaked out as soon as she realised who it was. She ran over, sat in...

2 years ago
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Kissagram Grope

When i was around 23 i used to do kissagrams for a local modelling agency, my first one was at a hotel, then a couple in pubs. I really liked it and my boyfriend did as i always came home dressed in a basque and horny.Anyway i got a phone call to say a party at a house wanted to book for 10 pm next Friday and the fee was £25, i was given the address and told to ask for Gary.Because it was late my boyfriend drove me and parked round the corner, i had had a couple of drinks as i was not driving...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins And His Friend

I awoke feeling especially horny that day. I expected exciting things to happen and looked forward to my day unfolding. It was to be my last day at this particular job assignment and I was pleasantly surprised when I was invited out for happy hour drinks after work. I do mostly temp work, and rarely had the chance to socialize outside of the office. From the very start of putting on my cute skirt and matching blazer ensemble, my pussy tingled and was moist, if not wet, the entire day. Had I...

2 years ago
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Kissin cousins

We spotted each other as soon as I walk through the pub door. Doreen sat at a table with her husband Bill. She looked great. I had dropped in on impulse as I passed, felling the need of a cold pint of beer on a warm July night. They both waved at me with beaming faces. Bill stood unsteadily and held out his hand. "Didn't know you were in town," he said as we shook. His speech was slurred. "I got in yesterday," I replied, " I thought it was time to pay mum a visit, or to be more accurate, mum...

1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

Kissin' Cousins by C. Cameron Table of Contents Introduction/Forward Chapter 1 - A Secret Revealed Chapter 2 - What Takes Women So Long? Chapter 3 - Party Time Chapter 4 - Dining, Dancing, and Discussions Chapter 5 - A Nightcap Chapter 6 - Angel of the Morning Chapter 7 - One From the Heart Chapter 8 - Supporting Palyers and The College Years - A Little Background Epilog - Of Sorts to Our Story Acknowledgements Introduction/Forward Ok, just...

1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

Intro - Postcard from Cousin Jeannie Hey, Cuz How you been? Haven't heard from you in so long! What are you up to these days? Don't you be mean to me now, drop me a line. Luv ya Jeannie. Man, talk about an out-of-the-blue whack between the eyes. A postcard, a sunset picture of the Alamo on the front, from my cousin Jeannie. How many years has it been? God, twenty? Yeah, almost twenty years since I've set eyes on that woman. Wonder what she looks like now. I know she had three kids....

2 years ago
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Kissin Cousins

I stood on the veranda of the cabin wearing nothing but a towel, which covered me from nipples to snatch. Eight or ten decks below, two burly men, each wearing a hard hat, were the only living things in sight on the creaking scow, larger than a football field. They were scanning the side of our ship, checking each veranda for life, especially female life. Their eyes kept coming back to me, trying to see through the Plexiglas below the railing, straining to see my bush from under the towel,...

1 year ago
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What's Kiss JAV aka Shy AV all about? You perverts out there with a fetish for Japanese girls probably already know this, but JAV is an abbreviation, short for Japanese Adult Video. Add a kiss in front of that, and you have one of the largest Japanese porn tubes on the web. Kiss Jav specializes in more than just Japanese videos, though; they have tons of Korean JAV and Chinese content as well. It is the Porn Hub of exclusively Asian content.With over 2,500 pages of videos and counting, you are...

Asian Porn Sites
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Kiss Hentai! I can’t say I’m particularly fond of animated porn, but even then I have to acknowledge that you never know exactly what sort of jizz-worthy content you might just find in this genre of porn. Given how sick this genre can be, I bet you won’t miss some porn images and videos that will totally blow your mind and get your junk throbbing with excitement. There’s something about how everything is presented that really builds into some of my fucked up fantasy moments. I mean, even some...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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You have to hand it to a platform like Reddit. They did not intend to have a fuck ton of porn that users can browse through when it was created (that I know of anyway!). They wanted the platform to be a place for communities could thrive. Over the years, that is exactly what has happened -and more!Today, even the smallest and most niche community and interest will attract new people and thrive. That includes unique genres of porn that you have probably never even heard of before! And that goes...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Kissin Cousins

My mother and her sister were married the same year and one year later each had a baby, my mother, a girl and my aunt, a boy. We lived in the same city at the time but when I was three years old, my father was transferred to a mid western town. The families were close so when I was five, our parents decided to purchase a vacation home together where they could go fishing and hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. The two families would meet every year during the Christmas break. The...

3 years ago
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Kissy Licky My First Experience

Hi friends, this is Krish. I’m 27 years old and live in Mumbai. It’s my first story on ISS and I hope you enjoy it. The story is really what happened to me. It’s about a girl whom I met while surfing on the internet. Her name is Preeti. She has 36-34-36 figure. She has big bobs and a big ass that make her look sexy. This happened in January when while surfing on the net. I came across a chatting website. I started chatting on it. There I found Preeti. We started chatting. It was a clean chat,...

3 years ago
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Kiss Per Kilometer From Railway Station To Orgasm

HI My name is Megha. I am from Kolkata but I had to come to Delhi for Job. I am 28 years old and work as a manager in a call center in Delhi. Two years back when I got the job in delhi I was super excited. I will finally get to live on my own. My friend had already arranged a PG accommodation for me. I am an extremely horny and beautiful girl. My boobs are the best part of my body and I am very proud of them. But some people say that the best asset of my body is my ass. The day I landed in...

2 years ago
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Kiss Juice Part 2

A month or so had passed; Raj and I had been fucking on a regular basis, even more regular than when I was married. In those few weeks there was not a room in the house where he had not fucked me. He had become a real stud, and that made me hope that I was his only. You never know with young men who are not always in your line of sight. Once they’ve lost their virginity, they just want to fuck any woman that walks with a pulse. I really hoped Raj was not one of them, especially as I am no...

2 years ago
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Kiss me

Hi my name is Opal Hydrangea Ho.  Are you done smirking?  My friends call me H2O.  Come on get it over with.  My friends say that I have a personality like a Chameleon, fitting to my namesake opals which display different colors when viewed from different directions. Anyway my Dad is a Gemologist, and my Mom is a Horticulturist they are Americanized Chinese.  My grandparents came to America when they were 12.  My grandpa was 25 and grandma was 22 when they got married, my Dad was 21 and my Mom...

3 years ago
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Kiss me

Hi my name is Opal Hydrangea Ho.  Are you done smirking?  My friends call me H2O.  Come on get it over with.  My friends say that I have a personality like a Chameleon, fitting to my namesake opals which display different colors when viewed from different directions. Anyway my Dad is a Gemologist, and my Mom is a Horticulturist they are Americanized Chinese.  My grandparents came to America when they were 12.  My grandpa was 25 and grandma was 22 when they got married, my Dad was 21 and my Mom...

First Time
2 years ago
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Kiss But Dont Tell

Every day I wake up and do the same thing over and over again. I really hate routine, it drives me nutty. I wasn't always like this. At one point I was carefree and did what I wanted. It wasn't until I got into a relationship and moved in with her, that things seemed to fall into a routine. Her routine. My girlfriend is the controlling type. She is always telling me what to do, where to go, when to be back. It didn't occur to me how much she was doing it until I met Katie. She asked me why I...

4 years ago
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Kiss Cam Ambush

I didn’t know how or why I let myself be dragged to a baseball game by Tina and her best friend Zoe, except, of course, that it was Tina’s birthday and I could never refuse my niece a treat like that on her special day. Naturally, I offered to buy my latest girlfriend, Lisa, a seat as well, even though the ones that Tina and Zoe got were really nice ones, too. I was willing and able to do that for her or for my sister, Vera, but both of them begged off, so it was just Uncle Robert, his niece...

2 years ago
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Kiss Juice

The day started like any other summer's day. I looked out of my kitchen window, clear blue skies, a warm sunny day ahead and my eyes were drawn to my garden, and, 'oh,' I thought, 'my dear, overgrown shrubs, flower beds are a disgrace and the lawn… Oh dear. I needed to get someone in.' I hated gardening, I did have someone to tend to this, but he had left a while ago.A little about myself, I married very young, and what I thought was love and a lifetime partnership, turned out to be a...

3 years ago
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Kiss Se Bachha

hello dosto mai nirmal ek bar fir apke sath hu, dosto ap sabhi ne meri pehli story bahut pasand ki aur mujhe bahut pyar diya asha hai age bhi aisa pyar aap sab se milta rahega. aaj mai apse apni ek aur kahani jo mere sath delhi me hui wo share karna chahta hu, dosto ye 1998 ki bat hai jab mai naya naya delhi gaya tha to waha maine apne mama ke ladko ke sath romm share kiya unke sath unka ek dost bhi rahta tha uska nam dev tha mere mama ke do ladke jinka nam chander aur prakash ye teeno hi ek...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 1

KISS ME BIANCA THE AUDITION - or - "THE PLAY'S THE THING." "Hi, mom," John called as he let the front, screened door of their moderately sized, summer cottage close behind him. Marilyn wiped her hands clean on a dish cloth and stepped away from the kitchen island where she was cleaning up after having just put the apple pie into the oven. She looked into the large living room and smiled at her son. "Hi, honey? How did it go?" "Good, I think!" He rain his fingers along the Van...

2 years ago
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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 The Beginning

Hello to all the fans of ISS. I have been a fan of ISS for more than a decade and have read thousands of stories and pleasured myself. After a long thought, I have decided to come out with the incidents that occurred in my life. Series of stories are about to come and this is the beginning of my sexcapades. I request the readers to go through it patiently. It would be a long story but will guarantee you complete pleasure. So let’s begin with the story. This is a 100% true story. Many parts of...

2 years ago
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Kiss Changed Life

Hi dear iss readers, am a regular reader of iss. After reading all your stories i thought of posting ma story also. Am new in writing so please ignore if any mistake. I am jimmy 23 years old from kerala but living in oman. Am going to share ma experience with ma girl friends cousin.This is a true story happened with me before few months.I went to meet ma girl at her cousins place as she was staying with her cousin.I went to her home in the morning,when i rang the bell a cute sexy girl opened...

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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 First Adventure In The Theatre

Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...

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Kiss Me Im Irish

Kiss Me I'm Irish Belladonna Vin reconciled the numbers on the ledger in front of him before he closed the book. The day in and day out grind of managing the Pub was taking its toll on him as he rubbed his forehead. The beaten down look on Vin's face was not lost on any of his employees that crossed his path, least all of his girlfriend Monica. She had dated him since before he bought the bar from her father and began to update its image to meet the ever changing neighborhood...

4 years ago
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--- Kisses (mf, 1st, cons, inc, oral, impreg, rom, f-solo, m-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- "What are you doing, brother?" He dropped his hands to his sides and stopped moving. His sister had caught him masturbating in bed! "Brother? I heard you." He didn't move. Why, oh why, did they have to share a room? Yes, it had a curtain running down the middle for privacy, but now that he was sixteen and her fifteen, they should have separate rooms! He knew why, though; his father...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

By: DamonX ([email protected]) It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

2 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

3 years ago
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It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception."I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her!"Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys."Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

4 years ago
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Kiss And TEll Supernatural Fanfiction

"What?" Dean barks. "Dude, don't you think you've had enough?" he asks, keeping his voice level. His puppyish expression is one of concern. One that normally makes Dean melt. But not tonight. "Son of a bitch," Dean groans. "Jesus, Sam. This again? You know what's wrong with you?" He leans back, his hands resting on the table as his mouth draws into a tight line. Sam shakes his head sadly and exhales loudly. Not plastered, but definitely drunk. "No. But I suppose...

2 years ago
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Kiss or ISS

Main karachi main rheti hoon main ISS stories ki abhi new user hoon or mujh ko ye site meri dost say pata lagi main app ko is k baray main bata ti hoo. 1 din main apni dost k sath collage main bheti batain kar rahee thi to us nay mujh ko bata ya k kal raat main nay apnay chotay bhae ko khub danta waja pochnay per us nay bataya k wo sex wali kahani ki side phar raha tha or main 1 dam room main chali gae to wo ghabra gaya us ko dekh kar main kuch shake main phar gae or main nay pc dekha to kuch...

1 year ago
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Kiss of the SuccubusChapter 3 The Kiss of Death

Hunger had overtaken him. Eight long months had passed since he last tasted blood. He would finish her in due time, of that he was certain. But for now, the hunger had to be satisfied, and he couldn't get to Grace. Not yet. He'd held off on killing the stripper. It was a matter of willpower, and he'd resisted. But now there was a new beauty, and she was on the other side of the bedroom door where Lukas now stood. She was blonde; Lukas could see her through the crack in the door that...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 2

BUILDING A WARDROBE -or- KNOW'ST ME NOT BY MY CLOTHES? John could hear laughter in another room as he struggled to open his eyes. His blurry surroundings were a bit off. He was in the living room, on the couch and the sun was shining in the east facing windows. He sat up, wiped the spittle from his cheek and pulled the crocheted blanket off. When he could think more clearly, he recognized the laughter was coming from his mother and Rose and, someone else - a guy.... It was Ed's...

2 years ago
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Kiss me like a lover

This one just came out over the course of Friday morning. It’s hot off the keyboard and hasn’t even had a read-through, which means there will be typos and errors. I’ve got to get out and do some shopping now, so here it is as an unedited piece. I hope the errors don’t detract too much from your enjoyment of the scene.Feedback is appreciated, bearing the above in mind, that is.Thanks for reading. As ever, I appreciate you taking the time and effort.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 28th of August...

4 years ago
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Kiss You

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you" -- ee cummings Don't laugh, Joe. Fifty dollars can ruin a man's life. That's what this whole fucking mess is about. We had dropped in at the Millers' party. I don't have much occasion to go back to the neighborhood where I grew up, but Jack and Ellen Miller were old friends. It happened to be one of Joanie's sleepover nights and the two of us had decided to indulge in a...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me DaddyChapter 2

Kaitlyn turned fifteen shortly after she gave me her virginity. For the first few days after that night I was nervous that somehow my daughter or I would give away our secret, somehow her mother would find out, but our lives didn’t change, our relationship as daddy and daughter was as normal as it had been for her entire life. After a few days of routine family life I no longer sweated when my wife and girl were in the same room. Kait and I had sex three more times as the summer passed, but...

2 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 6

COPING -or- I COUNT MYSELF IN NOTHING ELSE SO HAPPY AS IN A SOUL REMEMBERING MY FRIENDS John woke up a bit late the next day. He remembered falling asleep on the couch with his head in his mother's lap, but he woke up tucked snuggly in his bed. He couldn't remember being moved. Before he reached the kitchen, he could hear his mother talking to Rose and Ed in the screened-in room. He couldn't hear the words, but the tone was full of pity. That was worse than sympathy. He...

4 years ago
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Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant

CHAPTER 1 Mid afternoon Ed Bacon closed the stationery shop that was also a licensed Post Office, Lotto Agency and newspaper agency. The Town Clock chimed out three peels and the sound of children being released from school rang out in the distance. The inhabitants of North Crossing, population 2700, and farmers and fruit and vegetable growers from surrounding areas preferred to shop early, so the shop opened at 6:00, five mornings a week and from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays. Those hours...

3 years ago
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Kiss the Bride

John Notle tried not to be noticed as he sat down in the back row of the church. He hadn’t planned on attending the wedding, but he felt it was his duty to stir up a little trouble. But not until the preacher asked if anyone objected to this union, he was going to rise up his hand & then he was going to kiss the bride. It was his plan. There on the altar stood Bernie, his lifelong friend. They had grown up together on the mean streets of down- town L.A. Bernie was the brain while John was the...

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