Second Chances - Chapter 19 - Waves free porn video

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I was the first one home and I put my stuff down. The guardian angel gave me lots to think about. Was I really leaning towards staying here? I wasn't ready to give up on Tony just yet. But I was having so much fun as Christina. I felt like I was on a train going full speed into a no-win situation. Cindy came through the front door and had a huge smile when she saw me. "That. Was. Awesome. I never saw anyone manipulate Amber like that." "Thanks," I said with a big smile. "I had to swallow a lot of pride by doing that. I hated every moment of it." "Funny, I thought you were enjoying it. It was so beautiful." I laughed. I suppose I did enjoy the outcome even though I had to inflate her ego a bit. I would've rather popped her ego, but I also need to get her on my side for at least a few days. "Did you know she even went easier on us today?" Cindy said. "She even smiled and laughed." "Really?" I said. Maybe us calling calling a cease-fire lifted a weight off both of our shoulders. "Yeah. She was even nice to me! It's a first! She's really been singling me all year so far." Say what? "Wait. She's been singling you out? Why?" "Yeah. Ever since me and Jill join the squad. I thought maybe she was jealous that we made the varsity squad as freshmen." "Tell me more," I said intrigued at some of this information. "Well, Jill will at least fall in line and not question her. I don't take her shit. I think she resents that." "Do you think she's projecting some of her feelings about you toward you to me." "I guess. But I don't care what she does to me or calls me. But I do get defensive when she talks bad about my big sister." "Was she the one making fun of you about your 'tom-girl sister?'" "Yes. It was her." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm sorry, I let her get to me. I was trying to protect you from her. I know how upset you get with bullies. I didn't want to upset you." This made me angry. Amber's been bullying Cindy all year. I was under the impression she was being a bitch to the entire squad. And I'm only hearing about it now. It's great that Cindy has thicker skin than I do, but it doesn't make it right. "I'm also sorry I didn't tell you sooner," she said. "It's OK," I said. "I'm just trying to put together the pieces of this puzzle. So I just want to get this straight. Amber's jealous of you because you're a freshman on her squad. You're the only one calling her out while the rest of the squad just follows her like sheep. She's trying to knock you down a few pegs to get you to fall in line. You're not putting up with it. But she realizes that she can get under your skin by making fun of your older sister- me. Then I decide to go 'She's all That' and I start challenging her in gym class. Suddenly she's getting challenged by both Demarco sisters twice a day." "Wow," she said. "I can see why she'd be upset. But it's not just that. Everyone actually thinks you're kinda cool now that they're getting to know you. Jessica asks about you a lot. Yesterday Brittany tried to stand up for you. And oh wow. I never saw Amber turn so red!" "So I- we are a threat to her. We're putting cracks in her whole cheering empire." "Way to go us!" Cindy said. "Let's go Demarco Sisters! Go team!" I laughed. "I don't know," I said. "I feel like there has to be something else there. I think something else is wrong in her personal life she isn't sharing." "Who cares?" she said. "Let her self-destruct. Honestly, I wish she'd just drop out of school or something. I secretly wish bad things would happen to her. Does that make me a bad person?" I laughed. "Well, keep those thoughts to yourself and take the high road. Let's just see how this week plays out." "You're the older sister." She smiled. "OK" I said. "It's time for me to get ready for my date with Chase." "What are you guys doing?" Cindy said perking up. "He's taking me to Seaside. Walk the boardwalk. Or something cliche like that" "That sounds romantic." "Yeah, I guess it does. Sounds like something I would've done- If I was a guy that is." She laughed. "I can I help?" "Absolutely" I said. I admit having a sister willing to help certainly helps with this transition into living as a female. And I've been enjoying this new aspect of my relationship with her. * * * We stared at my closet for a few moments. What's a good late September beach attire? We picked out a white tank top. denim shorts, light blue sandles. I saw a flannel shirt hanging up and I pulled that off the hanger. I figured I should bring that too in case I get cold. I mean, it wouldn't be the 90's if I didn't wear a flannel shirt at least once, right? After Cindy left my room, I went to the underwear drawer. For underwear I just went with a nude bra, and pale blue panties. I wasn't worried about matching underwear because had no plans of repeating yesterday afternoon's extracurricular activities with Chase. This was just a test run. To see whether I was actually bi or not. Well, I guess I did find him attractive. But I'm not ready to jump head-first there quite yet. I showered to get all of my track practice sweat off. I decided to shave my legs again. It's a date after all. Cindy helped me with my makeup. We kept it light and casual. I figured too much would clash with the casual outfit I was wearing. I was about to grab my purse but decided against it today. I didn't want to carry it. I really miss cargo shorts right about now. I pulled out my licence and a 20 dollar bill and stuffed them in the incredibly small pockets of my shorts. * * * I walked out into the living room holding my flannel shirt. "Hey Mom. I have a date tonight. I'll be home later." "Date?" Mom said. Oh shit. Was I not supposed to use the D word either? "Who is he? Have we met him?" "Ron's friend. You met him briefly when... he brought me home Friday night." She put her hands on her hips and gave me 'the stare.' "It's OK, Mom. We're going to Seaside for a stroll along the boardwalk." "You know we're going to have to properly meet him, right?" "Yeah. But this is only a casual date. If we have any more dates, I'll be sure to bring him by." Mom made a frustrated sigh. "I'll make that appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning. Don't forget you're not on the pill yet!" "Jesus Mom. I'm not going to have sex with him." "Chrissy, I'm serious." "I know Mom. So am I. I don't want to talk about sex right now," I covered my ears. "La La La" I was giggling at my immature reaction to sex talks. But I don't think she was laughing. She continued that stern stare as I slowly walked out the front door. * * * Minutes later I was sitting on my front porch when I heard Chase's motorcycle pull into my driveway. Ug. Not his bike again. He turned it off and pulled his helmet off. He offered me a big smile. "Chrissy, It's good to see you." "Don't you have a car?" I said. "No I don't," he said. "This baby gets better gas mileage than any car I can afford." "I can drive," I said. "Just let me go back inside and get my keys." "Whoa," he said chuckling. "I asked you on this date. I should drive. We'll take the bike." Should I put up more resistance here? If I'm going to succeed at saving his life, I'm going to have to pick my battles. Let me at least gain his trust. "Fine." I unfolded my flannel and tied the sleeves around my waist. "For the record, I'm not happy about riding a motorcycle" I said. "I appreciate your honesty," he said handing me a helmet. I walked to his bike, put the helmet on, and pulled myself up onto it. I wrapped my arms around his waist like I did over the weekend. A warm feeling filled me as I leaned into him. I hate that my body and my hormones are betraying me. As he turned on his bike with a load roar, I saw Mom standing on the porch. Hands still on her hips. Giving her oldest daughter that "I see you riding off with some boy on a motorcycle" glance. Gee, I guess the optics of this does look bad. * * * As the motorcycle went over the bay bridge over to Seaside I could smell the ocean's salt water in the air. Ah. I missed that smell. It's been way too long. I forgot to put my car windows down when I came out this way last week. The wind went through my hair. This was fun. I imagine my task of getting Chase to give up on motorcycles would be an uphill battle. But I had to try nonetheless. Actually I have no idea how to even bring up that conversation. Chase parked the motorcycle in one of the parking lots at the south end of the boardwalk. We both got off the bike. "What would you like to do for dinner?" he asked taking both of our helmets and locking them up to the bike. I saw the Sawmill Cafe right there at the beginning of the boardwalk. "A Sawmill Pizza!" I said. "It's been way too long!" We walked over to the order counter together. I turned to Chase, "What kind of pizza do you prefer? I prefer a Supreame I love all of the toppings." "Supreme. That sounds great," he said. Good. My ex-wife hated Supreme's. She preferred just a plain cheese pizza. As I was about to put in the order, Chase stopped me. "Hey now. I'm the guy here." "Oh I see," I replied. "Are we doing the gender stereotype thing today?" "No," he said turning red. "I just want to be chivalrous," I noticed him turning red and got guilty. Behave Christina. You've been in his position before. "I'll allow it. This time." I backed away from the order counter. Chase put in the order. We sat down on a bench while waiting for the pizza to cook. I crossed my legs even though I'm in shorts. It's actually comfortable and has become second nature to me now. "How much do I owe?" I said trying to extract the wad of cash out of tight pockets of my shorts. "Nothing," he said. "Chase." "Are you always this way?" he said. "Which way?" "Always in control. Always in charge. Don't you ever let go of the reigns and enjoy the ride?" "I uh - I guess I never had the opportunity." My motto has been if I'm in control then I only have myself to blame for disappointment. Maybe now that I've learned to take risks, maybe I need to also learn to trust others. That's a risk in of itself. "Well, I got this," he said. "Enjoy the ride for once." He smiled that smile again. And those eyes. It made me giddy. I hate that I can't stay mad at him. If all it takes is a smile from him for me to turn into a giddy school girl, then maybe this was bad idea. This is really the first time I've been alone with Chase. I barely said 3 words to him as Tony. I was a little nervous because all of my memories of him were of me being jealous of his friendship with Ron. I really didn't know Chase. At all. I really disliked him. And here I am on a date with him. "How was your day, Chrissy?" he asked. "It was actually a very good day," I said. "I negotiated a deescalation of tensions with Amber." "The girl with the busted nose?" he asked. "Yes," I laughed. "It's not busted anymore though." "Until the next time she crosses you." "God no," I said. "I'm going to try some new strategies with her from here on out. Using my fists only made things worse" "So did you make her an offer she couldn't refuse?" "Yes I did," I chuckled. "It worked. I went to her territory. I calmly stroked her ego and gave her something she wanted." "Good job. Don Corleone would be proud." "How was your day, Chase?" "No where near as eventful as yours. I went to school. I learned. I came home and got ready to see you." The pizza was ready and Chase got up to get it. He came back with a large pizza box and napkins. He sat down and opened the box for me. I pulled a slice off, folded it, and took a bite. "Hmm. That's good!" I said with my mouth full. "I haven't been here at least a decade!" He chucked. "I'm glad I can bring you back to your childhood memories then," He took a bite of his pizza. "We can walk and eat," I said. "Sure." He held onto the box with one hand and his pizza with the other. We started walking. I took in the scenery. Most of these shops and attractions on this end of the boardwalk aren't here anymore in 2018. What Hurricane Sandy didn't destroy, a large fire in 2013 finished the job. "So," he said, "you know my favorite movie. What's yours?" "Back to the Future," I said. "I'm a sucker for all time travel flicks. There's something enticing about being able to able to see where you came from, examine the many possibilities of your life and ask "What if?"" "I love the 2nd one," he replied. "I can't wait til 2015. Flying cars and hover boards!" I laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we're not going to have any of that stuff in 2015. No flying cars. No hoverboards. People will laugh at you if you have a fax machine in every room of the house. But we will have smartphones. Have you seen a PalmPilot?" "I've seen one. Never touched one." "Well imagine a device smaller than that, more powerful than any computer today. And it connects you to your entire life. Your phone, contact list, video games, music, all of your friends, family, and acquaintances and the entire internet all at your finger tips." "Wow. Sounds like a cool idea." "In theory. We will have a wealth of all human knowledge at our finger tips but people use it to watch cat videos. Then people get addicted to it and forget to stop to look up and see the real world." I looked at Chase. He was smiling enthralled with my story. I realized how much life I've lived this past week without having my cellphone as a social crutch. I almost didn't miss it. "You've thought a lot about that. I took you for an optimist," he said. "Well, I am an optimist," I said. "Technology is awesome. But it's frustrating at the same time. There are times at work, I slam my keyboard down and yell, 'I hate computers!' But the fact is- I LOVE computers. It's my passion. Pizza, please." We each grabbed another slice of pizza from the box. "So, Back to the Future," he said. "How do you feel about the third movie?" "It completes the trilogy. Not as strong as the first two. But it is a fun western." "So, The Godfather," I said. "How do you feel about the 3rd movie?" "Never happened," he laughed. "How about Favorite TV Show?" "Star Trek The Next Generation. Captain Picard is the ultimate male role model." He laughed. "I love hearing a girl talk about the ultimate male role model." "Hey now," I said. "Don't judge." "I'm not judging. I expected you to say Janeway." "Nah," I said. "She was poorly written by the writers. Some episodes she acts like the crew's mother. Other episodes she's a genocidal maniac. Do you watch Star Trek too?" "A little bit. I love the utopia they live in." "Me too. It's a world I'd love to live in." "Does the optimist in you say we'll ever get there?" "Yes. One day. I fear it won't happen in our lifetime, though. We as a people have a lot of imperfections to work out before we can join the Federation. Do you have a favorite TV show?" "Not really. With all of the gigs I do, if I'm not playing, I'm practicing. I have occasionally watched episodes of Friends, Simpsons, South Park, various Star Trek." I laughed. "I bet both Simpsons and South Park will still be on in 2015." He laughed at that. "On the odd occasion I've watched guilty pleasures like - Singled Out." "Singled Out? I used to love that show! Geez, that takes me back." He laughed. "It's still on. I watched it the other day." I shrugged it off. So far all of my crazy future talk just slides right off of Chase, so I figured he could handle it. "How about sports?" he asked "What are you into?" "I'm only a football fan," I replied. "I found all of the other sports too boring. This one time I fell asleep at a baseketball game! Don't get me wrong. I playing a lot of sports. I like softball, bowling. I used to do Tae Kwon Do. But as a spectator. It's only football." "What's your team?" "I'm a Giants fan" "Me too! What do you think about our team this year?" "We're going to win the NFC East and make the playoffs," I said. "Wow. That's a bold prediction. Dallas has won it 5 straight times." "Remember I'm an optimist." I smiled. He smiled back and nudged our shoulders. We each grabbed the remaining slices of pizza from the box and tossed it into the nearest trash can. There was a soda shop nearby. Chase bought a pair of root beers to drink. We continued walking. We stopped in front of Casino Pier. "Wanna go on a few rides?" Chase asked. "Sure," I replied. The firsts ride we headed towards was the roller coaster which if memory serves me correctly, was replaced by other one that fell into the ocean during the hurricane. Either way, this ride doesn't exist in 2018, so I decided to take full advantage of being in 1997. He paid for the tickets and we rode the coaster together. When the ride came to a stop I was smiling. I also noticed Chase staring at me too with a smile of his own. After that we went on Musik Express. This type of ride is one of my favorite non-roller coaster rides. I made sure to sit inside the inner seat of the car with him on the outside so the centripetal force of my weight would crush him. It's a fun game I used to play on my parents and Cindy when we used to ride it. As the ride started to go, and the rock music started, I started leaning into him. He was laughing. I was laughing. He tried to lean back into me, but... centripetal forces. I put my feet on the side of the car and pushed on him harder. "This is for ordering and paying for me!" We laughed the entire time. After the rides, we walked down to the beach. I pulled off my sandles and started walking barefoot. The sand was cold, yet nice on my feet. It's been a while since I've been at a beach. The sun was getting low in the western sky and was casting long shadows on the beach. "Did you say you did martial arts?" he said. "Yeah. Tae Kwon Do. For at least 4 or so years." "That's cool. How did you get into that?" "Well," I said, sitting down in the sand facing the ocean. He sat down next to me. "I was bullied during my pre-teens. There was this one incident. I was in front of my house. I was maybe 11 or 12 or something. Some boy who was friends some some other kid the the street bullied me. I remember that being the final straw. My dad decided to enroll me in self defence classes. I started taking Tae Kwon Do after that." "What happened? What did he do to you? Unless you don't feel comfortable to say?" "It's been a while. And I don't really remember the details." I thought about it, trying to retrieve the memory. I closed my eyes. "So I was out on the front of my house doing yard work. I think I was weed whacking border of our lawn." * * Being the oldest it was my responsibility to do the yard work in the middle of the week while my dad was working. I had just finished mowing the lawn. I was weed whacking the along the border of the street when this boy was walking down the street. He looked a few years older than me. I had a Walkman clipped to my shorts and my headphones on, so i really wasn't paying attention to him. He said something to me. I turned the weed-whacker off and pulled the headphones off to see what he was saying. "Hey you stupid idiot. You're getting grass in the street!" I was confused. Why was this so important to him? "So what?" I said. "I'll get to it later" "You'll get to it now. And sweep it off," he said stepping off the street and onto our lawn. "Get off our property!" I said confronting him. I was shorter and scrawnier than most boys my age. It was very intimidating to stand up to them. Just then he pushed me and I fell backwards, dropping the weed-whacker to my side. I could feel tears welling up. I tossed the Walkman and headphones to the side and I got up read to fight. But I didn't know how. I tried to throw a punch, but I was to slow. He grabbed my arm and twisted me around. He took his other arm around my neck and put me into a choke hold. I couldn't breath. I was crying. I was trying to tell him to let go. "Go ahead cry baby. Cry like a girl. Never touch me again. Baby." He let go of me and pushed me back down to the grass. He walked away. I was gasping for air. I was crying. I felt powerless. It was on my own property but I was still powerless. * * Chase grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I brought this up. That must've been painful memory for you." "It was then I resolved to never let anyone see me cry ever again. I took Tae Kwon Do and vowed to always defend myself. But it wasn't even always like that. I'm a conflict avoided. I continued to get bullied from other boys. At school. At the bus stop. I eventually stood up to them. But it took months of abuse to finally stand up to conflict. Hell, I let Amber walk all over me for a few days before I finally decked her." I wiped tears from my eyes. I didn't realize I was crying in front of Chase. I turned away. "No," he said. "It' OK to cry. I don't want you to feel like you have to hide it." "It's just that- crying triggers that feeling of being powerless. It brings me back to that moment in my front yard." Oddly enough, I don't remember crying after that until I became Christina when I finally cried a few days ago. Despite getting more confidence through martial arts, the trauma of it all really lingered with me. I think it still lingers today even after all these years. "What happened when you stood up to those boys?" he asked. "I kicked their ass." I laughed while wiping under my eyes. "The one at school I punched him. He stopped harassing me. The one at the bus stop. I punched him a few times, but he kept coming and lunging at me. So I kicked him in the jaw. Again he never harassed me again." He laughed. "Christina, you are one tough girl. Beating the shit out of boys. I can't believe people still try to bully you." "They see a geek. A nerd. Someone they can exert their power over." "I see a strong woman. A very confident bad-ass," he said. I chuckled and sniffed. "Thanks." "OK," he said. "I'm sorry for bring up a painful memory. Lets change the subject. We can do more questions." "Sure," I said. He stood up and held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up. I wiped the sand off my shorts and legs. We started walking along the water line. The waves were washing over our feet. The water was cold. It was late September after all. "I know you like video games" he said. "What's your favorite?" "Final Fantasy 3- the American Final Fantasy 3 I mean. The one for Super Nintendo" "They have different numbers?" "Yeah, It's called Final Fantasy 6 outside of North America. But it's so awesome. The music. The characters. The story. I personally think it was a game changer for RPGs. You?" "Lately I've been playing either Mortal Kombat or Madden. Do you have an N64 or PlayStation?" "No I stopped playing console games after the Super Nintendo. My hobby became programming. My dad likes to brag that one day he told me to make games instead of play them. He gave me a book on programming. So I started programming. But I did get into LAN games in colle-" I stopped myself short before talking about future events again. "What are LAN games?" he asked. "Multi-player PC games where you can play with others over the LAN - local network." "That's really cool. I don't understand it, but it sounds cool." My turn to ask questions. "So Chase," I said. "How many bands are you actually in?" "Five total," he said. "But they all have different schedules and some of them are seasonal, so there are some dry spells. So I have the ska band, the jazz band, there's a Elvis tribute band, I jam with a couple guys in a grunge band, I also do some solo work too." "An Elvis tribute band?" I laughed. "That's great! Which one is your favorite?" "The ska band" he said. "It's where we can actually write and play our own music. All of the other ones are just covers. It's fun, but we just really want to play our own music, you know?" "I get it. But that swing music was hot!" He laughed. "It's really cool to get to know other performers of various ages and backgrounds. The bass player in the jazz band fought in World War 2. Can you believe that? He's got stories! The other vocalist you heard- she has the greatest voice. She's a single mother of 3, it's fun watching her in her element. The guys in the grunge band. They are actually good writers, some of those lyrics are so deep and beautiful. But don't tell them that. They'd get angry you called their dark stuff beautiful." I didn't know any of this about Chase. This was actually an eye opening experience. I had incorrectly judged him. I was jealous of his friendship with Ron. I thought he was just "too cool." I didn't realize we actually had a lot in common. "Then there's Ron" he said. "I only really just met him this month. But he has this amazing friend who I'm on a awesome date with." I blushed hard. "How many instruments do you play?" "I mostly play just guitar and sing. You should teach me how to play the sax." I smiled and chuckled at his suggestion. A larger wave came by and splashed into Chase. He tried to dodge it but it was too late and half of his shorts get wet. I laughed. He laughed too as he reached down and splashed water at me. "Ah!" I said, but it came out as a feminine scream. It was cold! "Oh no you didn't!" I said as I I tossed my sandles and flannel shirt into dry sand and I rushed up and kicked water at him. He splashed back. We did this for half a minute. A knee-high wave came up to me and I lost my balance. Chase was there to catch me. All I could see was his big smile silhouetting the purple and orange sky. I felt warm in his embrace despite both of us being in the ocean. I wrapped my arms around him to gain balance. "You planned this," I said. I involuntarily looked down at his lips. "Maybe," he said. "Did it work?" I didn't know what to say. My heart was beating faster. I was getting flush. "Maybe," I said. He leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes, Our lips met each other. I was swept away in the moment so I kissed back. My right hand came up and held onto his neck. I was sure I'd be disgusted by kissing a guy. But I wasn't. His lips were just as soft as any girls' lips were. They just didn't have a flavored lip gloss on them. Here I was, kissing Chase on the beach with our feet in the ocean at sunset. He definitely planned this. Another wave hit us above our knees so we broke off our kiss. I was in a daze and just stared into his eyes. We returned to the drier part of the beach. He was holding my hand. I looked down and noticed that my white tank top was now see-through. You could totally see my bra. That broke me out of my daze. "I'm wearing a white shirt. You dick." I playfully pushed his shoulder. He laughed. He reach down, picked up my flannel and held it open for me. I put my arms through the sleeves. He put his arm around me to warm me up. He must be loving this chivalrous stuff. Fine. I'll ask him on the next date right now. "Chase," I said. "What are you doing Saturday night?" "Nothing yet," he said. "I don't have a gig lined up for this weekend." "Would you-" I swallowed as my voice broke. "Like to go to homecoming with me?" "I would be delighted!" he said smiling at me. I felt an instant warmth. Butterfly's in my stomach. I was giddy. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. Not since my ex-wife. I didn't feel this way with Fay. Or Jess. "Oh," I added. "Me and Ron are taking our homecoming dates out tomorrow. A double date. If you're not busy-" "Yes," he said. * * * When the sun went down we turned around walked back the way we came. The boardwalk was all lit up from the open shops and the rides. We talked a little more about our families, our plans for after high school. Before I knew it, we were back at the bike. We stared into each others eyes. I leaned in, and he met me in the middle, embraced me and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes. It was a blur. I was falling hard for this boy. This BOY. It scared me. It was exciting. I wanted more. Eventually we stopped kissing and got back into the motorcycle and headed home. He walked me up my front porch. I didn't want it to end. We had at least a 1 minute good-night make-out session right there on my doorstep. "Good night," he whispered. "Good night," I whispered back. * * * It was only 8:30 when I got in, so I said, "I'm home," to nobody in particular and went to my room. My clothes were still damp. I stripped off my flannel, my tank top, and my shorts and went looking for a t-shirt from my closet. As I moved across the room I was gliding. No. I was dancing. I have a date to homecoming. I didn't notice Cindy had come in my room and closed the door behind her. I saw her, and jumped. "You startled me," I said. "Since you're dancing around your room in your underwear I'm guessing it went well." "It did," I admitted and smiled at the thought of him kissing me again. "I didn't think it would. But we just connected. I asked him to homecoming." "That's awesome." "I'm on cloud nine right now. I don't know what to think." "You know Mom and Dad are going to want to meet him right?" "Yeah I know." Cindy left my room, and I found dry clothes to put on. * * * When I came out of the room, Mom and Dad asked how it went. I told them it went well and I promised them they'd get to both meet him. When I managed to escape the parental inquisition, I went downstairs to the den and turned on my PC. I connected online to the familiar dial-up tones, beeps and screech. I opened my email and found Val's email she promised me. In my good mood, I opened up Notepad and started coding Val's website. It was difficult at first since most of the tools I'd typically use haven't been created yet, but I was able to get a base skeleton website for her to look at and play with. I save the files to a floppy disc. I heard a knock at the den door. It was Cindy again. "Whats up?" I asked. She held out the cordless phone with an annoyed look. "It's for you." Is it Chase? Already? I took the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Demarco." It's Amber.

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Second Chances Chapter 30 FINAL Hello my name is Chrissy

Sunday, October 5, 1997 I woke up on my own. I sat up in bed. I remembered last night... or rather I remembered what I wished for. I suddenly got really nervous. What have I done? I'm stuck in 1997 now. I'm stuck as Christina now. I was so caught up in the moment I really didn't think it through. Breathe Chrissy. You asked for this. You wanted this. Yeah, But now it's real. I looked at the mirror in front of me. This is very real. This is me. This is me forever...

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Chances AreChapter 13

The senior Westside mob bosses just finished playing their hands and everyone continued to ignore me until the pot had been gathered up. They were playing poker for fairly small stakes, just a friendly game with quarters for chips it looked like, but I couldn’t tell you for sure what the rules were; a variation of five card draw probably. Then finally, Jonny deigned to speak to me just as a fresh hand was being dealt. “You’re Chancer? Conner here informs me that Antonio ‘Drake’ has gone...

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Chances AreChapter 17

Fuck ... wouldn’t you believe it? The battleship-grade steel that layered the entire top of the basement, under the ground floor was still there ... and virtually immaculate, with hardly even a scratch on it! Now I could also see that this impenetrable layer not only covered the floor of the Murder Mansion, but also the houses next door and even under the old warehouse that had stood behind it. It covered, that thick layer of hardened steel, the entire city block where my house had once...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 36

We never did resolve the matter of my being good, great or evil. My heart told me that none of them were truly applicable. My mind continued to debate whether those labels could ever be used on someone like me. The issues of accountability, responsibility, justice and freedom continued to haunt my thoughts for years after that night. The only thing I did come to terms with was my obsession with truth. Is truth a property of sentences, which are linguistic entities, or is truth a property of...

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Chances AreChapter 5

Now if I had to award a second place prize for the next choicest skirt decorating the room, it would have to be a coin flip between Skulda the Valkyrie Warrior-Maiden or the Green Canary. The others? Who could tell really, under all of those cowls, hoods, masks and full bodysuits. They could have all been dolls or drudges ... who could tell? The Norse babe had it all; youth, a crisp Nordic face with big blue eyes, long braided blonde hair and more than a hint of well-nourished cleavage under...

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Chances AreChapter 18

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...

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Second Chances Part 5

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Kelly Daniels, formerly the hate filled bully Ryan Thomas, finds herself madly in love with boy she once bullied. Now fully accepting of her new life, she now finds she has a dangerous problem...her stepfather's wrath Second Chances - Part 5 Kelly's eyes fluttered open as the soothing sounds of the waves crashing on the beach along with crisp sea air floating through the nearby open window. Shaking the sleepy cobwebs from her head, she fully...

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Second Chances Chapter 7 Take Two

Wednesday, September 24, 1997 The alarm buzzer went off. The same confusion from yesterday washed over me. But this time I reminded myself I was not home in 2018, but in high school in 1997. I groaned, immediately regretting my decision on setting my clock for so early. I kicked my legs out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I stood up and stretched my arms out, arching my back and extending my boobs forward. Yup. I'm still Christina. I flicked on the bedroom light and...

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Second Chances Part 3

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 3 It had just started to rain as Rani and Jay started to walk home. The storm had shown up so suddenly that they had to cut their time in the tree house short. However nobody said how long they could take on the walk home. Since they were next door neighbors, they could get away with taking the scenic route. "So, Jay" Rani asked with a slight nudge "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Not really" Jay replied "I guess girls don't...

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Chances AreChapter 11

Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...

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Chances AreChapter 8

So, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...

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Chances AreChapter 16

I muttered something about sandwiches and brewing up a pot of fresh coffee for everyone, back at my place, and a few of the heroines agreed to hang around there for a while. For now, at least, all of the fun, mayhem, and destruction seemed to be over. Most of the gals decided that they’d rather enjoy a long bath at home, along with a dozen or more stuff drinks instead, and most of them made their farewells. Even the horde of newsies and television camera crews started to look bored and began...

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Second ChancesPart 4

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 4 The following morning, Kelly read the directions from Felicia's note to Jessie's apartment. As she walked along the sidewalk , she pondered through her mind what she would say to him. Somehow trying to explain that the girl that broke his heart was the same jerk that terrorized him for years would probably get her sent to a padded room by the nice guys in white coats. "Hi Jessie, I know I've been a bitch to you but...

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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

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Second Chances Chapter 27 I Wanna Dance With Somebody

5:18 PM Cindy and I were standing outside on our freshly raked front lawn in our dresses waiting for Mom and Dad. Mom came outside with her camera. "We're just waiting for Dad." Dad joined her. He was holding his camera as well. "Chris, honey. When you're done with the Internet, can you please log off of it." Whoops. "Sorry dad." I smiled. "This is the second time in two weeks I picked up the den phone only to realize you were still dialed-in. Hang up the Internet when you're...

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Second Chances Chapter 17 Youre Makin Me High

During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...

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Second Chances Chapter 6 Homework

My mom hugged me and congratulated me as I showed her my new licence. I looked at the licence in my hand. It was very simple. Very much not like the more complex security-enhanced licences in the future. This was just a laminated piece of paper with my picture and personal information on it. I looked at the picture of me. I'm not facing the camera because looking straight ahead was reserved for 21 plus year old drivers. I am looking kinda cute in this picture. Wait.. where did that...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 3

The passing of time was no longer a blur to me, the way it had been just instants before. Time was moving, and fairly fast, but now it was more like a movie put on fast forward rather than the vapor trail it had been. And my memories were returning, no longer events to be observed, but actual pieces of myself and my life; just a trickle at first, but as one moment made itself known it was quickly followed by another, and another ... faster and faster and faster, until the trickle was a flow,...

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Second Chances Part 2

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 2 It was their special place nestled in Old Man Frank's apple orchard, a crudely built tree house. The old farmer didn't mind. He even supplied the tools and lumber, happy to see a couple of kids willing to play outside and not have their brains rotted out by those newfangled video games. "So you want to try it, Jay?" asked a cute little girl about ten or eleven "Try what, Rani?" asked a cute little boy also about ten or...

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Second Chances

I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk at pretty young girls. Well, no one ever really mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be marrying. Caroline had a very...

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Second Chances Chapter 28 Jumper

9:55 PM I have to find Amber. She couldn't have gone far. I only saw her at most five minutes ago. Maybe she went back to her table. I pushed Tim aside and I ran into the cafeteria. The dance was clearing out. About twenty people were left on the dance floor dancing to Donna Summer's "Last Dance". I checked Amber's table. Nobody was there. It was empty. No purses or other personal items. Maybe I can get a teacher to help. I scanned for the chaperones. Nowhere to be...

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Second Chances Chapter 22 Go The Distance

Thursday, October 2, 1997 I woke up to my alarm clock. I was still clutching the cordless phone. I had dried tears around my eyes. The events of last night came flooding back to me. It was such a good day until I screwed it up at the last possible moment. I slogged out of bed and forced myself to get ready for school. I pulled out a blue skirt and tossed it onto my bed. I wasn't feeling happy. I really wasn't into looking cute right now. So I pulled put a black t- shirt and tossed...

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Second Chances Chapter 18 Face Off

I am sitting on my couch watching American Idol with my roommate. I remember living here. But I don't anymore. My roommate doesn't live with me anymore. I think she moved. She says something to me about the last singer. I can't remember what. I smile at her. I wish we weren't roommates. I'd totally try to date her if she wasn't my roommate. Maybe if I flirt just a little more. My cellphone rings. I look at the caller ID. It's Ron. I flip open the phone and answer it. "Hey man," I...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 16

When I left the safe house, a quick glance at my watch told me I'd been there the better part of seven hours. It was all I could do to keep from bouncing up and down on my toes like Peggy or Tink were prone to do whenever they got excited. I couldn't believe Roberts had gone unnoticed for so many years. Why hadn't someone picked up on the signs? The man was absolutely convinced of his own intellectual and professional genius. No one was as smart, or clever, or ... just think of an...

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Second Chances part 6

Second Chances By Alexander Kung A/N this is a rewrite of chapter 6. Please let me know what you think _Alexander Kelly Daniels, formerly the hate filled bully Ryan Thomas, finds herself madly in love with boy she once bullied. Now she finds her new life and everyone she has grown to care about threatened by her stepfather's wrath Second Chances - Part 6 It was just past midnight as Felicia was roused from a deep slumber by the loud sound of a fire alarm blared from down the...

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Chances AreChapter 9

“I get the idea, rather clearly, that most of your ‘relationships’ have been with other women. Same I think for nearly all of the other super-heroines that I’ve met so far. You’re all Sapphists ... and most of you nearly exclusively lesbian. Odds are that none of you, including yourself, would find any long term romance with a man, such as myself, satisfying or enduring. I’d just be an isolated, momentary, object of dalliance. In fact, chances are that none of your relationships with other...

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Chances AreChapter 15

Chances were, if I could help it ... that not a single bullet was going hurt me or any of my mortal friends! As for most of the three dozen or so assembled super-powered heroines, there wasn’t one of them really that was the least bit frightened by gaggles of gunsels spewing lead! Some, especially the mightiest ones on the front line, were innately bullet-proof and others had protective armor in their costumes or else were just too fast to be hit either in flight or on the run. A cameraman...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 13

Eventually Izzy called home and spent about ten minutes reassuring Lilly and Peggy that we were okay, saying that she'd explain everything in greater detail when we got home. Then she spent three times as long drafting her resignation letter. We agreed that claiming 'on recommendation of family physician' wouldn't really be a lie. Two printed and signed letters in hand, one for the Assistant Dean and one for the Board of Governors; we left the building just before three o'clock and...

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Second Chances Chapter 4 Going through the motions Part 1

I eventually found my English homework. I skimmed it to see what Christina wrote before I handed it in. It went completely over my head. Either she's a better student than me, or that is literally the same BS I wrote 20 years ago. I was able to follow along with the rest of the class and it triggered long forgotten memories. I was called on once. I BS'ed something about fake culture and Holden Caufield's pessimism. It wasn't hard honestly. After all, I came from a year that society had...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 14

My second or third greatest work related failure occurred in May of 1994 when I was forbidden by an Act of Congress from ever setting foot within the State Department. This happened almost immediately after my first and only tour of our major European embassies. This was followed quickly, in congressional terms, three months later by a second Act designed to keep me away from the Justice Department. I guess they figured by then that I was already so deep into the FBI that it was pointless to...

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Second Chances

Second Chances By: Malissa Madison Denise wasn't sure who the strange man sitting down the street from the house was, or why he was watching her. But it made her nervous, was he some kind of molester or other kind of Pervert? It wasn't the first time she'd seen him either. She'd mentioned it to her older sister Patricia, who'd looked at the man curiously then said, "Don't worry Sis he's harmless," just before the bus arrived to pick them both up for school. This morning she stood...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 7

I went upstairs, showered and changed clothes then went back down to the kitchen and retrieved the vials of blood in their little lunch box cooler. I took the cooler and my coat, got into my car and drove to Langley. As soon as I got into my office I picked up the phone and began dialing. "FBI, Coburn." the light tenor voice announced. "Number one, this is Doctor Blacktower ... do you recognize my voice?" "Yes sir, of course. What can I do for you sir?" "I'm sending you a package...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 17

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan generated Executive Order 12333, which, among other things, stated that "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination." This order had been preceded by similar restrictions from Presidents Ford and Carter. I've often wondered about the legality of presidential Executive Orders. Are they? Legal, I mean? Less than a law? More than an Act of Congress? The same? Do they...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 4

How many people through the long history of the world have looked back on their lives and wondered, 'When did it all go wrong?' Do you suppose Napoleon ever asked himself that question? The fact is that even if you knew precisely when it happened, what difference would it make? What could you possibly do with that priceless bit of information? I can do some pretty amazing things, but time travel isn't among them. Unfortunately, one of the things I do have is an exceptional memory. Using...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 8

I was the junior partner in a Psychiatry/Psychology practice in D.C. The two senior partners are former Air Force Colonel Evan DeBerg and Dr. Janis Karpinski, both psychiatrists with decades of combined experience. I'm the psychologist of the group. Evan and I formed our partnership in '96 after I received my MS and he resigned from active duty. Janis joined us later that year. Technically I'm one of the senior partners, but we agreed that their names should precede mine; partly in...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 22

Two distinctly different sounds assaulted my ears and woke me up. The first was the insistent electronic beeping of a cell phone near my head. The second was the low, thudding pounding on the hotel room's door. I rolled over on my side, gently easing Lilly onto the carpet next to me, looked around and spotted the cell phone lying under the coffee table. I picked it up and thumbed the button. "Hello?" "Ike?" It was my sister. "Hey beautiful." "I've been calling for two hours....

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Second Chances Chapter 1 Hello my name is Toby

Did you ever look back at your youth and fantasize about redoing it a second time with all of your future knowledge and experiences? What would you do if given a second chance? Would you take the path you didn't take the first time? That's where my story starts. Or ends, depending on your point of view. Time travel gets confusing like that. Friday, April 6 2018 My name is Anthony Demarco. Friends and family call my Tony. You can call me Tony too since you're reading this. I'm...

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Second Chances

Synopsis: They say portals to the past are everywhere. Especially where something terrible once happened. But what if it was still happening? Second Chances By LJ He collapsed, still reeling from the impossible sensation of feeling hot, male seed fill his belly. He tried to roll back onto his back, to make some effort at regaining a sense of normalcy, but found he could not move. Not an inch. Not a single muscle. Some force was holding him in place as surely as if he had been frozen...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 10

I went downstairs and sat down on the couch in the living room, leaned my head back and tried to ignore the ache in the center of my face. What the hell am I going to do? I wondered. There's no way to keep them from knowing what I'm feeling now. There was no way for them to keep you from knowing what they were feeling, was there? Maybe not, but I never made a habit of looking. I don't like the idea of anyone having constant access to my feelings. But you do. Why shouldn't they? You...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 39

I left my old friend and mentor sitting in his rocking chair with a dazed look on his face, a blistering ring of freshly implanted emotions tucked away in his neural net and a brand new lease on life. The dazed look would pass, in time; which was more than could be said for the other two. I drove myself back to the airport, climbed into the Agency helicopter and returned home. There was plenty of time to think, and lots to think about, on the way back; which I assiduously avoided. My mind...

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Second Chances Chapter 12 TGIF

Friday, September 26, 1997 I woke up to my alarm. I sat up and turned it off and stared in the darkness of my bedroom. The pain of last night was still there. But in some ways it was cathartic. I took a deep breath. Today is a new day. All I can do is make today great for Christina, and try to find a way to get Tony back to the future so he can move on with his life. I felt a cold breeze come from the open window on my legs. It felt nice. A nice late September morning. I love...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 24

Out in front of the building Lam and Lucy were busily splitting their people up into groups and loading them into the two vans. I looked around, trying to determine how much collateral damage to expect, and where the best and safest location for the vehicles was. Once everyone was packed in and ready to go, Lucy and her brother approached us. "Lam, have you ever used a pistol before?" I asked as I removed my overcoat and handed it to Lilly. He eyed the weapons hanging beneath my...

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Second Chances Chapter 26 Just a Girl

Saturday, October 4, 1997 9:05 AM I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I stretched out my arms and legs while still laying down. I thought about last night. I smiled. Last night was amazing. I rolled out of bed, put my glasses on and walked to the kitchen. The kitchen radio was playing Vanessa Williams's "Save the Best for Last." Dad was in front of the griddle, Mom was setting the table. Cindy was sitting at the table patiently waiting for breakfast. I sat down at...

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Second Chances Reboot

Not-The-Original Author's Note: This is a tribute to Alexander Kung's great story "Second Chances". The original ideas and story belong to them. This version was written mostly because the original author never finished that work and I very much enjoyed it (going on five years with no conclusion now) and I wish they had. I've expanded on it where I felt appropriate, maintained the original ideas and motifs as much as I could, and updated it to match my own writing style. I have no idea...

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Second Cousins Second ChancesChapter 2

As Jen continued to snore lightly in the seat beside me, I drove the roads of rural Mississippi. Sitting in the seat that was still warm and slightly damp from Jen's climax, I had a lot of time to think. Had I done something wrong? Well, for starters, I'd had sexual contact (if not actual sex) with a married woman. So, that's adultery. But, I'd never taken any marital vows, I reasoned. The only person breaking any vows was Jen, and she certainly didn't seem to mind at the time! Then,...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 31

Eventually we all agreed that fun was fun, but it was time to turn in for the night. Svetlana retired to the guest room where Ivan was ensconced, Dad got the second guest room next to theirs, and Buck (I have a hard time even thinking the name without smirking) was given the room right next to his, which was normally Lilly's. We'd agreed, the girls and I, amongst ourselves, not long after I got out of the Army, that each of them should have their own room. Their own private space that...

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Second ChancesChapter 2 Intervention

I placed the gun to my head ready to pull the trigger and bring down the final curtain on my life. It took me the better part of an hour to muster up the courage to do the final act. I put my finger on the trigger and gradually squeezed. I heard the mechanism of the gun working as the pressure on the hammer spring was released. I then heard the hammer come down striking the primer cap of the 38 caliber shell in the cylinder. I had my eyes closed, resigned to meeting my maker and just waiting...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 40

" ... that's more like it! I do believe we finally have the Doctor's attention. One more time Paolo, but I think a little additional amperage is called for, don't you?" ... zzzztttzztttzzttttt... ... Peggy's near death experience only served to aggravate and intensify my obsession with finding and killing Alex Chorney. Jeff Harmon and the two men patrolling with him had been killed, apparently by the men who'd come to kidnap either Izzy or Belle. None of us were ever sure who...

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Second Chances Chapter 24 Its Friday Im in Love

Friday, October 3, 1997 I was in the middle of dreaming about me and Chase making out on the beach - "From Here to Eternity" style - when my alarm clock woke me up. Drat. It was getting good too. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. "Good Morning, Chrissy," I said to my reflection. Today was Friday again. Spirit Day. I was to wear my track suit. So no cute outfits today. I pulled the track suit out, a marching band t-shirt and got out the new underwear I bought Wednesday...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 12

With my sister's warning ringing in my ears, and the CIA rent-a-cop's pistol barrel pointing at my heart, I stood unmoving behind the Visitor's Desk counter; the head rent-a-cop in one hand and a gaping lack of anything remotely like an offensive weapon in the other. The world around me slowed down like a bug trapped in tree sap. I saw that the man with the pistol was left handed; something I hadn't noticed before and which was excruciatingly unimportant ... but I saw and made note of it...

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Second Chances Chapter 21 Whiplash

As I went downstairs into the family room, I found Chase sitting on the couch talking to both my parents. "I'm so sorry I'm late," I said. Chase stood up when he saw me. My parents were still seated. So I guess they weren't done. I walked over to Chase and we both sat back down. "I know you guys have to get going," Dad said. "But I invited Chase over for family dinner on Sunday. Chase, do you like a nice Italian dinner?" "Yes I do, sir," he said. "What are you doing tonight?"...

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