Dana free porn video

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Shopping for her that Christmas had become quite a problem. She was my best friend, and in a perfect world, we'd be dating. But as anyone can tell you with a quick look around...this world ain't perfect. I lusted after Dana with the lust only the truly infatuated and completely unsatisfied can. If I were to open my personal mental dictionary and look up the word 'perfection', Dana's smiling face would be staring right back at me.

And, if you listened to her personal definition of 'perfect man,' I fit the bill completely...except for one crucial detail. She wanted someone "Funny, warm, sensitive, caring, not afraid to show his emotions..." And then, always, she would add, to my chagrin, "...oh, and sexually attractive."

Well, if you haven't guessed by now in which catageory I'm deficient in, let's just say that I am funny, warm, sensitive, caring and not afraid to show his emotions. GET THE PICTURE? What I did have was an absolutely undying love for this woman, a love that was fueled by lots of late-night and early-morning fantasies. She once asked me if I fantasized about 'us,' and if so, what were my fantasies.

I told her quite honestly that I did have sexual fantasies about her, but in the overall scheme of things, that was only about one-tenth of the total fantasy/sex content ratio. The rest of the time, it was about dumb, romantic things like walking down the beach hand in hand, having dinner in some classy resturant together, doing the dishes together, having people over to 'our' apartment... dumb, adolescent stuff like that, stuff I craved with every fiber and nerve ending of my being. And I knew with the deepest, most moral and emotional certainity that if we ever did get together, she would be popping her head against a brick wall for taking so damn long.

I'm one of those guys who's always on the outside looking in; a little smarter than the rest of the people around me, a little funnier, a little more 'hip', in a weird, Nick-at-night kind of way. When it came to answering the questions on Jeporady!, I had no equal. When it came to playing Trivial Pursuit, everyone wanted to be on my team. When a female friend bought a new VCR and had no idea how to program it or get cable channels, they always, invariably called me. Manual? Who needed a manual? I'd scoot down in front of it, pushing my glasses back up my nose as I instantly decoded what the problem was and fixed it. If it was electronic and had some way of interfacing with the world, I could figure it out.

It was the flesh and blood computers, the one with the two large disk drives in front and the core memory underneath that I could never reverse-engineer and decode. They spoke in a language as forigen to me as binary is to most people. I swear to God, if I heard the "Let's Just Be Friends," speech one more time, I was going to kill something.

But Dana was different. She knew on some private mental plane that I was hopelessly in love with her, but didn't make me feel bad about it, didn't ridicule me about it. She rejected my affections without making me feel bad, and in my own private hell, that earned her high marks. So we remained friends, good friends, the kind of friend that will call you last thing at night and first thing in the morning...just to talk. Just to hear the sound of each other's voice, the sound of each other's laughter coming over the line. We had private jokes, inside little comments that we threw back and forth like a personal, private code that only we could understand.

If it were possible to have a love affair without the sex, Dana and I did. We were closer than most boyfriends and girlfriends, and we revelled in it.

But, as with all things of this nature, there were invisible lines drawn, unspoken but understood limits that we could never cross. Or, actually, that I could never cross. You see, it was somehow OK for her to call me and tell me about her latest boyfriend and what a stud he was between the sheets, and how he treated her like a queen. But it was not ok for me to talk about the women in my life (what few there were...) because that hurt her feelings. I know, this sounds incredibly masochistic, but those were the rules, and I stood by them and tried to quell the little flutter in my heart and the twisting knot of agonizing pain in my gut I felt every time Dana started dating someone new. That's not even mentioning the times I'd call her first thing in the morning and some man's voice would answer. Those times absolutely fucking sucked.

Or the times she would regale with me tales of her sexual activity. Like the time she and one boyfriend flooded out the bathroom because of some bathtub gymnastics. Or the weekend she spent in front of a fireplace with another guy, twisting their bodies into impossible positions for hours on end.

I know.

Love's a bitch.

So here I was, Christmas shopping for the most important woman in my life, and there were still rules I had to follow: Nothing too personal. Nothing even vaguely sexual. Safe things, like sweaters and books and videos. Possibly a CD or two. But nothing personal, private... nothing that she could cherish and treasure for the rest of her life as having come from my hands and heart.

Oh, sure, I'd broken the rule once or twice. Like the time I sent her a vibrator as a joke. She told me that there was a dearth of male action twixt her sheets, and I helped her out with this glow-in-the-dark, plug-into-the- wall latex vibrator that was huge. She loved it, and we nicknamed it "Glow Worm."

I'd given her a priceless Japaneese porcelin mask to hang on her bedroom wall. It'd cost me almost six hundred dollars. It was a birthday present. You know what she gave me that year?

A keychain.

In the shape of a guitar.

I don't even play guitar!

So, anyway, being the miserable, self-abusing asshole that I am, I was shopping for Christmas and trying to figure out what to get her. The mall had shown me everything it had, and I had one of two reactions to every possible gift:

Reaction #1 : Not personal enough.

Reaction #2 : Too personal.

I hate Christmas. What did I have to look forward to? My parents were long since dead, my sister had her own thing going with a husband and two kids and her husband's entire family. She'd made it more than clear that as long as I sent her a check every month, she'd be happy if I stayed away. My brother was off in some far-away country with the Navy SEALs, and so was not going to be celebrating Christmas this year, unless it was to stick a Bowie knife in his mouth, sneak up and slit the throat of some unsuspecting guard somewhere. Dana was spending it with her new boyfriend, Ralph.

He was ten years younger and looked like a male model, and if you could believe Dana, had this thing between his legs that would make Mr. Ed hang his head in shame. So much for my Christmas Eve.

Anyway, I was passing through the lingere department when something inside me snapped. I wasn't going to be sorry for my feelings anymore. I was going to give this fucking woman a real gift, a gift from the heart. Something classy and sexy at the same time, something beautiful and precious and wonderful, just like the way I saw her.

I spoke to a salesclerk and explained what I was looking for. She smiled at me and asked Dana's size. I had all that information in my address book, under "D." I read off all of Dana's measurements, obtained by going through her closet when she was in the bathroom. (It always amazed Dana that I managed to get everything right without asking...hehe...)

She brought it out and wrapped it in front of me. It was a teddy, emrald green with black lace trimming. I'd seen it on a mannaquin, and knew immediately that Dana's long curly blonde hair and sea-foam blue-green eyes would do that outfit justice. A little part of me was sad that I'd never get to see her in it. A couple of years ago I was planning to get her another present along those lines, and she somehow found out about it and was kidding me on the phone.

"Hey," I'd said, "I won't buy you anything I don't get to see you in." And that had been the end of it; she hadn't had a response to that statement.

But this time it was different. I asked the salesclerk for a small card, like the one you send with flowers. I thought for a moment, and then remembered a little ditty from Willy Shakespeare:

"To me, fair friend, you never can be old

For as you were when first your eye I eyed,

Such seems your beauty still."

I wrote it on the card and taped it to the outside of the box. It was three days to Christmas, and I planned to drop it off at her apartment that night. But I got paged by work, and had to go in and rewrite some system utilities, and that turned into a forty-hour programming marathon. It was Christmas Eve, about noon, when I finally emerged from my office and told me secretary that I was calling it a night.

I walked in the door to a ringing telephone.


"Rick!" The voice was Dana, and she was crying.

"What's the matter, honey?"

"That bastard Ralph! He broke up with me today!" She started crying again, long wracking sobs that tugged at my heart and made me wish evil things to happen to Ralph. Things involving anthills and honey.

"I'll be right over," I said, and hung up. The drive to Dana's apartment took six minutes. I walked in, as I always did when I knew she was alone, and found her on the couch, feet curled under her, crying into her hands. I went to her, sat on the couch, and gathered her shaking form into my arms, doing my wonderful best friend/dutch uncle/good buddy routine.

She felt wonderful in my arms, like she belonged there. I was just over six feet, and Dana stood five-nine. Five-eleven in heels, so when we danced on those rare occassions, her head fit wonderfully on my shoulder. I chased those thoughts out of my head as I stroked her back.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"He c-c-called me, and t-t-t-told me that he d-d-d- didn't w-w-want to s-s-s-see me anym-m-m-more," she sobbed. "He s-s-said that he m-m-met someone else!" She dissolved into another round of crying, and I let her get it out of her system. We had this routine down pat. Dana would cry, I would hold her, I would tell her what a bastard he was and that he didn't know what he was giving up (and thus saying without saying that I knew what he was giving up and was ready, anytime, to take up the slack...but that's part of the dynamics of the relationship...)

So we went through the script. Neither of us flubbed a line. Finally, all cried out, she asked, "What are your plans tonight?"

"I don't have any," I said.

"Oh, Good. I'd hate to be alone." It sort of annoyed me that she automatically assumed that I'd spend the night with her, but there wasn't much I could do about it now. So, we made dinner, ate it, did the dishes (just like in my fantasy,) and sat down to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on TBS. She loves that movie, and as usual, was in tears by the end. I must admit, I was also a little damp around the edges, and she knew it. I didn't care if she did or not.

We sat in silence, with her head on my chest as the credits rolled, and then the screen went to commercial.

We started talking about Jimmy Stuart, and what a great actor he was, always playing sweet, warm, sensitive men.

"Now why can't I meet someone like that?" Dana complained. "Someone kind and sweet and warm and funny and sensitive?" I'd heard this perhaps a thousand times before, and each time had kept silent. My arm was around her shoulder, and my hand reflexively closed, gripping her tightly, so great was my sudden anger.

Keeping my voice even so as not to let on, I finally said what I'd been waiting to say for as long as I can remember. "Yeah, it must be pretty tough to find someone like that. I mean, someone so funny that you can just call them on the phone whenever you're sad and he'll cheer you up. Someone so warm that whenever something happens to him, either good or bad, the first thing he wants to do is call you and share it with you. It's so hard to find someone sensitive, someone who cries at the end of "Wonderful Life." Someone so sweet that they write poetry to you for your birthday." I had done all of those things, and I knew she knew it. Sarcastically, I added, "Yeah...must be real tough finding someone like that."

She didn't say a word. I dropped my hand from her shoulder and walked into the kitchen to get another beer. I was disgusted with myself for finally saying it...at ten to midnight on Christmas Eve.

"Oh!" Dana said, sitting up. "Your present! I almost forgot!" She ran into her bedroom and returned with a box. It had polka-dotted wrapping paper and looked like a huge dice. (die?) I took it and opeened it carefully, smiling at her.

I pulled out a coffee mug. It said "Bestest Best Friend" on it. I exclaimed that it was just what I needed, and that I loved her for the sentiment. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at me with shiny eyes. I told her I'd be right back, and retireved my present from my car.

Suddenely, I was scared. She was going to freak. I knew it.

I handed her the box and watched carefully as she opened it, ready with an excuse or an explination as soon as she saw it and went ballistic.

Amazingly enough, that didn't happen. She read the card and smiled at me. (I'm sure that I'd have to explain it to her later...she was never a Shakespeare fan...) Then she folded back the tissue paper and saw what it was. Squealing, she lifted it by the straps and held it in front of her.

"It's gorgeous," she breathed. "And my favorite color!" (Actually, her favorite color is forest green, not emrald green, but I wasn't going to correct her at this point.) She suddenely leaned over and kissed me straight on the lips.

Let me make something clear at this point. The entirity of our physical contact over the past six years had been two wonderful hugs, some slow dancing at a mutual friend's wedding, several kisses on cheeks here and there... and this kiss.

It was over in an instant, but it was an instant that would be burned into my mind forever.

She jumped up and ran into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I knew that she was trying it on, and I wondered if she remembered what I'd said about giving her sexy clothing. I turned my attention to the TV and tried hard not to imagine Dana stripping her clothes off to try this new present on. I flipped around and found some chior singing "Joy To The World" on cable and watched the sopranos reaching for those high notes. My mind began to drift and fantasize, and in my dream I imagined us married, on Christmas morning, watching our children opening presents and giggling, me standing behind Dana, my arms around her waist, the both of us in comfortable, fuzzy bathrobes as we watched our prodigy open their gifts. I got lost in that comfortable fantasy, turning it over and over, looking at it from different angles, the way a film director might, looking for the best shot.

And then, as always, that sad little tug at my heart as the fantasy machine ran out of steam and told me that it would never be, that I was chasing rainbows again, that I should be happy with things the way they stood, and that I should find someone to love, someone that would love me as much as I loved Dana.

The idea that there might actually be someone like that was, of course, ludicrious.

Snorting to myself, I changed the channel to HBO. "Ghost" was playing, and I watched Demi Moore and Patrick whathisname make slow love after smearing clay over each other. That closeness, that physical intimacy that was made so much better by the already-established emotional intimacy made me teary eyed. And as always, when I watched two characters in love kiss on screen, I felt like I was having a heart attack. This little pain starts in the middle of my chest, about heart-high, and then makes a sharp left and descends...and then slowly fades away. I'm not sure what that is, but I feel it. The most intense I ever felt it was when I saw Dana kissing her boyfriend in the mall. She didn't see me, didn't know I was there, and I watched them osculate hungrily, tongues meeting to play on that silken field, and I wanted to kill that man with my bare hands.

I heard the door open behind me, and I noticed the clock on the VCR. It was 12:30am...Christmas Morning. Dana had been in her bedroom for forty minutes. I wondered if she'd brought Glow Worm out to play.

"Ghost is on," I said, without looking. I knew that it was one of her favorite movies. There was no response, and I detected that she was standing in the doorway to her bedroom. Curious, I looked over my shoulder and felt my heart sieze and the breath lock in my chest.

Dana was standing in the doorway, leaning against one arm held above her head, all her weight on one leg, the other bent slightly and held forward of the other...a model's pose. And she was modeling my teddy.

"Like it?" she said. Her voice was a husky, deep- throated whisper. I was speechless. I nodded softly. "I remembered what you said a few years ago...about not giving me anything you couldn't see me in. And then I remembered what I said tonight about looking for a nice guy. And then I finally listened to what you had to say, Rick. I really heard you this time."

Still speechless, all I did was nod.

"C'mere," she said, softer still. I stared at her, my mouth dropping open. Surely, she couldn't mean...could she? My question and prayers were both answered when she crooked her finger at me.

On shaking legs I stood and walked to her. She dropped the arm that had been on the jamp and let it fall on my shoulder. She curled her fingers, and she was suddenely scratching the back of my neck lazily, as one might scratch a cat behind the ears. Believe me, if I could have, I would have purred. Her touch on my skin, this first electrical, sexual touch sent bolts of passion shooting through my body. I wanted so desperately to feel and smell and taste every inch of her that I shook with desire.

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Return To The Office

I headed for my office in a hurry. It was a Friday evening and I needed my laptop for the weekend. The time was about 7 o'clock and I was on my way back from the latest trendy wine bar, where a few colleagues and myself had retired to, come the end of our usual hectic day. As the bar was only a few hundred yards from the office, I'd decided to leave my car in the office car park and my laptop in the security of my locked desk. Once inside our glass fronted building I was walking past a...

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Party Time the Prep

“That’s the way you’re going to Barry’s surprise party---tiny jean shorts and a loose, cropped tank top? Finally going to fulfill his longtime wish to meet the girls?” “I’ve caught him peeking down or up my shirts before. I think he met the girls already. Hmm, maybe I should tease him more!” Sue abruptly ran back to our room to change. She returned in a thin, sleeveless Victorian blouse with a high, frilly neck which reached her chin. “This better?” she scoffed. “I’m sure he’ll ‘love’ it....

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BBC seductions of a hotwife at the dance club

I have to say when you are a dom master bbc stud like me it truly is like taking candy when you can have a night out at the club scene and by nights end have some discreet married white female discovering ther first taste of bbc....well this little black cock tale is a gem of real life events I had when I went out with buddy at this hot spot dance club in LA last summer when I was there visiting from Nor Cal...this club was really cool and banging cus most of the people in there was over 30 and...

4 years ago
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Tupperware Meeting

Tupperware Meeting By Gini Lane Shortly after our little tryst on the hallway floor, I found myself again in the kitchen making tea for Bobby. As I stood at the counter, waiting for the kettle to boil, it was difficult not to look at him. He made such a pretty picture, really very cute. I had to resist the urge to cast more than the most discrete of glances. Each time I dared, Bobby appeared the same; so much so that the pretty image remains with me: Bobby at the table in his lovely...

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The new Mistress

Luna opened the front door with the keys that her best friend Celine gave her. Celine’s mother wasn’t feeling that great and concerned Celine decided to leave her home for two weeks while asking Luna to take care of her twin daughters aged five and make sure her husband was okay. But Luna wanted to make sure that Carl was more than okay and most of all, that he didn’t miss Celine’s absence at all… she got in.. ‘’what a nice house’’ she thought… ‘’Celine doesn’t have the right to be so happy!’’...

4 years ago
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Wet n Wild part 2

Cont..I need that black swollen dick in mtYy mouth. Sliding down to my knees and grasping his thick thighs i lick his nuts, sucking each for a moment and hear him release a moan of pleasure. The thick base of his hard dick throbs for my tongue and i willingly lick all around before sliding the plump head into my mouth. Mmmm, I humm as I suck and slurp his huge cock. He must really enjoy my blowjob because his hands have grabbed the back of my head and I am taking more of his shaft deeper and...

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A Typical Woman

A TYPICAL WOMAN! By Sylvia Who? 1. A TYPICAL WOMAN! "CLANG": For the fifth time in the past ten minutes my high heel missed the clutch as I steered my wife's Jaguar into our secluded drive and for a moment was unnerved by the jarring 'crunch' of gears. - "Typical woman" I tittered to myself as I slid the car to a noisy halt on the gravel outside the front door and thankfully switched off the engine at the end of my ordeal, trying to control the rising tide of elation at having...

4 years ago
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A Fetish 4 Chyna Solacious 2

I was surprised to hear her voice on the other side of the line when I answered my phone. Chyna usually called and came through on the weekends and to get a call from her on a Monday meant she either ran out of weed and was in the neighborhood picking some up, or she just wanted to get laid, in either case, I get laid so I was more than happy to hear from her.she asked me to meet her in the east village because she wanted to treat me to a “surprise” meal as she called it. but the address wasn’t...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 13 The Good The Bad And The

We walked out of the square hand in hand, turned right and were crossing over a small laneway when a hand pulled me into the small dead-end street. A knee to my groin doubled me up and one to my head put me flat on my back. Then I heard Vikki scream as I was kicked twice in the ribs in quick succession. Then lastly I heard a slap in the face and an angry voice apparently talking to Vikki. "Somebody has to remind you cunt! Your still Rick Mason's girl until he says otherwise." Just then...

4 years ago
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Mixed Gender Prison

Well you did it didn't you. You had to go and do that stupid shit and get arrested. You shouldn't known that asshole on your crew was a rat. He always acted strange. Then the bank job went wrong and your own your way to jail for life cause you shot a cop. You should count yourself lucky you didn't get the death penalty. Although you don't know how long you'll last as a young....

Group Sex
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A Loser Rebounds Ch 16

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and every woman, even the elderly, eyed by Andy appeared to have big breasts and long legs. He knew this was not so, that he was just horny and Addison was uncomfortable in her final stages of pregnancy and kept pushing him away. Andy was trudging through the city on a quest for his wife: Addison wanted him to buy some crème brulee. He’d said no one sells that, he’d buy custard and mix some super thick cream into it but she began to cry and alleged...

4 years ago
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Santas Little Helper

Introduction: Santa has found himself on the naughty list this year. Santas Little Helper ****************************************************************** Proofed and edited by Brootforce ****************************************************************** It was that time of year again, time to get the suit out of mothballs and dry cleaned, Nick thought to his self. He headed up the rickety stairs toward the attic, pushing the cobwebs out of his way. He reached the door and rattled the...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 13

"So, how was the water," the young man asked me. He saw my curious look. "I saw you pull up on the Captain America bike. I watched you go down to the the surf and walk in. Obviously it was the end of a journey. Of course I don't know how far the journey was." The young man sitting on the bench suggested. "All the way from the east coast, and the water was fine." I said it smiling over the top of my coffee cup. I was finished and happy to be done with the road trip. 33 days is a long...

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BDSM Remember the Leatherpartys COC Amster

Ok, my attempt to write a story, i decided to dig up one of my true adventures. Meaning, this story is mainly true. Memory might have failed me now and then, but the storyline remains the same. It's not so much about the sex, it's more the psychological part of BDSM, the "Mind Game" and to be more exact, how i experienced getting introduced to BDSM. Remember the Leatherparty's COC Amsterdam ?It was quite a few years ago, i was quite a brat then, those where the day's of my first bold steps in...

3 years ago
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Kimberlys Gangbang WeekendChapter 4 Sunday Afternoon

Kimberly awoke once again from a deep and refreshing sleep. Her body had fully recovered from her exertions of the night before. Her cunt and ass seemed hardly the worse for wear, she had seeped so much cum juice neither of her holes were rubbed raw. As she lay in bed recalling the events of the previous day and night her pussy began to get wet yet again. The images her memories conjured up caused her to reach her fingers down to her clit, where she began to rub it with her right index...

3 years ago
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Begging to Stop

Introduction: A POV story of a rape fantasy I wrote between me and my partner I havent been living here long, about three months. I finally saved enough money to get a place so I could move out of Mom and Dads. Youve seen me around before. You come in to the restaurant a lot, and order beer and wings. Youve always noticed my youthful face, and my curvy shape. You have a tendency to stare at my chest each time I leaned down to set your beer on the table. You had wanted to feel my cunt for a...

1 year ago
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They Never Knew

The sound of people talking and running around boomed threw-out the campus...."Hey"called out a voice from behind him. "Hey,Trevor" "whats up?" answered Jordan "Nothing really but where were u today I was looking all over campus?" Jordan hadn't heard a thing Trevor said considering he was lost in thought about Trevor. Trevor was a 20 year old white male with about 4 inch spiky blond hair with hazil eyes,was about 5'8 and a smile that make Jordan want to take him then and there right now."Huh?"....

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil 8211 Part 13

Hi guys.Back to you is deepthi and I am very happy to receive your comments and feedbacks on my previous stories. Thanks a lot for your support. Well going to the story straight without wasting your time… Few months passed and I had few sexual experiences with my friends and with my dad too. But I was just having a feeling to do public activities as like Shyam did to me. It had been like three months since that happened to me which completely changed my life. But I never know that luck was on...

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

I knocked on the door. I was so looking forward to the next six weeks. I was staying with my Aunt and my cousins over the summer break from University. My cousin Holly opened the door, smiled, and held her finger to her lips. I said nothing.   “Hi Emma” she said loudly.   She looked gorgeous. Her black hair flowing down her shoulders, her black sleeveless t-shirt showing her bare midriff, black bra straps showing, and her red mini skirt. It took my breath away. We were both...

2 years ago
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Bed Breakfast and Sex Ch 08

The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully. Most of the tenants were gone until Sunday evening, when they straggled back in and prepared for another week of school. Danny Kaiser, much to Louise’s surprise, would hardly make eye contact when he came in on Sunday afternoon. Louise felt a vague unease, but chalked it up to a little lingering guilt. Her other male guests, however, were different. Although they were discreet, it was not unusual for Lonnie or Mark or even Jeremy to give Louise’s...

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The Indian restaurant had closed for the evening, the streets were deserted except for Steve and his girlfriend both were 16 and members of a street gang were racists and hated and watching the restaurant, Steve said come on their gone, Kim followed him as he went to the back of the restaurant and watched as he forced a window and climbed in closely followed by Kim, Steve put a light on looked at Kim said ” see empty” they heard a noise Steve said ” fuck their back run for it” Steve ran for the...

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Fucked Mother in law

Hi! I am Harish from Thane. 28 years. Married for 4 years. Have 1 child. My sex life with my wife is simply not fantastic. We have been having sex whenever we want to. She is 22. She has good structure. So I wanted to have sex with some one elder to me and with massive structure. This is a big story. Please read it and definitely all of you will enjoy it. my thoughts went to my mother-in-law who is 40years old. Still had wonderful structure. Her bra size was 34D and had huuuggge buttocks. I...

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My dream Woman

Mai Pooja ko hamesha parties ya kisi shaadi ke functions me hi dekha tha. Pooja samaaj ki ek mani hui hasti thi. Kamyab business woman hone ke alawa wo samajik karyakarta bhi thi. Aksar uske kisi na kisi samajik karya ke liye charchit rahati the. Pooja ka akarshak vyaktitva aur uska sunder badan kisi bhi mard ko uski taraf aakarshit kar sakta tha. Ek function mai mujhe uske bagal me baithne ka mauka mila. Mai usse baat karna chahta tha par aisa hua nahi, use kisi charity function me jana tha...

3 years ago
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Anything For Love

Anything for Love By Heather St. Claire As I begin this story, it's a late Saturday afternoon. I'm sitting in my study in our cozy home in a small northern California coastal town. It's hard to focus on the computer, because this alcove commands a wonderful, if slightly distant, view of the Pacific Ocean. But I'm bringing all my powers of concentration to bear on this, because I feel compelled to set down the tale of my remarkable journey. Right now, I'm filled with a sense of...

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Maxi Discovers Viagra

Maxi stepped into the back yard where I was setting up a water slide because my friends were coming over to mess around in the summer heat. I was trying to set up the slide so we could run then belly flop down the chute into our swimming pool, “Hey Pete, guess what I found in the bathroom.” I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she fired back “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the faucet “What do...

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Bathroom Sex

So here I was at a new school, lost and confused, just wanting to go home. Everyone was snotty and materialistic so I had no friends. Every day I would have to rush through each class, follow people around, be ignored, and eat alone at an isolated table. All I wanted was to make friends, but it seemed nearly impossible, so I stopped trying. One day, everything changed. I met the most beautiful girl and I knew I was being stupid for falling in love with those dark-blue eyes as they gazed upon...

First Time
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A Warm Shower

I walk in the door and toss my keys onto the side table.  You’re not home and I have the house to myself.  All I want to do is take a long hot shower.  Usually, you just hose me off in the yard.  The water is always freezing cold and you make a point of spraying me in the face often as you are hose down my ass and cunt.  I put up with it because I have no choice.   You love to take the nozzle and shove into my cunt or ass or both; the cold water filling me, rinsing me out.  You claim that you...

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GoldChapter 24

Roy was staying in the hanger. Art had said he didn't think it was even safe to cross the river at the ford and that we should expect a flood at anytime now. Roy offered to take a flight up the river, but Art vetoed this idea. He was afraid we may have some bad guys living up that way and there is no need to advertise our presence. I had to agree with him, besides, even if we knew what the river was doing, there was nothing we could do about it. Saturday: This morning we received a call...

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Hotel sissy slur blowbang

So....about 3 or 4 months ago i met a guy in chatropolis. In the 'showoffs with webcam room' ill call him tom as im not sure he and his friends would want me using real names on the web. We talked and flirted for bout an hour. I have to get pretty horny to cam for a guy. He was totally into the kinda stuff that gets me off (sissy humiliation and cum eating) so eventually i cammed for him he watched me dress up girly, toy my ass and finally blow my sissy load into my cum cup before guzzling it...

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BadTeensPunished Gina Valentina Not In My House

Naughty teen Gina Valentina is caught sneaking around with her boyfriend. Her stepdad Charles Dera walks in on her right as she’s about to go to work on her boyfriend’s dick with those soft puffy lips of hers. Charles decides to punish the couple by breaking up their party and demonstrating that his home is all about his cock. Urging Gina’s boyfriend to sit down, Charles ties him up and then does the same with Gina. Bending Gina over his knee, Charles delivers a rump reddening...

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Making Mom

This is a true story but for more securty purpose I have changed the name and place of story. Enjoy and mail me at Thanku..This tale of my incestuous relationship with my mother differs in two ways from most incest stories on this site. First, this story is true. Whether the reader chooses to believe it isn’t my business. Secondly, mine is not a tale of some teenager with a big cock (?) And a mother that swoons as soon as she sees it. Rather, this is the account of how I seduced my mother when...

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Ed BiggersChapter 6

It seemed like forever before the shooting stopped and the state police moved in to make the arrests. Standing up after the action was over, Ed said, “I wonder where our two FBI agents are?” Howard pointed down the road to where the two agents were standing up from behind their car. With a grin, he said, “They were out of their car before we were.” About to say something to Albert, Ed turned to where he thought the Ranger was standing only to find the spot empty. Across the road, Albert was...

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