Kissin Cousins
- 1 year ago
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Author's Note: The following is a true story, however, some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent!
It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday and my family and I had gone to my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Bill's to see them. It had been about four years since we had last been down to see them, and we were all anxious to reconnect with family. On the drive down to my aunt's house just a little south of Montgomery, Alabama, Mom talked about how much she missed her sister, how big their kids may have gotten, and some of the memories she had of her and my aunt growing up.
I was more interested in the scenery than recounting the tales of misspent youth. Things back home in Oak Park, Kentucky had gotten pretty boring, and I was looking forward to a change of scenery and maybe something new to do. Besides, I remembered that my cousin Becky was pretty fun to hang around with and we had had our share of fun whenever we would visit.
Aunt Ruthie had two girls; Paige, who was the oldest, was about four years older than me. She was a bookworm and would rather spend her days reading and studying. That wasn't for me! Becky and I were the same age, born just over a month apart. And we both had a lot of the same interests. She was more tom-boyish than her older sister.
Becky actually was adopted. My Aunt Ruthie got sick just after Paige was born and as a result, she was unable to have any more kids. She didn't want Paige to grow up alone, so she adopted Becky when Paige was five years old and Becky was not quite a year old.
It was seven and a half long, boring hours to get to Aunt Ruthie's and being the only kid in the car, there wasn't much for me to do except put on my headphones and listen to my music or play games on my portable gaming device. At least I had packed enough things to keep me occupied as long as the batteries held out! Fortunately between my music, my games, and looking at the passing countryside, the trip didn't seem unbearable and soon enough we were pulling up to Aunt Ruthie's house.
I remembered fondly the front porch and spending time on the swing she had there, sipping her homemade lemonade, or waiting impatiently for her ice cream maker to churn out a delicious cold treat on a hot summer day. Yeah, there had been many good times at Aunt Ruthie's house!
We pulled up to the house and we had no more than gotten the car stopped when out of the front door busts Aunt Ruthie, running as fast as her chubby legs could carry her! She ran up and grabbed Mom in a hug that I was glad I wasn't a part of, and the two of them blubbered all over each other, saying how long it had been and so happy they were to see each other again.
As Mom and Aunt Ruthie got reacquainted, the rest of the family came out to see us. Uncle Bill singled out Dad to talk to, and Paige came out to where Mom and Aunt Ruthie was. I looked around for Becky, she was the one I was most interested in seeing after all.
"Tommy, Becky is in the kitchen if that's who you are looking for!" Aunt Ruthie said, with a knowing twinkle in her eye. Apparently, I wasn't as discreet as I thought I was. I turned to look at her and smile before I went inside. I wandered through the living room and then the dining room before coming to the kitchen, As I turned the corner, she turned to see who was coming in.
My jaw hit the floor. There in front of me was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on in my sixteen years on earth. Becky stood about five-foot-three inches tall and about 105 lbs. She had long golden blonde hair that hung down past her shoulders and framed a young fresh face with green eyes and the most kissable lips I could hope to imagine.
"B-Becky… is that you?" I stammered, incredulously.
"Hi Tommy, I'm glad to see you again," she said, lowering her eyes and smiling shyly as she saw my reaction.
You're glad to see ME? I thought to myself as I stared at this stunning creature. It seemed like ages before I shook off my astonishment and was able to hold a reasonable conversation again.
"What happened to you, Becky? You look beautiful! I remember the last time I saw you, you were a gangly, shy little girl with braces. But now, you look amazing!" I said, still not believing this was my same cousin.
"Well, it HAS been four years, Tommy… I've changed," Becky said, smiling.
"That's the fucking truth!" I said, sitting down at the counter next to her.
"Shhh! You know Aunt Ruthie doesn't like cussing! You'll get in trouble!" Becky said. She was right. Aunt Ruthie had tried many times to cure me of my swearing, to no avail. But I didn't want to start off the visit by getting in trouble.
"Yeah okay, you're right. But just between you and me, you are fucking beautiful!"
"Thank you," she said, lowering her eyes again.
Just then our parents came into the house, so our conversation tone quickly changed. We spent the rest of the afternoon all together, catching up on all the latest news. Aunt Ruthie, who was the family news reporter, told Mom about how the rest of the family was doing, who was getting married, getting divorced, having a baby, etc. One thing about Aunt Ruthie - once you got her started on gossip, it was hard to shut her up!
Mom asked Paige about her studies, finding out that she was going to be starting college in the fall. Paige was going for her Bachelors in Child Development and Family Studies with a minor in Business Administration. Her plan was to open up her own child care center, a decision that had my Mom's full agreement and support. Paige had always been the one her and Aunt Ruthie had counted on to take care of us when we were younger, and so her choice of career paths was a natural.
Mom then asked Becky how her school was going, and I was glad to hear her say that she was doing okay, but it was hard work. Mom told everyone I was doing better in school this year but that I'd had trouble last year and almost flunked a couple classes. She told Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Bill that they almost held me back a grade - something I really didn't need to be announced to everyone!
We all sat around talking and catching up for the next couple hours before it was time for dinner.
Aunt Ruthie had prepared one of her famous pot roasts for us. Paige and Becky had helped with dinner while I was responsible for setting the table. The adults all sat at the table; Mom and Dad, Aunt Ruthie, Uncle Bill, and Paige. Becky and I were allowed to sit in the living room and watch TV while we ate. We got a couple small folding TV trays and ate dinner together throwing flirty smiles back and forth.
After the delicious dinner, Becky started gathering up the plates and got ready to do the dishes. I stood up and began to help. "Here Becky, let me give you a hand with those," I said. Mom looked at me like I had just shit on the dinner table!
"Wow!" she looked at Aunt Ruthie and said, "We're going to have to come here more often! I don't ever remember Tommy jumping up to do the dishes without being asked!"
"Well, maybe he just didn't have the right motivation until now!" Aunt Ruthie said with a mischievous smile. Both Mom and Aunt Ruthie laughed at the suggestion. However, they had no idea how right they were. I did want to be close to my lovely cousin, and if that meant I had to do dishes, then load up the sink!
So while Paige went to her room, the adults sat in the living room drinking coffee and talking. Becky and I washed the dishes in the kitchen and talked quietly as we did. I was having such a good time being so close to this beautiful girl.
Once I reached into the dishwater and took hold of her hand under the suds. Becky gasped softly as my move surprised her, but she didn't pull her hand away. In fact, she grasped my hand in return, blushing and looking into my eyes. It was a special moment and I could feel my cock stirring as we stood there together.
With the dishes done, Becky and I came into the living room and we watched TV for a couple hours before it was time for bed. I was ready, the long ride down had worn me out and so Becky and I went to our rooms and went to bed. I had a difficult time going to sleep, though, thinking of my beautiful Becky just in the next room. I wondered what she was doing and if she was having similar thoughts about me…
The next morning, after a fitful night of trying to sleep while my mind wanted to do anything but, I got up and got dressed and ready for the day. Downstairs, Mom and Aunt Ruthie were preparing breakfast. We all sat down in the same manner as dinner the night before and ate breakfast. After breakfast Aunt Ruthie announced that she wanted all the adults to go into town for a day of shopping and errands and general looking around. She said Paige could stay home and keep an eye on things which was fine by her, she wasn't much for shopping anyway.
"Want to go outside, Tommy?" Becky said after the adults had left for town. It was a beautiful summer day that day, so I agreed happily. We went into the backyard for a short walk. Now I have to explain Aunt Ruthie's yard. The property is huge and it's broken into three sections. It's split down the middle from front to back with a section to the left of the house that's the size of two football fields end to end.
This used to be a farm field where the previous owners grew various crops. On the right side, the yard was split in half left to right with the front section having the house and a yard around it and then there was a line of trees and bushes and a smaller yard behind it. Becky and I walked through the front part of the yard looking at Aunt Ruthie's flowers and enjoying the sunshine and being together.
"C'mon, I want to show you something," Becky said, taking my hand. She led me into the back section of the yard where Uncle Bill had built a gazebo. Uncle Bill was a professional carpenter and a very good one. The gazebo had a small swing similar to the one on the front porch. "This is my favorite place to come. I love just sitting here swinging and thinking ‘bout things," Becky said.
We sat down on the swing and she slid her hand over to mine shyly, laying it on the swing seat next to mine but touching, as if she wanted to hold hands but didn't want to seem too forward. So I took the initiative and took her hand in mine and she scooted a little closer, knowing I wanted the same thing she did.
"I'm really glad you came down to visit, Tommy," Becky said quietly, "When Mom said you guys were coming for a visit I was so happy. I have missed you and thought about you a lot the last four years."
"Oh really?" I said, a little surprised at this news.
"Yeah, there isn't a lot to do here and we live so far out of town that there isn't really anyone around I can talk to. We used to have such fun together. I miss that," she said, looking at her hands.
"I've missed you too Becky," I said.
"Yeah. I always liked coming here and seeing you and it's been a long time," I said.
"Tommy, can I ask you something?"
"What is it?
"Do you… do you have a… girlfriend back home in Oak Park?" she asked. She kept her head down and asked the question so softly that I almost couldn't hear it.
"I had one a couple years ago in school, but when school ended that year, her family moved away. I haven't had one since."
"Oh," she said, "Have you ever kissed a girl?"
"Sure. We kissed a few times. We weren't together all that long, but we kissed. Why?"
"I was just wondering… what it was like," she said.
"You've never kissed anyone?" I asked, finding the whole idea quite strange considering how hot she looked.
"No, like I said, there's no one around here my age. And I'm kinda shy at school. I've never even been to a school dance or anything."
"Wow, that really sucks," I said, lacking anything better to say.
"Yeah," she sighed. There was an awkward silence for a few long moments before Becky spoke again.
"Tommy, would you… um… would you kiss me?" she asked. She looked up at me, her beautiful green eyes darting back and forth searching for my reaction. I couldn't believe what I was being asked to do. This stunning girl was asking me if I would kiss her! I knew she was my cousin, but that didn't seem to matter to me. All I could see was that face, those lips…
I didn't speak - my answer came as I leaned over to her, took her soft face in my hand, and pressed my lips to hers. Becky's lips were stiff at first, she really had never kissed a guy before. But as the kiss continued, she caught on fast and within moments she was giving me the softest and sweetest kiss I had ever had.
I knew she was enjoying the kiss when she moaned softly. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and found hers, showing her by example how to deeply kiss. Our tongues played with each other as we continued kissing. Becky began to melt into me and her natural woman's instincts took over as she relaxed and let herself enjoy the experience.
I pulled my beautiful cousin closer as our kissing became more intense. I wasn't sure how far to take it until I felt Becky's hand going up my thigh and finding my hard cock. She moaned again, louder this time as she found out I was getting hard. She wrapped her hand around the bulge she found in my crotch and squeezed it, feeling it twitch in response.
Taking her massaging my cock as a cue, I pulled her tight pink t-shirt out of her jeans up over her young breasts. She was wearing a pink lacy plunge bra which only made her cleavage look even better. My cousin had developed into a very attractive young woman and she was gifted with a healthy chest. My hands roamed over the bra and the cleavage as I squeezed and massaged the firm globes.
Becky's breathing had changed to more of a pant as her excitement grew. I was also feeling the effects of my hormones on high, as I felt my pulse racing and my cock becoming harder and stiffer with every squeeze of Becky's soft hand.
"Come with me, Tommy," she panted as she broke our kissing and stood up. She pulled her t-shirt back down and took my hand, leading me from the gazebo. I followed Becky to the other side of their property where an old barn still stood from the days when it was a farm. Becky pulled open the small shop door set into one of the bigger barn doors and we went inside.
"Dad uses this old barn as his workshop. He does a lot of the work for his carpentry here," she explained. And sure enough, Uncle Bill had the equipment and tools any good carpenter would kill for. There was several different types of power saws, as well as other smaller hand tools and stacks and stacks of lumber.
Becky led me through the barn and weaved in and out of the equipment and supplies until she reached an old ladder that led to the loft. "Come on," she said, and she began to climb the ladder. When we reached the top she led me to the back of the loft where there was a tarp covering an old mattress and a couple blankets.
"I brought this old mattress up here as well as these blankets when we got new ones a couple years ago. It's kinda dusty and dirty, but I stay here sometimes when I just want some time to myself."
I pulled the tarp off the mattress and shook it out away from the bedding. Setting it down, we both lay down on the mattress and began our making out again. This time, however, we didn't stop with just the kissing and under the shirt fondling. As Becky warmed up again, she sat up and pulled her t-shirt completely off. Then she unhooked the front of her bra and removed it.
I sat there on my knees watching as her beauty unveiled itself. She stopped after removing her bra and looked at me. I was staring at her like a kid in the window of a doughnut shop! I licked my lips as I looked at her young, ripe, sexy form. She was even more fantastic that I had envisioned in last night's erotic dreams!
Becky had indeed turned into a sensuous, desirable young woman in every sense of the word. Now as I saw for myself her lithe, 34-24-34 body and the soft blonde hair that framed her perfect pussy, my cock rose to new heights. She lay back on the mattress, fully naked now and opened her legs invitingly.
"Tommy?" she asked, holding out a hand to me. She didn't have to ask twice.
I quickly shed my t-shirt as well and with trembling fingers, removed my pants and then my boxers. I knelt down on the edge of the mattress and crawled up to her slowly, savoring every inch of my cousin's soft body and enchanting scent. I didn't know what kind of perfume she wore but it was making my head dizzy and driving me crazy!
I moved in between my cousin's spread thighs. She watched as I lay down on my stomach and got close to her pussy. I inhaled the smell of her desire before burying my face in the sweet pussy she offered me. I pulled the lust-swollen lips of her pussy apart and exposed the juicy pink insides. I licked and lapped up her delicious nectar as she began moaning and wriggling under me. Becky reached out and put her hands on my head running her fingers through my hair and pressing my face into her pussy harder.
I licked her pussy with long slow laps the full length of her wet slit and then flicked my tongue over her little button. Becky had never had a guy go down on her, but I'd had some experience with my girlfriend and so I showed her what she had been missing. She loved everything I did to her too. As my tongue tickled her young throbbing clit, she bucked like I had just touched her with a cattle prod! So I put my hand on her belly just above her mound and held her down while I sucked her little clit into my mouth to give it a thorough teasing with my tongue!
Becky went crazy. She began thrashing around looking for something to hang on to while I began licking her trapped clit furiously. As I ate her delicious blonde pussy, she tossed her head back and forth and moaned her delight quite audibly - I was glad our parents were in town!
After a few minutes of her vocal encouragements, she announced that she was about to crest. I took a firm hold of her and gave her one final push as she reached the edge. With a long and increasingly loud scream of utter rapture, she came, her pussy gushing sweet juice as I did my level best to lap it up as fast as it came out. My lapping also had the amusing side effect that the more I licked her the longer and harder she came!
After three consecutive orgasms, she was exhausted and so I relented, lying down next to her as she came down from her orgasms and tried to calm her breathing and racing pulse. I gave her a few minutes respite and finally, she turned her head to me.
"T… Tommy, that was… incredible!" she panted. I smiled at her and pulled her close. Her hand worked its way down from my chest, over my stomach until it rested quite comfortably on my still hard and very anxious cock.
"Poor Tommy! You've made me feel good, now how can I make you happy?" she asked sweetly. Without waiting for me to answer, she began kissing on me again as her hand started massaging my cock once more. Once she felt it throbbing in her hand she quickly sat up, threw her leg over me, and straddled my hips.
Becky reached between her legs and took hold of my cock. Aiming the head of my tool at the entrance to her wet love-tunnel, she rubbed it in the slit, lubing it up for what was to come. Then she held it steady as she eased herself down onto my pole, skewering herself on it as she slid down its length.
With a gasp that turned into a moan, she eased it deeper and deeper into her. Then something I hadn't thought of happened. I hit an obstruction long before I was fully inside her. She raised up until my cock popped back out of her and then sat down on my lap.
"That's my cherry. I'm still a virgin, Tommy. I've been saving myself for someone special. For you, Tommy," she said, blushing and looking away.
"Really?" I said, astonished at her confession.
"Yes. I was saving myself for someone special, but when I heard you were coming for a visit, I knew you were the one I was waiting on. Tommy, I have to tell you something. I've had a crush on you for a long time. I used to dream about you and I falling in love and getting married. I know it's dumb, and I'm just a silly girl for thinking like that. It could never happen. But I still feel that way," she said, as she looked at me apprehensively.
It took me a couple moments to understand what she was telling me. I looked at this wonderful girl sitting on top of me, naked and professing she had serious feelings for me. On one hand, I was a guy and she was a girl, a beautiful, sexy, very desirable girl who wanted me very much. She was saving herself for me for crying out loud! Offering me the most precious gift she had, her very womanhood.
On the other hand, this was my cousin, my mother's sisters daughter. I knew that nothing could come of this and in fact, if we were found out, there would be serious ramifications for our little tryst.
But looking into the face of my cousin sitting there waiting to see if I was going to accept her gift or cast it aside, I could only see one choice...
"Becky," I started, "I've loved you ever since we were little. I've always enjoyed coming here to see you and I was thrilled when Mom and Dad said we were coming this time. You are so beautiful and I want you so much. To know that you have been waiting for me too is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of. Yes, Becky, yes I will take your cherry, my sweet girl."
Becky leaned over and wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed long and deep and passionately. I couldn't believe my luck! After we kissed, Becky sat back up and took hold of my cock again. Squatting over me like before, she eased the head of my cock back into her eager pussy, she lowered herself slowly until once more, I felt the membrane of her hymen at my cock head. She looked at me and took a deep breath. Then she dropped and I felt my cock tear through her thin covering.
Becky let out a small whimper as her hymen tore open but then bit her lip to stifle it. She eased on down the length of my cock, opening her and feeling my cock as it explored the new territory. As she lowered herself further My cock burrowed the last few inches into her until it came to rest up against her cervix. She settled on my lap feeling me fully inside her newly deflowered pussy.
"Are you all right?" I asked her when she came to rest on my lap.
"Yeah it hurts a little, but it's a good hurt," she said. She stayed there for a little while, getting used to my size and feeling me so deep in her. Then she started moving slowly up my cock and then back down. I let Becky dictate the speed and rhythm as she could handle it, but it wasn't long before she was moving up and down my cock with a regular pace.
Becky began moaning as she felt me moving in and out of her. She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit hard as her passion mounted. I was enjoying the feeling just as much. She was so tight and felt so wonderful. With her firm young 34C breasts bouncing in front of me, I reached up and began mauling them with my hands, sinking my fingers deep in the young pale flesh and pinching and pulling on her tender nipples.
As she bounced up and down on my rock-hard cock she was getting closer and closer to another orgasm. She was tossing her head back and forth wildly grabbing my legs and sinking her long nails into my skin. Her pussy was clamping down on my cock and the fingers at her clit were flying, trying desperately to bring her to the edge.
And then it happened. Suddenly Becky raised her head and looked directly at me. Her mouth was open as if trying to scream except no sound came out at first. I felt her pussy clamp down on me again, this time harder than ever - it felt as if I had stuck my cock in one of Uncle Bill's vises! I felt Becky flood her pussy and pour her juices over my cock as her thighs trembled and her body stiffened.
"Oh God Tommy! Oh God Tommy! OHHHHH!!" she cried loudly as she came, her first orgasm as a woman. I watched her legs shake and quiver as the strain of her muscles tensing worked against each other. Then as the last waves passed over she relaxed slumping a bit.
I knew her orgasm had passed and so I gently helped her to lay down on her side facing away from me. I snuggled up behind her to spoon her as she lay there reveling in the afterglow of her first real orgasm and the entrance into womanhood. I softly kissed her bare shoulder as I put an arm around my cousin and now my lover.
"But Tommy, honey, what about you?" she said, "You haven't finished."
"Don't worry Becky, there's time for that," I said smiling. This was going to be a memorable visit!
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Lauren Taylor was frustrated and apprehensive about where she would be living during the coming school year. She had been accepted at UC San Diego, and she was looking forward to that. The question was how to find an affordable apartment. She had spent the day apartment hunting, but the rents in La Jolla were way too high. Even with roommates, she didn’t think she could swing it. And believe it or not, living in campus housing was even more expensive than an off-campus apartment. She had a...
I’m not gonna lie. I always lusted for my cousins. They were beautiful. One was 13 years older than me, one was 7 years older than me, and the last was 5 years older than me. Their names are (in order form oldest to youngest) Lindsey, Stephanie, and Megan. Lindsey was about 5’10’’ and she was an athlete. She had hair that I really don’t know the natural color of because she dyed it so much. At this point in time it was black, which clashed with her pale skin but was beautiful anyway. She had...
I was always a little horny even when I was little and would play with myself while in the tub or in my bed at night. I even tried fucking myself in the ass a couple of times with things I found around the house.My cousins use to come over to spend weekends at our house on the lake and we would do some experimenting sometimes with each other but nothing really too wild. I might grab my cousins cock or he would grab mine and sometimes his sister Leslie would come in the room and would let us rub...
Todd and Sissy Bracklin were two fairly normal kids, who had a fairly normal relationships as brother and sister. Todd, being seventeen, could drive and Sissy, who was fourteen, loved to shop, so it wasn’t unusual for them to spend time together as Todd ferried her from place to place. In each place he had friends to hang out with, and so did she. So they actually spent more time than usual with each other than the average teen siblings. Three states away, where Julie and Brad Bracklin lived,...
Hi, I'm Mike and I'm 29 years old living in San Diego, I'm average looking and recently received a letter from my mom that 2 of my cousins would like to come here for the summer, of course I said OK, Vicky and Susie were 6 and 7 last time I saw them 10 years ago. My girlfriend, Vera thought it was a good idea too.I set off for the airport to meet them and see 2 gorgeous women come through picking up their bags; I'm so engrossed by them I forgot about my cousins. I must have missed them but...
I think a lot of people's first sexual experiences come from family interaction. This doesn't mean all families have sex together. What i am saying is that being in close proximity we see each other naked (down south nek**) or hear sex occurring through parents door or catch your sibling masturbating. Curiosity with our bodies also makes it easy for family to be our first sexual experience. This is where my story starts. During the family reunion of my 14th year our family hosted the reunion....
Hey my name is Sanju, i been reading these indian sex stories for a while and quite frankly i really enjoy them alot. Some of them are true or i want them to be true but others are crap. But i dont b.s. My story is 100 percent ture. Believe it or not. Like i said my name is Sanjay Singh, i am from UP Bihar but right now i am located in Bombay i work as an engineer. Will i am 23 built buff and smart that is a deadly combo ladies pay attention…oh yea my lunn is 7 inch long and 2 inch wide wow… So...
IncestSisters or Cousins I was resting in my favorite chair, my eyes were closed, and the music was playing softly in the background. I was startled by a knocking on my sliding glass door. As I opened my eyes and focused I saw two young girls standing there in their little bikinis smiling at me. I was glad that I was dressed and not jerking off or something equally embarrassing. The girls were standing side by side at my glass doors with the bright sun illuminating their hair and the ocean...
Hey my name is karan (name changed for obvious reasons) and this is my first story!!! To start with I am a average looking guy with an average 7 inch dick. This incident happened 3 years before when I was 18 years old. I reached my uncle’s house at 5 pm where all my cousins were waiting for my arrival so that we can go out camping in the nearest forest. I had packed my clothes for the 2 days camping trip. My 6 cousins include Rohan who is 4 year younger than me. Rishabh who is a year younger...
IncestKissing Cousins I was forced to go with my parents to a New Year’s Eve party at my Aunt Mildred’s house because she couldn’t trust me to stay home alone. Well the truth was I got caught kissing Jimmy and he had his hand in my panties at the time too. Hell I was thirteen years old and damn good looking. I was tall for my age, a bit too skinny, and I had tits. They weren’t much but Jimmy sure liked them and I liked him. He would let me hold his cock if I kissed it first and sucked on it...
Tragedy had befallen the family over and over for the last several years. Don’s wife had died of cervical cancer and a week later, one of their twin sons, Major Don Parker Jr, was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. The other son, David, and his wife drowned in a boating accident off the coast of Mexico. Don Jr. and David had married sisters, with each marriage producing one child. After Don Jr’s death, his widow suffered through another failed marriage. That, combined with the loss...
"Hurry up! Just stick it in already," Katie said impatiently. "It won't go in. It's too big for the hole," Mark replied. "Here, give me a try. My arms are getting tired." "Just be gentle with it. It's the only one I've got." "Yes! It's in. Knew I'd get it to fit." The key turned in the lock and Katie and Mark Fletcher were finally into their brand new rental. The cousins were excited at finally having a place all to themselves. Katie was the older of the two at 19. She'd been forced to leave a...
IncestI am Karan, a Ph. D and involved in research and teaching. I come from upper middle class strata from South. My wife, Sahara, in her late thirties is really a beautiful woman with most expressive eyes and had the heart of Gold. She is so meticulous in everything she attempts and I feel that Gods have been really very kind in giving me such a wonderful spouse. She is 5.6 and can’t say he is slim, but highly proportionate. She has wheatish complexion and God has endowed her with ample bottom and...
IncestToday is Saturday, my cousins ??arrived around 5 o'clock in the afternnon noon, Fanny was very sexy in white trousers and pink shirt, I could see her thong because he was black. My cousin, Julie, was also very sexy, she wore a skirt short enough accompanied by a longshoreman. Julie is now 18 years old, blonde with a mole on the chin, rather slender, a nice pair of boobs, she is with her boyfriend for several months. It's been a year since I had not seen since boarding is in the south of France,...
When my cousins visit its always a good time but recently wegot closer. My name is Connor and I love to hang out with my cousins. The oldest Shannon is 22 with a nice figure but has more to her but not too much and with a nice pair of D size breasts is looks pretty good in a bikini. My other cousin Jordan, she on the other hand is a smokin hot red head with C almost D size breasts and has that sexy hourglass figure that drive guys wild not to mention that she is 17. I am alright when it comes...
IncestMy mother was one of four kids. My father, it made no difference - all his relatives were dead. My mother and her three siblings, all men, pooled their money and got a farm in upstate New York in the 1940s. We were the odd group in that all three of my uncles married into the SAME Italian family! That's right! And two of my three aunts were maternal twins. On the other side of THAT part of the family were a mixture of Americana - one couple Irish plus Italian, another pure Italian, another...
Hi myself praful lgdha my email id is [email protected]. If any girl aunty fuck pls mail me i my in Mumbai Maharashtra IndiaBefore i start my story pls i told u pls read my all story its real story happen first time in my life so pls mail me if u likeI start my storyI was fortunate enough to have 3 cousinsall are older than me. I was the only sonof theirs uncle as I was staying with myparents in mumbai Maharashtra indiawe did not meet much, because theywere living in the village on summer...
I was fortunate enough to have 3 cousins all are older than me. I was the only son of theirs uncle as I was staying with my parents in our ancestral house in a village we did not meet much, because they were living in the city on summer vacations they used to come to our house and I would also go and stay with them in the city. My 3 cousins Seema, Rekha, Vrinda were extremely hot girls but I never noticed this and they used to tease boys in front of me and even share sex jokes and stories among...
Hello guys I’m back for sharing another incident with you guys. Here it goes I’m a 21 year old student from Mumbai and the incident took place a year ago. My family had actually made plans for a holiday in Goa, but I was reluctant as goa isn’t exactly a place to go with family. But then my cousins decided to come long and so I also agreed after their convincing.So it was me and my parents along with my cousins Shweta and Divya, and their parents. Now about my cousins Shweta is a year elder to...
IncestAs a child, I went to my grandmothers house every summer. I had many other cousins that also stayed there for she had a large house. The past two summers, however, I could not go, because I had to go to cheer camp. The summer after those two years I decided I would go to grandmas house. I had matured a lot, growing 36 C breasts and a firm, round ass. My long dark brown hair had grown out, and was full of waves. I was tanned from the sun. My brothers and sisters stayed, for they were much to go...
IncestHi, I'm James. I'm a male growing up in the Chicago suburbs, I'm 17 years old when this takes place, 5 foot 10 inches, 155 pounds with a runners physique, with light hazel eyes that the rest of my dark brown eyed family is jealous of. This is the story about how I came to have sex with my cousin. The story is as made up as you think it is. EnjoyIt was early summer, school had just let out and everyone was excited for sleeping in, staying up late, and other standard summer activities. Mostly I...
IncestI grew up in a large family. Many siblings and many cousins. My grandparents loved family gatherings, but as you’d expect with so many grandchildren, once we left their house they were left exhausted.As with most large families, there is always a favourite cousin, mine was Cathy. Cathy and I are similar in so many ways. She was born two weeks after me and having a birthday so close to each other our families always made it a joint birthday party.We did everything together, school, concerts,...
TabooThat weekend Susan’s brother, David Clark, and his family arrived for a visit. Ana, wondering what they—another family into incest—were like, came out to see their arrival, but she hung back, waiting with Tanya like good servants to be called upon if needed. The meeting between the two families seemed perfectly normal. There was lots of hugging and chaste, familial kissing. It was just like any other sets of American cousins who hadn’t seen each other in a while. David Clark was a few years...
It was a regular Sunday afternoon at Ashok Patel’s house. He was off on one of his regular business trips leaving his beautiful wife, Savita, at home alone as usual. Savita had taken this opportunity and invited her friend Shobha and the neighbor boy Varun for a special study session that afternoon. “Fuck me like that…Ahh…Ummm…” moaned Savita as she lay on her back on the bed while Varun fucked her pussy like a jackhammer. Beside her Shobha was fingering herself and eagerly waiting for her turn...
Please read the first part to follow the story. Narrated by David. I was waiting eagerly for uncle Jerry, aunt Elsa, and my two cousins. They said they’ll be arriving by afternoon. A few days back, I told my mom I was willing to move to Bangalore. She said she’ll finalize once my uncle arrived. It’s been a few years since I last saw them. They were all modern people, unlike us. Aunt Elsa was a real MILF. She had all the curves needed. My cousin Leah was also smoking hot. Maybe it’s the way...
IncestBy the time spring break came around, everyone was ready to party. The weather had been unseasonably warm for March in Alberta, and everyone had come home from the schools they were away at. My cousins, Eliza and Michael, had just come over to stay, visiting from their family farm in Manitoba. They, like me, had just graduated high school this spring and were taking a bit of a year off to work, and do things, and just relax. When Auntie Sherry and her family had lived in Alberta, they’d been...
For as long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to wearing women's clothing. When I was 4 years old, my mother would take me shopping and I would throw tantrums if my she didn't take me to look at the girls clothes too. I would try on pants but only on one condition: I got to look at the dresses when we were done!When I was 5 years old, I wanted to be Princess Leia for Halloween. My mother thought it was adorable and was more than happy to buy me the costume. The following year, I...
Your name is John. In the settings bar, you can change your first and last names to whatever you want. You can also change most other characters names as well. You live in Michigan with your two parents, and are 18 years old. You are about to start your last year of high school--they held you back in Kindergarten because you were bored and never paid attention. You never really got to know your parents well; they both liked to party with friends, and never had much time for you. So when they...
IncestIt started out over the summer and it was kinda funny how things just happen. My girlfriend was throwing a costume party and her cousins from out of town were coming to see her for the first time in over 10 years. Me being terrible with names, I decided to look her cousins up on facebook to try to memorize names and faces. Through my search I noticed that two of her cousins were extremely hot. One was 2 years younger than my girlfriend and the other one was 4 years younger. The older one is...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. It was a vacation where I and my mom went to our uncle’s house in the village. Uncle was a farmer and his wife was a housewife. They had 2 kids Ritu and Shivu. Ritu was same age as me and Shivu was 2 years younger than me. We reached the...
IncestTHE COUSINS Author’s note: Clearing my computer space while wrapping up my writings, I found this little one chapter story I roughly put together early on. Cleaning it up a bit, for what its worth, here it is. Girl cousins spending a night together decide to get the younger a tattoo and maybe a couple piercings to match the older’s. After sending him images over the camera phone, the older girl’s boyfriend agrees to offer his services? With a twist. Chapter One Snapping the photo as...
Mom, dad, Sarah and I went to visit with our Aunt Betty at her farm a few miles west of us. We arrived at the farm mid afternoon and were greeted by our Aunt Betty and Uncle Robert. They gave us a tour of the farm and house and gave us a little history of the place. It was a big farm with lots of livestock. The house was an old Victorian building with four bedrooms and three baths. It had been remodeled some years ago by my Uncle Robert and had all the amenities you would expect in a newer...
Nathan lay on the bed reading a thin reprinted booklet dressed only in his boxers. The house was silent and Nathan was just settling in after the long bus ride. The room was familiar although it had been a while since he lay here. Filled with fond memories of his cousin. A fare haired beauty with deep desire. The booklet was a restricted text not allowed in this house. Nathan knew his cousin would think he was being naughty by reading it let alone possessing it. A soft knock came from across...
It was on a Saturday as I was walking from town, as I passed by the government projects, Bruce called out to me. I tried to act like I did not hear. Bruce ran through the complex and headed me off at the next corner. Popping from between two buildings, Bruce caught my elbow and asked '...where you going, I called you...' I tried to pull my arm free only to have Bruce grab hold to my hand also. I defiantly growled '...I didn't hear you, I need to get home now...' Bruce twisted my wrist slightly...
This is story about my lesbians cousin’s how they enjoyed each others company. After reading my story kindly leave your feedback on my personal email address . My father have 2 elder brothers each have one daughter. I am the only son of my father. My elder cousins name is Archana next is Aparna and my name Abay. We three cousins very close to each other. We use to meet every summer holidays and use to stay 15 days in each cousins place. This routine was from child hood. We all use to play with...
LesbianHi indian sex stories dot net readers This is a story about a threesome with my cousins.I have already fucked my elder cousin when my younger cousin gave birth to a baby. I was sex starved for 4 months and dying for sex. Before going to the story I’m Sidharth from Chennai tall guy with an average cock. Ping me for sex at Coming to the story my elder cousin was a sex bomb and I have fucked her 5 months ago. Those who haven’t read my previous story read that story. I was waiting for another...
IncestI'd married young and divorced young, and I'd never learned the trick of travelling alone. I felt as if I must be the only woman ever who actually dreaded her annual two weeks' vacation from the big corporation where I work. It probably sounded pitifully tedious to my co-workers, but I jumped at the chance to share my vacation with my cousin Jenny, who wanted to take a Caribbean cruise. "If both of us share a cabin, Lisa, it'll be almost as cheap for two people as it would be for just...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have pretty hot cousins. Of course I fantasize about them, but if I ever told them, I have no idea how they would handle it. My hottest cousins are in their 20's, so they would be harder to get for myself, who am only 18. I go over to one of my cousin's house quite a bit, not to just hang out, but to check out his sister, who is my cousin, and the current hot friends she has over. Of course I had never tried anything with her before, because I was...
IncestAngie and I call ourselves cousins yet we could not be any more different in appearance. She is tall, blonde, tanned, and naturally slim the kind of girl or the boys loved. Me I am on the shorter side of average height olive skinned brunette and worked hard to keep my figure curvy. Angie and I are not actually biologically cousins but our parents are best friends and we have grown up together calling each other’s parents Aunty and Uncle. Angie I were best friends growing up and told each...
other weekend are whole family go's out camping. Now i am a big fan of camping however if you go every other weekend it can get rather boring, and this weekend was no different. My family is made up of me my sister, Dad, uncal and two cousins. My one cousin, me and him are like brothers we do everything together we are even in a band togeter. Now this story is about my other cousin Jill. Now I must confess that i all ways had a little crush on Jill she is one of the most astonishing bodys...
Sue twisted strands of her shoulder length brunette hair around and around her finger as she talked on the phone. “A movie and then something to eat? That sounds nice Jim.” She listened for a second and then said, “Cool, I’ll see you at six-thirty then.” Sue hung up the phone and then fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had an honest to goodness date with a hot guy. A car date. She jumped off the bed and looked at herself in her bedroom mirror....