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Shopping for her that Christmas had become quite a problem. She was my best friend, and in a perfect world, we'd be dating. But as anyone can tell you with a quick look around...this world ain't perfect. I lusted after Dana with the lust only the truly infatuated and completely unsatisfied can. If I were to open my personal mental dictionary and look up the word 'perfection', Dana's smiling face would be staring right back at me.

And, if you listened to her personal definition of 'perfect man,' I fit the bill completely...except for one crucial detail. She wanted someone "Funny, warm, sensitive, caring, not afraid to show his emotions..." And then, always, she would add, to my chagrin, "...oh, and sexually attractive."

Well, if you haven't guessed by now in which catageory I'm deficient in, let's just say that I am funny, warm, sensitive, caring and not afraid to show his emotions. GET THE PICTURE? What I did have was an absolutely undying love for this woman, a love that was fueled by lots of late-night and early-morning fantasies. She once asked me if I fantasized about 'us,' and if so, what were my fantasies.

I told her quite honestly that I did have sexual fantasies about her, but in the overall scheme of things, that was only about one-tenth of the total fantasy/sex content ratio. The rest of the time, it was about dumb, romantic things like walking down the beach hand in hand, having dinner in some classy resturant together, doing the dishes together, having people over to 'our' apartment... dumb, adolescent stuff like that, stuff I craved with every fiber and nerve ending of my being. And I knew with the deepest, most moral and emotional certainity that if we ever did get together, she would be popping her head against a brick wall for taking so damn long.

I'm one of those guys who's always on the outside looking in; a little smarter than the rest of the people around me, a little funnier, a little more 'hip', in a weird, Nick-at-night kind of way. When it came to answering the questions on Jeporady!, I had no equal. When it came to playing Trivial Pursuit, everyone wanted to be on my team. When a female friend bought a new VCR and had no idea how to program it or get cable channels, they always, invariably called me. Manual? Who needed a manual? I'd scoot down in front of it, pushing my glasses back up my nose as I instantly decoded what the problem was and fixed it. If it was electronic and had some way of interfacing with the world, I could figure it out.

It was the flesh and blood computers, the one with the two large disk drives in front and the core memory underneath that I could never reverse-engineer and decode. They spoke in a language as forigen to me as binary is to most people. I swear to God, if I heard the "Let's Just Be Friends," speech one more time, I was going to kill something.

But Dana was different. She knew on some private mental plane that I was hopelessly in love with her, but didn't make me feel bad about it, didn't ridicule me about it. She rejected my affections without making me feel bad, and in my own private hell, that earned her high marks. So we remained friends, good friends, the kind of friend that will call you last thing at night and first thing in the morning...just to talk. Just to hear the sound of each other's voice, the sound of each other's laughter coming over the line. We had private jokes, inside little comments that we threw back and forth like a personal, private code that only we could understand.

If it were possible to have a love affair without the sex, Dana and I did. We were closer than most boyfriends and girlfriends, and we revelled in it.

But, as with all things of this nature, there were invisible lines drawn, unspoken but understood limits that we could never cross. Or, actually, that I could never cross. You see, it was somehow OK for her to call me and tell me about her latest boyfriend and what a stud he was between the sheets, and how he treated her like a queen. But it was not ok for me to talk about the women in my life (what few there were...) because that hurt her feelings. I know, this sounds incredibly masochistic, but those were the rules, and I stood by them and tried to quell the little flutter in my heart and the twisting knot of agonizing pain in my gut I felt every time Dana started dating someone new. That's not even mentioning the times I'd call her first thing in the morning and some man's voice would answer. Those times absolutely fucking sucked.

Or the times she would regale with me tales of her sexual activity. Like the time she and one boyfriend flooded out the bathroom because of some bathtub gymnastics. Or the weekend she spent in front of a fireplace with another guy, twisting their bodies into impossible positions for hours on end.

I know.

Love's a bitch.

So here I was, Christmas shopping for the most important woman in my life, and there were still rules I had to follow: Nothing too personal. Nothing even vaguely sexual. Safe things, like sweaters and books and videos. Possibly a CD or two. But nothing personal, private... nothing that she could cherish and treasure for the rest of her life as having come from my hands and heart.

Oh, sure, I'd broken the rule once or twice. Like the time I sent her a vibrator as a joke. She told me that there was a dearth of male action twixt her sheets, and I helped her out with this glow-in-the-dark, plug-into-the- wall latex vibrator that was huge. She loved it, and we nicknamed it "Glow Worm."

I'd given her a priceless Japaneese porcelin mask to hang on her bedroom wall. It'd cost me almost six hundred dollars. It was a birthday present. You know what she gave me that year?

A keychain.

In the shape of a guitar.

I don't even play guitar!

So, anyway, being the miserable, self-abusing asshole that I am, I was shopping for Christmas and trying to figure out what to get her. The mall had shown me everything it had, and I had one of two reactions to every possible gift:

Reaction #1 : Not personal enough.

Reaction #2 : Too personal.

I hate Christmas. What did I have to look forward to? My parents were long since dead, my sister had her own thing going with a husband and two kids and her husband's entire family. She'd made it more than clear that as long as I sent her a check every month, she'd be happy if I stayed away. My brother was off in some far-away country with the Navy SEALs, and so was not going to be celebrating Christmas this year, unless it was to stick a Bowie knife in his mouth, sneak up and slit the throat of some unsuspecting guard somewhere. Dana was spending it with her new boyfriend, Ralph.

He was ten years younger and looked like a male model, and if you could believe Dana, had this thing between his legs that would make Mr. Ed hang his head in shame. So much for my Christmas Eve.

Anyway, I was passing through the lingere department when something inside me snapped. I wasn't going to be sorry for my feelings anymore. I was going to give this fucking woman a real gift, a gift from the heart. Something classy and sexy at the same time, something beautiful and precious and wonderful, just like the way I saw her.

I spoke to a salesclerk and explained what I was looking for. She smiled at me and asked Dana's size. I had all that information in my address book, under "D." I read off all of Dana's measurements, obtained by going through her closet when she was in the bathroom. (It always amazed Dana that I managed to get everything right without asking...hehe...)

She brought it out and wrapped it in front of me. It was a teddy, emrald green with black lace trimming. I'd seen it on a mannaquin, and knew immediately that Dana's long curly blonde hair and sea-foam blue-green eyes would do that outfit justice. A little part of me was sad that I'd never get to see her in it. A couple of years ago I was planning to get her another present along those lines, and she somehow found out about it and was kidding me on the phone.

"Hey," I'd said, "I won't buy you anything I don't get to see you in." And that had been the end of it; she hadn't had a response to that statement.

But this time it was different. I asked the salesclerk for a small card, like the one you send with flowers. I thought for a moment, and then remembered a little ditty from Willy Shakespeare:

"To me, fair friend, you never can be old

For as you were when first your eye I eyed,

Such seems your beauty still."

I wrote it on the card and taped it to the outside of the box. It was three days to Christmas, and I planned to drop it off at her apartment that night. But I got paged by work, and had to go in and rewrite some system utilities, and that turned into a forty-hour programming marathon. It was Christmas Eve, about noon, when I finally emerged from my office and told me secretary that I was calling it a night.

I walked in the door to a ringing telephone.


"Rick!" The voice was Dana, and she was crying.

"What's the matter, honey?"

"That bastard Ralph! He broke up with me today!" She started crying again, long wracking sobs that tugged at my heart and made me wish evil things to happen to Ralph. Things involving anthills and honey.

"I'll be right over," I said, and hung up. The drive to Dana's apartment took six minutes. I walked in, as I always did when I knew she was alone, and found her on the couch, feet curled under her, crying into her hands. I went to her, sat on the couch, and gathered her shaking form into my arms, doing my wonderful best friend/dutch uncle/good buddy routine.

She felt wonderful in my arms, like she belonged there. I was just over six feet, and Dana stood five-nine. Five-eleven in heels, so when we danced on those rare occassions, her head fit wonderfully on my shoulder. I chased those thoughts out of my head as I stroked her back.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"He c-c-called me, and t-t-t-told me that he d-d-d- didn't w-w-want to s-s-s-see me anym-m-m-more," she sobbed. "He s-s-said that he m-m-met someone else!" She dissolved into another round of crying, and I let her get it out of her system. We had this routine down pat. Dana would cry, I would hold her, I would tell her what a bastard he was and that he didn't know what he was giving up (and thus saying without saying that I knew what he was giving up and was ready, anytime, to take up the slack...but that's part of the dynamics of the relationship...)

So we went through the script. Neither of us flubbed a line. Finally, all cried out, she asked, "What are your plans tonight?"

"I don't have any," I said.

"Oh, Good. I'd hate to be alone." It sort of annoyed me that she automatically assumed that I'd spend the night with her, but there wasn't much I could do about it now. So, we made dinner, ate it, did the dishes (just like in my fantasy,) and sat down to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on TBS. She loves that movie, and as usual, was in tears by the end. I must admit, I was also a little damp around the edges, and she knew it. I didn't care if she did or not.

We sat in silence, with her head on my chest as the credits rolled, and then the screen went to commercial.

We started talking about Jimmy Stuart, and what a great actor he was, always playing sweet, warm, sensitive men.

"Now why can't I meet someone like that?" Dana complained. "Someone kind and sweet and warm and funny and sensitive?" I'd heard this perhaps a thousand times before, and each time had kept silent. My arm was around her shoulder, and my hand reflexively closed, gripping her tightly, so great was my sudden anger.

Keeping my voice even so as not to let on, I finally said what I'd been waiting to say for as long as I can remember. "Yeah, it must be pretty tough to find someone like that. I mean, someone so funny that you can just call them on the phone whenever you're sad and he'll cheer you up. Someone so warm that whenever something happens to him, either good or bad, the first thing he wants to do is call you and share it with you. It's so hard to find someone sensitive, someone who cries at the end of "Wonderful Life." Someone so sweet that they write poetry to you for your birthday." I had done all of those things, and I knew she knew it. Sarcastically, I added, "Yeah...must be real tough finding someone like that."

She didn't say a word. I dropped my hand from her shoulder and walked into the kitchen to get another beer. I was disgusted with myself for finally saying it...at ten to midnight on Christmas Eve.

"Oh!" Dana said, sitting up. "Your present! I almost forgot!" She ran into her bedroom and returned with a box. It had polka-dotted wrapping paper and looked like a huge dice. (die?) I took it and opeened it carefully, smiling at her.

I pulled out a coffee mug. It said "Bestest Best Friend" on it. I exclaimed that it was just what I needed, and that I loved her for the sentiment. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at me with shiny eyes. I told her I'd be right back, and retireved my present from my car.

Suddenely, I was scared. She was going to freak. I knew it.

I handed her the box and watched carefully as she opened it, ready with an excuse or an explination as soon as she saw it and went ballistic.

Amazingly enough, that didn't happen. She read the card and smiled at me. (I'm sure that I'd have to explain it to her later...she was never a Shakespeare fan...) Then she folded back the tissue paper and saw what it was. Squealing, she lifted it by the straps and held it in front of her.

"It's gorgeous," she breathed. "And my favorite color!" (Actually, her favorite color is forest green, not emrald green, but I wasn't going to correct her at this point.) She suddenely leaned over and kissed me straight on the lips.

Let me make something clear at this point. The entirity of our physical contact over the past six years had been two wonderful hugs, some slow dancing at a mutual friend's wedding, several kisses on cheeks here and there... and this kiss.

It was over in an instant, but it was an instant that would be burned into my mind forever.

She jumped up and ran into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I knew that she was trying it on, and I wondered if she remembered what I'd said about giving her sexy clothing. I turned my attention to the TV and tried hard not to imagine Dana stripping her clothes off to try this new present on. I flipped around and found some chior singing "Joy To The World" on cable and watched the sopranos reaching for those high notes. My mind began to drift and fantasize, and in my dream I imagined us married, on Christmas morning, watching our children opening presents and giggling, me standing behind Dana, my arms around her waist, the both of us in comfortable, fuzzy bathrobes as we watched our prodigy open their gifts. I got lost in that comfortable fantasy, turning it over and over, looking at it from different angles, the way a film director might, looking for the best shot.

And then, as always, that sad little tug at my heart as the fantasy machine ran out of steam and told me that it would never be, that I was chasing rainbows again, that I should be happy with things the way they stood, and that I should find someone to love, someone that would love me as much as I loved Dana.

The idea that there might actually be someone like that was, of course, ludicrious.

Snorting to myself, I changed the channel to HBO. "Ghost" was playing, and I watched Demi Moore and Patrick whathisname make slow love after smearing clay over each other. That closeness, that physical intimacy that was made so much better by the already-established emotional intimacy made me teary eyed. And as always, when I watched two characters in love kiss on screen, I felt like I was having a heart attack. This little pain starts in the middle of my chest, about heart-high, and then makes a sharp left and descends...and then slowly fades away. I'm not sure what that is, but I feel it. The most intense I ever felt it was when I saw Dana kissing her boyfriend in the mall. She didn't see me, didn't know I was there, and I watched them osculate hungrily, tongues meeting to play on that silken field, and I wanted to kill that man with my bare hands.

I heard the door open behind me, and I noticed the clock on the VCR. It was 12:30am...Christmas Morning. Dana had been in her bedroom for forty minutes. I wondered if she'd brought Glow Worm out to play.

"Ghost is on," I said, without looking. I knew that it was one of her favorite movies. There was no response, and I detected that she was standing in the doorway to her bedroom. Curious, I looked over my shoulder and felt my heart sieze and the breath lock in my chest.

Dana was standing in the doorway, leaning against one arm held above her head, all her weight on one leg, the other bent slightly and held forward of the other...a model's pose. And she was modeling my teddy.

"Like it?" she said. Her voice was a husky, deep- throated whisper. I was speechless. I nodded softly. "I remembered what you said a few years ago...about not giving me anything you couldn't see me in. And then I remembered what I said tonight about looking for a nice guy. And then I finally listened to what you had to say, Rick. I really heard you this time."

Still speechless, all I did was nod.

"C'mere," she said, softer still. I stared at her, my mouth dropping open. Surely, she couldn't mean...could she? My question and prayers were both answered when she crooked her finger at me.

On shaking legs I stood and walked to her. She dropped the arm that had been on the jamp and let it fall on my shoulder. She curled her fingers, and she was suddenely scratching the back of my neck lazily, as one might scratch a cat behind the ears. Believe me, if I could have, I would have purred. Her touch on my skin, this first electrical, sexual touch sent bolts of passion shooting through my body. I wanted so desperately to feel and smell and taste every inch of her that I shook with desire.

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Trish was a red-headed Irish beauty, complete with creamy skin lightly marked with tiny, sexy freckles and deep beautiful green eyes. Being her roommate I saw her naked often enough (well not really enough for my taste, but keep reading) so I knew that she had perfect sweet firm breasts that were also adorned with sweet tiny freckles. Her pussy was covered with a lush patch of red hair. Her butt was round, firm and so very sweet that you just wanted to reach out and grab a handful. She was also...

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Sexy Servant Me

I am Rohit. 27 yrs old, doing own business. I am a Keralaite. This is a real story happened between me and my servant. I was 20 at that time studying for Engineering. We were having a servant at our home, her name was Usha. 43 yrs. She was fair with figure 36-30-34, she always wears saree and looks stunning and sexy. One could see her navel easily as she wears her saree below navel. First I was normal and didn’t feel anything much. But as days passed along, I used to watch her coming and going,...

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GirlsWay Kristen Scott April Snow Thrill Her

Kristen Scott and her friend, April Snow, step inside of a dark, abandoned building together. Kristen is really into urban exploration and is the leader while April is much more timid and clings onto her. Since April is so cute and easy to scare, Kristen can’t help but to have a little fun… As they explore, April is so jumpy that it doesn’t take much for Kristen to get her going. When she pretends to hear or see something, April clings to her for dear life, believing that the...

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Tale of two mothers ch 9

"Ungggh! No, Henry, please stop fucking me! My son's going to come home! You don't want my son to catch you fucking me, do you?" "I don't care," Henry grunted. "Move your hot little ass, Mrs. Wayne!" They were in her bedroom now. Patty was on her back, naked, her long legs cocked high, her ankles bouncing on Henry's shoulders as he rammed his huge cock lance in and out of her cunt. It was late in the afternoon now, and Walter could come home at any time. Patty had...

2 years ago
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Maid Becomes Legal Guardian Fucks And Marrie

This is sidhu.I am going to share my life’s hearty experience.The life begin for me as an great tragedy at the age of 8.After being lost my parents in an car crash,I became very lonely at the very little age.Though my grandparents were very rich and took care of me very well,I felt the need for my mom and I was longing for my mom’s care.But at the right my grandpa appointed a servant maid to look after me and her name was lakshmi.At first I did not like her because I could not substitute...

4 years ago
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Getting Some Mommy PussyChapter 5

One episode with Emily hadn't been nearly enough to suit me nor her I could tell as she'd said goodbye and gone off down the hall to feed her newborn baby while I got dressed to leave her house that afternoon. I managed to get back around to Emily's again about three days later, and this time our sex session was much much hotter than the first had been. The first was in the "lusty quickie" style but this one went on for two hours and I could tell there was "a pregnancy's worth" of...

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Memorable Trip With Childhood Friend

Hello friends, hope you all are fine. My name is Sameer, I am doing a job now, I love reading sex stories. And I feel glad to read so many stories from the writers here. Please read this story and do comment and email me. My mail id is I am from Indore and completed my engineering. This sex story is about me and my best friend. Her name is Riya. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. We were childhood friends. We grew up together, played together and did all things together. Luckily...

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Sisters sleepover

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I lay there struggling to wake up for a few seconds before final reaching over and turning it off. I'm about to get up and go for a shower when i remember it's a Saturday. I don't have anything to do today, so i decide to lay in bed for a while longer. After staring at the ceiling for a while i let my mind wander. It wandered back to the last time i had a view like this, two nights ago, when my bodyfriend was over. I remember the feeling of him...

1 year ago
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Death by EMailChapter 1

-Gabbygirl- Glenn had just left with the young ones for some fishing at the park and Gabriella had feigned illness so she could be alone with Snuffher. She had read his story a half dozen times, but she couldn't wait to reach wetporn.orgy, Snuffher's own erotic story web site. As soon as the family car disappeared, she went up to the bedroom, stripped down to her bra and panties, and sat down at the computer. In her thirties, she still looked like twenty-something. Gabriella's ancestors...

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Private Ariana Van X Paola Hard Horny Hairdressers Enjoy Interracial Threesome

Ariana Van X and Paola Hard have both come to Private Specials, Happy Ending Hairdressers for their www.private.com debuts and after a rough patch with her man Jesús Reyes, Ariana is happy to spice things up as she calls in co-worker Paola for a helping hand. These two babes are the definition of sexy, one blonde, one brunette, a dream duo, and today the lucky Jesús will find out first hand as they treat him to some incredible deepthroat, tit fucking and pussy pounding action that has them both...

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Midnight Fun

We are slow dancing in my room. The music is soft, and the volume is low. I start to kiss, and gently bite your neck. You gasp, and move your body slightly closer towards mine. I can feel your hips against me as we sway in time with the music. You are wearing your tight boxers, and I’m dressed in nothing more than my panties and bra. You pull me closer to you as you lean down to kiss me. I feel my breasts press against your body, and I eagerly return your kiss. Our tongues meet, and commence a...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...

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Janets Unthinkable Sin

Introduction: I cannot believe I let this happen. I cannot believe I allowed my stepson into my bed. I can claim I was drunk, confused, depressed, lonely, or even out of my mind with lust, but there is no excuse for a stepmother doing what I did. I am not here to make excuses, or to claim that there is any excuse. There is none. But please as you read this, please do not condemn me until you understand the events that led up to me committing the one of the gravest of all sins: a sexual...

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Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone, which was in his coat pocket that was lying on one of the other kitchen chairs. As he got up from his chair to walk over to get his phone, he pushed through the protective plastic covering of the pills, extracted one pill and as he was about to place it into his month, he pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and, according to caller ID, it was her. Should he answer it? As he stared at the ringing cell phone he...

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The PlayChapter 3

Richard carried disassembled set panels to the freight elevator. The elevator reached the basement and he pulled open the door. Another student helped carry the materials. “There’s a cart of folding chairs to come down here,” Richard said. “Then I think we’re done. Trent wants to see everyone on-stage.” Richard stood beside Crystal on the now empty stage. Other Guild members joined them and their professor addressed them. “This was one of the best productions we have done,” he said. “All...

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Devils Island CH 14

Tina had arrived back at Master's quarters and was now enjoying time in the shower. Master had said nothing to her when she arrived back except get yourself cleaned up and presentable for dinner. Gina had gone into the bathroom to help Tina and to freshen up as well. "Things will be ok now Tina." Gina whispered. "No, they won't." Tina sobbed. "Trust me Tina. It will be ok. I can't say more now but you are sleeping here tonight and tomorrow you'll see." Gina was still...

2 years ago
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The Crucible of ManChapter 4 A Gift or a Curse

We had no choice now but to run. My Brothers and Sisters in the Ten Thousand would hunt us. I knew this for a fact. None of us had ever 'gone rogue' until now. I was the first, and I would assume, the only Setian to turn his back on our Holy Crusade. Not only had I turned my back on it, but I was now harboring their greatest enemy, protecting her from harm. Sharon was ready to go, having packed her bags. I had a list of safe houses that only I knew about where I would go to ground after a...

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A very very huge surprise

I had flown to Salt Lake City with a couple of colleagues, for another boring conference, of course. We were happy enough, because these conferences could be more interesting than an ordinary business trip.On the second night me and my friends were out for a few drinks.After a few beers in that local bar, we decided to hit a nightclub.Once there we took a table and I soon noticed a very sexy girl sitting at the bar. She was tall, with long dark hair, her round tits obviously fake but real nice....

3 years ago
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Das Geburtstagsgeschenk

Mein Vater hatte sich vor einigen Jahren abgesetzt und so wohnte ich mit meiner Mutter alleine. Unser Verhältnis war locker und offen. Als ich 18 war hatte ich mal wieder einen Freund. Er war schon 20 und ein strammer Bursche. Er übernachtete ab und zu bei uns und wir trieben es mitunter recht heftig. Meine Mutter war ja auch noch in den besten Jahren und hatte eine gute Figur. Ob sie Sex hatte weiß ich nicht. Mir ist nie was aufgefallen. Eines Tages sagte sie, „ihr seid ja ziemlich aktiv. Wenn...

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Boyfriend hump in office party

Hello, this is Isha again. Today I am going to narrate what happened in the New Year’s party. Well in our bank, New Year’s Eve is celebrated at the most exclusive party places in town. We normally book the whole place for the night and throw it open for our associates and their families. These events are often places where extra marital affairs start and young sexy girls like me often return from such parties minus our innerwear. The year I had joined the bank in that party my colleague Mithun...

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MyBabysittersClub Lily Jordan Hopeless Means Youre Fucked

Lilys mom is relying on her friend Aaron and the babysitters club to help straighten Lily out. She has been misbehaving/out of control and needs some structure in her life. Her first assignment is at Aarons house. He tries giving Lily a little pep talk, but shes the least interested person in the world. She might be hopeless, but watching Aarons children and house are her last shot to really prove herself. Lily is left by Aaron, and its all up to her now. Aaron arrives a few hours later, only...

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Mens Room Slut

The summer I turned 16, my mom got a second job and was almost never home. I started hanging out at a local park that was a wooded area. Lots of guys went fishing and some came for picnics. At the far end of the park was a men's room. It was actually more like a latrine. There was no internal plumbing. Just two toilets for taking a crap and a urinal. At one time, there was a divider between the urinal and the toilets which had long since been removed, so the guy sitting on the toilet near...

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End of Term

The end of the college term was always very much welcomed by the student's of Saint Philomena the Chaste's Catholic College. Their education was administered through strict corporal punishment even for the most minor of transgressions,so as the end of term approached many of the student's went a bit wild and attended some very raucous parties. The Nun's and Monk's of Saint Philomena's were aware of these naughty parties and were only too thankful for any information received which would lead to...

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My Wife Is Gang Banged On Our Honeymoon

By : Sultana1999 Hello readers you must have read my earlier stories “Arranged 4 studs for my Wife”. This story is prequel to that. If you like the stories send your comments on or or . My name is Sudhir from Delhi and my wife Rajshree. We were on our honeymoon in Goa. Two days ago we had got married and had our first night. On the first night itself I got a very strong feeling that not only Rajshree was not a virgin, she had been regularly fucking guys and quite often. She seemed to be very...

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The Shop Little Cherries Part 1

The day was scorching hot, with summer was just around the corner. He was drinking some lemonade he'd made in the small kitchen at the back of the store. Under the counter he had a couple of glasses ready to offer any girl that entered. Of course, he'd already spiced up the glasses with a very special assortment of natural drugs which drove sexual desire through the roof. It would work wonders on the already horny teens he'd plan to feed it too, especially if they caught an eyeful of his...

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The Diary of a whore

Now, we live from week to week in the trashiest part of town. The Ferrarri promised to me upon my sixteenth birthday is now a thing only of dreams as now my sixteenth birthday approaches and I will not even be able to afford a car at all. My mother has gotten a job at Save Mart to pay the bills, but that in no way, suffice to say, keeps us up to our normal standard. At fifteen, I strived to be more than my wildest dreams, but didn't know how. I have been told I am "hot" by male...

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My Private Camwhore

I never intended to become a blackmailer. I was only trying to protect my sister...at first. I always thought of myself as a good person but, when it came down to it, I couldn't resist temptation. It all started at a kind of a lonely time in my life. I'd never been that social in school, and college was proving no different. I didn't have many friends, and lately the one guy I could usually count on Kirk had been blowing me off with stupid excuses about stuff he had to do, so I was feeling...

2 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 82

Hawk’s morning began with an early flight to the proposed area where the power and desalinization plants were to be built. As they flew along the coast Hawk could see one of the reasons for this location was it was the closest spot to deep water. However, Hawk was concerned about its isolated location and its proximity to other countries. He was also alarmed about its vulnerability to an attack by Iran. Back at the palace the two men discussed some of these concerns, as well as the...

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Forced To Be Female Part 1

We got off the bus and went into receiving. We were given uniforms that unfortunately singles you out as being new. We were then marched out across the compound of 1800 prisoners during lunch, so everyone was in their perspective dorms. The cat calls and lude remarks that we were subjected to was terrifying. We were all brought to the same dorm. I thought this was great because we could stick together. I am going to jump back a little here to tell you what I was like. I was white, blonde, 18...

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indian woman on train

on my journey to work i have been seeing an indian woman most days she gets on the same train as me and stays on for around 5 stops as i have 8 stops for my journeyshe has a very voluptuous figure great set of huge tits thats what caught my eyes the first time i laid eyes on her she was wearin sunglases a black skirt and a cotton v-neck jumper her cleavage was on show and it was deep cleavage. The sight of her huge tits made her the most attractive woman to me in the world at the time as she...

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My girlfriends cunt is lubed with another guys cum

I've been dating my girlfriend for a couple of years now. We are in our third year of college. I knew she had slept around a lot before we started dating. It made me jealous but also turned me on. Sometimes when we fuck I make her tell me about fucking another guy. I make her tell me about their cocks and about a specific fuck she had with them. As soon as she starts telling me about them I can't help but cum. She had invited me over this afternoon because she 'wanted to talk'. I thought I was...

Cheating Wifes
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Milking Kim

Gary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact her name was Emily, but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. Then with his other hand he hooked a thumb toward the hallway that lead to his music studio. "Sheila, I wanted to show you the folio of Bach etudes I just got."My wife...

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David and Amanda

David and I had met in college, he was 4 years older than me, and an ex jock. I must admit back in high school I didn't think much of jocks, all the ones that flirted with me in classes were idiots, but David was different, he was not only handsome, being an even 6ft with brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a constant 5 o clock shadow, he was also smart and someone I could talk endlessly too about anything it seemed like. He also LOVED to tease me, that was his thing, to gross me out and tick me...


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