A Loser Rebounds Ch. 16 free porn video

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The sun was shining, the birds were singing and every woman, even the elderly, eyed by Andy appeared to have big breasts and long legs. He knew this was not so, that he was just horny and Addison was uncomfortable in her final stages of pregnancy and kept pushing him away.

Andy was trudging through the city on a quest for his wife: Addison wanted him to buy some crème brulee.

He’d said no one sells that, he’d buy custard and mix some super thick cream into it but she began to cry and alleged he was being mean to her and so he drop his Ph.D studies and walked the mile into the heart of Downtown muttering.

Andy saw a magnificent pair of tits approaching and when he finally lifted her eyes he recognized Maggie.

‘Hi how is it?’

Andy croaked, ‘It’s time.’

She smiled and said no it wasn’t, Addison still had another six weeks to go.

He eyed her like a guy coming out of a desert after three days and nights lost and without water.

‘Omigod you’re coming with me,’ she said, pulling out her phone and calling her office. She then said, ‘I’m taking you to mom’s house, they are away in Texas.’

‘Thanks,’ Andy said, feeling better already and hoping he’d be offered more than coffee.

Maggie stripped off in the lounge and watched as Andy stretched the elastic of his underpants to get it over his thick erection that was already higher than the top of his underpants.

Her eyes bulged and her right hand circled into cock-pulling mode and she trembled Dribble ran down the side of her mouth as she screamed ‘Omigod’ and rushed him.

They wrestled, hands moving frantically and they almost toppled to the floor, but Andy braced and they kept them balanced although their teeth clashed when their mouths searched for a kiss. They finally got a kiss going, breathing through their nostrils like horses ending a half-mile gallop.

Maggie pulled away, gasping for more air, face aflame, brow already sweating and she croaked, ‘Be not afraid, grab pussy.’

Andy slapped a hand against the bald beauty and there was an immediate slurp because she was leaking. He pushed three fingers at the opening and apart from Maggi’s bit of a yelp, they slid in like a cartridge into a firing chamber.

‘Do you want it?’ he growled like a randy wolf arriving out of exile from the timberland.

‘Oh yes, yes, yes,’ she said, slobbering kisses deep into his neck.

He slurred, ‘Condom?’

‘Fuck waiting for a condom, give me all you’ve got. I’m protected.’

Andy dropped her to the floor and that’s what he did, gave her all he had, banging against her groin in heavy passionate bangs that had her releasing every three or four minutes until, sweat dripping down both of them, he grabbed both her tits and pushing up and bending his back he yelled ‘Cunts are the most under-rated thing in the world’ and erupted in big deliveries of semen into her depths.

Panting heavily, Maggie said, ‘God that was awesome. I better get back to the office.’

‘Just a minute, I’m still revved up,’ said her best friend’s husband.

Andy flipped her over, pulled her back to him by her hips and plowed into her doggie, squeezing her tits and enjoyed the encouragement he received from her mouthing an endless string of obscenities.

As Maggie drove him back toward her office she said, ‘I haven’t been fucked like that since a couple of New Year’s Eve gang splashes ten and eleven years ago. I can meet you again on Friday lunchtime.

‘Fine. You’re a great fuck Maggie. I knew you would be.’

He then remembered his reason for coming Downtown.

‘My reason for coming Downtown was to buy crème brulee.’

‘The only place I know that sells it is Desiree’s Deli, I’ll drop you off there.’

Andy arrived home and called he was sweaty and needed a shower.

When he entered the dayroom overlooking the sunny garden he found Addison asleep.

Andy fetched his computer and read a couple of extracts associated with his studies and finally Addison awoke, stretched and smiled a greeting.

He watched her eat the dessert, slowly, almost catlike in movement and savoring every teaspoon of the enriched delicacy. When she finished, he came across to take the dish and she noticed his bulge.

‘Oh my poor man, just watching me eat made you hard.’

He nodded and smiled. Well it was the truth.

She sighed and said, ‘Come here my boy. I’m sorry I’m off penetration at the moment but I’ll jerk you off.’

She told him he could squirt over her tits because she was about to have a bath and would change her dress.

Andy was nervous she would notice it was a smaller eruption than usual. But he worried needlessly. Perhaps it was the fear of being found out. Addison’s chest received a heavy splash.

Next morning when Addison watched Andy scoff his breakfast, she saw him tense and stop eating.


He looked at her and said it was about to happen.

‘What is?’

He resumed eating and she clicked and said he’d just experienced the feeling.


‘And you don’t know what or when?’

‘Correct. Shouldn’t you be eating?’

‘I feel a bit nauseous.’

‘I heard mom say to someone once that letting a mare rub your shoulder with her face gets rid of that for pregnant women.’

‘Andy Ash, that’s complete bullshit.’

He grinned and helped her to her feet.

She called from the bathroom to lightly brown her a piece of toast and spread it with only honey.

He brought it in along with the herbal tea she usually drank these days.

‘I’m glad you are feeling better.’

‘Thanks to you. I thought of your grandmother and began to feel better.’

Andy looked at her thoughtfully.

She said, ‘I’d like you to drive me through the park later. We could have late lunch at the kiosk restaurant. There won’t be many people about to stare at me at that time of day.’

‘Some of them look at you in admiration.’


‘Women with big tits.’

She screamed in laughter and Andy knew she was happy again.

In the restaurant he said to Addison, ‘Whenever you feel off-color think of my grandma.’

Addison stared at Andy.

He looked away and said, ‘What?’

‘You think I’ve managed to establish some kind of wave length with her.’

‘That’s bullshit and you know it,’ he said. ‘God you women have crazy thoughts at times.’

Addison didn’t look overly convinced, she thought he looked evasive.

Six days later as Andy kissed Addison before he left on his run to the gym, he placed his phone on her bedside cabinet.

‘What are you doing?’

Usually he never bothered about phone calls while out running saying callers could leave a message.

‘I think it could be today.’

He had gone and she yelled ‘What about today?’

But she received no reply and then knew what he’d meant, the call.

She sat up and switched on the bedroom TV and kept the controller and his phone within easy reach.

But the phone didn’t ring. But when he went off to get bread and milk after lunch his phone rang.

A number but no name came up on the display. She didn’t recognize the number.

‘Addison Ash speaking.’

‘Oh Addison, are you guys in America or living somewhere exotic? It’s Jan Thomas, of J Crombie-Angus.’

‘Oh hi Jan. We are still in the Midwest actually.’

‘Oh great. And how are you?’

‘Pregnant and well.’

‘Oh that’s great. Um is Andy around.’

‘Almost always but is out at the moment. May I get him to call you?’

‘Yes please darling. Could you say this is an SOS? He’ll know what that means.’

‘And I don’t,’ grumbled Addison as she slid the phone shut after Jan said goodbye.

‘Omigod, JCA is in financial trouble or the business is failing, probably b
oth, and they are desperate to keep that quiet. They need someone to extricate them and believe Andy is the man. Omigod, I can deliver Karen at the hospital where mom has been on the board of trustees for zonks. Oh happy days Karen, we are about to leave this hole. If it hadn’t been for this house I never would have stayed.’

Karen kicked. Whether or not that was approval, Addison had no idea.

* * *

After a tearful farewell from Maggie, with Allison doing her bit, Chicago’s high-rise skyline loomed up ahead of the couple.

‘We are coming home,’ Addison said, sounding a little nostalgic. She knew not to weep, knowing that made Andy uncomfortable.

‘Yeah and home is where the heart is.’

‘Good boy,’ she purred.

Andy had always referred to Wyoming as home but now realized his allegiance had shifted. In that case he should sharpen up on local politics and local issues to feel more attuned to his adopted home territory.

‘You can drop me off and then go to the office if you wish.’

‘No I’ll go in tomorrow in time for the board meeting at 9:00. I still think our old apartment building would be fine if there’s a suitable apartment available.’

‘I’m sorry darling but we are rich and I wish to be housed in something more upmarket.’

‘The assholes will rip us off, property owners are addicted to squeezing the affluent.’

‘I start looking tomorrow with mom and the daughter of a friend of hers who is a property specialist, although not working where I’d like to live. Both of them know value and can sniff out rip-off rats.’

Andy grinned. ‘Well as I said, locate where you wish. I only need a bed and sufficient space to allow me to get away from the noise of a howling baby.’

‘Our baby will not howl.’

‘You ought to be writing fiction,’ he laughed and had his ear lobe pulled sharply.

Andy’s mother-in-law Emily came out to greet them and even kissed him as if awarding the top prize for being best bull of the show.

Emily stroked her daughter’s stomach and said, ‘Oh my darling grandson.’

‘It’s a girl and her name is Karen.’

Both women looked at Andy shocked, Emily’s eyes filling with tears and she said she didn’t believe him and Addison looked murderously at her husband.

‘Do you know the results of the scan?’

‘No mother.’

‘But he does?’

‘No mother.’

‘But then how can he say such a thing to me? I want a grandson.’

Addison sighed and said, ‘He knows mom and I believe him. Now let’s talk about something else.’

‘He can’t know. He’s a man and one I don’t particularly like because he has wandering eyes.’

‘Mom shut up otherwise we’ll book into a hotel and you know dad will be angry that you forced us to do that.’

Emily began bawling and Andy thought well that’s it, they were off to a hotel but then Addison turned and winked at him and somehow that little thing dissolved his aggression.

He whispered, ‘Don’t reveal’ and Addison whispered, ‘No way.’

Andy headed for the offices of JCA next morning and sat across the street having late breakfast. He crossed the street to arrive at the boardroom right on the dot. He had much to smile about because he’d negotiated a contract for a year with salary of $350,000 and a bonus of up to $350,000 to be apportioned in steps relating to improvement in gross profit. He’d assured Jan Thomas and her father James Crombie he could move ruthlessly to lead the company into full recovery in twelve months providing present conditions remained no worse and nothing unexpected arose to torpedo the recovery.

Well neither of them would be dumb enough to expect a miracle within a couple of months. The contract promised him the experience he needed as part of his Ph.D studies at being involved in problem-solving and reorganization and the partners and Jan’s father, the chairman, had agreed to Andy using this project as his required degree dissertation if approved by his online university.

Andy shook hands with the other two partners and then was introduced to the other two board members, an attorney and an accountant who was a taxation specialist.

Andy listened as the company’s situation was outlined, with a slide presentation of its slide toward insolvency and graphs showing staffing numbers, department earnings and costs and other business statistics.

‘Well Mr Chairman,’ Andy said when the presentation finished and all eyes turned to him, ‘it’s a classic case of costing rising and of slowing of money coming in because the company has lost momentum and that has cost it market share. The way back to profitability means working urgently to increase billings, slashing costs to allow debt to be reduced and analyzing how loans could be restructured along with tweaking your business plan.’

They all nodded, unimpressed, because Andy was telling them what they already knew. What they had been unable to do was to curb the rot, let alone stop it.

‘I have the advantage of coming in from the outside and not being emotionally attached to the company and its people,’ he said.

‘First of all Mr Chairman would you prefer a long grind to achieve full recovery or to take the quick and painful path?

James, chairman and biggest investor in the company said, ‘We should bite the bullet so I believe we should opt for the quick route. He looked at the three partners and they all nodded, looking gloomy, although having no idea of what was in Andy’s mind.

‘Okay this will be brutal and even you guys in this room take a hit.’

‘Go to it Andy,’ said James. ‘You are in charge of the fight back and we promise you 100% cooperation even if it hurts.’

Andy didn’t smile.

‘First of all Mr Chairman, your honorarium is suspended as from midnight tonight. The payout to investors will be at 50% of last year’s payouts. You two outside directors must agree to accept a cut to 50% in fees that you received from this company in the past twelve months. You all must hand in your company cards to our financial controller as you leave this meeting, they will be suspended for twelve months.

‘Legitimate expenses will be reimbursed on application together with receipts. All leased vehicles will be handed back as soon as their return has been negotiated. All air travel is suspended for twelve months unless specifically authorized by my office. All items of capital expenditure exceeding $1000, irrespective of how the payments are to be staged, must be specifically authorized by my office. Immediate steps are to be taken to reduce staffing by 20% and by that I mean 20%. The public relations wing of this company is to be housed in your existing space in this building and a decision how that is done and how many of its staffing are to go is for the partners to decide but I recommend that firings or revenue producers be based on revenue production, or rather lack of it. Firings of non-revenue producers should have the weakest links targeted.’

‘Jan would you please line up the three people on this payroll, not partners, who would be best to assist me in this slash, burn and regrow initiative and I’ll pick one of them as my assistant and we would need one PA to share. That’s all for the moment and, oh yes, your existing benefits being suspended will be restored in one year from today, perhaps a bit sooner. Oh and please don’t fire anyone who has been successful at finding or generating new business. We desperately need those people.’

‘That’s all for now Mr Chairman.’

‘Oh thank you Mr Grim Reaper,’ James said, and even he looked shaken. ‘I know we must do this if we are to avoid having to sell the business.’

Jan took Andy to a meeting room that was already set up as office to house him and any assistants. The big table had gone and there were two desks and a small meeting table plus a desk set up outside for their PA in the usual remote PA mode.

A thick arm bruiser (female) was
already sitting at the station.

Andy whispered to Jan he was most impressed and she smiled at him for the first time ever.

‘Please get us out of this Andy. We are relying on you. You shook us to the core in there and I’m sure that was needed. No person but an outsider could have done what you just did and gotten away with it.’

Well even a smile from Jan was an incentive to succeed.

‘Maria this is your new boss, please do your best for him. Mr Ash, this is Maria Delgado.’

Andy spoke rapidly to the woman in Spanish and she looked ready to hug him.

He switched back to English and said, ‘Maria my assistant and I have the duty to get this company back on an even keel. Some people could come up here ready to rip us apart. We’d appreciate an early warning.’

‘Sir my husband’s good-for-nothing drunken uncles behave like gentlemen when they visit us. They’ve learned the hard way.’

Andy grinned and told Maria to call him Andy.

Jan went off and called fifteen minutes later to say she had the handpicked people on call with one to be his assistant.

‘Do you have a recommendation?’

‘No. You’ll be able to pick the tough-ass.’

The executive and two managers arrived, each with a résumé sheet.

Andy read those documents rapidly but knew he wouldn’t be selecting someone with the most impressive work record. There were two females and one male. He chose the one with the biggest tits and no, it wasn’t the male. Felicity was the assistant manager of the new business team.

‘Okay I’ve decided to pick Felicity,’ Andy said. ‘It was close and thanks for presenting so well Ruth and Paul.’

When the other two had gone, Felicity asked, ‘What did it for me?’

‘You have a tough-ass manner and you have worked in new business. Those two assets are like gold to me.’

‘Then I can be assured of increased pay.’

‘A bonus when we finish, perhaps. You’ll just be cruising working with me.’

‘Liar,’ she said, not turning a hair.

Andy grinned and Felicity said she’d go and clear her desk. ‘Who’ll tell my boss about this appointment?’

‘You can. Your manager will be relieved you have been seconded because he or she will know their position is safe because top management wouldn’t be insane enough to cut both managers from new business.’

‘You are ruthless,’ Felicity said. ‘Oh by the way I’m married.’

‘Funny you should say that. So am I. Are you disappointed?’

She smiled and left.

Andy thought well from what Felicity had said, it would appear their workforce was expecting something to happen. He called Jan and asked could his appointment and the reason for his appointment be emailed to all staff.

‘Already done, at 9:01 this morning.’

‘Good girl. May I send you a brief statement to send out to everyone?’

‘Of course. I’ll arrange for our IT manager later to give Maria uploading access to the all staff network.’

The message read:

‘Hi I’m the new guy at the top to carry out what the board of this company wants and that is to turn this company around. Mrs Felicity Adams has been appointed my chief assistant and Mrs Maria Delgado is our PA, your first point of contact. My first duty to return this company to profitability is to reduce staffing by 20%. If you are willing to take 10% of your salary as a bonus and leave as soon as you complete your existing assignments then please call Maria and arrange to see Mrs Adams. I have the business experience and the track record of performing well under adversity and to be confident I can turn this company around to give all remaining employees the confidence they will be working for a leaner and more efficient company that has won the fight and is gaining its biggest market share ever. It is my hope that only the timid and under-performers will leave or will be fired, and they know who they are. Thanks for reading this. If you have any complaints about my robust management direct them at this company’s recent change of managing partner, Mrs Jan Thomas.’

Andy Ash

Director of Change Management

J Crombie-Angus

Meeting Room 2

Felicity arrived back pushing a trolley loaded with her office effects. She was surprised to see a 50 in. video screen had been attached to one wall and a screen projector hung from the ceiling.

‘Fashion movies for you, porn for me,’ Andy joked.

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‘That’s right,’ Lynn says, her voice a husky purr. ‘Deeper and deeper. Down…and down…and down.’ Each word is punctuated by a tiny caress on Michael’s cock, evoking an equally tiny whimper from him even as he sinks deeper into hypnosis. He doesn’t remember exactly when he went into trance, any more than he remembers exactly when Lynn’s touches became erotic instead of soothing. She was simply holding him and petting him, and her fingers slowly drifted down to his cock without any real moment of...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Ever

I was five years older than my brother, Neal, so, being a girl and somewhat even more advanced beside being older, he never figured in any sexual adventures and experimentation that I dabbled in when I was a teen. Maybe if we'd been closer in age, something might have happened but it didn't. At the ages we were, he was just too small, too young to be of much interest. Any way he was somewhat a pest and a bit of a nerd at the time. Today, I'm sixty-one and he's still the same five years...

3 years ago
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Closer Than You Think

Introduction: This is a gay story – dont read if you dont gay stories! Nuf said. CLOSER THAN YOU THINK BY ROBBY SR. My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother whod had a stroke. A mild one, and she was fine, but it was a good excuse to make the trip theyd put off for too long. They left their son, Mike, home so he could keep up his practice. It was his second year on his schools football team, and he didnt want to miss any of the late summer practices. They...

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Closer Look

I had just finished a seemingly endless week of classes and my internship on Thursday that left me extremely exhausted. The administration at the University of Pittsburgh had in their infinite wisdom decided to give all of the students in my program 13 credits and their internship in the first four days of the week. The only good thing was that I had all day Friday to myself. One of my friends had graduated the year before and worked right off campus. I had called him up the day before and...

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Since the accident, mostly my husband Tony just watches while I'm having sex. With a couple of guys that we've known for a long time, and with the permission of the other guy, he likes to get closer to the action. Not just getting an eyeful of my pussy as I lower myself onto a cock; but getting closer to the action and helping to give me pleasure. This is a description of the last time that happened. Steve, the other guy, is a couple of years younger than me, and extremely fit - in both senses...

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Closer to Closure

Yes, this is yet another new story from me, the now-infamous author of the Marilyn stories. Don't worry, fair fans. She'll be back in due time. Meanwhile, try this story out for size, and let me know what you think. Also, I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this story. If you're not legally permitted to read this in your neck of the woods, well, don't. CLOSER TO CLOSURE - By Brett Lynn Jenn Dyson slammed her apartment door shut, purse in hand. After...

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I had just returned from a two week vacation with the bastard better known as my husband. It was really just a last ditch attempt to reconcile our sham of a marriage, but to my thinking, it was just an excuse to get drunk and fuck a lot. To be honest, my husband was great in the sack. It was how he got me to marry him (because he wasn't the best looking guy in the world), but the man certainly knew his way around a woman's body. The problem was that was all he was good for. He couldn't hold...

4 years ago
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Closer Than You Think

BY ROBBY SR. My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who'd had a stroke. A mild one, and she was fine, but it was a good excuse to make the trip they'd put off for too long. They left their son, Mike, home so he could keep up his practice. It was his second year on his school's football team, and he didn't want to miss any of the late summer practices. They asked me to stay at their house to look after Mike. I've been a bachelor all my life...

3 years ago
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Closer than ever with my brother o

me and my brother have always been close, when we was growing up in the countryside we would play in the feilds or lay in the hay sharing our problems. when i started my periods at 14 he was the first to know, he asked me what it felt like, i replied painful and shoving a tampon up your pussy isnt the greatest joys of life.rolling over on to me he asked how heavy i was and i said very, we said nothing for 20 mins then his hand rubbed on my thigh and asked if he could do anything to help. i said...

4 years ago
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I pulled her naked body close to mine and lower my head to kiss her. My lips grazed hers and her mouth opened as my tongue darted out to meet hers. Pent up desire exploded with that first naked kiss and my hands began to explore her body. I teased my hand slowly down her back, smiling as she shivered and groaned into my mouth. I cupped her bum,...

2 years ago
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Closer Friends Part II

A week had passed since the four girls had had their night of same sex fun and none of them could keep the thoughts far from their minds. They had all agreed it was definitely not going to be a one-off and Zoe was tasked with organising the next get together. The girls had all left Zoe with some cash and told her to find an online ‘toy’ shop. This was like a red rag to a bull and Zoe and Jess spent hours excitedly giggling at all the products on offer on the website. They’d also decided that it...

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Closer Inspection

He slept in. As the houseguest of Will, his college roommate during the last two years at school, they’d stayed up late last night drinking and reminiscing. Bob knew that Will had to get up and do something early that morning. After he peed he went out to the kitchen in the little robe they’d provided. Seeing him, Will’s wife Sarah turned toward the coffee pot, her lovely early-thirties back and buns completely uncovered. When she turned towards him he got his first full look at some firm...

2 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 12

Dale listened closely to my account of Jayde's accusation. He then, of course, had to know the full details of that wretched night when the Jays had shagged me in Toby's flat. He must have wondered how anyone could stumble their way into such a daft situation. However he did not criticize, but shook his head, and uttered a long 'H-u- u- u -mph' sound. Then he said quietly. 'Her whole story sounds like bullshit. That one night was the only time when you might, just possibly, have...

3 years ago
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Closer Friends Part II

A week had passed since the four girls had had their night of same sex fun and none of them could keep the thoughts far from their minds. They had all agreed it was definitely not going to be a one-off and Zoe was tasked with organising the next get together. The girls had all left Zoe with some cash and told her to find an online ‘toy’ shop. This was like a red rag to a bull and Zoe and Jess spent hours excitedly giggling at all the products on offer on the website. They’d also decided that...

4 years ago
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Closer Then You Think Part 1

May was at home in her house alone late at night. She was a mistress who had recently lost a submissive and was looking for a replacement. May was 5’ 9”, 36H bra, and brown eyes. May was wearing a black bra and laced black panties. She decided just for fun to go to a chat site she often used to talk with others when she got bored. As she scanned through the site suddenly she came across a beautiful woman. She was blonde, around 5’ 8”, had 36 D tits, and blue eyes, but that was just the tip of...

2 years ago
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Closer friends

Gemma, Sophie, Jess and Zoe had all gone through college together. A few years on and they’d all settled into jobs around where they’d grown up. Jess and Zoe were renting a flat together, while Gemma had got her own place – with a little help from her folks. Sophie was the shier one of the group and was still living at home, although it restricted her in some ways, she secretly liked the security it provided her. The girls were always out together either shopping, eating, drinking or dancing...

2 years ago
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Closer Than You Think Part 2

Part 2: Wake Up Call May woke up at 7am lying naked in bed. She often had a habit of losing clothes in her sleep, but it was something she never felt ashamed of. She slid out of bed and walked up to the window pressing her tits against the glasses and looked for her new toy. She could see Megan lying naked in bed. The light on her body made her pussy glitter. May could feel herself getting damp from the torture of her new submissive being only a walk away and unable to touch her. So she...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Brothers

I’ve always had this thing for my little brother’s wife; young, attractive, intellectual, and I suppose, coquettish would be a good adjective for her.Sure, I love my wife and wouldn’t want to change her for anyone. But every time I see those two little dimples in the small of my sister-in-law’s back, my mind turns to the ovaries that lay somewhere behind them, and I just so want to impregnate them.My wife, Justine, and I are a little ahead of Mark and Sarah in the family stakes. We have a boy...

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Closer than most Continued a bit

Growing up I never really thought my family was strange until I got into high school and started going over to my friends' houses and saw how their parents were. Mine were apparently different. It wasn't something that you could point out as night and day but more so in the way they acted. My mom and dad were openly affectionate to a degree that you wouldn't expect. They wouldn't just kiss goodbye, they would passionately make out in front of me and even grope one another, sliding hands into...

3 years ago
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Closer than most

Growing up I never really thought my family was strange until I got into high school and started going over to my friends' houses and saw how their parents were. Mine were apparently different. It wasn't something that you could point out as night and day but more so in the way they acted. My mom and dad were openly affectionate to a degree that you wouldn't expect. They wouldn't just kiss goodbye, they would passionately make out in front of me and even grope one another, sliding hands into...

4 years ago
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Closer Than You Think Part 2

Part 2: Wake Up Call May woke up at 7am lying naked in bed. She often had a habit of losing clothes in her sleep, but it was something she never felt ashamed of. She slid out of bed and walked up to the window pressing her tits against the glasses and looked for her new toy. She could see Megan lying naked in bed. The light on her body made her pussy glitter. May could feel herself getting damp from the torture of her new submissive being only a walk away and unable to touch her. So she decided...

2 years ago
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Closer Then You Think Part 1

May was at home in her house alone late at night. She was a mistress who had recently lost a submissive and was looking for a replacement. May was 5’ 9”, 36H bra, and brown eyes. May was wearing a black bra and laced black panties. She decided just for fun to go to a chat site she often used to talk with others when she got bored. As she scanned through the site suddenly she came across a beautiful woman. She was blonde, around 5’ 8”, had 36 D tits, and blue eyes, but that was just the tip of...

4 years ago
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Closer To Uncle

Hi friends, this is Princess here with my first and fake story. I’m 18 yrs old and studying in college. This happened a few months back when I went to my uncle’s for some exam. My figure is 34-28-36 which is the reason why men keep staring at me may them be strangers or friends.I had finished my board exams, to begin with, and was preparing for the college entrance test. The centre for my exam was my uncle’s city. So, a month before the date for the examination I went to my uncle’s city to join...

3 years ago
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Closer friends

Gemma, Sophie, Jess and Zoe had all gone through college together. A few years on and they’d all settled into jobs around where they’d grown up. Jess and Zoe were renting a flat together, while Gemma had got her own place - with a little help from her folks. Sophie was the shier one of the group and was still living at home, although it restricted her in some ways, she secretly liked the security it provided her. The girls were always out together either shopping, eating, drinking or dancing...

4 years ago
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In this story, the main character of your choosing accidentally becomes the body part of someone else. This could be the body part of their significant other, a crush, or someone completely random. As far as how it happens is up to you. It could be a genie (or other type being or object capable of granting wishes in a bad way), or a spell gone wrong. Can they move or speak on their own, or are they only conscious of their surroundings without the ability to express themselves? Which body part...

2 years ago
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Closer to my daughter Prelude

My name is William. I am 52 years old… a thick hairy british man with a head of hair, a beard and a bit of a beer belly. I have been a single dad ever since my wife passed away from complications soon after giving birth.Beth was surely a younger version of her mother. Now about to enter university, she is a straight A student, while she wasn't athletic by any means she loved doing MMA specializing in Judo. She shared the body traits of myself and her mom. milky white skin clad in black...

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Closer to my daughter part 1

With that I roll on top of her stroke my throbbing cock a few times and then rub my cock head on her pussy lips getting it wet, I slowly push my cock head in, and as I do her back arches with her mouth making a capital “O”, I stop…slowly...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Six Degrees

March 2007. New York, NY. Shiri Appleby stirred the ice in her glass with an elegant finger, picked out a cube and looked at it, then dropped it back. "They're late," she sighed, looking at the other two women sitting with her in the hotel suite and shaking her head. "They'll be here," Erika Christensen said, running a hand through her dyed hair. "And if not, we can always have fun without them." The buxom redhead looked at the willowy brunettes to either side of her and licked her...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 13

Now that Quick had engaged me for his 'auto'biography, The Handyman's attitude swung between enthusiasm because his own standing would benefit if the book was a success, and worry that he would be blamed if it was not. Up to now he had been called on as a chauffeur or as a troubleshooter when physical toughness, or the threat of it, was needed. Now he was expected to provide quite different services he was struggling. He had no experience of books, publishing, or management. So far his...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 14

Meetings and conferences outside London sometimes took Dale away for a night or two. In mid-April his manager sent him up to Birmingham for three days on a training course about new employment contracts. The intention was that, when he returned, he should talk to groups of staff about new pay scales and terms of employment. A bit envious of these expenses-paid trips, I asked, 'And which plush hotel will you patronize this time?' He smiled. 'If you feel like taking my place on this one,...

4 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 15

Toby was not put off by the misleading information I gave him about the sect in the Give and Take. He strolled into the bookshop a couple of days later to ask for a copy of their book. He even claimed to have persuaded Jayde not to hassle me about the baby, at least until after it was born. Alicia's three copies were in store in Jeremy's basement, and reluctantly I went down for one, reassuring myself that it did not even mention The Rocking Boulders. Wading through all that turgid prose...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 16

The small town of Hay-on-Wye, with its forty bookshops and international literary festival, was obviously an attraction for Jeremy and me as we were in the book trade. Alicia too was happy to spend another long weekend in her girlfriend's five-bedroom detached 'cottage' on the edge of the town. Dale was keen to go, if only to take a break away from London for a few days. Coincidentally, Loyd Larcher was due to speak at a festival event on Saturday evening. Loyd and Alicia had finished...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 17

Despite his soaking in the River Wye, Dale enjoyed the weekend in Hay. However, we agreed it would have to be our last break until the 'auto'biography was complete. After a couple of days back at work, the weekend seemed long past. Time was short; to maintain our momentum with the book, late nights out had to be avoided, even on Saturdays. Takings in the shops had held up reasonably well while we were in Hay. Jake told me Jayde had contacted him again, and had admitted the story about her...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 18

Quick and Teef's deranged behaviour had surely shown the wild side of rock and roll at its worst. The Handyman and I were not much better, being far from heroic when we abandoned Teef to the agonies of the cricket pads. I was too ashamed to give Dale more than the barest description of what happened. Before going to bed I phoned The Handyman to find out if he had removed the pads. He had, but found Teef's legs were so red and swollen that he had to send for the doctor. Before this episode,...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 2

For a short while the Jays, to use the nickname Jayde and Jake had adopted, did as he promised and quietened down. However, over a couple of weeks or so the volume crept back up. No chance meetings on the stairs provided an easy opportunity for me to mention the subject again. Friends were sympathetic, but had no practical suggestions. Smiles described them as 'those two noisy birds roosting upstairs, ' and suggested firing a shotgun loaded with blanks at them. Witty, but as I pointed out,...

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